Intimate hygiene. Gynecologist's advice

Compliance with simple rules of neatness prevents many diseases of the genital area.

Every woman and girl needs to know about hygiene methods. Mothers of girls should take good care of the hygiene of the baby, and instill neatness in the grown-up girl.

Read the rules of hygiene and find out which ones you violate, exposing yourself to the risk of getting sick?

Intimate hygiene rules:

Very important regularly wash the genital area, including the anus to protect yourself from infections and bad odors. The external genitalia have sweat and sebaceous glands that secrete sweat and oil. Since the genital area is moist and warm, bacteria can easily multiply in this environment.

Wash with warm water at least once a day. On critical days, you need to wash 2 to 4 times a day. You need to wash with your hand. Can't use washcloth, as germs and bacteria living on it can get into the vagina. Direction of travel from front to back. Use soap no more than 2-3 times a week, preferably for children.

You can not wash the vagina with soap, shower, as this greatly changes the acid-base balance.

Douching should be avoided. Washing out the normal microflora of the vagina, thereby reducing its protective functions.

Cotton or silk underwear is preferred, as synthetic underwear gets wet quickly but dries slowly, creating the greenhouse effect that mushrooms love.

Tight clothing interferes with the normal blood supply to the pelvic organs, and also interferes with the flow of oxygen into the vagina, thereby provoking the growth of pathogenic microflora. Try your best wear tight clothes less often.

Soaps, gels with antibacterial components and fragrances irritate and dry external genitalia. The chemical components that make up their composition worsen the condition of the vaginal microflora. Intimate deodorants have the same effect.

Colored and flavored toilet paper contain chemical dyes and fragrances that remain on the genitals, causing irritation. When they enter the vagina, these substances affect its microflora and can cause inflammation.

It is not recommended to use panty liners, so they create a greenhouse effect and prevent the flow of oxygen into the vagina, which causes an imbalance between normal and pathogenic microflora. Oxygen is not needed for reproduction of conditionally pathogenic flora.

Use tampons as a last resort but it's better not to use it at all. Lactobacilli live in the vagina, which are necessary for the health of our body. For their normal life, they need a sufficient amount of oxygen, without which they die. Tampons do not allow oxygen to enter the vagina, thereby contributing to the death of the lactobacilli we need. And since lactobacilli are the guardians of the health of the vagina, after their death, conditionally pathogenic flora begins to grow violently, which is not healthy in large quantities.

By following these personal hygiene rules, you reduce the risk of inflammation in the vagina, as well as the appearance of an unpleasant odor. You must be clean...

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All girls want to look attractive, be the most beautiful and irresistible. Therefore, personal hygiene is given a lot of attention. However, when washing their faces in the morning, for some reason, many girls forget about one more aspect of grooming. Or they consider it not as necessary as a clean face. Nevertheless, intimate hygiene is one of the most important components of not only cleanliness, but also the health of every woman and girl.

At all times, this aspect has received much attention. For example, Cleopatra used baths with the addition of herbs or essential oils. In Russia, a bath has always been popular, and the number of decoctions with chamomile, aloe and other herbs and oils used for these procedures is simply huge. Many of the recipes have been known and used for centuries. In general, the intimate hygiene of women is first described in the ancient monuments of Mesopotamia (approximately the 2nd century BC), although the term itself appeared only in the middle of the last century.

Rules for holding

Despite the seeming knowledge of the issue, many women do not know exactly how intimate hygiene is carried out. Some pay too little attention to it, others, on the contrary, too much. In both cases, there are various problems with women's health. So, what do you need to know in order to properly carry out all activities to cleanse intimate areas?

There are simple rules that will help you navigate this difficult issue:

Care products

Any, the healthiest woman, in the vagina is a huge amount of bacteria, both beneficial and pathogenic. The microflora is in an unstable balance, which is easy to shake, using the wrong, inappropriate feminine hygiene products. The fact is that the pH level of the vagina is about 3.5. This indicator is necessary for the life and reproduction of beneficial lactic acid bacteria, harmful ones die under such conditions.

Many infections also fail to overcome natural defenses. Ordinary soap has a pH of about 7, i.e., it creates an alkaline environment that injures the normal microflora of the vagina. And, while the body does not have enough beneficial bacteria, pathogenic ones can have time to multiply.

All intimate care products (gels, milks) must have a neutral or slightly acidic pH value. It is considered ideal if these numbers range from 3.5 to 4.5. A pH level of 5 is also still acceptable. If this figure is higher, then there is a great chance to disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

Currently, there are a large number of means and recipes for intimate care. However, not all of them are equally useful and not suitable for all women. Basic items of feminine hygiene:

  • Special soaps, gels, foams, milk. You need to carefully read the composition to make sure that the drug is based on natural ingredients, for example, decoctions of chamomile, aloe or calendula, essential oils, and not chemical perfume fragrances. Lactic acid-based products are also useful, because they restore the natural microflora and prevent irritation;
  • It is undesirable to constantly use intimate hygiene wipes instead of washing. They are good at fighting odor and dirt, but this is an emergency option in case there is no opportunity to take a shower at the end of the day or after the toilet. It is good if they are saturated with essential oils or extracts of aloe, chamomile, etc.;
  • For those who want to avoid the appearance of smell, they produce special deodorants for the intimate sphere, however, they use perfume fragrances, which is not suitable for all women;
  • Creams for intimate hygiene are not a luxury, but the norm. They have antiseptic properties, protect against the penetration of harmful microorganisms, cover the vagina with a thin protective film, and help restore the natural microflora. They should be used when swimming in open water and for those over 40;
  • Panty liners are wonderful feminine hygiene items that allow you to maintain freshness, cleanliness, and avoid unpleasant odors. Often they are impregnated with oils to give a pleasant aroma. But you need to use them correctly. They change the "daily" not in the morning and in the evening, but every 4 hours, because they accumulate a large amount of secretions. With prolonged wear on gaskets, ideal conditions are created for the development of pathogenic flora;
  • Menstrual pads and tampons also need to be changed regularly and frequently to avoid irritation and inflammation.

Folk recipes

For washing, many recipes have been created using herbs: chamomile, aloe, calendula, etc. These products do not cause allergies and irritation, many decoctions are medicinal. The personal hygiene of a woman is unthinkable without the use of folk recipes. Products with potassium permanganate, aloe, calendula and other herbs are very popular. You need to be careful when using baking soda recipes, as it creates an alkaline environment.

So, with inflammatory diseases, an infusion of chamomile flowers is very popular. The recipe is extremely simple: 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for an hour. It is advisable to use a thermos for steaming.

You can prepare a collection of dried herbs coltsfoot and chamomile. They must be mixed in equal amounts and stored in a tightly closed jar. For the procedure 4 tbsp. l. collection pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist 2 hours.

Douching with chamomile is also often done. For this, 2 tbsp. l. flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist for 40 minutes.

Popular for douching and potassium permanganate. A weak pale pink solution is prepared for the procedure. Potassium permanganate should not be used for cervical erosion, as the disease can be aggravated.

Tea tree oil has an antimicrobial effect, so it is also used in recipes for intimate hygiene and douching. 1 tsp oils are mixed with 1 tsp. alcohol. Then 5 drops of the mixture are diluted in a glass of boiled water.

Maintaining intimate hygiene is not so difficult. Its rules are simple and clear. It is necessary to monitor the timely implementation of the procedures and choose the most suitable products with the right pH level.

The rules of personal hygiene of a woman are associated with the physiological characteristics of the female body. This means that along with the generally accepted principles of personal hygiene, additional rules are required throughout life. These additional rules should be observed from an early age of the girl, in order to prevent various inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

Feminine hygiene rules

All the fair sex knows that underwear should be changed regularly. In addition, daily hygiene procedures of the genital organs should be carried out. They should be washed with clean, soft and warm water. Moreover, the jet of water must be directed from front to back, and not vice versa. Toilet paper should also be used in this direction.

This is very important, as it allows you to protect yourself from getting into the vagina of infections, such as E. coli. This microorganism often causes inflammation of the female genital organs.

The modern world is characterized by poor ecology, which largely contributes to the emergence of various diseases, weakening of the immune system. Therefore, do not rely on chance, follow the elementary rules. When taking water procedures, try not to get the soap or gel that you use into the vagina. They can have a detrimental effect on the natural flora of the mucosa, which provokes the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

On the days of menstruation, do not forget to wash the genitals more often with clean, better boiled water, without soap. Such procedures should be at least 3-4 per day. These days, the inner surface of the uterus is extremely sensitive and vulnerable. It can easily get infected. Therefore, these days, refrain from swimming in open water, do not visit the sauna and pool. Shower daily, morning and evening. Sex is also undesirable these days.

However, the intimate hygiene of a woman's genitals is not only about daily water procedures. Sex education also applies to these rules. After all, it is no secret that a huge part of gynecological diseases is associated with the frequent change of sexual partners by a woman. And it is very sad that for these reasons young girls often get caught. Therefore, it is necessary to explain the norms of moral education, as well as talk about some aspects of sexual life in order to protect a young girl from wrong steps, and hence from many sexually transmitted diseases.

Another common cause of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area is hypothermia. The modern girl is more concerned about how she looks than whether she is warmly dressed. Youth fashion dictates its own style: short jackets, low-cut jeans or short skirts with thin tights. The result of blindly following fashion is inflammation of the appendages.

Therefore, it is very important from childhood to instill in a girl not only a taste for fashion, the ability to navigate it, but also respect for her health. You need to teach her to combine fashion and the necessary care for her health.

You should know that any inflammatory disease of the female genital area very easily becomes chronic. This guarantees the appearance of strong, persistent pain, medication, sometimes painful procedures and endless queues to the doctor. To avoid all this, you need to remember that a woman's personal hygiene is above all for her. Everyone knows them without exception, but each approaches them in its own way, often incorrectly. For example, often women's diseases are directly related to the use of low-quality sanitary pads, tampons, wearing synthetic underwear. And it is also very important for maintaining a woman's health.

Which sanitary pads to choose?

Modern trade offers a great variety of sanitary napkins from different manufacturers and companies. Such products for daily use are in great demand, as they help maintain cleanliness and freshness all day long. However, it is very important to carefully approach their choice.

When buying, make sure that the absorbent pad of such a pad is made of natural material. The top layer should also be made of natural, hygienically clean material that is safe for women's health. High-quality pads allow the skin to "breathe", keeping it from inflammation and diaper rash. This is especially true in hot weather when sweating increases. Therefore, you should properly approach the purchase of this delicate product.

Women who have undergone various operations, such as a caesarean section, or after childbirth, require special personal hygiene products. A real breakthrough in this direction can be called the appearance on the shelves of diapers specifically designed for adults. They solve emerging delicate problems of women after surgery. They can also be worn by pregnant women, in case of urinary incontinence. A woman's body can respond negatively to various irritants, so it is important to choose hypoallergenic hygiene products.

You should also adjust the choice of hygiene products according to age, because over time, a woman's skin type can change dramatically.

To maintain your health for many years, strictly follow these simple rules throughout your life. They are not recommended, but mandatory. From childhood, explain to your daughters all the consequences of improper self-care. This will save them from many health problems in the future.

Most women carefully monitor their appearance - they visit beauty salons, cosmetologists, makeup artists, nutritionists, etc.

And rightly so, because in order to become successful and attract the attention of the opposite sex, you should always be impeccable.

However, devoting too much time to their appearance, many forget about the issue that concerns the more intimate side - the care of the genitals.

Some of the women may wonder: what's so difficult about it? However, in this matter there are a large number of nuances and rules that will help to avoid many diseases associated with the genitals.

Find out how to properly wash a woman: how often, how many times a day you need to do it, what is best to use - soap or special gels, what tools are needed for this every day - advice from gynecologists on all intimate issues!

Importance of care

A few years ago, the topic of intimate hygiene caused embarrassment and, as a rule, was not discussed.

Many girls were embarrassed to address this issue to the doctor, and therefore followed the recommendations of their mothers, who advised to wash once a day with soap.

As a result, in ignorant girls, the water-alkaline balance of the vaginal mucosa was disturbed, followed by thrush.

The whole point is that the vaginal mucosa is a very delicate and sensitive area which requires careful and careful care.

The uterine cavity is the most sterile place in a woman's body. The mucosa in this area is regularly exposed to pathogens.

As a result, they begin to multiply, causing inflammatory reactions. As a result, the development of chronic adnexitis () and other diseases no less dangerous for women.

Therefore so it is important to carry out the washing procedure in accordance with all the rules which, unfortunately, many women do not pay attention to.

What can be used

For today the pharmaceutical market is replete with various means for intimate hygiene. Therefore, it is difficult for the buyer to make the right choice.

In no case should you wash with ordinary or liquid soap. Many of these products dry out the skin and contain fragrances that can irritate the vaginal mucosa.

Besides, soap has the ability to flush out beneficial bacteria contained in the microflora. As a result, an artificial pathogenic environment is created, which is an excellent place for the spread of microbes.

Ideal for these purposes special gel for intimate hygiene. The product must necessarily contain a pH level ranging from 4-5, and lactic acid, which contains useful lactobacilli necessary to maintain the vaginal microflora.

Important nuances

Be sure to pay attention to the absence of dyes, fragrances or alkaline compounds in the composition of the product.

Do not use washcloths or sponges in the process of washing. These items can damage the mucous membrane and leave behind microcracks.

It is necessary to wash only with hands. The palms must be clean.

Basic Rules

The procedure should be carried out twice a day- in the morning and in the evening, as well as before and after sexual intercourse.

Being in an inconvenient place for this process - at school, work, nature - it is recommended to use special sanitary napkins.

Water should be warm, the optimum temperature is 30 degrees. Cold water can lead to the development of inflammation, and too hot - to a burn of the mucous membrane.

The jet of water should be directed from top to bottom, that is, to the anus from the vagina. When acting in the opposite direction, there is a possibility of infection.

How to properly wash women inside? It is not recommended to direct the jet directly into the vagina. This action will help flush out all the beneficial bacteria.

Many women may be indignant: how is it, but douching? This procedure is generally contraindicated by many gynecologists or is recommended only for medicinal purposes and only with the use of medicinal herbs.

The towel should only be used by one woman and not used for other purposes. It should also be kept clean. Ideally, it is better to boil the towel and iron it every time.

How women wash themselves correctly - how many times a day you need to carry out the procedure, what is the best way to wash yourself every day, the video about washing will tell:

Washing during menstruation

In this responsible period for a woman, as carefully as possible to monitor the intimate area.

In this case, the choice of gaskets is also required. They should consist of natural materials and do not contain fragrances.

The benefits of sanitary pads for every day

Probably every woman knows firsthand about daily sanitary pads. This is very convenient, especially if you are far from home. However, not everything is as rosy as it seems.

Panty liners should be changed every 3-4 hours, as vaginal secretions accumulate on their surface, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

But that's not all. Many manufacturers claim that pads should be used daily - this is fundamentally wrong.

Gynecologists say that daily use can lead to irreversible consequences.

And it's all about the gaskets. Most of them made from pressed cellulose, which does not allow the skin to breathe.

The result is a greenhouse environment that is ideal for the spread of bacteria.


This issue should also be treated responsibly. After all improperly selected underwear can lead to the development of various diseases.

Nobody argues that beautiful thongs with lace add sexuality to a woman, which is important in relationships with the opposite sex.

However, daily wearing of such panties can be harmful and dangerous to a woman's health.

That's why for permanent use, it is better to purchase linen consisting of natural fabrics. The regularity of changing panties is also important.

It is necessary to change clothes daily, and in the presence of heavy discharge - twice a day.

What to do during pregnancy

The body of a woman in this period is the most vulnerable Therefore, it is very important in this case to monitor intimate hygiene. This is due to the fact that global changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, which also affect the genitals.

And just before the birth itself, a woman in position has a discharge that must be washed off so as not to infect the infection.

Ideally, a pregnant woman should wash herself after every trip to the toilet and after sexual intercourse.

However, in the last stages, it is quite difficult for expectant mothers to carry out this important procedure. Therefore, gynecologists advise at every opportunity use disinfectant wipes.

Otherwise, all the rules for caring for the intimate area are the same.

A brief overview of the most effective means

Most girls prefer use ordinary soap or shower gel for intimate hygiene. Doctors warn that this is fraught with a violation of the water-alkaline balance.

The fact is that this very balance is straying towards more alkaline, while the environment in the intimate zone should be acidic. As a result, the microflora of the vagina is exposed to pathogenic microorganisms.

It should be noted that the means for washing women intended for intimate hygiene do not contain soap at all. Moreover, they should have a pH level of 4-5. These indicators correspond to the natural pH of a woman.

For example, in baby soap, the pH reaches 7, and in ordinary or liquid soap, up to 9. In other words, the risk of harming the vaginal microflora is quite high if you do not use special products.

"Intimate Natural" - gel from Nivea

This product does not contain any dyes or soap, but the gel contains a fragrance. True, it is completely harmless and almost imperceptible.

"IntimateNatural" has a deodorizing effect, but usually does not cause allergic reactions.

Contains lactic acid and chamomile which can reduce inflammation and soothe irritated skin.

"Lactacyd Femina"

One of the most common and used means for intimate hygiene. "Lactacyd Femina" is sold only in pharmacies.

In the gel contains lactic acid and whey called "lactoserum". This component is very important for maintaining normal microflora.

The advantage of the product is that it is consumed very slowly. A few drops are enough for one application. The texture of "Lactacyd Femina" is also pleasing - tender and soft.

Carefree Sensitive

The gel is intended for daily care of the intimate area. Despite the low price, the product is quite effective and suitable for sensitive skin. "Carefree Sensitive" has a slight deodorizing effect.

Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel

Quite expensive, but very effective gel for the care of the intimate area. Contains burdock extract, hyaluronic acid and panthenol able to soothe irritated skin.

In addition, "Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel" relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane and also prevents the development of thrush.


Another effective tool designed for intimate care. The product has a low pH - 3.8.

Manufacturers claim that the gel is suitable for young girls, who, for the most part, have a slightly acidic balance. That is why the pH is slightly lower.

SebaMed has a slightly perceptible fragrance. Contains only natural ingredients - betaine, panthenol, virginia nut ester.

"Epigen Intimate"

The difference between this tool and others is that "Epigen Intim" does not contain lactic acid.

However, this gel contains glycyrrhizic acid, which is excellent at fighting bacteria.

That's why the product is not intended for daily care, but only in problem situations - after intercourse, during the treatment of thrush, during menstruation, etc.

Compliance with all rules for the care of the intimate area help maintain health and self-confidence.

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The reproductive organs of a woman are a very complex system, the main purpose of which is to conceive and bear a child. Violations in the operation of this system almost always lead to serious consequences.

Normally, the uterine cavity is sterile. Lactobacilli, which are present in the vagina, do not allow harmful microorganisms to enter the uterus. These same bacteria maintain the high acidity of the vaginal environment. If the acidity of the vagina, due to some reason, becomes more alkaline, the number of lactobacilli rapidly decreases, and other microbes take their place, which easily penetrate the uterus and can cause inflammation and, as a result, lead to problems with the fetus.

Such situations can arise for a number of reasons, the most common of which are: lack of intimate feminine hygiene or, conversely, excessive cleansing of the delicate area. Compliance with some simple rules will avoid major health problems and pregnancy.

Basic rules for feminine hygiene

Wash regularly

Not only feminine hygiene begins with this rule. Regular water procedures are the key to the health of women, children and men.

The procedure is required to be carried out twice a day, at least, and best of all, every time after visiting the toilet. You can use special wet wipes if this is not possible. Before washing the external genitalia, wash your hands with soap and water. It is also required to observe the front-to-back direction so that the infection does not enter the vagina from the anus. After washing, the moisture must be carefully blotted with a clean towel, without damaging the delicate integument.

Wash only the external genitalia

There is a widespread misconception that it is required to wash not only the outer shell of the genital organs, but also diligently rinse the vagina with a shower or douche. It is forbidden to do this. It must be remembered that excessive hygiene can lead to a violation of the microbiocenosis of the vagina. If the doctor recommended baths and douching, then they can be carried out following his recommendations, if not, it is impossible.

If there is a need, then only special tools are required.

Doctors and ordinary people advise washing the genitals only with clean and warm water. But if a woman has any diseases, then doctors, as a rule, recommend specific products for intimate hygiene. For example, gel, liquid soap, cream or mousse with special extracts (thyme, St. John's wort, aloe, chamomile, etc.). You can not use ordinary cosmetic soap, as well as household or antibacterial. Such agents will dry the mucous membrane, thereby causing acidity disorders.

Wear comfortable cotton underwear

Delicate skin will be able to "breathe" if a woman wears comfortable underwear made from natural materials. Synthetic underwear, as well as popular thongs, often cause some gynecological diseases. Underwear should be changed daily.

Be careful with panty liners

Panty liners can cause some problems that can be avoided by changing panty liners after going to the toilet. In addition, it is recommended to buy pads without any fragrances: fragrances often cause allergic reactions and fungal diseases.

After swimming in an open pond or pool, you should not be in a wet swimsuit.

In a humid environment, pathogenic bacteria and fungi begin to actively multiply. After you get out of the water, immediately put on something dry.

Depilation of the intimate area should also be done carefully.

Use only disposable blades to prevent infection. After the procedure, wash with warm water using a feminine hygiene product. In addition, carefully choose shaving creams, because some women may experience an allergic reaction to many of them in the mucosal area.

Hygiene for "special days"

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Of course, for any woman, menstruation is a special time, because on such days the vagina is most accessible for the penetration of pathogenic microbes. Therefore, it is required to observe not only the basic rules, but also take into account the following:

  • Pads should be changed after every visit to the toilet. If you prefer tampons, then they should be changed every 2-3 hours;
  • tampons during a night's sleep are not recommended;
  • it is worth strictly limiting your sex life, as well as swimming in any water bodies, in order to avoid infection during menstruation.

Hygiene for pregnant women

During pregnancy, women must follow the standard rules of intimate hygiene. But, among other things, expectant mothers need to remember the following.