How to draw a collie dog. How to draw a charming dog with a simple pencil

And Schnauzers, Molossians and Swiss Mountain Dogs); section 2 (Molossians, Great Danes)

Usage: bodyguard, companion, working dog

Color: brindle, red from light to dark red tones, with a black mask, white markings on the body are acceptable

Dimensions: males - 57-63 cm, females - 53-59 cm

Weight: males - 30-45 kg, females - 25 kg

Lifespan: 10-12 years

German boxer - smart and strong dog, capable of standing up for herself and her owner at any time.

The German Boxer breed standard looks like this

History of the breed

The breed is a descendant of Great Dane dogs and comes from the Brabant Bullenbeiser. Translated from German, bullenbeiser means “bullman.”

The dog was used as a hunting dog, along with or, for baiting wild boars, bulls, deer, and could hang on its prey for a long time, grabbing it by the neck.

The first description of the breed dates back to 1850, when selection work was carried out in Munich to breed a non-aggressive, but strong and controllable dog.

The "German's" coat is shiny, smooth, and has red or brindle color with black mask and white markings


The German Boxer is a medium-sized dog with a smooth coat, like that of the German Boxer, and strong, compact, square-shaped bones. He has well-developed, prominent, lean muscles and has energetic, rapid movements.

The dog's skull is cube-shaped with a slight convexity on top. The transition to a massive and upturned muzzle is quite abrupt.

The lower jaw of Boxers protrudes forward, there is a clear undershot, and the fleshy lips hang down on the sides.

The nose is upturned and slightly flattened. The length of the skull is twice the length of the muzzle. The eyes are dark, medium size, not protruding.

The “German’s” coat is shiny, smooth, and has a red or brindle color with a black mask. White markings on the chest, paws and belly are also acceptable, which should make up no more than 30% of the total color. The White German Boxer is not currently included in the standard.

A German boxer with a white coat, considered the only acceptable one according to the old standard

Previously, it was customary for German boxers to have their tails and ears docked, as they took part in bullying, just like.

According to the new standard, docking is inappropriate in this breed. The Boxer's tail is long and narrow with a curved or straight shape.

The weight of males ranges from 30 to 45 kilograms, for females from 25 to 30 kilograms.

"Germans" get along well with other animals


The German Boxer is a balanced dog with a stable psyche. The pet has a calm temperament and unshakable fearlessness. The breed is an easily trained dog with high intelligence.

The boxer has quite friendly character, and he gets along well with all family members. He loves children very much and will never harm a baby.

The animal needs communication with members of the household and cannot stand loneliness. Pets of this breed love to play and need daily exercise.

“Germans” get along well with other animals in the apartment, but do not like other people’s pets, especially their own relatives. Therefore, Boxer owners need to be careful while walking.

TO strangers The German boxer is extremely wary at first, but does not show aggression without apparent need.

Pets of this breed are well suited for beginners who are getting a dog for the first time.

A simple-minded, intelligent and courageous German boxer will become a real family member and an ideal guardian of the home territory. The owners of this breed know very well that there is nothing to be afraid of with such a dog, since these pets are very brave and are ready to protect their owner at any time, if necessary.

Features and disadvantages of the breed

  • U German boxers increased salivation. Future owners need to be prepared for the dog to leave drool all over the house.
  • Your pet often snores while sleeping.
  • The animal suffers from excessive flatulence.
  • A dog of this breed is not one of the cleanest. The “German” loves to roll around in the mud and then come home and climb onto the sofa.

How to choose a puppy

German boxer puppies appearance should resemble well-fed, strong dogs with shiny, close-fitting hair without bald spots.

U healthy babies clean, discharge-free eyes, wet nose, well-groomed ears without any crusts or odor.

Purebred puppies have straight limbs without any deformities. Healthy individuals behave playfully and cockily, and show curiosity.

German boxer puppy

The nursery of pet-class German boxers offers to purchase a pet for an amount of 15 thousand rubles and more. The low cost is explained by the fact that the puppies have slight deviations from the standard.

If the dog is not purchased for breeding or participation in exhibitions, then the animal can be safely purchased.

Important! The pet must be accompanied by a passport with the appropriate vaccinations.
The nursery of show-class German boxers raises future show champions. The puppies here fully comply with the standard and have an “ideal” pedigree, where the parents are prize-winners. The cost of such a dog will be at least 30 thousand rubles.

Before purchasing a German Boxer puppy, observe its parents. A nursery of German boxers with a good reputation will definitely provide the buyer with all the necessary information about the animal and the necessary documents.

Features of care and maintenance

The German Boxer is easy to care for and is well suited for keeping both in apartments and private houses.

Important! Boxers cannot be kept in kennels or enclosures as they cannot tolerate cold or hot weather.

The pet must be kept in room conditions avoiding drafts, hypothermia or overheating.

This breed of dog needs regular exercise, so it is ideal for active people running.

During walks, the pet needs to be provided with physical activity with elements of play.

Hygiene procedures

The Boxer's coat does not require brushing. It is enough to wipe the dog with a damp towel several times a week to get rid of dead hairs and accumulated dirt.

It is not recommended to bathe Boxers frequently, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the fatty protective layer. commit water procedures Once a year is enough. To maintain hygiene, your pet must be wiped monthly with a towel soaked in a solution of vinegar, water and alcohol. To prepare it, all components are mixed in equal parts.

During the shedding period, the dog is combed with a special brush for smooth-haired dogs with natural, soft bristles. cannot be used when caring for this breed.

The ears, folds on the face and eyes of the dog will require special attention, which need to be inspected and cleaned in a timely manner. Eye discharge is removed with cotton pads soaked in warm, boiled water.

Once a month, accumulated wax and dirt are removed from the ears using a finger, which is wrapped in a napkin or handkerchief.

Your pet's nails need to be trimmed with a nail clipper from time to time. Every two weeks, your dog's teeth should be brushed with a children's toothbrush.

After walks, the dog's paws are examined for injuries and cracks. Complete the exercise by washing the limbs in warm water and lubrication with cream.

German boxer needs regular walks


A German Boxer dog needs regular walks, at least twice a day. During walks, the pet needs to be provided with physical activity with elements of play. If you plan to walk on a leash, it is better to use it rather than a collar - this will make the dog more comfortable.

Make the animal move more, jump over barriers, play with the ball. How bigger dog will give all her best during walks, the calmer and more balanced she will behave at home.

Important! German boxers not receiving physical exercise, become difficult to manage.


Balanced and proper nutrition- the key to good immunity and longevity of the pet.

Not only puppies, but also adult dogs should receive required amount proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements regularly.

Boxer puppies up to two months of age should eat up to six times a day. Then the number of meals is reduced to four times. From six months to nine months of age, the pet is transferred to three meals a day. The boxer is then fed twice a day.

The animal's menu must include the following products:

  • meat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • porridge;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • kefir or fermented baked milk.

Vegetables and cereals need to be slightly salted during cooking. To make the coat more shiny and beautiful, add 2 teaspoons of olive oil to the Boxer's daily diet.

It is also acceptable to give a premium class animal.

The German Boxer is prone to obesity and volvulus, so do not overfeed the dog


The German boxer is no different good health. Pet, in view physiological characteristics, does not tolerate heat and can easily overheat.

The animal is also prone to hypothermia in the cold season. Therefore, it is not recommended to walk your dog in hot or frosty weather. In addition, it is necessary to avoid drafts, as the dog can easily catch a cold.

Characteristic diseases

Common diseases among this breed include:

  • obesity;
  • volvulus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • demodicosis;
  • conjunctivitis.

TO congenital pathologies include entropion and dilated cardiomyopathy. It has been observed that the white German boxer is often born deaf. Deafness is also common in individuals who White color predominates in color over others.


Puppies receive their first treatment at 8 weeks of age. Then after 4 weeks a second vaccination is given. This is done in order to create stable specific immunity in the pet.

During repeated vaccination, a complex vaccine is administered that contains the rabies virus.

Then immunobiological preparations are administered upon reaching one year of age and are repeated every 12 months.

Vaccination produces in a pet strong immunity to the following diseases:

  • plague;
  • rabies;
  • parainfluenza;
  • hepatitis;
  • enteritis;
  • leptospirosis.

Timely vaccinations will help to avoid many health problems in Boxers and will contribute to longevity.


Puberty in German boxers occurs at the age of 8-12 months. But breeders do not recommend breeding females up to 20 months, and males up to 2 years. This is due to the fact that puberty occurs before the dog is physiologically ready to reproduce.

German Boxer: Friendly dog ​​and fearless protector

The German Boxer is a smooth-haired dog breed bred in Germany. This is a very energetic, intelligent and strong dog.

Periodically, on the pages of our website we review the characteristics and descriptions of dog breeds (learn about the characteristics of Dachshund dogs). Articles like this help future owners of a quadruple friend decide in advance which breed is right for them and avoid possible errors already in terms of keeping a dog.

Today we would like to tell you about the German Boxer dog breed. What these dogs look like, how this breed was bred, how to properly care for boxers– about all this and much more – on the pages of our article...

What does a German boxer look like?

The height of boxers ranges from 53-63 centimeters, weight from 25 to 32 kilograms. At the same time, the proportionality of the dog’s body and its body type depend on the gender of the dog. Males have a rougher constitution, while females have a soft and delicate constitution. At the same time, a characteristic breed feature is the shape of the dog’s skull bones - from them one can determine both the breed and the type of constitution of the boxer - it can be rough, dry, long or short, narrow or wide. A dog's muzzle can also tell a lot about its purity of the breed - for example, the nose of most Boxers is black (in healthy dog it is cold and wet), the eyes can be either dark or light, depending on the color of the dog. Ears can be different in size, shape and set, and their ends can be either rounded or pointed.

Some owners crop their Boxers' ears to conform to a certain standard shape, although this practice has already been banned in some countries. And, in England, owners of boxers have even been banned from docking their tails.

The boxer has 42 teeth, of which 12 are incisors, 4 canines, and 26 molars. A scissor bite is considered a normal bite for a puppy; deviation from this norm is considered a breed defect.

The boxer's neck is strong, mobile, proportional to other parts of the body and head, the crest and throat are clearly visible on the neck. The back should be level and straight, as a hunchback may indicate weakness hind limbs and back muscles, and its sagging - about fatigue dogs.

Dogs' coat is smooth and short, its color can be either yellow-brown or striped, however, ideally, no more than 1/3 of the dog's color should be white. Coat The dog does not get tangled or confused, and does not require special care. True, some owners, before the dog’s participation in the exhibition, pluck individual long hairs.

Characteristics of the German boxer

German boxers are energetic and active dogs, among them you rarely find quiet people and phlegmatic people. They are very emotional, do not tolerate loneliness well and should not be kept separately in an enclosure or on a chain. But in the circle of a large family, especially with children, the boxer will bask in the rays of attention and love, while he will distribute his love evenly among all its members.

These dogs are well trained and amenable to education, but if you want to achieve obedience from the dog, it is better for you to choose gentle but firm tactics of influence, since the Boxer ignores rough treatment and withdraws into itself, refusing to carry out any commands. You should also not spoil these dogs, because with their uncontrollable nature and spoiled nature, a boxer can cause you a lot of trouble.

But, if you raise your dog correctly (the sooner you start doing this, the better), emphasizing it strengths character, then you will get a sensitive, fearless, reliable and manageable friend. True, at some moments you will have to forget about intelligence - boxers are a little rough, like simple village boys, but this gives them a special charm.

These dogs have perseverance in their character, there is no weakness in them, and they are insensitive to pain. Proper preparation dogs can make it a good watchman, bodyguard.

In general, the character of the Boxer dog breed is not conflicting, they easily get along with other pets, get along well with children, but, if necessary, they can come to the defense of the owner. Today they are classified as service breeds dogs are used for security, in the army, in the police, in service on the border, they even act as guides for blind people.

History of the origin of the German Boxer breed

To this day, English and German breeders argue about which of them was the first to breed a representative of this breed. Dogs became ancestors English bulldog and bullenbeiser (some sources refer to). For the first time, these dogs were presented at an exhibition where St. Bernards were shown - it was held in 1895 in Munich, and a year later the first specialized club was organized.

Today, according to American statistics, boxers occupy 7th place in popularity of breeds.

And, although the ancestors of boxers were quite aggressive - mastiffs were used for hunting, and bulldogs took part in fights, selective selection made it possible to get rid of aggressiveness in these dogs and made them manageable and calm.

How to choose a German Boxer puppy

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its compliance with breed standards and its behavior. Healthy puppy must be active, he must not be afraid of people. If you plan to participate in exhibitions with him in the future (o), the purity of his breed must be impeccable, he must have. If exhibitions and fame do not attract you, and you just want to buy a friend, you can buy a puppy without documents. However, any breed defect may mean that later in the process of growing up, the dog will not correspond to the description of the character of German boxers.

Features of caring for dogs of the German Bulldog breed

Now we will tell you how to properly care for these dogs at home.

What to feed a German boxer

The ancestors of dogs were wolves, carnivores, however, this does not mean at all that German boxer should be fed exclusively with meat. The diet of an adult boxer may contain the following ratio: 1/3 meat and 2/3 grain feed; by the way, you can add a little salt to the food. If we're talking about about feeding puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches, weakened animals, then the proportions change and are already 2/3 meat and 1/3 grain feed. Meat can be given either raw, half-raw, or boiled, all types except pork. Boxers should not be given bones (find out why). You can include fish in your dog’s diet, but only boiled and without bones. Under no circumstances should dogs be given food from the refrigerator - this can cause diarrhea.

Barley, brown brown rice, dog biscuits and noodles are considered as grain food. You can add vegetables to it.

With such a diet, the dog will definitely need additional vitamin and mineral complexes. By the way, boxers often suffer from vitamin deficiency - therefore, be sure to get advice on the choice good vitamins with your veterinarian. ABOUT .

Alternatively, boxers can be fed ready-made feed- this is convenient for both you and the dog, since it contains everything that the animal needs, and you don’t need to rack your brains about how to diversify your pet’s diet, however, in this case you should really choose good food(choose premium food).

How to care for a German Boxer's coat

Caring for this dog's coat is very easy. It is enough to comb it once a week with a comb for short-haired dogs - this way you will remove dead hair and massage the dog’s skin. Combing should be done in the direction of hair growth. In order to achieve a shiny shine, some breeders even rub it with a piece of suede.

You should not bathe your dog unless absolutely necessary (you should not do it more than 2 times a year). Contamination can be removed with dry shampoo or wipe the skin with a damp sponge. After you have wiped your Boxer's body, do not forget to dry it thoroughly and dry it with a hairdryer. Wet skin can cause your dog to become hypothermic and lead to illness.

After a walk, the dog must be given warm water, not cold, and thoroughly dried with a towel.

We have already drawn a portrait of a dog. - a dog with a very cute, but peculiar face. I would say the pug's nose is shortened to the limit. And so I decided to compensate for this matter, and today we will learn to draw a collie’s head. This is someone whose muzzle is so elongated. This collie lives in our building and her name is Diana. A wonderful dog: when in the summer she gallops across the grass with some amazing angular grace and her long white-red hair flutters, you just feel the joy of life. Now let's get down to business. Let's start with the right profile.

The forehead is sloping, the nose is long, long. The mouth is slightly open and the tongue is visible, even Diana’s tongue is graceful, like a petal. The lips are slightly pulled back and the teeth are visible, very large, white, sharp teeth. We see only the right eye - it looks small because it is squinted. The ears are shaggy, no, this is not the right word, let's say - fluffy and do not stand up, but bend forward from the middle, the neck is also covered in fur.

The right collie profile is there. But we are learning, so we will complicate the task.

Now let’s mentally expand it and draw the left profile.

Well, here we again need to emphasize the long straight nose, the funny bend of the ears and the open mouth: no grin or smile, apparently she’s just getting some air.

Okay, the collie’s profile is very unique and recognizable, and the full face matches it. That’s what we’ll do. How to draw a dog's face from the front? The ability to draw will help us here. Let's carry out midline muzzle, designate the line of the eyes and their locations.

Let's denote the nose, the muzzle is tilted down and therefore the open mouth is not impressive: only the teeth on the lower jaw are slightly visible. The eyes are somewhat slanted and very widely spaced (well, that is, widely spaced along such a narrow muzzle), but the eyebrows, like a house, give the dog’s muzzle some kind of surprised and melancholy expression. The forehead is narrow. The ears are bent and tilted towards the viewer. The fur on the neck is very fluffy. So, there is a pencil sketch, the portrait is quite recognizable - collisty. Now you need to draw it with a marker.

The darkest ones - the eyes and nose, well, by God, black and shiny, and the lips are also black... wow. We draw the pads near the nose, where the mustache grows from (I always want to call them “whiskers” (but in fact, mustaches and whiskers are a two-story dandy mustache, similar to a pagoda).

Probably, since the appearance of “Carlson” Lindgren, all parents know exactly what is needed for the happiness of the whole family. Dog for children! It is for this reason that a year ago we got a sandy-golden lump, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, who was named Gray. This miracle quickly became a member of the family and everyone's favorite. And that’s why, when we decided to find out how to draw a dog with a pencil, the choice fell on a representative of this breed.

The history of the appearance of Gray's "portrait"

For a week we “ran” after our dog, remembering “Prostokvashino” with a more than prophetic statement about our case: “I ran after her for half a day to take a picture!” But we never received it beautiful photo. Our tomboy managed to successfully avoid being imprinted. Either his tail or his nose always turned out to be closer to the lens. Having suffered, we went to others, more in a simple way. It turned out to be found on the Internet suitable photo, similar to ours Gray dog, easily. It is from this that we can draw a dog step by step.

But while we were looking for Gray, my child and I saw that the choice of potential models was huge. We could draw a husky with a pencil step by step, or German Shepherd, or even like. All these are beautiful, graceful and smart dogs. Each of the representatives of its breed has characteristics, inherent only to them, but there are also personal qualities and traits common to all dogs, for which we love them so much and value their friendship. For example, loyalty and the ability to rejoice at the owner, obedience and frankness (they cannot hide their emotions at all).

Already on initial stages working on a drawing of a dog, when we just looked at the varieties of these pets, we learned that they differ in temperament, for example, there are choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic people, we got carried away. We wanted to learn how to draw not just an animal with four legs, ears and a tail, but also to master the patterns of drawing kind and grinning dogs, we wanted to try to draw a spaniel, dachshund or shepherd in pencil step by step. But that will come later. In the meantime, our “test of the pen”. Today we will show a dog in pencil step by step, and this will be our one-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. We took him as a model.

Work plan

Drawing a dog with a pencil step by step turned out to be not at all difficult if you follow the planned plan exactly. What it includes:
  • Preparation;
  • Image of the paws and body of the animal;
  • Working on our pet's face;
  • Design of the picture.
The step-by-step work plan is clear and simple, it helps even inexperienced artistic arts people and children can quickly master the technique of depicting dogs.

Step-by-step image of a dog

Stage 1. Preparation

It includes, first of all, the organization of the workplace.

Let's learn to draw, starting with auxiliary lines. We make two ovals that just touch each other. Required: the upper oval is almost 2 times smaller in size than the lower one. And it looks more like an uneven circle.

Even for beginners, this stage will not be difficult, and even a child can cope with it. But in the future it would be good if parents helped their child in step-by-step drawing.

Stage 2. Image of the paws and body of the animal

How to draw a dog's paws? To do this, draw lines down from the lower oval, at the end of which there will be soft pads. The front legs are completely visible, we make them in their entire length, taking into account the proportions. The back one is visible only, and since it is bent, it top part depicted as an egg-shaped figure along the bottom right side oval And already a small part of the dog’s paw comes from it.

Draw the dog's neck with two curved lines. On the left side we make the body a little larger.

Let's do small circle at the bottom of the upper oval, which will extend onto the lower one.

Stage 3. Working on our pet’s face

How to correctly complete all the details of the head? To do this, divide the upper oval with two arcuate lines, horizontal and vertical, into 4 parts.

The one that runs horizontally will have eyes.

The drawn small circle is also divided in half by a vertical line. The doggie's nose will be located in the middle of it.

On the sides of the muzzle we make the hanging ears characteristic of the Rhodesian Ridgeback.

We depict the eyes and perform the nose of the animal more accurately.

Stage 4. Design of the picture

We have mastered the basic principles that help us understand how to draw. There are still some nuances that will make our picture look like the original. Namely, we perform “toes” on the paws, do not forget about the tail.

We remove all unnecessary lines. We provide the necessary details.

Let's circle in the right color every part of the picture. Do not forget that the Rhodesian Ridgeback, although a smooth-haired breed, still has tiny hairs.

Now, having selected the desired color, we color the picture. Our Gray appears in front of us.

This picture turned out quite simply. Having already become a little more comfortable, you can try more complex models, for example, figure out how to draw husky dog or some other breed. Good luck with this!

Whoa, whoa-go ahead! This is already part 4 of the drawing lesson “How to draw dogs” (!) I hope it doesn’t get to the fifth;)

Step 1.

As always, we start with the first step. First we draw 2 circles. In the circle for the head, draw a diagram as shown in the picture. Next you can sketch out the shells of the front and hind legs.

Step 2.

We start drawing with the dog's ears and make big eyes. Add a small nose and draw a wrinkled neck. Adding relief to the legs.

Step 3.

Now our drawing looks like a dog. We form the jaw and tongue. Add lines in the form of wrinkles on the neck and around the ears. We also draw paws.

Step 4.

Now let's detail the face of our dog. Add lines on the chest, and don't forget to add the legs on the paws. When you're done, you can clear our drawing of all unnecessary lines.

Step 5.

I hope your dog turns out to be as funny as mine. Now you can paint your dog. Thank you for learning with us.

Step 1.

Today we will learn to draw an adorable chihuahua. First draw a middle circle for the head shape, then add a drawing and draw out the shape for the ears. Draw two lines for the neck. Now draw an egg shape for the body and then add shapes for the limbs.

Step 2.

We start by stretching the shape of the ears, and now we will make two small arches for the lining of the eyes. Next, outline the shape of the nose, and then we can move down to sketch out the legs and paws of our dog.

Step 3.

We finish drawing the shape of the eyes. After that, add the nostrils, and then outline the shape of the mouth and neck that will go down. Now we sketch out the legs and stomach, and don’t forget about the claws on the paws.

Step 4.

Let's start drawing big ears, then move on to the face, add the forehead, outline the features of the nose, chin, cheeks and eyes. Add lines on the chest, paws and nails. And finally we finish drawing our dog’s tail.

Step 6.

When you are finished your Chihuahua should look like the picture. Well, now you can sketch our dog as you like. So we have a cheerful dog.

Step 1.

Let's start by drawing three circles for the head, chest and hips. Then we'll add guidelines for the dog's face, just like you see in our example. Then we will draw a line for the front paws.

Step 2.

We begin to draw the back of the dog and draw the lines of the front and back legs. Let's move on to drawing the dog's head. To do this, draw long hanging ears, and then draw the front part of the muzzle, as you see in our sketch.

Step 3.

Once this step is completed, you will see that your dog is starting to take on real shape. In this step we continue to draw the real contours of the dog, for this we use tooth-like lines to draw lines from the head along the back and along the chest of the dog. As you can see, this breed of dog has voluminous fur and this should definitely be taken into account during the drawing process. Then in the head area we draw the dog’s nose, eyes and a long hanging tongue.

Step 4.

In this step we will focus Special attention drawing Bernard's fur, for this we use tooth-like lines to draw more voluminous areas of fur in the area of ​​the back and hips.

Step 5.

This is ours last step drawing, and I think this is the simplest step in our drawing process. In it, all we need to do is draw the tail and add more voluminous areas of fur in the area of ​​​​the dog's head. Then we will draw a vertical line along the dog's tongue and move on to erasing all the auxiliary lines that were useful to us during the drawing process.

Step 6.

This is exactly what your Saint Bernard should look like if you did everything right! Agree, drawing with us is quite quick and easy. And that's all for me. I wish you success and look forward to seeing you again on our website. See you!

Step 1.

Let's start by drawing two circles, one inside the other. Then in the inner circle we draw a sketch of the dog’s head, as you see in our example.

Step 2.

We draw guiding lines in the area of ​​the dog's head, which will help us in the process of later drawing the muzzle. Then we draw the foot, as you see in our example.

Step 3.

We draw the dog’s face in more detail. Namely, we draw the eyes, nose and structural lines of the dog’s mouth.. Then we draw a sketch of the dog’s hind leg.

Step 4.

Now we draw the dog’s big long ears and toes, we also paint over the dog’s pupils and draw eyebrow lines. When finished, erase all the auxiliary lines that were useful to you in the process of drawing a dog step by step.

Step 5.

That's all, now all you have to do is color your dog as you wish.

Step 1.

We will start our drawing by drawing two circles and an oval, one under the other, as in the example. Then we'll add guidelines for the face and draw lines for the Dalmatian's paws and legs.

Step 2.

We begin to draw the dog’s ears, and then draw the bridge of the nose. Then we draw the back and back thigh Dalmatian Then we draw inner surface dog's paw and ankle.

Step 3.

In the third step we draw the neck and front part of the body, and then draw the outer lines of the Dalmatian's legs and paws. We also draw the mouth and eyes, as you see in the example.

Step 4.

Let's draw the dog's face in more detail. To do this, we draw the lines of the eyebrows, then the nose and nostril, and then we draw the muscle structure of the dog’s body, as you see in our example! Afterwards we draw the hind legs and paws.

Step 5.

In this step we draw dark spots on the body of a Dalmatian by analogy which you can see in our drawing. At the end of the work, erase all the auxiliary lines that were useful to you in the process of drawing a Dalmatian step by step.

Step 6.

That's it, you've just drawn this amazing Dalmatian. All you need to do now is color the spots on the Dalmatian's body. And that’s all for me, I wish you success and look forward to seeing you and your comments again on our website. See you!

Step 1.

We will start by drawing certain figures that will later become the body of the Doberman. namely, we will draw a circle for the head, chest, hips, and also circles for the dog’s paws. then we will connect these circles with lines, as you see in our example. We will also draw lines for the paws and neck, and then in a circle for the head we will draw guiding lines for the dog’s future muzzle and draw lines for the ears.

Step 2.

We will start the second step by drawing the ears and drawing the front part of the dog's face. Then we begin to draw the dog's front and back legs, as well as the lines of the belly, tail and hips. Then we will draw small beady eyes.

Step 3.

As you can see, our Doberman is beginning to take its shape. Now we will draw inner part ears and eyebrow folds of the dog, and then draw lower jaw. Then we draw the lines of the back and neck paws.

Step 4.

In this step we draw the main detailed lines. Namely, we draw the lines of the muzzle and draw the nose, then draw in more detail the lines of the skin in the neck area. Then we draw the lines of the muscles on the front and hind legs. Afterwards we will draw the fingers and claws on the paws, and upon completion of the work we will erase all the guiding lines that were useful to us in the process of drawing the Doberman.

Step 5.

You have a great drawing! All you have to do now is color it, and that's all I have! I wish you success and look forward to seeing you again on our website. See you!

Step 1.

We will start our lesson by drawing leading figures. To do this, draw a small circle, and next to it a large oval, then connect these two shapes and move on to the next step.

Step 2.

In this step we draw the actual shape of the dog's head and ears.

Step 3.

Let's draw closed eyes dogs, nose and structural lines in the ears, forehead and nose.

Step 4.

Draw the body of the dog. To do this, starting from the head, draw the fluffy back, then draw a line along the dog’s spine towards the tail, and then carefully draw the fluffy inner surface of the dog’s tail.