Communication Tsvetkov's dream book to kill a person. Interpretation of sleep Murder

The dream of murder is one of the most unpleasant. After him, a person wants to know the interpretation of such a dream. Dream Interpretations give different interpretations, but they agree on one thing - during a dream, the emotions experienced by the sleeping person are important. They will help you pick up the key, unravel the symbolism of the vision.

To kill a person in a dream ... The dream book says that such a nightmare promises trouble in life, vicious acquaintances, bad deeds. Most likely, reality will be filled with difficulties, unforeseen situations. Another interpretation of such a dream portends material acquisitions, success at work and the respect of colleagues.

The psychological component of a terrible vision involves getting rid of some personality traits. Killing a person in a dream symbolizes liberation from negative qualities, and in some cases career growth.

What does the dream mean - to kill a person?

Killing a person in a dream, depending on the details, can be interpreted in different ways. This is the acquisition of material values, and an unpleasant conversation, and impending troubles. A lot depends on the murder weapon, the surrounding elements, the degree of acquaintance with the victim. Only knowing the context of the dream, you can correctly interpret it.

Killing a person in a dream is an occasion to think about your social behavior. This is the way out of suppressed aggression, anger, which is not customary to demonstrate in society. If in real life the sleeper is not in danger, then such a dream can symbolize internal conflicts, disagreements. Killing a person in a dream means that the dreamer is suspicious. He is oppressed by a feeling of hostility, rejection by society or individuals.

The emotions experienced in a dream will help solve the riddle. Feelings in a dream are often real experiences of the sleeper. Negative emotions in a dream mean a true attitude towards the participant in the dream. Depression, internal complexes can provoke such a dream.

Dream Interpretations offer a different interpretation of a vision with the murder of a person. Their conflicting interpretations suggest that only the sleeper himself is able to understand his own feelings, sensations. The dream interpretation can give a hint on what you should pay attention to.

Psychology of murder in a dream

People are used to living in a comfort zone. It is convenient to hold on to old habits, relationships for years. But people change, and so must the environment. It is necessary to get rid of unnecessary relationships, worked out habits. Otherwise, the internal conflict will constantly remind of itself with irritation, aggression, anger.

A murder in a dream suggests that the time has come for a change. It's time to leave in the past unnecessary connections, relationships that do not please. Painful memories, childhood grievances and complexes.

Murder in a dream is the presence of a problem that should be resolved. It can be any aspect of life:

  • unpleasant personality traits;
  • unfinished business, conversations:
  • quarrels, conflicts, insults;
  • unnecessary relationships;
  • guilt;
  • boring work;
  • monotony in life.

It is necessary to understand yourself, realize and accept the existence of a problem and find acceptable ways to solve it. If a dream with a murder is repeated regularly, this is an alarming signal of an impending depression, a string of unpleasant events in life. All this is just a consequence of an old, neglected problem.

Methods of killing

Various ways of killing in a dream have their own interpretation. For example, to burn or drown a person means that it is time to think about improving health after a long illness. If the sleeper wields a stick or a hammer, this is a symbol of change in his personal life. You should reconsider your environment, stop obsolete relationships.

If the sleeping person himself becomes a victim of murder, recognition and success, joyful events await him ahead. Suicide portends difficulties, dangers on the way. Only the help of loved ones will help overcome the black streak.

  • Burning a person in a dream is the beginning of a new stage. Release from past relationships, unnecessary connections. Fire means purification, it is a good sign for the sleeper.
  • If, after a murder, you throw a corpse into the water in a dream, you will know that you will meet with friends soon.
  • If the sleeper has walled up a person, in reality he keeps a secret that he is trying to hide from everyone.
  • Strangle a person - the presence of a stressful state in the real life of a sleeping person, constant nervous tension.
  • To poison in a dream - such a vision means that the sleeper is trying to save an already cooled relationship.
  • Execution from a machine gun, a machine gun symbolizes the attitude of the surrounding people. A dream about war will bring the approval of friends. Execution in peacetime speaks of the envy of loved ones.

If the weapon of crime is a knife

Killing a person with a knife in a dream can mean an unconscious desire to possess his talents, abilities or qualities. This hidden feeling of envy gives impetus and projects such an unpleasant dream.

The knife symbolizes hostility, deceit, lies. By killing a person in a dream with it, in reality the sleeper will win over competitors, enemies. But triumph will come at a heavy price.

A table knife means domestic problems, quarrels. Therefore, killing them is more related to family problems, troubles. Such a dream portends a conflict between relatives.

To kill a person with a knife in a dream is a warning of impending troubles. You should be wary of dubious offers so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. It is necessary to reconsider your environment, attitude towards close and familiar people. What to expect if a stabbed person comes to life in a dream? Such a vision promises the renewal of past relationships.

And the knife symbolizes the sexuality of the sleeping person. Hidden desires can manifest themselves in such a dream. If a man kills a woman he knows, it means that in reality he is sexually attracted to her.

The weapon of crime is a gun

Firearms are a symbol of strong emotions. Stormy feelings in reality can be the impetus for a desire to kill a person in a dream. The dream interpretation offers various interpretations of the nightmare.

There are rumors, gossip about a loved one that can destroy good relationships. Before trusting others, you need to understand the situation. Most likely, envious people are trying to destroy the sleeping person or his family.

To kill a person in a dream with a gun means that enemies can take advantage of the stormy emotions of the sleeping person. You should be careful, watch your words - they can be used to cause tangible harm to the sleeper.

For a girl, such a dream means a quick meeting with a passionate admirer.

Weapon of crime - ax

The presence of an ax in a dream means an urgent problem or an imminent danger that threatens the sleeper. Holding it in your hands is a symbol of leadership, active action. The ax assumes mastery of the situation, the rise of a career, but you will achieve this dishonestly.

The meaning of sleep (to kill a man with an ax) is interpreted in two ways. These may be favorable combinations of circumstances with the help of which the sleeper will overcome obstacles in his path. Or maybe guilt before the victim, who had to be overthrown by dishonest means. Subsequent problems, mental anguish will bring unpleasant scenes with an ax to life, if you see them in a dream. To kill a person means to worry about irreparable events.

Try to keep your emotions under control, do not create conflict situations. A warning dream should be interpreted taking into account the level of acquaintance or closeness of the relationship with the victim. To kill a stranger with an ax is to solve the accumulated problems at once.

What does it mean to kill a lot of people in a dream?

A dream is an experience of daily problems, a subconscious search for their solution. Murder in a dream means the inner tension of the sleeper in real life, his anxiety. Unpleasant conversations, stressful situations can provoke a nightmare and wake up in the morning with the phrase: “A dream where I kill people - what is it for? What does it mean?

If you dreamed that you killed many people with your own hands, know that such a dream carries a warning of cruelty or tragedy that will damage your reputation. If the murder occurs in self-defense - expect a promotion, getting rid of trouble.

To kill a person you know in a dream - to end the relationship with him. The desire to get rid of him in real life is torn outside. If you kill a lot of strangers in a dream, see their blood - such a dream will bring a joyful event, an unexpected solution to problems. If the dream is associated with a familiar environment - quarrels, enmity lie in wait at work or in the family.

A sick person sees such a dream for a speedy recovery.

Kill a loved one in a dream

What to expect if you killed a loved one in a dream? Much in the interpretation depends on the feelings experienced. Joy, release after a tragedy means that there is a hidden desire to part with him. Relations have exhausted themselves, which means they should be summed up. Sadness and grief after the murder of a loved one - secret intrigues in relation to him can destroy your connection, interfere with tender feelings.

The murder of a loved one is the aggression of the sleeping person against him. Resentment, misunderstanding can project such a dream.

If strangers in a dream try to kill a person close or loved (in relation to the sleeping person), then gossip, intrigue will contribute to a break in relations or quarrels. Such a dream means negative feelings for a partner, a desire to resolve a deadlocked situation.

Kill a man in a dream

The interpretation of dreams helps prevent negative situations. To kill a man, a man, means that a fit of rage or uncontrolled aggression is coming in the near future. Or fear will force you to act to the detriment of your interests.

Such a dream may mean that the sleeper will get involved in an adventure, the exit from which will be fraught with unpleasant consequences for his reputation.

A positive interpretation of such a dream is the completion of affairs, the settlement of the conflict. If the sleeper killed a man for protection, then the dream predicts an early promotion at work, success in your endeavors.

Kill a woman in a dream

The murder of a woman in a dream portends a loss. It can be a valuable item or wealth. You may also expect the loss of a loved one or trust in loved ones. Such a dream symbolizes imminent loneliness. It may be associated with the desire of the sleeper to be left alone. Or forced loneliness will be the result of betrayal of loved ones, betrayal of a loved one.

In some dream books, the murder of a woman (for a man) means the appearance of a new passion. You can expect in reality mutual feelings, tender relationships.

Kill an enemy in a dream

To kill a human enemy in a dream is a good sign, a favorable interpretation. This marks a victory over shortcomings, negative manifestations of one's own personality. Overcoming complexes, resolving controversial issues in favor of the sleeping person.

To kill a person who is ill in a dream - to a speedy recovery or a significant improvement in health. The image of the enemy symbolizes getting rid of something. It can be a victory over an opponent, overcoming difficulties, successfully completing a case.

Killing an enemy is a way out of difficult situations, future success and glory. Such a dream may portend the respect of colleagues, career growth.

Kill a relative in a dream

The murder of a relative or loved one symbolizes the psychological struggle with him. Perhaps misunderstanding, irritation in real life prompted a tragedy in a dream. This is a harbinger of quarrels with loved ones, failure in business, fateful mistakes.

Psychological trauma in childhood can be the impetus for sleep, in which the leitmotif is the murder of relatives. It is necessary to analyze why negative feelings appeared. Try to get rid of childhood resentment.

If a loved one is killed in a dream, you know that there will be a quick parting with him or a termination of the relationship. In some dream books, the murder of a relative is interpreted as an upcoming journey.

The murder of parents in a dream indicates misfortunes, failures of new projects and plans. Another option means getting rid of the guardianship of relatives, acquiring independence, realizing a personal position in life.

Kill a child in a dream

Killing your child in a dream may portend mutual misunderstanding, conflicts. If the son or daughter is old enough, there will be a conflict, after which the child will leave the parental home.

The murder of an unfamiliar child promises the deliverance of the sleeping child from childish infantilism. The dream signals the internal changes that have taken place, thanks to which the dreamer embarked on a new path. This is a good sign that portends opportunities and prospects in life.

On the other hand, the desire to get rid of childish openness can lead to excessive pragmatism. Which will negatively affect personal relationships. In an effort to get rid of one problem, the sleeper may acquire another. It should be clearly distinguished where irresponsibility and infantilism, and where - spontaneity and openness.

Seeing blood in a dream

If you had a dream that you killed a person, and blood got on your hands - how to relate to this? What is the meaning of vision? Nightmares can bring good news. If the blood fell on the sleeping person during the murder, his activity and energy will bring long-awaited success.

The more blood there is in a dream, the more luck can be expected in the future. Such a dream grants quick material well-being, happiness, career growth.

If the blood stained the sleeper's clothes - an unexpected acquisition or receipt of money in the near future promises such a dream.

Dream interpretation

The dream of killing a woman brings good news. Perhaps the emergence of new fans. Or one of the acquaintances will begin to show signs of attention. The astral tells a man that a new sympathy will soon arise.

Murder in a dream symbolizes changes in life. A new stage will bring difficulties and give strength to overcome them. Perhaps this will be good news at work. Or the appearance in the life of a fan (fan).

Miller's dream book portends troubles and sorrows.

Freud's dream book advises to get rid of annoying relationships.

Tome Hasse portends a quarrel with superiors. The dreamer must be patient.

Erotic dream book advises to diversify sexual life.

Jung warns of problems that interfere with the choice and formation of a firm personal position.

Dream Interpretation of Medea interprets the killing of a person as deliverance from fear.

Book of Prince Zhou-Guang portends wealth and honor.

Loff's dream book indicates an internal struggle.

Tsvetkova speaks of imminent recognition and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer indicates reconciliation with oneself, the successful completion of affairs.

Why dream of murder?

Killing in a dream means victory over your fears, overcoming difficulties. This is a symbol of removing obstacles, rising above enemies.

  1. If the sleeper fulfills an order for murder, is a killer - disappointments are coming. Someone wants to use it for their own purposes.
  2. If the dreamer himself is the customer of the murder, he will get rid of problems, an unexpected way out of a difficult situation.
  3. If the sleeper is the killer of a stranger, there will be a quick resolution of controversial issues, a triumph.
  4. If the sleeping person was killed in a dream, intrigue and deceit can become a serious obstacle in work or personal life.
  5. If a sleeping person was killed by a relative or close person, you should know that in real life you should expect deceit, betrayal from him.
  6. If the dreamer threatens to kill in a dream, the energy directed in the right direction will lead to quick success.
  7. If a man kills a girl in a dream, gossip can damage her reputation. You should be more attentive to new acquaintances.
  8. The sleeper sees the murder of a person - to great happiness.
  9. Suicide in a dream is a hidden dissatisfaction with oneself. You need to reevaluate your life and relationships. Perhaps the sleeper is trying to suppress his own talents.
  10. If the sleeper kills a thief, there will be a chance for career growth, worries and fears will pass.

How not to dream about murder

If nightmares constantly torment you, do not allow you to relax during the day, if you are haunted by dream plots in reality, you should take a few simple steps to stop worrying.

Step 1. Try to use your body and thoughts as much as possible during the day so that you don’t remember nightmares. Fatigue will contribute to sound sleep.

Step 2 Take a warm shower, drink sweet tea. These steps will help you relax completely.

Step 3 A short evening walk, massage, fresh air during sleep will distract from obsessive thoughts.

Step 4 Try to understand the background of dreams about the murder. Analyze your internal or external problems, eliminate them as much as possible.

Step 5 If nightmares affect mental or physical health, it is better to contact a psychologist, psychotherapist. Professional help will help get rid of obsessive dreams.

Kill a person in a dream - why would it

Going to bed in our bed after the last day, we have no idea what we might dream about. We can find ourselves in some unusual place, we can drive a car without really knowing how to drive, we can meet some acquaintance whom we have not seen for a long time, or we can even kill a person in a dream. It is about this dream that we will talk in this article.

There are quite a few interpretations. But, as a rule, if you happened to kill a person in a dream, in reality this is unlikely to happen again. But still, most transcripts say that something not very good is coming.

Let's look at interpretation options

If you dream of murders, this may mean that the situation of any of your affairs will worsen in the near future, or you may be drawn into an unfavorable situation for you. And as a result, your reputation will suffer. Perhaps you will witness the death of someone.

Some dream books interpret such a dream as a sign that you need to become more patient and not rush things in your life.

More specific interpretations:

There are interpretations from a psychological point of view. They often say that a person killed in a dream can personify that part of your personality that you want to change, or those character traits and habits that you really want to get rid of.

Suicide committed in a dream - to think about self-perception and your thoughts.

Dreams of murder are also interpreted in a sexual context. If, for example, you kill your sexual partner with a knife, this indicates that you want him more and more, and if you strangle him, you should add something new, not so familiar to intimate relationships.

As you can see, if you have to kill people in your sleep, this is most likely a sign that something is not going smoothly in your life. You need to be more attentive to the events taking place and the people around you. And also pay attention to your internal state.

Dream Interpretation Murder, why dream of Murder in a dream to see

Autumn dream book

Why dream of murder in the fall?

Murder - Seeing a murder in a dream is a tragic accident.

Summer dream book

Why dream of murder in the summer?

Murder - Seeing a murder in a dream is for longevity, this is an interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream of Murder, what is this dream about?

Seeing a dream about Murder - Becoming a witness to a murder in a dream - to sadness due to human meanness. If you committed the murder in a dream, it means that you will take part in some unpleasant events, which will discredit your name. To kill an armed bandit or predator who attacked you in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick climb up the career ladder. If you were killed in a dream, it means that your enemies are doing everything to destroy your life. Finding out in a dream about a friend's suicide - to strong anxiety on the eve of solving an important issue for you.

Erotic dream book

Why dream of Murder in a dream?

Murder - If someone is trying to kill you in a dream, such a dream is a symbol of a subconscious desire to get rid of a bored partner, to break off relations with him. If you yourself are in the role of a killer in a dream, the murder weapon is important. A murder committed with a knife means that your sexual desire for a partner is increasing, and quite mutually. If you strangle a person in a dream, this means that in real life you need to add elements of diversity to your relationship. An attempt to shoot a person with a firearm is a sign of getting rid of intimate problems in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud

What is the dream of Murder, dream analysis:

Murder - If in a dream you killed someone, then you need to get rid of the annoying relationship. Over and over again, you try to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for, but in fact, everything that made up the core of the relationship is long gone, and you both think about your future as if there is no place for another in it. To be a witness to a murder - cruelty occupies too much space in your fantasies. At the same time, you seem to not take into account the fact that your rude caresses may not be pleasant to everyone. Be less selfish in sex.

Spring dream book

Why dream of murder in the spring?

Murder - Seeing a murder in a dream - to be involved in a conflict.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist K. Jung

Why dream of Murder in a dream?

Murder - Death in dreams - including murder and loss of kinship - must be carefully studied in the context itself, since the death of dream characters is rarely related to real death; rather, it indicates a deep archetypal process of transformation. The death in dreams of the parental imago indicates a radical change in the oedipal structure of the complexes that regularly interfere with the achievement and assertion of a firm personal position. When the dream ego itself commits "murder," it can show the extent to which the dreamer has actively reached in his own process. Often snakes represent ordinary instinctual energy, especially when they are in large numbers, as in the above dream of snakes swarming along the sides of campus footpaths; moreover, the paths themselves were free and safe for passage. The snake may be associated with wisdom; with healing (as on the rod of Asclepius, the emblem of healing); with poison and danger; with the affirmation of oneself (as in snake trainers' sects); and even act as a prototype of a much higher value - a copper serpent from the Old Testament, put up by Moses on a banner, which can be considered as a prototype of Christ (Numbers 21.9), in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

French dream book

What is the dream and how to interpret Murder according to the dream book?

Murder - If you dreamed of murder, the dream promises you deep pleasure. For sick people - such a dream promises a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why dream and how to interpret Murder?

Killing - Witnessing the killing of a person or animal is a sign of rejection of this object. Sometimes the person killed is the personification of those qualities that the dreamer wants to get rid of. Kill strangers - your fears will leave you, life will become calm. To kill relatives, acquaintances - to a quarrel with them, failure in business.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What is the dream of Murder according to the dream book:

Murder - Seeing a murder in a dream portends the sorrows caused by the atrocities of others. It is possible that a violent death will happen before your eyes. If you committed the murder in a dream, this means that you will be involved in shameful events that will brand your name. To dream that you yourself are killed means that your opponents are doing everything to break your life. To kill an armed villain or a wild beast who attacked you in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks. If you find out in a dream about a friend's suicide, this portends long unrest on the eve of solving an important issue.

Azar's Bible Dream Book

What is the dream of murder according to spiritual sources?

Murder - To safety

Esoteric dream book

What is the dream of murder, interpretation:

Murder - Someone is being killed in front of your eyes, someone from your environment is in mortal danger from a robber, a killer. Find out about the murder of someone serving in the army will die in the line of duty, associated with an occupational risk. To kill you, but you remained alive fearlessness helps you not to attract danger. Cultivate it in yourself, it will be useful to you in the future, since you have many enemies. You are killed, and you wake up, you attract danger to yourself, as you succumb to a sense of fear. A dream can be repeated in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Murder in a dream, if you dream?

Murder - They kill you. - portends great happiness. You kill another person. - portends wealth and nobility. You kill yourself with a knife. - Great happiness. You kill a man in such a way that blood stains clothes. - You will receive material profit, wealth. You repeatedly stab a person with a knife. - Joy and benefit. On knives you fight with someone so that blood is visible. - Happiness. Blood comes out of the knife wound. - portends alcohol and food. Stab with a knife and see blood. - Much to our happiness. You see how blood flows from the burnt body. - Great happiness. You inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or an axe. - Much to our happiness. With a knife, a saber, you cut a person. - portends the loss of wealth. A man's head is cut into two parts. - Fortunately. The man with the severed head is walking. - Much to our happiness. The man kicks you. - The acquisition of wealth. You beat your wife or concubine. - You'll lose your strength. Your wife or concubine beats you. - Misfortune, trouble. A stranger hits you. - Gain strength. The women are fighting. - portends illness. Brothers fight among themselves. - Great happiness, benefit. Learn about your family members. - Foretells parting. You see how people are killed. - portends great happiness. You slaughter a pig or a piglet. - Happiness and profit. You slaughter a ram or you beat a ram. - Illness, misfortune. You kill a tiger or a leopard, a leopard. - Get an important position. You kill a bull or a deer. - portends wealth and nobility. Kill a bull and eat its meat. - portends commercial profit. You kill a donkey, a camel or a horse. - Alcohol and snacks. Kill the turtle. - portends mourning. Kill the sparrow. - portends problems, difficulties associated with a wife or concubine. You kill a rooster, a goose, a duck. - portends great happiness.

Vedic dream book

Dream Interpretation: Murder to see in a dream

Murder - Murder If you dreamed that you killed someone, then the dream predicts that you will become a criminal.

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream of Murder, psychological analysis:

Murder, suicide - Depending on who dies, why and how, someone's DEATH as a result of murder can be classified in different ways. It also depends on what is the most likely interpretation to explain death. The changing ethics of death in our society also have an impact on death in dreams. Recently, assisted suicide and euthanasia have begun to have an impact on the vision of death in a dream. In dreams, It often acts as a mass murderer. The reason for this is ANGRY and aggression, which are not customary to show in public and which penetrate dreams of fulfillment of desires. Recently, such a phenomenon as stress has been universally defined as death by suffocation. Fortunately, It can convey to you in a dream the sensations of what part of your Self strives for in reality. If you have killed a stranger, then it may mean that you are trying to storm the side of your own PERSON that gives you the most problems, destroys you, or which you are ashamed of. By killing a stranger, you are fulfilling your desire to banish this unwanted aspect from your life. This might be helpful. Perhaps in a dream you killed yourself; of course, you may not be trying to kill your whole self, but only a part of your personality. The positive aspect of suicide in a dream is the desire to deal with pathological tendencies or eliminate some of the behavioral stereotypes of your personality that give you anxiety. Since such tendencies or stereotypes are an integral part of you as a person, the dream may try to eliminate them by projecting all negative qualities onto the stranger representing you, whom you put to death. However, you should not try to kill a part of yourself by trying to get rid of negative qualities. Everyone in his life has a shadow side, which he reliably hides from others. We often criticize those who in most cases resemble ourselves. These shadow moments of life must be accepted and analyzed constructively in order to prevent their transformation into pathology. Suicide in a dream is an object of serious reflection. The act of suicide says a lot about your self-perception, about your assessment of yourself as a person. If such a dream is repeated and at the same time thoughts of suicide do not stop visiting your consciousness in real life, then this image of suicide can become something more than just a symbol. If this happens, be sure to talk about your life with someone close to whom you can completely confide.

Dream Interpretation: why dream of killing a person

Unfortunately, looking through the news every day and reading newspapers, we understand that murders are not a rarity in the life of modern society. But what if we dreamed of such a terrible event during a dream? We propose to find the answer to this question by turning to the most famous and trustworthy dream books for help.

: dream book of Gustav Miller

This dream book interprets such a terrible dream as a harbinger of sadness, the cause of which will be the atrocities committed by other people. It is possible that you may witness a violent death. If you dreamed that you yourself killed a person, then in real life you risk committing some acts that will denigrate your name in the eyes of others. Seeing yourself killed is an obsessive attempt on the part of enemies to ruin your life. If you killed a robber or villain who attacked you, then in the near future you will have success in business and climb the career ladder.

Freud's dream book: why dream of killing a person

According to the interpretation of this source, a dream in which you kill someone reflects the need to get rid of a burdensome and boring relationship. It's entirely possible that both you and your partner are struggling to stay together, even though there's really nothing really connecting you anymore. If you dreamed that you witnessed a murder, then probably in your sexual fantasies too much attention is paid to cruelty and rudeness, which your partner or partner may not like.

Dream Interpretation of Health: why dream of killing a person

A dream in which you kill someone can be seen as a harbinger of real danger threatening you. If in a dream you threaten someone with murder, then probably in real life you are overwhelmed with aggression and nervous tension. Try to take your emotions under control, otherwise you can, as they say, “break wood”.

French dream book: to see the murder of a person in a dream - why?

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations of dreams, the murder you see promises you a variety of pleasures. For people experiencing health problems, such a dream predicts a very speedy recovery.

Why dream of killing a person: dream book from A to Z

If you dreamed that a murder was committed before your eyes, then in reality you may have a reason to worry about your own health. If someone tried to kill you, then you should be very careful, especially when driving a car. The dream, in which you yourself committed the murder of a person and at the same time are trying to escape from justice, predicts that your "skeleton in the closet" will be found. This will cause serious problems. A dream of suicide symbolizes the likelihood of an accident due to the negligence and indiscretion of the dreamer. If you dreamed that a person was strangled, then in the near future you will face mental anguish and suffering.

Why dream of killing a person?

I dreamed that a girl attached herself to me on the street, accused me of stealing, although I did not steal anything. We quarreled with her, and I picked her up like a doll, and began to beat her against a bench at some entrance ... I saw how she pierced her skull, blood spattered, her head became unnatural in shape ... some kind of horror


any scenes of violence in a dream (fights, murders, wrestling) are dreamed of by those who solve some serious problems in real life.
Seeing a murder in a dream portends the sorrows caused by the atrocities of others. It is possible that a violent death will happen before your eyes.
If you committed the murder in a dream, this means that you will be involved in shameful events that will brand your name.
To dream that you yourself are killed means that your opponents are doing everything to break your life.
To kill an armed villain or a wild beast who attacked you in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks.
If you find out in a dream about a friend's suicide, this portends long unrest on the eve of solving an important issue.
Dreams about murder portend despondency and troubles, usually associated with the machinations of enemies. If you dreamed that you were committing murder, then you should be careful not to get involved in intrigues that could tarnish your good name.

Miller's dream book

Dream about murder- portends the sorrows caused by the atrocities of others. It is possible that a violent death will happen before your eyes.

If you committed the murder in a dream- this means that you will be involved in shameful events that will stigmatize your name.

To dream that you yourself are killed- means that your opponents are doing everything to break your life.

Kill in a dream an armed villain or a wild beast who attacked you- portends good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks.

If you find out in a dream about a friend's suicide- this portends a long unrest on the eve of solving an important issue.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Be a witness to the killing of a person or animal- is a sign of rejection of this object.

sometimes killed- the personification of those qualities that the dreamer wants to get rid of.

Kill strangers- your fears will leave you, life will become calm.

Kill relatives, friends- to a quarrel with them, failure in business.

Freud's dream book

If in a dream you killed someone- so you need to get rid of the annoying relationship. Over and over again, you try to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for, but in fact, everything that made up the core of the relationship is long gone, and you both think about your future as if there is no place for another in it.

Be a witness to a murder- cruelty occupies too much space in your fantasies. At the same time, you seem to not take into account the fact that your rude caresses may not be pleasant to everyone. Be less selfish in sex.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Any murder in a dream- this is a sign of deep, painful contradictions that can seriously complicate your life.

Seeing in a dream how a murder is being committed or has already been committed before your eyes- portends losses. Most often, such dreams mean that some unforeseen circumstances may interfere with the implementation of your plans, causing you hard feelings.

If you are killed in a dream- a dream suggests that some of your problems are running badly, and circumstances are stacking against you. It looks like you will have to mobilize all your strength to avoid a life catastrophe.

To kill someone in a dream- a sign that in some situation you risk reaching despair.

If at the same time you do not know what to do with the corpse- such a dream means that this situation will leave a heavy mark in your soul, from which it will be extremely difficult for you to get rid of.

The most favorable dream is in which you killed the enemy attacking you.- such a dream means that, having shown determination, you will be able to cope with adverse circumstances and solve painful problems.

If in a dream you kill someone- this means that you are freed from those aspects of your own personality that you do not need for development and growth. You kill ideas and stereotypes in yourself that are no longer needed.

Killing a child in a dream- most often, you kill your own inappropriate "childish" behavior.

If one of your parents becomes your victim- this means that you get rid of the uncomfortable aspects of your relationship with your parents. This image can apply to your own parent functions as well.

If you are killed in a dream- most often this means that you need to become the master of your life. Feel strong, not weak. Return to the dream and DEFEAT your opponent! This will help in real life.

See the kill- to safety; be killed- great success at work, promotion

Murder to betrayal, and if someone is in your presence- to trouble.

Murder- to trouble; but if you see that the killer is caught- this dream portends getting rid of a threatening danger.

kill someone- a sign of possible danger; threaten to kill someone- to the accumulated aggressiveness, mental, nervous and hormonal imbalance.

Dream of murder- symbolizes aggression, hostility, the rhinestone of death. It is necessary to pay attention to who kills, why, what is the relationship between the killer and the victim.- then the dream will tell you about your true feelings.

The sleeper was killed- the end of all problems.

Kill an enemy, as well as a rat or snake- to liberation or healing.

If you dreamed of a murder- a dream promises you deep pleasure. sick people- such a dream promises a speedy recovery.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Sunday to Monday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Stone"

One day, two people approached a sage and asked him to clarify the difference between good and evil.

One of those who came had a grave sin on his soul that would remain with him for the rest of his life and he would never be able to take it off.
Of this he was absolutely certain.
Once, long ago in his youth, in a fit of momentary anger, he hit his friend with a stick, so hard that he fell to the ground, hit his head and died.

The second one, who came opposite, lived his life calmly, measuredly, did not notice any sins behind him, because he did not commit any atrocities in his life.
He has nothing to repent, ask for forgiveness, or grieve for.

The sage, having listened to both, got up, walked a little in thought, and asked his guests to do the following:
“Go down the road and bring me the stones.”

Here you are, who killed your friend, bring me the biggest stone you can find.
Let it be very hard, but bring it.

And you, my pious guest, pick up small pebbles.
The smallest you can find.
Bring me as much as you can carry at a time.

And both who came to the sage did so. They went out on the road.
The sinner found a huge stone and dragged it to the sage.
The pious man gathered up a large mountain of small pebbles and also brought them.

The sage looked at both of them and said: - I thank you for fulfilling my request, and now take each one that you brought, return to the road and put your stones exactly in the very place where you took them from.

Both returned to the road.
The sinner easily found the very place where he took his cobblestone.
The pious, of course, did not find the places where he collected his little pebbles, so he returned without fulfilling the request of the sage.

Then the sage summed up:
– The one who found the place from where he took his stone knows his main sin and he has the opportunity to free his soul from this sin through sincere and constant spiritual repentance.
He has not lost everything.

But woe to him who does not remember and does not want to remember his actions.
Who does not notice for himself neither atrocities, nor petty sins.
The one who does not notice his sins has nothing to ask for forgiveness.

So, the ability to repent is one of the virtues.
Imaginary kindness is a hidden evil.


Dream Interpretation Murder If in a dream someone is trying to kill you, such a dream is a symbol of a subconscious desire to get rid of a bored partner, to break off relations with him. If you yourself are in the role of a killer in a dream, the murder weapon is important. A murder committed with a knife means that your sexual desire for a partner is increasing, and quite mutually. If you strangle a person in a dream, this means that in real life you need to add elements of diversity to your relationship. An attempt to shoot a person with a firearm is a sign of getting rid of intimate problems in the near future. Intimate dream book

Dream Interpretation Murder You are being killed. - portends great happiness. You kill another person. - portends wealth and nobility. You kill yourself with a knife. - Great happiness. You kill a man in such a way that blood stains clothes. - You will receive material profit, wealth. You repeatedly stab a person with a knife. - Joy and benefit. On knives you fight with someone so that blood is visible. - Happiness. Blood comes out of the knife wound. - portends alcohol and food. Stab with a knife and see blood. - Much to our happiness. You see how blood flows from the burnt body. - Great happiness. You inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or an axe. - Much to our happiness. With a knife, a saber, you cut a person. - portends the loss of wealth. A man's head is cut into two parts. - Fortunately. The man with the severed head is walking. - Much to our happiness. The man kicks you. - The acquisition of wealth. You beat your wife or concubine. - You'll lose your strength. Your wife or concubine beats you. - Misfortune, trouble. A stranger hits you. - Gain strength. The women are fighting. - portends illness. Brothers fight among themselves. - Great happiness, benefit. Learn about your family members. - Foretells parting. You see how people are killed. - portends great happiness. You slaughter a pig or a piglet. - Happiness and profit. You slaughter a ram or you beat a ram. - Illness, misfortune. You kill a tiger or a leopard, a leopard. - Get an important position. You kill a bull or a deer. - portends wealth and nobility. Kill a bull and eat its meat. - portends commercial profit. You kill a donkey, a camel or a horse. - Alcohol and snacks. Kill the turtle. - portends mourning. Kill the sparrow. - portends problems, difficulties associated with a wife or concubine. You kill a rooster, a goose, a duck. - portends great happiness. Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Murder Become a witness to a murder in a dream - to sadness due to human meanness. If you committed the murder in a dream, it means that you will take part in some unpleasant events, which will discredit your name. To kill an armed bandit or predator who attacked you in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick climb up the career ladder. If you were killed in a dream, it means that your enemies are doing everything to destroy your life. Finding out in a dream about a friend's suicide - to strong anxiety on the eve of solving an important issue for you. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Murder Dream of murder: portends despondency and sadness caused by the atrocities of other people. Your business will go from bad to worse. Perhaps you will witness a violent death. If you commit a murder: in reality you will engage in dubious affairs that will tarnish your name. If you dreamed that you yourself were killed: in real life, secret enemies will make insidious plans to destroy you. to beat a defenseless person in a dream - portends sadness and failure in business. If you dreamed that you committed a murder, defending yourself from an attack, or killed a rabid beast: this is an auspicious dream. It is an omen of victory over enemies and success in society. To be the customer of the murder in a dream: a dishonest person will take advantage of your kindness for selfish purposes, which will hurt and annoy you very much. Finding out in a dream that your friend has committed a contract murder is a sign of impending trouble, a catch on the part of a person whom you trust infinitely. If you are offered a lot of money to commit a contract killing, your family will face difficulties and financial problems. A woman has such a dream: portends the appearance of several unpleasant gentlemen at once. Learn about the disclosure of contract killings: such a dream portends an early resolution of problems with the help of friends and relatives. A woman who saw such a dream: she will soon get rid of annoying admirers. Modern dream book

The meaning of sleep Murder Death in dreams, including murder and loss of kinship: must be carefully studied in the context itself, since the death of dream characters rarely refers to real death, rather it indicates a deep archetypal process of transformation. Death in dreams of parental imagos: indicates a radical change in the oedipal structure of complexes that regularly interfere with the achievement and assertion of a firm personal position. When the dream ego itself commits "murder," it can show the extent to which the dreamer has actively reached in his own process. Jung's Dream Interpretation

Sleep Murder Whoever sees himself in a dream killing a person will commit a great sin. And whoever sees that he himself fell as a martyr in the path of Allah, he will receive profit in trade and the fulfillment of a promise given to him by someone. And also if someone sees that he has killed or executed someone, then the killed person will receive benefit and benefit from the killer. To be executed in a dream - to gain prosperity. Some Ulama say that killing a person in a dream means getting rid of one misfortune and experiencing subsequent trials.
Prophet and helped kill them in their sleep If a person sees the Messenger of the Almighty sick, then he will be cured of the disease himself, and the inhabitants of this place will part with vice and gain piety. To dream of Muhammad riding an animal means visiting his grave on horseback. If he is seen walking on foot, this will mean walking to his grave. If the Prophet appears standing in a dream, then the affairs of the one who sees such a dream, and the leader of his tribe, will go smoothly. The appearance of the Prophet in a dream on the destroyed land by those calling to prayer means that this territory will soon be re-populated and built up. Whoever sees in a dream the Prophet sharing a meal with him, this means that the Prophet calls on this person to give zakat to the poor. When someone sees the death of the Prophet in a dream, it portends the death of one of his descendants. The appearance in a dream of the burial of the Prophet in some territory will mean that a great disaster will happen there. Participation in a dream in the funeral of the Messenger of the Most High up to the grave testifies to that. that a person who sees such a dream is prone to heresy. If anyone sees that he has visited the grave of Muhammad, he will receive great wealth. If someone sees himself as the son of the Prophet without being his descendant, this dream testifies to the truth and purity of his faith. The one who sees himself in a dream as the father of the Prophet will show the weakness of his faith and beliefs. The appearance of the Prophet in the dreams of a person is not only related to him alone, but concerns the entire community. Umm al-Fadl was reported to have said to Muhammad the following: "In a dream I saw some parts of your body being cut out and placed on my lap." said: "This is good, since Fatima will give birth to a boy, they will put him on your knees." And indeed, Fatima gave birth to al-Hussein and placed him on her knees who saw that dream. it was said that a woman turned to the Messenger of Allah and said to him: “I saw in a dream that some parts of your body were in my house.” He replied: "Fatima will give birth to a boy, and you will become his nurse." Indeed, al-Husayn was born, and this woman became his nurse. A dream in which the Prophet gives the dreamer what he loves from worldly goods, food or drink, means that he will be rewarded with goodness to the extent that was given to him. The consequences of a dream in which the Prophet gives a product of bad content, such as a watermelon and similar things, will be different. In this case, the one who sees such a dream, although he will be saved from great misfortune, will not escape the share of suffering and hardships. If someone sees in a dream that he is keeping some of the parts of the body of the Prophet, this means that the dreamer has fallen into heresy in relation to one of the legal provisions of Islam, fulfilling only it and not adhering to the other provisions, in contrast to how this is what all other Muslims do. I heard Abu-l-Hasan Aly ibn Muhammad al-Baghdadi, in the presence of Aly ibn Abi Talib, say that Ibn Abu Tayyib al-Fakir said the following: “For ten years I was deaf. Arriving in Medina, I spent the night between the tomb of the Prophet and the pulpit of the Mosque. Seeing the Prophet in a dream, I turned to him with the words: “O Messenger of Allah, you said:“ Whoever asks me for favors, that will be my intercession. “Whoever asks me for favor from Allah, that will be my intercession.” He said so, and, thanks to his words - May Allah forgive you "- my deafness passed." Abd Allah ibn al-Jala told: "I entered the city of the Messenger of Allah and I was in great need. Approaching the grave of the Prophet I greeted him and his companions and said: "O Messenger of Allah! I am poor and I am your guest." Then I stepped aside, fell asleep at the foot of the tomb of the Prophet and saw him in a dream. He came to me. I got up, and he gave me a cake, from which I bit off a little. And when I woke up, I saw a cake in my hands. Abu-l-Vafa al-Kari al-Kharavi said: “I saw the Chosen One in a dream in Fergana. It was in the year 360 AH, I was reading the Book near the ruler, and those sitting next to me were not listening. Lee and continued their conversation. I left saddened, and when I fell asleep, I saw the Prophet. But his appearance has changed. The Prophet said to me: “Do you really read the Koran - the words of Allah (He is Almighty and Great) among people, and they speak and do not listen to you ?! Now, after this incident, you do not read any more until the Almighty wishes it. I woke up and my tongue was numb. For four months I was silent. If I needed something, I wrote about it on pieces of paper. And learned men visited me, deciding that in the end I would speak, because he said: “Until Allah wills.” Four months later, I fell asleep in the same place and again saw the Prophet, his face shone with joy, and he turned to me with the following words: "Have you repented?" “Yes,” I answered the Prophet. He said: Whoever repents, Allah forgives him. Stretch out your tongue." He ran his index finger over my tongue and said: .. If you read the Book of Allah in front of people, then stop reading until they start listening to Divine words." I woke up. My tongue, thanks to Allah and His Messenger, has been set in motion." Rumor has it that some rich man fell ill and saw one night in a dream the Prophet, who, turning to the rich man, said: “If you want to be cured of your illness, then take neither this nor that.” The rich man woke up, sent Sufyan as-Sauri ten thousand dirhems and ordered them to be distributed to the poor. He also asked to reveal the content of his dream. Sufyan as-Thawri explained it. saying: “The expression “neither this nor that” means olives, because the Almighty, describing them in his Book, said: “Neither from the East, nor from the West, but the purpose of your money is to help the poor.” And the rich man began to be treated with the help of olives , and the Almighty granted him a cure due to the fact that he fulfilled the command of the Messenger of the Almighty and for honoring his appearance in a dream. - It was said that someone met in a dream with the Messenger of the Almighty and complained to him about his difficult situation. He answered him: “ Go to Aly ibn Ysa and tell him to pay you what will help you improve your situation.” And the man who saw this dream asked the Prophet: “How can I prove the justice of my appeal?” The Prophet replied: "You will tell him that you saw me in the valley, and you yourself were on a hill. You went down and approached me, but I ordered you to return to your original place. " I must say that at that time Aly ibn Yisa was not affairs, then he was returned to the post he had previously held.When the man woke up, he went to Aly ibn Ysa, who then became a minister, and told him his story.Aly ibn Ysa told the poor man that he believed his story, and ordered him to give to him four hundred dinars. "With this money," he added, "I pay your debt." He then gave him another four hundred dinars, saying, "Let this be your capital. When you have spent it, return to me." Maradik, an atlas merchant, said: "Once I received from the rulers of the vilayet al-Ahvaz a load of teak. It was delivered by some person. We disagreed with him in the price of the goods he brought. He began to abuse Abu Bakr and Umar with bad words. My fear of im not letting me give him decent off since. I was sad and went to bed sad. Seeing the Prophet in a dream, I told him about what had happened, adding that the man scolded Abu Bakr and Umar The Prophet said: “Bring this man to me.” I brought him. The Prophet said: “Lay him on the ground.” I laid him on the ground. Then the Prophet ordered to kill him. This matter seemed to me difficult to do, and I asked: “O Messenger of the Most High, should I slaughter him? And he said: "Kill him!", repeating this three times. And I ran the knife across the man's throat and ran away. Waking up in the morning, I decided to go to him, to reason with him and tell him about what the Prophet was doing in my dream. I went to him, but when I approached his house, I heard lamentations. I was told that this man had passed away.” A man who was untainted in matters of faith came to Ibn Sayrin and said with anxiety: “Yesterday I had a dream that I put my foot on the face of the Prophet. Ibn Sayrin asked him: “Did you go to bed with shoes on yesterday?” He answered in the affirmative, yes. Then he said to him, "Take off your shoes." And when this man took off his shoes, he found under one of his feet a dirham, on which “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” was minted in Arabic. Islamic dream book

Dream Murder Kill: an image symbolizing aggression, hostility, fear of death. It is necessary to find out: who kills, why kills, what is the relationship between the killer and the victim, what is the reaction to this event. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Murder A dream in which a murder is committed before your eyes and you are powerless to prevent it - in reality this portends concern about your own health. If in a dream they are trying to kill you, be extremely careful on the street and be vigilant while driving. If in a dream you yourself committed a bloody murder and are hiding from justice, your secret will be revealed, which will cause you big problems. Killing animals in a dream while hunting - good luck in business, in a slaughterhouse - you will be involved in a dirty business. If in a dream animals are killed simply out of cruelty, in reality you will encounter evil, insidious people who will try to annoy you. Killing a bird in a dream is a sign of an unstable financial situation and transient love. Crush an insect - getting rid of the hassle. Suicide in a dream portends an accident due to one's own indiscretion and rudeness. Strangulation is a harbinger of severe mental trauma. Murder with bladed weapons - settling scores with enemies, firearms - a lot of ado about nothing or empty gossip and gossip. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why dream of Murder The figure that the individual kills: may be the personification of a part of the individual himself, that is, his motives or desires, which he tries to suppress, overcome and destroy. Murder: is the liberation from the unwanted part of oneself, which is why the objects of sexual violence are killed in serial murders. Kill animals: the destruction of the family, tribal totem. Destruction of the animal in itself. Killing a Parent: The Punishment for Incest. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Murder To be a witness to the killing of a person or animal: is a sign of rejection of this object. Sometimes killed: the personification of those qualities that the dreamer wants to get rid of. Kill strangers: your fears will leave you, life will become calm. Kill relatives, friends: to a quarrel with them, failure in business. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Murder Don't blame yourself for killing in your sleep. Usually such a dream means the beginning of a new stage in your development. This is a positive sign. If in a dream you kill someone, this means that you are freeing yourself from those aspects of your own personality that you do not need for development and growth. You kill ideas and stereotypes in yourself that are no longer needed. Killing a child in a dream: most often, you are killing your own inappropriate "childish" behavior. If one of your parents becomes your victim, this means that you are getting rid of aspects of your relationship with your parents that are uncomfortable for you. This image can apply to your own parent functions as well. If you are killed in a dream: most often this means that you need to become the master of your life. Feel strong, not weak. Return to the dream and DEFEAT your opponent! This will help in real life. American dream book

Dream Interpretation Murder Murder. Seeing a murder in a dream portends the sorrows caused by the atrocities of others. It is possible that a violent death will happen before your eyes. If you committed the murder in a dream, this means that you will be involved in shameful events that will brand your name. To dream that you yourself are killed means that your opponents are doing everything to break your life. To kill an armed villain or a wild beast who attacked you in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks. If you find out in a dream about a friend's suicide, this portends long unrest on the eve of solving an important issue. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Murder A murder seen in a dream may portend trouble caused by someone's atrocities. I dreamed that a killer's blow awaits you, which can still be prevented - an experience is coming that requires the mobilization of the spirit. In general, a dream about a killer in any situation is a warning. Know that the machinations of secret enemies await you. If you committed the murder in a dream, then in real life you will be involved in some events that will dishonor your good name. The dream in which you were killed means that your enemies are going to take decisive action to ruin your life. If in a dream you kill an armed bandit or a wild beast who attacked you, then in real life you will have good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks. If in a dream you killed someone, then in real life you need to get rid of the annoying relationship. In vain are you trying to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for. In fact, you and your partner have long cooled off towards each other and the relationship can no longer be saved. If in a dream you feel that a killer's blow awaits you, then you will have a difficult experience. In general, a dream about a killer in any case is a warning that some kind of loss or machinations of secret enemies await you. And here is what D. Loff wrote about such dreams: “Depending on who dies, why and how, someone's death as a result of a murder can be classified in different ways. It also depends on what is the most likely interpretation to explain death. If you have killed a stranger, then this may mean that you are trying to storm the side of your own personality that gives you the most problems, destroys you, or which you are ashamed of. By killing a stranger, you are fulfilling your desire to banish this unwanted aspect from your life. This might be helpful. Perhaps in a dream you killed yourself; of course, you may not be trying to kill your whole self, but only a part of your personality. Suicide in a dream is an object of serious reflection. The act of suicide says a lot about your self-perception, about your assessment of yourself as a person. If such a dream is repeated, and at the same time thoughts of suicide do not stop visiting your consciousness in real life, then this image of suicide can become something more than just a symbol. If this happens, be sure to talk about your life with someone close to whom you can completely confide.” Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Murder If you dreamed that you committed a murder, this dream is terrible in its meaning. He predicts you a vicious life, vicious deeds, crime and, possibly, imprisonment. After such a dream, repent and renounce evil and sin in your soul, or the consequences of this will be terrible for you. For merchants and farmers, a dream portends disastrous losses, disasters or robberies. The same dream also portends that the one or the one you love will turn out to be deceivers. Sometimes this dream predicts quarrels and quarrels in the family. Your best friend will leave you. After this dream, all people expect this or that danger. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Murder Someone is being killed in front of your eyes by someone from your environment: there is a mortal danger from a robber, a killer. Learn about the murder of someone: serving in the army, will die in the line of duty, associated with professional risk. To kill you, but you remained alive fearlessness: it helps you not to attract danger. Cultivate it in yourself, it will be useful to you in the future, since you have many enemies. You are killed and you wake up: you attract danger to yourself, because you succumb to a sense of fear. A dream can be repeated in reality. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Murder In a dream, you are accused of murder: a quarrel with friends. If you have committed murder: You refuse to face reality and will find yourself in a difficult situation because of this. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Murder If in a dream you kill someone, it means that you are freeing yourself from those aspects of your own personality that you do not need for development and growth. You kill ideas and stereotypes in yourself that are no longer needed. By killing a child in a dream, most often, you are killing your own inappropriate "childish" behavior. If one of your parents becomes your victim, this means that you are getting rid of aspects of your relationship with your parents that are uncomfortable for you. This image can apply to your own parent functions as well. Don't blame yourself for killing in your sleep. Usually such a dream means the beginning of a new stage in your development. This is a positive sign. If you are killed in a dream, most often this means that you need to become the master of your life. Feel strong, not weak. Return to the dream and DEFEAT your opponent! This will help in real life. Dream Interpretation Lynn

Dream Interpretation Murder Murder: note the emotions associated with this sign. Do you feel disgust, fear, shame, grief, sadness or horror? Those emotions that you experienced are the key to deciphering this sign. Delve into the associated emotions to determine the true meaning of this image for you. If this sign appears to you, it most likely indicates that you are freeing yourself from those aspects of your own personality that you do not need for evolution. You kill ideas and stereotypes in yourself that you no longer need. Murder also: can tell you that you are experiencing a huge loss of energy. Are you destroying the part of you that you don't love? Reassure yourself: “All aspects of my personality are valuable and important. And I respect each and every one of them." Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Murder To be a witness to the killing of a person or animal is a sign of rejection of this object. Sometimes the person killed is the personification of those qualities that the dreamer wants to get rid of. Kill strangers - your fears will leave you, life will become calm. To kill relatives, acquaintances - to a quarrel with them, failure in business. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Murder Become a witness to a murder in a dream: to sadness due to human meanness. If you committed the murder in a dream, this means that you will take part in some unpleasant events, which will discredit your name. To kill an armed bandit or predator who attacked you in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick climb up the career ladder. If you were killed in a dream, this means that your enemies are doing everything to destroy your life. Find out in a dream about a friend's suicide - to strong anxiety on the eve of solving an important issue for you.

The explanation of why the murder is dreamed of depends on many factors: who exactly acts as the murderer, who is the victim, and the like. If in a dream you are a killer, this means liberation from unnecessary stereotypes and those forms of your personality that interfere with self-development and growth. To find out more precisely what the dream portends, you should study several dream books.

Modern interpreter

If in a dream you kill a child, it means that you are trying to overcome inappropriate childish behavior in yourself.

The murder of one of the parents in your dream is a sign that in reality you are trying to establish relationships and find mutual understanding with them. Try never to blame yourself for what you have done; often such a vision means a new stage in your development.

The modern dream book believes that murder is a symbol rather positive than negative. If you dreamed that you were deprived of your life, you need to become the master of your destiny and make important life decisions on your own as often as possible. Gather your will into a fist and take the reins in your hands, be a winner, not a loser.

Lynn and Maya Predictions

A dream in which you yourself are a murderer often means getting rid of unnecessary habits and ideas. This symbol is also evidence that in recent times you have been wasting your energy potential too quickly.

An explanation of why the murder is dreamed of is also given by the Mayan peoples. The dream interpretation is convinced that this image has both a good interpretation and a bad one. If in a dream you are investigating some kind of atrocity, it means that in reality you will soon receive the good news.

Had a dream about how you kill someone? In fact, commit some kind of immoral offense.

Opinion Grishina and Danilova

The dream book of Nina Grishina reports that if you saw a murderer or ran away from him, then in real life a long and happy life awaits. Conspired in a dream with a killer - beware of dubious adventures.

Had a dream that they found a dead man? Most likely, you will be worried and feel a sense of fear. If in a dream you see a person dying before your eyes, then in reality the good news will bring comfort and inspire you.

If you dream of the death of your own child or children, this promises their prosperity and family well-being.

Danilova's erotic dream book believes that the murder you committed characterizes the subconscious desire to break off relations with a bored partner.

To see some kind of animal or bird as a victim is to happiness and gain. Killing a ram in a dream - unfortunately, a tiger or a leopard - to a promotion at work. If you dream of killing a deer or a bull, this is to wealth and fame.

Various interpretations

The Wanderer's dream book portends unexpected wealth or inheritance. Did you dream that someone was walled up? In reality, you will vainly hide something, poisoned, you will cherish relationships that have long cooled down.

If in a dream you killed a bull and then ate its meat, then in reality you will make a good profit. If you dream of killing a donkey or a horse, you will drink alcoholic drinks and have a snack, most likely, some kind of feast awaits. Killing a turtle - to mourning, a sparrow - to problems and worries because of a spouse, killing a rooster or duck - to great happiness!

Of great importance for the interpretation of sleep is the subject with which you took the life of another person. If, for example, they were killed with a knife, then the attraction to a partner in sex will increase, and mutually. A dream about a murder with a pistol is regarded as getting rid of problems in a waking sex life.

Dream Interpretation of the Seasons believes that if you strangled the victim, it means that you really need to diversify your intimate life, for example, try role-playing games or new poses.

comments 18

  • I am a young mother, unrequited husband, loves her daughter. Sleep - a young married couple stood at the crib of my daughter in their arms they had a baby. I stood against this couple. Behind me, an unknown person shot a baby in the face. The couple put him dead and disfigured in my daughter's crib. But the corpse managed to stiffen and hung with its handle on the grate, looking at the outside with its face. I did not see him and in the evening I went to put my daughter to bed. Carrying her to the crib, she squealed when she saw that baby, by which time he was partly green. The next night, this disfigured baby made me remember the second part of the dream. Sleep - a man unknown to me was executed in public near an unfamiliar car from the same gun.

  • Dream: Some kind of room, a lot of people. I had a conflict with a man in his 50s. They argued for a long time, it came to assault. And at one moment I have a knife in my hand and while no one sees, I stick it up to the hilt in the left side just below the heart of that peasant. The man didn't even cry out, he turned pale. I picked him up, did not pull out the knife, covered the handle with myself and led him into some room with a bed. No one suspected anything, blind, probably. I went into the room, laid him on the bed, pulled out a knife (surprisingly there was not much blood), he immediately began a monologue with me. The man was dying and suffering. He began to cry, realizing his imminent death. I don’t remember the essence of the monologue (something like a confession), I just looked at him, silently. I felt how my heart beats often (80-90 beats, it really beat so hard along the way). He died for a long time ... He died, and I woke up ... tin.

  • I had a dream that I was in a room and there were three babies. The one in the middle was crying a lot, and I kill him. I have my son in my arms, but I have no children yet. And I'm starting to think how it is, because I killed an innocent child. After all, I myself am a mother, and in a dream throughout the night I am tormented by these thoughts. I've been walking around all day and can't get over it.

  • In a dream, I killed a child with some kind of knife-like object. I stuck it in his stomach several times, he didn’t even cry and looked at me, then I let him down the drain, then during the sleep I was tormented by the conscience that I had done woke up and these feelings continue I can’t come to my senses.

  • In a dream, two of my nephews (a boy and a girl) fell off a hill, but the boy was still alive, and I stabbed him in the stomach with a knife. After that, I took them both in my arms and wanted to throw them into the river, which was very close, but my friend noticed me, but did not understand that the children in my arms were dead. We walked and talked for a long time, and I woke up when she realized that they were not alive. During the conversation, I seemed to hint that I had done something bad, but I did not regret it, but rather rejoiced and smiled all the way like crazy. And when she found out that the children were dead, she sympathized with me, but was not afraid and seemed to want to help me not make a mistake.

  • I dreamed that I came to a friend’s house (and the house was not hers at all, as it really is) and the neighbor’s door was open, I asked: what happened there? She replies: yes, she is dying, and on the same day they came to pick her up. Then I somehow ended up in " my house" He was from the elite, I climbed the stairs and heard a blow to the ground, it was a man who was thrown from the roof of this house, I started running up the stairs and from the street some people also ran along with me and overtaking me, everyone ran up, there were a lot of people, and someone told me that this was not the first murder already. There were also very large windows in this entrance.

  • Dream. I am sitting at the table with my whole family, and we are discussing that a maniac has appeared in our microdistrict who has killed our neighbors. Then the frame changed, and I see that this maniac killed someone on our veranda, it seemed to me that this was my mother. The frame has changed again. The gates are open and a police car and my father are visible from there (the corpse was not removed, but I did not see the face). And the maniac appears again at the gate, but the police and dad do not see him. I look at him through the window. He gestures to me that I'm next. Some kind of animal fear woke up in me, and I screamed as hard as I could. Grandma asks what happened, and I still scream. My father comes in, asks the same question, and I'm scared as hell (how did he come in and not notice the killer?). Then I look, and the maniac goes into the house and I woke up. I cry, I breathe heavily, and my heart is ready to jump out of my chest. I was very scared!

Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state, physical health, clarify exciting moments? What does what you see in a dream mean and will tell you.

Why dream of Murder: interpretation of sleep according to 100 dream books

Why did the Murder dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

Murder - Why murder is dreamed of depends on the role of the dreamer.

  • Attack parents, guided by the desire to commit murder- dreams of finding common ground. In the near future, your relationship will improve.
  • Seeing your own murder - in reality you will have to make fateful decisions on your own. It's time to take responsibility for your life.
  • Killing a bird or animal may dream of making a profit, a profitable business, good news.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that a tiger acted as a murder victim- be prepared to move up the career ladder.
  • Killing a bull - wealth will knock on the house.
  • But killing a ram - to problems, a black stripe.

Why did the Murders dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Killing is associated with getting rid of something. Very often, a dream is interpreted in a positive aspect. Why dream of murder?

  • What is the dream in which you were deprived of life? In reality, you rely too much on the opinions of other people. It’s enough to listen to advice from the outside, you need to think with your own head, make decisions that come from the heart.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream in the role of a murderer committing murder - to get rid of obsolete habits, unnecessary prejudices. You are wasting your energy proving something to the whole world. Take care of yourself only, restore spiritual harmony if you dream of murder.

What is the dream of Murder (Romantic dream book)

What can a murder dream about in the context of a love relationship? It is possible that this is a reflection of your subconscious desire to part with your partner. You see that the relationship has reached a dead end, but you are afraid to take the first step.

  • The killing of a sparrow is often a dream to some problems relating to the second half. A loved one will provoke troubles, which you will have to deal with.
  • To see your partner stabbed to death, in reality the passion between you will increase.
  • Killing your soulmate with a gun - get rid of sexual problems.

I had a dream about Murder (we solve it from the Erotic dream book)

  • I dreamed about how they were trying to kill you, a dream symbolizes the desire to get rid of a bored partner.
  • To commit murder yourself in a dream - the murder weapon is important.
  • Dreaming of murder with a knife means that sexual desire for a partner is increasing, and quite mutually.
  • Murder by strangulation means that in reality it is necessary to introduce elements of diversity into your relationship.
  • An attempt to kill a person in a dream with a firearm is a sign of getting rid of intimate problems in the near future.

Analysis of the dream in which the Murder was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • You killed someone, which means you need to get rid of the annoying relationship. Over and over again, you try to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for, but in fact, everything that made up the core of the relationship is long gone, and you both think about your future as if there is no place for another in it.
  • Be a witness to a crime, condone a murder- cruelty occupies too much space in your fantasies. At the same time, you seem to not take into account the fact that your rude caresses may not be pleasant to everyone. Be less selfish in sex.

The meaning of a dream about Death (interpretation of psychologist K. Jung)

Why dream of murder? Death in dreams - including murder and loss of kinship - must be carefully examined in its context, since the death of dream characters rarely relates to actual death; rather, it indicates a deep archetypal process of transformation.

The murder of parental adults in dreams indicates a radical change in the oedipal structure of the complexes that regularly interfere with the achievement and assertion of a firm personal position. When the dream ego itself commits "killing," it can show the extent to which the dreamer has actively reached in his own process.

What is the dream of Murder in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • The dream of murder portends the sorrows caused by the atrocities of others.
  • If you committed the murder in a dream, it means that you will be involved in shameful events that will brand your name.
  • I dreamed that you yourself were killed, which means that opponents are doing everything to break your life.
  • To kill a villain who commits murder in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks.
  • A friend dreamed of suicide - this portends long unrest on the eve of solving an important issue.

Murder in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

  • Why dream of killing someone from your environment - a dream means that you are in mortal danger from a robber, a killer.
  • Find out in a dream about the murder of someone- means that a soldier in the army will die in the line of duty associated with professional risk.
  • If you dream of your murder, but you survived, fearlessness helps you not to attract danger. Cultivate it in yourself - this will be useful to you in the future, since you have many enemies.
  • You are being killed, and you have woken up, which means that you are attracting danger to yourself, as you succumb to a sense of fear. A dream can be repeated in reality.

  • Seeing your own murder portends great happiness.
  • To dream that you are killing another person - to wealth and nobility.
  • You kill yourself with a knife dreamed - great happiness.
  • You kill a person in such a way that blood stains clothes - you will receive material gain, wealth.
  • If you repeatedly stab a person with a knife, committing a murder - joy and benefit.
  • To dream that you are fighting with knives with someone so that blood is visible- happiness.
  • Blood comes out of a knife wound - portends alcohol and food.
  • You prick with a knife and see blood - to great happiness.
  • You see how blood flows from the burnt body - great happiness.
  • You inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or an ax, planning a murder - to great happiness.
  • You cut a person with a knife, a saber - portends a loss of wealth.
  • Finding out about the murder of a member of your family- portends a breakup.
  • You see in a dream the murder of a person - portends great happiness.
  • Why dream of slaughtering a pig or a piglet - happiness and benefit.
  • You slaughter a ram or beat a ram - illness, misfortune.
  • Why dream of killing a tiger or a leopard, a leopard- you will get an important position.
  • If you kill a bull or a deer, it portends wealth and nobility.
  • Killing a bull and eating its meat portends commercial profit.
  • You kill a donkey, a camel or a horse - alcohol and a snack.
  • The killing of a turtle portends mourning.
  • sparrow killing- portends problems, difficulties associated with a wife or concubine.
  • Why dream of killing a rooster, goose, duck - portends great happiness.

Psychological analysis of the dream where Suicide was dreamed (interpretation of psychologist D. Loff)

Why dream of murder, suicide - Depending on who dies, why and how, someone's DEATH as a result of murder can be classified in different ways. It also depends on what is the most likely interpretation to explain death. The changing ethics of how death is perceived in our society also has an impact on death in dreams. Recently, assisted suicide and euthanasia have begun to have an impact on the vision of death in a dream. In medical dreams, murder often appears as a mass murderer. The reason for this is ANGRY and aggression, which are not customary to show in public and which penetrate dreams of fulfillment of desires.

Recently, such a phenomenon as stress has been universally defined as death by suffocation. Fortunately, It can convey in a dream the sensations of what part of your Self strives for in reality. If you have committed the murder of a stranger, then this means that you are trying to storm the side of your own PERSONALITY that causes you the most problems, destroys you, or which you are ashamed of. By killing a stranger, you are fulfilling your desire to banish this unwanted aspect from your life. This is helpful.

Perhaps in a dream you committed murder of yourself; of course, you may not be trying to kill your whole self, but only a part of your personality. The positive aspect of suicide in a dream, there is a desire to deal with pathological tendencies or eliminate some of the behavioral stereotypes of your personality that bother you. Since such tendencies or stereotypes are an integral part of you as a person, the dream may try to eliminate them by projecting all negative qualities onto the stranger representing you, whom you put to death. However, you should not try to kill a part of yourself by trying to get rid of negative qualities.

Everyone in his life has a shadow side, which he reliably hides from others. We often criticize those who in most cases resemble ourselves. These shadow moments of life must be accepted and analyzed constructively in order to prevent their transformation into pathology. Murder in a dream is an object of serious reflection. The act of suicide says a lot about your self-perception, about your assessment of yourself as a person. If the dream is repeated and thoughts of suicide do not stop visiting your consciousness in reality, then this image of suicide can become something more than just a symbol. If this happens, be sure to talk about your life with someone close to whom you can completely confide.

What does it mean to see Murder in a dream (Psychoanalytic dream book)

Murder is an extreme solution to the problem. And such a final action that in dreams it can represent the dreamer's perception of the need for cruelty, especially directed against himself. Perhaps the only way to solve the problem is to "kill" a part of yourself. In this case, potential cruelty is not denied, although the impulse is fundamentally wrong. Spiritual mortification, the sacrifice is presented. The dreamer should figure out what he considers worthwhile in his spiritual development, and what is better to refuse.

  • Seeing yourself killed in a dream suggests that in life the dreamer fell under someone's influence, because of which he lost activity.
  • To kill someone in a dream yourself means a desire to get rid of the influence of this person on us in everyday life.

The meaning of sleep about the Deprivation of life (dream book of the Subconscious)

Why dream of murder? Dreams about murder usually leave very strong impressions - sometimes frightening. Many dream interpreters claim that these dreams express envy, anger, or unwillingness to accept an individual, group, or entire institution. It is believed that dreams of murder express the desire of the sleeper to avoid solving any problems, satisfying instinctive desires, or clashing with aspects of their personality.

Analysts most often agree that the hidden content of the human subconscious, which emerges to the surface in dreams, must be integrated into the conscious life of the individual. Be sure to think about what role you played in a dream - killers or victims; each role has a certain emotional value for assessing the degree of power and vulnerability. Dreams of murder can also mean the end of negative behaviors, thoughts or feelings.