Symptoms of the human papillomavirus in men: diagnosis and treatment methods. HPV in men: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Papillomavirus is a disease that affects the human skin and causes serious changes in the epithelium.

According to statistics, today about 30% of people are affected by this virus.

Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of the papillomavirus in men and how to treat such a disease.

Papillomavirus in men: causes and routes of transmission

A man can become infected with the papillomavirus in the following ways:

1. When unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the virus. It does not matter what kind of sex it will be (oral, anal or traditional). It is also important to know that the most dangerous types of the virus are transmitted sexually.

2. Transfusion of the blood of an infected person to healthy man. In this case, the patient will become a carrier of the virus.

3. Use of insufficiently sterile medical instruments during various manipulations (including at the dentist).

4. Use common subjects household and personal hygiene (bath, toilet, clothes, towels and especially underwear).

5. There are fixed cases of infection with the virus through dirty dishes, a kiss and trite unwashed hands after visiting public places (pool, massage rooms, etc.).

At the same time, it is worth knowing that such a virus is not transmitted through the air - only by tactile or sexual contact.

Papillomavirus in men: symptoms and signs

Quite often a man is a carrier this virus and doesn't even know about it. Often a person can go through life without suspecting that he is sick. This is justified by the fact that HPV can proceed for years almost without manifestations, especially if the immune system the patient has enough strength to resist the virus.

If a person is weakened, then HPV will have obvious symptoms and manifestations, the features of which largely depend on the specific type of virus.

The male papillomavirus, also known as the human papillomavirus (HPV), is an infection from the papovavirus family. Such a virus is transmitted exclusively from one person to another and causes changes in tissue growth. To date, more than 600 possible papillomaviruses have been identified - they come in more than 40 species and 150 strains.

More than 40 of them affect the genitals, anogenital tract, and also anus, and cause the appearance of genital warts. Several of these types of viruses are harmless, while the rest provoke the appearance of warts, polyps, papillomas, and sometimes even complications such as cancer diseases. So most human papillomaviruses have oncogenic abilities and can cause both good and evil. malignant neoplasms and tumors.

The papillomavirus is transmitted in men mainly through sexual contact, although it is also possible that the virus will remain for some time in the exfoliated cells of the skin, therefore, for certain types viruses of this type are most likely to contact-household way transmission in the presence of skin lesions.

Papillomavirus in men can be active for some time on objects, most often in a variety of public places (pools, saunas, toilets, baths, showers, gyms, rest rooms), penetration into the body occurs through wounds on the skin of a man, such as scratches or abrasions.

Another route of infection is self-infection.(autoinoculation) during shaving or epilation.

It is also likely that the infant may be infected papillomavirus in the process of childbirth - due to this, in the future, it arises and develops laryngeal papillomatosis in children, as well as anogenital warts in newborns.

Signs of papilloma in men: incubation period

Signs of papilloma in men most often do not manifest themselves immediately after the virus enters the body, since HPV has a rather long incubation period- from two weeks to more than two years. Such diseases are characterized by a latent (hidden) course. In parallel, you can become infected with several types of the virus at once. HPV activation, its development and progression is created against the background of various factors, after which the active stage of the disease begins.

In most cases (about 90%), the body heals itself within six months or a year, but in other cases a long-term relapse of the disease is possible.

The occurrence of rashes on the skin of the genitals is the cause of bowenoid papulosis. Rashes in this disease outwardly look like flattened plaques that rise above the skin. Usually the color of this kind of rash with a hint of yellow, pinkish or whitish.

Such warts (condylomas) appearance resemble flesh-colored skin bumps, they are soft to the touch and most often do not cause the patient discomfort. In some cases, their appearance may be accompanied by itching, mild soreness or burning.

Sometimes signs of papilloma in men are found inside the urethra. The appearance of such warts in the urethra can cause a violation of the urination process: splashing of urine or interruption of the urinary stream (a symptom of obstructive urination), which can lead to other, even more serious diseases.

Therefore, in any case, if neoplasms of any nature are detected, an immediate consultation with a doctor is required, which will help prevent the development of the disease.

Features of HPV treatment in men

If a doctor suspects a patient has HPV, they may prescribe:

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  • External examination of neoplasms that have appeared on the skin.
  • Biopsy of these neoplasms.
  • PCR analysis (analysis for Polymerase chain reaction) is an analysis for the detection of human papillomavirus, it is taken from the skin of the glans penis and from the mucous membrane of the urethra.
  • Cytological screening is the most acceptable option for detecting HPV, which allows you to identify subclinical or clinical form illness.
  • How is an HPV DNA test taken in men? This analysis gives maximum exact result. With the help of this type of diagnostics, it is possible to detect the disease even on early stages and start treatment early. The accuracy of this survey is about 95%. For a correct result, a man needs to refrain from urinating for 1.5 hours before the study.

There are no clear schemes for the treatment of HPV in men today, and the choice of treatment depends on the disease caused by the virus.

All treatments aim to eliminate the manifestation of the infection, and not complete removal the virus itself from the patient's body as a whole.

  • The main treatment strategies include cryotherapy and electrocoagulation.
  • To remove genital warts, cryodestruction, radio wave and electrocoagulation and, of course, a laser are also used.

Detection of HPV before it appears external signs on the body makes it possible to prevent various complications including cancer.

Removal of warts and genital warts does not cure the patient from the presence of human papillomavirus infection in his body, so their recurrence is possible.

Surgical treatments for HPV in men are used to remove malignant neoplasms. To reduce the risk of a possible relapse, mechanical methods treatments are complemented by additional tactics.

Today there are no specific drugs against HPV, so doctors recommend various antiviral drugs and drugs whose purpose is to stimulate the immune system. How to treat papillomavirus in men with medicines?

Below are the most popular drugs:

  • Isoprinosine
  • Interferons
  • Amiksin
  • Cycloferon
  • Podophyllin

They act on the virus and the cells affected by it in different ways. Any medical preparation must be prescribed by a doctor, self-medication is not permissible.

How to treat papillomas in men with folk remedies

From folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas, there is also a large selection of treatments.

Among the most famous and effective folk remedies are the following:

  • Using freshly squeezed dandelion or celandine juice to lubricate papillomas small size until the complete disappearance of the growths.
  • Use castor oil and vitamin A, which will help reduce the amount of virus in the blood. For best effect it is worth supplementing their use with the juice of other medicinal plants, which have the function of enhancing immunity (a decoction of dry nettle, horsetail, lemon balm, plantain, as well as crushed dandelion roots).
  • Using the protein part of a chicken egg for a papilloma that has just appeared.
  • Usage next ointment: garlic cloves, minced to a mushy form (1 teaspoon), 2 teaspoons of petroleum jelly, or baby cream. Ointment should be applied thin layer and secure with adhesive tape.
  • Lubrication of growths with a drug from green walnuts. To prepare this remedy, you will need chopped green walnuts milky ripeness and kerosene. The slurry obtained from nuts should be placed on two-thirds of a liter jar, topped up with purified kerosene to the brim, tightly closed with a lid, and allowed to stand in a dark place for twenty-one days. After that, the drug must be filtered and squeezed raw materials. You need to lubricate the growths twice a day.
  • In order for the treatment to proceed faster, it is advised to use potato juice freshly squeezed, minimum dose 2 times a day before meals.

HPV treatment by any of the above methods lasts at least two months.

HPV in men has many varieties. They were classified according to the degree of rebirth in malignant tumors. To date, more than 500 varieties are known. Especially dangerous: HPV 16, 31, 18,35,39,59,51, 52,56,58,68. Low level of oncogenicity: 6,11,31, 35,39,42,44,45,59.

According to statistics, 50-60% of men are infected. It is found in children who become infected through an injured surface of the body. In most cases, the infection does not manifest itself.

A feature of the virus is the ability to penetrate through the pores, mucous membranes, cause various skin diseases, malignant tumors of the genital organs of men.

The most terrible - HPV 16,18, 31, lead to serious illnesses: Bowen's disease, bowenoid papulosis. They are transmitted sexually, getting under the skin, the diseased cell begins to divide rapidly, external signs appear.

Bowen's disease

When the virus has entered the body, neoplasms can appear on the head, on the hands. The genital organs of men are most often affected: foreskin, glans penis.

A red spot appears on them, then the scales begin to move away, under which a weeping wound is visible.
A side with a hard surface appears around it - a precancerous condition.

This disease is called "cancer in situ", it almost never metastasizes, long time is asymptomatic.

Bowenoid papulosis is a rare pathology. It hurts men who lead a disorderly sexual life from 17 to 40 years old. It is characterized by rashes on the skin in the form of spots, plaques, which can merge into large foci, itching is possible.

The incubation period is from 2 months to a year. Localized in the groin area. If there are rashes on the mucous membrane of the penis, then this leads to oncology.

Symptoms of condylomatosis

In men infected with the papilloma virus, the disease begins with rashes of warts (condylomas) located in the groin area, around the anus, on the genital mucosa, in the mouth, and tongue.

When sexually transmitted, condylomas occur in inguinal region, near the entrance to the anus.
In homomexualists, rashes may appear inside the colon, around the anus.

At oral sex warts develop on the tongue, in the oral cavity. If a man has a good immune system, the disease may be asymptomatic.

What provokes an exacerbation:

  • stressful situations.
  • Bad habits.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Being in the hot sun, hypothermia.
  • Decreased immunity.


Therapy can be carried out in two ways:

  • Instrumental.
  • Antiviral drugs, ointments.

First way:

Papilloma is removed by freezing liquid nitrogen. The procedure is well tolerated and leaves no scars.

Removal of a metal loop, an electric current passes through it in small volts, the procedure is under local anesthesia(lidocaine). After surgical intervention a small scar remains.

Laser resection. Done on rare occasions. You need good anesthesia. A scar is formed at the site of removal.

The medical method includes the use local preparations, destroying the structure of papillomas, injections that increase immunity.

Ointments and creams

Treatment regimen: "Condilin"

  • Smear condyloma twice a day - in the morning, in the evening in for three days.
  • Break week.
  • Continue manipulation. It is important to apply the ointment to the papilloma itself, without affecting healthy skin, it may cause burning sensation.

Cream "Imiquimod"

It is applied to warts 3-4 times a week before going to bed on a clean body. In the morning remove the ointment with soap. Smear until recovery, but not more than 16 weeks.

Injection "Interferon leukocyte"

The medicine is injected intramuscularly, the affected area is chipped. The procedure has side effects. Symptoms of general intoxication of the body develop: the temperature rises, chills appear.

It must be remembered that HPV 16 can degenerate into an oncological form. Therefore, everyone who has this virus should be tested for cancer cells three times a year.

HPV 18 as well as 16 has a high degree transformation into oncological neoplasm. Timely detection, constructive treatment will help to avoid serious consequences.

To find the virus, it is necessary to take a blood test for DNA diagnostics by PCR, which allows you to determine it at an early stage. HPV 31 refers to dangerous species capable of causing severe consequences.

There are three stages of the disease, which are detected using these methods:

  • PCR. It can recognize the disease at the initial lesions, at the molecular level, when donating blood.
  • When papillomas appear, a cytological analysis is taken.
  • With the help of histology (a piece of tissue), the presence of cancer cells is determined.

HPV 6, 11 are infected through sexual and domestic contact. This species is not considered dangerous. Its incubation period lasts from two months to ten years. In half of the cases, the disease goes away without treatment, due to good immunity, the wart disappears.

The infection remains in the body favorable conditions may reappear. To identify a strain of papillomavirus, the Digen test is used.

He has proven himself well for determining oncogenic types of HPV 16, 18, 31, 45,51,52 and other dangerous types. A swab is taken from the urethra for examination. The combination of cytology and test gives accurate diagnosis illness. A lot of men and women are carriers of this virus.

Sexual contact can infect a partner. To protect yourself during intimate relationships, use condoms. Unprotected sex is a sure way to various ailments that are sexually transmitted.

Contact a specialist promptly. Early stage any disease is treated. Take care of your health! If you need helpful information- visit our website. Be healthy!

Papillomavirus infection is quite common and occurs in almost every third person on the planet. Human papillomavirus in men Negative influence on the skin and mucous membranes, causing their damage with characteristic neoplasms. Growths on intimate places because it is most often caused by infection. oncogenic type. Once in the human body, the pathogen can absolutely not manifest itself for long period time and begins to develop only when there is a decrease in the immunity of a man. The first signs infectious disease become papillomas or warts.

The causative agent of papillomavirus in a man is extremely small, which allows it to freely enter the body even through microscopic lesions on the skin or mucous membranes. There are several ways to transmit the virus:

  1. Sexual way. At the same time, the virus can penetrate into male body can not only with traditional, but also with other types of sex. Papillomavirus infection in men of non-traditional sexual orientation can get during anal contact. Due to the high traumatization of the mucous membranes, the risk of HPV infection increases significantly.
  2. Household way of infection. Such an opportunity to get a virus is due to the fact that it is capable of long time maintain their viability in a warm, humid environment. Therefore, the likelihood of contracting HPV is high for those who often visit baths and saunas. Also, an infection can enter the body when using the same towel with an infected person.

A lecture on the disease is given by a dermatovenereologist Alexei Yuryevich Putintsev:

  1. From mother to child during its passage through the birth canal.
  2. Through the blood (during surgical operation, blood transfusion, dental treatment, during a manicure procedure, etc.)

An increased risk of HPV infection in a man appears if he often changes sexual partners and neglects the use of barrier methods of contraception. Although doctors say that a condom is not able to give a 100% guarantee of preventing the transmission of the virus, since it has microscopic dimensions and is able to penetrate through the pores of latex. Also, we must not forget that HPV can be present in saliva in a small amount, so a man can become infected with it even through a kiss. Airborne papilloma virus is not transmitted.

The risk of infection is higher in those men who have bad habits or weakened immunity, for example, after long-term treatment antibacterial drugs.


After the papilloma virus enters the human body, it can not manifest itself for a very long time (sometimes up to ten years), being in an inactive state. Strong immunity can prevent the manifestation of HPV on the body. If the immune system fails at a certain point, then the man’s body shows signs of HPV. As a result of the activation of the virus, it accumulates in a certain place, disrupting the functioning of epithelial cells.

Depending on what type of virus a person is infected with, the following appear on his body:

  • Papillomas are growths that have a shade, like human skin itself, or brown. Them distinguishing feature- porous surface. They are mainly diagnosed on the skin of the face or soles of the feet.
  • Genital warts - outwardly similar to a column with a narrow leg. There are single or multiple, large or small neoplasms. Most often, the anus and male genitalia (pubis, testis, etc.) are affected.

Types of papillomas

  • The genital wart looks like a cauliflower or cockscomb. Such growths are capable of producing bad smell and obstruct the flow of urine.
  • Flat warts are considered the most dangerous formations leading to tissue deformity. Often there is itching and a burning sensation of such growths.
  • Intraepithelial papillomas are similar to flat papillomas, but differ in ingrowth into tissues.

If you find any growths or formations on your body or mucous membranes, it is important to immediately consult a doctor who can identify the virus and prescribe HPV treatment. This is important because such formations can affect large areas of the skin and provoke cancer.


The consequences of getting HPV into the male body can be very different, and will depend on the type of microorganism. The most dangerous (highly oncogenic) are HPV 51, HPV 52 and HPV 56, which can degenerate into a cancerous tumor.

Development of cancer during infection

The defeat of papilloma of the urethra can quickly spread inside the urethra and can penetrate even into bladder. In this case, there is a blockage of the urethra, a violation of the outflow of urine and the functioning of the urinary system.

Formations that appear in the genital area often become malignant. The risk of developing a malignant tumor of the rectum is higher in men who practice non-traditional sex. With oral contact, papillomas can affect the throat.


To make a final diagnosis and determine the type of virus, you need to do an HPV test, which is prescribed after an examination and history taking by a doctor. HPV diagnostics in men is based on carrying out:

  1. Scraping and smear from the urethra.
  2. PCR test, which makes it possible to identify the type of pathogen by DNA and its amount in the body of a man. This requires blood sampling, prostate secretion or a swab from the urethra.
  3. Biopsy - an examination of a tissue sample that is taken during the removal of warts.

Urologist Sergei Gennadievich Lenkin tells more about what tests to take for HPV:

  1. Ureteroscopy, which makes it possible to visually examine possible changes that take place in urethra men.
  2. For homosexuals, it is recommended to take an HPV test, which is taken directly from the anal area, where papillomas can occur.

How to treat HPV in men?

Physicians distinguish conservative and surgical treatment papillomas in a man. Sometimes, therapy may not be required, as the immune system destroys the virus on its own and does not allow it to develop, affecting the patient's tissues.

If an HPV test in a man showed the presence of a virus in the body, the doctor will prescribe his treatment with such medicines:

  • Immunomodulators - drugs that can strengthen defensive forces body and at the same time suppress the development of various formations. To such medicines include: "Allokin-alpha", "Viferon", "Isoprinazine", "Genefron", etc. They can be prescribed in the form of tablets or rectal suppositories.
  • Medicines that stimulate the body's production of its own interferons ("Cycloferon", "Indinal", "Amiksin").
  • Treatment with cytostatic drugs that prevent the division of cells affected by the papillomavirus ("Kondilin", "Podofilin", etc.). They are available in the form of ointments or other means for topical use.

The average price in pharmacies for a tube of Viferon gel is 150 rubles

Only a doctor can recommend the treatment of HPV with one or another drug after complex diagnostics and determining the type of virus. This is due to the fact that some of them can provoke the degeneration of cells into malignant formations. Also, doctors do not recommend self-medication and the use of folk remedies.

Destructive treatment of papillomas can be carried out using:

  1. Electrocoagulation, when the build-up is removed using electric current. As a result, the papilloma disappears, and a wound remains in its place. A few weeks later, such a wound is delayed.
  2. Cryodestruction - treatment by applying liquid nitrogen to the papilloma.
  3. Radio wave method of treatment, which consists in the use of a radio knife. This method is painless and quite effective.

The dermatovenereologist Natalya Anatolyevna Ryzhkova tells about the electrocoagulation procedure:

  1. The use of a laser. This method is the most popular today, because it not only eliminates the pathology, but also prevents the development of relapses.
  2. Treatment by surgical excision papillomas, when a scalpel is used to remove the formation. This technique is used in the detection of papillomas with a high probability of tissue degeneration into a malignant tumor. After the operation, men are left with scars and scars.

The treatment of a virus with high oncogenicity deserves special attention, since almost 70% of patients diagnosed with cancer of the intestine or organs reproductive system in their anamnesis had the fact of detection of the papilloma virus. It uses symptomatic therapy virus, which makes it possible to suppress the manifestations of its vital activity, since special treatment there is no disease.


HPV is considered enough insidious disease, due to the fact that it may not make itself felt for a very long time without causing characteristic symptoms and lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, doctors recommend that men observe some preventive measures:

  • Avoid casual sexual intercourse and always use a condom in such cases.
  • Get vaccinated against papillomavirus. Such a vaccine appeared recently, so few people know about it. Vaccination consists of 3 injections at regular intervals. However, the vaccine can only protect a man from certain types of the virus.

Urologist Karaman Sergeevich Abramov talks about male intimate hygiene:

  • Get tested for HPV periodically.
  • Follow intimate hygiene, do not use other people's items: towels, underwear, sharp objects.

It is almost impossible to completely cure the disease, but it is quite possible to get rid of its main manifestations. To do this, you need to strengthen the immune system, avoid casual sex, give up bad habits and consult a doctor in a timely manner if any neoplasms are found on your body.

Any young man should be wary if he notices neoplasms on the body. This may be a sign of the human papillomavirus, a disease that causes serious harm to the body. Everyone should know how infection occurs, get acquainted with the symptoms, methods of treatment.

What is HPV in men

The infection affects only humans. Both women and men are equally affected by it. Penetrating into the body, it is activated when the immune system is weakened and causes changes in the tissues of the epithelium and mucous membranes, which cannot be reversed. The human papillomavirus is very common. On the this moment isolated more than half a thousand of its strains with different symptoms, including oncogenic species (may cause cancer).

How does papillomavirus manifest itself in men

If young man strong immune system and it favors healthy lifestyle life, the infection can pass without showing up. She is also able to remain in the body for a long time: then the man becomes a carrier. He does not feel symptoms, but transmits the virus. If the immune system weakens, then papillomatosis begins. With this disease, various neoplasms appear on the skin. They can occur anywhere on the skin.

Types of formations that can occur with papillomavirus:

  1. Warts (papillary papillomas). Painless lumps, flesh to brown in color. As a rule, the face, arms, torso, and feet are affected. Small in size, can be round or asymmetrical.
  2. Pointed warts. Similar to cauliflower, have a small stem. May be pink or brown. They grow on the male genital organs, near the anus. Warts are easy to injure. For this reason, sexual contact, defecation often cause pain and discomfort.
  3. Flat warts. Growths of pink, flesh, Brown. Low, but can occupy large areas skin. Cause itching and burning sensation.
  4. Intraepithelial warts (inverted). They look like flat ones, but they grow not only on the surface of the skin, but also in inner layers. Very dangerous.
  5. Bowenoid papulosis. It affects the genitals. Formations are flat, resemble plaques, may be pinkish, white.
  6. Bowen's disease. HPV virus in male types 16 and 18. Causes malignant tumors of the genitals.

Papillomas on the penis

The head of the penis is struck genital warts. They are small, look like warts, have thin legs. The edges are asymmetrical, outwardly the formations are similar to cauliflower. During development, they quickly spread through the mucous membranes. The altered areas are combined into large clusters. Without treatment, they will gradually affect other places on the body, and can become malignant.

Papillomas in the groin in men

As a rule, it is bowenoid papulosis. The human papillomavirus in men is manifested by rashes in the genital area. They are dense, slightly rise above the surface of the skin. They can be white, pink, yellowish. As a rule, warts do not cause discomfort. May form in the urethra anus, which hinders natural physiological processes.

Papillomavirus infection in men - causes of infection of the body

If the disease is so widespread, then a perfectly reasonable question arises: how is it transmitted? The ways of infection with the human papillomavirus in men are as follows:

  1. Sexual (main method). The virus can be transmitted through sex (traditional, oral, anal). It is worth noting that very often its carriers are girls under 25 years old. Men supporting intimate relationships with women of this age and sexually active in general are at risk for infection.
  2. Domestic. If one of the family members is infected, the virus can be transmitted to others through shared towels, bedding, and dishes. The danger is the use of one bath or shower.
  3. In the womb. If a woman has contracted HPV and has not recovered from its manifestations, then the child is guaranteed to be born infected. If the virus is not transmitted to it through the placenta, it will enter the body when passing through the birth canal.

Treatment of papillomas in men

There are two ways to help get rid of the virus: medication (taking immunostimulating or antiviral drugs) and surgical. Before deciding how to treat HPV in men, the doctor must conduct an examination, take viral DNA and tissue tests for histological examination. Diagnostics will help to understand how the epithelial cells are changed, determine the type of virus, and find out if it is oncogenic. Based on the information received, an accurate diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Method of immunotherapy

Such treatment will be effective for multiple warts, a virus of an oncogenic strain. Immunotherapy is required when both sexual partners are infected. It should be backed up by taking antiviral drugs. Appoint intramuscular injections medicines that boost immunity:

  • thymosin;
  • Levamisole;
  • Immunomax;
  • Inosiplex.

Medical method

As was said, immunostimulants alone will not be enough. If you are wondering how to treat HPV in men, then you should know that you cannot do without antiviral drugs. They are prescribed in the form of injections, tablets, ointments. The most common for the treatment of human papillomavirus in men is considered to be means:

  • Interferon tablets, ointments;
  • Amiksin;
  • Podophyllin;
  • Kondilin;
  • Viferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Cycloferon (ointment).