All about Jack Russell dogs. The most active dog breed known to mankind - Jack Russell Terrier

Born athletes, hunters and adventurers. These small animals originally from Britain are surprisingly fearless and courageous. Initially, they were companions in hunting foxes and rodents.

They differ from other terriers in their compliant nature and sociability. They are extremely attached to their owners and do not avoid difficult training. Their natural liveliness of temperament and intellectual abilities make it easy to find a common language with cats and other four-legged friends of the owner. These positive features have made representatives of this breed ideal friends of people.

From the history of the breed

The purpose of the breed is hunting for rodents. The size of the animal allows him to get into the deepest holes and get out the hiding pest. Naturally, a hunter of such miniature size must have good physical strength, innate courage and a strong grip so that he can win in a fight with an opponent often well armed with teeth and claws.

The history of dogs of this breed began thanks to an English priest, namely, a man named John Russell, who was born in Devon in 1975. His hobbies were horse riding and hunting. He also founded the famous Kennel Club in the 73rd year of the 18th century. A large amount of time was devoted by the priest to the selection of the wire-haired terrier.

While studying at Oxford University, J. Russell accidentally acquired a white rough-haired female terrier with brown spots on her head. She did not look like the popular Scottish Terrier, in contrast to them, she was small, slender and harmonious. To improve the hunting qualities of the offspring of his new unusual friend, the priest began to conduct experiments on crossing with pets of other breeds.

Representatives of the breed, bred through the efforts of Russell, received his name. For many years, animals of this breed with unsettled standards were knitted with representatives of other breeds. Obtaining offspring that is completely different from their ancestors was the reason that breeders abandoned this idea. At first, Jack Russells were only required to have growth suitable for hunting in holes and the presence of the necessary character traits. And only individual breeders paid attention to their appearance.

Some breeders crossed dogs of this breed with bulldogs of the classic type. As a result, the qualities of fighting breeds were obtained by Russell Terriers, these individuals did not receive popularity and were excluded from breeding. However, some descendants still retained bulldog genes. They have a stockier body and a broader head. Bulldog-like Russells do not have the necessary loud and resonant voice, which is important in the hunting process.

Another type of terrier that was used to breed the breed is the Lakeland Terrier. Their introduction into selection contributed to a more balanced character and the most attractive appearance. English hunters - intellectuals created a whole cult of fox hunting. In the process of this lesson, they used special white clothes, and even the dog had to be in the tone of the outfit. Today, Jack Russell Terriers are more often used as pets, but their hunting qualities have remained a characteristic feature of the representatives of this breed.

Features of character and intelligence

Jackie Russells are endowed with excellent intelligence. Breeders sometimes say that these are the most intelligent representatives among terriers. Their mental abilities have developed due to the need in the process of hunting.

Hunters from Britain have been working for a long time to improve the physical fitness of these animals and their upbringing. By the sound of the hunting horn, the Russells needed to be able to distinguish which particular animal they would need to hunt. This skill was imprinted by representatives of the breed on an instinctive level.

The intelligence of adults depends on their upbringing from an early age. Russells should receive maximum physical and mental stress, as they are very active by nature. Learning commands does not require multiple repetitions to master them.

Among other things, they have a love of adventurism. These mobile pets love dynamic adventures and life in all its manifestations. However, despite their natural excessive activity, they like to lie on the couch with their master. But they are not ready to spend time like this every day.

Jackie Russells are not at all against communication, despite their excessive attachment to the owners. They love to be the center of attention and are happy to demonstrate their skills to others. And people usually treat them quite positively, even if they are not fans of dogs.

As for living with other representatives of the animal world in the same territory, representatives of this breed are not very positive about such an idea. This is especially true for cats. A Jack Russell may dislike a purring relative mainly out of jealousy towards the owner. It is absolutely contraindicated to keep them in the same apartment with rodents, because this is likely to have the most unfortunate consequences.


Jack Russell Terriers are endowed with a rather non-standard, peculiar character. These sociable and cheerful dogs are ready at the same time to show fidelity, affection, some perseverance, while remaining belligerent and independent. Their upbringing must begin from the very day that a small pet ended up in a new home. To begin with, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between one's own and his space, the master's territory. Those who are well acquainted with representatives of this breed know that terriers love to walk around the set tables of the owners, as well as constantly climb into wardrobes, specially jump on shelves (yes, Jack Russells love to jump very much) and on the bed. It is required to defiantly suppress such behavior in a commanding tone. In the meantime, the Jack Russell is small, he simply obeys, exploring and studying the main character traits of the owners. Even at a young age, these animals are distinguished by their special intelligence and excellent memory, always understanding and analyzing what they have done, and never repeat their shameful misdeeds.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed is located, as breeders assure, to dominance. Often (especially already growing males) try to subdue one of the family members for themselves, for example, babies or the elderly. Of course they don't do anything terrible. As a rule, this is expressed in persistent begging. In practice, one remark will be enough for the animal to think about its unsuitable behavior. The use of brute physical force and raising the voice for educational purposes is completely unacceptable. It is necessary to express indignation in a humane way, by changing the intonation in the voice. It should be calm, tough and restrained - animals catch it perfectly. At the heart of the education of Jack Russell Terriers is communication with their owner, his love and care for the pet. Living next to a person, he easily catches the master's character and what can cause discontent.


Unique dogs Jack Russell Terriers - according to tradition, dogs are hunters. And this is important to consider when buying a puppy. All their behavior, despite their sociability and superbly developed social skills, obeys instincts. The movements of the Jack Russell are fast and energetic, for this reason these dogs need exercise. In the event that a mobile and fearless pet receives them in the required quantity, then his behavior and intelligence are very pleasing to the owners.

The owner of a miniature hunter is obliged to devote as much time as possible to walking with his pet. A suitable mode of light exercise: 2-3 hour walks per day. It is better that the dog gets the opportunity to spend some time without a collar and leash. It is required to try so that the walks are diverse and carried out on various types of ground, this makes it possible to train all muscle groups.

A couple of times a week with a Jack Russell Terrier, sports should be carried out without fail. These wards are very smart and active, so they do not like the monotony. The owner is obliged to try - you need to invent new adventures and activities each time that imitate the pet's key calling - hunting. Fortunately, leisure equipment is not difficult to find - you can use special balls, as well as frisbees, jump ropes and, of course, ordinary sticks.

The most famous, by the way, representative of this breed of dog, a pet named Milo from the popular film released in the nineties - "The Mask" with Jim Carrey in a key role. This film is the best advertisement for the Jack Russell Terrier breed to this day.

Features of care

Animals of this breed are unpretentious in terms of hair care. The short coat of these canine representatives does not require a certain kind of care. Naturally, they need to bathe as needed and wipe their paws with a washcloth after a walk.

The teeth of hunting terriers need to be brushed about 2 times a week to maintain their health, with meat-flavored toothpaste and a brush that is put on a finger or a cotton pad. You can use a baby toothbrush.

Ears and eyes should be regularly examined and wiped with a cotton pad dipped in a small amount of barely warm boiled water.

Jack Russell living in the house

Jack Russell Terriers have every chance to boast of excellent adaptability. They are absolutely not afraid of city noise, the roar of cars and small enclosed spaces, as a result of which they feel comfortable, great and unhindered in apartments of various types and sizes. Naturally, for a comfortable and happy living with the owner, these dogs need sufficient physical activity and long walks.

The individual space of Jack Russells in the living space should be quite spacious and comfortable. The animal needs to allocate a place to sleep and rest, where he can hide (if necessary, retire). Sometimes owners of representatives of this breed say that their pets love to sleep under the covers. From this follows the conclusion that, for all their hunting endurance, they are afraid of cold and drafts. Therefore, the dog must be kept in the most comfortable conditions so that they are not too cold or hot.


The diet of animals of this breed is no different from others. But their excessive activity requires a large amount of protein. Therefore, the basis of the animal's diet is necessarily meat. Low-fat varieties are suitable: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef. Also, cereals must be present in the pet's diet for good digestion and saturation of the body with microelements and minerals. It is worth including rice, buckwheat, corn porridge and, like true Brits, oatmeal. In a necessarily boiled form, vegetables are given: beets, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin and others.

For those who do not have time to select and prepare natural food for an animal, it is quite possible to get by with premium and super-premium class feeds. High-quality food is selected individually for pets, depending on taste preferences, health status and many other factors. Good food, as a rule, contains vitamin complexes and is additionally enriched with many useful substances.

An excellent solution is the option of mixed nutrition, when the dog receives food in one feeding, and natural food in the other. However, food and homemade food should never be mixed in the same feeding. You need to feed the animal no later than 30 minutes before the next physical activity (walks).

This baby will be a great companion for hunting enthusiasts, besides, it is ideal for keeping in an apartment, unlike larger relatives.

Video: Jack Russell Terrier

The number of stunts grew, but they did not meet the standard, and Russell's followers almost did not use them in breeding. Only the long-legged type, called the Parson Jack Russell Terrier, was shown at shows. The short-legged variety was considered undesirable and almost never developed.

Road to recognition

Although the popularity of short-legged terriers was great, they could not compete at exhibitions with slender, tall and strong Parson Russell Terriers. They simply did not want to notice the breed. But in 1965, a few short-legged individuals with no pedigree were brought to Australia.

Local breeders became interested in the marvelous breed. There was no parforous fox hunting here, so no one was interested in the working qualities of the dogs. And although funny short pets joyfully naughty, dug rabbit holes and chased mice, they were looked at only as devoted family pets and participants in dog shows.

Breeders carefully improved Russell's undersized terriers. In 1972, a breed club was created, which was registered as a Jack Russell Terrier. Shortlegs received an official name and recognition on a distant continent. By 1988, 1977 individuals were registered in the stud book.

These successes could not but be noticed in the International Cynological Federation. In 1990, at the request of the Australians and the British, shortstalks were included in a single standard for both varieties. And only after 11 years the breed was divided into two. Dogs with short legs and a stretched body received the name from the Austrian standard - Jack Russell Terrier.

Breed standard: main characteristics

All Jack Russell Terriers of the modern type are dominated by a white color, which is diluted with red or black markings. Red spots can have different shades. The coat of these small dogs is smooth, with a break or hard. It still protects them well from the weather if the breed is used for hunting.

The chest of the Jack Russell Terrier is deep, but not wide. This is important when working in a hole. The body is flexible and strong. The tail is upright when moving. Usually it is stopped to the level of the ears. The ideal height of an adult pet is from 25 to 30 cm. The skull of these nimble hunters is flat. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced. The muzzle tapers towards the mouth.

Although the appearance of the Jack Russell Terrier is a bit unprepossessing, the breed has become a frequent hit on film sets. It turned out that she is very photo- and cinematic. Our viewers know her from the movie "The Mask" with Jim Carrey.

True, Hollywood fame has become a headache for breeders. On screen, Jack Russell Terriers are cute, funny, restless, smart and obedient. But the nature of real pets is different from the image created by the filmmakers. In fact, they are not angels. And perfect obedience can be achieved only with the help of early socialization and competent education.

natural born catcher

The passion for catching animals has been transformed in this breed into a love of ball games, frisbees and other objects. Not surprisingly, in 2011, an Australian Jack Russell Terrier named Anastasia entered the Guinness Book of Records. The nimble baby managed to burst 100 balloons in just 44.49 seconds.

Jack Russell Terrier personality

Dogs of this breed generally differ from other terriers in more balanced behavior. They are more affectionate and compliant, bark less. They willingly learn and follow the owner everywhere. Unpretentious and very hardy. In the UK in mini agility, Jack Russell Terriers are the real leaders. They love this sport, they are happy to follow commands.

If the dog has sufficient physical activity, there are no problems with it. Jack Russell Terriers have an independent and determined personality and at the same time they are playful and cheerful.

In training, you need to show patience and perseverance, then there will be positive results.

In relation to children, this dog is friendly, especially if they grow up together. However, the Russell can be aggressive with other dogs. Therefore, early is very important for him.

It should not be overlooked that this is a dog with a strong hunting instinct and therefore, as a rule, does not get along well with small domestic animals, including cats. Rabbits and decorative rats can especially suffer from it.

Jack Russell Terrier should always be in business. If he gets bored, he may begin to damage things, dig the floor, bark, behave uncontrollably. It is tedious to regularly train a dog and let it participate in any competitions.

Despite its small size, this is not a tame dog, but an independent hunter. He loves a change of scenery, curious. This active dog is not suitable for everyone, for example, it will be difficult for older people to cope with it.

Jack Russell Terriers love to bark loudly. In the absence of proper education, they often show their independent disposition. These dogs are quite wary of strangers, and aggressively towards their relatives. And, of course, they love to run after cats. Therefore, when walking, you should keep your pet on a leash and let go only in calm and familiar places. If two representatives of the breed live in an apartment, then it is better not to leave them alone. They quarrel and fight. This hot-tempered dog jealously guards personal territory and has possessive feelings for the owner.

These pets are very energetic. They need to run and jump a lot. And when the walks are short and uninteresting, the dog will have fun chewing on the things of the owners. In addition, Jack Russell Terriers are very jumpy: if desired, they can jump over a fairly high fence. If the jump fails, then the pet will remember the experience of its ancestors and make a dig.

In a word, it will not be possible to let the upbringing of a pet take its course. As a consolation, it can be noted that all representatives of the breed are very smart. They need an intellectual load. They are easy to train, but dogs can be stubborn during training. You need to maintain momentum by alternating between different teams, as well as using positive reinforcement.

This breed of dog can be safely kept both in a country house and in a city apartment. Under the condition of living in the city, she should have enough physical activity. In dangerous places (near freeways) Russell must be taken on a leash, because, having obeyed the hunting instinct, he may not obey the order of the owner.

Jacks have three types of coat: hard, smooth and intermediate. It depends on how you care for her. As a rule, the dog is cleaned with a hard mitten, combed, carried out.

When the pet lives on the street, the molt takes place twice a year. But a domestic dog will shed almost constantly. Visible white wool is quite difficult to remove from furniture. Therefore, you have to comb the dog. And do it carefully and regularly.

Wirehaired dogs should be trimmed: pluck out dead hair with a special knife. This procedure is quite delicate. An unprepared owner can accidentally damage the animal's skin, so it is recommended to entrust the work to a professional groomer.

Often you can not bathe him. Its coat repels dirt and this natural lubricant should not be washed off. After walking in polluted places, it is enough to simply wipe the paws and places of pollution with special cleansing wipes or a damp towel.

Girls need to be bathed after the end of estrus. Show dogs are also bathed before each show.

polar dog

The breed occasionally has problems with the eyes, diseases of the joints, heart, and epilepsy. But, as a rule, the pet is quite energetic and strong. The history of the Jack Russell Terrier named Boti is known. In 1979, its owners went on a three-year expedition. They didn't want to leave their pet, so they took the dog with them. She got to Antarctica and the Arctic and visited both poles of the earth. On the ship, Boti played ball games, and on the pole she played catch-up with the penguins. So that the pet would not freeze, they sewed a special woolen coat and a knitted hat for her. Back in England, Boti was voted Pet of the Year.

Training and education - you need a special approach!

In a word, if you prefer to spend your free time on the couch with a book, the Jack Russell Terrier will not share your passion. He needs active fun and participation in all the affairs of the owner. Such a restless breed will suit a gambling and cheerful person who prefers long walks, sports and travel. Fortunately, this small pet is easy to transport and keep indoors.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a dog that requires a special approach. But if you find enough time for education and games, you will get a cheerful, fearless and loyal friend with a balanced character.


Jack Russell Terriers live for about 15 years. This is a fairly hardy breed with good health. Although he also has diseases that are most common. Among such diseases are hip dysplasia, Legg-Perthes disease (osteochondropathy of the femoral head), congenital deafness, an eye anomaly called "collie eyes".

Price of puppies

Depending on the purity of the pedigree and the possible future of the dog, Jack Russell Terrier puppies can cost from $260 to $1000.

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Dogs of the Jack Russell Terrier breed are divided into types according to the type and color of the coat. There is an opinion that Jack Russell Terriers also differ in types by height. You will learn about whether this is so and what varieties are inherent in the Jack Russell Terrier from this article.

The coat of the Jack Russell Terrier is divided into three types:

  • smooth-haired;
  • long-haired;
  • intermediate type or broken.

Looking at newborn Jack Russell Terrier puppies, it is impossible to understand what type of coat their hairline will belong to. This can be done only at three months, when the kids grow up a little. Although there are times when a puppy has a slight fluff on the body a month, which is the first sign of a rough-haired type. But puppies, prior to training, is the same for dogs with any type of coat.

smooth-haired type

Jack Russell Terriers with a smooth coat type have their own characteristics. The coat of such dogs is very tight to the skin.

Dogs of the Jack Russell Terrier breed are of a working nature for hunting, therefore individuals with a smooth-haired type of coat are more suitable for this purpose. Such wool does not at all prevent the dog from climbing along the narrow channels of holes and getting small animals out of there.

If the dog has a dense undercoat, then the hairline is in excellent condition. It will perfectly cope with the function of protection from adverse atmospheric conditions. If the coat is thin and soft to the touch, then this is a defect.

This type is also called wire-haired or gesture. The coat of this type consists of a stiff pile with long hair that does not fit snugly to the body of the dog. Because of this, the long-haired Jack Russell Terrier looks rather shaggy. To the touch, such wool is not always rough. Rather, on the contrary.

intermediate type

This type of coat of the Jack Russell Terrier is called Broken. Broken means "broken" in English.

Broken has striking differences from the other two types of wool. Dogs with this type of coat usually do not grow eyebrows and also a beard.

The coat of the Jack Russell Terrier of the Broken type has the longest length of hair, broken in some places. Hard to the touch, the coat fits snugly to the body of the dog and the coat does not stick out in different directions, as in rough-haired terriers.

As mentioned above, the basics of education are the same for dogs with different types of coat.

Separation by coat color

The Jack Russell Terrier breed cannot boast of a variety of coat colors. Varieties of colors of this dog are of two types:

  • white and tan;
  • white with black.

The basis of the coat color of the dog is white, which may have black and / or red marks. With black, everything is clear, but the red color has a different color intensity: from light to chestnut.

Height division

For those interested in buying a Mini Jack Russell Terrier, the following information is helpful.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed standard clearly states that the dog should ideally be twenty-five to thirty centimeters tall and weigh up to six kilograms. Compliance with this compliance guarantees healthy offspring.

But many breeders, for the purpose of profit, began to breed mini-dogs, whose weight is not more than three kilograms. Dog breeders who breed such specimens of dogs assure potential buyers that mini Jack Russell Terriers are a breed variety. All this is done in order to interest people in buying mini puppies.

In fact, the Jack Russell Terrier breed is not divided into similar species. There are no mini or maxi in nature. Of course, there were cases when very small puppies were born. But this is not a new species, but the consequences of hereditary diseases or premature birth. As a rule, the life expectancy of such "mini" dogs is short, they have constant health problems.

By purchasing such a mini dog, you get all her diseases. In addition to constant treatment, you will have to monitor her, because such weak pets are easily injured. Some individuals may even die from anesthesia, which will have to be used during the treatment of one of the diseases that constantly haunt defective puppies.

If you still decide to buy such a puppy, then accept the following as a fact:

  • mini dogs in the Jack Russell Terrier breed do not exist;
  • such dogs will never be able to participate in breeding;
  • the price of such crumbs should not be higher than the price of a standard representative of the breed;
  • mini puppies, most likely, were born ahead of schedule, so additional care will be required;
  • the body's resistance to various infections in such dogs is extremely small;
  • if mini dogs were bred specifically to get a small size, it is worth considering that in this case the risk of hereditary diseases is much higher, as is the risk of birth defects;
  • adaptation to the surrounding world in such mini individuals is extremely difficult, they have an unbalanced character and are subject to stress.

And what type of these dogs did you have to deal with?

Photo of jack russell terrier |

basic information

Assessment of breed characteristics

adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

tenderness level The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to himself.

Need for exercise Daily activity level of the dog.

social need The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconvenience that the dog can deliver to the owners in the ratio of the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushings, and the required number of professional grooming sessions a dog needs.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Features of the dog's behavior in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

tendency to bark Tendency to barking and its frequency and loudness.

Health Issues The potential health status of the dog.

Territoriality The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard or even the owner's car.

Friendliness for cats Tendency to be tolerant of cats and reduced hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog's ability to think and solve problems that arise (not to be confused with learning!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in teaching a dog to perform certain actions.

Friendliness for children A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its name itself, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs.

Observation The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs The dog's tendency to find a common language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

The Jack Russell Terrier is a reliable representative whose origin is the United Kingdom. These dogs have been successful fox hunters for many years. With his duties as a hunter, Jack Russell copes perfectly. The natural instincts of the jack oblige its owners to a certain, individual approach in raising and caring for a pet. This variety of terrier is very popular due to its cheerfulness, mobility, energy and devotion.

Advantages of the Jack Russell Terrier:

  • Ideal for hunting;
  • Very smart;
  • Learns everything quickly;
  • Makes progress in all sports;
  • Excellent as a companion;
  • Care does not cause much trouble.
Jack Russell Terrier Disadvantages:
  • Very active;
  • Needs a lot of movement;
  • Sometimes stubborn;
  • Sheds heavily;
  • Poorly tolerates loneliness;
  • Digging holes in the garden.
Jack Russell Terrier, as a rule, grows up to 25 - 40 centimeters, and the weight of an adult dog can be from five to eight kilograms. Terrier coats can range from soft to harsh, and in terms of coloration, terrier dogs are most often white in color with various accents (most often brown, black or beige). Another distinguishing feature of the Jack Russell Terrier is its black nose, wide-set but squat paws, and a highly protruding tail.

The Jack Russell is a dog of boundless physical activity, and this applies to all dogs of this breed, without exception. Because of this feature, keeping Jack Russell small is not a very good option. Besides the fact that these dogs require a lot of physical activity in the form of runs or walks at least once a day, they also require a lot of free space, which allows them to exercise their natural makings of a runner. If the dog is not given the opportunity to realize its physical potential, then this can lead to developmental problems or even health problems.

Jack Russell Terrier is a dog that will turn even the most ordinary day into a holiday. At the same time, the Jack Terrier, like any other dog, needs your attention and care. If you are a beginner, it is better, of course, not to opt for this breed. The thing is that the maintenance of such a pet will require a lot of time and effort from its owner. You need to understand whether you can cope with all the tasks that will stand before you if you decide to buy a Jack Russell Terrier.


The Jack Russell Terrier is a powerfully built dog with a strictly rectangular silhouette: the distance from the withers to the base of the tail is greater than the height of the dog at the withers. The back is strong and rather narrow, the chest is not very deep set, the ribs stand out strongly at the base and are noticeably flattened at the sides. The depth of the chest, measured from the withers to the sternum, should be equal to the length of the forelegs from the elbow down. The circumference of the chest, here, at the elbows, should be 40-43 cm. The back of the body is strong, short and strongly built. The tail may hang when at rest, but when the dog is in motion, it must be raised.

The head should be flat skulled, of moderate width. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull. The eyes are black, almond-shaped, not protruding, with eyelids adjacent to the eyeball, darkened along the edge. The ears are small, mobile, broken in front. Lips black, tightly closed. The upper and lower jaws are distinguished by a strong grip, strong teeth, scissor bite.

The forelegs look the same, both from the front and from the side, should be straight, well placed under the body. The hindquarters are strong and muscular, the stifles are strongly bent, the metatarsus, when viewed from behind, is parallel, the hocks are low. The paws are round in shape, the pads are hard, small in size, straight set, not turned in or out. The fingers are moderately rounded.

Photo of Jack Russell Terrier:

Photo of dog breed Jack Russell Terrier |

Origin story

In the 19th century, in the English county of Devon, there lived a pastor named Jack Russell, he loved horse riding and took part in fox hunting. This man is considered one of the founders of the English Kennel Club, an outstanding expert and judge of terriers. He was also involved in the breeding of the breed. In those days, fox hunters took with them small, short-legged terriers that could easily fit in a fox hole. These small animals really justified their task, but there was one problem: each time they had to be taken to hunt, which, in turn, caused a lot of inconvenience to the hunters. This made Jack Russell want to breed a more active, tireless dog of small size, which could easily follow the fox in any place, at the same time, this dog would have to be strong enough to cover long distances on its own.

It all started with the terrier Trump, whom the pastor, while still young, took in while studying at Oxford. She was a white bitch with a coarse coat and dark spots on her head, who later became the founder and model of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. To date, in the history of the development of the breed, this fact has been accurately established. After her, many mixed representatives of the breed appeared, but, unfortunately, there are no records of this. At the moment, it is already known that the ancestors of the Jack Russell Terrier are also the following breeds: Laikland Terrier, Sealyham Terrier, and. The pastor was able to achieve what he wanted and still managed to breed a dog that is agile, strong, hardy and, in addition, very smart and dexterous, which has no equal in hunting foxes. The purpose of the Jack Russell Terrier on the hunt was to lure the fox out of the hole, and he coped with this flawlessly. The rest of the work went to hunting dogs.

After the death of Jack Russell, the dogs he bred became known as "working dogs" (after all, they worked together with hunting dogs). Only in the thirties of the 20th century this breed was named after its creator, the Jack Russell Terrier. Much later, the breed was officially credited to, and this happened in the nineties of the last century. For the first time, these terriers appeared at a cynological exhibition in 1983, in the UK. The English Kennel Club first approved the breed standards and named it the Parson Russell Terrier. However, the dogs that appeared on the arenas of the exhibition were very different from each other, some were on short legs, others on long ones.

Perhaps it would still be so, but everything changed when these small dogs came to Australia. The first representative of the breed got there in 1965 and only in 1972 the Australian breed club was founded. The Australians made specific differences in the breeding book that made short-legged and long-legged dogs distinct. Already in 1991, Australian breeders bred about 2,000 individuals belonging to the group of short-legged terriers. The development of the breed standard did not take long. The Irish, in turn, accepted the breed, without making any amendments to the standards, and submitted an application for approval of the breed to the FCI (International Cynological Federation). The final sample was approved in January 2001. It was at this point that the Parson Russell Terrier breed was officially separated.

The breed, called the Parson Russell Terrier, is divided: tall and large dogs, with a more square body, are commonly called Parson Russell Terriers (IFF No. 339). The British consider this breed theirs. Smaller dogs with less weight, which are also of English origin, however, the increase in their numbers and the development of a standard sample was due to the Australians. Unlike the Parson Russell Terrier, this breed is called the Jack Russell Terrier (IFF No. 345).

Confirmation that the Jack Russell Terrier, derived from the Parson Russell Terrier breed, has finally been recognized as an official breed can be found in the circular letter dated 18.06.2003, in which the FCI notified all participating States. In this regard, all individuals of the breed were entered in the breed register, and their origin in three generations was documented. From that moment on, they were entitled to receive the certificate of candidate for international beauty champions, and after that, the title of international champion. One would think that this should be the end of all discussions about the breed and, despite many years of common history, Jack and Parson were divided into two breeds that are in no way related to each other. Most countries agreed with this, but not all.

As for the Parson Russell Terrier, the breed has become extremely popular on the European continent, especially among hunters and riders. On January 22, 1990, the English Kennel Club recognized her and published the official breed standard, naming her the Parson Jack Russell Terrier. On July 2, 1990, this breed name was temporarily adopted by the FCI. The current name of the breed - Parson Russell Terrier - was adopted by the English Kennel Club in 1999. The breed was finally approved by the FCI on June 4, 2001.

The British, in turn, felt somewhat offended by the fact that Australians got the credit for breeding the Jack Russell Terrier, despite the fact that the history of the breed has English roots. The British did not accept any arguments about this, so even at the present time they do not recognize the Jack Russell Terrier breed. To date, England is the only country that has not recognized this breed. As a result, it turns out that this wonderful, 100% purebred dog is equated in this country with non-pedigreed dogs, therefore it does not have the right to a pedigree, and also cannot take part in cynological exhibitions. In turn, the Parson Russell Terrier is fully considered an English dog and is bred in accordance with all standards and purity of the breed.

A very large and more significant confusion among breeders was made by the French, who chose not to take into account the division of the Russell Terrier into two breeds recognized by the FCI. They decided that they would interpret the Parson and Jack breeds as belonging to the same breed, with all the ensuing consequences. For many years they knitted them together, and belonging to a certain type of breed was determined when the puppy reached the age of one. The only criterion that was used as a distinction was the height of the dog at the withers, and the strong differences in the anatomical structure, oddly enough, were not taken into account. The height limit for dogs was set at 31 cm. Dogs that were 31 cm or taller were classified as Parson Russell Terriers, and those that were shorter were classified as Jack Russell Terriers. Based on this assessment, all dogs were defined as representatives of one breed, not two, and they belonged to the only one that existed at that time, included in the book, the Parson Russell Terrier breed (because the Jack Russell Terrier was not listed in the book).

Despite the fact that at present the Jack and Parson Russell Terriers have been separated by French breeders and each breed has its own book of records, and certificates have been issued confirming belonging to a particular breed, offspring obtained as a result of crossing are still entered into their pedigree. two breeds. The entry is tagged "parents unknown", not even considering the fact that the breeder knows exactly who the parent was. True, representatives of the breed, entered in the ledger in this way, are entitled to issue a certificate of pedigree only after three generations. Their origin must be confirmed by appropriate documents, but, before this time, breeding of the breed is allowed. This is an important issue.

Dishonest breeders who are only interested in breeding more representatives, and not in the purity of the breed, of course, take advantage of this. The Jack Russell Terrier has a greater demand in the market, but their offspring are quite small. To remedy this, breeders select as large a Parson Russell female as possible for mating and cover her with small Jack Russell Terriers. Of course, the litter has many differences among themselves, but since these dogs are not purchased for exhibitions, everything continues. More decent breeders, who are more interested in the purity of the breed, sound the alarm and actively protest against this practice. They believe that the number of dogs that are representatives of both breeds and bred in this way, at least in three generations, has become so numerous that it is time to delete them from the register and, for the benefit of breeding the breed, abolish. Unfortunately, the club of this breed remains deaf to such calls and not only does nothing to stop this unacceptable occupation, but, on top of everything else, it also legalized mating between breeds, although in every country belonging to the FCI, such actions are considered a violation of the order breed breeding.

Fortunately, in Russia such problems did not arise, therefore there are no discussions regarding the purity of the pedigree. Currently both of these breeds, especially the Jack Russell Terrier, are very popular in Russia. Such a keen interest in dogs is due not only to their hunting abilities, but also to their excellent character, which is great for finding them in society.

Jack Russell Terrier character

Dog breeders say with confidence that the Jack Russell has incomparable masculinity, perseverance, devotion, obedience to the owner and endless friendliness. The Jack Russell Terrier is great around new people and teenagers. Despite this, dogs are intolerant of other small animals. Most likely this is due to the hunting instincts of the animal. In the presence of other breeds of dogs, the Jack Russell Terrier behaves wary, he can carefully study his relative, sometimes showing rage towards him. Along with an excessive love of digging, these terriers also bark a lot, and quite loudly.

No dog fits the phrase “a strong spirit in a weak body” as well as the Jack Russell Terrier. He is indeed small in size, but very confident, full of energy, courage and always ready for action. By its nature, it should not be and is not aggressive, and if it shows such behavior, then only if at an early stage of development, often at the breeder, serious mistakes were made in education. The Jack Russell Terrier breed has become very popular in a fairly short period of time, which, in turn, has attracted the attention of pseudo-breeders who are interested in breeding them, which is a negative point. When deciding to buy a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, be sure to keep this in mind, because a dog bought from a conscientious breeder is brought up much better and adapts well in society. By choosing the right person from whom you want to buy a dog, you can avoid many problems, and the puppy will not have a baggage of negative experience, you will only have to continue its upbringing.

In addition to the well-known talents in hunting, the ability to be a companion dog and just live in a family, the Jack Russell Terrier is able to help people with various diseases. The people who can become his "patients" include: people who have problems in contact with others, children diagnosed with autism, chronically ill people, as well as people of age. In many countries, dogs of this breed participate in the rehabilitation program for captives, and also serve well in customs. From all of the above, you can see how much potential is buried in this little dog body, all you need to unleash it is be patient and consistent.

Regardless of coat type, the Jack Russell needs weekly brushing of dead hair to keep the dog's coat in good condition and also to prevent the coat from spreading around the room. Jack Russell dogs do not need frequent bathing. This must be done as needed. In case of slight contamination, various dry shampoos can be used.

Do not forget about regular monitoring of the condition of the ears. Care must be taken to avoid inflammation or infection. Clean the ears with a product prescribed by a veterinarian. Do not use a cotton swab to clean the ear canals. Weekly routines include brushing your teeth. This will prevent the formation of tartar and bad breath. Jack Russell's claws should also be trimmed once a month.

Training and education

The Jack Russell Terrier lends itself well to training, as a rule, the pet absorbs new skills like a sponge. But often dogs of this breed show stubbornness. This happens in cases where the pet is dissatisfied with the attitude of the owner towards himself. You can keep learning interesting with treats and praise. An elevated tone or negativity will cause distrust in the dog, so you need to completely eliminate such behavior. After mastering the basic skills, you can move on to more serious exercises aimed at developing obedience and agility.

Although the Jack Russell Terrier is considered an ideal companion dog, one should not forget that the blood of a hunter flows in his veins. This animal will not deny itself the pleasure of digging a hole in the garden if it smells a mole, and, if such an opportunity arises, it will definitely rush after a cat, a hare or some small rodent. Therefore, when, first start accustoming her to, and be sure to train your pet to immediately respond to the call. Without this, you will not be able to safely let the dog off the leash, and this is the only way to truly walk it. When walking in the woods, be sure to avoid all dangerous places for the dog, and, for his own safety, do not give much freedom. The forest is the natural element of your pet, so he may not even respond to your call if he suddenly decides to go in search of a fox, which before he could only see in the form of a plush toy. There were cases when, almost desperate after several hours of searching, the owner found his pet in ambush near some hole, where, without food and water, he, hiding, was waiting for the hidden fox.

Although the Jack Russell Terrier is now bred as a companion dog, a potential owner must understand that one should not limit his pet's walks, as he must satisfy all his physiological needs, and also needs a lot of movement and various tasks to complete. Only in this case, the Jack Russell Terrier will be able to return home with a sense of accomplishment and spend the rest of the day in peace, with his family. For this dog, there is no word “fatigue”, if the owner, literally a few minutes after returning from a long walk, picks up the leash again, the dog will immediately be at the start, ready to walk again. Almost the same thing happens at home - you do not need to do anything special to encourage her to play.

The Jack Russell Terrier is very smart, so it is well motivated to learn quickly and willingly, but on one condition - the training should be interesting, varied and exciting. If it is otherwise, his perseverance will prevail, and your pet will show with all his appearance that he does not owe you anything. When such a situation arises, the owner should calmly finish the lesson, praise his pet, and then take a short break to distract himself. This dog needs a person who will be clearly consistent, with angelic patience and a large supply of original ideas. Keep in mind that your pet is smart beyond measure, feels good about its owner and knows how to use it, if possible. You should never lose vigilance with him, because as soon as the owner gives up slack or is inconsistent, he will immediately lose his authority and it will be very difficult to restore it. Monotonous activities can quickly bore your pet, but if you turn sports walks into exciting activities so that he looks forward to them, then it will never occur to him to rebel.

The Jack Russell Terrier has a huge supply of energy that must be constantly expended. For a puppy, a “preschool” for dogs is ideal, so to speak, where he can get used to the presence of other people's dogs. After that, you will be able to start sports training related to obedience training and clearly defined tasks, for example, “faster”. Jack Russell Terrier loves to run after the ball, bring it and jump, which can be successfully applied when playing flyball. It shows excellent results in surveillance, in which it has no equal.

Health and disease

Dogs of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, as a rule, have fairly good health and are slightly susceptible to the occurrence of any diseases. Despite this, like every breed, these dogs are prone to certain diseases. Of these, one can distinguish: dislocation of the patella, aseptic necrosis of the head and neck of the femur, as well as some eye diseases (cataract and primary dislocation of the lens). They are also prone to skin diseases, mainly allergic. Dogs that are completely white in color may develop deafness. Individuals with such a deviation are not allowed to breed.

Like all small pets, the Jack Russell Terrier needs regular check-ups and brushing to prevent tartar build-up. Due to the fact that the terriers of this breed love to run and frolic, bruises and injuries can often occur. And some representatives of the breed, especially those who do not have the opportunity to move much, are prone to gaining excess weight. To avoid this problem, you should feed your pet high-quality food in an amount that meets his individual energy needs. Jack Russell Terriers tend to live quite long lives, with proper care, they can live up to 16 years.

Some interesting facts

  • Dogs of the Jack Russell Terrier breed are the darlings of cinemas. Dogs of this breed have played roles in many films, such as "The Mask" (the film brought great popularity), "Fraser", "Crimson Tide", "The Artist" - a film that has become popular recently and won an Oscar. It was for his role in this film that the dog named Uggie received the Golden Palm award, which he was awarded at the famous film festival in Los Angeles. This is the first dog in the history of cinematography, which was awarded the prize.
  • Ten-year-old Jack Russell Terrier named George, originally from Taranaki in New Zealand, was awarded an international medal for the fact that on April 29, 2007, without the slightest hesitation, he protected five children from two bull terriers attacking them. The wounds that this brave dog received in an unequal fight, unfortunately, were so severe that the dog had to be euthanized.
  • Tillamook Cheddar is a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, originally from the United States, is considered one of the world's most famous animal artists. At the moment, there have already been several exhibitions of her paintings not only in the United States, but also in Belgium, Holland and Bermuda. For some of her work, even $ 2,000 was paid.
  • Notable people who have been or are owners of Jack Russell Terriers include Bette Midler, Charles, Prince of Wales, Serena Williams, Goldie Hawn, Mariah Carey, Paul McCartney, Charlotte Church, Rick Stein, and Belgian actor and comedian Benoit Pulvoord .
  • The Jack Russell Terrier, named Bosie, is the only dog ​​in the world to have crossed the South and North Poles as part of an expedition. It was an unusual expedition, the animal took part in it, along with its owners Ranulph and Virginia Fiennes, the expedition lasted three years (1979-1982).
  • A six-year-old Jack Russell Terrier named Part-Ex, originally from West Wales, got into the Guinness Book of Records as the only dog ​​in the world involved in extreme sports.
  • Jack Russell Terrier, like all terriers, loves to dig very much. He can dig a fairly deep hole in a relatively short time. It is important to teach your pet to dig in a well-defined place.
  • Russell Terriers must be kept in a well-fenced yard, you can also give your pet a separate room in which you can play active games.
  • Jack Russells should not be allowed to roam unsupervised. Often dogs of this breed run away even from a very well fenced yard.
  • If you liked Jack Russell puppies, then this is not a reason to buy them. Think about whether you can handle parenting. This breed is not designed for beginner dog breeders.
  • The Jack Russell Terrier is an active dog that is not suitable for living in an apartment.
  • The Jack Russell is prone to aggression towards other dogs. Therefore, it is important to start socialization at an early age.
  • Russell Terrier does not like loneliness, he is also not accustomed to live separately from his family. If you still leave your pet alone for a while, turn on the radio for him. In this way, you can prevent your dog from feeling lonely.
  • Representatives of this breed often joyfully jump on family members and on their master.
  • Jack Russell is an animal with a pronounced hunting instinct. Do not go out for a walk with your pet without a leash. He can start chasing small animals.
  • The Jack Russell Terrier is insanely active. He needs active daily activities (several times a day). It is necessary to alternate walks with active games.
  • If you decide to buy a Jack Russell Terrier, then you should not do it at a pet store. Trust only a trusted breeder. Only in this case, you can be sure of the good health of the puppy.

There are breeds that have lived side by side with humans for so long that it is possible to reliably find out about their roots only with the help of genetics. Such, for example, is the situation with the ancestors of Jack Russells - Fox Terriers. Their first descriptions are found in the Roman chronicles of the times of Caesar's campaigns against Albion.

But the closer to the present, the more documentary evidence, so today no one doubts that the Jack Russell Terrier owes its appearance to a very specific enthusiast - John "Jack" Russell. Following family tradition, he became a priest and headed a small parish in the south of Britain, but the true passion of this man was not serving the church, but parfor hunting and breeding dogs for her.

Back in John's last year at Exeter College, Oxford University, a landmark meeting took place. During one of his walks, he saw a dog that embodied the ideal qualities of a real fox hunter: compact size, excitement, vigilance and fearlessness. The treasure belonged to a local milkman, who was hardly capable of fully appreciating the above-mentioned advantages, so the first owner immediately gave Trump to the persistent student. With this Trump - this is how the English word Trump is translated - many years of selection work began.

Of course, outwardly, the progenitor of the breed does not look so much like the current "Jacks". The similarity is noticeable only in color: on the dominant white background, darker spots stood out in the area of ​​​​the eyes, ears and at the base of the hook-shaped tail. Judging by the surviving drawings, Trump was a poor-boned dog with a small skull. Most likely, in her family were now extinct English white terriers.

I must say that in the process of breeding a new breed, the pastor used representatives of various burrowing dogs. There is no exact data on experiments with the gene pool, since the breeder did not keep any journals with records, or they simply did not survive. Researchers believe that the fox terriers of the old format, borders, lakelands, Irish terriers, and Scottish cores left their mark on the formation of the breed. Russell set himself the task of improving the working qualities of the offspring, and he did not consider it necessary to cull puppies because of the shape of the skull or the setting of the tail. As a result, the clumsy and rough cut, short-legged pets of the Devonshire priest won the ardent love of all the surrounding hunters.

Although the vicar himself practiced boxing (which in the 19th century was a very tough sport, because protective gloves were not used), he was not inclined to cruelty and publicly condemned those fellow breeders who mixed the blood of fighting dogs into terriers. For John, parforous hunting was incompatible with killing or inflicting severe injuries on prey; he considered the main goal to be a competition between foxes and his animals in speed and endurance. Russell's terriers didn't need the ferocity and powerful bulldog jaws.

The achievements of the pastor in breeding and popularizing terriers did not go unnoticed. In 1873, he, along with Sewallis Shirley and a dozen like-minded people, took part in the creation of an organization today known as the oldest kennel club - the English Kennel Club. In subsequent years, John Russell was invited as a judge at exhibitions, but he did not exhibit his own pets, calling them wild rose hips against the background of greenhouse roses. And this comparison was not in favor of the latter.

John Russell, who devoted a significant part of his life to dog breeding, died at the age of 87 and was buried in the village of Swambridge - in the cemetery next to the medieval church of St. James, where he served. Since he actively sold puppies and adult dogs, at the time of his death, the breeder had only 4 dogs.

The development of the breed was continued by a young colleague, Arthur Heinemann. It was he who was the author of the first draft of the breed standard. In 1914, the Parson Jack Russell Terrier Club was founded (parson means "priest"), which lasted until the 40s. In the middle of the century, Russell Terriers, to improve their character and working qualities, began to cross with dachshunds and Welsh Corgis. As a result, not only "classic", but also short-legged animals began to appear. The latter were considered undesirable for a long time and in the eyes of the jury invariably lost to their tall brothers.

It is not known how the fate of the “side branch” would have developed if in the 1960s several short-legged dogs had not ended up on the Green Continent. The Australians, of course, were not going to hunt with them, but they appreciated the energy and quick wit of their new pets, so they took up the development of the breed with great enthusiasm.

Official recognition of the Kennel Club and the FCI came only in 1990. Then both types of dogs were introduced into the standard of the International Canine Organization under the general name of the Parson Jack Russell Terrier. However, activists from the UK and Australia did not stop trying to achieve a distinction, and in 2001 two standards were adopted: for the Parson Russell Terrier (animals on long legs with a square body) and the Jack Russell Terrier (short-legged with an elongated body).

Video: Jack Russell Terrier

Hunting qualities

Like many other representatives of the terrier group, Jack Russell Terriers were bred to participate in hunting small game that lives in holes. Of course, terriers do not have enough speed and power to track and pursue, but English foxhounds or other hounds did an excellent job of this task, but in getting into an underground shelter and in a fight to force the “fugitive” to leave it, there is no equal to persistent and compact strong men.

It has already been mentioned above that Jack Russell Terriers earned their fame as excellent burrowing dogs not for ferocity, but for their sonorous voice and high intelligence. They not only understood the strategy of hunters in a given situation, focusing on various horn signals, but also made their own decisions that helped save energy without sacrificing efficiency.

Since their inception, "jacks" have been an integral part of rural life in the UK. However, since 2002 in Scotland, and since 2005 in England and Wales, fox hunting has been officially banned, although for many it was part of the country's cultural heritage. Badgers are also protected today by conservation organizations. In the south of Spain there is still a hunting area where it is possible to pursue game on horseback, but in most European countries the tradition is becoming history due to the lack of uninhabited areas with suitable landscape.

But innate instincts cannot be canceled as easily as centuries-old rituals, so the four-legged "citizens" do not miss the opportunity to chase a cat that has turned up or dig an impressive hole in the roots of trees from the nearest park during a walk.

Appearance of Jack Russell Terriers

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small but strongly built dog. Height at the withers is 25-30 cm. There are no strict weight standards, however, experts note that the Jack Russell Terrier looks harmonious, which has 1 kg of weight for every 5 cm of growth, that is, the desired mass of an adult representative of this breed is 5-6 kg.


The silhouette of the Jack Russell Terrier is strictly rectangular, elongated (the length from the withers to the base of the tail is greater than the height at the withers).


The skull is flat and moderately wide. The muzzle is somewhat shorter than the skull. The transition from forehead to muzzle is well defined, but not too pronounced.


Careful. Black lobe. Nostrils developed and well open.


Almond shaped, dark. Not bulging, the eyelids are adjacent to the eyeball and darkened along the edge.

Teeth and jaws

The jaws of the Jack Russell Terrier should be strong, powerful, strong teeth. Scissor bite. Lips black, tightly closed.


"Buttons" or hanging. Small, broken in front. Extremely movable, can be rotated 180°. The ends are V-shaped.


Strong, with a clean, crisp line.


The croup is even. The loin is short, strong and muscular. The back is strong and rather narrow.


Deep, not wide. The ribs stand out strongly at the base and are noticeably flattened laterally. The circumference of the ribs behind the elbows is 40-43 cm.


The Jack Russell Terrier's tail may be lowered when at rest, but is sure to rise when moving.


They look the same from the front as well as from the side. Straight, well placed under the body. The shoulder blades have a good slope back, the muscles are not overloaded.

Hind limbs

Strong and muscular. The knee joints are strongly bent, the hocks are low. Metatarsus when viewed from behind are parallel.


Small, round, with firm pads. Set straight. The fingers are moderately rounded.


Jack Russell Terriers can have three types of coat: harsh, smooth, or kinked. Should be well protected from bad weather.


Predominant white background with dark spots. The color of the spots can vary from black and dark chestnut to red.

Photo of an adult Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier personality

Jack Russell Terrier is a real perpetual motion machine. He is simply physically unable to sit in one place for a long time and get bored while waiting for the game. This dog will attract the attention of the owner by all available means. She knows the rules of behavior in the house very well and can deliberately violate them in order to cause at least some reaction from the owner, who is too carried away by her favorite series or a new book.

It is important to remember the high intelligence of the pet. Physical activity must be accompanied by mental activity, otherwise any activity will quickly get bored. Alternate teams and toys, come up with new activities.

In general, representatives of the breed are distinguished by a cheerful and friendly disposition. Jack Russell Terriers are great for families where the kids are old enough not to treat the pet like a teddy bear. Aggression for no reason can be shown only by dogs in whose upbringing from early childhood serious mistakes were made.

Representatives of this breed do not get along well with other animals in the house because of the hunter genes. Neighborhood with rodents is especially undesirable, because Jack Russells are famous rat catchers, but they can also cause trouble for cats. In relations with dogs of their own or another breed (regardless of the size of the enemy), due to their courageous and wayward nature, they will always try to dominate, constantly engaging in skirmishes.

Education and training

Jack Russell Terriers are best suited to experienced owners as they are naturally cunning, independent and eager for leadership. If you feel that you are not fully coping with the character of a new family member, seek advice and help from a specialist dog handler as soon as possible.

Early socialization of a puppy is important so that in the future he can coexist peacefully with households (including children and the elderly), other pets, and does not show aggression towards guests and random passers-by during walks.

Stubbornness, loud barking, damage to household property, anxiety from being alone, digging and chasing small animals are considered to be the main behavioral problems of the Jack Russell Terrier. All of them can be corrected with due attention from the owner. The dog shows the worst sides of his character only if he does not meet opposition or sees this as the only way to attract the attention of the owner.

The breed lends itself perfectly to training, the main thing in the process is to be patient, do not forget about rewards and do not raise your voice. Establishing the authority of the owner is extremely important, but it can and should be achieved with calm firmness. The pet should respect and listen to you, and not be afraid.

Despite the compact size of Jack Russells, keeping them in a city apartment is fraught with certain difficulties. Dogs are too active for a quarter of an hour walk in the morning and evening to satisfy their need for exercise. With a lack of training, they will spend excess energy on destructive pranks. As a result, furniture, appliances, floors, shoes and clothes of the owners may suffer. It should be understood that for the Jack Russell Terrier this is not an act of revenge or a conscious sabotage, but simply an attempt to occupy oneself with something in the absence of the owner, therefore, before leaving for a few hours, you need to find time for a long and meaningful walk.

From a young age, your pet should know that he has his own territory in the house. Choose a place protected from drafts and not too close to heat sources. It is necessary to purchase a natural mattress that is strong enough to withstand the attacks of powerful teeth. Nearby should be stored toys that the Jack Russell Terrier can chew with impunity after waking up.

Grooming is not too much of a hassle, although this breed sheds throughout the year when kept at home. Only wire-haired terriers need trimming with special tools, the rest need regular brushing. Frequent bathing is contraindicated because it damages the natural protective layer on the pet's coat and skin. After walking, it is enough to wipe the paws with a damp towel or napkins for animals.

Teeth should be brushed once or twice a week with a specialized toothpaste. Check and clean your ears twice a month.

The nutrition requirements for the Jack Russell Terrier are standard. Either premium and super premium food, or balanced natural food. In the latter case, the ratio of meat (beef, veal, boiled poultry and offal) and vegetable components should be 2:1.

Health and disease of the Jack Russell Terrier

In general, Jack Russell Terriers can be called hardy dogs with good health. But they are not immune from a number of congenital and acquired diseases:

  • osteochondropathy of the femoral head (Perthes disease) manifests itself in puppies 4-10 months old in the form of constant or periodic lameness;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • hip dysplasia, although large breeds are more often considered a risk group, does not bypass terriers;
  • deafness;
  • heart diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • hereditary defects in the development of the sclera, choroid, retina, optic nerve and retinal vessels - the so-called collie eye anomaly.

To keep your pet healthy and improve their quality of life well into their advanced years, visit your veterinarian regularly for preventive checkups and follow their recommendations. Do not self-medicate in case of symptoms of various diseases.

How to choose a puppy

The appearance of Jack Russell Terriers on the movie screen and in photo reports of glossy magazines from the life of celebrities did not affect the breed in the best way. Many unscrupulous breeders have appeared who seek to make a profit by selling popular animals and do not care at all about the gene pool and raising babies.

It is very important to buy puppies only from breeders with an impeccable reputation and in the best kennels. Of course, such Jack Russells will cost more, but in the future you will not have to deal with uncontrollable dog behavior or spend all your free time in clinics due to hereditary health problems.

When meeting a Jack Russell Terrier for the first time, it is important to pay attention to the behavior of the selected puppy. He should be playful, energetic and sociable. Lethargy, apathy and lack of appetite indicate poor health, and aggression or fear of the outside world indicates mental instability. Do not disregard the conditions of the mother and babies. Cleanliness, sufficient space and the presence of toys indicate the responsible attitude of the breeder no less than the presence of official documents and routine vaccinations.

Photos of Jack Russell Terrier puppies

Jack Russell Terrier price

As with any purebred dog, the price of a Jack Russell Terrier depends on the pedigree and compliance with the breed standard. "Home" puppies, which will not be able to participate in exhibitions, but will become wonderful companions for active owners, will cost about 15 thousand rubles. Further, the cost grows, based on the prospects, and can reach up to 50,000 - 60,000 rubles.