Miniature Pinscher and Miniature Pinscher differences. Miniature Pinscher: description of the breed, reviews, advantages

Loving and energetic miniature pinscher is the smallest service dog in the world. The breed, bred in Germany, is distinguished not only by its external grace, but also by its energetic disposition. Tireless dogs have an amazing dancing gait and proudly look around, as if showing everyone that they are not just anyone, but real miniature pinschers.

Description of the breed - photo

to his appearance miniature pinscher resembles a Doberman, although there is no relationship between these breeds. The dog weighs from 4 to 5 kg and can have a height at the withers of 25-30 cm. Official breed standards were adopted at the end of the 18th century. The first club for dwarf Doberman breeders was opened in 1895 in Germany. Since then, the breed began to develop, and pinschers began to be taken to exhibitions in other countries. At an exhibition in France, a miniature dog with a cheerful disposition was presented as a smooth-haired terrier, and she immediately became a public favorite.

Breed standards include:

  1. Well developed muscles and bones.
  2. High strong paws.
  3. The hind legs should be slightly longer than the front legs.
  4. Head proportional to the body.
  5. Thick and moderately long neck.
  6. Dark, oval eyes.
  7. Shiny and smooth coat. It can be brown-red or black-and-tan. In this case, the mark should be on inside hind legs, above the eyes, on the throat and in the form of two triangles on the chest. It must also have clear boundaries.

In addition, the pinscher Ears and tail must be docked However, many breeders do not torture animals and refuse docking.

A dog with a proud look has a pleasant character and loves the affection and attention of its owners. When purchasing a Pinscher, you must be prepared for what an energetic and playful pet will demand from you in the first year of life. new family a lot of attention.

Dwarf Doberman puppies are mischievous, so they need to be trained from a very early age. The naturally suspicious breed is prone to excessive barking. This problem must be eliminated from puppyhood, constantly communicating with the pet and teaching it to calmly receive guests who are friends of the owner. When taking your dog out for a walk, be sure to must be kept on a leash.

Miniature Pinscher puppies are easy to train, but only an owner whom they completely trust can raise and train them. In order not to harm your pet’s psyche, you need to start working with him gradually and very carefully. The breed loves various activities and new knowledge, so it will bring great pleasure to simple rules behavior and new commands.

Since dwarf Dobermans are independent and very curious by nature, they require constant supervision. But the character of the breed has such traits as affection, tenderness and energy, so pinschers get along well with children who understand that a dog is not a simple toy. The pet gets along well with other pets, but in relation to strangers can be aggressive.

Designed for hunting small animals, the breed can easily accompany you on a walk or amateur hunt.

Miniature Pinscher: maintenance, care, photo

This unpretentious breed requires an active lifestyle and constant attention. Dobermans do not like to be left alone at home, and if you do not pay attention to them for a long time, they begin to play with things that belong to the owner.

Dogs with short hair are constantly cold, so their place in the house must be given Special attention. It should not be on a draft or cold floor. The Doberman requires good, thick bedding, or even a special house. For winter walks, your pet must buy or sew warm clothes, otherwise the dog may get sick. The breed's paws begin to freeze already at -7C. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase boots for walking.

Pinschers do not feel well even in the heat. In such weather they are at risk of heatstroke. To avoid this, you need to take with you on a walk drinking water, and in very hot weather you can even wet your pet.

Even if your pet He is litter box trained and needs to be walked every day. It is best to do this twice a day for at least 30 minutes. During a walk, the dog should move actively, since the breed is prone to obesity.

Smooth-haired dogs need to be brushed several times a week. They consider this procedure a sign of affection and love it very much. But bathing pinschers is not recommended, since the pet can catch a cold easily. You should only wash your dog when necessary.

The breed cannot be picked up by the scruff of the neck or front paws. Such actions can damage the tendons. Therefore, it is better to carry your pet under your belly. A dog with a small weight does not have time to sharpen its claws while moving, so they need to be trimmed on time.

Features of feeding

You can feed the breed natural products or dry food. If the owner's choice fell on natural nutrition, then 40% of the pet’s diet should consist of raw meat. It is best to feed your Pinscher beef or horse meat. A third of the diet should consist of buckwheat, oatmeal or wheat porridge, which is mixed with meat. The dog's diet should also include stewed and fresh vegetables, which can be seasoned with a drop of sour cream or a small amount of vegetable oil.

The pinscher must receive food strictly on schedule and in such quantity that there is nothing left on the plate. If the dog stands near the bowl with sad eyes, then the portion can be increased a little. To prevent worms, garlic should be added to your pet's food from time to time.

If the pinscher eats dry food, then it needs to be taught from puppyhood. It is recommended to choose a special one for dogs small breeds premium or super premium food. Feed your pet strictly according to the instructions on the package. Dogs should not be overfed as this can lead to obesity and various other diseases.

Feeding the puppies

If your pet has whelped, then from the age of 4 weeks the puppies should begin to be weaned from their mother’s milk and natural food introduced into their diet. Approximate diet for puppies:

  • the first complementary food should be milk, preferably goat milk;
  • gradually the puppy is transferred to oatmeal porridge cooked in milk;
  • from 6 weeks beets, carrots, herbs and minced meat are added to the diet;
  • the puppy must eat cottage cheese;
  • vegetable salads can be dressed vegetable oil or sour cream;
  • Special vitamins are added to the diet, which are intended only for puppies.

Up to two months, small pinschers are fed 6 times a day, then 5 times a day, and six-month-old puppies – 4 times a day. A pet should eat three times a day per year, and an adult dog is transferred to two meals a day.

Where to buy a miniature pinscher?

There are no problems with purchasing dogs of this breed. For those who will not take their pet to various exhibitions, you can buy a dog through an advertisement on the Internet. Dogs with a breeding marriage or without a pedigree usually cost no more than 10,000 rubles.

In nurseries, miniature pinschers are sold with documents and cost from 10,000 to 20,000 thousand rubles. If a puppy has titled champion parents, and the smallest dog has excellent show prospects, then the price for it will be can reach 30,000 rubles.

Choosing a puppy

Anything can grow out of a small red or black-and-tan puppy, so it is not recommended to purchase it at a poultry market or from the hands of a pet. To ensure a guaranteed purchase, it is best to choose a small Doberman from a reputable breeder.

The puppy must be active, nimble and courageous. It is better not to adopt a dog that runs cowardly or is aggressive. Sitting down in front of the whole litter, you need to call all the puppies, and the dog that happily runs up to you first, shows curiosity and friendliness, may turn out to be your pet. In addition, it is necessary pay attention to the following points:

Having chosen a puppy, you need to ask the breeder what he fed the pinscher, what vaccinations the pet has received and what the parents have. genetic diseases . You also need to remember to take all the necessary documents for the new family member.

Miniature Pinschers are ideal for living in a small apartment. Easy to train and intelligent dogs take up little space and practically do not shed. But to prevent a headstrong and stubborn dog from becoming a spoiled pet, you need to educate him from an early age. As a result, the family pet will become not only a watchman and security guard, but also a kind and affectionate friend.

Miniature Pinschers

Miniature Pinschers resemble Doberman Pinschers in appearance, but are smaller in size. The peculiarity of the breed is its dancing gait. The running of a dog is similar to the gait of a horse. Future owners of a miniature pinscher must remember that the dog quickly becomes attached to its owner and has a hard time being separated from a person.

History of the breed

The history of the breed goes back 300 years. Germany is considered the birthplace of the miniature pinschers. There are no reliable sources when the first representatives of the breed appeared. It is known that similar dogs lived in Switzerland in the 15th century. According to another version, the ancestors of Pinschers came to Germany from England.

The similarity of the breed with Dobermans is no coincidence. Mr. Doberman set a goal to bring large dogs, being delighted with miniature pinschers. Previously, representatives of the breed lived near the stables. They were excellent at catching rats and protecting the premises. Gradually they acquired the status of pets. Breeders became interested in the breed in the second half of the 19th century. Miniature pinschers were first presented at the exhibition in 1900. Then the breed becomes popular among Europeans. The dog came to Russia from Germany after the Second World War, in the form of a “trophy”. Considered common. The miniature animal is suitable for keeping in a house or apartment.

Initially, pets were used as guard dogs. Only in the middle of the 15th century did they live in stables, catch mice and engage in intensive protection of domestic animals. At the beginning of the 20th century, small dogs began to be used exclusively as indoor decorative pets. Breeding and approval of breed standards began in Germany.

The Miniature Pinscher breed was first presented at an exhibition in England in 1954. Miniature representatives of the breed began a procession through European countries, where they were recognized as extremely popular breed.


  1. Miniature pinschers have developed bones and muscles.
  2. Compact, height no higher than 30 cm.
  3. Dog weight up to 6 kg.
  4. The lines of the forehead and muzzle are parallel.
  5. The eyes are dark and expressive.
  6. The tail is set high and carried high up.
  7. The tail is docked to 2 cm in childhood.
  8. Ears triangular shape, standing or semi-standing.
  9. The coat is hard to the touch, short, close-lying.

Dogs come in three colors: red, black and tan and brown and tan. The latter species is now found exclusively in America. Miniature breed Great for keeping in an apartment.

If we talk about character, dogs:

  1. Smart.
  2. They love active games.
  3. Agile and fast.
  4. Proud and courageous.
  5. Capable of showing aggression towards other dogs.
  6. They don’t like it when their personal space is encroached upon, especially during rest.

Features of miniature pinschers

Miniature Pinschers are smart, energetic dogs suitable for large families and single people. You cannot spoil your dog too much, otherwise living with your pet next to you will not be easy.

Miniature pinschers are extremely agile. They need constant walks and physical activity. Miniature Pinschers get along well with children. Familiarity will not be tolerated. For adults, representatives of the breed will be excellent companions. Pinschers can be aggressive towards other dogs. They are only friends with animals they have been with since puppyhood. Miniature pinschers coexist peacefully with other pets.

Miniature Pinschers exhibit a unique gait that distinguishes them from other breeds. When running and walking, the dog raises its front legs high, making the movements similar to the gait of a riding horse.

Remember, representatives of the breed originally caught rats and mice, hunting instinct in dogs it is highly developed. During a walk, they are quite willing to run after the animals; they should be allowed to run freely only in a fenced area or in the absence of such danger.

Suspiciousness is noted among the breed's character traits. Dogs are prone to constant barking. The miniature pinscher also speaks when left alone. Well-socialized representatives of the breed calmly accept guests if they see that the owner is not in danger.

Miniature dogs are highly trainable. Intellectual stress is necessary, as well as physical stress. Sometimes 2-3 repetitions are enough for the dog to learn the command.

Health and care

Popular diseases that dogs are susceptible to:

  • Cataract,
  • Diabetes,
  • Dislocation of the shoulder joint,
  • Glaucoma,
  • Urolithiasis disease.

Sometimes puppies are born with congenital deafness. For use medical supplies For a dog, owners need to be careful. To favorites medicines possible allergic reactions. Shampoos with pesticides are used only if the dog has fleas. IN Lately an alternative to products has appeared - shampoos with cedar oil.

Caring for the Miniature Pinscher's coat is simple. The dog does not shed and has no specific odor. Required:

  • Brush periodically to avoid tangles.
  • A couple of times a year you will need trimming and removal of old hair.
  • Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity. Regular physical exercise. Try to think about your pet's diet.

Miniature Pinschers have short fur that provides little protection from the cold. Light frosts are tolerated. In extreme cold, you should limit your dog's walks. Some owners get out of the situation by purchasing warm overalls for their pet.

Miniature pinschers live 15-20 years and are considered the longest-livers among dogs. Representatives of the breed are recognized as ideal watchdogs. A dog barks loudly and loudly when a stranger approaches the protected area. Miniature Pinschers have a fearless nature. They are capable of getting into a fight with another animal, regardless of the latter’s size. In a fight, a representative of the breed is capable of becoming a serious contender.

When strangers see a miniature dog for the first time, they try to pet it. But the miniature pinscher does not allow everyone to touch him. Suspiciousness is considered an important character trait of a dog. Strong, healthy parents usually produce a healthy litter of 3-4 puppies.

When choosing a puppy, inspect the condition of the coat. Healthy dog shows a good appetite, active. It is better to go to specialized nurseries with a good reputation to take care of your pet. It is advisable to choose the most active puppy from the litter, with excellent health and a cheerful character. Pinschers are usually friendly towards people. Dogs require early socialization, especially those who have spent more than 2 months in the kennel. The owner must prepare for the dog's long maturation. Even a two-year-old pinscher sometimes looks like a stupid puppy.

A correctly chosen and adequately trained representative of the breed instantly becomes a family favorite. He treats his family favorably, but with excessive attention he becomes very spoiled. From time to time, your miniature pinscher should be reminded who is boss. Try to avoid physical punishment; the miniature pinscher is touchy and vindictive.

Proper care of your Miniature Pinscher involves following basic hygiene rules. The dog always has clean ears, eyes, and nails are trimmed on time. There is no point in hoping that the claws will grind down on their own. Representatives of this species do not have much weight, they live mainly in houses or apartments, their claws simply do not have time to wear down, and it is imperative to monitor the condition of their paws. Otherwise, overgrown claws will lead to a dislocated paw while walking or playing.

Water procedures are performed only as needed. The dogs are clean and have no characteristic odor. Make sure that after washing the dog is not exposed to a draft; you should not take him outside after bathing. Dry your pet thoroughly. Representatives of the breed catch colds easily.

The miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher, miniature pinscher) is a small breed of dog originally from Germany. They are called mini Dobermans, but in fact they are significantly older than their larger brothers. This is one of the most charismatic breeds among lap dogs.

  • This is a tough dog, but rough handling can easily injure it. It is recommended to keep the Pinscher in families with older children.
  • They do not tolerate cold and high humidity well.
  • Created to hunt rats, they have not lost their instincts today. They may chase small animals.
  • This breed has a lot of energy, definitely more than you. Keep your eyes on him as you walk.
  • The owner must be the alpha in the dog's eyes. This is a small dominant breed and should not be given freedom.

History of the breed

The Miniature Pinscher is an old breed that originated in Germany at least 200 years ago. Its formation occurred before stud books came into fashion, so some of the history is quite vague.

This is one of the oldest and most common dog breeds in the Pinschers/Terriers group. The origins of dogs from this group are unclear, but they served Germanic-speaking tribes for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Their main task was the extermination of rats and other rodents, although some were guard dogs and cattle dogs.

Until today, Pinschers and Schnauzers are considered the same breed, but with minor differences. Most experts call the German Pinscher the ancestor of the breed, from which all other variations originated, but there is no convincing evidence for this. The oldest evidence dates back to 1790, when Albert Dürer painted dogs that exactly resembled modern German pinschers.

It is not known for certain when, but the breeders decided to reduce the size of the dogs. Most likely, this happened after 1700, since exact description miniature pinschers are found after 1800. This means that at that time they were a stable breed and it is unlikely that it took more than 100 years to create it.

Some claim that they appeared a couple of hundred years earlier, but do not provide convincing evidence. It is undeniable that breeders began to crossbreed the smallest dogs, but whether they crossed with other breeds is a question.

Here opinions are divided and some say that the miniature pinscher came from the smallest representatives of the German pinscher, others that it was not without crossbreeding.

For a long time it was believed that the Manchester Terrier took part in the creation of the breed, since these dogs are very similar. However, the miniature was born before the Manchester Terrier. With a high degree of probability, breeds such as Italian greyhound and dachshund took part in breeding.

After its formation, the breed quickly gained popularity among German-speaking countries, which at that time had not yet been united. On native language it is called a miniature pinscher, which translates as a miniature pinscher.

The fawn-colored dogs were called re-pinscher because of their resemblance to small roe deer (from German Reh - roe deer). Despite its size, the breed remained an excellent rat catcher, not afraid of rats slightly smaller than itself.

Although they were common, they were not yet a breed in the modern sense. There was no standard and crossbreeding was a common practice. When Germany was united in 1870, the fashion for dog shows was sweeping Europe. The Germans wanted to standardize the breed and in 1895 the Pinscher/Schnauzer Club (PSK) was created.

This club has recognized four different options: Wirehaired, Dwarf Wirehaired, Smoothhaired and Dwarf Smoothhaired. Today we know them as separate breeds: German and miniature pinschers.

The first standard and stud book appeared in 1895-1897. The first mention of the breed's participation in dog shows dates back to 1900.

One of the fans of the breed was a tax inspector named Louis Dobermann. He wanted to create a dog exactly like a miniature pinscher, but larger. She had to help him in dangerous and difficult work. And he creates it between 1880 and 1890.

His duties included catching stray dogs, so he did not experience a lack of material. In 1899 Dobermann presents new breed, which is named after his last name. This means that the Miniature Pinscher served as the model for the Doberman Pinscher and is not a mini Doberman, as some people mistakenly believe.

In 1936, the United Kennel Club (UKC) recognized the breed, after which the standard was changed several times.

Simultaneously with the standardization of the breed, Germany became an industrial country experiencing urbanization. Most Germans move to cities, where they have to live in significantly limited space. And this gives rise to a boom in small dogs.

From 1905 to 1914, the breed was extremely popular in its homeland and almost unknown outside its borders. At the same time, Dobermanns become popular in security forces, including in America.

This fame grew significantly as Dobermans served loyally and fiercely German army in war. First World War was not as catastrophic for the breed as the second. However, thanks to her, pinschers came to the United States, since American soldiers took the dogs with them.

Although they were little known in the United States before 1930, they really boomed between 1990 and 2000. For several years, these dogs were a popular breed in the United States, surpassing even Doberman Pinschers.

That's why they served small sizes allowing you to live in an apartment, intelligence and fearlessness. The similarity to Dobermans also played a role, since many were afraid of large dogs.

A little later, the fashion passed and in 2010 they ranked 40th in the number of dogs registered with the AKC, which is 23 positions lower than in 2000. Originally rat catchers, today they are used exclusively as companion dogs.

Description of the breed

Despite the fact that most owners are already set on edge by such a comparison, the miniature pinscher is very similar to the miniature Doberman. Like all toy breeds, he is small.

According to the American Kennel Club standard, the dog should be 10–12 1⁄2 inches (25–32 cm) at the withers. Although males are somewhat larger, sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed. Ideal weight dogs 3.6–4.5 kg.

This is a lean breed, but not skinny. Unlike other indoor dogs, the miniature pinscher is not fragile, but muscular and strong. They should look like working breeds, although they are not.

The paws are long, which makes them appear significantly taller than they actually are. Previously, the tail was docked, leaving a stump a couple of centimeters long, but today this is prohibited in many European countries. The natural tail is quite short and thin.

The dog has a characteristic muzzle, he does not look like an indoor decorative dog, more like a guard dog. The head is proportional to the body, with a long and narrow muzzle and a pronounced stop. The eyes should be dark in color, the darker the better. Light-colored dogs are allowed light eyes.

The Miniature Pinscher is almost always engrossed in something and his ears stand up. Moreover, they have naturally erect ears, which immediately attract attention.

The coat is smooth and very short, almost the same length throughout the body, without undercoat. It should shine and most dogs practically do. Two colors are allowed: black and tan and red, although more exist.


This dog has a bright character. When owners describe their dog, they use the words: smart, fearless, lively, energetic. They say that he looks like a terrier, but unlike them he is much softer.

The Miniature Pinscher is a companion dog that loves to be close to its owner, to whom it is incredibly attached and faithful. These are affectionate dogs who love comfort and games. They love children very much, especially older ones.

They also get along well with little ones, but here the miniature pinscher himself is in danger, since despite their muscularity, they can suffer from the actions of a child. In addition, they do not like rudeness and can defend themselves. This leads to them nipping small children.

They are instinctively distrustful of strangers, but unlike other indoor and decorative breeds, this distrust comes not from fear or timidity, but from natural dominance. They consider themselves guard dogs and without proper socialization and training they can be aggressive. Well-mannered, they are quite polite to strangers, although aloof.

This is one of the most difficult breeds for those who first decided to get themselves an indoor decorative dog. They are very, very dominant and if the owner does not control them, then they will control the owner.

Any owner will say that they are dominant towards other dogs. They will not tolerate it if another dog tries to take the highest step in the hierarchy and gets into a fight. If several dogs live in the house, then the miniature will always be the alpha.

Some are also aggressive towards other dogs and try to attack them. This can be treated with socialization and training, but care must be taken when introducing other dogs.

Mini Pinschers are unaware of their size and will never move even in front of a huge opponent. They get along better with dogs of the opposite sex.

The ancestors of the breed and they themselves served as rat catchers for hundreds of years. Today they do not do this, but the hunting instinct has not gone away.

The miniature pinscher will catch up and tear to pieces any animal that its size allows it to handle. Hamsters, rats and ferrets face a sad future, but they can get along with cats if they live from birth. However, even then clashes occur.

This smart dogs capable of learning a set of commands. Unless they can handle specific tasks, such as shepherd work. They can perform in agility or obedience, but this is not the most simple breed for training. They are dominant and want to control everything themselves, rather than be subordinated.

They can learn quickly if they want to, but what the owner wants is a minor matter. Stubborn, but not unlimited. This breed responds best to being calm and firm, with positive reinforcement.

As you can easily tell from the appearance of the breed, miniature pinschers are much more active and athletic than most other toy breeds. They are well adapted for city life, but need heavy exercise.

A simple walk will not satisfy them; it is better to let them run without a leash. It is extremely important to satisfy their activity requirements, otherwise the dog will become bored and you will not like it. Barking, destructiveness, aggression - all these are consequences of boredom and excess energy.

If the dog is tired, he calms down and watches TV with his owner. However, some miniature dogs, like puppies, never rest.

You should let your dog off the leash only after making sure the surroundings are safe. They have a stalking instinct that will chase them after the squirrel and turn off their hearing. Then it is useless to order him to return.

If you want an elegant dog for walking, then it is better to choose another breed. This is one of the most bright dogs among indoor decorative species. They love to dig, run through mud, destroy toys, and chase cats.

They can be very loud, on the one hand, this makes them good bells warning owners about guests. On the other hand, they can bark almost without pause. Very often, angry neighbors write complaints or knock on the owners' doors.

Training helps reduce the noise, but it is still quite frequent. This breed has an incredibly loud bark that most will find quite unpleasant.

They often develop small dog syndrome and its worst forms. Small dog syndrome occurs in miniature pinschers whose owners behave differently than they would with a large dog.

They fail to correct misbehavior for a variety of reasons, most of which are perceptual. They find it funny when a one-kilogram dog growls and bites, but dangerous if it does the same.

This is why most break off the leash and lunge at other dogs, while very few bull terriers do the same. Dogs with small dog syndrome become aggressive, dominant, and generally uncontrollable.

Fortunately, the problem can be easily avoided if you treat your toy dog ​​in the same way as a guard or fighting dog.

The dog believes that it is in control if you do not let it understand that such behavior is unacceptable. Now combine this behavior with the intelligence, fearlessness and aggressiveness of the Miniature Pinscher and you have a disaster.

Pinschers suffering from this syndrome are: uncontrollable, destructive, aggressive and obnoxious.


One of the simplest of all companion dogs. They do not need professional grooming, just regular brushing. For most people, simply wiping with a towel will suffice. Yes, they shed, but not excessively, since the coat is short and there is no undercoat.

One of the features of the breed is poor tolerance low temperatures. They don't have enough for this long hair, no undercoat, no fat. In cold and damp weather you should wear special clothes, and in cold weather limit walks.


And the breed is lucky with its health. They have one of the longest life expectancies, up to 15 years or more. Those problems from which others suffer decorative dogs, bypass them. This does not mean that they do not get sick, they just have a lower frequency, especially of genetic diseases.

Take a look:

Breed miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) was developed in Germany. This small dog 25 - 30 cm tall. Its weight ranges from 4 to 6 kg depending on gender. Can live 15 or more years.

The character of a tireless puppy and an amazing dancing gait are the first things that lovers of these dogs will notice. The elegant toy dog ​​moves like a little horse, gracefully puts his strong legs and looks around proudly, because he is not just anyone, but a miniature pinscher!

According to the FCI classification, the miniature pinscher belongs to the group service dogs. This is one of the smallest along with the Miniature Schnauzer. Its strong build allows it to be widely used in various types sports training(freestyle, agility, IPO, etc.)

Initially pedigree dog should have had a docked tail and ears. But lately, pinschers' ears have been cropped less and less often.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

Photo: Miniature Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher

From the history of the miniature pinscher

The birthplace of this breed, which is more often called the miniature or miniature pinscher, is considered to be Germany. It is difficult to say for sure when exactly the history of these tiny dogs begins, but it is known that references to dogs similar to pinschers appeared back in the 15th century!

Having originated in the region of German Württemberg, miniature pinschers quickly won the people's love: living near the stables, the small dogs regularly caught rats and guarded the owner's property. This is why they were lovingly called “griffins of the stables.”

A little later, brave and hardy kids began to accompany carriages and stagecoaches, loudly barking the surroundings along the entire journey and thereby frightening possible ill-wishers. Often the little one was also taken hunting: in short, despite its miniature size, it was a universal dog that successfully completed any task assigned to it.

Miniature Pinscher standard: height, weight

Interestingly, the Miniature Pinscher is very similar to the Doberman Pinscher, but there is no relationship between them. In fact, a certain Mr. Doberman at one time admired miniature pinschers so much that he decided to breed like a dog larger sizes.

In its appearance, the mini pinscher really resembles a miniature Doberman: the dog’s height does not exceed 30 cm, and its weight is 5 kg.

Slender, with well-developed bones and muscles, the pinscher has high strong legs, with the hind legs somewhat longer than the front ones, a small but proportional head to the body with a very noticeable transition from the forehead to the nose, an elegant, moderately long and thick neck, oval eyes of a dark color and smooth, shiny coat. In addition, classic miniature pinschers must have docked tail and ears, but more and more often owners and breeders do not do this so as not to torture the animals.

The breed standard was officially adopted in 1880, and 15 years later the first miniature pinscher breeders club opened in Germany. Thanks to them, the breed began to develop and increasingly appear at exhibitions in other countries. Thus, in Europe they learned about mini-pinschers after an exhibition in France, where the dog was presented as a “smooth-haired terrier from a stable.” And immediately the tiny dogs with a cheerful disposition became the favorites of the public, however, as was the case with many breeds, world wars threatened the existence of miniature pinschers. It was only thanks to the efforts of breeders and fanciers that these wonderful animals were preserved.

By color, they distinguish between one-color, namely brown-red, and two-color, black and tan, miniature pinschers, and the tan should have very clear boundaries: on the throat, above the eyes, on the inside of the hind legs, at the base of the tail and two identical triangles on the chest . It is interesting that previously the standard allowed a third color - brown and tan, but now dogs with this coat color are bred only in the USA.

Character of the Miniature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is well suited for keeping in an apartment, but requires experienced dog breeders who will not follow the dog’s lead. It has great importance for this breed early and proper upbringing, which will help avoid problems with character traits such as stubbornness and spoiledness.

But in the character of the miniature pinscher there is also tenderness, affection, and energy. They get along very well with children, but it is necessary to teach children that these small dogs are not toys at all and, due to their size, are very vulnerable and need their own space.

Miniature Pinschers usually get along well with other animals in the house. Pinschers can be aggressive towards other dogs. They only get along well with dogs they know from an early age.

Naturally suspicious, these dogs are prone to excessive barking. Therefore, if there are frequent guests in the house, the dog must be specially trained to calmly receive guests who do not threaten the owner. IN in public places Be sure to keep this little one on a leash.

On the one hand, these are cheerful and faithful dogs, but on the other hand, they are demanding and strong-willed. But with them negative traits can be successfully completed through timely training. Fortunately, pinschers. When a Pinscher recognizes its owner, it will be happy to learn what its owner wants.

This dog is ideal for people living even in a small city apartment, because it takes up little space and rarely sheds, in addition, it is a very smart and easy to train breed.

The main thing in communicating with an animal is not to spoil the pinscher, since it can be very stubborn and headstrong if early childhood don't educate him. Otherwise, this is a sweet and gentle dog that adores its family and always strives to please its owner in everything.

She can become a great friend for your children, as long as they understand that a tiny dog ​​is not a toy. Pinschers also get along well with other pets, but can only be aggressive towards dogs if they are not introduced to them from an early age.

But this breed is very wary of strangers. Being a natural guardian, the miniature pinscher will meet strangers with an angry bark, his fur will immediately stand on end, and his eyes will sparkle, because this dog is not a coward and is ready to bravely defend his owners and their home.

During a walk, the miniature pinscher is calmer and explores everything around him with interest. Surprisingly, such a baby is always full of desire to fight, and even if the opponent is superior to the mini-pinscher in size and strength, this will not stop the brave dog!

Miniature Pinschers are wonderful companions for single people, cheerful, playful and curious. They love to play with any household items, which sometimes poses a danger to the animal.

In general, the miniature pinscher is quite healthy breed dogs, but she also has her own predispositions to diseases such as: diabetes, urolithiasis disease, pannus, shoulder dislocation, glaucoma, cataracts and other eye diseases, as well as a tendency to deafness and epilepsy.

Care and maintenance of the miniature pinscher

This is a very easy breed to care for. It is enough to brush your miniature pinscher several times a week and sometimes remove dead hair with a damp towel.

A small dog does not need a lot of food, but its quality is all the more important in order for the dog to always be active and healthy.

It is necessary to protect miniature pinschers from cold and drafts, and in the cold season they must be walked in clothes. However, it is worth keeping in mind that due to its mobility, the miniature pinscher does not freeze too much in mild frosts. Only at minus 7-10 degrees do his paws begin to freeze. Therefore, for winter walking you need not only overalls, but also boots.

In hot weather, your little pinscher is at risk of heatstroke. Therefore, on long walks it is necessary to take water to drink, and in particularly hot weather the dog should be slightly wetted, especially if the dog is black and tan.

They also need to ensure a fairly active lifestyle, since this breed is quite prone to obesity. An apartment dog, even one trained to a tray, needs to be actively walked regularly, ideally twice a day, for at least half an hour. It is better to constantly offer him active games: Frisbee, etc.

Miniature Pinschers do not like to be left at home alone without something to do. Therefore, you should not leave him alone for a long time, or he will do something without the special permission of the owners, playing with things that are not intended for this.

This and in order to avoid the development of destructive behavior, they need constant mental activity. You can teach them something throughout your life.

The miniature pinscher is a wonderful companion also because representatives of this breed live in our climate for quite a long time, have good health and require the simplest care.

Miniature dogs only need to be brushed several times a week, and they accept brushing as a form of affection and love to be brushed.

You should not pick up the Pinscher by the front paws or the scruff of the neck, so as not to damage the tendons; it is better to carry the dog by holding it under the belly. It is also necessary to protect the baby from the cold and not let him off the leash in public places. But you need to walk the baby several times a day, since this breed is prone to obesity, which means that the pet simply needs constant physical activity.

It is not advisable to wash miniature pinschers, since after this procedure the dog can easily catch a cold. So take baths as needed – not more often.

It is important to shorten the nails in time, since the dog is light in weight, and they do not have time to grind down when moving, and this can even lead to a dislocated paw.

To keep your miniature pinscher healthy and alert throughout its life, it is important to monitor its diet. Preferred for this breed natural food, and most of the diet consists of raw beef and horse meat, as well as poultry.

The Pinscher should receive food strictly on schedule, after which, ideally, he licks the plate and rests. If the dog hasn’t finished eating or, on the contrary, stands near the plate with sad eyes, then the portion should be reduced or, accordingly, increased. Sometimes you can include fresh chopped garlic in the menu to prevent worms and intestinal diseases.

The history of miniature pinschers goes back more than 300 years, and during this time they have repeatedly proven that, despite their miniature size, they are brave and faithful companions. And if you don’t believe it, check it out!

Price of puppies and where is the best place to buy

How much does a miniature pinscher cost? Currently, the price of miniature pinscher puppies varies from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. The cost depends on several factors. The cheapest puppies are without pedigrees or breeding marriage. Their cost will not exceed 10,000 rubles. From 10,000 to 20,000 You can buy puppies with pedigree documents in nurseries. And for the price from 20,000 rubles and up to 30,000 rubles you will have to pay for a puppy whose parents are titled champions and the puppy itself has brilliant exhibition prospects.

Where is the best place to buy a miniature pinscher puppy to avoid making a mistake?

Under no circumstances buy a dog from someone else or from a poultry market. You should also be wary of private advertisements in newspapers or the Internet. It is best to choose a puppy from real breeders who have their own kennel. These specialists know everything about the breed and will select the optimal puppy for you based on your wishes.

Photo of a miniature pinscher or miniature pinscher

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Origin: Germany

Class: according to the FCI classification it belongs to the second group (Pinchers, Schnauzers, Molossers and Swiss herding dogs). Section 1. (Pinchers and Schnauzers)

Usage: guard dog, rat catcher,

Color: brown-red, black-tan, brown-tan

Dimensions: height at the withers: males - from 25 to 30 cm, females - 24-29 cm; weight: males: males - up to 5 kg, females - up to 4-5 kg

Lifespan: 15 years

History of the breed

Pinscher is a breed that came to us about 3 - 5 centuries ago from Germany.

These daring hunters lived near the stables. They deftly caught rats and, like them, stood guard over the property of their owners.

The dog of this breed was considered universal in Germany. This is due to its excellent hunting ability, as well as its beautiful appearance.

Ancient rulers kept entire courts of pinschers. This dog was considered a talisman on a long journey.

They were taken into a carriage and throughout the journey they scared away evil robbers and ill-wishers of the nobility with their barking.

Before today There is a misleading opinion that there are differences between the miniature pinscher and.

This is just a mistake, because there are no similarities between these breeds.


  • Lovingness. The character of the Miniature Pinscher is quite pleasant for a family with children. These dogs, like dogs, are distinguished by their love of affection and dependence on attention from their owner. They are also quite playful and energetic. Therefore, owners should be prepared for the fact that the dog may require special attention in the first year of life in its new family.
  • Mischief.
  • Easy to learn. Miniature Pinscher puppies can only be trained when they begin to trust their owner completely. You need to start working with kids gradually and very carefully so as not to carry negative influence on the psyche of a future family member. This breed has a special love for acquiring new knowledge, so new commands or simple rules of behavior that you convey to the four-legged dog clearly and loyally will bring him great pleasure.

Right well behaved dogs This breed gets along well with different animals, and what’s more, they simply adore four-legged companions. Therefore, do not be afraid to bring another member of your household into the apartment, your dog will be delighted with it. This is exactly how Miniature Schnauzer dogs react to a new companion.

  • Independence . Like Leonberger dogs, these dogs are very curious and independent early stages life. Therefore, they must be constantly supervised.
  • Friendliness.


Previously, pinschers were intended for hunting small animals and exterminating rats.

However, today's pinschers are not inferior in their agility and mobility, and can easily keep you company on an amateur hunt or a long walk.

The dog's friendly disposition, which can be compared to the character of or, makes it an indispensable friend for the whole family.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a Miniature Pinscher puppy, pay attention to its activity.

These dogs are avid athletes and not a single day of their life is spent passively lying down or long, monotonous rest in a comfortable place.

The puppy's ears, eyes and nose should be clean.

If you detect the slightest brown or green stain, you can easily come to the conclusion that it is painful or not. proper care for the baby.

Puppies should not limp or drag their legs. This most often indicates weak joints and bones.

If the puppy does not come into your arms, this is also bad sign, reporting little attention from the breeder.

Miniature Pinscher in early age must be friendly and inquisitive.

And remember, a miniature pinscher, the price of which exceeds the prices of puppies from other breeders, is not a guarantee of buying a healthy baby.

Features of care


The breed is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and ease of maintenance.

To ensure the comfort of the individual, it is enough for the owner to comb the dog’s fur once a week and wipe it with a damp towel to keep the baby clean and comfortable.

Since the fur is short, you won't need it.


The only condition when choosing food is that it must be of high quality, high in calories and contain vitamins and calcium.

A little cottage cheese, boiled meat or cereals must be included in the dog’s diet.

But remember that overfeeding a pinscher is very dangerous; portions should be dosed, and food should be served according to the dog’s daily routine, that is, once a day at a certain time.

The Miniature Pinscher dog is prone to obesity.

In this regard, it is very easy to understand that the four-legged body requires intense training and active play throughout its entire life.

Thus, Pinschers hate being left alone without activities that would satisfy their physical energy.

Since the dog is very active, it is worth walking him in crowded places.

When you leave, make sure you have toys and enough food and water for your pet.

If the owners often leave this dog alone and without the opportunity for independent physical activity, the dog becomes withdrawn and aggressive.

Important! The Miniature Pinscher is a dog breed that has a hard time with being too tall or too tall. low temperatures, so take care of water in hot weather and warm overalls for your dog in cold weather.


Characteristic diseases

Each breed of dog has a predisposition to certain diseases.

The dwarf Doberman Pinscher is rightfully considered a strong breed of dog, but possible illnesses dogs are still worth highlighting in a separate list:

  • Obesity
  • Physical inactivity
  • Diabetes
  • Deafness
  • Epilepsy

If you decide to buy a miniature pinscher, this does not mean that the puppy will necessarily develop one of the above ailments with age.

The essence of these diseases often lies in improper care of the dog.

So, overfeeding a puppy or adult dog, the owners condemn her to diabetes and obesity.

Little physical activity leads to physical inactivity, and poor nutrition can lead to weak and fragile bone tissue, which is fraught with fractures and cracks in the bones of the dog.


Puppies aged 1-2 months are given.

Vaccination should only be carried out by an experienced veterinarian who will monitor the condition of the puppy and the reaction of his body.

The completed vaccination is marked with a stamp in your pet’s passport.

The next vaccination takes place after changing teeth, at the age of 6-7 months. A few days before, the puppy is given an anti-helmetic.

All subsequent vaccinations are given to the dog after a year, while avoiding hypothermia and overexertion of the dog in the following days.


The mating process for this breed of dogs is quite simple and does not cause much trouble for the owners and the dogs themselves.

This is due to the fact that representatives of both sexes of the miniature pinscher practically do not differ in size, weight and overall dimensions.

The temperament of these dogs allows mating to be carried out independently and technically successfully, even without supervision.

As with any breed, there are cases of difficult births and anomalies among pinschers.

But this does not happen more often than in other dogs. To avoid complications, mating is done after.

In general, childbirth usually occurs naturally, without cesarean section or other interventions by medical personnel.

The Miniature Pinscher breed is a fairly hardy and strong dog, even though their size does not look impressive.

With proper care, puppies also grow strong and develop healthy and strong.

The skeletal system of dogs often forces owners to refuse to choose this breed due to external fragility, but this is a rash decision.

When breeding, it is worth paying special attention to nutrition and vitamins for puppies, then bones and muscle tissue will be strong and resilient.