Why does the cuboid bone of the foot hurt? Fracture of the cuboid bone of the foot treatment Cuboid bone of the hand fracture.

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A broken foot is one of the most common types of fracture.

The huge number of bones in the foot, the enormous loads that these bones must withstand daily, the lack of minimal knowledge about the prevention of foot fractures make this complex anatomical formation especially vulnerable.

Anatomical excursion

Foot - the lower part of the lower limb, which has a vaulted structure and is designed to absorb shocks that occur when walking, jumping and falling.

The feet perform two main functions:

  • First of all, hold body weight;
  • Secondly, provide movement of the body in space.

These functions determine the structural features of the feet: 26 bones in each foot (a quarter of all the bones in the human body are located in the feet), the joints connecting these bones, a large number of powerful ligaments, muscles, blood vessels and nerves.

The joints are inactive, and the ligaments are elastic and high-strength, so it occurs much less frequently than a fracture.

Since we are talking about fractures, let's pay special attention to the bone skeleton of the foot, which consists of the following bones:

  1. Heel. It is the largest bone in the foot. It has the shape of a complex three-dimensional rectangle with depressions and protrusions, to which muscles are attached and along which nerves, vessels and tendons pass.
  2. Ram (supracalcaneal). It stands in second place in size, is unique in the high percentage of the articular surface and in that it does not contain a single bone or tendon attachment. It consists of a head, a body and a neck connecting them, which is the least resistant to fractures.
  3. cuboid. It is located in front of the heel bone closer to the outside of the foot. Forms the arch of the foot and forms a groove, thanks to which the tendon of the long peroneal muscle can fully work.
  4. Scaphoid. Forms joints with the talus and three sphenoid bones. Occasionally, the development of this bone is disturbed and the 27th bone of the foot can be observed - an additional navicular bone connected to the main cartilage. With unskilled reading of the x-ray, the accessory bone is often mistaken for a fracture.
  5. wedge-shaped. From all sides attached to other bones.
  6. Metatarsals. Short tubular bones serve for cushioning.
  7. Phalanges of fingers. Similar to the phalanges of the fingers in number and location (two flanks for the thumbs and three for each other finger), but shorter and thicker.
  8. Sesamoid. Two very small (smaller than a pea), but extremely significant round bones, are located inside the tendons and are responsible for flexing the first toe, which bears the maximum load.

Every tenth fracture and every third closed fracture occurs in the foot (for military personnel, this figure is slightly higher and amounts to 13.8% in peacetime).

The most common foot fractures are:

  • ram bones - less than 1%, of which about 30% of cases lead to disability;
  • heel- 4%, of which 83% - as a result of a jump on straight legs from a great height;
  • cuboid — 2,5%;
  • scaphoid — 2,3%;
  • metatarsal is the most common type of foot injury.

Moreover, athletes are characterized by a fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone during excessive loads, and for people experiencing unusual excessive loads, often in uncomfortable shoes, a second fracture, sometimes 3 or 4 and rarely 1 or 5.

The average duration of disability for a toe injury is 19 days. This is not typical for children, there are incomplete fractures (cracks).

At a young age, split fractures are common, after 50 years - depressed ones.

Causes of injury

Fracture of the bones of the foot can occur for several reasons:

  • falling heavy objects on the foot;
  • jump (fall) from a great height with landing on the feet;
  • when kicked;
  • when hit on the leg;
  • with subluxation of the foot due to walking on uneven surfaces.

Features of fractures of different bones

There are different types of fractures depending on the bone that has been injured.

Calcaneal fracture

The main cause of occurrence is landing on the heels when jumping from a considerable height, the second most common is a strong blow during an accident. Upon impact, the weight of the body is transferred to the talus, it crashes into the calcaneus and splits it into pieces.

Fractures are usually unilateral, usually complex.

A fatigue fracture of the calcaneus stands apart, the main cause of which is chronic overload of a bone that has anatomical defects.

It should be noted that the very fact of the presence of an anatomical defect does not lead to a fracture, for its occurrence constant and rather serious loads are required, therefore, such a fracture is most often observed in army recruits and amateur athletes who neglect medical examination before prescribing high loads.

Talus injury

A relatively rare fracture that occurs as a result of a fall from a great height, an accident or blows and is often combined with injuries to the lumbar and other fractures (of the bones of the foot, the calcaneus usually suffers along with the talus).

The injury is considered severe, in a third of cases it leads to disability. This state of affairs is associated with a lack of blood circulation provoked by trauma.

Even if the vessels are not ruptured, due to their compression, the supply of nutrients to the bone is disrupted, the fracture heals for a very long time.

cuboid fracture

The main reason for the occurrence of a fracture is the fall of a heavy object on the leg, a fracture due to impact is also possible.

As is clear from the mechanism of occurrence, usually unilateral.

Fracture of the scaphoid

It is formed as a result of the fall of a heavy object on the back of the foot at the moment when the bone is in tension. A fracture with displacement and in combination with fractures of other bones of the foot is characteristic.

Recently, fatigue fractures of the navicular bone have been noted, which used to be a rarity - this is primarily due to an increase in the number of non-professional athletes who exercise without medical and coaching support.

Sphenoid bone injury

The consequence of a heavy object falling on the dorsum of the foot and crushing the sphenoid bones between the metatarsal and scaphoid bones.

This mechanism of occurrence leads to the fact that fractures are usually multiple, often combined with dislocations of the metatarsal bones.

Metatarsal fractures

The most frequently diagnosed, are divided into traumatic (arising from a direct blow or twisting

foot) and fatigue (caused by foot deformity, prolonged repeated loads, improperly selected shoes, osteoporosis, pathological bone structure).

A stress fracture is often incomplete (it does not go beyond a crack in the bone).

Injury of the phalanges of the fingers

A fairly common fracture, usually caused by direct trauma.

The phalanges of the fingers are not protected from external influences, especially the distal phalanges of the first and second fingers, which protrude noticeably forward compared to the rest.

Almost the entire spectrum of fractures can be observed: there are transverse, oblique, T-shaped, comminuted fractures. Displacement, if observed, is usually on the proximal phalanx of the thumb.

It is complicated, in addition to displacement, by the penetration of infection through the damaged nail bed, and therefore requires sanitization of the fracture site even if the fracture at first glance seems closed.

Sesamoid fracture

Relatively rare type of fracture. The bones are small, located under the end of the metatarsal bone of the big toe, usually broken due to sports activities associated with a large load on the heel (basketball, tennis, long walking).

Sometimes it is easier to remove sesamoid bones than to treat a fracture.

Symptoms depending on location

Symptoms of foot fractures, regardless of type:

  • pain,
  • edema,
  • inability to walk
  • bruising in the area of ​​injury
  • change in the shape of the foot with a fracture with displacement.

Not all symptoms may be observed, the severity of the signs depends on the specific injury.

Specific features:

In the photo, a characteristic symptom of a foot fracture is swelling and cyanosis.

  • with a talus fracture: displacement of the talus (noticeable on palpation), pain when trying to move the thumb, sharp pain in the ankle when moving, the foot is in a flexion position;
  • with cuboid and navicular fractures: acute pain at the location of the corresponding bone, when trying to abduct or adduct the forefoot, swelling on the entire anterior surface of the ankle joint.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis usually comes down to an X-ray examination, which is performed in one or two projections, depending on the location of the alleged fracture.

If a talus fracture is suspected, X-ray examination is not informative, and computed tomography is the optimal diagnostic method.

First aid

The only type of first aid for suspected foot fracture is ensuring the immobility of the foot. It is carried out in mild cases by a ban on movement, in the rest - by imposing a tire.

Then the victim should be taken to the clinic. If swelling occurs, ice can be applied.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment depends on several factors:

  • type of broken bone
  • closed fracture or open;
  • complete or incomplete (crack).

Treatment consists in the imposition of a plaster splint, plaster bandage, bandage or fixative, surgical or conservative treatment, including physiotherapy exercises and special massage.

Surgical treatment is carried out in exceptional cases - for example, with fractures of the sphenoid bones with displacement (in this case, an operation with transarticular fixation with a metal Kirschner wire is indicated) or with fractures of the sesamoid bones.

Recovery after injury

Recovery after an injury is achieved through special massage and exercise therapy, reducing the load on the affected limb, using arch supports, and not wearing heels for a long period.

With fractures of the sphenoid bones, prolonged pain can be observed.


Complications are rare, with the exception of extremely rare fractures of the talus.

Foot fractures are not life-threatening. However, the quality of later life largely depends on whether the injured received treatment.

That is why it is important, if symptoms of an injury occur, not to self-medicate, but to seek qualified medical help.

In addition, I would like to draw the attention of non-professional athletes and athletes to the fact that a thoughtless increase in loads and the use of unsuitable shoes during classes is a direct way to close your opportunity to do physical education forever.

Even a high-quality recovery after a foot injury will never allow you to return to super-saturated workouts. Prevention is always easier than cure.

According to the terminology used in medicine, the foot is the part of the leg located distally (remotely) from the center of the body. human is quite complex and ideally performs the tasks assigned to the feet.

foot anatomy

The main part of the functions is performed by the arches, due to which the depreciation occurs, which is required to protect other joints, including the spine, from excessive loads. The cuboid bone also plays an important role here.

The main elements of the foot are the bones of the skeleton, interconnected by joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles.

The role of the shock absorber is played by the arches of the feet - longitudinal and transverse. They are formed by bones, joints, muscles, tendons, making the leg flexible. Thanks to this structure, the load is distributed evenly between the first, fifth metatarsal bones and the heel.

The bone skeleton of the foot is formed from 3 sections:

  • tarsus (7 bones arranged in two rows);
  • metatarsus (5 short tubular bones);
  • phalanges are the smallest bones of the fingers.

You can independently feel where the cuboid bone is located, in simple terms - from the outside of the foot from the heel, it will be the first towards the phalanges of the fingers. This is a fairly dense bone mass, and it is extremely difficult to break it.

Tarsal bones

Tarsus - the widest part of the foot, consisting of the talus, calcaneus, navicular, lateral, intermediate, medial cuneiform and cuboid bones.

  • The talus, in other words, the calcaneus. The connection with the navicular bone occurs through the head. The posterior process consists of two tubercles with a tendon.
  • plays the role of a softener, a kind of springboard when moving. Despite the fact that this is the most massive formation, it is vulnerable and often damaged. According to the anatomy of the heel, it is located under the talus, with which they are connected by a short process. Through the tubercle, located behind the calcaneus, the lateral and medial processes depart from the surface of the foot.
  • Structural element of the tarsus, located in the inner edge of the foot. In the medial section, the concave lower surface is bumpy, palpable through the skin. The joints are reduced to the talus and cuboid bones, forming the arch of the foot.
  • The lateral bone is located in the upper outer part of the foot, it helps a person to make maneuvering movements while performing outward turns. The joint of the fibula connects to the lateral ankle surface of the talus.
  • The cuboid bone is located outside the lateral cuneiform bone, behind the base of the IV and V metatarsal bones and in front of the calcaneus.
  • The sphenoid bones of the foot are in front of the scaphoid.

Communication with the metatarsal bones is carried out due to the articular surface. Despite the fact that the cuboid bone is located in the region of the outer part of the foot, its fractures separately from the joint are quite rare. Among skeletal injuries, they account for 0.14%, foot bones - 2.5%.

Joint Features

The foot has a complex anatomical structure with a large number of joints that form two or more bones. The main joint is the ankle joint, consisting of the tibia and fibula, with lateral outgrowths and the talus.

This joint is responsible for the main function of the foot - its mobility, the rest provide the necessary elasticity and elasticity.

Intertarsal joints

  • due to the lateral processes (ankles), together with the talus, it forms a kind of block. Protection is provided by the articular bag and ligaments, so that the ankle joint can produce movements of the back and front flexion.
  • The subtalar joint is a less mobile articulation between the calcaneus and the talus.
  • The talocalcaneal-navicular joint is formed by the bones of the tarsus. A ligament connecting the calcaneus and talus passes through the cavities of these joints.
  • The calcaneocuboid joint is formed by the articular surfaces of the cuboid and calcaneus. The joint is strengthened by a common bifurcated ligament starting on the calcaneus.
  • The sphenoid joint is formed by the articular surfaces of the sphenoid and navicular bones.

Judging even by the photos offered on the Internet, the cuboid bone is well located in the joint and it is not easy to damage it. However, it is possible that if measures are not taken in time to provide surgical care, a person may begin to limp in one leg and even remain disabled.

The foot withstands serious static and dynamic loads due to the anatomical features of the structure and the presence of a large number of elastic elements.

Calcaneocuboid joint

It is located between the articular surfaces of the cuboid and calcaneus. Movements are carried out only in one direction, despite the fact that the joint is saddle. The capsule is attached to the edges of the articular cartilage and stretched tight. The articulation takes part in the movements of the previous joints and increases their amplitude. It is strengthened by the plantar, calcaneocuboid and long plantar ligament.

Together with the talocalcaneal-navicular articulation, it forms one transverse tarsal joint.

bone fracture

Other photos of the cuboid bone of the foot in case of a fracture are also required, so that there is no doubt about the diagnosis.

With a fracture, pain occurs when the foot turns in and out. Probing the localization of the injury brings severe discomfort. Treatment involves a circular plaster cast for 5 weeks. To fully restore working capacity, it is required to wear an arch support for a year after the fracture.

Injury occurs due to the fall of heavy objects on the leg or a direct blow. If it is present with subluxation, the defect becomes very noticeable, which depends on the debris and the degree of displacement. The arch of the foot is compacted, the forefoot deviates inward or outward.

After an injury, you can’t step on your foot and walk for the first week, later you can dose the load. For a complete restoration of motor functions, orthopedic shoes are worn throughout the year.

With a fracture of the navicular bone without displacement of fragments impose a plaster bandage type "boot" in moderate plantar flexion of the foot. A special metal arch support is cast into the plantar part of the bandage to prevent flattening of the arch of the foot. The duration of immobilization is up to 8 weeks. Dosed load on the foot is allowed after 3-4 weeks. In the process of treatment, X-ray control is periodically carried out.

With fractures of the navicular bone with displacement of fragments an attempt should be made to compare them manually under anesthesia or intraosseous anesthesia. The patient lies on the table, the leg is bent at the knee joint to a right angle. One assistant holds the heel, the other pulls the toes forward, flexes the foot and performs an eversion. In this case, the space between the sphenoid bones and the head of the talus increases. At this point, you need to press your thumb on the protruding fragment of the scaphoid, which in most cases is set into place. After the control radiography, a plaster bandage of the "boot" type is applied.

In more difficult cases of fracture-dislocation of the navicular bone with a large displacement of fragments, reduction is performed using the apparatus designed by Cherkes-Zade et al. One needle is passed through the calcaneus, the other through the heads of the metatarsal bones. After stretching with pressure on the displaced fragment of the navicular bone, its reduction is easily achieved.

Sometimes compression fractures of the scaphoid with dislocation of the foot in the Chopard joint present significant difficulties for conservative treatment. In such cases, open reduction is indicated.

With multi-comminuted fractures of the navicular bone with a large displacement of fragments that are not amenable to conservative treatment, arthrodesis should be performed between the navicular bone and the head of the talus and the posterior surfaces of the three cuneiform bones. This intervention can lead to a shortening of the inner edge or part of the foot and the omission of the inner arch - flat feet. Some authors suggest restoring balance by resection of part of the navicular bone. In our opinion, it is more perfect to use a bone graft after refreshing the articular surfaces of the bones surrounding the navicular bone. A bone graft from the tibia can be used. During the operation, a bone groove is formed in the heads of the talus and I sphenoid bones, where the bone graft is inserted; it is possible to fill the defect with a spongy bone taken from the iliac wing.

The navicular bone should not be removed even if it is significantly damaged, since the possibility of fusion is not excluded during prolonged plaster immobilization. Removal of the navicular bone may further affect the statics of the foot in the form of a pronounced flattening of the sole and valgus curvature of the forefoot. In severe injuries of the navicular bone, arthrodesis is performed along the line of the Chopard joint with bone grafting. After the operation, a blind plaster bandage is applied to the knee joint with a metal arch support for a period of 3 months. Loading the diseased limb in such a plaster cast begins after 5-6 weeks. After removing the plaster bandage, physiotherapy exercises, massage, swimming in the pool or baths are prescribed. In the future, patients should wear orthopedic shoes for at least 6-8 months or arch support insoles for up to a year or more.

Fractures of the sphenoid bones. All cuneiform bones, except for the first, articulate on all sides with other bones of the foot. Therefore, isolated fractures are extremely rare. More often, fractures are combined with dislocations of the metatarsal bones in the Lisfranc joint. This damage is explained by the fact that the anterior articular surfaces of the sphenoid bones articulate with the posterior articular surfaces of the first three metatarsal bones, and the line passing between these bones constitutes the inner part of the Lisfranc joint.

Of the three sphenoid bones, I is most often damaged, located at the inner edge of the foot and less protected from external influences. Nevertheless, fractures of all the sphenoid bones at the same time are possible.

Fractures of the sphenoid bones, intra-articular and are classified as severe foot injuries. In most cases, they result from compression or crushing of the sphenoid bones between the metatarsal and navicular bones. Basically, these fractures are the result of direct trauma - the fall of heavy objects on the back of the foot. The prognosis of such fractures is favorable, but sometimes prolonged pain remains. In the elderly, the development of arthrosis in the joints of the foot should be expected.

The technique of X-ray examination and the method of recognition of fractures of the sphenoid bones is the same as for fractures of the navicular bone. The difference lies in the fact that the imposition of II and III sphenoid and metatarsal bones articulating with them often simulates a fracture line. A slight change in the direction of the x-rays avoids overlapping contours.

In case of fractures of the sphenoid bones without a significant displacement of the fragments, the imposition of a circular plaster bandage of the "boot" type is indicated. A metal arch support is cast into the plantar part of the bandage to prevent the development of post-traumatic flat feet.

Walking is prohibited for 7-10 days, then a dosed load on the injured limb is allowed. The plaster bandage is removed after 5-7 weeks and physiotherapy exercises, massage, baths are prescribed. It is recommended to wear shoes with an orthopedic cork insole throughout the year. Ability to work is restored after 8-10 weeks.

In case of fractures of the sphenoid bones with displacement of fragments, when conservative measures do not give the desired effect, an operation is performed with transarticular fixation with a metal Kirchner wire.

The prognosis for fractures of the sphenoid bones is generally favorable; however, pain is often observed, which can last a long time.

Cuboid fractures. The cuboid is the key to the lateral arch of the foot and is very rarely fractured despite being located in the lateral region of the foot. Practically, a cuboid fracture occurs as a result of direct trauma. In rare cases, the cuboid bone breaks into several fragments when it is compressed between the calcaneus and the bases of the IV and V metatarsal bones. Fracture of the cuboid bone can be caused by the fall of weight on the foot in the position of its sharp flexion. Most often, the cuboid fracture line runs in the sagittal or slightly oblique direction. The outer fragment has a protrusion, which is limited in front by a groove for the long peroneal muscle.

Comminuted fractures of the cuboid bone often combined with fractures of other bones of the foot, in particular with fractures of the base of the metatarsal bones, III sphenoid and navicular bones. Isolated cuboid fractures are extremely rare. When diagnosing a cuboid fracture, one should not forget about the existence of additional bones that can be mistaken for an avulsion fracture of the cuboid bone. Avulsion of bone tissue from the cuboid bone is observed quite often with a severe injury in the midfoot area.

X-ray examination of the cuboid bone is most informative in direct projection.

Like sphenoid fractures, cuboid fractures are usually not accompanied by a large displacement of fragments. Therefore, the treatment is mainly reduced to the immobilization of the foot with a plaster bandage of the "boot" type, into the plantar part of which a special metal arch support is cast.

Walking is prohibited during the first 5-7 days, then a dosed load on the injured limb is allowed. A plaster bandage is applied for 4-6 weeks, after which physiotherapy exercises, massage, swimming in the pool or baths are prescribed. Orthopedic shoes with cork insoles should be worn for a year. Ability to work is restored after 6-8 weeks.

Often, with multi-comminuted fractures, pain remains for several months, especially with long walking. In such cases, it is necessary to remove small fragments promptly. If a comminuted fracture of the cuboid bone is accompanied by fractures of other bones of the foot, then surgical treatment is recommended.

A broken foot is one of the most common types of fracture.

The huge number of bones in the foot, the enormous loads that these bones must withstand daily, the lack of minimal knowledge about the prevention of foot fractures make this complex anatomical formation especially vulnerable.

Anatomical excursion

Foot - the lower part of the lower limb, which has a vaulted structure and is designed to absorb shocks that occur when walking, jumping and falling.

The feet perform two main functions:

  • firstly, they hold body weight;
  • secondly, they provide the movement of the body in space.

These functions determine the structural features of the feet: 26 bones in each foot (a quarter of all the bones in the human body are located in the feet), the joints connecting these bones, a large number of powerful ligaments, muscles, blood vessels and nerves.

The joints are inactive, and the ligaments are elastic and high-strength, so dislocation of the foot occurs much less frequently than a fracture.

Since we are talking about fractures, let's pay special attention to the bone skeleton of the foot, which consists of the following bones:

  1. Heel. It is the largest bone in the foot. It has the shape of a complex three-dimensional rectangle with depressions and protrusions, to which muscles are attached and along which nerves, vessels and tendons pass.
  2. Ram (supracalcaneal). It stands in second place in size, is unique in the high percentage of the articular surface and in that it does not contain a single bone or tendon attachment. It consists of a head, a body and a neck connecting them, which is the least resistant to fractures.
  3. Cuboid. It is located in front of the heel bone closer to the outside of the foot. Forms the arch of the foot and forms a groove, thanks to which the tendon of the long peroneal muscle can fully work.
  4. Scaphoid. Forms joints with the talus and three sphenoid bones. Occasionally, the development of this bone is disturbed and the 27th bone of the foot can be observed - an additional navicular bone connected to the main cartilage. With unskilled reading of the x-ray, the accessory bone is often mistaken for a fracture.
  5. Wedge-shaped. From all sides attached to other bones.
  6. Metatarsal. Short tubular bones serve for cushioning.
  7. Phalanges of fingers. Similar to the phalanges of the fingers in number and location (two flanks for the thumbs and three for each other finger), but shorter and thicker.
  8. Sesamoid. Two very small (smaller than a pea), but extremely significant round bones, are located inside the tendons and are responsible for flexing the first toe, which bears the maximum load.

Every tenth fracture and every third closed fracture occurs in the foot (for military personnel, this figure is slightly higher and amounts to 13.8% in peacetime).

The most common foot fractures are:

  • talus - less than 1%, of which about 30% of cases lead to disability;
  • calcaneal - 4%, of which 83% - as a result of a jump on straight legs from a great height;
  • cuboid - 2.5%;
  • scaphoid - 2.3%;
  • metatarsal - the most common type of injury to the foot bone.

The average duration of disability for a toe injury is 19 days. For children, such an injury is not typical, there are incomplete fractures (cracks).

At a young age, split fractures are common, after 50 years - depressed ones.

Causes of injury

Fracture of the bones of the foot can occur for several reasons:

  • falling heavy objects on the foot;
  • jump (fall) from a great height with landing on the feet;
  • when kicked;
  • when hit on the leg;
  • with subluxation of the foot due to walking on uneven surfaces.

Features of fractures of different bones

There are different types of fractures depending on the bone that has been injured.

Calcaneal fracture

The main cause of occurrence is landing on the heels when jumping from a considerable height, the second most common is a strong blow during an accident. Upon impact, the weight of the body is transferred to the talus, it crashes into the calcaneus and splits it into pieces.

Fractures are usually unilateral, usually complex.

A fatigue fracture of the calcaneus stands apart, the main cause of which is chronic overload of a bone that has anatomical defects.

It should be noted that the very fact of the presence of an anatomical defect does not lead to a fracture, for its occurrence constant and rather serious loads are required, therefore, such a fracture is most often observed in army recruits and amateur athletes who neglect medical examination before prescribing high loads.

Talus injury

A relatively rare fracture that occurs as a result of a fall from a great height, an accident or blows and is often combined with injuries to the lumbar and other fractures (of the bones of the foot, the calcaneus usually suffers along with the talus).

Even if the vessels are not ruptured, due to their compression, the supply of nutrients to the bone is disrupted, the fracture heals for a very long time.

cuboid fracture

The main reason for the occurrence of a fracture is the fall of a heavy object on the leg, a fracture due to impact is also possible.

As is clear from the mechanism of occurrence, usually unilateral.

Fracture of the scaphoid

It is formed as a result of the fall of a heavy object on the back of the foot at the moment when the bone is in tension. A fracture with displacement and in combination with fractures of other bones of the foot is characteristic.

Recently, fatigue fractures of the navicular bone have been noted, which used to be a rarity - this is primarily due to an increase in the number of non-professional athletes who exercise without medical and coaching support.

Sphenoid bone injury

The consequence of a heavy object falling on the dorsum of the foot and crushing the sphenoid bones between the metatarsal and scaphoid bones.

This mechanism of occurrence leads to the fact that fractures are usually multiple, often combined with dislocations of the metatarsal bones.

Metatarsal fractures

The most frequently diagnosed, are divided into traumatic (arising from a direct blow or twisting

foot) and fatigue (caused by foot deformity, prolonged repeated loads, improperly selected shoes, osteoporosis, pathological bone structure).

A stress fracture is often incomplete (it does not go beyond a crack in the bone).

Injury of the phalanges of the fingers

A fairly common fracture, usually caused by direct trauma.

The phalanges of the fingers are not protected from external influences, especially the distal phalanges of the first and second fingers, which protrude noticeably forward compared to the rest.

Almost the entire spectrum of fractures can be observed: there are transverse, oblique, T-shaped, comminuted fractures. Displacement, if observed, is usually on the proximal phalanx of the thumb.

It is complicated, in addition to displacement, by the penetration of infection through the damaged nail bed, and therefore requires sanitization of the fracture site even if the fracture at first glance seems closed.

Sesamoid fracture

Relatively rare type of fracture. The bones are small, located under the end of the metatarsal bone of the big toe, usually broken due to sports activities associated with a large load on the heel (basketball, tennis, long walking).

Sometimes it is easier to remove sesamoid bones than to treat a fracture.

Symptoms depending on location

Symptoms of foot fractures, regardless of type:

  • pain,
  • edema,
  • inability to walk
  • bruising in the area of ​​injury
  • change in the shape of the foot with a fracture with displacement.

Not all symptoms may be observed, the severity of the signs depends on the specific injury.

Specific features:

  • with a talus fracture: displacement of the talus (noticeable on palpation), pain when trying to move the thumb, sharp pain in the ankle when moving, the foot is in a flexion position;
  • with cuboid and navicular fractures: acute pain at the location of the corresponding bone, when trying to abduct or adduct the forefoot, swelling on the entire anterior surface of the ankle joint.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis usually comes down to an X-ray examination, which is performed in one or two projections, depending on the location of the alleged fracture.

If a talus fracture is suspected, X-ray examination is not informative, and computed tomography is the optimal diagnostic method.

First aid

The only type of first aid for a suspected foot fracture is to ensure the immobility of the foot. It is carried out in mild cases by a ban on movement, in the rest - by imposing a tire.

Then the victim should be taken to the clinic. If swelling occurs, ice can be applied.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment depends on several factors:

  • type of broken bone
  • closed fracture or open;
  • complete or incomplete (crack).

Treatment consists in the imposition of a plaster splint, plaster bandage, bandage or fixative, surgical or conservative treatment, including physiotherapy exercises and special massage.

Surgical treatment is carried out in exceptional cases - for example, with fractures of the sphenoid bones with displacement (in this case, an operation with transarticular fixation with a metal Kirschner wire is indicated) or with fractures of the sesamoid bones.

Recovery after injury

Recovery after an injury is achieved through special massage and exercise therapy, reducing the load on the injured limb, using orthopedic insoles, arch supports, heel pads and not wearing heels for a long period.

With fractures of the sphenoid bones, prolonged pain can be observed.


Complications are rare, with the exception of extremely rare fractures of the talus.

Foot fractures are not life-threatening. However, the quality of later life largely depends on whether the injured received treatment.

In addition, I would like to draw the attention of non-professional athletes and athletes to the fact that a thoughtless increase in loads and the use of unsuitable shoes during classes is a direct way to close your opportunity to do physical education forever.

Even a high-quality recovery after a foot injury will never allow you to return to super-saturated workouts. Prevention is always easier than cure.

For pain in the cuboid bone of the foot, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital. The cause of the pain syndrome can be hidden both in ordinary fatigue and in a serious fracture. The cuboid bone is located in front of the heel. According to its anatomical features, it has an irregular shape. Any overexertion of the feet leads to the appearance of severe pain.

Causes of pain syndrome

In most cases, the pain syndrome develops due to an injury. It is not so easy to damage this part of the foot, but the probability of damage still remains. The main function of the cuboid bone is the formation of arches on the sole. As a result, a groove is formed that provides full work to the tendons. Therefore, with any violations, the functionality of the muscles is sharply reduced.

The main causes of pain in the bone:

  1. Mechanogenesis. Injuries of varying severity fall into this category. Usually these are fractures, as a result of which cuboid damage is noted. Forced movements accompanied by bone crushing are capable of provoking this process.
  2. Excessive arching of the sole. This leads to dislocation of the cuboid bone. People involved in dancing and cycling are susceptible to this damage.
  3. Stress fracture. More often fixed in beginner athletes. In this case, the person feels severe pain, swelling appears on the sole.
  4. Peroneal tendinitis. This syndrome causes discomfort on the outside of the foot, indicating a fracture.

Only a specialist after carrying out diagnostic measures is able to identify the exact cause of the pain.

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Common Causes of Pain

The cuboid bone may suffer due to a stress fracture. Novice athletes, due to the lack of rich experience, at first harm their health. Excessive zeal can provoke the appearance of cracks in the foot. This happens as a result of monotonous and persistent repetitions of the same movements. Most often, this type of injury occurs during sports competitions. In this case, the victim feels a pulling pain, which intensifies over time.

In second place is the sprain. This is the most common cause of severe pain in the foot. In almost 85% of cases, it is the stretch that injures the cuboid bone. This happens as a result of inversion. Stretching can damage any ligament, even when twisting the leg.

Cuboid Syndrome. This cause is not fixed so often, however, damage in this area leads to prolonged pain. The process is observed with partial dislocation of the foot as a result of injury. In this case, the ankle can also be stretched. The pain is localized from the outer edge of the foot, its intensification is recorded in the morning and during physical activities. Without proper treatment, the symptom will not disappear on its own.

Tarsal Coalition. It is extremely rare, this condition is due to the fusion of bones with each other. The problem is congenital and manifests itself after 20 years. The pain syndrome occurs unexpectedly, while constant fatigue is felt. A person can be plagued by convulsions at any time of the day. Surgery can help relieve pain.

Bunyon. This is a foot deformity that causes the big toe to turn inward. This anomaly is accompanied by severe pain and inflammation. Sometimes a similar situation is fixed with the little finger.

Corn. Pain in the cuboid bone does not always indicate the presence of a serious pathology or injury. Sometimes a corn just fills up in this place.

In some cases, it develops under the skin, making it difficult to diagnose. A person is tormented by pain in the region of the cuboid foot, but in fact there is a corn.

Tendonitis and arthritis can lead to discomfort and additional symptoms. All these conditions are accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture.