Treatment of a runny nose in a two-year-old child: effective methods. Snotty but happy childhood: how to treat runny nose in children

It is important to remember that in childhood the disease develops faster than in adults. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is looser and is supplied with a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels. Therefore, when encountering a factor that causes inflammation (most often, a viral infection), swelling develops faster, and mucus also begins to be produced more actively and in larger quantities. In addition, children, especially those under 3 years of age, have narrower nasal passages than adults. Therefore, the resulting swelling of the mucous membrane quickly leads to the closure of their lumen and difficulty in nasal breathing. In this regard, measures to treat the disease must be taken quickly enough.

What consequences can it lead to? acute rhinitis in children in the absence of proper treatment? First of all, against the background of a viral infection, a bacterial infection is often associated; inflammation can affect not only the nasal passages, but also the sinuses, which leads to the development of (ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis). Also in children inflammatory process The middle ear is often involved (the infection rises from the nasal cavity through the auditory tube), which leads to the development of otitis media.

In addition, the lack of treatment can lead to a problem such as a prolonged runny nose in a child, that is, to the development. Illiterate use of medications also leads to adverse consequences. For example, uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drugs very often causes the development of a condition in a child that requires long-term treatment and observation.

Parents often believe that antibiotics are an effective remedy for runny noses in children. However, in most cases, their uncontrolled use only aggravates the situation. After all, an antibacterial drug has no effect on viruses that cause inflammation, but sometimes has an inhibitory effect on beneficial microflora, which is an important defense system of the body. In addition, uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the development of resistance in bacteria present in the child’s body. And in case of joining bacterial infection(purulent rhinitis, sinusitis), which are very often caused by these microbes, it can be much more difficult to choose an effective treatment.

It is necessary to understand that treatment of even such a common and, at first glance, not serious disease as rhinitis in children, should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Because inflammation in the nasal cavity can be both a sign of a common ARVI and a symptom of diseases such as measles, diphtheria, measles, etc.

The most common reason the development of rhinitis in children is an infection. In a child, especially under the age of 3 years, the protective mechanisms are insufficiently formed, and we are talking about both general immunity and local immunity. When inhaled, airborne pathogens primarily enter the nasal cavity. With fully functioning protective mechanisms, microbes are enveloped in mucus and removed due to the movements of special cilia, which are equipped with epithelial cells. In addition, immunoglobulins, proteins that provide local immunity on the nasal mucosa, help resist the development of infection. In children younger age there is insufficient production of these proteins, and the general immune response, which allows blocking the inflammatory process at an early stage, is also “triggered” to a lesser extent.

Factors that increase the risk of developing rhinitis in a child caused by infections are inhalation of dry air and dust, as this leads to drying out of the mucus in the nose and makes it difficult for the eyelashes to work. Thus, favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of pathogens in the nasal cavity and the development of inflammation.

The cause of the disease can be both viruses and bacteria. As a rule, the disease begins with viral rhinitis in children, then inflammation caused by bacteria joins. Less common pathogens are fungi, tuberculosis bacillus, and gonococcus.

It is important to remember that a runny nose in a child can be a symptom of some infectious diseases, such as measles, diphtheria, etc. That is why treatment of the disease, especially in young children, is best done under the supervision of a doctor who can make the correct diagnosis and prevent the development of complications.

Allergic rhinitis in a child occurs due to contact with an allergen. This can be house dust, animal hair and skin flakes, plant pollen, food, etc.

There are other causes of a runny nose. Thus, vasomotor rhinitis in children occurs as a result of a violation of the regulation of vascular tone of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which epithelial cells begin to actively produce mucus even with normal physiological irritation (cool air, dust), in stressful situations. This may be caused by a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, various violations by nervous system(vascular neurosis), allergic diseases.

Predisposing factors to development vasomotor rhinitis The child has overgrowth of adenoids in the nasopharynx and a deviated nasal septum.

It is important to know that a very common cause given state abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs occurs. The use of these medications for more than 5-7 days contributes to disruption of the natural regulation of vascular tone in the nasal mucosa and the development of drug-induced rhinitis.


Symptoms and treatment tactics for a disease such as rhinitis in a child depend on its type. Therefore, despite the presence of common symptoms, such as nasal congestion, the presence of mucus in the nasal cavity, the causes, and therefore the principles of treatment, for various types of runny nose in a child will differ significantly.

Rhinitis is divided into groups depending on the nature of the process in the nasal cavity (catarrhal,), the cause that caused the disease (for example: allergies, viruses, bacteria), and other criteria. You can see the detailed classification.


What are the symptoms of infection-related rhinitis in children? They depend on the stage of the disease, as well as on the characteristics of the pathogen that caused the disease.

  • Initial phase(it is also called “dry” or “dry irritation stage”). During this period, pathogens penetrate the nasal mucosa. The body responds to microbial aggression by dilating the epithelial vessels, filling them with blood, but the mucous membrane itself remains dry. Symptoms of this period are a burning sensation in the nasal cavity, a feeling of “itching”, discomfort in the nose, and a desire to sneeze. Gradually, nasal congestion appears without a runny nose in the child, and the sense of smell decreases. At the same time, general symptoms may occur: weakness, lethargy, headache, and a slight increase in temperature may occur. Young children become capricious, irritable, and their appetite may decrease. As a rule, this phase lasts from several hours to one, less often, two days. If the child has good local and general immunity (it is very important to notice the symptoms in time and take necessary measures prevention, which we will talk about later), the body can cope with the invasion of viruses, and the disease will not develop. Otherwise, the next phase begins.
  • Catarrhal phase(also called the “wet” or “serous discharge stage”). During this period, there is an increase in the permeability of the mucous membrane damaged by viruses. Lymphatic fluid leaks from the vessels into the tissue, which leads to severe swelling. The activity of epithelial cells that produce mucus increases, which accumulates in the child’s nasopharynx. As a rule, the discharge at this stage is light in color and has a fairly liquid consistency. Discharge from the nose flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx and often enters the lower respiratory tract, so a combination of runny nose and cough in a child is often observed. Irritation often occurs around the nasal passages and on the upper lip. At this stage, there is severe difficulty in nasal breathing, the child can only breathe through the mouth, which leads to anxiety and sleep disturbance. The sense of smell disappears and taste sensations, appetite suffers.

Symptoms during this period also include a runny nose and fever in the child: the thermometer can rise to 38 degrees or higher. The severity of general symptoms depends on the characteristics of the virus that caused the inflammation. So, with the flu, you will experience muscle aches and severe fever (up to 39 degrees and above). At adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, the general condition, as a rule, suffers less, although general weakness, lethargy, and headache may bother the child.

It often happens that a child has a cough and runny nose without fever. This picture can be observed several days after the onset of the disease, when the activity of inflammatory processes is already decreasing; it may also be due to the characteristics of the virus that caused the disease, or it may indicate a low reactivity of the immune system, unable to give a full response to the invasion of infection: in this case, the disease progresses sluggishly and there is often a tendency to develop chronic rhinitis in the child.

The catarrhal phase usually lasts 3-5 days. During this period it is very important to competent treatment runny nose in children: this significantly increases the likelihood that the body will cope with the infection and recovery will occur. However, often against the background of damage to the nasal mucosa by a viral infection, the bacterial flora is activated, which leads to the appearance of new symptoms.

  • Phase of mucopurulent discharge,- the so-called purulent runny nose in a child. It can occur on days 3-5 of the course of the disease. A characteristic sign of a bacterial infection is a change in the nature of the mucus: it becomes cloudy, acquires a yellowish or greenish tint, becomes thick, and an unpleasant odor may appear.

In this case, an improvement in general condition, a decrease in temperature, and a decrease in headaches are often observed. The duration of the phase is usually 2-4 days. At adequate treatment This phase is usually followed by recovery. If the child’s immunity is reduced and proper treatment has not been carried out, there is a possibility of transition acute phase diseases into chronic ones, as well as the development of complications.

  • Recovery phase. With an adequate immune response and proper treatment recovery most often occurs on days 5-7 of illness. During this period, there is a restoration of nasal breathing, a decrease in the amount of mucus until it completely disappears, an improvement in general condition, taste and smell are restored, sleep and appetite are improved. It usually takes 3 to 5 days for the symptoms of the disease to completely disappear.

In order for the body to effectively cope with infection, it is important to include more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and microelements in the diet. Berries are very useful - they contain a large number of components that have a positive effect on immunity: they can be consumed fresh, in winter time– make fruit drinks and compotes from frozen berries. It is important to remember that during illness you should not experiment with unusual dishes or exotic fruits. The introduction of new products that are unfamiliar to the child’s body requires adaptation (especially at a younger age), in addition, they can cause allergies. Therefore, it is better to stop at those healthy products, which were previously present in the baby’s diet.

How and with what to rinse your nose?

Nasal rinsing is a simple method to reduce the viscosity of mucus and prevent the formation of crusts in the nose. The mucus is easily blown out or “pulled” into the nasopharynx and swallowed - stagnation does not occur and conditions are created for restoring the natural protective function of the nasal mucosa in the child.

Treatment of runny nose with saline solution in children

One of the simplest answers to the question “how to treat a runny nose in a child” is to instill saline solution into the nose, or, more simply put, a solution table salt.

How to prepare saline solution for runny nose in children? It is enough to dilute one teaspoon of table salt in one liter of warm water (you can take any water - bottled, boiled). The concentration should not be exceeded so that the solution does not have an aggressive effect on the damaged mucous membrane of the baby’s nasal cavity. In addition, saline solution can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy - it is very inexpensive!

To instill saline solution into the nose, you can use a regular pipette. The procedure can be carried out at any age: for children under 3 years old, 1-3 drops in each nostril are enough, for older children – 4-6 drops. The frequency of instillation depends on the amount of mucus in the nose: if its formation is intense, saline solution can be dripped into the nose every 10-15 minutes (excluding sleep time).

How to make breathing easier for a child with a runny nose? To more intensively cleanse the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus and restore nasal breathing, you can perform a nasal rinsing procedure. For this, saline solution or a solution based on sea ​​salt– you can, for example, purchase a “Dolphin” kit at a pharmacy, which includes bags of sea salt and a special bottle for rinsing the nose.

You can also purchase a ready-made children's runny nose spray - however, you must pay special attention to age restrictions. Too strong a spray in a spray designed for use in older children can lead to mucus being thrown into the auditory tubes in babies, which can lead to the development of otitis media.

However, in most cases, rinsing the nose is not a necessary procedure when treating a runny nose in children; simply instilling saline solution into the nose is often sufficient. Nasal rinsing is much more important when treating sinusitis in children: you can read more about the procedure.

Rinse the nose with hydrogen peroxide

Quite often you can find recommendations to use hydrogen peroxide for a runny nose in children - in the form of drops and a solution for rinsing. Adherents of this technique believe that the antiseptic properties of this substance can be useful in the treatment of inflammation of the nasal passages.

However, the use of this technique - both in childhood and in adulthood - has no official justification; no studies have been carried out regarding this approach. clinical researches, proving its effectiveness and safety. The use of hydrogen peroxide can lead to damage to the mucous membrane, disrupt the functioning of the cilia with which epithelial cells to cleanse the nasal cavity of germs and foreign substances. You can read more about this method.

When answering the question “how to quickly cure a child’s runny nose,” doctors, in addition to the basic methods that we described above (humidifying and cooling the air, drinking plenty of fluids, putting saline in the nose or rinsing it, a protein-free diet, vibroacoustic therapy) include some drugs in the treatment regimen, which can help relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process.

However, when trying to find an effective children's remedy for the runny nose, it is important to remember that independent and uncontrolled use of medications can lead to negative consequences, become addictive and even cause complications. Only a doctor can formulate a treatment regimen based on the specifics of the process, the age of the child, and the nuances of his condition.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Medicines that have a vasoconstrictor effect are the only means that quickly restore nasal breathing. They affect the tone of the vessels of the nasal mucosa: when used, the vessels narrow, swelling decreases and breathing through the nose becomes easier.

However, if these drugs are used for a long time (more than 5-7 days), this will lead to disruption of natural regulation vascular tone, that is, addiction will develop. The consequence of uncontrolled use of such medications is chronic runny nose and nasal congestion in a child (vasomotor rhinitis), which are very difficult to treat. If the need to use vasoconstrictors persists for longer than 5-7 days, it is important to consult a doctor to determine further treatment tactics.

If a child often has a runny nose, what should you do? Under no circumstances should you resort to vasoconstrictor medications on your own, but consult a doctor and undergo an examination to determine the cause of the disease. It is important to remember that instilling vasoconstrictors into the nose is not medical procedure, it is aimed primarily at relieving symptoms and facilitating nasal breathing. In parallel with their use, it is necessary to take other measures to promote recovery.

Herbal remedies

Currently, many products are produced for the treatment of rhinitis in children, which include herbal components. These may be fatty and essential oils(sea buckthorn, fir), plant extracts, etc.

Herbal medicines are made in the form of drops, sprays, or in such a form as an ointment for the common cold for children. The active substances included in their composition (medicinal components of certain plants) are designed to have an antimicrobial effect, accelerate regeneration, soften and nourish the mucous membrane, and reduce inflammatory manifestations.

It is important to remember that the uncontrolled use of herbal medicines without taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and the nature of the process can cause serious harm to the health of a small patient. The fact is that many plant components can cause allergic reactions and irritate the nasal mucosa. The use of oil-based products can adversely affect the functions of the epithelium of the nasal cavity, causing the cilia to “stick together” and disrupt their work in removing microbes from the nasal passages. In addition, many herbal remedies have age restrictions: you must carefully read the instructions before using this or that remedy on a child.

Use of any medicine for plant based must be agreed upon with the attending physician, who will decide whether there is a need to prescribe them and at what stage of the disease their use will be most effective.


Drugs called mucolytics or secretolytics can help reduce the viscosity of mucus in the nasal cavity. They contain enzymes that dissolve mucus and make it more liquid. It is important that they can also affect mucous sputum, which is formed during viral, allergic, vasomotor rhinitis and in the treatment of purulent rhinitis in children.

However, doctors believe that it is easier to prevent the mucus from thickening in the child’s nasal cavity by ensuring the necessary humidity and temperature of the inhaled air, drinking plenty of fluids and regularly instilling saline into the nose than to cope with the problem with the help of certain medications. It is important to remember that the enzymes included in most mucolytic agents are protein in nature and can provoke an allergy attack in a child. Therefore, the need to prescribe them in complex treatment should only be determined by a doctor.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

When the question arises of how to cure a child’s runny nose, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs as part of a comprehensive treatment. As a rule, drugs in this group also have antipyretic and analgesic effects.

In a situation where a child has a high fever and runny nose, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve general symptoms - fever, headache.

Before giving your child any anti-inflammatory drug, it is important to consult a doctor: sometimes parents try to “bring down” even the slightest fever, not realizing that fever is the most important defense mechanism in the body’s fight against infection. Therefore, doctors do not recommend giving antipyretic medications if the child has a runny nose and a temperature of 37 degrees - until the thermometer rises to 38.5 degrees or higher.

The exception is when the child does not tolerate high fever, complains of a severe headache or weakness, is vomiting, or is at risk of developing seizures. In addition, most anti-inflammatory drugs have negative impact on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract Therefore, they should be used with caution in children with a tendency to inflammatory or ulcerative processes in the stomach or intestines.

Antiviral drugs

Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces various drugs with an antiviral effect for local and general use, which people are trying to use as an effective remedy for the common cold in children.

However, according to the famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky, all existing means inherently cannot have an effect on viruses. This is due to the peculiarities of the life activity of these microorganisms: in order to start living and multiplying, the virus must get inside a certain cell. And it is possible to destroy it only together with this cell. Therefore, even those agents that are effective in the fight against viruses in the laboratory cannot in any way affect these microaggressors in the body. In this regard, most drugs that are declared as antiviral cannot destroy the virus in any way.

Read more opinion of E.O. Komarovsky about antiviral drugs in the treatment and prevention of ARVI can be found in this video:

However, regarding the application antiviral drugs for the purpose of preventing ARVI, there are other opinions. Thus, leading researcher at the Department of RVI in children of the Research Institute of Children's Infections (Moscow), Dr. medical sciences O.I. Afanasyeva believes that the use of certain antiviral drugs, in particular Cycloferon, helps increase the child’s body’s resistance to viral infections and activate immune resources when encountering an infection: the doctor’s opinion is based on the results of studies conducted in foreign and Russian clinics.

In any case, the decision on the need to use antiviral drugs for the prevention and treatment of viral infections should be made by the attending physician.


The question often arises: will antibiotics help with a runny nose in a child? Doctors believe that in most cases these medications are not only ineffective, but can also cause significant harm to health. As we have already said, in the vast majority of cases, inflammation of the nasal membrane develops against the background of a viral infection. Antibacterial drugs do not act on viruses! But their introduction into the body causes addiction and increased resistance on the part of those bacteria that are present in the child’s body and could potentially cause a particular disease.

As is known, many inflammatory processes of a bacterial nature, for example, otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. are caused by microbes that live in the human body and exhibit their pathogenic properties when immunity is reduced. For example, after a viral infection. If a child was given an antibacterial drug against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, then if he subsequently develops a bacterial infection, the disease will be much less responsive to treatment.

Another unfavorable consequence that can occur if a child’s runny nose is treated with antibiotics is the development of allergies. Each contact with an antibacterial drug increases the risk of an allergic reaction. The more often parents resort to unreasonable use different antibiotics, the narrower the range of medications becomes that will help in a situation where the use of these drugs will be truly necessary or even vital!

If purulent rhinitis occurs, treatment does not necessarily have to be based on the use of antibiotics. Even a change in the nature of the mucus (turbidity, the appearance of an unpleasant odor) and the appearance of other symptoms indicating the addition of a bacterial infection are in most cases not an indication for prescribing antibacterial therapy. It is enough to continue activities that help ease the passage of mucus from the nasal cavity, which we discussed above, as well as strengthen protective forces body. And in most situations, the body copes with the disease on its own.

In what cases is it indicated to prescribe an antibiotic for the common cold in children? When there is a risk of developing bacterial complications, such as sinusitis (ethmoiditis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), as well as inflammation of the middle ear (otitis). When otitis appears, it may be prescribed antibacterial therapy, however, this decision should only be made by the attending physician! The use of local antibacterial drugs is unacceptable.

According to E.O. Komarovsky, antibiotics, which are prescribed in the form of ointments, sprays, drops, are not able to create in the body the concentration necessary to destroy microbes. This means that this is the path to developing microbial resistance!

In addition, when it comes to the treatment of sinusitis that has arisen as a complication of acute rhinitis, antibiotics prescribed locally remain in the nasal cavity and do not reach the maxillary sinuses, where the inflammatory process occurs. You can read more about this.


Often among the recommendations on how to treat a runny nose in children, there is advice on the use of antiseptics. These are substances that contain components that can act on bacteria in one way or another. These can be substances of plant (for example, eucalyptus leaf extract) or animal origin, silver, as well as medications (for example, sulfonamides).

Will antiseptics help cure a runny nose in a child? In most cases, their use is not particularly necessary. In addition, it is important to remember that the ingredients included in their composition can have an irritating effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the child’s nose, and also cause the development of allergies. Only the attending physician can decide how justified and safe the use of a particular antiseptic is and give the correct recommendations for its use.


Are inhalations necessary for children with a runny nose? Inhalation means the child inhaling air containing substances that can have one or another therapeutic effect.

The most common type of inhalation is steam inhalation over a saucepan.

Parents can add there various herbs, soda, it could also be a decoction of potatoes, etc. The problem is that the concentration of active ingredients in such a vapor is very small, insufficient to provide any therapeutic effect. The main effect that such inhalations provide for children with a runny nose is moisturizing the mucous membrane. This is a useful property of steam, as it can lead to a decrease in the viscosity of mucus and the elimination of crusts.

However, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. The traditional method of “breathing over a saucepan” can cause burns to the respiratory tract, as well as injuries associated with overturning a vessel with hot liquid. Therefore, if there is a need for them, and this issue must be resolved with a doctor, it is better to use special device– steam inhaler.

It is also important to remember that inhalations for children with a runny nose have contraindications: age under 7 years, elevated body temperature, a combination of inflammation in the nasal cavity and purulent processes (sinusitis, otitis, etc.).

On the Internet you can find many recommendations for inhalation with a nebulizer for a runny nose, recipes for children that parents can rely on when choosing treatment. What is a nebulizer? This is a special device that turns the medicine into very small particles (the so-called fine aerosol), which are inhaled by the child.

But is a nebulizer effective for a runny nose in children?

Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky believes that its use for inflammation of the nasal mucosa will not be beneficial. Because the nebulizer was designed primarily for the treatment of diseases of the lower respiratory tract - when used, the medicine is sprayed into very small particles, the diameter of which is less than 10 microns. It does not linger in the upper respiratory tract, including the nasal cavity, but is directed to the lowest sections respiratory system.

You can read more about the nuances of using a nebulizer for inhalation.

Inhalations are also sometimes carried out, in which essential oils are used for runny noses for children. They are carried out using an aroma lamp, or simply pour a few drops onto a piece of fabric and let the child breathe. However, the concentration of active substances during this procedure in the inhaled air is very small, and healing properties oils do not have the desired effect on the healing process. In addition, it is necessary to remember that many essential oils are allergens.

It is important to note that if you follow the basic rules for treating inflammation in the nasal passages in a child (constant humidification of the air, instilling saline solution into the nose, etc.), in most cases there is no need for inhalation for a child with a runny nose.

Warming up the nose

Warming the nose when a child has a runny nose: this procedure is often considered an effective method of treating the disease. Parents apply a boiled egg to the area of ​​inflammation, hot salt, paraffin, or use a blue lamp, etc. But what can the effects of thermal procedures lead to during the inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa?

Exposure to heat causes blood vessels to dilate and increase blood flow to the area. In the initial stage of the disease, this can lead to activation of the inflammatory process. Warming the nose is strictly contraindicated if the child has an elevated body temperature, if there is a risk of developing purulent processes in the sinuses or otitis media.

However, it is possible to use warming up the nose for a runny nose in children at the final stages of the process: it can help speed up the processes of regeneration of the mucous membrane. However, before carrying out it, it is imperative to consult with your doctor!

Mustard plasters

Is it advisable to put mustard plasters on children with a runny nose? Typically this is not necessary. Mustard plasters are a so-called distracting procedure, the task of which is to activate blood circulation, irritate the skin in reflexogenic zones ah - at points (feet, calf muscles) that are connected to the place where the inflammatory process takes place. Doctor E.O. Komarovsky believes that there is justification for using mustard plasters in the recovery period in the treatment of diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, that is, diseases that require fairly active rehabilitation measures.

When it comes to how to cure a runny nose in a child, there is, as a rule, no need to use mustard plasters - in most cases, if you follow all the necessary measures that we talked about above, the body will cope with the disease on its own.

You can read more about the use of mustard plasters for a runny nose.


Acupressure for a runny nose in children is associated with an effect on certain reflexogenic zones: it can help ease nasal breathing and speed up the healing process. It is important to study the technique of carrying it out: it is best if a specialist introduces the technique to parents.

The technique of acupressure in children is similar to that in adults; you can read about it in detail.

Sometimes parents believe that treating a runny nose in children with folk remedies will quickly help cope with the disease. There is a myth that such methods may be safer and at the same time more effective in treating the disease. However, doctors say that the use of many traditional methods will not only not benefit the child, but can also seriously harm and cause complications. Herbal and other components included in the composition of the products often cause irritation - this is especially important when it comes to young children, since their mucous membranes are more sensitive to the effects of aggressive substances.

In addition, when we talk about such an aspect as a runny nose and its treatment with folk remedies in children, it is necessary to remember the high risk of developing allergic reactions. Any component can cause allergies; there is a risk of both local and general reactions.

It is also important to understand that, relying on folk remedies for treating runny nose in children and neglecting the basic methods that we talked about above, and - if necessary - medicines prescribed by a doctor, you can waste time and get various complications. Therefore, it is better to use drugs with proven effectiveness in treatment.

Next, we will look at the most popular folk remedies for the common cold for children, and also talk about what their use in the treatment of diseases in childhood can lead to from the point of view of official medicine.


You can often find recommendations for using Kalanchoe juice for children with a runny nose. The juice of this plant actually has anti-inflammatory properties, since it contains various vitamins, microelements, bioflavonoids, etc.

However, is it worth using Kalanchoe for a runny nose in children? Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky does not recommend doing this, since when using this folk remedy, many children experience a deterioration in their condition: it is very difficult to predict the individual reaction of a child to the use of Kalanchoe juice. Possible irritation of the mucous membrane, aggravating the course of the inflammatory process, the development of allergic reactions, etc.

Therefore, despite the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe, when children have a runny nose, it should be used with extreme caution and after mandatory consultation with the attending physician!


There are also tips for use when a child has a runny nose. It is believed that the use this tool may help due to its anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is important to know that no studies have been conducted to confirm the effectiveness of using aloe for inflammation in the nasal cavity in children. All preparations containing aloe juice are not recommended for children under 12 years of age without prior consultation with a doctor.

The use of aloe can lead to the development of allergic reactions - both local and general, up to the development of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock: conditions that threaten the baby's life!


One of the popular folk remedies is for children with a runny nose. To do this, it is recommended to bury water solution onion juice, mix it with butter, honey and other ingredients. However, it is important to remember that onion juice has a strong irritant effect on the mucous membrane, which can cause burns, causes damage to epithelial components, disrupting the formation of mucus and the functioning of cilia, which help remove toxins and microbes from the nasal cavity. All this leads to development protracted process, the occurrence of complications.

In addition, the use of this remedy for the common cold in children can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using it for local application. They believe that best use onions for the prevention and treatment of ARVI is to include it in the child’s diet!


In folk medicine it is sometimes used for runny noses in children. It is believed that the juice of this plant helps reduce inflammation in the nasal cavity. However, the effectiveness of this technique has not been proven, so it is more rational to use products that have proven their effectiveness and safety, so as not to waste time and prevent the development of complications.

It is much more useful to use the properties of this product by including it in the diet - the beneficial substances included in the root vegetable will help strengthen the body's defenses.

Oak bark

There is such a folk remedy for the runny nose for children as. It is used to prepare decoctions that are dropped into a child’s nose - it is believed that the substances contained in oak bark help reduce the viscosity of mucus and reduce inflammatory manifestations.

However, can we say that oak bark is a good remedy for runny noses in children? The instructions for use do not indicate that this herbal medicine can be used to treat inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. At the same time, it can be used to prepare a decoction for gargling in the treatment of nasopharyngitis. But this should be done with caution, since many components of oak bark can cause allergies in children.


Also supporters traditional medicine may recommend using this or that oil for the common cold in children. It is believed that their use will help soften the inflamed mucous membrane. There are recommendations for the use of the following oils:

  • when a child has a runny nose. It contains substances that help activate the regeneration processes of the mucous membrane, which may be important at the final stage of treatment. The use of this product is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.
  • Essential for a runny nose in children - there are very different reviews about its use in childhood. In some cases, a positive effect is observed, which is associated with the presence of anti-inflammatory substances and antioxidants in its composition. In other cases, parents talk about its ineffectiveness, and in some cases, about a worsening of the condition, which is associated with the occurrence of irritation and allergic reactions. At the same time, the instructions for use contain contraindications for the use of thuja oil under 18 years of age.
  • Essential for runny nose is recommended for children to relieve inflammatory manifestations and accelerate the regeneration processes of mucous membranes.

In any case, when it comes to the use of fatty and essential oils in the treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies, consultation with a doctor is necessary before using them. It is important to know that oil, when instilled into the nose, causes gluing of the cilia that epithelial cells are equipped with (their movement is an important mechanism for cleansing the nose of foreign elements), which disrupts the protective properties of the mucous membrane and can complicate the healing process.

In addition, it must be remembered that the composition of oils plant origin contains components that can cause the development of allergies in a child. That is why the question of the need to use such folk remedies for the common cold in children should be decided only by the attending physician.


Prevention of runny nose in children should include a set of measures aimed at both activating local defense mechanisms in the upper respiratory tract of a child, and strengthening the immune system as a whole.

In order for the nasal mucosa to fully realize its protective properties, it is important to prevent an increase in the viscosity of the mucus and the formation of crusts in the nose.

  • It is necessary that the air that the child breathes is always sufficiently moist and cool. Regulate the temperature in the room - the higher it is, the less moisture remains in the air; you can also use various evaporators and humidifiers.
  • It is important that the child consumes enough fluid - dehydration leads to drying out of the mucous membranes.

Physiological norm of fluid intake for children

  • In addition, in order to prevent the mucus from thickening and to prevent the appearance of crusts, it is recommended to instill saline solution into the child’s nose daily (during periods increased risk If you get sick, you can do this several times a day).

Measures to strengthen the immune system

If we are talking about allergic rhinitis, then The best way prevention is the elimination of allergens: regular wet cleaning and maintaining an optimal microclimate in the room (if the allergen is house dust). Use of protective equipment or change of place of residence - if we are talking about an allergy caused by pollen.

Prevention of vasomotor rhinitis is the competent use of vasoconstrictor drugs (no more than 5-7 days).

Preventive measures also include a competent approach to antibiotic treatment. Their unauthorized use and non-compliance with treatment regimens weaken the body’s defenses and increase the risk of developing infectious diseases, including the runny nose in children.


A situation often occurs when parents get carried away with searching for one or another remedy that will provide treatment for runny nose in children quickly and effectively, and forget about the simplest and most effective measures, allowing you to significantly alleviate the child’s condition and activate your own defenses. These include cleaning, humidifying and cooling the air in the room where the child is, rinsing the nose, proper drinking regimen, and diet. These simple measures, combined with those that support the immune system and replenish the body’s resources, will help cope with the disease as quickly as possible and avoid complications.


Is it possible to bathe a child with a runny nose?

Parents often ask if it is possible to bathe a child with a runny nose. In most cases, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity in a baby is not a contraindication to bathing. On the contrary, contact with water helps to reduce the viscosity of mucus and soak the crusts.

You should refrain from bathing when the child has a runny nose and a temperature of 38 degrees or higher, when the child’s general condition is suffering. In this case, it is recommended to wipe with cool water.

Is it possible to walk with a child with a runny nose?

The answer to this question depends, first of all, on the cause of the disease. If a child has an allergic runny nose caused by house dust and the elements it contains, a walk fresh air will bring relief. If the allergy is caused by plant pollen, then walking can lead to an exacerbation of symptoms. Also, if inflammation in the nasal cavity is associated with ARVI, then while walking it is better to avoid contact of the patient with other children.

Also the answer to the question “can you walk with your child if you have a runny nose?” depends on the child’s condition and weather conditions. At high temperature, lethargy, weakness, it is better to stay at home. You should not go outside when the air temperature outside is below zero, there is wind or other unfavorable weather conditions.

How many days does a child’s runny nose last?

How long does a child's runny nose last? Average duration illness, when it comes to inflammation occurring against the background of a viral infection, is 5-8 days. This is due to the peculiarities of the immune response: this is the period required for the production of interferons and antibodies (substances responsible for protecting the body from infection).

If during this time the child’s runny nose does not go away, what to do? It is imperative to consult a doctor so that he can help determine the causes of the protracted course of the disease. These may be developed complications, for example, the addition of a bacterial infection and the development of sinusitis and otitis media.

A persistent runny nose in a child may be evidence of an allergic process - in this case, an examination by an allergist and determination of the cause of the disease is indicated.

Also, if a child’s runny nose does not go away for a long time, this may be a sign of a violation of the regulation of vascular tone, including that associated with the use of vasoconstrictor drugs - vasomotor rhinitis.

How to soothe a child's feet with a runny nose?

In most cases, this procedure is not the best remedy for runny nose for children. Just like mustard plasters, thermal procedures for the feet are aimed at stimulating reflexogenic zones. They cannot be used in acute period illness, at elevated temperatures. But they can be effective in the recovery period of treatment of diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, when there is a need to increase blood flow in the affected organ by stimulating active points on the foot.

When looking for an answer to the question “how to cure a child’s runny nose at home,” you should not consider such a procedure as warming up the feet: this disease, with proper treatment, which we discussed above, goes away quickly enough and does not require active rehabilitation measures.

How to treat an incipient runny nose in a child?

When a child develops a runny nose, a number of measures can be taken to support his defenses and prevent the development of the disease. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure the full performance of the functions of the nasal mucosa, which is responsible for protecting the nasal passages from infection.

First aid for a child with a runny nose is to ensure the correct microclimate in the room: the sick person should breathe moist, cool and clean air. It is also important to provide the baby sufficient quantity drink and instill saline solution into the nose.

How to cure an incipient runny nose in a child? Another set of measures should be aimed at strengthening the body's defenses. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to transfer the baby to a protein-free diet, which reduces the load on lymphatic system and liver.

Also in the treatment of a runny nose in a child initial stage It is recommended to include vibroacoustic therapy: the use of Vitafon devices activates the body's defenses, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, and reduces the toxic load on the body.

What should I do if I cannot cure my child’s runny nose?

Why does a child’s runny nose not go away for a long time? The cause may be the development of chronic inflammation in the nasal cavity, changes in the mucous membrane (thickening or thinning).

If a child has a frequent runny nose, the cause may be allergies, impaired vascular tone associated with abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs and other factors.

Also, if the child has long runny nose, the cause may be a deviated nasal septum, a trauma to the nose, overgrowth of the adenoids, etc.

In any case, to understand how to get rid of a runny nose in a child, you need to see a doctor to get comprehensive examination, which will help to establish the cause of the disease and select effective treatment.

Will homeopathy help with runny nose in children?

Representatives of the World Health Organization believe that “the use of homeopathy has no evidence base, and in cases where it is used as an alternative to primary treatment, it poses a real threat to people’s health and lives.”

Doctors claim that the effectiveness of a method such as homeopathy for the common cold for children, as well as for other diseases, is associated with the placebo effect, that is, with the patient’s belief that the treatment is helping. You can learn more about the principles of homeopathy from this TV show by E.O. Komarovsky.

Important to remember that homeopathy is by no means the most effective remedy for a runny nose for children! Moreover, if the disease becomes protracted, if there is a risk of developing purulent complications, such as otitis or sinusitis, etc., in no case should you rely on this method of treatment: this can be fraught with serious consequences, including the death of the child. Only complex treatment using antibacterial drugs under the supervision of specialists will help cope with purulent-inflammatory processes in the body.

List of used literature:

  1. Bogomilsky M.R., Chistyakova V.R. Pediatric otorhinolaryngology. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2006.
  2. Karpova E.P., Bozhatova M.P. Rational methods of treating ARVI in children // Farmateka, 2008;
  3. Kryukov A.I. Acute rhinitis. In the book: Otorhinolaryngology: national guide / Ed. V.T. Palchuna. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2008.
  4. Lazarev V.N., Suzdaltsev A.E., Ivoylov A.Yu., Babeshko E.A. Methods for studying adaptation processes and their correction in inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses in children: Guidelines, Moscow, 2002
  5. Radtsig E.Yu. Features of the course and treatment of acute rhinitis in infants and children early age/ RMJ, 2011
  6. Romantsov M.G., Golofeevsky S.V. The effectiveness of Cycloferon in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza during the epidemic rise of respiratory morbidity (2009 – 2010) / Antibiotics and chemotherapy, 2010.
  7. Sinopalnikov A.I., Klyachkina I.L. Place of mucolytic drugs in complex therapy respiratory diseases / Russian Medical Bulletin No. 4.
  8. Chuchalin A.G. Avdeev S.N. Rational pharmacotherapy of respiratory diseases: Hand. for medical practitioners / Litterra, 2004

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Rhinitis happens to every person and, as a rule, does not cause any special problems for adults. But 2 has a runny nose year old child causes him discomfort, which is not so easy to get rid of. The baby becomes whiny, and nights turn into a nightmare, because a stuffy nose does not allow you to breathe freely.

What is a runny nose and why does it appear?

Snot is a natural reaction of any body to an attack by viruses or allergens. The nasal mucosa tries to protect the body from harmful invasion. increased department mucus. That is, it turns out that this condition is not a problem at all, but it does cause discomfort? What to do - or not to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child?

A child has a runny nose - what to do?

In order to unpleasant disease passed as soon as possible, you need to create for this suitable conditions. Cool air between 18-20°C will be the best treatment. To keep the child warm, he needs to be well dressed, but the air should not be warmed additionally. If the apartment is hot, then the temperature can be reduced by regular cross-ventilation, during which the baby needs to be taken to another room.

The second component of a speedy recovery is the air humidity of the room in which the baby is awake and sleeping; for a sick toddler it should be in the range of 60-70%. To measure the saturation of air with moisture, every home must have a device - a hygrometer. When the indicators do not correspond to the norm, a modern gadget will come to the rescue - it is very useful not only in a family with small children, but also for adults.

And finally the third mandatory item- Give the baby plenty of water and often. Even if he refuses, you need to give lukewarm compotes, fruit drinks or clean water at least a teaspoon every 10 minutes. The body must not be dehydrated.

If the air is dry and warm, and the child does not drink liquid, this will very quickly lead to the mucus in the nose drying out and the nasal streams will be replaced by congestion, which is less tolerated by the child. But this is not the only problem. A dry nose, not protected by mucus, allows germs to pass further into the throat, trachea, bronchi and lungs. And a common runny nose develops into bronchitis or pneumonia, although it could have ended in the nose if measures had been followed.

Cold remedies for children

In order for the nose to breathe normally, especially at night, it needs help. First of all, these are a variety of saline solutions that abound on pharmacy shelves. You can make it yourself from boiled water and sea salt. You need to moisturize the mucous membranes with these salty drops every two hours. After a few minutes, the nose should be cleaned with cotton wool, and then oil drops should be instilled into it, intended for the treatment of a runny nose in a 2-year-old child.

Vasoconstrictor drops, as a rule, only worsen the situation. Firstly, they very dry out the nasal mucosa and even the nasopharynx, which leads to coughing and sore throat. Secondly, the nose is able to breathe freely for a while, but then it becomes blocked again and a vicious circle is formed, the body gets used to the drops and can no longer live without them.

Is it possible to cure a child’s runny nose with folk remedies?

Our grandmothers always knew how to rid a child of a runny nose. Many mothers still put their experience into practice today. Folk remedies can alleviate a child’s condition, but you just need to be sure that the baby will not respond with an allergic reaction to seemingly harmless homemade “medicines.”

To treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child, steam inhalations with eucalyptus and mint are used. You can steam the legs, but no more than 5 minutes. A boiled egg wrapped in a handkerchief is applied to the spout on both sides.

At home, you can instill in your baby diluted with water Kalanchoe juice, a mixture of carrot, beet and honey juices - with mandatory sensitivity testing, because these are potential allergens.

You need to be careful and use it only for liquid snot, because it quickly dries out the mucous membrane. And don’t forget to lubricate your baby’s skin near the nose with Vaseline to prevent irritation from a runny nose.

Runny nose (in medical literature - rhinitis ) is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The development of a runny nose is caused by inflammation of the nasal mucosa ( from Greek word rhinos - nose + itis – designation of inflammation).

A runny nose is extremely rarely an independent pathology. This is usually a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection. At first glance, this is a very harmless disease, which is not entirely true. A runny nose has many consequences for the body, including chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis ( inflammation of the middle ear). In turn, these complications are dangerous because they most often occur in children in the first year of life. The reason for this is the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the nasal passages and the auditory tube.

Anatomy and function of the nasal cavity

The nasal cavity performs important functions for the body. It cleans and warms the inhaled air, and also has a protective function. That is why children who often suffer from a runny nose usually form a group of “frequently ill children.” The immunity of the child's body begins to decline with frequent rhinitis, and viruses and bacteria that penetrate the nasal cavity then descend into the lower respiratory tract. This, in turn, causes the rapid addition of a bacterial infection with long-term persistent ( chronic) runny nose.

Anatomy of the nasal cavity

The nasal cavity is a kind of “entrance gate” of the respiratory tract through which inhaled and exhaled air passes. Despite the fact that the right and left nasal passages appear as isolated structures, they communicate with each other. That is why a runny nose always occurs with the involvement of both nasal cavities. In turn, the nasal cavity communicates with the cavity of the oropharynx, larynx and bronchi. This causes the infection to quickly spread from the nasal mucosa to the lower respiratory tract.

The nasal mucosa consists of a special ciliated ( or ciliated) epithelium. It is called that because it consists of numerous cilia densely located on the mucous membrane. Moreover, there are microvilli on the apical surface of the cilia themselves. They, in turn, branch and elongate, increasing the area of ​​the mucosa several times. Thus, on average, ciliated cells have 200–300 cilia, the length of which is 7 microns. By moving, microvilli help move mucus from the nasal cavity into the oropharynx, and from the bronchi outward. Thus, they perform the function of drainage of the respiratory system. It should be noted that per day the volume of nasal mucus can vary from 200 milliliters to one liter. Along with mucus, dust particles, allergens and pathogenic microorganisms. The functionality of the mucous membrane is most optimal at a temperature of 28 - 33 degrees and a pH of 5.5 - 6.5. The slightest deviation from these parameters leads to a change in its composition. Thus, loss of moisture, a decrease in temperature to 7 - 10 degrees, an increase in pH above 6.5 and other fluctuations cause the cilia to stop vibrating. At the same time, the composition of the mucous membrane changes, and the level of its protection decreases.

The nasal mucosa is richly supplied with nerve endings that are connected to various organs and systems. This is why the child’s body reacts negatively to even the most minor disturbances. physiological functions nose Even with the slightest runny nose, children become capricious, irritable, and begin to have difficulty sleeping. The main factor contributing to the development of a runny nose is hypothermia. A decrease in temperature leads to disruption of the body's defense mechanisms and activation of opportunistic microflora in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and oral cavity. The development of a runny nose is also facilitated by a decrease in the body’s resistance due to chronic diseases.

Functions of the nasal cavity

As mentioned above, the nasal cavity is the entrance gate of the body. She carries out a series important functions. Thus, the main functions of the nose are respiratory, olfactory, protective and resonant ( speech). Even a short runny nose in a child leads to disruption of these functions. Long-term persistent runny nose can lead to serious changes in the body. If a child’s runny nose lasts for several months, it can lead to changes in the formation of the facial skeleton and chest. The main complication of a runny nose is a violation of oxygen metabolism, which affects the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Thus, when you have a runny nose, your physical and mental development child.

The main functions of the nasal cavity are:

  • filtering of inhaled air;
  • protective function;
  • function of warming the inhaled air.
Filtration of inhaled air
The air passing through the nasal cavity must be filtered. The filtration function is carried out by the ciliated epithelium of the mucosa. Numerous villi of the mucous membrane, moving in different directions, clean the air from dust particles and other foreign objects. This is why it is important to always breathe through your nose. If the nose is stuffy and the child begins to breathe through the mouth, the air is not cleaned and enters the body as contaminated.

Protective function
The work of epithelial cilia is also aimed at eliminating ( excretion) from the respiratory tract of foreign objects. This could be poplar fluff, pieces of wool and other objects. Getting into the nasal passages, they irritate the receptors embedded in the mucous membrane. Irritation of the receptors leads to muscle contraction, resulting in the implementation of an unconditioned protective reflex - sneezing. Thanks to sneezing, all pathological elements are removed from the upper respiratory tract.

Inhaled air warming function
The nasal cavity also warms the inhaled air, which plays a particularly important role in cold seasons. This function of the nose prevents the lower respiratory tract from becoming cold. Entering the nasal cavity, the air passes into the nasopharynx, and from it into the larynx and bronchi. Going all this way, the air warms up and at the moment when it reaches the lungs, it does not lead to hypothermia of the mucous membrane.

Causes of runny nose in children

There are a wide variety of reasons for the development of a runny nose in children. These could be various infections, allergies, injuries, and so on. Initially, all causes of a runny nose are usually divided into two large groups- infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious causes of runny nose in children

As for children of the first and second year of life, the infectious cause of a runny nose is the most common.

Causes of a runny nose of an infectious nature include:
  • acute respiratory diseases ( acute respiratory infections);
  • viral infections – adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses;
  • Infectious mononucleosis ;
  • bacteria;
As a rule, a runny nose in children is caused by viruses that provoke an acute respiratory viral infection ( ARVI). Transmission of the virus is known to occur through airborne droplets. Particles of saliva containing viruses enter the external environment when the patient sneezes or coughs. After this, the viruses enter the nasal mucosa healthy person. Being in the nasal cavity, they very quickly penetrate into epithelial cells ( mucosal cells) and begin to actively reproduce there. Viruses remain in the nasal mucosa for 1 to 3 days. During this time, they violate the integrity of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It becomes thinner and more permeable to pathogenic microorganisms. The ciliated epithelium ceases to perform its functions. Thus, conditions are created for the addition of a bacterial infection. This is one of the reasons why a viral infection very quickly becomes complicated by a bacterial one.

Viruses or bacteria can then migrate from the upper respiratory tract ( that is, the nasal cavity) into the lower respiratory tract. A runny nose can also affect the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses and middle ear. This explains the fact that a runny nose is most often accompanied by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses ( sinusitis, frontal sinusitis) and middle ear ( otitis).

As a rule, a runny nose in children is recorded during periods of sharp temperature fluctuations. This is primarily due to changes in virulent properties ( infectious ability) microbes, as well as with the hypothermia factor. A pronounced inflammatory reaction in the nasal mucosa is observed when the feet are cooled. This is explained by the presence of reflex connections between the feet and the nose.

Non-infectious causes of runny nose in children

Non-infectious causes of a runny nose can be foreign bodies trapped in the nasal cavity, trauma to the mucous membrane, exposure to harmful factors environment. A special variant of non-infectious runny nose in children is allergic rhinitis or rhinitis.

Non-infectious causes of runny nose in children include:

  • environmental factors - dust, smoke, strong smelling substances;
  • allergenic factors - fluff, wool;
  • injuries;
  • foreign bodies.

Allergic rhinitis in children

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, which is based on a pathological allergic reaction. According to the latest statistics, the prevalence of allergic rhinitis in children reaches 40 percent. The onset of the disease occurs at the age of 9–10 years. However, in some cases, it can be diagnosed in the first 6 years of life. In children with constitutional anomalies ( diathesis) symptoms of a runny nose are noted already during the first year of life.
The clinical picture of an allergic rhinitis is the same as that of an infectious rhinitis, but at the same time symptoms such as sneezing and itching are added.

Manifestations of allergic rhinitis in children are:

  • nasal congestion;
  • rhinorrhea ( discharge of liquid contents from the nasal cavity);
  • sneezing;
  • itching in the nasal cavity.
Allergic rhinitis in rare cases is limited only to the nasal mucosa. Often the inflammatory process extends to the paranasal sinuses. Therefore, doctors often use the term “rhinosinusitis”, since it more fully reflects the pathogenetic process. Despite the fact that allergic rhinitis seems to be a completely harmless disease, it significantly affects the child’s quality of life. Children who suffer from a runny nose for a long time have poor school performance and sleep disturbances.

Considering the period of time of contact with the allergen, doctors distinguish seasonal, year-round and occupational allergic rhinitis. The first two are typical for both children and adults, the last one is only for adults. The main reason allergic rhinitis- This is plant pollen, which is a powerful allergen. Significant allergens include pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. Based on this, there are three main peaks of exacerbation of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

The periods of the year during which the peak incidence of allergic rhinitis occurs include:

  • April May– caused by pollination of trees such as birch, alder, hazel;
  • June July– associated with the pollination of cereal grasses such as timothy and fescue;
  • Aug. Sept- caused by pollination of weeds such as wormwood, quinoa and plantain.
Other causes of allergic rhinitis can be food and mold allergens. In this case, the exacerbation of the disease is associated with eating certain foods. House dust mites, animal epidermis, and wool can act as non-food allergens.

Stages of development of a runny nose

On average, a runny nose lasts from 7 to 10 days. If we are talking about allergic rhinitis, then its duration is determined by the period of exposure to the allergen. There are three stages in the development of infectious rhinitis.

The stages of development of a runny nose are:

  • reflex stage;
  • catarrhal stage;
  • stage of recovery or infection.
Reflex stage of development of a runny nose
This is the first stage of the development of a runny nose and lasts only a few hours. Due to reflex vasoconstriction, the mucous membrane becomes pale. The epithelium stops producing mucus, which provokes symptoms such as dryness, burning in the nasal cavity, and repeated sneezing. There is also headache, lethargy and sore throat. It should be noted that when a runny nose occurs, both nasal passages are affected at once, so the above symptoms are felt in both nasal passages.

Catarrhal stage of development of the runny nose
The second stage of the development of a runny nose lasts from 2 to 3 days. During this stage, vasodilation occurs, which provokes swelling of the nasal turbinates. Children complain of a feeling of nasal congestion, difficulty nasal breathing. If the cause of a runny nose is a viral infection, then profuse, clear, watery discharge from the nose is noted ( rhinorrhea). Symptoms such as decreased sense of smell, watery eyes, stuffy ears, and a nasal tone of voice also appear. This stage is also accompanied by an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels ( 37.2 – 37.5 degrees). At this stage, the nasal mucosa becomes bright red and swells greatly, making breathing difficult. This, in turn, leads to the disappearance of the sense of smell and a deterioration in the perception of taste ( This is explained by the fact that olfactory receptors are located in the nasal mucosa). Sometimes lacrimation, congestion and tinnitus also occur.

Stage of recovery or infection
The third stage of the development of a runny nose can follow 2 paths - recovery or the addition of bacterial inflammation. In the first case, the general condition improves, the function of the epithelium is restored. Nasal breathing begins to become freer, mucus secretion normalizes, and the sense of smell is restored. If a secondary bacterial infection occurs, the child’s general condition also initially improves. However, nasal discharge becomes greenish in color and becomes thicker. Further development of the disease depends on how far the infection has progressed. If pathogenic microorganisms have reached the bronchi, then there is a high probability of developing bronchitis.

Duration of runny nose in children
On average, a runny nose of an infectious nature lasts from 7 to 10 days. With good immunity and quickly started treatment, recovery can occur as early as 2–3 days. With weakened body defenses and inadequate treatment, a runny nose lasts up to 3 to 4 weeks. In this case, it can also become chronic or lead to the development of complications.

Symptoms of a runny nose in a child

As already mentioned, a runny nose is rarely an independent disease. As a rule, this is a symptom of various infectious diseases. In young children, a runny nose can be a symptom of intestinal infections. It should be noted that a runny nose is one of the first symptoms of the disease ( a kind of harbinger).

Classic symptoms of a runny nose include nasal congestion, discharge and sneezing. Depending on the nature of the underlying disease, one or another symptom can be expressed to the maximum. For example, with a viral infection, a runny nose is characterized by copious nasal discharge, and with allergies, persistent itching and sneezing. The development of a runny nose, as a rule, is sharp and sudden - it begins quickly with a general deterioration in the child’s condition. Children's body temperature rises, headaches appear, nasal breathing worsens, and their sense of smell decreases.

Since young children cannot express their complaints, they mostly cry. The smaller the child, the more restless he becomes. In infants, it is not the manifestations of a runny nose themselves that come first, but the signs of general intoxication.

Next, liquid discharge from the nasal cavity appears very quickly. The production of mucous contents occurs due to increased function of the goblet glands, which are embedded in the epithelium. Pathological nasal secretions have an irritating effect on the skin. This is especially noticeable in the area of ​​the vestibule of the nose and upper lip, which manifests itself in the form of redness and painful cracks.

Manifestations of a runny nose in children are:

  • feeling of nasal congestion;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • sneezing;
  • lacrimation.
The feeling of nasal congestion is the result of swelling of the mucous membrane, which, in turn, develops due to increased vascular permeability. Fluid from the vessels is transuded ( comes out) into the mucous membrane, leading to its swelling. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity also leads to impaired drainage of the paranasal sinuses and middle ear, which creates favorable conditions for the activation of conditionally pathogenic flora. As soon as the nature of the mucus from the nasal cavity changes, namely it becomes cloudy and greenish, this means that a bacterial infection has attached.

Watery eyes are a very common symptom of a runny nose. It is caused by irritation of the reflexogenic zones of the nasal mucosa. Watery eyes are almost always accompanied by sneezing, the nature of which is similar. Sneezing is the result of irritation of sensitive fibers that are located in the mucous membrane.

Total duration of this disease varies from 8 to 14 days. If the child’s general and local immunity is not impaired, then the runny nose will stop after a couple of days. In the weakened and often ill, the runny nose most often has a protracted character - up to 3 - 4 weeks. In general, the child’s condition depends on the underlying disease and the form of rhinitis.

Forms of rhinitis ( runny nose) are:

  • acute rhinitis;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis.
Acute rhinitis
Acute rhinitis in children usually occurs in the form of nasopharyngitis, that is, with the involvement of the laryngeal mucosa in the inflammatory process. Inflammation can also spread to the nasopharynx ( with the development of adenoiditis), middle ear or larynx. Due to rapidly increasing edema in infants, the act of sucking is disrupted, which leads to weight loss, sleep disturbances, and increased excitability. Acute rhinitis is especially severe in premature, weakened children with chronic foci of infection.

Chronic rhinitis
This type of runny nose is characterized by impaired nasal breathing with alternating congestion in one or the other half of the nose. In chronic rhinitis, the nature of nasal discharge can be serous, mucous or purulent. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis differs in its duration. Nasal congestion is characterized by a more permanent nature, and the most important thing is that this symptom does not go away after use vasoconstrictor drops. In addition to difficulty breathing through the nose, sick children are bothered by headaches and poor sleep. The nasal mucosa is usually pale pink, reddish or bluish.

Atrophic rhinitis
In chronic atrophic rhinitis, the main symptom is a feeling of dryness in the nose. Patients also complain of the formation of crusts, a feeling of pressure in the nasal cavity and headaches. The contents of the nose are always thick in consistency and have a yellow-greenish tint. As a rule, the volume of pathological mucus in atrophic rhinitis is small. However, if pus is present in large quantities, this can lead to the spread of the chronic process to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx.

Vasomotor rhinitis

This form of rhinitis is characterized by such manifestations as sneezing, nasal congestion, excessive liquid discharge. The development of vasomotor rhinitis is based on neurovegetative disorders that cause a sharp spasm of the nasal vessels.

Cough and runny nose in a child

Cough and runny nose are frequent symptoms manifestations of viral infection. This is explained by the fact that the nasal mucosa is a gateway for viruses. It is in the nasal mucosa that viruses form their primary focus of inflammation. Most often, the mucous membrane is attacked by rhinovirus infection. Already from the first hours of the disease, nasal congestion and sneezing are noted. Rhinovirus infection, unlike other viral infections, is manifested by profuse rhinorrhea. Simultaneously with the rise in temperature to 38 degrees, copious nasal discharge is noted. The discharge from the nose is initially mucous in nature. At the same time, the mucus is very rare and literally “flows”. However, after a couple of days it becomes thicker and takes on a greenish tint. This means that bacterial flora has joined the rhinovirus infection.

The appearance of a symptom such as cough in the clinical picture depends on how far the infection has penetrated. If the body's defenses are weakened, and the child small age, then the risk of developing bronchitis or pneumonia is very high. In 9 out of 10 cases, premature and weakened children develop pneumonia and bronchiolitis. The nature of the cough depends on the level of infection. If the inflammatory process is localized at the level of the nasopharynx, larynx or trachea, then the cough is predominantly dry. The reason for this is dry and inflamed mucous membrane, which irritates the nerve endings and provokes a cough. If the infection goes down and affects the bronchopulmonary region, then the cough becomes productive, that is, wet. The amount of secretion depends on how well the bronchi drain and on how much fluid the child consumes. As a rule, at first the cough is accompanied by scanty and viscous sputum. Subsequently, when taking bronchodilators, the sputum becomes thinner and its volume increases. The color and specific smell of sputum also depends on the source of infection. With pyogenic flora, sputum has foul odor and has a greenish color.

Fever and runny nose in a child

The presence or absence of fever during a runny nose in a child depends on the underlying disease. As you know, a runny nose in children is often a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection rather than an independent pathology.

Temperature options depending on the etiology of the runny nose

Type of infection

Main symptoms

Temperature characteristic

Runny nose due to rhinovirus infection

Profuse runny nose, accompanied by sneezing and congestion. The mucous discharge from the nose is always copious.

The temperature varies within normal limits, sometimes reaching 37.5 degrees.

Runny nose due to adenovirus infection

Runny nose with moderate mucous discharge and nasal congestion.

The temperature varies from 38 to 39 degrees.

Runny nose due to rotavirus infection

A runny nose and other respiratory symptoms are combined with manifestations of gastroenteritis - vomiting, diarrhea.

The temperature rose sharply to 39 degrees.

Runny nose due to respiratory syncytial infection

Runny nose, quickly complicated by the development of bronchiolitis and pneumonia.

There is a moderate low-grade fever ( 37 – 37.2 degrees), rarely the temperature rises to 38 degrees.

Runny nose without fever in a child

A runny nose without fever is observed with allergic etiology of the disease, as well as in cases of immunodeficiency in children. In general, it should be noted that the presence of fever largely depends on the reactivity of the child’s body. Weak children with chronic foci of infection are characterized by a moderate, sluggish temperature.

Runny nose in infants

In newborns and infants, there are certain anatomical features in the structure of the nasal cavity that determine the clinical picture of a runny nose. Thus, young children have much narrower nasal passages than adults. Therefore, even slight swelling of the mucous membrane leads to complete disruption of nasal breathing through the nose. This, in turn, causes certain difficulties in feeding. Since the baby cannot breathe through his nose, he is forced to breathe through his mouth, which makes feeding difficult. Children become restless, sleep poorly, and begin to cry. Due to malnutrition, the baby may lose weight. The greatest danger is posed by attacks of suffocation and shortness of breath, which may occur during sleep in such children. Moreover, mouth breathing causes the spread of infection to the underlying parts of the respiratory tract.

It is extremely rare that a runny nose can occur in isolation. As a rule, in infants it occurs in the form of nasopharyngitis. At the same time, in pathological process Both the nasal cavity and the pharyngeal cavity are involved. This feature of the clinical picture is due to the child’s inability to independently clear the nasal cavity of mucus ( that is, blow your nose). This leads to pathological contents flowing down the back wall of the pharynx, causing irritation and inflammation. Thus, the pharynx is also involved in the inflammatory process, resulting in the development of not rhinitis, but nasopharyngitis. Moreover, the inflammatory process in infants more often than in adults spreads to the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. The consequence of this is the frequent development of tracheitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia.

Another feature of a child’s runny nose is the rapid development of a complication such as otitis media ( inflammation of the middle ear). The reason for this is also the anatomical features of the structure of the ear cavity. Thus, the auditory tube in children is much wider and shorter than in adults, which causes infection to quickly penetrate from the nose to the ear. At the same time, the constant horizontal position of children and the lack of coughing skills lead to the flow of mucus from the nasal passages into the short auditory tube, and from it into the middle ear. Thus, a runny nose is quickly complicated by an inflammatory process in the middle ear, which is very severe in young children. The development of such a complication as otitis media is accompanied by sudden changes in the child’s behavior. Due to the appearance of severe pain, the intensity of which quickly increases, the child is deprived of peace. He starts crying, screaming, turning his head. This rapid change in the child’s behavior should alert parents even before the appearance of pus from the ear cavity. Last symptom indicates the presence of a ruptured eardrum.

Complications of a runny nose in children

First of all, a runny nose can become chronic. This complication occurs as a result of frequent and persistent rhinitis (runny nose), nasal injuries, long-term effects on the nasal mucosa irritating factors, with concomitant anomalies in the development of the nasal cavity ( deviated nasal septum). Chronic runny nose manifests itself as impaired nasal breathing and periodic exacerbations.

The consequences of a runny nose in children are:

  • rapid fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • memory loss;
  • development of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • stop at physical development child;
  • deformation of the facial skeleton and chest bones;
  • disruption of metabolic processes;
  • disruption of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • development of allergic reactions.

Treatment of runny nose in children

When treating a runny nose, you must always remember that it is only a symptom of some disease. Therefore, in addition to the use of sprays and drops, which are often used to eliminate a runny nose, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the underlying disease. As a rule, acute runny nose does not require intensive treatment. It is important to follow the basic principles of treating a runny nose.

The principles of treating a runny nose are as follows:
  • The room in which the child is located must be well ventilated.
  • The humidity in the room should not be less than 50 - 60 percent.
  • If a runny nose is accompanied by a fever, the child must be provided with adequate water regime- often, but little by little, give boiled water at room temperature.
  • During a cold, it is not recommended to force-feed your child.
  • It is necessary to regularly remove accumulated mucus from the nasal passages.
  • To relieve symptoms ( but not to eliminate the causes of the runny nose themselves) you can use vasoconstrictor drugs, which, in turn, are selected based on age.
  • It is important to know that the maximum time for using any vasoconstrictor should not exceed 5 - 7 days.
If a runny nose is complicated by a bacterial infection, the doctor will also prescribe antibacterial agents. It is recommended to bury the nose with slightly warmed drops. To do this, lower the bottle of medicine into a container of warm water for several minutes. To instill, you need to tilt your head back, then inject 2 - 3 drops into each nasal passage. After the first nasal passage has been dripped, it is necessary to tilt your head down, but at the same time press the nostril to the nasal septum. Then do the same with the other nasal passage. This manipulation will prevent the drops from being swallowed, as often happens.

Drops and sprays for runny nose in children

Today there is a large selection of different drops and sprays for the common cold, including for children under one year old. When using drops, it is important to remember that drops only have a symptomatic effect. This means that they eliminate the feeling of congestion and rhinorrhea, but do not eliminate the cause of the runny nose.

Drops and sprays used in the treatment of runny nose in children



How to use?


It has a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby eliminating swelling.

2 – 3 drops in each nasal passage three times a day, for 5 days.

Vibrocil(drops, spray)

Has anti-edematous and anti-allergic effects.

Otrivin baby(drops, spray)

Has a vasoconstrictor effect. Also, thanks to the menthol included in the composition, the drops have a cooling effect and give a feeling of freshness.

Aqua Maris(spray, drops)

Effectively cleanses the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus by liquefying it. In addition, it moisturizes the nasal mucosa, facilitating nasal breathing.

Aqualor baby(spray)

Flushes the nasal passages from accumulated mucus, as well as from bacteria and viruses settled on the mucous membrane.

Nazol baby(drops)

It has a pronounced decongestant effect, eliminating the feeling of nasal congestion.

In the treatment of chronic runny nose in children, the main principle is to increase the body's defenses, that is, immunocorrection. For this purpose, various immunomodulators are prescribed, for example, Imunofan or Immunal. Also recommended breathing exercises, massage bioactive points, sanatorium treatment.

Inhalations for a runny nose in children

Inhalation is a therapeutic procedure during which the child inhales medicine. Inhalation therapy ensures delivery of the drug directly to the organs of the respiratory system, which are primarily affected by a runny nose. Therefore, inhalations are an effective method of treatment, and if carried out in a timely and correct manner, they allow the child to recover without the use of systemic antibiotics.

Conducted inhalation procedures using nebulizers or steam inhalers. Various household appliances such as pots or kettles can also be used. Regardless of the method of inhalation, when treating a runny nose, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. The choice of drug, session duration, contraindications and other aspects of the procedure depend on which device is used in inhalation therapy.

A nebulizer is a device in which the medicine is broken into small drops and turned into a mist, which is inhaled by the child through a special tube. The temperature of the drug does not increase, since its transformation occurs under the influence of ultrasound, a membrane or a compressor. Inhalation using such equipment can be carried out at all stages of a runny nose and at any age of the child.

The rules for using a nebulizer for a child’s runny nose are as follows:

  • inhalation procedures with a nebulizer are carried out 2–4 times a day;
  • the session must be continued for 5–8 minutes;
  • before inhalation, the child should rinse the nasal and oral cavity;
  • After the procedure, you must abstain from eating and drinking for 1 – 2 hours;
  • the medicine is poured into a special chamber using a pipette or syringe ( most often included with the device);
  • solutions used for inhalation must be at room temperature;
  • Before and after the session, parts that come into contact with the medicine or the child’s nasal cavity should be disinfected.
Solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer
Due to the design features of such a device, not all types of remedies traditionally used for a runny nose can be used. Thus, herbal infusions, essential oils and any suspensions, even with the smallest particles, cannot be used in a nebulizer. Nebulizers, which use ultrasound to turn the medicine into a mist, do not use antibiotics. Inhalation of antibiotics can only be carried out using compressor or membrane nebulizers.

Drugs that are used for nebulizer therapy for children's runny nose are:

  • antiseptics ( miramistin, furatsilin);
  • restorative ( tonsilgon, rotokan);
  • anti-inflammatory ( budesonide);
  • antibiotics ( dioxidine, gentamicin).
Also, to soften and moisturize tissues, children with a runny nose are inhaled with mineral water ( Narzan, Essentuki), saline solution.

Steam inhalers
A steam inhaler is a device that heats medicine and turns it into steam through a tube. Since such inhalations involve exposure of the mucous membrane to high temperatures, these procedures have a sufficient number of contraindications.
Steam inhalations are excluded at temperatures above 37 degrees, because hot steam will worsen the child’s condition. Steam inhalation is not carried out for heart disease, bronchial asthma and a tendency to spasms in the bronchi. The age of a child from which a steam inhaler is permitted is 6 years.

The rules for steam inhalation are as follows:

  • one hour before and after the procedure, all physical activity should be avoided;
  • after completing the session, you should not go out into the open air for 2–3 hours;
  • You can eat and drink after 1 – 2 hours;
  • session duration varies from 10 to 15 minutes;
  • number of procedures per day – from 3 to 6;
  • steam temperature ( installed on the device) – from 50 to 60 degrees.
Steam inhalation products
Not used in steam inhalers pharmacological preparations, since when heated they significantly lose their healing properties. The best option for such procedures are various herbal infusions.

Plants from which solutions for steam inhalation are prepared are:

  • plantain;
Household devices for inhalation
Inhalations using household utensils are the most simple method, since they do not require special devices and instruments. In order to carry out this procedure, in any convenient container ( deep bowl, saucepan) hot herbal decoction is poured. The child needs to tilt his head over the dish and inhale the hot steam. The inability to regulate the temperature increases the likelihood that the steam will burn the mucous membrane. Also, during such procedures there is a high risk that the container with hot liquid will tip over. Therefore, inhalations using household devices are not recommended for children under 14–16 years of age.

Treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating runny nose in children can reduce the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the child’s condition. Preparations made from herbs and natural products help relieve nasal congestion, get rid of other symptoms and strengthen the child’s body. The use of folk remedies significantly improves the patient’s condition, but at the same time does not cancel visiting a doctor.

Treatment methods offered by traditional medicine for children's runny nose are:

  • nasal rinsing;
  • nasal instillation;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • heat compresses.

Rinsing the nose for a runny nose in children

Nasal rinsing is carried out in order to clear the sinuses of mucus and normalize the respiratory process. This procedure, when performed regularly and correctly, can reduce burning and dryness in the nasal cavity, as it moisturizes the mucous membrane. Biologically active substances present in some rinsing products stimulate the healing processes of tissues damaged by inflammation. Antibacterial solutions disinfect the mucous membrane, preventing the spread of infection.

How to rinse your nose?
There are 2 ways to rinse your nose. The first method is relevant in the initial stages of a runny nose, when there are no symptoms of the disease from other organs. To rinse, the child needs to take the solution into his right palm and close one nostril with the fingers of his left hand. Then you should tilt your head down and draw in the liquid with your free nostrils. After this, you need to spit out the solution and repeat the manipulation with the other nostril.

Second method ( deep) rinsing the nose is advisable when the runny nose progresses. This method can also be used to treat runny nose in young children, because its main actions are carried out by adults. The procedure is carried out in several stages.

The stages of deep nasal rinsing for a runny nose are as follows:

  • To rinse the nose, the child should lower his head down, and one of the parents should inject the solution into the nasal cavity using a special device. To administer the solution, you can use a medical syringe, a small syringe, or a rinsing kit ( sold in pharmacies).
  • The solution is injected without strong pressure into the right nostril. The child's mouth should be open and his tongue should stick out forward. An adult should definitely supervise this moment, as otherwise the child may choke on liquid.
  • Manipulation should be continued until the liquid poured into the nose reaches the oral cavity. After this, the child should spit out the solution and blow his nose.
  • Then you should repeat the manipulation for the left nostril.
Recommendations for nasal rinsing
The main rule of washing, which provides a therapeutic effect, is the regularity of the procedure. You should start rinsing your nose immediately after the first symptoms of a runny nose appear. After signs of improvement occur, rinsing should not be stopped. They need to be carried out until the child recovers completely. To increase the effectiveness of procedures, they should be done in accordance with certain recommendations.
  • You should rinse your nose as mucus accumulates. Be sure to carry out the procedure before bedtime so that the child falls asleep better.
  • The child should be fed before rinsing, as this will eliminate food particles deposited on the mucous membrane of the throat, which can aggravate the inflammatory process. After the session, you should abstain from eating for 1 – 2 hours.
  • The best effect is obtained by alternating different solutions, since each product has special action. When it's time to rinse your nose, ready solution no, you can rinse the mucous membrane with clean water.
  • Water for rinsing ( both for use in pure form and for preparing solutions) it is better to use distilled. If this is not available, it can be replaced with filtered or boiled water.
  • The temperature of the solution should be approximately 37 degrees. Hotter liquids can cause burns, and colder liquids can cause a decrease in local immunity.
  • You should not prepare rinsing compositions for future use. Each time it is necessary to use a fresh, just prepared solution.
  • The total duration of one procedure should be at least 5 minutes, during which 50 - 100 milliliters of solution should be used.
  • When rinsing, you should not strain your muscles too much, make sudden movements with your head, or sniff the solution too vigorously through your nose. The fluid pressure should be moderate, otherwise it may penetrate into the middle ear or paranasal sinuses.
Wash solutions
Herbal medicines are used for washing ( herbal infusions), as well as solutions based on salt, soda, honey and other natural products.

To prepare decoctions for washing, the following are most often used:

  • Calendula. The solution from calendula has a bactericidal effect and also reduces inflammation in the tissues of the nose.
  • Sage. Disinfects the mucous membrane and makes the mucous contents more loose, as a result of which it is eliminated faster.
  • Coltsfoot. Stimulates local immunity, which promotes more rapid recovery fabrics.
  • St. John's wort. Suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms and increases the barrier function of the nasal mucosa.
  • Chamomile. It stops the inflammatory process and also reduces pain, as it has an analgesic effect.
  • Oak bark. Due to its enveloping and astringent action it produces an anesthetic ( anesthetic) Effect.
To prepare a single serving of decoction, use a tablespoon of plant material ( dry or fresh) pour a glass of hot water. After 20 minutes of infusion, the product must be filtered and used for rinsing.

Products from which a rinsing solution can be prepared are:

  • Salt ( cook or sea). Use 2 teaspoons of salt per 250 milliliters of water. The saline solution removes fluid from the tissues, resulting in reduced swelling.
  • Soda ( food). A teaspoon per glass of water. Soda solution promotes the formation alkaline environment, which is unfavorable for pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Honey ( natural). The solution is prepared from a teaspoon of honey and a glass of water. Softens mucous membranes and acts as an antimicrobial agent. When using honey, you should be careful, as this product often provokes allergies.
  • Lemon fresh ( fresh juice). Due to the large amount of vitamin C, it increases the resistance of tissues to the action of microbes. Prepare a solution of 2 parts juice and 3 parts water.

Nasal instillation for a runny nose in children

Nasal drops for a runny nose are intended to moisturize and treat the mucous membrane with antibacterial properties. At the same time, parents should take note that the tissues of the child’s body are characterized by increased vulnerability. Therefore, children under the age of 6–7 years should not put onion or garlic juice, alcohol tinctures, or other aggressive agents into their noses. The best option for this age are products containing oils, as they soften the mucous membrane. The volume of oil should be equal to the volume of the remaining components of the drug. It can also be used for instillation in small children. various oils in its purest form.
Older children can put garlic or onion juice in their nose, but in diluted rather than pure form. When preparing such products, 1 part of onion or garlic juice is combined with 1 part of oil and kept in a steam bath for 15 - 20 minutes. Before use, the product should be cooled. Vitamins and valuable elements of such products increase overall immunity, which contributes to faster recovery. Drink plenty of fluids helps prevent dehydration, which is important at high temperatures. Also, at elevated temperatures, teas with antipyretic effects will help.

Drinking rules
In order for the drink to bring maximum benefits, you should follow some rules when preparing and drinking tea.

The rules for drinking when a child has a runny nose are as follows:

  • the daily fluid intake for a child is determined at the rate of 100 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight;
  • in order not to put a strain on the kidneys, the entire volume of liquid should be distributed evenly throughout the day;
  • the drink should not have a pronounced sour or sweet taste;
  • The temperature of the drink should be 40 - 45 degrees.
Drink recipes for runny noses in children
Drinks prepared according to traditional medicine recipes can have different action on the body. Thus, there are teas with antipyretic, expectorant and bactericidal effects. In addition to their main properties, the drinks produce a general strengthening effect, helping the child recover faster. The rules for preparing the drink depend on the starting components.

Rules for preparing a single serving ( 250 milliliters) drinks are as follows:

  • To prepare a remedy from medicinal herbs, add a teaspoon of the raw material to water, the temperature of which is not higher than 80 degrees. The tea should be consumed 15 to 20 minutes after it has steeped and cooled.
  • If the drink is prepared from fresh fruits or berries, they must be mashed to a pulp and filled with water no hotter than 50 degrees. Take a tablespoon of fruit or berry mixture per glass of water.
  • If the recipe specifies juice as the main component, it should be mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio.
Recipes for preparing drinks to treat runny nose in children

Main action


Additional effect


Reduces inflammation, replenishes vitamin deficiency.

Increases sweating, which helps remove toxins.

Orange juice

Thanks to vitamin C, it strengthens the barrier function of the child's body.

Inhibits the activity of many pathogenic microorganisms.


Liquorice root

Strengthens the body due to large amounts of ascorbic acid.

Iceland moss

Fights inflammation and strengthens the body, reduces intoxication.

It has a diuretic effect, resulting in faster removal of toxins.

Produces a slight calming effect and has an antiseptic effect.



Normalizes appetite and has an analgesic effect.

Relieves inflammation and has an anesthetic effect.

Heat compresses for runny noses in children

Compresses for a runny nose help improve blood circulation in the tissues, as a result of which the process of restoration of structures affected by inflammation is activated. The procedure also helps reduce pain.

Rules for performing a compress
The compress should be made in accordance with a number of rules, failure to comply with which can significantly worsen the child’s condition.

The rules for applying compresses for a runny nose are as follows:

  • The procedure cannot be performed if the body temperature exceeds 36.6 degrees. Also, you should not apply a compress if a runny nose is a symptom of purulent tonsillitis.
  • The application should be applied to the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and maxillary sinuses. Also, when you have a runny nose, use heat compresses to warm your feet.
  • Compresses are not recommended for children under 2 years of age.
Compress recipes
There are many recipes for compresses to combat nasal congestion, which use alcohol, kerosene and other aggressive substances. Such procedures are not recommended for children, as they can cause skin burns.

The types and methods of preparing compresses for a runny nose in children are as follows:

  • Potato. Several potatoes need to be boiled, then mashed them, to which you should add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 2 - 3 drops of iodine.
  • Curd. Fresh granular cottage cheese should be placed under a press to drain all the liquid. After this, the cottage cheese needs to be heated, placed in gauze, formed into a cake and used for a compress.
  • Rye. Prepare a homogeneous mass from rye flour and honey and heat it in a water bath. From the resulting dough you need to form cakes and use them to warm your feet and nose.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Bronchitis and even pneumonia. To quickly get rid of mucous discharge from the nose, you need to figure out why it appeared.


A one-year-old child may develop a runny nose for the following reasons:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Foreign body in the nasal passage. It causes an inflammatory process.
  • Effect of viruses (flu, ARVI). The most common cause of snot is rhinoviruses, which infect the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. To get rid of them, the immune system produces large amounts of mucus. Viral rhinitis appears with the onset of cold weather. When infected with viruses, nasal discharge is watery and clear.
  • Allergy. is seasonal. It can appear in spring or autumn.
  • Action of bacteria. Severe runny nose In a child with an increase in body temperature, bacteria cause it, in particular streptococci and staphylococci. The mucous discharge from the nose is thick, green, and has an unpleasant odor.

A persistent runny nose is often a consequence improper treatment. The reappearance of snot after a recent recovery indicates a weakened immune system or incomplete treatment.

Most often, a runny nose without fever is observed in children who attend kindergarten, because their immune system is unable to overcome great amount viruses and bacteria.

Which doctor treats runny nose in children of this age?

You should contact your pediatrician or pediatric ENT specialist. If nasal discharge is caused by allergies, then you need to consult an allergist.


A persistent runny nose is a serious problem, so you need to visit an ENT specialist. The doctor will examine the nasal cavity and may require examination using an endoscope.

To rule out sinusitis, your doctor will order an x-ray of your sinuses.

Features of the treatment of runny nose in children at this age

You should not self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a specialist to find out the nature of the origin of rhinitis. Approaches to treating a runny nose in a 1-2 year old child differ significantly, depending on whether it is caused by viruses, bacteria or allergens.


Before carrying out the main treatment, you need to rinse the nasal passages. For this purpose, saline solution, saline solutions or drops containing sea ​​water. You can wash it with Humer, Sanorin Aqua. You need to drop 2-3 drops into each nostril, and then blow the child’s nose. If he doesn’t know how to blow his nose on his own, then it’s worth sucking out the mucus with a blower or nasal aspirator.

If a runny nose in a 1-year-old child is accompanied by congestion, then you need to use children's vasoconstrictor drops, for example. But they can be used no more than 3-4 days in a row.

  • If rhinitis is caused by viruses, then antiviral drops for the common cold containing interferon are suitable.
  • The best cure for a runny nose for children caused by bacteria is antibiotic drops or agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable: Protargol and Albucid.

If treatment is delayed, you need to use homeopathic remedies and take vitamins to strengthen your immune system. Cinabsin tablets are homeopathic medicine. They are effective for sinusitis and relieve inflammation of the sinuses. The course of treatment is long, 2-4 weeks.

To activate the body's defenses, you can also use drugs in the form of a spray - Delufen or Euphorbium compositum. They prevent the addition of a secondary infection if treatment is delayed.

To quickly cure a runny nose in a child, it is necessary to maintain optimal conditions for his recovery. The room should have cool (22-23 ˚С) and humid (40-60%) air. The child should be given warm tea often.

Children under two years of age need to drink 1 liter of water.


Inhalations promote rapid recovery; after 2-3 days of treating a runny nose in a 1-year-old child, the amount of snot is significantly reduced. This result is achieved due to the fact that the medicine is distributed faster and more efficiently throughout the nasal mucosa.

How to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child using a nebulizer:

  • Lazolvan with saline solution to thin mucus.
  • Saline solutions for removing snot.
  • Sinupret with saline solution to relieve swelling.
  • Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt – good means if a runny nose is a symptom of a cold.
  • Naphthyzine to relieve swelling.

You should consult your doctor regarding the dosage of medications and the inhalation procedure.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine can be effective if a runny nose is caused by hypothermia or a cold. You need to rinse the child’s nose with saline solution, and drop 1-2 drops of aloe or Kalanchoe juice into each nostril. The latter promotes sneezing.

To improve breathing, you can use eucalyptus essential oil as an inhalation or place it in a plate near the bed where the baby sleeps.

You can use essential oils only in the absence of allergic reactions.

You can bathe the baby in a decoction of chamomile, linden or mint. Steam your feet and then pour mustard into your socks. At night, the sinus area should be lubricated with Zvezdochka balm.


Preventive measures are:

  • strengthening the immune system (hardening, healthy eating, taking vitamins, walking in the fresh air);
  • the use of antiviral drugs for the purpose of prevention during an influenza epidemic;
  • maintaining a healthy microclimate in the apartment (regular wet cleaning, ventilation).

If a child is allergic, then it is necessary to get rid of everything that can cause an allergic reaction.

A runny nose in children of a younger age group is not a harmless problem. It cannot be ignored. Due to discharge and nasal congestion, the baby is forced to breathe through the mouth, and for some children it is enough to inhale a couple of times cold air to get pneumonia.

Useful video about runny nose in children

Heavy formation of mucus in the nose, congestion and sneezing are the main symptoms of a runny nose. In children of the first years of life, it occurs especially often, since at this time immunity is formed, and the body learns to respond adequately to irritants.

A runny nose is not an independent disease. This is just a symptom, a manifestation of the underlying disease. Most children recover safely within a few days, but this does not mean that parents should not think about how to cure a runny nose in a child.

The basic rule in treating a runny nose in children 2 years old is to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

At the first symptoms of a cold, you should show your baby to a doctor and give medications only as prescribed.

The general principles of therapy are to provide symptomatic care and eliminate the root cause of the runny nose. It is also necessary to organize comfortable conditions stays for the child, helping to shorten the period of illness.

  • Air temperature and humidity. To prevent pathogens from multiplying, the room temperature should be maintained at 18-22 degrees and humidity at 55-65%. In such conditions, bacteria and viruses do not have the opportunity to survive outside the human body, which greatly reduces the likelihood of infecting loved ones and causing a secondary infection.
  • Ventilation. The more often you ventilate the room in which the child is located, the better. While windows and doors are opening, the baby should be taken out of the room and should not be exposed to drafts.
  • Cleansing the nasal passages. You should not allow mucus to stagnate in the nose, as this creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. Modern aspirators and devices for suctioning snot will help the mother quickly and effortlessly clean the baby’s nose. It’s good if the baby already knows how to blow his nose. This must be done correctly, alternately closing the nostrils and blowing out the mucus with moderate force.

Symptomatic therapy

You can start treating a runny nose in a 2-year-old child, if it is not possible to urgently see a doctor, using symptomatic means. The main medication that parents should always have on hand is an antipyretic.

For young children, it is best to give it in syrup form. Safe and proven medications are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, as well as their structural analogues. They must be given to the child in an individual dosage, calculated in accordance with body weight.

Nasal drops presented wide list on the pharmacological market, also provide a symptomatic effect. Most of them are vasoconstrictors.

These must be used strictly according to the instructions. Antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral medications can be given to the baby only after the nature of the runny nose has been established. If the symptoms are caused by allergies, then such drugs will not help.

Vitamin C can be used for symptomatic treatment. It causes regeneration of the mucous membrane, increases local and systemic immunity, and also has a detoxifying effect.


Will help quickly eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose vasoconstrictors. A child under 2 years of age should be given them only in the form of drops.

For children who have crossed this age limit, many manufacturers produce the medicine in the form of a spray. The attitude of doctors towards them is ambiguous.

On the one hand, spraying allows you to apply the drug to the mucous membrane evenly, and on the other hand, the medicine can reach vocal cords and provoke their reflex closure.

Drug and active substance Description

Naphthyzin, Sanorin.


Short-acting drugs (4 hours) can be used for no more than 3 days.

1 dose 4 times a day.

Vibrocil, Nazol Baby.


Helps cope with allergy symptoms, lasts up to 6 hours, can be used for no more than 7 days.

1 dose 3-4 times a day.

Rinostop, Snoop, Tizin, Otrivin.


They last from 6 to 10 hours, the permissible duration of use is 3-5 days.

1 dose 3 times a day.

Nazivin, Nazol, Nesopin.


Long-acting drugs that work for more than 10 hours cannot be used for more than 5 days.

1 dose 2 times a day.


Any cold remedies for children should be used after preliminary cleansing of the nasal passages. For rinsing, you can purchase a solution of sea or ocean water at the pharmacy: Aqualor, Rinostop, Aquamaris, Dolphin.

They are applied to the nasal mucosa, after which they are removed with an aspirator or blowing the nose. The saline solution cleanses the mucous membrane of infectious plaque, softens crusts, moisturizes the surface of the nose and improves the absorption of medications.

You can also prepare a rinse yourself: dilute a teaspoon of salt in a liter of warm water or make a herbal decoction.

A 2-year-old child should be rinsed with caution, as there is a risk for the baby of fluid entering the auditory tube, which can lead to subsequent inflammation in the ear.

How to do it correctly and full list safe and effective solutions - .

If the child already has signs of otitis, then irrigation cannot be performed. In such a situation, you can use saline drops (1-2 in each nostril) instead of spray devices.

Treating the root cause of a runny nose

Before treating snot in a 2-year-old child, you need to find out what causes it. To do this, you will need to describe to the doctor a more detailed clinical picture: the intensity of the runny nose, the color of the nasal mucus, whether there is congestion, cough or night snoring.

In most cases, the cause of the pathological condition is viruses: ARVI or influenza. In these cases, the child is prescribed immunomodulatory local agents ( Grippferon, Nazoferon, Genferon Light, Viferon ointment), as well as systemic drugs ( Arbidol, Anaferon, Tsitovir, Kipferon suppositories).

What other antiviral drugs are effective for young children -

If rhinitis lasts more than 5 days, and the color and consistency of the snot changes to thick and yellow-green, this indicates the addition of bacterial flora.

In this case, the child is prescribed prescription systemic antibiotics (penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins - in preference).

A runny nose in young children can also be a symptom of an allergy. In this case, the discharge is transparent, liquid, and its character does not change for 5 days or more.

A runny nose does not always require treatment. If the problem has a physiological origin, you can get by with symptomatic remedies, which are used in a short course as needed.

To eliminate a physiological runny nose, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the child and normalize the secretory activity of the mucous membrane.

Use of antiseptic drugs

Until it becomes clear what causes a runny nose in a 2-year-old child, antiseptics can be used. They have an antimicrobial effect and eliminate most pathogens in the nasopharynx.

The drugs have a drying effect, therefore significantly reducing the volume of mucus secreted, which makes it easier for the child to breathe.

It is important not to use antiseptics often or in large quantities, since drying out the inner lining of the nose reduces local immunity and allows the infection to spread unhindered.

  • Protargol is a solution based on silver ions, due to which it has an antimicrobial effect. Used for no more than 7 days in a row, 2-4 times a day.
  • Albucid or Sulfacyl Ntaria – eye drops, having a wide antimicrobial spectrum of action. On the recommendation of a pediatrician, they can also be used intranasally up to 6 times a day.
  • Chlorophyllipt is an oil solution based on eucalyptus. Used to treat the nasal mucosa 3 times a day. It eliminates staphylococcal infections well.
  • Miramistin or Chlorhexidine - used for viral, bacterial and fungal forms of rhinitis. Can be used as a preventative for nasal toilet, but no more than 8 times a day.

Antibacterial drugs

The advisability of topical use of antibacterial agents for the nose is still subject to heated debate.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that similar treatment does not help the baby, but only suppresses his immunity, therefore, if it is necessary to use antibiotics, he prefers to prescribe only oral medications.

Despite this, many pediatricians around the world prescribe green and yellow snot drugs:

  • Isofra - has a wide spectrum of action, with the exception of anaerobes, is used drip-wise three times a day;
  • Polydexa is an antibiotic that includes a vasoconstrictor component and is used 3 times a day in children over 2 years of age;
  • Sofradex is an antibiotic that is not prescribed only to infants; it is used for 7 days, 2-3 times a day;
  • Pinosol is a herbal antibiotic that has an anti-inflammatory effect, prescribed to children over 2 years of age with prolonged and vasomotor rhinitis.


A home remedy for a runny nose that can be used at the first sign of a cold in children is inhalation.

A nebulizer and an ultrasonic nebulizer will not give the desired result. Steam inhalations should be done with herbal decoctions (chamomile, thyme, eucalyptus) or an alkaline solution (soda, mineral water).

It is unacceptable to carry out hot inhalations if the child has an elevated body temperature.


Potato decoction, which was often used by the past generation to treat children, also does not have the desired effect, so it is considered a placebo medicine.

Permitted folk remedies

When a child’s snot does not go away, parents are ready to resort to the most unimaginable methods of treatment just to alleviate the baby’s condition.

Alternative medicine offers the following techniques:

  • teas, decoctions and fruit drinks (cranberry, raspberry, chamomile, with the addition of lemon and honey) - drink in unlimited quantities if the child does not have allergies;
  • warming the feet with hot water with the addition of mustard, after the procedure, put the child in bed and cover with a blanket;
  • aromatic baths with the addition of fir and eucalyptus oils, take only in the absence of hyperthermia;
  • instill aloe juice into each nostril 2-3 times a day;
  • oil drops with onion and garlic juice are used up to 4 times a day, have a side effect in the form of a strong burning sensation;
  • apply star balm under the nose to ease breathing;
  • warming the nose with salt or egg will relieve congestion (the procedure cannot be performed if there is a purulent runny nose or sinusitis).

Precautionary measures: what not to do

When treating a two-year-old child for a runny nose, you must not get carried away. Any drugs are used according to a medical prescription or in accordance with the instructions for use. If your baby shows signs of allergies or the condition worsens, you should immediately seek medical help.

  • begin treatment with the independent use of antibiotics (antimicrobial agents suppress good microflora and contribute to a decrease in immunity, which aggravates the course of rhinitis);
  • use sprays intended for adults, even if they coincide with the prescribed drops in terms of the amount of active substance;
  • create a steam room (clog the windows, wrap the baby) such conditions contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • force-feed (if a child refuses to eat, don’t force it; nutrition during illness is not as important as drinking plenty of fluids);
  • putting mustard plasters on a child under 2 years old, this can cause burns to delicate skin, and is also a completely useless procedure;
  • use medications for longer than recommended by the doctor (if the runny nose does not go away during the indicated course of treatment, the treatment should be reconsidered and the diagnosis clarified).

Acute rhinitis in two-year-old children is not a rare occurrence. Children especially often begin to get sick when they attend preschool institutions. According to WHO statistics, a runny nose that occurs no more than 10 times during the year and does not require the use of antibiotics is not a cause for concern for parents.

Runny nose and medications for the common cold - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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