Maximum weight of a Russian Post parcel. What can be sent by parcel post?

Simple departure- goes like a regular letter or newspaper. The postman brings it and throws it into the mailbox. Only parcels can be simple.

Registered, also known as registered, shipment- receives a unique number and barcode. At intermediate sorting points, the barcode is read into a computer system, which allows you to monitor its passage through the Russian Post website. A registered item is handed over to the addressee against receipt; if he is not there, a notice is left.

Tariffs for customized and simple parcels are installed centrally and do not depend on the delivery distance.

Valuable item- has a declared value, for which an insurance fee is required (3.54% including VAT for parcels, 4% including VAT for parcels). In case of loss, the declared value is reimbursed to the sender (in this case, the insurance fee Not refundable). Only valuable items can be sent by cash on delivery.
All valuable items are, by definition, registered.
Parcels can be valuable or ordinary. In the second case, the value of the parcel in rubles is declared equal to zero.

Tariffs for valuable items depend on the delivery distance and the region of dispatch (see below).

Valuable items: mainline belts and tariff zones

Tariffs for valuable items depend on delivery distances. Total allocated 5 main belts: 1st - up to 600 km, 2nd - 600-2000 km, 3rd - 2000-5000 km, 4th - 5000-8000 km, 5th - over 8000 km. The basis is the distance between the centers of the regions along the delivery route (hence the name - the main belt). If delivery is not to the center of the region, the belt does not change- even if in fact the total distance turns out to be the next belt. For example, delivery from the Moscow region to the Krasnoyarsk Territory for any locality will be calculated according to the 3rd zone, although in this extremely extended region half of the territory is located at a distance of over 5000 km from the capital of Russia (see the reference directory of tariff zones for sending from Moscow to Russian Post website).

The distance along the highway is in most cases tariffed distance between corresponding railway stations in regional centers, it differs from both the direct distance on the map and the distance along the highway.

Tariffs for valuable items also vary by regions of Russia; total available 5 tariff zones(not to be confused with the main belts!!) - the lowest tariffs are in the European part of Russia, the highest are in Chukotka. Therefore, a parcel from Vladivostok to Moscow can cost almost one and a half times more than from Moscow to Vladivostok.

Parcels and parcels - the main differences

Parcel- a newspaper, magazine, brochure, book, which due to its size or weight cannot be sent by letter. The name comes from the French. banderole (bande - strip and role - bundle, list) - a special tape that postmen used to wrap a rolled-up newspaper or magazine with paid delivery. Parcels follow the same routes as written correspondence; the postman takes them with him and - if the parcel is simple - puts them in the addressee's box. Hence the following restrictions:
1. The maximum weight of the inner parcel is only 2 kg (the slot in the mailboxes is small, and the postman is not a pack animal).
2. The parcel should not include any fragile items, because bags of mail are often thrown, piled up, etc. upon delivery. Currently, the rules of the Russian Post prohibit product attachments in regular parcels at all (with the exception of items that are an integral part of the attachment, for example, a CD-ROM attached to a book). But in 1st class parcels there are commodity enclosures allowed- apparently due to more careful handling of them during the journey.

Package- registered shipment with goods contents and declared value. The sender is obliged to pack the parcel in a strong box; in addition, during the delivery process, according to instructions, postal workers are required to transfer the parcels from hand to hand. Therefore, the control periods for the passage of parcels are somewhat longer than for surface mail and parcels. The parcel may be marked "Fragile" (additional 30% to the shipping cost).
The maximum weight of the parcel is 20 kg (if the weight is more than 10 kg, an additional fee for heavy parcels is paid in the amount of 40% of the delivery cost).

Parcels and parcels - which is more profitable?

Parcels- a price that increases uniformly from 100 to 2000 in increments of 20 g: 43 rubles. 66 kopecks for the first 100 g, then 2 rubles. 95 kopecks for every 20 years (beginning of 2017). Tariffs for parcels are the same throughout Russia.

Parcels- a significant initial fee for the first 500 g, then a relatively small tariff in increments of 500 g. For example, when sending from Moscow to St. Petersburg, the first 500 g cost 204 rubles. 00 kopecks, then 21.00 for every 500 g in the 1st main belt.

If the sender has a choice between a parcel post and a parcel (books, brochures), then a weight up to 500 g is much cheaper (2-3 times!) to send with a valuable parcel post, from 500 to 1000 g it is also cheaper to send a parcel post (about 30-55 rubles), from 1000 to 1500 g the tariffs are approximately comparable. But for goods over 1.5 kg, sending by parcel is always cheaper, and the greater the weight, the more significant the gain.

1st class parcel

“Elite” delivery along the shortest route, which in recent years has been actively introduced instead of air parcel mail, and, judging by the tariff policy of the Russian Post, should completely replace the latter.

Prices for this type of shipment are set according to 5 tariff zones, and they do not depend on delivery distance and route (ground/air), main belts are not taken into account, which makes tariff calculation very convenient.

A 1st class parcel is packed in a special envelope with a yellow stripe and delivered along the fastest main route, while delivery within the region is faster - the standard deadlines for this type of shipment correspond to the standards for written correspondence, not parcels.

And most importantly, 1st class parcels allow for the inclusion of goods. However, it is still impossible to send a parcel marked “fragile”.

Liaison offices with delivery restrictions

Delivery to a number of difficult-to-reach areas is only possible by air; sometimes the post office is completely closed at certain times of the year. In total, these are approximately 1,200 post offices out of a total of 44,000, mainly in Yakutia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk and Magadan Regions, Khanty-Mansiysk, Chukotka and Nenets Autonomous Okrug. A list of such branches is published in the Reference Directory of Russian Post forwarding restrictions. the site regularly checks for updates once a day (they come out 1-2 times a month), automatically downloads updates and converts them into an easy-to-read format - see the Limitations section.

Tariffs of Russian Post and EMS

Strange as it may seem, in some cases sending a parcel by courier door to door is cheaper than by mail, not to mention the delivery time and convenience.

Firstly, this is delivery within the city and within the region. However, it should be taken into account that delivery from the center of the region to the region is already paid for as interregional at much higher rates.

Secondly, it is delivery to remote and hard-to-reach areas of items weighing more than 10 kg - the parcel may be more expensive.

Thanks to the development of the Internet, regular letters from the post office have lost their value. But delivery of things and gifts to distant relatives by mail is still relevant. In this article we will tell you what can be sent by parcel post and how to do it correctly. We will also describe what attachments are allowed in this type of parcel.

What is a parcel post? What types are there?

There is more than one type of mail at the post office. They differ in weight, permitted investments, delivery speed and, of course, cost. These are parcels, parcels, 1st class items, letters, EMS and small packages.

Parcels are divided by type, and the permissible weight, attachment and speed of receipt depend on them. Types of parcels:

  1. Simple.
  2. Custom.
  3. Valuable.
  4. With cash on delivery.
  5. 1st class items (simple, registered, valuable and cash on delivery).
  6. Small packages (parcels abroad).

Each type will be discussed in more detail below.

Simple parcel

What can be sent by parcel post? Russian Post allows magazines, photographs, documents to be sent (it is better to send them in a registered or valuable form, since there will be a receipt and the shipment can be tracked). The weight of these items must be from 100 g to 2 kg. There are size restrictions; these can be clarified with the operator.

When sending a simple parcel, the attachment can be packed at home (if the packaging is purchased in advance). Considering the weather conditions, it is better to send in plastic bags, so the contents will definitely not get wet either by rain or snow. But it can also be in paper envelopes and even in boxes.

When sending, the operator weighs the item and affixes stamps for the amount the parcel cost. Further departure follows without registration. That is, the stamps on it are only canceled, and the parcel is ready to be sent. This is convenient, since the shipment does not require registration and will move faster. But the downside is that if the parcel gets lost, it will be impossible to track at what stage the loss occurred (immediately at the department or on the road, or maybe someone just pulled it out of the box).

Registered parcel

You can send the parcel in different packages and also pack it at home. A special feature of the shipment is that for such a parcel, in addition to affixing stamps, a receipt will be given. With its help you can easily track where the shipment is located. But for this reason, the parcel moves to its destination more slowly, as it is delayed at each point for registration and ease of tracking.

If the shipment is lost, then you can find where the parcel disappeared. But if the item is not found, then at best the postal employees will be punished; no monetary compensation is taken into account in this case. Therefore, it is not recommended to send particularly important papers and documents this way.

  • printed publications;
  • newspapers;
  • magazines.

Valuable parcel

Valuable parcels are sent in plastic bags or boxes to prevent tampering. Special seals are applied to the gluing areas (the stamps no longer stick). The parcel is sealed only at the post office. The operator will offer to make an inventory of the investment, which must be certified.

An inventory is made in 2 copies. One remains with the sender, the second is placed in a container so that the recipient can verify the contents of the parcel. This is convenient because if the parcel is lost or there is a delay in receipt, then with the help of a receipt and inventory you can prove that everything was sent on time.

The investment must be assessed, the minimum amount is one ruble. A percentage is taken from this amount. But you shouldn’t go cheap if the shipment is truly valuable, since if the parcel is lost, the amount of the shipment’s valuation will be reimbursed. This type of mail also moves slowly, as it is delayed at each exchange office for registration.

Parcel post with cash on delivery

What can be sent by parcel post using this option? This is the same valuable parcel post. And it has a similar method of receiving and sending. The difference is that the recipient will have to pay the money that the sender will receive before receiving it. This is done when the recipient ordered: photos, documents, books in the store via mail. Or if it is expensive for the sender to send a parcel, then he indicates the amount of how much the shipment will cost in cash on delivery.

In case of loss of a parcel along the route, only the sender receives monetary compensation. The disadvantage of such a parcel is that the recipient cannot check the contents until he makes the payment. Therefore, before receiving such parcels, it is necessary to carefully examine the packaging for access to the contents. If it does not match the inventory or is damaged, the money will not be returned immediately. There will be a long check - where the error occurred and who is to blame.

Parcels abroad (small packages)

To process such a shipment, no special packaging is required; you can use the same packaging for Russia. The sender definitely needs to know how the address of the recipient and the sender is written in the language where the small package is sent, or at least in English. The weight of the parcel should not exceed 2 kg.

Usually small packages are sent abroad without declaration of value, but can be registered. Cash on delivery is also accepted. You should not pack your shipment at home, as each country has its own restrictions. And situations are possible when you can send something to us from another country, but it won’t work back, since there is a ban there. For example, you can send phones and various equipment from China to Russia, but you can’t send them back. It is difficult to fully know everything that can be sent by parcel post abroad, since the list of such things is constantly changing.

1st class parcel

This is a slightly different weight category. It is allowed to send them weighing from 0.5 kg to 2.5 kg. What can be sent by 1st class parcel? Not only printed materials are allowed, but also some types of commodity investments. What exactly can be sent and how to pack it correctly can be clarified with the operator.

This type of shipment is delivered to the recipient faster. 1st class parcels are processed first, and only then regular ones. They are treated with great care during processing. Therefore, cases of loss of such items are rare.

For 1st class parcels, special packaging is used. But even if one is not available, the operator does not have the right to refuse the shipment. You can use regular packaging, but mark it as “1st Class Shipment” with a red pen. The method of receiving and sending is similar to regular parcels: simple, registered, valuable and cash on delivery. But there is a significant difference in price upwards.

What can and cannot be sent?

What can you send by valuable parcel post? The list of permitted goods for shipment is quite long. Therefore, below is a list of what is prohibited from sending by parcel post within Russia:

  • Money. There are people who naively believe that cash refers to paper products and, in order to save money, try to invest it in a parcel post. It is forbidden. Firstly, this is a loss to the mail, and secondly, if the parcel is lost, then there is no way for you to prove how much money was in the attachment. Nobody will compensate her anymore.
  • You cannot send firearms in parcels, even if it is an air pistol.
  • Miscellaneous chemicals: drugs or substances that can harm others.
  • Combustible substances (gasoline, fireworks, matches, etc.).
  • Plants that can harm humans.
  • Animals. The exceptions are: worms, bees and leeches. Information about their transportation and delivery method will be clarified at the post office.
  • Photos, videos and other things of an obscene nature (for example, intimate photos).
  • Items or things that may leak, have an unpleasant odor and thereby spoil other items.

Items in a parcel post

People often ask, is it possible to send things by parcel post? This is not allowed by a simple parcel post, but by 1st class mail it is possible. But they should have a decent appearance, and not look and smell like they were just taken off a homeless person.

The list of prohibitions, even across Russia, is not constant; adjustments are often made. Therefore, before making a serious shipment, it is recommended to obtain the necessary information from the operator in advance. If he cannot give an exact answer (for example, this is a new employee), then you can clarify everything with the head of the department.

Submission procedure

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the information about what can be sent by parcel post and what documents are required to send it. And, in addition, you need to correctly know the exact address of the recipient. If at least the apartment number is not indicated, the shipment will be returned. In this case, the money will be wasted.

If there are several post offices in the city, you can send from the one that is closer to home. But it is worth considering that this may add 1-2 days to the delivery time. Therefore, if it is possible to send from the central office, then it is better to send the parcel from there. But be sure to indicate the postal code of your branch. True, this will not affect the price. If you are sending a particularly valuable item, you can practically wrap everything at home in advance so that nothing gets wrinkled or wet on the way.

If difficulties arise when sending, it is impossible to decide on your own which method is best to send the parcel, then you can again use the help of the operator. If the speed of delivery is not particularly important, and only paper attachments are sent, then a valuable one will do. If you need it faster, it is better to choose a first class parcel.

When can you claim compensation?

Few people know, but if a 1st class shipment is delayed on the road and arrives at the department later than the deadline specified in the documentation (each city has its own deadlines), then the sender has the right to demand monetary compensation for the delay in departure. Therefore, when sending, you can ask the operator to provide you with information about the deadlines.

Where can I send a parcel?

Since the Russian Post has long lost the trust of people regarding the safety of items, and even more so in terms of delivery times, you can use other methods of sending parcels. The downside is that they are not yet available in all cities, and they have their own requirements.

Organizations that send parcels and parcels:

  1. "Business Line".
  2. "Ratek".
  3. "PEC".
  4. "Whale"
  5. "ZhelDorExpedition".

Here you need to contact the company in advance, clarify what can be sent by parcel post and the date when departure from the city will take place, since transport company vehicles rarely leave daily.

In order to determine the difference between a parcel post and a parcel, you need to understand what both types of shipment are.

A parcel is a shipment in which items of the corresponding list weighing from 2 to 20 kg, as well as less than 2 kg, are sent. A parcel post represents the sending of various types of printing house attachments: books, magazines, manuscript texts, as well as various documents, and when sending certain types of parcel post, a certain list of goods. All this is possible if the weight of the parcel is not more than 2 kg and less than 100 g.

In order to understand how a parcel differs from a parcel sent by Russian Post, you also need to know the maximum and minimum permitted dimensions, since they also differ. For a parcel they are 105x148, and for a parcel they are 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm, this is what concerns the minimum. A number of factors are taken into account when determining maximum dimensions.

As for packaging, there are no differences as such. Since various printed and written items of information are sent by parcel post, they are mainly packed in kraft paper and envelopes if their weight is insignificant. Anything larger is packed in bags and boxes. In principle, the same thing is used when packing a parcel.

The differences between these two types of shipments are very obvious, but how can you understand, for example, how a parcel differs from a 1st class parcel? After all, when sending a parcel, you can send goods for various purposes, and in a 1st class parcel, if it is valuable, a list of some goods is also allowed.

And the differences are as follows: if you send a parcel, then it can be less than 2 kg or more, while a parcel should be no more than 2 kg and 2.5 kg, if valuable, 1st class. There are also different tariffs for sending one type or another.

Since 1st class shipping implies expedited delivery, the parcel will be delivered faster than the parcel. The speed of delivery, as well as the list of permitted items, is the main difference, as well as dimensions and weight.

But, for example, how does a valuable parcel differ from a valuable parcel: Again, with the same parameters, weight, which when sending a parcel does not exceed 2 kg, if it is sending an ordinary valuable parcel. And also 2.5 kg if first class, which also includes a list of certain types of goods. As for the evaluation principle, these two types of shipments are similar. Since a valuable parcel is a valuable shipment that contains a certified amount of appraised value. In case of loss or damage of the parcel, this amount will be returned and paid to the sender.

As for the valuable parcel, it is a registered item that also has an estimated value. When sending it out, the attachment is also assessed, and the entire assessment amount will be returned in case of loss or unsuccessful transportation that led to damage.

All of the above is the difference between one shipment and another, and they are very noticeable, despite the fact that many confuse one with the other.

Today there are a huge number of different ways that allow people over long distances to communicate without problems. Telephony or the Internet make it possible to correspond without problems in any corner of the planet, but the old tradition of writing handwritten letters is still relevant, which is why mail still continues its main function.

The main reason why mail is still very popular is ability to send parcels. This makes it easy to send some material item to another city or even country, without the need to deliver the parcel yourself. Today, postal services are actively used by various online stores that send their goods to all corners of the country. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose how to send documents or other valuables. The main competitors here are letters and parcels.

What is a letter?

A letter is considered to be a message that captured on paper. Basically, letters are divided into simple and registered. They are used only for exchanging written messages. The maximum weight of a standard letter is 100 grams.

If the weight of the letter is greater, then the client must pay extra for it. It is difficult to accurately indicate the amount of the surcharge, since the information often changes, and it is necessary to take into account how much more weight has exceeded the permissible limit.

By law in regular letters It is prohibited to transfer currency. This applies to both national and foreign. This also includes expensive documents, bonds and other things that are of great value. It is also prohibited to send plastic cards. The only thing allowed to be sent besides a message is photos.

All this is due to the fact that the letter has a big drawback - if it disappears, the post office does not bear any responsibility. Naturally, practice shows that people often send money in regular letters, but if they are lost, the recipient or delivery person cannot hold the mail accountable, since he himself is a violator.

What is a parcel post?

It is generally accepted that a parcel post is one of the methods of delivering printed publications that are of low value. Basically, a parcel post is used when you need to send large magazines, books and other printed materials, while the maximum weight cannot exceed 2 kilograms. Anything larger than the specified weight can only be sent via parcel.

Differences between parcels and letters

A parcel, like a regular letter, is one of the types of postal delivery. There are actually many more similarities between these two species than differences, but they are still present. Parcels and letters are divided into the following types:

  • Registered letters and parcels.
  • Dispatch with or without notification.
  • Shipping with declared value.
  • Sending without rating the content.

Officially, it is allowed to send in parcels and letters only printed materials. These include ordinary letters, newspapers, magazines and all printed products that are on paper. Today, practice shows that many mail clients using these two types can send not only letters, but also money or small items, for example, various badges, coins, etc.

The differences between a parcel post and a letter are in weight. The fact is that a standard letter officially should not weigh more than 100 grams. At this time, the parcel is allowed to weigh up to 2 kilograms. This is beneficial when you need to send a thick magazine or book. A parcel post is a kind of golden mean between a standard letter and a parcel. Naturally, the price of sending a parcel is higher than sending a regular letter, but at the same time it is much cheaper than processing a parcel.

Another difference is that a letter can easily fit into a mailbox, but to receive a parcel, you will have to go to the post office, or use the services of a courier, and you will have to pay extra for delivery.

The main differences between a parcel post and a letter

  • A letter and a parcel differ in the weight of the shipment. The permissible weight of a standard letter is 100 grams, and parcels are 2 kilograms.
  • The difference is in price. The amount is not large, but still different.
  • Reliability. An ordinary letter may get lost, but the post office is not responsible for this. The parcel is distinguished by its dimensions, so this type of parcel is very difficult to lose.
  • The letter can be placed in a regular mailbox. The parcel, due to its size, does not allow this. To send and receive it, you must contact the post office. Moreover, if the recipient is unable to contact the post office, you can use the services of a courier, whose services are paid additionally.

Date of publication: 01/30/2018

There are three types of postal items through which you can send various things, from an ordinary piece of paper to large household items: a letter, a parcel post and a parcel. In this article we will look at what a parcel is, the types of parcels and how a parcel differs from a parcel.

What is a parcel post

Parcel is a type of postal item containing paper products and printed publications, the total weight of which ranges from 100 grams to 2 kilograms. According to postal rules, only paper products can be sent by postal parcel, for example: books, magazines, posters, documents, photographs, etc. Any product attachments are prohibited! In fact, Russian Post clients using this type of shipment often send other oversized lightweight items: small electronics, collectibles, accessories, and so on. But remember that if, during sorting at the time of scanning, it is revealed that the contents of the parcel do not comply with the rules, the shipment may be returned with the appropriate mark.

You can send a parcel in a paper envelope, plastic envelope or box. The sizes of boxes and envelopes come in a variety of sizes. Packaging and packaging material can be purchased at Russian Post offices. If you are sending some large poster, then it can be sent to roll, packed in thick paper, bandaging or sealing the wrapper.

In addition to weight, there are also size restrictions. A parcel in a rectangular package cannot be larger than the sum of three dimensions (height, width, length) 90 cm. The maximum length of one side is 60 cm. And for items in a roll, the sum of the length and double diameter is a maximum of 104 cm, length is 90 cm.

Types of parcels

There are several types of parcels:

  • Simple parcel
  • Registered parcel
  • Registered parcel post 1st class
  • Valuable parcel
  • Valuable 1st class parcel post

Registered parcel- is a registered postal item, which is handed over to the addressee personally against signature. Such a shipment must be assigned a unique tracking number. In addition, a registered parcel can be sent from notification of delivery.

Notice of delivery- this is a special form that is filled out by the sender and which is sent along with the postal item. After the addressee receives the parcel, the notification is sent (returned) by mail to the sender.

Simple parcel Unlike a registered one, it is given to the addressee without signature, that is, it can be dropped into a mailbox, just like a regular (simple) letter. A simple parcel post will cost less than a registered one.

Valuable parcel- this is absolutely the same as a registered parcel, that is, it is exactly the same as a registered postal item with a tracking number assigned, it is handed over personally against signature. Its only difference is that for a valuable parcel, the sender must indicate the declared value, which will be fully or partially reimbursed if the parcel is lost or damaged. A valuable parcel post can be sent from notification of delivery And inventory of the attachment.

Inventory of attachment– this is a special form in which the sender indicates the contents of the shipment. This form must be filled out in two copies. One remains for the sender, the second goes to the recipient. The recipient at the post office with a postal employee can open the package (box) and check the contents according to the inventory.

Valuable parcels can be sent by cash on delivery.

Registered and valuable 1st class parcel post Unlike similar types (not 1st class), it is delivered in a shorter time due to shipment mainly by airmail. The price will naturally be higher. But you need to remember that a 1st class parcel has slightly different restrictions on size and weight: maximum weight - 2.5 kg, maximum length 36 cm, sum of three dimensions - 70 cm.

What's the postage on printed matter

Below we will briefly talk about the price of sending a parcel by mail. All calculations are based on the tariff from 01/01/2019, which is still valid today.

So, the first 100 grams of a simple parcel are priced at 48 rubles, and a custom one – 79.20 rubles. For each subsequent full or incomplete 20 grams, in both cases you will have to pay an additional 3 rubles.

There are special tariffs for sending valuable parcels. Here the cost is taken into account for every full or incomplete 500 grams. The delivery price depends on the distance and delivery method.

Keep in mind that in some cases a valuable parcel can be sent cheaper than a simple one. Therefore, if price is very important to you, then knowing the exact weight of your shipment, make calculations at home using special calculators. You can use, for example, this calculator:

What is the difference between a parcel post and a parcel?

We found out what a parcel post is above. Here we will look at how it differs from a parcel and why sometimes it is more profitable to send a parcel than a parcel post.

A parcel is a type of postal item weighing up to 20 kg. In some cases, the weight may be higher. There are also certain restrictions on the size of the parcel packaging. The maximum size for a parcel up to 10 kg is 53 × 38 × 26.5 cm, and for a parcel up to 20 kg - the sum of the measurements of three sides is no more than 300 cm. Using this type of postal item, you can send various items for household, cultural and other purposes. That is, there is no strict connection with paper products, as in the case of a parcel post.

When calculating the cost of delivery of parcels according to the Russian Post tariff, every 500 grams are estimated. And when calculating the delivery of a simple or registered parcel every 20 grams. Accordingly, for the maximum two kilograms of a parcel, a quite large amount of money is obtained. For this reason, in some cases, sending a parcel may be cheaper than sending an item by parcel post. There is one rule here: it is more profitable to send items weighing up to 1.5 kg by parcel post, and those weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg – by parcel. But this rule does not always apply. The price largely depends on the weight of the shipment and the distance. Therefore, again, I advise you to use special calculators to calculate the preliminary cost.

I talked about this in more detail in a separate article.