Miscellaneous cramp in the calf muscle. Cramping of the calf muscles at night

Sudden muscle spasm contributes to severe pain. A cramp, in addition to the calf muscle, can sometimes reduce the muscles of the foot. Most people rarely experience muscle cramps, but some experience such discomfort regularly. Seizures can be managed with home remedies, and lifestyle changes can help prevent them.

During a calf cramp, a person experiences prolonged, excessive, and unusual muscle contractions. The cause of cramps in the calf muscle is an excessive accumulation of lactic acid in a muscle that is tired from work, blood circulation is difficult for some reason, nerve dysfunction caused by lying or sitting in an uncomfortable position. In addition, convulsions are a symptom that doctors of various specialties are afraid of, because convulsive syndrome is quite difficult to stop.

Causes of seizures

The reasons that can contribute to the appearance of seizures at different periods of age are quite diverse, here are some of them:

  • Hypoxia - or insufficient amount of oxygen entering the body;
  • Malformations of the brain;
  • Encephalitis, and other neuroinfections;
  • Low content of glucose, magnesium, calcium in blood serum;
  • birth trauma in a newborn;
  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • brain tumors;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Fever, elevated body temperature;
  • Gestosis (complication of the course of pregnancy);
  • Drug poisoning;
  • Violations in salt and water metabolism.

It is already known for sure that a very bright light or a loud sound can cause seizures. Hereditary predisposition can also significantly affect the occurrence of seizures. Individuals whose relatives have once experienced convulsive seizures are at a high risk of having such seizures.

Types of seizures

Seizures can be tonic-clonic, myoclonic and partial.

It is not necessary to call cramps of the calf muscles a spasm that often occurs during sleep. Such a pathology is better characterized by the term "myoclonus", when the muscles of the legs reduce spasm, not accompanied by loss of consciousness.

As scientists have found, with myoclonus, the muscles reduce due to a violation occurring in the extrapyramidal system of the brain and a reduced content of calcium in the blood serum. If a muscle spasm occurs once every few months, then this may indicate the first symptoms of the disease: in women, for example, at night it can reduce the calf muscles with a deficiency of serum calcium, or with varicose veins of the lower extremities of the body. If a spasm of the calf muscles occurs in cold water, then this is due to the narrowing of the blood vessels in the event of exposure to low temperature or overstrain of the muscle. Quite often, muscle contraction in cold water can be in people with insufficient calcium, or with a disease of the spine.

Muscles can contract during physical exertion, and this happens due to dehydration of the body and the loss of potassium and calcium along with sweat, in case of insufficient warm-up, increased training volume, or excessive stress on this muscle group.

During sleep, spasms can occur when a person moves from one position to another. In this case, there is a sudden tension of a particular muscle group, leading to a spasm.

Treatment of calf muscle cramps

Cramps in the calf muscles are often symptoms associated with varicose veins, and quite rarely they occur in isolation, without being accompanied by other manifestations caused by a violation of the venous outflow of blood in the legs of a person, such as heaviness, pain, swelling, and so on.

During a spasm of the calf muscle, a needle prick will be a fairly effective tool, only a specially trained person should perform such a procedure - you need to know perfectly the location of the needle injection points. It is not recommended to do such an injection on your own, because. there is a high probability that pathogens that can cause all kinds of infectious diseases will enter the body. In addition, it is quite easy to damage the vessels and nerves located under the surface of the skin.

The main reason for the occurrence of convulsive contractions in the calf muscles are all sorts of sodium and calcium metabolism disorders that occur in muscle tissue, often due to blood stasis. When there is a deficiency in the supply of potassium ions, neuromuscular excitability appears. A person first of all develops weakness in the muscles, increased fatigue, and in the future - cramps, muscle twitches and spastic contractions of the feet. Seizures most often occur at night, during sleep. The prolonged absence of any movement and work of the muscle pump, or the not very comfortable position of the leg - all this contributes to the disruption of normal venous blood flow.

Prevention of seizures is done in order to avoid the occurrence of a new attack. General massage helps a lot in preventing cramps, because. during it, all muscles are warmed up, increasing blood flow in the body. Physical exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs prone to spasms. It is desirable to include vegetables, dairy products, fruits, oatmeal, liver in the diet. It is recommended to take preparations containing calcium and vitamin D, which increases the calcium content in the blood and reduces convulsive manifestations along with neuromuscular excitability. Seizures can be the cause of metabolic disorders and tumor lesions of the nervous system and parathyroid endocrine glands. Therefore, if symptoms are detected, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Almost every person at a certain stage of his life path faced discomfort in the leg area and wondered why he cramps the calf muscles?

It is necessary to distinguish between a single muscle contraction and a pathological, permanent one. Rare contractions are not dangerous to human health. They are caused by metabolic disorders, beriberi, abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system and stress.

Pathological are convulsive tension at night. In such a situation, the help of a specialist is needed.

The calf muscle is located on the back of the leg. When it is overstressed, a convulsive state occurs. This is especially noticeable at night, because at night the body is in the wrong position. Why does the calf muscle contract? In most cases, this is due to blood flow disorders.

Unpleasant sensations can also occur in the following cases:

In pregnant women

Women who are expecting a baby often experience muscle cramps that last for several days. The reasons for this may be different. Most often this occurs as a result of toxicosis, which may be the underlying cause. The most common factor is a change in mineral metabolism. This problem occurs at the cell level, and this is facilitated by the potential difference on the cell membrane.

Problems of mineral metabolism arise due to the increased demand in them by the body of the expectant mother. Enormous reserves are expended on the vital functions and development of the embryo. Due to an eating disorder, a woman does not receive the necessary trace elements. Deficiency is almost always experienced in potassium, magnesium and calcium. Girls who are struggling with the problem of edema can take special drugs that contribute to the abundant excretion of urine. Low blood hemoglobin promotes oxygen starvation of the muscles and leads to tics.

As a result of squeezing the lower vein by the fetus. This contributes to impaired blood flow and a picture similar to varicose veins is observed. It is especially painful in this case at night, the reducing muscles at this time experience oxygen starvation. If there are discomfort at night, then you need to contact your doctor, only he can help eliminate this problem and tell you what to do in a particular case.

Causes of calf cramps in children

In children, involuntary muscle contractions often occur, which quickly pass if they do not have a pathological condition.

Main reasons:

  • a common reaction to high physical activity;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • uncomfortable ambient temperature;
  • stressful condition or fear;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • active growth of connective tissue;
  • very active child.

You need to contact a specialist if:

  • the muscle after contractions hurts for a long time;
  • this phenomenon is observed several times a day;
  • the etiology of seizures is not physical activity.

Types of seizures

Seizures can be classified according to intensity and duration.

A pronounced epileptic seizure is called tonic-clonic. In this state there is no consciousness.

Partial states can be simple and associated with a complex of symptoms accompanied by loss of consciousness.

With the contraction of the fibers or the entire muscle, we are talking about a myoclonic spasm. Such nocturnal states are present in patients with impaired function or integrity of brain structures, sometimes with a lack of trace elements. There may be other reasons as well.

Treatment Methods

Cramps in the calf muscle do not just happen. They may indicate the beginning of the development of varicose veins. In addition to this, pain, swelling and heaviness in the legs occur. With such problems, a comprehensive examination is necessary.

For a radical solution to the problem of muscle spasm, you can use an injection into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pain focus. It quickly relieves the painful syndrome. Such a manipulation should be done by a specialist who is aware of the location of all vital structures in the leg. You can not inject yourself, there is a high risk of damage to the arteries and nerve endings. In case of non-compliance with sanitation standards, an infection can be introduced.

Mineral metabolism disorders are a key factor in such a problem. This is due to a violation of their intake with food or a high degree of their excretion in kidney diseases.

Sodium and calcium salts play a huge role in the functioning of all structures of the human body. Their deficiency leads to increased nervous excitability. First of all, weakness in the legs appears, fatigue increases, then convulsions and muscle convulsions begin. All these manifestations are especially frequent at night, when the outflow of blood in the lower extremities is disturbed due to the horizontal position of the body. When prescribing treatment for such symptoms, the doctor must take into account all factors and advise what the patient should do to relieve pain.


Before prescribing treatment, it becomes necessary to establish the root cause of the disease. To do this, a detailed examination is carried out. The doctor should be aware of all the patient's discomfort, concomitant diseases and injuries. The family history of morbidity is investigated. This is necessary in order to find out why the calf muscle has crumpled.

Laboratory studies necessary for diagnosis:

  • deep blood test (biochemical layout and ion analysis);
  • liver samples;
  • electromyographic study to detect pathologies in the physiology of the muscular apparatus;
  • electroencephalography to study the activity of the nervous system.

Prevention of seizures

To get rid of the problem, you must first adjust the diet. In it, in harmonious proportions, all the necessary trace elements and basic substances should be present. It is important to observe the drinking regimen. During intense physical activity and pregnancy, the resources of the body are especially quickly wasted. This factor must be taken into account when adjusting the diet.

A good preventive measure is stretching the muscles of this zone. The main thing is to do everything gradually, without giving a high load. With hypo and avitaminosis, it is advisable to take complex vitamins. Especially if there is no way to get them from food.

Gymnastics to fix the problem

What to do with seizures? To prevent muscle spasms, you need to do special physical exercises. They come in several types, so they need to be combined.

Spasm Relief Exercises:

  • Slow walking with stepping on the heel.
  • Stretching the calf muscle. To do this, the reduced leg is straightened, the foot is turned towards the knee. The sock is wrapped around with hands and pulled towards you.
  • Run in place. Such training will help to disperse the blood flow in the problem area.
  • Toe work. Walking with a change of reference point;


To prevent and treat seizures, it is necessary to remove all the causes of their manifestation. Preventive measures work well for this.

Convulsive seizures will pass if you follow these simple rules:

  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eliminating all harmful effects;
  • daily moderate workouts without intense loads on the legs;
  • comfortable bed with an elevation in the leg area;
  • wearing comfortable shoes, sized from quality materials;
  • exclusion of shoes with high heels and with a sharp rise;
  • if there is a problem of varicose veins, then it is necessary to wear compression underwear, otherwise the disturbed outflow will reduce the muscle;
  • sleep for at least 8 hours;
  • taking vitamins with all the necessary elements or including various fortified foods in the diet;
  • take off shoes at home, putting on slippers;
  • eating foods high in vitamin D and calcium.

You can do special baths in the evening. Sea salt baths work well. To do this, dissolve 6 tablespoons of dry product in 5 liters of water. To relieve pain, you can massage the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leg. It has a warming effect, increasing blood flow and metabolic processes.

Nocturnal calf cramps are a common occurrence in people older than middle age that manifest themselves at night during sleep, preventing proper rest.

A spasm is a spontaneous muscle spasm, accompanied by severe pain. A common location of manifestation is the legs (calves and shins). The convulsive contraction lasts for a few moments or minutes, causing the muscle to harden and deform. The sharp onset of convulsive contraction is accompanied by acute pain, relieved exclusively by painkillers. Pain lasts up to a day, reaching a peak at night.

Regular nocturnal seizures are the body's signal of the presence of a serious disease or abnormality.

Finding the cause is a sure step on the road to recovery. Nocturnal cramps of the calf muscles are a kind of indicator of the general condition of the body, the manifestation of which is a weighty excuse to see a doctor.

The main causes of leg cramps are:

  • Non-systematic intense physical activity;
  • Cold;
  • Disruptions in metabolism;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Stress;
  • Insufficient amount of minerals in the body;
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • Excessive excitability of the neuromuscular system;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, flat feet;
  • Side effect of taking medications (diuretics, statins);
  • Lack of potassium, magnesium and calcium in the body;
  • Diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease, liver cirrhosis;
  • Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Endocrine system disorders, hormonal disruptions;
  • muscle tension;
  • Long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • Hidden leg injuries.

Often convulsive contractions of the calf muscles appear at night. During sleep, metabolism slows down, only the heart and brain work at a normal pace. Muscles are relaxed at night, the blood supply to the limbs slows down, leading to oxygen deficiency, causing convulsions.

To alleviate the condition during convulsive contractions, a special action plan has been developed.

Immediate Help

  1. If the calf on the leg is seized by a cramp, you should squeeze it with an effort, press your finger into the center for half a minute. The method helps to improve blood flow to the muscle.
  2. To relieve spasm, it is recommended to press firmly on the center of the lower lip for thirty seconds.
  3. It will be useful to carry out a light massage in the calf area - stimulation of blood circulation.
  4. Raising the leg up improves blood flow.
  5. A sharp sharp spastic pain is relieved by a sharp injection into the affected area.
  6. To relieve convulsive symptoms - pulling, stabbing sensations - hot and cold compresses are alternately applied.
  • Training on sports simulators, a treadmill is suitable. Riding a bicycle in combination with gymnastic exercises for the legs will be useful.
  • Regular muscle stretching, relaxing massage.
  • Reduce the amount of diuretic foods in the diet, alcoholic beverages and coffee.
  • Take magnesium and vitamin B12 supplements in moderation.
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration if strenuous exercise is expected.
  • Eat foods rich in potassium. These are fish, tomatoes, grapes or bananas.
  • Keep your feet warm at all times.
  • Maintain normal weight, obesity is the reason.
  • Control a disease that causes nocturnal muscle contractions (epilepsy, varicose veins).
  • Wear comfortable shoes so that your feet do not hurt after wearing.

During the period of intensive growth and development in a child, as in an adult, nocturnal cramps of the calf muscles can appear. The phenomenon is provoked by the following conditions: flat feet in a child, hypothermia, lack of minerals and vitamins in the blood, a long stay in an uncomfortable position. The cause of the seizures is determined by the doctor. With regular convulsive attacks, the most likely factors are flat feet and a lack of vitamins.


If leg cramps have become regular, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Convulsive phenomena are dealt with by therapists, in some cases by neuropathologists.

To determine the cause of seizures, a blood test is performed to determine if the patient has an imbalance of hormones or minerals. The state of blood circulation is diagnosed by measuring the pulse of the leg.

Treatment of calf muscle cramps

The phenomenon of convulsions is well studied by medicine, the appointment and the treatment process do not cause difficulties.

If doctors are unable to accurately determine the cause of seizures, the symptom is due to an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in a person’s blood. After examinations, Magne B6, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Asparkam, Calcemin Advance, Panangin, Mydocalm, Diphenylhydramine Hydrochloride, Aralen, Dilantin, Quinine Sulfate are prescribed. The listed drugs are indicated for use under the strict supervision of the attending physician and only after finding out the reasons that explain the cause of convulsive muscle contractions in the legs. No medicine guarantees the complete removal of the syndrome; moreover, it can cause complications in the body, negatively affecting the healing process.

Medicine allows with the use of physiotherapy sessions, reflexology, deep professional massage, which favorably affects blood circulation in the problem area.

If the calves are regularly reduced during sleep, in addition to drug treatment, it is strongly recommended to change the diet by adding more foods rich in vitamins: lean meat, liver, seafood, broccoli, honey, legumes, dried fruits, dairy products, nuts, herbs, bran. Please note that simply fat-free foods will not bring the desired effect, they lack a number of vitamins that help in the treatment of seizures.

Caused by low levels of hemoglobin. The condition is dangerous for the mother and child; to normalize the condition, appropriate medications are prescribed only by a doctor.

An additional reason for convulsions in pregnant women is a lack of calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are excreted from the body due to toxicosis, sometimes involving frequent vomiting. Involuntary contractions are observed in late pregnancy, which is associated with the peculiarities of the exchange of vitamins and trace elements between the female body and the body of the unborn child.

The uterus, greatly enlarged in size, presses on the inferior vena cava, the outflow of venous blood from the legs is disturbed, which causes a painful attack.

Preventive gymnastics against seizures

To get rid of night cramps, constant training and strengthening of the calf muscles are required. The following exercises have been developed for this:

  • Sitting on a chair, place your feet flat on the floor and rest on them with effort from the inside, sit like this for half a minute, then pause for a few seconds, repeat again. The exercise is performed several times a day.
  • Flexion and extension of the toes.
  • Alternate walking on toes and heels.

Night cramps of the calf muscles do not pose a danger to human life, but cause pain and other discomfort. For the treatment of convulsive syndrome, the causes of occurrence are first established, then the doctor's prescriptions are followed without fail.

Hello, my dear readers! My today's article will be devoted to the analysis of the situation in which almost every person fell into - reduced the calf muscle. What to do in this case, how dangerous it is for human health and the main preventive measures for such cases, you will find answers to these questions in this article.

It is difficult to meet a person who, at least once in his life, has not encountered the problem of cramps in the calf muscles. In addition to a feeling of discomfort, a spasm also brings quite painful sensations. So what does this painful process that takes place in our legs look like.

A calf cramp is a kind of spasm caused by involuntary contraction of muscle tissue. Speaking in an accessible language, it looks like this: the muscle contracts sharply, but cannot return to a relaxed state on its own. The main problem is the sudden onset of a cramp, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and pain in any leg.

Causes of seizures

It is often believed that leg cramps can be earned by swimming in cold water or torturing yourself to exhaustion on sports grounds is not entirely true. Yes, the listed factors are among the most common causes of seizures, but besides this, there are a number of other points that you should pay attention to:

  1. Hypothermia - here the risk factor is not only cold water, but also corny insufficiently warm shoes
  2. Incorrectly selected shoes - at this point, you should pay attention to the shoes that you use in everyday life
  3. – deformation of the main arch of the foot leads to an incorrect redistribution of the load on the muscles of the legs
  4. A large load on the muscles of the legs during the working day - this is usually typical for people whose specific work is associated with constant being on their feet
  5. Lack of essential trace elements for the body
  6. Stressful condition - often causes muscle tension, leading to convulsions
  7. Pregnancy is a purely female “problem”, accompanied by an increased load on the legs

All of the above factors (we leave pregnancy out of the equation) are easily eliminated. It is worth noting that when selecting the necessary trace elements, you should not self-medicate, but you need to consult with a qualified specialist who will be able to select the necessary complex, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

If convulsions occur in a single amount, then this problem can be dealt with independently. Much more difficult is the situation in which cramps in the calves of the legs are regular. Usually, this indicates the following:

  1. Leg vein problems (leg varicose veins)
  2. Inflammatory processes in the body
  3. Injuries received, not fully healed
  4. Problems in the thyroid gland
  5. Complex of neurological diseases

If you have problems of a similar nature, you should contact a general practitioner who will prescribe a set of necessary tests to find out the causes of the disease.

Options for emergency (momentary) help with leg cramps

The main advice in this situation is quite banal - try to relax as much as possible. If this does not help, then you should perform a series of actions that will help you relieve painful muscle tension:

  • Straighten your legs, lift the reduced leg up, pulling the foot towards you as much as possible.
  • Gently massage the calf muscles, paying special attention to the most painful part of the body. During the massage, movements should be done from the bottom up, from the heel to the knee.
  • Raise your legs, put a roller or pillow under them. Hold your legs in this state for several minutes.
  • One of the most radical methods is an injection into a cramped muscle with a pin or needle. The main thing is not to overdo it.

After you have coped with cramps, you should apply a warm compress for the legs or take a warm bath.

Prevention measures

The main thing to pay attention to is the right choice of shoes. Your shoes should not be too tight; for the winter season, a sufficiently warm version of the shoe must be selected. Regular hypothermia of the legs is the first step to the appearance of cramps.

The next point to pay attention to is the time spent on your feet during the day. If the specifics of your job is to be on your feet for a long time, try to find time during the day for a little massage.

Give a few minutes of attention during the day to the calves, feet, toes and the problem of cramps will disappear from your life. At the end of the working day, do a contrast foot bath. Keep in mind that this option is only suitable for those people who do not have problems with blood vessels. Mint or valerian can be added to the induced water.

Perform a simple set of exercises to strengthen the ligaments:

  1. Toes on yourself, hold for 10 seconds in this position, then straighten. Do this exercise several times
  2. Get up as high as possible on your toes, and then drop sharply. Perform within 45-60 seconds
  3. Light, jumping movements on the toes


You should also pay special attention to your diet. The occurrence of seizures usually leads to a lack in the body of trace elements such as,.

Milk, cottage cheese, legumes are perfect for replenishing calcium deficiency. Walnuts will help solve the problem of magnesium deficiency. Well, for replenishing potassium reserves in the body, fruits and fruits available to everyone are perfect.

For athletes and people actively involved in sports and physical culture, attention should be paid to maintaining the necessary water balance in the body. Avoid possible dehydration in the body, during training and sports, drink the required amount of water.

The implementation of the above tips will allow you to avoid pain and various kinds of inconvenience associated with the situation when you have reduced the calf muscle. Now you know what to do in this situation.

On this I say goodbye to you. I hope that the information obtained from this article will be useful to you. Subscribe to blog updates, share links to this and other articles with your friends. I look forward to your comments. See you soon!

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Cramps of the calf muscles - a sudden contraction of the muscles, often reducing the muscles of the foot. People of absolutely any age, as well as women during pregnancy, are subject to such an unpleasant sensation. Most patients note that nocturnal attacks of muscle spasms are especially strong, since it is at this time that the human body is as relaxed as possible. After the first manifestation of such a symptom, the victim should contact a medical institution as soon as possible, because if this is not done, serious diseases may remain without diagnosis.

If during pregnancy a woman is disturbed by cramps of the lower extremities, this is the first sign of a complicated course of this process. Such a symptom can act as the first sign - a pathology, which is characterized by a critical increase in blood pressure. Frequent contractions of the caviar muscles in children may indicate that it is starting to develop.

The causes of occurrence are quite diverse - from vitamin deficiency to complex internal disorders. Attacks, depending on the type, can be short-lived or last a few minutes. In addition, the intensity of pain is different. Treatment is prescribed individually for each patient, especially for women during pregnancy, because not all medications can be taken at such a time.


Contractions of the muscles of the lower extremities can occur against the background of certain diseases or in a completely healthy person. Among the disorders that can cause spasms are:

  • lack of calcium, potassium and other essential minerals in the body;
  • organism. Due to the small amount of fluid, the blood begins to thicken, against which convulsions occur;
  • use of drugs for no apparent reason or doctor's prescription. Basically, these are diuretics that remove magnesium and sodium. It is most typical for older people or females who reduce their body weight with the help of such means. That is why cramps of the calf muscles often occur at night;
  • blood transfusion;
  • violations of the blood supply to tissues, which is manifested not only by muscle spasms, but also by severe pain;
  • fever and fever;
  • pregnancy - all the calcium in the woman's body is aimed at the proper formation of the fetus. Also, an increase in body weight due to a growing baby can lead to cramps in the muscles of the calves and feet;
  • addiction to nicotine for many years;
  • and other anomalies of the foot lead to improper distribution of the load, which is the main cause of spasms;
  • oxygen starvation of muscles due to various ailments;
  • various intoxications of the body;
  • contact with poisonous animals, insects or plants;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • the influence of high body temperature often causes convulsions in children under six years of age;
  • injuries and lesions of the spine or intervertebral discs;
  • lower limb fractures.

In a healthy adult, convulsive seizures appear for such reasons as:

  • prolonged stressful situations;
  • sedentary lifestyle or working conditions. In addition, those who are forced to constantly stand are also subject to painful muscle contractions;
  • long walks, especially when hiking;
  • intense physical activity, which is why professional athletes are often prone to convulsions. Before performing any physical activity, an ordinary person needs to warm up and warm up thoroughly;
  • excessively high body weight;
  • a sharp temperature drop, for example, a strong overheating of a person in the sun, after which he is immersed in cold water.

Causes of cramps in the calf muscles at night:

  • heavy load on the legs during the working day;
  • uncomfortable sleeping position;
  • unbalanced diet, eating too fatty foods in large quantities;
  • lack of micronutrients in the body.


Depending on what factor influenced the occurrence of contractions, convulsions are divided into:

  • tonic - arising from intense physical exercise. Occur gradually, but last a long time;
  • clonic - unlike the previous type, they are manifested by rapid spasms of one or more muscles;
  • tonic-clonic - combine the qualities of the types described above;
  • febrile - occur in children under the age of six as a reaction of the body to high body temperature;
  • partial - pain lasts from a few seconds to several minutes;
  • alcoholic - are expressed against the background of taking a large amount of alcohol;
  • medicinal - arise from the wrong dosage of narcotic drugs;
  • myoclonic - children are most often subject to such convulsions. This process involves all the muscles of the trunk or face, which can lead to a fall, loss of consciousness and injury.


For calf muscle cramps, the most characteristic symptom is pain, and in some cases it can be so severe that a person cannot restrain a cry. In addition, convulsions are accompanied by:

  • hardness and muscle tension;
  • inability to move the affected limb;
  • a short loss of consciousness, but only except in cases of partial contraction;
  • head tossing and eye rolling;
  • increased secretion of saliva.

After an attack, a person often falls asleep or feels a temporary hearing loss.


In some cases, calf muscle cramps can be fatal. But, in addition, such consequences can develop as:

  • slowing of the heart rate, up to its complete stop;
  • bleeding in the brain;
  • various injuries of the head and back at the time of loss of consciousness.

One-time manifestations of seizures do not pose a danger to human life.


Seizures themselves do not need to be diagnosed, but it is necessary to determine the causes of their occurrence. For this, the patient, if he is conscious after the attack, must:

  • provide complete information about all the diseases that he suffered throughout his life;
  • tell the doctor what symptoms bother him, how intense the pain is, report the possible causes. This will help the specialist determine the type of painful contractions;
  • pass for general and biochemical research;
  • undergo a full hardware examination, consisting of MRI, CT, ultrasound, radiography and other diagnostic measures;
  • undergo additional consultations with specialists such as,.

It is worth paying close attention to the diagnosis in women during pregnancy, because not all examinations can be done at this time.

These basic studies will provide an overall picture of the state of the internal organs and systems of the patient.


Despite the fact that the cramp can go away on its own, it is necessary to prescribe treatment for the underlying disease, if it was after its progression that such an unpleasant symptom arose. If the attack occurred at work or at home, the victim must be given first aid before the ambulance arrives. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • squeeze for a few seconds the area with the greatest manifestation of pain;
  • try to stand up and transfer the weight to the injured leg;
  • apply a cold compress or, conversely, use warming ointments;
  • pull the sock with all your strength towards the victim. In most cases, after this, it is possible to reduce pain.

If a woman has undergone convulsions during pregnancy, she must be kept calm and follow the first aid items described above. It is worth noting that after childbirth, all signs of painful muscle contractions will pass on their own.