Eat, move, sleep. How everyday decisions affect health and longevity - download, read

"" Tom Rath (2014):

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Healthy lifestyle- a question that in our time not only maintains its position, but is also gaining more and more active adherents in all parts of the planet. And this is not surprising, because the realities of our time are such that the environmental conditions in which people live today are becoming worse and worse, and the average age of life of an ordinary person, unfortunately, maintains a downward trend. And while some people are not particularly concerned about such questions, as well as about their health, others ask them seriously and are ready to take all steps to prolong their lives as much as possible.

Nowadays, anyone has free access to an incredible amount of literature on any nuances and factors of a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes very good new materials come across, in which there is a lot of interesting information related to the topic of health, longevity, proper nutrition, etc. . Tom Rath's book Eat, move, sleep. How everyday decisions affect health and longevity" is a vivid example of this and great for that proof!

About the book

ISBN 978-5-9614-4757-6.

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The book about healthy lifestyle that we are considering is an extremely simple, but at the same time very effective and motivating guide for everyone who follows or wants to start following the right image life, but due to the influence of some factors, postpones the beginning of a new period “on the back burner.” Those who have not thought about this at all, but have come across this work, will have something to philosophize about.

In Tom Rath's book Eat, Move, Sleep the conversation will not be about some decisive and explosive changes, sharply and radically changing a person’s life, such as moving and changing permanent residence, complete cessation of cigarettes, alcohol, unhealthy diet and so on. In contrast to this, the author talks about the so-called little things - things that in our everyday life we ​​simply do not pay attention to or are almost indifferent to: breakfast foods, an evening walk or watching TV on the sofa, short exercise in the morning or an extra 5 minutes of sleep etc.

In his work Eat, Move, Sleep, Tom Rath talks about O simple secrets healthy life, good health and prolongation of longevity. From this book, the reader will be able to learn about what and how it is possible to easily change in their lifestyle, at what time and what exactly should be eaten, how to painlessly increase physical activity and why little physical activity is the most threatening to health. And also about the influence of phones, tablets, etc. devices on sleep quality, the effect of plate diameter on waist size, harmful effects TV and many others interesting facts. A new book about a healthy lifestyle by Tom Rath “Eat, Move, Sleep” is an excellent collection useful tips to improve life.

about the author

The author of the book “Eat, Move, Sleep” is an expert on the impact of habits on health, work, business and other areas; is a consultant and fellow at the Gallup Institute and director of its research into improving human performance. Tom Rath is also a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of a number of popular and successfully selling books, one of which became a No. 1 bestseller.

About the publication

Language: Russian.

Format 60x90/16 (145x215 mm), hardcover, 204 pages.

Publication date: June 2014 (first edition).

The Russian-language version of the presented work was published in 2014 by Alpina Publisher. Buy the book “Eat, Move, Sleep” by Tom Rath. How Everyday Decisions Affect Health and Longevity” is recommended to anyone and everyone who wants to change their lifestyle and live longer.

Eat, move, sleep. How everyday decisions affect health and longevity

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© Missionday, 2013

The original English edition was published in 2013 by Missionday Arlington, Virginia, USA

© Publication in Russian, translation, design. ALPINA PUBLISHER LLC, 2014

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Dedicated to my wife Ashley, daughter Harper and son Everett, who light up my every day and give me hope that tomorrow will be even more beautiful

Eat, Move, Sleep

Every decision you make matters. You can make choices today that will help you become stronger tomorrow. Making the right decisions increases your chances of living a long and healthy life.

A hundred years ago, people died from infectious diseases because there was no necessary medications. And today they continue to die from diseases that could have been cured. The next time you see your friends, think about the fact that two of the three of you have a good chance of dying prematurely from cancer or a heart attack.

Our problem is that we usually don’t think about negative consequences everyday decisions. It is unlikely that you will want to go on a diet right now so as not to die of a heart attack at 60 years old due to the fact that you ate too much fried, sweet and meat. But preventing the disease at sixty will be possible, but much more difficult.

No matter what lifestyle you lead now, you can always change to live a longer and longer life. full life. At any age, it is useful to learn how to make the right choices. How you eat, sleep, and move every day is very important. As I understand it on own experience, this can change a lot.

My history

This happened when I was sixteen. I was playing basketball with my friends, and suddenly it seemed to me that something was wrong with my vision - some kind of black dot kept floating in front of my eyes. I hoped that everything would pass soon, but it only got worse. Then I complained to my mother, and she immediately took me to an ophthalmologist.

It turned out that this black dot was a tumor on the retina of the left eye. According to the doctor, I could go blind. I had to donate blood to get a complete picture of the state of my body. A couple of weeks later, my mother and I were again invited to the clinic to review the results of the analysis.

The doctor said that I have a rare genetic disorder- Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL). It is usually inherited, but in my case it was a rare type of genetic mutation that occurs in one in 4.4 million cases. It disrupts the production of a gene responsible for suppressing cancer cells, which leads to a sharp development of tumors in almost all organs.

I remember very well how I sat at a massive wooden table opposite the doctor, and he told me that I would have to fight cancer for the rest of my days. My heart sank into my heels, and my brain feverishly searched for the answer to the only question, “Why?” The doctor, meanwhile, said that I could soon develop cancerous tumors in the kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, brain and spinal cord.

This prospect frightened me even more than the risk of going blind. The conversation in the doctor's office made me look at my life in a whole new way. Will I be treated differently if they find out about my illness? Will I ever be able to get married and have children? But more importantly, will I be able to live a long and happy life?

The doctors did everything possible to save my vision - they froze the tumor and tried to remove it with a laser. But, unfortunately, I am forever blind in one eye. Having come to terms with this loss, I began to search for any information about my rare disease.

Quite quickly it became clear to me that the knowledge I was acquiring could help me prolong my life. Over time, I have found that annual eye exams, MRIs, and CT scans help monitor my condition. If doctors found a tumor on initial stage, they With more likely could stop its development. This was great news. Now I could live much longer, even if I had to undergo complex operations.

How everyday decisions affect health and longevity


At the age of 16, the author of this book was diagnosed with Hippel-Lindau disease. This is rare genetic mutation, in which the production of a gene responsible for suppressing cancer cells is disrupted, which leads to the development of tumors in almost the entire body. The disease left no choice: either lead healthy image life or die. Tom Rath chose life and for twenty years now has been learning to eat, move and sleep correctly to increase his chances of a long and happy life. He puts the acquired knowledge into practice every day and shares it with readers.

Don't expect big discoveries or miraculous recipes from this book. Its value is that the author offers proven, including from his own experience, simple small daily steps (“30-day tasks”) to health, accessible to anyone, even an over-busy person.

After reading this book, you:

Learn to pay attention to the so-called “little things”, to the fact that every little decision you make (choose oatmeal or an apple for breakfast, go up to the desired floor on foot or by elevator, finish watching a TV series or go to bed) has great importance for your present and future life;

Understand the equal value and mutual influence of movement, nutrition and sleep;

You will learn how you can change your habits, how to simply add more movement to your life, and what to pay attention to when choosing food.

Every decision you make matters. You can make choices today that will help you become stronger tomorrow. Making the right decisions increases your chances of living a long and healthy life.

30 days to make the right decisions

Spend 30 days testing the ideas in this book. If a technique bears fruit, use it constantly; if not, try something else. Only you can understand what works for you and what doesn't. Don't try to use everything at once. Implement at least a couple of ideas into your life. A couple of useful habits acquired over the next month will allow you to fully live the next years.

The “eat, move, sleep” equation. New research shows that the combined effects of all these elements are more beneficial than diet or exercise alone.

1. Eat

Forget about fast weight loss

Instead of trying to lose a few pounds in the next month, change your diet, and then new habits will bring many benefits in the future. The body needs time to respond to dietary changes. Usually a year or so is enough.

Take the healthiest ideas from tried and tested diets and make them part of your diet. Try to choose foods that are lower in fat, carbohydrates and sugar.

Every bite is a net gain or loss

Literally everything you eat is important. If you choose a healthier option, such as water instead of soda, there is a net benefit. If you prefer fried potatoes, for example, to vegetables, this is a loss. But even choosing one ingredient correctly can be useless if you haven't thought through the entire meal.

Ask yourself: is this piece a net gain or loss to your health? Repeat the exercise throughout the day.

Calories are not the main thing

Studying the ingredients of a product and counting calories will get you nowhere. Instead of tracking total calories, carefully evaluate the ratio of carbohydrates and proteins in your diet.

Choose foods that contain 1 gram of protein for every 1 gram of carbohydrates. Try to avoid foods that have a carbohydrate to protein ratio of more than five to one (most chips and cereals have a ratio of as much as ten to one).

Product placement at your home

It has long been known: more often we buy what we saw first. In a store, you are more likely to buy products from the shelf at eye level than those at the very bottom. Use the basics of product placement in your home.

Place healthy foods in visible places in the refrigerator and on the table. And hide the harmful things away - so you are unlikely to remember them. It's even better to just throw out all the unhealthy foods and don't buy them again.

Sugar is the same as nicotine

It causes diabetes, obesity, heart problems and even cancer. At the same time, it is addictive, and you may feel that you cannot live without chocolate or sweet tea.

Start by cutting down on added sugar: Pick a drink or dish that you always add sugar to and try going without sweetening for a week. For example, drink coffee without sugar.

Sugar is found in most prepared and semi-finished products. Find out how much sugar is in your favorite dish. If more than 10 g, find a replacement.

What does the color of the peel mean?

Lifestyle can significantly affect heredity.

To consistently improve your overall health, you need to eat at least seven servings of vegetables and fruits per day.

Include as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible to improve your family's genetics. Choose vegetables and fruits that are rich in color. Try to spend as much time as possible in the fruit and vegetable department before heading out to do the rest of your shopping.

Don't be so refined

We're all hooked on refined carbohydrates. They are in almost every dish.

Try to replace refined carbohydrates with vegetables as much as possible. You get enough carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables and protein; you don't need extra. Try to reduce your consumption of pasta, bread, rice and potatoes (especially potatoes!).

Instead of chips, crackers and bars, snack on nuts, seeds, apples, celery or carrots.

Family lunch for fat people

During family dinners, when dishes full of food are placed on the table, people eat much more than they would like: women - 10%, and men - almost 30%.

If you have extra portions, try to immediately put them in the refrigerator. If you leave them on the table, someone will have to eat more than they wanted.

Leave platters of treats in the kitchen, on the living room buffet, or somewhere else so that everyone has to leave the table for more. This way, you and your guests will eat only what you really wanted and leave the table without feeling full.

An empty stomach is a bad advisor

The more hungry you are, the more difficult it is to resist the temptation to snack on something harmful. If you think about a healthy menu in advance, you won’t have to make hasty and not always correct decisions.

Take bags of fruits, nuts or vegetables with you on the road in case you get hungry.

20 minute rule

Rushing in food does not lead to anything good. If you're in a hurry, digestive system does not have time to convey the signal “I have enough” to the brain, and you eat more than you need.

According to experts, if you chew correctly, one serving of food should take you about 20 minutes.

The first course sets the tone for the entire dinner

The more guests at the table, the more you eat. In behavioral psychology, there is a concept called “anchor,” which describes a situation where people rely entirely on the first information they receive. If someone offers to buy an item for 100 bucks, you will probably think that buying it for 75 would be a good deal. The price tag is a kind of “anchor” for all discounts and trades.

The person who makes the first order in a restaurant creates an “anchor” for the entire company. If he orders healthy food, then everyone else at the table will be “forced” to choose healthy food.

Order healthy dishes at a restaurant and try to be the first to do so. Then your dinner will be both pleasant and healthy.

Vegetable protein- your friend

Almost all of us need to eat more plant protein. Research has shown that protein stimulates the growth of cells that keep us lean and energetic. Certain types of proteins can provide everything the body needs without causing as much harm as, for example, hamburgers, hot dogs or smoked beef sandwiches. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish are rich not only in proteins, but also in omega-3 fatty acids, which are so lacking in our regular diet. Omega-3 fatty acid protect the body from certain types of cancer, decreased brain performance, macular degeneration, cardiovascular diseases, relieve symptoms of depression and generally improve mood. Top picks in these categories: salmon, walnut and flax seed.

The bulk of protein is best obtained from plant sources.

Stop feeding your friends junk food

People buy healthy products for themselves more often than for others. But for some reason, when choosing food for family and friends, we most often prefer junk food.

Try to treat your friends to things that are good for their health.

Waste food

At a restaurant, don't be tempted by the free dessert.

If you are given an unhealthy treat, simply throw it away. This way you will avoid the temptation to eat it or give it to someone else. Many foods are better thrown away than eaten.

Help someone who has decided to quit

People with alcohol and drug addictions may avoid temptations to avoid giving in to temptation. For those who suffer from diabetes or obesity, it is impossible to completely give up food. Therefore, choosing the right diet becomes a daily struggle for them. Public opinion forces us to make poor food decisions. Example: more than half of the survey participants (56%) admitted that they broke their diet more than once so as not to offend the hostess, boss or client. The other 51% did so as not to stand out from the company and eat the same thing as everyone else.

If one day you give up cake for dessert, then over time you will notice that your whole company has stopped ordering sweets for dinner, even if this topic has never been raised at the table.

Always support your friends who choose healthy foods.

Butter is healthier than bread

Two slices of bread turn a healthy food into a harmful one. Try to eat as little bread as possible. Remove the top piece from the sandwich. Better yet, replace the bread with lettuce leaves.

Instead of free bread, order a healthier alternative for lunch or skip the bread altogether.

Don't eat meat and potatoes

The connection between more meat in the diet and chronic diseases confirmed by many scientists.

Think about how you can replace potatoes and meat. For example, instead of a serving of processed meat, you can eat vegetables, fish, nuts or legumes. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to completely give up meat and potatoes, but at least try to make this dish an infrequent guest on your table.

Avoid one type of meat (such as bacon).

Smaller plates - thinner waist

When it comes to satiety, we often rely on our eyes rather than our stomachs: when food is served on large plates, we eat much more. Choose plates whose diameter is closer to the length of your palm rather than your foot.

Not only the size, but also the color of the dishes from which we eat matters: the contrast between the food and the plate saves us from gluttony. For example, when pasta with white sauce was served on a white plate, participants in the experiment ate almost 30% more than from a red plate.

Use small plates or try to put less food on larger plates.

Don't fall into the trap

Restaurateurs know very well how to lure us to their place.

If you find yourself in a place with a limited choice of food, still try to defend your rights. Ask for a sandwich without mayonnaise. Ask for a light dressing, preferably served in a separate gravy boat. Instead of sautéed vegetables, ask for steamed vegetables. Try not to eat fried foods. And you will gradually give up bad habits and learn to make the right choices.

Choose a restaurant where healthy food is easy to find on the menu.

“Recovery” after fatty foods

Products affect our mood and well-being. Research has shown a similar connection between food and mental performance, with certain foods either decreasing or increasing brain energy. For example, fatty foods can make you sleepy and apathetic. Consumption of trans and saturated fats, fast food and baked goods increases the likelihood of becoming depressed by 48%. If you tend to overeat Bad mood junk food, try to control yourself. Bad food will make your day even worse.

Luckily, eating healthy foods can give you energy and positivity.

On days when you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, you will feel calmer, happier and more energetic than usual.

Shame on junk food!

Public opinion and condemnation of fatty, fried and sweet foods can be used in our fight against bad habits. We shouldn't condemn people who are obese, but we can and should condemn foods that cause obesity, diabetes and cancer. Once you start looking at unhealthy foods differently, you will, willy-nilly, gradually learn to make the right choice.

To make the temptation less strong, limit your choice to the “right” products and support your willpower. Don't fight temptation, just try not to put yourself in such situations. Find healthy alternatives to your favorite unhealthy foods. Create a drink that you will always have on hand. Pack a couple of snack boxes.

Each correct solution makes subsequent choices easier and easier.

If you often buy something that does not bring any benefits to your health, come up with some unattractive name for this dish that will make you think 100 times whether it is worth eating.

"Organic" Doesn't Mean Healthy

Don't confuse organic with healthy. Labeling “organic” simply means that the product was made from raw materials grown without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, solvents and chemical additives.

Usually the packaging contains information about the nutritional value and composition of the product. Study it. Assess the ratio of fats, carbohydrates, sugar and protein. Read the ingredients carefully to better understand what you are about to eat or drink. Compare with similar products on the shelf. Knowing the composition will help you make the right choice.

Choose organic options if you plan to eat whole fruits and vegetables, including the skin.

The morning is more satisfying than the evening

One article aptly noted: “Those who eat breakfast are not only slimmer, but also smarter.”

Instead of traditional cereals, choose egg whites, apples, salmon, nuts, seeds or other foods without added sugar for breakfast.

For lunch, choose a dish with vegetables and herbs and lean meat. Avoid eating fried, fatty and too sweet foods. After such food, you will lose your focus and memory for the rest of the day.

The last meal should be the lightest. If you really want to have a snack before bed, let it be something light and healthy, such as berries, nuts, or an apple.

Organize your day so that you eat more in the morning, less at lunch, and nothing after dinner.

Are there fruits in juice and dried fruits?

When you decide to save time and choose processed fruits, you lose most their nutritional value. Moreover, dried fruits can be much more harmful than juices. While your favorite fruit is much more convenient to take with you in its dried form, you end up with excess sugar and little to no benefit.

Instead of dried fruits and juices, eat fresh fruits.

Don't judge the content by the wrapper

Today, potatoes with mayonnaise are called “salad,” milkshakes are “smoothies,” sugar water is a “fortified drink,” and potato chips are “vegetable chips.”

If the package says that this is a very healthy product, pay special attention to the composition.

Less heat means healthier food

The cooking method is no less important than the quality of the products. When you grill, pan, or boil, heat and charcoal cause the production of toxins known as advanced glycation end products. These substances are also produced during sterilization and pasteurization of products and lead to the development inflammatory processes, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's disease and some cardiovascular diseases.

Steam healthy foods like fish and vegetables rather than grill them.

Buy perishable foods

An effective way to distinguish healthy food from unhealthy food is to look at its shelf life. Long shelf life products are full of chemicals and preservatives.

Conduct an audit of food supplies. Get rid of those products that have been stored for more than a month. Go to the grocery store more often. Buy food only for a few days - don't stock up like you're a bear getting ready for hibernation.

Tomato tan

We always judge a person's health by his appearance. We are what we eat. People who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables appear healthier. A third of those surveyed even said that people with a “vegetable tan” look better than those who tanned in a solarium or at the sea.

To improve your complexion, eat more carrots and tomatoes. Blueberries and salmon, walnuts will be beneficial for hair and skin. The main thing is to make balanced diet and stick to it.

Eat what's healthy first

The first course sets the tone for the entire meal. According to experiments, what is eaten at the beginning is about 50% of one meal. If you know you won't be getting the healthiest food when you're visiting, eat something healthy at home. Then your appetite will decrease.

Try to make the first course as healthy as possible: start the meal with vegetables or salad. If you really want to eat something harmful, leave it for later.

A handful will be enough

Remember the last time you ate at your desk, sitting in front of the TV or while driving: that time you ate much more than you planned, and got less pleasure.

If you can only eat while working, try to at least slow down. If you want a snack, take no more than a handful of treats and leave the entire package in the kitchen. Or place only one plate/bowl/cup in front of you. Another option is to eat something at work that requires additional “processing,” such as pistachios in the shell. When you have to think about what you're eating, you eat less.

Eat to beat cancer

Most microscopic tumors will never grow large enough to present real threat health. They “sleep” in the organ in which they were formed. And whether this will continue depends on what kind of life you lead. In particular, what you eat can reduce your risk of developing and spreading cancer. Diet and physical activity have been shown to reduce the likelihood of relapses and increase the overall life expectancy of patients.

Instead of sweets and fried foods, eat more healthy foods and spices: apples, artichokes, blueberries, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, green tea, kale, lemons, mushrooms, raspberries, red grapes, red wine, salmon, strawberries and tomatoes. And be sure to add seasonings: cinnamon, garlic, nutmeg, parsley and turmeric.

Buy willpower in the store

The most important decisions for your health are made in the store. If you put something in the cart - healthy or unhealthy - you will eventually eat it.

Identifying your own weaknesses is the first step to victory.

In the store, try to put in the cart what is good for your body, so that there is no room left for junk food. Even more effective method- make a shopping list in advance so that in the store you do not have the opportunity to buy something under the influence of impulse. And try to go to the store on a full stomach. When you're hungry, you find it difficult to make healthy food choices.

Select a few healthy products and order them automatically online so you always have them in stock at your home.

Eat cake on your birthday

If you've ever worked in a group, you know that every week there is a "special occasion" for candy, cookies or cake. Of course, it's good to celebrate events such as birthdays, anniversaries and public holidays, but this is not a reason to eat a mountain of sweets every time.

Eat sweet desserts only on your birthday. At other events, give preference to fruits and berries. Mix them with unsweetened coconut or plant milk, and you will get a completely healthy product with a pleasant aroma. If found fresh berries out of season - a problem, try frozen ones. Or make a dessert using all-season fruits - apples and bananas. Remember: any berries and fruits are healthier than cake or ice cream.

Less food - more fun

When you're addicted to a treat, the 15th bite is much less satisfying than the first. The less often we allow ourselves to eat something, the more joy it brings us. The effect of novelty is beneficial not only for our health, but also for our overall well-being.

Eat your favorite treats rarely and in small portions to get more pleasure from them. If you can’t live without chocolate, try to eat no more than a couple of pieces a week. Give preference to chocolates with at least 70% cocoa content and a minimum amount of added sugar - they contain more flavonoids and have a more beneficial effect. beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Broccoli is a win-win option

To date, a huge amount of research has been devoted to broccoli. It is a source of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. Scientists believe that broccoli helps fight cancer and cardiovascular diseases, prevents the development of asthma and arthritis, improves vision and strengthens the immune system.

Be sure to include broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables in your diet. There are many green vegetables that you can include in your diet, the main thing is to be creative.

Give preference to water

The most invisible sugar is liquid. Pay attention to the composition of popular drinks - almost all of them are filled with sugar or sweeteners. When you have a headache, a stuffy nose or allergies, water large quantities It helps better than any medicine.

Instead of soda, juice and sugary drinks, drink water, coffee, tea or other unsweetened drinks.

Food is your ally

Each of us has our own vulnerabilities. Perhaps it is cancer, heart problems, diabetes or some other disease. Knowledge is your best assistant.

Take an hour to find out which foods will help you fight your ailment or weak point.

Every meal matters

Every bite and sip that enters your mouth throughout the day is important. Before you eat something, think about how it will affect your health. When you know which foods are good for you, you can make better choices and notice an improvement in your well-being fairly quickly.

2. Move

Immobility is your enemy

You spend more and more time sitting. Every morning you sit while you have breakfast and watch the news. Then you get to work for half an hour or an hour. public transport or by car. Then you work, that is, you sit still for 8–10 hours. And in the evening you return home again (sitting!) and spend the evening with your family (also sitting!). Then you watch TV for an hour or two and go to bed.

Morning exercises are not enough. Working out three times a week is also not enough. It is more important to reduce the overall amount of chronic inactivity than to add infrequent bursts of physical activity. There are hundreds of opportunities to move more throughout the day. Even if you just stand still, you get more energy. Walking increases your activity by 150%. Climbing stairs - 200%.

Analyze your day and try to add movement or at least reduce time in sitting position. Get up, walk and stretch as often as possible, walk back and forth in front of the TV, do not call your colleague, but walk to his office.

Work on the go

Use special exercise equipment to work while walking or standing. A good option is one with a high table or a table with adjustable height, so that you can work at it both standing and sitting. If you have to stand in one place for a long time during the working day, it is useful to periodically change your position and sit down.

Figure out how you can work without sitting.

Two minutes every 20

As a result of sitting for a long time, the cells are put under pressure and the body begins to produce 50% more fat than usual. Even if you exercise regularly, long sitting will still provoke the growth of adipose tissue in the pelvic area.

If you have to spend a lot of time sitting, try to get up, walk and stretch every 20 minutes.

Come up with an activity for yourself - something that you can do regularly, two or three times an hour. A great option is to drink more. Then, willy-nilly, you will have to go to the kitchen for another glass of water and to the toilet.

Rearrange your home and office so that you have to move more.

Count how much you move

Medicine and social research have long realized that measurement itself improves performance: when experimenters are asked to simply record changes, performance tends to be higher.

If you want to increase your physical activity, start counting how much you move. Start recording your results and they will definitely improve.

Choose a convenient way for you to measure your physical activity throughout the day. Use a pedometer, watch, GPS, smartphone, or just a notepad and pen and start counting today.

Goal - 10,000

Set a goal of 10,000 steps per day or 70,000 steps per week.

10,000 steps a day is a good indicator of activity. It is approximately 7 km. In fact, this is not such a long distance as it seems. Start small. If you live in a city, walk not to the nearest cafe, but to the next one. Park your car not at the entrance to the store, but at the far end of the parking lot. Try to take 1,000 steps every hour at home or in the office. Taking a walk at lunchtime will give you an extra 3,000 steps. Do some active sport, this will give you another 8,000–10,000 steps.

Set a goal of 10,000 steps per day or 70,000 steps per week.

Burn calories after your workout

Think about what you can do to increase your heart rate.

Any physical exercise burns calories. But the more intense the load, the longer the body will continue to burn calories after the end of the workout. Set aside at least an hour for an intense workout.

Exercise in the morning to enjoy the whole day

Just 20 minutes of simple gymnastics can lift your mood for 12 hours! Even if in the first few days you are only tired from morning workouts, remember that they charge you with energy for the whole day. Not only will you look and feel better, but you will also begin to think more effectively in difficult situations.

Work out in the morning so you can be alert all day good mood.

Take care of your back

If the car's wheels are unbalanced, it begins to pull to the side. The same thing happens to the body if your movements are not balanced. Using one side of your body more than the other can lead to serious back problems and more over time.

Surgeons advise bending over, lifting heavy objects and turning very carefully: at these moments our spine is most vulnerable. Engage your knees, not just your back. Try to stand up straight and take care of your back, even when you're just sneezing. If you are reaching for something, then be careful too.

Before sitting down at your computer, make sure your keyboard, chair, and monitor are at the correct level. Think about what actions you perform most often (talking on the phone, sitting at a computer, carrying a heavy bag), and try to do it with your right and left hands alternately.

Find motivation to move

Everyone knows how important it is to exercise regularly, but not everyone can bring themselves to do it. I advise you to find specific reasons why you personally should move more here and now. Everyone has their own motivation. I have heard more than once stories about how people quit smoking for the sake of their spouse or children. Friends who managed to lose weight often said that they decided to do this because their relatives had been begging for it for a very long time.

Find yourself a reason to move more. Give yourself reminders: on your phone, on your computer, or on your refrigerator.

Don't eat at your desk

Approximately two-thirds of employees eat lunch at their desk. Most people don't take a break to walk and rest. As a result, many find it difficult to concentrate on work. Try to use lunch break to take a break. Walk around the office. If the weather permits, take a walk. Go out to eat with friends. Lunch is a great opportunity to stretch your legs and chat with colleagues.

Take breaks of at least 30 minutes in the middle of each work day.

An active lifestyle starts at home

If you want lasting change, start at home. It is at home that our habits, good and bad, are formed. Start small. If you are lazy to go to the gym in the morning, organize it at home. Place the apparatus next to your bed so that in the morning you just need to get up and start exercising right away. If you are used to drinking coffee in the morning, set a timer on your coffee maker so that you wake up to the aroma of fresh coffee every day. Find the path of least resistance and go for an active lifestyle that way.

Choose a pleasant way to add to your life motor activity: walking, running, cycling, home gym, aerobics video course, yoga or Pilates. Be sure to add in a few “micro-workouts”—physical exercises that have a tangible impact on your health but don't count as full workouts—cleaning your apartment, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to the printer and back to your desk have a lot of benefits in the long run.

Exercise for fun

The hardest thing is to start.

To start training, you should choose the most enjoyable exercise for you. Use any tricks to start studying, and not put it off until later. Try to concentrate on the most enjoyable and easy part of the workout and be sure to ensure that it ends pleasantly as well.

If you really want to skip a workout, start and hold out for at least 10 minutes.

Walk for the brain

Our brain works more productively after physical activity. It is enough to walk one and a half kilometers a day to prevent brain drying out.

If you've learned something new or need some creative inspiration, take a walk!

Tell everyone about your goal

To achieve your goal, it is useful to tell your friends about it. This will help you achieve it.

Make it a goal to exercise more. Write down the goal on paper, set yourself a deadline and tell all your friends and acquaintances about it.

TV shortens your life

Research has shown that people who spend four hours (or more) watching videos are twice as likely to die or be hospitalized due to a heart attack than those who spend two hours a day watching TV.

Be sure to periodically get up from the couch to walk or stretch, especially if you haven't had much physical activity that day. If you walk around the apartment during commercial breaks, you will burn as much as 100 kcal. There is another option: record your favorite programs on video and watch them during training.

Don't watch TV while sitting for more than two hours a day.

The road to divorce

Think carefully before accepting an offer new job, if it takes longer to get to it than to the current one. If you have no choice and your commute to work takes a long time, think about how you could shorten it even a little. Perhaps you should change your work schedule to avoid traveling during rush hours? It’s great if your boss doesn’t mind you working from home on days when you don’t have meetings or anything to do in the office, and not wasting precious time on the road.

Reduce the total travel time from home to office and back. To do this, you can work from home for a couple of days or travel outside peak hours.

Pay attention to how you move

Due to all kinds of gadgets, drivers and pedestrians hardly notice what is happening around them. Almost everyone has their head down and their shoulders slumped. Many people hold mobile phones in their hands and do not see where they are walking. This “cell phone in hand” pose is very hard on your wrists, neck and back.

Put your cell phone in your pocket, keep your back straight, lift your head and chin and look forward. You'll notice how much better your back feels when you're not looking at the floor or holding your arm up all the time. An unsuccessful posture not only causes physical discomfort, but also spoils the impression of a person.

Try to walk, sit and stand straight. Remember: your ears, shoulders and hips should be in line. In this position, your muscles will remain toned, discomfort will be minimal, and breathing will become much easier.

Look younger with every step

Physical activity is the key not only to external beauty, but also to internal health. Even in patients with heart failure, regular aerobic exercise helps prevent muscle aging and strengthens general state body and slow down age-related inflammatory processes. So no matter how old you are or what your current physical condition is, exercise will help you look younger and feel better.

Try to walk briskly for at least five minutes a day to prevent aging. To achieve greater results, exercise for 45 minutes three times a week at an intense pace.

Five minutes outside

Outdoor exercises are more effective. You get a boost of energy, pleasure and a feeling of renewal. You can even get rid of tension, anger and depression.

Spending just five minutes in nature is enough to lift your spirits. Any outdoor activity is suitable - walking, gardening, fishing, cycling. Go out for coffee with a colleague. Take an evening walk around the neighborhood with your spouse. Walk the dog.

Pay for reminders

It's very helpful to have someone to report to. Often we need a little “kick” to start living a little more actively. Find someone who will regularly monitor your behavior. active image life. This person could be your spouse, a friend, or a professional personal trainer. When training together, choose someone who has already achieved in a particular sport good results and surpassed you. Friends who perform better without criticizing you will be a more effective motivator.

Exercises according to prescription

Exercise may be more effective than medications in combating everything from depression to migraines. Increasing physical activity allows you to avoid certain medications, as inflammatory processes in the body fade away. Regular exercise changes the way our DNA works and makes diets more effective.

You should know these two numbers by heart

Although heart attacks kill millions of people around the world, this disease is easier to prevent than any other. Cholesterol levels, blood pressure, physical activity, smoking and diet all play a huge role in the fight against heart attack.

Find out your cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Get your cholesterol tested annually. Try to eat a healthy diet to keep these numbers under control. Exercise for 30 minutes every day. This will reduce your risk of heart attack by 70%. If you can’t devote half an hour to studying, set aside at least 10 minutes for it. Mild exercise can also increase good cholesterol levels. And try to spend as little time as possible sitting idle.

Cleanse your brain and body

Scientists have found that exercise “accelerates the removal of harmful substances from the body’s cells.” You don't have to be a runner long distances- absolutely any physical activity is suitable. As long as you simply move for several hours a day, metabolic and other processes in the body do not slow down. And, by the way, this is why doctors have always recommended leading an active lifestyle to avoid constipation.

Beware of ties and skinny trousers

Any clothing that makes you uncomfortable can cause serious problems in the long run. A belt that is too tight puts unnecessary pressure on important nerves. Skinny jeans interfere with digestion and cause the development of the so-called “skinny pants syndrome”, when one of the nerves running along the outer part of the thigh is compressed. Ties and tight collars restrict movement and interfere with blood flow to the brain. Because of them, vision problems may begin, there is a risk of reduced mobility in cervical spine spine and growth muscle tension in the back and shoulders.

Determine which wardrobe item makes you uncomfortable and find a comfortable replacement for it.

Activity is more important than training

How much time should you devote to training? Scientists give conflicting answers. But the simplest answer is: a little more than what you are doing now. A little physical activity is better than none. Increase your load little by little every day.

The main thing is not to set goals that are so unrealistic that they simply scare you away. Try not to overwork or exercise to the point of exhaustion, otherwise you will be out of shape the next day.

Physical activity also has a beneficial effect on our state of mind, allowing us to enjoy life more and making us less susceptible to external irritants and stress.

3. Sleep

Sleep longer - you get more done

Minus one hour of sleep does not mean plus an hour of active work or rest. Just the opposite. If you sleep an hour less, your well-being, productivity, and ability to think clearly will deteriorate. People who sleep less than six hours are more likely than others to burn out at work.

If you spend too long on a task, your efficiency will decrease.

So if you want to succeed, get enough sleep!

Try to divide your work day into several parts, do not forget to take a break and get enough sleep at night. If you need to work an hour longer, sleep an hour more.

Sleep sets the mood for the whole day

Just one extra hour of sleep can do as much good as an hour of work or exercise and turn a terrible day into an enjoyable one. And even 15 or 30 minutes of sleep can affect your mood and state during the day.

Gradually increase the amount of sleep you take, 15 minutes at a time, until you begin to wake up fully rested.

Cold vaccine

Strong night sleep affects the condition of the body. As a result of lack of sleep, it increases blood pressure and risk of development cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory processes develop. That's why it's especially important to get plenty of sleep when you're at risk of catching a cold or the flu.

Try to plan your schedule in advance so that you have time to get enough sleep.

In bed, quality is more important than quantity

You can easily spend eight hours in bed at night and wake up completely exhausted in the morning. Try to improve the quality of your sleep first: think about your diet, daily activity, and the environment in the bedroom. And only then worry about the duration of sleep.

Night is a dark time

Don't let artificial light disturb your sleep.

Use bright light to feel energized throughout the day. In the evening, dim the lights. If you read before bed, turn on a small bedside lamp rather than a chandelier. Hang dark curtains, cover all sources of artificial light (alarm clocks and other electronic devices), remove all distracting objects. At night, close the windows with curtains to limit the amount of light entering the room as much as possible.

Spoiled dream

For many, waking up to an alarm lasts for half an hour or an hour. And everything would be fine, but this completely contradicts the concept of sound and healthy sleep.

Over the next few weeks, set your alarm for the latest time so that you don't have the opportunity to lie around after the ringing. Try to get out of bed immediately.

If this option doesn't help, place the alarm clock away from the bed so that you can't turn it off without getting up.

If you're used to waking up at the same time every morning, try not using an alarm clock at all.

Cool bed

This will help you fall asleep faster and get better sleep. You can open a window to make the air in your bedroom cooler than the rest of the house. You can install a separate thermostat on the radiators in the bedroom and set it to a lower value. Lighter, cooler blankets, a fan, or even a gel mattress pad are great options.

Keep your bedroom temperature 2-4 degrees lower than usual at night.

Let sleep become a family value

Modern scientists have found that children's success in school directly depends on the quality of their sleep. Children who sleep better are more active and eat healthier foods.

A simple bedtime ritual has been proven to produce impressive results. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for us to make sleep a core family value.

Together with your family, develop a new schedule, change lighting, temperature in the house, remove sources of noise - in general, do everything so that you and your loved ones sleep better.

Memorable night

Many people underestimate the impact sleep has on our ability to remember what we learned the day before. Sound sleep helps the brain process all pending information. While you sleep, memories of the past day are scrolling through your brain, and the most important things are selected. These memories are then processed and moved into long-term memory. This allows you to remember certain facts and events over time.

The next time you're working on something that requires a lot of processing, go to bed early instead of habitually staying up late.

Sports instead of sleeping pills

Regular exercise is the key to a good night's sleep and plenty of energy the next day. If you have difficulty falling asleep, try adding evening workouts to your schedule before starting to take sleeping pills. Morning workouts charge you with energy for the whole day, while evening workouts provide you with sound sleep.

Protect your peace before bed

What you do an hour before going to bed can result in insomnia. Reading email and text messages, thinking about money problems, arguing with your spouse, watching horror movies - all of this significantly increases your stress level. Drinking too much liquid or eating fatty foods can also interrupt your sleep.

Create a bedtime ritual that does not include food or gadgets. Choose one of the familiar and pleasant ways to relax.

Make noise before bed

Remove anything that might distract you at night. And before going to bed, run programs with background “white” noise. It will help you ignore external sources of noise. The main thing is to choose the right volume level, which will drown out unwanted noise, but will allow you to hear alarms or other important sounds if necessary.

Sleeping longer is not so sweet

Violation of the usual daily routine never goes away without leaving a trace. A disruption in the biological clock (due to a change in time zone, promotion at work, dinner at an unusual time) can cause a huge number of problems, from typing excess weight to heart pain and depression.

Try to wake up at around the same time every day to maintain your circadian rhythm.

Don't let stress disrupt your sleep

Unfortunately, they have not yet come up with a switch that turns off all irritants before you go to bed. But you can prevent stress.

First, you need to structure your day in such a way as to avoid situations that cause you stress: leave early so as not to be nervous about being late. If possible, take a break to calmly reflect. controversial issues. Understand what keeps you up at night. First, deal with the major sources of stress, then identify the minor ones and eliminate them too.

Find one source of stress in your life. Figure out how to work around situations in which it arises. Remember, your response to stress is more important than the source of the stress itself.

Sleep to impress

A radiant complexion always attracts attention. Insomnia is one of the few conditions that first affects our appearance and only then harms the general condition of the body.

If you need to be energetic and look good, try to get a good night's sleep. If you manage to sleep well day after day, you will look a couple of years younger.

Restful sleep

If you've had a rough day, deep REM sleep can help you recuperate. During REM sleep The brain processes the emotional experience of the past day, but the body does not produce stress hormones.

Lose weight and sleep better

Sound sleep leads to weight loss over time. One way to lose weight is to replace an hour of watching TV with an hour of sleep. Over time, this can lead to significant weight loss. A study conducted in this area showed that replacing an hour of cinema with an hour of sleep leads to a loss of 6 kg per year.

Eight hours should be enough

To improve your sleep quality, it's important to first understand how many hours you need to get enough sleep. Everyone needs a different amount. For most people, seven hours will be enough to get through the next day, and eight to get through it as efficiently as possible.

Try to sleep about eight hours a day.

Sleep is an investment in the future

Sound sleep stimulates the production of the digestive hormone leptin, which keeps our appetite under control. The less you sleep, the more you want to eat. The fewer things you remember. The more often you get sick. And you look bad. Bad dream leads to increased blood pressure, errors in work, irritability, indecisiveness and general dissatisfaction with life.

Sleep should be your priority. If you get enough sleep, you will be able to spend more time effective training, complete more tasks at work, have a good time with your loved ones. Remember that an extra hour of sleep is an investment, not a loss.


Eat right. Move more. Better sleep. Taken together, this will bring you great benefits.

Every decision we make, every action has consequences. If you already have health problems, then food, movement and sleep are the only things that are truly within your control.

Ask yourself: is this piece a net gain or loss to your health? Repeat the exercise throughout the day.

One way to lose weight is to replace an hour of watching TV with an hour of sleep.

Reduce daily sitting.

Gradually increase your sleep time, 15 minutes at a time, until you begin to wake up fully rested.

Set a goal of 10,000 steps per day (about 7 kilometers) or 70,000 steps per week.

Give preference to foods that contain one gram of protein per gram of carbohydrates.

Invent an unpleasant name for a harmful treat that will make you think 100 times before eating it.

Drink water, tea and coffee. Some studies suggest that the antioxidants found in coffee may help prevent the development of certain types of cancer. Coffee helps you live longer, increases mental capacity and mood, gives additional strength necessary for training. In addition, coffee helps fight type 2 diabetes.

Remember the “eat, move, sleep” equation.

From the site author:

Read with pleasure and benefit, dear Friends!

Whoever owns the information owns the world.

Original language: English

Original title: Eat. Move. Sleep. How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes.

Time to read the digest from TrumpPik: 24 minutes

Why is it worth studying the ideas in this book?

  • When the author was only 16 years old, doctors diagnosed him with Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL), which causes cancerous tumors in almost all organs. Within 20 next years Tom Rath learned to eat, move and sleep correctly in order not only to survive, but also to “feel life” in all its glory. And he shares these thoughts with readers, which gives both a motivating charge and makes them think about their lifestyle.
  • You will understand exactly which habits need to be changed, what and when to eat, and how to add more movement into your life without changing your usual way of life.

Additional Information: This book is suitable for those who would like to expand their general worldview, as well as for beginners who are just starting their “ healthy way”; More advanced readers are unlikely to find anything new for themselves in this wonderful book.


The author of the book fell ill with a very rare genetic disease called Hippel-Lindau disease. Its destructive effect is based on the fact that there is a disruption in the production of a gene that is responsible for the fight against cancer cells. Because of this, tumors begin to appear almost throughout the body.

Thus, the disease dictated his future life, because he had to make a choice between death or life, giving up harmful and unhealthy foods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in general. Tom Rath refused to die so early and has been maintaining himself for 20 years now. vitality, through proper nutrition, healthy sleep and physical activity. Moreover, he not only applies all the acquired knowledge in practice independently, but also actively shares it with the readers of his book.

Moreover, all recipes are as simple, understandable and accessible as possible. You should not expect any panacea, because in fact this is the only correct behavior not only for a person who has no choice, but also for anyone else. The author offers steps tested from his own experience every day for a month, which will not only improve your well-being, but also strengthen your health.

After studying the information provided, you will be able to:

  • take for yourself every day small, but such important decisions in life, which can radically influence it in the future. Even such a small thing as what to choose for breakfast healthy fruit or scrambled eggs, spend a little more time on the Internet or go to bed early, etc., will greatly change your life for the better in the future;
  • understand the need and value of the relationship between sleep, proper nutrition and physical activity;
  • unnoticed by yourself, radically change your incorrect and bad habits, and learn to choose the right foods.

Every step is a huge path towards your goal. Doing it now means making yourself better tomorrow.

Thanks to the right and relatively uncomplicated everyday decisions, you will be able to significantly extend your life and live it healthy and happy.

Only 30 days to make the necessary decisions

  • Just 30 days will be enough to put into practice all the tips described in the book. If positive changes are visible, then you should continue; if not, try another technique.

It is very important to monitor changes and understand which technique is most suitable. You can start gradually, introducing more and more new ideas into your usual routine. Some the right habits in one month, will allow you to live well the rest of your life.

  • It is necessary to constantly maintain an optimal balance of sleep, movement and food intake. Thanks to the optimal balance of these three factors, it is possible to get much more benefits than from physical activity and exhaustive diets separately. .

What can the color of the peel tell you?

It has long been proven that lifestyle necessarily leaves an imprint on heredity, so leading a healthy lifestyle means taking care of your children and, to some extent, grandchildren.

To improve your health and overall well-being, you need to eat at least 7 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

It is best to choose fruits and vegetables that have the deepest skin color.

Complete refusal of potatoes and meat

Almost all eminent scientists have already been able to prove a direct connection between high meat consumption and the development of chronic diseases.

Choose products that can replace meat and potatoes. These could be legumes, nuts, fish or vegetables. Naturally, giving up this hearty dish completely is not an easy task, but it is necessary to limit the intake of this combination of products as much as possible, especially in one dish.

In the first couples, you can give up one type of meat.

Reduce plate size - reduce body weight

Many restaurants deliberately choose very large plates for their customers so that guests eat as much as possible than their stomachs require. This is due to the fact that vision has a much greater influence on determining satiety than one’s own sensations. The plate should be the size of your palm.

Not only the size of the plate is important, but even its color. In order not to overeat, it is necessary to select plates that contrast the color of the food as much as possible. Experiments showed that people overeated when food was served to match the plate and vice versa.

It is necessary to put as little food as possible on a large plate or use saucers altogether.

Don't fall into a trap

Every restaurant and establishment Catering, systematically applies various tricks that are designed not only to lure the guest into the establishment, but also to force him to eat beyond measure.

Even in an establishment where there is a specific menu, you can ask to make a dish, for example, without mayonnaise or with an additional portion of greens. You can use a light dressing or ask not to add it at all. Instead of stewing meat, you can ask the chef to steam it. They often go above and beyond to meet their guests. It is best to completely avoid all fried foods. Step by step, you will gradually get used to this life and make it an integral part.

Feeling unwell after a fatty meal

Any food, one way or another, affects the body. Scientists have been able to prove a direct connection between brain activity and food. Some foods reduce activity, others increase it. Fatty foods always make you sleepy, and a decrease in physical activity together with eating fatty foods leads to apathy and obesity.

Depression in 48% of cases develops when eating fast food and other junk food. Eating unhealthy food can make an already bad day worse. To improve your mood and always be in good health, it is recommended to eat only the right foods.

Ultimatum to unhealthy food!

To successfully cope with your bad habits, it is necessary to take note of the fact that junk food is condemned by the public. There is no need to talk badly about those people who suffer from excess weight, but it is necessary to condemn junk food, which brings a lot of problems. By condemning such food, over time you will be able to completely abandon it and make only the right choices.

It is necessary to constantly maintain your willpower and feed it only the right products. There is no need to try to go into direct confrontation with temptation; it is much more effective to protect yourself from temptations. There is a healthy alternative to any harmful product.

Find healthy snacks and drinks to keep in your refrigerator at all times. Each step will become easier.

You can come up with some bad name for those harmful products that are hard to give up. Now you will think several times before eating some food that is unattractive by its name.

Not all “organic” is healthy

Organic food is not always healthy. This designation only means that the product was grown without the use of harmful additives, fertilizers, chemicals, etc.

Only its composition can tell about the usefulness of a product.

Needs careful consideration nutritional value and the ratio of F/W/U and sugar. Next, you can compare the composition with those products that you already have at home before making the right choice.

Organic food will be more useful only if it means eating vegetables and fruits along with the peel.

You can read in detail about how the organic composition of food is designated and determined.

Better breakfast than dinner

It has long been proven that people who eat breakfast are much healthier. The main thing is to choose the right products. It is best to choose ones that do not contain sugar, such as seeds, egg whites, nuts or apples.

For lunch, chicken breast, greens or vegetables will be most optimal. Sweets, fatty and fried foods are strictly contraindicated. Such food will dull attention and activity for the rest of the day.

Dinner should be as light as possible. Even if the body requires a snack, then it is better to take an apple, nuts, greens or berries.

Are dried fruits or juices healthy?

In fact, such products contain only a fraction useful substances, due to its processing. Moreover, some dried fruits can be even more dangerous than juices.

Despite the convenience with which you can take dried fruits with you, they contain a minimum of nutrients and a maximum of sugar.

Greeted by clothes...

The names on the wrapper are constantly changing, and now even potatoes with mayonnaise can be called “salad”. Chips made from potatoes can be called “vegetable”, etc.

Therefore, what is written on the wrapper cannot be taken at face value. Only the composition can reveal the real benefits.

Cooking method

It is very important to pay attention not only to the product itself, but also to the method of its processing (cooking). When food is processed using heat, even grilled or pan-fried vegetables can release harmful substances that ultimately contribute to the development of inflammation, obesity, diabetes, heart problems, etc.

Foods such as vegetables and fish will remain healthy only if properly cooked, steamed or in water.

It’s better to buy a “perishable” one

Products that have a shorter shelf life are initially better than those that have long term, which means it contains preservatives and chemicals.

You need to get rid of all food from your refrigerator that has been there for more than 1 month. You need to visit the grocery store more often.

You need to purchase only the amount of food that should be enough for a couple of days, and not stockpile in case of war.

Tomato tan

You can tell a lot about a person just by looking at him. appearance, and about his health too. People who eat healthy look much better than fast food regulars. Some even claim that a natural “vegetable” tan is much better than tanning on the seashore or in a solarium.

To get a natural complexion, you need to eat more tomatoes and carrots. To improve the condition skin and hair, you need to eat walnuts and salmon.

But everything should be in moderation. Balance is very important.

First of all, healthy food

Studies have shown that the first course is almost half of the entire meal, which is why, before you start eating junk food, you can minimize it Negative influence on the body, having previously eaten as much healthy and tasty food as possible.

The first course should be as healthy as possible. The best option would be salad or vegetables.

A small handful - no more

If you pay attention to the amount of food that was eaten in front of the TV or while sitting at your workplace, you can sadly note that the amount of food is much greater, but the pleasure is several times less.

If you are already accustomed to such snacks at work, then you need to take with you not a large portion, but a small part of it, literally a couple of handfuls. There is another option - to eat at the workplace only what you need to use force for, for example, nuts, pistachios, seeds.

What you need to eat to prevent cancer

Most existing tumors are not capable of growing enough to pose a real threat to life and health. They are at rest, but it is worth understanding that the duration of this state directly depends only on how properly a person eats.

A proper diet and special physical activity dramatically reduce the risk of cancer.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets and fried foods as much as possible. Instead, you need to increase the amount of vegetables, especially including in your diet: tomatoes, broccoli, parsley, garlic, cabbage. Ideal in addition to strawberries, lemons, blueberries, mushrooms, nutmeg. You can also drink red wine, but in moderation.

Willpower at the counter

Even at the acquisition stage, it is very important to make the right decision. This is due to the fact that no matter what product is placed in the basket, it will definitely be consumed over time.

It is better to immediately identify your weaknesses and thereby gain the first victory over yourself.

At the store counter, you need to choose only those products that will be beneficial for the body. To increase the efficiency of filling your basket with only healthy products - make a shopping list at home, and strictly adhere to the list in the store. You can even order some products online offline.

Sweets only for birthdays

You can allow yourself small weaknesses, but only in the most extreme cases, for example on a birthday. Naturally, when working in a large team, it is very easy to quickly gain extra pounds, due to the fact that there can be occasions for sweets and tea drinking almost every day. Especially if the team is very large.

In order not to spoil your figure and harm your health, it is very important to give in to weaknesses only on your birthday. In order not to offend other birthday people, it is best to give preference to fresh fruits and berries. For those who cannot get fresh berries, you can use frozen ones.

More fun, less food

As soon as a person begins to give preference to a certain delicacy, each subsequent bite no longer seems as delicious as the first. To get as much pleasure as possible, you only need to occasionally allow yourself sweets and joys, only then can they bring maximum pleasure.

Some favorite delicacy, it is recommended to eat the least and in small portions. For those who love ice cream most of all, then you can give preference only to natural, and best of all, a home-made product. For those who love chocolate, it is best to choose one with a minimal amount of sugar.

Broccoli is the best choice

At the moment, everything is known about broccoli. And thanks to a huge amount of research, it became known that this unique source fiber, essential vitamins and antioxidants. Research has shown that broccoli helps fight cancerous tumors, improves overall health and vision.

Broccoli is a must-have in the diet of any person who wants to be healthy. Green vegetables should prevail in the diet.

Drink as much water as possible

Almost all modern soybeans and drinks contain huge amounts of sugar. Moreover, it is the most inconspicuous and harmful. Every popular drink is a huge glass of sugar. In many cases, water can help better than most modern medicines.

Instead of drinking different harmful drinks, it is best to choose plain clean water or rooibos without sugar.

Food is your friend

Absolutely not healthy people. Due to the constantly deteriorating state of the environment, each person has his own weaknesses. It could be a problem with the heart, blood vessels, or even cancer.

It is very important to spend your time and find out which foods will help fight problems and which ones you should absolutely not eat so as not to aggravate the condition of your body.

It is important not to skip meals

Every bite of food and every sip of food is very important. Before you put anything in your mouth, you should definitely think about how it will affect your body and health.

Knowing exactly which foods are right for your health, you can easily make the right choice.

2. Move

Passivity is the worst thing that can happen

Any person spends more and more time without moving every year. In the morning breakfast, after that - a trip to work, then sedentary work, evening with family watching TV, again dinner and sleep.

With such a passive lifestyle, one exercise before work is not enough. Also, visiting the gym even 3 times a day will not be enough. It is very important to reduce immobility as much as possible. It is necessary to increase spontaneous manifestations of physical activity as much as possible. You can move periodically even at work. You don’t even have to move, but just stand, because in this case more energy is burned than sitting.

You need to analyze your usual working day and see where exactly you can add activity so that it does not come at the expense of your work.

For example, going up and down not by elevator, but by stairs. In general, it is better to forget what an elevator is if you live below the 10th floor. At work, for lunch, you can go to a distant cafe on foot for a snack. Once again, do not call your employee at work, but go to him personally.

Work in any position

There are special exercise machines that allow you to work not only while standing, but even on the go. Besides everything else, now a large number of Modern gadgets provide the opportunity to do this on the way to work or right at home. If you work in an office environment, it is very important to choose a table with height adjustment so that you can periodically get up from the chair and work at it while standing. This is very important if you have to work in the same position for a long time.

It is very important to figure out how you can do your job and at the same time change your position as often as possible.

Every 20 minutes for 2 minutes

The cause of obesity is the body, which, due to prolonged sitting, begins to produce 50% more fat than usual due to pressure on cells and stress. Even with regular classes sports, prolonged sitting will in any case provoke active production of fat, especially in the pelvic area.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle or work, it is very important to do exercises at least every 30 minutes, walk or at least stand up. To make this happen unobtrusively, you can simply come up with some kind of activity for yourself that needs to be done regularly, at certain intervals.You can simply go drinking more often, which will then force you to go to the toilet more often: as a result, you will consume a lot of water and move more.

Constantly make movement calculations

Scientists have determined that regular recording of measurements of the indicator directly in a positive way influence the result. In order to increase your activity, you must start recording all your results during the day.

Now there are a lot of methods for this, ranging from a banal notebook with a pen to modern gadgets, including smartphones, special fitness bracelets, smart watches, pedometers, etc. This needs to be done as early as possible, and you need to start right now.

Set a goal of 10 thousand

It is necessary to start from some starting point. The optimal way would be to set 10 thousand steps per day or, for example, 100 thousand steps per week. On average, a person will walk about 7 kilometers per day. This is a normal indicator, but it will need to be increased gradually.

You can start with short distances, for example going to another cafe for lunch, which will be much further away than your usual one. It is very important to try to take at least a certain number of steps every hour. You can take a few steps during lunch. If your work is not far from home, then you can walk a couple of bus stops by getting up 30 minutes early in the morning.

Burn calories constantly

It's important to burn calories consistently, whether you're going to or from a workout. You need to think carefully about how exactly you can increase your heart rate.

When going to work out, take the stairs rather than the escalator. And when you leave it, too. You still have to run in the gym.

Any exercise stress will burn extra calories and the stronger the load, the more intensely the calories will be burned.

You need to exercise early in the morning

Even a small 15-30 minute morning workout can energize you and give you a good mood for the whole day. Of course, no one says that it will be easy, especially the first workouts, but after just 1 week of such exercises, you will see a surge of strength and feel much better.

To be in a good mood all day, it is very important to exercise every morning.

Be sure to pay attention to your back

The human body, in a sense, can be compared to a car. Only the first one has a much more complex structure than vehicle, however, there is still something in common between them. If a car moves on unbalanced wheels, then sooner or later it will no longer be controllable. The same situation is with human body, as soon as one half of the body is used more or less than the other, over time problems arise with the back and the entire body as a whole.

Doctors recommend being as careful as possible when lifting heavy objects, bending over, or performing any physical exercises that involve your back in any way. It is necessary to transfer part of the load to the knees. You even need to sneeze carefully or reach for some things.

Since more and more often we all spend time at the computer, before you sit down at it, you need to determine the optimal distance to the monitor, keyboard, chair from the table, etc. You also need to constantly change the load on your hand, for example, if you often carry your bag to training in your right hand, then after training, you need to carry it in your left.

You need to motivate yourself to be active

Everyone knows how important sports is, but not everyone is able to properly motivate themselves to start doing it. You need to find compelling reasons for yourself to exercise right now. Everyone has their own motivation, maybe family, friends, children or just friends will help with this.

It is very important to identify for yourself those reasons that can start playing sports right here and now and will constantly remind you of why it all started.

Eating at your desk is unacceptable

According to studies, almost 2/3 of all office workers eat at their desk. They don't take a break to eat normally. Because of this, it is not only impossible to have a normal lunch and take a break from work, but also to get into a normal working mood in the future.

It is very important to use your legal lunch break to walk around the office or down the street, have a snack, relax, chat with employees, etc. It is very important to take at least a 30 minute break every day.

Life on the move at work and at home

Change starts at home. Exactly in the usual home environment It is very easy and unobtrusive to form habits for yourself, and they can be not only good, but also bad. You need to start gradually, if for example the gym is located far from home, then there is nothing easier, set it up right at home. Now there is no need to get up early in the morning and go to training, thereby you can not only save travel time, but also sleep a few minutes longer. You can get out of bed, wash your face and immediately start exercising. For coffee lovers, you can set the coffee maker on a timer and perform several exercises while the coffee is being prepared.

You need to choose the most suitable one for yourself best option loads. If you have a bicycle, then it can be a commute to work. For those who like walking, you can go for walks in the evenings with your significant other, etc. If you have a simulator at home, then the conclusion suggests itself. There are a large number of videos of exercises on yoga, aerobics, etc. on the Internet.

Among other things, it is very important to constantly be on the move. Especially in an apartment, this can be combined with useful things, such as cleaning the apartment.

Exercise should be fun

It is very important to make sure that all exercises bring only pleasure. Taking the first step is always very difficult. The first thing you need to do is choose the most enjoyable exercise and start doing only that one. Gradually it is necessary to add other exercises to it. You need to start right now and use any tricks to do this so as not to put it off until later. It is important not only to start it pleasantly, but also to finish it as well.

If you still don’t have the strength to start doing exercises, you need to overpower yourself for just 10 minutes, after which the body will go into overdrive.

Walk for the brain

It's no secret that the brain begins to work as efficiently as possible after active training. To activate all the capabilities of your nervous system, just a 2-kilometer walk is enough to prevent your brain from “souring.”

To get inspired, just take a walk and then your brain will start working more actively.

To make it easier to achieve your goal and your friends to actively help you in this, it is important to inform them.

Before you set a goal to start doing physical exercises, you need to materialize all this on paper, then set a specific goal and move towards it. It would also be a good idea to tell your friends.

3. Sleep

The more you sleep, the more you can get done

A common misconception is that a person who sleeps 1 hour less is able to work productively for that hour after waking up.

A person who doesn’t get 1 hour of sleep, on the contrary, makes everything worse. His productivity, attention and general well-being decrease.

If you want to succeed in any business, you need to get enough sleep. At the same time, it is very important to divide your working day correctly; you must take breaks, and if you need to work an hour more, then you need to sleep an hour longer.

A good and sound sleep is the key to a good day

Needless to say, just one extra hour of sleep can also change a bad mood into a good one, and set a good tone for the whole day, just like 30 minutes of morning exercise. Even a 30-minute lunch break to sleep can have a beneficial effect on your mood and efficiency throughout the rest of the day.

To wake up fully rested, it is very important to add 15 minutes to your sleep until you begin to wake up fully rested and replenished.

Vaccination against diseases

To stay in good shape and mood, you need to get enough sleep regularly. Due to poor sleep, a person’s blood pressure increases, problems with the heart and blood vessels arise, inflammatory processes may occur, etc. That is why it is important not only to sleep enough, but also to sleep soundly, otherwise there is a high risk of catching a cold or becoming more seriously ill.

It is important to set your schedule in such a way that you can get enough sleep.

Already better quality than the amount of sleep

Even after spending half a day in bed, you can wake up in the morning sleep-deprived and depressed. First, you need to work on the quality of your sleep. This will include proper nutrition, activity during the day and even internal experiences.

Only after the quality has been improved, you need to work on the quantity.

Sleep should be in the dark

During the day, you can specifically use bright light in order to increase your activity, but at night, the light must be made quieter so as not to disturb your sleep. For those who like to read before bed, it is recommended to turn on a small night light, and it is best to eliminate all other sources of artificial light. The same applies to other electrical appliances.

To eliminate light from the street, you need to curtain your windows before going to bed.

Bad dream

For those people who have problems waking up, there are also problems with healthy sleep, and this can be stated with confidence.

As soon as the alarm clock starts ringing, you need to wake up and get up for 1-2 or maximum 5 minutes, but not 15 or 30.

If you want to lie down after the alarm rings, you should not set it at the very last time, but a little in advance. If this method doesn't work, you can always try setting the alarm clock a little further from the bed so that you can wake up before you reach it and turn it off.

The bed must be cold

If you go to sleep in a cool bed, then you can not only fall asleep faster, but also wake up faster, and also get better sleep.

You can ventilate the room before going to bed or put a special thermostat on the radiator and reduce the temperature by them.

You can use a fan, a special mattress pad using helium, or light blankets.

It is better to maintain the temperature a couple of degrees lower than usual.

Sleep should be the property of the whole family

Research has found that success in school largely depends on the quality of sleep. Those schoolchildren who get enough sleep are much more active throughout the day and are more fond of eating right.

Sleep should be a major family asset among general list family schedules.

Memorable night

Good sleep can help in assimilation of information received during the day. During sleep, all the moments accomplished during the day are scrolled through in the head and the most important ones are determined, after which it all goes into long-term memory.

To process important information for the day, you need to go to bed early and get a good night's sleep.

Sport is like a good sleeping pill

To improve the quality of your sleep, you need to exercise regularly. If you have problems sleeping, it is recommended to add not only morning but also evening training to your schedule.

Light to medium workout with water treatments will help you sleep.

Before going to bed, you need to completely calm down

Don’t think too much about pressing problems before going to bed. This is very important, because such thoughts can cause insomnia. There is no need to bother yourself with thoughts about any problems with money, quarrels with your significant other, watching some impressionable films and anything that can increase the level of excitement or stress.

Also, do not overeat before bed, drink too much water, and especially strong tea or coffee. It is very important to establish a ritual that does not include a cell phone or food.

Start background noise

To sleep better and more soundly, you need to remove all harsh sources of noise, but at the same time include a quiet background noise that will help you fall asleep. It could be the sound of the surf or the sound of the forest, etc.

It is very important that it does not wake you up, but at the same time drowns out possible noise from the street, alarms or barking dogs, etc.

Sometimes it's better not to oversleep

If you already have an established sleep schedule, for example 8 hours a day, and you violate it, remember that this will not pass without a trace. Failure of own biological clock can greatly disrupt the usual routine and provoke depression, migraines, obesity, heart problems and other problems.

It is very important to create a routine in which you fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

Stress out!

Naturally, there are no methods yet that could completely rid a person of all irritants, but getting rid of stress is quite possible.

You should try to avoid every day stressful situations, for example, not to be late for meetings, leave the house early, etc. To quickly cope with difficulties and avoid stress, you need to take a minute to solve everything serious problems. First, you need to get rid of complex sources of stress, slowly moving on to smaller ones.

A good dream to impress others

Getting a good night's sleep means showing it off. Poor sleep will immediately affect your face, and then your body, along with your overall health.

For people who want to look and be good active all day, you need to constantly and regularly get enough sleep. You can look several years younger without resorting to any cosmetic procedures.

Restful sleep

If you have difficulties during the day, only a sound sleep can restore energy. During sleep, the brain is able to quickly process information without creating stress hormones, which is very important.

Weight loss and sleep

Good sleep helps you lose weight. Some even use this technology, when instead of spending 1 hour in a chair watching a movie, they spend that hour sleep soundly. After some time, you can notice how the weight has decreased by itself.

Special studies on this topic have shown a weight loss of 6 kg using this system in 12 months.

Eight hours sleep

To improve the quality of sleep, you need to decide how much sleep you need. For each person this indicator is different based on his physical and mental activity per day.

An average of 7 to 9 hours a day is often sufficient.

Every step we take in life leaves its mark. If there are any health problems, then the first thing to try is food, movement and sleep.

  • Before you put anything in your mouth, you need to ask yourself. Will this be good or bad? This must be done every day.
  • To lose weight, instead of watching an hour of TV, you need to devote an hour to sound sleep.
  • Sit less and move more.
  • Increase your sleep by 15 minutes every day until you get enough sleep.
  • Take at least 10 thousand steps a day every day.
  • It is necessary to choose only those products in which there is a gram of carbohydrates per gram of protein.
  • Come up with an unpleasant name for tasty treats.
  • Don't drink carbonated drinks. Replace them with coffee, tea and water. This will improve your metabolism, health and mood.
  • Always maintain the optimal “Eat, Move, Sleep” ratio!