Chestnut tincture on vodka helps. What raw materials are suitable for tincture

The causes of pain in the knees can be intense sports, increased load on your feet in the process labor activity, individual predisposition and many other factors. But, regardless of the origin of the disease, it needs immediate treatment.

Along with the drug course, should be given Special attention folk methods of healing. They give excellent results without causing harm to health (as is sometimes the case with the use of drugs). What kind natural products suitable for getting rid of unpleasant symptoms accompanying arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bursitis, gout, synovitis and other diseases of the knees? Tincture from horse chestnut for the treatment of joints is widely known to lovers of traditional medicine. If you do not take care of the health of the joints in time, then statistics show that you will inevitably have to do knee arthroplasty, which is usually very expensive.

Useful properties of chestnuts

It is worth noting that not only nuts, but also other parts of the chestnut tree benefit human health. Flowers, seeds, bark, chestnut leaves are also used. From each component, you can prepare a natural medicine. What is the strength of this plant? The point is that it contains a large number of trace elements that prevent the development of various diseases and the appearance of inflammation:

  • vitamins A, C, E, P;
  • selenium, potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • pectins;
  • aescin.

Let's take a closer look at the last component. It is he who effectively removes swelling and stops inflammatory processes. Escin is an integral part of many medicines that are used to treat diseases. musculoskeletal system. It is part of the gels and ointments for rubbing the knees. These creams are great for removing puffiness. Moreover, escin has been successfully used even for the treatment of cerebral edema. This substance is officially listed in the register of medicines. Therefore, the use of chestnuts in medical purposes fully justified. Speaking about diseases of the legs, it should be noted that the use of chestnut tincture for the joints provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic effect.

In addition to tincture, other health benefits can be prepared from chestnuts. These nuts can be consumed roasted or stewed.

A large number of beneficial trace elements contained in chestnuts, have a beneficial effect on human well-being, improve digestion and functioning of cardio-vascular system and also contribute to strengthening immune system and increase vitality.

Only for the preparation of such an unusual dish you need to take edible chestnuts, which are sold in stores. This product can be found at any time of the year, especially in large supermarkets. To prepare a dish of chestnuts, boil them in milk, then grind them to a paste. Add syrup or sugar to the mixture to taste. Pasta can be spread on bread and eaten with tea. Also, chestnut kvass, infused with fruits, has medicinal qualities.

In addition to ingestion, chestnut fruits are suitable for cooking. healing compress. To do this, take chopped nuts and camphor oil(in a ratio of 1 to 2). Mix the ingredients, and put the resulting liquid on the sore knee. So you take off pain syndrome, improve blood circulation.

Best time to harvest chestnuts

To prepare natural medicinal product from nuts, bark, leaves or flowers of a chestnut tree, you should collect the necessary ingredients in time. Which period is the most suitable for harvesting each of these components.

  1. Fruit. Most right time chestnut harvest - October.
  2. Inflorescence. It is harvested in late May - early June.
  3. Leaves. Most right time- May.
  4. Kidneys. They should be collected in early spring, early March.
  5. Bark. Best time for collection - spring.

In addition to these parts of the chestnut, roots are also widely used. They can be prepared all year round, there would be a tree nearby.

Preparation of tincture

To date, there are many recipes for tincture of chestnuts for joints. Each housewife brings something of her own to cooking, changing and modernizing the technology. Let's look at some options for creating medicinal product that are known to people.

Alcohol tincture for internal use

To prepare the medicine, you will need chestnuts (50 g) and ordinary medical alcohol (0.5 l). Wash the nuts well and place them in an opaque glass containers. Fill the contents with ethanol. Put the jar in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks. Stir the resulting liquid periodically. After the expiration of the specified period, you can take the drug (30 drops several times a day). The course of treatment with this drug is 30 days. It should be clarified that instead of chestnuts in the recipe, you can easily use the inflorescences of this tree. And if for some reason you do not want to use alcohol-based medicines, leave the flowers in boiling water. Per glass hot water take 3 tablespoons of chestnut color. After a few hours, the decoction is ready for use. Strain it and take 2 tbsp. half an hour before meals.

You can also prepare another remedy. To do this, make flour from dry chestnuts (2-3 tablespoons) and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse the medicine for 3 weeks in a dark place, shaking daily. After the allotted time, start the course of treatment: drink 10 drops of tincture 4 times a day.

Chestnut tincture for grinding

Medicinal preparations from chestnuts can not only be taken orally, but also used externally. To prepare such a drug, take peeled nuts, put them in a jar and fill with water. Close the container tightly with a lid and place it in the sun for several days. Then hide the jar in a dark place for 1.5 months. After the allotted time has elapsed, use the product as a rubbing for the knee joints.

The same medicine can be made on the basis of vodka. Remove the brown skin from the fruit, place the nuts in an opaque glass container and pour 0.5 vodka. Leave the container out of the reach of sun rays, for 3 weeks. Remember to shake the jar daily. When the time has passed, rub the tincture on the sore knees. It is better to perform the procedure before going to bed, it will be more effective.


Now you know how to make chestnut tincture for joints. Despite the significant benefits, this product is not recommended in some cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in violation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with kidney disease.

In order for the cure to really benefit, it is better to consult a doctor before starting it. It is the specialist who appoints complex treatment, which may also include chestnut tincture. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist and the implementation of prescriptions is the key to successfully getting rid of any disease.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating diseases. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then this is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. You are solely responsible for the application.

Description: Chestnut tincture has a huge spectrum of action. It is applied externally and internally, but in the latter case, the approval of the doctor will be required, as well as the passage of a certain analysis. After all, no matter how effective such a remedy is, it also has contraindications.

Traditional medicine has been and still is an important component for the treatment of joints and many other pathologies. Funds donated by nature are used on a par with conventional medicines. In addition, many of them literally "lie" under their feet. For example, the well-known chestnut. And chestnut tincture on vodka - effective medicine in therapy articular pathologies and other body problems.

The benefits of chestnut

Since the 18th century, in European countries used pieces of chestnut bark in the fight against malaria and dysentery. A powder prepared from the chestnuts themselves was considered an effective remedy for ulcers caused by varicose veins, while a decoction of its seed was used in baths for the manifestations of gout. Many famous doctors resorted to the help of chestnut for the treatment of diseases. And in 1866, a new medicine appeared in the assortment of most pharmacy shops - horse chestnut extract.

Over time, it was revealed that it includes escin, which eliminates puffiness, fatigue lower extremities in the treatment of varicose veins. In addition, the drug is replete with triterpensaponins, which have a capillary-protective effect, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Moreover, it normalizes blood pressure regulates the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

It should be noted: for the purpose of treatment, not only the fruit of the tree, endowed with a dark brown tint, but also chestnut flowers are used. It is known that the healing abilities of chestnuts lie in substances contained in them, such as glycosides (saponins), bioflavonoids. Such substances (fraxin, esculin, escin) have the properties of strengthening the walls of blood vessels, lowering their permeability, thereby helping to avoid swelling or inflammation.

Preparations based on horse chestnut (Aescin gel, Aescusan, Escin) received widest application, as a means of eliminating tissue edema, and L-lysine in ampoules is even used to relieve swelling of the brain. In addition, chestnut has a large number of other useful substances, for example, pectins, vitamins E, P, many trace elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus). Some of these substances increase the resistance of tissues to a lack of oxygen, reduce their bleeding, and reduce the manifestation of inflammation. Treatment with chestnut, in particular, using vodka tincture, is in great demand for many diseases. So, home-cooked chestnut tincture will wonderfully help to cope with such vascular ailments:

  • varicose veins;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • venous stasis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • damage to the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, it is effective in case of gallbladder disease, it is used as prophylactic postoperative thrombosis and as a blood-stopping drug in uterine bleeding. In addition, chestnuts are often used for joints, in particular, with:

  • gout;
  • rheumatism of the joints;
  • infectious arthritis;
  • the consequences of joint injuries;
  • also the drug is effective for chondrosis.

It should be emphasized that in the process of treating joints with chestnut tincture, an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect is noted.

Preparation of tincture

To make this remedy, you can apply one of the many recipes. Often there are a lot of unclear nuances, so you should rely on the most common, proven methods for making the product.

Recipe #1

It is believed that the most effective medicines prepared using the brown skins of the fruit. For this purpose, 50 g of crushed skins, 500 ml of vodka are taken, these components are combined and the infusion is kept for 2 weeks, shaking it every day. After this term, the tincture is filtered, after which it becomes usable.

Such a medicine eliminates swelling, inflammation, reduces viscosity, blood pressure, lowering the concentration of cholesterol in it. In addition, it contributes to the strength and elasticity of blood vessels. In the process of therapy with the drug, there is a decrease in fat deposits on the walls of blood vessels, in the liver, and in addition, pain in inflamed veins and joints decreases.

Start taking this medicine with 30 drops diluted in 30 ml of water. Use the remedy half an hour before meals, three times a day. But after a week they switch to a four-time intake. The duration of the course of treatment varies within 4-6 weeks. In a situation where the tincture is used externally, rubbing into inflamed veins 2-3 times a day or compresses (then the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1) are practiced for 1.5-2 hours in the morning and evening.

Recipe #2

To prepare a medicine for external use, you need to scroll the ripe fruits through a meat grinder (with a skin) and pour the raw materials into a glass container. Take 300 g of raw materials, which is poured into 1 liter of vodka. Insist the medicine for 7 days in a dark place. This tincture wonderfully helps in case of sciatica, thrombophlebitis, myositis.

Recipe #3

A similar remedy can be prepared from the flowers of the tree. For this purpose, 20 g of flowers are poured into 500 ml of vodka. You need to insist on such a medicine for about 2 weeks, and after that it is used twice a day to rub problem joints.

However, there are other recipes that include horse chestnut. Often used infusions of bark, color, chestnuts themselves. In addition, from the bark, branches of the tree are prepared useful decoction. So, to get rid of cones of hemorrhoids (bleeding), healers recommend taking a course of baths, in which a decoction of tree branches is added. To prepare it, you need 50 g of chestnut twigs, which are brewed in 1 liter of water, supplementing the decoction with water pepper grass. Such a bath is taken for 5-15 minutes, and the water must be at room temperature.

It should be noted: for the manufacture of all products, raw materials of excellent quality are used, collected away from industrial facilities, roads. The color of the tree is harvested from the 3rd week of May until the end of June, since during these periods the maximum of useful substances is concentrated in the flowers. Inflorescences are carefully cut, and then dried away from sunlight, systematically turning over.

Seed collection is carried out in the first week of September, and then they are dried for 2-4 weeks, pouring thinnest layer. But the bark is mined in early spring: it is removed in the process of pruning trees. Then it is divided into pieces, after which it is dried under a canopy, in well-ventilated places. As for the chestnuts themselves, they are taken out of the boxes after their full ripening and are used only fresh, including for squeezing juice out of them, which also has useful properties.


However, deciding on treatment with such a medicine, it is worth considering: it has certain contraindications. Taking the tincture is absolutely contraindicated for people suffering from atonic constipation, hypotension, reduced blood clotting, with acute gastritis, during pregnancy, lactation, failures in female cycle (long delay monthly).

If a person has kidney or liver diseases, then the infusion can be used only after consulting a doctor. It must be remembered that an excessive dose of such a drug often entails convulsive phenomena of the limbs. In addition, starting to take the drug inside, it is recommended to take an analysis for the prothrombin protein.

When its indicators are normal or slightly increased, then it is safe to start therapy with a tincture, but if the protein concentration is below normal, then this treatment should be forgotten. The fact is that with such a picture, the probability is very high heavy bleeding in any of the organs (gastric, pulmonary, intestinal). In addition, even considering the effectiveness of chestnut medicine, it is very important to understand: it is only additional means treatment. It is worth remembering that most ailments cannot be cured with tincture alone, since it is required complex therapy prescribed and controlled by the attending physician.

A plant such as horse chestnut (Aesculus) is famous for its beneficial properties. It is used to prepare various healing compounds. Most often it is used by folk healers, but also representatives traditional medicine don't forget about him useful qualities. Read this article until the end to find out what it is tincture for chestnut vessels.

Plant-based tincture is used for and is powerful tool quality, which allows you to remove accumulations of cholesterol from the human body. Before proceeding with the use of such a composition, it is necessary to consider the main beneficial features plants and compare them with the needs of your own body.

We should not forget that infusions and decoctions based on medicinal plants are not inferior in strength to traditional drugs, therefore it is important to exclude the possibility of contraindications for use. How to get the full benefit from medicines and not harm the body - every patient needs to know about this.

Useful composition

The possibility of using horse chestnut in folk medicine due to its beneficial properties, manifested against the background of a rich chemical composition. The fruits and flowers of the tree contain active ingredients that generally have a beneficial effect on human body.

As part of a tincture that provides useful action on the human body contain:

  • saponins;
  • starch;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • aescin;
  • iodine;
  • organic acids;
  • thiamines;
  • trace elements;
  • vitamins.

The photo in the article shows Aesculus.

Attention! The listed components are healing power. They come together as one medicinal tincture and provide powerful action, on the human body, making the prevention of manifestations of many diseases.

It is interesting to know the following facts about horse chestnut:

  1. The fruit has a rich Brown color due to the high concentration of iodine in its composition.
  2. Spot gray color is an accumulation of organic compounds and acids.
  3. AT medicinal purposes I use the shell (shell) of the plant, because it contains not only iodine, but also a large concentration of useful trace elements.
  4. Plants extract juice from flowers. The component is consumed in a diluted form, the composition is also used to cleanse the vessels.

Attention! It is worth noting that it is inedible, however, there are other cultivated species, the consumption of which will only benefit the vessels. Consumption of inedible varieties can cause intoxication of the body.

Vascular treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The doctor must monitor changes in indicators and adjust the course of exposure. The video in this article will acquaint patients with the features of the treatment of blood vessels with folk remedies.

What is the purpose of the walnut?

All above-ground parts of Aesculus help to cope with various diseases.

The following list discusses the most common ailments that can be overcome using this plant:

  1. The active components of the plant in a positive way Act on circulatory system, strengthen vascular walls. The plant is effectively used to combat varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, atherosclerosis.
  2. Compositions based medicinal plant help to remove from the body bad cholesterol, remove salts, slags and toxic compounds.
  3. Medicinal mixtures are used in colds and inflammatory processes.
  4. The bark of the plant shows its healing qualities in relation to the digestive tract.

Despite the wide range positive qualities plant, has a wide list of contraindications for use. Chestnut medicine for vessels can not be used in all cases, there are contraindications and limitations.


Tincture is contraindicated in the presence of the following limiting factors:

  • individual susceptibility to any component;
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • violations menstrual cycle among women;
  • early pregnancy (herbal infusions can be used with extreme caution in the 2-3 trimester);
  • sustained reduction in blood pressure.

Attention! Patients with any chronic disorders should carefully consider the issue of determining optimal remedy for treatment.

Benefits for blood vessels

At present, the plant is used to make various drugs used for treatment various pathologies in alternative medicine. Such components can be used not only externally, most often oral infusions are recommended for health.

Attention! Chestnut medicine for blood vessels can be made independently or purchased at ready-made in the network of pharmacies.

Representatives of traditional medicine recommend independently collecting plant materials and preparing a medicine based on it. Following simple advice, the patient can prepare natural composition, which will bring exceptional benefits to his body.

Pay attention to the fact that only plants growing in ecologically clean areas have benefits. Plant materials should not be collected in park areas and near highways. Raw materials in this case absorb all the toxic decay products, and become dangerous.

How to choose quality raw materials?

Patients should pay attention to the fact that the treatment will be successful only if high-quality raw materials are used. The fruits selected for the preparation of the tincture must be ripe.

You should pay attention to the fact that the chestnut is gaining healing power only in autumn, so harvesting should begin no earlier than October.

How does the drug work on blood vessels?

The effectiveness of the remedy is highly appreciated by patients. Many people note that the active components of the product help in as soon as possible defeat varicose veins and get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the legs.

The advantage is that the component substances medicinal composition quickly absorbed into the blood and provide:

  • strengthening the walls of veins and blood vessels;
  • increase the strength of capillaries;
  • provide normal course blood through the vessels;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots.

Tincture: the best effects

most popular and effective recipes used to treat vascular pathologies are discussed in the table.

Popular medicines
Recipe Characteristic picture Description
fruit based tincture

cook medicine according to this recipe, it is extremely simple: you need to collect high-quality vegetable raw materials and collect high-quality chestnut fruits.

To prepare the drug according to this recipe, you need:

  • 50 grams of bark;
  • 50 grams of fruit to be split;
  • 500 ml of quality vodka.

All of the above components are combined together in a liter jar. The resulting composition is placed in a warm place, deprived of access to sunlight.

The duration of the infusion process is 7-10 days, during this period of time, plant components give all the benefits to alcohol. It is recommended to use the drug once a day after breakfast, 1 tbsp. l. The duration of the course of therapy is 1 month, after this time you should take a break for 10 days. The effectiveness of therapy should be coordinated by a specialist.

Flower tincture

useful substances in this composition are somewhat lower, therefore I recommend taking it in large dosages. 40

o drops three times a day. There are differences in the duration of the course of therapy - the drug is taken for 2 weeks with a break of 5 days. For achievement

sustainable result should

periodically carry out preventive maintenance. Cooking process herbal remedy does not differ from the procedure for making medicines based on chestnut fruits. The only difference is that flowers are used to make the infusion. To prepare a portion of the product, you will need 50 grams of the plant component and 400 ml of vodka.

The remedy is infused for 7 days.

Peel tincture

In this case, the tincture is prepared from the skin-shell, which contains the core itself. It is important to choose ripe fruits that have a rich green color and dense structure.

The cooking process is as follows:

  • 20 grams of fruit peel is poured into 2 liters of purified water and placed on fire until it boils.
  • The mass should boil for 7-10 minutes and insist 6 hours.
  • The drug is taken 3 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons in 1 dose.
  • The tincture can be taken immediately before eating.

The duration of the course of therapy is 14 days. You can repeat the treatment after 3 months. Ready broth should be stored in the refrigerator.

Is a drug from a pharmacy useful?

Not only traditional medicine, but also traditional medicine actively uses chestnut tincture to treat various pathologies, therefore it is not necessary to prepare the remedy yourself. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy.

The advantage of this composition is that the person does not take part in the preparation process, but immediately begins therapy. Instructions for using such a tool in without fail accompanies the drug, which greatly facilitates the dosing regimen. The price of the product is not high, so each patient can afford such an acquisition.

Most preferred option use and preparation individually determined by patients. Regardless of the method of preparation, the tincture for chestnut vessels will have the same qualities.

We see horse chestnut almost every day, walking along the city streets. But not everyone knows that many medicines can be prepared from this wonderful plant with unique properties. Read more about this later in the article.

This remarkable plant has long been widely used in folk medicine. Horse chestnut tincture is a unique remedy from many ailments. But before considering it from the point of view of traditional medicine, we will describe the tree itself and the fruits in a few words.

The horse chestnut is a deciduous tree. Its maximum height can be twenty-five meters. The branches of the tree form a massive crown. The leaves are quite large, green in color, do not contain stipules.

The tree blooms in May. The shape of its flowers resemble bells, which are usually white color, less often - light pink. Grow in groups, in large cone-shaped inflorescences. Horse chestnut fruits ripen in the first half of autumn. They are tricuspid, spiked rounded containers. Each of them contains from one to a pair of dark brown seeds.

The natural habitats of this tree are broad-leaved forests. In many post-Soviet countries, chestnuts were planted in cities on purpose. Accordingly, you can collect the necessary ingredients in any city park or just on the street next to the houses. Today, there are many recipes that will turn chestnut seeds and not only into an effective remedy.


Recipe 1


  • Vodka - 0.5 l;
  • Skin of chestnut fruit - 50 g.


  1. Grind the skins of the fruit to crumbs, ranging in size from three to five millimeters.
  2. Fill them with the indicated amount of vodka and wait up to two weeks.
  3. Shake the tincture every day.
  4. When the remedy is infused, strain it and put it in a dark, cool place.

Recipe 2


  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Chestnut seeds - 50 g.


  1. Chop the chestnuts.
  2. Fill them with vodka.
  3. Leave it all to infuse for a week.
  4. After seven days, strain the tincture and it is ready.

Recipe 3


  • Vodka - 0.5 l;
  • Chestnut flowers - 20 g.


  1. Fill the flowers with vodka.
  2. Leave to infuse for two weeks.
  3. Then you can still strain and the infusion is ready for use.

Recipe 4


  • Vodka - 0.7 l;
  • Ripe chestnut grains - 150 g;
  • Peel - 150 g.


  1. Mix the peel and grains.
  2. Pass this mixture through a meat grinder.
  3. Then fill with vodka.
  4. Insist for a week in a dry, cool place.


Horse chestnut tissue contains beneficial organic compounds such as esculin, escin and fraxin. In addition to them, the composition of the plant includes starch and tannins. It is also rich in thiamine and vitamin C. It also contains carotenoids, glycosides and pectin substances. The latter can be a source of flavonoids for the human body.

Due to the above properties, horse chestnut is actively used in folk medicine. With the help of funds based on this plant, many vascular, venous (for example, varicose veins) and other diseases are treated.


A drink prepared according to the first recipe at home should be used for external use for varicose veins. They gently rub the inflamed veins. Also, with the help of a tincture diluted with the same amount of water, a compress is made. For this, the remedy is applied for a couple of hours to the diseased veins twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. You can easily do this procedure at home.

The second recipe allows you to prepare a remedy for internal use. This tincture should be taken ten drops before meals. The tool helps with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. And the third recipe treats sore joints. The prepared infusion must be gently rubbed into sore spots.

And the last of the above, the fourth recipe, allows you to prepare a remedy for thrombophlebitis and sciatica. It can also be used to combat muscle inflammation and salt deposits. It should only be used externally.


Do not forget that medicines have their contraindications. And before using them independently at home, you should definitely consult a doctor. For example, the use of products based on wild chestnut is not recommended for people who suffer from gastritis, poor blood clotting and constipation. Contraindications also apply to people who have hypotension.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also not use this medicine. It is also better to avoid the use of funds when there are long breaks between menstruation. And for people with diseased kidneys or liver, its use is strictly prohibited.

It is recommended to donate blood for analysis before using tinctures and other preparations from the plant. If the content of prothrombin protein is less than normal, then any means based on horse chestnut should not be used. Otherwise, health hazards may result.


Horse chestnut is a very beautiful tree that adorns boulevards, alleys, parks and botanical gardens. In May, the flowering period begins, and the tree dresses up with beautiful pyramids. Flowers and fruits of chestnut have unique properties and are used to treat many ailments. We will find out what properties horse chestnut tinctures have and how to use them.

Horse chestnut tincture (from the fruit)

The most valuable are chestnut fruits, which are advised to be collected in ecologically clean areas, far from roads and industrial enterprises. Medicines prepared on their basis treat many diseases. There are many recipes of traditional medicine using horse chestnut.

Did you know? The chestnut is the only nut that contains vitamin C.

Chemical composition

Horse chestnut tincture has therapeutic effect on the body due to saponins, tannins in combination with vitamins and other active ingredients. It is able to increase vascular tone, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves the condition of capillaries, thins the blood, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. His medicinal properties are used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.

Indications for use

The tincture is indicated for the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • swelling, pain and leg cramps;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • haemorrhoids.
Externally, the remedy can be used for compresses for bruises, hematomas and for wound healing, for joint pain, osteochondrosis, and sciatica. For external use, it is recommended to dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1:1.

Did you know? The Indian tribes used the brown skin of the chestnut as narcotic substance. Dried and powdered peel and branches can poison fish in reservoirs - this was used by poachers.

Cooking instructions

To prepare the tincture, it is necessary to grind 100 g of fruits, after removing the brown peel from them.
The resulting slurry is poured with a liter of vodka in a glass container and infused for a week in a cool place protected from sunlight. It is necessary to shake the tincture once a day all this time.
After 7 days, the product can be filtered and used.

Tincture for external application prepared from ripe fruits, cut into 4 parts and filled with vodka. Fruit quarters are placed in glass jar and pour vodka so as to completely cover the fruit, tightly close. Insist the first three days in the sun, then placed in a dark place for 40 days at room temperature.
This tool is great for removing pain in joints, treats veins.

Mode of application

The tincture can be used orally 15 drops three times a day, diluted with water. Highly effective remedy for the treatment of various venous pathologies.

As an external agent, it can be used in the form of compresses on diseased veins or rubbed into the joints. It is best to do the procedures at night.

Important! Not all chestnuts are edible. Horse should not be eaten, it can cause poisoning.

Horse chestnut is contraindicated:

  • children under 12;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • suffering from hypotension;
  • people with chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • people with poor blood clotting and prone to bleeding.

Daily Portion

Chestnut tincture, like any drug, can harm the body if it is abused. Do not exceed the recommended doses for each specific recipe.

An overdose can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms: finger cramps, pain in the heart, nausea, heartburn.

Horse chestnut tincture (from color)

Flowers also contain a large number of valuable components that can provide healing effect on the human body. They are harvested during the flowering period - in May. Flowers can be dried and stored for up to next year. Prepared from fresh and dried flowers healing tinctures, which strengthen and improve the condition of blood vessels, are used for prevention. The tool is able to improve performance and tone the entire body.

Important! It is necessary to dry flowers and fruits at a temperature not exceeding +25° FROM.

Chemical composition

The flowers contain a large amount of flavonoids, pectins, rutin, mucus and tannins.

The medicinal property of the flower-based tincture is due to the presence of flavonoids and other chemical substances. Flower tincture restores protein in the blood structure, is used in the treatment of tumors and radiation sickness removes radionuclides from the body.

Indications for use

Tincture of flowers very well thins the blood and prevents stagnation. venous blood. The tool helps to treat atherosclerosis and relieves inflammation and pain in the joints.

It is used orally to improve the functioning of the liver and heart, to treat gastritis and anemia, hemorrhoids.

Cooking instructions

To prepare a healing potion, you need to take 20 g of flowers, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and place in a dark place. After two weeks, the remedy can be used externally for the treatment of joints.

An infusion can be prepared for internal use from dried flowers. A tablespoon of flowers is poured into 200 ml of water and brought to a boil. Insist 6 hours and strain. Store in a dark place in a tightly closed container.

Mode of application

The remedy from the flowers must be rubbed into the diseased joints twice a day, it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Chestnut tincture helps to cope with varicose veins

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for the use of flower-based products are the same as for chestnut fruit tincture. This childhood, pregnancy, some chronic diseases and blood diseases.

Daily Portion

For internal use, the drug is taken in small sips throughout the day, up to 1 liter. In no case should the dosage be exceeded in order to avoid side effects especially for people with kidney and liver disease.

So, it is impossible not to appreciate the beneficial properties of horse chestnut. It is very effective at various diseases and has been used for a very long time in folk medicine. There are pharmaceutical forms of medicines based on it and many recipes that can be used to prepare healing agent on one's own.
But it is necessary to use tinctures with great care, preferably under the supervision of a doctor and not to exceed the recommended doses.