Flat feet and its prevention briefly. A set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet in children and adults

A flat foot always attracts attention not only as an orthopedic problem, but also as a cosmetic one, because it lacks natural curves (arches of the foot). The basis of flat feet is not the defect in the formation of arches, but muscle weakness or other conditions.
The classic treatment for flat feet in adults is the wearing of orthopedic shoes and the use of special insoles. Doctors sometimes order their patients to wear supportive orthoses, but this method is not as effective. Surgical treatment is resorted to only in the most extreme cases.

Types of flat feet

The normal foot has arches both during rest, when a person sits or lies, and during the load when walking and running. There are two types of flat feet: rigid and flexible.

A person with rigid flat feet has no arches in their feet in any position: both standing and lying down. Basically, such a defect is due to some other pathology. The most common cause of rigid flat feet is the fusion of the bones of the metatarsus, which are normally separated. Other causes include trauma, infections, neuromuscular and autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis).

In a person with flexible flat feet, without load, all the bends of the foot are clearly visible, but when resting on the leg, the arches disappear, flattening under the weight of the body. The main cause of the defect is the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, muscles or tendons. Basically, flexible flat feet occur in children due to the formation of the motor apparatus and in the elderly due to the fact that their muscles and ligaments lose their tone.

Foot development

Flat feet is a normal condition for babies and children up to 7, and sometimes 10 years old. Over time, when the child begins to actively run and jump, the ligaments, muscles and tendons begin to strengthen, and the defect disappears. If a child is bought the wrong, unsuitable or orthopedic shoes (without indications), then there will be no chance to form normal arches of the foot. This is due to the fact that when walking barefoot or in physiological shoes, for example, in moccasins, the foot receives a natural load and develops as it should. If the child is wearing some special shoes, then the load is redistributed and not always the way it should be. In this case, the proper development of muscles and tendons does not occur. Some of them overstrain, and some do not get the load due to incorrectly selected shoes. The child will not only not outgrow the flat feet, but will also experience pain in the legs caused by an uneven load on the muscles.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the best option for the baby is to walk barefoot at home and in good physiological boots or sandals on the street.

Why not buy orthopedic shoes for children?

The answer to this question is very simple. Orthopedic shoes correct existing shortcomings. But is age-related flat feet a defect? No, this is the stage of development of the foot and the formation of its arches. Therefore, there is no need to spend money on expensive orthopedic shoes, which will not only not cure flat feet, but, on the contrary, will not allow the foot to develop properly.

For a child, you need to choose good quality shoes, exactly in size, with a hard back and flexible soles. By the way, the sole should bend where the human foot normally bends. Then such shoes will optimally support the child's legs and help him develop.

If an adult needs correction of flat feet, then the orthopedist will give detailed instructions on how to choose the right shoes in accordance with the needs of the patient.

Treatment and prevention of flat feet

Prevention of flat feet should be carried out from childhood.

Although in the vast majority of cases, flat feet have no symptoms other than a cosmetic defect, it is not a normal condition. Of course, it is always better to prevent a disease than to cure, so it is necessary to carry out the prevention of flat feet from the very birth of the baby. The best way to properly develop the foot is walking and running barefoot. In most cases, this condition is feasible only at home. For the street, you need to buy a child's shoes with a flat sole or with a minimum heel, one in which the leg does not move forward. From the point of view of orthopedics, all shoes with heels and platforms are completely non-physiological, so try to explain to your daughters why you should not wear such shoes every day, but only on a very important occasion. Everyone: both adults and children - you need to choose high-quality shoes that will not press or hang out. It should hold the foot well, be flexible enough in the center and stiff at the heel and toe.

To strengthen the muscular and ligamentous apparatus, you need to regularly perform gymnastics and go to the pool. Physical activity will help not only to correctly form the arches of the foot, but also improve the body as a whole.

Simple foot exercises:

  • In a lying or sitting position, stretch your legs and spread your toes as wide as possible. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Point your big toe at an object, then bend your foot and hold for 5 seconds. Then repeat the exercise.
  • Walk on tiptoe for 5-10 minutes a day.
  • Walk on the sand. This exercise is seasonal, but once on the beach, you can perform it at least the whole day with pleasure for yourself and for the benefit of your feet.

All the suggested exercises are very simple. They can be performed by both kids and the elderly.

Surgical treatments are prescribed mainly for rigid flat feet, only if the patient experiences pain when walking. In other cases, doctors recommend physiotherapy, massage and acupuncture.

School of Dr. Komarovsky on the topic "Children's shoes and flat feet":

A set of exercises for the treatment and prevention of flat feet:

An organ that performs the function of a support and promotes the movement of a person. The foot rests on the ground with the heel bone and heads of the metatarsophalangeal bones. A powerful system of ligaments and muscles ensures the preservation of the shape of the skeleton of the foot, consisting of 26 bones.

The skeleton forms one transverse and two longitudinal arches - the inner, which is called the spring, and the outer, called the support. Under the influence of any load, the arches of the foot change, become flat.

In a free, unloaded state, under the action of muscles and ligaments, the shape of the foot is quickly restored. But under certain conditions, these changes are sustainable. This deformation is called feet - flat feet.

Reasons for the development of flat feet

Main reasons for the development of flat feet are:

Firstly, weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the foot and lower leg, general functional weakness of the body, its neuromuscular insufficiency.

Secondly, too intense in terms of strength and duration of physical activity on the foot.

They cause muscles and ligaments to wear out, overwork. Under the influence of such loads, it becomes impossible for them to maintain the shape of the foot in its original, original form. As a result, the arches of the foot become flat.

The third reason for the development of flat feet is improperly selected shoes - with high heels, thick soles, too tight, with a narrow toe.

Shoes with such characteristics enslave the foot too much, disrupt blood circulation in its capillaries.

As the fourth reason, it should be noted the lack of timely measures for prevention and treatment in childhood and adolescence.

The muscles and ligaments of a child's foot are often weak and thus already predisposed to developing flat feet at an older age.

Another, fifth, reason for the development of flat feet is the incorrect setting of the feet when walking and in a standing position, a violation of posture. Walking with toes apart overloads the inner arch and leads to deformity feet - flat feet.

Categories of flat feet

According to statistics, as the frequency of diseases decreases, the following occur: categories of flat feet:
- acquired (static, traumatic, rachitic, paralytic);
- congenital.
Of all the categories of the disease, according to statistics, acquired static flat feet is the most common.

Consequences of flat feet

The consequences of flat feet there may be serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As a result of deformation of the arches, muscles and ligaments of the foot, there is a violation of the capillary circulation of this organ and, as a result, the metabolism in it.

Since the reflex zones of all organs are located on the foot, these pathological phenomena cause malfunctions in the work of the whole organism. Therefore, the consequences of flat feet, if left untreated, can be such serious diseases as, and coxarthrosis. It can also result in migraines and back pain. In some cases, flat feet can lead to disability.

Measures to prevent flat feet

To measures prevention of flat feet that need to be addressed include:

Systematic classes in special physical exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the foot and lower leg;

Regular swimming lessons, any other available sports that contribute to the training of the cardiovascular and muscular systems of both the whole body and, first of all, the muscles of the foot;

Control and conscious adjustment of physical loads on the legs;

Formation of the correct posture and setting of the legs when walking;

The right selection of shoes, which would, first of all, be comfortable, and then fashionable.

The importance of prevention is evidenced by the fact that even with flat feet that have been present since childhood, when implementing the above recommendations, a person may not have any complications in the body, not feel pain and discomfort in the foot.

The purpose of the recommended measures for the prevention of flat feet is the development of mobility and flexibility of the foot, preventing its enslavement and congestion. How to work with the foot yourself can be found in the articles "" and "".

Flat feet are perceived by some as a “non-serious” ailment that is not worth paying close attention to. However, this is not the case - this disease can cause a violation of posture, lead to varicose veins and even thrombophlebitis. Therefore, the prevention of flat feet should not be ignored - but you should start at least by giving up uncomfortable shoes.

This seemingly “trivial” disease can turn into terrible torment for a person (“lucky” only for some conscripts: with the help of pronounced degrees of flat feet, they can avoid fulfilling “sacred military duty”).

Types and causes of flat feet

Flat feet is the omission, flattening of the transverse or, less commonly, longitudinal arch of the foot.

Pay attention to the photo: with flat feet, the foot looks almost completely flat, without a pronounced dimple between the toe and heel.

There are three types of flat feet:

1. Paralytic, caused by poliomyelitis or resulting from paralysis.

2. Traumatic, resulting from fractures of the bones of the feet or ankles.

3. Static - the most common, as a rule, hereditary or acquired as a result of stop overloads.

As can be seen above in the photo, all types of flat feet differ from each other in the degree of severity of the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot.

The causes of flat feet can be a lack or excess of load on the legs. It can also be a person’s professional activity, for example, a forced working position while standing (workers or sellers standing on their feet all day), playing sports in which inadequate loads on the legs are experienced, wearing irrational shoes (for example, stiletto heels, on rigid platform, high heels.).

Flat feet can form in early childhood due to rickets, and also at a later age due to pregnancy, diabetes or obesity. In adults, flat feet are more common in women than in men.

Symptoms of flat feet

The main symptoms of flat feet are fatigue of the legs, aching pain in the foot and ankle, their swelling, which often occurs in the evening and disappears by morning. With flat feet, there may also be a violation of the circulation of the lower extremities.

Flat feet are fairly easy to recognize. To do this, you just need to smear the foot with oil or cream, and then leave its imprint on a sheet of white paper lying on a flat surface. Usually, with flat feet, at least half the width of the original part of the foot is imprinted, since there is no set notch size in the foot.

It is possible to understand that you have flat feet by detecting the rapid wear of the inside of the soles of your shoes.

But the most accurate degree of flat feet is established clinically and radiologically under the conditions of the physiological load of the examined foot with the patient standing on a specially made stand. This technique allows you to assess the entire state of the musculoskeletal, ligamentous and articular apparatus.

How and what to treat flat feet

Before treating flat feet, you need to determine the causes of its occurrence. To relieve pain caused by walking or other stress on the feet, you can use ointments such as viprosal, finalgon, diclofenac, etc. Also, the group of drugs that can treat flat feet includes conventional analgesics.

To restore the natural shape of the foot, corrective insoles (arch supports) should be used.

In severe, advanced cases, it is necessary to wear special orthopedic shoes (usually boots with lacing, solid soles and lateral foot support).

Swimming is recommended.

In the evenings (and if necessary, then also during the day) do hot baths with sea salt.

And, perhaps, the main thing here is physiotherapy exercises.

A set of exercises for flat feet

1. To perform the first exercise with flat feet, take the starting position while sitting on a chair. The knees and heels are connected, the right foot is strongly extended. You should bring the front section of the left foot under the sole of the right, and then repeat this exercise, changing legs.

2. Stroke the left shin with the inner edge and plantar surface of the right foot. Then repeat the exercise, also changing legs.

3. Bend and unbend the toes. This exercise should be repeated 10-15 times.

4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with your heels on the floor. Then begin to rotate the feet in different directions, changing the direction of rotation. Then do the same, already standing, holding on to the back of the chair. Run this 10 times.

5. With both feet, grab and lift the ball.

6. Grab and lift the pencil several times with your toes.

7. Starting position: sitting on a chair, then standing on the floor (feet shoulder width apart). Unfold the feet in one straight line, first heel to heel, and then toe to toe. You can hold on to the back of a chair with your hand. This exercise should be performed 10 times.

8. Turn the feet to the outside, and then to the inside. Perform 10 times.

9. Also, the complex of exercises for flat feet includes the following: standing on toes and keeping the feet parallel, go to the outer edge of the foot, and then return to the starting position.

10. Sitting on a chair, and then on the floor, rise to your feet, leaning on the outer arch of the feet. When lifting from the floor, you can help yourself with your hands. Perform 10 times.

11. Starting position: standing. Climb on toes and heels: a) placing the feet on the same line with the toes inward, b) placing the feet on the same line with the toes outward.

12. Starting position: standing. Lunge with your right foot forward, and then turn 180 °, changing foot. Perform this exercise 10-12 times.

13. Standing on toes, shift from foot to foot. Perform this exercise 10 times.

14. Sitting on a chair, alternately raise one and the other leg as high as possible. The leg should be straight. Perform 10 times.

15. Standing, take 30-50 steps on the heels, on the toes, on the inner ribs of the feet, and then on the outer ribs of the feet.

16. Final exercise: walking from heel to toe in a standing position. It is recommended to take 30-50 steps with each foot.

Traumatic flatfoot develops as a result of previous injuries to the bones of the feet (fractures, dislocations, etc.) or surgery

Paralytic flatfoot occurs in people with paralysis of certain muscle groups of the lower extremities, which arose as a complication of polio.

Rachitic flat feet, as the name suggests, is caused by rickets. Rickets is a serious disease of the skeletal system associated with a lack of calcium and vitamin D. Bones lose their elasticity and are easily deformed, like plasticine.

Static flat feet is the most common form of the disease. This is an acquired disease and it is caused by a wrong way of life. Excess weight, non-physiological shoes, professions with an increased load on the legs - these are the origins of static flat feet. Studies show that approximately 80% of cases of flat feet are precisely the static variant of the disease.

Valgus flatfoot is more common in children. With this pathology, not only the arches of the foot decrease, but the axis of its normal position also changes. The foot is turned inward, when walking, the entire surface of the sole is pressed against the floor.

Flat feet: the degree of the disease

Depending on the level of deformation and the severity of the consequences, there are three degrees of flat feet.

  • The first degree almost does not bother the patient, as it does not have painful manifestations. This is rather a cosmetic defect - the leg slightly loses the elegance of its shape.
  • The second degree is called intermittent flat feet and is already making itself felt by periodically arising unpleasant sensations - pain, increased fatigue, changes in gait, calluses and corns.
  • The third degree is characterized by complete deformation of the foot and causes serious trouble - pain spreads to large joints (knee, hip) and the spine, arthrosis and intervertebral hernia occur, walking is very difficult, sports activities are impossible.

The characteristics of the degrees of flat feet vary depending on its type.

The degrees of longitudinal flat feet are determined by measuring the angle of the arch of the foot and its height.

I degree - arch angle 130 - 140o, height 35 - 25 mm;

II degree - angle 140 - 155o, height 25 - 16 mm;

III degree - the angle is more than 155o, the height is less than 16 mm

The degrees of transverse flatfoot are determined by the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones.

I degree - up to 12o

III degree - 15 - 20o and more.

Flat feet: symptoms, diagnosis, consequences

Flat feet are far from harmless. Therefore, timely diagnosis of flat feet is very important. Our foot is the foundation for the entire skeleton, and its incorrect position entails displacements in the joints of the legs and, as a result, a violation of the normal setting of the spine. And since the spine is responsible for the work of all organs and systems without exception, the health of the whole organism is at risk. This is not counting pain, cramps and increased fatigue of the lower extremities, degenerative changes in the knee, hip and ankle joints, varicose veins, the appearance of painful bony and callous growths. If you do not fight this condition, the quality of life will greatly decrease.

What symptoms should be alarming?

Periodically appearing pain in the feet, visible deformity of the feet, a decrease in their arch and curvature of the axis, clubfoot, changes in gait. Children's flat feet require special attention, because children's bones have not yet lost their plasticity, and by starting treatment on time, you can correct the situation. The neglected “adult” flat feet are practically not curable, here all measures will be aimed at compensating for the harm caused by flat feet.

Diagnosis of flat feet is carried out using a set of methods.

  • Plantography. An ingenious and extremely simple method available at home. The feet are generously smeared with a greasy cream, after which the patient is asked to stand barefoot on a clean white sheet of paper. You need to stand straight, in a natural position. After two or three minutes, traces are clearly printed on the paper, the pattern of which will eloquently tell you whether you have flat feet or not.
  • Radiography. Plain and conventional x-ray.
  • Podometry. Calculations based on the measurement of the angles of the arch of the foot and its height.

In addition, the doctor will carefully listen to all the patient's complaints and collect a detailed history.

Treatment methods for flat feet

As we noted above, it is impossible to completely cure pronounced flat feet (second and third degree) in an adult due to the rigidity of the bone frame. But it is possible to compensate for the pathological conditions caused by flat feet, as well as slow down its further development. Let's talk about what methods of treating flat feet exist and can help us.

You need to start with shoes. Regrettably, if you are diagnosed with flat feet, you will have to give up model narrow shoes with high heels. It is best to use special orthopedic shoes that provide the most natural position of the feet when walking. If it is not possible to constantly wear such “healing” shoes, be sure to order orthopedic frame insoles - instep supports. They are invested in everyday shoes. The rigid frame of such insoles forcibly forms the missing arches of the foot, removing the main symptoms of flat feet. Supports must be worn at all times.

If you have extra pounds, it is better to get rid of them. And for the condition of the bones, a healthy diet will be beneficial. Do not forget to eat foods that contain calcium and promote its absorption (sour-milk products, cottage cheese, fish, nuts, vegetables, etc.). It is advisable to use vitamin complexes with vitamin D.

Massage is another integral component of the treatment of flat feet. Massage can be of two types - manual and natural. Natural massage consists in walking barefoot on a relief surface. It can be a rug with ledges or a surface densely paved with pebbles. Walking on the ground or on sand is also welcome, if it does not threaten with all sorts of cuts, splinters and other injuries.

An important role in the treatment and prevention of flat feet is played by special gymnastics. Exercises for flat feet should help strengthen the muscles of the foot, the elasticity of the ligaments and the flexibility of the joints.

The peculiarity of the fight against flat feet is that you need to deal with it regularly and constantly, throughout your life, otherwise the disease will inevitably progress.


Flat feet - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF

Flat feet are the most common foot deformity. The foot directly performs the function of a person's support, movement and depreciation due to its complex structure. With a normal physiological structure, the foot has two arches - transverse (between the bases of the fingers) and longitudinal (along the inner edge of the foot). The arches have the function of shock absorbers and soften the shaking when walking. The ligamentous apparatus of the foot works well when the load that falls on the foot is completely balanced. When the muscles and ligaments that connect the 26 bones of the foot are weakened, the arches sag and flatten, which leads to a loss of spring function. With flat feet, this function passes to the spine, knee, ankle and hip joints. These joints are not designed to perform this function and cope with it poorly, as a result of which they quickly fail.

Reasons for the formation of flat feet.

There are quite a few conditions that lead to flat feet, here are some of them.

  • Congenital flat foot is a rather rare pathology found in 11.5% of the total number of foot diseases. The reason may be various pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus, due to ionizing radiation, bad habits of the mother.
  • In children with rickets, a rickety foot develops, as a result of a decrease in the production of vitamin D, bone strength decreases under mechanical stress, and the musculoskeletal apparatus weakens.
  • Paralytic flat feet develops after poliomyelitis, and the degree of flat feet is directly dependent on the severity of paralysis.
  • Traumatic flatfoot develops with fractures of the bones of the foot or with improperly fused fractures.
  • Static flat feet is one of the most common types of flat feet. The main reasons for it are a decrease in muscle tone, excessive fatigue due to prolonged stay on the legs.

Symptoms of flat feet.

Usually a person who spends a lot of time on his feet does not notice the development of flat feet, and the appearance of pain and discomfort in the legs and feet is associated with fatigue. There are several main signs by which you can suspect the development of this formidable disease in yourself.

By the end of the working day, the legs begin to swell, traces of socks appear, a feeling of heaviness and cramps may appear, which may not last long and pass after the massage. You begin to notice that the length of the working day has remained the same, and your legs get tired much faster. Shoes begin to wear out much faster than before, mainly from the inside. From time to time it seems that the leg has increased in length, and because of this you have to buy shoes one size larger.

There are several stages of foot deformity, the passage of which leads to complete clinical flat feet. The prodromal stage, the stage of intermittent flat feet, the stage of development of the flat foot, the stage of the flat-valgus foot and contracture flat feet are distinguished.

The first stage of flat feet is manifested by pain in the foot and calf muscle after a long load on the foot, of a statistical nature, there is a pronounced feeling of fatigue.

In the stage of intermittent flat feet, it is characterized by increased pain by the end of the day, the pain occurs due to overstrain of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot, which maintains the optimal position of the foot. Fatigue often appears in the middle of the day, and people with incipient flat feet have to change activities or rest more often. The longitudinal arch of the foot visually flattens by the end of the working day, but after rest, especially in the morning, the height of the arch is restored.

The stage of development of a flat foot occurs when, due to further overwork of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, the longitudinal arch of the foot is not restored to a state after rest. The patient quickly develops fatigue due to muscle overwork. The pain becomes constant and aching as a result of overstretching of the ligamentous apparatus. The height of the longitudinal arch decreases due to the lengthening of the foot and the expansion of its longitudinal part. The gait changes, the range of motion in the joint of the feet is limited. In this stage of the disease, there are three degrees.

Diagnostic measures for flat feet.

In addition to clinical signs, there are several ways that can determine the severity of this pathology. These include plantography, Faith line analysis, podometry, and clinical and radiological diagnostic methods.

Plantography is a method that allows determining the severity of flat feet using prints. The feet are lubricated with a solution of methylene blue, then footprints are made on a clean sheet of paper, leaning on the feet evenly with all the weight.


The Friedland method of podometry is the determination of the percentage of the height of the foot and its length.

The clinical measurement method consists in constructing a triangle with a base equal to the distance from the head of the first metatarsal bone to the calcaneal tuber. The apex of the triangle is at the top of the inner ankle, one leg reaches the top of the calcaneal angle, the other to the head of the first metatarsal bone. Normally, the height of the arch is 55 - 60 cm.

The X-ray method is based on the construction of a triangle on the lateral radiograph of the foot, the apex of the calcaneal tuberosity is connected to the head of the first metatarsal bone, and the apex of the triangle falls on the lower edge of the navicular bone, the angle at the apex should normally be 120 - 130 degrees.

Determination of the degree of flat feet by x-ray.

Flat feet is one of those diseases with which young people are not called up for military service (military service). II and III degrees of this disease are an absolute contraindication for service in the armed forces. This is due to the large power loads that a person with flat feet cannot bear. Otherwise, the pain syndrome may increase, and in the future, while maintaining this load, go into one of the many complications.

Flat feet in children.

Newborns are characterized by well-defined arches of the feet, but the foot of children is filled with fatty tissue, and on examination it appears flat. From the age of 3, there is a significant strengthening and development of the ligamentous apparatus, due to which there is a significant increase in the height of the arch and the foot begins to take on the appearance of the foot of an adult. The older the child, the more pronounced the vaulted structure. Thus, external flat feet in a child cannot be mistaken for a true disease.

The development of flat feet in children is facilitated by congenital disorders of the ligamentous apparatus, muscle weakness, obesity, endocrine diseases, and improperly selected shoes. Due to anatomical features, the determination of flat feet in children using the fingerprint method is not always informative and may give a false result.

Very often, children may not complain of pain in the legs or discomfort, so a periodic examination by an orthopedic doctor is an integral part of the annual medical examination. Treatment of flat feet in children is reduced to rest, a temporary ban on sports, massage of the plantar part and walking barefoot on uneven surfaces, it is possible to prescribe orthopedic insoles.

Treatment of flat feet.

It is rather difficult to treat flat feet, and it will not be possible to say with complete certainty after any period of time that this disease is in the past. It is possible to completely get rid of this pathology only in childhood, since the ligamentous apparatus and the skeletal system are quite malleable. In adult patients, this disease can only be slowed down with the help of special rehabilitation measures.

Parents need to remember - "the earlier the symptoms of flat feet are detected, the more favorable conditions are for stopping progression."

Treatment should be combined and include the removal of pain, strengthening the ligaments and muscles of the foot. To relieve pain, it is necessary to use anesthetic ointments with a relaxing effect and physiotherapy procedures.

It is necessary to start treatment with gymnastics, which can be performed daily at home. The therapeutic form of gymnastics is used to achieve the correction of the arch of the foot, strengthens the muscles, trains the ligamentous apparatus, forms the correct type of gait. There are a large number of exercises that are selected individually and depend on age, complaints, position of the foot and its shape. All exercises and their intensity will be selected by an orthopedic doctor.

Treatment in the stage of flat foot deformity should be highly differentiated, along with physiotherapy exercises and massage, it is necessary to wear arch support insoles, which help relieve painful areas and correct shortcomings in the initial stage of the disease and orthopedic shoes in stage II, and in stage III, surgery is often indicated. treatment.

With congenital flat-valgus deformity of the foot of a mild degree, children are given foot and lower leg massage, physiotherapy exercises. When a child begins to walk, it is necessary to make orthopedic shoes for him. With insufficiently effective treatment and late treatment, surgical treatment is indicated.

Of great importance in the treatment of flat feet is the right footwear. Beautiful high-heeled shoes will certainly adorn the legs of any fashionista, but do not wear them all the time. Otherwise, after a short period of time, you will have to wear only orthopedic shoes. When choosing shoes, pay special attention to the flexibility and comfort of the sole, the height of the heel (no higher than 3-4 cm), it is better to avoid shoes on the platform and excessively wide or narrow.

Complications with flat feet.

Clubfoot when walking, curvature of the spine, unnatural posture. Pain in the knees, hips, back and feet. Dystrophic changes in the muscles of the legs and back. Diseases of the feet themselves (deformity, curvature of the fingers, calluses, spurs, neuritis) Diseases of the spine (herniated discs, osteochondrosis), diseases of the hip and knee joints. Ingrown nails.

Prevention of flat feet.

To exclude the development of flat feet, it is necessary to carry out weekly preventive measures. The first thing to do is to choose the right shoes, avoid wearing high-heeled shoes, the optimal height is 3-4 cm. Periodically check with an orthopedist, at least once a year. In people who have any problems with their feet, this examination should be carried out more often. It is also necessary to do gymnastics and do physical exercises for the feet. Foot baths and massages will help relax your muscles and relieve tension after a hard day. It is necessary to get rid of excess weight, as it contributes to the additional load on the spine and legs.

Therapist Zhumagaziev E.N.

Flat feet: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

What is flatfoot

The philistine opinion that flat feet is a frivolous disease, unworthy of attention, is misleading to many. Many dismiss the first symptoms of flat feet, attributing them to fatigue or uncomfortable shoes, do not attach importance to those bells with which the body signals a rapidly approaching disease. Meanwhile, flat feet are a serious problem, because of which men are not taken into the army, and a “yellow ticket” in our country is simply not given.

So what is flatfoot? From the point of view of medicine, this is a flattening of the arches of the foot and a complete loss of all its shock-absorbing functions. That is, the foot takes on a shape due to which normal, physiological movement becomes impossible.

Normally, the foot has two arches - longitudinal, along the inner edge of the foot, and transverse between the bases of the fingers. Depending on where the violations occur, there are longitudinal and transverse flat feet. In especially severe cases, doctors diagnose combined flat feet - when there is a flattening of both the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot.

At first glance, such a violation of the structure of the foot does not seem dangerous. The person continues to walk, lead an active lifestyle. But soon the deformity of the foot will respond with problems throughout the body. The foot in the process of walking is not a separate element, it is part of a single complex. A flattened foot ceases to perform one of its functions - spring, and then the spine is forced to compensate for shaking when walking. In addition, the load on the joints of the legs increases: ankle, hip and knee. Since they are not designed by nature to compensate for shaking, they very soon begin to declare this with pain and inflammation.

What threatens flat feet

Pain occurs when the joints get tired to compensate for the loss of natural cushioning. By this time, not only the joints of the legs begin to change, pathological changes occur in the spine, a violation of posture may develop, and later scoliosis. Chronic osteochondrosis, sciatica, herniated discs - this can be the result of flat feet.

In severe cases, failure to take action can lead to a severe chronic disease - arthrosis. And this is the first step on the sad path to disability. Often, those who suffer from flat feet, over time, inflammation of the menisci is added to the list of diseases.

In addition to the problems already mentioned with the joints of the legs and spine, flat feet can cause other pathological conditions. They will not lead to death, but they will constantly spoil the mood or, as doctors say, will significantly reduce the quality of life.

It is unlikely that constant pain in the legs can be called an indicator of a high quality of life. Pain will force your body to beware - and your gait will acquire a weight that was not characteristic of it before. Clubfoot may appear, which will not add grace to you.

A huge "bone" on the big toe is a common consequence of neglected flat feet. Among the pathologies of the foot due to flat feet - curvature of the toes, calluses. These are not only aesthetic problems, they are rather painful problems. The so-called heel spur - Mardan's neuralgia, which is accompanied by burning pains - in 90% of cases occurs due to flat feet.

Symptoms of flat feet (how to determine)

You can notice the first symptoms of flat feet yourself. You get tired quickly when walking and even faster if you have to stand in one place for a long time. By the end of the day, there is fatigue in the legs, a feeling of heaviness, swelling, especially in the ankles. Sometimes cramps appear in the evening, often at night. Heels no longer bring pleasure - it becomes very difficult to walk in shoes with heels. The leg seems to have grown, the usual shoes become small and you have to buy shoes half a size, or even a whole size larger. An increase in the width of the leg is especially noticeable - narrow shoes become inaccessible. Heels on shoes wear unevenly, wear more on the inside.

If you find yourself with more than three of the listed symptoms, then this should be an occasion to be examined by a doctor. However, such symptoms are also characteristic of another serious disease of the legs - varicose veins. By the way, varicose veins very often become a faithful companion of flat feet.

To distinguish one from the other, you can conduct an elementary test at home: step on a piece of paper with a wet foot. By imprint, you can determine the presence of flat feet. The deformed foot does not have grooves along the inner edge characteristic of a healthy foot.

Causes of flat feet

One of the reasons for the occurrence of flat feet is considered a hereditary predisposition - congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. If someone in your family suffered from flat feet, then you will most likely suffer from flattening of the foot.

Weakness of the ligaments of the foot and lower leg can be caused by low physical activity. Usually people of sedentary professions who do not bother themselves with physical education and sports suffer from this. At risk are representatives of professions who have to stand a lot: hairdressers, sellers, cooks.

Being overweight can cause flat feet. For the same reason, many women after childbirth note that their leg has “grown up”. Most often, this is not so much a real “growth” in the length of the leg, but a significant change in its width due to a large gain in body weight during pregnancy.

Uncomfortable shoes, constant wearing of high heels - all this can also provoke the development of flat feet, even in young people.

Treatment of flat feet

Flat feet is not a cosmetic defect, it is a serious disease. It is insidious in that it develops gradually, imperceptibly, it is impossible to immediately detect its manifestations. Meanwhile, the treatment of flat feet is a serious problem. You have to deal with flat feet throughout your life, especially if you are at risk due to the nature of your professional activity or because of being overweight. A complete cure for flat feet is possible only in childhood, so if you have already left the tender age, get ready to fight for the beauty and health of your feet all your life.

Once diagnosed with flat feet, you will never be able to say to yourself with relief: “I am cured!”. Therefore, the task of people suffering from the initial stage of flat feet is to maintain the current state for as long as possible, not to allow more severe forms to develop, to maintain the shape of the foot without ugly deformities. The earlier the disease is detected, the less deformity of the foot.

Treatment must be comprehensive. On the one hand, it is necessary to identify and get rid of the factors provoking the disease. On the other hand, constantly strengthen the ligamentous apparatus. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the development of complications. And finally, relieve pain.

To identify the cause of flat feet, it is not necessary to consult a doctor - it is enough to critically assess your lifestyle. When you find the factor or factors that caused the development of flat feet, make every effort to eliminate them. If you are overweight, lose weight. At work, spend the whole day on your feet - change jobs or at least try to take breaks. If you like to wear high heels - change to more comfortable shoes! Beauty requires sacrifice, but not in the form of loss of health.

In the case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and flat feet are exactly one of these, physiotherapy exercises are indicated. It strengthens the muscles, trains the ligamentous apparatus, corrects the installation of the bones of the foot, and forms the correct position of the foot when walking.

There are many special corrective sets of exercises that take into account age, weight, the degree of development of flat feet, complaints, and age. Only an orthopedic doctor will be able to choose a complex that is right for you, he will also advise with what intensity the exercises should be performed. The advice to consult a doctor is especially relevant for those whose flat feet have long passed the first stage, and visible complications have appeared: the size of the foot has increased, a “bone” has appeared on the big toe. Incorrectly chosen exercises can aggravate an already difficult situation.

If flat feet are only in the initial stage, that is, you experience some discomfort, a feeling of fatigue, but there are no visible changes yet, then you can do the treatment yourself. Orthopedists advise adhering to four universal rules, which are both the treatment and prevention of flat feet.

Home treatment of flat feet, prevention of flat feet

Rule one. Walk barefoot whenever possible. This is the most affordable way to massage the feet. In addition, in addition to the effect of massage for the treatment and prevention of flat feet, you massage biologically active points on the foot, which are responsible for the health of internal organs. Walk barefoot as often as possible.

Rule two. Rest. Especially if you strain your legs a lot during the working day. Alternate activity with rest, work in a standing position with activities sitting. Find time during the day to lie down for five minutes with your legs held high. Ideally, if after an hour and a half of standing work, you will rest lying down for ten minutes.

Rule three Do exercises for the feet. The most affordable is a massage mat. You need to walk on it at least twice a day for ten minutes. Special exercises that can be done even at work will not be superfluous. In a sitting position, you need to alternately tear off the heels from the floor, then tear off the socks from the floor. If you can afford to take off your shoes at work at least for a while, then try to grab small objects with your toes. These exercises can also be done while standing. In a standing position, you can walk on your heels, on your toes, on the outer arches of your feet. Do such exercises for at least two minutes twice a day - and the condition of the feet will improve, and then the pain will gradually decrease, and then the pain will completely disappear.

Rule four. Properly selected shoes. If a doctor has diagnosed you with flat feet, then you will have to say goodbye to high-heeled shoes, if not completely, then significantly limit its use, leaving it for special occasions. You may have to pay attention to special orthopedic shoes. Or at least get special orthopedic insoles. They will help relieve painful areas of the foot and correct the deformities that have already appeared. In addition, the insoles will take on the functions of a shock absorber, compensate for the loss of the natural functions of the foot.

All these measures will allow you to prevent the disease from disfiguring your leg, as long as possible to maintain the health, beauty and youth of the legs.

Berestova Svetlana

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Flat feet is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children. This is a deformity of the foot, in which its arch is flattened, and the flat sole is in contact with the floor with its entire surface.

Many parents perceive this disease only as a cosmetic defect or as a guarantee of unsuitability for military service for their sons. But this disease requires more attention and timely treatment of children. Despite local changes in the musculoskeletal system, flat feet are fraught with subsequent diseases of the lower legs, knee joints, spine, and even internal organs.

Normally, in all children under 2 years old, the arch of the foot is absent, that is, physiological flat feet are noted. This is due to the fact that the bone tissue in babies is not yet sufficiently formed, contains insufficient minerals. Ligaments and muscles are also poorly developed.

On the plantar surface of the foot, at the place of the arch, a child at this age has a fatty “cushion”. It is she who performs the function of a shock absorber (instead of the arch of the foot) when the child begins to walk.

After the child reaches 2-3 years of age, the bones, muscles and ligaments become stronger, and from this age until about 6 years the process of forming the correct shape of the foot lasts. Therefore, only by the age of 6 can it be determined whether a child has flat feet.

But during the formation of the baby's foot, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist annually, who can control the process. In about 3% of children with flat feet, it is a congenital malformation that is detected immediately at birth. And in other cases, flat feet are acquired, it is formed in the process of child development.

The arch of the foot is made up of bones and ligaments. It allows you to distribute body weight evenly on the support and provides cushioning during running and walking. With a normally formed foot, there are only 3 points of contact between the foot and the floor: the heel, the "pad" at the base of the big toe and the outer edge of the foot (part of the foot from the little toe to the heel).

With flat feet, the arch is deformed, and the entire plantar surface of the foot is flattened, adjacent to the ground or floor. The center of gravity of the body shifts, which contributes to the violation of posture.

Everyone knows that there are biologically active points on the plantar surface of the foot (“representations” of various organs and systems). Constant irritation of these points with flat feet can cause various pathological conditions on the part of the muscles, joints, and internal organs.

It is impossible to name the only reason for the development of flat feet. There are a fairly large number of factors contributing to the development of this pathology.

Factors contributing to the development of flat feet:

hereditary factor: predisposition of the child to this pathology, if there are cases of flat feet in close relatives in the family; increased load on the legs (increased body weight; barbell training in adolescents, etc.); congenital weakness of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the foot; paralysis of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus feet (due to cerebral palsy or poliomyelitis); rickets; foot injuries.

Scientists have found that in children living in the city, flat feet develop 3 times more often than in rural children who have the opportunity and habit of walking barefoot.

Therefore, for the correct formation of the foot, it is recommended at least occasionally to allow the child to walk barefoot on grass, sand, fine gravel (pebbles). At home, you can train the developing foot by walking the baby in socks on scattered peas.

Foot massage for flat feet

For the correct formation of the foot, the load on it matters: with a child’s low motor activity, the likelihood of developing flat feet is higher. This is especially important at the present time, when children from an early age are "attached" to a computer, TV and spend very little time on the street. As a result, not only flat feet are formed, but also a violation of posture.

No less important for the prevention of the occurrence of flat feet is the child's shoes: they should have a small heel (0.5 cm), a soft arch support and a hard back. The child should not wear the shoes of other children, as the load on the foot is not distributed correctly in worn shoes. “Wrong” is not only very flat (no heels at all) shoes, but also shoes that are too narrow or too wide.

To prevent flat feet, proper nutrition of the child is important, with a sufficient content of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in foods.

Even if the baby has a properly formed foot, the child is not guaranteed the absence of flat feet in the future. In some cases, the disease is not detected at preschool age and continues to progress; reveal it in adolescence and even later.

There are the following types of flat feet:

By the time of occurrence of foot pathology:

congenital flat feet due to genetic disorders or connective tissue dysplasia; acquired flat feet as a result of diseases or pathologies of the musculoskeletal system of the foot.

Due to occurrence:

traumatic; paralytic (in children with cerebral palsy); rachitic (due to impaired vitamin and mineral metabolism); static (due to weakness of the muscles of the foot, regardless of its cause).

In the direction of spreading:

transverse (an increase in the transverse size of the foot; the most common variant at an early age of the child); longitudinal (the longitudinal size of the foot increases); longitudinal-transverse (with an increase in both the longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the foot; it is extremely rare in children).

Parents may suspect the development of flat feet in a child for the following signs:

when walking, the child "clubfoot": the feet turn inward, while the feet should be located in the child when walking parallel; the child steps on the inner edges of the feet when walking; the child's complaints of fatigue when walking, pain in the back and legs, refusal to walk for a long time; the severity of complaints increases with the age of the child; uneven trampling of the heels of shoes (more on the inside) in children after 5 years.

If a child has any of these manifestations, an orthopedist should be consulted.

More obvious is such a test for flat feet: the plantar surface of the child's feet is smeared with paint or oil and placed on a piece of paper (the legs should be straight and closed). Then the child is raised and the printed drawing is examined. If it has the shape of a bean, the arch of the foot is correct, but if the whole foot is widely imprinted, you need to contact an orthopedist. This test is applicable only to children over 5-6 years old, when the foot is already formed.

The orthopedist usually also uses the plantography method - the study of footprints on a piece of paper after lubricating the soles with a special solution.

When a child reaches the age of 5, a mandatory examination by an orthopedist is necessary, even if there are no complaints.

Many parents mistakenly think that flat feet do not pose a serious threat to the health of the child, and do not even consider it a disease. Such parents do not take seriously the baby's complaints about fatigue and pain in the legs or back, they consider them just whims, they do not consider it necessary to show the child to an orthopedist.

Such an attitude is unacceptable, as it can lead to untimely treatment and the development of a number of complications and consequences of flat feet.

The foot acts as a "spring" when walking or running. With flat feet, there is practically no depreciation due to the foot. Therefore, when walking or running, “recoil”, or shaking, falls on the lower leg, hip joint and spine, which contributes to the development of arthrosis (dystrophic damage to the joint due to the destruction of intra-articular cartilage).

Often the appearance of scoliosis (curvature of the spine) is associated with the asymmetry of the sacrum that occurs with this pathology. Often with flat feet, ingrown nails, curvature of the toes are noted.

"Harmless" flat feet can lead not only to deformation of the bones of the foot, lameness and clubfoot of the child, increased fatigue when walking, but also cause vertebral hernia, persistent sciatica, arthritis (inflammation of the joints) and osteochondrosis in the future.

Activation of biologically active energy points on the sole can cause, according to some experts, many diseases of various organs.

It is impossible to delay in contacting a doctor and treatment, because timely treatment makes it possible to prevent further progression of the disease and the development of complications. After all, flat feet will not go away on their own.

The treatment prescribed by the orthopedist helps to strengthen the muscles of the foot, improve its blood supply, and gently affect the ligaments and joints to correct the existing deformity of the foot and ankle joint.

It is easier to achieve success precisely in childhood, when the complete ossification of the skeleton has not yet come. Treatment should be carried out even with a minimal degree of flat feet. The later treatment begins, the more difficult it is to correct existing disorders.

Treatment of flat feet in children is carried out by various methods:

physical therapy: a set of special exercises, selected individually for each child, depending on the degree of existing changes; physiotherapy methods: in the clinic - iontophoresis, electrophoresis; at home - baths with sea salt, herbal decoctions; therapeutic massage; manual therapy; reflexology; wearing special shoes: selected strictly in size, made of natural material, with a small heel and a hard back; arch support insoles are also individually selected; shoes and insoles not only help to correct the formation of the foot, but also reduce discomfort while walking; if necessary, treatment in a sanatorium is recommended.

During treatment, the orthopedist will determine the frequency of visits to the doctor to monitor the treatment and correct it (if necessary).

It is possible to diagnose flat feet in a child not earlier than 5-6 years, but its prevention must be dealt with from the very birth of the child.

In order to timely notice problems with the foot, it is necessary to visit an orthopedic doctor regularly. It must be visited at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, so as not to miss the appearance of signs of rickets, contributing to the development of flat feet. After a year, the baby should be shown to the orthopedist at least once a year. From birth, the baby needs to be massaged daily. Use the child to walk on uneven surfaces barefoot (on grass, sand, pebbles or a special massage mat). Do a special set of exercises daily (see .below). Provide the child with the right shoes (fitted, made of natural material, with a hard back, flexible soles and a small heel). The main criterion for choosing shoes should not be its beauty, but compliance with the above requirements. For a child, shoes should be as comfortable and convenient as possible: so that the fingers are freely located and the heel is securely fixed. Do not allow the child to wear worn, worn-out shoes. In order to harden and improve blood circulation, douse the legs with cool water. outdoor games, because both insufficient and excessive loads will harm the child.

A complex of special gymnastics to strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the foot and prevent flat feet includes the following exercises:

while sitting on a chair:

Extension and flexion of the toes;

Alternate lifting of socks and heels from the floor;

Circular movements with each foot;

Pulling socks away from you and towards you;

Maximum dilution to the sides of the heels, without lifting the socks from the floor;

standing position:

Gymnastics for the feet

Rise on toes;

Stand on the ribs of the outer side of the feet;

Squats without taking your heels off the floor;

Alternate walking on toes, on heels, on the outer edges of the feet.

All exercises should be clearly shown to the child, and the child should repeat each of them several times. Exercise should be done daily. The more often the child will be engaged in them, the less will be the risk of developing flat feet.

Children's shoes and flat feet - Dr. Komarovsky's School

Parents should not be mistaken about the low significance of flat feet in a child. The sad consequences of such an attitude to the disease will not keep you waiting and can complicate the entire future life of the child: they will limit the choice of profession, cause suffering and pain.

This disease will lead not only to a pronounced deformation of the bones of the foot, but also to diseases of the entire musculoskeletal system and even to the pathology of internal organs.

Only adequate and timely therapy can help restore the child's health. The main thing is not to be late with treatment in the development of flat feet!

To diagnose flat feet in a child, you need to contact a pediatric orthopedist. Usually, in the early stages of the disease, surgical treatment is not required, therefore, a physiotherapist, massage therapist, and chiropractor will help parents in treating the baby. In older children, with the formation of scoliosis and neurological disorders, a neurologist takes part in the treatment.

Such a violation as flat feet is quite serious, and for the most part it is easier to prevent it than to try to treat it later. The older the patient, the less likely it is to correct such a foot defect.

Flat feet - This is a serious orthopedic disease. Unfortunately, advanced cases of violation often cause large-scale health disorders, and sometimes lead to disability.

The child's foot is more prone to deformity, but it can easily return to its normal position. The foot of an adult lends itself to change more slowly, but it is much more difficult to bring it back to normal.

Identification of the deviation is based on the results of the examination by the orthopedist. The final diagnosis is determined after studying the X-ray.

But the first manifestations can be seen on your own:

shoes worn down on the inner surface; legs get tired quickly when moving and standing for a long time; by the end of the day, there is fatigue in the legs, cramps, heaviness; swelling in the ankles; Difficulty walking in heels I have to buy shoes in a larger size due to the width.

If these signs appear, it is worth hurrying with treatment. Flat feet is a very serious deviation that accelerates the wear and tear of the entire support and movement system.

The most important prevention of flat feet is in children, because in adults it appears due to the lack of measures and therapeutic exercises at an early age.

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You can prevent the disease by adhering to the following rules:

Need more walk barefoot. If possible, you should go to nature, and spend a few minutes walking barefoot on grass, earth, pebbles, coniferous needles. It is useful for all people from a very young age. Should rest your feet. This mainly applies to adults. It is imperative to find time, literally five minutes, to allow the legs to rest. Wearing the right shoes. This has to do with the prevention of impairment in children. For them, you need to buy shoes that tightly hold the foot, which do not fly off and do not press. The heel of the crumbs should be held by a tight back. The sole should have a tubercle in the center (this allows the foot to roll). Needs to be done exercises from flat feet. By allocating a few minutes a day, you can prevent the development of a violation. As a charge, you can use a massage mat. It also needs a foot massage. Need maintain good posture and correct foot position when walking, as well as when standing. The feet should be almost parallel to each other and rest on the outer edges of the sole.


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Over the years, the deviation may appear due to prolonged wearing of the wrong shoes (tight or high heels). Often a violation is formed, and the toes are deformed at important periods of life.

This is the age when the baby begins to walk, the time of active growth, puberty, pregnancy. This also includes the time of menopause and senile age in both sexes.

Therefore, the prevention of flat feet is important regardless of age.

The task of an adult is to strengthen the muscular apparatus, massage the feet and lower legs for preventive purposes.

Exercises for flat feet in adults must be performed while sitting, legs lowered to the floor at an angle of 90º, arms lowered - this is the starting position. When performing, the speed is medium, breathing is free.

A set of exercises:

Raise and lower your toes 20 times. Raise and lower your heels. Run 20 times. The legs are connected. 20 times to part and connect the socks of the legs. Do not take your feet off the floor. Separate and connect the heels 20 times without lifting the legs off the floor. Raise the toe of one foot and the heel of the other at the same time, then vice versa. The pace is fast, 20 repetitions. Without lifting your feet, spread your socks, then spread your heels, and in this way move your legs 8 “steps”, then return to the starting position. Run 6 times. The pace is slow. Place a stick with a section of 5 - 8 centimeters under the feet. Roll your feet on the stick for 2 minutes. Press your feet firmly against the object. Average speed. Put the arches of the feet on a stick, connect them together. To spread and connect the feet, without tearing the arches from the projectile. At an average pace, perform 20 times. Place a rubber ball under your feet. At an average pace, roll the ball from toes to heels for 1 minute. When rolling the ball, the feet should not come off the ball. Feet are on the floor. Bend your toes and, without lifting off the floor, move your heels forward. “Crawl” in this way with feet for 8 counts, and then return back, performing reverse movements, bending your fingers and pushing your heel. Perform the exercise at an average speed.

Prevention of violations in children begins from the first year of life. During this period, it will consist in the prevention and treatment of rickets and other neurological diseases that can cause flat feet.

At the moment when the baby takes the first steps, you need to think about the selection of children's shoes. Studies by experts from India prove that those who spent their childhood barefoot are several times less likely to have flat feet than those who wore shoes from an early age.

Walking barefoot on grass is good for a baby, but walking barefoot on a flat and hard floor is extremely harmful.

But, despite the exercises, a child with flat feet should wear special insoles supinators during the entire complex. This will make it possible to save the result of gymnastics.

During the period of exercises for the prevention of flat feet, it is also important to develop the correct posture in schoolchildren. To do this, classes should be equipped with special desks.

The desire of parents from an early age to teach the baby to stand and walk is completely useless. Active attempts by teenage girls to wear heels or shoes with a narrow toe should also be combated.

Exercises for flat feet for teenagers and children:

Walk on toes on straight legs, hands on the waist. Walk on the outer edge of the foot, hands there. Walk on the spot. Do not tear off your socks, tear off your heels as high as possible. Lay a thick rope on the floor. Let the child move along it with side steps. Sitting on a chair, roll a stick with your feet. Sitting, roll, a small ball back and forth with both feet in turn. Rolls from toe to heel, standing on the floor or on a stick. Walk from heel to toe. Walk on uneven surfaces. Stand on your toes and squat, holding on to a support. Put smooth river pebbles in a container and pour warm water. Plant the baby, lower the legs into the water. Let him sort them out, grab them with his fingers. At the end of the procedure, let him walk over the stones. In front of the crib, put a rubber mat with a non-uniform surface, let it be "prickly". The first thing the baby will do in the morning is simple, but extremely important, exercises for flat feet in children.

Prevention and special exercises for the foot with flat feet are urgently needed today. Those who put too much stress on the legs need a relaxing massage and rest.

Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or stay in one position all day long need stimulating massages and procedures to work the unused muscles of the body.

A set of exercises will strengthen the muscles of the legs of children and will not allow the disease to progress. Your gait will become beautiful, stable, and healthy legs will open up more opportunities and enrich your life.

Flat feet is a common pathology today. It often develops during infancy. Therefore, parents should know what characteristic signs they should pay attention to. Indeed, in 2–3 years, it is much easier to eliminate the irregular shape of the feet than in adulthood.

If you let this situation take its course, you can expect serious consequences in the future. In adults, this type of foot deformity is practically not treated. All efforts in this case are directed only to prevent the deterioration of the situation. It can worsen at any moment and this is due to the wrong behavior of a person.

Prevention of flat feet at an early age will help maintain the health of the feet and the entire musculoskeletal system.

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Children under one year old have flat feet. When the child begins to walk, the correct shape of his legs is formed, while the muscles are strengthened. This is a very important period in which parents must help their crumbs.

Certain reasons provoke the development of flat feet at the age of 1-2 years. In this case, deformation of the feet begins to appear. Their transverse and longitudinal arch descends. If up to 3–5 years the physiological arch of the foot has not formed, then treatment is required. In childhood, therapy is almost always successful.

Prevention of flat feet in children aged 1–3 years implies the implementation of simple recommendations. The health of the legs of their baby depends on the care and actions of the parents during this period.

There are many factors that provoke the development of flat feet at any age. In most cases, this is an acquired pathology. It can form even at the age of 40-50 years, but quite often such people have a predisposition to the drooping of the arch of the foot. The main causes of pathology are as follows:

hereditary predisposition. Insufficiency of connective tissue. Lack of healthy exercise when walking (especially at the age of 1-2 years). Wrong shoes. Excessive load on the legs.

It is very useful to walk barefoot on uneven surfaces. It should be noted that it is extremely harmful to walk on surfaces such as linoleum, laminate, and tiles for a long time. Toddlers under three years of age should often walk barefoot on warm sand and grass. These are the most natural bumps for our feet.

Reasons such as obesity, prolonged standing also contribute to the appearance of deviations. These people are at risk. They must control the shape of the feet, carry out regular prophylaxis.

Often the causes of droopy arches are wearing the wrong shoes.

Too flat soles, high heels, poor quality materials can cause flat feet. These are the main reasons that can lead to the appearance of foot deformity both at the age of 3–5 years and in adults.

These reasons cause weakening of the muscles of the foot. This is accompanied by certain symptoms. The older the child (or the more neglected the pathology), the more noticeable the changes will be. Main symptoms:

It is easier to bend down than to sit down behind an object that has fallen to the floor. Pain in legs, knees, back. The gait is unnatural, heavy. Deformities of various types (fingers of irregular shape, unnaturally wide leg). Deviations in the development of the muscle mass of the lower extremities. A bone can grow near the thumb (observed in adulthood). Nails grow.

According to statistics, about 65% of children under the age of 7 suffer from flat feet of varying severity. Therefore, prevention is extremely important. This is important in adulthood as well. Many adverse factors increase the risk of developing pathology.

Flat feet are a serious threat to human health and well-being. The sooner the wrong position of the foot begins to form, the stronger the consequences will be. If a child's vault does not rise at 2-3 years old, many diseases can manifest themselves in adulthood. The main ones are:

The structure of the musculoskeletal system is disturbed. There are pains in the knees, hips, lower back. Headaches, dizziness are observed. In a neglected case, the work of internal organs is disrupted.

Such a common pathology can result in the occurrence of very serious diseases. Therefore, at any age it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. This will prevent the development of ailments of the skeleton, joints and other body systems.

The presented pathology differs according to some criteria. When making a diagnosis and choosing a treatment, the doctor will get acquainted with the accompanying factors. He must find out what events led to the occurrence of deviations. The severity of flat feet is also assessed. The omission of the arch can be:

longitudinal; transverse; mixed.

This indicator depends more on the weight of the person. The greater the load on the legs, the stronger the longitudinal flat feet.

During the examination, the doctor diagnoses the factors that influenced the omission of the arch. This is not always easy to do, especially in children. According to this criterion, the following types of flat feet are distinguished:

congenital type. It is difficult to diagnose in children under 6 years of age. Traumatic variety. Occurs after fractures of the ankle, calcaneus. rachitic type. Under load, weakened bones deform. Static view. This is the most common variety. It causes a gradual weakening of the muscles of the legs. This is due to their lack of training, improper lifestyle.

In accordance with the factors that caused the pathology, the doctor may prescribe a set of measures. This will help to carry out a full treatment of the irregular shape of the feet.

Parents should take steps to prevent foot deformity in their child. This must be done from the first year of his life. If this does not happen, the possible violation gets worse over time. The examination reveals the stages of its severity. There are four in total:

The first degree is the easiest. The angle of deformation between the I and II metatarsal bones does not exceed 12 degrees. The first finger deviates no more than 20 degrees. The second degree is characterized by an increase in the presented indicators up to 15 and 30 degrees. At the third degree of severity, the angles already reach 20 and 40 degrees. The last stage in advanced cases exceeds the value of indicators of the third degree.

With the development of deformation, the footprint of a person's foot changes. The stronger the degree of flat feet, the harder it is to return the correct shape. Therefore, when the first signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

In order to determine flat feet in a child in time, parents should pay attention to some external signs. This is easy to do at home. At the first suspicion, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Parents should pay attention to the following features:

If you look at the heels from behind, they should stand straight, without distortions. Shoes with deformation of the foot are trampled unevenly. It is important to evaluate how the child puts his foot on the support. Pay attention to the trace from the legs of the child.

A complete diagnosis in childhood or adulthood is carried out by an orthopedist. He will prescribe an x-ray in two projections in a standing position. This allows the doctor to draw a conclusion about the severity of the deviations.

Depending on the features of the flat foot, the degree of its deformation, the orthopedist develops a set of measures for the treatment of deviations. The younger the patient, the more effective will be the impact on the pathology. In some cases, treatment is aimed at keeping the deformity at the same level. In the advanced stage, when the patient is already an adult, it is extremely difficult to completely eliminate flat feet. Treatment includes the following:

Strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities with the help of gymnastics. Massage. Walking on uneven surfaces. Foot baths, water procedures. Wearing orthopedic shoes, insoles.

Gymnastics involves lifting on toes with a roll on the heels, walking on the inside, outside of the feet. With your toes, you should try to pick up various objects from the floor. Standing with closed legs, you need to spread your socks as much as possible, and then do the same with your heels.

The sets of exercises are very diverse. After gymnastics do massage. Start from the lower leg. Then massaging movements are performed from the toes to the heel. It is useful to step on special rollers, rugs.

In the evening, you need to do various baths. A visit to the pool has a positive effect on the entire body, strengthens the immune system.

Therefore, with flat feet, attention should be paid to this particular sport.

Prevention of flat feet in children gives very good results. Adults whose work involves prolonged standing also need to take preventive actions. They consist in gymnastic exercises, walking barefoot on uneven surfaces. Massages and water procedures are useful in this case.

Sitting on the side of the pool, you can just splash your feet in the water. Even such a simple movement puts the right load on the muscles of the feet. Swimming prevents the development of diseases of the spine and joints. In this case, crawl or backstroke technique should be preferred.

In the evening it is useful to do foot baths. In this case, decoctions of medicinal herbs can be used. To increase muscle tone, you should alternate baths with warm and cold water. First, the legs should be well steamed in hot water, then lower them into cold water. After the procedures, you should do a foot massage.

It does not take much time to prevent the development of flat feet. You should pay attention to a few simple movements. They are performed barefoot:

Walk on sand or foam with your toes bent. In this case, the emphasis falls on the outer edge of the foot. They descend along an inclined plane, leaning on the outer edge of the foot. Sideways you need to go along the log.

This is a natural exercise for the feet. For children, this turns into a fun game. It's simple and very useful.

In addition to physical exercise, orthopedists advise choosing the right shoes. This is an important factor in the prevention of flat feet. The footwear requirements are as follows:

Material of natural type (leather, cotton). The toe is wide. The heel of children's shoes occupies 1/3 of the sole. The female heel should not exceed 4 cm. The sole is flexible.

It should also be noted that the shoes must be new. If another person wore it, the load was distributed in a special way. It will harm the other legs. Shoes, boots or sneakers should be comfortable and of good quality. This is not worth saving.

- a rather dangerous pathology, due to which there are multiple problems with the musculoskeletal system. It is much easier to prevent than to fix, so it is best to correct the arch of the foot from childhood.

With age, flat feet can develop if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, wears the wrong uncomfortable shoes. If a person has a predisposition to this pathology, it is best to choose orthopedic products.

It occurs in the most vulnerable periods of his life: when he begins to walk, during active growth and puberty, in women during childbearing, etc.

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of a serious deformation than to get rid of it. If in childhood it is possible to get rid of this problem, then an adult can only make sure that the defect is not so pronounced.

If a person’s work makes him constantly stand, for prevention, you can put your legs in a clear parallel and periodically transfer the center of gravity from one part of the foot to another.

Regular foot massage, intensive rubbing helps well. In the same capacity, you can use barefoot walking on grass, stones or other uneven surfaces. At home, a massage mat is suitable.

Preventive measures for adults

Prevention of flat feet in adults is to train the muscles and ligaments of the foot. It needs to be done every day. Without loads, the muscles weaken, it becomes difficult for them to keep the arch of the foot in an elevated position.

Regular exercise can bring the position of the arch closer to normal, strengthen muscles and ligaments, correct minor disorders, correct gait, etc.

Flat feet can cause pain when walking or running, headaches, and become the basis for the formation of other, more serious pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Nowadays, experts have developed a large number of preventive measures that can help an adult.

Which particular set of exercises should be chosen, the doctor should tell.

It also helps to massage the foot, walking on uneven surfaces: sand, grass, pebbles, etc.

For intensive prevention, the following exercises will be effective. They need to be done several times a day.

Sitting on a chair:

  • rotation of the feet in two directions;
  • pull the socks towards you, and then away from you;
  • bend and unbend your toes;
  • press the heels to the floor, and bring the socks as close and apart as possible;
  • tear off fingers and heels from the floor in turn;
  • rake with your toes;
  • shovel sand with your toes;
  • roll oval objects on the floor with your feet;
  • with a gymnastic stick, effectively roll it on the floor for about two minutes, pressing your feet tightly against the projectile;
  • put your feet on a gymnastic stick, bring and spread your feet, without tearing the arch from the support about 15 times;
  • bending your fingers and moving your feet forward without lifting them from the floor. So "crawl" several times for 8 accounts.

Standing position:

  • rise on toes;
  • roll from the toe to the outer part of the foot;
  • squats without taking your heels off the floor;
  • rotate the lower leg and foot one at a time, then change the leg.

Such a pathology can become a source of many problems that concern not only posture. It affects the musculoskeletal system, causes pain in the lower back and even the head.