Skin lesions in AIDS. HIV and skin manifestations

As soon as the human body is struck by the terrible immunodeficiency virus, completely irreversible consequences begin, which are almost impossible to cope with. Taking into account the fact that some HIV can stay in the body for years, not manifest itself at all, and only then the condition worsens sharply, you should be attentive to your health, well-being and skin condition as well.

Why and where do acne appear with HIV?

Pimples with HIV on the body in the first stages may not cause any suspicion in a person at all, especially if he does not yet know that he is already a carrier of the virus. Insofar as defense mechanisms systematically destroyed and the level of resistance to external infections and bacteria gradually decreases, you can notice how rashes gradually appear on the body even in those places where they did not exist at all before.

Acne on the face with HIV may at first seem like a common acne, but traditional home remedies for prevention and treatment in this case will not work. Gradually, single rashes on the face begin to become inflamed, more and more often one can observe the formation of abscesses, which in the future will begin to unite. Such pronounced pink pimples have already painful sensations are called acne, and if a person who is not infected with AIDS has a chance to get rid of the problem, then someone who is infected has practically none.

Acne on the head with HIV is also no exception. As a rule, rashes gradually appear throughout the body. If at first abscesses and inflamed areas were only on the face, then after a while such foci are already present on the head. In cases where a specialized examination has not been carried out before, then with such symptoms it is simply necessary to run to a specialist and take all the tests. Acne with HIV, photos of which are widely available on the Internet, clearly show what will happen if specialized medical treatment is not urgently started.

Pimples on the neck with HIV are also hallmark diseases. Ordinary compresses, ointments and scrubs will not give absolutely no result. In place of one abscess, two will appear, and if potent drugs are not used, even little pimple can become a large ulcer. What acne occurs with HIV, you can find out on your own, or even better, seek help from a highly qualified specialist. Timely therapy will help alleviate such a disease and will stop new purulent formations throughout the body.

Acne on the body with HIV is a characteristic and very striking symptom of the disease, which signals a weakening of the immune system. timely therapy and full examination help to alleviate the situation and will support the body, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor with such symptoms.

The problem of HIV infection is widespread all over the world today. This disease is incurable, therefore, a particularly important method of dealing with it is timely diagnosis and the appointment of adequate treatment. One of the main signs is the presence of specific rashes in patients.

Types of rash with HIV

Skin rashes with HIV appear on the most early stages and are a significant symptom, allowing to suspect the disease.

These include:

Fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes

The hallmarks of HIV are: the rapid appearance of lesions on large areas of the body, spread to the scalp, resistance to treatment, the severity of the course, reappearance after treatment.

There are 3 forms:

  • rubrophytia- a disease manifested in the formation of the following elements on the skin: exudative erythema, seborrheic dermatitis, keratoderma of the palms and soles, papular rash. It may be represented by one or more of the features described above.
  • versicolor versicolor - in HIV-infected people, it occurs in the form of a rash, represented by red spots about 2-4 cm in diameter, turning into pustules and plaques.
  • mucosal candidiasis. The peculiarity lies in the defeat of atypical for healthy people organs - trachea, bronchi, genitourinary tract, genitals, oral cavity. Not cured by conventional antifungal agents, often there are relapses and the addition of a secondary infection.

Viral lesions, predominantly mucous membranes

  • herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Often manifested in the oral cavity, genitals, anal area. It is difficult to cure and has a tendency to reappear. Severe and painful course, elements of the rash almost always ulcerate.
  • molluscum contagiosum - appears on the face, especially often on the skin of the forehead and cheeks, has the appearance of reddish nodules with an impression on the top.
  • hairy leukoplakia- usually occurs in the oral cavity, indicates a strong weakening of the immune system.
  • pointed papillomas and condylomas, common warts - are formed on the genitals and in the anal area.

Kaposi's sarcoma

Kaposi's sarcoma - is a malignant vascular tumor that can affect internal organs or skin. It has the appearance of red-violet spots, at first small in size. Later, they merge, a dense conglomerate is formed, which affects nearby tissues and lymph nodes.

The disease develops very quickly, affecting mainly young people. It is one of the pathognomonic (indicator) symptoms of HIV infection.

Purulent skin lesions or pyodermatitis

They proceed according to the type of juvenile acne, they are resistant to any ongoing treatment. Characterized by streptococcal infection.

Distinctive features of the rash with HIV

The course of a rash in the presence of HIV infection in the body has a number of distinctive features:

  1. Process Generalization- the spread of rashes to large areas of the body or to several areas (for example, on the head, neck and back).
  2. Rapid appearance of rash elements(may develop in several areas within 5-7 days).
  3. Severe clinical course(soreness, maybe heat), frequent ulceration primary elements rashes, accession of a secondary infection (formation of pustules).

Poorly amenable to standard therapy (antifungal, antiviral), the appointment of potent drugs from the same group is required. Relapses almost always occur after treatment.

Stages of HIV infection

HIV infection occurs in several stages:

Incubation period

From the moment the virus enters the bloodstream until the first clinical signs appear in the body. It can last on average from 2 weeks to 1 month. At this time, the virus multiplies in the human body.

The appearance of the first clinical signs

Follows incubation period. The virus accumulates in sufficient quantities, which is accompanied by the release of antibodies to it and the body's reaction to it.

It is divided into 3 stages:

  • 2A - acute febrile stage- in its manifestation it is similar to a catarrhal disease: weakness, malaise occurs, body temperature rises, there is an increase lymph nodes in many parts of the body. After 1-2 weeks, these signs disappear.
  • 2B - asymptomatic stage- characterized total absence any clinical symptoms. Most often it lasts for several years.
  • 2B - stage of persistent generalized lymphadenopathy- there is a gradual reproduction and accumulation of the virus in the body and damage to the cells of the immune system (lymphocytes). This stage manifests itself in frequent infectious diseases - pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia. It is at this stage that the first rashes, especially of a fungal and viral nature, may appear. The peculiarity of this period is that all infectious diseases respond well to treatment standard preparations. With the diagnosis of HIV infection at this stage and timely treatment, the stage can last 10-15 years.

Progression of lymphadenopathy

Infectious diseases become persistent more severe, difficult to treat. Oral candidiasis often occurs at this stage, respiratory tract, herpes lesions of the genital organs, that is, those diseases that are extremely rare in people with a healthy immune system. There is a loss of body weight, diarrhea often occurs, which is not stopped by medication and lasts more than one month. Rashes at this stage also become generalized.

terminal stage

Transition to the stage of AIDS. Continues weight loss, turning into cachexia, diarrhea, pneumonia, skin diseases. There are so-called AIDS-associated diseases - Kaposi's sarcoma, pneumocystis pneumonia, fungal infections of the respiratory tract, nervous system. The lesions are irreversible, any treatment fails, and the patient dies after a few months.

The duration of the stages may differ from the average figures and depends on the lifestyle of the patient, the state of his immunity. Early treatment can significantly delay stage of AIDS early diagnosis plays an important role in this.

Associated HIV symptoms

When it enters the body, the virus infects the cells of the immune system (T-lymphocytes), which leads to disruption of their work, weakening of the immune system and the appearance of concomitant HIV diseases. The following symptoms make it possible to suspect that a person has HIV infection:

  1. Fungal diseases, especially if they appear in organs that are not typical for a healthy person, for example, pneumocystis pneumonia, candidiasis of the genitourinary tract. Cryptococcosis - a fungal infection of the brain is an essential sign of HIV infection. This group also includes fungal infections of the skin.
  2. Frequent viral lesions - for example, herpes simplex and herpes zoster with a frequency of occurrence more than once every six months, especially if it is localized on the genitals or in oral cavity.
  3. Malignant diseases- a special place among them is occupied by Kaposi's sarcoma and is important symptom HIV infection.
  4. Bacterial infectionsextrapulmonary tuberculosis, secondary lesions in herpes and candidiasis (usually streptococcal).

HIV diagnosis

To date, there are several sequential methods HIV diagnosis.

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)- is original and standard. Allows you to detect the presence of antibodies to the virus in the blood, has a high reliability (up to 99%). For its implementation, blood is taken from a vein and sent to the laboratory in a special test tube, the result is determined on average in a week. There may be the following options:

  • negative result– no antibodies to HIV were detected (therefore, there is no infection with the virus).
  • false negative result- obtained in the early stages (up to 2-3 weeks, when antibodies to HIV have not yet developed), at the stage of AIDS (when immune cells are unable to produce antibodies to infection), with errors in the diagnostic technique.
  • false positive result - antibodies to HIV are present, sometimes obtained with errors in the diagnostic technique or with certain diseases and conditions (for example, alcoholic liver damage, pregnancy, condition after vaccination).
  • positive result- antibodies to HIV are present.

The last two answers require further in-depth examination.

immune blotting- used with a positive response to ELISA, carried out in the laboratory, is 98-99% reliable. It consists in applying blood to a specially treated strip. Depending on the pattern shown on it, the test is considered either positive or negative.

Polymerase chain reaction(PCR)- is time-consuming and expensive and is used in doubtful cases.

Express tests- are used for mass verification of the population, their reliability is inferior to the methods described above. They require mandatory rechecking by the first two methods.

What to do if a rash and signs of HIV appear?

The appearance of a rash on the body (especially widespread, affecting several areas, difficult to treat and prone to relapse) and signs of HIV ( frequent infections, especially fungal and viral infections) does not necessarily mean infection with a virus, however, it is often an accompanying symptom of HIV and requires the identification of the cause.

With the above rashes, it is recommended to contact the laboratory or a specialized anonymous office and undergo an analysis to detect antibodies to the virus. AT Russian Federation there is the possibility of free (HIV centers, district clinics and hospitals) and commercial (private laboratories) examination.

The initial method for all applicants is ELISA, according to the indications (positive and false positive), the following stages are assigned (blotting, PCR), any check is carried out without disclosing information about the patient's data. If a virus is detected, the patient is given recommendations and referrals to specialists.

Summarizing the above, we can say that although today HIV infection is not completely cured, however, with its early diagnosis and timely treatment, the patient has a significant chance to live for decades. Therefore, when the signs and symptoms described in the article appear, you should immediately be examined for the presence of a virus in the blood. In no case should you let everything take its course, the later the disease is detected and therapy is started, the worse the patient's prognosis.

is the first sign of infection. However, in most cases, such manifestations go unnoticed, which contributes to the further progression of the pathology. Therefore, if such a symptom occurs, you should make sure that there is no such a terrible disease.

Few people know how a rash manifests itself with HIV infection in women and men, a photo will help you find out the answer to a similar question, and you can find them yourself. Also at the appointment, a dermatologist is able to demonstrate a photo primary symptoms rashes in HIV.

In most cases, a rash with HIV (see photo) occurs in the following forms:

The above types of rash on the body with HIV infection are diagnosed in patients most often. Each of the ailments has its own clinical features, depending on them, and the approach to the treatment of these diseases is different.

What is the rash associated with HIV infection?

Depending on the location of the rashes on the body with HIV, they are divided into two large groups: exanthems and enanthems.

Exanthema is any rash on the skin with HIV (photo), localized only on the outside and provoked by exposure to the virus. Enanthema also denotes the presence of similar elements of dermatoses, however, they are located only on the mucous membranes, are caused by various negative factors. Enanthema often appears in the early stages of immunodeficiency, but it should be understood that such a disease can develop on its own, regardless of the presence of the virus in the body.

In the photo, a rash in the acute stage of HIV on the skin is accompanied by a vivid clinical picture. In infected patients, any dermatoses are characterized by a particularly aggressive development. At the same time, they respond poorly to therapy and are accompanied by repeated relapses.

Where does the rash appear with HIV? Such questions are often of interest to patients. The doctor is able to answer them, and when this symptom appears, it is important to differential diagnosis and find out the cause of such a disease. How long the symptoms of a rash last in the acute stage of HIV depends on the type of pathology and the measures taken. medical measures. In most cases, the elements are located on the body, but can also affect the skin of the neck and face. Often, a rash in HIV-infected people at an early stage, a photo of it is given here, is accompanied by acute manifestations. These include:

  • Increase in sweat production.
  • Disorder of the intestines, manifested in the form of diarrhea.
  • Fever.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

Profuse rash with HIV and the first symptoms mentioned above are not always considered as signs immunodeficiency state, since clinically they are similar to influenza, mononucleosis. But even with treatment, the elements begin to spread throughout the body, the patient's condition worsens. This is already worth evaluating as a possible infection with AIDS.

How long a skin rash appears with HIV infection is difficult to say for sure, since each patient has an individual pathology. In most cases this kind manifestations are observed 14-56 days after the virus enters the body.

Skin rashes with HIV infection on the body (photo) caused by fungal microflora

Mycotic lesions of the skin in immunodeficiency are among the most common. This group includes several diseases that are rapidly progressing. Skin rashes with HIV are poorly eliminated even with therapy.

Fungal lesions can be observed throughout the body, not only the trunk suffers, but also the limbs, feet, hands, hairy part heads.

Rashes on the skin with HIV infection (AIDS), a photo of which can be shown by a specialist, may be signs of the following pathological conditions:

  • Rubrophytia. It appears in most cases atypically. Red skin rash with HIV (photo) often has the appearance of flat papules. Microscopic examination reveals great amount pathogens. This pathology clinically resembles seborrheic dermatitis, exudative erythema, keratoderma affecting the palms, feet. Often becomes the cause of the formation of paronychia, onychia.
  • Candidiasis. The first sign of HIV in men is a rash, a photo of which can be found on your own. Often, immunodeficiency manifests itself in this way in the stronger sex. A similar symptom is most often observed in young people, the elements are localized, as a rule, on the genitals, the oral mucosa, near the anus, they can often be found on the nails, in inguinal zone. When the rash spreads over large areas, it can ulcerate, forming weeping surfaces and accompanied by pain. If candidiasis affects the esophagus, patients are concerned about pain when swallowing, difficulty eating, burning in the sternum.
  • versicolor. What are the rashes with HIV in this case? Pathology is accompanied by individual spots that do not merge, they are no more than 0.5 cm in diameter, in some cases they can reach 2-3 cm. Over time, the elements turn into papules or plaques. Such a sign can occur at any stage of AIDS.

What rashes occur with HIV that are viral in nature?

Skin pathologies of a viral nature in immunodeficiency are also quite common. They can be observed at any stage of the progression of the disease. The following dermatological lesions are considered the most common:

  • Lichen simplex. The doctor at the reception can show rashes with AIDS of this nature. They look like bubbles that often burst, creating painful erosions that are unwilling to heal. Such signs are observed in the anus, oral cavity, genitals, can also affect the esophagus, bronchi, pharynx, rarely - hands, shins, spinal cord, armpits.
  • Shingles. Often becomes the first sign of an immunodeficiency state. Accompanied by bubbles with exudate, if damaged, painful erosions are exposed. It is difficult to say how long the rash with HIV, which has a herpetic character, lasts, sometimes it does not go into remission. Often accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes.
  • Cytomegalovirus infection . It rarely affects the skin. Such a sign is poor prognosis AIDS.
  • molluscum contagiosum. Elements in this disease are localized on the face, neck, head, and can also affect the anus and genitals. They tend to merge, are accompanied by frequent relapses.

What does a pustular rash with AIDS (HIV infection) look like in women and men: photo

Pustular lesions in immunodeficiency in most cases are caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus. As a rule, patients are concerned about such ailments:

  • Impetigo. It has the appearance of multiple conflicts, which, when damaged, form yellow crusts. They are located mainly on the beard and neck.
  • Folliculitis. Clinically, the elements are similar to acne. Does HIV rash itch or not? As a rule, pathology is accompanied by itching. In most cases it is affected top part chest, back, face, other parts of the body suffer over time.
  • Pyoderma. Reminds outwardly warts. It is located in large folds of the skin, is difficult to treat, and is prone to constant relapses.

Manifestations in violation of the work of blood vessels

What is the rash on the skin when infected with HIV (AIDS), the photo of which is given here, if the vessels are damaged? In this case, telangiectasias, hemorrhages, erythematous spots are observed. Localization can be very diverse, in most cases the trunk suffers.

Also, patients often develop a maculopapular rash with HIV, it is not difficult to find a photo of it. It is located on the limbs, upper body, head, face. The elements do not merge with each other, a similar rash with HIV itches.

Most people infected with the immunodeficiency virus suffer from seborrheic dermatitis. It can occur in a localized and generalized form. This pathology is a common symptom of AIDS. Accompanied by significant peeling of the affected areas.

Kaposi's sarcoma

Many AIDS-infected patients suffer from such a malignant disease as Kaposi's sarcoma. It can occur in visceral and dermal form. The latter is accompanied by damage to the skin, with the first in pathological process internal organs are retracted. Often they run in parallel, accompanied by both external and internal features illness.

Kaposi's sarcoma is characterized by a malignant course, it progresses rapidly and does not respond well to therapeutic measures. The rash in this case has a bright red or Brown color, localized on the face, neck, genitals, oral mucosa. It can be damaged, then patients complain of soreness. Often with sarcoma, lymph nodes increase.

As a rule, the disease develops in young people in the last stages of immunodeficiency, when patients have no more than 1.5-2 years to live.

To say specifically when a rash appears on the body with HIV infection, the photo of which can be the most diverse, is quite difficult, because there are a number of dermatoses, and they can develop both in the initial and late stages of AIDS. If you encounter any problems of this nature, please contact medical institution for diagnosis and clarification true reason ailment.

For people infected with HIV and AIDS patients, various skin lesions are very characteristic. Dermatological problems are observed in all clinical forms of the disease, including before the onset of the stage of developed AIDS.

Almost all skin diseases in HIV-infected people are chronic with frequent relapses. In the later stages of AIDS, dermatological diseases become severe.

According to studies in HIV-positive patients at an early stage of the disease, an average of 2-3 dermatological syndromes is observed, and at a late stage of the disease, this figure increases to 4-5.

Particular manifestations of AIDS are various, eczema, staphylloderma, skin lesions, severe manifestations of herpes. AIDS patients often develop fungal skin lesions - multi-colored lichen, rubrophytosis, inguinal epidermyphytosis.

AIDS is viral disease, which is provoked by an infectious agent belonging to the family of retroviruses.

Virologists distinguish two types of HIV - types 1 and 2, viruses differ in antigenic and structural characteristics. The most common causative agent of AIDS is HIV first type. At infected person the virus is found in most biological media and cellular elements.

The infection is transmitted through biological fluids– blood, including menstrual discharge, breast milk, sperm. HIV risk groups include:

  • People who engage in promiscuity;
  • Drug addicts;
  • People with hemophilia;
  • Children whose mothers were infected before pregnancy or during gestation.

Skin manifestations of AIDS develop due to a decrease in immunity in patients. Therefore, many dermatological diseases in such patients proceed atypically with more severe symptoms than usual.

Typical dermatological diseases in HIV infection

People with HIV infection and AIDS patients may develop viral, fungal or microbial infections, as well as a variety of dermatoses.

Typical viral diseases:

  • Herpetic infections -, genital herpes,.
  • Infections caused by HPV - papillomas, various types of warts, condylomas.
  • Erythema caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.

Typical diseases of a bacterial nature:

Fungal infections:

  • Candidiasis;
  • Different types of dermatomycosis;
  • Histoplasmosis, etc.

Neoplastic diseases:

  • B-cell lymphoma;
  • Kaposi's sarcoma
  • and melanoma.

Often, patients are affected by mucous membranes (aphthoses, stomatitis), changes affecting nails and hair.

Skin diseases in AIDS patients are characterized by an atypical course. Diseases occur in atypical age groups, have more severe symptoms are very difficult to treat.

Having diagnostic value and the most typical HIV infection are the following diseases:

  • Persistent oral candidiasis;
  • Kaposi's sarcoma;
  • Shingles and simple deprive;
  • Papillomatosis and warts.

Complicated course of the listed diseases in the presence of common features(weight loss, fever, weakness) can be a symptom of the development of clinical AIDS.

Kaposi's sarcoma

This disease is the most characteristic skin manifestation of HIV infection. The disease begins with the appearance on the patient's skin pink spots and papules. The elements of the rash gradually grow, acquiring a purple or dark brown color.

Numerous pinpoint hemorrhagic rashes form around the main focus on the skin. In the later stages, the skin in the lesions ulcerates.

Elements of a rash in Kaposi's sarcoma are formed on any part of the body, but AIDS patients are characterized by localization of the rash along the ribs and on the head.

In patients with HIV infection, it is malignant in nature, with damage to the lymph nodes and internal organs.


Very often, with HIV infection, candidiasis of the mucous membranes is noted, while candidal lesions of the pharynx and mouth can serve as one of the symptoms of the development of AIDS.

The unexpected development of candidiasis in young people who have not taken antibiotics and have not been treated with corticosteroids or cytostatics should be a reason to refer the patient for HIV testing.

AIDS patients may develop candidal leukoplakia, candidal cheilitis, or atrophic candidiasis. In HIV-infected, these diseases are very difficult, often they are combined with fungal skin lesions. Deep and very painful ulcers can form on the mucous membranes and skin. In the later stages, candidal abscesses can develop on the skin and internal organs.

Conventional treatments for candidiasis for AIDS patients are ineffective.

Lichen and herpetic skin lesions

People with AIDS often develop versicolor versicolor, and the process is unusually common. Patients have marked infiltration of the skin.

Herpetic eruptions in HIV-infected people can occur not only in typical places(on the lips, on the mucous membranes of the genital organs), but also on any other areas of the skin. Often, numerous rashes appear in the perianal region, as well as on the skin of the limbs and torso.

Emerging bubble rashes quickly take the form of ulcers. The lesions occupy large areas of the skin and are extremely difficult to treat. Sometimes the manifestations of herpes resemble those of chicken pox, that is, rashes appear all over the body.


HIV-infected people often have increased growth and warts. As the underlying disease develops, the rashes become multiple, occupying large areas of the body. Conventional treatment regimens for AIDS patients are ineffective and practically do not give results.

Diagnostic methods

The atypical course of skin diseases is the basis for referring the patient for HIV testing.

Laboratory diagnostics is carried out in three stages:

  • First, the fact of infection is established;
  • Next, the stage of the process is determined, and diagnostics secondary disease provoked by HIV infection.
  • The last stage of the examination is regular monitoring clinical course disease and treatment outcomes.

Treatment methods

In the treatment of dermatological manifestations of AIDS, intensive antiretroviral therapy is also used.

Skin diseases in HIV infection are treated according to the methods adopted for the treatment of a particular disease. However, given the fact that HIV-related skin diseases are more severe, it may be necessary to increase the doses of the drugs used and extend the treatment courses.

Simultaneously with the treatment of skin diseases, intensive antiretroviral therapy. The choice of the drug is carried out by the doctor depending on the patient's condition.

Today, the treatment regimen for HIV infection includes:

  • Didanosine, Zalcitabine, Zidovudine are drugs used in the first stages of treatment.
  • Stavudin, Saquinavir, Indivinar - drugs for the treatment of adult patients in the late stages of the disease;

In addition to the appointment of antiretroviral drugs, antiviral, antimicrobial, antimycotic and antitumor drugs are individually selected in the treatment of AIDS. This is necessary to prevent the development of complications, including skin diseases.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for HIV infection depends on the stage of detection of diseases. Early initiation of antiretroviral and symptomatic therapy allows you to significantly extend the life and improve its quality.

HIV prevention lies in knowing and applying the rules safe sex in avoiding drug use. When performing various medical manipulations only disposable or sterilized equipment should be used. To exclude the transmission of the virus from a sick mother to a child, breastfeeding is prohibited.

A rash with HIV is considered one of the symptoms of the disease that appears in the early stages. Of course, making a final diagnosis based on this symptom is impossible, but the appearance of specific rashes becomes a reason to see a doctor.

Skin lesions

Any rash on the skin caused by viral infection is called an exanthema. Enanthem - rashes on the mucous membranes of an infectious origin. They develop under the influence of various negative factors. Enanthems are frequent companions of the early stages of HIV infection. They can also occur in a person who is HIV-negative. The rash that occurs against the background of immunodeficiency has several hallmarks, which are not characteristic of dermatological diseases in people with normal immunity.

Against the background of immune suppression often develop skin diseases infectious and malignant, dermatoses of unknown origin. Any concomitant disease of HIV infection will be manifested by an atypical clinical picture. All skin lesions in this case, they are characterized by a protracted course, bacteria and fungi quickly develop resistance to drugs, which complicates the treatment process. If a rash is found on the body of an HIV-infected person, it is necessary to determine its nature and origin. Often, skin rashes are similar to manifestations of measles, allergic dermatitis, shingles or syphilis.

Most acute manifestation skin rashes are observed 2-8 weeks after infection. Acute exanthems are most often found on the skin of the trunk and face. Special attention attention should be paid to other symptoms accompanying the onset of the rash. With HIV infection, swollen lymph nodes, chills, sweating, and diarrhea are often noted. These manifestations are very similar to those of influenza and viral mononucleosis. With HIV infection against the background of a progressive decrease in immunity, the patient's condition only gets worse over time. Rashes capture more and more areas, a herpetic rash appears, papules and bullae appear at the same time.

If skin lesions begin with single rashes, then over time they turn into multiple ones, gradually spreading to the whole body.


Rubrophytosis is a skin disease characterized by a variety of clinical manifestations. As a rule, rubrophytosis leads to the appearance of weeping eczematous rashes, keratoderma of the palms and feet, seborrheic dermatitis and papular rash. versicolor is no less frequent companion HIV infections. Initially, spots appear on the skin, which eventually turn into multiple rashes.

For skin rashes viral origin referred to as herpes. Most often, spots appear on the mucous membranes of the genitals, the skin of the lips and the perianal region. Unlike people with normal immunity, HIV-infected people suffer from more severe forms this disease. Rashes affect large areas, periods of remission in some cases are absent. Ulceration of a herpetic rash leads to the attachment bacterial infection and severe pain.

Against the background of a decrease in immunity, other changes in the condition of the skin may appear. Pyodermatitis is represented by a wide range of rash types. The most common are folliculitis, impetigo, microbial eczema. Functions are impaired in HIV infection of cardio-vascular system, which changes general state mucous membranes and skin. Most often, such changes are in the nature of erythema, spider veins and areas of hemorrhage.

Seborrheic dermatitis is found in half of those infected, it usually appears in the early stages of infection. In the later stages of HIV, dermatitis has a severe protracted course. Symptoms may vary. Dermatitis manifests itself both in a short-term localized form and in a long-term general one. Papular rashes have the appearance of small elevations on the skin, which have a dense structure and flesh color. Such a skin lesion is a single, unrelated rash in the face, arms, trunk and neck. The rash is accompanied by intense itching.

It is an undeniable symptom of human infection with HIV infection.

In this case, it has a pronounced clinical picture: an intensely colored rash occurs in areas atypical for sarcoma - on the skin of the trunk and face, the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the oral cavity. The disease proceeds in an aggressive form, quickly affecting the lymphatic and other systems of the body. All types skin rash with HIV infection, they are accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, have an atypical clinical picture, a long course and frequent relapses.

A papular rash is a type of rash that is one of the main symptoms of an HIV-infected person. You can see a photo of this disease below.

Causes of the disease

There are a considerable number of reasons for the appearance of a papular rash.

  1. Scarlet fever, measles, rubella, pseudotuberculosis.
  2. Unprotected sexual intercourse with an HIV-infected patient.
  3. Reuse of undisinfected needles and syringes.
  4. Transfusion of blood, as well as its components.

There is a spotty - papular rash in the form of rashes all over the body, which is different small size, have an oval shape of a reddish color, a dense consistency with a smooth surface. Localization is typical, as a rule, for the upper body, as well as the head, limbs. It is not uncommon for the manifestation of a maculopapular rash on the lymph nodes, on the neck. The number can vary from units to hundreds. A papular rash is itchy, thereby causing a feeling of discomfort.

Characteristic signs for maculopapular rashes:

  • elevated body temperature lasts more than 1 week;
  • enlarged cervical, inguinal, axillary lymph nodes;
  • diarrhea lasts for several weeks;
  • the appearance of herpes;
  • weight loss by more than 10%;
  • for women, the appearance of thrush is characteristic.

In addition to the main ones, there are also additional symptoms, which may include the following.

  1. Weakness, dizziness.
  2. Increased sweating.
  3. Women have irregular menstruation.

All of the above symptoms often resemble the flu, which at first misleads doctors.

Disease prevention methods

If you find a maculopapular rash shown in the photo, you should immediately consult a doctor. Until an accurate diagnosis is clarified, one should try to communicate as little as possible with people who have a cold and avoid close contact with them, since rashes can be transmitted from person to person through microtrauma. Contact with animals should be limited. It is advisable to wear a mask and wash your hands well with soap and water after contact with a person.

To avoid infection, the following steps must be taken.

  1. Observe personal hygiene.
  2. Use only your personal belongings.
  3. If you need to use any tools - check them for sterility.
  4. Minimize the possibility of getting microtrauma on the skin.

The main causes of papular rashes in children are:

  • measles, rubella, herpes, scarlet fever, chickenpox, meningitis;
  • various allergic reactions;
  • lupus erythematosus, hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases (congenital syphilis, with intrauterine infection HIV);
  • psoriasis.

As in an adult, a papular rash can appear in a child, which is no less dangerous. It may indicate an infection in the baby's body. After you have found a papular rash, shown in the photo on the body of a child, you must immediately call a doctor at home. If various symptoms of intoxication (temperature, fever) have joined the rashes, call an ambulance.

It is impossible to lubricate the rash with anything, and especially with dyeing antiseptics (iodine, brilliant green).

Diagnosis of an unpleasant pathology

Differential diagnosis in medicine is a diagnostic method that makes it possible to exclude all inappropriate symptoms of a patient's disease in order to make a more accurate diagnosis.

If we conduct a differential diagnosis of a papular rash, we can say that there are many diseases in the world that are characterized by such rashes. Answering the question: “What other disease causes a maculopapular rash”? - it can be noted that it is scarlet fever, measles, rubella, pseudotuberculosis.

Therefore, it is important for any doctor not only the presence of rashes, but also the history of the onset of the disease, anamnesis.

A maculopapular rash is a type of rash that is characterized by the appearance of dense papules in the form of tubercles up to 10 mm in size. It has a flesh color, and in a more severe form - and dark purple.


Causes of maculopapular rashes:

  • exposure to toxins of staphylococci and streptococci;
  • long-term medication, especially antibiotics;
  • diseases such as mononucleosis.

Symptoms of maculopapular rashes.

  1. Inflammation of the parotid lymph nodes.
  2. Symptoms of general intoxication (dizziness, weakness, elevated temperature bodies).

Maculopapular rash appears suddenly, fairly quickly. It is localized on the whole body, and more often in the mouth, on the eyelids, face and neck. Itching is usually absent.

Effective Therapies

The treatment of maculopapular rashes should be dealt with only by a specialist doctor after a detailed clarification of the anamnesis of life and anamnesis of the disease. If the skin is prone to dryness, itching - the doctor prescribes various ointments and gels for external use. In severe cases, drugs from the group of corticosteroids are prescribed intravenously.

After treatment of a maculopapular rash, neither scars nor scars remain on the skin.

Most effective drugs for the treatment of this disease are given in the table:

Folk methods of treatment

1. Sage infusion:

  • 1 tablespoon of sage leaves;
  • 350 ml of boiling water;
  • pour;
  • insist in a dry warm place for 1 week.


  1. Wipe the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times / day.
  2. The duration of therapy is 1 week.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that manifests itself due to the strong growth of fungi. They usually live quietly near clusters sebaceous glands on the skin. But increased reproduction of the fungus leads to dandruff and the development of dermatitis.

Normally, a person calmly coexists with the fungus. The immune system controls its amount and everything is normal. But, ordinary stress is enough to increase the concentration of the fungus and seborrhea begins.

The situation is even worse with patients with the human immunodeficiency virus. Since the immune system cannot perform its functions, nothing else controls the reproduction of the fungus. As a result, about 36% of HIV carriers and 80% of AIDS patients suffer from seborrheic dermatitis. For comparison, only 8% of healthy people suffer from seborrhea.

Other factors exacerbate the situation: environment, hormonal disorders and concomitant diseases.

Usually violent growth of fungi begins on the scalp and face. Seborrheic spots appear symmetrically at the border of hair growth. First of all, the head and face are affected. Then the disease can move to the chest. In rare cases, dermatitis of the armpits and groin may occur.

Seborrheic dermatitis in HIV is manifested as follows:

  1. Dandruff. This is the first sign that other symptoms of dermatitis will soon appear.
  2. Redness and itching. Fungi feed and multiply in the skin, causing irritation and redness of exposed areas of the epithelium. Dermatitis lesions appear as clear red spots that itch very badly. A slightly different disease manifests itself in skin folds such as behind the ears and on the eyelids. In this case, in addition to redness, swelling occurs and cracks may appear, accompanied by bleeding.
  3. Peeling and scales. Gradually, skin cells affected by seborrheic dermatitis begin to die off. They flake off and itch a lot. When these dead cells become saturated with sebaceous secretions, they turn yellowish and form scales. The stronger the lesion, the larger the scales. When the disease affects the entire border of the hair, they talk about the so-called "seborrheic crown".

Over time, the spots of dermatitis can become infected. In this case, rot and blood will seep through the scales, strong pain and inflammation. Also, the infection can manifest itself differently - in the form of a rash. A papule will appear in the center of the seborrheic plaque, and a rash that looks like blisters with liquid will cover a certain area of ​​​​the skin. Given the disturbances in the immune system with HIV, there is a high chance of a similar development of complications of seborrheic dermatitis.

Another companion of seborrhea is acne. Due to the fact that the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, they begin to clog and appear acne. They can appear not only on the face, but also on the neck and torso. It all depends on the location and degree of skin damage.

Video: Common Skin Lesions in HIV Infection

The presence of HIV infection often leads to the development of the so-called generalized form of dermatitis, especially in children. In this case, the deep layers of the skin are affected. It acquires a pinkish-yellowish tint and swells on large area. Also skin lose elasticity and crack. Bleeding begins, leading to secondary manifestations infectious diseases epidermis.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

In the early stages of the disease, dermatitis is easily confused with lupus. Subsequently, the diagnosis does not pose any problems. Especially if you know about the presence of HIV infection in the body. Blood and stool tests will be done to determine hormonal background human and blood sugar levels. Diabetes, like HIV, disrupts the immune system, also being one of the main causes of seborrhea.

In extreme cases, in addition to classical analyzes, you can use the dermoscopy method, when the skin is translucent with a powerful stream of light, in order to consider the degree of damage to the deep layers and the degree of development of the disease.

Treatment of dermatitis largely depends on the stage of the disease. It is quite possible to get rid of dandruff on your own or with the help of a beautician. It is also quite easy to cure the disease in the early stages. Problems begin if complications of dermatitis develop with infections.

In any case, it is impossible to get rid of seborrhea only with ointments. The main cause of illness in HIV is the inability of the immune system to cope with the fungus. Therefore, it is necessary to take drugs that eliminate the root of the disease, as well as a set of measures to reduce the degree of development of symptoms:

  1. Hyposensitizers and antihistamines. These are drugs aimed at relieving symptoms. They help to get rid of redness and swelling, and best of all, relieve itching. But you can use them for no more than 10 days.
  2. Antifungal drugs. Their reception strongly depends on the degree of the disease. On the early stages you can use ointments and antifungal shampoos and shower gels. If struck big square surface of the skin, tablets are additionally prescribed.
  3. Keratolytics are used to soften and exfoliate scales, complementing the treatment.
  4. Glucocorticoids are used to relieve inflammation. Quite often they are available in the same tube with antifungal ointments.
  5. Antibiotics. Their use is necessary only in the case of the appearance of bacteria in seborrheic plaques. At the very beginning of the course of the disease, loading dose drugs, and then they are used as a kind of shield against infection, especially with AIDS.

Video: How is HIV transmitted?

Preventive actions

For the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, it is important to follow a set of measures to maintain health. They can also be taken as a preventive measure. First of all, you need to learn how to deal with stress. In the context of HIV infection, this is extremely important.

Stress and negative emotions weaken the body more than many diseases. Including this is one of the main reasons for the development of seborrhea. Therefore, it is necessary to find time and learn methods of controlling the emotional state.

  1. proper nutrition;
  2. regular physical activity and daily walks in the fresh air;
  3. complete rest;
  4. taking sedatives and herbal teas;
  5. meditations and psychological trainings.

Separately, it is worth stopping at proper nutrition. It is advisable to switch to a less strict diabetic diet option: reduce the sugar content in food as much as possible, as well as reduce the load on the liver. Therefore, it is advisable to stop taking fatty, fried, smoked and spicy food. This will not only strengthen the body, but also improve the skin, normalize the hormonal background. In this case, the chance of developing seborrhea will greatly decrease, and the disease itself will be easier to cure.

Worth mentioning separately allergenic products. Because HIV destroys immune system, any effect on the skin can provoke seborrhea. It is enough to overeat oranges to start a rash, leading over time to seborrheic dermatitis.

The defeat of the skin and mucous membranes allows for the first time to suspect AIDS in many patients. At the same time, the course of dermatological diseases in HIV-infected patients has a number of features: they manifest themselves atypically, have a severe course, and are difficult to treat. The following diseases have the greatest diagnostic value: Kaposi's sarcoma, candidiasis, simple and herpes zoster, versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis, "hairy" leukoplakia of the oral mucosa, molluscum contagiosum. Severe course of these dermatoses, their generalization in the presence of general symptoms (fever, weakness, diarrhea, weight loss, etc.) are poor prognostic symptoms and indicate the development of clinical manifestations of AIDS.

Kaposi's sarcoma

Kaposi's sarcoma is the most characteristic dermatological manifestation of HIV infection. The disease starts at young age since the advent pale pink spots and papules that slowly increase in size, turning purple or brown. Point hemorrhages appear along the periphery of the main focus. In the initial stage of the disease, skin manifestations resemble hemangioma, pyogenic granuloma, dermatofibroma, ecchymosis. In the later stages of the disease, skin manifestations become more characteristic, infiltration and ulceration of the lesions increase. The elements of the lesion can be localized on any part of the skin, but their location on the head, trunk, along the ribs is suspicious for AIDS.

In HIV-infected patients, the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals and conjunctiva are affected.

Herpetic eruptions in HIV-infected people can occur on any part of the skin and mucous membranes, most often on the lips, genitals, shins and in the perianal region, especially in homosexual men. Rashes quickly turn into large painful, long-term non-healing ulcers with irregular scalloped edges. With an atypical course Clinical signs herpes may resemble chicken pox or impetigo.

In HIV-infected patients, in addition to lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, herpetic proctitis occurs, which sometimes takes the form of painful edematous erythema in the perianal region.

Multicolored lichen in HIV-infected individuals has its own characteristics: the process is common, according to clinical picture resembles other dermatoses ( pink lichen, seborrheic dermatitis); there is infiltration and lichenification of the skin.

Candidiasis lesions of the oral mucosa, pharynx, esophagus, vulva and vagina are common in HIV-infected patients, and candidiasis of the mouth and pharynx is the first manifestation of AIDS.

Unexpected occurrence of mucosal candidiasis in young people not taking long time corticosteroids, cytostatics or antibiotics, is the reason for testing them for HIV infection. There are 4 clinical forms candidiasis of the mouth and pharynx: thrush (pseudomembranous candidiasis), hyperplastic candidiasis (candidal leukoplakia), atrophic candidiasis and seizure (candidal cheilitis). In HIV-infected patients, there is often a combined lesion of the skin and mucous membranes, the disease is very difficult, painful ulcers, candidal abscesses of the brain, liver and other organs are formed. Recommended traditional regimens for the treatment of candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes for patients with HIV infection are ineffective.

Patients with HIV infection often have genital warts and as immunosuppression increases, they become multiple, affecting large areas of the skin and mucosa. The ongoing therapy is ineffective.