Professional important qualities: reaction time. Online test "Checking the speed and reaction of the brain

Friends, there are 2 news - bad and good:

Bad: the speed of your reaction cannot be physiologically changed, it is innate.

Good: but the psychological conditions for the appearance of the reaction can be varied - and I will tell you how.

We will not write about the importance of the reaction rate for the tracer - it is obvious.

The reaction rate is the time from the beginning of the signal to the response of the body.

In Wundt's laboratory, the Russian psychologist Lange discovered the existence of two different types of response, which he called motor and sensory.

Sensory reaction - the time from the beginning of the signal to its perception (comprehension), i.e. the subject's attention is directed to waiting for the signal.

Motor - the time from the beginning of the signal to the completion of the response movement, i.e. focus on the next step.

Surprisingly, the motor reaction is almost 2 times faster than the sensory one.

This is explained by the fact that the motor reaction is not a fully mental reaction, but only a brain reflex, since the action is already embedded in the “program” and, unlike the sensory one, there is no process of perception and volitional decision in it, only a reflex. This is also because the spinal and medulla oblongata are responsible for the motor response - "a simpler but faster computer" compared to other parts of the brain.

The reaction time of a person depends on the modality of the stimulus - on the type of stimulus signal, the intensity of the stimulus, fitness, attunement to the perception of the signal, age and gender, the complexity of the reaction.

For example, visual information is perceived the fastest. A normal person visually perceives 3-5 thousand characters per minute. With training, the speed of perception of information increases. The Guinness Book of Records recorded reading text at a speed of 150 thousand characters per minute. Auditory information is perceived more slowly. The maximum speed of perception ranges from 300 to 1000 characters per minute. Odors are the slowest to perceive. A person perceives one smell from a few seconds to ten minutes.

So it's good that when we fall, we will focus on indications of tactile, visual and vestibular sensitivity, and not on the (possible) appearance of a specific smell of hydrogen sulfideJ.

For further consideration, we will describe 3 different situations:

1) When a person pulls his hand away from a hot object, a simple reflex comes into play, in which the brain does not take part. From the receptor, the signal travels along the nerve fiber to the spinal cord and then immediately to the muscle, passing through only three nerve cells (yes, only 3): a sensory neuron, an intercalary neuron in the spinal cord, and a motor neuron. The speed of a nerve impulse along the processes of nerve cells here is several tens of meters / sec. The determining factor is the time of synaptic transmission - about 0.1 sec. First, the person withdraws his hand, and then feels pain.

2) If we are talking about a person’s reaction to a stone flying at him, then this is also a reflex reaction: the eye transmits a signal of rapid movement not only to the parts of the brain where they are processed (and we understand: “a stone is flying”), but also through special nerve pathways - to the muscles, which provides a quick avoidance reaction - moving to the side, jumping, etc.

3) If we are talking about the reaction when playing tennis, then the gradual improvement in the reaction is associated with the formation of stereotypical reflexes that allow you to react without the participation of the cerebral cortex (without thinking). And when we just learn to make a new movement, there is a complex interaction: the muscle is given a signal about the action, the signal about the result of the action comes back from it, and an adjustment takes place. All these processes involve different areas of the cerebellum and some other structures of the brain.

You see scattered parts of the blueprint in front of you. By rotating them in space, you need to get the whole image.

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Reaction and attention test. Average result 20 sec.

Reaction test. Press the circle when changing colors. Excellent with a result of 0.1 to 0.2.

Test for reaction and attention. We collect black squares and avoid red ones.

Your task is to indicate all the black numbers in ascending order from 1 to 13. Get ready, concentrate.

Tests for memory and attention from "Science and Life"

Write all 50 numbers in order: 11 black, 11 orange, 12 black, 12 orange, ..., 35 black, 35 orange. If you do it faster than 3 minutes and faster than the last record from the table of records, then a button with the word "Hurrah!" will appear, by clicking on which you can enter your first name, last name, country and send your result to the server for recording in the table records.

Reaction test. You must click on the star as quickly as possible.

Game for development of attention and memory. free online.

This is an online counting speed game.

Not that puzzle

This is no ordinary Puzzle, it tests your visual processing abilities. the task mainly involves the parietal lobe of the brain, the visual cortex and the temporal lobe.


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There is a Russian language and mute.


test for the ability to perceive colors and find them on the color palette. All you need is to quickly find the same color on the palette that this online test suggests. Or something similar. This is not only a test of the brain, but also a test of the performance of the right half of the brain, which is responsible for the perception of color.

Games with required registration

intricate figures

Various items such as flowers, fruits, animals, geometric shapes

or amoeba, when composed, form a complex figure.

Determine the items that make it up.

To be able to play, you need register for free and save the password. ANDonly after thatgames will be available for free..


Connect the name of the birds with their image and singing.

To be able to play, you need to register for free and save your password. AND only after that games will be available for free.

Every day of our lives we react to some event. Most of these events do not require a quick reaction, but some, such as a cup falling from the table, the keys to the apartment that someone unexpectedly throws at you, or a fist flying at your forehead, require an immediate and quick reaction. Or in games, when the enemy suddenly jumps out from behind a corner. Many pundits, mostly political scientists, philosophers and other pacifiers of human herds, directly tell us “all people are equal”, so many of us are perplexed “how so! we ran into each other at the same time! how could he kill me faster!?” And the thing is that with moral and legal equality, biologically people are not equal. The difference in heredity, in nutrition, in the environment, in training, in children's hobbies, in lifestyle - all this leaves its mark on such a simple thing as reaction speed. And, no, I'm not talking about ping now. I'm talking about the time it takes for you, the human gamer, to react to something.

Due to the introduction of the thoughts “all people are equal” and “I am no worse than this retard” into the brain, gamers simply forget that in addition to ping, lags, computer performance, mouse / keyboard buggy, monitor response time and, finally, the buggy of the game itself, there are also the player himself. And that his biomechanics can also slow down.
The scheme is this:
  1. an action occurred (the enemy jumped out from around the corner);
  2. the image appeared on the retina of the eye (the silhouette of the enemy);
  3. along the optic nerves, the image was transmitted to the brain for recognition;
  4. the brain analyzes the image, recognizes it (yes, this is the silhouette of an enemy!), makes a decision about the action (wet the reptile!);
  5. from the brain, a command is transmitted through the nerves to the muscles of the arm (shrink! FAST !!);
  6. the muscles of the hand contract, the finger presses the button;
Points 2-6 directly affect the speed of your reaction. In this case, the difference is huge - for different people, the reaction time can be from 0.11 to 0.3 seconds or more. For those who measure everything in ping, this is like a ping difference of 200 (ping is also measured in milliseconds). Who do you think is more likely to win - a person with a ping of 50 or a ping of 250? The question is rhetorical.
The average reaction time varies - it is one thing for sound stimuli, another for visual stimuli, but on average, this number tends to 200 milliseconds. We don't notice it because we live with it every day. Even what you see now is actually a snapshot of the past about 0.1s ago (the eye took a picture and transmitted it along the nerve -> the brain recognized it -> the brain realized it). We get used to this reaction time and expect it, considering it normal. Some deviations are so small for us that we do not notice them - what do we need hundredths of seconds, if now we measure everything in minutes and hours. But in Action-games, these same hundredths separate victory from defeat.

Some are faster, up to 110ms, these guys are top players in shooters and other Action games. This also includes professional Starkcrafters with their insane speed of action.

It's looking at their video that our jaw drops and we start hacking at the same thing as them. Actually, this is their innate and honed talent, there is nothing to be surprised at. Someone draws awesome, someone pilots a plane cooler than birds fly, and someone knows how to chop everyone in games.

The other extreme is people with a slow reaction. Most often, they bother too much on something: “Someone came out from around the corner. What if it's yours? No, it doesn't look like ... What if the enemy? Damn, where to aim to hit him? This can be corrected - throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head and focus. But sometimes it is caused by the biochemistry of the nervous tissue, which cannot quickly transmit a signal from the eye to the brain and from the brain to the muscles of the arm. Usually such people are constantly killed in shooters, they don’t like it and they leave them. Or they switch to games of another genre - turn-based strategies, card games, or any other where a reaction difference of 200ms is not decisive. Only the most stubborn remain.

Each of us has a speed limit, for some it is lower, for others it is higher. And a person cannot physically accelerate faster than his “biological ping”. Little is written about this, because it is not particularly positive, but such is our reality. As they say, "Deal with it!"

To all those who suffer from delayed reactions
Why am I describing this in such detail? Because my reaction time is 260 milliseconds. That is, in shooters where you need to shoot FAST and accurately, I will be somewhere at the tail of the list. I know this and therefore do not try to outplay lightning people by their rules. It's like racing a cheetah - sad and uninteresting. I abandoned Quake and other ÜBER-fast action games because I had nothing to do there and switched to others that had more tactical options. But everywhere, in any action, the reaction will take place! The only thing I can do to compensate for this is to deeply understand the mechanics of the game, predict the actions of the enemy and do what is not expected of me. The fact is that the "ping of the body" is lower if it expects some action - the brain has already thought out what commands to give and is ready to execute. And the more such "blanks", the better.

Naturally, if I come across the same cunning opponent, only with better biochemistry of nervous tissue, I will lose. But there are few of them and they are usually somewhere high on the top of the gaming Olympus. And I'm not going there! =) I don't care about achievements, medals, ratings, ladders and other indicators of a player's overall strength in a certain discipline. I do not want to become a player in one of the professional eSports teams - I physically cannot become one and I know it. I just want to enjoy a good game. And if you manage to kick the ass of a couple of noobs who rely only on their innate reaction and have not made an ounce of effort in order to understand the game, the pleasure is tripled.

Therefore, if you have a reaction time at the level of mine and want to become a professional player, for example in counter-strike - I have bad news for you. Be realistic, soberly assess your abilities and draw appropriate conclusions. For example, my girlfriend has a reaction time of 170 milliseconds, I tried to beat her in “cams” ​​and lost with a shameful score. Well, then I will not play this crap! =)

Is it possible to develop a reaction?
Up to a certain point, yes. You can optimize what depends on the brain - get rid of unnecessary garbage thoughts and try to predict the actions of the porter and think over your responses. Think over "ways of improvisation", compose "patterns of behavior, etc." In other words, deeply understand the game.

In addition, your reaction is influenced by your well-being, fatigue, mood and other distractions. The reaction time may vary from day to day, depending on these factors.

The next step is to improve the speed of the neural tissue. But here I am not an adviser to you - consult a doctor. In general, think about it - do you need it?

How and where can response be measured?
It is measured in an elementary way - a person is waiting for some action and must press the button at the right time. The difference between "action" and "pressing a button" is your reaction time, your "biological ping". There are even special devices for measuring reaction time.

But there are not so many sites on this topic. As I said, the topic “X will always react better than Y” is not very positive and is not popular with people with complexes.

Today we want to please you with another cool test - a quick wits test. This is not an ordinary iq test in which you need to solve formulas or mathematical patterns. This intelligence test combines not only a test of the brain for the quality of gray matter, but also a test of reaction speed. In our time of the Internet and global computerization, there is one small problem - we are starting to degrade. Absolutely everyone sparkles with extra pounds on the beach, and you won’t surprise anyone with knowledge of a programming language. But many of the gifts of nature that man had in the old days, we can no longer find in ourselves. For example, the speed of reaction and the ability to make unexpected, complex and quick decisions. Our ancestors could hit a bird with a stone on the fly, but where did our reaction go? In this online test, you can subject your brain to a real test and find out your speed test! Test your reaction, your mind, your ability to think in a stressful situation. And all this is presented quite simply and cheerfully - in the form of a bunch of mice, cheese and improvised means. And, by the way, who does not know English - you need to help the rodents get to the cheese in the shortest possible time. Good luck!

Online and without registration.

Here is a selection of 10 tests to test various different types of memory, reaction speed, concentration, mental flexibility, spatial imagination and abstract thinking. They should be taken from a computer in a relaxed atmosphere.

If some test is too difficult, then you should think about becoming a little more attentive to your health (drink 10 cups of coffee a day instead of 20, start sleeping at least 5 hours, eat at least 2 times a day) and make time to practice this skill.

And if in some test you showed a brilliant result, then this is another reason to be proud of yourself and thank your parents for good heredity. On the passage all tests from the article will take no more than 15-20 minutes.

1. Visual memory

Pictures flash on the screen. The faster you realize that you have already seen some kind of picture and press the space bar, the more points you will get. At the end, get a verdict on whether your visual memory is up to par.

2. Speed ​​of reaction

Click on the test screen as quickly as possible if you see a green color. For men under 35, the normal reaction speed does not exceed 0.2 seconds. But if it is less than 0.4, then you don’t have to worry about your health and everything is OK. It is best to take this test using a mouse.

3. Memory for numbers

Phone numbers consist of seven digits for a reason, as this is the maximum convenient number for most people to remember. If you were able to memorize (in a limited time) a 14-digit number, then you can be proud of yourself. And if you fell on 4-5, then you may have some problems and you should repeat the test at another time.

4. Memory for words

Look at the word that appears on the screen and remember whether it was shown to you or not. The test is very short and at the end you will find out how many percent of those who passed the test memorize words worse than you.

5. Memory for faces

Face recognition test from Cambridge University psychologists. Boring and rather long (several minutes). I thought I didn't recognize people after changing hairstyles/clothes due to bad eyesight, but it turned out that there are indeed some problems with face recognition.

6. Spatial imagination

Look at the picture on the left and see if it matches the picture on the right when you turn it around. If you scored more than 100 points, then everything is fine with you.

7. Abstract thinking

A simplified version of the tags familiar from childhood. Here you need to score at least 20 points.

8. Focus

If you manage to select more than 30 words in 2 minutes, then your result is already above average. The maximum result is 70 words.

9. Flexibility

Look at the text and determine what color it is written in. Press the first letter of the name of this color on the keyboard. Click the go to stats link to see the results of other test participants.

10. Speed

In 5 minutes, you need to have time to answer 41 simple questions (multiply two numbers, continue the number series, determine the correspondence of the word to the picture). Scored more than 70% correct answers - you are a normal person.

At the end of many tests there is an opportunity to compare yourself with others. You can also post the results in the comments and discuss them with other iPhones readers.

But don't take the results too seriously. Firstly, even if your visual memory has suddenly deteriorated, for example, then this may not interfere with your ability to cope with your work duties and have no effect on relationships with people.

And secondly, the result is affected by the amount of sleep, mood, day of the cycle, blood alcohol, fatigue and other temporary factors. Tomorrow you can pass the same tests with a completely different result.