How to be cheerful and active all day. How to stay in good shape throughout the working day

A similar question (how to stay energetic all day?) was asked to passers-by on the street, and the most popular answers were: “coffee” and “energy drinks (energy drinks).” In second place in popularity were methods such as “ morning work-out" and "warm-up during breaks between work." Few people remembered a full, healthy breakfast and a contrast shower in the morning; and almost no one mentioned healthy sleep. This is probably natural in our time, when everyone around is running, hurrying, rushing, flying...

We are catastrophically short of time, and sometimes even strength, for everything. And all because we don’t know how to properly distribute our energy, how to maintain these vital forces throughout the day.

And it turns out that this is not at all difficult to do. The main thing is to want it!

Start with proper organization of your day:

Get enough sleep at night. Since childhood, we have been told that we need to sleep at least 8 hours a day - this is what doctors recommend. But, as you know, we are all different: for some, 6 hours is enough to get enough sleep, while others need 9, or even 10. As doctors assure us, if you sleep less than 6 hours a day, you will experience a sleep deficit, and this will not take long to affect your well-being. Sleeping longer than 9 hours is also not recommended, unless you are sick, of course. Eastern sages At the same time, they also add that it is necessary to go to bed not on the same day when you have to get up, that is, you need to go to bed before midnight. In addition, pay attention to the “quality” of your sleep: if possible, take a walk before bed. Don't feel like going out into the cold or rain? Take a bath with lavender or mint, and at this time ventilate the sleeping area. You should not watch “heavy” films or TV shows or read “difficult” literature before going to bed. Throw everything unpleasant out of your head, remember positive points the past day or dream, relax and go calmly into the “embraces of Morpheus”.

Morning work-out. After a night's sleep, the body remains relaxed for some time, and therefore, to help it wake up, you need to do exercises. For it, 5 exercises will be enough (and only 5-10 minutes to complete it!), which will help you shake off the remnants of sleep.

Water procedures. If you are afraid of catching a cold in the cold season after a contrast shower, then at least wash your face cool water: it tones the skin and helps to invigorate.

Eat right. Don't neglect breakfast. Don’t skip meals, and even more than that, add a couple of snacks to your three main meals. Try not to overeat so that the body does not have to waste energy processing “extra” food (otherwise you will not be able to work fully).

Set your life priorities. Decide what is important to you in life (career, home, family, hobby), and what is secondary or does not matter at all. Try most dedicate time to what matters and makes sense to you, without being scattered on what you don’t need.

Plan your day (week, month). This will allow you to concentrate on important things and avoid those that simply steal your energy and time. If you are faced with an incomprehensible or hard work- break it down into several simple steps: this way you will get rid of the feeling of fear and uncertainty, which can affect your performance.

Start the day by solving the most difficult problem. At the beginning of the day, you still have a lot of energy, and therefore you will cope with a difficult task easier and faster than, say, in the afternoon. Moreover, you will solve all other matters without special effort. However, if you are a pronounced night owl, then postpone the decision of important and complex tasks during your energy peak: consider your biorhythms.

Finish what you start. There is nothing better than a completed task - it brings moral satisfaction, which in turn inspires new achievements. Don't forget to praise yourself (and those around you) for the work you've done (even if it's a small one): approval is always nice and will give you an extra boost of energy.

Organize properly workplace. When your workplace is organized conveniently for you, it will make it much easier to cope with the tasks assigned to you.

Watch your posture. Uncomfortable position sitting at a desk (at a computer) can affect the ability to concentrate.

Move often. Get yourself one good habit: At the end of every hour, take a couple of minutes to warm up (stand up, walk, jump, do a few squats or stretching exercises). If possible, choose the stairs rather than the elevator.

Practice "cat nap". Fifteen minute " cat dream“after lunch allows you not only to relax and “reboot”, but also allows you to make subsequent work much more efficient. Of course, not everyone has this opportunity, but it is very effective method(as many personal productivity consultants say). If you can’t take a nap, then spend these 15 minutes in the air or “switch off” by closing your eyes and listening to music for relaxation.

Get outdoors. If you do not have the opportunity to lunch break If you take a walk outside, then at least ventilate the room at this time (or while you are in the dining room/cafe). Oxygen will only benefit the brain.

Learn to relax. After work or on weekends, try not to think about work. Rest exists for this purpose, to relax! Give this time to your favorite activity: hobby, sport, walk, communication with family or friends.

Try to surround yourself with positive people. If there are people around you who like to complain about life, “cry into your vest,” or are simply whiners, then try to limit communication with them: such people demand a lot mental strength and energy (these are a kind of energy vampires, although they themselves may not realize it). If communication with them cannot be avoided, then try to switch their attention to something positive and interesting.

Save up positive emotions, recharge with additional energy.

Proper and healthy nutrition is the key to long-term vigor

How and what you eat has great importance in your well-being and ability to work. Therefore, to stay energetic until the end of the day, follow these recommendations:

Eat less, but more often. Firstly, with small portions, the body requires less energy to process food. Secondly, in this way, the body itself more often receives the nutrition it needs. Give preference to carbohydrates in the morning, and in the afternoon best choice will be protein food.

Give preference to whole grain products. Complex carbohydrates are absorbed by the body longer, and accordingly nourish it longer, which allows you to feel cheerful for a long time.

Drink plenty of water. It is beneficial for metabolism and releasing energy from food. In addition, dehydration leads to a decrease in blood volume and, therefore, to a feeling of fatigue (headaches may occur). Minimum rate clean water per day - 1.5 liters; at physical work The norm increases by another half liter.

Eat mint. Mint helps well in concentrating and increasing efficiency. Try replacing coffee with mint tea (it’s also pleasantly refreshing), and you can use mint chewing gum while working.

Choose herbal supplements. In addition to mint, ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, and mate are good invigorators. It is better to use not dietary supplements, but the product itself.

Caffeine strategy. If you still cannot give up coffee, then it is better to drink it not in the morning, but closer to lunch: this way, a cup of coffee will bring more benefits than in the morning.

Avoid sugar and sweets. Fast carbohydrates cause an increase in insulin levels in the blood, and this causes a feeling of fatigue.

Eat lean meat and fish. These foods do not spike your blood sugar while still providing a smooth flow of energy. Thus, the feeling of hunger will not visit you soon.

Don't forget about vitamins. Take care of your intake required quantity vitamins C, D, B12, riboflavin, thiamine, folic and pantothenic acid: this will help you stay alert and energetic throughout the day.

Tricks and tricks to maintain energy

More light and air. Don't sit in the twilight and stuffy room. Open the curtains and take care of the ventilation of the work area. Fresh air and bright light activate brain function.

Conduct a breathing exercises session. 5 minutes will be enough. Concentrate on breathing and do deep breaths and exhale in four counts: while inhaling, we gain energy, while exhaling, we get rid of tension and negativity. This exercise will enrich your blood with oxygen and invigorate you.

Give your neck a massage. Give the area where the neck meets the head Special attention: Apply a few light pressures with your fingers in this area.

Wash yourself. Cold water will quickly cheer you up. If you are a girl and do not want to ruin your makeup, then it will be enough to moisten cold water neck from behind and make a few claps.

Pull your earlobes down. A light massage of the earlobes will help get rid of drowsiness.

Run your tongue across the roof of your mouth. The signal from the nerve endings of the tongue reaches the brain almost immediately and promotes concentration. This exercise will go unnoticed by others (convenient during a tedious meeting or a protracted meeting).

Use aromatherapy. Essential oils of bergamot, clove, citrus, cypress, ginger, basil, rosemary, cinnamon, eucalyptus, fir, pine stimulate brain function and make you feel more energetic.

Listen to energetic music. If your occupation allows you to listen to music (for example, through headphones) without being distracted from work, then make yourself a playcast (selection) that will cheer you up.

Laugh. View funny video, reading an anecdote will provide you with a surge of positive emotions and charge you with energy. Taking a few minutes away from work will help you relax and at the same time restore some strength.

Motivate yourself. Come up with a reward system for each small stage of the work completed or for its final result. Small rewards can give a new charge of vigor and a boost to productivity.

We have selected a lot of tips for you on how to stay cheerful and energetic throughout the day. Of course, you don't have to do all of them. Choose the most acceptable ones for yourself and try to follow these rules every day. According to experts: an action performed forty times in a row becomes a habit. Good habits to you!

Be healthy and energetic! And, as you know, energetic people are more confident and more successful in life!

Every person at least once in his life felt exhausted and tired so much that he did not have enough strength for the simplest and most ordinary things. If you feel the same way, then our recommendations will definitely help you.


Everyone knows how beneficial sleep is, but very few give credit to this important component. wellness. You shouldn’t count your time for sleep by the clock - our body knows exactly how much time it needs to rest fully. The only clarification: try from 21 to 22 hours, since it is during this period of time that your tone is very low and you can fall asleep without effort, and sleep at this time is most useful. By the way, if you are, then this will only be an even bigger plus for you.


If you want to stay energetic throughout the day, try not to drink large quantities foods that contain refined carbohydrates. Limit yourself to sweets, pasta and potatoes. Increase your consumption of fish, especially sea fish - it is rich in microelements that have a positive effect on overall well-being.

Also, do not forget about water - everyone knows that the human body consists of 80% water, because water balance plays very important role. Try to drink at least one liter of water per day. If, in order to wake up in the morning, your hand reaches for a cup of coffee, try drinking a glass warm water with a little honey and lemon juice. This will invigorate you much better and make you feel better for a long time.

Try to pay attention to dairy products- the minerals they contain are more than necessary for our body.

Pharmacy products

One of the most popular medications are tinctures of eleutherococcus or ginseng. No matter how hard we try to get all our vitamins from foods, we should never underestimate the value of multivitamins.

Physical exercise

The simplest thing that every person can afford is a walk. It will put a certain strain on the heart, muscles and help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is also worth paying attention to yoga - in order to start strengthening your body, you do not need to delve into the study of this type of science; it will be enough to master the simplest asanas.

Water procedures

A contrast shower is the best opportunity to cheer up. In addition to the fact that it energizes you in the morning, such hardening will have the most positive effect on your overall well-being. Baths and saunas are another type of healthy procedure. If you start practicing them every week, your vitality will be significantly higher.

Don't forget about how you look, because this is one of the main incentives to new activity. In addition, you need to remember that your self-confidence depends on how you look. Finishing what you started will allow you to fully enjoy your free time. Organize your day, it will be easier to cope with everything.

Don’t forget to let yourself relax and just lie in front of the TV, watching NTV online or your favorite movie. Sometimes this also turns out to be useful.

From the standpoint of psychology, the mood of people is determined by the general background of the individual’s mental activity. These are emotions that are stable over time, that is, they persist over hours and days. Mood is not a simple flash in the psyche caused by external factor, but a steady state. It can be elated or depressed, mocking or serious, etc.

Moods tend to change throughout the day. This is a reaction to certain events, decisions you make, people, communication. It is not always possible to realize what exactly caused the change in mood. The consequences affect not only these events, but also other people, affecting all of life.

A certain mood is inherent in people of different character accentuations and types of higher nervous activity. Phlegmatic people do not suffer from mood swings, but for choleric people it can change several times a day. People whose main type of character accentuation is anxious tend to experience failure for a long time, which affects their perception of the world, and exalted men and women have a very changeable temperament. Cycloids have a week good mood, and then for a week it’s bad.

Mood can change a person's perception and behavior. If you don't consciously adjust your emotional reactions, then you can get a pathological disorder. Unbridled euphoria and depression are a sign of an unhealthy psyche.

Everyone is familiar with the state when everything falls out of hand, work is not going well, there is no satisfaction from life. This is just a manifestation of a mood that can be changed. It is especially important in such a situation to control yourself if you have to important meeting, interview, date. How to identify and eliminate the cause of apathy and irritability?

  1. Bad mood does not always occur due to illness, for example, thyroid gland. People with perfect health experience a depressed state of mind. But first, check if everything in your body is working well.
  2. Take the test to determine character accentuations. If you are the type who often experiences mood swings and are touchy, then this is the reason. Try to come to terms with your character and take things calmer, because this will benefit everyone.
  3. If a bad mood is caused by a destructive feeling of resentment, a set of measures must be taken. Know that only a person whose opinion is valuable can offend. First, avoid him to “cool down”, and then arrange a conversation. After all, the offender may not understand that he hurt you. Don’t throw around complaints, ask for forgiveness yourself. Your soul will feel lighter.

Most The best way maintaining good spirits throughout the day is self-installation. Give up the negative attitudes that are constantly spinning in your head. This is the belief: “I am a failure.” Or: “Others are luckier than I am. Everything in my life is bad, although I try.” Replace these attitudes with positive ones: “Yes, sometimes some people are luckier, but everything is going well for me,” “I can do it. I can do it." Rotate these thoughts in your head until they crowd out the sad mood. Learn to compromise with people and with yourself. Act now, don't let bad mood take over you, make you ineffective and angry.

Another good way- get busy, take a break. If you urgently need to study some uninteresting issue, you will spend much more time on work, forcing yourself to sit down for it. Unwind, go for a walk, cook a delicious dinner and promise yourself to do something important matter right after that. A good mood will make you productive, try to maintain it with rest.

What do you usually do in the evenings? Meet friends, spend time with your children, go to gym or to the cinema? Or, complaining of overwork, you use your last strength to get home and are no longer able to do anything else? If all your energy is spent on work, you're probably doing something wrong. We figured out how to use your energy effectively and where you can find unexpected sources of it.

1. Do what you love

Let's start with the obvious. We will never feel inspired at the end of the workday if we spent the previous 8 hours doing something we hate. According to research from the Canadian University of Alberta, in order to feel happier and less tired at work, we need to clearly understand the purpose of what we are doing.

At the end of the day, review what you accomplished today and make a list of tasks for tomorrow

Every day, try to think about someone who could benefit from your work, even in a small way. Every work has a result that someone needs, remember this. Then focus on what your work gives you personally, what needs it satisfies, and what goals it achieves.

Finally, try to celebrate every day what good happened at work today. The more often you do this simple three-step exercise, the happier and more energetic you will feel, and the less likely you are to become overtired.

2. Open the windows

Firstly, by ventilating the room, we cool it. We are much more tired at work when the air temperature reaches 28°C or higher. Secondly, by opening windows, we reduce concentration carbon dioxide, which some experts also associate with work fatigue.

“The concentration of carbon dioxide increases over the course of the day if the room is not equipped with sufficient ventilation,” explains Richard Barry, a home climate control specialist. If your office has few or no windows, add plants to help absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants. environment which may contribute to fatigue. Besides, they are simply pleasing to the eye.

3. Sit up straight

If you sit slouched all day, you put stress on your muscles, which can lead to fatigue. "When you slouch, you feel less attractive, it affects your mood and, as a result, causes fatigue," says physical therapist Sammy Margot. She advises sitting upright in a chair, as if someone is trying to gently pull you out of it.

4. Conduct an audit of completed and unfinished tasks

Unfinished tasks drain our energy. Thoughts about them will haunt us at home, not allowing us to rest. But if at the end of the day we set aside time for ourselves to review what we managed to do today and make a list of tasks for tomorrow, there is a chance to leave work with a feeling of satisfaction from the tasks completed and with a charge of energy.

5. Monitor your computer screen

If your eyes get tired at the end of the day, it could be a poorly adjusted computer monitor. Ophthalmologists recommend choosing fonts that are easier for the eyes to perceive, no smaller than 12-point font. It is important that the monitor itself is located at a distance of 33 to 59 cm from your face, and that the center of the screen is approximately at the same level as your eyes. And of course, do not forget to wipe the screen from dust - it can distort the image, giving additional strain to your eyes.

6. Use blue light

Researchers at the University of Surrey, England, found that those who replaced regular white light bulbs with light bulbs with a bluish tint (which is closer to natural daylight) felt less sleepy during the day.

“Blue light stimulates melanopsin receptors in the brain, which are responsible for maintaining a state of arousal in the body,” says Dr. Derk-Jan Dijk, author of the study.

If you can't get your boss to radically change the conditions in the office, start by buying blue light bulbs that imitate natural light, they will help keep your body in good shape.

7. Drink licorice tea

Our adrenal glands produce stimulating hormones that help us stay awake during the day. Their effect is especially strong at the beginning of the day after waking up and gradually decreases in the evening. But with minor disruptions in the body, a decrease in their effect can begin already in the middle of the day, provoking afternoon drowsiness and evening apathy. There is a simple test you can do to check how your adrenal glands are functioning. Ask a friend to go into a dark room with you.

Wait with with open eyes calmly for one or two minutes until you feel completely accustomed to the darkness, then ask a friend to shine a flashlight in your eyes and watch your pupils.

"If they pulsate instead of shrinking in size, it's a sign you have a problem with the adrenergic system," says nutritionist Ali Godbold. Main preventive recommendation to restore the activity of the adrenal glands is to reduce stress factors. But at the same time, Ali advises drinking licorice tea, which stimulates the functioning of adrenergic receptors, and therefore can have a temporary positive effect on the functioning of your body.

8. Drink water after every phone call

If your job involves frequent phone calls, dehydration may be the cause of your fatigue. Researchers at the TMI American Center for Stress Management found that call fatigue is a major concern among call center workers.

Increased production of stress hormones leads to fat deposition in the abdominal area

The fact is that when we talk, moisture from the mucous membranes oral cavity evaporates. The greater the dehydration, the more the blood thickens, the less it is able to carry oxygen. Get into the habit of taking a few sips of water after every phone call, they will help both your vocal cords, and in general will have a positive impact on your well-being.

9. Watch your waist

A study by the Institute of Occupational Health at National Taiwan University found that women whose waist circumference was greater than 80 centimeters were twice as likely to be tired as their slimmer counterparts. Dr. Marilyn Glenville believes that increased production of stress hormones, especially cortisol and adrenaline, leads to fat deposition in the abdominal area.

Therefore, if you strive to minimize stress and at the same time monitor your volumes, you will more likely You can learn to manage your energy throughout the day.

10. Eat right

If your energy starts to wane around lunchtime and you find yourself craving sweets, it's probably because you're not eating right, says nutritionist Nigel Danby. "Food rich simple carbohydrates, such as a sandwich with white bread, helps expend energy quickly,” he says.

Reduce the amount of carbohydrates and replace them with complex ones, such as whole grain bread or bran, and add fruits and vegetables to your diet. People who eat a balanced diet are on average 10 times more energetic than those who do not include healthy foods in their diet.

A difficult morning awakening, a stressful day at work, and now you've finally arrived home. But I no longer have the strength to do household chores or communicate with loved ones. You want to immediately fall asleep, because your legs can hardly support you anymore. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, this lifestyle is typical for many people. But you really want to be energetic and all cheerful working day, so that the energy remains for life outside of work.

How to stay alert and strong throughout the day

Wake up right

An alarm clock ringing in the morning is one of the most hated sounds in the world, especially for those who like to sleep sweetly. And surely each of us is familiar with the feeling of “getting out of bed, but not waking up yet.” And the longer this state drags on, the more difficult it will be for you to get out of it. Instead of setting your alarm clock another 10 minutes later, do a simple self-massage without getting out of bed. Massage the pad of each finger with circular movements, gradually moving to its base. Do this 2-3 times with each hand. Then start massaging your earlobes using the same circular movements. First one ear, then the other, and then both at the same time.

The point of massaging your fingers and earlobes is that there are many nerve endings in these places. Their active stimulation will “turn on” the entire body, making it wake up quickly and easily. And of course, it will be much easier to wake up in the morning if you get enough sleep at night - at least seven hours. This is obvious, but having slept only a couple of hours at night, it is unlikely that you will be able to feel alert the entire next day, no matter what methods you resort to.

Before work

As soon as you wake up, go out onto the balcony or simply open the window wider. You should feel the fresh air. Breathe it in full breasts and feel a surge of strength. Do a short 10-minute exercise, thoroughly stretching your body muscles. Accept cold and hot shower. It will allow you not only to wake up completely, but also strengthen your body’s immunity. It is better to choose shower gels with citrus scents - they are best invigorating.

Let's move on to breakfast. You should never neglect breakfast, because it is the main source of your strength for the entire next day. Have a big breakfast, but don't overeat. Great for breakfast oatmeal(can be with berries, dried fruits or honey), chicken eggs, cottage cheese, legumes, cheese, fresh fruit, hot sandwiches with whole grain bread. Choose milk as a drink green tea(mint, herbal) or juice.

Work with pleasure

A job you hate will not add energy and vigor to you. By doing something you don’t like, you will make yourself a morally exhausted and chronically tired person. If you are still not delighted with your job, but for some reason you cannot change it yet, often repeat to yourself how useful what you do is for people. After all, any profession is necessary and carries with it important. Be clear about the goals you strive for in your work. Rejoice in your achievements and results of your work. At the end of each working day, mentally summarize: what you have achieved during the day today and what good things happened at work and in the team. But think only about good results. This way, you will be at least a little closer to truly loving what you do, which means you will be much less tired of it.

Breathe fresh air

Good indoor ventilation is one of the keys to your excellent health and vigor. Throughout the working day, your body should receive sufficient quantity fresh air. If your workplace is not equipped with good air ventilation, open the windows and ventilate the room. This will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the room (it will simply ventilate outside), which, according to climate control researchers, directly affects our overwork and decreased performance. For the same reason, it is useful to keep in the work area houseplants– they will “take on” part of the excess carbon dioxide. During your lunch break, go outside to get some fresh air.

Use aromatic oils

Essential aroma oils are famous for their use in cosmetology, but they can play a very useful role and in increasing your energy and vigor. The most invigorating aromatic oils are lavender, rosemary, mint, and all citrus fruits. In addition to giving you a boost of strength, they will also give you sustained nervous system and calm down after stress. And stress at work happens very often.

You most likely will not be able to use an aroma lamp at your workplace. Firstly, it is a fire hazard, and secondly, your colleagues may be allergic to essential oils, or such aromas are simply unpleasant. Therefore, choose one of the listed essential oils for yourself and carry it with you in a small bottle. Just one breath of the aroma oil (just don’t bring it close to your nose, essential oils are very concentrated) and your body will be filled with energy.

More good mood

To stay energetic after a working day, it is important that you are in a good mood throughout it. Smile and laugh more. During a break, you can go to your favorite entertainment site and laugh heartily at new jokes or funny photos. Make jokes with your colleagues. This way you will ensure a good mood for both yourself and them. And in the end, laughter prolongs life.

Sit upright at your desk

Poor body position while working will keep your muscles tense. But tension and vigor are not very compatible things. If your body sits slumped over the entire 8 working hours, then the only thing it will give at the end of the working day is enormous fatigue, but not vigor and lightness. When working at a computer, follow the rules for acceptable distances from your eyes to the monitor. Use only a comfortable chair that will ideally suit the size and physiology of your body. But still, sitting for a long time in one position, even if it is the most comfortable, provokes a decrease in muscle tone. Therefore, get up from your chair from time to time, and at least walk around the room, and at maximum, do a little warm-up.

Be sure to have lunch

Many people often neglect lunch, especially if there is a lot of work and you don’t have time to get everything done before the end of the working day. This is fundamentally wrong. Lunch is almost as important as breakfast. If you skip lunch, your blood sugar may drop. And this will provoke a decrease in energy and performance. However, you also need to dine wisely. For your daily meal, choose low-fat and non-preserved food, as its consumption will increase your feeling of drowsiness and laziness.

Replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones. Instead of a sandwich with a regular white roll, a sandwich with bran bread or whole grain bread. Snack on fruit, nuts or dark chocolate during the workday. And in general, always watch what you put into your mouth: it’s obvious that people who eat right are much more energetic and cheerful, simply for the reason that they feel much better.

Do the work consistently

At the beginning of each working day, you should have a clear to-do list for the day. Arrange all tasks according to priority and urgency and do not deviate from the plan. If there is a glitch in your task schedule and you realize that you don’t have time to do or can’t do a particularly important task for today, this will significantly take away your energy reserves and put you in a state of stress. And after the end of the working day, you will only think about work troubles. If you do everything according to plan, you will be satisfied with yourself, which means your energy and mood will be at a high level.

Drink more water

Fresh water is a symbol of excellent health and energy. Drinking regular fresh water is good for everyone. And especially for those whose work involves frequent phone calls or simply talking with clients. When talking, moisture from the oral mucosa gradually evaporates, causing dehydration. And this phenomenon worsens oxygen tolerance in the blood. Therefore after each phone call or conversations with a client, take at least a few sips of clean, fresh water, and your well-being and vigor will improve.