Very long runny nose. What to do if a runny nose in an adult does not go away for a long time

There is an opinion that a runny nose is a disease that does not require treatment and always goes away by itself. This is only partly true. Normally, rhinitis should not last longer than a few days, but there are many factors that can change the natural course of recovery. Weakened immunity, additional hypothermia during the period of illness, bacterial infections translate an innocent runny nose into a protracted stage. If a cold persists, it is important to respond in a timely manner and find out the cause of this condition with the help of professional diagnostics.

The usual runny nose disappears in 5-8 days - this is the period the body needs to stop producing antibodies and “attack” the enemy. Last days they go to finally deal with the virus and restore damaged mucous membranes. The above terms apply only to treatment with conservative methods. If antibiotics are involved, the suppression of the virus will begin within a few hours after taking the drug. In this case, the disease can pass in a couple of days.

A runny nose that lasts up to two weeks can be justified by the insufficiently active work of the immune system, weakened during the period of illness. However, if the symptoms do not go away even after this period, the visit to the ENT cannot be postponed. This situation is fraught with the formation of chronic rhinitis, facial edema, respiratory and hearing disorders, arthritis, and numerous inflammatory diseases.

This condition may be caused by:

  1. Specific and chronic forms of rhinitis.
  2. Allergy.
  3. One form of sinusitis.
  4. Deformation of the nasal septum.

In addition, a prolonged runny nose can be a symptom of the presence of neoplasms in the nasopharynx (polyps, cysts) and inflammation of the adenoids.

Complications with rhinitis

The cause of disease progression is external factors: climatic adaptation, abundance of dust, malnutrition, and internal - hormonal failure, disorders endocrine system, stress.

Note! A common form of the disease is the so-called "false rhinitis", which develops as a result of the unsystematic use of drops that constrict blood vessels. Due to the habituation reaction of the capillaries, the mucous secretions become more abundant, which leads to mucus stagnation. To prevent the consequences, it is better not to use the drops more often than 2-3 times a day and finally stop taking them after a week.

Allocate the following types prolonged rhinitis:

  1. catarrhal. In addition to duration, this species different from classic rhinitis total defeat nasal sinuses and pharynx. In the absence of complex treatment, it risks going into a relapsing form.
  2. Vasomotor. Symptoms are similar to allergic reactions: copious nasal discharge, sore throat, sneezing and irritation in the eye area. The disease is more susceptible to people with cardiovascular diseases, hypotension. In the absence of treatment, complications are possible in the form of otitis media, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
  3. atrophic. In addition to the usual clear secretions this type is distinguished by the presence of nosebleeds. There is severe congestion, a feeling of dryness in the sinuses, loss of sensitivity to odors.
  4. Hypertrophic. This type of rhinitis develops as a result of rapid growth breathable tissue. The reason may be chemical substances or trauma resulting in deformed nasal cavity.
  5. Ozen. With this type, the nasal bones atrophy, which leads to an abundant accumulation of secretions, the formation of crusts. The disease is treated by conservative methods, but under the indispensable supervision of a specialist.

Video - What is rhinitis and what to do about it

allergic rhinitis

When an irritant from the group of allergens enters the body, immunity manifests itself in the form individual symptoms including rhinitis. The reason for the occurrence of reactions can be a lot of factors, ranging from heredity, and ending with the unexpected appearance of a cat in the house. Any allergen substance that does not bother you during your life can remind you of yourself during a period of immunity instability. Irritants are often individual foods, pollen, dust, animals, chemicals, and more.

Note! It is impossible to completely get rid of allergies. The susceptibility of the body is an innate factor that cannot be completely corrected. However individual course, compiled by a specialist, can relieve allergy symptoms.

Allergic rhinitis is divided into seasonal and year-round. The symptoms of each type are slightly different:

SymptomSeasonal ARYear-round AR
Nasal dischargewaterythick
Difficulty breathingPeriodicallyConstantly, especially at night
Tearing eyesRegularlyAlmost missing
Difficulties with smellMissingAlmost always
Influence of the presence of animalsNotYes
The effect of cloudy weatherFeeling betterFeeling worse
or does not change

If you are unable to determine the allergen yourself, in order to stop all possible contact with it, consult an allergist. He will help you find the "enemy" and prescribe drugs to relieve symptoms.

Sinusitis and its types

The most common form of sinusitis is sinusitis, or inflammation of the sinuses. There are special cranial cavities called maxillary - they are directly connected to the nasal cavity. If the excess mucus in rhinitis causes this connection to close off, the natural feeling of the sinuses becomes impossible. Inflammation, swelling and accumulation of pus result in sinusitis. The reason may be congenital pathology nose, weak immunity, the presence of adenoids. Young people are more susceptible to the disease than older people.

In addition to the classic symptoms of rhinitis, sinusitis also causes pain in the head and facial area. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that inflammation occurs in the immediate vicinity of the brain. Sinusitis requires mandatory, most often surgical treatment. Performing a puncture under anesthesia, the doctor releases pus and frees the nasal space. AT difficult cases endoscopy may be used.

Each type of sinusitis differs from others in its localization:

  1. Frontitis - inflammation takes place in the frontal part, nasal discharge is often purulent.
  2. Sinusitis is a lesion of the maxillary zone.
  3. Ethmoiditis - inflammation of the cells lattice labyrinth.
  4. Sphenoiditis is an inflammation of the sphenoid sinus.
  5. Pansinusitis is the most severe form, affecting all the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses. Most often overtakes people with extremely weakened immunity.

Nasal septal defect

Few people can boast of a nasal septum without violations, however, significant deviations can lead to chronic rhinitis. Due to violations bone structure the air flow is in the wrong direction. This leads to a disruption in the functioning of the mucosa and other tissues, there may be serious problems with breath. Often, patients with this pathology cannot inhale through the nose at all - only through the mouth.

If the curvature of the septum was not congenital, the cause for it may be:

  • injury and damage;
  • frequent and severe colds;
  • neoplasms in the nasal cavity;
  • deformation of cartilaginous protrusions as a result of adaptation to external conditions.

Prolonged rhinitis in pregnant women

Often expectant mothers face a long-lasting runny nose. Such an ailment is one of the body's reactions to hormonal changes, and you should not be afraid of this - although a visit to a specialist will not be superfluous. Many treatments that help in other situations will be powerless here. The most effective method of treatment is considered to be rinsing the nose with saline solutions. They can be purchased at pharmacies ready-made or do it yourself:

Most safe remedy treatment of persistent rhinitis in pregnant women is nasal rinsing with saline solution

  1. When using ordinary salt, the solution is prepared in the proportion of one teaspoon per glass of water.
  2. If you take sea salt, the number of spoons can be increased to two or three.
  3. Use only filtered, purified water. Poor quality water, once in the sinuses, will only aggravate the course of the disease. For best result you can buy mineral, non-carbonated water in a bottle.

Important! Women in position should avoid drops that constrict blood vessels in order to facilitate breathing. In parallel with the vessels of the mother, the state of circulatory system umbilical cord, which is unacceptable for the fetus. Other medicines should also be treated with caution and coordinate their use with an allergist. This applies not only to modern, but also folk methods of treatment. Some of the remedies are not compatible with each other, are not suitable for pregnant women and will only aggravate the situation.

Protracted runny nose: how to treat?

The main methods of treatment for you will be able to establish an ENT - after diagnosis and determination of the causes of the disease. Self-medication in this case is contraindicated - prolonged rhinitis can be a symptom of a hidden, more serious disease. home treatment It is possible only as a complex supplement to the prescription prescribed by a doctor.

An excellent remedy for a prolonged runny nose - inhalation

  1. Use antibacterial drops herbal preparations. You can make such drops yourself by mixing tablespoons of yarrow and oregano with 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Rinse your nose with solutions of salt, aloe juice and onion at least 4 times a day.
  3. Arrange inhalations using hot decoctions of herbs, coniferous needles and cones, boiled potatoes. Inhale the fumes carefully so as not to damage or burn the airways.
  4. Do leg soaring. It is better to use a bucket for this purpose so that the lower leg is completely covered with water. Top up from time to time hot water, at the end of the procedure lasting at least 20 minutes, put on socks with mustard.
  5. Do warm-ups with bags of grain, sand or salt, which must be applied to the sinuses. You can also use boiled eggs, or special devices and lamps for these purposes.
  6. Drink as much hot liquid as possible.
  7. Be sure to exclude smoking: it exacerbates inflammation.

Video - How to get rid of nasal congestion

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

  1. Helps alleviate and eliminate allergy attacks the following vitamins: C, B12, PP, B5. Helps reduce irritation and inflammation zinc compounds, fish fat and linoleic acid. At the same time, remember that an excess of vitamins can act as an allergen in and of itself. The required dose must be agreed with a specialist. From folk remedies, vegetable decoctions have proven themselves well: calendula, celandine, chamomile, yarrow, nettle, etc.
  2. Because the the largest number irritants are listed among foods, it is better to stick to a diet to prevent painful conditions. The main point is an exception to the menu allergenic products, as well as an excess of spicy, salty and sweet. Without fear and doubt, you can eat cereals, boiled meat, vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.), fruits without a pronounced sweet taste.
  3. If the allergen is dust, you need to pay close attention to cleaning the apartment. Ventilate the room regularly and carry out wet cleaning Use the vacuum cleaner at least twice a week. If possible, remove carpets, cushions, soft toys and other items from the room that contribute to the accumulation of dust and the emergence of dust mites. Use special hypoallergenic pillows, excluding fillers in the form of feathers.
  4. You should be extremely careful with cosmetics, and if possible, reduce their use to a minimum. Do not experiment with buying new cosmetics, as well as household chemicals.

If a conservative methods treatment of rhinitis will be ineffective, the doctor will conduct special tests and prescribe suitable antibiotics. Timely self-care and adherence to the recommendations will protect you from complications and help you return to your usual quality of life.

Runny nose is common in winter, autumn and early spring. It does not arouse suspicion in anyone, because it passes on average in a week. But sometimes a runny nose is delayed and in this case you should carefully consider the problem. What to do if a runny nose does not go away for a long time and what to do if a runny nose does not stop for more than ten days - read on.

The usual runny nose most often appears in the cool season due to the weakening of our immunity and is associated with the wide spread of viruses. They are transmitted by airborne droplets so it's easy to get infected. Usually, the course of a runny nose goes through several stages, after which recovery occurs.

  1. reflex stage. This is the moment when rhinitis is just beginning due to exposure to the nasal mucosa. annoying factor. They can be allergens, viruses, bacteria, foreign bodies. The first reaction of the body is vasoconstriction, but then, under the influence of substances released in the tissues of the mucous membrane, the vessels expand. This results in swelling and dryness of the mucous membrane. The duration of the phase is several hours.
  2. catarrhal stage. This period is characterized by swelling, nasal congestion and an abundance of liquid transparent mucus that "poured" from the nose. The duration of this period is 2-3 days.
  3. On the 4-5th day of the disease, the mucus becomes thick and green-yellow, which is associated with the activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora nasal cavity.
  4. Recovery. Around the 7-10th day, the symptoms begin to fade and the runny nose gradually disappears.

A long runny nose should make you suspicious, since normally this pathology lasts no more than 10 days. If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, do not waste time and immediately proceed to radical treatment, as complications can be dangerous and unpleasant.

Types of runny nose

"?" - This is a natural question to which the patient should know the answer. Generally speaking, all types of rhinitis can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. Infectious. The reason for this is the activity of pathogenic microflora in the nasal cavity, as well as viral infection.
  2. Vasomotor. Occurs with circulatory disorders in the nasal cavity. The cause of such a pathology can be both diseases of the blood vessels in general (for example, vegetovascular dystonia) or abuse of drops for vasoconstriction.
  3. Allergic. allergic rhinitis found in people with high level sensitization to various antigens from the outside. This is often plant pollen, some products and smells, Poplar fluff.
  4. Traumatic. Due to injury, the shape and function of the nasal cavity may change, so you will experience difficulty in breathing, and a runny nose is also possible.

Also, the development of a runny nose is possible due to a violation of the function and structure of the mucous membrane. It can atrophy due to various factors (heredity, trauma, drug abuse, beriberi). Hypertrophy is an increase in the number of tissues in the nasal cavity, which makes breathing difficult and a lot of mucus is released (reasons: allergies, abuse of vasoconstrictor drops, hypothermia).

Causes of prolonged rhinitis and drug treatment

When a runny nose does not go away in an adult, this is suspicious. In order not to start the disease and help the runny nose go away as soon as possible, you should establish its cause and get rid of it.

bacterial rhinitis. nasal cavity - open system into which microorganisms from environment. Among them are many pathogenic species. Yes, and the mucosa itself is inhabited by many bacteria, which, with a decrease in immunity, can cause bacterial rhinitis. Signs of such a disease are:

  • Thick green or yellow snot;
  • Constantly elevated temperature;
  • Lack of response to antiviral drugs;
  • Long flow.

If you find yourself with such a disease, you can begin its treatment with antibiotics. It is advisable that the doctor take a smear and pass it on for sowing in order to determine the exact type pathogenic microorganisms and treat you effectively. Drugs for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis include , "Cefprozil" and so on.

Sinusitis. This is a dangerous and common consequence of neglected rhinitis, which is an inflammation of one or more paranasal sinuses. Often, a common cold develops into sinusitis due to a violation of the outflow of mucus caused by its too thick consistency, curvature of the nasal septum or polyps. Distinguish inflammation of the maxillary, frontal sinuses, sinuses of the ethmoid labyrinth and sphenoid bone.

During the disease, patients complain of pain in the head, especially under the eyes, on the forehead. It can also radiate to the teeth, cause elevated temperature, weakness, feeling of heaviness while tilting the head down.

Treatment of sinusitis involves the use of complex antibiotic therapy, nasal lavage with antiseptic solutions. Can be applied locally Amoxicillin", "Ceftriaxone", "", "Isofra".

Allergy. If you do not determine this condition in time, you will only harm the body with the wrong treatment. Most often, during allergic rhinitis, stands out a lot of colorless liquid mucus. This pathology is associated with the reaction of the body to any allergens.

Allergy sufferers are well aware of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. This is tearing, on the skin, swelling of the mucous membranes.

If you are sure that you have an allergy, then drugs such as " Nasonex", "Eden", "Aleron", "Cetrin".

To prescribe a more effective drug, contact an allergist to determine the allergen.

Vasomotor rhinitis: vascular proliferation

Vasomotor rhinitis. As mentioned above, this is a circulatory disorder in the nasal cavity. It may be related to:

  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Injuries;
  • Tumors and cysts of the nasal cavity;
  • air pollution;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Abuse of vasoconstrictor drops.

The latter cause is most often found in the case of vasomotor rhinitis. To eliminate it, it is enough to refuse to take drugs. If relief does not come, consult a doctor for advice. It may be necessary to do a vasectomy - the removal of excess overgrown blood vessels in an operative way.

Neoplasms of the nasal cavity. Often, the cause of a persistent runny nose are tumors in the nasal cavity, or polyps. It is impossible to get rid of these ailments at home - they are eliminated only by surgery.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you want to try traditional medicine, start with classic recipes:

  • . Chop a few onions and pour boiling water over them. Add two tablespoons of honey there and insist for two hours. After that, the drug can be dripped into the nose up to 6 times a day;
  • Peach oil. Take 100 grams of this product and add 1 gram of "mountain tears" - mummy. You can bury this drug 3-4 times a day;
  • can also be instilled into the nose up to 4 times a day.

Also, do not forget that healthy will help to recover. balanced diet. Consume more vitamins and trace elements, go in for sports, temper, walk more often and ventilate the house, and also take care of yourself from hypothermia in the cold season.

What to do if the runny nose does not go away?

We all want to be healthy, and we hope that such a simple symptom as a runny nose will quickly pass, but if it drags on, we should start with introspection. Think:

1. How long does a runny nose last?

2. Under what circumstances did it start?

3. What kind of mucus is secreted from the nasal passages?

4. What was the response to the treatment (if any)?

5. What other symptoms are there?

By answering these questions, you can get closer to answering the question of what is the cause of a prolonged runny nose. In any case, you should consult an ENT before starting treatment for a runny nose that lasts longer than usual.

I wonder why the snot does not pass for a long time? The answer largely depends on what period you consider "long". If the snot does not pass within 7-10 days, you should take care.

As a rule, snot that arose against the background of the flu, colds or runny nose passes within 7-10 days. If the mucous discharge lasts longer and nothing helps you, this is an occasion to urgently consult a doctor.

What are the benefits of snot?

Every day, the mucous membrane of our nose produces 1-1.5 liters of mucus, most of which runs down the throat. When the mucosa is irritated by allergens, as well as various infections, the amount of mucus increases, its color, texture, and smell change.

Mucus, which we call snot, moisturizes the mucous membrane of our nose, protecting it from drying out, and also prevents bacterial and viral infections and other small foreign bodies from entering the body. Snot consists of dead cells of the mucous membrane and a special substance mucin. Mucin determines the viscosity of snot and delays entry into the body malicious viruses and infections.

Reasons why not passing snot for a long time

If you or your child does not get rid of snot for a long time, this may indicate allergic rhinitis. With allergic rhinitis, the body is constantly in contact with allergens, which, when they enter the body, provoke the formation of histamine. It is the histamine produced during allergies that leads to symptoms such as: chronic runny nose, conjunctivitis, cough, skin rashes.

Most often, allergic rhinitis occurs when you are allergic to house dust, plant pollen, animal dander, mold spores. The main difference between allergic rhinitis and the common cold is the absence of an increase in body temperature.

Another common reason why green snot does not pass for a long time is sinusitis or sinusitis. Sinusitis or sinusitis most often occurs as a complication after the flu or a cold. With sinusitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs, which leads to respiratory failure, as well as to the accumulation of a bacterial, viral or fungal infection in the paranasal sinuses.

The green color of the snot, which does not pass for a long time, arises from the fact that during the struggle of white blood cells with infection, the former die, releasing a green pigment.

If, against the background of a prolonged runny nose, you have greenish-blue snot, this may mean that Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a life-threatening bacterium that is very difficult to treat, has entered the body.

Do I need to treat green snot that does not go away for a long time with antibiotics?

There is a misconception that green snot requires mandatory treatment antibiotics. It is not true. Antibiotics can only be prescribed by a doctor and only if the cause of snot that does not go away for a long time is bacterial infection. In a relationship viral infection, which can also lead to the formation of green snot, antibiotics are useless.

What to do if snot does not pass for a long time?

If you or your child does not get rid of snot for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor and carry out the necessary medical examination. In no case should you self-medicate and self-diagnose, this can harm your health and lead to the development of complications.

For adults constant runny nose gives a lot of trouble. The voice changes, the eyes water. The nostrils swell from frequent friction. Rhinitis can cause serious illnesses. A stuffy nose interferes with proper breathing. When a runny nose does not go away for months, it decreases physical activity, performance. Fatigue increases. The quality of life is noticeably deteriorating.

If the runny nose during treatment does not disappear within two weeks, it is considered protracted. The causes of such rhinitis are different: they can be caused by viruses, allergens, drugs. How to treat a runny nose, the otolaryngologist will answer. You need to contact him.

According to the nature of occurrence, experts distinguish several varieties of the disease.


A runny nose occurs as a consequence of SARS, manifested by an inflammatory process of a microbial or viral nature. It is characterized by constant secretion of liquid nasal mucus, severe congestion nose, accompanied by lacrimation. Often occurs with an increase in temperature. Treatment consists in the elimination of pathological factors. With the wrong choice of drugs goes into chronic form, sneezing and itching do not go away for a long time. In this case, complications are possible.


A common type of rhinitis, it can be very long. Manifested by a violation of the activity of the mucosa. It is characterized by a violation of the structure of tissues and a decrease in the conductivity of blood vessels. They swell, provoke inflammation of the mucosa. Allocations with such rhinitis are not very plentiful, but constant. They cause coughing, pain in the larynx. Flowing down the back wall, the mucus stagnates, becoming fertile ground for the reproduction of pathogenic flora.


Manifested structural changes tissues of the nasal cavity. Occurs for a number of reasons:

  • from regular hypothermia;
  • from constantly present allergens;
  • from the presence of infections or fungal spores in the body.

Rhinitis destroys tissues gradually. First, against the background of the inflammatory process, the mucous membrane and lower nasal concha are transformed. Then the process becomes deep, extending to the middle turbinates. are changing vascular walls, blood flow and lymph flow decrease, there are congestion, swelling. If such a runny nose begins to drag on, even bone tissue is affected. In this case, pathological tissue fragments are removed surgically.


It is characterized by focal seals of the mucous membrane of all parts of the nose. It is manifested by dryness in the nose, the formation of thick crusts, the release of thick yellowish mucus. It develops as a reaction to a stimulus. A runny nose in an adult does not go away for a long time when bacteria are present in the sinuses. Such rhinitis is accompanied by an unpleasant smell from the nose, and the patient does not feel it.

Atrophic rhinitis of a non-bacterial nature occurs against the background of:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • inhibition of the protective functions of the body;
  • hormonal changes;
  • damage bone tissue nose
  • lung diseases;
  • autoimmune disorders in the body.


Constant runny nose and nasal congestion in an adult occur after long-term treatment vasoconstrictor drugs. This type of drug-induced rhinitis is called rebound. Drops and sprays that relieve symptoms of swelling should not be used for more than five days.

A long runny nose is also caused by other drugs, for example, antiviral or stimulant. Nasal mucus with drug-induced rhinitis is secreted episodically, the structure resembles water. characteristic symptom- nasal congestion. It disappears only sporadically, more often at night. In the morning again there are discharges from the nose. From medicines, a runny nose does not go away for a long time in hypertensive patients, patients suffering from heart pathologies.

Rhinitis during pregnancy

Allocate a special kind of rhinitis, characteristic of the period of formation and growth of the fetus. Chronic runny nose occurs due to changes in the level of hormones in the blood. Zonal mucus does not cause particular concern to women. Rhinitis during pregnancy is treated only in extreme cases, when from copious discharge discomfort occurs. Reception medicines can harm the fetus, so they resort to folk methods treatment.

Causes of chronic rhinitis

When snot bothers you for a long period, this is the first sign that a runny nose has become chronic. It is characterized by episodic improvements in well-being, when the discharge from the nose disappears, but dryness of the mucosa appears, and crusts form inside the passages. With congestion in the mucosa, prolonged rhinitis is sometimes accompanied by expectoration of yellowish mucus - discharge from the nose flows into the trachea along the back wall.

Why else does the incessant runny nose occur? Due to natural changes, working conditions, regular house cleaning.

The main causes of the chronic form:

  • operation of the heating system in winter period(too dry air leads to drying of the mucous membrane, which begins to actively produce a mucous secret);
  • household dust (dust mites often cause allergic reactions, including a runny nose);
  • production factors: harmful emissions, chemicals, dust suspension;
  • congenital pathologies of the ciliated valve of the nose, leading to a curvature of the septum (regulatory function is disturbed, mucus is produced in large quantities);
  • natural allergens: animal hair, pollen;
  • autoimmune diseases: psoriasis, Wegener's granulomatosis.

Symptoms of a long runny nose

Bacterial or viral inflammation of the mucosa is accompanied by:

  • swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • hyperthermia;
  • constantly secreted nasal mucus of different density;
  • decrease in activity;
  • poor appetite;
  • loss of smell.

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • burning of the nasal mucosa;
  • sneezing
  • intermittent fluid discharge.

Vasomotor rhinitis due to vascular disorders, they are characterized by:

  • congestive manifestations in the nasal cavity;
  • changes in the color of nasal mucus from white to yellow-green;
  • increased secretion during stress, nervous tension;
  • causeless irritability;
  • feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • unilateral nasal congestion.

A runny nose of any kind is accompanied by frequent night snoring, ear pain, sleep disturbance.

Possible Complications

If it doesn't take long chronic rhinitis, there is a high risk of serious complications. They have a lot to do with breathing. In winter, this leads to inflammation of the throat, upper respiratory tract, edema ear canals. Often there are:

  • laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx);
  • pharyngitis ( inflammatory lesion lymphoid tissues of the throat);
  • otitis (inflammation of the ears);
  • sinusitis (inflammatory processes spread to the paranasal sinus region);
  • tracheitis, bronchitis and bronchopneumonia (inflammation of the airways);
  • sinusitis (inflammation maxillary sinuses located in upper divisions jaws);
  • adenoids (nasopharyngeal tonsils).

The inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa spreads to the eyes, causing dacryocystitis (inflammation of the tear ducts and lacrimal sacs).

Transformation of tissue structure during prolonged rhinitis leads to the formation of polyps ( benign neoplasms blocking the nasal passages). Hyposmia develops (partial loss of olfactory functions). Night snoring provokes violations of cardiovascular activity.

The most severe forms complications of chronic rhinitis - atrophic and hypertrophic lesions of the tissues of the nose. In the first case, the tissues gradually die off, in the second, they grow pathologically.


The type of rhinitis helps to establish diagnostic study. Rhinoscopy of the nose and its cavities will reveal changes in the mucosa. If an adult suffers from a runny nose for more than two weeks, he is sent for a detailed blood test. In the inflammatory process, there will be an excess of the norm of leukocytes.

The presence of viruses is determined by the cells of the nasal mucosa by the method of fluorescent markers. Radiography paranasal sinuses reveals congestion, the formation of pus.

Biochemical and general analysis blood, urinalysis are prescribed for rhinitis that occurs with fever. Intradermal tests help to identify the allergen that caused a prolonged runny nose. Bacteriological research nasal mucus helps to determine the type of pathogen and its tolerance to antibiotics.

Methods for the treatment of a long-standing runny nose

After comprehensive research, finding out the cause of a prolonged runny nose, making a diagnosis, the otolaryngologist prescribes a course of drug treatment.

As effective remedy for the preventive treatment of the nasal mucosa, sprays based on sea ​​salt: Aqua-Maris, Dolphin, Quicks, Salin.

Rhinitis of a viral and bacterial nature is quickly treatable. They begin to treat him comprehensively. The first three days are recommended to take vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, they alleviate the condition of the patient. Throughout the course, apply medicines with essential phytocomponents. Vitaktiv, Cameton, Pinovit and Pinosol eliminate swelling of the nose, soothe the mucosa, reduce the secretion of mucous secretions. Essential oils have antiseptic action. Improvement is accelerated by inhalations, physiotherapy.

Allergic rhinitis is cured by eliminating the reaction to the irritant. To do this, use histamine blockers in tablet form (Loratadin, Suprastin, Cetirizine,) or in sprays (Avamys, Dez Rinitis, Nasonex, Flixonase). Helps relieve inflammation complex drops(Vibrocil).

Eternal vasomotor rhinitis does not go away right away, minimum exchange rate treatment - 30 days. In addition to regular rinsing with salt water, corticosteroids are used, drugs that restore the structure of affected and necrotic tissues. Often, antiallergic drugs are included in the therapeutic complex.

Chronic rhinitis, complicated by polyps, adenoids, mucosal proliferation, is cured with the use of surgical methods. Pathological tissues are excised from the nasal passages, breathing is restored.


Physiotherapy procedures help to completely get rid of rhinitis. They complement medical treatment, restore protective functions organism.

Ultrasound (US) stimulates metabolic reactions, increases the permeability of capillaries, "starts" the process of cell regeneration.

UHF has a similar effect. Electromagnetic fields accelerate the movement of blood and lymph, protective properties organisms increase.

Treatment of the nasal cavity with ultraviolet (UV) leads to the death of pathogenic flora:

  • microbes;
  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • fungi.

Light microwaves dry the mucosa, after which the discharge from the nose decreases.

Under the action of pulsed electric currents (electrophoresis), the penetrating ability of the drug is enhanced. The drug penetrates into tissues to a greater depth, is better absorbed into the blood, starts its action faster.


Wet heating can only be done at normal temperatures. After them, you can not supercool during the chala. Steam is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth. How prophylactic used for inhalation saline. On the recommendation of a doctor, Interferon, antiseptics are added to it.

Strained infusions of herbs are poured into old-style inhalers. Alcohol extract from herbal ingredients Rotokan relieves puffiness, makes breathing easier. In the absence of inhalers, an ordinary pot with warm decoctions is used. The liquid temperature must not exceed +50°C. To keep warm longer, the patient is covered with a thick terry towel or a thin blanket.

Modern nebulizers are easy to use, transparent solutions are poured into them. Sick with chronic colds such a household item makes life easier. 5-15 minute inhalation procedures carried out before going to bed, reduce snoring, have a calming effect. Dry crusts soften from the steam, stagnant thick sputum is better removed.

Nasal lavage

Washing out of the nose of pathogenic flora and excess mucus cannot be carried out with curvature of the nasal septum, severe edema, polyps, adenoids, hypertrophy of closely spaced tissues blood vessels. In all other cases, washing helps get rid of rhinitis. They are carried out using a watering can with a thin nozzle, a teapot, a rubber pear. When using it, water is not pumped in strongly, it is poured in gradually so that the liquid does not enter the ear canals.

There are two ways to rinse your nose with a warm saline or herbal solution. When the water is directed from nostril to nostril, the head tilts as far back as possible towards the shoulder. The nostrils are washed alternately.

The flow of water from the nose to the mouth provides nasal rinsing and rinsing rear wall larynx.

Phytotherapy and folk remedies against a prolonged runny nose

For the treatment of the common cold, infusions and decoctions of calendula, chamomile, and yarrow are used. These herbs have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Celandine is effective for purulent rhinitis. Oak bark contains components that eliminate the friability of mucous membranes. pine buds and eucalyptus - sources essential oils. Oregano and linden soothe itching, burning.

For decoctions of herbs, proven raw materials are used, it is better to purchase it at a pharmacy. For inhalation, it is convenient to use filter bags, they eliminate straining.

Aloe is a good home doctor. Swabs soaked in the juice of this plant are placed in the nose. Kalanchoe has a similar stimulating cell restoration effect.

A long, lingering runny nose, which does not go away for weeks or months, often indicates no longer about common cold, but about serious chronic disease requiring complex treatment. If you observe the above alarm symptom, this is a big cause for concern.

Sinusitis or sinusitis

One of the most common causes long protracted persistent runny nose, it is considered to be diseases of the sinusitis series - these are frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis, and ethmoiditis. Such diagnoses are not functional disorders, but are directly related to inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx: in particular, due to polyps, a bacterial or viral infection, the sinuses are affected. As a result, the infection begins to expand, pus stagnates in the cavities, and the disease itself, if left untreated, causes serious consequences for the body, up to meningitis and deaths.

As a rule, the symptoms of a prolonged lingering runny nose, which does not go away for more than a week with and without other symptoms, are characteristic of the chronic phase of the disease. According to the general medical statistics, diagnosed on late stages development, when only one conservative drug therapy not enough to fix the problem.

In any case, if there is suspicion of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis or sphenoiditis, it is necessary immediately, who will prescribe an x-ray of the head, based on initial examination and additional tests Diagnoses the problem and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

How to treat?

The main stages of treatment of advanced chronic sinusitis:

  1. Cleaning the sinuses from pus or punctures in a hospital setting.
  2. The main powerful antibiotic drugs (for example,).
  3. Additional therapy with antihistamines, local action, if necessary - corticosteroids.
  4. Physiotherapy after removal acute phase disease development.


The second most common diagnosis, the cause of a prolonged runny nose is allergic reaction body to seasonal or specific stimuli. This immune failure cannot be completely cured, the only option is to reduce the symptoms of the manifestation of the problem and, if possible, exclude the detected allergen from the usual rhythm of life.

Allergens in this case can be dust, pet hair, poplar fluff, flowering plants and their pollen, chemicals, cigarette smoke and even individual products. If you have regular nasal congestion, constant allocation transparent mucus from the nose, sneezing and reddening of the eyes with increased tearing, then immediately contact an allergist who, with the help of tests, will determine the allergen, give recommendations for the prevention of rhinopathy and prescribe the necessary antihistamines and other measures that restore a normal quality of life and help avoid possible complications with health.

Specific rhinitis

A common cause of a runny nose that doesn't go away long time, become specific species rhinitis

  1. Catarrhal rhinitis in the chronic phase. This type of disease is a complication of common acute rhinitis and affects the pharynx with paranasal sinuses. Its characteristic symptoms are considered to be constant mucous discharge from the nose, common, especially in the supine position. This disease is treated in a hospital.
  2. Vasomotor rhinitis. The above neuroreflex disease is a consequence of persistent allergies and is non-inflammatory in nature. In addition to constant nasal congestion, the patient feels a burning sensation in the nose and eyes, suffers from bouts of sneezing, headaches in the back of the head, as well as copious serous secretions from the nose. The main principles of treatment in this case are to reduce the manifestations of symptoms, strengthen immunity and deactivate reactive reactions nervous system.
  3. Ozen. Severe atrophy of the walls and bone tissue of the nose leads to permanent nasal congestion, resulting in the formation of specific crusts in the nose, bad smell dark green. Treatment of this type the disease is mostly local, in some cases it is required surgical intervention.
  4. atrophic rhinitis. Cause given state it is considered to be atrophy of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity due to severe infectious diseases, injuries and harmful conditions living with the presence of an aggressive allergen in the air. This problem is characterized by nosebleeds, dry nose, severe airway obstruction, and loss of smell. Treatment is based on general therapy and application local preparations.
  5. Hypertrophic chronic rhinitis. The rapid growth in the nasal cavity, connective tissues leads to constant nasal congestion, headaches, decreased or complete disappearance of the sense of smell, as well as headaches in the parietal and temporal areas and the front of the head. Hypertrophic chronic rhinitis occurs against the background of damage to the nasopharynx, various chemicals, as well as due to the curvature of the nasal septum. This disease is treated exclusively by surgery.

What to do?

First of all, contact a specialized one - they will help you correctly diagnose the cause of the symptom and prescribe treatment. It is strictly not recommended to select drugs on your own, especially if you do not know for sure the possible diagnosis. As a preventive measure and additional symptomatic therapy, you can arrange regular nasal rinsing with saline solution. In addition, strengthen the immune system by quitting smoking and alcohol, engage in hardening procedures, visit more often fresh air, move more, normalize your diet, excluding all fatty, sour, very sweet things from it and including fresh vegetables, fruits, juices.

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