What vaccinations are dangerous for children. Is it true that vaccines are harmful to health?

Whether to vaccinate a child (pros and cons)

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Today, many parents are thinking about the question: "Should my child be vaccinated?". A wide and very lively discussion on this topic has unfolded in society. One can clearly distinguish two groups of people expressing a completely opposite opinion and defending it very aggressively, using various arguments, which are most often factors of emotional impact on the audience.

Should the child be vaccinated?

So, today in our society there is a group of people who believe that vaccinations for a child there is an absolute evil, they bring only harm and no benefit - therefore, accordingly, there is absolutely no need to do them. In contrast to it, there is another group that proves not just the validity of vaccinations, but the need to comply with the terms of their setting according to the calendar. As you can see, both of these groups occupy extreme positions, one might say radical. However, both are obviously wrong, because there are always many factors to consider when making a decision, as a result of which there is no single simple solution to a complex problem.

Of course, vaccinations are needed because they protect children and adults from serious epidemics of infectious diseases, outbreaks of which can kill from half to 2/3 of the entire population, as has happened more than once in history. On the other hand, it is impossible to unify all people, and approach them with one measure, since each person is individual. It is precisely because of the presence of a large number of individual characteristics in each child that the vaccination calendar cannot be considered the only correct instruction that must be followed unchanged. After all, each vaccine has indications and contraindications, as well as instructions for its use. Therefore, all the characteristics of the child should be taken into account, and if he has any contraindications for vaccination at this particular moment, then it is necessary to shift the calendar and vaccinate, observing the medical principle "Do no harm." Nothing bad will happen if the child receives the necessary vaccines a little later than his peers.

Let's move on to the position of opponents of vaccinations, who see them as an absolute evil, invented especially for them. The main argument of this group of people is the harmful effect of vaccinations on the development of the child, both physical and mental. Unfortunately, vaccination, like any manipulation, is fraught with possible complications, which are quite rare in reality. But opponents of vaccinations argue that almost any illness in a child is associated with vaccines. Alas, it is not. The human body is not so simple. But a person tends to look for the simplest solution to problems, therefore, when a child develops a disease, it is much easier to consider the vaccine to be the culprit of all troubles than to carefully and scrupulously understand the phenomenon and find out the true cause.

Usually opponents of vaccines use a number of arguments, which they try to have the strongest emotional impact on the listener. Therefore, in order to understand the problem, it is necessary to completely take control of emotions and be guided only by reason, since the heart is a bad adviser here. Of course, when parents are told that after vaccination the child can remain a "fool" for life, or become seriously ill, and some facts are given from the case histories, any adult will be impressed. His emotions will be very strong. As a rule, there is distortion and presentation of information in the most negative way, without a thorough clarification of the true causes of the tragedy.

After such strong emotional upheavals, many people will think: "Really, why these vaccinations, when they cause such complications!" Such a decision under the influence of strong momentary emotions is wrong, since no one guarantees that an unvaccinated child will not contract smallpox or diphtheria, which will become fatal for him. Another question is that it is necessary to take into account all aspects of the child's condition and vaccinate when the baby is ready to endure it without complications.

That is why we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common arguments of opponents of vaccinations, and with scientific explanations of the phenomenon of immunity, so that your decisions are reasonable and balanced, based on reasoning, and not on blind statements. Below are the arguments against vaccines under the heading "against", and the explanations of scientists and doctors for each statement under the heading "for".

Vaccinations for children - pros and cons

Against. Vaccine opponents argue that many people have their own immunity against infections, which is completely destroyed after vaccination.

Behind. First of all, let's understand the concepts. In this statement, the word "immunity" is used as a synonym for immunity to disease. There is a confusion between the concepts of "resistance to diseases" and "immunity", which in many people are synonymous, which is not true. Immunity is a combination of all cells, reactions and body systems that identify and destroy pathogenic microbes, foreign and cancer cells. And immunity to diseases is the presence of resistance to a specific infectious agent.

Of course, a person is born with immunity, in the sense that he has cells and reactions that ensure the destruction of microbes. However, no newborn is immune to severe and contagious infections. Such immunity to a certain infection can only develop after a person has been ill with it and recovers, or after the introduction of a vaccine. Let's see how this happens.

When a pathogenic microbe, the causative agent of infection, enters the human body, it becomes ill. At this time, special cells of the immune system, called B-lymphocytes, approach the microbe and find out its "weak points", relatively speaking. After such an acquaintance, B-lymphocytes begin to multiply, and then actively synthesize special proteins called immunoglobulins, or antibodies. These antibodies interact with the infectious microorganism, destroying it.

The problem is that each microbe-causative agent needs its own special antibodies. In other words, antibodies produced against measles will not be able to destroy rubella, etc. After an infection, a few antibodies to the pathogen remain in the human body, which go into an inactive state and are called memory cells. It is these memory cells that cause immunity to infection in the future. The mechanism of immunity is as follows: if a microbe enters the human body, then there are already antibodies against it, they simply activate, multiply rapidly and destroy the pathogen, preventing it from causing an infectious process. If there are no antibodies, then the process of their production takes some time, which may simply not be enough in the event of a serious infection, and as a result, the person will die.

The vaccine, on the other hand, allows the body to form such memory cells against dangerous infections without getting sick with them. To do this, weakened microbes are introduced into the body that are not capable of causing an infection, but sufficient for B-lymphocytes to react and be able to synthesize memory cells that will provide immunity to this pathology for a certain period.

Against. The child has a strong immune system, so children who are healthy from birth can easily endure any infection, even during an epidemic.

Behind. The body does not have such powerful defenses that will allow it to be completely resistant to infections, and if the disease is successfully transferred and recovered. Even an adult does not have such powers. The classic example is the flu, which happens every year. Moreover, you can be absolutely healthy, but during a flu epidemic you can get sick, so much so that you won’t be able to move for a week. There are people who get sick from time to time, and there are those who carry the flu every year. In this example, we are talking about the flu, a relatively harmless infection, which, however, takes the lives of almost 25,000 people in Russia every year. And think of much more severe and incredibly contagious infections like whooping cough, diphtheria, plague, smallpox, and so on.

Against. The child does not yet have a fully developed immune system, and vaccinations interfere with the natural course of things and disrupt the establishment of the correct defense mechanisms against diseases. Therefore, vaccinations should not be given until the immune system is fully formed.

Behind. It is true that the child's immune system is not fully mature at birth, but it is divided into two important parts that should not be confused. So, distinguish between specific and nonspecific immunity. The child has not fully formed only the mechanisms of nonspecific immunity, which are responsible for the destruction of pathogenic microbes on the mucous membranes, in the intestines, etc. It is the lack of nonspecific immunity that explains the child's frequent colds, his tendency to intestinal infections, long-term residual effects in the form of cough, runny nose, etc.

Nonspecific immunity protects our body from opportunistic microbes that are constantly on the skin and mucous membranes. Opportunistic microbes are microorganisms that are normally present in the human microflora, but do not cause disease. When nonspecific immunity decreases, opportunistic microorganisms can cause a very serious infection. It is this phenomenon that is observed in AIDS patients, whose nonspecific immunity practically does not function, and they become infected with the most harmless microbes that normally live on the skin and mucous membranes of a person. But nonspecific immunity has nothing to do with the process of protecting the body from severe infections caused by infectious microbes.

Specific immunity is, in fact, the process of formation of antibodies by B-lymphocytes, which has nothing to do with the mechanisms of non-specific protection. Specific immunity is aimed at destroying serious, contagious microbes, and non-specific immunity is necessary so that we do not get sick constantly due to the presence of E. coli in the intestines or staphylococcus on the skin. And children are born with insufficiently developed non-specific immunity, but with perfectly prepared specific immunity, which is fully formed and is just waiting, figuratively speaking, for a “combat mission”.

Vaccination is an action that is necessary to activate specific immunity. Therefore, vaccination in no way violates the processes of maturation, formation and development of nonspecific defense mechanisms. It's like two processes that run in parallel paths. In addition, vaccinations cause the activation of only one link of immunity, during which antibodies are produced against one specific infection. Therefore, it cannot be said that the vaccine is a kind of bulldozer that destroys all weak children's immunity. The vaccine has a targeted and targeted effect.

It is useful to know that the ability to synthesize antibodies develops in a child even in the womb, but nonspecific immunity is finally formed only by 5-7 years. Therefore, opportunistic microbes from the skin of the mother or father are more dangerous for the child than vaccinations. Normal work of nonspecific immunity is observed in children from 1.5 years old, therefore, only starting from this age, vaccines are introduced that use these mechanisms. Vaccines that involve nonspecific immunity include vaccinations against meningococcus (meningitis) and pneumococcus (pneumonia).

Against. If the child has safely lived up to 5 years, his immune system is fully formed, then now he definitely does not need any vaccinations - he is already healthy and will not get sick.

Behind. In this statement, specific and non-specific immunity are again confused. By the age of 5, nonspecific immunity is fully formed in a child, but it protects him from simple microorganisms, such as E. coli, staphylococcus living on the skin, many bacteria that normally live in the oral cavity, etc. But nonspecific immunity is not able to protect the child from serious infections, the pathogens of which can only be neutralized by antibodies, that is, specific immunity.

Antibodies are not produced independently - they are produced only as a result of a meeting, so to speak, of a personal acquaintance of a B-lymphocyte and a microbe. In other words, in order to form immunity to serious infections, it is necessary to introduce the body to the microbe - the pathogen. To do this, there are two options: the first is to get sick, and the second is to get vaccinated. Only in the first case, the child will become infected with full-fledged, strong microbes, and who will win in the course of such an "acquaintance" is unknown, because, for example, 7 out of 10 children with diphtheria die. And when a vaccine is administered, it contains either completely dead pathogens, or significantly weakened ones that cannot cause infections, but their ingestion is enough for the immune system to recognize them and develop antibodies. In the vaccine situation, we kind of play along with the immune system by introducing a pre-weakened enemy that is easy to defeat. As a result, we get antibodies and immunity to a dangerous infection.

Antibodies are not able to form without meeting with a microbe, under any circumstances! This is the nature of the immune system. Therefore, if a person does not have antibodies to any infection, then he is able to become infected at 20, and at 30, and at 40, and at 50, and at 70 years old. And who wins the battle when infected with an active microbe depends on many factors. Of course, the immune system functions fully, has already developed by the age of five, but as historical epidemics of infectious diseases have shown, in two cases out of three the pathogenic microbe wins. And only one out of three survives and has further immunity to this infection. But a person cannot inherit these mechanisms, so his children will be born again quite susceptible to infection with dangerous diseases. For example, adults in non-vaccinated Third World countries get perfectly infected and die from diphtheria, even though their immunity is fully developed!

Against. It is better to have childhood infections as a child than as an adult, when they are extremely poorly tolerated and difficult. These are measles, rubella and mumps.

Behind. Of course, children are easier to tolerate these infections than adults. Yes, and vaccination against them does not guarantee lifelong immunity, it is valid only for 5 years, after which it is necessary to vaccinate again. However, the following factors speak for these vaccinations:

  • possible infertility in boys after mumps;
  • high incidence of arthritis after childhood rubella;
  • the risk of developing fetal deformities in case of rubella disease in a pregnant woman up to 8 weeks.
However, after vaccination in childhood, it must be repeated. Therefore, under the condition that the child feels unwell or other factors that speak for refusing to be vaccinated, they can be taken into account and the prevention of these infections can be postponed to a later date.

Against. You don't have to give DPT at three months, when you do DTP-M at six, which contains a small dose of diphtheria particles. Let the child get less "muck".

Behind. The ADS-M vaccine is needed exactly at the age of six, provided that the child was vaccinated with DTP in infancy, since it alone is completely ineffective. In this case, you will not get the effect of only one dose of ADS-M, so you can not do this vaccination at all. The introduction of only ADS-M at the age of six is ​​a useless injection.
If for some reason the child does not have a whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria (DPT) vaccination by the age of six, then he is vaccinated according to the following schedule: 0 - 1 - 6 - 5. This means: the first vaccine is now, the second is in month, the third - in six months, the fourth - in five years. At the same time, the first three vaccines are administered with DPT, and only the fourth, five years later, with ADS-M.

Against. Vaccine companies just want to make more money, so they force everyone to give them, despite the harm, consequences and complications.

Behind. Of course, pharmaceutical concerns are not strictly charities, but they don't have to be. At one time, Louis Pasteur came up with the smallpox vaccine not for fun and not because he really wanted to make money and make everyone else mentally retarded idiots. As we can see, more than a hundred years have passed, people have ceased to die from smallpox, and mental retardation has not struck Europe, America, or Russia.

Pharmaceutical concerns work, they are not engaged in robbery raids and theft. After all, no one accuses producers of, say, bread or pasta, that they want to make fools of everyone and cash in on people, forcing them to buy their products. Of course, bakeries and pasta factories make a profit, but people can also buy food. It’s the same with vaccines – pharmaceutical factories make a profit, and people get protection from dangerous infections.

In addition, a lot of money is being invested in the development of new vaccines, the search for a cure for AIDS, and other industries. Pharmaceutical firms annually give away many doses of vaccine for free, for vaccination campaigns in third world countries.

In the end, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it! In Russia, there is an experience of refusing mass vaccination - this is the diphtheria epidemic observed in 1992-1996. At that time, vaccines were not purchased by the state, babies were not vaccinated - that's the result.

Against. There are thousands of examples that children who have been vaccinated get sick a lot and often, while unvaccinated children do not. In principle, an unvaccinated child is much easier to tolerate all the sores. Many parents noticed this in their families - the first child with vaccinations was constantly ill, and the second had no vaccines - and nothing, he coughed a couple of times at most.

Behind. This is not about vaccines. Let's see how often the first children who were vaccinated get sick. Often women marry after pregnancy, experience a lot of stress, housing and material problems are very acute. Again, the food is not very good. Naturally, a child is not born in the most optimal conditions, which contributes to frequent morbidity. And then there are vaccinations...

The second child is planned, the woman and the man are preparing, as a rule, they have a job, a stable income, and solved material and housing problems. The nutrition of a pregnant and nursing mother is much better, the child is expected, etc. Naturally, under such different conditions, the second child will be healthier, there will be less pain, and vaccinations have nothing to do with it. But the parents have already decided: the first one was vaccinated, so he was sick, and the second one is healthy, and does not get sick without any vaccines. It's decided - we cancel vaccinations!

In fact, the reason is not in vaccinations, but I don’t want to think about it. Therefore, before making a conclusion "if you have vaccinations - you get sick, if you don't get vaccinated - you don't get sick", think and analyze all the factors. After all, do not forget about the individual characteristics of the child. For example, there are also twins completely different, one is weak and sickly, and the other is strong and healthy. Moreover, they live and develop in exactly the same conditions.

Against. Vaccines contain dangerous substances - viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, preservatives (particularly mercury), which cause serious complications in children.

Behind. The vaccine does contain both viral particles and bacteria, but they are not capable of causing an infectious disease. Since in order to develop immunity against a specific infection, it is necessary to introduce the B-lymphocyte and the microbe, the need for the presence of particles of the microorganism-causative agent in the vaccine is clear. It contains particles of viruses or bacteria, or killed pathogens that simply carry the characteristic antigens necessary for B-lymphocytes to meet and produce antibodies. Naturally, a piece of a virus or a dead bacterium cannot in any way cause an infectious disease.

Let's move on to preservatives and stabilizers. The greatest number of questions is caused by formaldehyde and merthiolate.

Formaldehyde is used in the production of vaccines, which causes cancer in large quantities. In vaccines, this substance enters in trace amounts, its concentration is 10 times less than that produced by the body within 2 hours. So the idea that trace amounts of formaldehyde in a vaccine will lead to cancer is simply untenable. Much more dangerous is the drug Formidron, which also contains formaldehyde - they are used to eliminate excessive sweating. Having lubricated the armpits with Formidron, you risk absorbing much larger doses of a dangerous carcinogen through the skin!

Merthiolate (thiomersal, mercurothiolate) is also used in developed countries. The maximum concentration of this preservative in the hepatitis B vaccine is 1 g per 100 ml, and in other preparations it is even less. Translating this amount to the volume of the vaccine, we get 0.00001 g of merthiolate. This amount of substance is excreted from the body on average 3-4 days. At the same time, taking into account the content of mercury in the air of cities, the level of merthiolate introduced with the vaccine is compared with the background level after 2-3 hours. In addition, the vaccine contains mercury in an inactive compound. And poisonous mercury vapor that can cause damage to the nervous system is a completely different matter.

There is an interesting study on mercury. It turns out that it accumulates in mackerel and herring in large quantities. With regular consumption of the meat of these fish, they can lead to cancer.

Vaccinations for children: pros and cons - video

Should children be vaccinated strictly according to the calendar?

Of course not. An individual approach is needed with a thorough clarification of the child's condition, the study of the history of childbirth and development, as well as previous diseases. Since some conditions are a contraindication for immediate vaccination, which is postponed, depending on the situation, for six months or a year, or even two years. There is a situation when you can not put one vaccination, but you can another. Then you should postpone the contraindicated vaccine, and put the permitted one.

Parents often face the following problem. For example, the vaccination schedule for a child indicates that BCG is given first, followed by the polio vaccine. If the child has not been vaccinated with BCG, and the time has come for a polio vaccination, then nurses and doctors refuse to give polio without BCG! This behavior is motivated by the vaccination calendar, which clearly states: first BCG, then polio. Unfortunately, this is wrong. These vaccines are not related in any way, so you can get vaccinated against polio without BCG. Most often, medical workers, especially in state medical institutions, faithfully follow the letter of the instruction, often even to the detriment of common sense. Therefore, if you are faced with a similar problem, it is best to contact the vaccination center and get the necessary vaccination.

In principle, BCG is a prevention of tuberculosis, but if hygiene standards are observed and there is no contact with the patient, it is very difficult to get infected. After all, tuberculosis is a social disease that most often affects people who are malnourished, have low disease resistance, and live in unsanitary conditions. It is this combination that causes susceptibility to tuberculosis. To illustrate the nature of tuberculosis as a social disease, I will give two examples from personal practice.

First example. A boy from a quite decent family fell ill, his parents work, have a normal income, eat well, but the house is very dirty. They live in an old apartment that is 20 years old. Just imagine the conditions of a child's life, when the carpet in the large room has not been cleaned even once in all these years! It was covered with a tarp, which was simply shaken out when debris accumulated on it. The apartment was not vacuumed, only swept. Here, the cause of tuberculosis was a clear neglect of cleanliness.

Second example. The combination of all factors favorable for contracting tuberculosis is found in places of deprivation of liberty. Therefore, in correctional colonies and prisons, tuberculosis is simply raging.

In principle, it is intuitively clear to any competent doctor that vaccinations that were not delivered according to the schedule are administered according to the indications and depending on the situation, but not in any way according to the sequence available in the vaccination calendar for children. Therefore, the order of the calendar - BCG, then DPT, and only this way - of course, is not a strict sequence that is mandatory. Different vaccines have nothing to do with each other.

Another issue is when it comes to the second and third introductions. When it comes to DTP, it is necessary to observe the terms for the formation of full-fledged immunity to infections. In this case, the instruction that DTP is done three times with a break of one month between them is mandatory. Again, each instruction always prescribes possible options - what to do if vaccinations are missed, how many more vaccines to administer and in what sequence. Forgive me to explain this to you.

Finally, always remember that the presence of a birth injury or intestinal upset on the eve of vaccination are contraindications for their introduction strictly on schedule. In this case, the vaccination must be moved according to the requirements specified in the instructions for the vaccination case. For example, increased intracranial pressure in a child after childbirth leads to the need to postpone vaccinations, which can only be given a year after normalization of pressure. And indigestion is a contraindication to vaccination against polio, which is tolerated until the moment of complete recovery and the disappearance of signs of intestinal infection.

Is it necessary to vaccinate children?

Today in Russia, parents can refuse to vaccinate their children. Vaccination is not mandatory. But many children's institutions, such as kindergartens and schools, refuse to accept unvaccinated babies. Parents often say: "What are you afraid of? Your children are vaccinated, so if my child gets sick, it won't infect anyone!" This is, of course, true. But do not be so arrogant, not knowing the epidemiology.

When there is immunity in a population of people to a disease caused by vaccination, the causative agent of this infection does not disappear - it simply passes to other similar species. This happened with the smallpox virus, which is now circulating in the monkey population. The microorganism in such a situation can mutate, after which people will again become partially susceptible to it. First of all, unvaccinated people will become infected, and then those whose immunity is weakened, or for some reason they were susceptible to this changed microbe, despite vaccination. Therefore, a small percentage of unvaccinated people can do a disservice to everyone else.

Do children need to be vaccinated?

The answer to this question depends on the views of the parents, the willingness of people to think and, above all, the willingness to take responsibility for their decisions. In general, it is a personal matter for each person whether to be vaccinated or not. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

How do you feel about vaccinations? Has the child been vaccinated?

I have a daughter 1992. Up to 7 months, normal development, she crawled. Everything is fine. Before vaccination. Six months later, the diagnosis of cerebral palsy with prenatal development. WHAT THE FUCK. Now he doesn't even crawl. Send this non-folk medicine through the forest. I hope I'm not too late with prejudice.

My position on vaccinations is as follows:

"Most vaccines in most cases can be unnecessarily dangerous and undesirable for the child, and there are serious reasons to refuse them."

So, no more, but no less. I did not vaccinate my child, and I will not do so.

A person who refuses to be vaccinated must immediately be branded a rabid sectarian, a madman who risks the lives of children; paranoid, believing in the conspiracy theory of evil doctors... You know, I'm insanely tired about this. Tired of talking to stupid and illiterate people, just don't be offended. I am a biologist by training, and we had a course in immunology; plus, later on, I read a lot of books on immunology, and special materials, and I continue to read them to this day. Like it or not, but at the very least I understand the issue, at the level of basic concepts and special terminology - no doubt. And I must tell you that immunology is one of the most interesting, and at the same time, the most difficult sections of biology. People with whom you sometimes have to enter into a discussion on vaccination issues - in 99% of cases "understand" the issue at the level of several postulates:

  1. Vaccinations are the only way to save children from terrible diseases; a vaccinated child is not afraid of diseases; an unvaccinated child will die of disease;
  2. An unvaccinated child is dangerous for vaccinated children; he should not be allowed into the team with vaccinated children; (trying to understand how this point is consistent with the previous one? where is the logic here? don't try, it's useless).
  3. All vaccinations are completely safe for children, do not pose the slightest threat to them;
  4. All doctors and pharmacists are fully competent, irreproachably truthful, absolutely well-intentioned towards children;
  5. (as a conclusion from the previous ones): The one who refuses vaccinations is a) paranoid, according to paragraphs 3 and 4; b) an enemy to his own children, according to paragraph 1; c) the enemy and all surrounding children, too, according to paragraph 2 (this paragraph is especially interesting, since it takes the question beyond the scope of "his personal matter").

These postulates, like any dogmatic statements, are absolutely not subject to any doubt, do not need verification, are not shaken by any facts and reasoning. Talking to such people about vaccinations is a completely pointless exercise. Therefore, if you have knowledge about vaccinations - within the framework of the above postulates - I ask you to close this material, do not read it further. It is intended for people who have not yet completely lost the ability to think rationally, logically, and without prejudice, and who are interested in finding out how things are in reality, in fact, and not defending their opinions, whether they are right or not.

When the birth of a child loomed in our country, I began to prepare very carefully for this on a variety of issues, including the issue of vaccinations. Having shoveled and subjected to a detailed analysis a lot of materials, both anti-vaccination, and pro-vaccination, and neutral academic, I came to certain conclusions. Here they are:

  1. The question of the necessity and usefulness of vaccinations is very, very complex, requiring special consideration and analysis for each vaccination separately; for most vaccinations, there are strong arguments against their being needed at all; DEFINITELY this question does NOT look like "all vaccinations that are given are necessary and useful";
  2. The question of the safety and absence of threats from vaccinations is very, very complex, requiring special consideration and analysis for each vaccination separately; for most vaccinations, there are serious arguments that speak of a real, non-illusory danger to the health of the vaccinated child; DEFINITELY this question does NOT look like "all vaccinations that are given are completely safe for the child."
  3. Official medicine insists on the unconditional necessity and complete safety of all vaccinations; at the same time, in conflict with the information leading to the conclusions in paragraphs 1 and 2, she demonstrates the absence of any serious argumentation in favor of her statements; on the contrary, it clearly demonstrates the widespread use of psychological manipulation, pressure, intimidation, deliberately outright lies, and suppression of real facts.
  4. This behavior of official medicine is by no means a "conspiracy theory", but is fully explainable from the standpoint of, firstly, the total corruption of medical workers and officials who created the conditions for a strong material interest in the results of vaccination and complete irresponsibility for any consequences of vaccination; secondly, the general degradation of the public institution of medicine, both from the scientific and practical, and from the moral side, and the actual attitude of people and doctors to medical issues, as to religious issues - i.e. does not need confirmation or evidence. In general, the issues of the current situation in medicine need a separate consideration; business there is bad globally, and not only in pediatrics.
  5. In order to come to the above conclusions, an unbiased analysis of open information, including pro-vaccination and official information, is completely sufficient; at the same time, it is not necessary to be a specialist in immunology, it is enough to have a general education, common sense and knowledge of logic. A more detailed analysis of the information, with a deep dive into highly specialized biological and immunological issues, usually shows that the argument in favor of abstaining from vaccinations is even more solid and strong. In particular, the argumentation of the thesis that vaccination is a gross interference in the immune system, although it may give resistance to a particular disease, but causing a strong blow to immunity as a whole, is practically undeniable.

(At this point, there is another small digression aside from medicine to politics and psychology. It is customary for people to believe that the authorities and, in general, any higher authorities, initially treat them favorably, carry, so to speak, good, take care of all the people as a whole. And "Despite the petty reasons to be dissatisfied with the authorities, it is difficult for people to even theoretically accept the concept that the authorities can be hostile to the people. It is purely psychologically easier to reject this concept, since it is very unpleasant. Sometimes you have to obey the authorities in one way or another; well, it is one thing to obey the father very harsh family - you feel oppressed, but protected, it is another thing to submit to an unequivocal enemy: you feel like a slave who is threatened with death. Therefore, people often tend to dismiss without reasoning any claims that the authorities are doing some things, deliberately hostile to the people and to you personally, although at present the simplest analysis of reality shows that nothing else can explain what is happening.

In our countries, the authorities are essentially an occupational administration that acts for the benefit not of the people, but of foreign occupiers. The interests of which include, among other things, the systematic reduction of the population "by peaceful means". The simplest, visible to the naked eye, powerful directions of influence in this vein are the stimulation of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, and informational influence aimed at reducing the birth rate. In addition to these large ones, there are dozens of smaller, bearing fruit, actions of the authorities against the people (destruction of education, public morality, family values, normal health care, etc.), but this is not the topic of this article. So, based on this, I consider it extremely important to have the right psychological attitude towards any actions, any initiatives of the authorities. We do not know and cannot know all their secret thoughts and desires. However, if we believe that the authorities are in principle benevolent towards the people, then all their initiatives should be trusted. And if we believe that the authorities are, in principle, hostile to the people, then all their initiatives should be initially taken with skepticism, treated as hostile until the opposite is proven. As I said, psychologically it is not easy. However, you also need some kind of responsibility towards your children. Considering that your psychological comfort is more important than their life and health is somehow not quite in an adult way.

So, knowing and seeing how disregard the authorities treat the health of the people, and maliciously destroy it - I can’t believe that the pressure that they constantly exert towards vaccinations is an expansion of the list of vaccinations, an increase in the number of people who are vaccinated, arising from nowhere vaccinations against bird flu, swine cough, atypical diarrhea and other unknown Japanese crap - that all this pressure of the authorities is carried out in a fit of concern for the welfare of the people. And opposite assumptions come easily)

(finishing about vaccinations, I want to say that I deliberately did not touch on the discussion of specific issues of argumentation against vaccinations. Because this was done before me a long time ago, repeatedly, qualitatively and in full; why make an abstract if you can read the primary sources.)

Viktor Sergienko

To understand how dangerous vaccines are, it is enough to mention the fact that for 10 years not a single doctor or US pharmaceutical executive has dared to drink a mixture of standard additives found in most vaccines in the same amount, which, in accordance with the recommendations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000, received a six-year-old child. And this despite the promised reward of over $100,000.

If this fact seemed unconvincing to you, read the following facts:

1. A one-month-old child weighing 5 kg receives the same dose of vaccine as a five-year-old weighing 18 kg. Newborns with immature, undeveloped immune systems receive 5 times the dose (relative to body weight) than older children.

2. International studies show that vaccinations are one of the causes of SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

3. Almost always, childhood infectious diseases are benign and go away on their own. In addition, they lead to the development of lifelong immunity, while vaccination immunity is only temporary, so there is a re-vaccination.

4. Lifelong immunity is then transmitted from the mother through the placenta to her unborn child, vaccination immunity is not transmitted through the placenta.

5. There are no scientific studies to determine whether vaccines actually prevent disease. Rather, the incidence graphs show that vaccinations were administered at the end of the epidemic period, when the disease was already in the last stage.

6. There are no long-term vaccine safety studies. Only short-term tests are carried out, where vaccinated subjects are compared with a group that has been injected with another vaccine. In fact, you need to compare with a group of unvaccinated.

7. Independent private studies (Dutch and German) found that vaccinated children get sick much more than their unvaccinated peers. If you stop vaccinating children, their health improves markedly.

8. The child receives not one, but many vaccinations. There are no tests to determine the effect of combined vaccines.

10. Children are vaccinated simply because their parents are being bullied. Immunization of children is the most profitable business for both vaccine manufacturers and doctors.

11. Babies who are only breast milk are injected with powerful vaccine toxins, which is contrary to any logic and science.

12. Vaccines contain heavy metals (mercury, aluminum), carcinogens, pesticides, live and genetically modified viruses, serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic decontaminants and excipients, untested antibiotics, none of which can be administered without causing harm to the body.

13. Vaccines contain blood serum not only from chimpanzees and other monkeys, but also from cows, pigs, chickens, horses, and even human blood serum and tissues extracted from aborted embryos.

14. Deaths and permanent disability due to vaccinations are very common and are well known in the medical community. The government forbids doctors from disclosing this and linking such cases to vaccinations.

15. Most childhood infectious diseases have few serious consequences in today's world. Most infectious diseases are not only rarely dangerous, but they can play a vital role in developing a strong, healthy immune system. People who have not had measles have a higher incidence of some skin diseases, degenerative bone and cartilage diseases, and some tumors, while those who have not had mumps have a higher risk of ovarian tumors.

16. Many doctors say that illness in childhood is needed to train the immune system. By suppressing these diseases, we leave the immune system undeveloped, causing various autoimmune disorders such as diabetes and arthritis, which are now epidemic.

17. In the US, post-vaccination complications are reported and the government pays victims millions of dollars in compensation. In the CIS countries, you are not compensated for anything, you will have to run to the doctors yourself and treat complications by buying expensive medicines.

18. The BCG vaccine (against tuberculosis) in America and Europe was recognized as completely ineffective and was abandoned.

19. Oral polio vaccine (OPV) causes polio and other neurological and gastrointestinal disorders in children.

20. The Hepatitis B vaccine, recently introduced, is not intended for children at all, it is a sexually transmitted disease vaccine that should only be given to promiscuous adults.

21. Tetanus serum contains both aluminum and mercury, as well as tetanus toxoid - any of these components can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

22. The measles vaccine is a vaccine that regularly causes serious complications after vaccination.

23. According to the results of various independent studies, especially the Dutch and the latest German, where vaccinated and unvaccinated children are compared, it has been established that vaccinated children are prone to asthma, dermatitis, allergies, hyperactivity, etc.

24. The impact of vaccines on a child's developing brain is very high and can lead to speech, behavior and even dementia. A significant amount of research has convincingly shown that the practice of vaccinating children can lead to severe brain damage through numerous mechanisms. Because a baby's brain develops rapidly from the third trimester of pregnancy to two years of age, it is at serious risk.

25. Vaccine manufacturing is the most profitable pharmaceutical business. Billions of dollars are being made by vaccine firms.

If you still decide to vaccinate your child, then do it as late as possible, because:

The entire period of breastfeeding of the child is protected by antibodies transmitted to him with mother's milk. And only six months after the last breastfeeding, this protection disappears! Then you need to pass an immunological blood test for the presence of certain antibodies, and only after that you can be vaccinated (unless, of course, you decide to refuse vaccination altogether) against those diseases for which antibodies are not found in the blood.

The immunity of the child is finally formed only by the age of 6. And any interference (especially such a rough one as vaccination!) in this natural process can lead to irreversible consequences and affect the rest of your life. If you still decide to vaccinate your child, then it is better to start doing this after 5-6 years!

Additional Information:

Interview with Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya- a well-known virologist, candidate of biological sciences, an independent expert in virology, the author of four monographs on the problems of vaccination.

The 2016 film "VACCINED: FROM FALSE TO DISASTER". On the falsification of scientific research.

The benefits and harms of vaccines have been debated since the inception of vaccines. The reason is the undeniable beneficial properties of preventive measures and the likelihood of serious consequences.

What is a vaccine and why is it needed

Vaccination experts call a set of parts of harmful microorganisms or whole microbes that differ in a modified form and are introduced into the human body to form immunity to a specific infection. Such vaccinations are considered prophylactic (safety) because of their focus on the prevention of dangerous infectious diseases that can cause harm.

Vaccinations are differentiated depending on their properties:

  • a microorganism that is artificially weakened and is the cause of the disease (polio vaccine);
  • substances that are considered toxic to humans and are produced by harmful microorganisms during their life;
  • serum of animals immune to infection by artificial means.

Important! The first information about the benefits of vaccinations dates back to the 8th century and is associated with Indian medical treatises.

Supporters of immunization argue that the benefits of vaccinations are undeniable. It was the vaccine that allowed to increase the duration of human life.

Are vaccinations dangerous?

The opinion of doctors about the dangers of vaccinations was divided. Modern vaccination is a drug, the properties of which depend on the type of vaccine. The harm and danger of vaccination are due to the presence of substances toxic to humans:

  1. Merthiolate. The organic compound contains mercury, which opponents of immunization believe can cause the characteristic symptoms of heavy metal poisoning. It should be borne in mind that poisoning can be observed only by inhalation of metal vapors. Vaccination has other properties. Merthiolate is fatal in 50% of cases when administered at high doses. Vaccinations contain a tiny dose of a substance that is not capable of causing serious harm.
  2. aluminum hydroxide. The compound is included in beneficial inoculations administered intramuscularly. The presence of aluminum hydroxide brings benefits, which is the formation of an adequate immune response. The substance does not cause harm, since the compound is gradually excreted from the body on its own.
  3. Formaldehyde. This substance is produced by the cells of the body and utilized by special mechanisms. The harm of formaldehyde is greatly exaggerated due to the subsequent disposal of the substance and the formation of non-toxic components.
  4. Phenol. The Mantoux test includes this substance. Own cells form phenol in larger quantities, which proves the absence of harm and the presence of utilization mechanisms.

The benefits of preventive vaccinations are significant. Useful properties of vaccines are provided by the components included in their composition. In high doses, they can be harmful. Experts emphasize that even the most dangerous vaccines contain low doses of substances that are unable to cause harm to health.

Arguments against vaccination

It is noteworthy that arguments against vaccinations appeared in parallel with mass immunization. As a rule, the evidence for the harm of vaccines is quite subjective and is associated with emotional speculation, religious and pseudoscientific arguments. People who oppose vaccination often do not have medical training and have not experienced the consequences of not vaccinating.

The main arguments in favor of the ineffectiveness of vaccinations include:

  • Lack of complete protection against the disease. It must be borne in mind that the vaccine protects not so much from the disease, but from dangerous complications that are harmful to health and can lead to death. There are significant benefits of vaccination for children. Some infectious diseases cause significant harm in childhood. A useful property of immunization is the mild course of the disease, which can be cured without consequences.
  • Vaccinations are not needed due to the absence of epidemics. According to observations and studies, a massive refusal to vaccinate is dangerous for the emergence of an epidemic. There is also the possibility of strain mutations.
  • The harm of vaccinations for adults and children is due to the presence of hazardous components. Each preparation contains preservatives that may prevent side effects due to their characteristic properties. However, the concentration of these components is too insignificant to cause serious harm to health. All medicinal products undergo the necessary tests, which are a prerequisite for their entry into the market and direct use.
  • The harm of vaccinations to newborns outweighs the benefits due to gross interference with the immune system. Harm from vaccination includes the development of allergic reactions, SARS, chronic pathologies. In fact, only healthy infants who can bear the burden are eligible for immunization. The admission is mandatory examinations by a pediatrician and the performance of laboratory tests proving the adequate functioning of the body. A system of contraindications for children with reduced immunity has been developed.
  • Adverse reactions of vaccinations lead to the development of chronic diseases in a severe form, which can be harmful. The concern is related to the presence of hazardous substances in vaccines. To date, there is no scientific evidence indicating the benefits and harms of vaccinations for children.
  • Side effects lead to disability. The frequency of undesirable effects is comparable to those after the use of other medications. Serious complications that are harmful to health are relatively rare (one case per 10,000 vaccinations). As a rule, they are associated with non-compliance with the basic rules of immunization. Some people misinterpret the condition after a vaccine. It is necessary to differentiate the reaction to the drug and the development of complications.

Important! A person receives more harmful substances from the environment than with immunization.

Possible side effects from vaccinations

A useful vaccination refers to an immunobiological preparation that leads to the necessary changes in the form of the formation of immunity to certain serious diseases of an infectious nature. However, the possibility of adverse reactions associated with the properties of the drugs introduced into the body cannot be ruled out.

In general, side effects (short-term fever, local reaction) are considered normal. These phenomena reflect the process of the formation of immunity and are associated with the penetration of foreign antigens into the child's body. The benefits of vaccinations for children are noted with unexpressed reactions, which indicate a high activity of immunity. Their absence refers to the individual property of the organism.

If severe adverse reactions (temperatures above 40 °C) occur, the physician should be informed. The specialist will carry out the necessary medical measures, as well as fill out important documents for quality control of vaccinations. If adverse effects occur in several people, the batch of the drug is confiscated for the purpose of detailed verification.

Important! It is necessary to take into account the typical reactions after the introduction of a particular vaccine.

Exacerbation of gastritis after vaccination against rubella is not associated with the action of the drug. This vaccination is characterized by the appearance of swelling in the area of ​​​​large joints.

Allocate general and local adverse reactions, the occurrence and nature of which depend on the type of vaccine. Local reactions include:

  • edema;
  • redness or hyperemia;
  • soreness;
  • local seal.

The cause of local reactions is considered to be aseptic inflammation due to the action of the drug or an injection that injures the skin and muscle.

Common unwanted effects include:

  • elevated temperature;
  • rash;
  • crying and restlessness;
  • cold extremities;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dizziness and headache.

Often there are effects such as rash and fever associated with the properties of drugs. The rash is caused by the introduction of antiviral agents and the penetration of the microorganism into the skin. This phenomenon is not harmful. Hyperthermia is a kind of immune response. In the case of contact between immune cells and antigens, pyrogens are released into the blood, which leads to an increase in temperature.

Development of complications

When quoting scientists about the dangers of vaccinations, it is necessary to understand that vaccination saves millions of lives, but can cause serious harm to a few. The development of complications depends on the properties of a particular vaccination and the individual characteristics of the person being vaccinated.

Important! It is necessary to differentiate PVR (post-vaccination reactions) and PVO (post-vaccination complications).

Post-vaccination reactions are unexpressed short-term, pass on their own and do no harm. The development of complications cannot be predicted, however, a thorough examination before vaccination and compliance with certain rules is the prevention of their occurrence. Post-vaccination complications are long-term, go beyond physiological norms and can be harmful to health.

Post-vaccination complications are:

  • toxic or pronounced;
  • allergic, accompanied by symptoms of disorders of the functioning of the nervous system;
  • rare.

PVO is differentiated from the complicated progression of the post-vaccination period. In this case, complications associated with vaccination are observed that are not associated with vaccination.

Air defenses usually include:

  • anaphylactic shock (during the day);
  • Quincke's edema, Lyell's or Steven-Johnson's syndrome;
  • encephalitis;
  • serum sickness;
  • encephalopathy;
  • neuritis;
  • meningitis;
  • polyneuritis (Guillain-Barré syndrome);
  • convulsions (within a year);
  • paralysis;
  • vaccine-associated poliomyelitis;
  • violation of sensitivity;
  • myocarditis;
  • hypoplastic anemia;
  • collagenoses;
  • an ulcer or abscess at the injection site;
  • decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • keloid scar;
  • osteitis;
  • crying for 3 hours (child);
  • sudden death.

Reasons for air defense include:

  • vaccination against the background of contraindications;
  • violation of instructions for the introduction of the vaccine;
  • poor quality of the drug;
  • individuality of human properties and reactions.

The video contains information about the dangers of vaccinations:

Important! Identification of contraindications, compliance with the vaccination technique, quality control of administered drugs are the prevention of PVO.

The benefits of vaccinations

It is difficult to say unequivocally whether vaccinations are harmful or beneficial. This is due to their properties and the individual characteristics of the person being vaccinated.

Vaccinations benefit both children and adults. Their useful property lies in the prevention of epidemics of some serious diseases. However, certain negative properties that appear when instructions are not followed cannot be ignored.

The beneficial effect of vaccinations provides for the appearance of immunity to infections and the so-called memory cells. When the microbe enters the body, formed antibodies will begin to act. The benefit is to prevent the development of the inflammatory process. Otherwise, the production of antibodies will take time, and in the presence of a dangerous infection, a person may die.

A useful property of vaccination involves the production of antibodies (memory cells) when a person is not sick. Weakened pathogens that cannot cause disease are introduced into the body. However, this is sufficient for the formation of memory cells.

Thanks to the vaccination, useful specific immunity develops. It does not affect the immune system completely, but only on its individual links.

The production of useful antibodies is possible only when the immune system comes into contact with a pathogen, which occurs either when a disease occurs or when a vaccine is administered. Infection is fraught with dangerous consequences (infertility, arthritis) up to and including death. Vaccination involves the introduction of weakened or dead pathogens into the body. This useful event allows you to form an immune response against a specific microbe.

Reminder for parents who vaccinate their child

Immunization is carried out according to the calendar. Identification of contraindications is the reason for shifting the date of immunization.

  • it is undesirable to bathe and walk with the child for two days after immunization, since hypothermia, contact with other people can cause additional stress and SARS;
  • when the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, an antipyretic should be given;
  • a local reaction requires consultation with a specialist and the use of antihistamines.

Within 2 weeks before immunization, the child must be completely healthy. The conclusion about the state of health at the time of vaccination includes the performance of laboratory diagnostics of urine and blood.


The benefits and harms of vaccinations are obvious not only to specialists. This preventive method is optional. However, its beneficial properties often prevent dangerous consequences in the event of a disease.

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Yulia Viktorovna Andronnikova, head of the pediatric department of the Center for Traditional Obstetrics (Moscow), a pediatrician of the highest category, shares her knowledge and experience on the issue of vaccination.

Yulia Viktorovna, the topic of vaccination, one might say, has split our society into two camps - supporters of being vaccinated exclusively according to the national calendar and ardent opponents of vaccination as such. Which camp do you belong to?

I definitely don't consider myself anti-vaccination. Rather, I am opposed to the vaccination system that we have today. Dissatisfaction with this system is not unfounded. Our leading immunologists, vaccinologists, for example, N.V. Medunitsyn, say that vaccination will become safe when it becomes personalized, individual.

I personally really want her to become individual. Not being anti-vaccination, I share some of the positions of the anti-vaccinators. First of all - in not vaccinating newborns. This is one of the highlights. Babies must be treated with the utmost care.

The second point is the use of live vaccines. Unfortunately, in my practice, back in the days when I worked as a district doctor (it was 1997), there was a case when a one-year-old child died after being vaccinated with live polio. It was very difficult to prove then any connection with the vaccine, although that day in the morning the child and mother were at the medical examination, they went through all the specialists, passed the tests, that is, there were all the documents confirming that the child was healthy. They made a live polio vaccine - and by the evening the child was gone. According to the forensic experts, it was some kind of fleeting flu, although the child did not have any signs of flu, the tests were in order.

I always treat this issue very carefully - although I vaccinate a lot.

What is the mechanism of action of the vaccine? What types of vaccines are there?

Vaccines are antibacterial, antiviral and antitoxic - depending on which component is contained in the composition. For example, vaccines containing processed toxins are used against those diseases in which toxins have the main damaging effect, such as diphtheria, tetanus.

Why are vaccines administered? To get an immune response. To develop specific antibodies to a given bacterium, virus, or toxin. When we say that with the help of vaccination it is possible to defeat the disease forever, we must understand that this happens very rarely - only when the vaccine is used against a bacterium or virus, and when everyone is vaccinated against a specific infection. Theoretically, this is possible, as was the case with smallpox.

We will never defeat diphtheria and tetanus, because in this case we vaccinate not against the disease, but against complications - from the toxin. The mechanism here is this: a vaccine - an organism - an immune response, and the most important thing in this chain is the body of a particular person. The body has to give this immune response, so it has to be healthy, mature enough for that.

As you know, in our country there is a national vaccination calendar, according to which the first vaccinations (against hepatitis B and tuberculosis) must be given to a newborn already in the maternity hospital. What is your position on this issue?

My position is very tough: I do not recommend vaccinating newborns, because, firstly, when the child was just born, we still do not know anything about him: neither the state of his immunity, nor any possible deviations. And, secondly, as I said, I am a supporter of an individual approach to vaccination.

An absolute contraindication for live vaccines is an immunodeficiency state. What if the child has it? At the hospital, we don't know that yet.

At what age can a child be accurately diagnosed with an immunodeficiency state?

After the first month of a child's life, it is already clear whether there are any purulent manifestations in his body or not. Partially, this process can veil the process of breastfeeding. But by about 3 months, we can already guess about it.

There are situations when a child was born, and in the morning he is in good condition, and by the evening it has worsened - this often happens. And now, he is already being treated for pneumonia, for something else, and during this time we manage to get vaccinated. This is a factor that can worsen the course of the underlying disease or partly become a trigger for the disease.

The production of IgG immunoglobulins, which have immunological memory, reaches an optimal level at 6-8 months of age. And for most children, this is a good time to start vaccinations. We already know the child, we can normalize some aspects of the baby's health and get an immune response, which we count on when vaccinated.

The content of immunoglobulins in the blood serum of a child Vaccination is always a weighing of the risk from the vaccine and the risk from the disease. Now we live in a situation of epidemiological well-being for major diseases (diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis) and therefore we can afford to postpone vaccination a little, choose a good vaccine, and watch our child. If the epidemiological threshold is different - for example, an outbreak of diphtheria threatens - then we will rely on other immunoglobulins (IgM, which do not have immunological memory, but are produced earlier and can protect a young child) and vaccinate at an earlier date.

Is the hepatitis B situation in our country good now?

Not bad.

In this case, at what age is it better to vaccinate against it?

A teenager must be vaccinated against hepatitis B - this is not discussed at all. It is possible earlier. Situations are different: there is a risk, albeit a very small one, that the child will go outside and meet with a syringe thrown by a drug addict. This is also a risk.

There are accidents, surgeries, blood transfusions. When the body has matured and gives a good immune response, we can be vaccinated. After 8 months, you can safely be vaccinated against hepatitis B, especially since now there is a good recombinant vaccine against this virus and a combined vaccine Infanrix-Hexa.

Should I be vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG) at the maternity hospital? Many parents refuse to vaccinate against hepatitis B, but they do BCG, explaining this, among other things, by the fact that later this vaccine cannot be given anywhere ...

There is such a moment. It is connected with the fact that BCG should be done by those specialists who have been trained and who have extensive experience. BCG is the only vaccine that requires a very serious administration technique. It is done intradermally, and the skin of a child is very thin, it is very difficult to get into the desired intradermal layer, you need to hold the needle at a certain angle - that is, this is a technique that you really need to master. An ordinary intramuscular injection can be given by a person who does this infrequently, and he will not miss, but there is a certain difficulty with BCG. And, unfortunately, the possibility of complications may depend on the technique of administration. However, it can be quite easy to put in a regular clinic. There is no choice of TB vaccines.

As for my position, I am not a supporter of BCG vaccination at all. I always cite as an example the WHO documents of recent years (2011, 2013, 2015), which are aimed at combating tuberculosis as a disease in general, at combating child mortality from tuberculosis. There are no recommendations for BCG vaccination. On the contrary, the 2011 document clearly states that the BCG vaccine, created in 1921, has shown to be ineffective.

And at the same time, in no case do I want to relax my parents about the fact that there is no tuberculosis, and we will never meet with it. But there is a paradox here: people (including children) who have an individual predisposition get sick with tuberculosis, and they can also get complications from a live vaccine, especially if it is administered at an early age. This is a very difficult period when there is very little self-protection - and if there is a predisposition, then the child may get sick. On this issue, I always recommend reading V.P. Sukhanovsky - I agree with every word he says regarding the BCG vaccine.

Do you think that in principle it is not worth getting vaccinated against tuberculosis during life?

Theoretically (precisely theoretically), the BCG vaccine protects against severe forms of tuberculosis, tuberculous encephalitis, tuberculous meningitis, etc., which, according to statistics, fall ill with 1 person in 5 million cases. Therefore, I believe that massively vaccinating all children with a live vaccine, which disrupts their immunity formation, which can cause complications, is, in general, inappropriate. Tuberculosis is a social disease, its socio-economic growth and improvement in the quality of life will win. Unfortunately, we are not at that level of well-being now.

On the other hand, early, high-quality and reliable diagnosis of tuberculosis can improve the situation, but it also suffers in our country, in general. If tuberculosis had been detected early and treated on time, the situation would have been different. Now the main diagnostic method is still the Mantoux reaction, which has many false positive reactions, and this entails going to the TB dispensary with the child, additional studies, sometimes X-ray, and so on. Appeared 8–10 years ago diaskintest, unfortunately, has a small percentage of false negative reactions, but still more reliable.

Thus, the BCG vaccine stands apart from other vaccines. If with other vaccines, due to the favorable epidemiological situation, we can wait, because there is no risk of getting sick, then the situation is different: there is a risk of getting sick, but there is no effective vaccine, the current vaccine does not protect, and sometimes itself gives complications in the form of BCG.

What can parents do to prevent tuberculosis, apart from vaccination?

First, the minimum number of contacts of the child with potential carriers is important. Usually we say this: a healthy newborn - in a healthy family. When doctors get a job, they take x-rays, give a smear for staphylococcus aureus, not to mention HIV, syphilis and so on. Why not make such an examination for the parents and the closest environment of the child (grandparents, nannies), who are constantly in contact with him? Mom needs such an examination to a lesser extent, since she is examined during pregnancy, but the rest ... An elementary swab from the throat can show us the presence of various adverse threats. In an adult, unlike a child, tuberculosis is always in the lungs. Why not do those who go to the house, fluorography?

Next moment. Mycobacterium tuberculosis does not like ventilation, fresh air. If these elementary conditions are observed, then people do not get sick even with close contact. Although newborns, in principle, are more predisposed to this, since their immune system is still weakened. Nevertheless, if there are no sick people in the close environment, then the child, in general, has no chance of getting sick either.

Why is a live vaccine bad?

A live vaccine retains some of its properties: it can multiply, it can be stored in the body for a long time. A killed vaccine, even if it does not work, will simply be excreted from the body. And living - especially Mycobacterium tuberculosis - can enter the cells and remain in them for quite a long time. Therefore, for example, complications to the BCG vaccine can occur after a year and a half. That is, bacteria dormant in the body for a year and a half, and then cause a difficult process.

And what could it be?

It may be tuberculous osteomyelitis, a generalized BCG infection. But this is not tuberculosis in its purest form, these are BCGs. There is a slightly different kind of bacteria, but nevertheless, the process is very similar and very difficult to treat. This, again, affects children who have an individual predisposition, they have their own problems with immunity, and if they get sick, the treatment process is long and difficult. Fortunately, such complications are rare.

In general, live vaccines can multiply in the body. The polio vaccine is also live. One of the places where it multiplies is the intestines, therefore, it is very easily released into the environment. Standing out in the environment, he can either immediately infect someone (although this happens very rarely), or he can live in the sewers, change his properties and begin his path of "feral".

In this case, are the unvaccinated at risk?

Yes, of course, mostly unvaccinated. If a person is vaccinated, he does not care what kind of polio he will meet - with wild or vaccine. He won't get sick from either one. And if the unvaccinated meets with the vaccinated or wild, then an unfavorable situation may arise.

Is it better to vaccinate at 7-8 months or the later, the better, for example, at 3 years? At what age is the immune response best?

At 3 years old, he is also very good, another thing is that the usual reaction to the vaccine may be more pronounced. The immune response matures by 6-7 months, and, starting from this age and up to 1.5-2 years, sometimes 3 years, the child perceives vaccination well. His body is tuned to perceive and respond. And after 3 years it becomes strong and can already give more pronounced normal reactions. These are not pathological reactions, that is, they do not harm the body, but the body's response may be more violent, brighter - the temperature will rise, the local reaction will be more pronounced. But this is a common reaction to vaccination.

If it were possible to check everyone individually, probably, in such a situation, not three vaccines, but two, would be enough for a particular child, and he would already have a good immune response. But for this there should be some kind of guideline: how many antibodies should there be in order not to give the child a third vaccination? Unfortunately, there is no such data yet, so there is nothing to focus on.

Professor Medunitsyn also speaks about this: “ Immunological personalization of vaccination can be carried out by selecting a vaccine among similar vaccines, choosing doses, vaccine administration schemes, using adjuvants and other immunomodulating agents. Naturally, each vaccine has its own characteristics, and each vaccine preparation requires its own tactics of immunological correction”; “Immunity assessment can be done before and after primary immunization or at any stage of the vaccination cycle. This allows you to determine the need for further immunization, cancellation of vaccination, or, conversely, the adoption of measures to enhance the immune response of the vaccinated. Correction of the level of immunity by antibody titers in high-risk individuals is available and real».

There are also people whose body, in principle, does not give an immune response, no matter what vaccinations they are given. It is believed that they are 5-7%. This does not mean that when they meet with an infection, they will definitely get sick - their immunity works a little differently, and maybe they are just the most protected in this regard. There are people who give a hyperimmune response, and perhaps a lower dose of vaccine multiplicity is enough for them. There are even situations when the third vaccination inhibits the action of the previous ones. This is just a question of the future individual approach. So far, unfortunately, we do not have this.

Are there absolute contraindications for vaccination?

Now the only contraindication for which vaccination is not carried out, and then only with live vaccines, is congenital immunodeficiency syndrome. Acquired too: HIV-infected people are not vaccinated with live vaccines. And killed vaccines can be vaccinated, but with certain conditions.

In general, now there are practically no contraindications to vaccination. Previously, pediatricians had the opportunity to give a medical exemption: for example, a child has atopic dermatitis - we gave him a medical exemption for a week, for two, for a month. Now, when parents come and ask to write a medical certificate, they complain that the child is sick all the time, we cannot do this. We must cure the child and vaccinate him within two weeks.

And who should not be vaccinated until 7-8 months and should be given earlier?

There are such situations. We definitely vaccinate at the newborn age those children whose father or mother is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus. Since this disease is still very dangerous, we vaccinate such children.

Next, take, for example, pneumococcus. This disease exists in nature, but most children get sick absolutely calmly, rarely anyone develops pneumonia and some complications. But children with serious illnesses, such as heart disease, can get pneumonia or other complications that can greatly worsen the condition of the heart or even be incompatible with life.

The same with bronchial asthma. When I started working, asthmatics were almost never vaccinated, it was believed that this was an allergic disease, and they should not be vaccinated. Then we actively got acquainted with foreign experience and saw that in the West asthmatics are vaccinated very actively and have good results. In my practice, when I was still working in a polyclinic (approximately in 2002-2004), there was an experience when children with bronchial asthma were actively vaccinated against pneumococcus. Children got sick much less, their asthmatic attacks became more rare.

Therefore, the approach here may vary. But there are children who definitely need to be vaccinated, because any disease - even chickenpox - can be dangerous for them. Although I don't like being vaccinated against chicken pox.


The chickenpox vaccine is a live vaccine. It hasn't been used for a very long time. If we weigh the danger from the disease and the danger from the vaccine, I prefer in this case that the children get sick. Firstly, children receive stable lifelong immunity, and there is a guarantee that they will not get sick in adulthood and old age. Secondly, chickenpox is not a very serious disease. Yes, now they are writing that there are adverse outcomes of chickenpox, but this is not chickenpox itself, but again, background conditions suggesting the presence of the herpes simplex virus or cytomegalovirus. When they are combined with chickenpox, they can cause complications, but this is a very small percentage.

Therefore, my position is that the child must be ill with chickenpox. Still, there are things that a child should be sick with. The child must develop this immunity, have the opportunity to develop it. If he has not been ill before adolescence, it makes sense to vaccinate him, because with age, the course of chickenpox worsens.

What other diseases are among those that are better to get sick in childhood?

Chickenpox, rubella, and even measles and mumps (mumps) if the child is generally healthy. These are children's infections, which in childhood get sick quite safely.

There has always been a lot of rubella in our country, they began to vaccinate against it not so long ago, and in children this disease has always flowed quite easily, sometimes even imperceptibly. But the girls received stable lifelong immunity and were no longer afraid of rubella by the time they became pregnant.

Now in our country, since 2010, there has been an increase in the incidence of measles. Pediatricians do not really like to put it, because it requires a double test of blood from a vein for antibodies. However, it is very difficult to force a mother 2 weeks after the child's illness, when he is already absolutely healthy, to send blood from a vein. And the diagnosis must be confirmed by an increase in antibody titer. If the first analysis of the mother is still being passed, then the second one, which should confirm the growth of antibodies, is no longer there. Therefore, most district doctors do not like to put measles and, in order to avoid trouble, they put, for example, urticaria instead. But we see this disease, and children get sick with it quite safely. My patients tolerated measles very easily, without any adverse effects.

From all of these diseases, it makes sense to be vaccinated in adolescence, starting at 12 years old. We look at the level of antibodies in adolescence, and if they are not, then we are vaccinated.

Should children be vaccinated against pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae?

If the child is healthy, then I also do not recommend vaccinating against pneumococcus and hemophilic infection. But I recommend vaccinating against pneumococcus for frequently ill children, adults, the elderly and children with complicated background conditions. As for hemophilic infection, in adulthood it does not have such a negative effect on the body as pneumococcus, from which, unfortunately, people die, for example, those receiving chemotherapy, limited in movement after a stroke or heart attack, injuries, etc. In many countries, this vaccine is mandatory for the elderly.

Yes, definitely. I cannot afford to leave children without vaccinations against these infections, because serious diseases that give a fairly large percentage of complications, a fairly high mortality and disability. I would especially focus on meningococcus, which is not even included in our national calendar, but it is from it that we most often lose children.

As you know, the situation with vaccines in our country has not been the easiest since last year, although now it seems to be improving. I recommend vaccines Tetraxim, or Pentaxim, or Infanrix Hexa. I have been working with them for a long time, about 10 years, and I see a good effect, minimal negative reactions from the body.

I repeat: the state of the body at the time of vaccination is the most important component of this process. You can take the best vaccine and put it in the most unfavorable period - and we will get complications. At the same time, if everything is fine in the body, then even a vaccine that is not the best will not give serious complications.

For example, DTP?

Yes, including. For 10 years, until 2004, I worked in a state clinic and vaccinated with the domestic DTP vaccine, because there was no other choice. And I think that if you approach the child carefully and carefully, then in general it does not give a huge number of complications. But if you miss something somewhere: do not take tests, do not look at the state of the body, miss the contact of the child with sick family members, then there is a risk that the child will tolerate the vaccine much worse. The main thing is still the state of the body, the vaccine is secondary.

I say this also because for many years we lived in conditions of a sufficient number of vaccines of good quality. There were a lot of them, now there are difficulties with them. But this does not mean that if diphtheria comes tomorrow, then we will wait for the French vaccine: no, if diphtheria comes, we will be vaccinated with what we have. Probably, it will be easier for me to vaccinate with the ADS vaccine, without the pertussis component. But what will be, we will be grafted on.

There is a Russian vaccine Meningo, A, it is used only during the rise of the disease. There is a French Meningo vaccine, A + C, it is well absorbed from a year and a half. Before a year and a half, it makes no sense to do it, because we will not get that good immune response that we want. There is a Menactra vaccine, it can be done from the age of 8 months, it is quite effective.

This year in Moscow and the Moscow region there is an unfavorable situation with regard to meningitis. The media is silent about this, although there are cases of the disease, including fatal ones.

Meningococcal infection is different in that a person (child or adult) can be a carrier, and at the same time he will not have any pain, or there will be a normal cough and runny nose (nasopharyngitis), caused just by meningococcus. In young children, meningococcemia can develop - this is a severe form of the disease that develops very quickly and can end quite unfavorably. Therefore, this is a rather serious disease. Of all the severe childhood infections, I most often encountered it in my medical life, so I fear it the most.

And if a child was vaccinated with Pentaxim, and then he disappeared, is it possible to be vaccinated with another vaccine?

Yes, they are all interchangeable.

What vaccination schedule should be after a break due to the lack of a foreign vaccine?

Look at the break. If two vaccinations were made on time with a difference of 1.5–2 months, then we calmly do the third, and then we do revaccination a year later. Thus, we did two vaccinations, got a certain level of immunity, the third one will strengthen us, and revaccination in a year will help us. If there was a very large gap between the first and second vaccination, then the second and third vaccinations are given and a revaccination is given a year later. That is, the effect of the delivered vaccinations is preserved.

To date, only the hepatitis B vaccine is lost: if the second vaccination was not done on time, after 4 months, then you need to start all over again.

What examinations should be carried out on the eve of vaccination?

I want to note that in our country there is a very good standard for monitoring children in the first year of life. It is much more complete than in other countries where there is no such thorough examination of children under one year old. Sometimes they even laugh at it, they say, why is it necessary. So, if this standard is observed, then in principle we have an idea of ​​the state of health of the child at the time of vaccination.

The most unfavorable combination is vaccination and inflammatory processes in the body. It basically gives the most frequent complications - as well as the immaturity of the nervous system. Therefore, before vaccination, fresh blood and urine tests should be on hand (they should be perfect), and on the day of vaccination, a careful examination by a pediatrician. And mother's attention to the child for 3-4 days on the eve of vaccination (parents know the child best, they need to pay attention to everything that deviates from the norm and report it to the pediatrician), as well as the absence of any dangerous contacts in the immediate environment.

But what if the tests before vaccination showed low hemoglobin?

If hemoglobin is below 100, then this is anemia that requires treatment, and then there is no talk of any vaccination.

If a child has an allergy, then we also do not vaccinate?

Allergies should be approached differently. In general, the child must be healthy before vaccination. This does not mean that if he has an allergy today, and tomorrow it has passed, then we will calmly vaccinate him. No. We must understand what this process is. It is very rare for young children to be truly allergic to something. We must understand where the problem is: in the digestive system (intestines, liver)? Or is it a food problem? First you need to deal with the condition and remove it, and then go for vaccination.

Does it make sense to do tests like the "Eli-Vaccine-test" before vaccination, or is this an over-insurance?

The "Eli-Vaccine Test" shows the readiness of the immune system to respond so that the vaccination is not wasted, and also shows the possible risks.

I will express my personal opinion. I have many children. I don't do the "Eli-Vaccine-test" for everyone, because I know these children well. At one time I did it for everything, but then I realized that basically it confirms my clinical observations. If your child is observed somehow or not observed at all, and you yourself cannot assess the condition of the child, then it is better to do a test. He has meaning.

There are different situations. For example, I do not like to vaccinate three-month-olds, but, for example, the family leaves for India. If that's the case, I can't let them go without a shot, so we do the Eli Vaccine Test. It happens that parents are very worried before vaccination, and then we do it for reinsurance, so that they feel calmer. Or it seems to me that the child is not yet ready: he still has an immature intestine, lactase deficiency, and some other manifestations of immaturity. Then we do this test, and I understand that at least there are no risks. The immune system may not be ready yet, but at least there are no risks. Risks are very serious, especially from the side of the nervous system, especially in the current situation of an increase in the incidence of autism.

By the way, about autism. Anti-vaccinators cite the thesis of the link between vaccinations and autism as one of the main arguments against vaccinations. Is such a relationship really possible?

We now live in an era of evidence-based medicine. Evidence-based studies in the US and Denmark have not shown a link between vaccines and autism. But, nevertheless, autism is an autoimmune inflammation that is associated with endogenous (internal) intoxication of the body. And we live in a world where we can get intoxicated anywhere - and vaccination is not the primary (but possible) source here.

It doesn't matter where heavy metals come from in the body - from a vaccine or from somewhere else. I now have a child with incomprehensible anemia. We passed the analysis for trace elements, and it turned out that he had a lot of gallium in his body. Where did he get this gallium from? The child has no objective reasons for anemia: he eats well, from a good family, hemoglobin level is very good up to a year - and suddenly his hemoglobin drops. After additional research, we understand that he is intoxicated with a certain element, a fairly heavy metal, which is not clear where it came from. Of water? From the air? It remains only to guess. This is some kind of feature of the body: at a given moment in time, accumulate this heavy metal, which gave such a complication. So this is a very difficult question.

In general, the topic of autism is a separate big topic, you can talk a lot about it. In our country, children with autism are equated to children with mental illness, with mental retardation. They are not treated as they should, they do not undergo the necessary social adaptation, which includes certain medical and biological components (cleanse the intestines, remove toxins from the body, select the appropriate replacement therapy). Children with autism are treated by psychiatrists in our country, as patients with schizophrenia. Parents should be aware of the manifestations of autism, because cases of the disease have increased many times over.

What about mercury in vaccines?

There is very little mercury in vaccines. In more modern and purer vaccines, it is even less. But the younger the child, the less the possibility of removing heavy metals from the body, and also for this reason I do not recommend vaccinating newborns.

Sometimes the period of vaccination in a child coincides with the new pregnancy of the mother. What to do in this case - to vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

If we vaccinate non-live, inactivated vaccines, then they pose absolutely no danger to a pregnant woman. The question is only about live vaccines - in this case it is better to postpone them.

If a healthy child was born to parents who love to travel, what would you recommend to them - to go with a one-year-old baby, for example, to Thailand, or is it a crazy idea, and is it better to stay at home?

Southeast Asia is extreme. I would advise against going there. If you travel, then it is better to Europe, which, at least until the last influx of migrants, was as epidemiologically safe in terms of diphtheria and poliomyelitis as Russia. What will happen next is still unclear. But now - why not? Go. There is no diphtheria, no poliomyelitis. And in India there is polio, and diphtheria, and meningococcus, so it is better to refrain from traveling to this country. But staying at home is not necessary.

For a child up to a year, breastfeeding is very desirable, since it forms a serious defense of the body. In addition, children under one year old who go traveling with their mother in their arms, face to face, endure this much easier than one and a half or two year old children who have already separated from their mother and try to drag everything into their mouths, who no longer have such protection.

Should I get a flu shot before the cold season?

There are risk groups, for example, the elderly, they should be vaccinated. People who fly a lot on business trips and who have little time for illness are vaccinated. A healthy person who has the opportunity to get sick normally tolerates the flu. I would categorically not recommend vaccinating pregnant women - it is better to vaccinate the environment. Just like with a small child. As a preventive measure, you can use Nasaval plus, carefully following the instructions. A fabric mask, alas, does not help, on the contrary, it contributes to the accumulation and reproduction of microbes. And, of course, be sure to wash your hands after visiting public places.

Interviewed by Anastasia Khramuticheva