How to feed an American Akita puppy. Akita Inu: all the subtleties of feeding

How to feed a puppy so that the baby gets everything he needs, but at the same time feeding him is as cheap as possible? What to feed the puppy, what foods, and is there any point in constantly changing them in the diet? The article will tell the novice dog breeder everything about feeding puppies. natural food, as well as what products a young body requires for full development.

Next we will talk only about feeding with natural products. The topic of feeding dry food will be discussed in other articles. You can’t mix dry food with natural food, so let’s look at feeding your pet natural food.

How to feed a puppy correctly? Nutrition rules

A puppy's heredity plays a role in its development, but you cannot change it. Eat good news: moderate physical activity and proper feeding The puppy plays an equally important role, and therefore the full development of the puppy depends on the owner. You will find out exactly what foods to feed your puppy below; you will have to create a diet individually, depending on the preferences of the animal. You won’t be able to remember all the rules and subtleties right away, but every day you will gain experience, learn new things, and over time you will become well versed in feeding your puppy natural products. In short, it’s not difficult to create a puppy’s feeding diet; the owner just needs time to improve his knowledge in this area.

Dog breeders endlessly argue about the best way to feed a puppy. As everyone knows well, a dog is a predator that eats meat. It is only possible to obtain cereals in nature from the stomach of a defeated victim, and even then there is not much of it. Of course, the main ingredient in any dog’s diet is meat and meat products. But feeding only meat is also bad. First, familiarize yourself with the basic rules of feeding a puppy, after which we will talk about the types of foods suitable for its nutrition.

Measures are needed everywhere

The puppy must receive enough food for him. Overfeeding is no better than underfeeding. The required amount of food is selected based on the puppy’s age and weight, but in the process you will have a better idea of ​​whether the puppy is getting enough to eat or whether the portion needs to be increased/decreased.

How many times should you feed your puppy?

At the end of the article there is a table that will help you figure out the required number of feedings for your puppy per day. Puppies up to 2 months are fed about 6 times a day, while individuals from 10 months to a year are fed like adult dogs - 2 times a day.

How much time should I give for food?

Give the puppy 15-20 minutes per feeding, after which you can safely put the uneaten porridge in the refrigerator, regardless of whether he has eaten or not. This way you will teach the puppy to eat without stretching out the feeding process for half a day, during which time the food will probably spoil. Try to be strict in this regard.

What to do if you miss a feeding?

If for some reason you did not feed the puppy the required portion of food in a timely manner, then at the next feeding you cannot add food to compensate for what was missed. That is, just give as much as you usually give.

Don't look for replacements for important products.

There is no need to replace meat or dairy products with cheaper ingredients. For example, instead of meat, feed more cereals or vegetables. This fact is clear to most dog breeders, but judging by experience, not to everyone.

What vitamins does a puppy need?

About the most important vitamins The diet is discussed in a separate article about vitamins for dogs and puppies of all ages.

Diversify your diet.

Try to feed different foods. That is, sometimes give fish instead of meat, and sometimes kefir instead of cottage cheese, etc. However, it happens that a puppy has a greater appetite for meat than for fish, that is, for some specific product. Then it is more logical to give more favorite foods more often, and stop giving less favorite ones altogether for a while. For a week or two or longer. After a while, the puppy should regain his appetite for these foods. Need a little break.

Is the puppy full?

How can you tell if your puppy is full or not? Caring owners They constantly worry whether their pet is eating enough or not eating enough. Finding out whether the puppy is hungry or not is easy. When the animal is hungry, it will sit out the bowl without leaving anything. Then increase the portion for the next feeding. Many dogs, if they are full, will simply leave the excess porridge in the bowl, but some dogs are particularly partial to food and will eat as much as they can. In general, make sure that the puppy does not overeat.

Active walking after meals

Do not subject your puppy to vigorous exercise immediately after eating. Let 1-2 hours pass, then you can play active games or run. Aggressive exercise immediately after eating will harm or even kill the puppy. But you need to try. Just don't force your puppy to run. Play some low-impact games.

Should your puppy's food be salted?

All products contain salt, albeit in small quantities, but they do. Forget about adding salt to your diet. You just need to occasionally add a pinch of salt to your food.

Food stand

Be sure to provide a stand for food and water for the puppy so that he does not lean towards the floor trying to reach the bowl. Stores sell stands on adjustable tripods, which will allow you to simply adjust the desired height when the puppy grows up. Use a regular stool or make a stand yourself, the main thing is to place the bowl at chest level.

Fresh water

The puppy should always have a bowl of clean water to which he should have constant access. This is even more important for owners who feed their puppy dry food. Place a bowl of fresh water on a stand.

What to do when your puppy growls when feeding?

This means the owner needs to educate. The puppy growls when he wants to show his character. It is better to correct this behavior from childhood. Read what to do if your puppy growls when he eats. It will take a little work, but know that growling when eating is a very minor problem, although it is better to solve it immediately and forget it.

What to feed puppies?

First, let's figure out the feeding proportions, and then we'll look at what to feed the puppies, that is, what specific foods. A puppy aged 2 months should receive about 35-50% meat, 40-50% dairy products and about 15-25% cereals and vegetables per day. After three months, the puppy is given more meat than dairy products. Thus, a puppy from 3 years of age and older should eat about 50-70% meat, 25 to 50% dairy products, up to 20% vegetables and 10-15% various grains.


Give us your favorite foods. Actually, give what the animal likes best. If a 4-month-old puppy does not eat cottage cheese well but prefers fish, then reduce the amount of dairy products in the diet and increase meat ones.

Give meat and dairy products separately. You cannot feed dairy products and meat at the same feeding. Give the meat raw (freezing for several days or pouring boiling water over it is suitable for processing) or lightly boiled. Add vegetables and occasionally sunflower oil to the meat.

Do I need to strictly follow the diet? That is, is it necessary to get milk or cottage cheese if they are simply not at hand now, and during the day you are used to giving the puppy milk? Just feed the animal meat or meat porridge, there is nothing wrong with that. It’s also not worth “catching up” with missed feedings with dairy products, just buy everything you need next time.

How many times a day should a puppy be fed depending on its age?

What to feed the puppy?


For small puppies up to 3-3.5 months, dairy products are one of the main foods. Porridges for the puppy are prepared with milk, or they are fed separately. In addition to milk, the puppy is fed kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and yogurt. Self-made yogurt, by the way, is very inexpensive: all you need is milk and sourdough. Occasionally it is useful to add a teaspoon of honey to porridge or dairy products. Some owners are cunning and put pieces of carrots, apples, nuts, etc. in the same kefir or yogurt. Not all puppies like to chew apples, so this trick makes sense.

Note. Are you seeing loose stools in your puppy? This may be caused by feeding the puppy high-fat dairy products. Try feeding less fatty foods, but do not feed the puppy low-fat ones - they are even less useful.

In addition to feeding regular low-fat cottage cheese, be sure to prepare calcined cottage cheese. To do this, pour a liter of milk into a saucepan and put two tablespoons of calcium chloride there, available for purchase at any pharmacy. Stirring the mixture occasionally, bring it to a boil, then let it cool, leaving the pan on the stove. After cooling, the prepared composition will separate and will consist of transparent whey and a dense mass of cottage cheese. Feed the resulting mass as is, but if the puppy does not eat it well, then separate the whey and feed one cottage cheese. Part of the liquid is used when the cottage cheese is dry.


Can a puppy eat raw meat? Before feeding your puppy raw meat from any animal, freeze the product in the freezer for 2-3 days. You cannot feed frozen or cold meat, so first let it freeze to room temperature. Instead of freezing, the meat can be doused with boiling water or placed at the end of cooking porridge and boiled until half cooked. Unprocessed raw meat young puppy It's better not to feed. Unless you know and trust the meat seller well.

What kind of meat can you give your puppy? Pork is considered too fatty for dogs and is therefore not suitable for dog food. It is also not recommended to feed your puppy minced meat from any animal. The puppy is fed beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken, lamb and even horse meat. When feeding meat, focus on beef and veal, but it is better to feed chicken carefully - watch the reaction of the stomach. Do not neglect feeding your puppy offal (liver, heart, etc.), which will diversify the diet and make the food more appetizing for the puppy. Meat by-products are fed in the same way as meat, or boil them and mix with a small amount of porridge and vegetables. Dogs especially like boiled liver.

How much meat does a puppy need per day? Per kilogram of puppy weight you need about 20-30 grams of meat per day. During the period of growth of the body, the need for nutrition increases, but an adult dog needs less (about 15-25 grams per kg). Required amount You will determine the amount of meat in practice, and if the dog licks the bowl clean, then it may be worth increasing the portion a little.


Is it possible to give a puppy fish? Be sure to include fish in your puppy's diet. Feed your pet fish twice a week, but if he doesn’t like it, feed him more meat. Give the fish again after 1-2 weeks so that the puppy “gets bored” of it and eats with more appetite. Alternatively, just give him a different type of fish.


What vegetables should I give my puppy? Most types of vegetables are suitable for feeding a puppy: carrots, white cabbage, bell peppers, beets, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin. Give one type of vegetable for food, or mix several at once.

Vegetables contain everything necessary for a puppy microelements and vitamins, however, vegetables are unlikely to cause your pet’s appetite. Get used to vegetables early age. Add finely chopped vegetables to your pet's meat or porridge. Vegetables are given raw, boiled, poached or lightly fried (carrots, for example), depending on what the puppy likes best. Be sure to add parsley, sorrel, dill and other herbs in reasonable quantities to the porridge, if possible.


Cereals for the puppy are cooked in meat, vegetable broth, or milk. To prepare the broth, use bones; meat will lose a considerable part during prolonged cooking. nutrients, therefore, at the end of cooking, boil part of the meat in the porridge along with the porridge, while feeding the other part of the meat raw. The bones used during cooking are not allowed to be chewed by the puppy, but are thrown away. Animal bones are dangerous for dogs; it is better to replace them with cheap artificial bone purchased at a pet store. They are harmless to the puppy.

If you include cereals in your puppy’s diet, be sure to change the types of cereals and mix them in one porridge, add vegetables cooked differently (boiled, raw, stewed, etc.), instead of meat, try putting fish or offal alone . You can feed the meat raw, or cook it completely in broth. Your goal is to find the most attractive recipes for your puppy's appetite. Just on own experience you will see what is worth buying a puppy, and what is better not to spend money on.

What cereals should you feed your puppy? Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal are suitable cereals for porridge for puppies. It is not forbidden to mix these cereals in one porridge. Also, sometimes the puppy is fed boiled peas with meat and vegetables.

How to prepare porridge for a puppy? Pour the cereal into a pan with the prepared broth (at worst with plain water). The broth should be about two fingers more than the level of the poured cereal. Try boiling all or part of the vegetables in porridge, or putting them raw, grated, immediately before feeding - experiment both ways so as not to feed the puppy food that will stagnate in the bowl for several days. When there are five minutes left until the porridge is ready, put in the pan a third of the meat that you usually give before feeding (that is, 1/3 of the boiled meat and 2/3 raw puppy eat before feeding). It is useful to add to the diet 1-2 times a week egg, pre-hard-boiled.


Is it possible to give a puppy bones? Bones are good to use for broth - they are inexpensive and the broth they produce is good. However, the bones themselves do not provide any nutritional value; moreover, they are harmful to the puppy’s health, because their fragments can get stuck in the throat or gastrointestinal tract. Then a trip to the veterinarian is guaranteed, but maybe the doctor can no longer help.

No matter how much your pet loves to chew bones, don’t let him do it. Buy a few bones from a pet store that are absolutely safe for your puppy. Artificial bones will keep your puppy occupied for a long time and distract him from more important things in the house.


Fruits and berries

In moderation, you should give your puppy berries and fruits as treats. There is no need to overuse fruits, just as you should not feed foods on the list of foods undesirable for dogs.

Puppy diet. How much food does a puppy need?

How much food to give a puppy for its full development? You will determine the portions yourself based on your dog’s breed, age and activity level. It is better to feed your pet more often, but in smaller portions. Temperature also plays a significant role in appetite levels. environment. So, in winter dogs eat with great appetite, but in summer their appetite usually drops significantly.

If the puppy lives not in the house, but in the yard, then, especially in the cold season, he will need approximately half as much food as an animal that lives in the house with its owners. In addition to the effects of cold, a dog living in the yard moves a little more. It is imperative to walk your dog in a free area, even for those who live in a private home. Walking and physical activity are especially important for owners who hope to raise true friend, and a worthy defender.

How much and what to feed a puppy for 1-2 months? Example of a diet.

7.00 - cottage cheese or calcined cottage cheese. You can give oatmeal boiled in milk, where it is sometimes useful to put a teaspoon of honey before feeding. Change the grains from time to time.
10.00 - porridge with meat and vegetables. Prepare porridge with meat or vegetable broth. Give some of the meat boiled and some raw.
13.00 - milk, kefir or cottage cheese.
16.00 - porridge with meat and vegetables, cooked in broth (meat or vegetable).
19.00 - dairy products (oatmeal with milk, kefir, etc.).
22.00 - raw meat or fish. It is very useful to give only one meat at night. This way, the puppy will sleep more soundly and want to go to the toilet less. If your puppy whines, then you will have to work to wean him from this habit. Follow the link to find out more.

This was an example of a puppy's daily diet. You have the right to change the order of feeding the listed products by experimenting and creating your own diet.

As you age, place more and more emphasis on porridge with meat and vegetables, and give dairy products somewhat less frequently. After 10 months, a puppy can be given dairy products two to three times a week. Mainly kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt (make it yourself, it will be cheap).

Now you have learned everything you need to know about puppy nutrition and it will be easier for you to decide what to feed him. Compared to high-quality dry food, natural food will be a little cheaper, but you will know what you are putting in your puppy’s bowl, and will not rely on the integrity of dry food manufacturers. Although for busy people drying is preferable. Well, even if the choice of quality food is limited, it is quite possible to find suitable ready-made food. For example, we prefer ROYAL HORSE, Akana is also very good, offering grain-free food.

And this is not so easy to find on the shelves.

Feeding Akita Inu with natural products

When taking a puppy from the breeder, it is better to continue feeding the baby the same thing that he ate near his mother. And only later gradually introduce new products. You must give:

  1. low-fat kefir and cottage cheese,
  2. veal,
  3. boiled sea fish,
  4. boiled egg,
  5. vegetables and fruits.

Be sure to feed the puppy with specialized vitamins and mineral supplements. You can add seaweed that contains iodine to the diet of this breed.

Feeding an Akita Inu with dry food

It should be remembered that most commercial foods are not suitable for Akitas due to the fact that they large quantities contain soy, which this breed does not digest well. Therefore, you need to select food very carefully. Dry food for Akita Inu should have only one source of protein. It's best when it's duck or fish (tuna, salmon, sardines, anchovies).

Protein in the feed should be no more than 26%, and fat from 12 to 18%. Holistic class foods usually have this composition. Best source carbohydrates for Akita - rice, potatoes are also possible. You cannot take feed containing wheat or corn. Good feedback breeders of this breed are fed ProPlan (Purina) diet Salmon with Rice, as well as Lamb with Rice.

It is especially suitable for adult dogs, but puppies need to choose something less fatty. It is better not to choose universal foods that are supposedly aimed at all breeds and ages of dogs. The food should be strictly for a puppy or an adult dog, in accordance with its age and designed for medium-sized dogs.

Akita puppies grow up quickly, so from 5 months they are fed 3 times a day, and from 9 months they are switched to two meals a day, like adult dogs. As for the amount of food, the puppy is given no more than 10% of its weight. If the puppy does not immediately eat the food offered, the next time the dose is reduced so that he always eats everything on the plate.

  • balanced psyche;
  • strong hunting instinct;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • often stubborn character;
  • good health and good immunity;
  • ease of care;
  • the need for full walking;
  • demands for quality nutrition;
  • cleanliness, absence of a specific odor;
  • reluctance to vote without reason.

This Japanese breed comes from the Akita province, and it received the “American” prefix thanks to the soldiers who brought it to the USA. Outwardly, the pet resembles a cute bear cub with wise eyes. However, the breed cannot be called easy for beginners.

Characteristics of the American Akita dog breed

Is it difficult to care for
Grooming is simple, the only difficulty is combing the fur during the molting period.
Where is the best place to keep it?
They can be kept in an apartment, but an aviary is considered ideal.
What climate do they prefer?
They do not like heat; when kept in an apartment, it is necessary to provide free access to the balcony and air conditioning in the summer.
How often should you bathe?
They bathe rarely, as needed. Exhibition animals - before each event.
Are there any problems with catering?
The pet eats a little and is not prone to overeating. However, high quality feed is required.
How long should walks be?
They walk twice a day for at least an hour. Walking is preferred.
Long fur American Akita– is this the norm?
A person with long hair is called a long-haired Akita. This feature is considered the result of a genetic failure. The dogs look impressive, but breeding them is prohibited.
Are there any difficulties with parenting?
This is a breed with a strong character and requires the same training.
What health problems might there be?
Possible problems with joints, like others large breeds.
Who is the breed not suitable for?
Soft and weak-willed people, elderly people.
Can I buy for a child?
An Akita will happily play with a child, but raising a pet can only be done from the age of 14.
Is it possible for people without experience in keeping dogs to own one?
This is a difficult breed to train. It can only be started by those who are willing to spend time on classes and people who are used to getting their way.
What kind of work can they do?
Akita is a multifunctional breed. A dog can be a companion, hunter, nanny, watchman, security guard, guide.
Can it be kept with other animals?
Not recommended. They do not show aggression towards people, but they can be aggressive towards their own kind. And cats can simply become their prey.
Is it true that the American Akita cannot bark?
This is a silent breed, but it can bark. He gives his voice only when there is really a need for it.
Are American Akita and Akita Inu the same breed?
No, these are two different breeds with their own standards. They cannot be crossed. The Akita Inu is softer in character. The American Akita has a complex character and stronger bones.

Advantages of the breed

  • A strong, beautifully built, imposing dog that evokes sympathy.
  • Balanced temperament and orientation towards communication with the owner.
  • Great devotion to family. He loves everyone, but especially singles out one person from the “pack”.
  • Never panic if we're talking about about protecting the owner, knows how to make decisions in extreme situations.
  • Despite its large size, it is suitable for keeping in a country house, apartment and even on the street.
  • Can be used for guarding, hunting and as a companion.
  • He loves children and does not show aggression towards them even in games.
  • It is characterized by cleanliness and the absence of a specific odor.
  • It has good health, good immunity, and is characterized by the absence of genetic problems.


  • The dog is large and needs more space than a small pet.
  • The dog has a strong self-sufficient character and can be stubborn.
  • Only suitable strong people, ready to insist on his own.
  • Beginners with an Akita will find it difficult. She has nothing in common with a shepherd; the pet has its own understanding of obedience.
  • Characterized by excessive independence, the consequence of which is a tendency to escape.
  • The hunting instinct can manifest itself at the most inopportune moment, for example, while walking in the park, when you see a cat running by.
  • If you have an American Akita dog, you must be prepared to walk without the company of dog lovers. She is not very friendly with her brothers.

Photo of American Akita

Longhaired American Akita

A long-haired individual can appear in almost any litter. But I must say, this does not happen so often. The reason for this phenomenon is a gene that may not appear in the phenotype of dogs for a long time. The probability increases to 25% if both producers are carriers of the gene. Appearance Many people consider such pets even more attractive than standard representatives of the breed. The longhaired variety of the breed has longer hair on the ears, tail, face and paws, and forms “pants” on the limbs.

Breeders note that Longnecks are devoted pets without signs of aggression. However, take care of long hair more difficult, it requires regular combing. And an exhibition career is not for these impressive beauties. They are rejected in the rings, and breeders often sell such puppies as breeding marriages, making a corresponding note in the pedigree. Longtails are also not allowed for breeding.

American Akita: dog character, behavior

Big Japanese dog very loyal to the owner. She singles out one person from the pack and is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. As a rule, this person is a strong leader. This can be either a man or a woman. She becomes less attached to other family members. But the worst punishment for her is loneliness. It is absolutely contraindicated for her. Left to its own devices, the pet begins to get mischievous and its character deteriorates. The consequences of loneliness may be irreversible.

The most pronounced character traits of the American Akita:

  • focused on communication with the owner;
  • selfless devotion to the owner and family;
  • patience and calmness in the absence of strong irritants;
  • independence that needs to be channeled in the right direction.

Behavior at home

The American Akita dog breed has many feline traits in its character. She will follow her owner's heels, caress her, and won't mind crashing on the couch with him. Unless he won't purr. You will rarely hear your pet's voice. You can't call a pet a windbag. It attracts the owner's attention only when there is a real danger to him or the owner. Unless the loud-voiced relatives living nearby teach him to bark. It must be said that with pets living under one roof, a large Japanese dog can exist peacefully. But for this, the owner needs to show great patience in raising him.

Behavior on the street

This is the dominant breed. The American Akita is a dog that expects obedience from other members of the pack, and especially from strangers. Owners need to be attentive to any manifestations of aggression on its part. This is usually true outside the home. While walking, Americans love to get into fights. Males are more prone to this behavior, but there are also cases of fights between females. This always happens unexpectedly, so it is better to minimize contact between pets and other relatives.

A socialized dog is not aggressive towards strangers, which is confirmed by the characteristics of the breed. But this does not mean that you can allow people you meet to play pranks with him. The pet may perceive such games as an attack, then a conflict is inevitable. Dog handlers do not recommend that strangers look an Akita directly in the eyes, and especially bend over when doing so. The dog perceives this behavior as aggression. Experienced owners They claim that the American Akita always distinguishes imaginary danger from real danger. It's really clever dog, but it all depends on her level of socialization, so it’s not worth the risk.

Attitude towards children

The dog allows children a lot. He can play with them or calmly wait until the owner’s kids calm down and stop trying to pull his ears. But all patience may come to an end. Even such a calm and peaceful dog can harm a child. And although some manage to use her as a nanny, it is still not recommended to leave her alone with children. big dog like an American Akita. The description of the breed suggests that aggression is not typical for it. But in the heat of the game, she can drop the baby, trample on him, thereby seriously injuring him. She doesn't even have to make any effort to do this. special efforts, her considerable weight will do everything for her.

American Akita care: coat, eyes, ears

If not everyone knows how to approach raising an American dog, then the question: how to care for an Akita rarely arises even among inexperienced owners. Everything is as usual - hygiene care for fur, ears, teeth, feeding, bathing and regular walks. A separate point is the molting period.

It is better to give preference to street education. The breed was bred in the mountains, is not afraid of the cold, and its pads are adapted for walking on snow. The American Akita feels great in an enclosure with a warm booth. Moreover, she will sleep there only in the coldest winters. The situation is worse in the heat. It is imperative to provide shelter from the sun, and water should always be freely available. But in a house, and even an apartment, this breed feels quite good. Only in this case you need to provide her with daily walks, preferably several times a day.


When your pet begins to shed, it needs to be brushed every day with a slicker brush. The dog sheds its fur and undercoat most actively in the autumn-spring period. And since he belongs to the group of Spitz and primitive dogs, he is combed against the grain. The fur on the chest is difficult to brush; in this area you need a sparse comb with longer teeth. These areas are also combed against the grain.

Pets are rarely bathed - only if the fur feels dirty or when touched, a dirty mark remains on the hand. Water procedures Usually organized no more than 2 times a year. The situation is different with show dogs. They are washed frequently, even every week during exhibitions. To do this, use only special shampoos, balms and conditioners.

Eye hygiene

A healthy dog's eyes should always be clean. Unless after sleep, secrets accumulate in the corners. Green, yellow, especially bad-smelling discharge from the eyes is a sign of the disease. If they appear, you should immediately show the dog to the veterinarian. And ordinary hygiene care consists of wiping the corners of the eyes with a cloth.

Ear hygiene

This breed's ears are open and dirt often accumulates in them. Clean them with a piece of gauze as needed. Cotton buds unsuitable. Firstly, they are too short, and secondly, they can be damaged. ear canal. If there is severe dirt in the ears, use a cleansing lotion that dissolves wax and dirt. It can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or specialty store.

Dental care

Teeth require special attention during their replacement period. This happens around 4 months of age. You need to make sure that they do not stay in the mouth for more than the prescribed period, otherwise your pet’s bite may deteriorate. In adults, if necessary, plaque on the teeth is removed and the health of the gums is monitored.

Nail care

Active dogs usually wear down their own nails. IN winter period they often have to be cut using special pliers. This is done carefully so as not to damage the living part of the claw.

Walking and exercise

This is a multifunctional dog that was bred to hunt bear, wild boar, and deer. The couple can hold the bear until the hunter comes. In Japan they were used to drive fish into nets. They can bring the duck to local hunters without damaging the carcass. You can train an American Akita to be a guide dog, or you can teach it to pick mushrooms. In any case, a walk with her will not be boring.

Beginning dog breeders often think that the American dog needs intense exercise during walks. Actually this is not true. Yes, she loves to walk, but prefers to do it slowly. A long distance is not a problem for her, she just wants to overcome it by walking, but not by running. The attitude of different individuals to water differs - some like to swim, others do not come close to the water.

Tendency to diseases, vaccinations

Like other large breeds, the American Akita often suffers from joint-related diseases. This is hip dysplasia and elbow joints. American women may suffer from diseases of the eyes, heart, and thyroid gland, which are inherited. Responsible breeders exclude such dogs from breeding. Overall this is healthy breed with good immunity.

Vaccinations, anti-worming treatments

You can only vaccinate absolutely healthy dogs. 10 days before vaccination, puppies are given anthelmintic. Dosage - according to the instructions, strictly according to the weight of the pet. Subsequent dewormings are carried out monthly until 6 days are reached. one month old, then every 4 months.

Approximate puppy vaccination schedule:

  • 8 – 9 weeks – complex vaccination against plague, adenovirus, parainfluenza, parvovirus + against leptospirosis;
  • 12 weeks – revaccination + rabies vaccination;
  • 1 year and then annually - repeated revaccination + rabies vaccination.

What to feed?

There are no particular problems with organizing food for American Akitas. You just need to decide what kind of feeding the Akita will be (ready-made diets or natural feeding) and adjust your diet. Adult dogs are usually fed twice a day, no earlier than 1.5 hours after a walk.

Puppy diet

Before feeding your Akita puppy, find out what kind of food he received from the breeder. After changing homes, he should receive exactly the same food. After a week, he can be switched to a different type of diet. The diet will depend on the type of constitution. Light, non-boned puppies are fed like other breeds. Large bony puppies require more attention to nutrition. This is due to the structural features of the pet’s skeleton. Babies need various mineral supplements with the addition of chondroitins and glucosamines for the full formation of the skeleton.

Feeding mode:

  • 2-month-old puppies – 5 times a day;
  • 3–4 months – 4 times;
  • 4–12 months – 3 times;
  • starting from one year - 2 times a day.

It is more convenient to use ready-made dry rations of at least premium class as feed. Cottage cheese, lactic acid products, fruits, and vegetables are added to them. For puppies, food can always be on the table, they have a sense of proportion, so the kids don’t overeat or overeat. And they practically never steal food from the table. Just keep in mind that you cannot give dry and natural food at the same time.

Adult dog diet

Most breeders feed the American Akita ready-made feed. “Straight” takes too much time, and even to create balanced diet pretty hard. The basic rule is to maintain a balance of substances. To do this, they use the formula: 50% meat and 25% vegetables and cereals, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Suitable cereals include buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal. Semolina, millet, and legumes are excluded from the menu. Meat – only lean (beef, veal, boneless poultry, offal). Adult dogs are not given milk because it is not digestible. Fermented milk products and cottage cheese are useful. Vegetables include carrots, beets, cabbage, raw or boiled. Many pets love apples, plums, and raspberries.

Dandelion leaves and greens can serve as a source of vitamins. Morksa cabbage and brewer's yeast work well. You should not give your pets lard, smoked meats, pasta, river fish(it is often infected with helminths), sharp bones.

Training and education

Before you get a cute puppy, you need to know how to raise an American dog. This is a breed that needs to be negotiated with. They say she needs a firm hand, but with a soft glove. The dog will not follow the same commands if he does not see the point in them. You shouldn’t take him to the site for a training course (OCD) if you don’t know what to do there. He won’t understand why he needs to carry out the same commands day after day. The “stick” method also does not work; it is better to use the “carrot”.

The most difficult period for a dog is growing up. Training an American Akita during puberty requires special skills. The puppy has attacks of superiority over people. How you go through this period will determine who will be the boss in your house. You don’t need to raise your voice often at your Akita, and you shouldn’t hit him at this time. But if a grown-up puppy opens its mouth at its owner, you need to grab it by the lower jaw and hold it until the pupil realizes his guilt.

The genes of this breed have a desire to protect the owner. This is the nature of the American Akita. That's why Special attention should be given to the “Place” command. Otherwise, the dog will sleep by your bed, wait under the kitchen door and watch all your movements around the house. Important commands are also “Near”, “To me”. If the dog has not yet mastered them, do not let him off the leash on the street.

Choosing and caring for a puppy

If you're going to get a puppy, then get the best one. With such a desire, a person comes to the nursery, and then the breeder assures him that this 2-month-old baby will definitely become a champion. Avoid such nurseries. It is unrealistic to see a future champion in a baby before the age of 9 months. Even at exhibitions they are assessed only for their potential; they do not receive exhibition ratings.

But who knows puppies better than the breeder? They are constantly in his sight, which means he sees all their shortcomings, knows their temperament and understands the prospects of each. Ideally, the breeder should be your advisor in choosing a puppy. But in practice things happen differently. Therefore, if you are choosing your first American Akita, take a person who knows the breed standards to the groom.

Meet the baby's parents, see the conditions in which they are kept. And always choose only a healthy puppy. If you plan to participate in exhibitions in the Russian Federation, ask who issued the pedigree. A document from the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation) is required.

How to care for a puppy?

Before the baby arrives, you need to prepare for him sleeping area and purchase the necessary equipment to care for it. These are a slicker brush, a metal comb and a nail clipper. You will also need a wide collar and a leash 3–5 meters long. To organize feeding and for water, you need two bowls on a tripod with a volume of 3 liters each.

American Akita puppies require careful handling. They are large, and at the same time overly active, trying to jump, run and overcome obstacles. However, their fragile skeleton is not ready for such loads, so during this period babies may have serious injuries to their paws. Calm them down before this happens.

In the first days, the pet must get used to the new environment. 12–14 days after the second vaccination, you can go for walks with your pet. And don’t put off raising your baby until later. He must immediately feel that he will have to obey. Errors in parenting will be difficult to correct.

American Akita breed standards (FCI Standard No. 344)

FCI classification

Group 5. Spitz and primitive type dogs.

Section 5. Asian Spitz and related breeds.

Usage Companion dog
Appearance A large, harmoniously built dog, with a powerful body and massive bones.
Important proportions
  • The ratio of the height at the withers to the length of the body is 9:10 for males, 9:11 for females.
  • The depth of the chest is equal to half the height at the withers.
  • The ratio of the distance from the nose to the stop to the distance from the stop to the back of the head is 2:3.
Temperament Receptive, friendly, attentive, obedient and courageous.
  • Scull: flat, wide between the ears, with a shallow furrow along the forehead.
  • Stop: well expressed, but not sharp.
  • Muzzle: wide, deep and full.
  • Jaws: dull, strong, powerful, not rounded.
  • Nose: black, well dyed, without white blazes; brown pigmentation is allowed in white dogs.
  • Eyes: small, with brown irises.
  • Ears: small, standing, triangular shape, with a slight tilt forward.
  • Back: straight.
  • Small of the back: very muscular.
  • Breast: wide and deep.
  • Neck: strong, with well-developed muscles.
  • Tail: curled in a ring, densely covered with long hair.
  • Front: Strong, heavy boned, straight when viewed from the front.
  • Rear: with powerful muscles, the width corresponds to the forelimbs. Dewclaws are removed.
  • Paws: cat-like, straight, with a good arch.
Movements Strong, free, with moderate reach and drive.
Wool Thick, with dense undercoat, slightly shorter in the area of ​​the head and paws.
Color Black, red, dark red, white, gray, so-called cow (helmet head and spots on the body).
  • Males: 66–71 cm.
  • Females: 61–66 cm.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.

Origin story

The ancestors of the American Akita are Japanese dogs from the Akita region. In their homeland they took part in dog fights. After fighting was banned (1908), the breed began to develop as a large Japanese dog. During World War II, she had a hard time - dog skins were used to sew warm clothes and for other economic purposes. There have been attempts to save the breed by crossing it with the German Shepherd.

After the war, the breed began to revive. Her journey across the continents began. American soldiers they returned home and took with them cute dogs that looked like big teddy bears. This is how the Akita came to the USA and began to be called American. In Japan, Akitas developed according to their own canons, in the USA - according to their own. Later, these two varieties were separated into separate breeds.

Feeding an Akita puppy

In order for your Akita to always be healthy and beautiful, it must receive all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals from its food.
It is preferable to raise Akita on dry food (of course, I mean super premium food), such food is balanced and contains almost everything it needs correct height and development of the dog. Even if you are against dry food - In the first days, the puppy should eat the same food as the breeder! Go to new food it needs to be done gradually.

Rules for feeding dry food:

Feed should be stored tightly closed bag, or better in a special feed tank

Never buy food loose or in damaged packaging.

Pay attention to the expiration date

For puppies up to 2 months of age, food should be soaked in drinking water at room temperature (good food only swells but retains its shape; bad food turns into mush)

If the puppy prefers unsoaked food, let him eat it, the main thing is that it is always freely available. drinking water for a puppy

Pay attention to the composition of the food; for Akita, the protein content should not exceed 32% (high-protein food can cause an allergic reaction)

It’s good if the food contains glucosamine or chondroitin, which protect joints

If you have chosen a certain brand of food, and It suited the puppy, then there is no need to switch to food from another company, dogs do not need variety in the human understanding - changing food, on the contrary, may cause digestive upset

If the puppy does not eat food well, try removing the bowl immediately and not giving anything until the next feeding. If such methods do not help, you can add a little (literally a teaspoon) of canned dog meat or something similar to the dry food, and rub it evenly with food, but be prepared that you will always have to do this. (The puppies then refuse to eat food without additives)

Feeding mode:

  • 2 one month old puppy They feed 5 times a day (approximate schedule: at 6,10,14,18 and 22 hours), no need to feed at night.
  • 3-4 month olds are fed 4 times (at 6, 11, 16 and 21 hours)
  • from 4 months to 1 year they feed 3 times (at 6,13 and 21 hours)
  • after a year they switch to 2 feedings a day.

To avoid the problem of gastric volvulus, you need to feed in approximately equal portions several times a day (that is, at least 2 times - in the morning and in the evening); if you feed a large portion at once, you run a big risk. Moreover, it is important to remember that We feed the dog only after a walk. After eating, it is not advisable to run and jump.
The puppy should eat from a stand located at chest level; As the puppy grows, the stand grows.

Mineral nutrition and other additives:

If you feed your puppy dry food, which contains all the vitamins and microelements, you need to add only mineral supplements during the period of active growth of the puppy, from 3 to 8 months. We choose supplements in which the ratio of calcium to phosphorus is from 2:1 to 3:1( because in food this ratio is most often 1.2:1, and the puppy really does not have enough calcium) We add supplementary food in the dose recommended by the manufacturer. One of the best drugs is Welpenkalk from Canina , when feeding with dry food, add 2 tablets for every 5 kg of weight, and when feeding with natural food, add 3 tablets for every 5 kg.

Iodine-containing supplements are also very useful for Akitas, which prevent problems with thyroid gland, add seaweed, for example, to your puppy’s food.

Usually, when feeding super premium food, no additional vitamins are required, but if your food contains only vitamins A, D and E, then the puppy should be given a preparation containing B vitamins and biotin, which are necessary for coat. Vitamin complexes for adult dogs are usually prescribed in courses of 1-2 months, 2 times a year in spring and autumn, according to indications.

When feeding natural foods, you simply cannot do without adding vitamins; there are many different additives for any occasion. It is preferable to give complex vitamin supplements (for example, Canina V-25; Polidex Polivit-Ca plus, etc.), but you can get by with regular trivit (vit A, D, E) and brewer’s yeast (vit group B)


Preparations that promote the proper development of joints and bones of a fast-growing and heavy puppy. I recommend giving one of these drugs at prophylactic dose during the period of active growth from approximately 4 to 8 months, sometimes longer. Akitas, with moderately angulated limbs and heavy bones, are prone to growth problems, which are most often expressed in incorrect placement of limbs, eversion of joints, and subsequently lameness and impaired movement. Inexperienced owners sometimes don't notice a problem with their puppy's legs until it's too late. Therefore, do not forget to show your puppy to the breeder every 2-3 weeks and listen to his advice.

Among the drugs for joints I recommend GAG (GAG), STRIDE (Stride) or Kanvit Hondro. Still very good drug, already tested on Akitka-Chondrodog in combination with Calcium Peptide. Some people use pig ears, beef tails, low-fat boneless jellied meat, or soaked gelatin for the same purposes, but it seems to me that a proven preparation is more reliable. To keep your puppy's legs healthy, it is necessary to provide him with age-appropriate exercise and proper feeding. Under no circumstances should a puppy be overloaded, forced to run, or forced to play with adults. active dogs, carry loads, jump barriers, walk up stairs (especially down), fall from a height, and you just need to make sure that the surface on which the puppy spends most of its time, was not slippery. To strengthen joints, walking on uneven surfaces (plowed fields), stretch walking, and swimming are very useful. A growing puppy should not be fat; overfeeding puts additional stress on fragile joints. The puppy’s diet should contain a sufficient amount of calcium, in the correct ratio with phosphorus, and do not forget about vitamin D, which regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body. Walking is preferable during the day when the sun is shining, which helps the puppy produce vitamin D in the body.

Feeding with natural food

I’ll say right away that I don’t breastfeed naturally (I did about 15 years ago), it takes too much time, and besides, it’s quite difficult to balance the diet. But for loving owner nothing is impossible.

The main rule is to maintain a balance of components!!!

50% meat, 25% porridge, 25% vegetables + mineral supplement + vitamins

The amount of food depends on the size and physical activity of your Akita. Average adult dog should receive 600-800g of meat per day + 250-400g of porridge + 250-400g of vegetables + 1 egg per week + supplements

Meat-beef, lamb, horse meat (raw or scalded with boiling water, finely chopped), poultry (boiled), offal (boiled kidneys, liver, heart, etc.),

Once a week, meat can be replaced with sea fish (boiled) without bones, the volume is 1.5 times more than meat.
You cannot give:

River fish, it is often infected with helminths,

Pork, bacon and smoked meats

Tubular bones, as well as bird and fish bones - their fragments can injure the esophagus, stomach and intestines

Eggsgive boiled or raw yolk and boiled white.

Cottage cheesevery useful for a growing puppy, you can make it yourself from milk or kefir, adding calcium chloride.

MilkIt is given only to puppies up to 6-7 months old; adult dogs do not digest it; puppies can cook porridge with milk.

Fermented milk products such as kefir and yogurt are very useful.

PorridgeIt is preferable to cook from buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. You don’t need to boil Hercules, just pour hot milk over it and let it brew. It is not recommended to use millet, semolina, as well as legumes - peas, beans, etc.

It is forbiddenFeed your dog flour products such as pasta. But you can give bread, preferably black or gray, or in the form of crackers, dogs really like it.

Vegetables and fruits:

Carrots, cabbage, zucchini, beets can be given raw, finely chopped, with vegetable oil, and boiled. Potatoes can only be given raw.

Many dogs love apples, pears, cherries, plums (remove the pits), and berries (raspberries, currants) given raw in small quantities.

Very useful as an additional source of vitamins greenery: parsley, green onions, lettuce, dandelion leaves, nettle (scald and finely chopped)

Exemplary daily ration 3 month old Akita puppy :

Meat 300-400g

or fish 500g

Porridge 150-200g

Milk up to 500ml

Cottage cheese 150-200g

Egg 1 raw yolk

Vegetables 150g

Trivit 4 drops

Brewer's yeast 1 tsp

Sea kale 2 tsp
-vegetable oil 2 tsp

Approximate daily diet for a 6 month old puppy:

Meat 500-600g

Porridge 250-300g

Cottage cheese 300g

2 whole eggs per week

Vegetables 300g

Mineral feeding by weight

Trivit 5-6 drops

Brewer's yeast up to 1 tbsp

Sea kale 2 tsp

Vegetable oil 1 tsp

Approximate daily diet for a 12 month old puppy:


or fish 1kg

Porridge 300-400g

Cottage cheese up to 500g

1 whole egg per week

Vegetables 400g

Mineral feeding by weight

Sea kale 2 tsp
-vitamin supplement according to indications

Note: trivit and brewer's yeast and seaweed can be replaced with a complex vitamin supplement according to the manufacturer's instructions

Akita Inu is an exotic dog breed for our area; its representatives come from Japan. For centuries they absorbed the culture of their homeland, which could not but affect their habits, behavioral characteristics and, of course, dietary habits. What should Akita Inu owners know to provide for their pet? the necessary conditions and understand what to feed the Akita Inu?

Like dog owners of other breeds, Akita owners have a choice:

  • feed the dog industrial food;
  • switch to 100% natural food;
  • use the mixed nutrition method.

It must be said that for most breeds the latter option is not welcome. But for Akita Itu, feeding food and natural food is the most optimal. You can alternate with meat, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits.

Naturally, you should take into account various nuances so as not to harm your pet. Thoroughbred representatives are predisposed to obesity, so you need to monitor their physical shape.

Akitus have one peculiarity - with a lack of physical activity, dogs can voluntarily refuse food and can starve for up to three days. This phenomenon is rare, but still occurs. In this case, you do not need to take any action.

Feeding the Akita Inu with natural food

The oldest breed, which the Japanese classified as sacred animals, is the pride of the state, and, above all, belongs to hunting breeds. Possessing a muscular, strong body, the Akita participated in hunting large animals. Most of these breeds eat more meat, but this is not the case with the Akita Inu.

In their homeland, the diet of such dogs consists mainly of fish, seafood and rice. It also includes salads from kelp and other algae, fruits, and vegetables. This food is very light, nutritious and provides the animal with everything it needs.

That is why, once outside the borders of their country and starting to eat completely different food that is unusual for the stomach, many pets of this breed develop. It is directly related to high content animal protein in consumed products.

The following foods are allergenic for pets:

  • poultry meat - chicken, goose, turkey;
  • beef and veal;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • corn;
  • wheat and oatmeal.

In this case, it turns out that the food familiar to other dogs is not suitable for the Akita Inu, and as for the diet suitable for it, it causes certain difficulties for the owners. Of course, dogs living outside their country are gradually adapting to new mode nutrition, but some of their features should still be taken into account.

It is best if the Akita's diet consists of several basic products - meat, fish and offal. Moreover, the fish should be mandatory component, this is due to their island habitat and is already a genetic feature.

It would be a good idea to add some seaweed to your beloved pet’s daily menu, in tablet form. The iodine they contain is essential for normal development animal.

Adult representatives of this breed are fed twice a day - morning and evening. The animal's diet should include the following products:

  • Fermented milk - curdled milk, cottage cheese, bifidok, kefir, natural yoghurts.
  • Unsalted cheeses.
  • Boiled eggs, no more than two per week.
  • Meat that is given raw, but previously kept in the freezer, or boiled until half cooked. Rabbit meat, lean lamb, and horse meat are suitable. If the dog does not have allergies, then beef, veal, turkey are suitable; chicken should be given less often.

Akita Inu tolerate wild meat very well - elk, venison, and roe deer meat.

  • Fish– given at least twice a week, even if the dog doesn’t really like it. It is better to give preference to sea lean fish, you can give it after freezing, boiling it, or dousing it with boiling water. Bones must be removed without fail, especially when it comes to feeding a puppy. The portion must be calculated in such a way that the amount of fish is double the amount of meat. A good supplement for your pet would be fish, ground together with bones in a blender or meat grinder - fish bones are an excellent source of calcium. Boiled bull calves are a good treat for Akita Inu - such food is cheap, healthy for the dog, and they also really like it.
  • By-products– it is better to give preference to nutritious products from this category; liver, heart, kidneys, and lung are suitable. They must be cooked for a long time before serving. You should not feed pork by-products, they contain too much fat.
  • Vegetables– carrots, zucchini, onions, eggplants, pumpkin. Sometimes it is allowed to be given raw, but more often it is worth boiling.
  • Fruits– (given from 4 months of age), apples (preferably green with peel), bananas, melon, pears are suitable. Almost all pets love persimmon, but it can weaken the stomach, so it should be given in very moderate quantities. It is recommended to avoid grapes, as they can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines. All berries are suitable except blackberries.
  • Porridge– Among the cereals suitable for feeding Akita are buckwheat, rice, and millet.

Feeding Akita Inu with ready-made dry food

In this case, it is much easier to dose the food; manufacturers have already taken care of its balance. However, this issue also has its pitfalls. The thing is that most ready-made dry food is not suitable for dogs of this breed, since they contain soy. The Akita's body absorbs it very poorly. And, in addition, some additives can cause severe allergies in the animal.

Food for dogs of this breed should simultaneously include several natural ingredients– fish, meat and bone meal. Only in this way will the pet be provided with everything necessary.

At independent choice It should be taken into account that only premium and premium food, which can be purchased exclusively in specialized stores, is suitable for feeding Akita.

It is worth paying attention to the packaging; if the word natural is indicated, then we are talking about natural products, holistic – food suitable for dogs suffering from food intolerance(also a great option for pets with allergies) or human-grade - in this case, all ingredients are suitable for human food. All of these foods are suitable for feeding Akita.

If possible, then to be more confident in the correct choice, it is worth consulting with the breeders of this breed.

What should be excluded from the Akita Inu diet?

As seen, this breed Dogs are quite picky about food, and the composition of the diet should be based on its origin.

There is a certain set of foods that are never recommended to be given to your pet:

  • sausages;
  • smoked meats;
  • foods high in salt;
  • spices;
  • food with chemical additives.

All this can cause health problems, the mildest of which are allergies and disorders digestive system. Akita Inus can be very creative when asking for sweets, but it is worth remembering that any pastry can lead to the development of .

As a reward during training, it is better to use special treats purchased at a pet store, or pieces of boiled fish or meat. Firstly, they are much healthier, and secondly, the dog will never refuse such a treat.

Right organized meals will help keep your pet in good health.