Dog training rings. Sports equipment and exercise machine puller for dogs

  • is a rapidly gaining popularity all over the world toy for dogs.
  • - This is a universal tool for eliminating unwanted behavior and improving the health of the dog.
  • - This is a unique simulator that can give the necessary load on all the muscles of the animal.

So what is a puller?

The puller is a set of two bright purple training rings made of durable elastic material.

The unique material does not injure the teeth and gums of the dog, but on the contrary, gives it a special pleasure: during the grip, the animal's teeth gently pass through the ring without disturbing the shape and properties of the projectile.

Types of pullers

Puller Standard (large)

It has a diameter of 28 cm and is suitable for dogs of medium and large breeds.

The large puller is suitable for Boxers, Labradors, Retrievers, Shepherds, Huskies, Samoyeds, Dobermans, Black Russian Terriers, Staffordshire Terriers, Cane Corso, Bobtails, Pit Bulls, Schnazers, Great Danes, Rottweilers, Setters, Ridgebacks, Dalmatians and other large dog breeds.

Puller Mini (mini)

It has a diameter of 19 cm and is suitable for dogs of dwarf and small breeds. It has all the same characteristics as a standard size puller.

The small puller is suitable for pugs, Pekingese, French bulldogs, Yorkshire terriers, dachshunds, chihuahuas, toy terriers, pinschers, miniature schnauzers, jagd terriers and other small and decorative breeds.

Note: For active dogs of small breeds with pronounced working qualities, we recommend purchasing a large set.

Puller Maxi (maxi)

It has the same diameter as the large puller but is twice as thick. Allows you to more effectively work out the chewing muscles and neck muscles, as well as improve the quality of the grip. In addition, the new projectile has a special recess so that it is convenient to hold it in your hand while exercising with your pet.

Puller Maxi is suitable for dogs of medium and large breeds with a strong jaw. Due to the double thickness of the projectiles, the life of the new puller is much longer than that of the PULLER Standard.

Benefits of Puller

One of the differences between the puller and other toys for dogs is that the kit necessarily includes two items. This allows you to significantly increase the intensity of training and give the dog the necessary load in a shorter period of time.


Thanks to the bright purple coloring, the puller cannot be lost: the toy is clearly visible both in summer - on grass, sand and asphalt, and in winter - on snow.


Taking a puller in the teeth, your dog will get a real "high"! The material, specially developed for the puller, gently passes the dog's teeth into itself, while maintaining its shape and properties for a long time.


Unlike many toys and shells of Chinese origin, the puller does not have a specific smell that repels dogs.


The weight of the Standard puller is 260 g, the mini puller is 70 g. On the one hand, this weight allows you to give the dog the necessary load, and on the other hand, it is not essential for the owner and allows you to work with the dog for a long time.


You can play and train with a puller not only on land, but also in the water! We think it's not worth talking a lot about the benefits of swimming for dogs: swimming allows you to strengthen muscles, develop strength and endurance, improve lung function, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Swimming with a puller will diversify your activities, as well as help you escape from the hot weather in summer.

Of course, you can get by on a walk with an ordinary ball or even a wooden stick or a plastic bottle. But these are all just toys. A puller is a full-fledged sports equipment! With it, your workouts will be not only exciting, but also effective, and your dog will be healthy and beautiful.

What are these projectiles for?

The vast majority of dog owners face one of the following problems:

  • “nibbling” of furniture, interior items and clothing;
  • aggression towards other dogs and people;
  • disobedience, refusal to follow commands;
  • overweight, apathy.

Oddly enough, all of the above problems are most often caused by one reason - a lack of physical and psycho-emotional stress. Lack of activity and attention is the scourge of modern dogs living in urban environments.

The innovation of the puller is that it is able to give the dog the necessary load in a short period of time. Only 20 minutes of training will give the dog a load equal to 5 km of intensive running or 2 hours of training with an instructor on the site! Your dog will no longer suffer from the fact that you are too busy at work and cannot give him much attention.

Your pet is guaranteed to receive the necessary energy costs in just a few minutes a day. You will not only get rid of unwanted behavior and health problems, but also quickly bring your dog into good physical shape!

Exercises for training with a puller

Unlike other sports equipment, as a rule, designed to perform one exercise, the puller allows you to conduct a variety of more effective workouts that involve all muscle groups of the dog and contribute to its harmonious physical development.

The training includes three types of exercises: running, stretching and jumping.

1. Running

Regular practice of this exercise will develop your dog's stamina, speed, and ability to switch from object to object. The latter is most relevant for dogs that have not yet mastered fetching and do not have the skill of presenting the object. Constantly alternating shells, you will teach the dog to switch, and also be able to maintain a high pace of training.

The dog can work with the puller both for long distances, without slowing down and developing endurance, and for short but fast runs.

The ring shape of the puller allows it to roll on the ground, so the dog is much more interested in chasing it than a stick or ball.

2. Stretch

The exercise helps to train the masticatory muscles, strengthens the muscles of the neck and jaw, and develops a grip. Using both projectiles, you can easily teach a dog to feed an object into your hand.

Durable, but at the same time elastic material of the pullers is able to withstand heavy loads without injuring the dog's jaws.

Pulling is the favorite puller exercise for most dogs.

3. Jumping

In addition to physical development, the "jumping" exercise is aimed at improving the concentration and reaction of the dog.

Alternately, let the dog jump to take possession of one projectile and, without releasing it from your hands, offer it a second one. The purpose of the exercise is to teach the dog to intercept in the air.

As soon as your dog is up to the task, start to gradually make it more difficult: raise the puller higher, thereby increasing the height of the jumps, and also increase the frequency of interceptions.

Unlike sticks or other projectiles, the material of the puller is absolutely safe for the teeth and gums of the dog, so it will be able to work at full strength.

Operating rules and restrictions

    Puller is designed for outdoor activities. It is not recommended to practice at home for several reasons. First, training in confined spaces is not as effective. Secondly, it can lead to the pet's reluctance to work on the street. And thirdly, it is not safe for the apartment :)

    In training, be sure to use both shells: in this way, you develop your pet not only physically, but also psychologically. Working with two projectiles, the dog learns to switch from one object to another, which provides a powerful foundation for mastering commands and any training methods. Some owners deliberately use one projectile to keep the other intact and "extend" the life of the puller. But this is not so: if you use the puller for its intended purpose, it will serve you for a long time anyway. Do not forget: a puller is not a chewing toy, but a sports equipment!

    Use the puller only for training with your dog. Don't leave it with your dog unattended and clean it up after class. Puller is not intended for constrictions between two dogs!

    Don't overdo it: You should stop training before the dog is completely tired and refuses to work.

    Take breaks: After two days of intense training, be sure to arrange a day of rest. Let the dog miss the puller!

    We recommend that you regularly practice all 3 basic exercises. But the number of approaches and the sequence of exercises must be varied depending on the individual characteristics of the dog (endurance, physical fitness, etc.).

    If your dog likes some exercises more than others, don't go along with them. For harmonious development, it is recommended to devote approximately the same amount of time to all 3 exercises: running, jumping and stretching.

Instead of a conclusion

There is much more to write about the incredible benefits of regular exercise with a puller. But do not forget that the puller is not just a projectile or simulator, but also an exciting game aimed at strengthening the relationship between the owner and the dog.

Working with a puller, you will spend many unforgettable, exciting minutes for both of you with your four-legged friend, which, we are sure, you will want to capture on film. Send us photos of your pet with a puller by e-mail, and we will be happy to post them on the site!

The pulling has begun!

It is not problematic to buy a special training equipment for dogs and puppies, but how to use it and why you need it are questions that not everyone can immediately answer. That is why this informational article proposes to get acquainted with the details on these issues.

Equally useful information can be found in other articles on this site, which allows you to quickly find answers to questions about various breeds, treatment, care and feeding, as well as learn how to cope with certain difficulties in education.

What is a dog puller, what is it for, what is it made of, description and material, manufacturer, benefits and harms, standard, composition

Puller is a specially designed device for games and sports activities with a dog. The training apparatus resembles two huge donuts - light, strong and elastic at the same time.

Thanks to modern technologies, the highly purified polymer material from which the projectile is made does not lose its properties for a long time, despite the significant load experienced. Sharp canine fangs are immersed in the puller gently, the teeth and gums of the animals are not injured, and the puller itself remains intact after such “torn apart”. A sufficient diameter of the projectile allows you to protect the hands of the dog trainer from injuries.

Puller is an invention of the Americans, but a patent for its manufacture has been acquired in 20 countries of the world.

The standard projectile is produced in three modifications: mini - with an outer diameter of 19 cm and a ring thickness of 2.5 cm, standard - with a diameter of 28 and a thickness of 4 cm, and maxi - 28 and 6 cm, respectively.

Exercises with a puller involve all groups of motor muscles of animals and bring undoubted benefits to the health of a four-legged pet.

Puller for dogs analogue, where to buy, price, diameter

An analogue of a puller can be a domestically produced Doglaik ring. The quality of the product is almost not inferior to the original, but its cost is much lower.

"Doglaik" is also available in several versions. For small dog breeds, a ring with an outer diameter of 20.7 cm is suitable, medium - 26.5 cm, large and very large - 30.5 cm. For pit bull terriers, bull terriers, bulldogs and other breeds of dogs with powerful jaws, rings with an outer diameter of 28 cm are offered made from more durable material.

The price of one Doglaik ring is 180-340 rubles. You can buy this accessory for your four-legged pet in the network of zoo and online stores that sell products for animals.

Puller for dogs instruction, exercises and exercises

In the instructions for the puller for dogs, 3 main types of exercises with the projectile are considered - this is running, stretching and jumping. It is clear that classes must be carried out in the fresh air, since training in a limited space will not give the expected effect. In addition, you need to use both pullers, since working with two shells trains the dog's ability to switch attention, which facilitates the further assimilation by the animals of a wide variety of commands and training methods.

Puller for dogs is an original exercise toy that helps to strengthen mutual understanding between the owner and the dog. The projectile allows you to spend the time allotted for walking with the animal in an exciting and useful way, while at the same time relieving many of the dog's health problems.

Regular exercises with a puller help maintain excellent physical shape, as in a short period of time the dog receives the physical and emotional stress necessary for its development.

Puller (Puller) - a training projectile for dogs, consisting of two rings. Its task is to give the dog the necessary physical activity, without increasing the walking time, but improving the quality of the walk itself.

Three simple exercises with a puller for only 20 minutes will give the dog a load equal to 5 km of running. And this will help to solve such frequent problems as disobedience, damage to interior items, excessive aggression, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Features of a puller for dogs

Puller is made of special material. It is light and therefore the owner does not get tired, and even a child can play with the dog. It has no smell, which is very important in dog training. This projectile does not injure the gums and teeth of the dog. The teeth of the animal gently enter the thickness of the material, but its shape is preserved for a long time.

The dog really likes to take a puller in his teeth and thanks to this it is good to teach dogs how to retrieve with him. It is also good that this projectile floats, which means that you can practice with a dog near a pond or even in it. Puller consists of two items for good reason. This greatly increases the intensity of the workout, loading the dog better.

Puller training and its advantages

With this projectile, the dog gets the opportunity to run without slowing down for sufficiently long distances and the right amount of time. Thanks to the material and shape, the puller can roll for a long time, giving the dog the pleasure of chasing. You can work out jumps, which helps to develop a quick reaction to the actions of the owner-coach and concentration.

Puller training can be included in the training program of any complexity, because the dog learns to quickly switch from one action to another. For example, given the opportunity to jump to take possession of a toy, you can offer a second item. So the dog will learn to intercept. At the same time, the exercise is safe for the trainer, which a ball or a stick cannot guarantee.

With a puller, a dog can be taught the correct grip and the ability to feed an object into the hand. This projectile can be given to a dog from early childhood, immediately ensuring the correct physical development and perception of the surrounding world, since the animal’s attention will be initially absorbed by training with the owner, and not by other objects:

  • dogs,
  • cats,
  • garbage, etc.

And when the puppy grows up, he will not chase cats or dogs, but will have maximum contact with the owner.

Where to buy and how much

This projectile can be bought both in a regular pet store and in online stores, where it costs a little less. The cost of a puller depends on its size.

If your dog shows excessive aggression, high activity and therefore damages home furniture, does not obey the owner, and also suffers from obesity or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, he needs to increase physical and psycho-emotional stress. That's what a puller is for. What it is, how to use it, which type to prefer and what methods of training a ward exist - we will talk about all this later in the article.

What are they for, appointment

All over the globe, pullers are actively gaining interest among dog breeders. This versatile design of a pair of bright rings is used as a toy, simulator, and also as a means to eliminate the bad behavior of the ward.

The uniqueness of the puller for dogs lies in its ability to provide the animal with the necessary load on muscle tissue in a short time. Owners whose pets use such a device do not need to spend a lot of time walking. A twenty-minute walk, which includes 3 elementary exercises, is enough for a dog. A five-kilometer intensive run or a two-hour training session with a cynologist will produce the same effect.

Did you know? Each average dog can easily master the elementary basics of mathematics and remember up to five thousand commands..

The device compares favorably with other commercially available toys by the strength and elasticity of the material. Its shape and characteristics are not violated even after the ward violently gnaws at the projectile. Rings protect the gums of the animal from injury, allow its teeth to gently pierce the material.

The manufactory of the puller for dogs is distinguished by its lightness, the properties of staying on the water and the absence of smell. At the same time, working with rings is easy even for children. Dog breeders recognize the effectiveness of the puller and say that it was this projectile that helped teach the ward to fetch.

Did you know? The average body temperature in dogs is 38-39°C . If the thermometer rises higher, the animal becomes very vulnerable to flea and tick bites..

The main idea of ​​the puller lies precisely in its two components. This feature distinguishes the projectile from other dog training devices. This technique allows you to increase the intensity of training and reduce the time spent on this. And the presence of 2 rings ensures constant contact of the animal with its owner.

Puller Benefits

Now that you already know what a puller is, let's take a closer look at its merits. According to experts, this is an excellent tool for the health of a pet, especially if he is brought up in an urban environment. After winter lying on the couch, in the spring such wards are necessarily subjected to dislocations or sprains. A similar problem is familiar to owners of large pets.

The problem can be avoided by constant physical activity. Good physical shape of the dog will provide daily exercises with rings for 15-20 minutes.

The advantages of the projectile include its effect on all muscles, as well as the ability to develop the animal's observation and quick reaction.

Did you know? The sound of rain hurts dogs. That is why they prefer not to injure their sensitive ears and do not go outside in wet weather..

Bright purple rings are clearly visible at any time of the year on a grassy lawn, asphalt path and in the snow. The device is almost impossible to lose. In addition, dog teeth will not spoil the structure of objects. Such a device will bring a real buzz to the ward.

The weight of the puller, depending on the type, ranges from 70 or 260 g. On the one hand, the dog is provided with physical activity, and on the other hand, the item is not a burden for the owner and makes it possible to work with the ward for a long time.

Many people think that a puller can easily replace an ordinary ball, stick, or plastic bottle. And they are deeply mistaken, because these are just toys, and we are talking about a full-fledged sports simulator.


Experts distinguish 3 types of pullers. Let's take a closer look at their differences and features:

Important! For active pets of small breeds that show signs of working traits, experts advise buying maximum or standard pullers..

Workout Exercises

If most simulators are designed to perform a single exercise, then puller sets are distinguished by their versatility. They are successfully used for running training, jumping and stretching. Let's take a closer look at the technique.


If you throw a stick, it will fall after a certain distance. And the puller will roll further after landing, thereby causing more interest in the dog. Regular repetitions of this exercise develop endurance, speed, quick reaction and properties of instantaneous switching from one subject to another. This nuance is especially important for those animals that have not yet learned how to give objects to the owner.

Such training can be arranged for short and long distances. In the first case, you need to focus on high-speed races, and in the second - on pace and endurance.


The essence of the exercise is to drag the object by the owner and the dog. Most dog breeders say that this is the favorite pastime of their four-legged wards. The strength of the material allows you to increase the load, and its elasticity protects the teeth and gums of the animal from injury. This exercise develops jaw muscles and grip. If you work simultaneously with 2 rings, then your ward will very soon learn how to serve objects.

Important! In order for the dog to develop the right habits and interests, experts advise puppies to be taught to the puller from an early age. Thus, all his free time will be devoted to training and along with this, close contact will be established with the owner.


To develop the attention and reaction of the animal, he is shown jumping. In this case, do not seek to immediately take away the rings from the dog. Give him the opportunity to take possession of one of the items, and then, without releasing him, simultaneously offer a second projectile. This technique will teach your pet to do aerial interceptions.

Animals that have mastered this exercise need to increase the load. This is done by raising the puller to a higher distance. Thus, the dog will tend to jump higher. It is also recommended to increase the intensity of interceptions.

Rules for training with a puller

It is important to use 2 rings at the same time during the walking process. And you need to do this from the very first session. Thus, the dog immediately adjusts both physically and psycho-emotionally.

Some dog breeders save on the second item, thus extending the life of the projectile. Remember, this is not a rattle, but a trainer that should be used in the kit.

Important! The puller should always be kept out of the reach of the dog. Only then will training be associated with a fun walk in tandem with the owner and give good results..

Monitor the condition of the ward and do not squeeze all the juice out of it. Training should be completed before the moment when the dog refuses to work.

To achieve the desired result, do not follow the lead of your shaggy pet. He prefers some exercises, and refuses to perform others or does them reluctantly, and you submit to these whims. For the harmonious development of all muscles, you need to devote the same time to running, jumping and stretching.

Vary the number of repetitions and sequence, depending on the endurance and fitness of the dog. Also take small breaks every 2 days of training. One day is enough for a pet to miss its useful toy.


To get the most out of your workouts and not to the detriment of other members of your family, it is important to understand then any exercises with a puller should be carried out on the street. In the summer, you can arrange boat trips that will be comfortable for both the owner and his ward.

Indoors, such projectiles are not used, since exercises are limited by space, and the animal may also refuse to exercise outdoors.

Did you know? Dogs are the first to know that their owners have cancer or epilepsy. This happens with the help of the organs of smell, which are able to smell even the faintest odors of malignant neoplasms..

In no case should you so that the puller becomes a toy for several dogs. Do not console yourself that this is a constriction exercise. In fact, training is not carried out between animals, but between the dog and the owner. Therefore, you should not allow the dog to carry the projectile without your participation.

As you can see, the puller will help your pet keep himself in good physical shape, be healthy and beautiful. And more importantly, close contact will be established between you. The animal will be devoted and obedient.

A puller is a projectile consisting of two wear-resistant, elastic and soft rings, which is designed for training dogs.

The main purpose of this projectile is to help develop and maintain the excellent physical shape of your beloved pet. The puller has the properties necessary and obvious for playing and training four-legged pets, which favorably distinguish this set of rings in comparison with the usual balls and sticks.

Puller Benefits

The rings are well drawn out and do not injure the hands, as well as the dog's teeth, which gently enter the projectile material.

An advantage for dog owners who love to swim, rings are a real find. The projectile does not sink, and this advantage allows you to work with your pet near ponds and in the water.

Rings fly well and, if thrown correctly, roll for a long time. The dog can happily chase the projectile for a long time.

The puller is light, and it is easy to carry it with you for walks, and what is important, while using it, the owner of the dog does not get tired for a long time, and even a child can use the projectile.

The next advantage of rings is their durability. If you do not give them to the dog in order to sharpen his teeth and gnaw a new toy, then this projectile does not crumble, does not tear or crack, retaining its shape for a long time.

Rings are safe for animals and nearby objects, have no smell, which is an important property when training a dog, and also do not accumulate dirt on their surface, and are easy to clean.

The purpose of the training projectile

The projectile contributes to the physical and psychological development of the dog during training. The psychological impact on the four-legged friend is that the animal, at a high pace of training, begins to quickly switch from one task to the next exercise, and this skill creates a solid foundation for mastering subsequent training programs. But the fundamental purpose of the puller is to develop a good physical shape of the pet.

By training with this projectile, the pet has the opportunity to run long distances in urban courtyards, without slowing down, and for those distances that she needs to maintain physical fitness. Exercising for twenty minutes, a load equal to five kilometers of fast running is provided. Dogs like the puller, and this factor allows you to work out the “fetch” command with it.

The puller helps the animal to practice jumping, not to lose concentration, and to develop an excellent reaction to any action of its owner. For example, if, while working out with the dog the technique of taking possession of the ring in a jump, offer her a second ring, then this will help the pet learn how to intercept.

The training projectile helps to solve the problem of excessive pet aggression. With regular training, obesity does not threaten a pet and diseases of the musculoskeletal system are not terrible, and in large breeds, exercises with a projectile are the prevention of sprains and dislocations.

Types of pullers for dogs

Maxi- measuring 29 centimeters in diameter, designed for training medium and large breeds with a powerful jaw. The cost of the projectile is about 550 rubles.

Mini- 19 centimeters in diameter, suitable for small breed dogs and puppies. True, dogs of medium and small sizes, which have pronounced working qualities, can wear out the projectile very quickly during intensive training. The cost of a mini puller is approximately 350 rubles.

Terms of use

  1. Recommended for outdoor use only.
  2. It is impossible to leave a puller for a dog while at home, it must be hidden, since the projectile is not intended for independent play with it.
  3. After training, you need to take a break of two days so that the pet misses working with the puller.