How to raise a good dog. All about favorite dogs

Raising a dog is a very time-consuming process that requires patience from the owner. Despite the large number of books devoted to this topic, you should not hope that in a month you will be able to make the pet obedient.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

General rules

The advice of cynologists regarding the process of education boils down to the fact that proper education cannot be carried out without some features. Simple rules for organizing the process. The basics of raising a puppy are the strong will and patience of its leader, that is, the owner. That is why, from the very first day a puppy appears in your house, it is worth showing him that in your “pack” the leader is you, not the dog, and gradually accustom him to follow all your commands.

Simple tips from experienced dog handlers will help you figure out where to start and how not to break the dog's psyche in the process of education:

  • daily regime. This point is very important for both the animal and for you. Remember that the puppy cannot tell you about his desires - ask him to eat or play with him. A harmoniously composed daily routine, which includes all the items necessary for the dog, will allow the pet to feel confident. The only thing that should not be forgotten is to strictly follow all the points in strict sequence daily;
  • you have to dominate a dog from the moment it first appeared in your home. For this, it is necessary to immediately distribute roles in the family. Even in children, the dog must see the leader - then on a walk it will clearly follow the commands of its "little leader";
  • training should take place regularly, it is advisable to include this item in the daily routine. However, it should be remembered that classes should not last more than 20 minutes. If you show patience and perseverance, very soon your dog will delight you with his good behavior.

Shelter dog - upbringing and its features

When deciding to do a good deed and take a future pet from a shelter, one should understand that the occurrence of certain problems is simply inevitable. The first thing to remember is to give the dog time to get used to the new environment, the family. Perhaps at first the dog will simply hide somewhere and will not go out, it will not immediately remember that you should go to the toilet outside. However, your patience and love will help overcome all obstacles and show the dog in a gentle way that you are the main thing in your tandem.

c "> Raising a dog up to a year - stages and features

To educate obedience in a puppy should be from birth and not stop even for a moment. There are some rules to think about even before the puppy crosses the threshold of your house for the first time.

  1. Limits of what is permitted. You must understand what you want to see in the behavior of an adult dog, and what is unacceptable. You should start instilling the necessary behavior from the beginning of the appearance of the puppy, and in no case can you hope that the dog will grow up and become smarter.
  2. Learning to divert attention. Since the appearance of the pet, he must have toys. In order for the puppy not to chew on shoes or furniture, you should play with him regularly. Remember that the animal reacts to the smell, and if its saliva remains on your shoes, it doesn’t understand why you can’t play with it. As soon as you notice that the pet has decided to frolic, switch his attention to the toy.
  3. Delicious encouragement. Each, even a small achievement of a puppy, should be encouraged - give him a favorite treat or caress.

But after a year, when the dog clearly learns the rules of behavior and determines the scope of what is permitted, you can proceed directly to training. Professionals involved in dog training, developing in them the skills to guard and protect their owner, insist that training can only be started after the dog has reached the age of two. The peculiarity of the two-year-old age is that the psyche of the dog is sufficiently strengthened.

Brief description of dog breeds and their upbringing

Starting to educate a dog of the Labrador breed, one should take into account the peculiarities of its psychology. Labradors have a very affectionate disposition. And they rightly believe that for affection they can be forgiven for their laziness and unwillingness to learn. Unlike the yard dog, the Labrador is not distinguished by perseverance.

The characteristics of the Labrador dog breed and its upbringing shows that you will have to not only attract the attention of a pet, but also keep it throughout the lesson. Unlike the Husky breed, which requires strictness in upbringing, the Labrador is more willing to learn for "sweets" or affection.

e"> Raising a pointing dog

Wanting to have not just a well-mannered dog in the house, but an assistant and partner in hunting, it is important not only to teach the puppy to follow simple commands, such as sit, lie down, beside, etc. A hunting dog should not be afraid of water, be able to catch up with prey and bring it to the owner, have such qualities as perseverance and seriousness. After all, hunting is not a place for games. That is why you cannot do without training an animal in the field. To begin with, you should teach your puppy not to be afraid of water bodies - after all, swimming in the bathroom is one thing, and quite another in the lake. To do this, in the warm season, go with a puppy that has reached 4-5 months of age to shallow water and gradually call the dog to you, motivating it to go into the water. Only after the puppy learns to swim well, you can start field coaching, introducing the dog to ducks and other game, instilling the necessary skills.

f "> Collar - noose for education

An indispensable assistant in the process of raising your dog is a collar. Today, the choke collar is very popular on the market; it is made of soft nylon and does not cause severe pain to the animal. In most cases, the pet learns to respond to a slight tinkling of the chain, and not to pain.

Many novice dog breeders are wondering if it is possible to beat a dog for educational purposes, thus punishing disobedience and other offenses. You cannot use this method. Remember that for any manifestation of your aggression, the dog will defend itself and its life with the methods available to it - bites, attacks.

Raising an adult naughty dog

Of course, it is possible to educate or re-educate an already formed dog, but this will require gigantic patience and a long time from you. It is difficult for an adult dog to understand why it should “suddenly” obey the owner. After all, until this moment everything was different, and it will no longer be possible to bring up obedience at the level of instincts, like a puppy. But you need to start from simple to complex.

First, learn to listen to each other. Classes should begin when the dog is already slightly hungry, in which case he will try harder to get a treat. A cowardly dog ​​needs to learn how to deal with his fears. Remember, as a child, you must have been afraid of the dark. But perseverance and time helped you get through it. Train your pet gradually not to react to other people or cats. Is it difficult for a hyperactive and large dog to stay in one place and not sweep away everything in its path? Try to free up the space as much as possible, gradually filling it with the items you need. Furniture appears gradually, leaving enough free space. When the pet gets used to the new "obstacle", you can add the following.

Many people get a dog for various purposes. But in order for the animal to bring joy, not cause problems and fulfill its purpose, it is necessary to properly educate the puppy. The principles of training depend on the breed of the pet, but there are basic points that apply to any animal.

Basic principles of education

As a rule, the breeder is engaged in the training of the dog. It is to his voice that the pet reacts the most, so it is important to establish a trusting relationship with the animal. Raising a puppy should begin with establishing close contact. For this, the following principles should be followed:

  • to study the characteristics of the character of the pet;
  • taking into account the age of the puppy, set feasible tasks for him and achieve their unquestioning fulfillment;
  • for classes to be exciting, it is necessary to provide him with toys and often walk in the fresh air;
  • resort to the help of conditioned reflexes and create conditions for their development;
  • develop clear commands, gestures and other conditional signals (it is not recommended to change them);
  • for the executed commands and exemplary behavior, reward with treats and stroking;
  • during the lesson, the owner always plays the role of the boss, whose orders must be obeyed;
  • at other times it is necessary to play the role of a friend with whom you can play.

Raising a puppy is possible only after establishing a trusting contact. If the breeder has managed to achieve this, then the animal will fully follow all the instructions of the owner.

Behavior at home

Raising a puppy is not only about following commands on request. A significant role is played by the behavior of the animal at home and its communication with other household members. Therefore, if the owner does not want the dog to sleep on the bed, jump on the sofa or run from the street to the living rooms, then this should never be allowed. Otherwise, the habit will firmly enter the mind of the dog and it will be difficult to eradicate it.

From the very beginning, the puppy should have his own place in the house, his own bowl, toys and other devices. The pet must clearly understand that all household members are the main ones in the family, including children.

Education depends on the owner

Experienced cynologists advise to start raising a puppy immediately from the first day of his appearance in the house. At first, you should show him a place to cope with natural needs. If the animal makes a mistake, then only a stern voice and indications of the mistake will lead to a positive result.

At the same time, all cynologists agree that it is impossible to shout at a puppy. Animals perfectly catch changes in the intonation of the human voice, and a loud cry will only scare them. It is also not recommended to use physical force. In this case, the pet may become embittered, and there will no longer be a trusting relationship.

If it is necessary to punish a puppy for an offense, then it should be done immediately. In the future, the animal forgets about the oversight and the punishment will not be perceived as a lesson.

Often puppies show sincere joy when meeting with the owner. It is recommended to pay attention to the dog, do not push or scold. Thus, the animal shows its affection, and the owner will be able to demonstrate the joy of meeting.

But do not spoil the puppy and allow him things that are forbidden to adults. After all, when the animal matures, it may require the same attitude, and it will be more difficult to forbid.

Home education of a puppy cannot be imagined without the use of toys. It is necessary to give the dog access to some items that can be chewed and patted. In this way, you can satisfy natural needs and secure shoes and other personal items.

The owner is an unquestioning authority

When raising a puppy, it is important to orient him to complete obedience. Dogs are pack animals and, like wolves, are looking for a leader. For a strong personality, they are ready to follow and obey commands. Therefore, one can often see that the animals unquestioningly obey only the owner, and to a lesser extent obey all other family members. Therefore, when raising a dog, it is important to fully control the process and prevent the pet from leading the children.

Education depending on the breed

Each dog is individual. Her temperament and character depend on her breed. Some are naturally affectionate and outgoing, others are aggressive or tend to be leaders. Therefore, education has its own subtleties, depending on the breed.

Service dogs

The main purpose of such animals is to help people. They serve in the police, guard objects, look for drugs, and accompany the blind. These smart animals can bring many benefits, but first you need to properly raise a puppy. It is best to take special courses where trained people will reveal all the subtleties.

Raising a German Shepherd puppy requires certain knowledge. After all, all service breeds are highly dependent on their master and attached to him. With a competent approach, the animal will follow the person anywhere, and most importantly, it will unquestioningly carry out his commands. The animal may not move and only wait for its breeder.

Raising a German Shepherd puppy is not an easy task. It is recommended to take special courses in service dog breeding. After all, the approach is very different from the training of other breeds. It is important to develop the complete trust of the pet, the implementation of all commands and obedience.

Features of raising a shepherd dog at a very early age

The upbringing of a shepherd dog (puppy) must be started from the first days and done in the form of a game. Here are the main steps:

  • It is necessary to accustom him to the nickname. To do this, during feeding, you should call the name of the animal several times and stroke the pet.
  • From two months the puppy is taught the team "Come to me". To do this, use a delicacy.
  • It is necessary to accustom to one's own place. To do this, the litter is located in a quiet and peaceful corner. The puppy is brought, stroked and said "Place".
  • Raising a German puppy is unthinkable without the commands "No" and "Fu". As soon as the dog begins to commit an unacceptable act, it must be pulled up and lightly slapped. But you can’t hit hard, the animal can become embittered or become cowardly.

German Shepherds are naturally eager to please their owner. It is important to conduct training sessions daily and play regularly with the dog. Temporary difficulties may arise, but they are fixable.

The subtleties of raising a Labrador

Raising a Labrador puppy begins from the first day of his appearance in the house. After all, at first the puppy looks like a fluffy lump, but soon it will grow into a big dog. Therefore, all transgressions should not go unpunished.

First of all, the puppy must clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted, know where his place, bowl and toys are. In the matter of upbringing, the regime is important, so it is necessary to feed by the hour.

The main command for the Labrador is the word "Fu". This should mean the cessation of any prohibited action - from "attacking" slippers to growling at loved ones. The command will become especially relevant at the age of 4-6 months, when the dog begins the stage of replacing teeth and he can start biting.

Praise is important in raising a Labrador. The puppy loves very much when he is stroked, spoken in a gentle voice and played with him. In this case, a friendly dog ​​grows up who loves to interact with a person.

The nuances of raising likes

Raising a husky puppy implies its obedience. If mistakes are made, then more drastic measures will be required to ensure order. It must be understood that animals have an innate hunting instinct, so raising a husky puppy involves a lot of time for walking and playing.

Animals must be collar and leash trained. As soon as the puppy gets comfortable, you can teach him to follow commands. It must be remembered that hunting skills will not go anywhere, and when meeting with another animal, a husky can be aggressive. Therefore, when raising her, pay attention to the relationship between other pets. Dogs are freedom-loving, so freedom of action should be limited only by commands and less often by a strict leash.

Raising small breed dogs

Raising a terrier puppy should begin immediately after its birth. Despite the small stature, the animal can bring a lot of trouble if you do not deal with it. You can often hear bad reviews about this breed. They all have to do with bad parenting.

Therefore, it is important to clearly prioritize and not allow the puppy all the actions that should not be done by a large animal. All family members should be the main ones in the house, and the puppy should obey their commands. Despite his small stature, it is better to determine his place for him and not give him access to the bed. Otherwise, you can get a "sofa" animal that you can't drive out of there.

And here you are - a happy dog ​​owner! When the first euphoria subsides, you are guaranteed to ask yourself the question: how to raise a puppy? After all, an obedient, docile and well-mannered puppy will grow up to be a dog that is comfortable for living together.

Photo: google

Raising a puppy includes practicing skills such as:

  • response to nickname
  • collar/harness and leash training, muzzle training
  • teaching to show teeth, to manipulate ears and paws
  • learning to walk on a loose leash
  • practicing the commands "Near", "To me", "Sit", "Lie down", "Stand"
  • working out elementary exposure in the main positions
  • weaning a puppy to pick up food from the ground.

Specialist observation: Since this type of training is not normative, it often includes other wishes of the owners, such as socialization of the puppy, accustoming to the place, weaning from the bed, accustoming to cleanliness, the formation of food and play motivation and maintaining the right balance between both. types of motivation, the formation of a balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition, etc.

When can and should you start raising a puppy

You can (and should) start raising a puppy from the first day of his stay in a new home. Only education education is different. You should not "take the bull by the horns" and take on the training of all teams at once on the first day. Let the baby adapt, explore the new home. Your new family member will eat, sleep and play. The game is a great way to develop motivation, focus on the owner, switchability. What's there - the whole training process can be turned into an interesting game! And given that the puppy comes to us in a state of "tabula rasa", we have the opportunity to mold the very dog ​​that we dreamed of. And this modeling is an ongoing process, requiring us to be almost one hundred percent involved in a small pet: we need to regularly actively encourage the correct behavior and small victories of our crumbs and ignore or switch (and ideally not allow) incorrect behavior.

I am often asked: “How to properly punish a puppy for his intrigues and pampering?” Usually I answer: “No way! You need to punish yourself for being inattentive or for provoking the puppy to do the wrong thing.”

How to properly raise a puppy

Raising a puppy through play

While the puppy is in quarantine, you have a head start! This is your time! The time when you can quite easily "tie up" the dog on yourself. Learn to play with your puppy. Play honestly, selflessly, sincerely. Use the toy to simulate prey and how it runs away. Usually a hare does not jump into the dog's mouth, it does not fly through the air above the puppy's head (also do not forget that jumping at an early age is dangerous and very traumatic). While playing, imitate a hunt, imitate a runaway hare with a toy. Teach your puppy to switch from your hands or feet to playing with a toy. Teach him to love playing with you, otherwise after going outside and getting to know other dogs, it will be difficult for you to outplay them.

Raising a puppy by earning food

How many times a day does your baby eat? 4 times? Great, so you will have 4 workouts per day. Learn from the very first day of your baby's stay in the house to work with him regularly. Teach your baby to earn food. Your workouts don't have to be long: for a puppy under four months old, a training session of 10 to 15 minutes will suffice.

How to start raising a puppy? Why reward him? Everything is simple here.

  1. Did the puppy come to you? - called him by name and gave a piece.
  2. They took a few steps away from him, he ran after you - they called you by name and gave you a piece. This is how you teach your puppy to respond to his name.
  3. They sat on the bed, and the baby remained on the floor - they gave a piece for 4 paws on the floor: at the moment you are working out a calm attitude towards the bed.
  4. We put a harness and leash on the puppy, walked with him through the room, gently sipping from time to time on the leash and rewarding him for walking - this is how you teach the baby to the leash and to the fact that he is controlled on the leash.

Weaning a puppy to try everything on the tooth

Usually puppies are very fond of trying everything on the tooth or digging. How to deal with it? I really, really love the Rope method. While you are at home, the puppy walks in a collar (or harness), to which a meter long rope is attached. As soon as the baby begins to perform actions that are unpleasant to you (nibbles on shoes or a stool leg, stole slippers, ...) you step on the leash, pull the puppy towards you, switch to a piece of treat or to play with you.

If the baby is still reaching for the forbidden thing, there are several solutions: the first (and easiest) is to remove the forbidden thing from reach for two weeks. If the first method does not suit you for one reason or another (although I would highly recommend putting your shoes in closets), try the second. Holding the rope and not letting the baby go to the forbidden thing, we say strictly: “No”, we pause and watch the puppy. Most likely, the baby will try to achieve his own. We forbid and do not allow to commit an offense. We wait. We forbid and do not allow. We wait. We forbid and do not give ...

The number of attempts to reach their goal will be different for each puppy. Someone has 3-4 attempts, for a more stubborn puppy - up to 8, for especially stubborn ones (terrier puppies often belong to these) - up to 15, or even 20. The main thing is patience, don't give up! As soon as the puppy has turned away from the coveted stool or moved away from it, be sure to praise him! Learn to see and celebrate his small daily victories. And don't forget to take the rope off at night or when you leave home.

The first and basic rule of raising a dog. If you hit a puppy on a soft spot, there will be little sense (not to mention the fact that it is inhuman). The dog will not understand such actions of yours, because animals in a pack do not beat each other.

2. "Bite" to explain something

The leader (and before meeting you, the puppy had a leader - his mother) acts rudely, but in a different way: he bites the “subordinate” in the neck or simply fills him up on his back. It is in these two ways that dogs show their displeasure.

To fake a bite, tighten your fingers and just hit the tips on the neck (on top, where the skin is roughest). If the dog’s behavior doesn’t fit into any gate at all, go further: after the “bite”, do not remove your hand and bring the dog down on its back. Most likely, the first few times will be difficult - the dog may resist. Then you need to hold him by the neck until he calms down. From the outside it looks creepy, but believe me, the dog does not hurt.

3. Don't let your dog on the bed

From the first minutes in the house, the puppy is forbidden to be on your bed / sofa / chair. Simply because in the pack the leaders sleep on a hill, and everyone else sleeps below.

In a human dwelling, a hill is a bed, so for a dog this is forbidden territory.

Drive away "bites" in the neck.

4. First you eat, only then - the dog

We return to the pack again: first the leader eats, after him - all the rest. So first you have breakfast / lunch / dinner, and only then does the dog eat. However, do not forget about: education by education, but the dog should not be hungry. Another important rule: while you are eating, the dog should not sit near you and beg for food. Of course, you should not give anything from the table either.

5. Take away the food bowl

When it's time to feed the dog, first make him calm down (if he knows the commands, let him do it). When the dog eats, take the bowl from him, hold it with you, pretend that you are eating from there. It sounds strange, but it reminds the dog who is in charge here (all food is on demand at the leader). Another such exercise will teach the dog to calmly give you everything and not growl.

6. Calm your dog before walks.

The walk starts at home. If the dog happily jumps at the sight of a leash and keys, then we are waiting for it to calm down. Understand that dog joy is bad for education: the dog does not hear you, does not see you, he is overexcited. If you have to wait an hour, wait an hour. Never go out while the dog is excited. Soon she will realize that the streets cannot be seen if she jumps or whines.

7. Lead the dog strictly behind you.

Walk on a short leash. First you come out the door, only then the dog. If he tries to climb forward, that is, he considers himself the leader, we repeat again and again until he follows you strictly.

On the street, you should lead the dog near the leg, his body slightly behind yours.

You need to walk your dog for at least 40 minutes a day. Of course, the dog, the longer the walk.

8. Don't let your dog reach for other animals.

If the dog is desperately reaching forward, tug on the leash or bend down and "bite" him. In case a dog/cat/bird is walking by and the dog is reaching for them, make him sit down and calm down. Of course, this does not mean that she cannot communicate with anyone at all. Quite the opposite - you need to, but only after you completely calm down. Remember that eye to eye contact is a sign that a fight is about to take place: this is a challenge.

9. Don't let your dog fight you.

For dogs, play is not the same as it is for us. In the animal world, all games are training. Jumping on each other and biting, puppies learn to fight. Keep this in mind when your dog jumps on you and tries to bite you and stop. Better throw him toys and teach him to bring and give. At first, the dog will most likely happily run away from you with prey in its mouth. Take away toys: the leader does not ask, he always takes his own.

10. Don't let us pick up food

First, one thing must be understood by the owner himself: it is very harmful for a dog to pick up food from the ground on the street. There may be poison, and then the dog may simply die. As soon as the dog begins to actively sniff the ground, know that he has smelled food. If he tries to pick her up, tug on the leash and say "fu". Of course, like any exercise, you will have to repeat this many times, but sooner or later the dog will understand everything and stop “vacuuming”.

11. Do not allow jumping on people

As a rule, the owners are not satisfied with the two extremes of dog behavior towards other people: excessive joy and aggression. If you're a little more fortunate and your dog just loves everyone around him so much and is willing to jump in and kiss, then just don't let him do that.

The tactic is simple: tug on the leash every time the dog reaches for the person. If joy crosses all boundaries, force them to sit down and calm down. If necessary, "bite" on the neck. The secret is that the tactics of behavior with an aggressive dog are the same.

12. Be confident, but do not calm the dog

You must be calm, no matter how difficult it may be. Dogs feel everything, including excitement and anger.

The leader cannot be nervous and afraid, keep that in mind.

The dog shouldn't be nervous either. If she is afraid, in no case do not touch her, do not stroke, do not calm her down. She does not understand what exactly you are saying, she only catches a good intonation and understands it as "well done." This is how you tell your dog that being afraid and shaking (or growling and barking) is the right thing to do. In all such situations, she will behave that way.

13. Help her relax

When the dog calms down itself, forgets about what happened, you can give her a massage. It's simple: simulate a mouth with your fingers and lightly “bite” the dog on the back. Do this slowly, rubbing your entire back with your “mouth”. Another secret: massage near the withers soothes, and near the tail, on the contrary, excites.

14. Build relationships with other family members

If you have other dogs, cats, or people in your home, be sure to build a newbie relationship with them as well. The dog must understand the entire family hierarchy (she is the very last link). Hug and caress all family members and all animals. The dog must look from afar. So he will understand that the leader is supportive of these members of the pack and it is better not to touch them.

If this approach does not help, roll the dog on its back, and put the other four-legged on top - this is a subordinate position. Family members should also put the dog in its place: “bite” or fill up on its back, do not feed or let it go to its place.

15. Create fun activities for your dog.

If you are busy with something and there is no time to play with your dog, build quick toys for him that will keep your pet busy for a long time. The best way is to give him an old magazine or telephone directory. The puppy will be very busy for a good couple of hours, and then fall asleep.

You can make many boxes out of cardboard. Hide treats in some of them and give the boxes to the dog - let him sniff and look for food. You can also turn on the fan: it buzzes and blows, and the dog will definitely be busy.

A puppy is the same child that also requires special treatment from the owner and members of his family. Of course, even the offspring of a threatening bulldog at the age of 2-3 months looks very cute and funny, so there are always those who want to caress and cuddle him. But as a result of such universal love, a puppy can turn into a spoiled and uncontrollable dog, causing a lot of problems to its owner. At the same time, the size of the dog, like its breed, does not matter, because a poorly educated lapdog can cause no less trouble than an ill-mannered Labrador or bulldog. Therefore, before you start a four-legged comrade in the house, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the rules that allow you to understand how to properly raise a puppy. Moreover, he will have to be brought up at different stages, depending on how many months he is.

Where does it all begin?

And it all starts with psychology, or rather with instincts. After all, a dog is a pack animal, and in a pack there is always a leader. Therefore, the task of the owner of a small puppy in the first days is to show who is in charge in the house, and to do it so that, on the one hand, the baby remembers, and on the other, so that the lesson does not become stressful. There are many ways to show your superiority to the animal, but it is better not to let the small household control you from the first days. The main task in raising a puppy is a skillful combination of strictness and love, delicacy and a certain exactingness. At the same time, the smaller the baby is months old, the greater the chances of success.

How to properly raise a puppy?

Everyone knows that it is better to involve a professional instructor for training an adult dog. But how to raise a small puppy? Does he also need to be taken to special lessons in a special "dog" school? Not really. It is possible and necessary to raise a small puppy at home, and from the first days of its appearance in the house. You can see how to raise puppies on the video on the network.

The first educational processes include:

  • toilet training a puppy
  • weaning from biting;
  • learning to walk, play, etc.

Some dog owners do not understand, or rather do not know at what age the process of education can begin. The answer to this question depends on various factors, including the initial state of the baby and the characteristics of his character. But, as practice shows, it is better to raise puppies from the earliest possible age. After all, the older the pet, the more difficult it is to cope with it without the help of a professional dog handler.

For example, a puppy who is 4 months old is still the material from which you can “sculpt” at home. But individuals older than 5 months are already more difficult to educate and require more stringent methods of influence under an hour.

In fact, raising puppies even at home is not difficult. The main thing is to approach this process with all seriousness, to show perseverance, patience and delicacy. You can watch various video lessons online, and thereby choose the best method for interacting with your pet.

By the way, despite the fact that the process of raising a small puppy and its training are different concepts, they are nonetheless very closely related. So training is the process of teaching an animal to perform certain commands. Also, during training, the animal acquires certain skills, develops better the features characteristic of its breed, etc. Training begins from the 3rd month of the puppy's life.

Whereas raising puppies, regardless of breed, is the process of establishing a hierarchy in the master-pet bond. The quality and effectiveness of training will depend on how well your dog is brought up. By the way, in the process of education, not only the dog acquires certain skills, but also the owner. You can see the difference between education and training on the video on the network. You can also get advice from an experienced dog handler and decide at what age the baby should be taught to the toilet or teach commands. After all, this should be done in a certain period, in the range from 1 to 5 months.

golden rules

There are certain rules in raising a small puppy, which can be found on the websites of nurseries, and with the help of video lessons posted on the network, etc. The main rules with which you can properly raise a puppy include order and discipline. That is, from an early age, the puppy must be taught to go to the toilet in the place established for this. Separately, you need to allocate a place for feeding and sleeping. In no case should you feed a small puppy anywhere (on the couch, in the kitchen, etc.). The new member of your family should have their own dedicated eating area.

By the way, one way to instill in a puppy a sense of obedience and understanding of his place in the hierarchy is to feed the animal after the whole family has eaten. This is very important, because paying too much attention to your pet can spoil a small puppy and then, when he is 5 months old or more, he will have to be retrained. True, this will require much more stringent measures.

Also, do not lose sight of such a trifle as the first passage into the room. That is, if you need to go into a room with a puppy, then the owner must go through the door first, even if you have to keep the dog on a short leash.

And finally, in gaming processes, the owner must always be the winner. Even if you are tired, with the help of the “give back” or “come to me” command, you need to complete the game in such a way as to come out of it as a winner.

As for the place for rest and sleep, it should also be allocated for the baby and the puppy should fall asleep in his “crib”. No matter how much you would like to once again caress the baby or feed something tasty, and even in the wrong place, you should initially abandon this idea. Otherwise, the animal will grow up spoiled. It's good if it's a small lap dog. And if it is a large dog weighing under 70 kg and with large and sharp teeth?

Until a certain age, the owner has every chance to wean his pet from such a bad habit as biting the hands and feet of family members. By the way, if we are talking about individuals under 4 months old, then biting the hands of the owner is nothing more than a game, or an opportunity to get to know the outside world. If the puppy, even after 5 months, continues to bite, attack, jump and does it with all strength and seriousness, then we are talking about the desire to become the first in the pack, which must be nipped in the bud. And this is also part of the educational process.

At what age should you raise a puppy?

In addition to the question of how to properly raise a puppy, the owner of the animal is also concerned about the question of at what age it is better to do it. There is a stereotype that the sooner the better. But this is only partly true. After all, a very tiny puppy is unlikely to be able to understand at all what the owner wants to achieve from him. Therefore, it is better to start the educational process with the development of basic skills from the age of 2 or even 3 months. As for the deadline, it is possible to educate an animal, however, like a person, all his life. Another thing is that if you do it on time, then there will be no problems in further interaction between the owner and his pet. So it's better if your dog learns the basics and basics of correct behavior both in your home and outside it before 5 months. Well, after the rules of good dog tone are learned, you can move on to more specific, and even highly specialized training.

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And one more question that the owner of a puppy may worry about is how to influence the baby so that it is effective, but not harsh and, moreover, not traumatic for the pet.

The system of carrot and stick or rewards and prohibitions is considered optimal. Not punishments, but prohibitions. Punishing an animal in the process of education is not worth it, as this will only cause aggression and disobedience on his part. Starving as punishment is also not recommended.

The question of how much is also important, because you need to educate any puppy, starting from his age.

Well, how many lessons to conduct per day, and how long the lesson should be - each owner decides for himself, taking into account the pet's abilities and his mood. This is the only way to understand how to raise a little puppy so that a good and reliable friend grows out of it.