Cycle phases by days of name. Phases of the menstrual cycle and female sex hormones

A woman's body undergoes monthly physiological changes aimed at ensuring that she can conceive and bear a child. Until these undulating changes occur, the reproductive (childbearing) age lasts. The phases of the menstrual cycle may vary slightly in duration, but the hormonal background and physiological sensations of all women in the world are similar.

3 cycle phases

The length of the menstrual cycle can vary between 20-40 days (sometimes longer). But on average, the cycle lasts 28-30. The beginning of a new cycle is considered the day of the onset of menstrual bleeding, it is from it that the countdown is taken. Just like the gestational age, it is counted from the first day of the last menstruation.

Women, up to a certain age, exhibit sexual behavior regardless of the phase of the cycle, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to know that each phase is characterized by very specific physiological and hormonal changes, and therefore the possibility of conception is inherent in certain days of the cycle. The phases of the menstrual cycle by day are not are equal, the first lasts 5-7 days, the second about 14, the third 7-10.

The cycle is divided into phases:

  • The menstrual phase begins the cycle, it is characterized by the onset of uterine bleeding, which occurs as a result of rejection of the upper layer of the endometrium. The menstrual phase indicates that pregnancy has not occurred: either conception has not occurred, or the fertilized egg has not been fixed in the uterine cavity. The first bleeding occurs at the age of 11-13 years and is called menarche. Bleeding can be scanty or, conversely, profuse. Some women at this time feel unwell, weakness, pain in the abdomen and pelvis. If there is no hormonal failure, and a single follicle has matured in the body, then pregnancy cannot occur during menstruation, since the “command” was given differently. In the uterine cavity, suitable conditions are not created for the fertilized egg to be fixed and begin to divide.

  • The second phase is follicular, the longest and decisive for conception. After menstrual bleeding stops, the endometrium of the uterus begins to grow again under the influence of estrogen. On the other hand, follicle-stimulating hormone (whose name speaks for itself) stimulates the growth and maturation of the follicle in the ovary. The follicle contains an egg and by the end of the second phase, one (rarely more) follicle is ready for conception. The second phase of the menstrual cycle is the preparatory stage for pregnancy. At this time, the mammary glands swell, become sensitive, vaginal discharge becomes abundant, they are transparent, the hormone estrogen, the level of which is steadily rising, provides cervical mucus for easier penetration of sperm. Despite the fact that the egg in the follicular phase is located inside the follicle and is not yet capable of conception, spermatozoa can remain mobile and viable for several days. Therefore, it is wrong to assume that before the onset of ovulation, sexual relations cannot lead to pregnancy.
  • Ovulation crowns the follicular phase. Ovulation can be visually determined by the transparent sticky secretion of cervical mucus, which forms long viscous threads. The peak of estrogen leads to a sharp release of luteinizing hormone. It is thanks to him that the dominant follicle bursts, the egg gets freedom and the opportunity to become a zygote. The egg moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus, and the follicle begins to produce the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for preparing the uterus for a possible pregnancy. The life span of the egg is short, about 24 hours, after which, if fertilization does not occur, the egg dies. With her death, the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle ends.
  • The luteal phase continues from ovulation to the onset of menstruation. The follicle accumulates luteinizing hormone and turns into a corpus luteum, actively producing progesterone and estrogen. The uterus is ready to receive a fertilized egg. If pregnancy occurs, then progesterone will be produced by the corpus luteum before the formation of the placenta (which will take over this function). If not, then the level of these hormones drops and a new cycle begins. This period is characterized by mood swings, lethargy, drowsiness, increased appetite.


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Menstruation is the result of cyclical changes in the hormonal background and physiology of a woman. In order for her to conceive a child, bear it and give birth, a complex system of transformations regulated by hormones is provided in the body. The phases of the menstrual cycle normally follow one another, ensuring the development of the egg and preparing the body for conception and pregnancy.

In medicine, a cycle is considered the period from the first day of regular bleeding to the start of the next one.

How many phases of the menstrual cycle? Depending on what changes the uterus undergoes, there are three phases of the cycle. The ovaries also work cyclically, and each cycle is conditionally divided into

  • ovulatory

First phase of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual phase begins on the first day of menstruation and is externally manifested in the form of bleeding. This period brings the woman the greatest inconvenience, since the dying tissues of the endometrium are rejected, and they must be removed from the uterine cavity as soon as possible. Since they are rich in blood vessels, the process is accompanied by profuse bleeding and pulling pains due to smooth muscle contractions.

Discomfort lasts an average of 3 to 6 days. As such, blood in the secretions contains no more than 30%, the rest is the dead tissue of the inner lining layer, as well as the mucous secretion of the cervix and vagina. Regular blood loss is so small that it does not significantly affect the level of hemoglobin.

At this time, changes occur in the ovaries. During the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the brain starts the process of producing hormones that regulate the work of the ovaries. Several primary follicles begin to develop in them at once, normally from 5 to 15 pieces.

Within seven days, they increase in size by about 10 times and are covered with a multi-layered cell membrane. Normally, at this point, the most viable single follicle is determined, which continues to develop. The rest stop growing and atrophy. This behavior of the follicles is due to the minimum content of FSH and LH, however, if the balance is shifted for some reason, then the follicle will either not develop at all, or there will be several of them.

Second phase of the menstrual cycle

In the second phase of the normal menstrual cycle, the body actively prepares the egg. The uterus was cleansed of the dead endometrium, the inner layer was prepared and the blood supply was restored in it. New processes in the uterus are active cell division, which leads to tissue growth, which in medicine is called proliferation. The formation of the endometrium is associated with the action of hormones that are produced by the ovaries.

At this time, the first phase is completed in the ovary, the dominant follicle has already been determined. In the tissues of its shell, hormones begin to be produced. The production of these hormones is extremely high, they play a decisive role in the process of conception, gestation, childbirth and feeding. The production system of these hormones is commonly called the follicular apparatus. During this period, the egg finally matures and prepares for release into the abdominal cavity.

The proliferative phase ends with rupture of the follicular membrane. From the moment of the onset of menstruation, it can take from 7 to 20 days, the process of maturation of follicles is very individual, for each woman it can change from cycle to cycle. This is influenced by general health, stress and lifestyle. The body is designed in such a way that it tries to choose the most favorable moment for conception. There are cycles in which it seems to cancel the maturation process, and the follicles simply do not develop, so ovulation does not occur. This is also considered normal.

Third phase of the menstrual cycle

At the beginning of the last, third phase of the cycle, ovulation occurs. By the time the egg was released, it had increased almost 20 times. The follicle shell is already fully formed, now it is a full-fledged organ of the endocrine system. After the release of the formed egg and its capture by the hairs of the fallopian tube, the follicle shell turns into an independent organ - and begins to actively produce estrogens - hormones that prepare the body for pregnancy.

In this phase of the normal menstrual cycle, a woman feels a slight increase in weight, perhaps an increase in breast size due to increased blood supply. The body is preparing for conception, and the uterus can already accept a fertilized egg. The corpus luteum produces hormones that maintain the integrity of the endometrium - progesterone and estrogen.

If pregnancy occurs, they will start the process of forming the placenta. If conception does not occur, after a short time it dies off, the production of hormones stops and the uterus rejects the endometrium, that is, menstruation comes. The life expectancy of the corpus luteum is approximately the same for all women and is about 10 - 13 days.

The female body undergoes cyclic changes. Men cannot boast of this. Each representative of the fair sex should have an idea of ​​​​what the cycle of menstruation is, how long it lasts and what divisions it has. If you still don’t know this, then it’s time to get to know the woman’s body better.

Menstrual cycle

To begin with, it is worth saying that this period has a beginning and an end. The duration of the menstrual cycle directly depends on the hormonal background of a woman.

The first menstruation occurs in girls between the ages of 12 and 18. From now on, every month the body of the fairer sex will undergo cyclical changes. This happens due to the work of the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland. The ovaries also play an important role in the duration of the female cycle.

Length of the menstrual cycle

The female cycle can have different lengths. While a woman is not planning a pregnancy, she rarely pays attention to the length of this period. However, the menstrual cycle should always be carefully monitored.

It is worth noting that the first day of the cycle is the one when spotting from the genital tract began. The last day is the day before the start of a new female period.

normal cycle

A healthy woman has an average menstrual cycle of four weeks. In some cases, there may be deviations in one direction or another. Cycle duration ranging from 21 to 35 days is considered normal.

At the same time, spotting in the fair sex is moderate and lasts no more than seven days. The minimum bleeding time should be three days.

short cycle

A woman's menstrual cycle is considered short when the period between the first and second menses is less than three weeks.

Quite often, short cycle women have hormonal conditions that need to be treated. Menstruation in this case lasts from one to five days.

long cycle

An abnormally long period is considered to be a period that has a length of more than 35 days. In this case, the fairer sex often faces problems in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Usually these ailments are expressed in hormone deficiency during this period. This leads to the inability to conceive a child.

The duration of menstrual bleeding in a long cycle can be different and range from several days to two weeks. Correction in this case is necessary. Otherwise, more serious health problems may begin.

How is the cycle divided?

This period has two phases:

  • 2 phase of the menstrual cycle.

There is also a third period, but it occurs only when conception occurs. The phases of the menstrual cycle are very different from each other.

First part of the cycle

This period is called the follicular phase. This name is generally accepted and better known. There are also the following names: folliculin, polyferative period. This period lasts an average of two weeks. But this value can range from one to three weeks. All this is a variant of the norm and does not require medical intervention.

This period of time begins when menstruation begins. From this point on, the pituitary gland produces follicle-stimulating hormone. It has a beneficial effect on the endometrium and helps to restore the inner layer of the genital organ after menstrual bleeding. FSH also has a tremendous effect on the ovaries. In these organs, vesicles called follicles begin to grow. Approximately by the middle of the cycle, one (less often two or three) dominant vesicle is released, which subsequently releases the egg.

In the first phase of the female cycle, most hormones are examined. The sampling of material is carried out in the period from the third to the fifth day of this period.

It is worth noting that during this period, changes occur not only inside the female body. The fair sex may note that the discharge from the genital tract is rather meager and thick. Also at this time, the basal temperature is kept at a low level. The average value on the thermometer is from 36 to 36.5 degrees.

The phases of the menstrual cycle change exactly when ovulation occurs. The pituitary gland during this period begins to actively produce luteinizing hormone. This substance affects the grown follicle, and the bubble bursts. It is from this second that the second phase of the menstrual cycle begins.

Second part of the cycle

As soon as the egg is released from the ovary, the pituitary gland changes its work somewhat. At this moment, it is the turn of the ovaries to secrete the desired substance. In the place where the dominant follicle was previously, a new bubble is formed. It is called the corpus luteum. Such a neoplasm is necessary for the normal course of the female cycle. The corpus luteum produces the hormone progesterone. This substance supports the vital activity of the egg and has a general effect on the entire body.

Also, after a change in the phase of the menstrual cycle, the active growth of the inner membrane of the reproductive organ begins. Blood circulation increases, and blood vessels grow. The layer of the endometrium grows larger every day and reaches its maximum about one week after ovulation. In the same period, the level of progesterone has a maximum value. If it is necessary to take an analysis and identify its quantity, then this should be done exactly one week after the rupture of the follicle.

The discharge from the vagina during this period is creamy, and there are quite a lot of them. This is all completely normal and does not require treatment. The only exceptions are those cases when unpleasant sensations join the secretions: itching, burning or pain. It is also necessary to see a doctor if the mucus has acquired an unpleasant odor or an unusual color. The basal temperature in this period rises from the moment the follicle ruptures. This is due to the effect of progesterone on the body. The average value of the thermometer is 37 degrees. In addition, the woman notes an increase and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

In the event that fertilization has occurred, the third phase of the female period begins. In the absence of pregnancy, the periods of the menstrual cycle change again, and menstruation begins.

The duration of the second phase is from ten to fourteen days. It does not affect the duration of the cycle. Different variations may be due to the divergence of the first half of the female period. If the progesterone phase has fewer days than 10, then this indicates a hormone deficiency. In this case, the woman needs to be examined and start taking corrective drugs.

Violation of the duration of the female cycle

As mentioned earlier, the cycle can be long or short. Any deviation from the norm should be treated.

It is also worth noting that the female period should always be stable. The discrepancy in the duration of the cycle should be no more than three days. For example, if a woman has a period of 25 days, then this is normal. But if next month this period is 32 days, then this is already a deviation and failure in the body.

Sometimes a failure in the cycle can occur due to the formation of functional cysts. There is nothing wrong with that. Most often, these tumors resolve on their own. If such a phenomenon occurs quite often, then a woman needs to investigate the phases of the menstrual cycle. This can be done with a blood test. Laboratory technicians will determine the level of hormones in your body and give the result.

Treatment of violations of the duration of the female cycle

Most often, hormonal preparations are chosen for correction.

If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then she is prescribed medication to support the second phase. They also have a beneficial effect on the hormones that are produced by the pituitary gland. Most often, doctors recommend injections of Progesterone, vaginal suppositories Utrozhestan or Duphaston pills.

In the event that the fair sex does not plan to give birth in the near future, she may be recommended to take oral contraceptives. Depending on the results of the study of the hormonal background, the doctor may prescribe tablets "Diana-35", "Logest", "Novinet" and others. There are a lot of such drugs in our time. A competent specialist will select what is right for you.


If you have a menstrual cycle, do not waste time, but go to the doctor's office. Perhaps now you only need a slight hormonal correction. In the event that the disease is started, irreparable problems with women's health may begin.

In the case of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to know in advance everything about the phases of the menstrual cycle, their duration and properties. In this case, your baby will not keep you waiting long, and conception will take place in the near future.

Take care of your well-being and always be healthy!

The menstrual cycle of women consists of four phases, which are characterized by certain changes that occur in the body. Understanding these processes is necessary in order to choose the most suitable time for conceiving a child, to correctly use the calendar method to determine dangerous and safe days, as well as to detect violations in a timely manner. It should be borne in mind that the duration of each phase of the menstrual cycle in each case is as individual as the cycle itself.

The 1st and 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle is in preparation for the formation of an egg. Phases 3 and 4 are directly the formation of an egg and preparation for conception, if conception does not occur, then the reverse process occurs, the egg dies, and the cycle begins from the beginning.

menstrual phase

The first phase of the menstrual cycle begins on the first day of menstruation. This day is also considered the first day of the cycle. During menstrual bleeding under the influence of hormones, the endometrium of the uterus is rejected, and the body prepares for the appearance of a new egg.

In the first phase of the cycle, algomenorrhea is often observed - painful menstruation. Algomenorrhea is a disease that must be treated by eliminating the causes in the first place. Violations of the nervous and reproductive systems, as well as inflammatory or infectious diseases of the pelvic organs can cause pain during menstruation. Painful menstruation is easier to cure once than to risk your health and constantly suffer from pain.

It is also useful for women to consume more foods containing iron, the level of which is significantly reduced due to menstruation. These days it is recommended to be at rest, to avoid overexertion and physical exertion. In some countries, women are provided with sick leave during menstruation, since in addition to discomfort, attention and concentration worsen on such days, mood swings, and nervousness are possible.

The first phase lasts from 3 to 6 days, but even before the end of the critical days, the second phase of the menstrual cycle begins.

Follicular phase

The second phase of the menstrual cycle lasts about two weeks after the end of menstruation. The brain sends impulses, under the influence of which the follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH, enters the ovaries, which promotes the development of follicles. Gradually, a dominant follicle is formed, in which the egg subsequently matures.

The second phase of the menstrual cycle is also characterized by the release of the hormone estrogen, which renews the lining of the uterus. Estrogen also affects the cervical mucus, making it immune to sperm.

Some factors, such as stress or illness, can affect the length of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and delay the onset of the third phase.

Ovulation phase

The phase lasts about 3 days, during which there is a release of luteinizing hormone, LH, and a decrease in FSH levels. LH affects the cervical mucus, making it receptive to sperm. Also, under the influence of LH, the maturation of the egg ends and its ovulation occurs (release from the follicle). A mature egg moves into the fallopian tubes, where it waits for fertilization for about 2 days. The most suitable time for conception is before ovulation, since spermatozoa live for about 5 days. After ovulation, another cycle of changes occurs, the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle begins.

After the egg is released, the follicle (corpus luteum) begins to produce the hormone progesterone, which prepares the endometrium of the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg. At the same time, the production of LH stops, the cervical mucus dries up. The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle lasts no more than 16 days. The body is waiting for the implantation of the egg, which occurs 6-12 days after fertilization.

The fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity. As soon as implantation occurs, the hormone chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced. Under the influence of this hormone, the corpus luteum continues to function throughout pregnancy, producing progesterone. Pregnancy tests are sensitive to human chorionic gonadotropin, which is sometimes called the pregnancy hormone.

If fertilization does not occur, then the egg and corpus luteum die off, the production of progesterone stops. In turn, this causes the destruction of the endometrium. The rejection of the upper layer of the uterus begins, menstruation sets in, therefore, the cycle begins anew.

They are caused by the influence of hormones that affect not only physiological processes, but also the emotional state.

Interestingly, in ancient Chinese medicine, based on the 4 phases of the cycle, the practices necessary for the spiritual development of a woman and rejuvenation of the body were based. It was believed that before ovulation, energy is accumulated, and after ovulation, redistribution occurs. Saving energy in the first half of the cycle allowed the woman to achieve harmony.

And although the modern pace of life requires women to be constantly active, observing changes in the emotional state associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle will help determine the most unfavorable days for action or conflict resolution. This approach will allow you to avoid unnecessary stress and maintain your strength and health.

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The difference between a man and a woman is due to sexual characteristics and the presence of the representatives of the beautiful half of the reproductive function, which directly depends on how the phases of the menstrual cycle proceed and whether there are any failures in this cycle.

What are the phases of menstruation, why should a woman keep a monthly record? Is it possible to plan a pregnancy on your own if you clearly understand what the essence of each phase of the menstrual cycle is? Read more about the features of the female body in the article.

Endocrinologist advice:“I can only recommend one effective and safe remedy for normalizing hormonal levels and diseases associated with its violation, this is of course ....”

What is the menstrual cycle

The reproductive function of the female body becomes active from the moment the first menstruation arrives in a girl aged 10–15 years and until the period of female menopause (age criteria are individual). With the ability to conceive on a monthly basis, nature awarded the woman purposefully so that there would be more attempts for the appearance of offspring, given the fact that a short time corridor from 24 to 48 hours is allotted for mating a sperm with an egg. If at this moment there was no sexual relationship between a man and a woman, then you should not think about pregnancy either.

menstrual cycle- this is a periodic change of phases in which the egg matures, enters the cavity of the fallopian tubes, meets or not with the sperm, moves into the uterine cavity and has two scenarios for the development of events - the fertilized one is fixed in the endometrial epithelium, the empty one is expelled from the uterus along with the corpus luteum and unnecessary endometrium.

Every girl, woman must clearly know her phases of the menstrual cycle in order to have a desired pregnancy or prevent its development if children are not included in her plans.

What are the phases of the menstrual cycle, their number

Phases in the menstrual cycle are certain stages in which special processes are carried out under the influence of special hormones.

Some sources divide the entire menstrual cycle into 4 phases:

  • Bleeding phase (menses) lasts from 1 to 7 days.
  • Follicle formation, the beginning of which coincides with the first day of menstruation and lasts until the full maturation of the egg.
  • Ovulation when the egg leaves the follicle and rushes into the fallopian tubes to mate with the sperm.
  • Phase of the menstrual cycle when active lutein hormone is produced, which is responsible for preparing the uterine epithelium for egg attachment, for the production of the hormone progesterone by the corpus luteum until the placenta fully matures as an organ that supports the development of the fetus and its birth. In this phase of the menstrual cycle, the rejection of an empty egg also occurs if conception has not occurred. Exfoliated endometrium and corpus luteum come out, like waste material.

In the community of gynecologists, it is customary to talk about three phases of the menstrual cycle, when the period of menstruation itself is classified as a follicular phase.

Classification of the phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • Follicle Growth Phase- each woman has a different duration of this phase of the menstrual cycle. This phase of the menstrual cycle ends at the moment of full maturation of the egg.
  • Ovulation phase- lasts no more than two days and is considered the shortest phase of the menstrual cycle. The egg breaks through the wall of the follicle and enters the fallopian tubes, through which it moves into the uterine cavity. The most important phase of the menstrual cycle for the conception of an embryo, if a woman and a man have the desire to do so.
  • Phase of active influence of lutein and progesterone, which is commonly called the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Active preparation of the uterine cavity for the attachment of a fertilized egg and further growth of the embryo is underway. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum leaves the cavity of the follicle and, together with the dead egg and exfoliated uterine epithelium, comes out in the form of spotting. The first phase of the next menstrual cycle begins.

It is the first day of spotting (menstruation) that is considered to be the first day of a woman's monthly menstrual cycle.

Classification of the phases of the menstrual cycle by day

The standard division of the menstrual cycle into phases without reference to specific days does not provide exhaustive knowledge for a woman how to calculate the ovulation phase in the menstrual cycle in order to become pregnant or exclude such a result using calculations as a contraceptive tool.

You can rely on this method if the phases of the menstrual cycle are constant and the period from the first day of menstruation to their next onset is the same, that is, 28–35 days. With a constant failure in the menstruation schedule, you should not rely on the calculation of the day of ovulation.

In some cases, a woman may have two follicles at once, and with a delay of 1-2 days, another egg rushes into the cavity of the fallopian tubes, which the lady is not aware of.

If we focus on the average duration of the menstrual cycle, then it can be divided into 2 phases:

  • From the first day of bleeding until the moment of ovulation.
  • From the day the egg is released to the moment it attaches to the endometrium or the start of a new period. This phase of the menstrual cycle is always constant and lasts 14 days, given that the period of ovulation is given no more than 48 hours, sometimes less.

Each phase of the menstrual cycle can be considered in more detail, moving on to specific intervals of processes in the reproductive organs of a woman. The following table, focused on a cycle of 28 calendar days, will help with this:

Cycle phasedaysProcessesProbability of getting pregnantWoman's well-being
First (follicular)1–7 daysBleeding that lasts 4 to 7 days. From the first day, the growth of follicles begins, which are capable of maturing the egg. One follicle is always more active, and when the diameter reaches 14 mm, competitors lose ground and dissolve.NotPain in the lower abdomen, mood deterioration, loss of strength, sometimes headache.
Day 7–12Absence of bleeding. The follicle is actively growing, the hormone estrogen enhances the effect on the reproductive system to help the maturation of the egg.NotThe mood improves, there is no pain. Increased sexual desire for a partner. Efficiency and activity at its peak.
OvulationDay 13–14Rupture of the walls of the follicle and the release of the egg into the fallopian tubes. The luteinizing hormone actively manifests itself, which weakens the walls of the follicle when the cell is ready to go outside.Yes, up to 16 days of the cycle.A woman may feel pain in the ovarian region due to the active release of the egg from the follicle cavity.
lutealthe period of the phase is constant and lasts 14 days from the moment of fertilization or cell death.A corpus luteum forms at the site where the egg matured. The production of the hormones progesterone and lutein begins, which prepare the body for the development of a new life. If fertilization does not occur, hormone production stops until phase 3 of the new cycle.from 17 to 28 days of the third phase of the cycle, fertilization is excluded.Until the 22nd day of the menstrual cycle, a woman has an excellent mood, high performance. If conception did not occur, then after 22 days, PMS (premenstrual symptoms) begin to appear, individual for each lady. In this phase, the basal temperature in a woman is 37 degrees, which can be considered a determining factor in the luteal phase.

This table is relevant only for women with an established menstruation cycle of 28 calendar days. With a longer cycle, the first phase increases and the day of ovulation is postponed.

To clarify the date and phase of ovulation, it is necessary to keep a record of the first days of menstruation of each month in order to understand in what period the follicle growth phase is active, and when the egg release phase begins and its ability to mate with sperm.

Causes of the shift in the phases of the menstrual cycle

Sometimes women experience a shift in the phases of the menstrual cycle and there must be good reasons for this, because the onset of menstruation is a mandatory process for a healthy woman of childbearing age.

A woman should know the phases of her cycle and its duration, so that at the slightest failure in this process, contact a gynecologist to identify pathologies that can be serious and require immediate treatment, in some cases surgical.

How to calculate your phases of the menstrual cycle

The basic rule that any lady should follow from the first day of puberty (the first menstruation for a girl) is to buy a notebook or calendar, in which the days of the beginning of the first phase, that is, menstruation, are systematically recorded. After 3-4 months, you can analyze how stable the cycle is and how many days all three phases last, given that the third phase is always constant in the number of days and lasts 14 days.

Calculation example

  1. The first discharge appeared on March 5th. The date is marked on the calendar. The next mark is the last day of bleeding, for example, March 9th.
  2. next menstruation began on April 2 and lasted until April 6.
  3. The full cycle for March/April was 29 days. To clarify indicators you can compare the days of menstruation in May and conclude that the phases of the cycle are constant and you can calculate the phase of ovulation by subtracting 14 from 29 days, which means that the period from 13 to 15 days of the cycle is the phase of egg readiness for conception.

For an accurate calculation, you can use an online calculator that makes a detailed calculation of the length of the cycle for a certain period and accurately indicates the phase of ovulation.

If a couple has problems conceiving, then a woman is recommended to undergo an ultrasound scan on the 5th-7th day of the first phase of the menstrual cycle to make sure that the follicles are able to form an egg. And also the doctor determines the phase of the menstrual cycle, favorable for sexual contact in order to have a baby.


Phases of the menstrual cycle is not only a gynecological term, but also a process that every woman should know. This is a kind of women's health barometer, which you need to pay attention to and immediately consult a doctor.