Strong healthy woman. How easy is it to prevent gynecological problems and maintain women's health? Correlation between character traits and health status

The main cause of women's health problems today lies, no matter how strange it may sound, in the modern education of women. To put it figuratively, The female psyche is woven from love: a woman is born to love, care, care, communicate with people, create an environment of warmth and happiness around her - in a word, for family life.

But, unfortunately, the education that women receive in our time has nothing to do with the family. It makes it possible to be strong and active in the social environment and is aimed at work, advancement in society, an administrative position, or simply the opportunity to get some kind of specialty. But this education is "of the male type", it is in no way connected with the development of the female mental nature. As a result, the woman's psyche becomes dry and tense, and hormonal functions are upset due to the fact that she simply makes the wrong effort in life.

For the same reason, her ability to experience happiness is also reduced, because a woman's happiness is mainly in the sphere of family life. Not feeling satisfied with life in general, women often suffer from chronic depression.

And one more important point: 70% of female energy is needed to save a family. It is a woman who should be able to build relationships with her husband and children. And if she does not make due efforts, the family falls apart, because a man, by his nature, cannot regulate family relations. He only follows the instructions that his wife sets.

Of course, there are women who are enthusiastically building a career and who believe that family life should not be an obstacle to professional development. But this life suits them for one reason: they are so used to it. The fact is that female nature is very stable. It is difficult for a woman to change, and she lives the way she was taught. That is why, by the way, the life and happiness of a woman depend primarily on education. She tends to obey, likes to get an education and then clearly follow it.

So, a woman can say as much as she likes that a career-centered life is what she needs, but my experience shows that words in this case always diverge from the actual state of affairs. If a woman spends most of her time at work, her life is like an empty candy - sweet on the outside, but there is no filling inside. And there is no deep happiness from such a life.

Sweet life

The second problem is that the understanding of a healthy lifestyle in modern society is based on the health of a man. In general, it must be said that all the problems considered in this article are the problems of society, and not women as such.

So, take, for example, the attitude towards sweet foods. It is the basis of the hormonal system of a woman, and the exclusion of sweets from the diet leads to hormonal disruptions, bad mood and depression. That's why women crave sweets.

True, there is one nuance here: in order for sweet food to benefit the female body, it must be eaten in the morning.

By the way, the stereotypical idea of ​​a “healthy” diet also affects children. For normal growth and development, a child needs oily food plus sweet, starchy and dry food - that is, everything that children love so much and in which they are usually limited.

In addition, women need to eat more dairy products. Dairy food is closely related to the energy of the moon, which supports a woman's healthy hormonal background.

Very useful vegetables: they have feminine energy. In modern society, women eat a lot of meat and grain: bread, sausage sandwiches, and so on. Meanwhile, meat is generally contrary to female nature, because it produces the energy of violence and aggression necessary in order to achieve something in society, but obviously not in the family.

I conducted such studies: I visited dairy and meat plants and compared them. Both there and there women work, but the difference in their behavior and health status is enormous. Among women working at a dairy, only 1-2% suffer from fibroids and cancer in general. But at the meat processing plant, 60-70% of women have tumors, benign or malignant.

Now even doctors say that meat food is the main carcinogen. If a woman leads a life designed for her by nature, tries to cultivate love and care in herself, she will want vegetables, dairy foods and sweets. However, meat, grains and hot spices are not at all what helps a woman to be healthy.

Another example: in modern society it is customary to go to bed very late, and it is in the first half of the night - until about 00.30, when the moon rises - that female hormones are produced (male hormones are produced in the second half of the night). Therefore, it is better to go to bed at 22.00, and according to Ayurveda, in general, at 21.00. If sleep shifts from midnight to 10 am, the hormonal system of a woman sooner or later fails.

By clothes

Oddly enough, even her manner of dressing affects the health of a woman. The vast majority of young women today wear jeans. If we talk about human energy, where it is clamped in clothes, energy accumulates, and where it is free, it comes out.

In a man, the energy is directed upwards and exits through the upper body. With this type of energy movement, a person becomes very active, active, strong-willed, and so on. Therefore, trousers and a loose top are a natural form of clothing for a man.

For a woman, on the contrary, it is important that the energy goes down, since the downward energy flow is associated with childbearing and female hormones are produced in the lower body. Thus, a woman should cover the upper part of her body with clothes, and in the lower part she should be free. It is no coincidence that women from ancient times covered their legs, but did not fit them.

It must be remembered that female beauty depends on the level of female hormones: if it decreases, both beauty and health go away. And if the health of a man as a whole is associated with the activity of the nervous system, then the health of a woman is in hormonal function. That is why a woman must first of all take care of her hormonal system.

In the natural environment

Hormonal functions are associated with emotions, and the work of the nervous system is based on the activity of a person, on his ability to achieve results. Therefore, a man is healthy when he is active and achieves his goal, and a woman should be emotionally satisfied. She is healthy when she lives in comfort and coziness and is internally calm.

Excessive stay in society wastes a woman’s strength, her emotions become “wooden”. As a result, she loses her feminine power, is unable to devote much time to her family. And if a man, exhausted, becomes physically weak, then a woman becomes depressed. In other words, she experiences emotional weakness. Unfortunately, most women suffer from this in modern society. After all, instead of being more involved in the family and being in an atmosphere that gives strength, women are mainly where they experience weakness.

Imagine a dolphin: he can go without water for a while, for example, jumping out of it during the game, but his natural environment is water, where he gains strength. In the same way, the natural environment for a woman is the family, and for a man - society. If a man spends too much time in the family, he becomes sick and unhappy. And in the same way, a woman who devotes too much time to social activity becomes sick and unhappy.

I can't bear to get married

If a woman wants to start a family, but her personal life does not add up, then she lacks female power. Imagine a beautiful, fragrant rose growing in the middle of the road. Someone will definitely break it, even if it is forbidden.

The modern woman thinks that attractiveness is in the secrets of makeup and the way you dress. However, you can only decorate what shines. To get married, you need to cultivate a feminine power in yourself: to be caring and sensitive, kind and gentle. All these are feminine qualities. The problem is that they do not develop at work, because they are not needed there. At work, diligence and firmness in behavior, strictness and punctuality are valued - in a word, masculine qualities. So work for a woman should be a hobby, and the main violin in life should be played at home.

What a person puts energy into develops. And the result depends only on our efforts. Therefore, we must learn to live like a woman, think, dress and treat people like a woman. Then the female power will grow, and personal life will begin to improve - after all, a real man needs only female power. He is not interested in either the woman's ability to earn money or her well-being.

How to develop these qualities? Very simple. Give love and care to those around you. Got an old lonely neighbor? Feed her, visit her, talk to her. If she can hardly move, help her wash, wash her clothes.

Everyone needs feminine energy. Someone is starving - feed, someone needs affection - caress. In addition, it is necessary to develop a woman's sense of dignity. A woman should respect herself for being a woman. Often the reason for the inability to arrange a personal life and create a family lies precisely in an insufficiently developed sense of dignity. What does it mean? Women sometimes enter into intimacy with a man, as soon as they feel the slightest attraction. Sometimes this happens literally in a matter of hours after meeting. And if a man quickly achieves what he wants, he loses interest just as quickly.

Almost all women strive to find a man who would like to have a family. And there are no such men, it is not their nature. A man needs to be brought to this by moving away from him, keeping him at a distance. He must fall in love, crawl on his knees and push flowers under the door. That's when he seeks her love, he will develop a sense of responsibility, he will want to marry and will value such a woman all his life.

But now women don't know how to get married. We do not have this science, because the whole modern culture is based on male nature, unfortunately. Creating a family, fidelity, maintaining relationships - all this is little studied by psychology, and women are left without a guide to action.

Women's work is not valued today either. Restaurants around. Why? People have no time to cook. Both women and men work and eat outside the home. But there is no energy of love in restaurant food - it is primarily a business, so the food there is tasteless. Nevertheless, people get used to it, they like it. In fact, the most delicious thing is when the wife cooks. For example, it is enough for me to eat just once a day, because the energy of love that my wife puts into any dish completely saturates me. It must be clearly understood that if the family is not stingy, it will live on the money that God has given.

When a wife takes care of her husband, he has the strength to grow further and his career develops.

Pleasant chores

A woman who selflessly builds a career and disappears for days at work, who has practically no time left for home and family, is one extreme. At the other end of the spectrum, at first glance, the picture is ideal: a husband who is able to fully provide for his family, and a wife who can afford an absolutely carefree existence: with a housekeeper and a nanny. However, if a woman spends most of her time and energy on herself, her beloved, and does nothing around the house, she will bring only suffering to her husband.

The realization of female nature is not about enjoying yourself: a woman must give, give love and care. Otherwise, she will be pretentious, capricious, unhappy, and sooner or later she will begin to cheat on her husband, just out of boredom.

If a woman cooks, washes and cleans, she creates the energy of love and care in the house and harmony reigns in the family. Of course, if the family is large, you can take an assistant. But, firstly, there are practically no large families now, and secondly, the variety of household and kitchen appliances available today makes housework as easy as possible, there would be a desire to invest love in loved ones. Load the laundry into the washing machine - think with love, dinner in a double boiler - and think again with love.

It turns out interesting: everything seems to be prepared by itself, but it is saturated with feminine energy and love. Everything seems delicious and brings happiness.

Closer to the ground

So, the correct way of life is not reduced only to the observance of the regime and a healthy diet. The inability of a woman to realize her nature, unfortunately, leads to disease in the same way as the failure to follow a more or less healthy diet.

So, in the region of the thyroid gland there is a throat mental center associated with emotions. A woman is by nature six times more emotional than a man. If she does not bring emotions out, for example, because she spends most of her time in an environment where emotions are not needed - for example, at work, she will suffer from thyroid diseases.

The sexual organs are associated with the energy of warmth, love and care. If a woman "lives at work" and there are no people in her life who require care - neither children nor grandparents - she has no one to give this energy to. And consequently, sexual energy accumulates, and destructive processes begin. In addition, a woman becomes harsh, rude, touchy, angry, because there is no harmony with nature, there is no happiness.

A woman feels good when she is in her house. She needs to walk barefoot on the ground, dig in the garden, look at the sun, listen to the birds singing - in a word, live in harmony with nature. Then she becomes happy, healthy, calm and friendly. From the earth, a woman feeds on hormonal force.

But in the modern world, everything related to female energy is minimized. People live in "brick boxes" where there is electrical energy all around.

Due to the fact that the family is not cultivated in society, children are not needed either. Postponing the very idea of ​​motherhood for many years or completely abandoning it, women use contraceptives or even worse: terminate their pregnancy. As a result, female nature is unclaimed. And this leads to hormonal diseases, fibroids, tumors, mastopathy, endometriosis. After all, having sex, a woman accumulates reproductive energy. And if it does not find a way out, it becomes the cause of various neoplasms.

feel the difference

This is far from all that could be told to women.

But the main thing is to understand the essence of female nature. But in modern society this understanding is not there, and a woman, accordingly, is gradually turning into a man. Today it is called emancipation. In American society, where emancipation is most pronounced, it is even outwardly very difficult to distinguish a woman from a man. They become about the same. And this is scary, because children need female affection and love. Otherwise, they grow up dry, rough and cruel.

We must make a choice and decide in which direction we want to develop. If women prefer family life, relegating work to a secondary role, and men, on the contrary, work and achieve their goals, society will become full and harmonious, which means there will be more health in it.

Better to be...

Correlation between character traits and health status


Softness, humility, modesty in speech and actions contribute to the normal function of the uterus.

Rigidity, rudeness in speech and behavior cause metabolic and circulatory disorders in the uterus.

Sweetness in speech and servility in deeds reduce the activity of the uterus.

Humility normalizes the tone of the uterus.

Disobedience causes an increased tone of the uterus.

Depression reduces the tone of the uterus.

Modesty, shyness gives the uterus the ability to be hardy. Arrogance causes tension in the uterus.

Shyness, tightness in speech and behavior reduce endurance.


Warmth, tenderness, complaisance in the desires, will, emotions and thoughts of a woman make the ovaries healthy.

Warmth in character increases the production of female sex hormones.

Coldness reduces the production of sex hormones.

Passion excessively increases the production of female sex hormones, which leads to infertility and mental disorders.

Tenderness increases the production of female sex hormones.

Rudeness reduces the production of female sex hormones and increases the production of male ones.

Spoiled excessively increases the production of female sex hormones and causes increased sensitivity.

Compliance contributes to the balance of sex hormones in the ovaries.

Antagonism, intractability, aggressiveness cause an imbalance of hormonal functions.

Excessive compliance causes increased vulnerability of the appendages.

The ability to forgive increases the immune function of the appendages and helps fight inflammation.

Touchiness causes an increase in inflammatory processes in the appendages.

Anger leads to impaired immune function, which causes a tendency to infection.

Chastity gives strength to appendages.

Depravity weakens the activity of the appendages.

Fallopian tubes

Peace of mind helps maintain normal tone in the fallopian tubes.

Anxiety, irritability, fussiness cause an increase in the tone of the fallopian tubes, which can lead to spasms.

Depression causes a decrease in the tone of the fallopian tubes, which slows down the passage of the egg through them.

Endurance gives stability to the activity of the fallopian tubes.

Intolerance leads to increased sensitivity of the tubes to various stimuli.

Excessive patience leads to a strong decrease in the sensitivity of the fallopian tubes, which causes a violation of the passage of the egg through them.

Milk glands

Kindness, sensitivity, tolerance, tenderness, joy in character contribute to the normal functioning of the mammary glands.

Kindness, sensitivity in character stabilize the hormonal functions necessary for the normal functioning of the mammary glands.

Anger leads to disruption of hormonal functions.

Weakness causes a decrease in hormonal functions.

The tolerance of a woman gives her good immunity of the mammary glands.

Impatience causes a decrease in immunity and a tendency to inflammatory processes.

Excessive patience in ignorance causes depletion of immunity and chronic diseases of the mammary glands.

The health of a woman is very fragile, because it is the female sex that undergoes many changes in the body during life. Doctors and scientists are constantly looking for ways to preserve the health of women. This time they have identified 16 rules that are necessary to maintain and even strengthen women's health.

1. Don't be clean.

Naturally, it is necessary to keep your body clean, but you can’t get carried away with it too much. In Britain, scientists conducted a series of studies that showed a big minus of excessive cleanliness. Women who use antibacterial agents instead of ordinary soap get sick much more often. This is due to the fact that antiseptic substances can disrupt the bacterial balance. Moreover, antiseptics are able to kill beneficial bacteria necessary to maintain a woman's health. That is why gynecologists do not recommend using intimate antiseptics for daily use.

2. Protect yourself.

In addition, discomfort in the stomach may indicate irritable bowel syndrome. Little is known about the causes of this disease, but it can be painful. Sometimes the syndrome requires treatment with surgery.

16. Have more sex.

According to American doctors, good sex can rejuvenate the body. About two hundred is necessary in order to look 5-6 years younger. Sex also. In addition, lovemaking is essential for a woman's health. Sex improves overall well-being, and reduces the risk of developing various gynecological diseases.

Do not frown, always be kind and friendly, live in harmony with Nature

Most of my patients are women. It's not because they get sick more often. They are just more sensitive and attentive to their health.

Women usually pay a lot of attention to their appearance: the condition of the skin, nails, hair. But few of them realize that problems with skin, hair, etc. are manifestations of a disease.

For example, stratification and brittleness of nails indicate indigestion and problems with gynecology. Unpleasant body odor is usually associated with a violation in the body of the element "bile". If you notice it in yourself, do not look for some super deodorant, but use natural powders of sandalwood, saffron, camphor. Burnt alum crystals well remove odor and have a bactericidal effect.

Hair loss is often caused by nervous tension and trouble in the vessels of the brain. To improve the condition of the hair, Tibetan medicine advises rubbing apricot kernel oil or sesame oil into the scalp - this promotes hair growth and slows down graying.

The main thing is not to eliminate external shortcomings, but to get rid of the disease that caused them. The disease is a consequence of long-term pollution of the body, therefore, in order to restore its normal functioning, it is very important to improve the functioning of the intestines. Signs of contamination of the intestines (except for the deterioration of the condition of nails, hair and skin) - a strong white coating on the tongue, constipation. Western medicine prescribes laxatives in this case. But the cause of constipation can be overwork, nervous tension, late sleep and late rising in the morning, smoking. All this, from the point of view of Tibetan medicine, leads to a violation of the movement of the “wind” element and, as a result, poor functioning of the gallbladder. If a woman suffered from constipation at a young age, then later she usually develops gallstone disease. In addition, constipation causes headaches, nervousness, not to mention bad breath. So instead of taking a laxative, see a doctor who can eliminate the cause of the disease.

I especially want to draw your attention to the fact that it is very harmful to get carried away with modern herbs for weight loss. They have mainly a laxative and diuretic effect, and this can lead to dehydration and dryness of the intestines, which, in turn, can cause constipation.

Of course, all women dream of staying young and beautiful as long as possible. Alas, it depends on such prosaic things as the good functioning of the stomach and intestines and, accordingly, on proper nutrition. It is better for you to exclude garlic, onions, pork from your diet. In general, try to eat less meat, it is more suitable for men, enhancing male energy, and makes women more aggressive and angry. Women's food should taste sweet. It will increase your vitality and make you more charming and attractive. Many women believe that sweets are bad for the figure. In large quantities, any food becomes harmful, not only sweet, but with a bitter, sour and astringent taste.

It is important not only what, but also how much and how you eat. It is better to eat slowly, carefully chewing food. While eating, try to feel and evaluate its taste. Then you will not only be satisfied with a smaller amount of food - in this case, the subtle energies contained in it will be assimilated. This will help you maintain your health and figure without resorting to weight loss products. Don't get too carried away with fasting. It helps to cleanse the body, but it is only useful if you are very strong and healthy. After all, fasting reduces the vitality of the body, strengthens the “wind” element, which causes nervous tension and other diseases.

An important organ for women is the liver. The condition of your skin, health, beauty and shine of your eyes depend on its normal operation. Smoking, strong tea and coffee, alcohol, fried foods have a bad effect on the liver and, accordingly, on the skin. I talked a lot about the dangers of alcohol, but smoking is even more harmful to the body. It pollutes the blood and the subtle channels of the body, and everything happens so imperceptibly that you are not even aware of it. But over time, the joy of life leaves you, the complexion fades, nervousness increases and problems with the circulatory system and digestion begin. But I do not advise you to use chemical drugs to get rid of this bad habit, they can have dangerous side effects. I can recommend another way. If you have been a smoker for a long time, do not try to quit smoking in one day. Not only the body gets used to poisons, but also the brain. Anyone who abruptly quits smoking can harm not only the body, but also the mind. I recommend taking it step by step. Stock up on patience. Smoke one less cigarette every day. If you feel like smoking, smoke, but first be aware of what you are doing. Smoke slowly, just as I advised you to eat, then you will need fewer puffs to satisfy your need to smoke. Then try to imagine what happens as a result of smoking with your internal organs: lungs, stomach, nose, throat. Feel the taste on your tongue and in your throat after the cigarette. And do not forget that tobacco smoke has a bad effect on your loved ones. I think this will help you quit smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.

Western medicine associates many female diseases with hormonal imbalances. Treatment is with hormones. Many women have experienced its consequences: weight has increased, dependence on hormonal drugs has appeared, new diseases have arisen. Tibetan methods push hormonal disorders into the background. It is important for the Tibetan doctor to recognize the disturbances of "wind", "bile" or "mucus" at a subtle level and to prescribe the correct formulations of medicines. And as a result, the hormonal background of a woman naturally returns to normal.

If you want to avoid puffiness and wrinkles under the eyes, do not sleep on your stomach. Do not forget that wrinkles are formed for two reasons: due to nervous tension and an increase in "bile". Therefore, try to maintain peace of mind and eat right, go to bed early and do not make too long intervals between meals.

I want to remind you one more thing: loud and harsh speech, sudden movements, anger not only do not make you look good, but also reduce your feminine energy. Do not frown, always be kind and friendly, live in harmony with Nature - this will help you maintain health and beauty.

Dr. Tenzin Wanpo was born in 1963 in a family of hereditary doctors in the eastern part of Tibet. Tenzin la (la is a respectful particle in the Tibetan language) began his acquaintance with Tibetan medicine from childhood under the guidance of his grandfather and father. At the age of ten he was apprenticed to the famous doctor lama Trogave Rinpoche. Under his guidance, he studied the four medical tantras, the methods of compiling and collecting medicinal herbs. Then he entered the Institute of Tibetan Medicine Chokpori(India), who graduated with honors after seven years of study. Now he is the leading doctor of the Tibet Clinic Purchased in Nepal.

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As you know, it is the female sex that is usually called “weak”, which concerns not only physical strength, but also a subtle mental organization or mental state, which is often much more unstable in the beautiful half of society than in men.

Women tend to worry more: for family and children, for home life, for circumstances at work or in a team, they endure mental trauma much worse and harder, which directly affects their mental health.

Today we decided to talk and list the top 10 signs that define a mentally healthy and balanced woman, you don’t have to worry about such representatives of the fair sex, because they are ways to cope with many life difficulties with their heads held high.

  1. So, the first sign is the blooming and well-groomed appearance of a woman. She always takes care of herself, she wants to enjoy herself and those around her with her attractiveness, and, importantly, she is not too lazy to spend time and effort on this.
  2. A mentally healthy woman is always open to relationships and love: at the same time, she loves not because of something or for the sake of something, but just like that, without expecting anything in return. At the same time, she will build a similar principle of relations not only in parental love, but also in partner love.
  3. She has almost no bad habits, she does not smoke and practically does not drink. She just doesn’t need this to feel happy or self-confident, all this is replaced by a balanced and harmonious soul organization.
  4. She loves and knows how to accept compliments. Have you noticed how sometimes women are embarrassed or completely deny the pleasant words of the opposite sex? This is a completely wrong position, based on internal complexes and fears. A real woman with a healthy psyche and decent self-esteem is confident with the opposite sex, knows how to interest and attract attention.
  5. Such women always strive for self-development. They are well aware that life is a constant movement, and therefore it is very important to show interest and curiosity in various areas. Usually they have some favorite hobby that brings them pleasure and helps them develop.
  6. She is able to rejoice, joke and smile sincerely. Healthy ladies do not wait for a special occasion to experience happiness and pleasure (holidays, weekends), they always find something to smile about. At the same time, the reason for joy can be even the simplest, at first glance, for example, the first flowers in a flower bed, a leaf that has fallen from a tree, or a clear sun outside the window.
  7. Mentally healthy ladies rarely complain and know how to be grateful. You have probably met those who constantly complain - about fate, about a husband, about a small salary, about annoying relatives or neighbors, in general, about everything that you can think of. But there are those who really feel a sense of deep appreciation for all that they already have at the moment.
  8. She does not try to constantly avoid sweet or starchy foods, count calories and gained kilograms. A happy and healthy woman lives in harmony with her body, she gets real pleasure from food, as a result of which she does not experience constant stress.
  9. Such women fully understand all the responsibility for their own and the lives of their loved ones, they never blame others (husband, parents, relatives) for their own mistakes and failures.
  10. And yet, women are a special “race”, sometimes they are characterized by weaknesses, for which men love them. Life cannot pass smoothly and without any jumps and unrest, which sometimes affect the mental organization of the fair sex. However, if they are able to quickly recover and return "to the circles of their existence", then there is nothing to worry about.

Every woman wants to be happy, loved and healthy. To feel great at any age, it is enough to follow simple and effective recommendations. They will help you avoid problems in gynecology, take care of women's health and inner harmony.

  • See your doctor regularly. Just 2 visits to the doctor in a year will be enough to take care of your body. During a preventive examination, a professional uses high-precision diagnostic techniques.
  • Take care of a balanced diet. For intimate women's health, a well-thought-out diet is of great importance. Give preference to clean drinking water. Add more fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and nuts to your menu.
  • Watch your weight. To maintain health, the body mass index (BMI) must be within the normal range. A healthy diet and moderate exercise, such as walking, cycling, and swimming, will help you maintain your desired weight.