Causes of development, treatment and photos of genital warts in women. What causes warts in women

When warts are found in women, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. without timely and adequate therapy complications may develop. As a result of constant friction against the fabric of underwear, warts are injured and disappear. In their place, bleeding sores appear, which are easily infected and suppurated. Over time, the growths become more and more. Formations similar to cauliflower inflorescences spread to healthy areas of the skin. A progressive disease can cause a sharp decrease in immunity. Some types of human papillomavirus, which is the cause of genital warts, can provoke the degeneration of cells into malignant ones.

After consulting a doctor, examining and determining the strain of the virus, medications are prescribed:


Kondilin is often used to treat genital warts. medicinal product is a 0.5% solution of podophyllotoxin. At topical application it causes the death of growth cells and its destruction. A woman can treat warts on her own in accessible places. Medicine Sold in a bottle with a convenient plastic applicator. Using the applicator, the substance is carefully applied to all neoplasms. Areas with healthy skin should be protected from the drug.

If there are too many genital warts, no more than 50 pieces are processed at a time. The area of ​​contact with Kondylin should not exceed 10 cm². The first time you apply the drug should be a doctor or nurse. Health workers will teach the patient how to handle warts on her own.

After applying the product, you need to lie down for a while, allowing the substance to dry. If it spreads to healthy areas, irritation and sores may occur on them. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day for 3 days. After 4 days, the course of treatment is repeated. The total period of application of Kondilin should not exceed 5 weeks. It should not be taken at the same time as medicines containing active ingredient podophyllotoxin.


The remedy for genital warts Solcoderm is a mixture of concentrated acids. It contains the following ingredients: nitric (70%), acetic (99%), lactic (90%) and oxalic acids, as well as copper nitrate. Immediately after treatment, the surface of the growth turns yellow, and its tissues become mummified. It is important to prevent the aggressive substance from getting on healthy skin tissues. It is forbidden to apply the product yourself. The probability of contact of Solcoderm with healthy skin is very high.

Condylomas in women are treated by a doctor or nurse using a glass applicator or capillary. After the procedure, you must wait for the preparation to dry. For 1 procedure, you cannot process an area exceeding 4-5 If the removal of condyloma was not effective, re-treatment is carried out in a month.

After applying the substance, a woman may feel pain and burning. Later, hyperpigmentation spots or scars may appear at the site of the removed growths.

Treatment of warts with ointments

For the elimination of genital warts appoint Salicylic ointment(3% or 5%). It contains salicylic acid. Prolonged exposure to acid on neoplasm tissues causes their atrophy, softening and rejection.

Ointment from genital warts causes severe irritation healthy areas of the skin. To protect them from getting ointment, it is recommended to use a patch. A hole is cut out in it, the shape and size of which coincides with condyloma. The patch is glued to the skin so that the growth is in the hole.

Best result from treatment with salicylic ointment is observed in cases where the drug is applied for several hours. It is recommended to treat warts in women at bedtime. Do not rub the substance into the skin tissue. After applying the product to the affected area, you need to apply a bandage.

Salicylic ointment is applied 1 time in 2 days for a month. After treatment, warts disappear without a trace.


The drug Viferon contains human recombinant interferon alpha-2, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and peach oil. Interferon causes an increase in local immunity and has an antiviral effect. Tocopherol acetate has a regenerating effect. Peach oil stimulates metabolic reactions in the skin.

Viferon can be applied independently at home. Warts cover thin layer drug 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. You can increase the effectiveness of treatment by using Viferon preparations in 2 forms at once: ointment and suppositories.

Effective home treatment with Oxolinic ointment. The antiviral properties of the drug are used to remove genital warts. Oxolinic ointment inhibits the growth and reproduction of viruses.

The application of the drug with a concentration of oxolin 3% is recommended to start with nearby healthy skin areas. Lastly, the central part of the build-up is processed. The ointment does not cause irritation of the mucous membrane, after its application, scars do not remain.

Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day, gently spreading it over the skin, but without rubbing. A bandage is applied on top. The course of treatment can last from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Tablet preparations

Treatment of genital warts in women is often carried out with the help of tableted antiviral agents. Drugs are prescribed in the presence of extensive lesions or large neoplasms, combined with drugs local action.

Alpizarin. The antiviral drug contains a specific substance plant origin mangiferin. It is received in the course of processing of a grass of the Alpine kopeck and mango leaves. Alpizarin inhibits the reproduction of viruses. Its maximum efficiency is observed in initial stage illness. Take the medicine three times a day. Removal of genital warts can take from 5 days to 2 weeks.

Cycloferon. Thanks to high content interferons, Cycloferon has a powerful immunomodulatory property. It also has a pronounced antiviral effect.

Cycloferon is prescribed when a virus with a high risk of oncogenicity is detected. Its anti-carcinogenic properties inhibit the development and reproduction of dangerous pathogens, and also prevent cell degeneration. The drug is taken according to a special scheme, which is determined by the attending physician.

Acyclovir. Strongest antiviral drug has an immunostimulatory effect. Acyclovir interacts with affected cells and breaks their connection with viruses. In this case, human cells are not damaged. The medicine is taken several times a day. Treatment may take several weeks.

Likopid is an immunostimulating drug. It increases the effectiveness of other means with which it is taken in combination. Studies have confirmed that the use of Likopid allows the body to defend itself against infections and prevent cell regeneration. The drug is taken daily for 2 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment is extended after a week break.

Isoprinosine. Active ingredient Isoprinosine is an animal product of inosine pranobex. The tool has antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. It enhances the effect of other antiviral drugs. Drink the drug several times a day after meals for a month. In order for the removal of genital warts to be effective, the course of treatment is repeated twice more with a break of a month.

Isoprinosine should be taken large quantity water. Doing so will speed up your recovery.

Removal of genital warts folk remedies

Excellent results in the treatment of genital warts gives celandine.

Neoplasms are cauterized with fresh plant juice or its alcohol tincture. It is recommended to extract juice from the lower part of the plant. In this place, the juice is especially concentrated.

To prepare the tincture, the stems of the plant are crushed in a meat grinder, placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out of them. It is diluted with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1.

Removal of genital warts with celandine must be carried out very carefully, without touching healthy areas. It is better to ask a relative or medical worker apply remedy.

Effectively cleanses the skin with garlic juice. It is squeezed out of finely crushed cloves of the plant. Juice is applied pointwise several times a day. At night, you can make an application. To protect healthy tissue, it is recommended to use a patch with a cut-out hole.

Warts in women can be removed with gruel from crushed raw potatoes. It is applied to the affected areas at night for 2 months.

Helps to get rid of growths soaked in vinegar onions. It is applied to the affected areas at night.

Before treating warts with folk remedies, you need to consult a doctor. Use of drugs traditional medicine may be harmful to health.

warts- these are papillomas that appear on the mucous membranes of the vagina, cervix, anus, the penis as a result of exposure to the papilloma virus.

Many people know that if this virus gets on the skin, then it develops. However, few people know that if the virus somehow penetrates the mucous membranes intimate organs, then this is already called warts. How can you treat warts

Condylomatosis- a sexually transmitted disease, one of its types are genital warts among women. And the source of this disease is just the papillomavirus.

The danger of condyloma is that the disease is asymptomatic. However, the resulting formation cannot be considered harmless. It turns out that the basis of the appearance of genital warts are the same processes as in the development of cancerous tumors.

Therefore, long-term condylomatosis, if left untreated, can develop into malignant tumor.

Also, the papilloma virus on the female genitalia, if left untreated, can lead to dysplasia (detachment) of the epithelium of the cervix.

Types of genital warts

Genital or exophytic warts in women. These are formations that are a whole collection of small papillae, often having a bodily, sometimes pink color. Such warts are soft. Their diameter ranges from 1 millimeter to several centimeters. Pointed formations appear in women, both in the external and internal genital organs: on the clitoris, vulva, cervix, in the perineum, on the eve of the vagina, in the anus. Vulvar warts are most common in young girls and also in pregnant women.

Flat (wide) or endophytic warts in women. The difference between this formation and the previous one is that here the growth of condyloma is directed inside the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix. The insidiousness of this condyloma lies in the fact that it does not protrude above the surface of the mucosa, but remains flat. Therefore, on examination, it is quite difficult to recognize this type of condyloma. Flat formation also occurs mainly in young women. In 50% of cases, such condyloma is combined with dysplasia, which is assessed as a precancerous condition.

Causes of genital warts in women

  • Unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner
  • Domestic transmission of the virus - through personal hygiene items of a sick person (underwear, bedding, towels)

That is, it turns out that this virus passes only in these two cases. But, there are situations when the causes of genital warts in women can be a person who is a carrier of this virus, but does not suffer. And his relative, for example, using the same towel, picked up this virus and condyloma jumped out of him. How can this be?

It turns out that the virus can show itself "in all its glory" only if a person has sensitivity to it.

What causes warts in women

  • Decreased immunity
  • The presence of other sexually transmitted infections in a sick woman, for example: herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia
  • Dysbacteriosis of the vagina
  • The patient has somatic ailments, such as bronchitis, SARS
  • Frequent change of sexual partners
  • Early onset of sexual activity
  • Frequent stressful situations
  • Excessive exercise
  • Poor nutrition (lack of vitamins)
  • Prolonged use of hormonal drugs
  • The use of drugs that depress the immune system
  • Abuse of alcohol and alcohol
  • The period of a woman being in an interesting position (in anticipation of a baby)

Symptoms of genital warts in women

Such a disease may be accompanied by the following signs, which you should pay attention to the fair sex:

  1. Itching, burning in the affected area
  2. Sensation of a foreign object at the site of the formation
  3. Also, symptoms in women in intimate places can be constant feeling humidity in the area of ​​condyloma
  4. If a woman accidentally hooks on this tumor, then she can feel pain, and also observe bloody issues from this education
  5. Persistent fetid odor

Genital warts in women during pregnancy

If a woman, being in an interesting position, became infected with the condyloma virus and she developed a tumor in the genital area, then the girl should know that genital warts develop very quickly, so the fair sex should immediately consult a doctor.

What are the dangers of this virus for pregnant women and nulliparous women? It turns out that this can lead to rupture of the vagina.

Detection of warts in the vagina during pregnancy often leads to caesarean section. Doctors specifically remove the baby in this way, because if the baby passes through the birth canal, he can pick up this virus. But if there are no genital warts in the vagina, then the child will not become infected with the virus.

Also developing, the tumor can provoke an exacerbation of thrush in nulliparous, as well as in pregnant women.


Getting rid of this disease is possible in several ways:

  • Treatment with drugs from a pharmacy
  • Surgical intervention
  • Treatment with folk remedies

How to treat genital warts in women with medication

The doctor can prescribe the following remedies to a patient suffering from codylomatosis, and in particular from genital warts:

Surgical intervention

  1. Cryodestruction- complex surgical intervention, in which the specialist removes genital warts in women with liquid nitrogen, due to the low temperature, the neoplasm is eliminated
  2. Electrocoagulation- removal of the tumor with the help of an electric current, which creates high temperature and thus cauterizes warts
  3. laser therapy- removal of the affected tissues of genital warts in women with a laser. However, it is extremely rarely used to remove genital warts, since getting rid of outgrowths in intimate places threatens to burn the mucous membranes.
  4. Chemical degradation- burning condyloma with concentrated acid or alkali
  5. Normal surgical removal - the oldest and rarely used method today. The neoplasm is cut off with a scalpel

Treatment of genital warts in women with folk remedies at home

Pointed formations can be treated using home methods, however, this should be done only with the permission of the doctor.

Now consider the main methods of treating condyloma with the help of folk remedies:

One of the most popular treatments is iodine. It is necessary to lubricate the affected area with iodine 3-4 times a day. This should be done carefully so as not to catch healthy skin. After applying one layer of iodine, you should wait until it dries, and then apply a second layer. Duration of treatment: until the complete elimination of genital warts.

Celandine. From this plant only juice is needed. It is not difficult to get it, because when a person cuts a celandine, one can observe how juice oozes out of it. fresh juice you should cauterize condyloma 3-4 times a day. Apply the juice directly to the affected area. Duration of treatment - up to full recovery original skin.

Eggs. For this method, we use chicken eggs. And for such treatment, you only need protein, which will be lubricated in the future with condyloma. When the person has separated the squirrel, he should prepare a bandage, and then soak it in the squirrel, apply it to the affected area and fix it. You can put such lotions 3 times a day for 10 minutes. The duration of treatment is until the complete elimination of the neoplasm.

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Genital warts in women - how to get rid of genital warts

Suddenly appearing growths on the skin of the perineum cause many women to panic and often provoke quarrels in the family due to suspicions of a sexually transmitted disease. However, if these formations are genital warts (see photo), do not get excited.

Perhaps this is the result of infection with the papillomatosis virus in the past. In any case, you should know what treatment of genital warts in women offers modern medicine.

Genital warts - what is it?

Genital warts are the result of the activation of the human papillomavirus in the body. The disease is also called genital warts or genital warts. Once in the body, HPV, held back by immune forces in a weakened state, may not manifest itself outwardly for a long time.

However, any condition that reduces immunity leads to the appearance of peculiar outgrowths on the skin with a characteristic exophytic growth (on the surface of the skin). Perhaps the appearance of pathological growths on the vaginal mucosa, in the rectum and oral cavity.

In addition to the delivered aesthetic discomfort, condylomatosis can cause cancer. Absence timely treatment also leads to the spread of a viral infection and the growth of warts.

In addition, genital warts - a sure sign of a decrease in immunity - are often accompanied by chronic course thrush, infection with ureoplasma and other sexually transmitted infections.

The appearance of genital warts may vary, photo 2

The papilomatous virus of genital warts is highly contagious. In 80-95% of women, it is found in the blood, but only in 1% it provokes the appearance of skin neoplasms. Most often, genital warts are caused by infection with HPV types 6 and 11 with a low degree of oncogenicity.

But only PCR analysis can exclude infection with more dangerous subspecies of the virus, for example, highly oncogenic types 16 and 18.

Infection of women with HPV occurs in the following ways:

  1. Sexual way - the most common among women and men;
  2. In childbirth - the child becomes infected from a sick mother, but warts may appear after a few years (this explains condylomas in young girls who have not had sexual intercourse);
  3. Contact route - infection through towels, bed linen and hygiene items is not excluded.

Any of the conditions can provoke the appearance of genital warts:

  • Sexual contact with a partner infected with condylomatosis;
  • External exposure, accompanied by immunodeficiency - stress, strict diet, long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse, leading to a violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • Chronic infection in the body;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards.

Important! Even using a condom does not rule out HPV infection. Contact with the virus-affected skin of the scrotum and pubis of a partner leads to the penetration of the infection into the body of a woman.

The first signs of condyloma, the initial stage

Most often, genital warts appear at least 3-6 months after infection with HPV. With sufficiently strong immune protection, the incubation period can last up to several years.

The clinical picture develops rapidly. In just a few hours (on average - 6 hours), a woman notes the appearance of:

  • Slight itching and burning;
  • Slight hyperemia;
  • Pimply tuberosity resembling cauliflower.

As soon as neoplasms appear, itching and redness subside. Condylomas rapidly increase in size and reach a height of 1-1.5 cm.

Neoplasms can be single (separate papillae rising above the skin) and multiple, resembling a cockscomb or cauliflower. Separate foci are prone to peripheral growth and fusion. When new genital warts appear, a short-term burning sensation and redness reappear.

Treatment of genital warts in women

Modern medicine is not able to destroy HPV in the body. Therapeutic measures aimed at removing genital warts in women and attenuating the virus by activating the immune defense.

Medical treatment, drugs

Can be used for condylomatosis specific drugs. A solution or ointment for genital warts contains cauterizing substances, so their use should be careful with the treatment of surrounding tissues with a protective cream. Most effective means for genital warts:

  • Kondilin - 0.5% solution plant extract podophyllin. The drug is applied to an area of ​​no more than 10 cm2 twice a day for 3 consecutive days. The course is repeated after 4 days of break, treatment lasts no more than 5 weeks. Usually the first treatment is performed by a gynecologist. The solution is contraindicated in pregnant women.
  • Solcoderm is a combination of nitric, acetic, oxalic and lactic acids. A rather aggressive agent: the maximum treatment area is 5 cm2, and the treatment lasts no more than 4 weeks. During processing, there is a strong burning sensation and hyperemia. A scar may form at the site of the dried condyloma. Hyperpigmentation almost always remains.
  • Trichloroacetic acid - 80-90% solution is applied once with possible repetition procedures after 1 week. The maximum number of procedures is 6. After treatment, the acid is neutralized soda solution, after which the treated area is sprinkled with talc or baby powder.
  • Supercleaner - contains an alkaline agent. 1 drop of the product is dripped onto the warts 1 time per day. Treatment regimen - 3 days of treatment, 1 week break.

Important! Cauterization of genital warts with iodine solution at home is not recommended. Such treatment can lead to tissue necrosis and suppuration.

Minimally invasive methods for removing genital warts

Most clinics are equipped with special equipment for mini-traumatic removal of genital warts in women, while condylomatosis in most cases is eliminated in just one procedure. This treatment does not require hospitalization.

Instrumental methods for excision of genital warts:

  • Surgery is an outdated technique that is practiced in hospitals that do not have modern equipment. Warts are excised with a scalpel, most often under local anesthesia. Next is suturing. The recovery period is quite painful.
  • Electrocoagulation - excision of warts with an electrocautery requires local anesthesia. After healing, scars often remain.
  • Radiofrequency ablation - neoplasms are targeted with high-frequency radio waves emanating from the Surgitron apparatus, after which the warts disappear. The procedure is painless, but very expensive.
  • Laser therapy - skin growths are evaporated with a focused laser. The procedure is practically painless, excludes bleeding and infection after the intervention. A small wound heals quickly without scarring.
  • Cryodestruction is a priority method due to its absolute painlessness and affordability. Condylomas are treated with liquid nitrogen, while the active agent acts only on the genital wart itself, without affecting the surrounding tissues. The frozen neoplasm dies off and is rejected on its own.

The only caveat - the cryodestruction procedure should be carried out experienced doctor to avoid damage to surrounding tissues.

Antiviral treatment of genital warts in women

Therapy with drugs with high activity against HPV is mandatory. Its purpose is to weaken the virus and prevent the recurrence of condylomatosis. The following antivirals are used:

  • Groprinosin - 2 melt twice a day, course 2-4 weeks.
  • epigen intimate - additional remedy, accelerating healing and increasing local immunity. Spray treatment is performed 4 times a day, the duration is at least 2 weeks.
  • Panavir is a universal antiviral agent. Available in the form of a gel, suppositories (used for condylomas of the rectum, vagina and cervix), injection solution.
  • Course treatment with immunostimulants (Immunal, Polyoxidonium, Reaferon) and vitamin therapy are also prescribed.

Only complex treatment of condylomatosis - removal genital warts, antiviral treatment and immunotherapy - prevents the reappearance of skin outgrowths. And although 15-30% of women may self-eliminate genital warts, this does not mean recovery. Most often, warts reappear after stress or the common flu.


In the absence of timely treatment, condylomatosis can lead to very serious consequences:

  • Traumatization of warts, their inflammation and spread of infection;
  • The appearance of difficult-to-heal ulcers;
  • Spread of outgrowths to surrounding tissues;
  • Infection of the newborn during childbirth;
  • Malignancy (malignancy) - most often warts on the cervix.
  • Reduced immunity and increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

Prevention of genital warts

Preventing genital warts is quite simple. The following rules must be observed:

  • The culture of sexual life is the exclusion of casual sexual relations.
  • Personal hygiene.
  • A lifestyle that excludes situations that lead to immunodeficiency - good nutrition, hardening, etc.
  • Regular testing for PCR.
  • Vaccination of children - this tactic has many opponents due to the high risk of serious side effects associated with post-vaccination sexual dysfunction.

(genital warts) - a type of viral warts, which are soft papillary formations on the leg, prone to fusion. Merging, they form colonies, outwardly resembling the appearance of a cauliflower. They often occur in the anogenital region. They cause discomfort in the genital area, psychological inconvenience, sexual problems. Traumatization of genital warts leads to their infection and is accompanied by secretions with bad smell, itching and pain. They can recur and become malignant. The virus is transmitted sexually. Treatment consists in the removal of genital warts (laser, liquid nitrogen, radioknife, conventional scalpel) against the background of systemic antiviral therapy.

General information

human papillomavirus- filter virus provoking on the skin and mucous membranes of a person, small, often multiple, tumor-like formations of a benign nature. It manifests itself in the form of viral warts or genital warts. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is characterized by a chronic relapsing course, widespread, high susceptibility. Papillomavirus infections of the genital tract constitute a risk group for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms genital organs and the development of bleeding.

Genital warts, often referred to as genital warts, are neoplasms of the skin and genital mucosa caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This is one of the most frequent manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, characterized by a long, chronic, recurrent nature of the course. Typically, warts are flesh-colored papillae with a lobed structure and stalk, but they can also grow into massive, cauliflower-like masses.

Condylomas are located more often on the genitals (in women - on the labia, vagina, cervix; in men - on the head of the penis, foreskin), also in the region anus and perineum, less often in the mouth.

Genital warts belong to the group of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), therefore, venereology is mainly involved in their diagnosis and treatment. However, women, as a rule, come with this problem to a consultation with a gynecologist and are treated by him. Men go to the urologist. And with condylomas of the anal region, the proctologist most often encounters.

The main spread of HPV infection usually occurs through vaginal, oral, or anal sexual contact with an infected partner. Genital warts usually appear in places that are traumatized during sexual contact. HPV can be carried during sexual intercourse with scales peeling off with genital warts, and in women it can also enter the vagina and cervix from the external genitalia when using hygienic tampons during menstruation.

It is also possible intrauterine transmission of the virus from an infected mother to the fetus, and infection of the child during childbirth in the presence of active HPV or warts on the mucous membranes of the genitals of a pregnant woman.

Risk factors for infection with genital warts

Human papillomavirus is widespread and highly contagious. More than half of the people leading sexual life infected with one or more strains of HPV. In the body human HPV changes the nature of tissue growth, which leads to diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (genital warts, warts, papillomas, dysplasia and cervical carcinoma). There are over 100 strains of HPV, with different strains causing various diseases, including precancerous ones. HPV strains (6 and 11) mainly affect the urogenital tract and cause the development of genital anogenital warts.

The appearance of papillomavirus infection and its further development is caused by a weakening of human immunity. This infection is characterized by an asymptomatic course, in many infected people it does not manifest itself in any way. Most people who carry the corresponding strains of HPV do not develop genital warts. Factors that increase the risk of contracting genital warts include:

  • transferred STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, candidiasis, etc.);
  • free sexual behavior frequent shift sexual partners, through a partner who has previously had sexual contact with an HPV carrier);
  • internal factors of the body (lowered immunity, lack of vitamins, susceptibility to stress);
  • pregnancy;

Ways of development of HPV infection (genital warts)

Development HPV infections determined by the state of the body's immune reactions, depending on this, the most possible options development of human papillomavirus infection (including genital warts) are:

  • self-healing, regression of genital warts (in particular, those that appeared during pregnancy);
  • lack of any dynamics during long period time;
  • gradual or fast growth warts (increase in size, quantity);
  • malignant degeneration of warts.

According to the degree of risk of development oncological process There are several groups of HPV strains:

Medium and high risk HPV strains (mainly 16, 18, 31, 33, and 35) cause cervical dysplasia and increase the risk of cervical cancer, but do not cause genital warts. HPV strains low risk(primarily 6 and 11) provoke the appearance of genital warts, but do not cause cervical dysplasia. Women infected with high-risk HPV should undergo regular examination (oncocytology) for the timely detection of cervical dysplasia.

With a complicated variant of the development of anogenital warts, they can be injured and infected, bleeding can be observed. In addition, genital warts interfere with normal sexual life and normal childbirth, cause a feeling of psychological discomfort due to the presence of cosmetic defect.

Pathogenesis and manifestations of genital warts

Papillomavirus infection is transmitted from person to person, and several types of papillomavirus can be infected at the same time. HPV lives in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes. For a long time, papillomavirus infection can proceed secretly (latently). Enough virus must accumulate in the cells to cause clinical symptoms papillomavirus infection. The reproduction of HPV and its amount in the body depend on the level of immune protection. Under the influence of various factors that reduce local and general immunity, the virus is activated, it multiplies and develops skin manifestations.

Once in the body, HPV infects epithelial cells (especially the transition zone of stratified squamous epithelium into cylindrical). In an infected cell, the virus can be in two forms: episomal (outside the cellular chromosomes - a benign form) and introsomal - integrated (as part of the cellular genome - a malignant form).

In the latent course of infection, HPV exists in an episomal form, without leading to pathological changes in cells and without causing clinical manifestations.

Having multiplied in large numbers, HPV changes the growth and development epithelial cells. They begin to intensively and uncontrollably divide, there is an increase in the area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane and the formation of genital warts. There may be several of them, and sometimes several dozen. Anogenital warts often occur simultaneously, less often within a few days.

In men, genital warts are most often found on the glans penis (coronary sulcus) and foreskin (bridle and inner sheet), less often on the body of the penis, scrotum, near the anus and urethral opening. The appearance of warts in the urethra causes discomfort, difficulty urinating, spraying urine stream.

In women, condylomas most often appear in the region of the labia minora (bridle, clitoris), less often in the vagina, on the labia majora, on the cervix, in the anus, perineum and urethral openings. Genital warts of the vagina and cervix can only be detected during a gynecological examination.

It is extremely rare for genital warts to develop in the oral cavity. At constant mechanical damage warts can grow up to 3-5 cm in diameter.

In addition to anogenital, there are other types of genital warts:

  1. Papular warts are dark red in color, have a domed shape and a smooth surface, are located on a completely keratinized epithelium.
  2. Keratotic warts - look like cauliflower, usually located on the shaft of the penis, scrotum, labia.
  3. Giant condyloma - develops during pregnancy, in patients with reduced immunity.
  4. Endourethral warts - localized in the urethra, are found mainly in men.
  5. Cervical warts:
  • exophytic (external) warts - practically do not differ from anogenital warts
  • endophytic (internal) flat warts - located in the thickness of the tissues of the vagina and cervix of the epithelium, they cannot be detected during a routine examination. Identified by colposcopy, often associated with dysplasia and sometimes with preinvasive cervical carcinoma, pose a risk of malignancy
  • warty epidermodysplasia - multiple polymorphic flat papules of pinkish - red color with a warty surface.

Diagnosis of HPV infection (genital warts)

Diagnosis of papillomavirus infection includes:

  • clinical examination

In the presence of typical forms of genital warts, the determination of the HPV strain is not necessary. In men, genital warts are often confused with the papular necklace of the penis (normal variant). In women, genital warts are sometimes mistaken for micropapillomatosis of the labia (a variant of the norm). If genital warts are suspected, other diseases must be excluded (molluscum contagiosum, wide warts with syphilis).

  • conducting an extended colposcopy, ureteroscopy (if endourethral warts are suspected);
  • cytological examination of a smear cervical canal on atypical cells to exclude cervical dysplasia;
  • histological examination;
  • PCR - diagnostics (definition and typing of HPV);
  • immunological examination (presence of antibodies to HPV in the blood).

Those infected with genital warts must be examined for syphilis, HIV and other STIs.

Treatment methods for genital warts

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of HPV by any of the modern methods of treatment, just as it is impossible to guarantee the absence of recurrence of genital warts. It is impossible to exclude the self-propagation of genital warts, the appearance of new foci in other areas of the skin or mucous membranes.

Strong immunity is not developed on HPV, condylomas can be infected and get sick again if the sexual partner has not been treated or the rules of safe sex have not been observed.

The main method of treatment remains the removal of genital warts. various methods, each of which has its own indications, limitations, contraindications. Treatment of warts is carried out under local anesthesia and virtually painless.

When carrying out laser coagulation (neodymium or carbon dioxide laser), the condyloma tissue evaporates with the formation of a dry crust in its place - a scab. The radio wave method or radio knife quickly and almost painlessly removes warts. Cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen) "freezes" warts, but this method is not recommended for nulliparous women. Electrocoagulation is based on the effect on warts with the help of an electrode (electric knife) that transmits high-frequency current.

For the destruction and removal of genital warts are also applied topically. chemical substances- cytotoxic drugs - podophyllinotoxin, podophyllin, imiquimod, ferezol, fluorouracil.

The risk of recurrence of human papillomavirus infection is high (30%) with any treatment method, since the virus persists in other cells of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, the treatment complex for anogenital warts includes anti-relapse (antiviral) HPV therapy. Immunity-enhancing drugs are used (meglumine acridone acetate, licopid, panavir, immunomax). A domestic antiviral drug based on alloferon (in injections) has been developed for the treatment of herpes and human papillomavirus infection.

It is necessary to carry out virological control of the cure of warts. Women with genital warts are recommended an annual histological examination.

Prevention of HPV infection (genital warts)

Measures to prevent human papillomavirus infection (genital warts, in particular) include:

  • use of barrier contraception (condoms);
  • elimination of factors that cause a decrease in immunity (avitaminosis, hypothermia, smoking and alcohol abuse, stress and overwork).
  • vaccination against cervical cancer. Vaccination is carried out for girls from 11-12 years old, three times.

Condyloma means a growth or tumor, and it is in this form that condyloma looks on the skin. More precisely, condyloma is a nipple growth on the epidermis, which can take place in the process of inflammation. Most often, warts appear in places of periodic friction and in the genital area.

Condylomas can be either single or multiple. The size of single warts usually does not exceed 7 mm, and the size of multiple fused formations can reach several centimeters.

Types of genital warts

Condylomas are of two types:

Genital warts

Genital warts are outgrowths on the skin that occur in the oral cavity or in the genital area. Since this type of warts appears most often in intimate areas, they are sometimes referred to as genital warts or genital warts. Speaking about condyloma, there are several main points that every person should know when they find the first wart of this type:

  • Infection with warts occurs in 90% during sexual intercourse.
  • The virus can be passed to the baby during childbirth from an infected mother.
  • Warts may not appear for years, and their appearance requires a decrease in immunity.

As for the separation of the localization of condyloma in men and women, we note that in a man, the growth is most often formed on the frenulum of the foreskin and on the head itself. And in a woman, condylomas are localized on the labia, in the vagina, on the clitoris and around the anus.

The number of growths and their size completely depend on the state of the immune system. However, they may not change at all for a long time and not continue to grow and develop. However, condyloma can cause a lot of inconvenience, especially in terms of intimate life. It is worth noting that every second person on the planet today is infected with one or more types of human papillomavirus. Therefore, all studies show that most often infection with condyloma of the genital type occurs precisely in sexual contact.

Condylomas in men

It should be said right away that genital warts are rarely found in healthy people, who do not have bad habits, therefore, first of all, you need to consider what predisposing factors exist for the formation of these warts.

reduced immunity

Far from always we are talking about any diseases that contribute to a decrease in immunity. Problems with the immune system can be caused by sleep disturbances or work-related hard work. If the cause of the growth of genital warts lies in the immune system, then it is extremely difficult to cure the disease without restoring immunity.


The formation of genital warts is more often observed in men who are exposed to strong emotional stress.

Wrong way of life

Ignoring the elementary rules of hygiene, alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet and smoking can cause the development of genital warts.

The human papillomavirus is sexually transmitted, but in some cases a person can be a carrier of the virus all his life and not have genital warts, while other people begin to develop growths after the incubation period. In this case, everything depends on individual features organism. Incubation period papilloma virus is from 6 to 8 months, after which the first signs of the formation of warts may appear.

Warts are formed due to the fact that the virus, getting into the cell of the mucosal tissue, introduces DNA into it, which causes the cell to change and become horny. In the same way, neighboring cells also fall under the influence of the virus, which first leads to the formation of a small spot, and then genital warts, which is a growth on a thin stalk.

Such growths, as a rule, are formed along the edges of the glans penis and in the area of ​​the urethra. In some cases, the growth of genital warts in the urethra leads to difficulty in the outflow of urine. Condylomas in men can be detected even in the early stages of their development at home. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir development, keratinization of the mucous membrane takes place, and under the layer of skin, you can feel the peculiar lumps. These lumps are the roots of warts.

Condylomas in women

In general, the papilloma virus is present in the body of about thirty percent of women and does not cause them any inconvenience or discomfort. The virus quietly exists in the skin layers and mucous membranes, is not detected and does not pose a threat. However, when sharp decline immune defense, activation of the virus is observed, which is expressed in the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

The virus that causes genital warts can enter the female body in several ways, the most common of which is sexual contact, both traditional and anal and orogenital. In this case, the sexual partner may turn out to be an ordinary carrier of the virus and no more. Injury to the skin and mucous membranes (cracks, abrasions, cuts, wounds, etc.), as well as the usual non-compliance with personal hygiene, can contribute to the penetration of the virus into the body.

The time interval from the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms of the disease can be from one to five months. In this case, the virus can be in “hibernation”, and with a decrease in immunity (stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, illness, etc.), it begins to multiply, as a result of which uncontrolled cell division occurs, which later manifests itself with the corresponding symptoms. Women at risk of developing the disease are:

  • with excessive emotionality, prone to frequent stress.
  • sitting on long-term strict diets.
  • having children under one year old, with constant overwork and lack of sleep.
  • being treated with antibiotics.

Condylomas in women are observed mainly in the vagina, in the area of ​​the labia, perineum, urethra, on the cervix, in the anus. Less commonly, warts affect the throat and oral cavity, walls of the urethra.

You can also become infected with the virus that causes the development of genital warts through contact-household way due to discharge from genital warts. The virus can enter the child's body during the birth process if the virus is localized on the walls of the vagina.

In recent years, the prevalence of genital warts in women has become quite wide, which is facilitated by modern freedom of morals. Girls start to live sexually early, have several sexual partners, and do not use protective equipment.

Symptoms of the manifestation of condylomas are local in nature. If the growths are localized in the anus, the woman experiences discomfort, expressed in the form of itching, burning.

Genital warts, which have merged with each other and formed large lesions, in addition to itching and burning, are accompanied by the release of an unpleasantly smelling liquid, which causes a constant feeling of moisture in the area in which they are common. If warts are damaged by clothing or sexual intercourse, irritation and inflammation may occur.

Flat warts are asymptomatic, but in some situations there may be a slight discharge from the vagina, accompanied by itching in the genital area.

Ways of infection with warts

It is no coincidence that the papillomavirus has an indication - "human", that is, it is able to develop only in human body and transmitted through human contact. The main route of infection, as in many STDs - sexually transmitted diseases, is sexual.

It doesn't really matter what it is sexual contact- heterosexual or homosexual, anal, oral. Condyloma does not recognize such restrictions and moral standards. Even when using a condom, if one of the partners is a virus carrier, the second one is at a high risk of infection, since body contact is still inevitable.

As a rule, people with reduced, weakened immunity, who are prone to stress and do not observe a full diet, rest and sleep, become infected. Children can be infected with condyloma at the time of birth, when the mother's birth canal infected with the virus passes. For children, the human papillomavirus is just as dangerous as for adults, since age limits are not an obstacle for the virus.

Symptoms of genital warts

Genital warts can appear weeks, months, or even years after infection with the human papillomavirus. So just because you've recently had genital warts doesn't mean you've been infected by your current partner. Perhaps the infection happened even before you met. Most often, it is not possible to establish from whom the infection occurred.

In women, genital warts can appear in a variety of places: around the entrance to the vagina (around the vulva), on the labia majora and minor, inside the vagina, between the vagina and the anus, around the anus (anal, perianal warts), on the cervix and in the urethra. Warts may be solitary, sometimes clustered, and sometimes grow so densely that they look like cauliflower.

Despite their name, genital warts do not always have a pointed end: they can sometimes be flat, round, and grow on a stalk (mushroom-like). Genital warts are usually flesh-colored, but sometimes they can appear lighter than skin or darker (brown or almost black). In some people, genital warts are so small that a person may not even know that he has this disease.

As a rule, genital warts do not hurt, but sometimes they can cause itching and skin irritation, especially if they are located around the anus. Sometimes warts can become damaged and bleed.

Diagnosis of genital warts

When examining the affected skin surfaces in women and men, there is usually no doubt about the origin of neoplasms. In the event that there are initial signs lesions of the body with papillomavirus, the mucous surfaces of the genital organs are treated with a solution of acetic acid. Then, with the help of colposcopy, papillomas are diagnosed, which turn white after treatment against the background of the natural color of healthy areas.

Additionally, a smear is performed from the cervix, which is examined for the presence of malignant cells (oncocytology). If cancer is suspected, tissue is taken (biopsy) for examination. In a blood test for HPV method ELISA, PCR detect antibodies to one or more genotypes of the virus. In case of detection of oncogenic varieties of papillomavirus, it is recommended additional measures prevention.

In men initial inspection the affected area is performed by a urologist. Based on the results ( characteristics, symptoms, localization) is diagnosed. To identify the genotype of the human papillomavirus, blood is taken for analysis for antibodies or HPV DNA.

The differential diagnosis is carried out with skin manifestations of syphilis, mother-of-pearl papules. Persons of both sexes are recommended to be tested for other STDs, HIV, which is associated with a frequent combination of infections with each other.

Systemic treatment of genital warts

Systemic treatment in women and men is most effective when the duration of the disease is not more than a year and may include:

Local treatment of genital warts

Local treatment consists in the use of agents to remove or reduce the size of genital warts:

Removal of genital warts

Warts usually require complex treatment- the first stage is the removal, the second - the reduction of the amount of the virus in the body. The problem of treating papillomavirus infection is that:

Genital warts often (in 30% of patients) recur, therefore, after removal, it is recommended to carry out anti-relapse treatment. papillomavirus infection does not strong immunity, so the disease can develop again with re-infection if:

  • the sexual partner has not been examined and has not received treatment;
  • not following the rules of safe sex.

Stages of warts removal

  • removal (destruction) of papillary growths;
  • anti-relapse treatment;
  • virological control of cure.

Methods for removing genital warts

Warts can be removed both surgically and non-surgically. The most modern and priority of them are laser therapy and exposure radio wave method. The treatment is performed under local anesthesia and is virtually painless.

Electrocoagulation (removal of warts electric shock) in recent times lost its popularity due to the duration, pain of the procedure and the presence of contraindications.
Cryotherapy involves the removal of genital warts with liquid nitrogen. The neoplasm is affected by low temperatures, which cause the death of condyloma without affecting healthy tissues. The procedure is almost painless, without anesthesia, well tolerated by the patient. With a mild form of the disease and a highly qualified doctor, such treatment passes without consequences, and the removal of genital warts does not leave scars and scars.
Surgical removal of genital warts is a fairly effective method, performed under local anesthesia, a suture is applied to the wound site.
Chemical removal of genital warts is one of the traditional methods fight against condylomatosis. The neoplasm is affected by the chemical preparations Solkovagin, Podophyllotoxin, Kondilin, Imiquimod, which cause tissue necrosis. This method has a number of contraindications, in particular, it is prohibited for pregnant women.
Laser removal of genital warts is the most modern and effective method fight the disease. The procedure is absolutely safe, has no contraindications. Laser ray does not affect healthy tissues and reduces the possibility of scarring.
Radiosurgery, or removal of warts with a radioknife (Surgitron), is a non-contact method that provides an accurate incision with minimal destruction of adjacent healthy tissues. In addition, the Surgitron radio knife seals blood vessels, excluding pain and bleeding during and after the procedure. Radiosurgery guarantees fast healing wounds and minimizes the risk of scarring.

Treatment of warts with folk remedies

Some patients try to fight the disease on their own, and when diagnosed with genital warts, treatment is carried out at home, using a variety of methods. folk recipes. And someone claims that even conspiracies from genital warts can give results.

Not always in the presence of condylomas, treatment with folk remedies is permissible and safe, therefore, when there are genital warts, treatment with a folk method can only be carried out, being sure of their benign nature.

How to cauterize warts at home? How to remove warts quickly and without pain? Usually, supporters of such methods use iodine, celandine and propolis. These folk remedies from genital warts they act like chemical solutions - they dry out growths, which disappear after a while.

Iodine burns out warts quite effectively, but you need to lubricate the formations with it very carefully so as not to burn healthy tissues. The procedure must be repeated several times a day, then the treatment of genital warts with iodine will give faster results. If it is wrong to lubricate genital warts, iodine treatment can have unpleasant complications in the form of a burn of healthy tissues, followed by scarring.

Propolis tincture from warts works similarly. And one more folk method- This is the treatment of genital warts with celandine. For cauterization of warts, celandine is used in the form alcohol tincture or take the pure juice of the plant. Treatment of genital warts with propolis and celandine should also be carried out very carefully to avoid burns and scarring.

Remove small warts folk treatment maybe completely, but if there is no effect, you need to contact a specialist.

Is it possible, and how to get rid of genital warts forever? Papillomavirus infection, once entering the body, remains in it for life. But whether you let her get out depends only on your immunity, your habits and lifestyle. So, the answer to the question of how to get rid of genital warts is obvious.

Prevention of genital warts

To prevent infection with the human papillomavirus, you must:

Questions and answers on the topic "Condylomas"

Question:Hello! I have HPV-16 and 18. The gynecologist prescribed Galavit treatment for me. I still doubted whether it was possible to defeat HPV with just pills. I began to search for information on this topic and came across a video where, in her program about health, E. Malysheva said that Galavit does not cure HPV. What should I do now? My gynecologist prescribed it to me!

Answer: Currently, there are no effective treatments for the human papillomavirus. In medicine, drugs that strengthen the immune system and antiviral agents of general action (Galavit) are used. The drug does not cure, but helps your body resist HPV.

Question:Hello. I have warts, the doctor prescribed a course of treatment Panavir (ampoules), pierced. Please tell me they should fall off or what?

Answer: Hello! Yes, they can simply disappear, if not -.

Question:Hello! Pregnancy 7 weeks! Genital warts appeared! And they grow quickly and extensively! Epigen does not give any effect! Is it possible to cauterize them during pregnancy and is it true that because of their appearance you will have to give birth to a caesarean? I'm very afraid please help.

Answer: Hello! No connection between premature birth, miscarriages, other complications of pregnancy and warts were not detected. As a rule, treatment during pregnancy is not carried out. But! It is necessary to strictly observe the doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Question:Hello. I am 28 weeks pregnant. There were genital warts. In the antenatal clinic, I was appointed to resemble them for cauterization with celandine. In a paid medical center, they said not to touch anything at all during pregnancy, that this is the activation of the virus for immunosuppression caused by pregnancy - it happens, it will pass by itself. They recommended 10 days "Genferon 500", then "Genferon Light" for a month. I'm all confused. How to be.

Answer: Hello! Without examining these warts, I will not answer your question. It is possible either way.

Question:Hello. On examination by a gynecologist, I was diagnosed with warts. And I'm planning a pregnancy. Should they be removed? Or is the presence of genital warts not a threat to the bearing of the fetus?

Answer: Hello, they need to be removed and treated for a viral infection before pregnancy.

Question:Good afternoon. I am 18 and have never had sex. From the age of 14 she noticed a pointed process at the entrance to the vagina. He did not give me any discomfort. Only now, having a boyfriend and paying attention to my health, I began to worry about this. The fact is that I read about warts. And that virgins can have them too. This process is fleshy and has the same color as the walls of the vagina and labia. But I wonder how I can have my period, because it closes the entrance completely and looks like a "rosebud". Could you say something about this?

Question:Hello! A month ago there was some education in the labia. At first it came out as an ordinary small wart, then it grew to a size of 1.5x0.5 cm. I saw a gynecologist in a private clinic. They said - condyloma (papilloma). Another gynecologist said there is inflammation, that everything is so terrible and dangerous, and she began to advertise her devices, drugs. I can’t believe her words after she told me that I might be pregnant, although from the beginning of the examination I told her that I had not been sexually active for the last six months and repeated several times. It is absolutely out of the question! And the sexual transmission of some kind of infection, I think, is also unlikely, since there was no contact for half a year and there was only one partner for all the time. She refused to prescribe anything, said that they are not supposed to, they never prescribe. And this formation was recommended to be removed surgically. Please tell me what drugs can be taken for condyloma? And what can you tell about inflammation by looking at the smear tests? Thank you!

Answer: Hello. According to the information provided, you have symptoms bacterial vaginosis. In this connection, it is advisable to exclude sexually transmitted infections. It should be borne in mind that papilloma is a neoplasm caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Surgical methods treatment of papillomas is based on their destruction by laser, cold (liquid nitrogen), radio wave method, electric current, etc.

Question:Hello. I have such a problem: by all indications, I believe that I have warts on the border of the glans penis. They have been with me for a very long time, from a young age and did not interfere with my life in any way. But I am very afraid for the health of my other half, so I want to get rid of this problem. Is the procedure for removing these neoplasms painful? Is the treatment expensive and how long will it take?

Answer: Hello. Most likely, these are not warts, but the so-called mother-of-pearl necklace. This is the norm. Descend or go to the doctor that correspondence thoughts were confirmed.

Question:Hello! Woman, 22 years old. Infected with HPV type 6 for 1.5 years. Condylomas are small, multiple, flat. The affected area is extensive. After removal, less than a week passes, and warts reappear. Antiviral drug treatment until it gave results, even for a while. Study immune status showed a low rate of T-cytotox - 10, the rest of the indicators are normal. Can this indicator of the immunogram explain such activity of the virus? What can be done and in what direction to work? They prescribed echinacea. Recommended intravaginal autolymphocytotherapy.

Answer: Hello. Naturally, I cannot say whether all methods of local and systemic treatment Was used. about your analyses. A slight decrease in one of the immunogram indicators is not the cause of the disease, and the virus is active on its own, rather, like any virus, it is capable of depressing the immune system. But the stimulation of immunity is one of the moments of the treatment of the human papillomavirus, along with antiviral agents and local treatment. You can take echinacea, you can use other adaptogens eleutherococcus, ginseng or pantocrine. The main, of course, antiviral treatment.

Question:Hello! I have condyloma on my labia minora. She was removed (cut out) in the hospital, after which she was prescribed a course of treatment with ISOPRINOZIN tablets (2 tablets 3 r / day, 1 week per month, 3 months) in order to cure this HPV virus in the blood. took pills (3 months). And literally in 2-3 weeks the condyloma reappeared! And in the same place! Again removed in the hospital. 1) Can warts appear without HPV in the blood? (After all, I took a course of pills). 2) Do I need to take another course of pills after the 2nd operation?

Answer: Hello. To clarify the tactics of conducting, it is advisable to conduct cytological examination cervix and colposcopy, as well as the identification HPV type and its clinically significant concentration.