Course of treatment with nystatin. The key to successful treatment

Nystatin is a medicinal antifungal drug, which has a fungistatic effect. Available in the form of tablets (250,000 and 500,000 units), vaginal and rectal suppositories, ointments.

Pharmacological action of Nystatin

According to the instructions, the active ingredient of the drug is nystatin.

Excipients of the tablets are emulsion KE-10, pigment titanium dioxide, vanillin, Tween 80, methylcellulose, stearin, medical talc, stearic acid, milk sugar, potato starch.

An auxiliary component of Nystatin suppositories is a fat base. The ointment contains the following Excipients, such as medical petroleum jelly and anhydrous lanolin.

According to the instructions, Nystatin is a polyene group antibiotic produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces noursei.

The components of the drug bind to stearins in the cell membranes of fungi, which leads to their inability to function as a selective barrier, and this causes the loss of their main cellular components.

The action of Nystatin is aimed at defeating pathogens of mold mycoses, sporotrichosis, chromomycosis, blastomycosis (deep and visceral), and dermatomycosis. The drug is effective against some pathogenic protozoa.

When used, Nystatin affects the yeast-like fungi Candida and Aspergillus. The medicine blunts the development of vegetative forms of dysenteric amoebae in the intestines.

Nystatin has been noted to be highly effective for thrush.

In accordance with the instructions, Nystatin in all forms of release is not active against viruses, actinomycetes and bacteria.

When applied locally and externally, the drug is not absorbed through the mucous membranes and skin. At internal use Nystatin is poorly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. It is excreted unchanged from the body along with feces.

Indications for use of Nystatin

Nystatin is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases of internal organs, mucous membranes, skin, and gastrointestinal tract, which are caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. These include candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs, candidiasis oral cavity and vagina.

Nystatin is prescribed for thrush, as well as for the purpose of preventing the development of candidiasis while taking high doses of antibiotics (especially tetracyclines) to young children, debilitated patients and the elderly.

Methods of using Nystatin and dosage

Adults should take Nystatin tablets 500,000 units 3-4 times a day or 250,000 6-8 times a day; for the treatment of severe candidiasis of internal organs and candidosepsis - 500,000 units 6-8 times a day. For children, the dosage of Nystatin tablets depends on the age of the child: up to 1 year, ¼ tablet of 250,000 units is prescribed, 1-3 years - 1 tablet. 250,000 units, from 3 years – 250,000-400,000 units. The frequency of taking tablets for children is 3 times a day.

Nystatin ointment for mycoses of the mucous membranes, skin dermatitis and fungal complications that arise when taking antibiotics is applied to the affected surfaces 2 times a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

For thrush, Nystatin is prescribed in the form of suppositories. Nystatin suppositories are also recommended for the treatment of candidiasis lower sections intestines, vulvovaginitis and colpitis. Rectally, 1 suppository is injected deep into the rectum 1-2 times a day. Use 1 Nystatin suppository intravaginally 2 times a day.

The duration of the course of use of Nystatin is 10-14 days.

Effective combination local treatment with Nystatin taken orally.

Side effects of Nystatin

Nystatin in all forms of release can cause the development adverse reactions in the form of an allergy accompanied by rashes, skin itching, skin hyperemia, urticaria.

When using Nystatin suppositories, vaginal irritation is possible; when taking Nystatin tablets, a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur.

Contraindications to the use of Nystatin

The medicine is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to its components, liver dysfunction, gastric ulcers and duodenum, pancreatitis.

According to the instructions for Nystatin, the drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation.


According to reviews, overdose may increase side effects.

Additional Information

During Nystatin therapy for thrush, you should abstain from sexual intercourse. Also recommended joint treatment both sexual partners.

In accordance with the instructions, Nystatin should be stored in a cool, dark place out of reach of children.

Nystatin is available from pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

Shelf life – 24 months.

Thrush – unpleasant disease, which is quite common. Even an infant can get candidiasis. The disease caused by the Candida fungus is quite easy to treat if it is started in a timely manner. Often, for candidiasis, doctors prescribe the drug Nystatin.

Principle of action and release form of Nystatin

Nystatin is a drug belonging to the group of polyenes. This tool is a great assistant in the fight against yeast fungi, including bacteria of the genus Candida. The principle of action of the drug is to create a kind of film trap for the fungus. Without the opportunity to receive food and reproduce, the thrush pathogen quickly dies. And then leaves the body along with fecal matter.

On this moment There are several forms of release of Nystatin:

  • Suppositories for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis;
  • Suppositories used rectally;
  • Pills;
  • Cream (ointment).

Each form of the drug is intended for the treatment of candidiasis different zones defeats. What form of medication to use is prescribed by the doctor. There is another form of the drug that is used if a baby gets candidiasis - drops.

How effective is Nystatin?

The effectiveness of Nystatin can be judged by how it affects thrush. After starting treatment with it, symptoms of the disease such as itching, burning, discharge from vaginal and rectal candidiasis, disappear after 2 - 3 days. This suggests that the product actively affects the fungus and quickly removes it from the body. One more important quality of the drug is its release form. Thanks to in various ways Using Nystatin, you can cure thrush in any area of ​​the body. Often, a drug is prescribed not only to treat existing thrush, but also to prevent its occurrence, for example, when long-term treatment antibiotics. It is also prescribed for the treatment of thrush in newborns.

How is thrush treated with Nystatin?

Treatment of thrush with Nystatin can occur in two ways:

  1. Systemic;
  2. Local.

This largely depends on the type of candidiasis, as well as the gender of the patient. It is not recommended to use the drug without a doctor's prescription. Usually, when one partner is affected by candidiasis of the genital organs, the other is also prescribed a course of preventive treatment. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from unprotected sex.

Nystatin tablets for thrush

The tablets can be taken by both men and women. They are prescribed for the treatment of all types of candidiasis. The protective layer of the tablet is yellowish in color. The full course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician. It is usually necessary to take Nystatin tablets for 7-10 days to completely destroy the active fungus.

It is important to note that you cannot stop taking the drug on your own. Even if there are no symptoms of thrush 2 days after the start of treatment, you need to drink the entire course. may be prescribed by a doctor as preventative measure. If fungal infection in the mouth or larynx, then you should put the tablet behind the cheek or under the tongue and wait for it to completely dissolve.

Nystatin suppositories for thrush

For rectal and vaginal candidiasis, the drug is prescribed in the form of suppositories. Suppositories with nystatin are mainly prescribed to women for genital thrush. Before starting a course of treatment, a girl must consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

The full course of drug administration is usually two weeks. But symptoms of thrush may go away within a few days after starting to use suppositories.

You should also remember that it is best to perform the procedure in the evening; before doing this, you need to take a shower. If you don't follow the rules intimate hygiene, then the colon and vagina are at risk of infection. The candle is inserted in a lying position. After this, it is not recommended to get up for 3 to 4 hours.

Ointment (cream) Nystatin for thrush

Nystatin ointment for thrush is prescribed quite often. It helps to cope with local foci of infection. In this case, it is recommended to use the ointment in conjunction with other forms of release of the drug. This way the treatment effect is enhanced by the medicine. It is prescribed most often, but can also be used by women.

How to use Nystatin ointment

Instructions for using the ointment are quite simple. It should be applied 2 times a day to the areas affected by the fungus in a thin, even layer. The attending doctor decides how many days to carry out the course. On average, for recovery it is necessary to apply the product for 7-10 days. It is also recommended to use complex treatment with ointment and tablets or suppositories at the same time. The ointment should be kept in a cool place to maintain its properties.

Nystatin for thrush during pregnancy

Can the drug be used during pregnancy? Since Nystatin is not absorbed into the blood, there is no point in talking about its harm to the unborn fetus. Therefore, it can be used during pregnancy.

How to take and what form of the product to use? Many doctors recommend choosing treatment with ointment if it appears. It is safer than suppositories and tablets. But does treatment with nystatin ointment help with thrush in pregnant women? The drug in this form of release is without complex treatment may have little effect on Candida fungus.

Despite all positive properties Nystatin, it should absolutely not be used during pregnancy. early stages. This is due to the effect of the drug on the mucous membrane, especially with vaginal candidiasis.

Nystatin for the prevention of thrush

The use of the drug for prophylaxis is quite common in the treatment of other diseases with antibiotics. The dosage is prescribed in individual cases.

Interactions with other drugs

Nystatin for thrush, together with taking Tetracycline, enhances its effectiveness. This has a stronger effect on microbes and fungi.

But there are medications that are not recommended for use with Nystatin for thrush

  • Anticoagulants;
  • Bactericidal antibiotics;
  • Contraceptives.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of the drug has its contraindications. It cannot be used for treatment of the genitals and other areas if the patient has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as disorders of the liver. Contraindication is also intolerance to the components.

Side effects may include following symptoms that will disappear immediately after stopping Nystatin:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diarrhea.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Can I buy Nystatin without a prescription?

You can buy the product at the pharmacy without a prescription. But self-medication without consulting a doctor is not recommended.

Can you drink alcohol while taking Nystatin?

The drug does not interact with alcohol. But this does not mean that they can be combined. This is due to the fact that to treat candidiasis it is necessary to follow a diet in which alcohol is completely excluded.

Don't you get better from Nystatin?

Since the drug is not hormonal agent, then from its reception excess weight doesn't appear.

Delay 8 days. Can Nystatin suppositories have this effect?

The use of Nystatin for thrush in women in extremely rare cases affects the menstrual cycle. In this case, the delay may be caused inflammatory processes which can occur due to thrush in women.

Is it possible to use Nystatin suppositories during menstrual cycle Or is it better to switch to tablets?

During menstruation, the use of suppositories will be ineffective, since their components will quickly be removed from the vagina along with blood clots. But you should not interrupt the course. If the doctor prescribed suppositories, then it is necessary to continue to administer the drug.

Release form and mechanism of action

Nystatin is available in the form of tablets of 250,000 and 500,000 units. There are 2 strips of 10 tablets in a cardboard package. There are also 20 tablets in a glass jar.

Nystatin belongs to the group of polyene antibiotics. It acts selectively on certain types of fungi, especially yeast-like fungi of the genus Aspergilla and Candida.

The drug has low toxicity, is absorbed quite well orally after administration, and most of it is excreted in the feces. Nystatin activity is measured in action units (AU).

The drug is embedded in the cell membrane of the fungus and disrupts its permeability. This causes the main components to be output. Under the influence of Nystatin, fungal cells lose resistance to external forces.

The medicine does not act on protozoan microorganisms and viruses. The adaptation of mushrooms to the drug occurs very slowly. The drug is poorly absorbed and practically cannot be biotransformed. From human body Nystatin is excreted in feces, and in nursing women, also in milk.

Nystatin has established itself as a highly effective treatment for childhood laryngeal candidiasis. Pediatricians advise dissolving a powdered tablet of the drug in a dosage of 250,000 units in a 1 ml ampoule of vitamin B12 and lubricating the fungus-affected areas of the oral cavity with the resulting mixture. As an alternative to vitamin B12, you can use regular boiled water.

10-12 months: 100-125000 units;

1-3 years: 250,000 units;

3-13 years: 250-400000 units;

over 13 years: 250-500000 units.

If you follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor, relief from the symptoms of candidiasis occurs on the 2-3rd day of using the medicinal solution.

Nystatin for thrush during pregnancy

Can the drug be used during pregnancy? Since Nystatin is not absorbed into the blood, there is no point in talking about its harm to the unborn fetus. Therefore, it can be used during pregnancy.

How to take and what form of the product to use? Many doctors recommend choosing ointment treatment if thrush appears during pregnancy. It is safer than suppositories and tablets. But does treatment with nystatin ointment help with thrush in pregnant women? The drug in this form of release without complex treatment may have a weak effect on the Candida fungus.

Despite all the positive properties of Nystatin, it should absolutely not be used during early pregnancy. This is due to the effect of the drug on the mucous membrane, especially with vaginal candidiasis.

What is the best treatment for thrush in women?

This disease occurs more often in women. Causes:

  • Hypothermia;
  • Chronic infections of the genitourinary system;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • pregnancy, etc.

Vaginal candidiasis often becomes chronic, especially when a sexual partner is infected. Therefore, if the patient is in a relationship, a man should undergo simultaneous therapy. And while taking the drug, sexual intercourse should be stopped.

The main method of treatment for women is suppositories; in addition, the doctor prescribes pills.

If there is another infection, choose complex drug with Nystatin in the composition: Polygynax, Terzhinan.

During pregnancy the immune system is in a state of stress, so thrush occurs in every second woman. Usually Nystatin is not prescribed to pregnant women - only in rare cases, and only in the form of suppositories.

Men undergo treatment simultaneously with their sexual partner. They are prescribed tablets or ointment, often in combination.

For children, the drug is prescribed for mouth rinsing in the form of granules or tablets - a solution is prepared from them.

For girls under 18 years of age, suppositories are not prescribed for thrush - they are limited to ointments and tablets.

According to medical statistics, eight out of ten women childbearing age regularly face the problem of overly active reproduction of the Candida fungus, which provokes the appearance of discomfort in the genital area and heavy discharge grainy consistency with a pungent yeasty odor.

In the absence of proper treatment, thrush (vaginal candidiasis) can not only go from acute stage into a chronic one, but also provoke the development of complications, so if symptoms of the disease are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. The article discusses in detail the main indications and contraindications for the use of the drug Nystatin for thrush (candidiasis), the instructions for using Nystatin for thrush are described in detail, possible side effects, the principle of action of Nystatin, release forms (Nystatin tablets, vaginal and rectal Nystatin suppositories).

Not everyone knows how to properly use Nystatin for thrush. The use of any drug for the treatment of thrush (candidiasis) requires knowledge of what form of development candidiasis is in. At the acute stage of thrush development, the doctor prescribes Nystatin vaginal suppositories along with ointment.

If you follow the specialist’s recommendations, recovery occurs on the 10th day of using the medications. Thrush that turned into chronic stage, is difficult to cure. As a rule, to completely suppress the proliferation of harmful bacteria, it is necessary to undergo several courses of treatment with Nystatin with a break of 2-3 weeks.

1 consumption of alcoholic beverages;

2 uses of the drug rectally and vaginally during menstruation ( vaginal discharge interfere with the absorption of the active components of the drug);

3 sexual encounters;

4 doses of antacids containing magnesium, aluminum and calcium (Maalox, Almagel, etc.);

5 uses of "Clotrimazole" (substances included in Nystatin reduce the effectiveness active ingredients antifungal cream).

If the above rules are followed, relief of thrush symptoms occurs already on the 3-5th day of treatment. In order to reduce the risk of reinfection, it is recommended to undergo treatment with Nystatin together with a partner. There are a number of other drugs available to treat candidiasis if a particular drug is not suitable due to certain conditions.

1 candidiasis dysbacteriosis;

2 vaginal candidiasis;

3 candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract;

4 candidiasis of the rectum.

The drug is widely used for the prevention postoperative complications, and also as a means of normalizing intestinal microflora before surgery.

1-3 years: 250,000 units;

One of the best and most proven drugs for thrush today is Nystatin. The principle of its action is binding to sterol molecules, after which the protective membrane of the fungal cell weakens and dies. It has a particularly destructive effect on fungi of the genus Candida, which provoke candidiasis.

  1. Pills.
  2. Candles.
  3. Ointment.

Let's take a closer look at each of them. Let's study side effects, contraindications, precautions, interactions with others medicines, user reviews on the forum and average prices. Well, instructions so that you understand how to take Nystatin.

Treatment of thrush with Nystatin can occur in two ways:

  1. Systemic;
  2. Local.

This largely depends on the type of candidiasis, as well as the gender of the patient. It is not recommended to use the drug without a doctor's prescription. Usually, when one partner is affected by candidiasis of the genital organs, the other is also prescribed a course of preventive treatment. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from unprotected sex.

The tablets can be taken by both men and women. They are prescribed for the treatment of all types of candidiasis. The protective layer of the tablet is yellowish in color. The full course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician. It is usually necessary to take Nystatin tablets for 7-10 days to completely destroy the active fungus.

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It is important to note that you cannot stop taking the drug on your own. Even if there are no symptoms of thrush 2 days after the start of treatment, you need to drink the entire course. Anti-candidiasis tablets may be prescribed by a doctor as a preventive measure. If the fungal infection is in the mouth or larynx, then you should put the tablet behind the cheek or under the tongue and wait for it to completely dissolve.

For rectal and vaginal candidiasis, the drug is prescribed in the form of suppositories. Suppositories with nystatin are mainly prescribed to women for genital thrush. Before starting a course of treatment, a girl must consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

The full course of drug administration is usually two weeks. But symptoms of thrush may go away within a few days after starting to use suppositories.

You should also remember that it is best to perform the procedure in the evening; before doing this, you need to take a shower. If you do not follow the rules of intimate hygiene, the intestines and vagina are at risk of infection. The candle is inserted in a lying position. After this, it is not recommended to get up for 3 to 4 hours.

Nystatin ointment for thrush is prescribed quite often. It helps to cope with local foci of infection. In this case, it is recommended to use the ointment in conjunction with other forms of release of the drug. This way the treatment effect is enhanced by the medicine. The ointment for thrush is most often prescribed to men, but can also be used by women.

How to take Nystatin tablets for thrush

Frequency of administration: for adults – up to 8 times a day, for children – up to 4. There is no connection to food intake.

The dosage for adults is selected individually, taking into account the form, stage and characteristics of the disease. The instructions indicate: maximum 6,000,000 units (for generalized thrush). But doctors say that the fungicidal effect appears when consumed ≥ 10,000,000 units per day, which corresponds to 20 tablets. Simply put, 3-4 tablets at a time.

A single dose for children under 3 years of age is 25,000 units, a daily dose is 100,000 units.

The standard duration of therapy is 10-14 days.

Opinions about this medicine, as well as about any other, are different. Out of 10 respondents, 7 speak positively about the drug. Among the advantages, these people name:

  • efficiency;
  • affordability;
  • no side effects (practically not absorbed, does not accumulate in the body).

Main disadvantages: long course of treatment, bitter taste.

One nuance cannot be ignored: 70% of respondents selected the drug on their own (without consulting a doctor or undergoing tests).

3 people complain about the absolute ineffectiveness of the tablet form of this antimycotic, but praise suppositories with nystatin.

It’s curious: economically “savvy” comrades calculated that they needed 14 packages of No. 20 for the full course of treatment, and the cost was 1,680 rubles. Agree, it's not that cheap.

99 out of 100 competent specialists consider this option obsolete and prescribe other systemic drugs. The reason is resistance. In other words, sustainability pathogenic microorganisms To therapeutic effects. In addition, there are a number of more powerful means, which are taken in a short course (1-3 pcs.) and in a lower dosage.

The tablet form of Nystatin for thrush according to the old scheme is recommended by doctors working in the outback far from the achievements of pharmaceuticals. And patients who are treating themselves buy it in accordance with previously received recommendations.

How to take Nystatin? Very simple. The tablets are taken orally. Swallow them whole. They need to be absorbed only in case of candidiasis of the mucous membrane. Exists daily norm doses of this medicine for an adult. It ranges from 1 to 3 million units. It is necessary to take the pills in such a way as to fit into this dose - this is the most important thing.

The average duration of treatment is from 10 to 14 days, however, in severe stages of the disease, such as generalized and recurrent candidiasis, a second course of treatment becomes necessary.

The drug does not cause any side effects. Nausea, chills and fever are possible, but only when the patient has increased sensitivity to an antibiotic. In such cases, you just need to reduce the dose.

You should not take the drug if you have pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, during lactation and, of course, if you are hypersensitive to the composition of this medicine. In all other respects there are no restrictions.

For the tablets to work properly, you must complete the full course of treatment. The drug must be taken after equal intervals time and never miss a dose. If you still missed a dose, you should take it immediately. But if it is time for the next dose, then you do not need to take a double dose.

  • interaction with other drugs

The vast majority of reviews about the tablets are extremely positive. Users quickly get rid of their illness with the help of this drug and recommend it to others.

“How much does such a miracle cost? Expensive, perhaps?” - you ask. Relax, the price of the product will not hit anyone’s pocket - in very rare cases it exceeds 100 rubles. Basically, the cost in pharmacies varies from 50 to 90 rubles for 10 pieces.

Nystatin ointment

Nystatin ointment is intended for external use only. Under no circumstances should you use the drug to treat the mouth or nose. The ointment must be applied to the affected surface thin layer 1-2 times a day. For better effect and faster recovery, you can simultaneously use other nystatin drugs listed above orally. Nystatin cream for thrush goes quite organically with them.

The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Allergic reactions such as itching and rashes may occur. In such cases it is necessary to symptomatic therapy, and cancel the medicine.

The ointment should not be used for pancreatitis, duodenal ulcers and various liver dysfunctions. And most importantly - with increased sensitivity to the substance nystatin.

During the course of treatment, refrain from sexual intercourse. If you have fungal diseases vagina, then simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner is also recommended. For tuberculosis and viral lesions Skin use of the drug is strongly not recommended.

Do not use with Clotrimazole due to the latter’s decreased activity when used simultaneously. A similar effect is observed with Amphotericin B. In the presence of divalent ions and fatty acids the activity of the drug decreases.

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Reviews, as in the two previous cases, are mostly positive. People praise the ointment for the fact that it soothes the burning sensation very quickly and helps get rid of thrush. Occasionally there are reviews from average rating, which users justify by saying that the tablets help them better. But here, in general, everything is individual.

The price of the product is not much different from its analogues - it also ranges from 40 to 100 rubles.

Use of Nystatin for the treatment of candidiasis (thrush) in children

Nystatin is prescribed:

  • with skin fungus;
  • damage to mucous membranes;
  • intestines.

To prevent thrush, the medicine is prescribed during treatment with antibiotics, before operations on the intestines and genitals.

The treatment is not tied to food intake, the course lasts at least 10 days. Take twice a day with ½ glass of water.

For oral candidiasis, the tablets are not swallowed, but dissolved slowly after meals, 3-5 per day. After taking it, it is not advisable to eat or drink for an hour.

Children are prescribed the product in the form of granules for internal use. A suspension is prepared from them by diluting with water. The granules are dissolved in water to create a rinse.

Vaginal ones are administered after hygiene procedures in the morning and at night in a lying position.

Anal ones are used after cleansing the intestines, also twice a day.

The ointment is applied to the external affected areas twice a day, often the ointment is combined with tablets.

The treatment regimen for acute thrush with Nystatin in women is as follows: vaginal suppositories administer one suppository (0.5 million units) 2 times a day for at least 10 days (up to 14 days). For men, tablets of 0.25 million units - 0.5 million units are used 4 times a day for 14 days. The ointment is applied topically - applied to the affected areas 2 times a day for 10 days.

At chronic thrush It is mandatory to use the tablet form of Nystatin with local treatment with ointment (for men) or suppositories (for women). The timing and regimen of treatment, doses of drugs, combination with other antifungal drugs are determined by the doctor.

1-3 years: 250,000 units;

Nystatin is used for diseases such as:

  • Candidomycosis skin;
  • Candidomycosis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, vagina, digestive system , kidneys, lungs;
  • For the purpose of prevention, the drug is used in treatment with antibacterial drugs, especially when taking tetracycline antibiotics or Levomycetin orally, as well as in extremely depleted and weakened patients.

Nystatin is prescribed to both adults and children. Tablets must be taken orally, swallowed without chewing; for oral candidiasis, Nystatin tablets need to be dissolved:

  • Children from 1 to 3 years old are prescribed 250,000 units 3-4 times a day;
  • Children over 13 years of age are prescribed 250,000 to 500,000 units 3-4 times a day;
  • Adults are prescribed 500,000 units 3-4 times a day or 250,000 units up to 8 times a day.

The course of treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. In most cases it lasts from 10 to 14 days.

The daily dose of Nystatin ranges from 1,500,000 to 3,000,000 units. In severe generalized form of the disease daily dose the drug can be increased to 6,000,000 units per day. In case of chronic, generalized or recurrent form of candidomycosis, repeated courses of treatment are carried out with breaks of 14-21 days.

Thrush is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Among women characteristic features Usually there is a yeast-like vaginal discharge, a specific odor and unpleasant itching in the outer part of the vagina. In men, such a disease will not have such clear signs.

Scientists have long proven that the pathogen that causes thrush is present in eighty percent of women as their own microflora. It helps maintain acid-base balance in the vagina, which is very important for the normal functioning of its epithelium.

There are quite a few reasons that can upset the delicate balance and create everything the necessary conditions for the occurrence of thrush:

  • Taking antibiotics. Such drugs cannot act selectively on only one microorganism, so the vaginal microflora also suffers;
  • Immunity disorders. With decreased immunity pathogenic flora begins to actively multiply, including fungi;
  • Improper metabolism. One result of this is diabetes, which is often accompanied by thrush due to higher level carbohydrates;
  • Unbalanced diet. With excessive consumption of sweets, sugar in the blood rises, then in the vagina, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of the fungus;
  • Pregnancy and use of contraceptives lead to changes hormonal levels and increase the risk of developing thrush;
  • Tight underwear and rare changes of sanitary pads.

The list of medications for the treatment of thrush is quite large. It includes inexpensive, quite budget medicines, as well as quite expensive drugs. They come in different forms: ointments and creams, suppositories and tablets.

The selective effect of this drug lies in the fact that it affects only fungi of the genus Candida, without affecting other microorganisms. It is worth noting that in a small concentration, the proliferation of the fungus slows down, and in a large concentration, its death occurs.

Release forms

The drug is available in several dosage forms, which include:

  1. Tablets in a special coating. They have light yellow color with a greenish tint and a faint aroma of vanillin.
  2. Rectal suppositories. They are yellow in color.
  3. Nystatin suppositories for vaginal use, yellow color.
  4. Ointment for external use. Produced in aluminum or polymer tubes

The activity of nystatin in one tablet or suppository is 250,000 or 500,000 units. (units of action) and 100,000 units. in one gram of ointment. The duration of use of all forms ranges from ten days to a couple of weeks. You can repeat the course of treatment after seven days if necessary.

There is always a possibility that resistant forms of fungi will arise, which will require stopping the ointment, taking pills or using suppositories. This is why there is no need to self-medicate. Put correct diagnosis and only a gynecologist can prescribe the correct treatment.

The most budget option Nystatin tablets will turn yellow. The Terzhinan and Polizhinaks candles are especially popular. They are more expensive, but easy to use, which makes everything worth it. Ointment also occupies not the last place in the price ranking. The disadvantage of drugs from the nystatin group is that they quickly become addictive and reduce their effectiveness with prolonged and frequent use.

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Like other drugs, Nystatin has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account in the correct management of the course of treatment.

Nystatin is not prescribed:

  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance;
  • with hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible side effects:

  • slight vomiting and nausea, diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction;
  • irritation of the vaginal mucosa when using suppositories or ointments.

If possible, you should abstain from sex during the period of treatment, which should also be carried out on your regular sexual partner. It should not be combined with the drug Clotrimazole, so as not to reduce the activity of the latter. Also, you should not interrupt the course of treatment during your period.

Don’t forget that you should exclude sweet foods from your diet. No need to eat White bread or pasta, because the starch in their composition will also be processed into glucose during digestion. And any products containing yeast will increase the number of fungi. But various yogurts with increased content beneficial microorganisms will only come in handy.

Let us note the fact that today thrush is the leader not only in prevalence among all diseases in gynecology, but also in self-diagnosis and self-medication. According to statistics, errors in such cases amount to up to thirty-seven percent.

I would like to repeat once again: you cannot diagnose yourself on the basis of information obtained from the Internet, articles from magazines, or simply from television advertising. You cannot prescribe treatment for yourself based on all this.

Why errors occur and treatment with Nystatin does not help:

  • This is not thrush. Often, during self-diagnosis, a woman may confuse thrush with diseases such as bacterial vaginosis, atypical form herpes and trichomoniasis. Therefore, confirming the diagnosis laboratory methods research is strictly necessary;
  • Inaccurate dosage and duration of use. Only an experienced specialist should prescribe nystatin tablets, suppositories or ointment, as well as determine the dose and course of treatment. Otherwise, there will be no effect or resistance to the drug will develop;
  • Incorrect treatment tactics in cases with chronic course thrush. This requires combined and long-term therapy, which only a doctor can calculate, taking into account all the specific factors of this disease;
  • The partner is not being treated. It is a common belief that if a partner does not have symptoms of thrush, then there is no need to be treated. This is a big mistake.

Contraindications and side effects

Nystatin contraindications are as follows:

  • Intolerance (allergy) to the components of the drug (even in the past);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding (lactation period);
  • Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, hepatitis).

  • In case of hypersensitivity to its components;
  • In case of severe impairment of liver and kidney function;
  • For pancreatitis;
  • For stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • During pregnancy;
  • During lactation.

The use of the drug has its contraindications. It cannot be used to treat candidiasis of the esophagus, genital organs and other areas if the patient has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as disorders of the liver. Contraindication is also intolerance to the components.

Side effects may include the following symptoms, which will disappear immediately after stopping Nystatin:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diarrhea.

While taking nystatin-based medications, the following adverse reactions occur:

  • reactions allergic type And skin manifestations- skin rashes with itching, fever;
  • from the digestive system - nausea, discomfort in the stomach, vomiting, upset stool;
  • from other body systems - unpleasant consequences are possible extremely rarely, because the drug is poorly absorbed.

Nystatin in any form of release is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The ban is due to the fact that the drug has been little studied, and there is still no exact data on how it can affect the course of pregnancy and the fetus.

Nystatin should not be taken in tablet form:

  • for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
  • inflammation of the pancreas
  • and serious liver diseases

It is also extremely rare that there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug - then it cannot be treated either. Full review medications for the treatment of candidiasis in the article Treatment of thrush in women: drugs and recommendations.

Nystatin in any form of release is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Drug price

Manufacturer: OJSC Sintez (RF), RUE Belmedpreparaty (RB), OJSC Biosintez, etc.

The price of nystatin starts from 25-30 rubles per 15 g tube of ointment. Nystatin suppositories for thrush and tablets cost about 40-50 rubles. There are more expensive analogues this medicine - it makes sense to use them if the fungus has developed resistance to nystatin itself, or if you are intolerant to the drug.

In other cases, it is not worth overpaying for expensive substitutes - nystatin has the same properties as expensive drugs for candidiasis.

Nystatin is an inexpensive and effective remedy against candidiasis, which is available in the form of tablets, suppositories, as well as ointments and creams. The doctor will tell you which form of the drug to choose. Nystatin tablets should not be taken if you have diseases of the liver, pancreas or stomach problems.

It is unacceptable to use medications containing nystatin without a doctor's prescription. If the dosage is calculated incorrectly, a person may develop resistance to the main substance, and next time it will help worse or not help at all.

Nystatin- a drug previously widely used to treat fungal infections caused by yeast or yeast-like fungi. The use of the drug is allowed for all groups of patients (men, women (with restrictions during pregnancy and lactation) and children). At the moment, the drug is allowed to be used in a limited dosage and areas (obstetrics, gynecology, prevention of surgery and candidiasis after major operations or long-term antibiotic therapy in the treatment of internal diseases).

Brief description of the drug nystatin

The main active ingredient in the drug is a polyene antibiotic based on binding to special molecules (complex sterol molecules) present in the membranes. Interaction breaks protective function cell membrane. After an uncontrolled flow of ions into the cell, its death occurs.

Low concentrations can slow down the fungal cell, and high concentrations can kill it. The main spectrum of action should be considered yeast-like fungi, in relation to Candida alb., in particular, and microorganisms belonging to the Aspergillus group.

Indications for use

Nystatin is recommended for use in acute and chronic candidiasis of the genital organs (thrush), as well as candidal dysbacteriosis. The latter can be called surgical interventions, long-term therapy with antibiotics and drugs for the prevention of these diseases.


  • Allergy to the components of the drug (past, including);
  • Pregnancy period;
  • Period ;
  • Acute gastrointestinal diseases (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers).

Side effects

  • Topical application involves redness, itching, rashes, swelling and burning;
  • The use of tablets leads to dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea).

In these cases, the drug should be discontinued or the dose of the drug should be adjusted.

special instructions

  • It is not recommended to take the drug in combination with alcohol at the same time;
  • Concomitant use with Clotrimazole may result in decreased concentrations. last drug in the blood, as well as a therapeutic effect;
  • Taking medication during menstruation in the form of suppositories is highly not recommended;
  • Completing a course of treatment requires abstaining from sexual activity;
  • To achieve optimal results, treatment will be required for two sexual partners;
  • Lack of addiction, slow development of drug resistance;
  • Dispensed according to medical prescriptions from a pharmacy;
  • Shelf life is 2 years;
  • Store away from children in a place protected from light.

Method of using nystatin for thrush

For the treatment of acute thrush in women, the following regimen is used using the drug Nystatin. Vaginal suppositories are administered 1 suppository (0.5 million units) twice a day for 10–14 days. For men, tablets of 0.25–0.5 million units are recommended, 4 times daily for 14 days. In progress local application The ointment is applied to the affected areas twice a day for a period of 10 days.

Chronic thrush involves the use of Nystatin in tablet form in mandatory. For local treatment use: ointment (for men) or suppositories (for women). The timing, treatment regimen, dosage of drugs and combination with other anti-fungal drugs are determined by the doctor.

Nystatin analogues include Moronal, Nystafungin, Terzhinan, Fungicidin and others.

The modern pharmaceutical market is rich in various antifungal agents, among which there are many modern drugs, and also representatives of the old generation remained, such as Nystatin for thrush. This drug has several forms of release - tablets, suppositories (vaginal/rectal), as well as ointment.

Many representatives of the fairer sex use suppositories with nystatin for thrush more often than other dosage forms of this drug. And for men with thrush, nystatin ointment is good. Ideally use A complex approach in treatment - combine suppositories and oral forms of the drug. In addition, before starting treatment, it would be correct to culture the secretions in order to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drugs.

Pharmacological properties

To understand how to treat thrush with Nystatin, you need to have a good understanding of what kind of drug it is. The medicine is an antifungal. It has the same name active substance- nystatin, which refers to pharmacological group polyene antibiotics. This chemical compound exhibits high activity against yeast-like candida fungi.

When mushrooms come into contact with the main component of Nystatin, the permeability of their cell membrane is disrupted, and the main components of the cell come out. The drug inhibits the reproduction and growth of pathogenic fungi, and in large doses causes the death of fungal cells.

After taking the tablet, the active substance is poorly absorbed from the digestive tract. When applied topically or rectally/vaginally, it does not enter the bloodstream and therefore does not have a systemic effect on the body. With repeated use in therapeutic dosages, its effect does not increase (there is no cumulative effect). Nystatin leaves the body with excrement.

Areas of use

Nystatin-based drugs can be used in the following cases:

  • candidal infection of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • candidiasis of internal organs (intestines, lungs, spleen, brain, heart, lymph nodes);
  • prevention of generalized candidiasis in patients who take long-term antibacterial drugs, take courses radiation therapy, or have a reduced immune status for other reasons;
  • genital candidiasis in both sexes;
  • prevention of secondary fungal infection in the period after surgical intervention and against the background of local treatment with antimicrobial agents.

Which in medical circles is called infectious balanitis (inflammation of the glans penis) or balanoposthitis (the inner leaf is attached to the glans foreskin), is also successfully treated with antifungal ointments, including Nystatin.

Dosage forms

Diseases that arise from candida fungi are very diverse, which is why the drug is available in various dosage forms. At different options candidiasis and thrush Nystatin can be prescribed in one or several of the following forms:

  • Vaginal suppositories Nystatin. Visually, suppositories resemble a torpedo. In pharmacies you can buy candles for 250,000 units and 500,000 units. Used in preventive and medicinal purposes with candidiasis of the genitals and vagina. And also for preventive purposes against candidomycosis that occurs during long courses antibacterial therapy and in immunocompromised patients.
  • Rectal suppositories Nystatin. They look the same as vaginal suppositories and have an almost identical composition, but they contain petroleum jelly as an auxiliary component. They must be used exclusively for their intended purpose - inserted into the rectum. It is appropriate to treat thrush with Nystatin in rectal suppositories in cases of detection of candidiasis in the rectum, especially in its lower parts.
  • Nystatin ointment. This drug is not produced by any pharmaceutical company in the form of a cream or gel. The use of Nystatin ointment for thrush (balanoposthitis) is indicated, as well as for the treatment of stomatitis caused by yeast. In addition, the ointment is used to treat candidiasis in the inguinal folds, inflammation of the buttocks in infants that are of fungal origin, as well as for the prevention of various candidomycosis.
  • Nystatin tablets. As a rule, they are always coated and come in 2 dosages: 250 thousand units and 500 thousand units. First of all, the medicine in tablets is used when forms of candidiasis sensitive to nystatin appear, which affects digestive tract. This often happens after a long course of taking antibiotics or anticancer drugs.

“For chronic candidiasis, it is indicated complex therapy, in which, along with tablets, it is also necessary to use other forms of the drug.”

Methods of application

How to take Nystatin for thrush depends on the chosen dosage form this drug. Many women/men like to self-medicate, but it is more correct to take medicine in any form after consulting a doctor and undergoing tests.


The oral form of Nystatin against thrush in women must be taken regardless of meals. In each specific case, the doctor should tell you how and in what dosage to take. But if we consider most cases, the instructions for use contain the following information:

  • Adult men and women with uncomplicated conditions: 1 tablet of Nystatin (500 thousand units) every 2 hours up to 8 times a day.
  • If the candidiasis infection has significantly spread throughout the body, then it is allowed to take up to 12 tablets of 500,000 units per day. Most often, the daily dose is divided into 6 doses of 2 tablets at a time.
  • IN pediatric practice You can take Nystatin from 1 year. For patients under 3 years of age, the drug is indicated in a dosage of 250 thousand units, which is taken 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. And older children are allowed to take Nystatin in tablets of 500,000 units 4 times a day.

The duration of therapy lasts 10-14 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after a week.


Nystatin suppositories for thrush are divided into intravaginal and rectal. The latter are placed in anal hole 1 suppository 2 times a day - in morning hours and before bed. The therapeutic course can range from 10 days to 2 weeks. Using intra vaginal suppositories is carried out according to the same scheme as for rectal ones, only they are taken into the vagina after carrying out the stages of personal hygiene.


Nystatin ointment for thrush in women and for candidiasis in men is applied topically to the affected surface and distributed in a thin layer in the morning and evening for 1 week. And when neglected pathological condition the duration of treatment may be extended.

When treating genital candidiasis, Nystatin ointment should be applied not only to the genitals, but also to the skin around them. The sexual partner should also undergo treatment to eliminate the risk of re-infection.

Nystatin ointment for thrush is also widely used in dental practice. Care must be taken when using it. Apply to lesions candidal stomatitis it should be in small quantities, using cotton swab or a gauze pad. After such manipulation, you should refrain from eating and drinking for an hour. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

Nystatin is considered to be of low toxicity, but it is not excluded side effects drug:

  • After taking tablets or using rectal suppositories, patients may experience dyspeptic disorders - pain in the epigastric region, increased peristalsis, nausea, vomiting, and stool upset.
  • The risk of developing allergic reaction, even if the drug was previously well tolerated. Intolerance to the main or additional components can be manifested by itching, low-grade fever, and in some cases, fever.
  • With prolonged unjustified use of Nystatin, the spread of resistant forms of fungi may occur. In this case, the drug must be discontinued immediately.

“If, when using ointment with nystatin, the burning and pain intensified in the area of ​​application or uncharacteristic rashes appeared, then to eliminate this effect, the medicine is discontinued and symptomatic therapy is carried out.”

A remedy for thrush - Nystatin in any of its forms has virtually no contraindications. The main limitation is hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components. Pregnant women are prescribed Nystatin in rare cases, when there are serious reasons for this and it can be cured. expectant mother It doesn't work in other ways.

It has been confirmed that nystatin compounds are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream clinical studies, but in what quantities they are released from breast milk has not been studied enough, so it is better not to use the drug during lactation. If such a need still exists, then a decision may be made to temporarily stop breastfeeding.

Features of using candles

Treatment of symptoms is a reliable and proven way to combat this pathology. However, to cure rectal or vaginal thrush This will only work if you know how to administer suppositories correctly.


In order for suppositories with Nystatin to be beneficial and easier to use, it is necessary to maintain the correct storage temperature - in the refrigerator (not higher than 5°C). Suppositories are much easier to administer if they are cool. The dosage form can be administered while standing or lying on your side.

Algorithm of actions when introducing suppositories:

  • Take a shower and wash your hands thoroughly before handling. You can process them separately disinfectant. It would also be good to cool them a little - hold them under running cold water or pick up an ice bag (this will allow the candle to melt more slowly during the procedure).
  • The patient should take a comfortable position, and then open 1 suppository. As a rule, at the base of the “torpedo” you need to pull the solder in different sides or you can use scissors.
  • All movements must be performed quickly so that the medicine does not leak in your hands. It is necessary to spread the buttocks and insert the candle (sharp end) to the depth of the index finger. After this, the sphincter must be squeezed and lie there for several minutes.
  • Before inserting the suppository, to facilitate the process. You can lubricate the anus with Vaseline, fatty oil or baby cream. It is important to avoid sudden movements so as not to damage the mucous membrane in the rectum during the insertion process.
  • After administering the suppository, it is advisable to lie down for 30-40 minutes and refrain from bowel movements during this time. I will have the urge to go to the toilet - this is a normal physiological phenomenon. But you need to overcome yourself so that the medicine has time to be absorbed and begin to act.

If the candle is placed overnight, the substances that form the basis of the dosage form are almost completely absorbed. But if this is a morning application and after half an hour you need to return to your usual routine, then the foundation may begin to leak. This will not affect the treatment, since during this time the medicine itself has already managed to be absorbed and begins to act.

The base of rectal suppositories usually contains liquid or white soft paraffin, petroleum jelly, animal fat or something else. Once in the rectum at a temperature of 36.6 - 37.0 °C, they begin to melt and gradually leak. To avoid discomfort during treatment, you must use daily sanitary pads.


Vaginal suppositories are produced using the same technology as rectal suppositories. Only some components of the base can distinguish them, but their storage conditions are usually the same - in the refrigerator.

Some intravaginal suppositories are administered after soaking with water, while others have special applicators. However, most vaginal suppositories, including Nystatin suppositories, are inserted without additional devices using the index finger. Many women find it more convenient to do this lying down, pulling their knees to their chest, and some manage to do it standing or slightly crouching.

Nystatin suppositories are administered twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime. After shower and douching warm water without soap, 1 suppository is inserted with clean hands deep into the genitals women's ways. For hygienic reasons and to reduce discomfort, a woman should use panty liners throughout the entire therapeutic course.

Quite often, representatives of the stronger sex do not show symptoms of the disease, but they remain carriers and infect their sexual partners. If one of the partners has symptoms of candidiasis, both should be tested and treated.

Tests for fungus

Whether nystatin will help with thrush largely depends on the sensitivity of the pathogen to this medicine. To find out for sure, it would be correct to take necessary tests for thrush. Most often recommended are culture, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and ultra-sensitive diagnosis of infections by PCR.

Any material can be used as a test material. biological fluid in the patient's body. The material for research can be very diverse, but most often if there is a suspicion of acute form candidiasis, uncomplicated by concomitant infections, patients are recommended to have a smear from the pathological focus and basic clinical tests blood, urine and feces.

What specific tests to take for candidiasis should be decided by the attending physician. Sometimes, for greater accuracy, it may be prescribed comprehensive examination, which will allow us to identify the pathogen and select adequate treatment. If patients decide to take Nystatin without examination, then the likelihood of a favorable prognosis is significantly reduced.