How to treat candidal stomatitis in adults. Effective treatment of candidal stomatitis in adults Candidal stomatitis causes

Candidiasis stomatitis, caused by a yeast-like fungus, is a common disease of the oral cavity, which is accompanied by the appearance of a dense white coating on the mucous and soft tissues. The disease affects people of different age groups, however, the methods of treatment will vary for adults and children. In this article, we will consider how and how to treat candidal stomatitis in adults, we will establish the cause of its appearance and the main symptoms.

Fungal disease appears on the mucous parts of the body and often affects the oral cavity (palate, inside of the cheeks and lips, tongue, gums, etc.). As a rule, people with a weakened immune system, namely the elderly, as well as infants, are more susceptible to the disease.

Thrush in the oral cavity is provoked by the activity of fungi of the Candida species. These organisms are normally found in the oral cavity, living on the mucous surface, without harming the carrier. When exposed to some external or internal factors, the fungus begins to multiply, capturing the muscle tissue of the area, causing its damage.

Candidal stomatitis

One of the provoking factors may be the entry of other pathological organisms into the area, which leads to an imbalance in the microflora.

There are also other common causes of thrush:

  • weak defenses, a drop in immunity due to seasonal beriberi, background diseases, recent stress, surgery, trauma, etc .;
  • childhood and old age, in which the immune system does not fight well with external infections;
  • the development of the disease against the background of other types of oral stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, glossitis, etc.;
  • the presence of HIV infection, AIDS, which in more than 85% of cases causes thrush in the patient;
  • high blood sugar favorably affects the development of the fungus, so diabetics are also at risk;
  • oncology;
  • xerostomia (drying of the mucosa), which occurs as a result of the regular use of dental elixirs, Sjögren's syndrome;
  • lack of regular and high-quality oral hygiene;
  • wearing dentures and implants;
  • hormonal changes in the body, which changes the bacterial microflora of the oral cavity (observed in adolescence, as well as during pregnancy, menopause);
  • regular or recent use of corticosteroids, antibiotics that disrupt the microflora of the mucosa, as well as oral contraceptives and other hormonal drugs;
  • oral sex;
  • smoking, which reduces the body's ability to fight external bacteria;
  • wearing braces, retainers, prostheses and implants that cause microcracks in the mucosa, chafing and irritation, which creates an ideal environment for the development of microbes and bacteria;
  • living in an area saturated with chemical components (pesticides, benzene, etc.).

How the disease develops

Candidiasis stomatitis in adults (treatment described below) develops under the influence of the above factors, as well as in the case of transmission of the disease from the carrier, the use of common household appliances and objects, toothbrushes, etc.

Candidiasis stomatitis, with proper treatment, disappears in 12-14 days

Often, the disease is mild and cured through the use of antifungal drugs for 12-14 days. It happens that the disease recedes on its own, and sometimes, on the contrary, it does not go away even after the use of adequate therapy.

In the absence of treatment with primary symptoms, thrush spreads to other organs with a mucous surface (esophagus, vagina, penis, intestines, etc.), as well as to the skin.

Also, oral thrush can appear in the form of gingivitis, glossitis, seizures, herpes, other types of stomatitis, cheilitis, etc.

Consider the symptoms of candidal stomatitis:

  • burning and itching of the mucous area of ​​the tongue, lips, cheeks, larynx, palate (the primary stage of the disease);
  • the appearance of a whitish cheesy plaque, which is easily removed;
  • inflammation of the mucosa, the appearance of microcracks through which blood oozes;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • violation of taste and temperature receptors;
  • an unpleasant taste in the mouth (some say an iron taste);
  • bad breath;
  • pain during biting, chewing and swallowing;
  • lethargy, apathy, loss of strength.

In the case of acquiring a chronic form of thrush, the oral cavity often dries up, itches and burns, the patient feels pain and discomfort during swallowing.

Interestingly, the disease always acquires a chronic form against the background of oncology, diabetes, HIV. The oral cavity is characterized by a rich red tint, becomes thin and irritated, overdried, covered with a dense cheesy coating.

In case of untimely treatment of the disease, complications may occur: weakened immunity, loss of appetite and rapid weight loss, infection of the larynx, esophagus and intestines.

Candidal stomatitis in adults (treatment is prescribed by a therapist, dentist, dermatologist, infectious disease specialist or immunologist) requires the delivery of the necessary tests and laboratory tests that confirm the diagnosis.

How to cure thrush

Moderate and severe form involves taking oral medications and the use of topical antifungal agents

Like any other disease, stomatitis requires the treatment of severe symptoms, the elimination of sources of the disease and background ailments. To begin with, the patient is provided with proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, macro- and microelements. Therapy is also prescribed to stimulate the immune system. Improving the quality of regular oral hygiene plays an important role.

A mild form of the disease can be treated by the patient at home. He should take antifungal essences and tablets, as well as special lozenges for 12-14 days. Rinsing with decoctions of herbs, as well as saline-soda solution, can be useful.

The moderate and severe form involves taking oral medications and the use of antifungal topical agents (ointment, cream, compresses and applications). Treatment should be continued until symptoms are relieved to prevent relapse.

If the infection has spread to the larynx, esophagus, and intestines, treatment involves intensive antifungal therapy.

Pregnant women should not take oral medications, as they can harm the health of the baby. Such therapy is acceptable in extremely serious cases, if there is a risk of further infection of the body through the blood.

There is also a persistent and recurrent form of the disease with its own treatment nuances:

  • more than 2 weeks of drug therapy until the symptoms disappear completely;
  • active use of oral and local antifungal agents;
  • treatment aimed at strengthening the immune system.

People with weak immune systems and underlying illnesses can continue to take medication regularly as a preventive measure against relapse.

Treatment of candidal stomatitis in adults who use prostheses requires the following rules: f3 To prevent and treat candidiasis, you should carefully care for dentures

  • each time before a night or daytime rest, remove dentures and rinse the mouth with saline-soda solution;
  • clean the dentures themselves with a toothbrush, special paste and water;
  • every night send them to a glass with a solution of chlorhexidine;
  • in the morning, thoroughly rinse the dentures with running water, without the use of fluorine-containing products (they neutralize the effect of chlorhexidine).

In some cases, a solution of gentian violet 1% is effective against thrush. This pigment is a natural antifungal agent that effectively fights pathogenic microflora.

If the disease causes you physical discomfort, use the following tips:

  • drink chilled liquids (tea, comfort and ice water), eat ice cream carefully, which will help relieve pain, burning and itching;
  • eat only frayed and mucous foods, soups, minced meat, soufflé, mashed potatoes, in order to avoid injury to the inflamed sensitive surface;
  • it is better to drink drinks through a straw;
  • rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day with salted water or saline solution.

Disease prevention

In order to avoid a recurrence of the disease or its surge against the background of provoking factors, follow important preventive recommendations.

When these rules are followed, the disease will either not appear at all, or will pass in a mild form, without causing any particular inconvenience and pain.

Do not forget that if symptoms of candidal stomatitis occur, it is better to immediately contact the clinic for qualified help.

© Andrey Popov / Fotolia

Candidal stomatitis is a disease caused by the fungus Candida. This yeast-like fungus, along with other microorganisms, is present in small quantities on the oral mucosa of a healthy person.

Due to an imbalance in the body caused by various factors, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly, forming a white coating on the tongue, gums, and buccal mucosa. Oral thrush is easily treatable, however, if the immune system is weakened, the disease can recur again and again.

If you find red sores or white plaque in your mouth, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Factors affecting the development of candidal stomatitis are:

  • weakened immunity;
  • allergy to a certain product (lowered immunity can affect the appearance of allergies);
  • dysbacteriosis (for example, after prolonged use of antibiotics);
  • severe diarrhea, resulting in dehydration of the body;
  • lack of a balanced diet and, as a result, a lack of vitamins of groups A, B, C, E;
  • hormonal changes in the body (for example, during pregnancy in women);
  • gingivitis, periodontitis, caries, tartar;
  • the use of toothpaste with SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), designed to intensively freshen breath, but dehydrates the oral cavity (according to statistics, people who use toothpaste without SLS content are less likely to get stomatitis);
  • nervous stress;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • long-term chemotherapy due to malignant tumors.

© Tatiana Shepeleva / Fotolia

All of the above circumstances create a favorable atmosphere for the development of Candida yeast-like fungi in the oral cavity, since due to diseases there is an outflow of lymphocytes, designed to fight a large number of foreign microorganisms and fungi.

Very often, candidiasis in the mouth is a consequence of thrush throughout the body or a lesion of the vaginal mucosa in a woman with this fungus.

A child can become infected with thrush through the mother due to poor hygiene or during childbirth as a result of passing through the birth canal.

Stages of the course of the disease

Symptoms of candidal stomatitis - both in adults and in children - appear in a staging sequence. The disease gradually progresses as a result of its late detection.

  • 1st stage. The first sign of thrush of the oral mucosa is the appearance of red sores on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, tongue, gums, lips, tonsils, and palate. At this stage, it is very difficult to notice and diagnose the disease, and such symptoms can occur for a very long time.
  • 2nd stage. In places of sores, a white cheesy coating appears. If you try to scrape it off, then red painful wounds form at this place. At this stage, thrush rarely occurs with an elevated temperature.
  • 3rd stage. White plaque is hard to scrape off, the wounds bleed. A very dangerous period in which, if an infection enters open wounds, bacterial stomatitis can form - a very serious disease, accompanied by an extremely painful course and high fever.
  • 4th stage. A severe form of candidiasis is accompanied by high fever and, in some cases, damage to the upper respiratory tract. These symptoms are especially dangerous for children.

It is important to know: candidal stomatitis is a contagious disease transmitted through kisses or shared utensils.

In adults

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Correct and timely diagnosis is the key to a successful and quick cure for candidal stomatitis.

Antifungal medications such as " Pimafucin", "Fluconazole", "Nystatin", "Levorin", which are taken 4-7 times a day, depending on the form of the disease. The course of treatment is from 5 to 20 days until the last signs of thrush disappear.

Locally, it is necessary to rinse or treat the mouth with the following drugs of your choice at least 6 times a day and after each meal:

  • soda solution (a teaspoon per glass of water);
  • solution "Candide";
  • gel "Pimafucin";
  • nystatin drops;
  • cream "Clotrimazole";
  • a solution of sodium borate in glycerin;
  • lugol;
  • aniline dyes;
  • lotions with potassium permanganate 1 to 10,000;
  • spray "Paradontocide".

Candidiasis of the oral cavity obliges to follow a diet in nutrition. It is necessary to exclude fatty, sweet, starchy foods, as they promote the growth of fungi.

Sour and spicy foods can overly irritate the oral mucosa, leading to new bleeding sores. During the period of illness, the diet should consist of boiled grated dishes.

It is important to know: after the disappearance of all symptoms of candidiasis, oral preparations must be drunk for another 2-3 days in order to avoid the recurrence of the disease.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes a single dose of an antifungal drug a month later to avoid a relapse.

Besides, it is necessary to strengthen the body by general hardening, drink a complex of vitamins and minerals.

In children

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Candidiasis stomatitis in children does not symptomatically differ from the course of the disease in an adult. The disease is complicated by the fact that a small child cannot explain what is bothering him, he becomes capricious, refuses to eat, sleeps restlessly.

It is very important to responsibly treat newborns infected, usually from the mother. Feeding a baby can be difficult due to pain in the mouth during feeding. Inflammation can cause a burning sensation and dry mouth.

In mild forms of oral candidiasis, the temperature is unlikely, in rare cases it reaches no more than 38 degrees. White plaque gradually turns into a film. If a nursing mother detects thrush in a timely manner, infection of the baby can be avoided. The main signs of damage to the nipples of the mother by Candida fungus are:

  • redness,
  • itching sensation,
  • flaky skin,
  • pain during feeding
  • tingling sensation in the chest area.

After eating, be sure to give the child a few sips of clean water, then topically treat the oral mucosa with antifungal drugs. Processing the child's mouth is not difficult if he can rinse it on his own.

If candidal stomatitis has struck a crumb, then it is necessary to treat the entire oral cavity with a cotton swab moistened with one of the selected antifungal solutions. You can wrap your finger with a bandage or use a cotton swab. The main thing is to make the baby less worried.

A spray with an antifungal effect, for example, "Daktarin", can also solve the problem with processing the baby's mouth. An unpleasant procedure must be carried out at least 3 times a day for 7-10 days as prescribed by a doctor.

Usually, the treatment period depends on the recovery time, plus 2-3 days from the moment the last symptoms disappeared. In case of illness of an infant, before each feeding, the breast or pacifier must be treated with a soda solution.

Preparations that can be used to treat the child's oral cavity

It is important to know: you can not treat the child's mouth with brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide, as they can aggravate the disease. Honey with candidal stomatitis is also ineffective, since sweet promotes the reproduction of fungi.

Additionally, medication is prescribed. Previously, it was usually nystatin. Currently, the opinions of doctors about him are divided. The instructions for the drug indicate that it is permissible to take it from the age of 3, but many pediatricians do not advise doing this.

Currently enjoying great popularity Pimafucin, Diflucan, Levoril.

If oral candidiasis is caused by prolonged use of antibiotics, then probiotics are prescribed to normalize the intestines. If you do not normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, then soon the disease may recur. Good drugs - "Biogaya", "Linex", "Bifiform".

It is important to know: no medicine will help if you do not give your child plenty of fluids! Orange juice, herbal teas, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are no less important than tablets and topical oral treatment.

A diet for the period of illness is a necessary measure for recovery. Food for a child should be tender, non-acidic, non-spicy, sparing the delicate skin of the oral mucosa. It can be pureed soups, omelettes, curds, pâtés and meat purees.

Sour-milk products are obligatory in the diet, but for now it is better to refrain from milk. For the time being, it is also better to forget about sweets and sweets, since sugar contributes to the development of fungi.

Additionally, during treatment and a month after it, it is advisable to drink immuno-fortifying drugs, for example, " Imupret", "Immunal", "Imunoriks" and others as prescribed by the doctor.

We bring to your attention a video with the advice of a dentist, and you will learn what to do if a child has signs of stomatitis:

Folk remedies

With the treatment of folk remedies, you need to be as careful as with medicines, because many herbs and natural foods can aggravate the disease. However, for the treatment of candidal stomatitis in children, folk remedies are safer.

Replace unhealthy honey in this case can propolis solution, which is effective even for an infant. cabbage juice, aloe can be used instead of pharmacy creams and gels, treating the oral cavity 5-7 times a day.

Decoctions of herbs chamomile, sage, calendula, yarrow, oak bark for many years they have been indispensable helpers against many diseases, and candidiasis in the mouth is no exception. Tea tree oil is an extremely effective Candida killer.

It is important to know: alternative methods can be an auxiliary or independent measure to combat thrush in the mouth.

Folk remedies are called upon:

  • relieve burning sensation and dry mouth,
  • anesthetize,
  • eliminate inflammation,
  • cure,
  • improve well-being.

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Folk remedies are good not only for local processing, but also for internal use. So, onions and garlic contain phytoncides that kill the fungus in the body.

Apple vinegar although it has a strong taste, two teaspoons a day, diluted with water, destroy a fungal infection no worse than medicines.

Yogurt is a natural probiotic that restores an unbalanced body, thereby treating the source of the disease.

What can be done at home

Treatment of candidal stomatitis is usually carried out at home. An important rule is the timely detection of the disease and intensive treatment of the oral cavity. It is also impossible to skip taking medications after a certain amount of time.

In the treatment of oral candidiasis, the main thing is to be patient, and then the disease will recede. For a complete recovery, it is recommended that one month after the last medication, a single dose of the prescribed antifungal drug be taken to avoid recurrence.

At home, bed rest with thrush can not be observed, but you should adhere to hygiene measures, ventilate the premises, and do wet cleaning. It is advisable to wash the child's toys with warm soapy water and a disinfectant.

Used utensils of the patient should be boiled. It is better to boil the toothbrush, and after recovery, change to a new one. Hand towels should also be changed more often than usual.

Disease prevention

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Prevention of candidiasis stomatitis is, first of all, the observance of the basic rules of hygiene: wash hands before eating, carry out wet cleaning of the premises every three days. A nursing mother should rinse her nipples before each meal of the crumbs.

Children need to be outdoors more often and lead an active lifestyle. However, on playgrounds, you should be especially attentive to children, because children's sandboxes are not sterile.

Nutrition, both in an adult and in a child, must be balanced, which is a necessary condition for human health. You should not abuse sweet and starchy foods, but sour-milk products, fruits and vegetables should become the most essential food for every day.

Candidiasis stomatitis is an unpleasant, but not fatal disease that requires special attention. Candida lives in the intestines, the oral cavity of a healthy person.

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Candidiasis stomatitis is a disease of the oral mucosa that occurs in children, adults and the elderly. Candidiasis has several types of pathogens and various causes that determine the tactics of treatment.


Candidiasis is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

The most common of them are: C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosia, C. glabrata.

  • C. albicans is found in the oral cavity in 60% of healthy adults, and it is she who causes candidal stomatitis in most cases.
  • C.glabrata is often the cause of oral candidiasis in the elderly, and C. parapsilosia detected in 50% of infants with Candida.
  • Candidiasis stomatitis in HIV-infected, diabetic and oncological patients is caused by rare species - C.sake, C.rugosa.

Video: candidiasis


Mushrooms of the genus Candida belong to conditionally pathogenic flora, and the incidence of candidal stomatitis depends on the state of the body.

  • Weakened immunity. The main role in the development of candidiasis is played by the state of the immune system. A weakened or imbalanced immune system, including after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, reduces the body's ability to fight infection.
  • Age. Newborns and infants are often exposed to the disease. The reasons for this are the balance of microflora in the oral cavity that has not been fully formed, as well as due to the immaturity of the immune system. The onset of the disease in the elderly contributes to the age-related decrease in immunity.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics. Recently, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics has become commonplace. With their long-term use, the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity is disturbed, dysbacteriosis occurs. The resident microflora is suppressed, while the virulence of pathogenic microorganisms increases dramatically.
  • Dentures. Dental prostheses often lead to the development of prosthetic stomatitis, as a result of which the soft tissues of the oral cavity and the gums become inflamed and irritated. These conditions are ideal for the reproduction of the fungus.
  • Smoking. A fact has been established: smokers are more susceptible to oral candidiasis than non-smokers.
  • Oral contraceptives. Taking oral contraceptives promotes the growth of the fungus.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnancy is accompanied by drastic changes in the hormonal background, which contributes to the activation of infections.
  • Work in a hazardous industry. Long-term exposure to various chemicals (benzene, pesticides) weakens the immune system and increases the risk of infections.
  • Immunodeficiency. Carriers of HIV infection are prone to severe forms of candidal stomatitis, as the virus destroys the cells of the immune system. In this case, thrush can spread to the esophagus and intestines. Often, recurrent candidal stomatitis is the first sign of HIV infection.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of the digestive system, especially achilia and reduced acidity of gastric juice, often provoke the development of oral candidiasis. A favorable background for the disease is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism (in diabetes mellitus).
  • Poor oral hygiene. Inadequate oral hygiene contributes to the reproduction of fungus and various microorganisms.

Types and symptoms

The manifestations of the disease can be very diverse and depend on the state of the immune system, the age of the patient, concomitant diseases, and the cause of candidiasis. In addition, a different clinical picture is observed in the acute and chronic process.

According to the clinical course, acute and chronic candidal stomatitis is distinguished. Acute form without correct treatment can become chronic.


In an acute process, the symptoms are pronounced. General complaints may occur, such as weakness, fatigue, fever.

According to morphological features, acute candidiasis is divided into pseudomembranous and atrophic.


Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis - thrush - one of the most common forms of the disease.

Suffer mainly infants, weakened by an infectious disease, bronchitis, as well as premature babies. Adults get sick in the presence of concomitant diseases: diabetes, blood diseases, oncological diseases.

In infants, mothers note the appearance of white spots or white plaque on the mucous membrane of the lips, tongue, cheeks, palate, which accumulates in the form of plaques or films.

Photo: Candidal stomatitis in a child

With a mild degree of candidiasis, plaques are easily removed, leaving a focus of hyperemia in its place.

In severe cases, plaque foci merge and spread to the entire mucous membrane of the mouth. When scraping, such a plaque exfoliates with difficulty, and erythema or bleeding erosions are found under it.

Sick children become lethargic, capricious, sleep poorly, refuse to eat. Adults complain of dryness, swelling of the mucous membrane, discomfort and pain while eating. Untreated pseudomembranous candidiasis can become atrophic.


Acute atrophic candidiasis develops most often due to prolonged use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

The disease is characterized by severe soreness, burning and dryness of the oral mucosa. There is no flight. Sometimes crusts form on the red border of the lips. The general condition usually does not suffer. The taste may be distorted.

On examination, the mucous membrane is fiery red, dry, shiny. The filiform papillae of the tongue are atrophied.

Video: how to treat thrush in the mouth


Untreated acute processes can turn into chronic stomatitis. Symptoms are usually poor.


The disease develops in people who take cytostatics, antibiotics, in patients with tuberculosis, blood diseases, and in HIV-infected people.

When viewed on a hyperemic mucosa, white plaques are noticeable, merging with each other. Over time, they flatten and become yellowish in color. Spread throughout the mucous membrane, in the throat. When scraping, the plaque exfoliates heavily, leaving hyperemic bleeding erosion in place.

Depending on the site of the lesion, candidal glossitis, cheilitis, angular cheilitis (zaedy), palatinitis, pareitis are distinguished. Patients complain of burning, dry mouth. In the presence of erosion, soreness is noted.


Chronic atrophic candidiasis often occurs in people who wear removable lamellar dentures.

Objectively, under the prostheses, the mucous membrane is hyperemic, edematous, dry. Plaque can be seen only in deep folds and on the lateral surfaces of the tongue. Patients complain of dry mouth, burning and soreness when wearing a prosthesis.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of the typical complaints of the patient and the clinical picture. Most of the time this is enough. In some cases, laboratory tests are needed.

The diagnosis is confirmed by the detection of fungi of the genus Candida in a scraping from the surface of the affected areas of the oral mucosa. Normally, fungi of the genus Candida are present in the oral cavity in small quantities.

On microscopic examination, they are found in the form of single yeast-like cells. In case of candidal stomatitis, clusters of budding and non-budding cells, as well as thin, branching filaments of pseudomycelium, are detected in the test preparation.

In acute candidiasis, the scraping preparation is dominated by cellular forms, round, partially budding. In chronic - chains of rounded elongated budding cells and threads of pseudomycelium.

The diagnosis of this disease can be confirmed by conducting an allergy test with a polysaccharide antigen of various fungi.

Photo: Pseudomycedial filaments of the Candida fungus under a microscope

There is a method of express diagnostics. For this, fungi of the genus Candida are incubated with epithelial cells in a ratio of 1:100 for 1.5-2 hours in a thermostat. At a concentration of 16 or more fungal cells per epithelial cell, the diagnosis is confirmed.

In addition to these laboratory tests, a general analysis and blood glucose, as well as consultations with other specialists, may be required.

How to treat

Treatment involves:

  • complex etiotropic therapy of candidiasis,
  • concomitant diseases,
  • correction of the immune system,
  • improving oral hygiene,
  • symptomatic therapy.

Mild forms of candidiasis are treated at home.


For the treatment of candidiasis, drugs of general and local action are used. How to treat candidal stomatitis in a particular case is determined by a dentist, mycologist or infectious disease specialist.

For general treatment

General drugs are prescribed for chronic, erosive-ulcerative, granulomatous, hyperplastic candidiasis, which is combined with skin and nail lesions, as well as with the ineffectiveness of local therapy.

For treatment, preparations of fluconazole, itraconazole, ketonazole, nystatin in the form of tablets in a course of 5-7 days are used.

Photo: Diflucan (fluconazole) and nystatin

To reduce dryness in the oral cavity and fungicidal action, a solution of potassium iodide 2-3% is prescribed. Iodine stimulates salivation, and also destroys the fungus, being released through the skin and mucous membranes.

As a general strengthening action, vitamins of group B, C and PP, calcium gluconate and iron preparations are prescribed.

For local action

Preparations for the local treatment of candidiasis are used in most cases. They are available in the form of rinses, ointments, gels, sprays, chewable tablets and caramels, and are divided into antimycotics and antiseptics.

Topical polyene antimycotics include levorin, nystatin, amphotericin. To imidazole - econazole, clotrimazole, miconazole.

Topical tablets should be in the mouth as long as possible, that is, they should be chewed and kept in the mouth. Gels and ointments work best in the form of applications. The course of therapy is 2-3 weeks.

Of the antiseptics, a solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid and iodine water is used for rinsing.

Photo: Potassium permanganate solution

Of the modern drugs, chlorhexidine bigluconate, Hexoral, suspensions of Levorin, Natamycin, Amphotericin have a good effect.

Rinse should be at least 3 times a day, after meals.

Folk remedies

Of the folk remedies, the most effective and affordable are decoctions of herbs with astringent and anti-inflammatory effects. They can be rinsed in the mouth or used in the form of lotions.

Carrot, raspberry, cranberry and viburnum juice also effectively acts as a rinse.

Applications with olive oil, rosehip oil and sea buckthorn quickly cure candidiasis, as they have wound healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

During the treatment of candidiasis, traditional medicine recommends eating onions, garlic, spices, as they contain substances that inhibit the growth of the fungus.


A diet during oral candidiasis is needed to relieve pain, fight the fungus itself, and also to increase the body's defenses.

Basic principles of nutrition:

  • Eliminate or reduce to a minimum consumption of simple carbohydrates;
  • Exclude the use of canned food, semi-finished products, fast food, alcohol;
  • Exclude products containing yeast (bread, bakery products, beer);
  • Fill the diet with fermented milk products and foods containing fiber;
  • The basis of the diet is boiled meat, vegetables, legumes, cereals, stale bread.


Prevention of candidal stomatitis is to avoid disease-provoking factors.


  • keep the immune system at a high level;
  • rationally take antibiotics;
  • brush your teeth and mouth regularly;
  • regularly undergo medical examinations, including dental;
  • avoid injury to the oral mucosa;
  • Keep your dentures clean and take them off at night.

For the prevention of oral candidiasis in patients with immunodeficiencies, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

To prevent infection with a fungus of newborns and children under one year old, the mother must adhere to the following principles:

  • treat candidiasis during pregnancy, especially in the last month;
  • regularly wash and sterilize baby bottles, nipples, pacifiers;
  • breastfeed your baby (strengthening the immune system);
  • clean the nipples with a clean towel before each feeding.

The human oral cavity contains many microorganisms, and therefore it is rightfully considered the dirtiest organ of the human body. Food particles remaining between the teeth and gums provoke the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that disrupt the acid-base balance in the oral cavity and cause the development of dental problems, including candidal stomatitis.

Although this disease most often affects children mainly in infancy, it is not uncommon for people of other age categories. How to determine candidal stomatitis in adults, what symptoms indicate the presence of the disease, and what modern drugs are used to treat it?

Candidiasis stomatitis - thrush develops on the surface of the oral mucosa. Its causative agent is yeast-like fungi Candida, which are present on the mucous membranes and skin in all healthy people.

There are several varieties of mushrooms:

  • Candida albicans is present in the mouth in more than half of healthy people and is the most common cause of thrush;
  • Candida glabrata most often becomes the causative agent of candidal stomatitis in the elderly;
  • Candida parapsilosia causes oral thrush in half of infants;
  • Candida sake and Candida rugosa are less common pathogens that cause thrush in people with diabetes, cancer, or who are carriers of HIV.

What causes the development of the disease

As mentioned above, Candida fungi are not alien. These microorganisms are companions of all healthy people. They are found on the mucous membranes of the mouth, vagina and intestines without causing any health problems. Only normally they are present in small quantities. And any manifestation of the activity of this conditionally pathogenic microorganism is suppressed by the cells of the immune system.

If the immunity weakens, the protective functions of the body decrease, and the fungi begin to actively multiply, growing on the surface of the mucous membrane. At the same time, most often people have to deal with candidal stomatitis.

Other internal and external factors also contribute to the development of a fungal infection:

  • age characteristics of the organism;
  • prolonged treatment with antibacterial drugs;
  • wearing dentures;
  • smoking;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • pregnancy;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • AIDS virus;
  • diseases of the stomach and other digestive organs;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • poor oral hygiene.

The most common symptoms of candidal stomatitis are found in infants and the elderly. And here the immune system becomes the decisive factor in the development of the disease. In children, immunity has not yet been formed, and therefore is not able to resist pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, children have not yet fully formed the acid-base balance in the oral cavity.

Antibiotics are one of the provoking factors for the reproduction of Candida fungi. People who take antibacterial drugs without first consulting a doctor, without knowing it, contribute to the development of thrush. After all, any antibiotics destroy not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial ones, disrupting the balance of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Wearing dentures often causes stomatitis in adults and the elderly. Moreover, insufficiently clean prostheses become the cause, under which food is clogged, contributing to the reproduction of pathogenic microbes that create ideal conditions for the fungus.

Influence of lifestyle

Smoking and taking hormonal drugs also contribute to the violation of the microflora in the oral cavity. In smokers, candidal stomatitis develops many times more often than in non-smokers. Often, thrush in the mouth becomes a companion of women taking oral contraceptives.

The impact of harmful substances on the human body contributes to the suppression of the immune system, increasing the risk of developing infectious diseases. It is no wonder that Candida fungi are active in the oral cavity of people working in hazardous industries, or living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions.

The human immunodeficiency virus destroys the cells of the immune system. Therefore, in the mouth of people who are carriers of HIV, a fungus most often develops, affecting the esophagus and intestines. Such people, as a rule, suffer from severe forms of thrush. In such cases, candidal stomatitis is practically not amenable to treatment.

Diabetes mellitus, as well as diseases of the digestive tract, characterized by reduced acidity of gastric juice, are ideal conditions for increasing the activity of a fungal infection. Elevated blood glucose contributes to the development of the fungus in the same way as low acidity.

Types and signs of the disease

In medical practice, candidal stomatitis is divided into two types:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

The disease in an acute form can pass independently, despite pronounced symptoms. For this reason, people are in no hurry to treat it. Thus, they provide an invaluable service to the fungal infection, which gets the opportunity to multiply unhindered. Having once suffered a disease in an acute form, it is unlikely that it will be possible to forget about the disease forever, since after a while it flares up with renewed vigor. Thrush takes a chronic form, characterized by alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions.

Features of the acute form

Acute candidal stomatitis is divided into two types:

  • pseudomembranous;
  • atrophic.

Pseudomembranous stomatitis most often affects children. Moreover, this form of thrush, as a rule, develops against the background of infectious diseases and bronchitis.

In adults, this form of the disease develops against the background of chronic diseases. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • oncological processes in the body;
  • blood diseases.

In infants, a white coating appears on the mucous membrane of the lips, cheeks, surface of the tongue and palate. At the same time, plaque can visually resemble a film or plaques that are easily removed, leaving behind inflamed foci.

Children also have other signs:

  • lethargy;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • children become very naughty.

In adults, this form of the disease is accompanied by swelling and dryness of the mucous membranes. Ingestion of food or liquid into the oral cavity causes pain and burning.

The development of the atrophic form of the disease contributes to the long-term use of antibacterial and hormonal drugs. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity dries up, and the patient experiences constant severe pain and burning. This damages the taste buds located on the surface of the tongue.

Features of the chronic form

If you do not treat candidal stomatitis in adults, it takes a chronic form. Chronic candidiasis stomatitis is also divided into two types:

  • hyperplastic;
  • atrophic.

Hyperplastic candidiasis is most susceptible to people who take drugs that inhibit the growth of tumor cells, as well as antibacterial drugs. It is very often found in people who are carriers of HIV, suffering from tuberculosis and blood diseases.

The mucous membrane of the oral cavity in the hyperplastic form of the disease always swells, taking on a bright red hue. It is covered with white plaques, which, merging with each other, form large lesions. Over time, the plaques thicken, and their color changes from white to yellowish. The plaque is removed very hard, and after it, bleeding wounds remain on the swollen surface of the mucosa.

The chronic form of atrophic candidiasis is inherent in people wearing dentures. The tongue and the area of ​​the oral cavity located under the prostheses are affected by a fungal infection. The mucous membrane swells, taking on a bright red hue. Sick people feel dry mouth, and wearing a prosthesis is accompanied by pain.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of candidal stomatitis in adults is carried out in several stages:

  • the diet is adjusted, from which products that create a favorable environment for the development of the fungus are excluded;
  • prescribed drugs that strengthen the immune system;
  • work is being done to improve the quality of oral hygiene.

At an early stage, the disease does not require the use of systemic treatment. It is enough for the patient to exclude from the diet all foods saturated with carbohydrates and starch. It is also recommended to exclude sugar and other sweets from the diet.

If the disease has managed to take a more severe form, the following therapeutic measures are carried out:

  • the use of drugs that provoke the development of thrush is canceled;
  • treatment of chronic diseases that could cause damage to the oral cavity;
  • the use of antimicrobial drugs, both orally and externally, is prescribed;
  • preventive rinsing with a solution of furacilin is prescribed;
  • vitamin complexes are prescribed;
  • treatment of dental diseases.

Medicines containing the following substances can act as antifungal drugs:

  • fluconazole;

  • itraconazole;

  • ketonazole;

  • nystatin.

Tableted forms of drugs are taken in a course of 5 to 7 days. The use of potassium iodide helps to eliminate dry mouth and provide additional protection against fungus.

To increase the protective functions of the body, patients are prescribed vitamins C, PP, as well as B vitamins. Iron and calcium gluconate preparations are also indicated.

Systemic treatment involves the use of oral drugs in combination with drugs that have a local effect on the lesions. Various ointments, gels, sprays, rinses, and chewable tablets that have an antifungal effect help achieve these goals.

Pharmaceutical preparations, as well as herbs, can be used as rinse solutions. These include:

  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid and iodine;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory and astringent action;
  • juice from carrots, raspberries, viburnum and cranberries.

Applications with rosehip and sea buckthorn oil help relieve pain and inflammation. Olive oil also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Preventive actions

To avoid an unpleasant disease in the form of candidal stomatitis, the following rules will help:

  • you can take antibiotics only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • in the morning and in the evening you need to thoroughly brush your teeth, not forgetting to clean your gums;
  • do not injure the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • visit the dentist regularly;
  • thoroughly clean dentures and remove them at night by placing them in a glass of chlorhexidine solution.

A strong immune system is the best defense against a fungal infection. Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and increase physical activity.

Candidiasis stomatitis or thrush is a common occurrence. Its name comes from the place of localization (oral cavity) and the causative agent (yeast fungi of the genus Candida).

If you look at the photo of the disease, you will see an ordinary thrush: a whitish coating on the inner walls of the cheeks, on the tongue, sometimes on the tonsils, palatine part or in the throat of a person.

Normally, Candida is included in the healthy microflora of the mucous membranes of the mouth, vagina, intestines, but their excessive reproduction disrupts the internal ecosystem of the body and causes considerable discomfort. Consider what the symptoms of candidal stomatitis are, and how to treat this problem at home.


A lot of bacteria “live” in the oral cavity that control the “behavior” of the fungus. But sometimes the balance of power is disturbed, which leads to the development of stomatitis. The main factors that provoke the disease include:

  1. Weakened immune system. Strong immunity prevents the active reproduction of the fungus, but as soon as it fails, the likelihood of this type of stomatitis increases dramatically;
  2. Taking certain medications. Antibiotics may cause While the resident microflora is inhibited, pathogenic microorganisms are given "freedom of action".
  3. Hormonal changes. This is mainly experienced by pregnant women and women taking combined oral contraceptives. Sometimes candidal stomatitis occurs during menstruation.
  4. Improper oral care. Careless attitude to hygiene and irregular brushing of teeth allow the fungus to multiply actively.
  5. Xerostomia or dry mouth. As a rule, this problem occurs due to the abuse of dental elixirs or the frequent use of sodium lauryl sulfate toothpaste during the day.
  6. infancy. In the first weeks of life, the microflora in the baby's mouth is not yet formed, the body is just beginning to adapt to new conditions.
  7. Pregnancy. This period is accompanied by sharp changes in the hormonal background, which contributes to the activation of infections.
  8. Elderly age . In old age, the immune system reacts worse to the appearance of reagents that cause the disease.
  9. Immunodeficiency. susceptible to severe forms of candidal stomatitis, as the virus destroys the cells of the immune system. In this case, thrush can spread to the esophagus and intestines. Often, recurrent candidal stomatitis is the first sign of HIV infection.

Oral thrush can occur in anyone, but is more likely to occur in infants, the elderly, and people with suppressed immune systems or certain health conditions, or those taking certain medications.

Symptoms of candidal stomatitis

In the case of candidal stomatitis, the symptoms in children and adults can be mild, moderate and severe. It is not difficult to determine the disease in the initial stages of its development, since it manifests itself clearly on the tongue, the inner surface of the cheeks, gums and palate.

As a rule, initially you can notice a small white plaque on any part of the oral cavity, then other plaques gradually begin to appear, and a white coating may form. Further, the thrush takes on other forms, the plaque becomes larger and thicker.

So, common symptoms of candidal stomatitis may include:

  1. Cheesy white lesions on your tongue, inside of your cheeks, and sometimes on the roof of your mouth, gums, and tonsils.
  2. Redness or soreness that may be severe enough to cause difficulty in eating.
  3. Slight bleeding if the lesions are rubbed or scraped off.
  4. Cracks and redness at the corners of the mouth (especially in those who wear dentures).
  5. Loss of taste.

If the primary symptoms of candidal stomatitis are not treated, the infection can affect other internal organs: diaper rash can occur in young children, since the fungus in babies can affect the esophagus and intestines. In adults, a fungal infection can affect the larynx, skin, and genitals.

Candidiasis stomatitis: photo

What this ailment looks like, we offer detailed photos for viewing.

Treatment of candidal stomatitis

Since a fungus is considered the cause of candidal stomatitis, drugs against a fungal infection are used in the treatment. Medication options depend on the type of disease. Local treatment is also prescribed, which contains anesthesia, disinfection, removal of inflammation, healing.

It is also necessary to include in the treatment of candidal stomatitis in adults a special diet that strengthens the immune system.

  1. For mild cases, drugs are used in the form of ointments, solutions or sprays. You can apply ointment Clotrimazole, Nystatin, which is applied to the mucous membrane at the site of inflammation at least 2 times a day.
  2. In severe cases, systemic antifungal drugs are used in the form of tablets - Fluconazole, Nystatin, Polizhenaks, Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, etc.
  3. Therapy must be accompanied by a balanced nutritious diet aimed at strengthening the immune system.
  4. Preventive rinsing with a weak solution of furacilin, Orasept and other solutions is recommended. It is possible to use herbal teas - from oak bark, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage.

The duration of treatment in children and adults is different. Children should continue therapy for another two days after the symptoms of candidiasis stomatitis disappear. But for adults, taking procedures and medications is recommended for 14 days. If the case is severe, the doctor may extend the treatment for thrush in the mouth.


Proper nutrition during oral candidiasis is needed to relieve pain, fight the fungus itself, and also to increase the body's defenses.

The basic principles of the diet:

  1. The basis of the diet is boiled meat, vegetables, legumes, cereals, stale bread.
  2. Exclude products containing yeast (bread, bakery products, beer).
  3. Fill the diet with dairy products and foods containing fiber.
  4. Eliminate or reduce to a minimum consumption of simple carbohydrates;
  5. Exclude the use of canned food, semi-finished products, fast food, alcohol.

Candidal stomatitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of thrush in young children include:

  1. White plaques in the mouth and on the tongue that look like cottage cheese or curdled milk, so they are often mistaken for the remains of milk or formula; it is quite difficult to remove such a plaque, especially since after its elimination, erosion appears on the affected area;
  2. Soreness of the mouth and tongue, as well as difficulty swallowing;
  3. Poor appetite: Young children may refuse to eat, which is often mistaken for a lack of hunger or poor quality milk formula; if the child cannot eat because of pain in the oral cavity, he becomes capricious;
  4. Intertrigo: the presence of candidal stomatitis in the oral cavity contributes to the entry of yeast-like fungus into the intestines.

In order to start treatment of candidal stomatitis in the oral cavity, it is necessary to find the source of the disease. This may be urogenital candidiasis or thrush of the nipples in the mother of the child. Another cause of the disease may be some medications, which should always be warned by the doctor. He, in turn, will advise you to change the medicine. If this is not possible, then it will be necessary to take a course of antibiotics along with antifungal drugs.

It is very important for parents to remember that each medicine should be prescribed by a specialist, since the child's body is very sensitive.