Encyclopedia of dogs. Working dogs

Gino Pugnetti

Encyclopedia of dogs

Working dogs


Origin. There are various theories about the origin of the German Shepherd. Supporters of the first believe that its appearance was the result of crossing various breeds German herding dogs, the second theory states that this is a consequence of the accidental crossing of a female cattle dog with a wolf. The answer to this question is lost in the depths of centuries. It is known, however, that the first (long-haired) German Shepherd was presented at an exhibition in Hanover in 1882, and the first shorthair was presented in Berlin in 1889.

Description. Ideal height: male - 60–65 cm, female - 55–60 cm. Weight 35–40 kg. These dogs are characterized by a strong, muscular, slightly elongated body with light but strong bones. The head should be proportional to the body; forehead slightly convex; strong scissor bite; the ears are wide at the base, pointed, stand straight and turned forward (in puppies up to 6 months, the ears may droop slightly) Eyes: almond-shaped, never bulging, dark, with a lively, intelligent expression. The bushy tail reaches almost to the hock joint and is carried down when the dog is calm. The front limbs and shoulders of the shepherd are muscular, the hips are large and strong. The Shepherd has round paws with very hard pads. The color is black, steel gray, ash, either solid or evenly marked with brown, yellow or light gray. There are three varieties: wire-haired, long-haired, and long-haired.

Character. Brave, cheerful, obedient, reliable, loyal, affectionate with the owner and children, tolerant of other animals, wary of strangers, easy to train.

Application. Initially, dogs of this breed helped shepherds herd sheep. Due to their intelligence and exceptional character, shepherd dogs are used in the army (leaving reports under fire or through minefields), as a rescue dog (in water, in the mountains and during fires), as a police dog (a shepherd dog can smell a trail left a few days ago). But German Shepherds are also excellent guard dogs. In this capacity, they can demonstrate the excellent reflexes and ability for a lightning-fast attack characteristic of this breed. The Shepherd always willingly follows commands.

2. BELGIAN SHEPHERD (Groenendael)

Origin. Belgian Shepherds have been around for centuries, but the breed as we know it today was defined in 1891 by Royle, a professor at the Belgian Institute of Veterinary Sciences. He identified three main varieties: longhaired, shorthaired and wirehaired. Later, in 1907, it was decided that the longhaired variety should be black, the shorthaired variety should be fawn with charcoal markings, and the wirehaired variety should be ash gray. Groenendael, a long-haired, solid black Belgian Shepherd, was bred by Nicholas Rose, who lived in the town of Groenendael, a few kilometers from Brussels.

Description. The Groenendael has a black shiny coat, thicker on the neck. Ideal height: males - 63 cm, females - 58 cm. Average weight about 28 kg. Ears: Small and erect, triangular in shape. The eyes are brown, slightly almond-shaped. The legs are straight and muscular.

Character. As a result of subsequent selection, it was possible to eradicate the excessive timidity of the Groenendael. Most of these dogs are intelligent and have good memory. They are obedient, brave, and affectionate in the house.

Application. Groenendaels are excellent herding, guard and police dogs. They love the company of children.


Origin. The Tervuren is one of the breeds developed in 1891 by the Belgian Institute of Veterinary Sciences under the leadership of Professor Royle. These dogs are similar to the Groenendael both in appearance and in character. Their relationship is so close that sometimes a Tervuren can be born from two Groenendaels.

Description. The Tervuren differs from the Groenendael in that dogs of this breed have dark fawn, thick, long and straight fur. Average height: male - 63 cm, female - 10% less. Weight should be about 28 kg. The eyes are brown, slightly almond-shaped. The ears are triangular. Body: powerful, but not heavy. Teeth: scissor bite. The Tervuren is the healthiest of all Belgian Shepherds, which is why dog ​​breeders use it to strengthen other related breeds.

Character. Like Groenendael, Tervuren is known for its quick mind, the courage and ease with which these dogs can be trained. They are deeply devoted to their owner and have a strong possessive instinct. They need a firm owner.

Application. These dogs were originally used to guard sheep, but the Tervuren can also become a loyal protector of a family or home.

Note. Belgian Shepherds have a terrible appetite. It is necessary to strictly monitor their diet to avoid obesity.


Origin. Bred in 1891 by the Belgian veterinary school, which, together with the Heigebert brothers, tried to systematize all the breeds of shepherd dogs known at that time in Belgium. This breed is also known as the Malin Shepherd.

Description. The least graceful of all Belgian Shepherd dogs. They are characterized by a short coat of yellowish-brown color with black tips and a black mask. The Malinois resembles a smaller German Shepherd. Height 60 cm. Weight 24–27 kg. Ears are erect. The eyes are brown and not protruding. Hind legs completely straight. There is another variety Belgian Shepherd- Laekenois, which is characterized by a hard fawn coat with black spots.

Application. Malinois are hardy dogs. They tolerate bad weather well

The dog is the first animal domesticated by man. Her ancestors are the wolf and the jackal. This is confirmed, firstly, by the similarity of the structure of their body, skeleton and skull with fossil and modern jackals and wolves. Secondly, the fact that when domestic dogs are crossed with wolves and jackals, offspring are obtained that are capable of further reproduction. Man domesticated the ancestors of domestic dogs about 12 thousand years ago. This happened, obviously, in many places around the globe at the same time.

At first, man ate the meat of the primitive dog for food. But the tamed dog warned by barking that wild animals and strangers were approaching human habitation. They began to use her as a watchman. Then man began to use the dog for hunting. She helped him chase and apprehend wild animals.

Thus, in times distant from us, two main branches of domestic dogs arose - guard dogs and hunting dogs. When were small and large animals domesticated? cattle, shepherd dogs appeared, they guarded the herd and helped herd it. In the north, where the dog was the only domestic animal, it began to be used as draft force - sled dog breeding arose.

Since ancient times, dogs have been used for military purposes, initially to guard fortresses. Then the dog was trained to protect its warrior owner in battle. She rushed at the enemy and his horse. There is information that in ancient times there was a breed of Assyrian Great Danes - strong and hardy fighting dogs. The ancient Romans put armor on their fighting dogs. Subsequently, dogs began to be used for communication and to help orderlies. Peter I's dog, for example, was with him in all campaigns and battles. She carried Peter's orders to the military leaders, and from them - reports.

Service dogs: 1 - Scottish Shepherds (collies); 2 - Doberman pinscher; 3 - East European Shepherd; 4 - Caucasian Shepherd Dog; 5 - South Russian Shepherd Dog

In different regions of the globe, man created for various uses more and more new breeds of dogs. Nowadays there are over 300 breeds on Earth. By appearance dogs of many breeds are already almost unlike their ancient ancestors, and sometimes there is very little similarity between breeds. The St. Bernard, for example, weighs 70 kg, its height at the withers reaches 100 cm. And the toy terrier weighs less than a kilogram and fits in the palm of the hand.

Usually people raise domestic animals to obtain wool, meat, and milk. What is important to a person in a dog is its hunting, guard and other reflexes, its sense of smell, vision, and hearing. In addition, a dog, like no other pet, becomes attached to a person. “A dog is a man’s friend,” says the proverb; There are many stories about the devotion of dogs. It is no coincidence that dogs have become so close to man and entered his everyday life.

Dog breeds are divided into three main groups depending on their use: hunting, service and decorative. Each of these groups is divided into subgroups.

Hunting dogs are divided into huskies, greyhounds, hounds, miners, pointers and spaniels. Various breeds hunting dogs formed in various local conditions and when hunting wild animals with different habits. For example, huskies and hound dogs were bred in the forest area. And in the steppes and semi-deserts - greyhounds.

There are four breeds of Laika in the USSR: Karelian, Russian-European, West Siberian, East Siberian. They are used for hunting forest animals (sable, marten, weasel, squirrel, bear, elk) and birds (grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse). Having found the animal, the husky barks at it and detains it in place until the hunter arrives.

Among the greyhounds we breed are Central Asian (Tazi), Kyrgyz (Taigan), Russian steppe, Russian hound and Horta. Greyhounds are indispensable for hunting in the steppes. Slender, high-legged, they have tremendous speed, catch up (silently) and independently catch hares, foxes, wolves and small antelopes.

In the forest zone, hunting with hounds for foxes and hares is very popular. The dogs, barking, chase the animal along the trail. The hunter, guided by the dog's voice, lies in wait for the animal and shoots at it. They hunt with one or two dogs. Wolves “are hunted with a whole pack of hounds. There are three breeds of hounds bred in the USSR; Russian, Russian pinto and Estonian.

Foxes and badgers are driven out of their holes by the hunter's shot from small but strong and swift burrow dogs: fox terriers and short-legged, long-bodied dachshunds. Fox terriers are divided into wire-haired and smooth-haired, while dachshunds are divided into short-, wire- and long-haired.

In Europe, before the advent of shotguns, game birds were hunted quite differently than they are now. Special dogs - the ancestors of modern cops - sensing a bird, sneaked up to it and lay down next to it. This is where the name of the cop came from. The hunter carefully approached and covered the place in front of the hidden dog with a net.

With the help of hunting dogs, up to 70% of furs are harvested in our country. Dogs are also used in hunting various wild ungulates, upland, swamp, field and waterfowl game birds. In our country alone there are about 300 thousand hunting dogs. But they exist in all countries of the world. With the advent of shotguns, the requirements for a dog have changed. Now she no longer lies down near the bird hiding on the ground, but freezes near it in a characteristic pose - a stance. After the command, the dog moves forward, the bird takes off, and the hunter shoots on the fly. There are 10 breeds of pointing dogs. Among them: pointer; red (Irish), speckled (English) and black and tan (Scottish) setters; short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired pointers. Small, long-haired spaniels with large floppy ears are good at flushing away game. They also find a dead or wounded bird and bring it to the hunter.

Service dogs make up large group domestic dogs. They are distinguished by their large stature, strong and regular build and great endurance. They have good instincts and are easy to train. The nature service dogs angry and distrustful. They are used for transportation, for guarding and herding livestock, they perform various services in the army, etc. There are a lot of breeds of service dogs.

In the regions of the Far North, sled dog breeding has been widespread since ancient times. It has not lost its economic importance even now, despite the development of motor transport and aviation. A dog sled is one of the main modes of transport there. Dogs transport cargo, mail, and passengers. A team of 10-12 dogs of the north-eastern breed pulls a sled with a load of 400-500 kg at a speed of about 7-10 km/h.

A dog sled travels 70-80 km without a road in any direction in a day with a load, and 150 or even 200 km without a road. There are now more than 50 thousand sled dogs in the USSR. Sled dog breeding is also developed in Greenland, Alaska and the northern regions of Canada.

Shepherd dogs bring great benefits to humans. Among the shepherd dogs, the most common are Eastern European (German), Caucasian, Central Asian, Mongolian and Scottish (collie). Shepherd dogs protect herds from wolves and other predators, do not allow animals to scatter, search for and push up stragglers, and find queens hiding with their newborn cubs.

In the tundra, the reindeer herding dog, the Nenets Laika, is indispensable for herding domestic reindeer. The homeland of reindeer herding dogs is the Bolynezemelskaya and Malozemelskaya tundras and the Yamal Peninsula. Now they are bred in all reindeer herding farms in the country.

Shepherd dogs are used not only for guarding and herding livestock, but also in guard, guard, search and other services.

Service dogs now also bring a lot of benefits in military affairs, despite the enormous development of military equipment. They are contained in all armies of the world. On the fronts Patriotic War service dogs transported the wounded from the battlefield. They passed where neither a car nor a horse could pass. Many thousands of fighters owe their lives to the dogs that saved them. The dogs searched for mines buried in the ground and disguised. They delivered reports, helped lay telephone cables, and at the same time passed under fierce enemy fire.

Shepherd Jack suffered 2,932 combat reports during the war. She repeatedly swam across such large rivers, like Dnepr, was wounded three times. The mine detection dog Dick discovered 1,728 mines at the front. And who doesn’t know shepherd dogs - faithful assistants to our valiant border guards? The names of many border dogs have become famous, such as Hindu and Julbars.

In addition to shepherd dogs, boxers, Doberman Pinschers, Airedale Terriers, Great Danes, St. Bernards and other dog breeds are used as service dogs.

Of the many ornamental breeds The most common dogs are long-haired Spitz dogs, lap dogs, various terriers, Pekingese dogs, etc.

Dogs of various breeds also serve science. The great Soviet scientist I. I. Pavlov used the dog as the most convenient object for studying higher nervous activity animals. Highly appreciating the importance of dogs for humans, I. I. Pavlov installed a statue of a dog in front of his laboratory in Koltushi (near Leningrad). The inscription is carved on the pedestal of the statue: “The dog, man’s assistant and friend since prehistoric times, is sacrificed to science, but our dignity obliges us to ensure that this happens without fail and always without unnecessary torment. I. Pavlov."

Dogs were the first living creatures in outer space. They have repeatedly ascended in rockets to greater height, and the little dog Laika gained worldwide fame: on the second artificial satellite of the Earth she rose to an altitude of 1700 km.

This is how a dog constantly and faithfully serves a person. Therefore, dog breeding is a large, widely developed branch of animal husbandry of national economic importance. Along with adult hunters and dog lovers, thousands of young dog breeders enthusiastically raise, educate and train their four-legged pets (see article ""). A dog, like every animal, has its own characteristics that all young dog owners need to know.

Number of puppies different breeds dogs vary: larger breeds have from 6 to 14 puppies, small breeds have 3-4. They are born blind, deaf and without teeth. On the 5-8th day, puppies begin to hear, on the 9-14th day - to see; Their baby teeth appear on the 25-30th day. Puppies feed on mother's milk for 30-40 days, and then begin to eat everything. The main food for dogs is meat, fish, cereals, bread, vegetables. The food is prepared in the form of a semi-thick stew of cereals, meat and vegetables. The stew should be cooled to 30°. All dogs must be given whole or crushed bones.

In the USSR, breeding dog breeding is managed by hunter societies and clubs service dog breeding DOSAAF.

These organizations are leading great job in improving dog breeds, conducting their tests and exhibitions. They organize special testing and training stations and training grounds.

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The Encyclopedia of Dogs is the most complete and comprehensive publication dedicated to these, perhaps, the most faithful pets in our lives. Now in the world there are already hundreds of breeds that differ in appearance and character. In this article we will talk about the most popular and unusual dogs that you can have at home.

From the encyclopedia of dogs you can find out quite complete and comprehensive information about these animals. IN last years In Russia, German Shepherds remain one of the most popular and widespread breeds.

These dogs are famous for their high performance and unpretentiousness; they are very obedient and loyal to humans. In the encyclopedia of dog breeds you can find information that German shepherds have been helping people in war for many decades. For example, it is known for certain that these dogs helped our army, starting with the Russian-Japanese War.

In ancient times they were used as herding dogs. Today they often serve as guides for blind people, help in finding victims during rescue operations, and are considered the most popular breed for police service. From any encyclopedia of dogs you can find out that German shepherds have gained enormous popularity thanks to their roles in films: Semyon Tumanov’s “Come to me, Mukhtar!”, the American family series of the 50s “The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin”, the German detective serial film “Commissioner Rex” .

Today, German shepherds remain the most in demand when guarding private homes and industrial facilities. At the same time, dogs really love long walks with their owner, active games, they willingly follow commands, and playing tug is the best reward for them.

The encyclopedia about dogs for children states that the German Shepherd is perfect dog to protect home and family with small children. Of course, young animals need time to learn all the intricacies, so it is recommended that they be sent to courses for a while where they will learn the basics of training.


Every encyclopedia of dog breeds talks about such popular representatives as Rottweilers. Most likely, they descended from Italian mastiffs, which in ancient times protected herds of livestock. In the Middle Ages they were used by shepherds, for whom they were excellent guards.

In addition, dogs of this breed carried loads, delivered messages, and worked as law enforcement officers. Bred in German city Rottweiler dogs are almost extinct in early XIX century. Breeders were able to revive them only a century later. Currently, the Dog Encyclopedia notes that these pets are very popular among people who are looking for a friend and family protector.

Rottweilers are very powerful, brave, calm and well-trained dogs, loyal to their owner. It is worth noting that without appropriate upbringing they become dangerous both for strangers and for family members.

The encyclopedia about dogs for children emphasizes that the popularity of Rottweilers is explained by their strength and beauty. These are the owners of some of the most powerful jaws among representatives of canines.

In old and new encyclopedias about dogs, a lot of attention is always paid to the Labrador Retriever breed. These are the most popular dogs in America and in Russia in recent years there have been more and more of them. Labradors are very cheerful, energetic, friendly and affectionate animals that can make almost any person they meet fall in love with them.

Initially, the breed was bred to be used for hunting, accompanying blind people, and participating in rescue operations. Today, despite their very versatile “education,” they are most often brought up as a full-fledged member of the family.

In the most complete encyclopedia about dogs you can find information that they have an easy-going and obedient character, the main thing for them always and in everything is to please their owner. Labradors are very helpful animals, and their inclusion in the ranking of the most smart dogs indicates that they are easy to train

This is an ideal dog for a family with small children; they get along well not only with kids, but also with cats. Fishermen and hunters will also be satisfied, as this is an excellent companion on all trips, a companion for morning jogging and cycling.

In the book "Encyclopedia of Dogs" they always note that when getting Labradors, you need to remember that these animals are prone to obesity, so they always need to be given stable physical activity, regularly walk and run with the Labrador. You can be sure that this dog will never miss an opportunity to play with you at any age.

Chow chow

IN big encyclopedia Dogs, from which you can learn everything about pets, there is information about the Chow Chow breed. These are one of the most mysterious dogs, because there are a lot of theories about their origin, but no one still knows the truth.

There is even an opinion that this breed appeared in Siberia about two thousand years ago. From there she migrated to China and Mongolia. Some believe that the Chow Chow is a cross between a Samoyed and a Tibetan Mastiff, while others are convinced that the Samoyed itself is descended from the Chow Chow. They are thought to have a lot in common with the Shar Pei, mainly due to the fact that they have blue-purple tongues and traces of origin back to China. In general, no matter where these dogs come from, only one thing can be said with confidence: their fans are becoming more and more every year.

This is a valuable breed of dog, which in Asia has long been used in transporting sleds and carts, guarding houses, and hunting. It appeared in the West relatively recently, only in the 19th century. It was brought by English merchants, who at first called chow tea "Chinese" wild dog". The members were carried away by the breed royal family, after that she quickly began to gain popularity.

In Russia, Chow Chows are popular and beloved pets by many. They get along even in a small city apartment. By the way, these animals are quite lazy, so they won’t be happy if you take them for a morning walk. From the illustrated encyclopedia about dogs, you can understand why many people fall in love with the Chow Chow at first sight. They are very cute and are actually not as big as they seem due to the thick and abundant wool, which, by the way, requires careful care.


Fans of small dogs often prefer Pekingese. In the encyclopedia about dogs you can find complete and comprehensive information about them. Once upon a time, representatives of this breed were so expensive that only high-ranking persons could afford them. Now the situation has changed radically. Pekingese have become very popular and relatively inexpensive.

Those who have at least once encountered a Pekingese in person claim that these dogs have a charm that captivates everyone around them. At the same time, they have a fairly high opinion of themselves, but they are very sensitive and gentle. And if you don’t pay enough attention to them, they become nervous and irritable. In addition, they are very jealous of their owners, preferring to be the only pet in the house. Pekingese will certainly compete for attention with other dogs.

These dogs are very undemanding to long walks; the Pekingese is very happy to run and play without leaving the apartment. So representatives of this breed get along well in big cities, where you often have to make do with a small living space.


The complete encyclopedia of dog breeds also contains comprehensive information about rare breeds that are not so easy to meet on the street. A classic example is the Komondor. They are shepherd's helpers, also known as the Hungarian Shepherd.

This dog's appearance is truly extravagant. The wool consists of a huge number of braids, which look more like twisted cords. When Komondors worked with shepherds, watching over herds of sheep, such wool helped them escape the sun and cold, and also protected them from minor injuries in fights with bears and wolves.

Among all long-haired dogs, Komondors are famous for having the heaviest hair in the world. "Fur coat" adult consists of approximately two thousand laces and weighs about six kilograms.

Komondors are famous not only for their amazing hair, but also for their high intelligence and efficiency. They developed these qualities over the centuries, because they sometimes had to guard animals alone for several months while grazing.


In the complete encyclopedia of dogs you will definitely find information about the Lewchen breed. Back in the Renaissance, she received the nickname “lion dog” because of the haircut specially invented for her. Among the ancestors of the Löwchen are the poodle and the small barbet; they were originally bred in France.

Moreover, the character of these dogs is not at all lion-like, but soft and pliable. Levchens are friendly and affectionate, in addition, they are easy to train, good companions and friends know how to find mutual language not only with its immediate owner, but also with all household members, they love to play with children.

Representatives of this breed are often included in the list of the most good dogs in the world.

This is indigenous American breed, a relative of hounds. It got its name for two reasons - in honor of the surroundings of Lake Cathoula, which is located in Louisiana, and for its spotted color.

They say that in these places, back in the 16th century, mastiffs, bloodhounds and greyhounds were crossed with local red wolves. As a result, this truly unique dog appeared. Over time, it has become indispensable to all Louisiana farmers. At first it was used exclusively for looking after livestock, and then they began to take it to hunt raccoons, wild boars and squirrels. Here she showed herself in all her glory.

Today, the Catahoula Leopard Dog is still used in herding and by rescuers in search operations. The animal does not tolerate loneliness well and loves to communicate with humans. At the same time, it is very unpretentious in food and has good health.

Among representatives of this breed, individuals with turquoise-blue eyes are especially valued. No other dogs have these.

One more is enough rare breed- Tibetan mastiff. These animals were bred by monks in Tibetan monasteries, presumably about five thousand years ago. First of all, they impress everyone around them with their size. The dogs have a powerful and resilient physique, a broad chest, a massive head, a dense mane and a strong neck.

The weight of an adult is comparable to that of a human, reaching 60-80 kg, while the height rarely exceeds 70 centimeters. In addition to its gigantic size for a dog, the Tibetan Mastiff captivates many with its coarse, thick coat, which is not afraid of any frost. He can live in the snow, in the open air, without a kennel, without fear of harming his health.

U Tibetan mastiffs There can be very different colors - they can be black, chestnut, gray and even golden. Despite their truly terrifying appearance, mastiffs are distinguished by their calm and reserved character, independence and high intelligence. They are very friendly towards other pets, including cats. At the same time, they are able to adequately respond to aggression towards them or towards their owners.

It is noteworthy that mastiffs even have teaching abilities. Therefore, they are often trusted by children, for whom they turn into interesting friends. Another important one distinguishing feature mastiffs - their cleanliness and exceptional neatness.


The Azawakh or South African Greyhound is a very unusual dog. It was bred in Southern Sahara specifically for hunting antelope and gazelles. In Europe, the first representatives of this breed appeared only in the 70s of the 20th century.

French dog handlers were captivated by the beauty of the Azawakhs, and they decided to engage in targeted breeding. These dogs are often classified as unique for their outstanding anatomical features, making them unlike any other dog.

Azawakhs are very elegant, graceful and harmonious, the dog is brilliantly built - it has a slender and lean body, an elongated, narrow head. Thanks to her high legs, as well as her graceful exterior, she reminds many of purebred Arabian horses. These horses, by the way, also come from desert oases. The Azawakh's similarity with horses is also due to its smooth and short fur, which tightly fits the entire body. As a rule, they are sandy in color.

Azawakhs have a hunting specialization, but at the same time they have amazing attentiveness and vigilance, and are considered excellent guard dogs. Therefore, they can be safely purchased to protect a private country house.

It is worth noting that this dog has a very cool disposition, as well as a proud and independent character, she knows how to stand up for herself. Azawakhs never tolerate dogs of another breed being nearby, much less cats. Therefore, if you already have pets, think again about whether you should get an Azawakh.

For all their independence, these dogs are very affectionate, intelligent and devoted to their owners. Treat them with love and tenderness.


Affenpinschers are easily recognized by their unusual short muzzle with a prominent chin. This breed was developed in Germany back in the 17th century. They had a very specific specialization - rat catchers. These animals have a very funny physiognomy, which reminds many of a monkey, and small sizes(height about 25 cm and weight no more than 5 kg). At the same time, the dogs themselves prefer to behave very importantly, having a high opinion of themselves.

Affenpinschers are curious, intelligent and loyal animals that are easy to train. They climb well, love outdoor games, and are endlessly devoted to their owner.

At the same time, they are very unfriendly and suspicious of almost all strangers, and cannot tolerate cats and other people's children. Therefore, you should only go for a walk with your Affenpinscher on a leash. For these character traits in France they are often called “mustachioed little devils.”

The day when the house appears a pet, is like a real holiday. The dog is a devoted friend, a cheerful companion and a reliable protector. However, it happens that after a while a pet turns from a source of joy into a real burden. The reason for this is often not right choice breeds Things to consider before getting a pet:

  • additional expenses– any breed of dog requires good nutrition, care products, a visit to the veterinarian, buying toys and more. Evaluate your strengths sensibly - whether you can provide your pet with everything necessary;
  • time for the dog– any animal requires attention, this includes games with the dog, walks in the park, and time to care for its fur. Without the necessary attention, the dog's health will begin to deteriorate;
  • purpose of purchase– this parameter is perhaps the key when choosing a breed. Decide whether you just need a companion or a security guard, for example. If you plan to breed dogs, then you should choose a purebred pet with documents. If you are looking for a reliable friend, then it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive breed;
  • potential pranks– all dogs, to one degree or another, can cause trouble for the owner. Be it chewed shoes, damage to furniture or loud barking. Assess your self-control and poise;
  • changing your daily routine– buying a puppy will inevitably lead to adjustments to your usual lifestyle. After all, you will have to walk the chosen breed of dog, train it, and care for it;
  • living area– when looking at dog breeds with photographs and names, pay attention to the size of your home. After all, the dimensions of the pet should be commensurate with the square meters of the apartment;
  • Plan b– think in advance whether you can leave your pet with someone if you go on vacation or a business trip.

What will help you choose the right breed?

Do we have similar personalities?

The breed of the dog must match the temperament of its owner. If a lazy homebody gets an active pet, then no one will receive joy from such a union. The same applies to the situation when an active athlete gets a decorative dog that needs only minimal physical exercise. And there are also breeds that can only be dealt with experienced owners with a strong-willed character.

Dog breeds for various types of people:

  1. For calm and balanced people, dog breeds such as pugs and retrievers are suitable;
  2. Shepherds, Rottweilers and Dobermans are well suited for business people;
  3. if you are a sensual person who wants to give your love and attention in huge quantities, then you should pay attention to;
  4. for people of an analytical mindset who require order everywhere and in everything, poodles, collies, spaniels, and schnauzers are well suited;
  5. For active people Those who devote a significant amount of time to walks and sports are well suited for huskies, setters, and greyhounds.

Breeds for home or apartment

Please note that they even require the same amount of attention from the owner as large representatives. When getting a Pekingese, for example, you will also have to walk him and take care of his fur. The option of purchasing a large breed puppy for an apartment is possible, but only if the area of ​​the house allows it. Getting a shepherd dog in a one-room apartment where a family with a child already lives is an extremely irrational decision.

Apartment maintenance has several important nuances. First of all, you should not let your pet go for a walk on his own, especially if we're talking about O large breed. You should always be nearby and supervise the dog. Training and socialization are also a necessity for a four-legged city dweller, because he will come into contact with other animals and people.

Provided that all maintenance rules are followed, you can safely start and. An excellent option in this case are shepherd dogs, poodles, Labradors, spaniels, and boxers. These breeds have developed intelligence, good level socialization, good disposition and a tendency to be obedient.

Of course, the most acceptable option is miniature dogs. Take a closer look at pugs, Scotch terriers, toy terriers and Pekingese. These pets are extremely unpretentious in their choice of food and level of care. As a rule, they are not too intrusive, and some representatives are even quite independent.

When purchasing a puppy for your home, you have virtually no restrictions on your choice. Both large and small pets are suitable for you. The only question is the temperament of the breed and its compliance with your requirements.

What type of coat does the breed have?

An important factor is also the length of the pet's fur. Smooth-haired breeds are preferred option In most cases. They do not require careful grooming and will not cause any particular trouble during the molting period.

Long-haired dogs have a very attractive appearance, but to maintain their condition you will have to regularly brush their coat, brush it, bathe your pet, use shampoos and conditioners, and visit a hairdresser.

The choice of breed is significantly limited if potential owners are allergic to wool. In this case, you need to pay attention to hypoallergenic breeds. The optimal candidate would be a poodle.

It is also important to make the right choice regarding the age of the puppy. The older he gets, the more difficult it will be to accustom him to your order in the house, teach him commands, and adjust him “to you.” Dogs in adolescence already have a formed character, and it will be difficult to influence them.

However, take it completely little puppy the same is not possible. In this case, you can seriously harm the health of your future pet. His immunity will be weak if he is taken away from him too early. mother's milk. This will also entail psychological trauma.

What gender should I get a pet?

Having decided on the dog breed, the agenda becomes new question– what gender should you buy a puppy? Let's look at the characteristics of females and males. Bitches:

  • become attached to people more quickly;
  • are more amenable to education and training;
  • can be used for breeding puppies;
  • need more attention than males;
  • can cause inconvenience to the owner during heat, so if you do not plan to breed puppies, you should think about sterilization.

Males are emotionally more assertive and active. They are more consistent with dog breed standards and participate more often in exhibitions and competitions. Males have innate leadership abilities, so to subdue them you need a strong character. Also, “men” tend to show constant interest in the opposite sex, while females experience attraction only a few times a year.