The skeletal structure of the foot. Posterior thigh group

Man is an extraordinary masterpiece of nature. By the example of the limbs, we can see with what wisdom she created our body.

The structure of the human leg is important to study and know well for those who play sports or suffer from diseases of the venous system. Also, knowledge of anatomy will not interfere if you need to provide first aid.

The structure of the lower limbs

As the child grows skeletal system, initially consisting mainly of cartilage, hardens. Therefore, the bones become more difficult to injure and break. Highly important role cartilage tissue plays in the joints. It helps the bones to slide easily in the joints, so that we are able to move freely. The ilium, ischium, and pubis are the three largest bones in the pelvis. They are fused in the region of the acetabulum and provide support to the body. The hip joint is located in the said cavity. It includes the head of the femur, rotating, it makes it possible to rotate the limb.

The structure of the human knee

The strongest and most complex of all joints in our body is formed when two bones are joined - the femur and tibia. At the junction, each of them forms condyles, which are covered with cartilaginous tissue. In front of them adjoins the kneecap - a small oval bone. The protrusions of the tibia and femur are connected by ligaments. From above, the joint is surrounded by a periarticular sac, which is filled with synovial fluid.

The structure of the human foot

The bones located in the foot form the arch of the sole. It is they who make the foot flexible and dynamic, allow it to serve as a kind of spring, springing when walking. When lowering the arch of the sole, flat feet are diagnosed.

The role of ligaments and cartilage

Ligaments - long strong strands of connective tissue - are attached to the bones. They fix the joints, preventing them from "loose", and also make the movement precise. When a ligament is torn, it takes twice as long to heal as it does to repair a broken bone. The knee is stabilized by four ligaments as well as two menisci. cartilage tissue allows joints to avoid inflammation during friction. synovial fluid produced by the synovial membrane acts as a lubricant.


The structure of the human leg cannot be described without mentioning the muscles. In front of the thigh is the most powerful of them - the quadriceps, bending the lower leg. The sartorius muscle is also a flexor. It rotates the lower leg inward and the thigh outward. The medial and adductor muscles rotate the thigh inward, move it away from the body and attach it to it. The structure of the human leg in the foot area provides stability to the limbs. We owe the ability to raise and lower the foot to the work of the calf muscles. Those that are located on the back of the lower leg - raise the heel, make it possible to stand on tiptoe. It is worth noting that without a daily load, the muscles atrophy over time, but it is also not recommended to overload them.

The human foot is an inconspicuous but very important cog in the movement system. Every day she has to cope with unimaginable loads. Scientists have calculated that with a fast step, the speed with which it lands is 5 meters per second, that is, the impact force with the support is 120-250% of body weight. But each of us, on average, takes from 2 to 6 thousand such steps per day!

As a result of evolution, we have a practically perfect device adapted to such tests. Although the foot modern man constructively, it practically does not differ from the foot of our ancestor 200-300 years ago, the person himself has changed. He has become taller, heavier, walks mainly on flat surfaces of asphalt and parquet. He is less mobile and lives much longer than a century and a half ago.

Chained in uncomfortable shoes, our feet are forced to change the biomechanics laid down by nature. Which ultimately leads to various deformations and sickness. In order to trace this relationship, let's first understand the structure of the human foot.

foot anatomy

Outwardly, the feet are very different: they are thin and wide, long and short. It happens that the length of the fingers also differs. So, there are three types of foot according to the ratio of the lengths of the first two fingers.

Foot types

Egyptian the foot is found in the majority of the world's population: their thumb is longer than the index. On the Greek a very small proportion of people walk on their feet, its distinguishing feature The second toe is longer than the first. And finally, the owners Roman type of foot (about a third of the population) have the same large and index fingers on the foot.

Arch of the foot

The arch of the foot is actually three arches - internal, external and front. In fact, these are three springs, or arches - two longitudinal and one transverse. The internal longitudinal arch (AC) connects the cusp calcaneus and the head of the first metatarsal. The external longitudinal arch (BC) is formed between the heel tubercle and the fifth metatarsal bone. And the transverse arch (AB) is located perpendicular to them. What we call the height of the rise is precisely determined by the height of the arch of the transverse arch.

Anatomically isolated three divisions feet: front, middle and back. Anterior section otherwise called the toe or toe, it is formed from the fingers and metatarsus. The metatarsus is the five bones that connect the toes to the rest of the foot. middle department the foot is an arch formed from several bones: the scaphoid, cuboid and three sphenoid. The heel, or back section, is formed by two big bones- talus and heel.


Incredible, but true: a quarter of all the bones of the body are concentrated in our foot.

The average person has 26 of them, but very rarely people are born with atavisms in the form of a couple of extra bones. Damage to any of them leads to a violation of the biomechanics of movement of the whole body.


A movable connection of two or more bones forms a joint. Their docking points are covered connective tissue- cartilage. It is thanks to them that we can move and walk smoothly.

The most important joints of the leg: ankle, working on the principle of a door hinge and connecting the foot to the leg; subtalar, responsible for motor rotations; wedge-navicular, compensating dysfunction of the subtalar joint. Finally, the five metatarsophalangeal joints connect the metatarsus and phalanges of the fingers.


The bones and joints of the leg are set in motion 19 different muscles. The biomechanics of the human foot depends on the condition of the muscles. Their overexertion or excessive weakness can lead to wrong position joints and bones. But the condition of the bones also affects the health of the muscles.

Ligaments and tendons

A tendon is an extension of a muscle. They bind muscles and bones. Despite their elasticity, they can be stretched if the muscle is stretched to the maximum. Unlike tendons, ligaments are not elastic, but are very flexible. Their purpose is to connect the joints.

blood supply

Blood to the feet comes through two leg arteries - the dorsal and posterior tibial. Thanks to them they do nutrients and oxygen into smaller vessels and further through the capillaries to all tissues of the foot. The blood with processed products is pumped back through two superficial and two deep veins. The longest is the largest saphenous vein runs from the big toe down the inside of the leg. Small saphenous vein - on the outside of the leg. Tibial veins are located in front and behind on the lower extremities.

Nervous system

Nerves transmit signals between the brain and nerve endings. There are four nerves in the feet - posterior tibial, superficial peroneal, deep peroneal, and gastrocnemius. The most common problems in this area are compression and pinching of the nerve associated with increased stress.

Foot functions

As we noted at the very beginning, the foot does important things. Knowing its device, we can already imagine how exactly it helps a person. So the foot provides:

  1. Equilibrium. Due to the special mobility of the joints in all planes and maneuverability, the sole adheres to the surface on which we walk: hard, soft, uneven, unsteady, while we can stand or move forward and backward, from side to side and not fall.
  2. Push. The foot not only maintains the balance of the body, but also allows it to perform forward movement in any direction. When the heel touches the surface, a reaction to the support force occurs, the kinetic energy is transferred to the foot, which is stored for the time of full contact of the sole and the support, and then transferred to the whole body when the toes are pushed off the ground. This is how the step happens.
  3. Springs. The ability to maintain an arched shape and spread out gently helps the foot take on most shock loads. The knee and spine have a much smaller impact, and even 2% of the initial one reaches the head. Thus, the foot reduces the risk of microtrauma to the overlying ankle, knee, hip joints and spine. If a given function is disturbed, then they develop inflammatory processes sometimes irreversible.
  4. Reflexogenicity. Very concentrated in the human foot a large number of nerve endings. Their high concentration in such a small area provides effective interaction with reflex zones person. This can be used to influence the internal organs through massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy.

In our Everyday life The foot performs all these functions alternately. The quality of her work depends on the condition of her bones, joints, muscles and other components. At slightest violation failure begins further up the chain. Even feet with a normal birth structure have their own tensile strength. With age or in the process of "exploitation" under constant impact static-dynamic loads, certain types of pathologies develop, among which flat feet are the most common. You can extend the life of your foot with proper distribution of loads, regular strengthening exercises and relaxation procedures.

Everyone has it healthy person there are feet. However, if you ask a passer-by on the street what the foot is as a mechanism, what are the bones of the foot and how many there are in total, not everyone will answer. But this is a very serious question: the health of the body as a whole largely depends on the health of a small foot.

Down below lower limb the foot of a person is located, which performs essential function supports, maintaining balance and softens shocks when walking. The structure of the foot, despite its small size(on average - 25-30 centimeters), quite difficult. The feet are made up of three major departments, are the muscles, ligaments and bones of the fingers.

A healthy foot performs the function of support and balance without problems. From the toes, unlike the fingers, it is no longer required to hold objects (the grasping ability of the toes has been lost by man in the process of evolution). The phalanges of the toes are much shorter than the phalanges of the fingers. At the same time, in males, the length of the fingers is longer than in women, the shape of the fingers of men also differs from that of women. Depending on the shape, scientists divided the feet of people into 3 types.

  1. The Egyptian form - the first finger is much larger than the other 4.
  2. Quadrangular shape - the first and second fingers are the same in length.
  3. Greek form - the second finger is longer than the thumb and all the others.

Let's take a closer look at the bones of the foot. How many? In total, the normal foot has 25 bones, which form three sections - these are the tarsus, plus and fingers. The tarsus (or navicular bone) is 7 bones lined up in two lines. In the first line there are such bones.

  1. Cuboid. It is located at the outer edge of the foot. Down below cuboid has a notch for the tendon of the peroneal muscle.
  2. Scaphoid. She is located with inside Feet. The navicular bone has a slight bulge.
  3. medial, lateral, intermediate sphenoid bones. They form the anterior part of the tarsus.

In the second - the bones of the talus and calcaneus.

  1. Heel. This bone is located down the foot, behind the tarsus. It is the largest of all the bones in the foot.
  2. Talus - forms lower section ankle joint.

The metatarsus is 5 small tubular bones. It is the metatarsal part, interacting with the tarsus, that forms the joints responsible for the mobility of the foot. Toes - in total, a person has 5 of them on each foot. They are built from several tubular bones (phalanges). The first (thumb) finger is of two, the rest are of three.

The nerves of the foot (posterior tibial, superficial peroneal, deep peroneal, gastrocnemius) allow a person to control the work of muscles, conduct signals to the brain. In the event of a malfunction of any of the above nerves, a person in the region of the lower limb will experience pain.

The bones of the foot are connected to each other through the joints.

The most important joints of the foot are the ankle, tarsal, tarsal-metatarsal, intertarsal, interphalangeal, and metatarsophalangeal joints. All of them have a rather complex structure. So, the ankle joint connects the foot to the lower leg. It consists of several departments (see table).

lifting features

If a person's feet are in order, then their elements such as the tarsus and metatarsus are in different planes. So, the talus goes above the calcaneus, and the scaphoid - above the calcaneus and cuboid. It is this gradation that provides the correct arch of the foot. Thus, a healthy foot is not perfectly flat, its back surface has a notch (arch), which allows you to slightly spring when walking, reduces the load on the legs and the musculoskeletal system as a whole.

The arch or elevation of the foot largely affects how well a person’s foot works. Interestingly, after birth, there are no irregularities on the surface of the foot in children, and their arch begins to form only with the first steps (closer to a year). It is very important to monitor how a child's foot develops.

The anatomy of the foot says that it is considered normal if the back of the foot has two notches (longitudinal and transverse vault s). In this case, the longitudinal arch runs along the edge of the foot, and the transverse one - between the fingers.

The anatomy of the foot also indicates that the sphenoid, navicular, talus and two metatarsal bones form the internal longitudinal arch. The navicular bone in articulation with the talus (joint) is located just in the middle of the internal longitudinal arch.

As for the external longitudinal arch, it is formed by the cuboid, calcaneus and also two metatarsal bones. The transverse arch is formed by the bases of the bones of the metatarsus (in the middle there should be a third metatarsal).

Stop types

What are the types of feet? The feet, depending on the height of the arches, are of three types. Among them: feet with a high arch; feet with a low arch; feet with normal arches.

You can determine your type yourself using a simple test. To carry it out, you will need a container with water and an ordinary paper sheet. So, you should moisten your feet in water, and then carefully stand on clean paper. Then step back and look at the traces left.

If only 2 small spots are visible on the paper (near the toes and heel), the feet have a high arch. If the trace of almost the entire foot is noticeable, the arch is not high, on the contrary, it is very low, there may be flat feet. If you get an average result, and the foot print is visible, but not completely, the bend is implied, then the arch is most likely normal.

Of course, the ideal option is the presence of a normal arch, since in the first two cases the very important task of depreciation is greatly violated. With a normal, longitudinal arch, the 1st metatarsal bone is angled, which allows the feet to roll slightly, as it were, significantly reducing the load and pressure.

If the arch is low - (the transverse arch of the foot), there is no such angle, the foot is unable to cushion. And the load when walking falls on the knees, hip joints and even the spine, which can lead to serious illnesses musculoskeletal system, circulatory disorders.

A high arch is much preferable to a low one. The high arch is also called sports. A high arch allows athletes to develop greater speed, while the feet do not overstrain.

Along with this, too high a lift brings people a lot of trouble. Not only is it rather problematic to pick up model shoes for a high rise, but also the feet, in which the instep of the foot is too large, hurt and often swell after walking.

A person who has a high arch walks less steadily. In this regard, it is extremely important to control the formation of the foot in children, not only to prevent flat feet, but also to ensure that the arch does not turn out to be too high.

Formation of the arch of the feet of the child

How long does it take for the formation of the foot in children? According to scientists, about 6 years. It is during this time that muscles, bones and ligaments are strengthened. That is, it is in the preschool period that it is easiest to influence the development of the foot in children, to make sure that a healthy skeleton is formed.

Otherwise, sprains may occur, which in the future will develop into flat feet. To avoid this, babies who have just begun to walk should choose good shoes with a hard back and a small heel. It is worth noting that the shape of the feet in children is most often embedded in the DNA, and it is difficult to change it, no matter how hard you try, even in childhood.

Concerning congenital diseases, such as, for example, the adducted foot, then their treatment should be started as early as possible - preferably up to a year, while the joints of the foot are soft, the bones have not yet fully formed. If a disease such as an adducted foot is detected, it means that the muscles of the child's foot and ligaments (more precisely, part of the ligaments covering the rear of the foot) develop incorrectly, and the bones of the metatarsus are subsequently deformed.

Such a pathology is expressed in the fact that the distance between the first two fingers increases significantly, the arch is longitudinal. Depending on the intensity of the curvature of the bones, the disease can be of three degrees of severity. In the first two cases, the treatment consists in the imposition of gypsum, with a particularly severe degree of the disease, surgery is necessary.

At the time when the skeleton of the foot is formed especially intensively (from 1 to 5 years), the child should be under the supervision of specialists.

Ankle is a support human skeleton at the bottom of it. It is on him that we rely when we walk, run or play sports. A weight load falls on the foot, and not moving, as on the knees. Therefore, it is required to understand the structure of the human foot, presenting its diagram with the designation of ligaments and bones.

This area of ​​the body is considered the distal sphere of the leg - the lower limb. This is a complex articulation of the smallest bones that form a strong arch and serve as a support when we move or stand. The anatomy of the foot, its structure will become clearer if you know the scheme of its structure.

The underside of the foot that touches the ground is commonly referred to as the sole or foot. The reverse side is called the back. It is divided into three components:

  • finger phalanges;
  • metatarsus;
  • tarsus.

The vaulted design and the abundance of joints give the foot amazing reliability and strength, moreover, elasticity with flexibility.

foot ligaments

The ligamentous apparatus of the foot and lower leg holds all the bone structures together, protecting the joint and limiting its movement. Anatomically, these structures are divided into three sets.

The first of these includes fibers that connect the tibia to each other. Interosseous - this is the area of ​​​​the membrane located below, stretched between the lower legs in its entire length. The posterior inferior is designed to impede the internal movements of the bones. The anterior peroneal inferior goes to the ankle, located outside, from the tibial bone, keeping the ankle from turning outward. The transverse ligament fixes the foot against inward movement. These fibers attach the fibula to the tibia.

The external ligaments are represented by the anterior and posterior talar fibular, as well as the calcaneal-fibular. They go from the outer area a little tibia, running up in all possible directions to the parts of the tarsus. Therefore, they are called the "deltoid ligament". They are designed to strengthen the outer edge of the area.

The next group includes internal ligaments running on the side of the joint. The tibial scaphoid, tibial ligament of the heel, the posterior from the anterior tibial talus were brought here. They start at the ankle from the inside. Called to contain tarsal bones from displacement. The most powerful link does not stand out here - they are all quite strong.

Foot bones

The foot ligaments are always attached to the bones. From the rear of the tarsus are placed the calcaneal with the talus, in front - the three wedge-shaped, cuboid and navicular. The talus bone is located between the calcaneal and distal ends of the tibia, connecting the foot with the lower leg. She has a head with a body, between them, in turn, is a narrowing, a neck.

On top of this body is the articular area, a block that serves as a connection with the tibia. A similar surface is also present on the head, in its front part. She articulates it with the navicular bone.

It is curious that on the body, from the outside and from the inside, articular elements are found that articulate with the ankles. There is also a deep furrow in the lower region. It separates the articular elements that articulate it with the calcaneus.

The calcaneus refers to the posterior part of the tarsus. Its shape is somewhat elongated and flattened on the sides. It is considered the largest in this area. A body and a tubercle are distinguished in it. The latter is well felt.

There are articular components on the bone. They articulate it with bones:

  • with a ram - at the top;
  • with cuboid - in front.

From the inside, there is a protrusion on the calcaneus that serves as the base for the talus bone.

The navicular bone is located near the inner end of the foot. It is located in front of the talus, inside the cuboid and behind the sphenoid bones. On its inner region, a tuberosity was found, looking down.

Feeling good under skin, it is an identification point that allows you to determine the height inner region foot longitudinal arch. Anteriorly, it is convex. There are also joint areas here. They articulate with nearby bones.

The cuboid bone is located at the outer part of the foot, articulating:

  • in front - with the 5th and 4th metatarsal;
  • behind - from the heel;
  • from the inside - from the external wedge-shaped and navicular.

A furrow runs along it from the bottom. Here is the tendon of the peroneal long muscle.

In the tarsus, the anterior-internal compartment includes wedge-shaped bones:

  • lateral;
  • intermediate;
  • medial.

They are located in front of the scaphoid, behind the 1st metatarsal triplet and inside relative to the cuboid bone.

In the five metatarsal bones, each of the tubular type. All stand out:

  • head;
  • body;
  • base.

Any representative of this group with a body resembles an outwardly 3-sided prism. The longest in it is the second, the first is the thickest and shortest. On the bases of the metatarsal bones there are articular areas that articulate them with other bones - the nearest metatarsal, as well as tarsal.

On the heads there are areas of joints that articulate them with the proximal phalanges located in the fingers. Any of the metatarsal bones is simply palpable with back side. soft tissues cover them with a relatively small layer. All of them are located in different planes, creating a vault in the direction across.

In the foot, the fingers are divided into phalanges. Like the hand, the first finger has a pair of phalanges, the rest have three. Often, in the fifth finger, a pair of phalanges grows together into a single whole, and in the end, not a triple, but a pair remains in its skeleton. Phalanges are divided into distal, middle and proximal. Their fundamental difference on the legs is that they are shorter than on the arms (distal, in particular).

Like the hand, the foot has sesamoid bones - and much more pronounced. Most of them are observed in the area where the 5th and 4th metatarsal bones are associated with the proximal phalanges. Sesamoid bones reinforce transverse arching in the anterior part of the metatarsus.

The ligaments in the foot are also attached to the muscles. On its back surface is a pair of muscles. It's about about short extensor fingers.

Both extensors start from the inner and outer spheres of the calcaneus. They are fixed on the proximal digital phalanges, which correspond to them. The main work of these muscles is the extension of the fingers on the foot.

The muscles and ligaments of the foot are diverse. There are three muscle groups located on the surface of the sole. The inner group includes the following muscles responsible for the work of the thumb:

  • the one that takes him away;
  • short flexor;
  • the one that brings him.

All of them, starting from the bones of the tarsus and metatarsus, are attached to thumb- the basis of its proximal phalanx. The functional of this group is clear from the definitions.

The outer muscle group of the foot is everything that affects its fifth toe. We are talking about a pair of muscles - a short flexor, as well as the one that removes the little finger. Each of them is attached to the 5th finger - namely, to its proximal phalanx.

The most important among the groups is the middle one. Includes muscles:

  • a short flexor for the fingers, from the second to the fifth, attached to their middle phalanges;
  • square plantar, attached to the tendon;
  • worm-like;
  • interosseous - plantar and dorsal.

The direction of the latter is towards proximal phalanges(from 2nd to 5th).

These muscles start on the bones of the metatarsus with the tarsus on the plantar region of the foot, except for the worm-like ones, which start from the tendons of the long digital flexor. All muscles are involved in various finger movements.

In the plantar area muscle stronger than on the back. This is due to different functional features. In the plantar region, the muscles hold the arches of the foot, to a large extent providing its spring qualities.

    The thigh is part of the leg hip joint and to the knee, it distinguishes between the anterior, posterior, external and inner surface, knee and popliteal fossa, lower leg from knee to ankle, also distinguish between the back, front, outer and inner surfaces, ankle joint, foot, heel, fingers and sole.

    The thigh is called the part of the leg from the knee to the hip joint, then the knee, rear end knee is called the popliteal fossa, below the lower leg, then the ankle joint and foot. The part of the foot that touches the floor is called the sole.

    The leg is made up of

    • foot and five fingers
    • Feet,
    • heels,
    • ankle,
    • shins - this is the part of the leg from the heel to the knee,
    • calf, which is located behind the lower leg,
    • knee and patella,
    • hips,
    • groin.

    The lower leg, in turn, consists of the tibia and the tibia. The patella is attached to the tibia.

    From top to bottom - from the buttocks to the knee - the thigh, then the knee, then to the ankle in front - the lower leg, behind - the calf, then the foot. The foot is the heel (back) and toe (front), on the toe are the toes.

    I was surprised to notice that most people are completely unaware of the names of the parts own body and I am no exception. Somehow I always managed with slurred below the kneequot ;, above the kneequot ;, knee and similar definitions. Then I figured out this problem a little, but the knowledge of the parts of a person’s legs did not bring any practical benefit to me, except for a sense of satisfaction. At my friend’s remark you have a thread on your right lower leg; she asked again: where-where?? .

    Basic concepts that everyone should know: thigh (part of the leg from the hip joint to the knee), knee (the back of the knee does not have its own name), lower legs, calves, feet.

    The foot is in contact with the ground and serves as a support during movement. The part of the foot in contact with the ground is called the foot or sole, the opposite upper side is called the back of the foot. By bone structure The foot is divided into tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges. Yes, the foot is part of the leg down to the bone.

    The buttocks are part of the leg.

    The lower leg is the part of the leg from the knee to the heel, and the ankle and ankle are the same.

    Knee is the name knee joint(in the common people), which has front, back and side surfaces

    I have never been particularly interested in this issue, but I always believed that the leg consists of the thigh, lower leg and foot. In more detail, the list looks like this:

    foot and toes

  • The buttock is not an organ, but a muscle, since the organ performs some specific, only inherent function. As for the parts of the leg, the following areas of the leg are distinguished in the anatomy:

    • Gluteal region (back, buttocks);
    • Anterior thigh region;
    • The back of the thigh (thigh);
    • Anterior region of the knee (knee);
    • Back area of ​​the knee;
    • Anterior region of the lower leg (lower leg);
    • Back region of the lower leg (calf);
    • Anterior region of the ankle joint;
    • Posterior region of the ankle joint (ankle);
    • Outer region of the ankle joint;
    • Inner region of the ankle joint;
    • The area of ​​the rear of the foot;
    • Sole area (sole).

    Of the smaller elements, we can mention the heel, arch of the foot, toes.

  • Human legs are a rather complex natural mechanism, which includes:

    Buttocks (the most aesthetically important part of the leg);

    Front thigh;

    Thigh (located behind the thigh);

    Knee (located in front of the knee);

    Back of the knee;

    Lower leg (located in front of the lower leg);

    Caviar (back of the leg);

    Anterior part of the ankle joint;

    Ankle (located behind the ankle joint)

    The back of the foot;

    As you can see, the buttocks are part of the legs. The back of the knee has no name, the back of the lower leg is the calf, the lower leg and ankle are different parts of the leg, and the foot consists of the sole and the back.

  • Human leg consists of several parts, namely from three: thigh, consisting of femur and the patella, lower leg, consisting of the tibia and fibula, foot, consisting of many small bones.