How can human papillomavirus (HPV) be cured? Papillomavirus infection (Human papillomavirus).

Papilloma is understood benign tumor skin, its structure contains vessels and connective tissue covered with epithelium, which grows upwards outwards and the scattering of papillae in various directions resembles cauliflower. If a person has many papillomas, this condition is called papillomatosis.

What is papilloma?

This is a type of tumor that develops from squamous epithelium and protrudes above the surface of the skin in the form of a papilla. They can be found on the skin, mucous membrane of the oral cavity, nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, on vocal cords, in the bladder and on the genitals. Papilloma looks like a growth, up to 1-2 cm in size in the form of a dense or soft tumor on a leg, its surface is uneven, reminiscent of cauliflower.

Skin papilloma can have a different color - they differ in color from white to dirty brown, if it is found on the skin of the face and neck, then this causes a cosmetic defect. There are other places of appearance, for example, if papilloma occurs on the mucous membrane of the larynx, this can lead to impaired voice or breathing.

Description of the human papillomavirus

Most often, the appearance of papillomas is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a DNA-containing virus, has the shape of an icosahedron, consisting of 72 capsomeres. Belongs to the Papovaviridae family. Has an affinity for epithelial cells human (cells of the skin and mucous membranes). The genome of the virus consists of double stranded DNA in the form of a ring. The virus has no envelope, the diameter of the virion is 55 nm. It can exist for a long time on the surface of various objects, as well as in water and air.

A distinctive feature of HPV is its tissue specificity. About 100 types of human papillomavirus have been studied, each of which affects certain tissues. Also, certain types are high oncogenic, moderate oncogenic and low oncogenic. The oncogenicity of HPV is understood as its ability to cause the transformation of an epithelial layer infected with the virus into cancer.

Types of human papillomavirus are indicated by numbers. Viruses of low oncogenic risk include types 6, 11, 42, 43, 44 and 73. Virus types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68 are classified as dangerous species able, under certain conditions, to cause a malignant process. The most disadvantaged types are HPV types 16 and 18. They are responsible for the development of cervical squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, respectively.

HPV does not multiply in cell culture. The introduction of the virus occurs in the basal cells of the epidermis, as well as the cells of the mucous membrane, where the virus accumulates and replicates. Next comes the persistence of the virus in various layers of the epithelial tissue, followed by the activation of the mechanisms of carcinogenesis.

How is papillomavirus transmitted?

For the penetration of papillomavirus into epithelial tissues, direct contact of the virus with the skin or mucous membranes is necessary.

Most often, infection occurs in the presence of microtraumas:

1. during traditional sexual contact with a person who not only has clinical or subclinical manifestations of HPV infection, but also with virus carriers.
2. during anal and oral sex.

There is a household way of infection, through the hands of an infected person, household items - but data on infection household way not currently confirmed. Infection can occur in public places such as baths, swimming pools. Self-infection (autoinoculation) is possible during shaving, epilation, biting nails in the presence of HPV manifestations of other localization.

Infection of newborns occurs during the passage of the birth canal of an infected mother as a result of aspiration of the contents of the vagina and cervical canal. In addition, cases of infection of children born by caesarean section are known, which does not exclude the possibility of intrauterine infection. An airborne mechanism is not excluded, since in our practice we have repeatedly observed cases of infection of medical workers who performed surgical interventions on patients with HPV (radio wave coagulation, laser vaporization).

Infection during medical gynecological and urological examinations possible only when using non-disposable medical instruments and gloves.

There is evidence that infection can occur in persons who are engaged in butchering carcasses, processing meat and fish. In this case, a disease occurs, which is called "butcher's warts".

Previously, it was believed that the causative agent of this disease was transmitted strictly sexually, however, with the introduction of the polymerase chain reaction into everyday practice, data appeared on the possible transmission of this virus from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth. It is unlikely, but the possibility of transmission of the virus through the blood, through the household route and during breastfeeding, is not completely excluded. However, the main route of transmission of the papillomavirus is still sexual.

Penetrating into the human body, HPV spreads through the bloodstream and is fixed on the cells of the epithelium of the genital organs, perineum or in the anus. The virus then enters the epithelial cell and inserts itself into its DNA, causing the cell to work in a different way. The damaged cell begins to grow and divide intensively, as a result of which, after some time, the proliferation characteristic of the disease occurs.

The incubation period for the human papillomavirus is usually 2-3 months, but still, under certain circumstances, this time can be reduced or increased up to several years.

The virus lives and manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes and is transmitted from these areas by contact - when touched. Thus, HPV is not a disease that is transmitted only sexually, and when infected, one should not blame the partner for treason. Naturally, sexual intercourse is also a reason for the contact transmission of the virus, but the human papillomavirus could be transmitted to you in the household way. In addition, HPV can live in the body for a long time, even from birth, and manifest itself for the first time in the middle of life due to a decrease in immunity. So you should not associate the first manifestation of the virus with a recent infection - it could have happened quite a long time ago, although you did not know this.

The virus is quite easily transmitted - both in terms of transmission methods and in terms of frequency of infection. Therefore, its prevalence among people is very high. Most people are infected with the human papillomavirus and infect others; a third of women of childbearing age undergoing a routine examination have external manifestations of papillomavirus infection - genital warts. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with papillomavirus infection - do not be surprised. The presence of this virus in the human body is more familiar and expected than its absence.

papillomavirus infection

Human papillomavirus infection (PVI) is a disease caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) that develops on the skin and mucous membranes.

With the introduction of the virus, an overgrowth of cells is formed in the form of warts, papillomas, condylomas of various shapes. About 50% sexy active people on at least acquired papillomavirus once in a lifetime. In most cases, the infection either does not manifest itself in any way, or its symptoms disappear within 1 to 2 years. In some cases, self-healing is possible, although a chronic relapsing course of the disease is usually observed.

PVI is one of the most common sexually transmitted urogenital viral infections, characterized by a variety of its clinical manifestations. There are about 100 types of the virus, at least 30 of which affect the anogenital area.

Penetrating into the human body, papillomaviruses lead to the development of various tumors. Depending on the type of virus - introsomal or episomal - they can provoke the formation of a benign or cancerous form. Papillomavirus infection is an inducing factor in the development of malignant lesions of the cervix (cervical cancer), vulva and vagina in women and tumors of the penis in men.

In addition to clinical and subclinical forms, with this type of infectious process, the so-called carriage is quite common, without clear manifest forms of the disease. Such forms are detected by chance, during the survey - this is 30% of the healthy population!

The papilloma virus can appear anywhere: under the armpits, on the neck, under the mammary glands in women, on the eyelids. It also appears on the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, on the vocal cords and in the bladder, and can affect the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. But most often warts like to settle on the genitals.

In addition to the cosmetic inconvenience and discomfort that they can provoke as they grow, papillomas are extremely dangerous with the likelihood of developing cancer, especially in women. Sometimes they cause bleeding, and being located on the mucous membrane of the larynx, they lead to a violation of the voice or breathing.

Men and women are equally affected. Most often, the human papillomavirus infects people with weak immune systems.

The risk of infection increases in those who are sexually promiscuous, have bad habits, for example, smoke a lot, abuse alcohol, and also in women who use oral contraceptives for a long time. Recently, this virus has also been activated in fairly young people, not only after sexual intercourse, but also after various internal shocks - prolonged medication, flu, gastrointestinal problems, when visiting the pool, on the beach - that is, where there is high humidity and the skin is practically not protected by clothing.

You can also get infected from people with whom you live together or are in close contact - after all, anyone can be a carrier of the virus.

During childbirth, the papillomavirus is almost guaranteed to pass from mother to child. Therefore, close people need to be treated all together at the same time, otherwise you will not get rid of the disease.

papillomavirus symptoms

It is characterized by papillomatous formations on the skin and external mucous membranes. The papilloma virus is even involved in the formation of calluses on the legs. Papillomavirus during a person's life manifests itself in different ways. At first, these warts are common, juvenile warts, condylomas.

Following an ordinary wart on the skin, mucous membranes, papillomas on a thin stalk usually appear. Most often they occur under the armpits, on the neck, on the eyelids. Papillomas, moles and any other skin neoplasms must be removed prophylactically, without waiting for their transformation into a disease.

The virus infects the lowest deep layer of the skin or mucous membrane, there is an increased reproduction of the cells of this layer, which leads to the formation of growths. The virus itself does not multiply in the deep layers, its intensive reproduction occurs in surface layers- in squamous cells, which, as they are pushed to the surface, stop dividing and become more suitable for virus reproduction.

Genital warts (Condylomata acuminata). Caused by papillomavirus (HPV 6.11) type. The most common manifestation of human papillomavirus infection. The route of transmission is predominantly sexual.

Localization in men - foreskin, coronal groove of the glans penis, in women - the vestibule of the vagina, small and large labia, the anus.

Diagnosis of human papillomavirus

Recent years have been marked by significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of human papillomavirus infection, and a prophylactic vaccine against the human papillomavirus - Gardasil - has been created. Other vaccines are also being developed. This made it possible to systematize data on papillomavirus and associated diseases and to approach the creation of a unified algorithm for the management of HPV-infected patients, and to develop treatment tactics. All ways of HPV infection have been studied, many mechanisms of the pathogenesis of the infectious process, morphological changes, condition immune system person. It is important to comply with all preventive measures in order to reduce the number of diseases caused by papillomavirus.

On the this moment there are still no uniform rules for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with PVI. Since the manifestations of papillomavirus are diverse and cover various localizations, doctors of various specialties are involved in the diagnosis. In this section, we will focus on the algorithms and methods for diagnosing VPI in the urogenital zone.

Subject to examination:

1. Sexually active men and women of any age (especially those who have multiple sexual partners and early onset of sexual activity).
2. Men and women who have symptoms of other infectious and inflammatory processes, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV infection, etc.
3. Men and women who have been reliably proven to have risk factors for HPV infection.
4. Men and women with exophytic formations in the anogenital region and oral cavity.
5. Women with cervical pathology of any etiology.
6. Men and women undergoing a routine examination before planning a pregnancy.

Diagnosis of PVI should be thorough and multi-stage, while it is desirable to move away from routine examination methods. In some cases, the diagnosis of diseases caused by papillomavirus is not difficult. In some situations, the detection of a virus is an accidental finding.

Methods of examination and diagnosis of papillomavirus are divided into the following:

1. Visual inspection of the foci of the alleged lesion.
2. Colposcopy and the use of a magnifying glass.
3. Cytological examination.
4. Molecular biological methods.
5. Histological methods.

The complex of examinations for PVI should include mandatory testing for the diagnosis of syphilis, HIV and hepatitis. Microscopy of smears from the urethra, vagina and cervical canal, PCR and bacteriological methods for the study of other sexually transmitted infections are also necessary.

Diagnosis of PVI does not cause any particular difficulties - papillomas are detected during standard examinations by a dermatologist or gynecologist. In order to verify their viral nature, PCR is used - a special research method that allows you to identify viral particles in smears from the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix, scrapings. If appropriate symptoms of the papillomavirus are detected, a targeted biopsy is performed. Diagnosis requires the earliest possible detection of the presence of human papillomavirus in the anogenital area with testing of HPV serotypes with an oncogenic marker, as this can lead to cancer.

PVI treatment

Diagnosis of HPV requires as early as possible to detect the presence of papillomavirus in the anogenital area with testing of human papillomavirus serotypes with oncogenic markers, as this can lead to cancer.

Removal of papillomas (condylomas, warts) does not relieve the patient from their secondary appearance. HPV is a viral disease and a person remains a carrier of the virus for several years. Therefore, in terms of disease prevention, it is necessary to heal the entire body as a whole.

It should be noted that when a virus is detected in human blood, treatment is not always prescribed. If HPV is present in the body, but the examination shows that there are no symptoms, then treatment is usually not carried out, with the exception of a course of immune strengthening therapy, if necessary.

The cause of papilloma is a viral infection, therefore, successful treatment human papillomavirus is possible only with competent antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy. There are several ways to eliminate papillomas and condylomas.

In clinics for the treatment of warts and papillomas, the most common methods of laser removal, the treatment of viral papillomas with nitrogen (cryolysis) and the radio wave method of treatment. All of them allow you to remove papillomas and genital warts. Patients are usually offered treatment with a laser or a radio scalpel. Both of these methods ensure the sterility of the procedure and allow you to achieve the highest quality aesthetic result, which consists in the absence of scars and scars after the removal of papillomas. The laser also has additional qualities. The laser beam is unsurpassedly accurate, in the process of exposure it disinfects the wound and stimulates the internal resources of the skin for its smooth healing. The laser is an ideal method even in "gynecology" for the treatment of papilloma in the vulva, as well as for the treatment of human papillomavirus infection in men, since the special qualities of the laser beam ensure rapid healing.

After treatment, the removed neoplasm can be sent to the laboratory for histological examination.

But still, it must be remembered that getting rid of skin papillomas does not mean a complete cure for the human papillomavirus. Medicine is not yet able to completely eliminate HPV from the human body, therefore, with favorable conditions papillomas may reappear. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to healthy lifestyle life by supporting the immune system. And they can help modern technologies.

After the elimination of papilloma, immunomodulatory therapy is carried out, which fixes the result. It provides a multiple decrease in the activity of the virus and the prevention of the emergence of new growths on the skin.

Often used drugs for HPV are interferon agents: substances that are produced by the human body to protect against viral infections. Also used to treat PVI innovative tool- ozone therapy. Ozone droppers strengthen the immune system and freeze the activity of the virus. So papillomavirus infection is cured for 5-10 years. To all its merits, ozone therapy perfectly restores strength and perfectly relieves stress.

In the treatment of papillomavirus of high carcinogenic risk, additional consultation with an oncologist is necessary. Treatment of HPV types 31, 33, 16, 18, 56 is accompanied by a mandatory cytological examination, and without fail includes the removal of genital warts and antiviral treatment.

All patients should be prescribed medications that are designed to ensure smooth healing of the skin. Only in this case, the treatment of skin papillomatosis can be considered successful.

Thus, the treatment of papillomavirus infection of the anogenital zone includes the following activities:

1. Destructive interventions aimed at the destruction of exophytic neoplasms and altered epithelial layer.
2. The use of immunomodulating and immunostimulating drugs.
3. The use of antiviral drugs (acting on the processes of replication, transcription and transformation of DNA).
4. The use of cytotoxic drugs.
5. Photodynamic therapy (not widely used).
6. Therapeutic vaccination (the method is on steel clinical trials).
7. Symptomatic and additional therapy (treatment of concomitant diseases).

In the presence of exophytic condylomas, both in men and women, in cases where the clinical picture is typical, it is necessary to conduct a combined treatment. In any case, removal of formations is shown. Before removal, for several days, various drugs are prescribed (interferons, immunomodulators, inducers of endogenous interferon, antitumor agents), however, there is convincing evidence of a pronounced therapeutic effect these treatment regimens are not available. This treatment regimen is called combination therapy.

Removal should be carried out by methods radio wave coagulation or laser coagulation. The use of local chemicals for the destruction of formations often does not lead to the desired effect, but on the contrary creates certain difficulties in subsequent treatment, which leads to the need for repeated exposure. In turn, chemical degradation leads to the development large area scar tissue. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to control the removal process completely. It is worth saying that the removal of formations by any method should be carried out simultaneously.

With subclinical forms of papillomavirus, treatment is carried out according to all the principles of treatment of exophytic formations, provided that the doctor fully assesses the extent of tissue damage. Otherwise, it is more expedient to conduct dynamic observation. In addition, in such cases, the use of local immune therapy is justified.

Latent PVI does not require specific treatment. This is especially true for young women and men. In a significant proportion of these patients, self-purification from papillomavirus occurs within 1-2 years. Medical treatment is ineffective, expensive and unjustified. However, in 10-15% of cases, there is a negative trend, which leads to the development of clinical forms of the disease. Most often this occurs in the presence of adverse factors, such as the presence of other concomitant infectious and inflammatory processes in the anogenital zone or re-infection. It is also possible that the development of manifest forms of PVI is facilitated by disorders of the immune system, as well as various chronic diseases, especially from the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).

The prognosis is usually positive. In some cases, after removal of the papilloma, relapses and malignancy are likely. If genital warts are detected, treatment is carried out chemicals(podophyllin, podophyllotoxin) or surgical removal. It is not uncommon for condylomas to disappear without treatment. Genital warts are small, flesh-colored growths that can appear on the genitals, around the anus, and sometimes in the mouth.

Risk factors for PVI

Among the risk factors in the first place are the characteristics of sexual behavior. This is an earlier onset of sexual activity, frequent change of sexual partners, a large number of sexual partners, neglect of the use of condoms. In addition, there is irrefutable evidence that PVI almost always occurs in association with other sexually transmitted diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, myco- and ureaplasmosis.

The most common papillomavirus infection occurs in young people aged 18-30 years. At the same time, the phenomenon of elimination (self-destruction of the human body from the virus) in young people under the age of 25 is known. Elimination can reach 70%, and its duration is about 8 months, provided that re-infections cease. In this case, the elimination of clinical manifestations of HPV infection can also take place. The maximum malignant processes of the cervix occur at the age of 45-50 years.

Among the features of the manifestations of human papillomavirus infection is that the clinical forms of the disease tend to recur. In the same patient, several types of papillomavirus can occur simultaneously. Of particular importance is human papillomavirus infection in pregnant women.

Prevention of papillomavirus infection

Prevention of papillomavirus has a big impact on reducing the risk of cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men. Currently, PVI prevention is divided into the following options:

1. Primary prevention. It consists in the timely identification of various risk factors for infection and the spread of infection, the development of prevention methods. This also includes methods for the development of prophylactic vaccines against papillomavirus.

2. Secondary prevention. This section includes the development and implementation of screening diagnostic programs, which makes it possible to detect the disease as early as possible.

3. Tertiary prevention of papillomavirus. It is aimed at reducing the frequency of possible relapses of already infected patients.

The most important aspect of PVI prevention is health education among adolescents who are just beginning sexual activity. In the first place is an explanation of the main aspects of this disease, its complications and dangers.

Among the most effective and simple methods of preventing infection with the human papillomavirus HPV is the use of barrier methods of contraception during sexual intercourse with new partners, as well as a preliminary comprehensive examination of sexual partners before starting a regular sexual life. In case of detection of human papillomavirus infection, it is necessary to recommend the examination of all sexual partners for the last 6-12 months.

An extremely important link in primary prevention is vaccination against papillomavirus, and maximum effect It is obtained when the vaccine is administered before the onset of regular sexual activity. The Gardasil vaccine is registered and used in Russia.

Secondary prevention of PVI includes screening programs. The main task of this link is to identify potentially dangerous diseases cervix, which can lead to cancer. best practices examinations are Pap-test, which is carried out simultaneously with the detection of HPV by PCR diagnostics or HPV Digene-test, as well as colposcopic examination.

papillomavirus and pregnancy

During pregnancy in women infected with papillomavirus, there is a greater percentage of the development of clinical forms of the disease, and exophytic condylomas reach large sizes. At the same time, often after childbirth, their spontaneous disappearance occurs. This is due to a change in the hormonal background, which leads to increased tissue vascularization, a violation of the ratio of vaginal microbiocenosis indicators and, possibly, an effect on the functional activity of the immune system.

Before planning a pregnancy, it is imperative to conduct a study in order to exclude PVI. The examination plan should include HPV PCR diagnostics or Digene-Test. Colposcopy and cytological examination are mandatory in all cases of PVI. If during pregnancy the presence of cervical dysplasia of all degrees is detected, then it is immediately worthwhile to carry out anti-inflammatory and antiviral therapy, after which the Pap test should be repeated.

Latent HPV infection is not a contraindication for pregnancy planning. But in cases where there are various clinical forms of the disease, treatment is indicated before pregnancy.

Treatment of PVI in pregnant women should be carried out in the 1st trimester. In the presence of eexophytic condylomas, their removal is indicated, since in the later stages of pregnancy it is possible to expect their rapid growth. This is fraught with various complications during the further course of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, during the passage of the birth canal, infection of the child is possible with the subsequent development of papillomatosis of the larynx.

And although it is recommended to remove genital warts using chemical destruction methods, preference is given to removing genital warts by radio wave coagulation. Before removal, it is necessary to sanitize the vagina. The appointment of immunostimulants and immunomodulators does not find unambiguous approval. Usually, topical preparations are used.

After removal of genital warts until the moment of delivery, constant monitoring by the doctor and repeated manipulations in case of relapse are indicated. At the same time, concomitant inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are treated, and the vaginal microflora is normalized.

In cases where active manifestations of PVI, including CIN 1 and 2, are detected during pregnancy, termination of pregnancy is most often not performed. After treatment, colposcopy is performed again and cytological examination. If CIN 2-3 is detected at a short gestation period, it is best to provide termination of pregnancy and appropriate treatment. However, the tactics may be different, the decision is made specifically in each case based on the duration of pregnancy, the age of the patient, data clinical picture and surveys. In this case, a consultation with an oncologist is required. It is possible to carry out microconization of the cervix during pregnancy, followed by delivery by caesarean section.

In the presence of cervical cancer during pregnancy, provided that the depth of tumor invasion does not exceed 3 mm, conization of the cervix (shallow) is performed. The removed part of the neck is subjected to histological examination. Tactics is determined after receiving histology data together with an oncologist. Radical operations are performed 4-6 weeks after childbirth. It is worth saying that there is no absolutely unified tactics for the treatment of such diseases and the decision is made individually.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is ubiquitous, affecting more than two-thirds of female population planets. official and folk medicine many methods of fighting infection have been proposed so that the treatment of papilloma in women has an effect, but not a single method can be called absolute in effectiveness.

How to treat human papillomavirus in women

HPV poses a risk to women of childbearing age. The virus lives in the blood, under a combination of circumstances, the disease becomes chronic, relapses occur. A woman should know: as soon as the immune system weakens, how activation begins insidious enemy health. It is necessary to strengthen the body, regularly visit a specialist in the field of gynecology. The method of treatment depends on the manifestations of the virus:

  • surgical;
  • conservative;
  • unconventional;
  • radiosurgical.

Treatment of papillomavirus in women with clinical methods

Doctors offer methods for treating the papillomavirus and removing growths:

  • Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen. After freezing, a bubble is formed with serous fluid, it is opened and treated with brilliant green.
  • Electrocoagulation (cauterization). After the procedure, a dry crust appears, which itself disappears after a week.
  • plasma coagulation. Treatment with this method literally dissolves the growth and has a bactericidal effect.


Laser surgery is an effective way to remove tumors. Laser beams seal the walls of blood vessels around the papilloma, prevent bleeding and disinfect the treated area of ​​the skin. If the size of the papilloma is up to 5 mm, the doctor will remove it without burns or scars. If the growth was large, small scars, slightly pigmented spots may remain on the woman's body.


Electrocoagulation is a method of removing papillomas with an electric current of the desired frequency. The electrode heats up to 70-80 °, causes papilloma burns, cauterizes blood vessels, and prevents bleeding. A scab is formed, which can be treated with a weak solution of manganese; it will be gone in a couple of weeks. Sometimes an electrode in the form of a loop pounces on the papilloma on the leg, and the growth is cut off. One session of electrocoagulation is enough to get rid of papilloma.

Treatment of genital warts by electrocoagulation is used to remove warty elements on the cervix and formations in intimate places. The peculiarity of papillomas in gynecology is that these growths form entire colonies due to the humid environment. Genital warts are injured by underwear in the groin area, become inflamed, counteracting a normal sexual life and labor activity. The electrocoagulation method requires anesthesia when we are talking about large formations. The cervix has no pain receptors, anesthesia is not required.

HPV drugs in women

Pharmacies provide a large range of effective antiviral drugs to treat infections. The immunomodulator Allokin-alpha is indicated for women who are infected with HPV of high oncogenic risk. When administered intravenously, the agent fights a pathogenic virus. Groprinosin and tablet analogues Panavir, Epigen intim also work. Spray, ointment, suppositories Viferon stop the development of a pathogenic infection. As prescribed by the doctor, you can take Genferon - powerful remedy therapy and boosting immunity.

Medicines for external use

  1. The bactericidal and cauterizing effect of the ferezol solution is effective against warts and genital warts. Apply carefully, because the drug can leave marks and scars on the body. A neoplasm on a thin stalk will disappear if feresol is applied to upper part growth for 45 minutes. It takes 5 days to complete the procedure.
  2. Lapis pencil neutralizes papillomavirus with silver nitrate in a week. If the growths are small, cauterization with this drug will completely remove the pathological focus and cleanse the body of papillomas. The procedure is done 1 time in 10 days for a month. Lapis treatment can leave burns and scars, for this reason you should not use a facial wart remover.
  3. Supercleaner is a reliable means of combating papillomavirus. Spot application of the drug is enough for the papilloma to begin to dry out, then a period of exfoliation begins, after a week the growth disappears. All of these agents can be used in combination with isoprinosine tablets (500 mg). They have an antiviral effect, restore the protective functions of the woman's body.

How to treat HPV in women at home

Home treatment of papilloma in women with drugs is aimed at eliminating defects and strengthening immunity. Need to make a choice proper nutrition, vitamin therapy, physical education, remember: treatment takes time and patience. It is important to increase the body's defense against cancer, use zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron. Before self-administration of pharmacy and folk remedies, a woman needs to be examined by a doctor and make sure that the viral formation has not degenerated into a malignant one.

Is the human papillomavirus in women treated with cauterization with Pharmacy Super Cleaner? Yes! Mode of application:

  1. Steam the skin formation in hot water.
  2. Lubricate the skin around the papilloma with petroleum jelly or baby cream.
  3. Drop 1-2 drops of Super Cleaner on the formation.
  4. Let dry naturally.
  5. Do not touch the black dots on the growths, the papillomas will disappear on their own after a few sessions.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies sometimes provide more strong impact on papillomas than medications. There is an effective infusion:

  1. Mix herbs: lemon balm, horsetail, plantain, nettle, dandelion root in equal amounts.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass hot water, boil, hold on moderate heat for 10 minutes.
  3. For three hours put in a warm place, pre-wrapped.
  4. Drink a quarter cup in half an hour. Repeat seven-day courses as needed.

A young walnut, ground and filled with pure kerosene (1x1), is very effective. After 3 weeks of infusion, lubricate the growths with filtered liquid twice a day for 2-3 months. Can cook healing ointment:

  1. Chop 3-4 green walnuts
  2. Pour in purified kerosene so that a creamy mass is obtained.
  3. Apply ointment to the growth, cover with compress paper, fix with a plaster, sticky bandage for half an hour.
  4. Repeat the treatment for 7-10 days.

You can cope with papillomatosis at home, especially if the papilloma is small: a fresh chicken egg will help to remove it. It is necessary to pour out the contents, and lubricate the neoplasm with the remains of the protein from the shell in order to remove it. Freshly squeezed celandine juice can also be used: moisten a small cotton swab in it and apply it to the growth for two days, repeat if necessary.

To answer the question of whether HPV can be cured forever, you need to understand the mechanism of its introduction into the human body and learn more about the effect of drugs on the virus. A significant part of the world's population is infected. However, people are often unaware that they are carriers of the virus. Signs of infection may be absent, which complicates the diagnosis. The activity of the virus increases under a number of conditions. The main factor provoking the growth of neoplasms is a decrease in immunity.

More and HPV

The papilloma virus can persist for a long time during external environment. It is transmitted from person to person. The infection is built into the cells of the body and contribute to their intensive division. As a result, growths appear - papillomas. They are excess tissue and can develop uncontrollably. The growth rate of neoplasms depends on the state of the body.

Papillomas occur on different parts of the body:

  • genitals;
  • armpits
  • face.

The localization of growths is determined by the type of virus. There are about 70 varieties of HPV. Some of them are the most dangerous. Such genotypes are oncogenic. These include HPV 16, 18,. Neoplasms provoked by these types of virus must be removed. Some of them contribute to the development of cervical cancer in women.

Can HPV be cured?

To date, there is still no method that would allow you to get rid of papillomavirus forever. If you are interested in the question of whether HPV can be cured, the answer will be ambiguous. On the one hand, the application existing methodologies does not give the desired result, but only blocks the activity of the infection. On the other hand, it is still possible to permanently get rid of the virus, but this happens in rare cases and naturally.

If you exclude factors that contribute to the development of infection, as well as increase immunity, the body will get rid of HPV on its own. However, it is extremely difficult to eliminate all the reasons due to which the virus begins to develop. As a rule, it is realistic to remove only one or a few factors. Reasons for the active development of infection:

All these factors lead to a weakening of the immune system, which in turn contributes to the growth of infection activity. To completely get rid of the human papillomavirus, it is necessary not only to restore the protective functions of the body, but also to undergo a course of therapy. However, there are cases of self-healing, when the infection developed asymptomatically, and over time the body was able to overcome it.

In most cases, the virus remains in the cells of the human body for life. He may not show himself. Recently, cases of the development of malignant tumors against the background of infection with oncogenic HPV genotypes have become more frequent. This means that it is difficult to predict how this or that type of infection will behave. However, it is better to undergo treatment, despite the fact that the virus is incurable. This will reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Therapeutic measures

You can try to get rid of papillomas forever. The chance that this will happen is small, but still it is. The course of treatment consists of three stages:

  1. Antiviral drugs.
  2. Removal of growths.

The active substances in the composition of the funds of the first group contribute to the production of interferon by the body. Most of these drugs will contain recombinant interferon alfa-2b. Immune-boosting medications help fight the virus naturally by boosting immune cells. When protective functions are restored, the body begins to actively influence the processes that occur during the development and spread of the virus. The infection stops multiplying, so new papillomas do not appear.

There are also immunomodulating drugs. They too can be used to treat HPV in women and men. differ from immunostimulating drugs in that they are directly involved in the process of immunity. Such drugs have serious contraindications. However, the funds of these two groups are successfully used for the treatment of HPV.

Overview of Medications

Immunostimulatory drugs may be different types: general or local action. In the first case active substance affects the entire body. Local preparations are applied to the skin where papillomas have appeared. Such a measure will give a result if it is planned to remove neoplasms.

There are cases when the body naturally overcame the virus after a course of treatment: the use of a local immunostimulant, an antiviral agent for several weeks before the papilloma removal procedure. Such drugs are recommended to be used after excision of excess tissues. Funds overview:

Combined drugs

This group includes drugs that combine several properties. They equally effectively stimulate the immune system and stop the activity of the virus. If type 18 also needs to be cured, it is recommended to use some of the remedies from this group:


If you need to suppress the activity of the virus, the combined drugs that were discussed above are used more often than others. However, along with them, doctors prescribe Isoprinosine. This is a drug that helps reduce viral activity. The main compound in the composition is inosine pranobex. The drug is prescribed for a number of complex pathological conditions when the body is affected by hepatitis B, C, papillomavirus, herpes, cytomegalovirus, encephalitis.

Isoprinosine acts in a complex way: it helps to reduce clinical symptoms infection, increase the body's resistance, and also accelerates convalescence. The drug has restrictions on use: kidney dysfunction, stone formation, arrhythmia, gout, breastfeeding and childbearing period, individual reaction to the components of the drug, children's age (up to 3 years).

Removal of papillomas

Excess tissue is recommended to be removed from the surface of the skin, for this they use different methods: cryotherapy, laser therapy, radio wave therapy, electrocoagulation method, surgery. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Neoplasms do not require inpatient treatment. The exception is difficult cases when an oncological disease develops.

The infection is not treated, and after a while, a relapse may well occur. In this case, the growths will increase, and new papillomas will appear nearby. If the formation is removed correctly, the risk of recurrence is significantly reduced.

At home, you can also get rid of papillomas, but you first need to find out what genotype the person is infected with. If this is not done, then the removal method will not be able to stop the activity of the infection.

On the contrary, it will spread from new force. In addition, it is likely that the papilloma will be removed at home only partially, then the risk of developing cancer increases.

After the diagnosis of HPV is made, the patient necessarily has the question of how to get rid of the human papillomavirus. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, the disease affects 70% of the adult population of the planet. Unfortunately, those who become infected after the age of 30 remain forever with the virus in their blood. In younger people, the immune system works much more efficiently, so the body can get rid of some strains on its own. But there is no question of any resistance to relapse. Re-infection can occur after 2-3 months. How do doctors get rid of HPV?

Methods of dealing with papillomavirus

Conventionally, papillomavirus treatment methods are divided into:

  • medication;
  • surgical;
  • combined;
  • non-traditional (folk medicine).

The most effective is combined method the fight against the virus, which consists in the fact that all neoplasms are removed surgically(nitrogen cauterization, laser coagulation, electric current removal, physical removal of damaged tissues) and at the same time the patient is undergoing immune therapy. The latter is aimed at activating the protective functions of the body and preventing the appearance of new growths.

It is possible to get rid of papillomavirus only at the age of 30 years. Despite the fact that papillomas often occur in adolescents, by the age of 16-18 there is no trace of the strain. But this applies only to those types of HPV that are conditionally recognized as benign.

HPV drug treatment is a very long process. Even if the virus does not make itself felt, therapy continues until the blood test shows the complete absence of the pathogen in the body. And even after that, the patient will have to be examined by a dermatologist and an oncologist (gynecologist, if we are talking about neoplasms in women in the genital area) 2 times a year, because the risk of new genital warts remains at a very high level.

Medicines to fight HPV

Viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics like common infections. Doctors can only offer supportive therapy, which is aimed at protecting tissues from re-infection, and strengthening immunity. That is, everything is done to ensure that the body itself gets rid of the viral genome. This will help complexes of antiviral drugs with a wide spectrum of action, immunocorrectors. Among the latter, Allokin-Alpha, Viferon, Isoprinosine bring the best result. But you need to understand that the destruction of growths when using only the drug method will stretch for 2-6 months, or even more. At the same time, neoplasms may not disappear, so later they will still have to be removed surgically.

To reduce the growth rate of papillomas in medical practice, Panavir gel, which is a synthetic compound of colloidal peptides, is widely used. But it is prescribed for no more than 10 days, as it penetrates into the deep pores of damaged skin, including the capsule that nourishes the neoplasm. Clinical Trials make it possible to say that the efficiency of the gel is 97%. Sometimes Panavir is used as a preparatory therapy for the surgical removal of external papillomas. But the internal ones, which are formed on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, larynx or in the region of the cervix, are eliminated by intravenous administration of Panavir solution (available in only 4 forms).

It should be noted that this drug has combined action, generating immune processes of the epithelium. It is widely used in the fight against HPV 51 - one of the most severe subtypes of papillomavirus, in 70% of cases developing into a malignant tumor.

Previously, Podophyllin was also used, but it has too many side effects and has a limited effect on different strains of HPV (over 20 types). It is used now, but only in extreme cases and for patients older than 40 years. In the body after its use, the risk of recurrence is reduced to 17%. This is one of the main advantages of the drug, which is aimed specifically at combating the hostile genome. But still, it should be mentioned that with the help of this drug, up to 70% of patients got rid of HPV. But it is forbidden to use during pregnancy or lactation. It is also not recommended for children under 13 years of age.

Immunomax is the most modern immunomodulator developed specifically for the purpose of combating HPV in humans. Its only drawback is the rather high cost and the need to apply for more than 6 months. Positive result guaranteed in 65-90% of cases (more accurate studies, alas, have not been conducted). However, Immunomax will not get rid of existing growths. Those in the future must be removed mechanically.

The fight against single papillomas

Having got rid of the cause of papillomas - immunodeficiency - you should start removing single warts and genital warts, as they feed through inflamed capsules. Those, in turn, are a bunch of mutated vessels and tissues that are highly likely to transform into a malignant tumor in the future. It is possible to do without surgical intervention only if we are talking about smooth warts, which can resolve themselves.

So, modern medicine gets rid of papillomas by the following methods:

  1. Surgical (removal of the neoplasm with a scalpel under local or general anesthesia).
  2. Laser (dissolution of damaged tissues with a powerful laser beam).
  3. Electric current. This method is dangerous because the smoke that occurs during the operation can lead to infection of the doctor (his respiratory tract). Therefore, it is used less and less.
  4. Cryotherapy (cauterization of papillomas with liquid nitrogen). It is aimed at the destruction of soft tissues, where the focus of pathogenic viruses is based. The disadvantage of the method is that after cauterization, a rather large scar remains, which will take at least 3 months to heal.
  5. radio wave therapy. Ideal for removing single condylomas, but also dangerous for the doctor.
But you need to understand that the likelihood of relapse is preserved when using any of the above methods.

Therefore, the banal removal of build-up is only a cosmetic effect. If you refuse immunotherapy, then the default treatment does not matter. Papillomas will appear in the future, and they will still have to be removed. The absence of neoplasms in no way affects the number of HPV pathogens in the blood. But their presence also nullifies the intake of immunomodulators.

All of the above methods for removing papillomas and condylomas are aimed at destroying damaged and mutated tissue. If the removal is performed by a surgeon, then the neoplasm is then sent for histology to examine the cells for the presence of a cancer genome.

Fighting papillomavirus with the help of alternative medicine

There are a considerable number of alternative medicine recipes with which you can really get rid of papillomas (not only neoplasms, but also the virus itself). They have long been used in practice as additional funds in the fight against HPV. Studies have shown that papillomas can be dealt with:

  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • garlic;
  • Castor oil;
  • celandine juice.

All this is used for compresses, which complicate the synthesis of the pathogenic genome, that is, reduce the rate of spread of the virus. The same iodine and celandine juice are toxic substances. But with local external application affect the capsule, from which the neoplasms feed. Before using the above ingredients, get rid of the cornified growth, if any. To do this, it is enough to steam the skin with papilloma and cut off hard, insensitive skin with a blade. Then you can worry directly about the virus and immunity.

How does alternative medicine suggest restoring the body's natural protective functions? Rose tea, ginseng, rosehip and, of course, lemon will help with this. One of the most effective methods is brewing a decoction based on dry and fresh blackcurrant leaves. They contain 2.5 times more vitamin C than lemons.

It will not be superfluous to optimize the diet. To do this, it is better to contact a nutritionist who will balance the patient's food intake. As a rule, you will have to eat protein-rich quail eggs, garlic, chicken and fish daily. In addition, you need to stop smoking (this bad habit is especially dangerous for men with HPV, which provokes cancer of the larynx), alcohol abuse.

You can also buy special phyto-collections for immunity at any pharmacy. They mainly include chamomile, yarrow, agave root, aloe juice, nettle, raspberry, currant, agrus leaves. Some of these teas are quite tasty and suitable even for small children (from 6 years old). It is only necessary to take into account that you should not take several drugs at the same time, which contain a large number of vitamin C or B 1 .

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to fight papillomavirus, but it is quite real. The main thing is to maintain the protective functions of the body. The only remedy that allows you to completely get rid of HPV is immunity.

Is it possible to cure the human papillomavirus forever

More than 70% of people in the world are carriers of papillomavirus, and often they are not aware of it, since HPV (human papillomavirus) is often asymptomatic.

An infection manifests itself in the form of neoplasms on the skin, which can threaten not only health, but also human life.

Can papilloma virus be cured?

Microorganisms that cause HPV live and multiply only in the basement membrane and can be transmitted from one living organism to another. Most often they develop in cells, but for a short time they can also exist in the environment.

Some of them are not dangerous to health, but there are oncogenic type viruses that provoke cancer.

Type of papillomavirus:

  • safe has no symptoms and does not threaten the development of cancer;
  • dangerous manifests itself in the form of warts, most often on the genitals. There is a risk of cell mutation;
  • very dangerous. Most high risk mutation of a neoplasm into a cancerous tumor.


As already mentioned, the causative agent of papilloma is in the body of more than 70% of the world's population, and in most cases this phenomenon has no symptoms.

After all, immunity healthy person able to suppress the activity of the virus.

Most often, symptoms appear at the time of a decrease in immunity.

  • Depending on the type of pathogen, growths appear in the form of warts, various condylomas and papillomas, etc.
  • HPV, depending on age, can form corns and other formations.
  • In young people, the virus appears in the form of round and dense benign formations with a diameter of about 15 mm. The color of the wart varies from beige to dark brown. Most often they appear on the hands, elbows and knees.
  • Another manifestation of HPV is round, soft neoplasms on a stalk or a wide base of flesh tones. The lesions are the neck, armpits, face or genitals.

Papillomas differ in the rate of damage to the skin and change in size from small to large.

Soft tuberculate formations on the leg, which grow very quickly, are called warts and are divided into two groups:

  1. external, which grow on the skin or genitals. This species threatens the body with cancer;
  2. internal formations are also called flat warts. They grow in the epithelium.

In this case, the infection is transmitted sexually, and not by household means.

  • The locations of papillomas in women are the labia majora, the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, as well as the cervix, urethra and anus.
  • Men, most often, complain about the growth of papillomas on the penis (the frenulum, the head and the area of ​​the urethra).

Photo: warts on the genital mucosa

  • When the urethra is damaged, a person feels pain during urination and the process itself is problematic.
  • The virus in women is manifested not only by growths, but also by the development uterine erosion. Absolutely asymptomatic infection can only be detected on the gynecological chair, these include types 16 and 18 of the virus, which cause a precancerous condition.

Methods of infection

There are 3 main ways of infection:

  1. sexual. It is the most common, and it does not matter what kind of sexual contact was. These can be papillomas of type 6, 11, 13, 16, etc. HPV can be infected even with a kiss if the formation is on the lips;
  2. intranatal. This refers to the infection of the child at the time of its passage through the infected birth canals of the mother. This method of transmission of the virus involves the appearance of genital warts and genital warts in the larynx or pharynx of the child;
  3. contact-household. This method of transmission is the rarest, however, it occurs, for example, through a handshake or personal hygiene items. And therefore, you should not use someone else's washcloth, razor or towel. The penetration of the virus into the body occurs through damage to the skin (wounds, small scratches, etc.).

Why do they appear

  • The first reason for their appearance may be a weakened immune system, which decreases after an illness, pregnancy, or due to diabetes. It also occurs due to the intake of immunosuppressive drugs.
  • The most common way of transmission of papillomas is sexual, pathogens are viruses of types 6, 13, 16, 33, etc. According to research, men are more likely to infect women. The reason for this is the frequent change of sexual partner.
  • Alcoholism, tobacco smoking and drug use also provoke a decrease in immunity and infection with HPV.
  • The risk group includes people with AIDS, and most often they are affected by oncogenic strains: 31, 33, 35, 39, 45 types, etc.


photo: histological examination

Stages of examination and diagnosis of the papilloma virus:

  • first of all, the doctor must fully examine the patient: the skin, mucous membranes of the genital organs are typical for HPV lesions. For example, for women, this is also an examination by a gynecologist;
  • colposcopic examination of the cervix. For this, a binocular microscope is used - a colposcope;
  • cytological examination involves the study of scrapings taken from the cervix. This method helps to detect malignant tumors at the first stages of their development;
  • DNA testing;
  • the histological method of research is carried out on the basis of a biopsy;
  • urethroscopic examination reveals the VChP in the urethra.

What are dangerous

This problem is relevant for many people, and therefore they ask themselves the question: “How dangerous is the virus?”.

Photo: degeneration into cervical cancer

As for a healthy and young organism, in most cases it overcomes the disease.

If a person's immunity is weak, then the disease can become chronic or have serious complications.

And therefore, you need to be careful about your health, because it is impossible to predict how the virus will act.

Women, especially smokers, are more at risk, as the infection provokes various precancerous conditions and cancer of the intimate organs.

Viruses of increased oncogenic risk include 16, 18, 35, 39, 46, 51, etc.

HPV often provokes erosion, which can develop into cancer.

Video: "How to treat the papillomavirus"

Is it possible to cure papilloma

HPV affects many people, and therefore the question: “Can the papillomavirus be cured?” very relevant for today.

Yes it is possible, but only in young age And the body will do everything by itself.

For other cases, there are 3 treatments:

  • destructive;
  • medication;
  • folk.

Comprehensive treatment gives the best result.

One thing is clear, those who contract the virus after the age of 30 will not be able to get rid of the disease once and for all.

What to do if papilloma bleeds and hurts?

Is it possible to cure genital papillomas of the vulva? Find out here.

In order to protect against damage to the formations and mutation of cells into cancer cells, it is better to remove them immediately.

Antiviral therapy

Once the diagnosis is established, the doctor will be able to choose the most suitable method treatment.

This is such an integrated approach to the treatment of HPV, which is based on the intake of antiviral drugs and immunomodulatory drugs. After all, quite often the virus is activated due to a weakened immune system.

Conservative treatment is carried out in two ways.

Medicinal (drug)

The basis of this method are antiviral drugs:

  • "Allokin alfa" in the form of an injection solution treats chronic HPV, the causative agents of which are oncogenic strains;
  • "Viferon" in the form of an ointment or gel is suitable for complex therapy together with antiviral drugs, is immunomodulatory;
  • "Isoprisin" in the form of tablets improves immunity, fights the virus on the genitals and warts, is taken along with antiviral agents.

For treatment, you can also use the "Epigen" solution, "Likopid" tablets, "Acilact" suppositories, etc.

Immunomodulatory method

It is based on a number of procedures aimed at strengthening immunity.

In addition to physical procedures, you need to drink herbal teas.

Removal of growths

Papillomas can be removed by the following methods:

  • surgical. The formation is removed with a scalpel under local anesthesia. Often occurring consequences after surgery - the appearance of scars;
  • radio wave. The growth is removed with a special knife, it is quite painful, and therefore you can not do without analgesia. This is one of the most effective ways;
  • electrocoagulation. This method of electrical action on papilloma cells, as a result of which they are destroyed. Education is covered with a thin crust and disappears;
  • cryodestructive. Papilloma is burned out with liquid nitrogen. After the procedure, the growth hardens and brightens, and then disappears. In some cases, scars remain on the skin;
  • laser. The method is suitable for removing papillomas in the epidermis. With the help of a laser, the blood vessels that fed the growth are sealed. Complete healing occurs in 14-15 days;
  • pharmaceutical method. Supercleaner is a familiar drug for home removal of neoplasms on the skin. The liquid is applied to the tip of the papilloma, after a couple of procedures it will darken and fall off. The effectiveness of this remedy is questionable.

Folk remedies

You can also fight the neoplasm with the help of folk methods.

Photo: cauterization of neoplasms with celandine juice

Someone uses laundry soap, while others use plant juice, everyone chooses their own way.

Here is some of them:

  • celandine and dandelion. The juice must be gently rubbed into the growth. After several procedures, it should darken and fall off.
  • egg. The liquid part pours out of the egg, and the formation should be wiped with the remains of the protein on the shell. You need to do this constantly.
  • garlic. Its juice processes growths.
  • vinegar essence (70%). It is necessary to process the papilloma a couple of times.
  • laundry soap. The neoplasm should be rubbed well at night.
  • iodine. You can use iodine only in autumn or winter, while the sun is inactive. It is necessary to lubricate the tip of the growth until it darkens and falls off. The skin around the papilloma must be protected from burns with a greasy cream.
  • Castor oil. It will protect against the reappearance of the build-up, for this, treat the skin with it at the place where the papilloma has fallen off.


The price of the procedure depends on the complexity of the procedure, the status of the medical institution and the qualifications of the specialist.

For example, the removal of papillomas on intimate organs or the face will cost more.

Below is a price comparison table for Moscow clinics:

These clinics have experienced doctors who work with professional equipment.


According to people who have encountered this problem, self-treatment is a waste of time and nerves.

In addition to irreparable harm to your health, nothing can be achieved.

Some managed to get rid of the neoplasms on their own, but after some time even more growths appeared in the same place.

Reviews of people who got rid of papillomas say that first of all you need to undergo a full examination by a dermatologist.

  • The specialist will determine the nature of the build-up and select the most appropriate method of treatment. Most patients claim that this is the most effective way to solve the problem.
  • Only an experienced doctor will be able to perform the operation at the highest level using professional equipment. Most patients claim that the procedure for removing papillomas in the clinic is almost painless and the effect lasts a long time, which cannot be said about home experiments.

Is it possible to cure the human papillomavirus forever?

At a young age, yes, but if a person becomes infected in adulthood, then HPV will remain in the body forever.

Can papilloma go away on its own if left untreated?

Where can papillomas be removed in Moscow? Find out here.

How to smear papilloma to disappear? Read on.

You can only fight with its manifestations on the skin.

In order for the treatment to be effective, you need to immediately find an experienced specialist who will conduct a full examination and prescribe treatment.

Only in this case it will be possible to get rid of ugly and very dangerous growths for a long time.

Video: "Pointed warts"

How to get rid of papillomas on your own

Papillomas are unpleasant growths on the skin that spoil the appearance of the owner, which can appear anywhere on the body - on the face, neck, chest, back, and even in intimate places.

More than 90% of the population of our planet is infected with a virus that provokes the formation of papillomas, so this disease is one of the most common and recognizable in the world.

Fortunately, due to the prevalence of papillomas, they are well studied, and today there are many ways to self-heal.

Where do they come from

There are several reasons why people have unpleasant and painful papillomas:

  • sexual contact without protection, as a result of which a person becomes infected with HPV. This is one of the most common ways to acquire a virus, in which growths appear both in the intimate area and on other parts of the human body;
  • childbirth in which HPV is transmitted to the child through birth canal. The probability of infection with a virus in this way is very high and is almost 100%;
  • contact with the skin of a person infected with HPV. Very high probability of acquiring the virus, especially in the presence of microdamages on the skin.

It is thanks to the many ways of distribution and the ease of infection that HPV is observed in the vast majority of people on the planet.

Photo: household infection through a handshake

It is far from always that papillomas appear immediately after acquiring the virus - it can take months and even years until a person from a passive carrier becomes a real patient with pronounced papillomas on the body.

Myths about HPV

The human papillomavirus is a phenomenon that has overgrown with many myths throughout its history due to its high prevalence.

The most common misconceptions are:

  1. only I am a carrier of HPV. The most common myth that is associated with the ignorance of the population about this virus. Many people were not even aware of the existence of the virus and its inherent disease until they were properly diagnosed. In fact, HPV carriers are most people, but papillomas do not appear immediately and not in everyone - it is for this reason that this misconception has not lost its relevance to this day;
  2. HPV is transmitted sexually only through casual relationships. A delusion that also stems from people's ignorance. You can get infected with the papillomavirus both during one-time contact with a new partner, and with an already tested one (for example, between spouses). Therefore, absolutely everyone is at risk, and the only way protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases - use protective equipment;
  3. removal external signs disease leads to cure. Since the problem lies not in the papillomas themselves, but in the virus that causes them, even the complete extermination of skin growths cannot lead to complete healing. You can only get rid of papillomas on the body for a long time, but treating the cause is a more complex and responsible process.

Photo: HPV infection through unprotected sex

There are other myths about HPV, which cannot be dispelled in one article due to their large number.

The only way to get rid of misconceptions is to find out detailed information about the virus and the disease that occurs due to the negative impact of HPV on the body.

What is the danger

The main danger is the possibility of transformation of benign inflammation into malignant, posing a threat to health and life.

Thus, papillomas are an indicator of the risk of oncological diseases of the cervix and genital organs.

Photo: degeneration of the neoplasm into cervical cancer

Inflammatory processes can be catalyzed wrong image life and diet, the abuse of bad habits and bad job immune system.

You should not be scared prematurely - the occurrence of papillomas does not always indicate an approaching cancer, and even otherwise, the time that passes from the first infection of HPV body cells to the development of oncological diseases is calculated in years and can reach up to 15-20 years.

There is time to think about health and start treatment!


Determining the presence of HPV in the body is quite simple.

The disease has the following symptoms:

  • the occurrence of genital warts on the neck, under the armpits and in other places of the human body. They look like convex formations of small sizes with jagged edges, vaguely resembling the appearance of cauliflower heads. Condylomas appear during the development of the virus types 6 and 11 in the body;
  • the appearance of bowenoid papulosis, which is characterized by rashes in the genital area. The plaques in the rash can be pink, white or yellow;
  • development of Bowen's disease, which affects men. It looks like a plaque that forms on the skin of the penis. It can be seen as short term, and for a long time, and its main danger is the possibility of transformation into a malignant tumor.

Photo: warts, which are often localized on the genital mucosa

The most common symptom that is known to many people is the appearance of papillomas on the skin in various places of the body, which look like growths on a thin stalk.


Diagnosis of this disease is carried out either by a venereologist or a dermatologist.

Photo: computer diagnostics

It is not always possible to establish an accurate diagnosis based on the results of an external examination alone, therefore, if HPV is suspected, a specialist is assigned PCR diagnostics, which not only makes it possible to establish the presence of the virus in the patient's body, but also determine its type and approximate amount in the blood.

Photo: taking a blood test for PCR - diagnostics

PCR diagnostics allows you to determine whether the appearance of papillomas is a temporary phenomenon due to a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system, or the disease is chronic.

So for HPV diagnostics it is enough to use only one PCR diagnostic, and only in special cases, an additional examination of the patient is prescribed by a specialist.


Treatment of papillomas is reduced to the restoration of the immune system and its strengthening, as well as the removal of skin growths.

The complete destruction of the virus is impossible, because after entering the human body, it remains there forever.

However, you can significantly reduce its activity and prevent HPV from forming unpleasant and life-threatening growths on the skin.

Photo: a drug for raising immunity


It is known that papillomas on the eyelids and other parts of the human body appear when the immune system is seriously weakened and cannot resist HPV.

That is why timely immunotherapy is not only able to slow down and stop the emergence of new papillomas, as well as affect their disappearance, but also completely prevent negative manifestations.

For immunotherapy, special immunological preparations are used.

Video: "How to remove a wart"


By themselves, papillomas on the eyelid and other areas of the skin will not disappear, therefore, to improve appearance body, it is necessary to remove skin growths.

Is it possible to treat papillomas with Supercleaner on the face?

Is the papilloma vaccine effective? Find out here.

Methods of physical destruction

For the physical destruction of papillomas on the body, the following methods are used:

  • cryodestruction. Removal of growths in this case is carried out under the action of liquid nitrogen with an extremely low temperature - the affected tissues freeze, after which the papillomas simply, easily and painlessly fall off the skin;
  • laser excision. Under influence high temperatures a narrowly focused laser beam, the liquid inside the papillomas evaporates, as a result of which the growths decrease in size, gradually dry out and fall off without pain and harm to the body.

Also, to eliminate unpleasant growths, radiosurgery is used, which allows you to simultaneously get rid of papillomas and coagulate blood vessels.

The use of chemicals

Physical removal of skin growths is not the only method used in modern medicine.

Quite often you can find a procedure such as chemical coagulation.

  • During this procedure, pinpoint skin formations are removed with a special composition from a set of organic and inorganic acids.
  • With multiple skin lesions, this method is not so effective, but it copes well with large papillomas.

How to get rid of papillomas at home

If you do not trust modern medicine or want to take care of your health yourself, you can solve the HPV problem with folk remedies.

When used correctly and wisely, folk recipes can be a serious weapon in the fight against the manifestations of the virus.

So, how to get rid of papillomas at home? It's time to find out!

On the body

  • Mix hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice and table vinegar in equal proportions, mix thoroughly and let it brew.
  • To use, take soft tissue, moisten it in the prepared solution and treat the areas of the body affected by papillomas. Such treatment should be carried out 2-3 times a day for several days.
  • After a while, the growths will dry out and separate from the body on their own.

Photo: one of the self-removal methods is the use of essential oil

Essential oils and castor oil can be used in the same way, but be careful not to get the oils on healthy skin.

Hanging papillomas can be easily removed with a thread.

  • To do this, carefully tie the leg of the growth with a thread and leave it in this state until it dries and falls off.
  • When bandaging, care must be taken not to tear the growth!

You can also remove papillomas with laundry soap.

Photo: application of laundry soap

  • To do this, it is necessary to gently rub the skin formations with laundry soap for several days until the skin in the treatment area turns red.
  • Now it remains to wait until the growths disappear. Reviews claim that this happens 1-2 weeks after the start of the course.

On the face

Before you get rid of papillomas on the face at home, you need to take care of eye protection, especially if the eyelids are to be treated.

Photo: neoplasms on the upper and lower eyelids

  • lubricate the growths on the face with ordinary egg white from fresh chicken egg. Apply several layers as the previous ones dry over several days;
  • treat papillomas with wormwood and mountain ash juice several times a day for one to two weeks. The growths will soon dry out and painlessly fall off the skin.

Carefully choose products to combat growths on the face - they should not cause allergies.

Under the arm

Papillomas under the armpits appear quite often, and for them self-treatment you can use the following methods:

  • hold under your arms compresses made from cotton wool soaked in aloe juice or Kalanchoe. The longer you can keep the compresses on hand, the better, but it is not recommended to exceed the maximum allowable time - 8 hours;
  • mix dried celandine leaves with any hand cream, then apply the resulting mass to the affected areas of the skin and leave it on little time. You can also use not collected leaves, but buy concentrated juice of the celandine plant, which is sold in any large pharmacy.

Photo: skin papillomatosis in the armpits

To remove growths under the armpits, the same folk methods are suitable as for the body.

Folk methods

Folk recipes and methods allow you to cure papillomas at home in a very short time, which ranges from several days to several weeks.

The most important rule is to correctly use the indicated folk remedies, not to show fanaticism and take care of your health, and in particular - to the body's immune system.

Means for internal use

The fight against papillomas should be carried out not only outside the body, but also inside.

Photo: infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants have a stimulating effect on the immune system

To do this, you can use the following folk remedies for internal use:

  • take one teaspoon each of nettle, dandelion and plantain, cover with water and bring to a boil. The resulting broth insist for three hours, then carefully strain. Drink the prepared remedy every morning, one-third of a glass for ten days. Then take a week break and repeat the course;
  • pour a liter of boiling water over one spoonful of the following ingredients: dry rose hips, strawberries, chamomile and cranberries. Let the broth brew for six hours, then strain and start taking one liter during the day. One course of admission should last at least seven days. This infusion will raise immunity, weaken papillomas that have already appeared and prevent the formation of new ones.

You can also take other decoctions from any medicinal herbs, but make sure that the composition of the tinctures does not include substances to which you are allergic (if any).


The walnut is excellent tool against papillomas, however, due to the characteristic pigmentation of the skin, it is recommended to treat hidden areas of the skin with walnuts.

Treatment can be carried out with walnut ointment.

  • The ointment is made from 10 pure nut kernels, which are crushed and filled with kerosene (in a prepared container).
  • This tincture is settled for three weeks, after which it is filtered.

The use of the ointment will not cause problems: moisten wipes in it and apply to the affected skin.


Photo: garlic is an effective remedy for HPV

  • Take a clove of garlic and squeeze out the maximum amount of juice from it.
  • The resulting garlic juice must be gently rubbed into papillomas two to three times a day.

The procedure must be repeated until the complete disappearance of skin growths (two to four weeks).


For the treatment of papillomas with herbs, you can use decoctions from the following plants: clover, St. John's wort, plantain, thistle, dill, violet, dandelion and many others.
What are the symptoms of human papillomavirus in women?

Is it necessary to remove papillomas on the labia? Find out here.

Is it possible to cauterize papillomas with celandine? Read on.
Prepared and carefully strained decoctions should be taken orally from one to two to three times a day, and the use should be of a course character with sufficient breaks.

Video: "How to get rid of warts, warts and papillomas"

The best cure for papillomas: a list of drugs. What is the most effective medicine for papillomas?

A common pathology is currently papillomavirus infection. The causative agent of the disease affects mainly the mucous membranes of the throat, mouth, nose, and genital organs. A cure for papillomas is selected after passing an examination, during which it is possible to determine the type of virus. Modern methods of treatment allow you to get rid of only external symptoms manifestations of the disease.

Causes of papillomas

Experts say that the papilloma virus is infected most of population, but not always the disease manifests itself. Some people are not even aware of the infection and are only carriers. The appearance of characteristic formations on the skin indicates the presence in the body of diseases of inflammatory etiology in an advanced stage. Also, papillomas can occur against the background of severe stress.

Infection occurs not only through sexual contact (unprotected). Although this method is more common than others. You can become infected with the virus through contact with the skin of the carrier, with a kiss. The virus enters the body through wounds and scratches on the skin.


Papillomas outwardly resemble moles on a short stalk. They look unaesthetic, especially in open areas of the body. Neoplasms appear most often in the genital area, both in women and in the stronger sex. Papillomas can have various shapes: flat, pointed, filiform, in the form of a mosaic. The color of the growth is somewhat different from the skin and may be lighter or, conversely, a darker shade. Depending on the external manifestation of the disease, the specialist selects the optimal cure for papilloma.

A person infected with the virus is usually only concerned about the appearance of characteristic moles or warts. However, it was found that the internal organs are also under attack. In the process medical diagnostics reveal formations on the mucous membrane of the stomach, bladder, cervix.

How is papilloma treated?

What medications are suitable for getting rid of skin growths caused by HPV can only be determined by the attending physician (dermatologist, gynecologist or andrologist). It is highly undesirable to get rid of papillomas on your own. Modern medicine offers several ways to treat a pathological condition. Drug exposure is the basis of therapy. The medicine for papillomas acts on the problem from the inside, blocking the reproduction of the infection and improving the protective functions of the body.

Papillomas are removed from the mucous epithelium and skin using methods such as cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, laser and surgical removal. One of the modern methods of getting rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect is the use of a radio knife, which cuts off not only the neoplasm itself, but also the epithelium.

Effective drugs for papillomavirus infection

It should be borne in mind that there are no medicines that can destroy the papillomavirus in the body. Properly selected medicine for papillomas can improve the state of the immune system, suppress the reproduction of the virus. It is not recommended to take such medicines without a doctor's prescription.

To combat a viral infection in dermatology and gynecology, the following drugs are most often recommended:

  1. "Isoprinosine".
  2. "Cycloferon".
  3. "Interferon".
  4. Panavir.
  5. "Viferon".
  6. Ferezol.
  7. "Verrukacid".

Some medicines for the human papillomavirus are quite complex and can provoke the development of side effects. After passing the examination, the doctor determines an individual regimen for taking the drugs.

Description of the means "Isoprinosine"

One of the most effective drugs (according to many doctors) for the elimination of human papillomavirus infection is Isoprinosine. The drug belongs to the group of antiviral and is able to directly affect the pathogen, preventing it from developing.

The drug for the correction of pathological conditions of the immune system is available in the form of tablets. The active substance is inosine pranobex (500 mg). Tablets have both antiviral and immunostimulating effects. "Isoprinosine" effectively suppresses the development of HPV (the production of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase is blocked), and due to stimulation protective function The body is completely destroyed by viral particles and infected cells.

Treatment of papillomas with Isoprinosine

The treatment regimen and dosage are calculated depending on the type of virus. For common papillomas drug treatment happens to be enough. If warts are observed on the skin, in addition to tablets, surgical intervention is indicated.

The medicine for papillomas is taken for at least 14 days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 28 days on the recommendation of a specialist. The dosage depends on the age of the patient. Children over 12 years of age and adults should take two Isoprinosine tablets three times a day. AT pediatric practice tablets are prescribed to children from 3 years old, calculating the dose of the active substance depending on the weight of the child. 500 mg of inosine pranobex is shown per 10 kg of body weight. That is, if a child weighs 15 kg, he needs to take 750 mg per day. The result obtained is divided into three doses (250 mg at a time).

At surgical removal papillomas and condylomas also need to carry out antiviral therapy to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Before using the drug, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Natural preparation "Panavir"

Another cure for papillomas is Panavir, which is based on substances of natural origin. The tool has a wide spectrum of action and is used as a powerful immunomodulator and antiviral drug. Release "Panavir" in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, gel and spray for external application, solution for injection.

The active substance of "Panavir" is an extract from potato tops. It has been established that the substance has a strong immunomodulatory property and promotes the production of interferon in the body. For the treatment of papillomas, it is often prescribed in the form of a gel, which is applied twice a day. In the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, the remedy, according to experts, is also effective. Candles help get rid of papillomas in the anus and vagina.

Treatment of papillomas should begin at early stage without waiting for the moment when they begin to increase in size. According to patient reviews, the gel is well tolerated and does not cause allergic reactions. In most cases, it helps to get rid of warts and various types of papillomas. With a slight spread of growths, it is enough to use only an agent for external application. In more advanced cases, complex therapy is indicated.

In the form of a spray and gel "Panavir" is used in pediatric practice. This natural anti-papilloma medicine can also be used to treat pregnant women.

"Ferezol" with papillomas

You can fight cosmetic defects on the skin caused by the presence of the papillomavirus in the body with the help of the drug "Ferezol". The tool is designed specifically to remove growths on the skin. The solution is effective for warts, papillomas and condylomas. However, it should also be used as prescribed by a specialist. The effectiveness of the drug is based on the cauterizing and mummifying effect.

How to use correctly?

According to the instructions, the liquid medicine for papillomas is applied directly to the affected area and they try to avoid getting the solution on healthy skin. You can first steam out the area of ​​​​the dermis with the neoplasm and allow the moisture to dry completely. Such manipulation will allow the drug to penetrate into the deeper layers of the neoplasm. You can apply the medicine with a small stick.

If the papilloma is small, then a single application of the Ferezol solution may be sufficient for removal. For large lesions, it is necessary to apply the drug several times with an interval of 15-20 minutes. In some areas of the body, such as underarms, it is dangerous to use the product due to the high risk of burns.

What do the doctor's say?

Experts strongly recommend that patients do not self-medicate with genital warts and papillomas. Appropriate therapy can only be determined by a doctor after the patient has been examined. The optimal cure for papillomas and warts for each patient is selected individually. Some patients may only need a drug effect on the disease, while others cannot do without the prompt removal of growths. The duration of treatment also depends on individual features body and immune system.

How to treat papillomas on the body

Papillomas on the human body are not uncommon. They are benign formations in the form of droplets. Their occurrence is difficult to predict, they appear both on the skin and on the mucous membranes and internal organs.

The main cause of neoplasms was the human papillomavirus, otherwise called papillomavirus or HPV. To date, the spread of the pathogen among the world's population is 60%, which is quite significant figure. Treatment of papillomas is carried out in a complex manner, but there is no radical method for completely getting rid of the virus.

Classification of papillomas, their structure

There are a huge number of types of papillomas, most of them do not cause any harm to humans. The most common are the following:

  1. Filiform. Most common among the elderly. From a small convex area on the skin, they grow into an elastic formation. Areas affected - armpits, groin area and face.
  2. Plain or vulgar. education round shape no more than 1 mm. Spread on the hands, knees or fingers.
  3. Flat. The formations are smooth, homogeneous structure, almost merge with the skin. The affected areas are the face and hands.
  4. Condylomas are pointed. The appearance is associated with infection during sexual intercourse. The genitals and mucous membranes are affected internal organs. Such formations must be treated.
  5. Plantar. Localized on the feet, causing pain. Sometimes they disappear just as they appear. Papillomas are round with an uneven surface and a distinct rim.


Factors that can provoke infection with the human papillomavirus are:

  • decreased immune defense;
  • stressful environment, depression;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • use in unreasonable doses of alcohol, pills;
  • smoking;
  • a large number of sexual partners.

Ways of transmission of papillomavirus

Papillomas on the body appear when a healthy person is infected with the human papillomavirus. It is difficult to remove papillomas, so it is worth minimizing the number of contacts with infected people. There are several ways of transmission:

  1. Sexual contact. It is the main mode of transmission and includes not only vaginal sex, but also anal and oral-genital caresses.
  2. Family activity. Often during childbirth, the virus is transmitted from the mother to the newborn child. Infants develop warts, and in older children, the presence of laryngeal papillomatosis is not ruled out.
  3. Household path. One touch is enough for HPV to enter the body, provided that there were damages on the skin. most dangerous public places are gyms, fitness clubs, swimming pools, saunas, toilets.
  4. Autoinfection. Otherwise known as autoinoculation. Self-infection is possible when epilating or shaving.

health hazard

The presence of a pathogen such as HPV in the human body can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of oncological diseases of various organs. The most vulnerable in the body of women, unlike men, becomes reproductive system especially the uterus.

Among diseases of the uterus, the first place is occupied by cervical erosion, which is a precancerous condition. At risk are women over 50 years old, but more and more often the disease occurs in young people.

When there are a lot of papillomas on the body, they can be injured by clothes and shoes, and become infected with pathogenic bacteria. It is possible to develop into a malignant tumor. The danger for men is minimal.

When there is a desire to get rid of papillomas on the body, the first step is a visit to a dermatologist, and in case of damage to the female organs - to a gynecologist. The doctor prescribes studies that include:

  • blood test using the PCR method;
  • DNA diagnostics for HPV;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy.

Based on the results of the procedures performed, the doctor gives recommendations on how to treat papillomas.

Virus Treatment Methods

There are several ways to get rid of papillomas:

  1. Use of a laser. Treating papillomas on the body with a laser beam is easy and fast. Before the procedure, the place is anesthetized. Processing of growths lasts about 1 minute. Small wounds form, which are tightened with a crust.
  2. Radio waves. A signal with a frequency of 3.8 - 4 MHz is sent to the site of the papilloma. The radio signal creates the effect of liquid evaporation in the neoplasm. At the site of a minute treatment, a wound remains, healing in 4 days. Apply local anesthesia. Price this method high.
  3. Moxibustion chemicals. Solutions include acids and alkalis. Education is completely burned out. The method requires caution, and the presence of scar tissue indicates poor-quality work.
  4. cryogenic method. Papillomas are treated with liquid nitrogen in low temperatures. Exposure leads to the fact that papillomas fall off on their own in 3-5 days. The advantage of the method is that it does not require the presence of a highly qualified doctor, even junior staff can handle the procedure.
  5. The use of an electric knife. It is applied to the skin and body infrequently, wounds heal for a long time.
  6. Surgery. It is carried out in the case when the affected area is large and other methods are ineffective.

Drug treatment is based on increasing the body's immunity and activating its defenses.

The following drugs are used:

  1. To strengthen the immune system: Immunomax, Amiksin.
  2. To suppress the reproduction of cells infected with papillomavirus: Podophyllin, Kondilin. Used in the form of ointments, gels and creams. The affected skin is treated by applying the medicine for papillomas locally.
  3. To stop the spread of papillomas and simultaneously activate the immune system: Inoseplex in the form of injections or tablets.
  4. As an antiviral agent, Genferon or Viferon (alfa-interferon preparations).
  5. To strengthen the immune forces and get rid of viruses: Epigen-Intim. It is applied topically to both men and women. Available in the form of a spray.

The answer to the question of how to get rid of papillomas at home includes the use of folk remedies. Their effectiveness is high, as evidenced by positive reviews.

Before you get rid of papillomas, you need to visit a doctor. He will determine the causes and treatment.

Treatment of warts and papillomas with medicines

Whether there is a effective medicine from papillomas and warts? This question is of concern to many, given that more than 90% of people have a virus in their body, which causes the appearance of papillomas and warts. Those who are not infected should thank their immunity.

Where do papillomas come from

It is difficult to get rid of the human papillomavirus (HPV), but it is easy to “pick it up”: contact with an infected person is enough if the skin is injured somewhere. But mostly the infection is transmitted from the sexual partner, the carrier of the virus. Another way of infection for a child is from an infected mother during passage through the birth canal.

Risk factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy;
  • stressful state;
  • age-related changes;
  • excess weight.

The most important factor is a weakened immune system. If the body is strong, it will cope with this infection, even if it is infected. In this case, the doctor does not prescribe drugs. Although it depends on what kind of virus the patient is infected with. Currently, about 200 varieties of them are known, among which dangerous are those that are able to degenerate into oncogenic strains. They need to be identified during diagnosis in order to start treatment on time. Other strains will only have external manifestations.

Dangerous papillomas often affect the female genital organs. The perineum, the entrance to the vagina suffers. If neoplasms appear in these places, you should definitely see a doctor. This also applies to papillomas on the neck, although they are not so dangerous. True, they create discomfort by protruding, touching objects, and can be injured, which is fraught with infection. This is ugly, so many decide to remove them.

Means against papillomas

If the results of the tests showed the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in your body, but there are no external manifestations, you do not need to take medication by mouth. You may not develop skin neoplasms if you lead a healthy lifestyle, actively engage in physical education, and increase immunity.

Depending on the location of the growths, the doctor prescribes the treatment of warts and papillomas, methods for their removal. If the problem is not so serious, there are not so many neoplasms, then a decision will probably be made to lubricate the affected areas with special solutions or make applications against papillomas, under the influence of which the growths themselves will disappear.

Effective drugs for papillomas:

  1. from sharp and chronic viruses Proteflazid helps a lot. Antiviral therapy includes drugs that increase immunity, vitamins. At the same time, this will not get rid of papillomas, but only will not allow new neoplasms to grow. The virus will be suppressed.
  2. Prevents relapse after laser removal or nitrogen removal of Interferon. Used to eliminate all types of growths.
  3. Trichloroacetic acid is applied only to growths. We must try so that it does not get on other, healthy areas of the skin. It is worth having talc on hand or baking soda- they remove excess acid. Usually, after 6 applications, the sores disappear (as many times it is recommended to do these procedures). If it does not help, you need to choose another method.
  4. A remedy like Podophyllin. Used for applications on the skin, where there are sores. The effect of the medicine will be noticeable if the bandage is worn for no longer than 4 hours. The drug is toxic, so it should not be used by pregnant women.

All these drugs should be taken into service only after consulting a doctor.

Self-medication is unsafe, since papilloma can degenerate into oncology.

If the HPV virus is not found in the body, you can protect yourself from infection with oncogenic strains by getting vaccinated, however, in our country this is an expensive procedure.

You can use folk remedies for warts, papillomas on the neck and in other places. Constantly lubricate the sores with the juice of celandine grass or dandelions.

Castor oil is one of the most commonly used herbal remedies. It is believed that it is better to start eliminating papillomas on a waning moon. To achieve the effect, you must not forget to increase your immunity and eat fully, observing the regimen. You will need to be patient, as folk remedies require long-term treatment.

Removal methods

Removal methods: physical and chemical.

Chemical lies in the fact that special preparations are used to burn growths.

Physical methods:

  1. The most commonly used electrocoagulation. This is one of the painless and effective ways to remove papillomas. First, the site of the future operation is anesthetized, then the affected tissues are coagulated, that is, under the influence of an electric current, unnecessary formations coagulate and settle. The procedure lasts no longer than 15 minutes. Minus: it takes a lot of time to heal the wound.
  2. Cryodestruction - papilloma dies from freezing under the influence of liquid nitrogen.
  3. The surgical laser destroys the papilloma by depriving it of nutrition from the blood vessel. The method allows you to remove large neoplasms in hard-to-reach places, leaving no traces. Currently, a computer program helps to carry out this procedure. Everything you need to carry out laser surgery has a modern cosmetic clinic.
  4. Modern medicine offers radiosurgery: radio waves are used to eliminate papilloma tissue. This method guarantees getting rid of growths without repeated rashes.

A prerequisite: before treating, make sure that the neoplasms are good. Here, histological analysis is indispensable. After the tests, the doctor will prescribe a specific therapy regimen to restore immunity.


In no case do not rip off the sores yourself, be especially careful when treating papillomas on the face. Otherwise, there may be complications: benign formations can degenerate into a cancerous tumor, the site of the foci can become inflamed up to dysfunction of the internal organs. The presence of papillomas on the neck indicates that not everything is in order in the body: there is a dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, kidneys. Removing does not solve the problem. The complex treatment for HPV includes: cleansing the body of toxins, strengthening immunity, women need to undergo a gynecological examination.

Be careful not to scratch the skin, the infection can also get through them. It is important to avoid stressful situations, not to overcool, to have an orderly sex life. And most importantly - to maintain immunity.

More than 70% of people in the world are carriers of papillomavirus, and often they are not aware of it, since HPV (human papillomavirus) is often asymptomatic.

An infection manifests itself in the form of neoplasms on the skin, which can threaten not only health, but also human life.

Can papilloma virus be cured?

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Microorganisms that cause HPV live and multiply only in the basement membrane and can be transmitted from one living organism to another. Most often they develop in cells, but for a short time they can also exist in the environment.

Some of them are not dangerous to health, but there are oncogenic type viruses that provoke cancer.

Type of papillomavirus:

  • safe has no symptoms and does not threaten the development of cancer;
  • dangerous manifests itself in the form of warts, most often on the genitals. There is a risk of cell mutation;
  • very dangerous. The highest risk of mutation of the neoplasm into a cancerous tumor.


As already mentioned, the causative agent of papilloma is in the body of more than 70% of the world's population, and in most cases this phenomenon has no symptoms.

After all, the immune system of a healthy person is able to suppress the activity of the virus.

Most often, symptoms appear at the time of a decrease in immunity.

  • Depending on the type of pathogen, growths appear in the form of warts, various condylomas and papillomas, etc.
  • HPV, depending on age, can form corns and other formations.
  • In young people, the virus manifests itself in the form of round and dense benign formations with a diameter of about 15 mm. The color of the wart varies from beige to dark brown. Most often they appear on the hands, elbows and knees.
  • Another manifestation of HPV is round, soft neoplasms on a stalk or a wide base of flesh tones. The lesions are the neck, armpits, face or genitals.

Papillomas differ in the rate of damage to the skin and change in size from small to large.

Soft tuberculate formations on the leg, which grow very quickly, are called warts and are divided into two groups:

  1. external, which grow on the skin or genitals. This species threatens the body with cancer;
  2. internal formations are also called flat warts. They grow in the epithelium.

In this case, the infection is transmitted sexually, and not by household means.

  • The locations of papillomas in women are the labia majora, the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, as well as the cervix, urethra and anus.
  • Men, most often, complain about the growth of papillomas on the penis (the frenulum, the head and the area of ​​the urethra).

Photo: warts on the genital mucosa

  • When the urethra is damaged, a person feels pain during urination and the process itself is problematic.
  • The virus in women is manifested not only by growths, but also by the development of uterine erosion. Absolutely asymptomatic infection can only be detected on the gynecological chair, these include types 16 and 18 of the virus, which cause a precancerous condition.

Methods of infection

There are 3 main ways of infection:

  1. sexual. It is the most common, and it does not matter what kind of sexual contact was. These can be papillomas of type 6, 11, 13, 16, etc. HPV can be infected even with a kiss if the formation is on the lips;
  2. intranatal. This refers to the infection of the child at the time of its passage through the infected birth canals of the mother. This method of transmission of the virus involves the appearance of genital warts and genital warts in the larynx or pharynx of the child;
  3. contact-household. This method of transmission is the rarest, however, it occurs, for example, through a handshake or personal hygiene items. And therefore, you should not use someone else's washcloth, razor or towel. The penetration of the virus into the body occurs through damage to the skin (wounds, small scratches, etc.).

Why do they appear

  • The first reason for their appearance may be a weakened immune system, which decreases after an illness, pregnancy, or due to diabetes. It also occurs due to the intake of immunosuppressive drugs.
  • The most common way of transmission of papillomas is sexual, pathogens are viruses of types 6, 13, 16, 33, etc. According to research, men are more likely to infect women. The reason for this is the frequent change of sexual partner.
  • Alcoholism, tobacco smoking and drug use also provoke a decrease in immunity and infection with HPV.
  • The risk group includes people with AIDS, and most often they are affected by oncogenic strains: 31, 33, 35, 39, 45 types, etc.


photo: histological examination

Stages of examination and diagnosis of the papilloma virus:

  • first of all, the doctor must fully examine the patient: the skin, mucous membranes of the genital organs are typical for HPV lesions. For example, for women, this is also an examination by a gynecologist;
  • colposcopic examination of the cervix. For this, a binocular microscope is used - a colposcope;
  • cytological examination involves the study of scrapings taken from the cervix. This method helps to detect malignant tumors at the first stages of their development;
  • DNA testing;
  • the histological method of research is carried out on the basis of a biopsy;
  • urethroscopic examination reveals the VChP in the urethra.

What are dangerous

This problem is relevant for many people, and therefore they ask themselves the question: “How dangerous is the virus?”.

Photo: degeneration into cervical cancer

As for a healthy and young organism, in most cases it overcomes the disease.

If a person's immunity is weak, then the disease can become chronic or have serious complications.

And therefore, you need to be careful about your health, because it is impossible to predict how the virus will act.

Women, especially smokers, are more at risk, as the infection provokes various precancerous conditions and cancer of the intimate organs.

Viruses of increased oncogenic risk include 16, 18, 35, 39, 46, 51, etc.

HPV often provokes erosion, which can develop into cancer.

Video: "How to treat the papillomavirus"

Is it possible to cure papilloma

HPV affects many people, and therefore the question: “Can the papillomavirus be cured?” very relevant for today.

Yes, it is possible, but only at a young age, and the body will do everything itself.

For other cases, there are 3 treatments:

  • destructive;
  • medication;
  • folk.

Comprehensive treatment gives the best result.

One thing is clear, those who contract the virus after the age of 30 will not be able to get rid of the disease once and for all.

In order to protect against damage to the formations and mutation of cells into cancer cells, it is better to remove them immediately.

Antiviral therapy

After establishing the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to choose the most appropriate treatment.

This is such an integrated approach to the treatment of HPV, which is based on the intake of antiviral drugs and immunomodulatory drugs. After all, quite often the virus is activated due to a weakened immune system.

Conservative treatment is carried out in two ways.

Medicinal (drug)

The basis of this method are antiviral drugs:

  • "Allokin alfa" in the form of an injection solution treats chronic HPV, the causative agents of which are oncogenic strains;
  • "Viferon" in the form of an ointment or gel is suitable for complex therapy together with antiviral drugs, is immunomodulatory;
  • "Isoprisin" in the form of tablets improves immunity, fights the virus on the genitals and warts, is taken along with antiviral agents.

For treatment, you can also use the "Epigen" solution, "Likopid" tablets, "Acilact" suppositories, etc.

Immunomodulatory method

It is based on a number of procedures aimed at strengthening immunity.

In addition to physical procedures, you need to drink herbal teas.

Removal of growths

Papillomas can be removed by the following methods:

  • surgical. The formation is removed with a scalpel under local anesthesia. Frequently occurring consequences after surgery are the appearance of scars;
  • radio wave. The growth is removed with a special knife, it is quite painful, and therefore you can not do without analgesia. This is one of the most effective ways;
  • electrocoagulation. This method of electrical action on papilloma cells, as a result of which they are destroyed. Education is covered with a thin crust and disappears;
  • . Papilloma is burned out with liquid nitrogen. After the procedure, the growth hardens and brightens, and then disappears. In some cases, scars remain on the skin;
  • laser. The method is suitable for removing papillomas in the epidermis. With the help of a laser, the blood vessels that fed the growth are sealed. Complete healing occurs in 14-15 days;
  • pharmaceutical method. Supercleaner is a familiar drug for home removal of neoplasms on the skin. The liquid is applied to the tip of the papilloma, after a couple of procedures it will darken and fall off. The effectiveness of this remedy is questionable.

Folk remedies

You can also fight the neoplasm with the help of folk methods.

Photo: cauterization of neoplasms with celandine juice

Someone uses laundry soap, while others use plant juice, everyone chooses their own way.

Here is some of them:

  • celandine and dandelion. The juice must be gently rubbed into the growth. After several procedures, it should darken and fall off.
  • egg. The liquid part pours out of the egg, and the formation should be wiped with the remains of the protein on the shell. You need to do this constantly.
  • . Its juice processes growths.
  • vinegar essence (70%). It is necessary to process the papilloma a couple of times.
  • laundry soap. The neoplasm should be rubbed well at night.
  • . You can use iodine only in autumn or winter, while the sun is inactive. It is necessary to lubricate the tip of the growth until it darkens and falls off. The skin around the papilloma must be protected from burns with a greasy cream.
  • Castor oil. It will protect against the reappearance of the build-up, for this, treat the skin with it at the place where the papilloma has fallen off.


The price of the procedure depends on the complexity of the procedure, the status of the medical institution and the qualifications of the specialist.

For example, the removal of papillomas on intimate organs or the face will cost more.

Below is a price comparison table for Moscow clinics:

These clinics have experienced doctors who work with professional equipment.