HIV can be treated early. AIDS: symptoms, treatment and prevention

AIDS is not independent disease. This is the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which is caused by HIV. It manifests itself various diseases, which can lead to death. The causative agent of AIDS infects leukocytes, which provokes a decrease defensive forces immunity. The body can no longer fully protect itself from infections and bacteria. Even the smallest virus, which the immune system of a healthy person can quickly and easily get rid of, can lead to death in people with AIDS. According to the data latest research, in Russia the number of people infected with the immunodeficiency virus has reached 1 million 6 thousand 388 patients.

Some scientists claim that HIV was transmitted to humans from monkeys in the 1930s. However, doctors started talking about him only in the 1980s. Since then, scientists have begun searching for an effective treatment for AIDS. The pathogen, once in the body, may not immediately cause the onset of the syndrome. It happens that people get sick ten or more years after infection. The routes of transmission of the pathogen are as follows:

  • sexual contact with an infected person;
  • when transfusing blood, plasma;
  • instrumental and injection;
  • perinatal from mother to child;
  • transplantation in transplantation of organs, bone marrow.

The virus can also be transmitted through everyday contact, for example, through damaged skin, mucous membranes. An infected mother can infect her baby while breastfeeding breast milk. However, it is worth remembering that the virus is not transmitted through tears, saliva, food or water. Danger can only carry a liquid in which there are impurities of blood.

Most often, infection occurs through sexual contact with a sick person. In men, the immunodeficiency virus is found in the blood and semen. In women, the pathogen is also present in vaginal discharge. The virus can be transmitted through all types of sexual contact.

A large percentage of those infected are among people with drug addiction. They also become infected when using poorly sterilized syringes. Drug addicts often use the same needle to administer substances to several people, so their risk of contracting AIDS is particularly high.

Which doctor will help?

The disease is deadly, so a person with such a diagnosis must be registered and undergo qualified treatment in an appropriate institution. The following professionals can help such people:

These specialists know how to treat AIDS and how to prolong the life of a patient with such a diagnosis. At the first appointment, the doctor will carefully listen to all the complaints of the patient. Also, the doctor will ask you to tell about the details of his personal life, about the number of his sexual partners. After the mandatory examination, the specialist will ask him a few simple clarifying questions:

  1. How long ago did the symptoms of the disease appear?
  2. Did the patient have casual unprotected sex?
  3. Did he take drugs?
  4. Did he have a blood transfusion?
  5. Has he been in contact with someone infected with HIV?
  6. Did he have an organ transplant?

The survey helps the doctor determine how the patient could become infected. An examination can confirm the diagnosis, which includes a blood test, urine, and feces. Sometimes doctors may also prescribe instrumental methods research, for example, if complications are suspected.

AIDS treatment is already a reality!

Today, people with immunodeficiency syndrome are provided with qualified assistance and support. However, everyone is concerned about the question of whether AIDS is completely curable. To date, a vaccine that would completely kill the virus and defeat the syndrome has not yet been found. But modern medications allow:

  • significantly prolong the life of a patient with such a disappointing diagnosis;
  • slow down the development of the disease;
  • create artificial immunity.

Therefore, it is very important to apply for qualified help. Scientists have developed several effective treatment regimens that help people with HIV and AIDS lead full and healthy lives. active life. Antiretroviral drugs used for treatment are constantly being improved and supplemented. Therefore, today it is generally accepted that a person who will undergo regular treatment can live from several decades or more.

AIDS treatment focuses on fighting infections and oncological diseases that arise due to the suppressed immunity of the patient. However, it is not able to remove the virus itself from the body. The pathogen inserts its genes into the immune system, causing cells to make copies of themselves.

How are hospices treated?

Today, special medical institutions in which people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are treated. These are hospices that qualified specialists care for patients at any stage of the disease. Such institutions are especially designed for people who need hospitalization and special care.

Some are interested in how AIDS is treated in hospices. In such institutions, full-fledged care is provided to patients. In hospices, patients can receive absolutely free of charge:

  • consultations of highly qualified immunologists;
  • psychological help;
  • chemoprophylaxis;
  • antiretroviral therapy;
  • surgical assistance.

In such institutions, one nurse cares for five patients, in contrast to other hospitals, where she has to serve about 25 patients. Hospice provided with all necessary drugs that help prolong the lives of people with AIDS. In institutions, both people who have just been diagnosed with HIV and hopeless patients in a very serious condition. The latter is provided with round-the-clock care.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a serious disease that develops against the background of HIV infection and, in fact, is its terminal stage. People infected with HIV do not die from the pathological effects of the immunodeficiency virus on the body, but from the consequences of AIDS - opportunistic infections and oncological diseases.

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Who is diagnosed with AIDS?

The transition of HIV infection to AIDS is stated if the patient has a number of criteria:

AIDS-defining diseases include:

  • Bacterial infections(, severe recurrent, diseases caused by atypical mycobacteria, common).
  • Fungal infections (severe candidiasis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, pneumocystis pneumonia).
  • Viral infections(chronic damage to the skin, mucous membranes, bronchi, lungs, esophagus caused by a simple virus, and specific damage to the central nervous system by polyomavirus - multifocal leukoencephalopathy).
  • Protozoal infections(, cryptosporidosis, microsporidosis).
  • Other diseases(Kaposi's sarcoma, invasive, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, HIV encephalopathy, wasting syndrome, etc.).

Infectious diseases that affect people with AIDS are called opportunistic diseases. Their peculiarity is that the causative agents of these infections often live in the human body, but immunity does not allow them to become active. Activation indicates a serious immunodeficiency. Therefore, the occurrence of opportunistic infections is always direct reading get tested for HIV.

The manifestations of AIDS are very diverse. Their nature largely depends on the age, conditions and lifestyle, the quality of medical care provided, and even the geographical location of the patient. For example, in developing countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis, this infection is the most dangerous for AIDS patients, while in Europe, viral and fungal infections come to the fore.

Dermatological signs of AIDS:

  • , which is manifested by a rash, greasy scales on the skin of the face, head, chest, back, severe itching, dandruff.
  • Kaposi's sarcoma is a malignant disease in which reddish-brown or bluish spots and nodules appear on the body (usually on the legs). In addition, there is swelling of the limb and ulcers at the site of the rash. Similar manifestations can be on the oral mucosa, in the gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Scientists associate the development of Kaposi's sarcoma with AIDS with the activation of a special herpesvirus.
  • Herpes simplex and herpes zoster, prone to severe and protracted course with extensive damage to the skin and visible mucous membranes.
  • Multiple warts, molluscum contagiosum, genital warts in the genital area, on the face, in the mouth.
  • "Hairy" leukoplakia oral cavity- white lines and spots on the tongue, which are of a viral nature.
  • Persistent candidiasis of the oral cavity and perianal zone.
  • Fungal infection of the skin and nails.

Gastrointestinal manifestations:

  • that lasts more than a month and leads to malabsorption nutrients in the intestines, so the patients become very weak.
  • Inflammation of the esophagus, which is characterized by heartburn, difficult and painful swallowing of food, nausea, a feeling of something stuck in the throat. The occurrence of such inflammation may be associated with the activation of Candida fungi or a herpes infection.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Inflammation of the rectum (proctitis), which is accompanied by itching, burning, a feeling of heaviness in the anus. Homosexuals most often develop herpetic proctitis.

Respiratory manifestations:

  • Frequent and severe pneumonia that is difficult to treat. The most characteristic of AIDS is pneumonia caused by pneumocystis.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.

Neurological manifestations(may be the result of damage to the nervous structures by the immunodeficiency virus or the result of opportunistic infections):

  • Pathological conditions in which the myelin sheath of nerve fibers in the brain or spinal cord, which entails a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses and the appearance of various neurological symptoms(paresis, speech and vision disorders), as well as mental problems.
  • Encephalopathy with the development of dementia.

Manifestations on the part of the organ of vision:

  • Retinitis (inflammation of the retina) caused by the activation of cytomegaloviruses and herpesviruses. Accompanied by a persistent decrease in vision.
  • Choroiditis (inflammation of the choroid of the eye), characteristic of pneumocystis infection.
  • Kaposi's sarcoma, localized on the eyelids and conjunctiva.

Tuberculosis and AIDS

Many people are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in childhood, but the development of the infectious process in them is blocked by the immune system. Therefore, it is quite natural that the activation of tuberculosis in HIV-positive individuals occurs very often. Moreover, with the transition of HIV infection to the stage of AIDS, the tuberculosis process spreads throughout the body. Not only the lungs are affected, but also Bone marrow, genitourinary system, bones, digestive tract, liver, lymph nodes, central nervous system and other organs. In addition, patients experience severe intoxication, exhaustion. People just "burn out" if they don't get it on time health care. Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death in AIDS in developing countries.

AIDS treatment

Treatment of AIDS patients includes several areas:

  • Mandatory hospitalization of patients in specialized departments of clinics dealing with the problems of HIV-infected people.
  • Qualified care.
  • Complete nutrition.
  • Active antiretroviral therapy, which even at the stage of AIDS makes it possible to increase the number of CD4 + lymphocytes so that the patient's body somehow begins to resist infections.
  • Specific treatment aimed at combating developed secondary diseases.
  • Chemoprophylaxis of opportunistic infections

The life expectancy of patients after the diagnosis of AIDS without proper treatment is only one to two years. Qualified medical assistance can extend this period.

Besides, big influence on the survival of patients with AIDS has:

  • Tolerability medicines(many patients have serious side effects during treatment with antiretroviral drugs).
  • The attitude of the patient to the appointments of doctors.
  • living conditions.
  • Availability concomitant diseases(for example, viral hepatitis).
  • Taking drugs.

That is, we can conclude that the life prognosis for AIDS patients is very disappointing. Therefore, do not be afraid of HIV testing, especially if there are any risk factors. This terrible infection it is necessary to identify and treat in a timely manner, and not wait for the development of AIDS!

Zubkova Olga Sergeevna, medical commentator, epidemiologist

The human immunodeficiency virus is a pathology that destroys the body's natural defenses. Its danger is that it reduces the body's resistance to various infections, contributing to the development of serious diseases and their complications.

It is completely impossible to cure the disease, since its structure is constantly changing, which does not allow pharmacists to create substances that can destroy it. Treatment of HIV infection is aimed at strengthening the immune system and blocking the activity of the virus.

The disease has four stages, the last of which - AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is terminal.

HIV infection has a very long incubation period. After entering the body, the virus long time does not manifest itself in any way, but continues to destroy the immune system. A person begins to get sick more and for a longer time, since the immune system is unable to cope even with “harmless” infections that give complications, worsening health conditions more and more.

At the terminal stage, immunity is completely destroyed, which gives impetus to the development oncological tumors, severe damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, respiratory organs, etc. The result is the death of the patient from one of the diseases of these organs.

HIV has four types, of which the first two are diagnosed in 95% of cases of infection, the third and fourth are extremely rare.

The virus is not resistant environment, antiseptics, alcohol solutions, acetone. He also cannot bear high temperatures and perishes already at 56 degrees for half an hour, and when boiled, it is destroyed instantly.

At the same time, its cells remain viable when frozen (able to "live" for 5-6 days at a temperature of 22 degrees), in solutions narcotic substances remain active for about three weeks.

For a long time, HIV was considered a disease of drug addicts, homosexuals and women lung behavior. Today, among the carriers of the virus, there are people with a high social status, heterosexual orientation. Neither an adult nor a child is immune from infection. The main route of transmission is biological fluids organism. Pathogenic cells are found in:

  • blood;
  • lymph;
  • sperm;
  • cerebrospinal fluid;
  • vaginal secretion;
  • breast milk.

The risk of infection increases in proportion to the number of pathogenic cells in these fluids, and it takes at least ten thousand viral particles to transmit an infection.

Methods of infection

The main routes of transmission of the virus are

  • Unprotected sex.

According to statistics, infection in this way is diagnosed in 75% of patients, but the risk of transmission of pathogenic cells is the lowest: at the first vaginal contact, about 30% of sexual partners are infected, with anal contact, about 50%, and with oral contact, less than 5%.

Increases the risk of having genitourinary pathologies(gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, fungi), injuries and microdamages of mucous membranes intimate organs(scratches, ulcers, erosion, cracks anus etc.), frequent sexual contact with the infected.

Women are more likely to accept the virus than men, since the area of ​​​​the vagina and direct contact with pathogenic cells is larger.

  • Intravenous injections.

The second most popular route, since more than half of the drugs dependent people suffer from it. The reasons are the use of one syringe or utensils for preparing a solution, as well as unprotected intimate contacts with dubious partners in a state of drug intoxication.

  • intrauterine route.

During pregnancy, the risk of transmission of the virus through the placenta does not exceed 25%, natural childbirth and breastfeeding increases it by another 10%.

  • Penetrating wounds with non-sterile instruments: infection occurs when surgical operations in dubious clinics, tattooing, manicure procedures, etc.

  • Direct blood transfusion, untested organ transplant.

If the donor is HIV positive, transmission is 100%.

The possibility of infection depends on the strength of the recipient's immunity. If the natural protection is strong, the course of the disease will be weaker, and the incubation period itself will be longer.

Manifestations of pathology

The symptoms of HIV infection are curable diseases, provoked by a weakened immune system, which makes it very difficult to diagnose, since a person only gives necessary tests, treats the consequences of the disease, not even knowing about his true status. There are slight differences, depending on the stages of infection.

There are no symptoms characteristic of the virus: the manifestations of the disease are individual and depend on general condition health of the patient, diseases caused by them.

The first stage is the incubation period. This is the initial stage, which develops from the moment pathogen cells enter the body and up to one year. In some patients, the first symptoms appear after a couple of weeks, in others - not earlier than after a few months.

The average incubation period is one and a half to three months. Symptoms during this period are completely absent, even tests do not show the presence of the virus. discover dangerous disease on the early stage is possible only if a person is faced with one of possible ways infections.

The second stage is the stage of primary manifestations. They arise as a reaction of the immune system to the active reproduction of harmful cells. Usually occurs 2-3 months after infection, lasts from two weeks to several months.

It can run differently

  • Asymptomatic is when the body produces antibodies and there are no signs of infection.
  • Acute.

The stage is typical for 15-30% of patients, the manifestations are similar to the symptoms of acute infectious pathologies:

  • temperature increase;
  • fever;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • skin rashes;
  • bowel disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract;
  • enlargement of the liver, spleen.

In rare cases, the development of autoimmune pathologies is possible.

  • Acute with secondary pathologies - typical for most patients.

Weakened immunity allows the existing representatives of conditionally pathogenic microflora to actively multiply, which leads to an exacerbation or the appearance of infectious diseases. At this stage, it is not difficult to cure them, but soon their relapses become more frequent.

The third stage is the deterioration of work and condition lymphatic system. It lasts from two to 15 years, depending on how the immune system copes with viral cells. The increase in lymph nodes occurs in groups (except inguinal), not interconnected.

After three months, their size comes to healthy state, pain on palpation disappears, elasticity and mobility return. Sometimes there are relapses.

The fourth stage - terminal - the development of AIDS. The immune system is practically destroyed, the virus itself multiplies unhindered. All remaining healthy cells are susceptible to destruction, many of them degenerate into malignant ones, and severe infectious pathologies develop.

AIDS also proceeds in four stages

  • The first comes in 6-10 years. It is characterized by a decrease in body weight, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes containing purulent contents, fungal and viral infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is possible to cope with infectious processes, but the therapy is long.
  • The second develops in another 2-3 years. Weight loss continues, body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, weakness and drowsiness occur. Observed frequent diarrhea, lesions of the oral mucosa, fungal and viral lesions skin, the manifestations of all previously diagnosed infectious pathologies increase, pulmonary tuberculosis develops.

Conventional drugs are unable to cope with the disease, only antiretroviral therapy can relieve symptoms.

  • The third stage occurs 10-12 years after infection. Symptoms: exhaustion of the body, weakness, lack of appetite. Pneumonia develops. viral infections become aggravated, the healing of their manifestations does not occur. Pathogenic microflora covers all internal and external organs and their systems, diseases are acute, give new complications.

The period of HIV infection from the moment of infection to the death of the patient is individual. Some die in 2-3 years, others live 20 or more years. Cases have been recorded when people burned out from the virus in a few months. The lifespan of a person depends on the general state of his health and the type of virus that has entered the body.

Features of HIV in adults and children

The clinical picture of the disease in the representatives of the stronger sex does not differ from the manifestations that develop with a weakened immune system. Girls, on the other hand, endure the infection more severely, as they begin to have menstrual irregularities.

Menses occur with severe pain, become profuse, bleeding is observed in the middle of the cycle. Frequent complication virus become malignant formations bodies reproductive system. Increasing incidence of organ inflammation genitourinary system, they flow harder, longer.

In babies and newborns, the disease does not manifest itself for a long time, external signs missing. The only symptom by which one can suspect the presence of a pathology is a delay in mental and physical development child.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is difficult to detect HIV at an early stage, since the symptoms are absent or similar to manifestations of treatable pathologies: inflammatory processes, allergies, infectious diseases. It is possible to identify the disease by chance, during a routine physical examination, admission to a hospital, registration during pregnancy.

The main diagnostic method is a special test that can be done both in the clinic and at home.

There are a lot of diagnostic methods. Every year, scientists develop new tests and improve old ones, reducing the number of false positive and false negative results.

The main material for research is human blood, but there are tests that can make a preliminary diagnosis when examining saliva or urine, using scrapings from the surface of the oral cavity. Wide application they have not yet been found, but are used for home preliminary diagnostics.

HIV testing in adults is carried out in three stages:

  • screening study - gives a preliminary result, helps to identify people who have been infected;
  • reference - carried out to persons whose screening results are positive;
  • confirming - establishes the final diagnosis and the duration of the presence of the virus in the body.

Such a phased examination is associated with a high cost of research: each subsequent analysis is more complex and expensive, therefore it is not economically feasible to conduct a full complex for all citizens. In the process of research, antigens are detected - cells or particles of the virus, antibodies - leukocytes produced by the immune system to pathogenic cells.

It is possible to determine the presence of harmful cells only upon reaching seroconversion - a state when the number of antibodies will be sufficient for their detection by test systems. From the moment of infection until the onset of seroconversion, there is a “window period”: at this time, transmission of the virus is already possible, but no analysis can detect it. This period lasts from six to twelve weeks.

If the diagnostic results are positive, you should contact your doctor for the appointment of antiretroviral therapy. Which doctor treats HIV infection? An infectious disease specialist who is usually present in the central clinic of a city or district center.

Treatment of human immunodeficiency virus

Once in the body, the virus remains in it forever. Although studies of infection have been going on for decades, scientists have not been able to invent drugs that can destroy pathogenic cells. Therefore, almost 100 years after the discovery of the virus, the answer to the question of whether HIV infection can be treated remains a sad “No”.

But medicine is constantly inventing drugs that can slow down the activity of HIV, reduce the risks of developing pathologies, help to cope with them faster and prolong the life of the infected, making it full. Treatment of HIV infection involves taking antiretroviral therapy, prevention and treatment of concomitant inflammatory processes.

Therapy is taking medications, but curing immunodeficiency by methods traditional medicine impossible. Rejection of pharmaceutical products in favor of non-traditional recipes- a direct path to the development of AIDS and death of the patient.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on many factors, but most important condition therapy - the responsible attitude of the patient to the prescribed treatment. To get results, medical preparations should be taken at a strictly defined time, observe their dosage, and avoid interruptions in treatment. It also shows dietary healthy lifestyle life.

If these recommendations are followed, the number of defender cells increases dramatically, the virus is blocked, and even highly sensitive tests often cannot detect it. Otherwise, the disease continues to progress and leads to dysfunction of the vital important organs: heart, liver, lungs, endocrine system.

With HIV infection, the most effective treatment- antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Its main task is to prevent the development of complications and comorbidities that can shorten the life of the patient. Also, HAART helps to improve the quality of life of the patient, to make it full.

If the therapy is carried out correctly, the virus goes into remission, secondary pathologies do not develop. This treatment has a positive effect on psychological state infected: feeling support and knowing that the disease can be “slowed down”, he returns to his usual way of life.

In our country, all antiretroviral drugs are provided free of charge to a person after he receives the status of an HIV-positive patient.

Features of antiretroviral therapy

HAART is given at individually, and the tablets included in its composition depend on the stage of development of the infection. On the initial stage specialized treatment is not prescribed, it is recommended to take vitamins and special mineral complexes helping to strengthen the body's natural defenses.

As preventive method chemotherapy is indicated, but only to those persons who have been in contact with HIV positive person or potential carrier of the virus. Such prophylaxis is effective only in the first 72 hours after a possible infection.

At the second and subsequent stages, therapy is prescribed according to the results clinical analyzes that determine the state of immunity. The terminal stage, that is, the presence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, requires the mandatory intake of drugs. In pediatrics, HAART is always prescribed, regardless of clinical stage development of the child's illness.

This approach to treatment is due to the norms of the Ministry of Health. But new research shows that early start antiretroviral therapy gives top scores treatment and more positively affects the condition and life expectancy of the patient.

HAART includes several types medicinal substances that are combined with each other. As the virus gradually loses sensitivity to active ingredients, from time to time the combinations are changed, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

A few years ago, scientists presented synthetic drug Quad, including the main properties of prescribed drugs. A huge advantage of the drug is taking only one tablet per day, which greatly facilitates the treatment. This tool has practically no side effects, easier tolerated by the body, solves the problem of loss of sensitivity to active ingredients.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to block the activity of the virus folk methods and how to treat HIV infection at home? It should be remembered that such treatment is possible, but only if it is auxiliary, and agreed with the attending doctor.

Folk recipes are shown to strengthen the body's defenses. It can decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs, the use of the gifts of nature, rich in vitamins, minerals and useful microelements.

Preventive actions

The immunodeficiency virus is a disease that can be prevented but not cured. Today, developed countries have developed special programs aimed at the prevention of HIV and AIDS, the control of which is carried out on state level. Basics preventive measures everyone should know, since there is no guarantee that infection will not happen.

You can avoid severe pathology if you take your own responsibility responsibly. intimate life. Sexual contact with dubious persons should be avoided, and condoms should always be used when having sex with a new sexual partner, whose condition is not reliable.

It is important that the sex partner is one and permanent, who has medical certificates about the absence of HIV.

One of the popular myths is that the condom is unable to protect against the virus, since the latex pores are larger than the cells of the virus. This is not true. To date barrier means contraception is the only way to prevent infection during sexual intimacy.

If a person is addicted and injects drugs, they should always use disposable medical instruments, give injections in sterile gloves, have individual dishes for preparing a narcotic solution. In order not to become a victim of direct transmission of the virus through the blood, it is worth refusing blood transfusions.

For procedures in which there is access to blood, choose trusted institutions, make sure that their employees carry out all manipulations with gloves, and that tools are disinfected in the presence of the client.

If HIV is present in a woman who is preparing to become a mother, monitoring of the condition of the baby is carried out throughout the pregnancy. Reduce the risk of child infection cesarean section and refusal to breastfeed. It will be possible to determine the HIV status of the crumbs no earlier than six months later, when the mother's antibodies to the virus leave the baby's body.

Artificial insemination methods can prevent the occurrence of a severe infection in a child.

A future HIV-positive mother should exclude all factors that reduce the baby's immunity: quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol, eat more vitamins, cure all infectious and inflammatory diseases to carry out therapy chronic ailments to prevent their recurrence during pregnancy.

By following these rules, you can prevent infection dangerous pathology and prevent its transmission healthy people. Since the disease cannot be cured, the only way to rid the world of a virus is to block its spread.

The first stage of the disease is characterized by an increase lymph nodes on the neck, in the groin. The lymph nodes are firm and painless. Patients develop symptoms of meningitis and meningoencephalitis, body temperature rises, and a small punctate rash appears, resembling a rash. These signs do not always show up in the early stages. A person infected with HIV may be unaware of the problem for quite some time. The initial symptoms of the disease are approximately the same for and and do not have significant differences.

The second stage of HIV infection appears several years after infection. Observed the following signs: joint pain, diarrhea, night sweats, muscle pain, fatigue and weakness, impaired coordination of movements, recurrent herpes, weight loss, periodic fever, persistent dry cough. Women are disturbed menstrual cycle, menstruation becomes irregular, painful, bleeding occurs between cycles. In connection with hormonal disorders occurring in the infected female body, the risk of malignant neoplasms on the cervix increases hundreds of times. Specific Symptoms There are no HIV infections. Infected children are susceptible to frequent bacterial infections, are underweight and enlarged.

The third stage of HIV infection ends with the development of AIDS. Against the background of weakened immunity, patients suffer from intractable viral, fungal, bacterial and protozoal infections. At this stage, pathologies such as cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma, lymphoma, HIV and HIV encephalopathy are detected.

Treatment of HIV infection at an early stage

Early treatment of HIV infection begins with simultaneous reception 2 drugs from each pharmacological group, which prevents fast development resistance.

The first group of drugs is HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitors. These include Zidovudine, Zalcitabine, and Didanosine. "Zidovudine" is prescribed at 500-1500 mg per day in 4-6 doses to infected women, people infected with HIV with a needle, children under 6 weeks old, born from sick mothers. "Zalcitabine" is prescribed at 0.75 mg 3 times a day with intolerance or ineffectiveness of "Zidovudine" or in combination with it. "Didanosine" take 125-200 mg every 12 hours for 30 minutes. before meals.

The second group of drugs is protease inhibitors. They are prescribed only in combination with reverse transcriptase inhibitors. "Saquinovir" is taken 600 mg 3 times a day, and "Indinavir" 800 mg 3 times a day. Both of these drugs are contraindicated in children. During treatment with protease inhibitors, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily.

The 21st century has come, but HIV infection has not only not disappeared from the face of the earth, the number of patients has even begun to increase. If a vaccine is not available soon, HIV treatment could become a very big problem. If people do not try to stop the epidemic, 20-30 years will be enough for the infection to cover the entire population of our planet. How to recover from HIV, how to stop the appeared immunodeficiency?

The name of the disease is associated with the immunodeficiency virus, from which a person begins to suffer from a loss of immunity. This virus destroys the human immune system, and is characterized by certain symptoms.

HIV infection is called anthroponotic disease. In other words, the virus will be transmitted through contact with an infected person. However, not every contact may involve infection and great danger. For example, kissing does not transmit HIV.

It is very difficult to say whether HIV can be treated. Treatment for HIV has been troubling scientists for years. Some laboratories deal entirely with this problem alone. But no one has yet succeeded in developing a drug that could give a complete cure. Therefore, it is very difficult to say unequivocally whether HIV can be treated.

Today, only treatment for HIV is possible in the form of maintenance therapy. It stops the course of the disease, a person can live and exist normally. However, even if the disease has not progressed to last stage(AIDS), the patient is still considered a source of transmission.

Let's say right away that the disease itself does not lead to death, but it is considered the most dangerous on earth. The retrovirus destroys T-leukocytes. They discover the infection and send a "team of helpers" to destroy them. If the number of T-leukocytes begins to decrease, the body will not be able to detect in time malicious virus and destroy it. Even a primitive fungus can lead to serious consequences. Whether it is possible to cure HIV in the early stages is difficult to say for sure.

Has at least one person been cured of HIV? Is there a cure for HIV? Is there a cure for HIV? These questions concern a huge number of people. They try to find the answer on the Internet, visiting special portals and forums. However, this approach is not entirely correct. To find out how HIV treatment is going, you should look at the statistical material Russian Ministry Health.

There is no answer to how infection and AIDS can be cured. No one can give a complete positive answer. Until now, not a single case has been registered who managed to cure HIV forever. It is only possible to stop the development of the disease.

But on the Internet, this topic causes fierce debate. There is even a category of people who claim that AIDS does not exist at all. In their opinion, it is pointless to ask how HIV is treated. They believe that this virus was invented to launder money.

Perhaps they are right in some ways, but today it is known a large number of official confirmations that the disease really exists. Take at least the number of deaths that were recorded after secondary manifestations. These AIDS dissidents are considered very dangerous, as they inspire infected people not to treat the disease and not to engage in its prevention.

The statement that HIV is treated and can be cured completely can be found on forums with a religious bias. They say. That you can be cured by constant prayer, which helped them get rid of the disease.

To believe such statements or not, only the person himself can decide. Maybe someone will agree with religious people. But official medicine advises nevertheless to trust truthful information, especially when it comes to the topic of how to cure HIV.

Cause of incurable disease

American scientists have found out why it is not possible to cure the immunodeficiency virus. Their discovery made it possible to give an exact answer, is it possible to cure AIDS? There is only one answer: HIV infection cannot be cured, it only subsides for a while. The action of the virus has long been learned to suspend and suppress. But time passes and it reappears.

It is related to weakening immune system. Together with the virus, a special protein enters our body. Previously, nothing was known about its existence. Because of it, the protein stops producing substances that kill infected cells. Perhaps this discovery will help find a solution for a complete cure. HIV infection.

Today, scientists believe that it is possible to stop the course of HIV infection only up to a certain point. At this time, diagnosed acute stage flowing very fast. It is impossible to completely kill infected cells during this period. You can only suppress the influence of the virus.

Then the course of the disease is asymptomatic. At this time, the virus does not show itself in any way. Modern diagnostics quickly detects diseased cells at the gene level. They are at rest without any manifestations.

Exacerbation begins to occur just before the onset of re-manifestation. Human body, accustomed to the silent cells of the virus, does not have time to block their rapid reproduction. The production of antibodies is very slow, so the virus spreads quickly and causes irreversible consequences.

To permanently cure HIV infection, scientists have attempted to treat patients antiretroviral therapy during the quiet period. The result, unfortunately, was negative, ART drugs could not cope with the virus.

Virus transmission only occurs by contact. It can spread the most different ways. main reason is sexual contact. Great amount viral cells is located in the sperm.

If sexual intercourse takes place without the use of contraception, the risk of infection is at a very high stage.

Any micro damage to the mucosa or skin may lead to infection. Through these injuries and cracks, the virus easily enters the body.

HIV infection affects people of any gender, and their sexual orientation does not matter. Infection can also occur during homosexual contact.

Very often, the blood of a sick person becomes a source of infection.

This is especially true for drug addicts who use one syringe.

Infection can enter the body if carelessly handled medical equipment. It is very easy for a healthcare worker to become infected from a sick patient.

A few years ago, very often the infection occurred during a blood transfusion. Very tough measures have been taken today. Donors are carefully screened and their blood is aged for five months before being tested again.

Such measures have reduced the likelihood of infection, but, unfortunately, such cases sometimes occur.

Another cause of infection is the infection of the child by his mother. Transmission of the virus can occur during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

But if the mother knows that she is HIV-infected, then timely special treatment, as well as stopping breastfeeding, save the baby from possible infection.

Is there any hope for a cure in the 21st century?

To answer this question, you need to know latest discoveries made by scientists in last years. Let's get to know some of them.

Zinc fingers

Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania, spoke about the discovery, which allowed them to say that they now know exactly how to deal with HIV. During the research, scientists managed to invent a gene with the help of which the virus cells are completely destroyed.

Such a cure in medicine was called "designer", since the genome they received destroys diseased cells at a tremendous speed. Therefore, he was given the additional name "zinc fingers". It is possible that very soon a method of treating AIDS with a positive result will be developed.

German scientists managed to obtain a molecule that provokes the infection of human tissues with the HIV virus. For many years, scientists from various laboratories around the world have tried to do this.

Long-term studies and numerous experiments have made it possible to develop a special vaccine that will remove all questions about the curability of AIDS.

This new drug is called "gene scissors". This medicine is very different from all kinds of vaccines and other medical preparations invented in recent years.

Gene scissors do not just suppress the infection that has arisen, they work like scissors, they simply cut out all infectious cells from the body. In other words, after using such scissors, the amount of infected tissue is completely removed from the body.

Is this drug being treated today? You can answer unequivocally, no, it is not carried out. Today, the effect of the drug is being tested on a small group of volunteers who have given their consent.

After the first test, excellent positive results. Approximately 70 percent of all those infected felt much better. Let's hope that the application of this the latest drug, will finally help to fully recover from HIV.

French scientists have developed a special antiviral drug, capable of suppressing the action of the immunodeficiency virus for very a long period. Moreover, being in the body, it generally loses the ability to any manifestation.

But this drug is not intended to completely cure HIV infection. Such an innovative drug only serves to contain existing infected cells and blocks their further spread.

The first studies of the drug were carried out quite recently. However, the results obtained showed a positive trend. It is too early to say that it is still too early to cure HIV infection with such a drug forever. In addition, the duration is still unknown. latent period. But scientists are making positive predictions.

The use of such drugs, according to scientists, should prolong life. infected people for 30 - 40 years. It is possible that further research on this new antiviral agent will help to completely cure HIV.


Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that today the HIV virus cannot be completely cured. But hope remains that the new drugs being tested will help eradicate AIDS from the earth.