After a cold, snot does not pass. How to cure a runny nose that does not go away for a long time

Minor deviations in health can lead to dangerous complications. Banal rhinitis can provoke many serious illnesses therefore, if a runny nose does not go away for 2 weeks in an adult, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why a runny nose does not go away - the main reasons

Prolonged runny nose- enough unpleasant pathology, which interferes normal life patient. If the snot in an adult does not go away for more than a week, the problem becomes a real torment. Runny nose can be caused wrong therapy respiratory diseases. Undertreated rhinitis is quite common, because the modern rhythm of life does not always make it possible to consult a doctor in a timely manner at the first sign of a cold.

The use of vasoconstrictor drops for longer than 2-3 weeks may contribute to the disruption of the normal functioning of the blood vessels in the nasal passages. The capillaries expand, causing nasal congestion, increasing the amount of secretions. In fact, such remedies should not be used for more than 5 days, even if the runny nose does not go away for more than a month.

Prolonged rhinorrhea without symptoms of a cold may indicate an allergic reaction of the body, which could occur on medications, plant pollen, house allergens. In this case, a runny nose can last up to 2 months if treatment is not prescribed and exposure to allergens is not eliminated. However, the most common cause of a prolonged runny nose may be its transition to chronic form.

Varieties of chronic rhinitis

If the snot does not go away for a long time, you need to urgently look for the cause. It happens that the patient's torment lasts up to six months. Purulent and mucous discharge from the nose, constant congestion most often appear with various types chronic rhinitis:

  • catarrhal;
  • vasomotor;
  • hypertrophic;
  • atrophic.


A runny nose that appeared on the background of respiratory diseases is not uncommon. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx often lead to copious discharge from the nose. At mild form disease, developed rhinitis passes quite quickly. Usually, a few days are enough for a complete recovery.

If a runny nose does not go away for a week, two, three - this is evidence that the pathology has developed into a chronic form. This condition is characterized by periodic exacerbations and attenuation of the disease for six months or more. During the period of remission, mucous secretions may stop, but itching, sneezing, and dry mucous membranes appear. The reason why a runny nose becomes chronic is most often not proper treatment.


If a runny nose does not go away for a month, vasomotor rhinitis may be the cause. The causes of this pathology are still not fully understood. It is reliably known that this type of disease is not characterized by an inflammatory process in the nose. Most often, the problem develops due to circulatory disorders in the mucous membrane of the lower nasal conchas. As a result of excessive vasodilation, edema develops, mucous secretions appear, which do not go away for months.

You can recognize vasomotor rhinitis by the color of the mucus. It is liquid, transparent and has no smell. Such snot lasts a long time and interferes with normal life. To alleviate their condition, patients have to constantly use vasoconstrictor drops which is absolutely impossible to do. As a result, instead of improvement, one can only get complications.


This type of rhinitis occurs due to thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. As a result, the normal mucosa is replaced by a denser fibrous tissue, which leads to squeezing of the vessels and impaired blood circulation. A runny nose provoked by such a pathology can last up to six months.

Why does a runny nose not go away for a long time in such a situation? The reason is the regular inhalation of caustic chemical substances, for example, at work, as well as the curvature of the nasal septum due to injury. specific treatment does not exist, the situation is resolved by surgical intervention.

Attention, the photo may be unpleasant to view.


If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, thinning of the mucous membrane may be the cause. Patients complain about constant pain and a burning sensation, especially when instilled. This disease is often accompanied by discharge with blood impurities and heavy bleeding.

How to identify the cause of a prolonged runny nose?

Prolonged runny nose can cause serious pathologies. What to do if a runny nose does not go away? Timely diagnosis will help to avoid serious complications. To determine the cause of rhinitis, a whole range of diagnostic measures will be required.

Laboratory diagnostics

If a runny nose does not go away for 2 weeks or more, you will need to pass general analysis blood with an expanded formula. An increase in the number of leukocytes indicates the beginning inflammatory process. In addition, the doctor may prescribe an immunofluorescent analysis of the imprints of the nasal mucosa. This method of research will help to identify viral agents in the body.

PCR analysis may also be required. It is used to determine a large number of pathogens that contribute to the development of many diseases. In this way, it is possible to detect mycoplasmal or chlamydial infection.

Instrumental Methods

  1. Rhinoscopy. This is one of the most informative ways to diagnose diseases of the sinuses, nasal concha and its cavities. The most commonly used anterior or posterior rhinoscopy. In the first variant, a small nasal mirror and a head reflector. For posterior rhinoscopy, a nasopharyngeal mirror and a spatula are used. At the same time, a study of the nasopharynx, nasal cavities, inferior conchas and visible openings of the Eustachian tubes is carried out.
  2. Endoscopic rhinoscopy is a modern technique that is prescribed for suspected development of sinusitis. With the help of a flexible endoscope, the nasal cavities can be more thoroughly examined.
  3. Diaphanoscopy - transillumination paranasal sinuses nose. This is one of the simplest and informative methods diagnostics used today. The procedure is carried out as follows: a bright light source is applied to the upper or lower sinus. If there is a pathology, the air sinus will not transmit light well. This technique is now used instead of radiography.

Patient examination, history taking and results comprehensive survey help to establish the correct diagnosis. Thanks to this, the most effective treatment will be selected.

Methods for the treatment of a long persistent runny nose

How to cure a protracted runny nose? Therapeutic tactics developed by a doctor based on established diagnosis. Depending on the cause that provoked pathological condition, a comprehensive course is selected, including the use of medications and folk remedies, as well as physiotherapy procedures.

A mandatory technique used in almost all types of rhinitis is washing the nasal cavities. This hygienic procedure helps to flush out bacteria, viruses, as well as pathological discharge. For this, doctors advise using products with a solution of sea salt:

  • Salin;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Quicks;
  • Dolphin.

Treatment of the common cold of a viral and bacterial nature

How to treat lingering runny nose due to impact pathogenic agents? The disease responds well to herbal therapy complex action containing essential oils. They have antiseptic and mucolytic action, facilitate nasal breathing and promote more active discharge of mucus. These funds include:

  • Cameton;
  • Pinosol;
  • Pinovit;
  • Vitactiv.

In addition, the use of vasoconstrictor drugs may be required. Maximum term treatment with such drops is 5 days, since longer use can lead to addiction, as well as the development of drug-induced rhinitis.

Therapy for allergic rhinitis

If the cause of a prolonged runny nose was exposure to allergens, then first of all you need to try to identify it and eliminate it. It is necessary to remove feather pillows, soft toys, curtains from the house for the period of treatment, as well as temporarily relocate pets to another place. Recommended daily wet cleaning to avoid exposure to house dust.

Apart from listed activities need treatment antihistamines. They are prescribed in the form of tablets, as well as drops. The most effective tablet means are:

  • Suprastin;
  • cetirizine;
  • Loratadine.

Nasal drops "Vibrocil" will also help to alleviate the patient's condition. They well relieve nasal congestion, eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, normalize nasal breathing.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

With this kind of protracted runny nose, it is most often used symptomatic therapy. Depending on the cause that caused the pathological condition, the following methods are used:

  1. Washing the nasal cavities. The procedure is carried out with preparations containing sea ​​salt or ordinary sodium chloride.
  2. The use of corticosteroids. Significantly reduce the number of exacerbations will help special hormonal sprays. The course of treatment with such drugs should be at least 30 days. Thanks to the cumulative effect, a mild effect on the body is provided. Another advantage of these drugs is their local action without absorption into the systemic circulation.
  3. Nasal block. This is a special procedure that involves the introduction of novocaine into the nasal cavities, as well as glucocorticosteroids. long-acting. It helps to reduce foci of inflammation and relieve swelling.
  4. Antihistamines. Antiallergic drugs are the basis of the entire complex of treatment. They help deal with copious secretions, sneezing and other unpleasant symptoms.

Methods for the treatment of other rhinitis

What to do if it doesn't last long severe runny nose in an adult? Of all the listed varieties of protracted rhinitis, atrophic and hypertrophic ones are the most difficult to treat. The latter requires mandatory instrumental or surgical intervention. Excess mucosa is cauterized, removed using cryotherapy, or a conchotomy is performed - partial or complete removal of scar formations.

The course of treatment of atrophic rhinitis is quite complicated. Medications in every specific case must be selected by a doctor. With frequent bleeding, the introduction of cotton swabs soaked in petroleum jelly into the nasal passages is prescribed. In addition, to normalize the condition of the mucosa, irrigation is carried out with the drug "Aevit". You may also need to use vasoconstrictor drops, antibacterial drugs, immunostimulants of general and local action.

Physiotherapy for prolonged rhinitis

Persistent runny nose - serious problem causing great discomfort. To date, there are many effective physiotherapy procedures that are an excellent addition to the main treatment of protracted rhinitis:

  1. ultrasound therapy. This method stimulates metabolic processes, enhances blood flow at the site of exposure, accelerates cell renewal.
  2. OKUV - irradiation with short ultraviolet waves. The procedure has a destructive effect on microbes, fungal microorganisms. Waves penetrate the cell and lead to a change or destruction of DNA.
  3. Endonasal electrophoresis. Evacuation medicinal substance under the influence of weak electric currents directly to the focus of inflammation. medicinal solutions used for therapy are much better absorbed into the tissues, which can significantly speed up recovery.
  4. UHF - ultra-high frequency therapy. This method is based on the effect of an electromagnetic field on the body. There is an acceleration of blood flow, lymph flow, as a result of which immune cells enter the focus of inflammation in a larger volume.

Folk remedies against a prolonged runny nose

If a runny nose in an adult does not go away for a long time, homemade recipes are also considered to be an effective addition to a medical course of treatment. Using many of them, you can significantly alleviate the patient's condition with prolonged rhinitis. How to treat such a pathology, which of the recipes are considered the most effective?


If a runny nose does not go away in an adult, inhalations at home will help. Effective means decoctions of medicinal plants are considered:

  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus;
  • pine buds.

To do this, 2 tablespoons of vegetable raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Then they breathe over the steam, wrapping their heads in a towel.

Nasal drops

If a protracted runny nose in an adult does not go away for a month, then you can use homemade nasal drops. In the absence of allergies, you can prepare drops from the juice of carrots, beets, onions. To do this, the squeezed juice is diluted with vegetable oil or clean water in the ratio 1:1. No less effective are juices from domestic plants of aloe or Kalanchoe.

If the runny nose is prolonged, self-prepared means are instilled into one nostril, 2-3 drops each. Multiplicity of application - up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Other home treatments

How to cure long-term rhinorrhea? If a runny nose does not go away for two weeks or more, after consulting a doctor, other methods can be used. With the development of rhinitis on the background of a cold, the condition can be alleviated by improving blood circulation throughout the body. Useful when sick breathing exercises and plentiful drink. All these activities will contribute to the speedy removal of pathogenic agents from the body.

A runny nose in an adult does not go away for a long time if it has acquired a chronic form or even turned into chronic sinusitis. Prolonged mucous discharge from the nose should not be ignored.

Chronic rhinitis can provoke sinusitis, cause intracranial, orbital (eye) complications.

Causes of long rhinorrhea

Long chronic runny nose can be provoked by improper treatment for a cold. This cause is quite common in adults. Abuse of vasoconstrictor drops for more than a week contributes to a violation of the tone of blood vessels, their expansion.

Prolonged rhinorrhea without fever and cough can mean an allergy that has arisen to drugs, infection or household allergens, such as dust, plant pollen that enters the apartment through the windows, tobacco smoke.

But the most common cause of a prolonged runny nose is its transition to a chronic form, and the occurrence of sinusitis. There is such a transition in adults as a result of undertreated acute catarrhal rhinitis.

Types of chronic rhinitis

Chronic nasal congestion, mucous and purulent discharge observed in rhinitis:

  • catarrhal;
  • vasomotor;
  • hypertrophic;
  • atrophic;
  • fetid (lake).

catarrhal rhinitis

Infectious respiratory diseases usually begin with catarrhal (inflammatory) phenomena - inflammation of the nasopharynx, conjunctiva of the eyes, bronchi, trachea. In catarrhal rhinitis, the discharge is so plentiful that the patient is literally tied to a handkerchief.

With a mild form of the course of the disease, active immunity, such a runny nose disappears in 3-5 days. But on average, acute catarrhal rhinitis, even with proper treatment, goes away in 1-2 weeks.

If a runny nose lasts longer than 2-3 weeks, then this means a transition acute form into chronic. This form of the disease is characterized by periodic exacerbations during the year, during which the nose is blocked and mucus is released.

During periods without exacerbations, there may be:

  • itching, burning in the nose;
  • dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • bouts of sneezing.

Vasomotor rhinitis

The periods of exacerbation of chronic vasomotor rhinitis continue for a long time. This type of disease is not associated with inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The reasons for this phenomenon are not fully understood.

But most often, vasomotor rhinitis is provoked by impaired blood circulation in the mucosa of the lower nasal concha. The blood vessels in this area are dilated, which is why edema develops, mucus is released, and a runny nose does not go away for weeks and months.

Standing out at vasomotor rhinitis slime is very similar appearance to clear, odorless water. The appearance of discharge from the nose is due to a violation of the function of the vasomotor (vasomotor) nerve.

Normally, the vasomotor nerve should control the diameter of the lumen of the blood vessels in the nasal cavity. With vasomotor rhinitis, the vessels are constantly dilated.

To narrow the blood vessels, you have to use vasoconstrictor drops, which, as you know, cannot be used for more than 5 days in a row. For today, people suffering chronic rhinitis, one has to face the problem of treatment from addiction to drops in the nose.

The problem of vasomotor rhinitis is solved surgically with help laser removal lower conchas of the nose. In 50% of those treated, it is possible to achieve a stable positive result.

Read more about vasomotor rhinitis in the article Vasomotor rhinitis.

allergic rhinitis

The mucous membrane of the nose serves to cleanse, warm the atmospheric air, and at the same time is a meeting point for volatile allergens. FROM atmospheric air allergens get on the nasal mucosa, contact with which causes chronic illness hay fever .

Why pollinosis occurs, how long it does not go away, how to treat a runny nose with such a disease in an adult, you can learn more in the article about allergic rhinitis.

Hypertrophic rhinitis

In hypertrophic rhinitis, the mucous membrane thickens, fibrous tissue, which compresses the blood vessels, disrupts blood circulation in the nasal concha.

The cause of hypertrophic rhinitis can be the inhalation of caustic chemicals, the curvature of the nasal septum. This disease is treated with surgical methods.

Learn more about the disease in the article Hypertrophic rhinitis.

Atrophic rhinitis

With atrophic rhinitis, the mucous layer becomes thinner, cells of the ciliated epithelium disappear on its surface. This type of rhinorrhea is characterized by bleeding from the nose, the appearance of blood impurities in the discharge.

If a runny nose does not go away for more than two weeks and there is blood in the mucous discharge from the nose, then the likelihood of atrophic rhinitis increases. This disease is also indicated by a strong burning sensation, even pain, when instilling vasoconstrictor drops, which are resorted to to get rid of the common cold.

Read Atrophic Chronic Rhinitis.


It is difficult to treat and rhinorrhea does not go away with such a disease as ozena - a fetid runny nose. Ozena has an infectious nature, characterized by degeneration of the nasal mucosa and paranasal cavities.

The thinned mucous membrane is covered with crusts, the patient's sense of smell worsens, or even completely disappears.

Adults suffer from ozena. The disease is treated surgically. And in order not to get sick with ozena, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene, especially if loved ones suffer from this disease.

Except infectious origin, ozena can also occur for other reasons, including:

  • lack of vitamins A, B, D, K, trace element iodine;
  • neurodystrophic causes - manifestation hormonal diseases, disorders of sympathetic innervation;
  • hereditary manifestations associated with structural features of the skull, nasal circulation.

A terrible smell during lakes appears as a result of the destruction of the proteins of the bones of the nasal cavity and their replacement with connective tissue. This process is accompanied by the release of hydrogen sulfide, indole, which determines the appearance of the smell.

Chronic sinusitis

The most common cause a runny nose that does not go away for more than a week in an adult is chronic sinusitis.

What to do if an adult has a runny nose for a long time - more than 2-3 weeks and even several months, what and how to treat a runny nose with chronic sinusitis, described in the heading "Rhinitis".

How to treat a long runny nose

Chronic runny nose of various origins is treated with:

  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • glucocorticosteroids for severe sinusitis, allergic origin of a protracted runny nose.

Medications should not be self-prescribed. It is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the cause of rhinorrhea. Thus, the allergic origin of the common cold is established by elevated level IgE in the blood, which cannot be detected without the help of laboratory diagnostics.

The complaint that I can not cure a runny nose often occurs in chronic smokers. Irritation of mucous by inhalation tobacco smoke can cause allergic inflammation, followed by swelling of the mucous membrane and the appearance of rhinorrhea.

In such a case, to get rid of a runny nose, it is enough to part with a cigarette. If an instant result cannot be achieved, then you can resort to home treatment methods with the approval of the doctor:

  • warm foot baths;
  • warm-moist inhalations or with a nebulizer;
  • sinus lavage.

Read about how to carry out inhalations for a cold for adults, methods of washing the nose, read in the materials of the headings "Washing", "Inhalations".

A runny nose that does not go away for a long time is a focus chronic infection. Due to the proximity of the brain, such a time bomb must be treated in the ENT room, do not self-medicate, especially if the runny nose lasts more than 2-3 weeks and often recurs within a year.

Read also:

How to quickly cure a runny nose in an adult;

The best sprays for a cold;

Folk remedies for the common cold.

Prolonged runny nose in an adult is considered a frequent occurrence. It is accompanied by breathing problems, itching, headache, and nasal discharge.

Girl with a handkerchief

A cold with quality treatment goes away within a week. If a runny nose does not go away in an adult, then they consult a doctor.

A protracted runny nose has many causes from an allergic reaction to infectious diseases.

Causes of a prolonged runny nose in an adult

Prolonged runny nose occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  1. During the cold was not provided full treatment and after the illness the runny nose still continues.
  2. The use of drops leads to the development of the chronic stage.
  3. Protracted rhinitis in an adult occurs under the influence of an allergic reaction.
  4. Symptoms linger after injury. Inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs after mechanical, thermal or chemical damage. If the injury is small, then wound healing agents are used. AT difficult cases assisted by surgery.
  5. Prolonged rhinitis appears when exposed to aggressive substances. Copious mucus arises from smog and smoke.
  6. A prolonged runny nose in an adult occurs as a result of complications after influenza or SARS. Do not delay the treatment of the disease.
  7. Sinusitis is one of the causes of long-term illness. These are frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoditis.
  8. One of the causes of prolonged rhinitis is dry air in the room. This happens during the heating period with heaters. A humidifier is used to increase the humidity in the air.
  9. Common causes include weak immunity and the development of adenoids.

Adenoids - schematic representation

You need to find out the causes of the problem. To treat the disease, it is worth strengthening the immune system.

Prolonged runny nose in an adult is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of abundant mucus;
  • difficulty with nasal breathing;
  • lack of smell;
  • itching;
  • the appearance of headaches;
  • accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx;
  • there is insomnia and fatigue.

Treatment of a prolonged runny nose involves stimulating the immune system, restoring the mucosa and preventive measures.

medicinal rhinitis

Medicinal rhinitis is determined by a significant duration. It arises as a result long-term use drugs that have a vasoconstrictive effect.

Medicines with a similar effect help with nasal congestion, but if they are taken regularly, then over time the swelling will become worse. In this case, addiction to the drug occurs and the nose is constantly stuffy.

Drug rhinitis occurs as a side effect of medications.

It has the following symptoms:

  1. Manifested transparent secretions out of the nose and sounds like an allergic reaction.
  2. This causes congestion in the nasal passages.
  3. The mucosa acquires a bright red hue.
  4. There is swelling of the nasal cavity.
  5. The nose is burning and dry.

It often occurs in people with heart and vascular problems.

How to cure an ailment

If a runny nose does not go away in an adult for a long time, then the following procedures are used:

  1. Laser treatment is applied.
  2. Physiotherapy will help cure a long runny nose in an adult.
  3. In difficult cases, an operative method is used.

Allergic rhinitis in the treatment involves the following areas:

  1. Identification and exclusion of the allergen.
  2. Application antihistamines: loratadine, zyrtec or citrine.

This type of runny nose is treated by an allergist. Rheumatoid rhinitis requires a special approach.

Long-term rhinitis can be treated with baths, inhalations or healthy drinks.

If the disease does not go away, then the doctor prescribes washings and antibiotics.

Treatment of a prolonged runny nose in adults is carried out in the following ways

  1. If the body temperature is not elevated, then warming up the legs with mustard baths is used.
  2. Inhalations are carried out with the addition essential oils or with herbal preparations.
  3. It is recommended to instill the nose with juice from natural vegetables.
  4. Hot drinks with an immunostimulating effect are consumed.
  5. Massage of the nasal sinuses is performed.
  6. The doctor prescribes oral medications.

Special treatment is required for pregnant women and for people with chronic diseases.

Folk methods

Treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults folk remedies involves washing with the following solutions:

  1. Decoctions from the following herbs are effective: calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves.
  2. Washings are performed with a solution of a drop of iodine, 1 teaspoon of salt and a glass of warm water.
  3. At allergic rhinitis washings are carried out with solutions with the addition lemon juice or salt.

A protracted runny nose in an adult can be cured with the help of inhalations from herbal mixtures: oregano, linden or chamomile.

Drops are used for colds natural origin. For this, juices are made from Kalanchoe, garlic, or you can treat a runny nose with aloe.

Aloe is applied as follows:

  1. The leaves are washed and wiped dry.
  2. Then they should be wrapped in dark paper and left in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  3. Then the juice is squeezed out.
  4. The juice is used throughout the day and should be at room temperature.
  5. Buried in a few drops, four times a day.

Mummy is used for a cold. For this, 0.4 grams of the substance is taken and diluted in 50 ml of warm water. Bury should be 3 drops. A solution based on peach oil is made from the mummy.

0.1 gram of the substance is diluted with oil in a ratio of 1 to 5.

advantage natural remedies is that they do not harm the body and have a minimum of side effects. But do not actively self-medicate. If you are sick, you need to visit a doctor.

Preventive measures are being taken. You should not visit crowded places during periods of epidemics, avoid hypothermia of the legs and colds. At any time of the year, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Among the others preventive measures can be distinguished:

  1. Avoidance of irritating allergens: cigarette smoke or spicy food.
  2. Clean your home regularly to avoid dust buildup and dust mites breeding.
  3. Carry out systematic humidification of the room.
  4. Use a variety of herbal washes.

Means for treatment: tablets, drops and spray

To cure long runny nose in an adult, it is necessary to find out exact reason his appearance.

If a viral infection is present in the body, then viferon suppositories, anaferon or arbidol tablets are used.

During treatment, an adult should use moisturizers. To cleanse the nasal cavity are used: aqualor, aquamaris or salin. Moisturizers are based on sea water.

With abundant discharge from the nose and inflammation, drugs such as coldact, rinza or coldrex are prescribed.

Treatment of a prolonged runny nose in adults occurs with the help of vasoconstrictor medications.

These sprays or drops contain the following substances:

  1. Xylometazoline is found in xymelin.
  2. Oxymetazoline in Nasol or Nazivin.
  3. Sanorin contains naphazoline.

The drugs differ in duration of action. Do not use them for more than a week.

For complications, antibiotics are used. Such drugs are used in the form of aerosols. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

The following drugs are distinguished: isofra, bioparox. Antibiotics are not used for viral diseases.

Choice medicinal product and the method of treatment depends on the nature and duration of the coryza.

It's no secret that with improper treatment, the patient develops a chronic nature of the disease. On the one hand, a runny nose is a harmless and common phenomenon, but it brings a lot of trouble. This article will help you understand how to avoid serious diseases.

Causes of a protracted cold in an adult

  • The common cold has not been fully cured.
  • Use of nasal drops for a long time.
  • Allergy.
  • Upper damage respiratory tract.
  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
  • Consequence from improper treatment respiratory diseases.
  • Painful process of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Not enough humidified air in the room.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Inflammation of the lymphatic tissue.

What to do if a runny nose lasts more than 2-3 weeks?

Usually a runny nose passes quickly. If a runny nose lasts 2-3 weeks, this indicates poor-quality treatment. Therefore, it is especially important to identify the cause of the common cold.

After being examined by a doctor already prescribes a course of treatment. After all, we may not even know that we are infected with some kind of virus, which can subsequently become chronic.

Vasomotor syndrome

Vasomotor rhinitis- this is the result of improper filling of the blood vessels of the nose, resulting in swelling of the turbinates. More susceptible to this disease female half over 20 years old.

Distinctive features:

  • Congestion appears suddenly and quickly passes.
  • Discharge from the nose is clear, like mucus.
  • Mucus drains from the nasal cavity back wall larynx.
  • Sneezing.
  • The ability to smell is reduced.

What happens:

Reflex - develops as a result of:

  • allergic reaction to food.
  • from hypothermia.
  • under the influence of other external conditions.

Medication - appears:

  • with prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops.
  • Some medications that lower blood pressure have this side effect.


  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • brain tumors.

allergic rhinitis

allergic rhinitis- this is the hypersensitivity of the immune system to the effects of an allergen.

What can contribute to the onset of the disease:

  • Dirty room;
  • dust mites;
  • Flowering plants;
  • Medicines;
  • Insects.

What does the person feel like?

  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Nasal mucus is clear;
  • Irritation in the nasal cavity, which is constantly itchy;
  • Tearing and redness of the eyes.

Why does an adult have green snot with a runny nose?

Normal flow disease- This is a discharge from the nose that does not have a color. Green snot indicates a bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract.

In such snot, the cells responsible for fighting pathogens of various infections die.

So if you don't start timely therapy, then the disease will only progress and become chronic.

Medical treatment

Competent treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a laboratory examination.

The main course includes:

Washing the nasal cavity with solutions:

  • Physiological;
  • Based on sea water;
  • Antibacterial;
  • With a mineral-vegetable complex.

Instillation of the nose with vasoconstrictor drops:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Naphazoline;
  • Rinostop.

These drugs relieve puffiness, but the duration of use is not more than 5 days

drugs that kill harmful microorganisms and relieve inflammation:

  • Protargal;
  • Albucid.

At severe course diseases are prescribed local antibiotics:

  • Isofra;
  • Bioparox.


This is a spray that can be used in treatment by both adults and children from 2 years old in different dosages.

Applies in the following cases:

  • Removal of swelling of the nasal mucosa with a healing effect, promotes the release of secretions.

Improvement comes in three days. The maximum course is a week.

Do not prescribe:

  • During pregnancy;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • During lactation;
  • Operations to remove or destroy the pituitary gland, carried out through the bottom of the Turkish saddle and the sphenoid sinus;
  • Children's age up to 2 years.

Protargol and Kollargol

Protargol, drops forming a protective film, constricts blood vessels, prevents the spread of microbes.

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Allergy.

An analogue with the same composition of Protargol can be called Kollargol.

Homeopathic remedy Corizalia

Corizalia tablets are not used as the main medicine, but only as a supplement. Its main advantage is completely mineral components. It is actively used in the treatment of the upper and lower respiratory tract, and also reduces the symptoms of severe rhinitis.


  • Allergy sufferers;
  • Children under 2 years old.

Traditional medicine

Washing the nasal cavity:

  • Per glass boiled water half a teaspoon of salt is taken at room temperature, and salt can also be replaced with soda;
  • In 250 ml boiling water put 1 tablespoon of yarrow, or chamomile, eucalyptus, oak bark, sage, succession in equal amounts;
  • Propolis tincture 15 drops added to 250 ml of water.

The solution is drawn into the syringe and thus the nasal sinuses are washed.


  • Juice is squeezed out of aloe leaves and diluted with water one to one, beets and honey are also good;

Garlic and onion


  • garlic or onion is kneaded into gruel and poured with boiling water. These pairs are recommended to breathe for five minutes 2 times a day.


  • The bulb is taken juice is squeezed and added vegetable oil in a ratio of one to three.
  • In garlic juice oil is poured and steamed for 30 minutes, after which it can be used.
  • Honey, onion and water. A tablespoon of water and honey is poured into three tablespoons of gruel.

Soft dosage form:

taken in equal amounts onion juice, Vishnevsky ointment, aloe pulp, cyclamen root, everything is thoroughly mixed and ready.

Horseradish and mustard

Pungent flavor and the vapors emitted by horseradish, as well as mustard, have a beneficial effect in the treatment of the common cold. The gruel from these components causes sneezing, thereby freeing the nose from bacteria.

Foot warming

  • Water is poured into the dishes so that the shins are closed.
  • Add boiling water if necessary.
  • Place a towel and socks nearby.
  • The water temperature is 38 - 39 degrees, boiling water is added to the water every 3 minutes. This procedure continues 15 minutes before bedtime.
    After warming up, the feet are wiped dry and socks are put on. To improve the effective properties, potassium permanganate, an infusion of sage, chamomile, mint, calendula, St. John's wort, string are added to the water.

Steam inhalation

  • Boiled potatoes in their skins put the pan, cover with a blanket and breathe until the broth cools down.
  • Into boiling water oregano, chamomile, eucalyptus are added, infused and inhalation can be done.

Warming up the nose

  • The salt is heating up in a frying pan, placed in soft cloth bags. The patient lies on a flat horizontal surface, bags of salt are placed on the maxillary sinuses.
  • Eggs are hard boiled wrapped in fabric and also warm the nose.
  • Lamp with ultraviolet rays.

Any warming up is done within 15 minutes, after which rest is recommended.

hot drink

At the doctor's appointment, we constantly hear: hot drink.

But what does it give anyway?

  • Removes bacteria that are dangerous to the body;
  • Wetting the lower respiratory tract;
  • Replenishes the lack of fluid in the human body.

Nasal lavage

What does it give:

  • Harmful microorganisms and dust particles are washed out;
  • Disease prevention;
  • Strengthening blood vessels, cells begin to work better;
  • Mucus removal - loose nose.

Balm "Star"

The composition includes only plant substances.

Indications for use:

  • Prevention and treatment of colds.
  • Inflammation of the nerve roots entering the intervertebral foramen.
  • Stretching of joints, tendons.
  • Pain in the head, toothache.
  • Damage skin as a result of external factors.
  • A hard lump on the skin that for a long time subjected to friction.
  • Excessive accumulation of fluid in the lower extremities.
  • Skin itching, allergic reactions.

Do not use: during pregnancy, children under three years of age and with allergies

As you can see, this inexpensive and completely natural drug has wide range testimony.

Nasal drops

Vasoconstrictor- do not treat a runny nose, but suppress some symptoms. With prolonged use, the mucous membranes dry out, the blood vessels become thinner, as a result of which bleeding begins.

  • Naphthyzin
  • Afrin
  • Nazol

Hormonal - used as anti-inflammatory, increase resistance to disease, antibacterial, with allergies. They do not treat, but remove any signs of discharge from the nasal cavity.

  • Flixonase
  • Nasonex
  • Aldecin

Moisturizing - to clear the nasal passages. Used in combination with the main drugs.

  • Aquamaris
  • salin
  • Physiomer

Antiviral- Designed to kill bacteria.

  • Derinat
  • Ergoferon
  • Ingaron


  • IRS 19

Against allergies:

  • Allergodil
  • Fenistil

With antibiotics - treat:

  • Rinil
  • Polydex

Herbal and oily - moisturize and soften:

  • Pinasol
  • Vitaon

Homeopathic - reduce symptoms:

  • Aflubin
  • Engystol

Prevention of rhinitis and sinusitis

  • Take a contrast shower;
  • Ventilate the room;
  • Do exercises in the morning;
  • Be more often in the fresh air;
  • Limit contact with sick people;
  • A varied diet, fewer fast carbohydrates.

It is considered normal to have colds 2 times a year, so if you get sick more often, you need to see a doctor for a comprehensive examination. And only then start treatment.

Often, patients ask an otolaryngologist a question about what to do if a runny nose does not go away. It happens that a cold, flu or other respiratory disease has already receded, and nasal discharge makes itself felt for a long time. To understand why a runny nose does not go away for a long time, you need to figure out what reasons could cause it, and only then take up treatment. If a runny nose has not gone away for a week, then there is nothing wrong with that, but if it has not stopped for longer, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

A runny nose in an adult and a child can occur for a number of reasons, most often it appears as a symptom respiratory disease. If a runny nose has not passed for a month, then a complication has arisen and proper treatment is necessary. Rhinitis, which has developed as a result of SARS, usually stops in one to two weeks. If it lasts longer, then a doctor's consultation is necessary. In children, a runny nose and cough can be delayed for a longer period. It's all about sputum hypersecretion, but if the mucus comes out normally, does not contain purulent impurities, then there is no reason for concern.

Stages of development of the common cold

Runny nose develops as follows:

  1. First stage. It's called reflex. Immediately on the same day when contact with the pathogen occurred (it does not matter if it is a virus, an allergic agent, low temperatures, bacteria), a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels begins, which then expand, causing hyperemia and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. There is dryness and burning sensation in the nose, the person begins to sneeze. This stage lasts only a few hours.
  2. The second stage is catarrhal. It will stop in the next two or three days. Nasal breathing becomes difficult, the sense of smell is either reduced or disappears completely, watery discharge is observed from the nose.
  3. Third stage. After 3-5 days, the symptoms continue, but the nasal discharge becomes mucopurulent and green, yellow, or brownish. This stage lasts for several days, after which the person recovers. But if the immune system works poorly and cannot overcome the infectious process, or the person continues to be in contact with the allergen, then the runny nose does not go away for a long time.

Causes of prolonged runny nose

Why does a runny nose go away for more than a month? Prolonged rhinitis, which is not able to stop, is caused by non-viral agents. This is most likely:

  • infection of bacterial origin;
  • sinusitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • allergy.

When a person's immunity decreases, then to any viral infection bacterial can join. A predisposing factor is viscous sputum that has accumulated in respiratory organs. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs in the last stages or after a cold.


  • yellow or green nasal discharge;
  • there is a purulent admixture;
  • temperature;
  • reception antiviral drugs inefficient;
  • more than 2 weeks snot and a strong cough do not go away.

If rhinitis is bacterial, then in most cases the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and tonsil becomes inflamed. Cough in this case occurs due to the flow of mucus along the back of the throat.

Treatment of bacterial rhinitis must be prescribed by a doctor, usually antibiotics and nasal drainage are necessary. saline solution or special antibacterial agents. If the infection of a bacterial nature is not completely cured, then the runny nose will become chronic (it does not take a month or more, it has relapses several times a year).

Sinusitis is also accompanied by a prolonged runny nose, it may not go away for 2 months or even six months. Sinusitis is caused by both bacteria and viruses. In this case, the outflow of mucus is blocked and ideal conditions arise in the sinus for bacteria to develop there. The outflow of mucus may be obstructed by cysts, polyps, deviated septum nose and tissue swelling. All these phenomena are considered provocateurs of sinusitis.

Pathology can be of several types, the division occurs based on the location of the focus of inflammation:

  • sinusitis - in the maxillary sinus;
  • frontal sinus - frontal sinus;
  • ethmoiditis - ethmoid labyrinth;
  • sphenoiditis - sphenoid sinus.

With sinusitis, nasal discharge may not go away for a very long time. Cough disease, as a rule, is not accompanied and is treated in most cases only with antibiotics. A sinus puncture may also be prescribed to achieve a normal outflow of mucus. After sinusitis in acute stage the doctor is able to offer an operation to align the nasal septum (if it has become the cause of the disease), otherwise relapses will not take long.

If a runny nose does not go away for a long time and there are no other symptoms of a respiratory disease, then most likely it is allergic rhinitis. It can last for several years, periodically appearing and disappearing.

Allergy can be:

  • seasonal - for flowering plants;
  • household - on dust, pet hair;
  • food - for food, etc.

How to treat allergies, the doctor should explain based on the cause and severity of the disease.

With allergic rhinitis, a person often sneezes, nasal discharge is watery and does not change its color and consistency over time, the temperature does not rise, and the reaction occurs only in the presence of an allergen.

What to do if a runny nose does not go away and there is no infection and allergy? In this case, it makes sense to think about vasomotor rhinitis. With this type of runny nose, it is disturbed vascular tone nasopharynx, this may occur with problems with thyroid gland, with iodine deficiency, nasal injuries, long-term use of drops with a vasoconstrictive effect, with hormonal changes, tumors and cysts in the nasal cavity. Treatment is surgical. To diagnose, you need to consult a specialist.

What can be done?

What to do if a runny nose in an adult or a child does not go away for a long time? The very first thing to do is to go to the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine for what reason there is a prolonged runny nose, he, if necessary, will prescribe additional tests and diagnostics, and then, based on the collected material, will determine the correct solution.

These can be antiviral, antibacterial, vasoconstrictor drugs, washing the nasal cavity with saline, special salt formulations, inhalation and physiotherapy procedures, and surgical intervention. The choice of therapy should be determined only by the doctor. People's Councils Of course, they can bring relief, but you should not use them without the advice of a specialist, since self-medication can lead to various complications.

Antibiotics that are prescribed for persistent rhinitis:

  • Augmentin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Cefodox;
  • Cefposil;
  • Midecamycin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Neomycin etc.


  • Eden;
  • Cetrin;
  • Aleron;
  • Tigofast;
  • Erius and others.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies can relieve symptoms and speed up recovery, but it is not effective to use only them for a prolonged runny nose, drug therapy required.

Grate a medium onion on a fine grater and pour 0.5 cups of boiling water, then strain and dissolve 1 tsp in the resulting liquid. honey. Bury in the nose to eliminate a bacterial infection.

mix Peach oil(100 g) and mummy (1 g). Bury in the nose with dry mucous.

Weld egg, wipe it with a cotton cloth and apply hot to the sinuses. Be careful, in some cases it is dangerous to warm up the sinuses!

Complications caused by prolonged rhinitis

If an infection from the nasal cavity enters the auditory tubes, then there is an inflammatory process. Otitis symptoms:

  • earache;
  • congestion;
  • hearing loss;
  • temperature;
  • fast fatiguability.

Otitis, in turn, can cause a lot of serious complications, so its treatment should be immediate.

Polyposis is a formation that occurs as a result of the growth of mucosal tissue. Most often it is caused by a prolonged runny nose. infectious nature. This gives rise to headache, nasal congestion, complete loss of smell. As a rule, polyposis accompanies frontal sinusitis or sinusitis.

Complications of a prolonged runny nose can lead to very serious consequences- this is an irreversible loss of smell and hearing, the spread of infection further into the body, including the brain. Therefore, if a cough and runny nose do not go away within 3 weeks, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Perhaps everyone is familiar. It can occur as a sign of colds, allergies, and other illnesses. Most often, the symptom manifests itself in the cold season, when the body is most susceptible to hypothermia.

Almost always, a runny nose is the result of the penetration of viruses into the body. Sometimes it can be accompanied by fever and general malaise.

Some people constantly suffer because their runny nose does not go away. They have something to think about, because this is a symptom of inflammatory processes occurring in the body, signaling that something is wrong. If a runny nose does not go away, it is best to consult a doctor who will apply one of the modern techniques. But you can use non-traditional methods.

So, if a runny nose does not go away, try the following exercise. You need to sit down as comfortably as possible, relax, cover the top of your face with your hand. The other hand should be placed in the area. Now imagine how the nose is cleared of secretions. After 20 minutes, relief will come.

This method of self-hypnosis is very effective when a runny nose does not go away.

You can also cure rhinitis with two pairs of socks and Put thin socks on your feet, pour the powder into dense ones and pull them on top of thin ones. Wear them for two days. Warming up the legs is a great way, but this method cannot be used when there are some wounds, cracks on the legs.

You can get rid of annoying nasal discharge by lubricating your feet with iodine and putting on warm socks. Iodine is applied every 5 hours until the disease has passed.

One of the most simple means- treatment of nasal passages with warm olive oil. It not only warms well, but also softens irritated mucous membranes. You can repeat the procedure as often as necessary in order for relief to come.

If you are a supporter of experimental medicine, then these methods are quite suitable for treating a runny nose that has not gone away for a long time.

It should be noted that none of them can harm the body, so they can be safely used in the treatment of children.

But if these methods seem ineffective to you, then contact your doctor with your problem. Perhaps the point is not only in the low effect of drugs, but in something else. You may need surgery to get rid of it. Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of this phenomenon and prescribe a treatment that will lead to the desired result.

This is very important, as discharge left unattended can cause serious diseases associated with the nose, throat and ears. Therefore, do not treat the common cold as an annoying little thing. It is necessary to pay attention to him and finally cure. After all, free breathing is the basis of the full functioning of the body. Be healthy!

Prolonged runny nose in an adult is a rather unpleasant and common phenomenon. Almost everyone faces this problem in the cold season, and only a person with strong immunity can stay healthy. Runny nose is the first sign colds, it can also proceed on its own without other symptoms of a cold. It is customary to call long-term rhinitis that does not go away within 2 weeks.

Causes of a prolonged runny nose in an adult

An adult does not have a runny nose for a long time for certain reasons:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the state of the environment. If the work is associated with harmful substances, a person is forced to stay in a dusty room for a long time, there is a possibility of developing chronic allergic rhinitis.
  2. Runny nose long time can disturb a person and at home , this occurs in the case of the development of allergic reactions to household dust, as well as dust mites.

There are other causes of a prolonged runny nose in an adult, including: excessively dry air in the room.

Usually there is a lingering from dry air during the heating season.

You can solve the problem of dryness of the nasal mucosa by increasing the humidity of the air, for this you need to use a humidifier.

Otolaryngologists sometimes talk about congenital causes old runny nose. According to them, many congenital diseases and anomalies disrupt the normal functioning of the nasopharynx, resulting in a constant discharge of excessive amounts of mucus from the nose. Among these anomalies are violations in the structure of the facial skeleton - the curvature of the nasal septum, the increase and deformation of the nasal concha and other pathological processes.

In rare cases, a runny nose does not go away for a long time due to the development of systemic hereditary diseases among which Kartagener's syndrome is most often observed. With the development of this disease throughout the human body, there is a violation of the functioning of the ciliated epithelium, which ensures the removal of mucus from the mucous membranes. As a result of such disorders, mucus begins to stagnate and accumulate in the nasopharynx and bronchi. The disease manifests itself with rhinitis and, while a secret of yellow or yellow-green color can be released from the respiratory tract.

Among the causes of a prolonged runny nose in adults, experts call some autoimmune diseases. It could be:
Wegener's granulomatosis rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, systemic scleroderma, in which often there is a prolonged rhinitis.

Medicinal runny nose for a long time

In otolaryngology, there is such a concept as medicinal runny nose, which is also characterized by a long course. The disease is caused by the improper use of vasoconstrictors, in some cases it occurs in the form side effect when using certain medications. Medicinal, or drug-induced rhinitis is manifested by abundant transparent discharge from the nasal cavity, resembling an allergic reaction of the body. Also, this form of a prolonged runny nose can be manifested by the congestion of one or two nasal passages at once.

Drug rhinitis caused by long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs is called "rebound" runny nose. It develops when the course and dosage of taking vasoconstrictor drops or sprays is exceeded.

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult: drugs for the treatment of a prolonged runny nose

Most people do not know what to do if a runny nose in an adult or child does not go away for a long time. First of all, you should definitely visit the specialist's office in order to examine the nasal cavity. The otolaryngologist, based on the condition of the nasal mucosa and the patient's complaints, will make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment for the disease.

Treatment of a prolonged runny nose should be immediate, comprehensive and systematic. At the same time, one should not forget about its effectiveness and safety for the patient. To get rid of the inflammatory process, you need to take medical preparations and some physiotherapy.

How to cure a protracted runny nose in an adult, a specialist should say.

Patients usually wait for an appointment really effective means, since prolonged rhinitis is usually accompanied by nasal congestion, copious mucus secretions, headaches, impaired sense of smell, general weakness and discomfort.

Treatment of a prolonged runny nose in an adult is not complete without the use of medications aimed at strengthening the walls of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. As a result of such therapy, blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the body improves, and all previously impaired functions of the nasopharynx are restored. Such drugs, as a rule, do not have side effects, but can be addictive.

These drugs are contraindicated in patients who have been diagnosed with medicinal rhinitis", because it vasoconstrictors and provoked the development of the disease.

How to treat a protracted runny nose in an adult: pills, drops and spray

Some experts, when asked by patients how to treat a protracted runny nose in adults, prescribe medication in tablets and Flixonase for washing the nasal passages. Such therapy relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and contributes to a more rapid removal of mucus from the nasal passages.

Often with prolonged rhinitis, the mucous membrane is damaged, it becomes inflamed, and crusts form on it. Children's cream-balm Healer, which can also be used by adults, will help get rid of this. They need to be lubricated nasal cavity 5 times a day, until the intensity of the manifestation of rhinitis decreases, then it is enough to put the balm in the nose just before bedtime.

Another option on how to treat a prolonged runny nose is alternation and Nasobek.

How to treat prolonged runny nose with irrigation?

Do not forget about such a procedure as irrigation, which is a washing of the nasal cavity in order to cleanse it of pathological contents - mucus and pathogens. For irrigation, the following solutions are most often used:

  • saline solution - ½ tbsp. warm boiled water is used 0.5 tbsp. l. sea ​​or ordinary salt;
  • chamomile solution - 1 tbsp. l. salt per glass of chamomile infusion;
  • eucalyptus solution - 1 tsp. eucalyptus oil in a glass of boiled water.

The procedure is effective for allergic, viral and bacterial rhinitis. After it is carried out, nasal breathing improves and the amount of mucus secreted decreases. For irrigation, you can also use sprays based on sea water or a special Dolphin device.

Knowing how to cure a prolonged runny nose, you can avoid the development of many complications.

Against the background of prolonged rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and other serious diseases often occur.

If you have questions for the doctor, please ask them on the consultation page. To do this, click on the button:

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9 comments on ““Prolonged runny nose in adults: causes and treatment””

    And here I am, I don’t like all these washings at all. Maybe, of course, I did something wrong, but the fact remains, I washed my nose somehow before otitis media. That is, everything went into the ear ((Then I was treated for another month. So now I’m treating a runny nose exclusively with evamenol ointment. It is completely safe in terms of composition and helps just fine. And it doesn’t cause any side effects.

    Inna, sprays only irrigate the nasal mucosa, they wash out the very minimum. The nose must be rinsed according to all the rules by special means. Dolphin, for example. I’ve been using it for a couple of years with colds - it always helps out, after the first wash my nose breathes easier, plus all the mucus, dust, microbes and so on are washed out. A few days and no runny nose.

    • Don't know. I personally use morenazal spray and it cleans and moisturizes my nose very well. Our domestic spray at a low price, that's why I use it ...

      • Yes Yes. I also use the seaside. Spray really effectively fights against the common cold. I also like that it is dosed and nothing is poured out, and the plastic bottle is also very convenient, you can safely carry it with you.

        I just want to add, I used to also save myself with a decoction of chamomile, the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect is excellent. Now again there was a runny nose to green snot, bacterial and Morenazal spray with chamomile appeared, no need to suffer from brewing, you can carry it with you. Ingredients - all natural and made in Russia. I advise! children and pregnant women can, which is important.

I wonder why the snot does not pass for a long time? The answer largely depends on what period you consider "long". If the snot does not pass within 7-10 days, you should take care.

As a rule, snot that arose against the background of the flu, colds or runny nose passes within 7-10 days. If the mucous discharge lasts longer and nothing helps you, this is an occasion to urgently consult a doctor.

What are the benefits of snot?

Every day, the mucous membrane of our nose produces 1-1.5 liters of mucus, most of which runs down the throat. When the mucosa is irritated by allergens, as well as various infections, the amount of mucus increases, its color, texture, and smell change.

Mucus, which we call snot, moisturizes the mucous membrane of our nose, protecting it from drying out, and also prevents bacterial and viral infections and other minor infections from entering the body. foreign bodies. Snot consists of dead cells of the mucous membrane and a special substance mucin. Mucin determines the viscosity of snot and delays the entry of harmful viruses and infections into the body.

Reasons why not passing snot for a long time

If you or your child does not get rid of snot for a long time, this may indicate allergic rhinitis. With allergic rhinitis, the body is constantly in contact with allergens, which, when they enter the body, provoke the formation of histamine. It is the histamine produced during allergies that leads to symptoms such as: chronic runny nose, conjunctivitis, cough, skin rashes.

Most often, allergic rhinitis occurs when you are allergic to house dust, plant pollen, animal dander, mold spores. The main difference between allergic rhinitis and the common cold is the absence of an increase in body temperature.

Another common reason why green snot does not pass for a long time is sinusitis or sinusitis. Sinusitis or sinusitis most often occurs as a complication after the flu or a cold. With sinusitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs, which leads to respiratory failure, as well as to the accumulation of a bacterial, viral or fungal infection in the paranasal sinuses.

The green color of the snot, which does not pass for a long time, arises from the fact that during the struggle of white blood cells with infection, the former die, releasing a green pigment.

If, against the background of a prolonged runny nose, you have greenish-blue snot, this may mean that Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a life-threatening bacterium that is very difficult to treat, has entered the body.

Do I need to treat green snot that does not go away for a long time with antibiotics?

There is a misconception that green snot requires mandatory treatment antibiotics. It is not true. Antibiotics can only be prescribed by a doctor and only if the cause of snot that does not go away for a long time is bacterial infection. In relation to a viral infection, which can also lead to the formation of green snot, antibiotics are useless.

What to do if snot does not pass for a long time?

If you or your child does not pass snot for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor and carry out the necessary medical examination. In no case should you self-medicate and self-diagnose, this can harm your health and lead to the development of complications.