How to train a shepherd dog to command someone else. How to teach a dog to bark at strangers

The main characteristics of which are a high level of intelligence and human orientation. Thanks to this, teaching a pet commands will not be difficult even for those who have not previously trained a dog.

How to teach German Shepherd commands?

Training for basic exercises should begin from the first day the puppy is in the house. To avoid difficulties, the pet owner should adhere to the following rules:

At the initial stage, classes are held in a calm environment, the puppy should not be distracted from learning by environmental factors - passers-by, cars, other animals and others.

It is allowed to give the dog a treat (small pieces of cheese, food or other food that is safe for the pet) - this will be an incentive to perform the actions correctly.

Training is carried out before feeding, not after it. A well-fed dog is harder to motivate to follow commands with treats.
To consolidate the skill, 12-15 repetitions in one session are enough, but they are carried out in several approaches, and not in a row.

The process of teaching the puppy commands should alternate with games so that interest in classes is not lost. If your pet does not live in the house, but in, then you need to consider that he spends much more energy on activity than a domestic dog

Important! Teaching a pet is much easier than retraining, so when practicing basic commands, you should achieve perfect execution. everytime and only after that encourage the pet.


The earlier the training is started, the more impressive the result will be. You can start learning basic commands from the very first day finding a puppy with the owner.

It is the impeccable execution of the main commands that will help the owner avoid unpleasant situations (for example, the indignation of a passer-by, to whom a puppy ran up to stain his clothes) and ensure the safety of the pet itself (in particular, the “come to me” command will make the dog run up to the owner, and not go out onto the roadway).

The list of basic commands is small, but each of them must be performed by the dog. without delay. The first thing to teach a shepherd dog is the "come to me" command. She is given by the owner when you need to call the pet.

To accustom to it, you should say “to me” when the dog is called for feeding, to stroke or play with it, and so on - that is, the shepherd must know that after the approach he will receive a pleasant reward. After the kafk dog has approached and received praise, it is released with the word "walk".

Important! You can not punish the dog if it did not run up to the owner instantly, it is also forbidden to move towards the puppy on its own. As soon as the pet approaches, it should immediately be praised and treated with a treat.

"No" and "Fu" are used by the owners to stop the unwanted actions of the pet. It is better to work them out in a confined space or by keeping the dog on a leash. In the first case, a dog that performs an undesirable action is punished with a slight slap (for example, with a rolled up newspaper) and pronunciation, and in the second - with a sensitive jerk on the leash, while the action is accompanied by a command.

The owner must be consistent- he should not allow a dog at a young age to do what would be forbidden to an adult pet.

The algorithm for teaching a shepherd dog to other teams is as follows:

  • "Sit" - the puppy stands in front of the owner, in whose hand a treat is squeezed. The owner holds a hand with a treat over the dog's head, while at the same time pressing the puppy's rump with the other hand and says "sit".
  • "Lie down" - performed by the dog from a sitting position. The owner holds the hand holding the treat in front of the dog's muzzle forward and down to the ground. Actions are accompanied by a single pronunciation of the command word.
  • "Next" - the puppy is led on a leash so that the front of its body is in line with the owner's leg, and when the owner stops, the dog must sit down. Attempts to move away from the owner are stopped by a jerk of the leash, and correct execution is encouraged.

Important! Working out basic exercises begins with 1-3 repetitions, over time their number increases. The main thing is to finish classes before the puppy gets tired, then he will not lose interest in training.

The puppy should not be taught the “voice” command from early childhood, since the really important skills have not yet been mastered and the expenditure of strength and energy on this training will take a lot of strength from the baby.


The development of this command should begin only after the pet begins to flawlessly perform the basic ones. Training is preferably carried out on a training ground, with the participation of an experienced cynologist and the defendant against whom the aggression will be directed. The learning algorithm for the “fas” command is as follows:

  • the dog is next to the owner;
  • the ygurant passes several times in the immediate vicinity of the shepherd dog, causing her aggression (while waving his arms is allowed);
  • as soon as the pet begins to react negatively to the helper, the owner says “face”;
  • the helper runs away, and the dog receives praise and treats.

Important! You can train only dogs with a stable psyche so as not to provoke the manifestation of unmotivated aggression.


There are two ways to learn this skill:

  1. The owner utters a "voice" at the moment when the shepherd barks, and encourages action with a treat.
  2. The owner holds a treat in his hand, arousing the interest of the pet. As soon as he barks, he immediately gives him a tidbit.

Important! Before studying, the forbidding command is worked out to automatism, otherwise the owner risks accustoming the shepherd dog to barking for no reason in order to receive encouragement.


The execution of this command is a manifestation of aggression by the dog towards a specific person, but without attacking him. Training is worth doing under the guidance of a cinematographer and with the participation of a person who is unfamiliar to the shepherd dog, which will cause aggression.

Remember that - comes first, and only then such serious skills as this one.

You can teach the “alien” team like this:

  • the dog is near the owner;
  • a helper passes by, he can wave his arms, make small attacks towards the owner, talk loudly;
  • the owner says “alien” in a low but clear voice;
  • as soon as the shepherd begins to bark, growl and prepare for an attack, the helper leaves, and the pet is encouraged by praise.

Important! It is worth working out the “alien” with dogs that have reached the age when the psyche is fully formed.

How to teach a German Shepherd to show stand?

To teach a shepherd dog to stand in the correct exhibition position will require a lot of patience, since it is quite difficult for a dog to be still. There are 2 ways to study:

  1. Coercion - the owner sets the pet in the desired position with his hands, repeating "stand". With regular repetition, the skill is worked out to automatism and the dog, on command, independently assumes an exhibition pose.
  2. Motivation - the helper keeps the dog on a leash, and the owner steps back a few steps. The shepherd will reach for the owner and reflexively take the desired position. In this position, she should remain for a few seconds, after which she is given a treat. Gradually increase the holding time.

Important! In the correct exhibition position, the ears should not be pressed. To get the dog to pick them up, it is worth working out a command that makes the pet alert (for example: “Where is the cat?”).

Useful video

In the video you can visually familiarize yourself with the basic commands for a dog in the city:

To raise an adequate and balanced dog, the owner must provide the German Shepherd with a sufficient amount of attention, regular mental and physical activity. Need to train a German Shepherd daily, it is advisable to devote time to working out commands on each walk, bringing their implementation to automaticity.

Protective Guard Service (ZKS) is a block of commands aimed at protecting the personal safety of the dog, its owner, family and property. The commands "Guard", "Alien" and "Face" are mastered in parallel. There is no place for doubts, uncertainty and dual understanding in the work aimed at protection, the pet must clearly understand what is wanted from him. Let's look at the methods of how to teach a dog the command of someone else and why this is the basis of the ZKS.

Strictly speaking, "Alien" is not a command, but a way to set the tone of behavior, the opposite situation - you say "Own" to the dog when friends came to visit you. Having heard the word alien, the dog should not attack (Fas) or defend the entrusted object (Guard). The team is alien to the dog, this is a signal that it has a suspicious person in front of it, which hypothetically can cause harm.

When executing a command, showing aggression is welcome - growling, grinning, barking, bristling, taking a position for an attack. And at this stage, the trainer is faced with the first nuance - each dog shows aggression in its own way. German Shepherds make their position clear by barking, growling, posturing, while Caucasians will not raise an eyebrow, but will silently prepare for an attack. Your task is to watch your pet from early childhood, in games, he will show his natural skills and habits.

Note! The "Alien" command is optional, but convenient in everyday life. Most often, fights or attacks can be avoided if the pet can visually demonstrate aggression.

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When to Start Teaching the Alien Command

Before you teach a dog a foreign command, you need to learn a number of rules:

  • ZKS is a set of commands for an adult dog or a teenager, but not for a puppy. By developing aggression in a puppy not “for fun”, you risk the safety of the family and those around you.
  • The command is difficult to master and it is highly not recommended to work it out on your own if you do not have the appropriate cynological experience.
  • Before training, it is recommended to consult with a cynologist. A professional will understand the psychotype and the degree of excitability of the dog, after observing it on the site, will give recommendations for training.
  • Do not teach your dog the "Alien" command at home, do not involve family members.
  • Do not approve of the barking of the dog under the door, at most - a loud growl. Contrary to popular belief, you will not reinforce the Alien command, but a “bad habit” that is really hard to break.
  • Only a person unknown to the dog, dressed in a special suit and hiding his face with a mask, can act as a bandit.
  • Before the start of the ZKS course, the dog must pass the OKD (general training course), unquestioningly follow the commands Fu, To me, Sit, Place.

Note! Temperamental dogs find it hard to contain their emotions. Such pets are recommended to be trained in barking - the dog is at a safe distance from the enemy, growls and barks, but does not attack without the Fas command, stops aggressive actions by order of the owner.

You will need

  • A vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a favorite toy, a piece of something tasty, a musical instrument, a fairly brave acquaintance, overalls, a familiar dog handler.


Try to "bark" at the dog yourself and provoke a response from her.

Take away the toy and do not give it back until it starts to bark. Show something tasty or a favorite ball, tease and do not give until she, having lost patience, does not bark. Then give a command and praise for its execution, give back what you hid. You need to have time to give a command when the dog has already opened its mouth, but has not barked yet. With repeated repetitions, the dog will soon understand what you want from him. Reward your dog with a treat for each command.

If you want to teach your dog to bark at strangers, talk your buddy into faking an attack. In this case, the dog will understand that she needs to protect what is precious. Do not forget that overalls are required for this step!

Try grabbing the dog's nose with your fingers or pretending you want to flick it on the forehead.

Many dogs react to certain sounds of musical instruments, some dogs howl, others bark. Such musical instruments include a children's pipe, flute, harmonica, and various whistles.

Consult with filmmakers. They are specialists in this field and will surely be able to find the right approach for your pet.

You can also resort to the help of a helper. This is the person by whom the dog learns to bark at strangers. The helper angers the dog in many ways and will thereby cause the desired behavior.


  • How to teach a dog to bark

Tip 2: How to teach your dog commands - "Voice", "Sit", "Lie down"

Training of any pet is desirable to begin in puppyhood. It was during this period that the foundations of the relationship with the dog were laid. You can teach the dog commands on your own, but at the first experience it is better to start work under the supervision of a cynologist instructor.

How to teach your dog the voice command

Sometimes you need your dog to bark at your command. Voting is practiced at the time of the game, like most commands. When playing with a pet, for example, with a ball, periodically say the command “Voice”, wait for him to spontaneously bark and immediately praise the dog violently and joyfully, repeating “Voice, voice!”, Give a treat (a small piece of cheese, dried liver).

Repeat the process until the command is fully consolidated. It is important to change the toy and stimulation situations so that the dog does not associate praise from you with the game, but sees a direct connection between your command, barking and reward.

How to teach your dog the sit command

The classic training of this team is as follows. A treat is taken in the hand, shown to the pet, but not given. The hand with the treat is brought over the dog's head, the command "Sit" is given, at the same time the other hand presses on the dog's sacrum, forcing the dog to sit down. As soon as she sits down, the delicacy is immediately given away, followed by stormy praise with a repetition of the command.

Currently, cynologists prefer to use the non-contact training option for this command. That is, pressure on the sacrum is not performed, at the same time as the “Sit” command is pronounced, the hand with the treat is brought over the head and moved slightly forward so that the dog is forced to tilt it back without taking its eyes off the treat. In this position, it will be natural for the dog to sit down, which he will do. Immediately you need to give a treat and praise the pet.

How to teach your dog the "Down" command

The “Lie down” command is learned with a pet using a similar technique. The dog is shown a treat held in the left hand, then this hand is lowered to the floor, at the same time the command “Lie down” is given, and the right hand presses on the withers of the dog, thereby forcing it to lie down. As soon as the required position is reached, the treat is immediately given and praise follows, interspersed with a repetition of the learned command “Down”.

Beginners (and not only) in the process of this training often make the mistake of allowing the dog to take any lying position. The pet should not be allowed to lie on its side, a clear position is needed: paws forward, muzzle above the paws. Correct the dog as many times as necessary, and give a treat only for correct execution.

It is important to know

You need to repeat the training of any team 4-5 times in one approach, throughout the day you need to do about 3-4 approaches to consolidate. It is necessary to start learning any commands before feeding, so that praise with a treat has a strong positive effect. Learning a new command begins only after the completion of the previous one.

In the same way, you can teach an adult dog commands. But in this case, it is quite expected that more time, patience and perseverance will be required. If the pet has obvious behavioral disorders, it is advisable to coordinate any training with a cynologist instructor. In general, you can teach a dog commands in 3-5 days, depending on the breed, the age of the pet and your perseverance.

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It has long been known that a dog is a man's best friend. This beautiful creature has such qualities as fidelity, friendlinessie, kindness… you won’t find a better option for a pet! In addition, in addition to the above qualities, the dog is able to protect both the owner himself and his home. These are excellent guards and reliable friends who are ready to stand up for you at any moment.

However, not all dogs naturally have the habit of being protective of their owner. Sometimes it takes a little effort so that she can react to strangers with caution. This habit can be developed by teaching the dog the "alien" command.

Preparing to teach your dog the alien command

First of all, you need to decide what exactly you want to achieve by teaching the dog this command. In the event of an attack by hooligans, it is often possible to frighten off with just one menacing growl and barking of a dog. However, despite this, we cannot be sure that bullies will be afraid of this, especially if the dog is not large in size. In order to be sure that the intruder will be detained, and you will remain 100% safe, you need to teach the dog the “alien” command, which will make it clear to the animal that it is not a good person in front of him, and the owner needs to be protected from him. By the way, the dog's ability to obey the "face" command can also perform a similar function, but it has more aggressive consequences than the "alien" command.

Also keep in mind that not every dog ​​can detain a criminal. Most of all, representatives of fighting breeds are capable of this, which include shepherd dogs, rottweilers, dobermans and large-sized terriers.

Many inexperienced owners make a big mistake by starting to teach this difficult command to a small puppy. It is extremely unacceptable to arouse aggression in a baby, since the animal's psyche is not yet strong enough to perceive everything adequately. Causing anger in a puppy, you endanger both yourself and others, because in the future, be sure, this will lead to uncontrollable outbursts of anger in the dog.

Also, family members should not be involved in the process of training this command, as the dog will consider it normal to show aggression towards them.

Step by Step Instructions for Teaching Your Dog the “Alien” Command

Teaching the “alien” team should start from afar. First of all, the dog should already be familiar with such basic commands as “fu”, “stand”, “sit”, “come”, etc. These commands are part of the general training course, so their study is mandatory.

This command teaches your dog to treat his owner adequately and show respect for him. The dog must learn to appreciate you and at any time be ready to protect you from ill-wishers.

When someone knocks on your door, you need to ensure that the dog reacts to this by barking or a loud growl. To do this, say the word "alien" clearly and loudly.

In addition, try to create an artificially defined stressful and tense situation in which you will need protection from the dog. In the future, she only needs to hear the word “alien” in order to take immediate action. The dog will pounce with barking and growling at the ill-wisher.

If it seemed to you insufficient to teach the dog this command, and you want to feel more confident in the event of an attack, use the “face” command, which will cause more active actions on the part of the dog.