Viral skin lesions in children. Symptoms of skin diseases in children and their treatment

Before meeting with the doctor, it is difficult to find out the nature of the trouble that has happened, and in some cases the manifestations may be congenital or have a hereditary nature.

The older the child becomes, the easier it is for him to have certain diseases, including skin diseases. This is due to the body's resistance: babies are extremely unstable to harmful external influences, their skin is very sensitive, and the ability to resist harmful microbes is negligible. At an early age, the nervous system of the crumbs has an insufficient regulatory effect, and the endocrine glands do not work at full strength. The richness of children's skin with lymphatic and blood vessels contributes to a greater intensity of reaction to external stimuli.

Believing that after a couple of days the inflammation will pass as suddenly as it arose, parents make a mistake. To date, doctors know more than 100 types of skin diseases that may well overcome a child. Unfortunately, no one is safe.
Symptoms of skin ailments are varied, but many are not without similarities.

Immediate contact with a specialist is the first step to a competent diagnosis of a skin disease and a speedy recovery of the baby!

When is an infection to blame?

The onset of an infectious disease has the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • nausea;
  • jumps in body temperature;
  • sore throat and stomach;
  • cough;
  • lethargy and loss of appetite.

Skin rashes in this case can occur immediately, or appear after a few days.

Below we consider what ailments are able to "please" the baby and his parents with an unpleasant rash.

Bacterial and viral diseases leading to a rash

In some acute diseases of viral and bacterial origin, a rash is mandatory, while others can occur without it.

1. Rubella
From infection to the onset of the first symptoms takes at least 12 days. The rash has a small-spotted appearance, concentrated on the trunk and face.

Photo: Manifestations of rubella

The incubation period is about a week. In some cases, the rash may appear on the second day after infection. The rash is punctate and occurs on the shoulders, thighs, and face (except for the nasolabial triangle, which remains white). The disease is always accompanied by a disease of the larynx (tonsillitis).

Photo: Scarlet fever

The time it takes for symptoms to appear is 9 to 12 days after infection. The first of the signs is an increase in body temperature, to which a rash joins after a couple of days. First, the rashes are localized on the face and neck, and then spread throughout the body.

Photo: Measles

The disease is highly contagious and can spread rapidly through the air. The initial symptoms are elevated body temperature and a rash all over the body. It is noteworthy that with chickenpox, the rash has several stages:

  • the formation of pink spots;
  • filling the bubbles with a clear liquid;
  • drying of the bubbles;
  • the formation of brown crust bubbles in place.

Photo: Chickenpox

This disease is often referred to as "slap marks syndrome". At first, it is easy to confuse it with the flu (body aches appear, a runny nose is observed). However, after some time, the child's body becomes covered with a rash that causes discomfort (burning, itching).

Photo: Infectious erythema

In addition to those listed, this group includes baby roseola(better known as the three-day fever) Infectious mononucleosis.

Treatment of rash in these diseases is part of complex therapy. In some cases, antibiotics are needed, while in others, the doctor recommends topical preparations, skin care for the baby and monitoring of his general condition.

Pustular diseases.

These diseases are caused by staphylococci and streptococci that enter the child's body through skin lesions. Children who are constantly ill with ARVI, that is, who do not have strong immunity, are at risk.

The most common among pustular diseases are:

  • impetigo(pustules look like small bubbles);
  • furunculosis(inflammation of the follicle, which has a purulent-necrotic character);
  • folliculitis(inflammation of the follicle or hair funnel);
  • carbunculosis(inflammation of the hair follicles, which is purulent-necrotic in nature);
  • ecthyma(inflammation of the skin, in which ulcers form with a soft bottom and a dry crust);
  • dry streptoderma(scaly pink patches covered with scales).

Photo: Furunculosis

If there are purulent rashes on the child’s body, you should not allow him to take a bath and even splash in the shower.

Softening the skin, you can contribute to the further formation of purulent lesions. For the same reason, you should refrain from compresses.

To eliminate skin diseases of the pustular group, antibacterial drugs and laser therapy are indicated.

Photo: Antibiotic treatment

fungal diseases

The lesions of the skin areas caused by pathogenic fungi differ both in localization and on the basis of the type and genus of the pathogen.

Pediatric dermatologists distinguish the following fungal diseases:

  • dermatophytosis(as a rule, the feet are affected);
  • keratomycosis(lichen caused by the fungus Pityrosporum orbicularis, localized in the sebaceous hair follicles);
  • candidiasis(fungal disease of the mucous membranes and skin surface, expressed in stomatitis, swelling of the lips);
  • pseudomycosis(The causative agents are special microorganisms. Their damage to children's skin is extremely rare).

Photo: Keratomycosis

The treatment of such diseases should be established individually for each case, however, one cannot do without the use of antifungal drugs.

Viral dermatoses

This should be attributed herpes, which contributes to the appearance of bubble formations on the mucous / skin of the nose and mouth. As a rule, the rash is caused by the herpes virus type 1, however, there are cases when the lesions become a symptom of infection with the type 2 virus.

Photo: Herpes

In addition, viral dermatoses are adjacent warts. The disease is transmitted by direct skin contact with an infected person, and takes place in the presence of microtraumas and reduced immunity.

non-infectious skin diseases

In addition to ailments of infectious origin, which become the impetus for the formation of a rash on the skin of a child, there are many diseases that have nothing to do with infection. Most often, according to dermatologists, there are such:

1. Allergic rashes.

If the rash is allergic in nature, then it is a reaction of the child's body to one or another irritant. As a rule, skin allergies manifest themselves in the form of atopic dermatitis, which is characterized by itching.

Photo: Allergy in a child

Often among children and cases of urticaria, in which blisters occur not only on the skin surface, but also on the mucous membranes. Urticaria occurs as a result of taking medications, certain foods, and sometimes as a reaction of the child's body to the cold.

Pediculosis- the most common of the diseases of this series. It is called by lice, and manifests itself in the form of itching.

Photo: Pediculosis causative agents

Scabies- another unpleasant skin ailment. The scabies mite provokes its appearance. A child who has scabies has severe itching on the skin.

Photo: The causative agent of scabies

demodicosis- less common, but no less unpleasant disease. It is caused by the acne gland mite, which penetrates the hair follicles. The affected skin is covered with blackheads.

Photo: The causative agent of demodicosis

3. Diseases of the sebaceous glands.

Often in babies, one can observe the most common disease of this group, called prickly heat. Its occurrence is a consequence of improper skin care for the baby, its overheating. Having a reddish tint, rashes with prickly heat can be observed in the lower abdomen of the baby, on the chest and neck, in the folds of the skin.

Photo: Potnitsa

seborrhea also applies to diseases of the sebaceous glands. She can overtake a child who is being followed by improper hygiene.

4. Hyper- and hypovitaminosis.

Such diseases, accompanied by the formation of a rash and inflammation on the skin, can occur due to heredity and a number of systemic diseases.

Is the nervous system to blame?

Sometimes it happens. Skin diseases in children that are neurogenic in nature can develop under the condition of any disturbance, even the slightest, of the nervous system. - one of such troubles, as well as neurodermatitis.

Photo: Psoriasis

Skin diseases in children: where to look for treatment?

As soon as suspicious rashes, redness or inflammation appear on the child's skin, parents are simply obliged to consult a dermatologist. Only a doctor can make a competent diagnosis.

Photo: Dermatologist consultation

The doctor will continue to have the right to prescribe treatment. However, before the doctor will collect the information necessary for prescribing therapy and conduct a series of mandatory laboratory tests.

Thus, the parents of the child must know and distinguish between skin diseases that threaten the life of the babywhen every minute counts.

Necessary Prevention

The main preventive measure − hygiene! If the child is too young to work independently on his own body, this should be done by the parents. And do not forget to educate the little one about the cleanliness of the hands!

Photo: Personal hygiene

Mandatory and proper diet nutrition for children of all ages. This will allow mom and dad to gain confidence in the strength of their child's immunity.

And finally, one should not take it easy house cleaning. If a lot of dusty toys have accumulated in the little one's room, it's time to start cleaning them!

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Skin diseases in children are known to affect the upper layer of a person. This includes nails, hair, sweat glands.

From a medical point of view, the terminology of skin diseases includes various kinds of diseases, these are infectious, allergic, viral, but, nevertheless, they are all associated with the upper cover.

Diseases are also divided into groups, according to the nature of the course and complexity.
Some of them are not curable, others go away on their own without any external medical and surgical interventions.

Diseases that are associated with allergies in a child, we put in a separate group, there is also a separate stripped of volatile viral infections. This is a special species that, by their nature, are capable of infecting a person at a great distance.

But do not forget that any rash or redness on the body, especially when accompanied by high fever and poor health, may not be a separately progressive disease, but the cause of a disease of the internal organs of a person.

Therefore, with any symptoms, contact a specialist dermatologist and do not refuse to take tests, motivating, doctor, I have a common skin rash, prescribe some ointments and that's it ...

The symptoms for each of the diseases, which we will consider in detail below, are different and it makes no sense to talk about similarities.

Some are accompanied by severe itching, sometimes like measles, it appears on the body after a few days, but this is preceded by high fever.

Consider the main causes of skin diseases in children

As mentioned above, the development of a skin disease can be caused by a violation of the liver, kidneys, stomach, a significant decrease in immunity, which eventually come to the surface.

Improper nutrition or poisoning leads to allergic reactions on the skin.

One of the types of disease, the occurrence of purulent wounds on the child's body.

The reason is the dirty objects that the baby constantly encounters on the street. And the slightest incisions or damage lead to suppuration.

Nails and hair are often subject to fungal infections.
The fungus passes either through animals (cats, dogs), or there was direct contact with a sick person. Hair color changes, and spots appear on the nails.

Slight redness in the form of pimples, indicating prickly heat, and can not be considered a disease at all.
Small red pimples appear on the body on hot days, where there is not enough fresh air, or the baby is forcibly dressed. They disappear on their own, for some time, with a change in climate or a cold snap (taking a cool shower).

Sometimes sweating may appear for several hours, then the body will again become the same.

Common symptoms of skin diseases in children

In 80-90%, itching of the body is observed. It often precedes the onset of a rash, but not always.
During chickenpox, the whole body itches until the disease subsides. Along with itching, there is a very unpleasant feeling - a burning sensation over the entire surface.

Further, in all skin diseases, both in children and adults, the first redness appears.
Usually the skin is covered with red spots, which become more and more over time.
With various signs and the course of the disease, red spots turn into a rash.
For example, during the manifestation of rubella, redness remains the final phase of the disease.

Together with the symptoms listed above, the body is exhausted, lethargic, accompanied by insomnia, poor appetite, irritability.

Parents should be aware that newborn children and up to a year, the disease and the course of such diseases are severe, unlike school-age children.

But there is also a limit to that. Measles at an older age (16-20 years) is accompanied by high fever and possible complications.
Don't neglect this. Starting chronic and ending with partial loss of vision.

Distinguish diseases by the nature of the rash and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage

Some of them affect only exposed areas of the skin, others specifically the face and neck, and others only the limbs (hands).

Damage to the face and neck is inherent in warts, acne, pimples, which, to one degree or another, bring discomfort and make some adjustments to our lives.
Sometimes it is hormonal, that is, it occurs during the transition period, and after passing this stage, it disappears on its own.
In other cases, infection occurs with a virus, where treatment is unavoidable.

Opening areas of the skin are often affected by frostbite (in winter) or burns (on hot sunny days). The degree of complications depends on the time of stay, and on the environment and how timely and effectively first aid is given.

Skin diseases in children is the release of toxins from the body.
Thus, the human body gets rid of excess toxic substances, and since the dose exceeds the allowable one by several times, they are not able to completely exit in the usual way.

How to treat skin diseases?

For each individual case, appropriate measures are taken.
The child is able to overcome light forms at home.
Complicated - are treated in a hospital.

This is the use of antibiotics, the absence of a source of infection, the restoration of hormonal balance, the use of pyrogenic drugs. For superficial treatment, various ointments and compresses are used.

It is impossible to establish the terms of treatment of this or that disease from the first day.
Sometimes it takes up to several months.
Chronic or with complication - years.

Prevention and diagnosis

First, various vaccinations will help protect children from viral skin infections.
It's up to you, of course. The state does not provide for compulsory vaccination.
Moreover, for some diseases, there is no mention of possible vaccination at all.
All at the request of the parents.

But remember, during the use of any vaccine, you must first undergo all tests for possible complications and allergic reactions. The baby on the day of vaccination must be completely healthy, active without

According to medical statistics, children are more prone to skin diseases than adults. And not only because they are less careful and, without a moment's hesitation, will take a stray puppy into their arms or enthusiastically begin to look for "treasures" in a pile of rubbish thrown away by someone.

There is a risk in this. But the main danger is that children are more susceptible to infections than their fathers and mothers.

They do not have such a “hardened” body, so much in the world around them, natural for an adult, causes them a painful reaction.

Doctors warn: the treatment of skin diseases in children can be started only after the doctor determines the exact diagnosis. The symptoms of many diseases are similar, but the treatment required is different.

If you go the wrong way, you can lose time and exacerbate the problem. And yet, the more parents are informed about the possible dangers, the higher the chances that they will be avoided.

Frequent infections

Infectious erythema at first proceeds like a classic cold. Then rashes appear on the face and body.

The disease spreads by airborne droplets, the infected person is especially dangerous for others at an early stage of the disease, until a rash appears.

Medicines (including painkillers) are prescribed by a doctor. The baby should drink more fluids, adhere to bed rest. Active games and physical activity are contraindicated.

Toxic (infectious) erythema. Tips for parents from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia:

Chickenpox reveals itself as a rash that causes itching and a constant desire to scratch the skin, so the infection spreads very quickly throughout the body.

At the site of redness, small wounds form. In the later stages of the disease, blisters cover the skin, which open, dry out, and turn into crusts.

Coxsackie's disease has a second name - "hand-foot-mouth". First there are sores in the mouth, then blisters and rashes (not itchy) on the arms and legs, sometimes on the buttocks. Body temperature rises sharply.

The infection is spread by airborne droplets and through the diapers of a sick child. Doctors prescribe the patient and Acetaminophen, recommend to drink more fluids, and caring adults - to wash their hands more often.

Disease of the palms, feet and mouth - Coxsackie enterovirus, advice to parents from Pediatrician Plus:

Experts explain its nature by the problems of heredity and the weak immune system of the baby (by the way, 80% of cases are children under the age of 7).

Treatment is long, as it is required not only to get rid of the external manifestations of dermatitis, but also to eliminate the threat of relapse.

This problem is common in young children., especially if parents dress them too warmly: the child sweats, the body reacts to this with the appearance of a rash. They fight with it with the help of talc, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Problems due to changes in the nervous system

Among the diseases in this group are neurodermatitis(redness and thickening of skin areas, the formation of nodules on them - papules) and psoriasis(scaly areas of different sizes and shapes).

Both diseases are chronic and difficult to treat with medication.

They are often "family", passed down from generation to generation., but provoke their outbreak of any disease, stress, malfunctions in the immune system.

How to prevent

In the article, we indicated the names, gave a description and showed how common skin diseases look in the photo in children - newborns, preschool and older, briefly talked about the treatment of childhood dermatological diseases.

Many skin problems (whatever their nature) can be avoided if a child is taught hygiene from an early age.

And you also need to maintain cleanliness throughout the house, avoid allergenic foods and stressful situations for children.

If the problem still arises, you need to take it seriously and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

In contact with

The skin is the largest human organ. Her illnesses may not be independent pathologies, but the result of damage to various internal organs and systems. But they can also be caused by the action of external stimuli (infectious and non-infectious). In children, skin diseases do not proceed in the same way as in adults. First of all, this is due to the insufficient formation of the child's immune system.

Classification of skin diseases in children

There are a large number of skin diseases that are classified according to various characteristics. Depending on the causative factors, three main groups of skin diseases can be distinguished. Let's consider them.

Infectious skin diseases in children

These diseases are associated with the penetration of the infection through the surface of the skin (especially when it is damaged) or in another way (airborne, oral-fecal, transmission, etc.). Skin infections in children are divided into:

  • bacterial (furunculosis, folliculitis, carbunculosis, hydradenitis, impetigo, streptoderma, etc.);
  • viral (, chickenpox, infectious erythema, sudden exanthema, rubella, warts, herpetic eczema, etc.);
  • fungal (keratomycosis, dermatophytosis, candidiasis, trichophytosis, etc.).

Allergic skin diseases in children

Such pathologies arise due to interaction with various irritating factors. This may be the reaction of the body in response to:

  • food allergens (citrus fruits, dairy products, chocolate, honey, fish, etc.);
  • medicines;
  • household chemicals;
  • dust;
  • animal hair, etc.

This group includes the following diseases:

  • toxic-allergic dermatitis;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • pruritus, etc.

Symptoms of skin diseases in children

Skin diseases can have various external manifestations. As a rule, already by the type of skin rashes in children and by their localization, an experienced specialist can diagnose a particular pathology.

Skin rash in children can be represented by the following elements:

  • spots (maculae) - not protruding above the surface of the skin of various shapes, sizes and colors (red, pink, brown, white, etc.);
  • papules (nodules) - dense formations that rise above the skin without cavities;
  • vesicles (vesicles and bullae) - elements filled with liquid contents;
  • pustules (abscesses) - formations with purulent contents inside;
  • urticaria - flat, dense, rounded formations that slightly rise above the surface of the skin (urticaria).

Other symptoms of skin diseases may include:

  • burning skin;
  • dryness;
  • peeling;
  • wetting.

Other signs of the disease may also appear:

  • high body temperature;
  • cough;
  • rhinitis;
  • abdominal pain, etc.

Treatment of skin diseases in children

There is no general treatment strategy for skin diseases due to their diversity. Also, the principles of therapy depend on the severity of the course of the disease, the age of the child, and his individual characteristics. Drug treatment may include systemic drugs or be limited to external agents. In some cases, no specific treatment is required at all.

Prevention of skin diseases in children

  1. The right balance of nutrition with the restriction of foods that can provoke allergies.
  2. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness in the house.
  3. Elimination of stressful situations in the child's life.
  4. Exclusion of artificial materials in children's clothing.
  5. Timely treatment of wounds, abrasions.