What is the best food or food to feed your dog? What food is best to feed a dog and puppy, what food is good? The better it is in natural conditions at home

Unlike ready-made food, natural feeding is a labor-intensive method. The owner of the animal will have to spend time cooking and carefully consider the diet. Before choosing this method, you need to study all the nuances of how to feed your dog correctly. natural food.

Some owners confuse natural feeding with table food. This is wrong. Even the best food “for people” is harmful to pets. Prepare separately for dogs.

On the straight side they stick following rules:

  • components are prepared separately and mixed in a bowl before feeding;
  • the dog should eat a portion in one “lick”: if the food remains, it means the dog is overeating, and over time he will develop obesity;
  • provide constant access to clean water;
  • introduced into the diet vitamin complexes– it is almost impossible to independently calculate the amount of nutrients in the daily menu;
  • Fermented milk and meat products must be given in different techniques;
  • meat and offal are given raw, after freezing in the freezer for 2 - 3 days;
  • vegetables are grated or chopped;
  • Boil the cereals, or in broth;
  • the meat is cut into pieces of different sizes, taking into account the size of the pet - so that he can chew them;
  • foods are not salted or peppered;
  • Do not mix natural and dry food - this will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

All food must be fresh. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

The dog is transferred from dry food to natural food gradually, over 2 weeks. Additionally, probiotics are given, otherwise the functioning of the digestive system can be undermined.

Advantages and disadvantages of “natural” nutrition

It is believed that natural food is cheaper than dry food. This is only partially true. For large breeds, feeding natural food will actually be cheaper. They eat a lot of food and most The daily “natural” menu includes cereals, vegetables, and offal.

Small pets eat little and are very picky. You will have to literally “dance” around them in order to persuade them to eat a piece of healthy food.

However, natural feeding, in comparison with dry food, there are important advantages:

  • independent control of product quality;
  • natural – as close as possible to the natural, “wild” diet of animals;
  • variety – the menu can be varied daily, which is especially important for small breeds.

This type of food is well suited for dogs prone to allergies. They often have negative reactions to components industrial feed. By preparing your own food, you can eliminate the allergen.

Natural products have several disadvantages:

  • high cost - in most cases it is cheaper to feed with industrial feed;
  • a lot of time and labor - you will have to cook every day not only for yourself, but also for your pet;
  • It is easy to deviate from the feeding rules - owners may make mistakes when calculating the required quantity and ratio of products.

But the main drawback is revealed when you have to leave and temporarily leave the dog with friends or in a hotel. The attorney is unlikely to want to cook. Therefore, the animal is gradually transferred to industrial feed, and then returned to its previous diet.

It's even worse when the trip is unplanned. The owner has no choice but to hastily hand the “nanny” a bag of ready-made food and hope that the pet’s digestive system will not suffer too much.

What can and cannot be given to your pet

A natural diet should include:

- Dairy products. They give kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese with a fat content of 2% to 9%. Low-fat milk is not included in the menu, as it is poorly digestible.
- Meat. Beef, veal, turkey, rabbit. It is better to give not tenderloin, but stringy meat. Chicken is added carefully - some dogs are allergic to it.
— By-products. Liver and lungs (uncommon, they provoke diarrhea), udder, rumen, heart, stomachs.
- Cereals. Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley.
— Vegetables and herbs. Any, with the exception of potatoes, legumes, cabbage. They provoke gas formation.
- Fruits and berries. All unsweetened varieties. Rarely added as a treat.
- Eggs. Chicken or quail, raw, 1 – 2 times a week.
— Sea or ocean fish. Administer once a week. Pre-boil, remove sharp bones.
- Bran. Add to prepared liquid food, preferably kefir.
- Rusks or biscuits. Only as a treat.
- Vegetable oil. Olive, sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed. They flavor the portion. For small breeds – a few drops, for large breeds – 1 tbsp.

Fish is not as nutritious as meat. It has half the protein. Therefore, they give it 2 times more.

Breeders and veterinarians have different opinions about bones. Some recommend giving raw ones to chew on. spongy bones and Moslaks. This will help train your jaws and clear plaque from your teeth. Others prefer only artificial bones sold in pet stores.

One way or another, you can give bones to dogs with a full-fledged chewing apparatus and no diseases gastrointestinal tract.

You can also sometimes pamper your pet with unsalted hard cheese, nuts, and special treats for animals. It is useful to occasionally introduce a little seafood, seaweed and sauerkraut.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to feed the dog the following products:

  • sweets;
  • bakery and pasta products;
  • onion and garlic;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • smoked meats;
  • pork;
  • fried, spicy, pickled, peppered, salted foods;
  • corn, semolina, soybeans, pearl barley;
  • tubular bones;
  • river fish.

An adult dog, starting from 8 months, is fed twice a day - morning and evening. Usually they give for “breakfast” dairy products, for “dinner” - meat with vegetables.

The animal should not be overfed - this will lead to obesity. The pet must eat a portion at a time. If food remains in the bowl, reduce the amount.

The approximately required daily volume of food is calculated as follows: 6 - 7% of body weight for puppies, and 3 - 4% for adults.

Calculation for adult dog weighing 15 kg: 15*0.4=600 g of food. For a puppy 15 kg: 15*0.7=1050 g.

When choosing a menu, you should observe the following proportions:

  • Meat – 30%;
  • By-products – 20%;
  • Cereals and vegetables – 35%;
  • Fermented milk products – 10%;
  • The rest is 5%.

These are average values. For domestic and elderly dogs, the calorie content of the daily menu is reduced. For young, active, pregnant or working dog the amount of food is increased.

The rules for natural feeding can only be formulated in general outline. Each breed has its own characteristics, which are taken into account when preparing the diet.

Natural food is considered to be as close as possible to the dog’s natural diet. Its main ingredients are meat, cereals, vegetables, offal and dairy products. Although this method allows you to control the quality of your food yourself, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Dry dog ​​food has long become a popular and common part of a complete and balanced diet for many four-legged pets. The use of so-called “drying” significantly saves time and also reduces the cost of purchasing expensive mineral-vitamin complexes and various additives.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry food

Dry dog ​​diets are used in their pure form, so they are immediately ready for use by your pet. The main undeniable advantages of such feeds are presented:

  • complete balance;
  • taking into account the individual needs of the pet;
  • the possibility of using treatment series;
  • cleaning teeth from plaque;
  • prevention of stone formation and gum disease.

Thanks to the completely balanced composition of ready-made dry products, there is absolutely no need to calculate the volume of useful substances, represented by vitamins and proteins, which a pet, regardless of age and breed, needs every day. If a picky animal refuses vitamin-rich vegetables or fruits in their natural form, then their presence in dry mixtures is completely invisible.

Currently, manufacturers produce entire lines of dry food, so the owner can only choose the most suitable one. suitable composition by age and breed characteristics your pet. The issue of feeding an elderly or sick pet can also be resolved quite simply.

Significant disadvantages of ready-made factory-made dry diets include the increased content of fiber, which is not only difficult for the dog to digest, but also helps to reduce the water level in the body of the four-legged pet. The result is a sharp increase in the risk of developing urolithiasis and other, no less severe pathologies.

Also, the main negative aspects of using insufficiently high-quality dry diets include inferior composition and significantly reduced energy value, which causes the animal to have a frequent and strong feeling of hunger and causes increased product consumption.

This is interesting! Semi-dry ready-made food deserves special attention, the main advantage of which is the presence of a larger range of useful and high-quality ingredients or components compared to standard dry products.

Is it possible to feed a dog only dry food?

Of course, dry diets are considered less tasty compared to canned or so-called semi-dry food. According to some information, many unscrupulous manufacturers not only produce products with an inferior composition, but also “sin” by violating technology, changing the process of processing raw materials and drying all ingredients, which causes a loss of energy properties and a deterioration in the absorption of nutrients.

To avoid problems, you need to approach the choice of brand of finished product very responsibly, having first studied consumer reviews and read the recommendations of experts in the field. proper nutrition four-legged pets.

Important! Only when making the right choice class and composition of the finished diet, any problems with the pet’s health when feeding exclusively dry food will be completely excluded.

Which dry food to choose?

When choosing commercial diets, it is important to remember that the dry type of food is optimal for use every day. The remaining varieties, represented by canned food, semi-dry food and minced meat, should be used periodically, as an additive to daily diets.

When choosing food, you need to take into account the purpose of the finished product, the age characteristics of the pet and its size, as well as lifestyle and physical activity.

The choice of special ready-made dry mixtures that have the appropriate mark on the packaging will require special attention from the dog owner. Such diets are intended for feeding dogs with allergies, as well as pets with excess weight, digestive problems and other pathologies. Type therapeutic diets, as well as the period of their use, are determined exclusively by a veterinarian.

Responsible manufacturers produce dry food that is aimed at age-related changes to the needs of the animal's body. Among other things, you must take into account the breed and individual needs of your pet:

  • dry ready-made diets marked “Energy” or “Active” on the packaging are optimally suited for feeding pets with increased physical activity, service dogs, as well as pets weakened by diseases or pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • dry ready-made rations marked “Normal”, “Standart” or “Light” on the packaging are advisable to use in daily nutrition a dog that is physically inactive and calm in behavior.

It is very important to remember that the external attractiveness of dry food, as well as its aromatic characteristics, can be very deceptive, and that is why you should focus not on such indicators, but on the list of ingredients marked on the product packaging.

Dry food rating

Depending on the characteristics and quality indicators of the raw materials used in the production of dry diets.

The cost and nutritional value of ready-to-eat feeds can vary greatly:

  • the best brands, characterized by a balanced composition, food calorie content and nutritional value, as well as ease and completeness of digestibility, are “Go Natural Grain Free Endurance”, “Harry Dog Supreme Junior”, “Harry Dog Supreme Fit& Well”, “Harry Dog Supreme Sensible”, “Innova EVO Small Bites”, “ Innova EVO Red Meat Large Bites”, “Innova EVO Red Meat Small Bites” and “Artemis Fresh Mix Maximal Dog”;
  • fairly high-quality food, which does not meet the high standard of elite food, is represented by the brands “Harry Dog Natur Croq”, “Harry Dog Natur Flosken”, “Harry Dog Profi-Line Basis”, “Asana Grasslands”, “Asana Rasifica”, “Asana” Prairie Harvest" and "Eagle Pask Pet Foods";
  • Quite worthy food with good quality, but their quantity in the daily diet is slightly increased due to the insufficiently high nutritional value: “BiOMill”, “Pro Plan”, “Pro Race”, “Royal Canin”, “Leonardo”, “Nutra Gold” and "Velcando";
  • economy class feed, characterized low content protein, lack of vitamins and the introduction of not very healthy ingredients into the composition, are represented by the brands “Hill’s”, “Nutro Choice”, “Alders”, “Gimpet”, “Purina”, “Eukanuba” and “Sheba”;
  • to low-quality feed made from by-products, huge amount cereals and soy protein are mixtures that can only be used a short time: “Clauder’s”, “Oscar”, “Friskies”, “Trapeza”, “Vaska”, “1st Choice” and “Max”.

Dry diets that are completely unsuitable for feeding a pet have a composition consisting of low-quality meat production waste. The amount of meat components, as a rule, does not exceed 4-5%, and the share of plant materials accounts for about 95% of the total volume. Such dry mixtures include the brands “Pedigree”, “Charpi”, “Darling” and “ARO”.

If a four-legged friend appears in the house, then the owners should think about many things - visiting veterinary clinic, convenient sleeping place, walking schedule and, of course, about proper nutrition. If we are talking about ready-made food, then in this case it is enough to consult with a veterinarian or breeder about what brand of food to choose and how to calculate the portion. A much bigger question arises if you plan to feed the dog regular products. Let's figure out how and what to feed the dog correctly?

To date, a lot of research has been carried out on the issue of proper nutrition for dogs, but experts still cannot agree on some issues. But there are still basic rules for feeding pets:

  • It's good to eat in moderation. Don't rely solely on your dog's appetite when determining how much food to eat. They often eat much more than they need. Only experience will tell you how much food a pet needs to keep it full without overeating.
  • It takes 20 minutes for a dog to get enough. It is strongly recommended to remove food 20 minutes after it has been placed. At the same time, you should not pay attention to how much the dog ate, even if it did not touch the food at all. With this feeding, your pet will not have low-quality food that has been sitting around for half a day, and he will be accustomed to eating on a schedule.
  • Two feedings per day are enough. For an adult pet, feeding twice a day is the norm. You should adhere to a temporary regime and the same portions of food.
  • There is no need to salt the food. All food products contain salt and this amount is enough for the dog.
  • A stand for bowls is required. You can purchase a special stand or make it yourself. It will allow you to place bowls of food at the level of the animal’s sternum so that the dog does not bend down. A convenient option is a device on tripods, with which you can adjust the height of the stand.
  • It is necessary to provide the dog with fresh water. This is especially important when feeding your pet with ready-made food. The bowl of water is also placed on the stand. Even if your pet has some water left over from the evening, you must replace it with fresh water in the morning.
  • More preference should be given to valuable products. For example, to save money, you cannot replace part of a portion of meat with cereals or vegetables.
  • If you skip a feeding, you should not offer your pet double the norm. If there is a failure in the regime, then you should not shift the schedule and try to feed the dog more. The portion should be the same.
  • It is necessary to determine the required portion experimentally. If your pet eats all the food every time and licks the dishes clean, then it’s worth increasing the portion a little. After some time, it will be possible to find out how much food a dog needs so that it is full and does not gain weight. overweight. When overeating, the dog will begin to gain excess weight, will become less mobile and, naturally, lazy. In this case, the portion of food is reduced and the duration of walks is increased. If your dog has food left in his bowl, it means you need to make smaller portions.
  • Dogs need variety in their food. If an animal prefers a certain food, this does not mean that new products do not need to be introduced. Most of the time, dogs get bored with the same routine and this is a great time to try something new.
  • It is necessary to maintain time between walking and feeding. If the dog has a long walk, any other exercise stress, then she should be given food no later than two hours before the event. After active time spent, you need to wait at least an hour and then feed, otherwise the dog’s health may deteriorate significantly.

What to feed your dog

If we consider the percentage, the diet of a healthy adult dog should look like this:

  • from 30 to 50% - meat and offal;
  • from 25 to 35% - cereals;
  • from 20 to 30% - dairy products;
  • from 10 to 15% - vegetables.

An ideal option would be a diet consisting largely of meat and dairy products, with cereals and vegetables playing an additional role. In this case, the diet should contain at least 50% fish and meat (more is possible), an average of 35% dairy products, 10-15% each of grains and vegetables.

This menu suggests that keeping a dog is an expensive business, and not everyone can afford it. However, when getting a pet, a person must understand that this animal is by no means a herbivore and requires feeding with meat.

It is considered unnecessary to give your dog milk every day; you can take a break for a day or two. These products can be replaced with poultry, offal, and fish.

It is important to observe the following points:

  • You should not give dairy products with meat or vegetables at the same feeding.
  • Dairy products are always given separately.
  • Meat can be given alone or mixed with chopped vegetables;
  • Meat products can be given to your dog raw or cooked.
  • Can be added to meat vegetable oil and finely chopped fresh herbs.

You may find these articles useful:

In what form is it better to serve meat?

There are two opposing opinions about raw meat– some experts say that it should never be given to a pet in this form, while others, on the contrary, believe that raw meat is a natural food for predators.

There is some truth in both cases - raw meat is perfectly digested by the dog’s digestive system, but are pet owners always sure that it is not infected with any microorganisms? If products are purchased in specialized stores and undergo special tests, then it is quite possible to pamper your four-legged friend with them.

The meat must be deep frozen for two to three days, then defrosted and only then given to the dog. If you don’t have time to freeze, you can cook the meat until half cooked in water or with cereal.

When calculating the amount of meat, you should proceed from the following proportions - 20 grams of food per kilogram of pet weight. For example, an adult spaniel dog should eat an average of a quarter kilogram of meat per day, while a German or East European Shepherd you need 700-800 grams. Of course, these are average figures, and each owner must calculate the norms individually.

Which meat is better to choose?

Among the main types, low-fat beef predominates. Then comes rabbit meat, lamb, and horse meat. These products are low in fat and high in calories. Not recommended for pets chopped meat and pork.

Offal products are perfect for feeding your dog - liver, heart, lung, stomach, kidneys, etc. But then it is necessary to increase their quantity by approximately a third in order to justify the meat consumed per day.

Poultry meat (chicken, quail, turkey) and their by-products (hearts, stomachs, necks, liver, etc.) can be given to dogs, but only if they do not have digestive problems. However, it is impossible to completely replace meat with offal.

How to give your dog fish

Feeding your dog fish is not prohibited, only the amount of the product should be doubled and it is recommended to give it no more than twice a week. It is quite common for pets to refuse fish. In this case, it can simply be removed from the diet without any consequences. You can also constantly change the types of fish and maybe you will be able to find one that your pet will like.

It is permissible to serve marine fish raw, but if there is any doubt, you can freeze it for two to three days. As for the river one, it requires obligatory freezing or heat treatment. Whatever the fish is, you will have to tinker with it a fair amount, since before giving it to the dog, you need to remove all the bones from it.

From cheap and low-problem options, you can choose bulls. If your pet likes them, then you can simply boil them well and leave the bones untouched.

Dairy products in a dog's diet

Very often, dog owners are at a crossroads, as there is a lot of conflicting information about what dairy products can and cannot be given to dogs.

If your pet has a weak digestive system, then it is best to refuse fatty foods in favor of those whose fat content does not exceed 5%.

As for low-fat dairy products, this is not the best option for a dog.

Among the most suitable products are the following:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • yoghurts (without sugar and various additives);
  • cottage cheese.

I had the idea of ​​writing an article about dog nutrition for a long time. The moment has come, our little Jack Russell terriers are getting ready to go to their new homes, and I must help the owners understand this complex topic.

Dog food types

Conventionally, all types of dog nutrition can be divided into three groups:
1. natural food (“natural”),
2. mixed nutrition And
3. feeding with dry food (“drying”).

In the canine world, “straight” and “drying” have their adherents and opponents. I do not speak categorically on this issue. The only thing I categorically do not accept is feeding the dog “from the table”. A dog is not a pig, so table scraps, soups, porridge and pasta, in my opinion, are absolutely not suitable for feeding dogs!

Let's turn to nature

Let's talk in order. To begin with, let's remember that the dog belongs to the canids - the family of mammals of the order predatory. What do predators eat in wildlife? First of all, meat! Predators survive at the expense of other animals by eating muscle meat, internal organs, connective tissue, bones, fat and skins of their victims. Often this is “stuffed” meat. For example, a killed deer has fermented (that is, already processed by food juice and partially digested) food in its stomach, which the predator will also eat. By eating the stomach of its herbivorous prey, the predator receives useful material and microelements for your health. What do deer eat? Grass, berries, fruits, leaves, etc. Do you understand what I mean?..

The dog's metabolism is adapted to digest and assimilate, primarily animal food. Animal proteins (meat, poultry, fish, eggs) have always been and should remain the basis of a dog’s diet. In addition to animal food, the dog needs herbal ingredients. I think you have noticed that domestic dogs periodically chew grass or eat berries from bushes. Vegetables, fruits, berries, seeds and plants (but in smaller quantities than animal protein) are also a natural diet for carnivores.

Dry or natural?

I feed my dogs dry food. Why I chose dry food, I will explain in detail justified in this article. I envy, of course, those owners who can provide their dogs with proper, balanced, healthy natural food! Check out the article Looking at these photos will make even a man's mouth water! To SO feeding a dog requires not only a lot of time, desire and opportunity, but also serious knowledge on how to feed balanced diet. Start by studying the material "30 foods prohibited for dogs." I am sure this information will be very helpful to novice dog owners. And I think it will not be superfluous for experienced people either!

All this was just a preface. 😉 Let's move on to the main topic:

Which dry dog ​​food is best?

Firstly, suitable for the dog's age! You should not buy puppy food for adult dogs and vice versa - give adults food intended for young animals.

On the left is dry food for Savarra puppies from 1 to 12 months (the inscription on the pack is Puppy), on the right is dry food Savarra for adult dogs of all breeds from 1 year to 7 years (Adult all Breeds):

Pay attention to the inscriptions on the pack - Puppy And Adult all Breeds.

Secondly, when choosing dry food, be sure to consider the size of your dog, depending on the breed, the composition of the feed and the size of its granules vary.

Both dry foods in the photo Pro Plan for puppies (Puppy), but left for small breeds (from 1 to 10 kg), and the right one is for medium-sized breeds (from 10 to 25 kg).

Look at the indicated weight of the puppy on the food packs - 1/10 kg And 10/25 kg

Do you see how different the pellets of these foods are?

Dry food granules Pro-Plan for puppies: left for puppies 1-10 kg, on right for 10-25 kg

Another example of the variety of dry food for adult dogs from the same manufacturer is 1st Choice: Dry food 1st Choice for adult dogs (Adult) — left Hypoallergenic (for dogs older than one year), medium for dogs large and medium breeds (from 14 months to 6 years), on the right is food for decorative and small breeds (aged from 10 months to 8 years).

The food differs not only depending on the age of the dogs, but also the size of the breeds!

It is difficult for decorative mini breeds to chew large granules intended for large dogs. A large breeds will swallow without chewing and choke on miniature breed pellets. Therefore, both options for this “re-grading” are not suitable!

On the left are dry food pellets for adult dogs 1st Choice for large breeds, and on the right for small ones.

These are two main parameters that are ALWAYS taken into account!

In addition, an impressive list is produced specialized feeds: for dietary nutrition of dogs with various diseases(for example, with diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), for castrated and sterilized dogs, allergic animals, for elderly dogs. Lactating and pregnant bitches also eat specialized food, which is most often suitable for puppies. It is very comfortable! You can buy one package for everyone - both puppies and nursing mothers. 🙂

A few words about packaging dry food

There are “samples” of feed weighing up to half a kilogram, there are packs of 1 kg, 3 kg, 7 kg, 12 kg, 20 kg. I am telling you the average numbers. Weights of different packages different manufacturers slightly different, but not the point.

When converted per kilogram, the cost of dry food in a large pack is less than in a smaller pack.

An example of different packaging of the same food Savarra - 3 kg and 1 kg.

Is it worth buying larger packages if they are cheaper? My answer is that everything needs moderation. Firstly, if you are just introducing this type of dry food, then you definitely shouldn’t get excited!

I remember a case when we bought dry food from the Brit brand (we liked the composition, the manufacturer, and the reviews about it), but Sobakevich categorically refused to eat it. I tried to translate into new food smoothly, little by little mixing the new food into the old one, and he selected the granules of the new one and laid them out of the bowl on the floor...

It happens! The dog didn’t like this food and that’s it! It’s good that I wasn’t greedy then and bought a small pack of 800 grams, and did not immediately buy a large one of 3 kg.

Another interesting point from my observations. At exhibitions, for example, advertising samples of various foods are often handed out. It would seem like an excellent opportunity to see how your dog reacts to a new food - whether he likes it or not. So, even if a dog eats a sample with visible pleasure, he may not like the same food from a large pack bought in a store at all. That's why? Maybe the quality of the food in advertising samples is higher than that of the same food in the store?..

Keep the opened pack of dry food tightly closed. Make sure that it does not remain open after you have poured a portion of food out of it for your dog.

Returning to the topic of why you shouldn’t buy too large packs of food...
Secondly, the smell of food is very important for a dog. If the food smells weak, it is of little interest to the dog. Over time, food in an open package evaporates and loses its smell. The dog eats this food without pleasure. Hence the conclusion - do not buy packs that the dog will eat for a long time. It's different if you have more than one dog. This means that a larger pack will be eaten faster and will not have time to lose its attractive smell.

When buying dry dog ​​food, don’t be lazy to check the expiration date on the package!

Classification of dry dog ​​food

Important! At the moment, there are no legal norms, GOSTs or other standards by which it would be possible to clearly and unambiguously divide industrial dry dog ​​food into certain classes.

The existing classification of feed, unfortunately, is quite arbitrary and is rather of a marketing nature, helping manufacturers position their products in the target consumer segment of interest.

It is logical to assume that “super premium” dry food should be more expensive and better quality than “economy” food. But is this always the case? I will teach you how not to fall for beautiful packaging and empty advertising promises!

Main classes of dry food:

1. Economy class. The target consumers of such feeds are people who strive to feed the animal with minimal costs. You will find bright packs of these foods in markets and chain supermarkets. Some large chains produce economy-class food under their own brands.

Often, packs of economy food are decorated with empty but loud phrases such as “appetizing”, “delicious” and a picture with multi-colored food granules and cheerful animals.

Advertising for such food is known to everyone, it is often shown on central channels, it is professionally executed and awakens in us best feelings, and therefore arouses trust among gullible viewers towards these brands...

Economy-class dry food usually has a fairly narrow range, which does not go beyond the age of the dog (puppies and adults) and the size of the breed (small, medium and large).

If you start to read the composition of economy feeds, you will easily understand that there are no specifics on the ingredients! It is very difficult to understand clearly what exactly this food is made of. General phrases like “meat and offal” do not convey information about what animal meat was used in production, in what form, what kind of meat it was percentage composition in the stern, etc. Such an abstract composition allows greater freedom of “creativity” for producers, and the composition of the feed varies significantly from batch to batch. And under the term “chicken” the feed includes flour from “leftovers” - bones, beaks and skin of the bird...

Although, let's be honest, it is stupid to expect fresh meat and fish, as well as healthy additives, in economy class food. But cheap grains (such as corn that is not healthy for dogs), dyes, preservatives and flavorings are definitely present in them. This is probably why dogs eat such food with appetite.

If you love your pets and wish them a long, happy life in good health, I strongly advise against buying economy-class food!

2. Premium class. Unfortunately, most often, this inscription on food is just “dust in the eyes” for the consumer! Premium food is not far removed in composition from economy class food, and the inscription “premium quality” on the pack does not mean at all that you have a “premium quality” product in your hands.

The main difference that I see in premium class food compared to economy class food is the further expansion of the food line: by taste (chicken, lamb, etc.) and physiological characteristics dogs (hypoallergenic food, for old or, for example, losing weight dogs).

3. Super-premium and ultra-premium The food is significantly more expensive than those described above. Such food is sold exclusively in specialized pet stores and veterinary clinics. Super-premium foods are actively advertised at dog shows. They are distinguished by a VERY wide product line and the presence of special functional additives for dog health (to maintain immune system, teeth, joints or better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - prebiotics, chodroprotectors, etc.).

4. Holistic class. A relatively new and fashionable class of food, which is based on the philosophy that diseases should be prevented, not treated, so nutrition should be perfectly balanced. Greek word“holos” is translated as “harmonious”, “whole”.

Marketers have firmly established in the minds of consumers a stable connection between the concepts of “holistic” and “elite product.” The price of holistic food significantly exceeds even the considerable cost of super premium food.

“Holistic diets” include not only high-quality meat and fish components, vegetables and fruits, but also grains, which I personally do not approve of due to the fact that this is a non-species-specific food for a carnivore. But holisticists love to surprise with the exoticism of fruits included in a dog’s diet - pomegranate, bananas and papaya, you can’t find anything in their composition! 🙂

5. Class of “biologically appropriate” feed. This new class feed for Russian market. “Biologically appropriate” is based on the desire to imitate as closely as possible the composition of the food that the wild ancestors of dogs received in natural conditions. natural conditions, in the production of dry food.

Externally, packaging with BS food is less flashy, the emphasis is on naturalness - images of nature are often used in the design.

Biologically appropriate feeds contain a high percentage (70% or more) of high-quality animal proteins (meat, poultry and fish). In this case, high-quality means - obtained from fresh natural raw materials.

Also, BS feed contains various vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices in small quantities. Grain components and artificial colors are not used in such feeds, and the preservatives used are exclusively of natural origin.

About prices for dry food

An interesting point that is not at all obvious to dog owners (and not only beginners, but sometimes even experienced ones)!

If you compare the prices per kilogram of premium food and BS food (or the prices of two equal packages, if that’s more convenient for you), you will see significant difference.

However, if you recalculate this amount by the number of days for which this amount of food is enough for the dog (the cost of feeding this food per day), you will understand that this difference is not so big! The fact is that BS food is more nutritious, therefore daily norm its consumption (in grams) is less than that of premium food.

It turns out that the “daily cost” of BS feed not nearly as scary, as it might seem at first glance!

Let's learn to read the composition of food!

Conclusions about the quality of dry food should not be made based on price, attractiveness of packaging design and looking at the specified class (which, by the way, includes its own food MYSELF determined manufacturer), and above all by analyzing COMPOUND stern!

According to Russian legislation, the manufacturer is required to indicate the composition in descending order of ingredients in accordance with their weight at the time of entry into the feed. However, manufacturers have the right not to disclose the specific amount of each ingredient and their percentage...

To start understanding the quality of dry dog ​​food, you FORCED learn READ And UNDERSTAND feed composition!

Start analyzing the composition, taking into account first FIVE ingredients on the list - they are the basis of this food. When choosing dry food for your dog, try to rely on the recommendations below.

What is the best dry dog ​​food?

1. In which more meat! Always remember that dogs are carnivores and animal proteins are vital for them. High-quality meat, fish and poultry (chicken, lamb, rabbit, salmon, etc.) should be the main ingredients in dry food.

For example, I really like the composition of Genesis food, in which 80% is a meat component!

2. Know that when replacing animal proteins in food vegetable proteins and carbohydrates (using rice, wheat, barley, potatoes, legumes and, especially corn), the manufacturer significantly reduces its costs for raw materials and degrades feed quality!

I would especially like to stop on corn. I would recommend buying food that contains this ingredient either absent, or at least not in the top five in the composition. Moreover, this applies to all possible corn derivatives, such as: corn starch, bran, silk, corn germ, grits, be it whole grain, ground or crushed corn.

The manufacturer uses corn in the production of feed as the cheapest and most accessible source of protein, thereby saving on meat components!

Any corn derivatives in dry food are NOT USEFUL for a dog’s body - corn protein (gluten) often causes food allergies in dogs, and excess carbohydrates can lead to obesity and diabetes.

I repeat - it is animal proteins that are the correct basis for a dog’s diet, so in good food they occupy the first positions in the lineup.

An example of the composition of Savarra dry holistic food for puppies

3. When analyzing the composition of the feed, pay attention for the presence of “splits”, through which manufacturers mislead consumers.

Let me show you an example Babin feed. The manufacturer positions its food as super-premium. Here is its composition:

Is 35% meat too much? It would seem that since the ingredient comes first, and the percentage of its content is the highest. However, not all so simple! The second ingredient is corn, but its percentage is not indicated, and here's why. In 6th place in the composition we see corn gluten. This means that the manufacturer deliberately shows the corn not as a single whole, but by splitting it into two separate ingredients. Thanks to the use of such a “split”, meat comes out on top in the composition. Most likely, if you combine the percentage of corn and corn gluten content, their total figure may outweigh specific gravity meat in the composition and “jump” forward!. This is such a sad arithmetic. Here's a super-premium food based on corn! By the way, I have not yet touched on the fact that more than a third of the meat component is a mystery shrouded in darkness! More on this in the next paragraph.

4. You need to pay attention not only on the quantity of meat, but also on its quality. In high-quality food, not only must the percentage of meat component content be indicated, but it also gives an accurate and its unambiguous definition.

Abstract controversial concepts such as “meat”, “fish” or “poultry” on high-quality dry food are simply unacceptable!
It is important that the source of animal protein is clearly and unambiguously indicated.

Let me give you an example of the composition of the feed. Genesis holistic class:

Agree, heaven and earth compared to Babin super-premium food? The specific gravity of EACH ingredient is written down. From meat - fresh chicken 56%, dehydrated protein from chicken meat another 12.5%, and in addition to them fresh goat meat 6% and fresh lamb meat 2%.
Hydrolyzate is chicken protein chemically purified during the production process and, along with fresh meat components, is also a valuable ingredient in feed.

It is clear that during the production of food, all its components undergo heat treatment. Ingredients that came into production without preliminary heat treatment are the most valuable and useful for dogs. In the photo above we see that all meat components have a definition "fresh", which means they have never been frozen and contain no preservatives. If you see the word on a bag of food "raw", be aware that this also means that the ingredient has not been cooked, but has been frozen or treated with preservatives.

I really hope you have the strength and patience to read this long but important text! 😉

Taking care of you and the health of your pets,
author of the article Kirillova Ekaterina.

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“What to feed the dog?” - question No. 1 among the lucky ones who have acquired a four-legged friend. Every owner knows: a pet consists of what is in its bowl. Therefore, the question should be corrected: “What is the right way to feed a dog?” After all, a well-thought-out diet for feeding a dog is the key to its good health and long life. And what owner doesn’t want their pet’s nose to be wet, its tail to always wag happily, and its heart to beat as long as possible? There are three types of dog food:

  • dry food/canned food;
  • food “from the table”.

What type of dog feeding should you prefer? So that you can give yourself a definite answer, let's look at each type of feeding in detail.

Does ready-made food still make you suspicious? Do you want to feed your pet what you prepared yourself? And that's not a bad thing. Four-legged friend will appreciate such care. How to feed your dog natural food? Before creating a menu, please note: natural food for dogs should consist of 70% good fresh meat. But the remaining 30% may include plant foods. What kind of food will your dog be happy to find in his bowl? The dog must receive:

  • meat and poultry;
  • offal (stomach, lungs, kidneys);
  • buckwheat, rice, millet and bran;
  • grated or finely chopped fruits and vegetables;
  • cottage cheese;
  • raw eggs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • greenery;
  • fish fat;
  • mineral supplements.

The diet may vary depending on the breed. After all, each breed has its own proper feeding. Bones are very useful for dogs. From 4-5 months, puppies can safely be given this product. This way you will prevent the formation of tartar and strengthen your pet’s teeth. It is important that the bones are not boiled. Put a taboo on tubular and small bones - your pet can chew and swallow them.

Ready-made feed

If feeding a dog natural food is good for it and does not cause unnecessary hassle you, then why not choose this type of nutrition? But if the animal cannot digest regular food normally, or has congenital defects or diseases, it is worth considering a type of food such as ready-made dog food. This can be either canned food for dogs or dry food.

Some tailed creatures love dry food, while other pets eat only soaked food. More picky animals refuse “crackers” and eat canned food with great pleasure. In any case, no matter what food your pet chooses, dog food should be best quality. Choose premium food for everyday consumption. Important point: the food must be suitable for the age and size of the dog. The breed of the quadruped is also taken into account.

If you prefer ready-made food, do not mix it with natural food. Finished products Ideally balanced: it contains a certain amount of essential proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. And by feeding your pet “from the table” or natural food, you risk upsetting the balance. This is fraught with high stress on the stomach, liver and obesity. If you want to rotate your dog's food, have whole days of natural food or kibble.

Feeding the dog "from the table"

Many people consider it normal to feed four-legged animals the same thing they eat themselves. Is it possible to feed a dog human food? Borscht cooked for lunch can do a lot of harm to your dog. And the whole trick is this: the animal will not feel sick after the first meal of yours. It won't be obvious negative effect after the 10th and even after the 25th meal of human food. In this case, a “storage system” operates. Over time, the pet’s heart begins to hurt, kidneys and liver fail, or joints are destroyed.

If you love your dog and wish him for long years life, forget about feeding “from the table”. For eared-tailed creatures, salty foods, foods with sugar, milk, smoked foods, spicy and sweet foods (including chocolate) are slow poison. The stomach does not digest fatty meat (lamb and pork) well and is dangerous for four-legged animals. River fish and fish with large bones. Oatmeal, millet porridge, barley can lead to stomach upset. It is not recommended to give milk to animals unless it is feeding a puppy. Milk is good for small pets, but only if it is diluted with thick cream and a quail egg.

As you can see, the last type of feeding is absolutely not suitable for four-legged animals. Therefore, you have a choice: to feed your dog with ready-made food or natural food. Each type of nutrition has its own advantages and disadvantages. Compare them with the characteristics of your pet and you will get a ready-made answer.