Hygiene of the genital organs of a man woman. Personal hygiene for men and hygiene rules for women

In contact with


Intimate or, as it is also called, sexual hygiene known from ancient times. Once upon a time, a person was pestered by lice that settled in the thickets of the perineum, it smelled bad from there, and before appearing in public, it was simply necessary to take a bath and wash all parts of the body. Today we can see on the shelves of shops not just bars of soap and shower gels, but whole sets consisting of intimate hygiene gel, shower gel, hair gel and toilet water after washing. All scents of the perfume composition are selected for each other and are designed to deliver maximum pleasure to their owners.

But as it comes down to it, difficulties arise. Some do not know at all what to do with all this goodness, others show excessive zeal, and others do not care at all about the achievements of civilization. Intimate hygiene is important for men and women, it is important for their health and their relationships, for enjoying intimacy. They have different approaches to intimate hygiene, so we will analyze them separately.

Intimate hygiene for women

Some girls unknowingly drive a stream of water into the vagina, believing in this way to rinse it from the inside. This is a completely wrong approach, which can harm and turn into sad consequences in the form of infectious diseases. The gel must be applied by hand on the outer labia and literally on the outer wall of the vagina, without resorting to the use of sponges and washcloths. The direction of washing can be only one - from the pubis to the anus.

In general, this intimate hygiene procedure should be performed after each trip to the toilet or at least twice a day. Since this is practically impossible, you can resort to the use of special intimate hygiene wipes, which are specially designed for such purposes.

For some women, intimate hygiene gels or wipes will cause an allergic reaction. There is nothing wrong with this - you just need to buy another tool. To date, there are special hypoallergenic gels that will help to avoid problems associated with hypersensitivity to the components.

An important point to pay attention to is the materials from which the underwear is made. It is worth once and for all to exclude synthetic materials that are poorly ventilated and serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. It is best to use natural materials, namely products made from pure cotton.

Intimate hygiene for men

Sexual life and intimate hygiene

Both men and women in the modern world sit a lot on soft warm chairs. For both, this creates excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. It’s a little easier for women - they have skirts that can provide at least a small influx of air, but you can’t say the same about trousers. The conditions are disgusting for sperm production but wonderful for hemorrhoids.

After a hard day's work, men and women go home and plan to have sex. In a good way, you need to first go into the shower, then have sex, and then again in the shower and sleep. In fact, many find a bunch of excuses not to do it. You can talk about pheromones, but not when the smell of sweat and dead bacteria interrupts all other smells that cannot be drowned out even with a liter of perfume. If you continue to paint a picture, touching on the topic of oral sex, then the situation will become even worse.

intimate haircuts somewhat reduce the problem, but do not solve it. In addition, mostly women resort to them, and men prefer to demonstrate “naturalness”. But even if you shave the front, the hair will remain behind, in the anus area. There, no matter how much you wipe with toilet paper, no matter how hard you try, there will always be “dirt”. If you are not convinced by the previous arguments about the purity of the genitals themselves, then at least think about the smell.

Sex is important for love, you need to enjoy it. If one of the partners does not show the view and tolerates an unpleasant smell, then he does not get pleasure. This negatively affects relationships. It is necessary to respect each other and do everything to make the partner happy. A clean body, a good perfume, subdued light - all this will help you enjoy intimacy. It can be said about intimate hygiene that by taking care of yourself, you take care of your partner.

Intimate hygiene for a man

After reading this article, you will know:

  • about the importance of men's intimate hygiene;
  • how to properly conduct water procedures;
  • why it is necessary to remove hair from the crotch area, and what methods exist for this;
  • about the rules of intimate hygiene during sexual intercourse;
  • how often to change and how to choose underwear for a man.

Genital care has a very important place in a man's hygiene, but in practice, it is intimate hygiene that men often neglect. In most cases, this is due to the fact that men do not represent all the potential danger, which can be caused by insufficient observance of the rules of intimate hygiene. All mass media also contribute to this: magazines, newspapers, television, the Internet - in which a lot is said about the intimate hygiene of a woman and practically nothing about male hygiene. But the health of the sexual sphere of a man is the key to his well-being in general.

So, the intimate hygiene of a man includes several components:

  • daily water procedures,
  • hair removal in the groin area,
  • sexual hygiene,
  • selection and change of underwear.

It is worth starting a conversation about the rules of intimate hygiene with a visit to the toilet.

Men's health directly depends on the cleanliness of hands. It is dirty hands in men that cause many infections that affect the genitals. Hands should be washed before and after going to the toilet.

It is also very important to ensure that urine remains do not get on the underwear. Heat and moisture in the perineal area are a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. In order to avoid this, you can use soft toilet paper, wet wipes for intimate hygiene, or the most ideal option, if there are conditions for this, is to simply wash yourself with water.

It is also important to remember that high temperatures adversely affect a man's reproductive health. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex are not recommended to frequent baths and saunas, as well as too hot baths.

If a man regularly drives a car, a special breathable bedding will be a good gift for him, which will help reduce sweating and maintain a normal temperature in the groin area.

Water procedures

It is necessary to thoroughly wash the inguinal region 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, as well as before and after sexual intercourse. Particular care must be taken to monitor the glans penis, as secretions accumulate in the folds of the foreskin. And such a closed humid environment is perfect for the reproduction of dangerous bacteria. In order to wash these folds, it is necessary to move the foreskin with your hand and rinse this area thoroughly, remove plaque and return the flesh to its place. This will help to avoid an unpleasant odor and reduce the risk of inflammation of the genital organs in a man. To do this, you must use special means for intimate hygiene for men, which can be used no more than once a day. Gel for intimate hygiene for men has a natural composition, balanced acidity, and it does not contain dyes and fragrances. The use of ordinary soap, even shower gel, leads to overdrying of such delicate skin of the glans penis, and this increases the risk of inflammatory diseases in this area. After water procedures, it is necessary to dry the penis with blotting movements with a soft towel or disposable paper towel. The towel must be personal, specially for the intimate area and changed at least once every three days.

Hair removal in the groin area

If a man has hair removed in the crotch area, on the scrotum, then we can conclude that the man takes care of his health and takes care of himself. In addition to aesthetic, this procedure also has a septic function. The presence of hair in the groin contributes to the very rapid development of pathogens that can cause inflammation of the urethra, foreskin or glans penis. Especially dangerous is the hot season, when the most comfortable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms are created: high temperature, accumulation of sweat and secretion of the excretory glands, pollution. But in the cold season, there are also enough favorable factors for the development of microorganisms: playing sports, visiting a bathhouse, saunas, heating seats in a car, etc.

We will deal with the available methods of hair removal.

Depilation- this is the removal of a part of the hair that is above the surface of the skin, without a root (bulb) by means of a razor.

If a man still prefers shaving to remove hair in the groin area, then for maximum effect and comfort after this procedure, a number of recommendations must be followed.

Despite the fact that shaving remains the most affordable, painless and sure way, you should carefully and carefully approach this event. One of the downsides of shaving is that it doesn't last. This procedure has to be repeated regularly, although it depends on the rate of hair growth. The biggest disadvantage of this procedure is skin irritation.

Irritation appears after the upper layer of the epidermis is removed along with the hairs during shaving. As a result, the tissue is partially damaged, blood flow in such a zone increases, and inflamed areas appear, in the form of pimples. In this case, periodic itching occurs, which can occur at any time, and if after a couple of days you have to repeat the shaving procedure, then when such pimples are touched with a razor, bleeding and the formation of exudative crusts will occur. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, you need to learn a few useful tips.

  • First of all, it is worth choosing the right razor itself. Do not use someone else's, old, with rusty and dull blades. Using dull blades can seriously damage the skin, causing even more skin irritation. When using someone else's machine, there is a possibility of infection with pathogens that directly cause skin diseases - most often purulent inflammation, and severe incurable viral diseases transmitted through the blood - HIV, hepatitis B and C. At the same time, the hepatitis B virus is very stable in the external environment, therefore, to become infected them through the use of a razor after a sick person is very easy.
  • When choosing a razor, you should pay attention to the presence of a protective strip with additional cream or gel. The packaging should indicate the purpose of the razor.
  • The shaving process should be started only on prepared skin. To do this, be sure to wet the skin with warm water, apply the gel or foam to the entire inguinal region and leave for a few minutes to soften the skin. Soap is not recommended in this situation, as it greatly dries the skin. To begin with, you need to slightly stretch the skin and gently, only along the growth of the hair, draw with a razor. Movements should be smooth, slow, from top to bottom to avoid cuts. After shaving, rinse off the remaining gel or foam with warm water. The razor is also thoroughly washed and dried.
  • The skin after shaving is gently wiped with a soft towel, without rubbing it. In this case, a towel must be used either a disposable paper towel or a clean individual towel for intimate hygiene, which must be changed at least once every three days.
  • Skin care after shaving is very important. To do this, you need to use special creams, gels or lotions intended for the skin after shaving. They perfectly soften and soothe shaved skin. At the same time, they should not contain alcohol. After applying the cream or gel, you need to wait a few minutes to allow it to be absorbed.

By following such simple rules, you can forget about the unpleasant consequences after shaving the intimate area.

Epilation- This is a cosmetic procedure that involves the removal of hair from the subcutaneous bulb. If mechanical methods of hair removal are used, then this process is very painful, and especially for males, since their pain threshold is much lower than that of women. To do this, use electric epilators, tweezers, hot wax or sugar paste. The methods used in salons have a longer effect and some of them are painless.

  • Deep waxing with hot wax (waxing). During this procedure, the wax is heated to a liquid state. It is hot enough to open up pores and reduce skin sensitivity. Waxing allows you to get rid of hair for 3-4 weeks. Before applying it to the skin, the specialist sprinkles it with talc, which minimizes damage to it.
  • Photoepilation. This method works as follows. A special cream is applied to the skin, and then exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The hair absorbs light and a thermal effect is created inside it, which has a destructive effect on the vessels that feed the hair follicle. Thus, over time, the hair roots die off. With the help of photoepilation, hair of different colors can be removed, but it should not be resorted to for people who have sensitive skin.
  • Laser epilation. The procedure is very popular, as laser hair removal allows you to permanently get rid of unwanted hair. The beam destroys the hair from the inside, while not affecting the surrounding tissue. This is a painless method, after which there is practically no ingrown hair or irritation. After completing the full course, you can lose excess hair forever or, in extreme cases, do maintenance treatments every few years.

Hair cutting- this is a painless method, therefore, in most cases, this method is preferred by most men. For haircuts, special machines (trimmers) are used, which make this procedure easy, fast and painless.

Sexual life and intimate hygiene

There are often beautiful scenes in films when couples return home and start having sex with passion from the doorway. Or awake, while teeth are not brushed and intimate hygiene is not carried out. One can only dream of such a thing in life. After all, after a hard day or after sleep, some areas of a person smell unpleasant. You can talk about pheromones, about Napoleon, who asked his beloved not to bathe for 2 weeks before his arrival, but the smell of sweat and dead bacteria, interrupting all other smells, will not be pleasant to anyone. If you continue to paint a picture, touching on the topic of oral sex, then the situation will become even worse.

So, a shower with washing the genitals must be taken before and after sexual intercourse. In fact, many find a bunch of excuses not to do it. Intimate haircuts partly reduce the problem, since the hair absorbs any odors very strongly, but does not solve it. In addition, mainly women resort to them, and men prefer "naturalness". Therefore, the less hair there is in the pubic and perineal area, the less unpleasant odor there will be. Sex is important for love, you need to enjoy it. If one of the partners does not show the view and tolerates an unpleasant smell, then he does not get pleasure. This negatively affects relationships. It is necessary to respect each other and do everything to make the partner happy. A clean body, a good perfume, subdued lights, romantic music - all this will help you enjoy intimacy.

Sexual intercourse during a woman's menstruation

Everyone knows about the potential danger of sex during critical days for a woman's health, but not everyone knows that getting blood clots into a man's urethra can lead to inflammation. Therefore, during menstruation, the partner should use condoms, and it is better to refuse sex altogether.

How to choose underwear for your man?

Men's underwear should be lightweight and made from breathable cotton fabric. Whatever the model, panties should not be tight (unless it is a doctor's recommendation for certain diseases). The use of shorts made of synthetic fabrics, as well as models that fit tightly to the body, prevents normal air circulation in the groin area and, as a result, contributes to an increase in temperature, which is especially dangerous for a man's reproductive health. Diet with oxalate in the urine

Intimate hygiene is a topic so delicate that rarely any of the doctors or women at the gynecologist's appointment touches on it. Meanwhile, even minimal knowledge in this area can prevent a number of diseases and complications from women's health. Sometimes even the main purpose of a woman - procreation - is under threat due to improperly carried out or even absent self-care.


The first and basic rule of intimate hygiene is that personal care in the intimate area should be regular.

This means that you need to use a bath or shower at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. In the heat, the frequency of washing can increase up to three to four times - as needed.

Care products

For washing, you can use warm water and specialized products for intimate hygiene (gels or soap).

Conventional products are not suitable for sensitive genital mucosa: they can easily cause dryness, irritation or an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a special hypoallergenic product for intimate hygiene at a pharmacy or a regular store.

By the way, often such gels or soaps contain additional components, such as lactobacilli or plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, tea tree, etc.), which help maintain normal vaginal microflora, moisturize, relieve irritation, have anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.

The right towel

It is desirable to have a towel made of natural fabrics, clean and soft. In addition, a towel for intimate hygiene should have one mistress to reduce the risk of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

How to do it

The question of how to properly carry out the toilet of the genital organs is often just not affected by either mothers or gynecologists, which adversely affects the health of the female half of humanity.

It is necessary to wash in the direction from the pubis to the anus with a gentle stream of water - this is necessary in order not to bring the bacteria that live in the anus into the vagina.

In addition, you should never direct a strong stream of water into the vagina: water washes away the protective lubricant on the genitals and promotes the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the most tender place of a woman.


It is advisable to wear underwear made of cotton or any other natural breathable fabric. Synthetics are recommended either to be completely excluded from your wardrobe, or to be worn rarely and for a short time. It is better to wear tight trousers or jeans that squeeze the stomach and hips as little as possible.

In addition, doctors do not approve of thongs - wearing them can provoke irritation, inflammation in the vaginal area, as well as infection with harmful bacteria. Well, no matter how much you want to feel relaxed and sexy, even in summer, you should not completely give up underwear.

Tampons and pads

Of course, no woman can refuse to use these hygiene products. Doctors recommend changing pads at least four to five times a day, even if your period is not very heavy.

It is better to use tampons from time to time and remember to change the tampon every three to four hours. If you have to change a tampon or pad outside the home, it is advisable to wash your hands with soap or treat with special wet wipes or a sanitizer before the procedure.

With panty liners, you need to be careful and not wear them all the time - they often create a "greenhouse effect" and provoke the development of irritation, the appearance of inflammatory elements, and violations of the vaginal microflora.

Rules for intimate hygiene in public places

For example, when trying on underwear in the salon, you must use disposable pads or put the set on your underwear.

And when visiting a public toilet, one should not forget about disposable toilet pads that protect a woman from direct contact with a surface that can be a source of bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases.

Intimate haircut

In the hot season, often the combination of "naturalness", synthetic underwear and trousers create excellent conditions for the notorious "greenhouse effect" in the genital area, which means the development of bacteria that live on the surface of the skin.

A good alternative to this is an intimate haircut or other hair removal or depilation methods. In addition, unlike shaving, intimate haircuts or proper depilation do not damage the skin, there is no risk of cuts, scratches, etc., which can become infected and inflamed.

Intimate hygiene and relationships

Compliance with the rules of hygiene in the field of sexual relations is the key to women's health and well-being. Women should not forget to use contraceptives, especially with an irregular intimate life, use the bath before and after sex, and use only specially designed lubricating gels for comfort in the intimate area.

In addition, it is advisable for a woman to visit a gynecologist every six months for examination and necessary tests. Ideally, if a woman's sexual partner undergoes similar examinations by a urologist.

Just be careful and careful

The female body, including in the field of intimate hygiene, does not tolerate rudeness and rigidity. Therefore, it is undesirable to use any radical means to care for the most delicate zone: no douching, the use of folk remedies, etc.

Douching is used only for medical reasons, regular use of douching unnecessarily leads to dry mucous membranes, disruption of the vaginal microflora and dysbacteriosis.

The use of folk remedies for intimate hygiene or the treatment of diseases often leads to allergic reactions, damage to the mucous membranes of the genital organs and aggravation of existing diseases in this area.

Particular attention should always be paid to the intimate hygiene of the genital organs, but statistics show that it is most often neglected by men. The reason for this lies in the fact that men do not have time for intimate hygiene, many of them simply do not know about the consequences that non-compliance with hygiene rules can lead to. Television, magazines, the Internet, newspapers talk a lot about the importance of caring for the female body, but almost nothing about the male. After all, with the slightest violation of the health of the female organs, the girl immediately feels discomfort, and the man may not feel anything, as it has been proven that most inflammatory infectious diseases in males are asymptomatic. But the care of male organs is very important, because it is directly related to erectile and reproductive functions. A very small number of males shower twice a day, use a gel for intimate hygiene, many do not change clothes for several days in a row, while very few guys rinse their penis after each use of the toilet. Such neglect of hygiene adversely affects health.

Compliance with the rules of hygiene is a prerequisite for a healthy life

Male personal care includes several components:

  • Depilation or epilation.
  • Washing the penis and scrotum.
  • Water procedures before and after sexual intercourse.
  • Choice and periods of change of underwear.

Depilation or epilation?

Removing unwanted hair in the perineum, on the scrotum indicates that the guy is taking care of his health and taking care of himself. In addition to aesthetic, this procedure also has a septic function. In the hair part, harmful bacteria, microorganisms develop very quickly, which can cause inflammation of the urethra or head of the penis. The hot season becomes especially dangerous, when the most comfortable conditions for the reproduction of microbes are created: high temperature, accumulation of sweat and secretion of the excretory glands, pollution. Therefore, hygiene must always be observed, regardless of seasonality, the weather outside.

Maintaining intimate hygiene is very easy!

Depilation- this is the removal of the epidermis of hair without a root (bulb) by means of a razor. Very often, after this procedure, irritation occurs or accidental cuts bleed, so men really do not like to shave their hair.

Epilation- This is a cosmetic procedure that involves the removal of hair from the subcutaneous bulb. This process causes not only severe pain (especially for males, because their pain threshold is much lower than for women), but also psycho-emotional stress. Most of the cosmetologists who perform this procedure are female, and since epilation of intimate parts of the body involves complete undressing, this causes embarrassment for males.

The most acceptable method remains cutting hair. Thanks to special machines (trimmers), this procedure becomes easy, fast, painless.

Water procedures

Not every man is interested in questions: how often should you take a shower, wash your intimate organs? What are the best hygiene products to use? What water temperature should be for male organs? But it is on these issues that reproductive function and erection depend. Let's go in order.

Failure to follow the rules of hygiene can lead to serious consequences, including those of an intimate nature.

Ideally, a man needs to take a shower twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, and wash his penis after each urination, defecation. But since very often there are no conditions for water procedures, you must at least use a damp antiseptic wipe or toilet paper. When washing the genitals, it must be remembered that by the end of the day smegma, bacteria and dirt accumulate under the foreskin, often invisible to the human eye.

Smegma is a collection of secretions secreted by the sex glands, dead cells and condensate. In order to completely wash it off, it is necessary to move the foreskin, beat up the abundant foam of the hygiene product, rinse it thoroughly, and also pay special attention to such intimate places as the genital frenulum, corolla. Water for the penis should be warm, not hot. It is important for men to give preference to specially designed gels for intimate hygiene.

It is better to wash the scrotum with cool water, because the temperature of the testicles is 3-5 degrees lower than the rest of the organs, in addition, they should not overheat - the ability to fertilize depends on this. That is why experts do not recommend the strong half of humanity to take hot baths often and for a long time and stay in the steam room for a long time.

Care before and after intercourse

Of particular intimate importance is the personal care of the male organs before and after sexual intercourse. The “after” part is obvious: after intimacy with a woman, her cells, lubrication and microorganisms remain on the penis, not to mention infection and pathogenic microbes. The female epithelium is often perceived by the male body as alien and because of this, even in the absence of pathogens, there is a possibility of inflammation, redness and discomfort. To avoid this, it is necessary to rinse the frenulum, corolla and foreskin with the scrotum immediately after intercourse.

Sexual hygiene in men and women requires special attention and care. The simplest and most important condition for a person's intimate health is daily washing in the morning and evening, as well as mandatory water procedures after intimacy. For washing, it is recommended to use warm boiled water. You can not wash with ordinary soap, because it contains alkali, which is unacceptable for the microflora of the genital organs. It is recommended to use special intimate gels, when buying which you need to look at their composition: lactic acid must be included in the intimate hygiene gel, which helps to maintain a natural acid-base balance in the intimate area. If the gel contains triclosan, then this will only be an additional plus, since this substance is considered the safest cosmetic ingredient that does not cause allergies or irritation. The composition of the gel for intimate hygiene should not contain dyes and fragrances. Before washing, be sure to wash your hands.

Owners of long, sharp nails need to be more careful, because one awkward movement can cause damage or scratch the skin. The remaining moisture on the skin after washing should be blotted with a towel, and not wiped. Hygiene rules recommend using a separate individual small towel for intimate areas, which should be washed at least once a week and ironed with steam after washing, which will remove all bacteria that may remain in the villi after washing. It is not recommended to frequently use wet wipes for intimate hygiene, as they contain many cosmetic elements that remain on the skin after use and can cause an allergic reaction.

Choice of underwear

Many girls prefer thongs. Scientists have proven that the presence of a narrow strip on such a model of panties contributes to the fact that bacteria from the anus can be transferred to the genitals. Also, personal hygiene is negatively affected by wearing synthetic underwear that does not allow air to pass through, thereby causing sweating and providing favorable conditions for the occurrence of thrush, papillomas and dysbacteriosis. This applies to both male and female hygiene. The only difference is that women feel the symptoms of the disease almost immediately, and the male half of humanity is its carriers, and may not be aware of the presence of the disease for several years. Underwear should be sewn with natural materials, there should not be rough seams on the underwear, and it should not cause inconvenience: when wearing it, it should not be felt.

It is recommended to rest from tight underwear at night, but you need to take into account the fact that you need to sleep on clean, ironed, natural and pleasant to the touch bed linen. It is advisable not to let pets into your bed, as they are carriers of many infections.

Hygiene rules for women

The most vulnerable time for women is the period of menstruation, since it is on these days that the protective function of the flora weakens. Therefore, one should refrain from sexual intercourse, taking a bath and bathing in reservoirs. It is recommended to change pads on critical days at least 1 time in 3-4 hours. When using tampons, they should be changed every 2 hours. Tampons should not be used at night, as the secretions absorbed by them tend to decompose when in a humid, warm environment, resulting in the formation of bacteria. A similar situation with pads for every day: it is recommended to change them every 4 hours. Do not buy scented pads, as fragrances can cause allergies and candidiasis. You should pay attention to the discharge with each change of underwear: in the presence of abundant incessant discharge, you should consult a doctor.

Hygiene rules for men

The main rule for men's personal hygiene is to thoroughly wash the intimate area, in particular, attention should be paid to the foreskin, since the greatest number of bacteria accumulate in its folds, which cause an unpleasant odor. It is in connection with this circumcision is prescribed in some countries. Men should pay some attention to going to the toilet, because. due to physiological characteristics, they constantly touch the genitals with their hands, then their hands must be washed both before and after the toilet. Be sure to blot the intimate organ with toilet paper, otherwise marks will remain on the linen, creating an excellent environment for the spread of infections. Men should pay attention to discharge, the appearance of which is a clear sign of the disease.