What is the name of a breed of dog similar to an Italian greyhound? Italian greyhound - small Italian greyhound

Each breed, widespread or little-known in the world, has its own circle of fans. The Italian Greyhound is a symbiosis of grace, modesty, strength and nobility in one four-legged creature. Not a single photo will convey the true appearance of dogs, high-quality photographic equipment cannot display the fullness of emotions, and this factor decides too much.

The Dwarf Italian Greyhound has very serious working ancestors; the second name of the breed is the Italian Greyhound. Most likely, the history of the breed stretches back to Ancient Egypt. At least during excavations of burials in the Valley of the Kings, skeletons of small greyhound dogs were discovered. According to archaeologists, the age of the remains reaches 5,000 years, and this gives reason to assume that the ancestors of Italian Greyhounds belong to one of the most ancient groups of canines.

It is known that Cleopatra herself was a fan of greyhounds. Four-legged creatures accompanied the ruler on her travels. More recent imprints of the rock in history have been discovered in the area ancient Greece and the Roman Empire (V–VI centuries BC). The Italian Greyhound dog has always had a special, exalted status. Surrounded special attention, graceful four-legged creatures became surrounded by legends. Today, it is already difficult to understand what from historical data is true and what is a myth. For example, it is believed that the first Levretki that came to Rome were a gift to Caesar from his passion, Cleopatra.

A more touching story tells of the dedication of a miniature greyhound. The Persians, who were in conflict with the Egyptians, resorted to great meanness, stealing the heir of the pharaoh in infancy. The thieves followed through the desert, hiding from pursuit, and did not notice that they were being followed on their heels by a sand-colored Italian Greyhound. Having moved a great distance from Egypt, the warriors left the baby to perish in the sand and went home. The Italian greyhound protected the baby from the heat of the day, the cold of the night, wind and sand until they were discovered by the search teams of the pharaoh. It sounds like a fairy tale, but if you observe the relationship between the Italian Greyhound and the child, you cannot avoid doubting that perhaps there is not such a small amount of truth in this story.

The Italian Italian Greyhound has also gained popularity in Germany. It is known that Frederick the Great respected the breed for its loyalty and intelligence. According to one legend, the ruler had to hide from enemy patrols during an attempted coup. Realizing that his beloved dog was in danger of reprisals, the king took the miniature greyhound with him. After all the ups and downs, Friedrich praised his pet for her sharp mind. While on the run, the king’s four-legged companion never raised a voice so as not to betray her owner. In gratitude for her faithful service until the end of her days, the devoted Levretka was buried with honors in the same area as members of the royal dynasty.

Naturally, the nobility of England also could not lose sight of the Italian greyhounds. One of the most ardent admirers of the breed was Henry VIII Tudor. The ruler considered his charges so significant that he presented Italian Greyhound puppies as a gift to the Queen of France, Mary Stuart. Ruler of a united England, Scotland and Ireland, Charles I also kept a large population of Italian Greyhounds. One of the paintings, painted in the 17th century, depicts the monarch's mother, Anne of Denmark, in the company of five miniature greyhounds.

Oddly enough, Italian Italian Greyhounds were also popular in Rus'. Naturally, the breed was not widespread, but in high circles, Italian Greyhounds were known and appreciated. Proof of this can be considered a stuffed Italian Greyhound, which is one of the exhibits of the St. Petersburg Museum. It is believed that this particular dog was the favorite of Peter the Great, a member of the Romanov family, the first All-Russian Emperor and the last ruler of all Rus'.

Italian Greyhounds as we know them today have gone through a major crisis. Due to active inbreeding, by the end of the 19th century, the breed's population had practically degenerated. In addition, the surviving dogs could not be used for breeding, since they were the “products” of repeated incests. In order to preserve the original appearance and dilute the blood, breeders are forced to take extreme measures - active interbreed matings. Italian greyhounds were bred with the English miniature greyhound Whippet, which made it possible to preserve the physiological type. To keep the breed within small growth limits, Miniature Pinschers were also introduced into breeding work.

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This is interesting! The unusual name, Italian Greyhound, comes from the 15th–16th centuries. The sound is similar to the French pronunciation of the word hare. The modern approval of the name came with the spelling official standard breeds in the 30s of the XX century.


The official description of the breed is replete with terms - noble, elegant, unimaginable... and there is no point in arguing with these characteristics. Despite their main purpose - fast, dynamic hunting, for example, a hare, Italian Greyhounds are more associated with companion dogs. The sizes are the same for both sexes, and it is difficult to name any special differences between males and females. The weight of dogs should not exceed 5 kg, and height ranges from 32 to 38 cm. When assessing Italian Greyhounds, body proportions play an important role. For example, the length of the body along an oblique line is approximately equal to the height.

This is interesting! Italian Greyhounds have a rather long head and a pointed muzzle. Sometimes, the total length of the skull and facial part reaches 40% of the length of the dog’s height at the withers!

Breed standard

  • Head– in the shape of an elongated, pointed wedge, dry, graceful, streamlined. The forehead is almost flat, barely noticeably blending into the muzzle. The lines of the muzzle and skull are parallel and the lengths are equal. The area under the eyes and cheeks are not full, toned. The chewing muscles are well developed, but flat and not pronounced. The lips are very thin, tense, highly pigmented dark color, completely hide the lower jaw and teeth, and should not sag or form a pocket in the corner of the mouth.
  • Teeth– compared to the miniature size of the dog, they are strong and large, white, set straight, close together correct bite no gap. The jaw is deep, with a fairly strong grip, the end of the muzzle and the outer line of the jaw are neatly rounded.
  • Nose– small, round, with wide nostrils, preferred pigmentation – black.
  • Eyes- With inherent in the breed, shy expression. Should not be depressed or too convex. Planted at medium width and height. The eye color is as dark as possible, in harmony with the color. The eyelids are very dense, fully pigmented.
  • Ears– semi-standing format, thin, movable. In a calm state, they are laid back, the bend lies along the line of the neck. When the dog is alert and the bases of the ears are raised, the tips are directed to the sides, “popularly”, this type is called helicopter ears.
  • Body– elongated format, but taking into account the length of the neck and the position of the head, the silhouette should fit into an imaginary square. The entire body is covered with elastic, tight-fitting leather. The only exception is the area behind the elbows of the front paws, where the skin forms small pockets. The neck is graceful, muscular, with a well-defined curve, visually separated from the withers. Rib cage voluminous, but narrow, the ribs are well drawn back, deep, the sternum reaches the elbows. The line of the back starts from the pronounced withers, sloping, the loin is convex, smoothly turning into a rounded croup.
  • Limbs– proportional thickness with lean muscles, smooth, with joints directed backwards. The muscles of the thighs are quite voluminous, although dry. All joints are strong and at good angles. Visually, the placement of the paws demonstrates the ability to develop great speed and maneuver. The hands are oval, with well-knit fingers, strong dark nails and pads pigmented to match the color of the coat. The hind toes are slightly shorter than the front toes; the dewclaws should be removed.
  • Tail- thin along the entire length, but still with a noticeable thinning towards the end. In the first two thirds the tail is straight, in the last it is slightly curved with a saber. Carried low, between the hind legs or at the level of the back.

Coat type and color

The guard hair is very short, thin, but dense. The slightest hint of feathering or semi-long hair is considered a gross fault. The colors of Italian Greyhounds are also strictly limited:

  • Solid black.
  • Solid gray in shades, up to blue.
  • Solid red, listed in the standard as isabella.
  • For all colors, white markings on the legs and chest are acceptable, but not desirable.

Character and training

As is common with greyhounds, the working character of Italian Greyhounds manifests itself at the most unexpected moment. In an instant, the dreaming dog reaches the speed of a racehorse with the clear intention of catching “game.” The nature of the attack is similar to Greyhounds; the dog strives to grab its prey by the neck and strangle it. Please note that a stray cat can become an alternative game and you should not delude yourself with the pet’s low weight.

All of the above will not surprise dog lovers who have experience raising hunting breeds. Now it’s worth discussing the features. The epithets addressed to the Italian Greyhound, praising in every possible way, hide one small nuance - the breed desires, and hysterically, the love of everyone who is nearby. It’s hard to describe in words, but the Italian Greyhound could easily become the face of a trading company with the slogan: “Don’t you love me yet? Then I’m coming to you!” This in no way spoils the characteristics of the breed, but know that if you do not admire the four-legged shy woman, then her guilty, modest, soul-piercing gaze will haunt you even in your sleep.

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Italian Greyhound puppies, like adults, are very energetic and active, and go from calm state to active instantly. A feature worth considering when walking in the city, especially near the roadway. IN childhood, four-legged animals are characterized by primitive puppy games; in adults, dogs prefer “races for survival.” A pet, let off a leash, can run around the park for hours, looking into holes, under bushes and logs. If you have a hound or greyhound in your company, you can continue the walk until the morning. And here it is worth noting the following nuance - never distract the dog if it is running at high speed. The maneuverability of the dog is directly related to his concentration; by calling the dog at the wrong time, you scatter his attention, which can lead to a collision with an obstacle. No exaggerations! Greyhounds that do not have time to maneuver may fall to their death.

Note! Italian Greyhounds do not have a well-developed defensive reaction, that is, they could hypothetically be afraid of an aggressive person or dog. It is important to overcome fears in the embryonic state, and this is only possible with active socialization.

In relation to the family and the owner, the breed is very devoted, the Italian Greyhound shows especially reverent attitude towards small children. A dog can “meditate” over a baby’s cradle for hours or decide to move to the nursery without informing the owner. There is no need to be afraid of any special aggression when protecting a child; the main goal of a tailed nanny is to control the condition of the little one, whether he is cold or hungry. It is known that the breed is considered therapeutic and is called a therapy dog. Healing manifests itself in warming and licking the sore spot.

Note! Italian Greyhounds are tolerant of any other animals in the house, even rodents and mustelids. Metamorphosis is difficult to explain; perhaps “familiarity” is associated with the ability to divide animals into “friends and foes.”

With the right approach, Italian Greyhound is excellent at learning all basic and additional commands. However, full training is impossible without socialization; the dog will simply be “shy” of the outside world. Representatives of the breed should not succumb to moral pressure or physical coercion. The only acceptable training tactics are motivation and encouragement.

A short-haired, fur-free dog should be kept only in a dwelling; an apartment or a house with a plot is not so important. It is worth understanding that in the cold season, the dog is literally defenseless and can catch a cold from hypothermia. For walks in frosty and inclement weather, you will need clothes for Italian Greyhounds, several sets: winter, demi-season and moisture-protecting. In particularly harsh climates, in order to maintain cleanliness, and sometimes to complete the look, owners also purchase shoes for the Italian Greyhound. The remedy is really justified if there is a risk of frostbite of the extremities. IN Lately, in favor of shoes for dogs, there is also a theory about “reagents” that react with the skin (in snowy or wet weather). There are no facts yet confirming the strict necessity of wearing shoes, and slogans about reagents are actively disseminated only by companies that produce those same shoes.

The Italian greyhound, perceived exclusively as a decorative dog, is still a greyhound. Work assignments require long and active walks. If your schedule does not allow you to walk your pet 2-3 times a day (one walk lasts at least 2 hours), then you should think about the relevance of buying a puppy. It would also be a good idea to visit sports grounds equipped for agility or other tests. Given the good memory of the breed, the ward can be taught literally anything. If you live near a body of water, it is worth teaching your pet to swim from childhood, since there is simply no more optimal activity for maintaining physical fitness.

Grooming involves brushing with a soft or rubberized brush. Shedding, despite the short hair, is very noticeable, especially in females. Daily brushing with a rubberized mitten will reduce the discomfort from changing coats to a minimum. Swimming is carried out only in season or in case of emergency. Italian Greyhound's skin is practically not protected, and contact even with clean water damages the body's natural lubrication. When bathing, use only specialized shampoos for short-haired dogs with sensitive skin.

The Italian Greyhound is decorative breed, but before, ladies took her to social events and hunting. The animal hunted rabbits, hence the name. A small and graceful dog will become a devoted friend to its owner. Translated from French, the word means “hare”.

A sweet and gentle creature will charm anyone. Pre this dog, she is kind to small children. The animal demands love and adoration from everyone.

It was known back in Ancient Egypt. During excavations of the burials of the pharaohs, the remains of greyhound dogs were found. Cleopatra took them with her on her travels. Then the animals came to Greece, and from there they were brought to Italy. During the Renaissance, this baby was especially popular among aristocrats. Legends were made about her. The Italian greyhound breed became an adornment of royal courts.

Frederick the Great was a fan of Italian greyhounds; he loved these animals for their intelligence and devotion. The British also preferred Italian greyhounds. Henry VIII Tudor was fond of this breed. Charles I kept many Italian greyhounds. Italian greyhounds are present on the canvases of artists depicting noble people.

The number of dogs declined in the 19th century due to constant inbreeding. Therefore, breeders used interbreed matings: with the English greyhound, .

  • This breed is preferred by lovers of decorative dogs; in Italy it is still used for hunting.

Description of the breed

Despite its speed and dynamism, the Italian Greyhound dog breed is associated with a companion dog. The weight of the animal does not exceed 5 kg, and its height ranges from 32–38 cm. The dog has an elongated head, streamlined in shape. Her forehead is almost flat, her nose is small, rounded. Semi-erect ears, thin and mobile. Strong and large teeth are not typical for small dogs.

The length of the body is equal to the height at the withers. The Italian Greyhound is distinguished by its light bone weight and well-developed muscles. The skin color matches the coat tone. The Greyhound's loin is slightly curved, its chest is narrow, and its ribs are long.

The coat is short and shiny. The skin is soft, there are no folds or wrinkles on it. The animal has a long, pointed muzzle and thin, hanging ears that are set high. Big eyes, an attentive look speaks of the animal’s devotion.

A thin, long tail that hangs down and is slightly curved at the end. If the Italian greyhound moves, it remains below the level of the back. According to the description of the breed, the animal has elongated paws and small claws. It is distinguished by graceful movements.

Miniature and harmonious, has a thin and graceful body. Puppies are not similar to adults, so it is better to choose a pet after meeting its parents. In this matter, you need to take the help of an experienced expert.

Character and training

Representatives of this breed are active and mobile. Instantly develops great speed in pursuit of prey. She catches the victim by the neck and strangles him. If a dog is let off a leash, it can run around the park for hours.

This breed is believed to heal humans. The animal tries to warm and lick the sore spot. She gets along well with other pets.

How a puppy grows up depends on its owner. Italian Greyhound can become sedate and important dog or playful and willful.

She loves to go outside with her owner. With its grace and elegance it resembles a cat. They are gentle and patient creatures, often timid by nature.

Perfect for single people and families with children. Perfectly adapts to the person in whose house it ends up. When seeing unfamiliar people, as well as dogs, the Italian greyhound behaves warily.

  • With proper care, the Italian greyhound is easy to train. It is better to start working with a puppy from 3 months of age. The baby should not be afraid of transport, loud music. Italian Greyhound puppies require early socialization.

When walking, it is better to keep it on a leash so that it does not rush off after a cat or bird. They are smart, but stubborn. When raising and training the owner will need patience. It's easy to teach her tricks. Its character is the same as that of large greyhounds. Italian Greyhounds love outdoor games and often take part in various competitions.

Short-haired, without down, should be kept in an apartment or private house. She can easily catch a cold if she is hypothermic.

For walks in the cold season, you need to take care of clothes for your pet. Many owners buy special shoes for their pet. They visit special sports grounds with the Italian greyhound and teach them to swim from childhood.

Groom the coat of a miniature Italian greyhound with a soft brush. Combing your pet with a rubberized mitten will help get rid of discomfort when changing coat.

Bath your pet in the warm season or in case of emergency. During water procedures use only shampoos intended for short-haired dogs with sensitive skin.

The condition of the eyes is monitored daily, preventive examination The pet is taken to the veterinarian once every six months. The Small Italian Greyhound is prone to ophthalmic diseases.

  • Ears are cleaned once every 2-3 weeks. The claws are checked for chips and cracking. With full-fledged walks, they wear out naturally. The animal does not need special care, he needs the love and care of his owner.

Italian Greyhound's food

The condition of the dog and its activity depend on food. Breeders never stop arguing about whether to give natural products or dry food. If you choose the second option, then it is important to purchase high quality products.

When using dry food, you do not need to prepare your own food. The portion required for the pet is always indicated on the packaging. They are taken on trips and do not spoil for a long time. However, such food is expensive and puts a strain on the liver.

If the owner feeds an Italian Greyhound dog with natural food, it should include useful material, vitamins for pets. The diet includes:

  1. Porridge;
  2. Lean meat;
  3. Boiled offal;
  4. Vegetables and fruits;
  5. Vegetable oil;
  6. Fish;
  7. Greenery.
  8. Dairy products with minimal fat content.

It is forbidden to give: smoked products, add seasonings to dishes, cook legumes. You should not feed him sweets, bread, or poultry bones.

Pet health

The average lifespan of an Italian Greyhound dog is 12–15 years. The diseases that representatives of this breed suffer from are associated with the structure of the animal and the genus of greyhounds. Representatives of the breed have cataracts and glaucoma. These ailments lead to partial or complete loss of vision. The disease affects one or both eyes. Retinal dystrophy and atrophy is possible with congenital anomalies or acquired with age.

Cryptorchidism occurs in male dogs, when incomplete descent of the testes into the scrotum occurs. The disease is cured through surgery. Epilepsy is rare and cannot be treated. They are fighting an illness resulting from an injury. But no veterinarian can guarantee a complete recovery. Dogs are prone to injury due to their fragile structure.

Four-legged pets suffer from baldness. It is typical for individuals with weakened color; the black Italian Greyhound does not suffer from this disease. You should carefully monitor your pet's games with children and large dogs.

How much does a puppy cost?

You can meet this breed at exhibitions and in special nurseries. If you buy an animal with a pedigree, you will have to pay $1000. The cost of rejected puppies that are not suitable for breeding ranges from $350. Italian greyhound dogs rare breed, there are 2-4 puppies in a litter, so they are not cheap.

They are purchased by wealthy people who love to travel. If you train your dog to sleep in a crate, it will become his home.

It's easy to hide in such a corner. If you have guests, you can close the house. When going on a trip, you can take the animal with you. Your pet will be cozy and comfortable in the cage; he will easily endure traveling in transport.

When purchasing a pet, think about whether you have the strength and patience to raise and train. If your pet gets sick, she will have to devote a lot of time and pay for veterinarians to cure it. This breed becomes strongly attached to its owner and requires attention and care. A graceful and kind little girl, she will definitely become a family favorite.

The roots of the Italian Greyhound breed, like its closest relatives, should be sought in Ancient Egypt. It was in the Nile Valley that the first images of small greyhounds were discovered, with which the pharaohs and the rest of the Egyptian nobility loved to populate their chambers. Gradually, the habitat of the animals expanded, and dogs ended up in Greece, and in the 5th century BC they were already being bred with might and main in Ancient Rome, as evidenced by drawings preserved in Pompeii.

During the Renaissance, a real boom began in the ancestors of Italian Greyhounds. European monarchs and bohemians kept dogs by the dozen, extolling their amazing sensitivity and devotion to humans. The Medici dynasty had a particular weakness for animals. There were a lot of legends about the breed, which was then called the Italian Greyhound. In particular, the King of Prussia and also a great lover of Italian greyhounds, Frederick the Great, argued that if his pet had not shown prudence - that is, remained silent - at the moment when the emperor was hiding from his pursuers, the history of the principality would have received a completely different development. It is easy to understand the delight of the crowned lady: Italian greyhounds have never been known for their silence, so the fact that the four-legged friend “did not surrender” the king to the enemies is truly surprising.

You can judge the fashion for the breed by looking at the paintings of those times. Titian, Van Dyck, Albrecht Dürer and a whole galaxy of eminent painters and engravers literally could not cope with orders ordering the immortalization of Italian greyhounds on canvases on which the animals appeared as constant companions of nobles and monarchs. TO 19th century The hype around Italian greyhounds began to subside, which pushed breeders to extreme extremes in the animals’ exterior appearance. In attempts to reduce the size of already small greyhounds, owners went to extremes, which the English Kennel Club managed to stop only in 1873. At that time, the organization was seriously engaged in standardizing breeds, and mini Italian greyhounds did not fit into the parameters approved by the club.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Italian Greyhounds had become rare, unpopular and rapidly degenerating pets. Only at the turn of the 20s and 30s did the animals manage to attract the attention of breeders who began updating and stabilizing the breed’s qualities. Thus, the gene pool of Italian greyhounds was replenished with genes from the Whippet and miniature pinscher. The appearance of small Italian greyhounds in Russia is usually associated with the name of Peter I, who was given the four-legged pet as a gift. Subsequently, the image of these graceful dogs was successfully replicated by Catherine the Great, but after the 1917 revolution, the number of Italian Greyhounds in our country decreased sharply. The interest of domestic breeders in the breed was renewed only in the mid-70s, when several purebred producers from Italy moved to Soviet nurseries.

Famous Italian Greyhound owners:

  • Cleopatra;
  • Julius Caesar;
  • Frederick II;
  • Queen Victoria;
  • Sigourney Weaver;
  • Vladimir Sorokin;
  • Ilona Bronevitskaya.

Video: Italian Greyhound

Italian greyhound breed standard

The Italian Greyhound is a graceful aristocrat who has retained the exquisite sophistication of the silhouette of her ancestor, the Greyhound. Like any greyhound, the Italian greyhound has a somewhat ascetic figure. At the same time, it is a fairly muscular and playful dog, capable of developing decent speed in pursuit.


The flat, narrow head of the Italian greyhound is distinguished by well-protruding brow ridges and weakly drawn stops and the back of the head. The dog's muzzle is pointed like a fox.

Jaws and teeth

The jaws of the Lesser Italian Greyhound are characterized by an elongated shape and a scissor bite. The teeth are strong, crown-shaped incisors.


The nostrils are wide and well opened. The lobe is dark, ideally black.


The round eyes of Italian Greyhounds, bordered by black eyelids, are not too deep-set, but not protruding either. The preferred color of the iris is dark brown.


Italian Greyhounds have very miniature, raised and tilted back ears with thin cartilage. If something attracts the dog’s attention, the base of the cartilage stands vertically, and the canvas itself is moved to the side (the so-called “flying ears”).


The muscular, tapered necks of Italian Greyhounds are steeply arched and meet the withers at a sharp angle. At the throat, the neck is slightly curved, while the skin is stretched tightly and does not form folds.


The bodies of Italian greyhounds tend to be square in shape. All breed individuals have a straight back with a slight bend in the lumbar region, a wide croup and a narrow, strong chest, lowered to the level of the elbows.


The front legs of Italian Greyhounds are rather dry and set strictly vertically. The shoulder blades are distinguished by moderately developed muscles and a barely noticeable slope. Elbows without obvious eversion in either direction, pasterns dry, slightly inclined. The hind limbs of dogs are straight and relatively graceful. The thighs look distinctly elongated, the shins are set at a strong angle, the metatarsals are parallel to each other. The paws of small Italian greyhounds are almost oval in shape (the hind ones are more rounded), with well-arched toes and small pads.


The Italian Greyhound's tail, thin along its entire length, is set low and covered with short, silky hair. The tail is straight at the base, but as it approaches the tip, a distinct bend appears.


The coat of Italian Greyhounds is ultra-short, not coarse, evenly covering all parts of the body.


The basic types of colors for Italian Greyhounds are plain gray, beige (Isabella) and black. All shades of the listed colors are also acceptable.

Disqualifying faults

  • Partial or complete depigmentation of the lobe.
  • Convergence or divergence of the axes of the skull and muzzle.
  • Tail raised above the back.
  • The bridge of the nose is humped or concave.
  • Congenital malocclusion.
  • Light skin of the eyelids.
  • Belmo.
  • Tail too short (tip above hocks).
  • Unremoved dewclaws.
  • Uneven color (white areas under the throat and on the paws are acceptable).
  • Insufficient (less than 32 cm) or excessive (above 38 cm) height.

Like representatives of other breeds, Italian greyhounds are disqualified for deviations in behavior. For example, if a dog growls at members of the commission or runs away as fast as he can in an attempt to hide.

Italian greyhound character

By temperament type, Italian Greyhounds are clearly choleric: excitable, impetuous, hyper-emotional. Bringing an Italian greyhound into your home, you will have to give up the dream of personal space and weekends watching TV or dancing. The overwhelming majority of these smart girls do not agree to put up with the silence and detachment of the owner, since the meaning of life for Italian Greyhounds is continuous contact with a person and a little hunting. Have you already become afraid of such phenomenal obsession? And it’s completely in vain, because small Italian greyhounds are too smart to hang on your hands for hours.

Do not be fooled by the external aristocracy of the breed. Like any hound, the Italian Greyhound loves to play pranks on a grand scale. Chewed Louboutins and a gutted handbag, wallpaper with designer claw stripes and a hair tie frayed to the point of a washcloth - this is far from full list daily exploits of an Italian greyhound. In addition, you will have to take into account the fact that psychologically dogs mature slowly. For example, females exhibit puppy-like behavior until they are one year old, while males remain children until they are two years old.

Surprisingly, temperament and increased emotionality do not prevent Italian Greyhounds from making friends. In particular, Italian Greyhounds love children very much and willingly make contact with them. They do not see competitors in cats and other dogs with whom they were raised together. But the animal’s loyalty does not extend to small animals like rodents and birds - the hunting habits of the ancestors are triggered.

The favorite places for Italian Greyhounds to be located in an apartment are any horizontal elevations, including chairs, window sills and bedside tables, that is, all those cozy areas that, by definition, are assigned to cats and to which the dog will be able to jump. And she almost always succeeds. These elegant “Italians” will not hesitate to look under the master’s blanket if it suddenly gets cold in the apartment. Separately, it is worth mentioning the “vocality” of the breed. Squealing and barking are as natural for Italian Greyhounds as it is for a person to talk, so don’t even try to restrain such impulses: dogs won’t understand you.

Education and training

Italian greyhounds do not show much zeal in their studies. Possessing a tenacious, inquisitive mind, these graceful darlings of fate are sincerely perplexed: why force yourself to do something if you can simply enjoy life and communication with your beloved owner? In the first weeks after the puppy moves to a new home, set the boundaries of what is permitted and assert your own authority. Believe me, Italian Greyhounds are capable of not only breaking your mimemeter, but also throwing any training course down the drain.

Testing the patience and perseverance of the owner is a favorite pastime of teenage puppies. Execute a command on demand for a treat? No, Italian Greyhounds don’t give up that easily. First, you need to ignore the owner’s requests ten times, then do about the same number of small dirty tricks (for example, go past the tray), and only after all the tricks can you try to meet the person halfway. Unless, of course, by that time he had not cursed everything in the world and given up training forever.

In everyday life, Italian greyhounds are no less terrible manipulators, for whom any exceptions are contraindicated. Do you want to raise a cheeky little beggar? Treat your ward to a piece from your plate. Congratulations, the test for spinelessness in the eyes of a pet has been passed. Now, when you sit down at the table, you will be looking at an Italian Greyhound nearby, squealing with impatience, demanding its portion of the delicacy. At the same time, it is quite possible to accustom a dog to order without sinning with violence and unfair restrictions. Standard training courses for greyhounds are suitable for this.

In addition to the traditional OKD, Italian Greyhounds can be fascinated by sports disciplines: small Italian greyhounds are crazy about coursing, but in the absence of the opportunity to chase an electronic hare, agility will also do. However, fans of the breed argue that it is almost impossible to find two Italian Greyhounds who have the same preferences and characters, so choosing a sport for each individual Greyhound will have to be done by trial and error, taking into account the individual interests of the pet.

The behavior of an Italian greyhound in the house is the behavior of an average cat. For example, there is no greater happiness for an animal than diving under the blanket of its owner and quietly snoring inside this makeshift house. If there is no opportunity to occupy the owner's bed, the Italian Greyhound will sit on the windowsill, closely watching what is happening in the yard, or lie on the armrests of the chairs. Of course, like any decorative dog, the Italian greyhound needs a personal corner with a cozy basket, or better yet, a mini-cottage. True, you will only see your pet in its shelter for half an hour to an hour a day, because the rest of the time the animal will spend outside it.

An incurious Italian Greyhound - an incorrect Italian Greyhound - is an axiom that does not require proof. The dog will always poke its nose wherever possible, which does not mean its bad manners. Let’s not forget that the great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers of miniature whims were ordinary hunters, for whom curiosity was a full-fledged working quality. It will not be possible to wean an animal from the habit of going where they are not asked, so there are only two ways out: do not lose vigilance 24 hours a day, completely taking the pet “under the hood,” or do not get an Italian greyhound at all.

It’s worth mentioning separately about toys for dogs, which Italian Greyhounds can’t do without. Usually small greyhounds are indescribably delighted with silicone balls and squeakers. But if your pet catches his eye on a teddy bear or something smaller, but just as soft, he will fall into real ecstasy, from which he will only come out after thoroughly gutting the toy. Well, a little about the toilet: Italian greyhounds are able to learn to go to the litter box or to the newspaper, but they will not always be good boys in this regard. You need to be mentally prepared for sudden “heaps” and “puddles”.


Typically, caring for Italian Greyhounds is limited to weekly combing of the coat and bathing once every 10-12 days using pet shampoo for short-haired breeds. By the way, even Italian greyhounds who neglect regular baths do not smell like dogs at all. There are also few worries with the dog's eyes. Standard prevention of souring of the mucous membrane is sufficient, that is, wiping the eyes with a cloth soaked in cooled tea or chamomile infusion. However, if inner part the eyelids have acquired a reddish tint, and the eye looks swollen, herbal decoctions are not helpful here. Moreover, experiments with natural medicines may result in poor vision if a visit to the veterinarian is delayed for some reason.

Like many lap dogs, Italian Greyhounds’ claws do not grind down, so once a month the pet will have to have a “pedicure” session - a nail clipper for small breeds and a sanding file to help. It is better to clean your mouth once a week so as not to accumulate plaque on your teeth. Don’t expect any particular joy from the animal during the process, but individuals who are accustomed to the procedure from early childhood are usually able to complete what they started. The main thing is to find a suitable attachment for the miniature Italian Greyhound’s mouth. If one is not found, a regular children's toothbrush will do. Examining the ears of an Italian Greyhound is not the most pleasant job, but it is necessary. Once every seven days, unroll the ear flap and look inside ear canal. If dirt and wax are visible inside, remove it with a damp cotton ball or use veterinary lotion.

Walking, physical activity and rules of safe behavior on the street

Although the Italian greyhound is small, it is still a greyhound, so in order to feel normal, it needs to “have a blast” somewhere every day. If coursing and agility don’t work out for you, compensate your animal for the lack of sports with intensive walking. Just remember to dress your pet in overalls and blankets in cold weather. An Italian greyhound shaking from an overabundance of emotions and cold is a sight both comical and pitiful at the same time. However, even if you manage to get your ward out of the entrance in damp, chilly weather, in a minute he will dive back into the apartment. Italian Greyhounds absolutely cannot stand bad weather, and even the most interesting walk will not make them refuse the opportunity to take a nap in the warmth and dryness.

It is important to understand that for the Italian greyhound, the street is like a fascinating series for a person: it draws you in so much that it is impossible to tear yourself away. Having breathed fresh air into his lungs, the four-legged merry fellow immediately switches his attention to external stimuli, and the owner’s requirements in the list of dog preferences are in penultimate place. Within the city, dog handlers do not recommend letting Italian Greyhounds off the leash at all. Firstly, driven by hunting instincts, they can disappear from sight if they see a pigeon or mouse on the horizon. And secondly, Italian Greyhounds are very hungry for food, so they will pick up any strong-smelling piece from the ground, no matter how much you shout “Ugh!”

But it’s great to go on a picnic and fishing with Italian Greyhounds. Once in the wild, the dogs first go a little crazy with happiness, after which they begin to practice hunting. Don’t be surprised if one day a rather battered, long-eared creature is dragged to your fire. Some individuals have such strong hunting skills that they are able to catch small game without prior training.

All Italian greyhounds are desperate party girls, so if you come across a dog get-together while out for a walk, your ward will definitely express a desire to communicate with its participants. You shouldn’t frantically tug on the animal’s leash, trying to protect it from the wrath of man’s four-legged friends. Little greyhounds are aware of what a collective hierarchy is and never get into trouble.


Italian Greyhounds, despite their slight build, are classic meat eaters, but this does not mean that they need to be fed with tenderloin and marbled beef. Italian Greyhounds can't see significant difference between elite varieties of meat and obvious substandard ones. Moreover, sinewy, windy, stuffed cartilage tissue the pieces are even healthier for them than the fresh product. The “meat diet” of Italian greyhounds is supplemented by boiled beef tripe, boneless sea fish, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge - in general, everything that is found in other breeds. Fruits and vegetables are introduced into the dog’s diet gradually so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. They are usually given raw in the form of salad or shavings, seasoned with vegetable oil.

Feeding Italian greyhounds industrial feed– a fairly common nutrition option, the main advantage of which is balance. If animals eat high-quality dried food, they do not need vitamin supplements. In the case of natural products, this option is not suitable, and you will have to spend money on mineral supplements.

Health and disease of Italian greyhounds

The miniature nature of Italian Greyhounds suggests the fragility and sickness of the breed. In fact, small Italian greyhounds are extremely hardy and strong dogs, although they are not without genetic ailments. For example, they have a hereditary predisposition to Perthes disease (a joint disease) and epilepsy. Well, Italian greyhounds usually retire with an incomplete set of teeth and age-related eye problems, including juvenile cataracts, glaucoma, corneal dystrophy and retinal atrophy.

How to choose a puppy

  • If there is already an Italian greyhound at home and you want to find her company, choose a puppy of the same gender as your pet.
  • Male Italian Greyhounds are more open and flexible. But the “girls” are big intriguers and obvious leaders who know how to crush any dog, even a large one. By the way, female Italian Greyhounds, like “boys”, can also mark their territory.
  • If a pet is planning a show career, it is worth finding out how successful its parents were in this matter. No one has canceled heredity.
  • Look into the mouth of an Italian Greyhound puppy that its owner has prepared for sale. A normally developing baby should have six incisors on both jaws by the age of two months.
  • U healthy puppies there should be no hint of a hernia. The ideal size of the navel for a one and a half month old animal is about half the size of a pea.
  • Small Italian greyhound puppies are distributed from one and a half months to adolescence. A teenage Italian greyhound will cost more, because older dog, the more clearly its exterior potential is visible. But raising older puppies is more difficult, especially if the breeder did not bother to instill basic etiquette in the dogs.
  • In order not to miss the start, periodically ask to visit the breeder under the pretext of “seeing how the reserved baby lives.” This will make it easier to assess the atmosphere in the nursery and sanitary conditions.

Italian greyhound price

A club Italian Greyhound without obvious external defects and with a good pedigree will lighten your wallet by at least 30,000 - 40,000 rubles. More elite options are puppies with impeccable exterior from international champion producers, whose cost varies from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles. Mixed breeds, animals without documents, pronounced breeding go for an average of 5,000 - 10,000 rubles.

A breed that will not leave anyone indifferent, graceful, enchanting with its elegance - the Italian Greyhound. Active, intelligent, tactful dogs attract people different ages and characters.

Quick wits
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Italy
Lifespan 15 years
Price20-80 tr.
Male heightup to 38 cm.
Bitch heightup to 38 cm.
Male weightup to 5 kg.
Bitch weightup to 5 kg.

History of the origin of the Italian greyhound breed

The origin dates back to the period of Ancient Rome and Egypt. There is still no single version of the territorial origin of the Italian Greyhound; according to the two most famous versions, the first representatives of the breed appeared in Turkey and Greece, or the Persian state and Egypt. Due to their wide distribution and popularity among Italian aristocrats during the Renaissance, these dogs quickly acquired a second name - the Italian greyhound. Then from Italy the breed was brought to England. Large greyhounds are also considered the ancestors.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Italian Italian greyhound became so popular that it was found in almost all European countries. During this period, dogs were still used for hunting, but more often they were bred as companions. Breeders sought to reduce growth, as a result of which defects became common and began to appear various pathologies, the appearance of the Italian greyhound suffered, which became less proportional. In the 19th and 20th centuries, a club was created that was dedicated to returning representatives of the breed to their former appearance. World wars significantly reduced the population, but thanks to the remaining population in America, the Italian Greyhound was able to quickly revive and begin to spread again throughout the world.

Italian Greyhound appearance

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their miniature size (no more than 38 cm). Italian Greyhounds are divided by weight: some weigh up to 3.5 kg, others - 3.5-5 kg. The Italian Greyhound dog breed is distinguished by its elegance, sophistication, important factor is the overall harmony of the physique.

The muzzle is long, thin, gradually and evenly tapering from the ears to the nose. The eyes are bulging, quite large, round. The ears are set high, curved back, and depending on the dog’s mood, they can be raised or pressed down. The body is quite narrow. The chest is flat and set high. The tail is thin, low, and always tucked or lowered. Depending on the country, there are several color options for the Italian Greyhound. The following are accepted in Russia:

  • gray, various shades;
  • black;
  • isabella

White hair is not desirable, but is acceptable on the paws and chest. The rest of the color should be a solid color.

It is worth considering that Italian greyhound puppies do not particularly resemble an adult, so before choosing and purchasing, you need to see the parents of the future pet.

Italian greyhound character

The Italian greyhound dog breed, these days, is primarily considered a companion, since by nature they are friendly, friendly, and quite energetic.

Having once looked at their thin, skinny body, any person will consider Italian Greyhounds to be fragile, weak, and timid. However, this is fundamentally wrong. In fact, greyhounds are very strong and resilient, so they never resist long walks and love active games. For these reasons, in some countries they are still involved in hare hunting. The Italian Greyhound is delicate, understanding, and sensitive; it will get along well not only with a young family, but will also become a favorite pet for older people. Italian Greyhounds are able to sense the mood of the people around them and easily adapt to it. They are also not at all aggressive and can easily get along with small children. But don’t think that they are childish; if necessary, a four-legged friend can stand up for himself.

Italian Greyhounds do not like loneliness or confined spaces. They get along well with other pets, although when meeting them you should take into account the hunting background of these greyhounds.


Since early socialization is important for an Italian Greyhound, the sooner you start working with it, the better. Of course, everything should happen taking into account the vaccination quarantine:

  • home training can begin from the moment you purchase a puppy;
  • street - from 3-4 months.

From the very day a dog appears in the house, it should be shown who is in charge. Italian Greyhound puppies love to play pranks, but you should not allow your baby to play pranks in the house unattended, otherwise he will grow up to be an uncontrollable hooligan. In addition, it should be remembered that uncontrolled “craziness” can be traumatic. Of course, you should not punish for manifestations of a cheerful character; it is enough to teach your pet to control itself and translate such behavior into calm games. Remember that the punishment must be adequate, not too strict, not cruel, otherwise it will not be possible to regain trust. The puppy must be fully aware of why he is being punished.

The Italian greyhound dog breed respects strength and strong character, so it will quickly begin to obey just such a person. They are smart, but for the most part they have no interest in training and do not try to learn new commands. With some persistence, it is, of course, possible to teach them some commands, but a fairly large amount of patience will be required, since the pet will test it regularly.

Be sure to learn the calling commands with your four-legged friend - to me, here, next to me - otherwise you will only be able to walk on a leash.

How to choose a puppy

It is advisable to devote more time to the issue of choosing and purchasing a puppy, because some defects are not noticeable at first glance. This is especially true for those who are planning a further exhibition or sports career for their small greyhound. As already described above, it is not enough to see the baby himself; it is worth looking at his parents. It would be advisable to visit exhibitions. This will not only help you learn more about the ideal appearance and character of an Italian greyhound, but will also provide you with the opportunity to take a closer look at specific nurseries offering puppies of the breed you are interested in, as well as at certain manufacturers. This approach is considered correct, as it minimizes the risks of purchasing a sick or crossbred pet.

Once you have decided on a nursery, the next step is to gather more information. It is important to evaluate the living conditions of the dogs, inquire about the reputation of the breeders, and look at the already grown offspring. If this is your first dog, it is not recommended to make a choice based solely on a photograph or video. The best option visual observation of the babies’ behavior will begin, preferably within a couple of hours. Italian Greyhound puppies should be active, sociable, and smell good. The place of detention is clean and spacious.

The Italian greyhound dog breed is not popular, however, the price of puppies is quite reasonable and starts from 20,000 rubles.

Looking at such a pet, I would like to say that it is a very pampered and heat-loving creature. In general, this is true. The Italian greyhound dog breed really does not tolerate cold well. They are absolutely not suitable for being kept in an enclosure, especially on the street. The Italian Greyhound is a pet, but it is worth remembering that it is a greyhound, which means it requires significant physical activity. As a recommendation, we can advise going to a specialized pool, this will help preserve the dog’s physical characteristics and lose excess energy. If necessary, you can easily teach your puppy to eliminate his natural needs in the tray.

In terms of feeding, the Italian Greyhound dog breed is not too picky. They tolerate it well natural nutrition, and industrial feed. You just need to avoid or minimize in your diet foods that can provoke allergic reactions: chicken, legumes, buckwheat, etc.

Maintenance is not difficult. The dog's coat must be cleaned daily with a special glove. During the process, it is necessary to examine the pet and, as necessary, clean the eyes, teeth, and ears. You should wash your Italian greyhound only when absolutely necessary. Remember, a draft is extremely undesirable, so dry the animal’s fur thoroughly.

Health and illness

The life expectancy and health status of the Italian Greyhound directly depends on physical activity. If you pay enough attention to this issue, they often live up to 16 years. In general, the Italian Greyhound dog breed is considered one of the healthiest, but, of course, there are a number of diseases that they cannot avoid:

  • dental and periodontal diseases;
  • eye diseases (cataracts and glaucoma, retinal atrophy);
  • rare, but epilepsy and cryptorchidism occur;
  • Light-colored Italian Greyhound puppies may have receding hairlines (alopecia).

In addition, you should be aware of the fragility of the bones of these speed enthusiasts. Teach your pet to move more calmly and have better control of his body - this will help minimize the risk of injury. Remember that the Italian greyhound may simply not calculate the speed of stopping or see the object ahead too late. Otherwise, there are practically no difficulties, since Italian greyhounds themselves are not aggressive, but unfamiliar dogs are treated with suspicion.

Photo of Italian Greyhound

You can see a photo of the Italian Greyhound breed below; it has made quite a big contribution to the fine arts. In many paintings, ladies of high society were depicted with their favorites. Nowadays, a photo of a dog is becoming an element of the portfolio of many famous photographers.

Descriptions of these four-legged friends almost always begin with the words sophistication and elegance. Since ancient times, the Italian greyhound breed has been associated with aristocracy. If you feel that you are missing this, then this dog will be a good solution. Just don’t forget that, even if it’s small, it’s still a greyhound.

Italian Greyhounds are gentle and submissive dogs by nature. They are completely devoted to their owner and always listen to what he says.

Italian Greyhounds are not prone to destructive behavior except when they are bored, abused or stressed.

Playful and intelligent, these dogs make wonderful family companions. They can be especially vigilant and insightful. It is important not to be too harsh with Italian Greyhounds, as they tend to take their owner's instructions and tone very seriously. Understanding how to overcome their shy and timid nature will help ensure these dogs are properly managed.

Italian Greyhounds are good at sensing the mood and personality of their owner. They adapt best to a calm, natural habitat. In a tense situation, Italian Greyhounds need reassurance and stroking.

They are naturally independent, but at the same time depend on their owners to provide the peace they need. Italian Greyhounds tend to be irritable if they are scared, excited or embarrassed. They can be difficult to handle as they get agitated easily.

Italian Greyhounds are natural runners and can reach very high distances if necessary. high speeds. They are very active and can climb high fences, jump off tables and jump over small fences.

Italian Greyhounds do not get along well with large dogs because they are not well protected and can easily injure themselves.

These dogs, however, get along well with other Italian greyhounds and live well in pairs.

Italian Greyhounds have a natural tendency to be gentle and do well with children and even babies. However, they are easily agitated and may overreact.

These dogs are also not suitable for living with cats or other small dogs and can even scare away other animals with their harsh barking.

These are not very easy dogs to keep, however, with the right amount of attention, patience and consistency, many of the problems with this breed can be partially overcome.


Overall these are healthy dogs. The most common diseases found in dogs of this breed are:

  • Glaucoma
  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Juvenile cataract
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Epilepsy
  • Baldness
  • Color mutation alopecia


Italian Greyhounds have a short, silky coat that is very easy to maintain in good condition. Italian Greyhounds are one of the easiest dogs to care for. To keep your Italian Greyhound's coat silky and clean, all you need to do is regularly wipe it with a towel. You can bathe Italian Greyhounds as needed.

To prevent the formation of plaque and tartar, Italian greyhounds' teeth must be brushed regularly. A dog's toenails should always be trimmed.

Since Italian greyhounds are natural runners big amount energy, they need regular walks outside, at least once a day. These dogs enjoy running with their owners and make excellent companions for short runs.

Italian Greyhounds love to hunt and can look forward to playing hide and seek with their owners.

Daily walks and games with other dogs give Italian Greyhounds sufficient quantity stimulation to keep them happy, motivated and healthy.


Italian Greyhounds are excellent apartment dwellers, but they need large quantities places for freedom of movement. They enjoy a good walk and become very close to their owners after exercising together.

They love to lie on the grass and burrow in the sand. Italian Greyhounds are very sensitive to cold and must be dressed for cold weather.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description is typical for the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!