How to treat oily scalp. Why does hair get greasy? Causes of disruption of the sebaceous glands

Today, almost every second woman is faced with the problem of oily scalp. It would seem that only in the morning she washed her hair, and by the evening her hair already looks dirty and untidy. No wonder. The environment around is not encouraging: dirt, exhaust fumes, dust. All these factors constantly affect the condition of our hair and skin. Add to these factors also the unfavorable harsh climate and the constant wearing of hats, and now we are already dealing with capricious hair that needs delicate care.

Causes of oily scalp

If we talk about the problem in general, then oily scalp becomes primarily due to the release of sebum. In normal amounts, lard forms a thin layer of fat, which performs a protective function and prevents overdrying of the hairline, the penetration of bacteria and ultraviolet rays.

The amount of sebum secreted and the activity of its secretion directly depends on the genetic predisposition. It is impossible to change these factors, but it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the scalp and hair with the help of carefully selected proper care and nutrition.

In addition, the causes of the problem may be:

  • Constant stress and excessive responsibility (high position, responsible position, tense life situation, etc.)
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Poor nutrition
  • Improper and untimely hair and scalp care
  • Problems with the nervous and endocrine system
  • seborrhea
  • Heat and high humidity
  • dry air

All women who experience at least one of these factors are at risk of facing the problem of oily hair.

Why oily scalp is considered a problem

First of all, oily scalp is an aesthetic problem. Owners of oily skin often suffer from rapid hair pollution. Within 2-4 hours after shampooing, the hair begins to get greasy and look untidy. In some cases, they even stick together into separate greasy icicles, which makes the hairstyle extremely unkempt. In addition, the hair is difficult to fix in a beautiful hairstyle or styling. Often, due to oily hair, dandruff appears with large oily scales - seborrhea. It is clearly visible and makes the image untidy. Increased secretion of the glands can even lead to hair loss and weakening.

Sometimes the situation can be aggravated by improper care. In pursuit of the desire to get rid of oiliness and seborrhea, women overdry the scalp and hair and, having solved one problem, begin to fight with another. Therefore, care during the treatment of oily scalp must be approached very carefully.

Proper care for oily scalp

The first thing to start with is this. Review your diet. Give up everything fatty, fried, carcinogenic. It would be useful to reduce the consumption of sweets or completely abandon pastries and chocolate. Instead, eat fresh vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, and honey every day. It will have a good effect on the condition of the hair and the rejection of bad habits. Alcohol and smoking only make matters worse.

External care also has its own rules that must be observed. If you have oily scalp, you should avoid the following items:

  1. Washing your hair with hot water (it is better to wash your hair with cool water)
  2. Complex tight hairstyles and styling
  3. Styling products
  4. Long hair (during the treatment, the hair should be of medium length or short)
  5. Use of flat irons and flat irons
  6. Metal accessories: hairpins, hairpins, invisible, etc.
  7. head massage
  8. Contact of the brush with the skin during combing
  9. Care that does not match the type of hair
  10. Hair coloring
  11. Chemical perm.

It is also worth washing the comb regularly, because particles of sebum remain on it. A dirty comb spreads old grease through the hair.

Washing head

The most common myths and misconceptions concern. Some people think that oily hair should be washed as often as possible, others that shampooing should be less frequent, then the hair will become less greasy. Both of these statements are fallacies. You need to wash your hair as it gets dirty and regularly, and not every day.

Frequent washing, on the contrary, stimulates the secretion of sebum. Hard water and aggressive components of shampoos negatively affect the scalp and force it to constantly replenish the broken protective film, which makes the hair oily at the roots even more intense than before.

It is best to wash your hair in the morning, as the sebaceous glands are most active at night. It is possible to determine the regularity of washing in each individual case only empirically. However, try to avoid daily washing and completely abandon the intention to wash your hair several times a day. The best option is to wash your hair once every 3 days.

Washing the head should consist of two stages:

  1. cleansing
  2. Moisturizing

For cleansing, you need to use a mild shampoo without parabens, sulfates and silicones.

When washing your hair, a small amount of shampoo must first be applied to your hand. Then add a little water, preferably cool. After that, lather the shampoo and apply on the head. It is important to repeat this action twice. Then rinse the shampoo thoroughly. Shampoo residues on the hair negatively affect their condition, weigh down the already heavy oily hair.

Helpful Hints:

  • While applying the shampoo, it is good to massage the head. This will improve blood circulation and stimulate the hair follicles.
  • If you have oily scalp and dry hair, shampoo should be applied only to the scalp. While rinsing the shampoo, the remnants of the product will fall on the tips. For dry hair, this wash is enough to stay clean, but not overdried. After shampooing, apply a nourishing conditioner or balm to the ends of your hair.
  • It is advisable not to wash your hair with running hard water. It is best to pre-soften the water or, in extreme cases, boil it. If this is not possible, you need to finish washing your hair with slightly oxidized water. It can be ordinary or apple cider vinegar in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water, citric acid or lemon juice diluted in water. Herbal infusions are well suited for rinsing. Chamomile has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Oak bark will help normalize hair secretion. True, this infusion can color hair, so it is well suited for owners of dark hair and red girls. For rinsing, an infusion of calendula and nettle is also well suited.

Oily scalp care products

Only the right care can help you solve the problem of oily scalp and seborrhea without destroying your hair.


As it has already become clear, it is best to choose a soft shampoo. As a rule, shampoos from the mass market sin with the presence of sulfates, parabens, silicones and other chemicals harmful to hair. Professional brands produce more natural and gentle cosmetics. But even among the budget lines of shampoos there are worthy options. Read the label and ingredients carefully before buying.

You can enrich the shampoo yourself at home, for this you need to add a couple of drops of juice or aloe gel to it. Essential oils can be used for the same purpose. ?

Shampoo must be for oily or combination hair types (if the hair itself is dry). Shampoos for dry, damaged and colored hair will only make the hair heavier and make the hair even more oily. There will be no benefit from them. The color of the shampoo should tend to be transparent as much as possible. White color indicates the presence of particles that can subsequently weigh down the hair.

In the presence of dandruff, treating shampoos can be used. But if the scalp is just oily, and seborrhea is not observed, such shampoos are not the best option, since they destroy all the pathogenic flora, which on a healthy scalp will cause a violation of the microbiocenosis.

Frequent shampoo changes only cause stress. However, so that the scalp does not get used to the same product, the shampoo should be changed at intervals of 1 time in 1-2 months.

Dry shampoos

To urgently put your hair in order when it is not possible to wash it, you can use dry shampoo. This remedy is most often sold as a spray and is a fine powder. Small particles of the product absorb excess oil, so that the hair begins to look neater. There are many manufacturers of dry shampoos on the market. You can find both expensive and cheap options.

An alternative to dry shampoo at home can be talc, powder, powder, starch and even flour. However, one must be very careful with such improvised means. They can be noticeable on the hair, and the effect of clean hair cannot be achieved.

It is worth noting that the use of dry shampoo will never replace shampooing. Therefore, it is better to use this tool rarely and only in the most extreme situations.

Balms and conditioners

If the hair is very oily, it is not advisable to use nourishing conditioners and balms. In the case of combined hair, the rejection of balm, conditioner and nourishing masks can worsen the condition of the hair.

Despite the fact that you can easily find 2 in 1 shampoos in the store, which supposedly already have a balm or conditioner, it is better to give preference to separate products. By using shampoo and conditioner separately, you can easily control how and where you apply the product.

Extra care

In addition to washing hair, applying balm and rinsing, there are other important procedures: scrubs, peels and masks.

How to get rid of oily scalp with oils?

Many owners of oily hair avoid in their care, because oils can make hair even more oily and turn it into greasy icicles. If oils are used incorrectly, this belief can become true.

There are vegetable and essential oils. They work very well in tandem. Only vegetable oils can be mixed in unlimited quantities. You have to be careful with essentials. Too high of their concentration can cause a burn and cause a lot of discomfort.

It is important that the oil is natural. Discard low-grade oils with additional additives. Fake oils lay on the skin and hair with a dense film, clogging the pores and not allowing air to penetrate. They are difficult to wash off with shampoo.

While using oils, pay attention to your feelings and results. Even the best oil may not suit you - that's okay!

Vegetable oils can be used singly or in combination. After applying the oil, it is better to wrap your hair in a plastic cap or bag, and wrap it with a towel or put on a warm hat on top. Masks with oils should be kept on the hair for as long as possible. Ideally, it's best to leave the oil to work overnight and wash it off thoroughly with shampoo the next morning. Vegetable oils work as natural hair balms.

You can use oil masks for a lifetime. However, watch your hair and don't "overfeed" it.

Vegetable oils and their properties

Base oils are the basis of all oil masks.

Butter Properties
Strengthens follicles, promotes hair growth, eliminates dandruff.
castorUniversal oil: restores the sebaceous glands and damaged ends.
AlmondTreats seborrhea and dandruff, accelerates hair growth and strengthens bulbs.
Gives hair a healthy shine.
LinenNormalizes fat balance, smoothes and strengthens hair.
Eliminates dandruff, fights hair loss, cleanses the scalp, fights clogged pores.
oliveSuitable for combination hair, nourishes dry hair.
Well restores damaged hair, protects against negative external influences.

You can also use pumpkin, argan, macadamia, avocado, sesame, cocoa, safflower oil.

Essential oils

Butter Properties
LemonAdds shine and obedience to hair, dries.
lavenderFights dandruff and irritation, enhances hair growth.
It has antibacterial properties, has strengthening properties, fights oily dandruff, gives the hair a natural shine. Does not cause unpleasant reactions, can be used in its pure form.
mintTones, gives freshness to hair, fights skin diseases, removes excess fat.
CedarAccelerates hair growth, improves blood circulation.
GrapefruitAntiseptic effect, normalization of the sebaceous glands, eliminates fat content in the root zone.
PatchouliAdds shine and manageability to hair.
MelissaRegulates sebum secretion.
EucalyptusDisinfects, tones, reduces hair loss, treats dandruff.
Suitable for all hair types, makes hair obedient, smooth and silky.
PinesStrengthens hair, fights hair loss and dandruff
RosemaryStimulates hair growth, fights breakage, improves cell regeneration

Masks for oily scalp at home

All ingredients should be mixed, applied to the scalp and insulated.

The composition of the mask How long to keep on the skin Notes
Grape seed oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Lavender oil - 4 drops
20 minutes.The base oil should be warm.
Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Whipped chicken yolks - 2 pcs
Rosemary oil - 4 drops
1 hourIf honey is thick, hold it over steam.
Kefir - 2 tbsp. l.
Tea tree oil - 4 drops
30 min.
Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
Clove oil - 4 drops
30 min.
Any base oil
Melissa, bergamot, eucalyptus oils - 2 drops each
30 min.After this mask, it is desirable to rinse with vinegar.
Grated burdock - 1 pc.
Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Egg - 1 pc.
1 hour
Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Whipped egg white - 1 pc.
1 hour
Raw yolk - 1 pc.
Almond, peach oil and cognac - 1 dessert spoon each
40 min.
Garlic - 2-3 cloves
Coconut oil - 50 gr.
- 1 tsp
25 min.
Dry yeast - 10 gr.
Warm water - 10 ml.
Egg white - 1 pc.
Before dryingBeat everything together with a whisk until a homogeneous slurry.
Colorless henna - 20 gr.
Clay - 10 gr.
Bergamot - 6 drops
1 hourHenna pour hot water, wait half an hour. Mix with clay and bergamot.
Yogurt - 40 ml.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Vitamin B2 - 5 ml.
45 min.Whisk all ingredients with a whisk. Apply along the entire length of the hair.
Any clay - 2-4 tbsp. l.
warm water
Egg yolk, beaten with a teaspoon of honey (optional)
20-30 min.

Folk remedies effectively deal with the problem of oily hair. Mustard mask for oily scalp is one of the most effective masks. To prepare it, you need to dilute 2 tbsp. l. mustard with hot water until mushy. Add to it 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil and 2-3 drops of any essential oil suitable for oily scalp. Apply on the head, warm. You need to wear this mask on the skin from an hour, but if the burning sensation becomes unbearable, wash it off immediately! Mustard mask should be done 2-3 times a week for a month.

Scrub for oily scalp

In addition to masks, scrubbing has a beneficial effect on oily scalp. You can do this procedure 1-2 times a week before washing your hair. If the scalp is in good condition, scrubbing is allowed once a month. You can buy a scrub from a professional cosmetic brand, or you can make it at home. For this you will need:

  • 2-3 tbsp. l. hair balm
  • Your favorite essential oil (you can take tea tree or lavender oil) - 2 drops.
  • Fine salt (preferably sea) - 3 tbsp. l.

We mix all the ingredients. Apply with massage movements on the scalp, hold for 2-3 minutes. After washing in the usual way and apply a balm.

Professional treatments for oily scalp

Regular hair and skin care at home, of course, brings results. But sometimes the process of treatment with folk remedies requires some patience and a long supply of time. A faster result can be obtained by contacting a specialist. An experienced cosmetologist or trichologist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. The tables show professional methods for treating oily scalp.

Procedure name Well Session duration Description
laser rain10-12 procedures10 minutes.The procedure is absolutely painless. Laser energy affects the condition of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the structure of the hair improves, the amount of sebum decreases, and the scalp improves.
Ozone therapy7-10 procedures20 minutes.Most often, the injection procedure, less often - the "greenhouse effect" is used. Works well in combination with other procedures. It improves blood circulation, reduces the amount of secreted fat, saturates tissues with oxygen, and kills pathogenic flora.
Mesotherapy5-10 procedures30-60 min.Injection technique. It is aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands and improving the condition of the scalp.
Plasmolifting or plasma therapy1 procedure3-4 min.An injection procedure in which a person's own blood plasma is injected under the skin.
Cryotherapy15 sessions5-10 min.Using a special applicator, the scalp is treated with liquid nitrogen.
Darsonval10-12 proceduresDuring the procedure, micropulses of high-frequency current act on the skin.

How to choose personalized care

As you can see, there are many professional and folk methods for treating oily scalp. How to choose the right care?

If oily scalp is a genetic predisposition, to keep your hair in good condition, you need to focus on home care, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Once every 3-6 months, you can do salon procedures.

If increased oiliness of the hair is a consequence of any disease, the emphasis should be on eliminating the problem and treating the disease, maintaining the hair with proper home care. In the case of hormonal changes, it is advisable to wait out this period without ceasing to properly care for your hair.

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Why hair becomes oily can be understood by reading the list of causes that provoke hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands. There are different ways to eliminate oily hair.

The sebaceous glands begin to work actively with the onset of adolescence. In children under 11-12 years old, the scalp is non-greasy and does not need frequent washing. If the opposite is observed, this is due to diseases that are subject to medical treatment. There are several causes of increased sebum secretion and most of them can be corrected.

Why are sebaceous glands needed?

Sebaceous glands are located all over the surface of the scalp. It is they who produce fat, which is designed to protect the epidermis and hair from harmful environmental influences. Every day, the entire skin of a person secretes about 50 g. fat. A significant proportion of this mass falls on the head area, including the face.

Functions of sebum:

  • prevention of drying of the skin with subsequent
  • creating a barrier to the penetration of harmful bacteria to the hair roots and epidermal cells;
  • skin softening.

Most often, this pathological process begins to develop in the occipital region of the head and gradually spreads to all other zones.

The sebaceous glands have a complex, branched structure. The secret they secrete is scientifically called "sebum", but in a simple way - "salo" or "fat". It consists of many lipid compounds, promotes the removal of toxins from the body. Once on the surface of the skin, it is exposed to a certain group of microorganisms. They decompose the fatty film, therefore, with seborrhea, the scalp has an unpleasant odor.

Violation of the glands can cause both increased and decreased secretion of fat. In the first case, hair and skin become excessive, in the second - excessive. Both are serious problems with negative consequences.

Causes of overactive sebaceous glands

The main reason for the increased activity of the sebaceous glands is an imbalance. It occurs not only as a result of disruptions in the endocrine system, but also for natural reasons. With the onset of puberty, the glands begin to intensively produce a secret.

In adolescents - the norm for children of this age. If there are no rashes on the skin, there is no constant itching, hair does not fall out, there is no reason for concern. As a teenager grows older, the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands goes away naturally.

In addition to hormonal imbalance, the following can be distinguished causes of oily hair:

  • genetic predisposition (a person inherits from ancestors the type of skin, hairline, hormonal characteristics);
  • age;
  • climatic features of the region of residence;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • stressful conditions;
  • excessive physical activity (relevant for athletes);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • accentuated on the use of fatty and spicy foods;
  • frequent hair coloring;
  • cosmetic procedures that are not suitable for this type of scalp.

Despite the genetic predisposition to increased oily hair, the sebaceous glands can work normally.

But when the above conditions appear, the program can be activated and start the process of enhanced secret extraction. This is expressed in the rapid contamination of the hair. A person can wash his hair in the morning, and by the middle of the day his hair will already look untidy.

How to help the body normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands?

The sebaceous glands are excretory organs. Through them, the body is freed from harmful substances. They come mainly with food. Therefore, it is so important to balance your diet, eliminating from it foods that provoke hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands. First of all, these are smoked meats, fatty meats, spicy seasonings.

Today, with the development of medicine, the theory has been confirmed that many disorders of the body are of a somatic nature. Previously, the dependence of their increased fat content or dryness was intuitively associated with the emotional state of a person. . Now this is a statistically proven fact.

In this regard, timely assistance to yourself in various stressful situations is important. You can turn to professionals (psychologists, psychotherapists) or take sedatives that are freely available and will not harm the body.

In order to understand what the true ones are, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. This does not require a referral from a doctor.

You can come to a specialist with ready-made research results and find out the diagnosis already at the initial appointment. In most cases, you will need the following analyzes:

  • test for the level of thyroid hormones;
  • testosterone test (free and total);
  • test for the level of dihydrotestosterone (if hair loss is observed);
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

If women have gynecological problems, they can also affect the mechanism of the sebaceous glands in the scalp.

What will a visit to a trichologist give?

A trichologist is a specialist who deals with hair and scalp problems. But it should be understood that there is no such medical qualification as a "trichologist". This is an additional education for dermatologists. Therefore, it is best to contact just such a specialist.

In order to understand what is happening in the scalp and what is the condition, special equipment is used. Two research methods are possible:

  • trichoscopy;
  • trichophotogram.

Which of them will be the most informative in this situation, the doctor decides. The conclusion of the trichologist will reflect not only information about the condition of the scalp, but also quantitative data about the hair at different stages of its development. A prognosis will be given regarding one or another type of treatment.

Why does hair become oily after coloring?

Frequent can be compared with improper care of the scalp. The use of inexpensive non-professional paints can provoke hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. The same can be said about shampoos that are incorrectly chosen for this type of scalp, too aggressive.

Oily hair after dyeing can become due to the specific substances that make up the paint.

A lot of negative reviews about the products of the brands Garnier, L'Oreal (analogous to "Garnier"). The reaction of the scalp to the use of these products can be such that it will be difficult to dry the hair even with a hairdryer. The reason is high fat content.

The conclusion of trichologists is unequivocal: disruption of the receptors and sebaceous glands of the scalp due to a negative impact on them. As a rule, the increased production of secretions caused by these causes resolves itself over time, without any treatment. And a woman who has experimented with inexpensive hair dye does not buy more of it.

What to do if the hair is thin and oily?

Those who are by nature have a harder time. Systematic proper care of the scalp is required. Thin hair itself is not a problem. They have their own characteristics: a tendency to split ends and brittleness.

With hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, this may not be observed, since the hair is covered with a fatty film. It helps to prevent premature destruction of the structure of the hair shafts (brittleness). But this is only an external effect. There is no way to correct the features inherent at the genetic level.

To partially solve the problem of thin oily hair, the use of dry shampoos helps. For example: Tahe Volume, La Biosthetique, Lebel, John Frieda 7 day volume. Thin significantly reduce the attractiveness of the appearance. You can minimize this effect with haircuts (square), long-term styling.

Increased greasiness of the scalp leads to unpleasant cosmetic problems. The hair looks dirty, sloppy already on the second day after washing, the strands stick together and become covered with a greasy coating. Often the situation is aggravated by the fact that oily hair is "decorated" with large pieces of dandruff - oily seborrhea is no less common than dry.

What is the reason for the increased greasiness of the head?

Talking about increased greasiness of the head is not entirely correct. Usually we are talking about a complex condition of the skin. Owners of dry skin do not have oily scalp, and vice versa. So the increased greasiness of the scalp is a consequence of the general increased sebum secretion of the skin, including on the head.

Increased sebum secretion is caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which begin to secrete more subcutaneous fat than usual. On different parts of the skin there is a different number of sebaceous glands. So, the largest sebaceous glands are associated with vellus hair follicles, while the smaller ones are located next to the follicles of ordinary hair.

One square centimeter of skin contains about a hundred sebaceous glands of various types. And this ratio does not remain constant throughout life. The number and location of sebaceous streams can change throughout life, so at different periods of our lives we feel that the skin, including on the head, becomes more oily or drier.

There can be several underlying reasons for the intensive work of the sebaceous glands. Moreover, doctors assure that, since everything in the body is interconnected, this is a complex problem.

Among the main reasons is hormonal changes. The sebaceous glands quickly respond to any changes in the work of the endocrine system. It is noticed that during puberty, the number of sebaceous glands and their intensity increases sharply, and, accordingly, sebum secretion increases. This picture is observed until about the age of 25, after which the hormonal background stabilizes, and the sebaceous glands begin to work normally.

Women have a more complex cycle. In addition to age-related changes in hormonal levels, the activity of the sebaceous glands is affected by the menstrual cycle. Just before the onset of menstruation, the sebaceous glands work more intensively, which means that the skin becomes more oily so that pimples often appear.

In addition to the hormonal background, nutrition affects the activity of the sebaceous glands. Lack of vitamins, minerals can change the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The diet itself also affects their activity. The increased content of fast carbohydrates (sweet, flour, starch) provokes increased sebum secretion. Fatty foods have the same effect - lovers of fat and fatty pork chops are more likely to suffer from increased oily hair. Alcohol is another "provocateur".

Trichologists call stress one of the important reasons for changes in the activity of the sebaceous glands. Lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, experiences may not have the best effect on their work and, as a result, the appearance of the hair changes significantly, and not for the better.

Recently, more and more women, leading a generally healthy lifestyle and not having hormonal problems, themselves provoke increased sebum secretion by improper hair care. Incorrectly selected shampoo, an abundance of hair styling products, frequent use of a hot hair dryer - all this can provoke the body to defend itself from harmful effects. And he begins to "protect" the scalp, intensely highlighting the protective layer - fat.

How to Reduce Oily Scalp

To get rid of the problem, you need to identify the reason why the hair is too oily. Adolescence or young age, a certain phase of the menstrual cycle - in this case, as they say, you will have to come to terms with the situation and restrain the intense work of the sebaceous glands with special nutrition and gentle hair care.

If there are certain problems on the part of the endocrine system, then it is pointless to treat increased greasiness of the head only with external means, you need to treat the underlying disease, seek help from an endocrinologist.

In any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to reconsider your lifestyle, certain habits, and do this not as a one-time action until the situation with the work of the sebaceous glands improves, but to change your lifestyle forever. Or, at least, until old age, when, due to age-related changes, the sebaceous glands begin to produce significantly less fat.

In any case, you will have to reconsider your diet if there is a task to get rid of increased greasiness of the hair. Do not indulge in fast carbohydrates, refuse or at least significantly reduce the content of fatty foods, enrich your diet with foods rich in vitamins A, E, groups B and P. These vitamins regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Oily hair care tips

It is important to choose a shampoo only for oily hair. Do not rub concentrated shampoo directly into the scalp. A small amount of shampoo should be whipped in the palm of your hand into foam with a small amount of water. And this mixture is already applied to the head.

If the scalp is oily and the ends of the hair are dry, then you will have to use two types of shampoo: wash your head with shampoo for oily hair, and the hair itself with shampoo for dry hair. "Universal products", in particular shampoo with conditioner in one bottle, are strictly prohibited.

I wash my head with warm or lukewarm water. Hot water provokes increased sebum secretion. For the same reason, we try to minimize the use of a hair dryer. In extreme cases, the hair dryer should be warm, but not hot. Apply conditioner only to the ends of the hair, avoiding the roots and scalp.

After washing, it is useful to rinse your head with decoctions and infusions of herbs that have drying and deodorizing effects: oak bark, sage, mint, rosemary. Cosmetic clay has a good drying and degreasing effect, on the basis of which special degreasing masks for the scalp are prepared.

In general, any masks with a drying effect are shown, not only based on clay, but also with a decoction of oak bark, carrot juice, aloe juice. Such masks are rubbed for 15-20 minutes before washing your hair. Their regular use helps to keep the sebaceous glands in check.

You need to wash your hair as it gets dirty. “Training” hair, keeping it unwashed for several days, does not make sense, and greasy strands do not adorn anyone. Sometimes you can replace traditional washing with dry. For such procedures, there are special cosmetics, but you can use the helpers: starch, flour, baby powder. The essence of the procedure: a special agent (or flour, starch, powder) is lightly rubbed into the scalp, then combed out.

Hair after such a procedure looks fluffy, hairstyle - more voluminous. Fat is absorbed by the agent (flour, powder), and thus you can “hold out” for a day or two. This is convenient when it is not possible to wash your hair often, on a camping trip, for example. It should be noted that this method is suitable only for fair-haired people; on dark hair, flour or starch will be very noticeable.

In addition to traditional products, the care program can include special products for the care of oily hair: lotions, masks. The modern cosmetic industry offers a wide range of such products. They contain in their composition ingredients that degrease well or reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands: clay, oak bark, essential oils. When using such care products, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for use so as not to harm or improve the condition of the scalp.

Fresh air and exercise are very useful for normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands. These two restorative factors activate blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen, improve metabolism, including fat metabolism, which has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands.

Berestova Svetlana

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Beautiful hair is the pride of every girl. But if some lucky women with minimal care can boast of luxurious hair, then the rest of the young ladies are forced to make a lot of effort to look neat. Daily washing does not help: the hair is greasy and looks dirty by the evening. The reason for this is oily scalp. How can you recognize such a problem? And how to get rid of it?

You should think about the fact that not everything is fine "in our kingdom" by discovering the following symptoms:

  • profuse large oily dandruff;
  • itching in the scalp;
  • focal alopecia;
  • oily shine of hair;
  • greasy skin.

These are signs of oily seborrhea - a disease that contributes to too rapid contamination of the hair and the appearance of dandruff. What caused it?

Why does the scalp become oily

With oily seborrhea, the skin acquires a dirty gray tint and looks like an orange peel. The disease occurs due to a malfunction in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which begin to secrete an excessive amount of sebum. To provoke such a "malfunction" can:

  • puberty;
  • heredity;
  • diseases of the digestive tract or liver;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • malnutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals.

Letting the disease take its course is not worth it: timely treatment will get rid of dandruff, improve the condition of the skin and allow you to save the scalp.

At the doctor's appointment: how to treat oily seborrhea

Who to contact? It is best to be examined in a hospital to find out the cause of the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands and undergo the necessary treatment. Doctors such as a gynecologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, neurologist, trichologist will help determine the therapy for oily skin.

First things first: comorbidities

Successful treatment involves eliminating the factors that contribute to the development of the disease. At the beginning of therapy, foci of chronic infections are eliminated: habitual sinusitis and oily seborrhea often go hand in hand. Then you need to make sure that there are no diseases of the liver or gastrointestinal tract, as well as problems with the autonomic nervous system.

It happens that the treatment of concomitant diseases nullifies the problem of oily seborrhea, and hence greasy hair along with dandruff.

Medical treatment of oily seborrhea

Self-diagnosis and self-treatment are unacceptable: only a doctor can tell you what to do if the skin is oily. Usually, patients are prescribed antiandrogen drugs that reduce the level of sebum secretion. Women are prescribed the contraceptive drug "Diana-35". It is taken from the 5th day of menstruation, 1 tablet daily for 21 days. The course lasts 3-5 months with a break of 1 week.

It is also carried out with the help of vitamin therapy. For the intake of vitamins of groups A and E in the body, drugs are prescribed:

  • "Retinol Palmitate".
  • "Aevit".
  • "Retinol".

They normalize the processes of exfoliation and keratinization of the skin. Some patients are recommended to use multivitamin complexes: "Supradin" or "Oligovit". The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

If there is a bacterial infection, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, including antifungals. Preparations of phosphorus, sulfur, iron, arsenic may also be prescribed.

Diet as one of the methods of treatment

Each doctor will confirm that the general condition of the body depends on proper nutrition. The problem of oily scalp and greasy hair can be solved by dieting. The diet must include:

  • pumpkin seed oil, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • carrot juice, which is rich in vitamin A;
  • wheat or corn porridge as a source of zinc;
  • egg yolk containing vitamin B6;
  • almonds, peanuts, sesame seeds, lentils, beans - they have a lot of sulfur, which serves to prevent skin diseases.

Useful food for oily scalp type significantly improves the condition of the hair. But the "forbidden" products that increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands include:

  • White bread;
  • confectionery;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • alcohol.

When compiling a menu, you need to limit the intake of carbohydrates, animal fats, salt. With improper nutrition, the treatment of oily seborrhea loses its effectiveness.

Hair care: how to choose a shampoo

What should I do if my hair gets oiled too quickly? Proper care can somewhat mitigate this problem. Oily scalp obliges its owner to stock up on shampoos, masks and lotions, which include:

  • pumpkin oil;
  • clay;
  • essential oils of peppermint, grapefruit, sweet orange;
  • extracts of oak bark, rosemary, calendula.

Many cosmetic companies produce care products specifically designed for oily hair types:

  • under the Londa Professional brand, Purifying shampoo was released, which restores the natural pH balance of the scalp;
  • Sellective Professional offers Equilibre Pro-Tek Shampoo, which tidies up the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • DAVINES introduced the Rebalancing Sshampoo shampoo, thanks to which the scalp is cleansed and the sebaceous glands stop producing excessive amounts of sebum.

Among the more familiar dandruff-fighting shampoos are Nizoral and Seborin. It is important to keep in mind that medicated shampoos should not be used more often than indicated in the instructions, otherwise the scalp will feel even worse. A combination of preparations caring for oily hair with conventional means is possible. For example, in combination with shampoo, Sulsena 2% paste is used to treat dandruff.

Folk remedies for oily skin type

What to do if there is no time for trips to the doctors, and dandruff and forever greasy hair worsen the quality of life? Treatment with folk remedies is suitable for every woman, but it cannot give a 100% guarantee of success. What gifts of nature can be used if the scalp is oily?

Burdock large (burdock)

Burdock root infusions are considered an excellent tool that puts the work of the sebaceous glands in order. You can prepare a decoction as follows:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l. crushed burdock roots and pour 1 cup of boiling water over them.
  • Boil the resulting mixture over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  • Allow the prepared broth to cool.

The infusion is rubbed into the hair roots every other day for 2 weeks. Also, a decoction of burdock roots can be used for rinsing after shampooing. This natural remedy eliminates oily dandruff and improves hair growth.


Oily dandruff cannot "resist" nettle tincture. Making homemade medicine is very simple:

  • Boil 100 g of chopped nettle leaves in 1 liter of boiling water.
  • Wait until the broth cools down.
  • Strain the tincture.

Nettle decoction strengthens hair and normalizes sebum production. It should be rinsed with tincture after washing your hair with shampoo.

How can an onion help?

Onions are a real find for those who are at a loss what to do with problematic hair and oily skin types. It improves the blood supply to the scalp, strengthens the hair, and eliminates dandruff. The most popular onion treatments look like this:

  • onion juice and vodka are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. 25-30 minutes before washing your hair, you need to rub the resulting mixture into the skin. The procedure should be repeated until the treatment is no longer relevant;
  • prepare a tincture of onion peel: brew 50 g of peel in 1 liter of boiling water. After cooling and straining the broth, you need to rinse your hair with it after each shampooing.

Onion treatment also has a drawback - a persistent unpleasant odor. You can neutralize the unwanted aroma with the help of vinegar diluted with water: it is enough to rinse your hair with it after washing.

Tips: how to deal with oily hair

  • use only warm or cool water for washing;
  • wash your hair with shampoo suitable for oily skin type;
  • "gentle" comb your hair;
  • wash your hair before dinner. The sebaceous glands are most active at night;
  • exclude hair styling products from your everyday life;
  • rinse with apple cider vinegar after washing. This will heal the skin.

The scalp will become less oily if you rarely wash your hair: the body will “get used” to secrete less sebum, as a result of which the problem of constant greasy and dandruff will disappear. If you don’t feel like walking with dirty hair, then henna will come to the rescue: the skin will dry out and the hair will become shiny.

There is also a small “trick” thanks to which the owners of an oily scalp type can make their life a little easier. During washing, it is enough to apply shampoo only to the roots: this will give the impression of clean hair.

Self-care requires a lot of effort and resources. But no matter how “difficult” the type of hair and scalp is, you can “get along” with it. A balanced diet, adequate treatment, the right choice of shampoo for oily hair, the use of folk remedies - and you don’t have to worry about your hairstyle. Healthy hair always looks beautiful.

Oily scalp is a problem faced by many. This problem may not be obvious at all. People may wonder for years why their hair is falling out or getting dirty quickly, trying to treat symptoms separately from each other, or simply get rid of them without even trying to treat them.

All this leads only to amplifying the problem, not to finding answers. How to treat the scalp, you should ask a specialist. But for this you need to determine that you have this problem (or at least it is possible).

Causes of the disease

Not always oily scalp is such a problem as it may seem at first glance. This fat content is formed due to the fact that the sebaceous glands on the head work excessively. Hair gets dirty faster because the excreted is distributed through the hair. In itself, this can bring inconvenience in the form of an imperfect hairstyle and the need to wash your hair every day, but you should not consider this a punishment.

Oily hair is much stronger than other types of hair. They calmly withstand various masks for strengthening and growth, it is more convenient to paint them. You can not be afraid that the hair will say “thank you” to you and begin to rapidly change its structure or deteriorate.

There are many reasons for oily hair. Here are the main ones:

  1. Hormonal changes in adolescence. At this time, the level of testosterone increased, sensitivity to it increased.
  2. Hormonal disruptions at an older age, when the female body begins to seriously rebuild: during pregnancy or menopause. It can also cause oily hair.
  3. Hereditary predisposition to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. It is genetically determined. Here it is worth saying “thank you” to one of the relatives.
  4. Stress affects a person by rearranging his internal rhythms, which can also lead to hormonal disruptions, which can lead to an oily scalp.
  5. Disease of the digestive or endocrine system, liver.
  6. An unbalanced diet, lack or excess of certain substances needed by the body can cause oily skin to appear.
  7. Seborrhea is a consequence of other diseases. Physiological seborrhea manifests itself during the period of hormonal adjustment and is recognized as a normal phenomenon. But it can also be part of serious illnesses. These include encephalitis, epilepsy, hormonal imbalances that are not associated with the usual changes in the human body, with mental illness: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder.

In the first three cases, the skin can be treated if it causes significant discomfort. But this is not connected with something serious that requires the immediate intervention of a specialist. Starting from the fourth point, it is worth considering whether it is time to change something in your life.

Symptoms of seborrhea

Oily is considered such a scalp, in which the head becomes dirty every day in the evening and even earlier. If you wash your hair every three days, then you have normal scalp, not oily.

The signs are as follows:

  • oily sheen;
  • greasy skin;
  • itching of the scalp;
  • an abundance of dandruff;
  • baldness.

If you have these symptoms, your hair starts to get dirty faster and faster that you need to wash your hair just a few hours after the previous time, most likely you have oily seborrhea. It must be treated in a timely manner so that the process of baldness does not become critical. When curing seborrhea, the skin condition improves, dandruff disappears, hair loss stops, it ceases to be necessary to worry about washing your hair so often and discomfort disappears.

Therapeutic measures

During treatment, you may need the help of the following specialists: a dermatologist, as a doctor who specializes in working with the skin, an endocrinologist, who will help you understand whether everything is in order with your hormonal background, a gynecologist or andrologist, a neurologist, if the cause of seborrhea was problems with the nervous system. A trichologist, as a hair specialist, and perhaps even a psychologist or psychotherapist, if the causes of physiological changes lie deeper in the psyche.

Getting rid of chronic diseases can contribute to the treatment of an oily head. Banal sinusitis can affect its appearance and development, not to mention other diseases.

Only a specialist can prescribe the exact treatment, but there is a list of standard procedures that help identify seborrhea. When going to the doctor, be prepared to do a biochemical blood test and donate it for hormone analysis. You may need an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, you should also be prepared for this and not be surprised how the thyroid gland is connected with a dirty head. The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating metabolism and helping with hormone production, which means it can be extremely important in identifying the root causes of your disease.

How to reduce fat on your own

We must learn that you can not self-medicate. It may seem that you can cure seborrhea on your own. However, there is always the possibility of improper treatment or misinterpretation of the root causes of its occurrence. In this case, deterioration is possible, and this is not the effect you are striving for.

What can be done to make it safe? First, think about your diet. It is possible that your hair lacks nutrients or you are not drinking enough water. Sometimes normalizing the flow of water into the body corrects the situation well. A person should drink at least a liter of water per day, in its pure form, and not in the form of tea, coffee or other liquids. You can change the diet, making it more beneficial to health: reduce the intake of fatty, fried, starchy or spicy foods. The use of sweets can also affect the increase in seborrhea, so you can try to reduce the use of them too.

Secondly, whether you have scalp problems or not, there are hair care rules that are not always followed. Dandruff is relieved simply by proper washing of the head, when the skin does not remain after washing the alkali from the shampoo, which interacts with the surface of the head. It irritates the scalp in the same way that hot water irritates it. For owners and owners of oily hair, warm or cold water is suitable for washing. Since the sebaceous glands are activated at night, shampooing should be moved to the morning or afternoon. In this case, the effect of washing your hair will last longer. It is worth forgetting about frequent head massage because it stimulates the secretion of sebum. Excessive combing of the hair also causes the same stimulation.

Shampoos should be chosen from professional lines. Mass-market shampoos like them are more likely to be harmful to the scalp than those bought in salons or pharmacies. Aggressive active substances of parabens and SLS will not work either, as they are harmful to hair. Your hair will only get dirty from them.

Do not overdo it with styling products, after which the scalp completely stops breathing, which means that its condition may worsen. Be sure to wash off all products after applying them when you return home. Combs should also be washed 1-2 times a week with shampoo and left to dry at room temperature. In this case, the remaining funds will not fall on clean hair when combing.

Hair dryer for greasy hair is like murder. It is worth trying to bypass it or use it less often. Hot air irritates the scalp and stimulates increased sebum secretion. If you have to use a hair dryer, you can soften its effect by directing hot air not directly on the hair, or using cold blowing.

Dry the scalp paint, including natural henna. It can be either colored or colorless. In the second case, it can be used to make special masks that, without changing the color of the hair, can dry the hair and scalp painlessly and without consequences.

In addition, there are several secrets so as not to worry about how your hair looks. These tips are purely cosmetic in nature and do not affect the treatment of seborrhea, but they can help you feel more confident.

One of these secrets is the rejection of bangs. While the fashion for smooth hairstyles has not passed, it is worth using it. Your hair, without any special means, lies if it is combed into an even or side parting as if you spent half the morning on a beautiful and fashionable hairstyle.

It is better to refuse styling products altogether. If you can't do this, products that contain alcohol rather than oil will work for you. These include hair sprays, gels or mousses.

When combing, do not forget about the hygiene of the comb and try to use natural bristles, which will correctly and evenly distribute sebum throughout the hair, which is why it will not be noticeable that you have oily hair.

How to reduce oily hair? Dry shampoo treatment is suitable for treating oily hair. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, 4 tablespoons of herbal tea, ½ tablespoon of ground ginger, 10 tablespoons of rye flour. Herbal collection is good to grind and sift with rye flour. Before shampooing, dilute 2 teaspoons of the product with warm water to a creamy state, apply to damp hair, massage and rinse.