Orange fruit useful properties. Benefits of oranges for men

Orange(Citrus sinensis) is an evergreen fruit tree that belongs to the rue family. There are various varieties and subspecies, every year 10-15 new varieties are created.

If the tree grows in good conditions, then it can last 75 years. Orange grows on vigorous rootstocks up to 12 meters. However, the tree will be lower if it lived on dwarf rootstocks. Indoors, the tree reaches 2-2.5 meters, and undersized varieties are more compact. The tree has a spherical crown.

The orange bears fruit every year. Pomeranians are multi-celled berries (hesperidia). The shape, size and color of the skin at the peel depends on the variety. The taste of the pulp is also different (sour-bitter, sour-sweet, sweet).

Varieties are divided into 3 groups:

  • 1) Varieties with round fruits with even skin;
  • 2) fruits with the presence of a "navel", a round orange-navel at the top;
  • 3) smaller beetles with red or red-striped flesh.

orange habitat

Orange cannot be found in the wild. Orange usually grows in South Africa, South America, Australia. It is possible to meet him in the subtropical and tropical regions of the most different countries on planet Earth, in open ground.

Composition of an orange

Orange is a dessert fruit and is superior in taste to many citrus fruits. The fruits contain up to 2-3% citric acid, up to 13% sugars, nitrogenous and pectin elements, vitamins B1, B2, B6, P, C (up to 65 mg%), phytonicides, ash, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, potassium - 197 mg%. The peel contains essential oils.

Application and beneficial properties of orange

The fruits are consumed fresh. You can also cook marmalade, jams, candied fruits. One of the most delicious is orange juice. Liqueurs and wines insist on the peel of the fruit, and the fruits themselves can be candied.

The essential oil contained in the peel is used in dairy production, alcoholic beverages and fruit drinks. orange is useful fruit. Its juice and sweet and sour pulp are needed to stimulate the secretion of bile, improve digestion, and also increase appetite.

Oranges are often prescribed in case of beriberi and hypovitaminosis, as in fruits a large number of vitamins. They are also used for liver diseases, obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout.
Fatty foods are better digested if an orange is consumed at the same time. In this case, the risk of heart attacks and blockage of blood vessels will decrease, and cholesterol levels will decrease.

Oranges contain strong phytoncides that can destroy certain pathogenic microbes. For this reason, earlier in folk medicine oranges were used to heal ulcers and infected wounds.

Orange juice is used in the food and cosmetic industry, medicine.

Essential oil is great for eliminating infections in the oral cavity. orange oil. Orange juice is recommended for people with chronic constipation.

  • A decoction of orange peel, cumin fruit, buckthorn bark is used for constipation. Ratio (1:1:8). 1 st. water pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture, bring to a boil, then cool and strain. It should be consumed 200 g in the morning and evening.
  • A mixture of equal parts of mint, leaves of the watch, valerian root and crushed orange peel is used for complaints of pain in the liver and gastritis. It is necessary to brew 1 tbsp. boiling water 2 teaspoons of the mixture, insist under the lid for 30 minutes and strain. Take after meals 3 times a day for 200 g.

Orange contraindications:

Oranges should not be consumed by people suffering from gastritis with hyperacidity, stomach ulcers, and intestinal disorders.

It is worth remembering that when eating oranges, you should know the measure, as their abuse can lead to obesity or diabetes.

In addition, oranges adversely affect tooth enamel. Therefore, after eating oranges, rinse your mouth.

There is no such person who does not know the fruit, everyone likes its pleasant aroma and unique taste. In addition to high palatability, the fruit is distinguished by its beneficial properties: it fills the body with vitamins, strengthens the immune system, improves mood and is the prevention of many diseases. Orange combines taste and usefulness, which makes it one of the most popular fruits among children and adults. Let's try to figure out why an orange, whose beneficial properties are beyond doubt, is recommended to be taken, and what effect it has on the body.

Composition of the fetus

evergreen fruit tree with proper care, it is able to please the fruits for about eighty years. There are a lot of different varieties of fruit, and every year new varieties appear. The color of the peel and the size of the fruit depend on the variety. The taste varies from bitter-sour to sweet. One hundred grams of citrus contains a little more than thirty kilocalories. There is a small amount of proteins and fats (up to one gram), eight grams of carbohydrates.

The “gift of the sun”, beloved by many, is used for breakfast, is an ingredient for making juices and nectars. Orange is not only a delicacy, but also a storehouse useful substances. There are a great many of them in the orange fruit:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium.

In addition to trace elements, the fruit boasts high content vitamins: A, C, group B, P, PP. An orange contains about seventy percent of the water-soluble vitamin C.

This valuable fruit quality is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes during outbreaks. colds.

Useful properties of orange

The high value of the fetus and the positive effect on the body is recognized by doctors and is confirmed by observations. With regular use of the fruit, such positive changes are noted.

One of the most beloved fruits is the orange. A bright and juicy citrus fruit is associated with the sun and energy for many, which is why it is so relevant in the cold season, as it helps fight winter depression. Despite its popularity in Russia, China is the birthplace of the orange. By the way, translated from the Dutch name of citrus means "Chinese apple".

Where oranges grow: in which countries

To date, about 300 varieties of this citrus fruit are known, which grow in many countries of the world: Australia, Algeria, Brazil, Greece, Egypt, China, India, Spain, Morocco, Mexico, Portugal, USA, Turkey, Japan.

The chemical composition of an orange

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, PP.

Macronutrients: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine.

Trace elements: boron, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, fluorine, zinc.

Acids: tartaric, citric, folic acid, oxalic, malic.

Oranges also contain pectin, essential amino acids (arginine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, etc.), dietary fiber, essential amino acids (glycine, proline, serine, etc.), antioxidants, essential oils, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Orange calories - 43 kcal per 100 g.

Daily rate of oranges - 2-3 pcs.

Useful properties and health benefits of orange

The properties listed below have both the pulp and the peel of a citrus fruit.

  • has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect,
  • boosts immunity,
  • prevention and treatment of colds,
  • quenches thirst
  • activates the activity of the intestines,
  • relieves constipation,
  • improves appetite,
  • cancer prevention,
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body,
  • fights with excess weight
  • prevention of kidney stones,
  • reduces the likelihood of pathologies in children,
  • strengthens the work of cardio-vascular system,
  • lowers blood pressure,
  • helps with anemia
  • stroke prevention,
  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol,
  • promotes sperm production
  • reduces gum bleeding
  • helps fight stress and depression
  • lifts the mood
  • energizes,
  • relieves fatigue
  • slows down the aging process,
  • accelerates cell renewal,
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair,
  • moisturizes dry skin.

Benefits of freshly squeezed orange juice

It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed orange juice every day for prevention and elimination. viral diseases. After all, as you know, this drink is a concentrate, which plays a big role in the formation of a healthy protective function organism. This is excellent tool in the fight against avitaminosis.

Orange juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels and fights many diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is worth drinking to normalize the work of digestion, as it activates the intestines and eliminates constipation. Also, the drink should be included in your diet to remove toxins and lose extra pounds. Citrus juice will also help eliminate the accumulated harmful nicotine for people who decide to quit smoking.

Do not drink it with ulcers and gastritis. If you really want, then dilute the juice with water. Be sure to drink it through a straw.

Benefits of orange essential oil

The essential oil is obtained by cold pressing from the peel of the fruit. It found wide application in cosmetology, medicine, cooking, and especially in.

Bright citrus aroma effectively copes with fatigue and apathy. It has a tonic effect, improves mood, fights depression and improves sleep. Moreover, orange oil eliminates feelings of anxiety, nervousness and discomfort.

In folk medicine natural product It is customary to use in the fight against cellulite, bleeding gums and pain (of the head, muscles, joints, menstrual pain).

The benefits of orange for a woman's body

Citrus fruit will be very useful for the fair sex due to its composition.

The antioxidants included in its composition slow down the aging process and help maintain the skin in good condition. Regular use oranges keeps it soft and supple. Also, these substances do not allow the development of cancer.

In addition to antioxidants, orange citrus contains limonoids, which also prevent free radicals from actively developing and protect female body from cancer of the mammary glands, stomach and intestines.

Benefits of oranges for men

As mentioned above, vitamin C contributes to the production of sperm and improves its quality. Therefore, this fruit must be in the daily diet of men when planning a child. It is enough to eat 1-2 oranges every day to avoid genetic damage to sperm, which, in turn, can lead to birth defects at the baby.

Contraindications and harm of orange

  • individual intolerance,
  • intestinal disorder,
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer,
  • gastritis,
  • diabetes.

Fruit abuse can lead to diabetes. Also, after each dose, rinse your mouth with water, as the orange negatively affects the enamel of the teeth.

Interesting Facts about oranges

How to choose and store oranges at home

In Russia, the orange season lasts from December to March. At other times of the year, you should not buy them to avoid GMO products.

First of all, pay attention to the aroma, weight and size of the fruit. Color does not play a special role, since even greenish fruits can be very sweet.

The orange should not feel too soft or hard to the touch. In the first case, it says that it has begun to deteriorate, in the second case, it is not yet ripe and tastes sour.

By weight, citrus should be weighty. Do not buy too large fruits, as they are most often grown using chemistry.

Store oranges at room temperature away from other foods. Do not keep them in a bag, you should also avoid exposure to sunlight.

orange for skin

This citrus fruit is especially suitable for dry skin. It perfectly moisturizes it and relieves peeling. Most often, in cosmetic purposes It is customary to use orange essential oil. It is added to masks, creams and other skin care products.

Orange face masks

These masks are very simple to prepare, but effective.

1) Prepare freshly squeezed juice from a fruit, soak a cotton napkin in it and apply it on your face. Leave for 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.

2) Spread the orange pulp all over your face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Hold the mask for 15-20 minutes.

3) Orange juice or oil (1-2 drops) + 1 tbsp. vegetable oil suitable for your .

The use of orange peels in everyday life

1. All-purpose cleaner. Place the peels of one orange in a container with a lid and pour over the vinegar. Close it tightly and put it in a dark place for 7 days. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle.

2. Getting rid of mineral deposits. Sprinkle regular salt on citrus peels and use it as a scrub. This tool Great for cleaning walls and doors in the bathroom.

3. Cleaning the cutting board. The previous method will do.

4. Home freshener. Chop fresh orange peel and soak in water. Add ginger and cinnamon. Such a freshener has several advantages: it is economical, affordable and natural. In addition, it gives the room a pleasant tonic aroma and moisturizes the air.

The benefits of an orange are multifaceted, as it improves the functioning of many systems in the human body, energizes and positive. Be sure to include it in your diet, and besides, it is one of the available fruits.

Oranges have a wonderful aroma and sweet taste that attract any person. But few people know about the beneficial properties of this fruit for the body (and specifically for women), and what elements it contains necessary for life. The main component of an orange, which is found both in the pulp and in the peel, is vitamin C. It is this vitamin that is responsible for human immunity. In addition, the composition of the orange contains a lot of vitamins, glucose and fructose, dietary fiber, micro and macro elements that make the orange a unique fruit in its structure.

Orange - composition

One hundred grams of orange contains:

Orange - 8 Health Benefits

  1. The immune system

    Most citrus fruits contain vitamin C, and oranges are no exception. This vitamin helps protect cells from harmful effects free radicals, which can lead to the formation chronic diseases(cancer, heart disease). But oranges help our body not only by reducing the risk of chronic diseases, but also by increasing human immunity against small viruses and bacteria in the everyday environment (for example, from colds).

  2. Improves the appearance of the skin

    Vitamin C helps skin stay beautiful, fight damage caused by sun exposure and pollution environment. This vitamin is vital in order for the body to produce collagen, which will reduce wrinkles and improve general form skin.

  3. Reduces cholesterol

    The dietary fiber in oranges helps lower cholesterol levels because it binds excess cholesterol in the intestines, improves intestinal motility, and speeds up the elimination of cholesterol from the body. In studies conducted in 2010, it was found that as a result of the use orange juice over 60 days, there was a decrease in low-density lipoprotein levels in people with high level cholesterol.

  4. Heart health

    Oranges contain a large amount of vitamin C, fiber, choline and potassium - these elements have a beneficial effect on your heart. The mineral potassium is vital to our body as it improves cardiac conduction and prevents heart failure. heart rate. In turn, the lack of this element becomes the cause of such a disease as arrhythmia. A 2012 study found that the risk of death from heart disease is much lower in people who consume about 4 mg of potassium daily (assuming the norm is 1 mg of potassium per day). Another useful property of potassium is to help lower blood pressure, which, accordingly, protects a person from a stroke. It was also noted that the consumption of oranges is beneficial not only for the heart, but also for blood vessels: fruits contain a lot of folic acid, namely, it reduces the level of homocysteine ​​and a heart attack.

  5. Help with diabetes

    Orange contains a lot of fiber, which regulates blood sugar levels. That is why when regular intake eating these foods, people with type 1 diabetes have lower blood sugar levels, while people with type 2 diabetes, on the contrary, increase the amount of insulin, lipids and blood sugar. The American Diabetes Association has compiled special lists of foods for people with this kind of disease, and oranges are marked as a superfood in these lists (but like other citrus fruits).

  6. Improved digestion and weight loss

    The fiber contained in an orange not only helps people with diabetes, but also improves digestion. In addition, an orange can help you lose weight. overweight, since it is considered a product with low content lipids, but at the same time rich in nutrients, which have a low glycemic index. Therefore, the orange is an ideal product to protect against obesity, which can provoke a number of new ones, for example, the occurrence of the same heart disease, cancer, stroke, high pressure, diabetes. What is the glycemic index? It is a measure of how much a food affects blood sugar levels. Products with a high index, for example, include White bread. Such food is quickly absorbed, almost instantly raising blood glucose levels. While products with low glycemic index, such as vegetables or legumes, are absorbed more slowly, slowing down the process of increasing sugar levels.

- a favorite delicacy of millions of people around the world. Some people prefer to start their day with a glass of orange juice, while others indulge in a fruit salad. Oranges are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology, and about healing properties This citrus has been known since antiquity.

Composition of an orange

A small fruit of an orange tree has a bright orange color and a rough skin, which distinguishes it so characteristically from other representatives of a number of citrus fruits. More than 2000 thousand years ago, orange trees began to be cultivated and propagated in China. Later they were brought to Europe and then to other countries and regions.

The taste is sour-sweet, and depending on the variety, it can have from 2 to a dozen seeds, thick or thin skin. It turns out that an orange is the result of selection and pomelo, and its closest relatives are and. In turn, our favorite appeared after crossing an orange with a pomelo.

It is not for nothing that doctors recommend regularly eating oranges for adults and children, especially in winter period when a person's immunity is weakened and susceptible to different kind viruses. The fact is that an orange is a storehouse of useful substances necessary for our body. It contains vitamins of group B, A, as well as trace elements: magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron. But the most important advantage of citrus is great amount ascorbic acid. One large orange fruit contains up to 80 mg of this component, which is daily rate vitamin C intake.

Effects of eating orange on the body

Oranges are useful for normalizing the work of the digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems person. Natural citrus juice improves metabolism, tones and relieves fatigue. It is recommended even to diabetics, orange is able to excite appetite and perfectly quench thirst. Phytoncides contained in the fruit provide it with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Orange has an extremely favorable effect on the healing process of cuts and pustular wounds.

Scroll positive characteristic orange is complemented by its following features:

  • hinders development cancer cells, due to the presence in its composition of the hydrocarbon group of terpenes. Vitamin C in high concentration protects the cells of the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • Lowers blood pressure and promotes normal operation cardiovascular system, largely due to the presence of fiber and folic acid.
  • Increases immunity and is extremely useful for beriberi. strengthening immune system provides vitamin C that stimulates the production of leukocytes.
  • Regular consumption of orange guarantees the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Freshly squeezed citrus juice helps with anemia, kidney and lung diseases and joint problems.
  • Nutritionists confirm the benefits of an orange, arguing that this product contains many nutrients and fiber. It supports the body in a state of starvation and stress, often disturbing people on diets. In addition, 100 g of orange pulp contains no more than 40 kcal, in this regard, there are even orange mono-diets that are very popular in the West.
  • The benefits of orange are appreciated by cosmetologists, who often use it as medical masks for patients with dry skin. "Orange cosmetics" additionally saturates the skin with vitamins.
  • Oranges remarkably improve appetite and are useful as a general tonic. Pectins in oranges normalize digestive process, enhance the motility of the large intestine and prevent the processes of decay in it.
  • Aromatic citrus lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, helps the body quickly remove toxins and harmful toxins.
  • The dietary fiber in orange prevents stomach ulcers.
  • Relieves constipation, thanks to the fiber in its composition.
  • Orange juice, unlike other citrus juices, prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • The rich reserves of calcium in the pulp of the fruit are able to maintain healthy teeth and the skeletal system.
  • As a natural anti-inflammatory, orange relieves arthritis pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. According to medical research orange juice minimizes the risk of rheumatism.
  • Folic acid from oranges has a beneficial effect on brain function. This component is extremely useful for men's health, as it contributes to the production of sperm, being the main source of nutrients for spermatozoa.
  • Orange antioxidants protect the skin from the effects of free radicals, which are known to cause aging.

Contraindications to the use of orange

As useful and wonderful as this wonderful product is, it also has negative sides which should be remembered, especially in the presence of certain chronic diseases.

So, in view of the fact that an orange contains a lot of acid and sugar, it should be used with caution by patients with gastritis and peptic ulcers stomach. People with thin tooth enamel are also not recommended to “sit down” on an orange diet.

Many people are allergic to citrus fruits and this problem is very common in modern world. allergic reactions can be both congenital and acquired, so it is not recommended to overeat oranges. If a rash appears on the face and body, you should stop using citrus fruits.

Like any other product, oranges should be eaten in moderation. One or two fruits a day healthy person will not bring harm, but so that it does not suffer from exposure to acids tooth enamel, you must rinse your mouth after eating.

orange peel

In addition to high nutritional value of their pulp, oranges have at least useful peel. Jam, decoctions, infusions and candied fruits are prepared from the fragrant zest. Its zest is added to pastries, first and second courses, as well as liquors.

AT living conditions orange peel has found its application in the fight against obsessive pets. For example, if your cat tries to get to his favorite orchid and spoil it, then put some orange peel on the windowsill, and your pet will forget the way to the object of his attention.

Orange peel is rich in its essential oils which have such a beneficial effect on our body. The pleasant aroma of ether soothes and relieves depression.

In addition, if you throw the dried peel into the fireplace, it will not only start a fire due to the presence of combustible oily substances, but also create a pleasant incense in the room. This smell, among other things, drives away harmful insects: ants, mosquitoes and flies.

Needlewomen use dry orange peels in their crafts: they cut out funny details and decorate their decorative crafts with them.

Orange: application in cosmetology

In the field of beauty, tropical has also found its way. successful application. As already mentioned, orange is very beneficial for our delicate facial skin. In addition to the fact that orange masks perfectly moisturize and tone, they also have such properties as:

Whiten skin and eliminate dark spots;
smoothes visible mimic wrinkles;
activate the production of collagen;
regenerate the skin;
remove toxins.

Essential oil of orange GreenColor recommends using for the care of any type of skin. It removes excess oil on the skin, making it smoother and more toned. Cosmetics based on pulp and orange peel perfectly stimulate and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

Helpful Recipes:

  • Orange water for the face. This healthy recipe very easy to prepare and extremely useful. After removing the peel from one large orange, pour it with a glass of boiling water, let it brew until it cools completely, and then strain.
  • It is useful to wash your face with such fragrant water in the morning and in the evening. With this tool, your face will always be refreshed and toned.
  • Orange mask. Such an elementary and outstanding mask perfectly refreshes any skin. To prepare it, moisten a tissue paper with orange juice, apply it to your face and neck. After holding for 20 minutes, remove the mask and wipe the skin with a damp cloth.
  • Works great with oily skin orange-egg mask. Take the juice of half an orange and add the beaten white of one egg to it, as well as 1 tbsp. l. corn flour. Mix everything well and apply to problem areas. Wash your face with room temperature water after 15 minutes.
  • The following mixture will smooth out visible wrinkles: 2 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese mix with 50 g orange juice and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Spread the prepared mask generously on the face, hold for 20 minutes and then rinse.
  • Excellent vitamin mask suitable for all skin types. Take note of the recipe. Mash the pulp of one orange with a fork and apply it on your face. Cover with gauze and lie down for 25 minutes. Then rinse everything off with water.
  • If you have mixed type skin, then here's a recipe for you nourishing mask based on orange. Mix freshly squeezed juice of one fruit with two tablespoons of sour cream (15%). Spread this mixture on your face and let it soak in for 15 minutes. After this time, wipe everything off with a damp towel.

Orange selection

If you love and regularly consume citrus fruits, then you probably know that oranges come in many varieties and varieties, sweet, sour, dry and juicy.

Here are some of the most common varieties of orange, as well as their main ones. distinctive features, which you should pay attention to when choosing a citrus in the store:

  • traditional - have pulp yellow color and many seeds;
  • umbilical - such fruits are distinguished by the fact that they have a small embryonic fetus inside, as well as orange pulp;
  • kinglet - small size and with darker flesh. Oranges of this variety are distinguished by sugary sweetness;
  • Jaffa - the largest varieties with thick skin, while very juicy and sweet.
The perfect way right choice orange is to hold the fruit in your hand and smell it. The most delicious fruits are heavy, with a pronounced and breathtaking aroma. If there is an opportunity to ask the seller when the oranges were harvested, use this. The fact is that the harvest of early December is the sweetest and lasts longer.