How to cause severe poisoning. Food poisons: what foods can cause poisoning and how to avoid it

Many doctors know how to poison a person at home and how to avoid suspicious signs, however, such an act is criminally punishable. Nevertheless, today some people resort to this method in order to eliminate a rival, often this happens in criminal communities.

Natural products are dangerous if you know what can poison a person. Death is influenced not only by pathogens, but also by compounds. A well-known poison is botulinum toxin, which is produced by special microbes that can multiply intensively in a protein environment. It is the cause of intoxication after eating spoiled canned food, mushrooms and other foods. IN digestive tract this toxin is not destroyed by enzymes and is absorbed into the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Persons who choose what to poison a person to death rarely choose botulinum toxin, since death in this case it is rare.

However, signs of illness can always be attributed to the last meal, during which canned goods, sausage and other unsafe foods were consumed. Symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting and dryness skin, after which paralysis of the striated muscles develops.

Most people are familiar with castor oil, but few are aware of ricin, a toxin found in castor bean seeds. Criminals looking for something to quietly poison a person often settle on this poison. It appears as odorless white crystals that dissolve in liquid, however, when boiled aqueous solution dangerous properties ricin disappears.

The toxic substance does not penetrate the skin; it acts only when it enters the body. In case of ricin poisoning, the latent period of intoxication varies from 15 to 24 hours, sometimes symptoms appear earlier. Yes, they are found intestinal colic, bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and hemorrhages on the retina.

If a significant portion of castor bean seeds enters the body, death occurs after 6 days due to damage to internal organs, as well as extensive bleeding.

This poison is sometimes chosen by attackers who think about how they can quickly poison a person. However, death is rare.

The poison of the toadstool was known to the medieval politicians and healers who knew how to poison a person to death. Today, scientists have found that the mushroom contains toxins such as phalloidins and alpha-amanitins, which act quickly and irreversibly; these substances are not destroyed by heat treatment.

The latent period without alarming signs lasts up to 40 hours before the poison enters the blood in large quantities and causes depressing signs of poisoning. It is characterized by diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration, as well as pale skin and increased heart rate. After a few days, extensive damage to internal organs - the liver and kidneys - occurs, and toxic hepatitis, after which death is pronounced.

How can you poison a person, if you do not take into account the above-mentioned means? The following components are used for this purpose:

  • atropine;
  • solanine;
  • aflatoxin.

Atropine is a substance from the group of alkaloids, found in plants - belladonna, datura, henbane and others. Intoxication occurs 1 hour after taking the poison; the degree of poisoning may vary.

Atropine is known to affect the structure of the brain, causing loss of coordination and damage to the heart and lungs. Death occurs infrequently due to an insufficient dose of toxin.

How to briefly poison a person? In this case, the solanine found in root vegetables is a suitable option. It can be found not only in potatoes, but also in tomatoes and eggplants.

Intoxication manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, cramping pain in the abdomen and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. However, it is unlikely that it would be possible to consume a large dose of solanine, which is why victims are not at risk of death.

In addition, aflatoxins are a common method of poisoning - a group of toxic substances secreted by a microscopic fungus. If stored improperly, it affects various food products, for example, dried fruits, milk, rice, tea and much more.

The poison in large quantities causes the death of liver cells, however, the poisoning goes away without serious consequences and is limited to a temporary deterioration in health

In the old days, people knew the best way to poison a person. This can be easily done with the help of ordinary mercury; the dangerous metal causes fatigue, headaches, and memory loss. In addition, there is an increase in body temperature and a decrease blood pressure. The digestive system also suffers, and diarrhea and a metallic taste in the mouth are often observed. When a significant amount of mercury vapor is inhaled, death is inevitable, which is why this drug has been a weapon for centuries for criminals who understood how to poison a person without any trace of a crime.

How can you be poisoned? You can be poisoned by products that are not poisonous by nature, but contain a large number of microorganisms that produce toxins.

Poisoning is caused by microorganisms such as salmonella (can be found in meat, chicken, eggs and fish), staphylococci (these are dairy products), E. coli and botulism bacillus.

The reason for the appearance of these microorganisms in food products may be contamination of the products during their preparation, transportation or storage.

And some toxins that can also cause poisoning are formed by the food products, for example, solanine in potatoes, poisoning with which can last up to 10 days; or can simply accumulate in foods - ciguatoxin in fish muscles. Mushrooms also accumulate toxic substances, which is why you should not take overgrown mushrooms.

Let's get a look in our Everyday life, because poisoning can be caused by a variety of and seemingly harmless food products.

Foods that can cause poisoning

One of these poisons is milk. Dairy and fermented milk products today they cause the most serious poisoning, especially in hot weather.

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to boil raw milk, bought at the market. It is better to prepare dairy products immediately before consumption. Store dairy products in the refrigerator.

What else can you poison yourself with? This is of course meat and meat products. When buying prepared meat products in a store, be sure to check the production date and shelf life, and if possible, it’s a good idea to smell it. In case of severe poisoning, you must call an ambulance.

Trawling can be caused by low-quality canned food, or canned food that has been stored incorrectly and for a long time. If you are poisoned by canned food, you can get botulism. At the slightest suspicion of botulism (nausea, vomiting, double vision, paralysis of the palate, tongue, pharynx, face, respiratory muscles), the patient should be immediately hospitalized.

You can get poisoned fish and seafood, and seafood poisoning is one of the most severe. The risk of poisoning increases in hot weather. There are two forms of seafood poisoning: cholera-like and paralytic. Do not delay calling a doctor as soon as possible obvious signs poisoning

I apricot kernels, peaches, almonds, cherries are also foods that can cause poisoning. I cracked the seed and there was a tasty kernel there, like a nut. These very nuts contain substances that, when broken down in the intestines, form hydrocyanic acid, which causes severe poisoning. Bitter almond grains are especially dangerous. An adult needs to eat 40-45 grains to get severe poisoning; a child needs 10-15 grains. So be careful.

And finally, mushrooms. Let's not talk about toadstools, that's understandable. But you can get severe poisoning from edible mushrooms. Mushrooms are great for picking toxic substances from earth, such as salt heavy metals falling to the ground with rain. Do not collect overgrown or wormy mushrooms. Collected mushrooms must be processed on the day of collection.

So that the question does not arise: “What can you get poisoned with?” Let's remember the shelf life of the main perishable products in the refrigerator:

  • Packaged meat - 36 hours
  • Meat in pieces - 48 hours
  • Minced meat - 6 hours
  • Semi-finished meat products - 36 hours
  • Boiled sausages - 48 hours
  • Sausages and sausages - 48 hours
  • Milk in bags - 20 hours
  • Kefir, sour milk - 24 hours
  • Cottage cheese - 36 hours
  • Cakes - 6 hours.

Now in production various products foods use preservatives, so the shelf life will be longer, but it’s still better not to stock up big amount If you have enough food for future use, it’s better to go to the store once again and buy fresh goods.

And remember that in case of food poisoning general rule first aid - gastric lavage and drinking plenty of fluids, then induce vomiting. Instead of water, use a pale pink solution of manganese.

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Many people love to eat eggs, especially for breakfast. But they may contain salmonella bacteria. Therefore, heat treatment is very important because it kills germs.

Some greens, such as spinach, lettuce, arugula or cabbage, are an integral and healthy component of many dishes. But do not forget that before it reaches your table, it may come into contact with dirty water and with hands, natural fertilizers. Therefore, wash it thoroughly and use a separate cutting board for cutting.

Oddly enough, even potatoes, specifically salads made from them, can cause poisoning. If processed incorrectly, pathogens such as E. coli and salmonella may remain in it.

Of all fish species, tuna is especially dangerous. This fish may contain scombrotoxin, a poison that causes flushing, convulsions and headaches. If this product was stored at high temperatures (above fifteen degrees Celsius), then during the cooking process this toxin may appear in it. It cannot be destroyed; even heat treatment will not help.

Poisoning often occurs due to eating cheese. It may contain salmonella bacteria. They are very dangerous for pregnant women because they can cause miscarriage. Therefore, doctors advise expectant mothers not to prepare dishes from these types of of this product, like Camembert, Feta or Brie.

Tomato poisoning occurs quite often in the summer. They should be washed thoroughly before eating, and it is also advisable to store them separately from other foods.

Poisoning from berries also often occurs, even such as raspberries, strawberries and blackberries. They often contain special kind bacteria that cause cramps, diarrhea and dehydration. This can be avoided by rinsing with running water before eating.

What to do in case of poisoning

When the first signs appear food poisoning it is necessary to ensure complete rest for the patient and minimize all kinds of movements. Next, you need to cleanse the stomach so that the substances that caused the poisoning do not penetrate deep into the body. Activated carbon is ideal for this. It should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, and washed down only with water.

A solution of potassium permanganate can disinfect the stomach. To remove the remaining food that caused the poisoning, you should induce vomiting. This is an unpleasant procedure, but it will help the body quickly return to normal.

If vomiting or diarrhea occurs, the patient should try to sleep. In a couple of hours he may feel much better.

Keep in home medicine cabinet first aid products, for example, "Regidron". It is also advisable to have “Smecta” and “No-shpu” with you.

Food poisoning is a fairly common problem that many people face every day. This problem especially often occurs in the summer, because heat air causes food to spoil more quickly. In addition, a lot of people suffer from food poisoning at different times. holidays: March 8, New Year, May holidays, etc. When the first symptoms of this condition occur, first aid measures must be taken immediately. That is why every person should know about the manifestations of food poisoning and how to treat it.

Poisoning of the body most often occurs due to the presence of toxins in food, as well as waste products of bacteria and their subsequent decay. Food becomes dangerous due to improper preparation and/or storage. In addition, pathogenic substances can enter our body from water. Quite often, people try to determine the quality of products based on their appearance. But this practice does not always give positive result, because not all food contaminated with dangerous microbes changes its color, taste, consistency or smell.

Types of poisoning

Meat poisoning

Oddly enough, chicken meat is especially dangerous, because on the surface of the skin of these birds there are many salmonella bacteria. In addition, food poisoning often occurs after consuming products from minced meat. To prevent illness, do not forget to cook meat at sufficient heat, and also do not store meat products outside the refrigerator. Try to eat ready-made dishes literally within the first 24 hours after preparation.

Poisoning with staphylococcal toxins

This type of food poisoning is rightfully considered the most common. Staphylococcus multiplies well at room temperature and is often found on products such as cakes, pates and various dairy products. Food poisoning of this order often occurs in the summer when elevated temperature air in the environment.

Mushroom poisoning

This type of damage is considered the most dangerous for our body, because it leads to significant damage to the kidneys and liver, as well as the central nervous system. If you have even the slightest suspicion of mushroom poisoning, you need to quickly take the victim to the nearest medical facility.

Fish poisoning

This poisoning is also very severe, since during decomposition the fish begins to secrete especially toxic substances, and they have an extremely negative impact on the entire human body, and especially to the central nervous system. You should always choose fish very carefully and under no circumstances store it at room temperature.


This is a particularly severe poisoning that poses a serious threat to health and even life. The first symptoms of this disease usually appear literally an hour after consumption. poor quality product. A person feels a sharp cutting pain in the stomach area, and literally immediately develops a debilitating incessant vomiting. Literally after a couple of hours, the patient’s vision deteriorates greatly, as if fog was falling over his eyes. After another hour, drooling develops, speech disappears, and the swallowing process is disrupted. In the absence of timely medical care, death can occur.

First aid

If you or someone close to you experiences symptoms of food poisoning, call an ambulance immediately medical care. Then begin providing first aid to the victim. The first step is to rinse the patient's stomach. For this purpose, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but it is better to replace it with an iodine-soda solution. Per liter boiled water dissolve a couple of tablespoons baking soda and five drops of iodine. The patient should drink as much of this solution as possible, then induce reflex vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. Washing should be carried out exactly until the vomit is completely transparent. Remember that these measures are not suitable for children, patients with impaired consciousness and people with heart disease. After clearing your stomach, you need to take a laxative; it can be replaced with a couple of spoons vegetable oil. This is only suitable if the patient does not have diarrhea. If diarrhea is still present, you should take activated charcoal in the amount of one tablet for every five kg of weight.

After carrying out all the above procedures, try to warm the victim. Wrap him up or take a heating pad and apply it to his feet. Don't forget to offer the patient milk or warm tea. You should not give the patient any medications, except activated carbon. Only a qualified infectious disease doctor can prescribe medications.


After the patient begins to recover, it is important to follow a certain diet. In the very first days after poisoning, it is better for the patient to completely abstain from consuming any food, but still need to drink sufficient quantity liquids. If vomiting and diarrhea stop, then on the second day the victim can start eating crackers and broths.

After another day, you can include soups and liquid porridges in your diet, the food should be either viscous or pureed. This will allow you to establish normal functional activity of the digestive and excretory systems.

Poisoning is the most common thing nowadays and no one is immune from it. You can even get poisoned at home, and with those products from which you least expect it. Although many people do not understand how one can become poisoned by food that people have been eating for many years and do not experience any discomfort. And, in fact, this is where the most main dangeryou can become poisoned by those foods that a person has eaten many times before and felt great. Let's look at the top 10 most dangerous products, which are in your refrigerator, and tips on what you need to do to avoid getting poisoned by them.


This includes shrimp, mussels, squid, sets and in general everything that is sold in the store under the sign “Seafood”. The problem is that all this sits in refrigerators for a long time, so it doesn’t spoil. But if you take a pack of mussels, for example, and defrost them, they will begin to “come to life” harmful microorganisms and new bacteria appear. The same thing happens with meat - if you keep it in a warm room, dangerous bacteria will begin to grow in it. This effect also occurs in the case of seafood. Only meat can be bought in the nearest village and brought to the store, but seafood is most often brought from afar.

In addition, supermarkets have to transport all frozen food from time to time, which is why they are defrosted (they transport them in the same refrigerators that are plugged in, but they need to be in refrigerators). If you freeze and defrost any product several times, it may simply rot.. The same thing happens with seafood, so any of us can easily get poisoned by them at home. If we are talking about seafood, they will definitely contain salmonella.

To avoid seafood poisoning, the only thing the average buyer can do is look at the expiration date.


Due to the fact that the skin of a tomato is very delicate and easy to damage, quite often salmonella, noroviruses and a variety of bacteria “settle” in this product
. In addition, tomatoes are usually stored in large rooms in winter, where, again, some bacteria multiply very well. In winter, fresh vegetables are brought from afar or from the same storage facilities. Already in the first hour after eating the most ordinary tomato from the store, you can get poisoned and go to the hospital for gastric lavage.

If you don't want to be poisoned by a tomato, be sure to wash it thoroughly before eating it.

Ice cream

Due to improper storage, bacteria very easily accumulate in ice cream, which, when they enter the human body, begin to disrupt its functioning. In the summer, up to 20% of poisonings occur from ice cream. The fact is that such a product thaws a little, after which the bacteria inside it “come to life” and even “invite their friends.” And they can cause food poisoning.

To avoid getting poisoned by ice cream, you need to choose it correctly. You can do this by using the following tips:

  • There should be no clots or lumps in the ice cream, it should have one color;
  • if it is not berry ice cream and it is unevenly colored, you should not buy it - most likely, it has expired;
  • take the ice cream in your hand and if there are any traces of the pack left on it or the inscriptions on the pack are blurred, the ice cream is definitely expired;
  • If you have already bought ice cream and feel a metallic taste, it is better to throw away the product.


Cheese is one of the most favorite foods for coli. In addition, this product affects other foods that are placed next to it in the refrigerator. So, if you put cheese next to potatoes, fish, meat or other products, they will at least get Strong smell, or even completely deteriorate. I wonder what the cheese itself may not cause poisoning, but those products that were lying next to it may. Particular care must be taken when handling the following types cheese:

  • Roquefort;
  • Camembert;
  • feta;
  • mizithra;
  • Bonchester.

In general, absolutely all soft and semi-hard cheeses can be included in this list. Also Blue cheeses are dangerous.

To avoid getting poisoned by cheese, be sure to wrap it in film and place it in plastic bag and cover it or use food containers.


Black olives are most often ordinary green fruits dyed black with ferrous gluconate
. Actually, you can be seriously poisoned by this substance - there will be an excess of iron in the body, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, vasodilation, decreased blood supply to the brain, shock, coma, liver damage and intestinal obstruction. Of course, when household poisoning iron, the last 5 symptoms are rare, but if you regularly take olives with iron, they may well occur.

To avoid getting poisoned by olives, follow these tips:

  • It is better to buy olives in glass containers;
  • look at the consistency of the olives - are they homogeneous, do they have a rich color;
  • pour the liquid from the container with olives into a cup - if it is black, it means there is iron gluconate;
  • put one olive on a napkin and leave it for several days - if there is a black mark on the napkin, the olive is colored with iron.

Processed meat

This includes all kinds of sausages, cutlets (not fully cooked), liver, minced meat, pate, and so on. No one will ever say for sure under what conditions all these products were produced and whether hygiene standards were observed. Also, no one admits what exactly they are made of. Besides, If stored incorrectly, botulinum toxin occurs(the one that causes botulism). It is popularly called sausage poison. In this case, the product will have absolutely normal taste, color and smell.

Therefore, to avoid poisoning from sausages and other processed meats, you need to do the following:

  • Boil the purchased product before use;
  • buy something that has a short shelf life;
  • buy only the highest grade;
  • look at the temperature in the refrigerators where such products are stored - it should be from 0 to +8 degrees.


Of course, our top 10 cannot do without cakes, pastries, creams, and so on. The problem is that all such filling spoils very quickly. If this is a baked product, then if there is insufficient air circulation, all kinds of bacteria can grow in it. The shelf life of sweets cannot be long, so store employees often “interrupt” it in order to put it back on display.

In this case, you can only look at the expiration date - it should be clear, printed directly on the packaging (without additional stickers) and not too long.

Interestingly, even in this case, sweets can be poisoned at home if they are stored incorrectly.

Regular meat

It can be chicken, pork, beef, quail or any other meat. Such a product is very rarely stored in the right conditions- it is either re-frozen (which, if quickly defrosted, leads to rotting of the product), or the temperature is set to a very high temperature for storing meat.

Therefore, when choosing meat, look at its consistency, color (uniform, rich), and it should not contain too much water. Also smell the meat - the smell should not be too strong. It is important not to eat meat dishes for more than two days, because they simply spoil, even if they are in the refrigerator.

Dairy and eggs

Both dairy products and eggs are an excellent incubator for salmonella, staphylococcus, exotoxins and many other dangerous “passengers”. Many people prefer to consume these products raw, without heat treatment(that is, without cooking, frying, boiling, etc.). Also, dangerous bacteria develop in milk if cows, goats and chickens have been poor care or the people who care for them themselves suffer from skin diseases. In the latter case, no gloves will save you.

To avoid poisoning, you need to do the following:

  • do not buy these products in unverified places and spontaneous markets;
  • store dairy products at a temperature no higher than 5 degrees and eggs no higher than 6 degrees;
  • store eggs and milk no longer than prescribed.


You can often get poisoned by foods from which you least expect it. The most common parsley or lettuce can carry many dangerous bacteria. The problem is that these products are washed very poorly (if we are talking about a supermarket, then in best case scenario greens are simply doused with water from a hose). Because of this, everything that is in the earth residues of fertilizers and, most dangerously, chemicals remain on the greenery and enter the human body.

To avoid poisoning of greens, always wash them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them.

This is the TOP 10 most dangerous products that you can poison yourself with at home. But by following the tips above, this can be avoided. Bon appetit!