Once again about a new look at the use of plant poisons or about treating hemlock in a new way. Treatment of Cancer with Hemlock - let's defeat cancer together


A perennial herbaceous plant with raised (about 1 m in height) stems covered with brown-purple spots. The leaves are compound, double-triple-pinnate, dissected. The flowers are small, white, in complex zonules. The fruit is a two-seed without a spout, with wavy ribs. When rubbed in the hand, they emit an unpleasant mouse smell.

Grows among bushes along river valleys and in weedy places. Found in lowland and foothill areas of the Kuban, Terek, Sudak and their tributaries.

The herb collected during the flowering period (June-July) is used for medicinal purposes. All parts of the plant contain five poisonous alkaloids, of which the most important is the alkaloid coniine. Currently, neither the plant nor its alkaloids are used in scientific medicine.

IN folk medicine An alcohol tincture made from a mixture of seeds and leaves is used as an analgesic for all kinds of pain arising from the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary organs, as well as with urine retention in the bladder, with anemia, nocturnal ejaculation, delayed menstruation, with persistent painful cough, cancer of the uterus, stomach, intestines and other diseases. For cancer (uterine, intestinal, etc.) infusions are sometimes used.

It is necessary to remember that hemlock is highly toxic and not to recommend it as a remedy in the practice of traditional medicine.

It is noteworthy that hemlock in mountainous conditions does not often lose alkaloids.

A biennial herbaceous plant of the umbrella family (Umbelliferae), with a branched, grooved stem covered with reddish-brown spots at the bottom. In the first year of life, a bunch of basal leaves develops [at this time, its leaves and root are similar to garden parsley (Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.) and parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.), which may be the cause of hemlock poisoning], and in the second year the stem develops , which on fertile soil reaches 2 m in height (usually 70-150 cm). The lower leaves are petiolate, three-pinnate, up to 60 cm long; middle and upper ones are smaller and less complex, almost sessile. Hemlock flowers are white, small, collected in numerous complex umbels, forming a corymbose-paniculate inflorescence. The fruits are two-seeds, splitting into two semi-fruits.

It blooms in June - July, the seeds ripen in July - September. Propagated by seeds. Eurasian species. It grows in wastelands, in vegetable gardens, on the slopes of ravines, among bushes along rivers, and sometimes in fallow lands.
The plant is very poisonous (especially the fruits before they are fully ripe)! In Ancient Greece, it was used as an “official” poison, which was used to poison those condemned to death. It is believed that the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was poisoned with hemlock poison. Since the time of Hippocrates, it has also been considered a medicinal plant.

Collection and drying of raw materials. For medicinal purposes, the hemlock herb (stems, leaves, flowers) is used, which is harvested during the flowering period and the beginning of seed formation. All parts of the plant are poisonous, therefore, when preparing, it is necessary to strictly follow safety rules: do not taste the plant, do not allow children to collect it, store the finished raw materials separately from other medicinal plants. The internodes of the stem are blown, so children sometimes make whistles out of it and put it in their mouth, which is very dangerous.
The plant has a mouse smell.

a) For headaches and prolonged inflammation of the eyes, sexual impotence, nasal polyps, bone diseases, as a sedative, anticonvulsant and analgesic, for migraines.
b) For gout, deforming arthrosis, polyarthritis.
c) With a predisposition to the development of cancerous tumors.
d) With arteriosclerosis, caries of the sternum, enlarged lymph nodes. For tuberculosis and lung cancer. Post-flu tonic. For insomnia and polyneuritis.
e) For the treatment of lupus erythematosus, hemorrhoids, prostate adenoma.
f) For the treatment of benign and malignant formations in gynecology (taking tincture according to the scheme + tampons).
g) For cancer of the rectum, bladder, prostate gland.

h) For the treatment of nail fungus.

a) Powder: 0.06 g of dry hemlock powder is taken in the morning and evening with sugar or with licorice root powder (the dose is gradually increased to 0.6-1 g per dose). Externally used to remove nasal polyps and eyesores.
b) Poultices: hemlock grass is steamed in hot water or boiled in milk, wrapped in gauze. The pads are applied to hard tumors, sore joints with gout, bone growths, and also used for resorption of edema, with elephantiasis.
c) Tincture: 1 part of crushed raw materials (to prepare an alcohol tincture, only fresh hemlock grass is used!) pour 3 parts of 70% alcohol directly into the field, leave in a dark place for 7 days. Take according to the regimen outlined below.

d) As a pain reliever and to treat nail fungus, you need to moisten a cotton ball with hemlock tincture and squeeze it out lightly. Apply for 2-3 minutes (no more) to the appropriate place. The pain disappears almost instantly, and there are practically no relapses.

f) In the treatment of uterine fibroids, cysts, polyps, endometriosis, hyperplasia, uterine and ovarian cancer good effect is achieved by simultaneously taking hemlock tincture internally and externally in the form of tampons. For tampons, prepare an infusion of chamomile, sage, calendula (one or a mixture of all these herbs): a teaspoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Soak a regular store-bought tampon in the infusion and drop 2-3 drops of hemlock tincture onto it. Insert a tampon at night. Use tampons in parallel with taking hemlock orally throughout the entire course of treatment.

All parts of the hemlock plant are very poisonous due to the alkaloids they contain. Coniine, which has nicotine-like and curare-like effects, is the most toxic. He is strong poison nerve-paralytic action. Small and medium doses of coniine increase arterial pressure, increase the contraction of the heart and increase its rhythm. The use of spotted hemlock requires caution: when overdosed, coniine first causes agitation and then stops breathing. Very often, hemlock is used in conjunction with other antitumor plants such as cinquefoil, hellebore, columbine, marin root, and herbal teas.

Chemical composition. The leaves contain alkaloids (up to 0.1%): coniine, which is similar in action to nicotine and curare, methylkoniine, coniceine, conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin; essential oil (up to 0.08%), caffeic acid. In flowers - quercetin, kaempferol; in fruits - alkaloids (up to 2%), including coniine (up to 1%), methylkoniine, conhydrin and other compounds.

Pharmacological properties. The plant has sedative, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Condensed hemlock juice has a diuretic effect.

Application in medicine. Aboveground part. In folk medicine, tincture and juice are analgesic, sedative, anti-asthmatic, anticonvulsant, anti-cancer; with chorea, gastric and intestinal colic, anuria, anemia, dysmenorrhea, wet dreams, syphilis. In homeopathy - for atherosclerotic phenomena, tumor growths, uterine fibroids. In the past, homeopathy was used in the form of an alcohol tincture from a fresh plant as one of the most the best means from cancerous tumors, swelling of the lymph glands, scrofula, anemia, headaches, constipation, urinary retention, dry convulsive cough, feelings of fear, delayed menstruation, heartburn, tinnitus.
Leaves. Locally - for rheumatism and gout.
Fruit. In Tajikistan - for the treatment of epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases, skin cancer; as an analgesic, hemostatic.

Dosage forms, route of administration and doses.
Hemlock tincture: pour 2 parts (by volume) of a mixture of leaves and seeds with 4 parts of alcohol. Leave for 15 days, then filter. Take 2 drops per 1 tablespoon of water 3 times a day.

Contraindications and possible side effects: the plant is very poisonous. The main symptoms of hemlock poisoning: nausea, drooling, dizziness, difficulty swallowing, speech, pale skin. Initial excitement is accompanied by convulsions and turns into depression of the central nervous system. Characteristic is ascending paralysis, starting with lower limbs and accompanied by loss of skin sensitivity. The pupils are dilated and do not respond to light. Increasing suffocation can lead to respiratory arrest. It is prohibited to take a dose exceeding 1.2 g. In contact with skin, the juice causes dermatitis. In cases of poisoning, you must immediately drink warm water sweetened with honey and induce vomiting or rinse the stomach with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate, followed by administration of an aqueous suspension activated carbon.

There are known cases of poisoning of starving cattle. Poisoning occurs when horses eat 2-3 kg of fresh grass, cattle - 4-5 kg, ducks - 50-70 g. Ensilage and drying do not neutralize the plant. In case of hemlock poisoning, animals are given fresh milk.

Application in other areas. The juice of the plant, containing tannins, is suitable for tanning some types of leather (however, it is rarely used for these purposes due to the toxicity of hemlock). Insecticide. Honey plant, but the strong toxicity of hemlock excludes the possibility of its use as a honey plant.

Biennial herbaceous poisonous plant from the Umbrella family. All parts of the plant have an unpleasant mouse odor due to the presence of alkaloids.

Medicinal use.
In many countries around the world it is used in medical practice, but in Russia its use is not officially permitted. Successfully used in traditional medicine as an anti-cancer agent in the form of a tincture prepared from a fresh flowering plant. In homeopathy it is used as a hypocholesterolemic, improving impulse conduction along the nerves, and symptomatic remedy for malignant tumors, benign productive processes (mastopathy).
Form of application
- Tincture (1:10); taken in drops before meals 1-4 times a day for a long time.

Hemlock relieves pain, has anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, sedative
and antitumor effect. Since ancient times, hemlock is considered
the most valuable medicinal plant in folk medicine.

Attention: Hemlock is poisonous, so after working with
hemlock, wash your hands thoroughly. Follow the dosages strictly! Medicine from
Store hemlock out of the reach of children.

Collection and processing of hemlock

Leaves, flowers and seeds are collected from spotted hemlock. Collection time: from May to
September. Moreover, leaves and flowers are plucked even before the plant begins to bloom.
The seeds are collected with umbrellas. Everything is dried the usual method, in the shade in the fresh air
air. After drying, separate the seeds from the umbrella. After drying it will be
easy to do. Store in a sealed glass container for no more than 2 years.

Signs of hemlock poisoning

In cases of severe hemlock poisoning, signs of ascending paralysis appear. Limbs
become heavy, a cold sensation is felt throughout the body, goosebumps appear in
limbs, pale face, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, dilation
pupils, fluctuations and blurriness of objects before the eyes. IN throat burning,
feeling nauseated and vomiting. Respiratory paralysis.

Hemlock is most often poisoned due to the fact that it is very similar to other plants. IN
the first year of life, hemlocks are difficult to distinguish from parsley. Carrot-shaped root.
In the second year of life, it looks like dill, carrot.

Emergency care for poisoning

The remedy for hemlock poisoning has been known for a long time. It is also the most
effective antidote. To prepare it, take warm water and add
in a significant amount of wood oil. This oil is the lowest
variety olive oil. If this is not the case, add flaxseed or hemp oil.
A funnel is placed to the throat of the poisoned person, and this is poured directly into the stomach.
mixture until he vomits. And repeat this until he regains consciousness.
Then, give him a drink of warm water mixed with honey, after which the
relief. If necessary, do artificial respiration. Inside also
you can take 30 tablets of activated carbon. Fresh air is recommended.

Hemlock against cancer

Hemlock is a powerful pain reliever. Despite the fact that hemlock is poisonous, it is easily
tolerated by any organism, in moderate doses! It does not touch living cells,
the adaptation takes place quickly. But on diseased cancer cells, it has
a very harmful effect. For this reason, he gained great fame.
Hemlock is considered a faithful friend in critical and often hopeless situations.

It's very effective hemlock cancer treatment. In practice, there are cases when
hopelessly ill people have been cured of cancer. Breast cancer, esophageal cancer,
stomach cancer, liver cancer, and cancer in general in any form are effectively suppressed

Already on the second round of hemlock cancer treatment, we feel visible positive shifts towards
recovery. Follow the dosage exactly and you
you will find health! Overdoses are unacceptable!!

There are several recipes for creating an anti-cancer remedy using hemlock. Here
the easiest, the safest and at the same time the most

Treatment of cancer with hemlock shoots

When treating cancer with hemlock, it is best to use the shoots. Hemlock shoots are very a powerful tool in the fight against cancer and
cancer pain. This raw material is the best, also because it is the earliest.
The shoots do not have an irritating or suppressive effect. Therefore if there is
opportunity, then use it hemlock shoots, for the treatment of cancer. Or
You can use hemlock inflorescences, the recipe for which is given below.

Take a three-liter jar, pour 2 glasses of vodka into it in advance. This is necessary so that hemlock
didn't lose yours medicinal properties, after slicing, as after chopping
The hemlock begins to burn. Next, finely chop the hemlock shoots and fill
a third of it. While slicing, stir the slices occasionally
hemlock in vodka. Never put it through a meat grinder. Otherwise
This will result in a very high concentration! When the jar is one third full, pour
from above, to the very edges with vodka. Cover tightly and refrigerate for
14-18 days. Shake the tincture itself daily. Let us immediately warn you that in
emergency situations, you can start taking hemlock on the third day. But
if you have time, let it brew longer.

Treatment of cancer with hemlock inflorescences

Chop freshly picked hemlock inflorescences, place in a three-liter jar, filling it
to the brim. From above, fill the hemlock with vodka, also to the brim of the jar. Tight
close the jar, put it in a cool, dark place, or maybe in the refrigerator.
It should infuse for 14-18 days.

Use of hemlock infusion

In the morning before meals, drink one drop of the infusion, diluting it in a glass of water. On the second day it's already 2
you drink drops. On the third 3 drops, and so, gradually increasing the dose, reach
40 drops. Then go in the opposite direction, reducing the dose by one daily
drop, reach 1 drop. This is one circle. You need to make 2 or 3 such circles.
This is approximately how long it takes for your body to overcome
malignant tumor, gain immunity and take control back into your own hands.

What if the hemlock has bloomed?

The following question may arise: what if the hemlock has finished blooming, will it really have to
wait for next season? Of course not, since hemlock at any time,
throws out small leaves that are located near the roots. This is a very good raw material! A
then the seeds will come, which also work well. The main thing to remember is that
The jar is always filled with hemlock raw materials only a third! And no more. Behind
with the exception of hemlock inflorescences. Inflorescences require a full jar.

It is said that the ancient Greeks executed the atheist philosopher Socrates “humanely” by forcing him to drink hemlock tincture. They say that some criminals still use it, sending their victims to another world. They also say that with the help of this poisonous potion you can be cured of cancer without any harm to the body. Moreover, hemlock helps even when official medicine is helpless. Who is telling the truth?

Hemlock (Conium), also known as omeg, stinking grass, poisonous stemgrass, headweed, stinkgrass, stinkgrass, hollow, muttnik, buglav, bugela, blekota, blekotina, whistle, whistler, tar, parsley, dog parsley, wild parsley, angelica dog , pig louse, hogweed, hogweed - a ubiquitous, highly poisonous plant.

For a long time, hemlock was used for two directly opposite purposes: with the help of a poisonous tincture, death sentences were carried out and it was also used as a cure for a fatal disease - cancer.

In addition, healers ancient Rus' They used a dangerous drug to treat pain of various origins, dizziness, migraines, epilepsy, hypertension, stomach and intestinal ulcers, constipation, tuberculosis, hearing loss, syphilis, erysipelas, loss of strength and a number of other types of ailments.

Modern traditional healers They give examples of cases to their patients who have lost hope of recovery: miraculous healing against cancer in hopeless cancer patients who took hemlock tincture at various stages of the disease. However, they are silent about how many unfortunate people the “pain killer” hemlock sent to the next world - both in ancient times and in the current enlightened age. And also about for what quantity seriously ill people the course of “treatment” with hemlock has become another ordeal, which did not live up to their hopes.

The most important point: you will not find a doctor in Russia who treats hemlock patients legally. In our country and in the vast majority of developed countries, poisonous tincture is not among the approved medications.

"Tincture" of hemlock

Attention! You can't buy a bottle like this at a pharmacy. Read the text on the label carefully - it contains grammar mistake, which the doctor will NEVER allow. You will also not find information about the manufacturer on the label, because... the producers of the “medicine” prefer to remain in the shadows. There are very good reasons for this: when poisoned with hemlock tincture, without specific emergency care, a person dies - quite slowly, almost painlessly... and inevitably.

However, neither official prohibitions nor simple common sense become an obstacle for desperate people clutching at any straw in the hope of prolonging their lives.

  • Should a cancer patient take a deliberate risk if the capabilities of official medicine have been exhausted or are insufficient?
  • Where does hemlock grow and is it possible to harvest it yourself?
  • How does the tincture work?
  • What are the signs of hemlock poisoning?
  • What is more effective and safer: a decoction of dry herbs or an alcohol extract?
  • How justified is the “preventive” use of hemlock?
  • And finally, does hemlock actually cure cancer?

The answers to these and other questions are below.

Meet Hemlock

One of the 4 types of hemlock is widespread in the Russian Federation - Conium maculatum. The stem of the plant in the first year of life rarely exceeds half a meter; in the second year it can reach 2 meters.

The word maculatum is translated from Latin as “spotted, speckled”: red-brown spots are clearly visible on the hollow light green stem of hogweed.

You can find a poisonous weed everywhere, almost under any fence.

or on the side of the roads. Anyone who has at least once tried to rub a fading hemlock “umbrella” in their hands will never forget the unpleasant “mouse” smell. And those who did not wash their hands with soap after that (preferably several times!) and, God forbid, rubbed their eyes or lips with these hands, will never forget the consequences of their rash actions.

Attention! It is strictly not recommended to independently collect and dry hemlock without having protective equipment, as well as special knowledge and conditions for drying grass, which releases toxic substances along with the evaporating liquid!

By the way, hemlocks are not always picked only by herbalists, self-medicating sick people or curious children. The biennial plant is easily confused with parsley or carrots in the first year, and with dill in the second year. Therefore, you can be poisoned by hemlock in your own garden.

How does hemlock work?

It is not by chance that hemlock is called hemlock: when inhaling the smell of the plant, a person gets a headache. The signs of hemlock poisoning upon ingestion are different (see below), and they are caused primarily by the properties of the neurotoxic poison it contains - the free alkaloid coniine.

It is coniine that is the “impact force” of hemlock tincture. Once in the blood, this substance has a detrimental effect on the cells of the peripheral and central nervous system.

Here's what they write about it on Wikipedia: “Coniine is quickly absorbed into the blood from the digestive tract. Once absorbed, it causes paralysis of the endings of the sensory and motor nerves, and also affects the central nervous system, first stimulating and then paralyzing it.”

When poison enters the human body, the defense system reacts - the immune system, which “hurries to the aid” of the suffering nervous system, at the same time working in all other areas. This “stimulation” of self-defense mechanisms explains the “miraculous” anti-cancer properties tinctures of hemlock - an extremely dangerous stimulator of natural immunity to health.

Another mechanism also comes into play in the fight against cancer: malignant cells, due to greatly enhanced metabolism, accumulate poisons several times more intensely than healthy cells. Therefore, hemlock tincture can really help a cancer patient for some, usually very short, period of time.

Thus, hemlock works:

  • approximately the same as official chemotherapy, in which the destructive effect of poison on the tumor is accompanied negative consequences for the whole body,
  • and approximately the same as non-toxic immunostimulants, which also know how to “stimulate” immune system.

As for the proven ability of hemlock to relieve pain, everything is explained even more simply: by blocking the endings nerve cells, coniine leads to the elimination of pain, but not to the elimination of its cause.

In addition to coniine, the plant contains 4 more poisonous alkaloids: methylkoniine, coniceine, conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin, as well as tannins. The fruits contain essential oil, caffeic acid, carotene (provitamin A), vitamin C, the leaves and flowers contain the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol, and the stems contain essential oil and caffeic acid.

Why can’t taking hemlock tincture cure cancer forever?

Because a poisonous “medicine” only leads to the elimination of already formed tumor cells, without in any way affecting the mechanisms contributing to their formation and growth. In addition, “smart” tumors are able to adapt to the action of any poison, so treating cancer relapses is much more difficult. Knowing this, herbalists advise their patients to take preventive courses of hemlock tincture after the main treatment. Some “traditional healers” go further, declaring that preventive use of hemlock is necessary for absolutely all healthy people simply in order to never get cancer. Unfortunately, they manage to find such people who want it...

Attention! A poisonous tincture can not only cause severe poisoning, including death, even after taking 1-2 drops, but also has the most deplorable effect on the cells of the liver and kidneys, hematopoietic, nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, the constant harsh “stimulation” of the immune system leads to the depletion of the body’s protective functions, as a result of which cancer tumors and other the most dangerous diseases unlimited freedom of action appears. And they successfully use this freedom!

Important! If you still decide to be treated with hemlock, study it carefully side effects and contact a professional emergency care at the first sign of coniine poisoning!

Side effects when taking hemlock tincture

The first symptoms of coniine poisoning include drowsiness, blurred vision and hearing, salivation, dullness of touch, dizziness, nausea, and dilated pupils. If any of these signs appear, herbalists advise gradually reducing the dose to the minimum, cleansing the intestines with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in milk for 3 days and gradually returning to the previous dose. Is it worth doing this - think for yourself, because by already starting treatment with hemlock, you have taken full responsibility for your life and health. Your right to decide: continue the experiment or look for other ways out of a “no-win situation” that are no less effective and safe.

If the poisoning progresses, the patient develops “ascending” paralysis, accompanied by a complete loss of sensitivity and mobility of the parts of the body affected by it. Paralysis begins from the feet and spreads from bottom to top, reaching the diaphragm, a muscle that is actively involved in the act of breathing. It is due to paralysis of the diaphragm that death from suffocation occurs.

Important point! Pathologists cannot accurately diagnose the cause of death in coniine poisoning only by changes in the organs and tissues of the deceased. To clarify the cause, it is necessary to study vomit and sputum, witness statements and physical evidence.

Another important point! Specific treatment There is no (antidote) for coniine poisoning: help is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms. In severe cases (if breathing stops), artificial ventilation may be required. Prognosis for severe hemlock poisoning with long period oxygen starvation due to the lack of breathing, one cannot be called optimistic: even if the heart and lungs can be started, it is impossible to restore the dead cells of the cerebral cortex.

Despite the fact that modern methods of auxiliary oncology therapy make it possible to completely abandon the use of particularly dangerous plant poisons, faith in hemlock continues to push desperate people to take the tincture.

Unfortunately, some patients perceive hemlock treatment as the only way prolongation of life, albeit for a short time, and not at the same quality when every new day brings joy, not torment... The information below is for those who are among them.

Can I treat myself with hemlock?

The thing is that this is exactly what you are in for if you are determined to try the effect of the tincture on yourself. Herbal healers will only sell you the potion and tell you about dosage regimens, which can easily be found on the Internet. In the future, as a rule, you are left alone with the poison and conduct experiments on your body yourself.

Here is an example of one of the techniques:

“Spotted hemlock. Fill the container to the top with finely crushed raw materials (inflorescences or, in extreme cases, leaves), and also top up with vodka, close tightly and place in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks. Pour some into a bowl and place in the refrigerator. Take once a day at 8.00 am an hour before meals with 0.5 glasses of water, starting with one drop, and so on up to forty, increasing one drop daily (1-2-3-4-, etc.). Having reached forty drops, start reducing one drop per day (40-39-38, etc.) to 1 drop. Without a break, repeat the course of treatment 2-3 times.
As the number of drops increases, increase the amount of water accordingly to one glass.
If side effects occur (weakness in the legs, dizziness, nausea, vomiting), the dose should be reduced by 3 drops and the increase should be continued only after 3-4 days. If these phenomena appear again, do not increase the dose any further and start decreasing from this dose.
ATTENTION! When using douching or microenemas with hemlock, reduce the upper limit of hemlock tincture accordingly (increase not to 40, but to 25-30 drops).

Only for cancer of the female genital organs:
On the 5th day of treatment with hemlock tincture, start using vaginal douching: 50 g. water 5 drops of hemlock tincture, douche at night from Esmarch's mug at a rate of 15 drops per minute. Every 5 days, increase the dose by 5 drops, bringing it to 15 drops.
At the same time, douche the vagina with a solution copper sulfate: 0.4 g is taken per 1 liter of water. (about the size of a pea) of copper sulfate.”

What is better to use: dry raw materials or ready-made alcohol tincture of hemlock?

There is no big difference: both act the same and can cause severe allergic reaction(including with fatal) and is fatal in case of overdose.

Is it better to cook hemlock yourself or buy it from herbalists?

If you don't trust " to the folk doctor“And you will manage to stay alive after procuring the raw materials, it is better to prepare the poison yourself. Recommendations for collecting, processing and storing hemlock in a huge number are present on the network.

Here is one of them:

“The collected parts of the plant are leaves, flowers, fruits (seeds). Collection time is May-September. Leaves and flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering and dried in the usual way in the shade in the fresh air, separately from other plants. The seeds are collected from the umbels and dried in the same way as leaves and flowers. When the umbrellas dry, the seeds fall out easily.
Dried raw materials are stored in hermetically sealed containers ( glass jars with nylon covers) separately from other plants. Shelf life: 2 years.”

How do doctors feel about hemlock?

In the vast majority of cases - negative. At the same time, some oncologists and practicing oncophytotherapists are experimenting with a poisonous tincture, prescribing courses of treatment to their volunteer patients. Their interest in the anti-cancer effect of hemlock and other herbs should not be considered a manifestation of cruelty: the destructive effect of official chemotherapy drugs on the body of a cancer patient forces oncologists to look for alternative methods cancer treatment.

Can you cure cancer by taking hemlock?

You will not be able to completely recover from cancer with the help of hemlock tincture, but it is likely that you will achieve some success and slow down the development of the disease for some time if you can complete the treatment. Official chemotherapy works in approximately the same way, only faster and more targeted. Unfortunately, the quality of life after poison therapy most often worsens.

Hemlock– aka “ villain with kind eyes", aka Conium maculatum, aka poisonous omega, poisonous trunk, stinking grass, headwort, mud grass, whistler, parsley, angelica, gorigola - a plant with a glorious historical past, known since the fifth century BC as medicine. Among the fans of hemlock are Ibn Sina and Hippocrates; in the 18th century it was actively used by the Austrian healer Sterk, and in the 19th century by Harley in England. There is evidence that even King David actively participated in the “promotion” of this unique plant.

Hemlockthe clearest example philosophical principle balance in nature. Hemlock treatment borders on poisoning the body. Its powerful healing properties are balanced by exceptional toxicity. This is due to the presence five poisonous alkaloids in all parts of the hemlock. The most poisonous and most studied of them is coniine, translated from Latin conium and means “killing”. Due to the presence of alkaloids, hemlock and tinctures based on it were previously considered a strong narcotic and were used as an analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant and antispasm for glands, but due to the deadly danger of overdose medical use it was discontinued.

These dangerous properties of hemlock have been known since ancient times. In Greece it was used to make poison and for execution " state criminals" With its help, for example, according to the classical description of Plato, Socrates was successfully killed. The effect of coniine on the body is similar to the poison curare, since it causes paralysis of the motor nerves.

Established positive therapeutic effect hemlock flowers for mental insanity, as a restorative for senility, dizziness, sexual infantilism, anemia and infertility. Hemlock is a powerful immunostimulant, strengthens protective functions body.

Photo of Hemlock

Distributed in garbage bins, landfills, near fences and walls, along roads, in vacant lots, and in the bushes of Eurasia. Accordingly, it has unpleasant smell mouse nest. This is a biennial plant, externally it looks like almost bare grass with a bluish spotted stem, rather large leaves, in the shape of a triangle, divided into oval fragments. The flowers are umbrella-shaped, small, white. The fruit is small, oval, dicotyledonous, gray with light ribs. Blooms in July. The seeds ripen in September. Poisonous from roots to top. By the way, due to its toxicity, this plant can be used as an insecticide.

The danger of hemlock is also that it successfully disguises itself as garden crops, such as parsley or carrots. There are even cases of poisoning of livestock, despite the reliability of animal instincts.

An alcohol tincture of a mixture of seeds and leaves is successful in treating diseases of the digestive and genitourinary organs, anemia, nocturnal ejaculation, delayed menstruation, as painkiller, with persistent painful cough, with female and nervous diseases. Poultices made from fresh hemlock leaves help with rheumatism and gout. Just pour boiling water over it fresh leaves, wrap it in a tampon and apply it to the sore spot to relieve pain.

Hemlock Herb for Cancer Treatment

The main advantage of hemlock is of greatest interest - powerful antitumor and immunostimulating effect, which allows it to be used as a remedy for some malignant formations. They claim that even with advanced cancer with metastases, it is possible to prolong life or complete healing when using hemlock. All are used for treatment elements of hemlock grass harvested in June-July. During the flowering period, leaves and immature seeds along with umbrellas are collected.

The powerful analgesic effect produced by hemlock preparations can replace narcotic painkillers. This effect is based on the active sedative, anticonvulsant and analgesic properties of the plant, so hemlock is often used for diseases that are accompanied by convulsions and spasms of internal organs.

Found a use hemlock and as a medicine for breast, stomach, and prostate cancer. Some oncologists have expressed the opinion that hemlock should be included in the list anticancer drugs. When healing cancer diseases leaf juice and alcohol tincture of hemlock are used. Prepared in very small doses(2 drops per 1 tablespoon of water) and is used as an analgesic and anticonvulsant. To make an alcohol tincture, you need to take two parts of a mixture of seeds and leaves in a 2:1 ratio and add four parts of alcohol. The tincture should be infused for half a month. Once removed from the sediment, it can be taken. Dose: two drops per tablespoon of water three times a day.

There is a proverb about the Holy Trinity for cancer patients, which saved thousands from a terrible disease. These are hemlock, aconite, fly agaric.

In addition to poisoning Socrates, Conium has many other medicinal uses. Most often it is used to treat diseases in which thickening and enlargement of the cervical, thoracic, parotid, thyroid, prostate glands and ovaries occurs. Medical statistics claim that with regular use of Conium, tumors often resolve, and the development of malignant tumors also slows down. Cases of complete recovery are not uncommon, especially with complex treatment. This absorbable property of Konium is used by both doctors and traditional healers to treat patients with initial stage sclerosis of cerebral vessels.

In ancient Russian folk medicine and in England, hemlock was considered an anticancer agent.

Hemlock tincture:

5 gr. pour vodka (40 0) over the herbs and leave for two weeks. Take incrementally - on the first day five drops, on the second day six, then seven and so on up to thirty drops. Then there is a decreasing line: from thirty drops you need to drop to five. Use once a day forty minutes before meals. Always take with water - up to thirteen drops per half glass of water, then up to thirty drops per glass of water.

Water infusion. Very effective technique on the use of hemlock for those for whom alcohol-based medications are contraindicated. Often used in the treatment of brain cancer.

Grind the hemlock raw material, take a teaspoon and pour a glass of hot (70 0) water into a thermos. Let it sit overnight, and the next day, after straining, take it an hour before meals, first a teaspoon, and then, over the course of a month, gradually increase the dose to a tablespoon.

With intensive drug therapy, radiation or chemotherapy, it is advisable to be treated with hemlock, but first you need to cleanse the body.

To do this, take a decoction of flax seeds for two weeks. A glass of flax seeds is poured with three liters of boiling water and heated in a water bath for two hours. Cool slightly and drink like tea, about a liter per day. Start drinking during the day and continue until bedtime.

ABOUT! This is a villain with kind eyes. He can do a lot of good, but he can bring one to the brink of the grave just as quickly as he can deliver him from this evil fate. Being one from birth, he dreamed of good all his life, putting on the harmless and arranging himself in the image and likeness of garden crops.

Its color is very similar to the color of parsley.

He took the leaves from carrots - outwardly he is harmless and attractive. Its trunk is a tubular telescope - thicker at the bottom, very thin at the top. He loves children and children love him, making pipes out of him.

People call it bugela or elderberry, although it has nothing in common with real elderberry. They also call him angelica. A master of imitation and camouflage based on external characteristics, he is very individual in another way - when collecting inflorescences during flowering (from the first to last numbers June), you can suffer greatly from it. Hemlock is a powerful ether carrier. Having inhaled air saturated with the smell of hemlock, we suddenly begin to feel a heavy, hot stone in our heads - the pain in our heads is terrible. Then everything (in best case scenario) passes.

When collecting inflorescences, you must approach it from the direction of the wind - otherwise there will be trouble. The smell of hemlock is sharp and unpleasant - the smell of a mouse nest. In these two qualities, I think he also tried to imitate someone, but did not make the right choice. And yet he is kind. It kills cancer. He is especially successful in the fight against cancer of the stomach, liver, intestines, esophagus, breast - you just need to approach him correctly, and he will definitely deal with your killer.

The best of all methods is the royal one, described in the Bible by King David. In the psalter, David complains to God, asking for mercy: “You struck me with all your waves...”. This system is called cycling. When using any poison according to this system, the lethal dies. The living thing, weakened by cancer intoxication, receives an additional beating and comes to life, gaining strength for the fight - immunity.

By suppressing a cancerous tumor, hemlock relieves cancerous intoxication that has gradually entered the body and suppressed the immune system, ruining the vascular system. However, being a strong poison, the same hemlock irritates the cell, provoking the body to develop immunity, and achieves its goal by strengthening the immune system, which allows the body to fight independently in the future.

Let's start by describing in detail the collection of medicinal raw materials. In early June, having grown stronger and sometimes reaching human height, the hemlock throws out inflorescences full of essential oil. For example, I take two containers. The first is a half-liter jar in which I crush the inflorescences, adding a few young leaves. Having filled the jar halfway, I pour the contents into a 3-liter bottle, into which I poured 0.5 liters of a semi-alcohol solution. Simply put - vodka. Folk remedies are also possible, since fusel oil also destroys tumors, but it must be of high quality. And so, we agreed: the bottle contains half a liter of vodka. If I, having crushed the inflorescences (not very much), filled a full liter jar, I would notice that the jar is very hot - a reaction begins with the release of heat - this is extremely detrimental to the raw material. Therefore, when pouring hemlock into the bottle, I shake the contents to wet everything with vodka. You can pour in more - as much as necessary to wet the inflorescences. Having filled the dishes halfway, when I came home, I filled the contents to the top with vodka. Having sealed it tightly with polyethylene and sealed it tightly, I put the dishes in a dark, cool place for 10 days. In emergency cases, you can use it after 3-5 days, but as a rule, leave it on for up to two weeks. The reaction is underway, the hood is being prepared.

Low tide required amount poisonous tincture into another container, cover it with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. The drug is ready. In the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before meals, add 1 drop of tincture to 0.5 glasses of water. The next day - 2 drops. On the third day - three and so on - up to 40 drops, so on the 40th day we rise to the top of our business - 40 drops of deadly poison are drunk, and life goes on.

Then the convergence begins with this high mountain. Having returned to 1 drop, we notice that our condition has improved. If it was esophageal cancer, severe stenosis, and even some water didn’t go away, so we were dying of thirst, then after 80 days we can calmly eat whatever we like. We drink water as desired - and live.

But we will not rejoice and be delighted - the body will not forgive us for this: we can disrupt the biopolar corrective frame, and everything will go to waste, as is usually the case with premature joys. We are walking along a narrow path over the abyss of death and have only gone half way. Who would call someone smart who stands over an abyss, trying to maintain balance, and suddenly begins to rejoice?

The condition should be approximately the same as that of a sapper holding a mine in his hands. What joy there!

If, when we started the business, we had a tumor of 3-4 degrees, severe cancer intoxication, and the body was weakened from all adversity, then, starting the second cycle, we have immunity, getting rid of the tumor and the belief that we are on the right way. The second time you can go up to 40 drops, but you can’t get carried away: hemlock is poison. Therefore, having reached 40, we must return again to one in order to again begin the last path that consolidates success. But this is optional.

I would like to present to your eyes the inscription on one of the cemetery monuments in Odessa. There, the buried person shares his bitter experience with words carved on stone: “Everything was fine, but I wanted to do even better, and this is what came of it”... I think he was a smart man, and the advice of smart people cannot be neglected.

After a hard struggle, wounds must be healed. I provided all the necessary funds for complete rehabilitation of the body. The most important thing is to restore the vascular system. This blocks the formation of cancer altogether.

It remains to add that spotted hemlock is a strong pain reliever for cancer. It also stimulates work hematopoietic organs, gets rid of varicose veins. And how much more is hidden in it - only God knows. He created it.

Her condition was already very serious. She did not get up, hardly ate, her skin dried out and began to peel.

We treated my grandmother with a remedy called - Hemlock tincture.

We started cancer treatment with 1 drop of Hemlock tincture, diluted in 150 ml. water.

They gave on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals in the morning.

The next day they gave already 2 drops, and added 1 drop every day, so we reached 20 drops.

Once we drank 20 drops, we went in the opposite direction.

The next day they gave 19 drops, then 18 and so on until 1 drop.

The first course of treatment lasted 39 days.

From 1 to 13 drops, Hemlock tincture was diluted in 150 ml. water, from 13 to 20 drops, 200 ml of water is needed.

It should be taken at the same time in the morning, for example, always at 9 am. And no gaps, like " I forgot" or " I am busy".

Life depends on treatment!!!

It is very important!

After the first course we did 2 weeks break, and repeated another course from 1 drop to 20 and back.

Then again 2 weeks break, and another course of treatment.

My health improved noticeably after the second course of treatment, the skin that had died peeled off, and soft skin appeared all over my body. Appetite has improved. They taught my grandmother to walk and sit again. She gained strength, and most importantly, faith in healing and a great desire to live.

After the 3rd course, we took a break of one month and repeated the course up to 40 drops and back, then again a 1-month break and again up to 40 drops and back.

They took it this way for about 2 years, in courses of 40 drops and back, with a break of 1 month.

When the body accumulated enough hemlock, it began to reject it. During the reception, vomiting began, and that’s when we stopped drinking hemlock.

After two-year treatment she lived for another 11 years, went mushroom picking, played with her grandchildren.

It was worth fighting for!

Let me remind you that my grandmother was diagnosed with Cancer at the age of 70. The cancer was late - stage 4.

My grandmother lived until she was 83, and the cancer had subsided. We all beat Cancer together.

Another 13 years of life after such a sentence!

You can prepare this tincture yourself very simply. How to prepare Hemlock tincture using my detailed instructions with step-by-step photos of preparation, read here >>> How to prepare Hemlock tincture for the treatment of cancer

The purpose of my telling this story is from personal life- you should never despair. We must fight for our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

I hope this story gives you hope for healing.

I think that everyone affected by this disease will find an opportunity and a way to recover.

Be healthy!

For reference-

HEMMOCK SPOTTED (MOCKED) - cancer treatment

Hemlock spotted - the most valuable medicinal plant, which is a potent immunostimulant that activates the body's defenses. It has a strong antitumor effect, as well as analgesic, anticonvulsant, sedative, and anti-inflammatory.

Traditional medicine uses hemlock to treat cancer. The positive effect of hemlock has been established on a number of tumors (cancer of the mammary glands, prostate, stomach, liver, lungs, uterus, etc.). It is also successfully used for the following benign tumors: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polyps of the body and cervix, mastopathy, prostate adenoma, polyps of the bladder, stomach, intestines, nasopharynx, larynx, etc.

Note:One thing to keep in mind is that Hemlock is a deadly poisonous plant and should be handled with great care! Avoid overdose!

Very often, hemlock is used in conjunction with other antitumor drugs - elderberry syrup, “Tumors, Cancer”, “Stomach Cancer”, “Lung Cancer”, “Uterine Cancer” collections. Concomitant use using herbal poisons with other herbs, medicines, decoctions and tinctures is UNDESIRABLE, since many plants or medicines can either enhance or weaken the effect of poisons. It is best to take plant poisons one at a time, without mixing them with anything. Instead of hemlock (ONLY FOR PREVENTION, BUT NOT FOR TREATING an advanced stage) You can use birch chaga or Todicamp, but in no case at the same time.

Conium maculatum.

Family: Umbrellas (Apiaceae)

Tall biennial (60-180 cm) with an unpleasant mouse odor (when rubbed). In the lower part and middle of the stems there are numerous brownish-brown spots, the leaves are large, triply pinnate (carrot-like), with hollow petioles; flowers are small, white in loose complex umbels; the fruit is two-seeded. Blooms from late June and throughout July. The seeds ripen in August-September. The entire plant is poisonous. Contains toxic alkaloids coniine, conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin. Coniine has a nicotine-like effect; in small doses it causes muscle contraction, and in toxic doses it causes paralysis. In ancient times it was used as a deadly poison.

Poisoning occurs when stems, mistakenly taken by children for angelica, from which whistles are made, enter the mouth, when eating seeds similar to dill, or when beds with vegetable crops are clogged. Causes contact damage to the skin and mucous membranes, occurring as severe allergic reactions.

There are known cases of poisoning of starving cattle. Poisoning occurs when horses eat 2-3 kg of fresh grass, cattle - 4-5 kg, ducks - 50-70 g.

Not the most successful plant for prevention; official medicine does not recommend it, but folk medicine uses it.

The plant is official in many countries of the world, but the use of Hemlock for medicinal purposes is prohibited in Russia. The essence of fresh herb B. p. is used in the form of simple dilutions and is included in many complex drugs, including injection ones. Flower tincture is used in small doses in folk medicine as an “anti-cancer agent”.

I highly recommend looking for spotted hemlock and poisonous hemlock in the immediate vicinity (in the city and in the country). And if detected, carry out explanatory work with household members, especially children. In addition, all Umbelliferae, including Sosnowski's giant hogweed, contain varying amounts of furocoumarins, which are used in biochemistry for cross-linking DNA. When making pipes and using them on the hands, lips and around the mouth, furocoumarins may cause damage to skin cells with persistent pigmentation.

C. Linnaeus named many genera after Tournefort (the French botanist-systematist and traveler of the pre-Linnaean period, physician, Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (1656-1708), Linnaeus’ “Philosophy of Botany” lists a list of Tournefort’s genera). So, Conium of Linnaeus corresponds to Cicuta of Tournefort. Cicuta Linnaeus named another plant. Cicuta is the Latinization of the Greek Conium.

Of course, one cannot be completely sure when we're talking about about ancient names, but, most likely, Socrates drank a cup of juice from the fruits of the spotted hemlock. Detailed description The symptoms described by Plato in the Phaedo clearly paint a picture of ascending paralysis. Of course, the dose decides everything, but do not forget that homeopathic dilutions often contain trace amounts of the active principle.

For example, in homeopathic “thuja oil” (diluted D 6), the final concentration of thuja essential oil corresponds to 20 µl (1 drop) per 20 liters fatty oil. You can prepare such dilutions at home by making successive dilutions in small volumes of solvent. There are 1024 molecules in Avogadro's number, so there will still be plenty left. (For reference, 1 g-mol of NaCl, which weighs 58 g, contains exactly the number of molecules equal to Avogadro’s number.)

"The plant is official in many countries of the world, but the use of Hemlock for medicinal purposes is prohibited in Russia. The essence of fresh herb B. p. is used in the form of simple dilutions and is part of many complex preparations, including injections. The tincture of flowers is used in small quantities doses in folk medicine as an anticancer."

Encyclopedic dictionary of lek. plants and products alive. origin, St. Petersburg, "Special Literature", 1999.

Do you have any questions? You can always write to me personally, to my email. Not a single letter remains unanswered. I try to answer immediately, within 24 hours.

(If you wrote a letter to Mailbox [email protected] and didn’t receive a response within 24 hours, CALL me BACK! Perhaps your email accidentally ended up in the SPAM folder or was lost.)

My phones: 8-962-890-36-52 Beeline, 8-989-750-01-99 MTS

??? Hello. My mother is 44, she has ovarian cancer, with metastases on the abdomen and abdominal cavity. Blood is normal, liver, kidneys, heart are also normal. She also has hydrothorax. This is an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, most likely due to the activity of the tumor. She was prescribed chemotherapy. Tell me, how can I try treatment without chemotherapy? And how can you try treatment after chemotherapy? I know about hemlock, I even know where to find the tincture.... it won’t be possible to make it, it’s not the season, so I found it from a person who was treating himself with it. Please advise herbs after chemotherapy, for a gentler transfer by the body, how many days after chemotherapy can you drink hemlock? And what herbs can you drink with hemlock for immunity and cleansing... I also think that she needs to completely give up meat and all animal proteins, eat only vegetables, and cereals, respectively, according to Neumyvakin’s methods. 02/17/2018

Treatment of ovarian cancer with metastases.
Hello, Evgeniy.
==Tell me, how can I try treatment without chemicals?
What treatment to take, herbal poisons or chemotherapy, is up to you to decide. You cannot combine chemistry and tinctures of plant poisons. Many people choose one thing or alternate. For example, they go to chemistry, then when feeling good start taking herbal poisonous tinctures.
==And how can you try treatment after chemotherapy?
After chemotherapy, after 5-7 days, if you feel satisfactory and there is no vomiting, you can start taking tinctures.
== Please advise herbs after chemotherapy, for a gentler transfer by the body, how many days after chemotherapy can you drink hemlock?
In the case of your mother, it is better to start treatment with tincture of Aconite Dzungarian. Also, in parallel with taking Aconite orally, you can do douching with Aconite, but with a more concentrated concentration of 50%. To prevent fluid from accumulating in the abdominal cavity, you can take diuretic herbal mixtures. Good to take during chemotherapy special fee Alfit-7-Special, designed for use during chemotherapy and rehabilitation period after chemo.
==I also think that she needs to completely give up meat and all animal proteins, eat only vegetables, and cereals, respectively, according to Neumyvakin’s methods.
There are many different opinions and theories about nutrition in oncology. Many people, when cancer is detected, dramatically change their lifestyle and diet, which does not lead to the expected results. Rather, on the contrary, if a person was not previously a vegetarian and has suddenly changed his diet, the body is under stress. People often write similar stories to me, when a person gives up his usual diet, switches to juices, vegetables, and exhaustion begins, sudden weight loss. Do not forget to take into account the fact that the body needs energy not only to maintain life, but enormous forces are necessary to fight the cancer cell, and also the cancer cell itself depletes its life potential. Think carefully, study this issue in more detail, and choose proper diet nutrition for your mother.

??? Hello, my name is Valentina, I am 54 years old, I live in Latvia. In July 2010, I had an operation: approximately 20 cm of the sigma - prominent colon was removed, it was sent for analysis, as a result, stage 2 was discovered malignant tumor. After being discharged from the hospital, the surgeon prescribed me chemotherapy (for prevention). The oncologist reassured me by saying that this was a very weak chemotherapy. I completed the first week-long course of chemotherapy, but for my body this therapy turned out to be too strong, namely, the gastrointestinal tract was damaged, what was happening! -for a week the lips were separated from the inside, there was severe dry mouth and diarrhea. Then after about a week I felt better, but I started having stomach problems. After eating, there was a strong burning sensation and literally 2-3 days later constipation and dryness in the rectum began. I went to the doctors, to the family doctor and to the gastroenterologist, they told me that I had high acidity and these were the consequences of chemotherapy, and the gastroenterologist said that I needed to do an endoscopy (cobra). Endoscopy showed slight gastritis, but the main analysis will be clear in about 2 weeks. I understand that my intestinal microflora is now disturbed. But doctors continue to insist on chemotherapy. I am afraid that if I continue chemotherapy therapy, then at the age of 54 I may become disabled. I learned about the people's remedy for treating hemlock from Moscow (at a pharmacy), my husband bought dry hemlock grass and sent it to us in Riga. I am asking you for help, because I don’t know how to make this infusion correctly, I’m very afraid to make a mistake, because I understand that it is poison and very serious. I am at a loss, I want to give up chemotherapy and start being treated with hemlock. A month has already passed since chemotherapy and I don’t know how long after chemotherapy I can take hemlock and whether it can be used while I have gastrointestinal problems intestinal tract? Please, help! 01/30/2018

Hello Valentina!
The hemlock tincture is made as follows:
1. Fill the jar 30% with dry chopped herbs.

To be honest, I don’t know how effective a tincture from dry grass will be, because my grandmother taught me to make a tincture right in the forest as soon as the grass was picked. Because essential oils and alkaloids evaporate very quickly when the grass dries, burns out...
And the fresh herb tincture is made like this:
1. Fill the jar 70% with fresh, uncrushed, slightly crushed raw materials. Or 30% finely chopped grass.
2. Fill the jar completely to the top with vodka.
3. Leave for 18-21 days in a cool, dark place.
You can read about how I make Hemlock tincture here >>> Recipe for making Hemlock tincture. You can take hemlock before and after chemotherapy, but not during it, although some people drink it and somehow manage to survive...

??? Hello Olga!
My brother is 28 years old and he was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer and metastases to the liver and abdominal cavity. Constant vomiting, he has already lost 10 kg. According to doctors, the cancer developed against the background of a chronic stomach ulcer. Doctors refuse to perform surgery. They say this is the end. We recently learned about hemlock grass. But again there is a problem! We don't know where to buy. Olya please help! 03/24/2018.

I can send you hemlock (or rather, hemlock tincture - I made it myself, because dry herb is useless, the tincture is made in the forest immediately when collecting the grass), for this write in the Contacts section, but I want to draw your attention to what you are describing Your brother's symptoms are consistent with hemlock poisoning. Therefore, I would not recommend hemlock in this case, when the stomach and liver are affected, hemlock is poison and the load goes primarily to the stomach and liver...
In your case, I think a more suitable poison is Dzungarian Aconite tincture or Fischer's Aconite tincture. This poison is not retained in the liver, but accumulates in the blood. In general, I would advise you to try mushroom treatment. There are wonderful mushrooms with anti-tumor properties, for example mushrooms: Agaric of Brazil, Shiitake, Maitake and Reishi mushroom extracts. These are Japanese and Chinese mushrooms, but there is also our mushroom that has superior properties to all of the above - this is the Veselka mushroom. A third of all antitumor drugs, in addition to cytostatics, hormones and antitumor antibiotics, are extracts from mushrooms. Treatment with mushrooms - PROGMA is an abbreviation: Anti-tumor Mushroom Method. You can read more about this here http://www.nazdorovye.ru/ - You can also pay attention to the treatment of the tumor 20% soda solution according to the method of the Italian Tulio Simoncini. In his opinion (and he is a practicing oncologist), cancer is fungal disease and the root cause of the tumor is the Candida fungus. Soda neutralizes the breeding environment of Candida and the colony dies, the tumor resolves. Search for more details on the internet.
Do not forget about antitumor herbal preparations such as Alfit-1, Alfit-11, etc.
A good remedy for fighting tumors is burdock extract (a tablespoon three times a day)
There is also a new, domestic development of Novosibirsk scientists TIOFAN-M, a multifunctional antioxidant - a drug of the 21st century, absolutely safe and has a dual effect. As well as a drug that enhances its effect, an immunomodulator - Transfer Factor Plus. As you can see, there are many ways, you just have to choose yours and persistently, methodically implement it. Typically, results can be expected at the end of the second or third month of treatment. Good luck to you - get better! If you can’t find or order something from the above, write to Contacts and I’ll tell you what, where and how!

??? Hello Olga. My dad was given Lung cancer stage 1 - 2. We discovered it just by accident, as you wrote at the medical examination. On this moment is in the hospital, they said that they will probably remove it, is it possible to use hemlock immediately after the operation. Thank you in advance. Please answer me @. 04/10/2018.

After surgery to remove lung cancer, it is imperative to take therapy to prevent relapse. Treatment can begin immediately after the rehabilitation period. When your dad is discharged home, his health returns to normal, a regular eating schedule is established, and you can begin taking tinctures of herbal poisons. I recommend starting therapy not with Hemlock tincture, but with Aconite Dzungarian tincture. Also do external treatment in parallel after surgical sutures Aconite concentrate 50%, you can make compresses. Be sure to write to me at [email protected] about your dad’s well-being after the operation. What regimens did you choose for cancer treatment? What tinctures do you use?

??? Breast cancer. How to treat with Hemlock? I was diagnosed with breast cancer (no symptoms, no changes in the breast, no discharge, just a lump, I felt the size of a pea and while I was waiting for tests for 21 days, it grew before my eyes, increased by 5 times, I had a medical examination 2 years ago and that’s all it was good) and immediately stage 4, metastases to the liver and possibly bones, they just didn’t see anything on the CT scan of the bones, but when they did a CT scan of the liver, they saw metastases on the bones that got into this area. I’ve been undergoing chemotherapy for the 5th year now. The grannies advised me to take 3 courses of hemlock from 1 drop to 40 drops and back, a break of 1 week and another course, but I’m kind of scared, I just read a lot where that 1 course is necessary up to 15 drops and back. Can you give me some advice on how to do it correctly? drink hemlock, according to what scheme. I really want to live! Please help! I’m waiting for an answer! God bless you! 04/15/2018.

If metastases affect the liver, then it is better not to use Hemlock at all in the treatment of breast cancer. Hemlock toxins are depressing cancer cell can strain the liver, which is not necessary for metastases. A course of cancer treatment can be started with tincture of Aconite Djungarian. Aconite works through the blood and does not give a feeling of heaviness to the organs. You can also use external treatment on the affected mammary gland and in areas of bone damage (compresses). Irina. In more detail, how to take tinctures, which tinctures are best for you to use, detailed diagram, I wrote everything to you at @.

??? Good afternoon My name is Alla. I was diagnosed in 2017 cervical cancer stage 3metastases in the liver and lymph nodes in the peritoneum and neckI'm going through chemo now. Please tell me how I can be treated with herbs or tinctures, what kind and how? Is it possible to treat cervical cancer with Hemlock if there are metastases in the liver? I will be very grateful to you for your answer. Moscow. 03/17/2018

Hello, Alla. The use of Hemlock in the treatment of cervical cancer with liver metastases is not recommended. Hemlock tincture is not recommended for use in cases of liver damage. If you take Hemlock with liver metastases, the load may be exceeded, which will affect general condition and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Alla, you can use tinctures for treatment: Aconite Djungarian, Hellebore or Nicotine tincture. These tinctures of plant poisons also contain toxins that inhibit cancer cells without straining the liver, as does Hemlock tincture. Tinctures of plant poisons, which are properly prepared and have the required concentration of 20-30%, are taken in drops, adding 1 drop every day (each tincture has its own dosage regimen). Very often, some people prepare weak tinctures of plant poisons of 3-5% and prescribe very large doses to accompany such tinctures. Such tinctures and cancer treatment regimens are not effective. It is better to use concentrated tinctures of 20-30% and a competent dosage regimen, in accordance with the diagnosis, well-being and concomitant diseases. In your case, external treatment (compresses on the neck) is also possible. It is better to do external treatment with more concentrated tinctures. For this it is good to use Aconite Concentrate 50%. Allah. If you have any questions about treatment, you can write to me at [email protected] or call +7-962-890-36-52 Beeline, +7-989-750-01-99 MTS. I will try to help you draw up a treatment regimen with tinctures of plant poisons. If you need tinctures, I will also help you.

??? Olga! Hello and Good! I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago left breast cancer stage 4, with metastases to lymph nodes, they prescribed chemistry, surgery, chemistry. I refused chemotherapy and did not have surgery. I have such cancer that my breasts are shrinking. Metastases to the bones and lungs were diagnosed. I lay in bed for almost six months, then there was improvement, now it’s worse again, I’m lying down again, I only get up to go to the toilet, and pain appeared in the ribs, lower back and hip joint left and left leg, I have to take painkillers Flamax. Please tell me what I can do, what is appropriate to take in my situation. I really want to live!!! Thank you very much in advance. 05/13/2018

Hello. For stage 4 breast cancer with metastases, you can begin treatment with tinctures of herbal poisons (Hemlock tincture, Aconite tincture, Hellebore tincture, Nicotine tincture). These tinctures inhibit the cancer cell, preventing the growth of the main tumor and further spread of metastases to other organs. You can make compresses with Aconite Concentrate 50% on the chest and lymph nodes. External treatment softens the compaction of tumors, reduces pain (Aconite has a powerful analgesic effect, for which patients respect it very much). Over time, taking cancer treatment with Hemlock or Aconite, many patients refuse painkillers or switch from strong drugs to weaker ones, because pain is reduced due to the accumulation of Hemlock or Aconite toxins. I wrote to you at @ for more detailed and detailed information.