Shevelev Andrey Filimonovich. Five years of the governor of the Tver region Andrey Shevelev

Rumors of resignation Andrey Shevelev over the past three years, we have had time to get fed up: a stranger, an appointed one, a stranger, the latest in the ratings - whatever you say - we love to scold the authorities in the kitchen "for tea and coffee", and even on our page on the social network to speculate about politics. But no, I finished it before the end of the term, without some four months.

And improved. It can't be longer - the election campaign is on its way.

On September 18, in the region, the governor's elections, we note that we have not had these elections for 13 years. Shevelev was appointed to the position, not elected. Now, in order to run for office, one must, of course, take part in the electoral race.

2nd of March Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Acting Governor of the Tver Region Igor Rudenya. Such information appeared on the official website of the Kremlin. It is also indicated that the resignation was accepted at the own request of Andrei Shevelev.

Well, now is the time to remember what the five years of the rule of Governor Shevelev were remembered for.

From the good

Investors and investment projects

Any territory develops well if money is invested in it. And investors are investing. Attracting people and firms with big money to the region was actively under the former governor Zelenin.

With the change of power, a new team of regional managers tried not to lose investors and increase the investment potential of the territory. From 2011 to 2015, 55 major investment projects were implemented in the Tver region with an investment of over 63.1 billion rubles. More than 10.3 thousand jobs have been created. In 2016, the plans include 77 investment projects in various sectors of the economy with an investment volume of about 465 billion rubles and 21,000 jobs created.

Significant projects in 2015 include the creation of the Verkhnevolzhsky tourist and recreational cluster with federal support and the special economic zone of the Zavidovo tourist and recreational type in the Konakovo district.

Officials have been optimized

Immediately after officially taking office, Andrei Shevelev reorganized the administration, making it the government, and key departments ministries. Carried out optimization, and slightly reduced the bureaucracy.

Help for industrial giants

The governor contributed to the revival of the Tver DSK. In the winter of 2015, he helped in resolving the situation at the Tver Carriage Works, where large-scale reductions were planned in the absence of orders - they heard about the problem of an enterprise unique for the country at the Federation level. The arrival of the head of the country's government, Dmitry Medvedev, to the plant in February of this year also encouraged the workers - they hope not to leave in idle time.

Own food

With the advent of the crisis and the imposition of sanctions, Tver farmers have a chance to develop. It became possible to increase the pace. Against the background of other regions of the Non-Black Earth region, the region looks quite good. The volume of financing of the regional agricultural industry in 2015 amounted to 2 billion rubles.

In terms of sown area, we are in second place, in pig breeding we are in first place in the Central Federal District. Production growth was 10% over the last year. For two years now, the Tver region has been ranked first in Russia in terms of fiber flax sown areas, and production and processing volumes are growing. This became possible, among other things, due to the country's largest support for the industry: 8,000 rubles per 1 hectare of crops.

And what did Andrey Shevelev say when he was 100% frank ()

What can be presented to the demoted Tver governor

The governor has changed in the Tver region. Instead of Andrey Shevelev the region was headed by a native of the Ministry of Agriculture Igor Rudenya. According to preliminary information, the investigating authorities will soon become interested in Shevelev's activities. This was reported by sources in law enforcement agencies.

Change of power

The day before, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of the powers of the governor of the Tver region, Andrei Shevelev.

Formally, the governor himself asked for his resignation, however, it is believed that his fired for multiple failures at work(and, in particular, for the catastrophic state of affairs in the housing and communal services sector of the Tver region).

Putin appointed Igor Rudenya as acting governor of the Tver region.


Recall that Igor Rudenya, a graduate of the Moscow State University of Food Production, at one time was an inspector of the criminal investigation department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate.

Subsequently, he moved into the agricultural field of activity. In 2005-2007, he served as Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Agriculture, and in 2008-2012 he headed the Department of Agro-Industrial Complex of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Claims against Shevelev

It is worth noting that the security forces may soon become interested in the activities of the ex-governor of the Tver region. The thing is that Andrey Shevelev was a member Scams by Severo-Zapad Invest, which bought a plot of 144.2 hectares on the coast of the Gulf of Finland at 20-30 times cheaper than the market price.

Deputy Anatoly Krivenchenko said: “In 2009, the general director of this company LLC North-West Invest was the governor of the Tver region Shevelev A.V. , and current Forbes Billionaire CEO Smirnov V.A. ».

We emphasize that the co-owner of the company "North-West Invest" through CJSC "Dialogue" is Larisa Kalugina, wife of the Chairman of the Committee on Land Resources of the Government of St. Petersburg Valery Kalugin, and Andrey Bogomolov, deputy. General Director of Severo-Zapad Invest LLC and former assistant to the rector of the Mining Institute for investments Vladimir Litvinenko.

"Road work"

Recall that the scandal with the overestimation of the estimate for the construction of a section of the toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg in the Tver region by 6.6 billion rubles. got its unexpected continuation. Local experts suspected that, in addition to the Mostotrest holding, Arkady Rotenberg Andrey Shevelev, the governor of the Tver region, may also be involved in this incident, to a certain extent.

It was during the inspection of the "Tver section" of the route that the auditors had serious questions about the total cost of construction, which at the time of approval by the state expertise in 2010 was 6.6 billion rubles less.

And after Andrei Konnov, deputy head of the Tver region police, was found dead in a cafe in St.

Birthday May 24, 1970

Russian political and public figure, retired lieutenant colonel of the guards

early years

Born May 24, 1970 in Leningrad. Then he moved with his parents to the city of Bely, Kalinin Region. In 1985 he graduated with honors from the 8th grade of the Belsk secondary school.

In August 1985 he entered the Kalinin Suvorov Military School, from which he graduated in June 1987. The training took place in the 6th company of the 4th platoon, rose to the rank of deputy platoon commander (the post of educator officer was held by senior warrant officer Muzykin).

In August 1987 he entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, which he graduated in June 1991 with a gold medal. He has a specialty "engineer for the operation of armored and automotive equipment."

Military service

After graduating from college, he was sent for military service to the Airborne Forces, to the 76th Guards Airborne Division (Pskov), having gone from the commander of a reconnaissance platoon to the deputy commander of a separate reconnaissance battalion (during his service he made 123 parachute jumps ). In the 76th Guards Airborne Division, he held the following positions:

  • from July 1991 to July 1993 - commander of a reconnaissance platoon of a separate reconnaissance company;
  • from July to December 1993 - deputy commander of a separate reconnaissance company - instructor of the VDP;
  • from December 1993 to November 1995 - commander of a separate reconnaissance company;
  • from November 1995 to March 1997 - deputy commander of a separate reconnaissance battalion;
  • from March to August 1997 - deputy commander of a reinforced paratrooper battalion of constant readiness;
  • On August 2, 1997, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the post of teacher of military disciplines at the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School; he was entrusted with the functions of an officer-educator of the school.
  • from April 2001 to December 2003 - commander of the 3rd company of the Suvorovites of the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School.

Participation in hostilities

  • from July to October 1992 - in the Ossetian-Georgian conflict;
  • from November to December 1992 - in the Ossetian-Ingush conflict;
  • from November 1994 to May 1996 - in establishing constitutional order on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Injuries: through shrapnel gunshot wound of the upper third of the left thigh during combat operations in the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Public and political activities

  • Since July 1998 - President of the St. Petersburg Regional Public Charitable Foundation of Heroes of the Soviet Union Heroes of the Russian Federation.
  • In December 2003, he was nominated as a candidate for the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the list of the All-Russian political party "United Russia" as a member of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the party. On December 7, 2003, with a result of 19.19 percent of the vote, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the 4th convocation from the North-Western single-mandate constituency No. 210 (St. Petersburg); is a member of the United Russia faction (the so-called Pekhtin group). Member of the State Duma Committee on Credit Organizations and Financial Markets, since April 27, 2007 - Deputy Chairman of this Committee. Member of the Duma working groups on the development of a number of bills designed to counter terrorism in various areas: participated in the creation of amendments to the law on aviation security, amendments to defense legislation that allow the use of army forces to fight terrorism, and also supports legislative initiatives in the field of financial security , which are developed by the banking committee of the Duma.
  • Member of the Permanent Delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. During the parliamentary hearings, he repeatedly put forward the idea that "one of the functions of cultural organizations should be the education of intolerance towards terrorism ... and this is not only anti-terror propaganda, but also explanatory work aimed at creating additional security measures in the field of combating terrorism, ... in which the state and cultural organizations will be able to interact.
  • Since May 15, 2008 - Vice Governor - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ryazan Region.
  • Since June 16, 2011, Acting Governor of the Tver Region.
  • From July 7, 2011 - Governor of the Tver Region.

Personal Information

Has state awards:

  • Hero of the Russian Federation - for the performance of a special task (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of the President of the Russian Federation No. 74 of January 27, 1995)
  • Order of Friendship (2007)
  • medal "For military valor" I degree (2000);
  • medal "For Impeccable Service" II degree (1992);
  • medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree;
  • commemorative medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  • medal "For Merit to the Ryazan Region" (2011).

He is fond of sports: he was the champion of the USSR in football among youth teams (all-Union competitions "Leather Ball"), has sports categories in skiing, swimming and hand-to-hand combat.

Married, has three sons.

Shevelev Alexander Filimonovich

In the name of life

On holidays, Alexander Filimonovich puts on his sailor's uniform with awards, of which he has a lot. And in this form is sent to the guests. The former sailor does not really like when he is asked about the war. But when he comes in a good mood, you can hear a lot of interesting things from him.

The war found Alexander Filimonovich not far from Arkhangelsk, where a regular gathering of those who served in non-military order was held. Anger filled the hearts of yesterday's collective farmers and workers who learned about the treacherous attack of fascist Germany. Rallies were held in the units, at which hatred for the invaders and faith in victory were expressed.

A.F. Shevelev was assigned to the sailor semi-crew, which carried out the observation and communications service. He especially remembered the day of the baptism of fire. This was the first raid by German aircraft on Arkhangelsk. Cars with black crosses on their wings dropped bombs on ships in the roadstead, on peaceful houses. I wanted to run away, hide somewhere, so as not to see the falling bombs, not to hear the roaring howl of aircraft. But soon the fear disappeared and nothing remained in the heart but hatred for the invaders. With this feeling, Alexander Filimonovich went through the entire war to Berlin.

In 1942, a direct connection between Arkhangelsk and the Karelian Front was required. The cable was laid by the Sofya Perovskaya ship. Our countryman was sent to him as a signalman. It was restless in the sea at that time: enemy submarines darted around, German planes often appeared in the air. In such an environment, a great responsibility fell on the signalman: after all, he is the eyes and ears of the ship. He must notice the danger in time. And I must say, to the honor of the signalman, he did an excellent job with his task. The ship either moved away from danger or radioed for help. Alexander Filimonovich clearly served.

At this time, a grandiose battle flared up on the Volga, during which the fate of not only our country, but also the whole of Europe was decided. The command removed troops from other fronts and transferred them to Stalingrad. The sailor Shevelev also arrived here at the beginning of 1943 and was assigned as a telecommunications operator on one of the armored boats of the Volga flotilla, which ensured the evacuation of people and communications equipment to the left bank of the Volga.

Once, while on a mission, the boat came under heavy fire from German cannons and machine guns. There were wounded and dead. The naval ensign caught fire from incendiary bullets. The clerk noticed this. “It is not good for a Russian ship to remain without a flag in front of the Nazis,” a thought flashed through my head. Without hesitation, he rushed into the cabin, grabbed the second flag and, ignoring the whistle of bullets, rushed to the already burning flag. The Germans, noticing the sailor, stepped up their fire. Each bullet could end the life of a daredevil. But he nevertheless hung up the flag, which immediately unfolded, fluttered in the wind, personifying the courage and fearlessness of the Russian sailor. The Germans, seeing this, went berserk and increased their fire, but the armored boat, gaining speed, was already moving away to its shore.

Then there were more fights, a lot of fights. Earth was mixed with metal, water with blood. But the Russian soldiers survived. They survived because they knew that they were fighting for their Motherland, for their mothers, sisters, brothers, for themselves. The enemy was defeated at Stalingrad.

The sailor also visited foreign waters. He passed the whole Vistula almost to the mouth. Here the boat was used for intelligence gathering and as a landing craft. And again, the command noted the courage and courage of Alexander Filimonovich more than once.

And then there was Germany, its rivers. Here the fighting was especially stubborn. The Germans clung to every inch of land. But Alexander Filimonovich remained safe and sound. Probably, the proverb says the truth: “The bullet is afraid of the brave” ... He also had a chance to participate in the storming of Berlin.

The command highly appreciated the merits of the warrior. He was awarded the rank of senior sailor. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and many medals.

Stanislav SHEVELEV,

Shevelev Andrey Vladimirovich- Governor of the Tver Region (elected for a term from July 7, 2011 to July 7, 2016). Head of the Government of the Tver Region.

Hero of the Russian Federation.

Income, property

Income for 2012 amounted to 3.047 million rubles, including:

  • income from the main place of work - 2 million 612 thousand 377 rubles. 9 kop.;
  • seniority pension - 402 thousand 263 rubles. 94 kop.;
  • compensation to the Hero of Russia for gasoline - 32 thousand 662 rubles. 00 kop.


  • apartment - 46.9 sq.m.
  • apartment - 79.7 sq.m. .



1987 - graduated from the Kalinin Suvorov military school. The training took place in the 6th company of the 4th platoon, rose to the rank of deputy platoon commander.

1991 - graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School with a gold medal in the specialty "Engineer for the operation of armored and automotive equipment."

2008 - graduated from the Department of State Building and Law of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Military career

Shevelev Andrey Vladimirovich - commander of the parachute reconnaissance company of the 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree of the Airborne Forces Division of the Leningrad Military District, guard senior lieutenant.

Since 1987 - in the Armed Forces of the USSR.

July 1991 - July 1993 - commander of the reconnaissance platoon of a separate reconnaissance company.

July - September 1992 - participated in the Ossetian-Georgian conflict.

November - December 1992 - participated in the Ossetian-Ingush conflict.

July 1993 - December 1993 - deputy commander of a separate reconnaissance company - instructor of the VDP.

December 1993 - November 1995 - commander of a separate reconnaissance company of the 76th Guards Chernigov Airborne Division of the Leningrad Military District (Pskov city).

December 1994 - commander of an airborne company. Lieutenant Andrei Shevelev urgently organized continuous training and field exercises for his subordinates, hastily teaching them what is needed in the war and which there was practically no one and no time to teach them in the early 1990s.

December 1994 - was seriously wounded (a through bullet wound of the upper third of the thigh with a fracture and fragmentation of the bone), but continued to command his subordinates and lead the battle. Thanks to his selfless actions, the scouts held out until reinforcements arrived.

November 1995 - March 1997 - Deputy commander of a separate reconnaissance battalion.

March - August 1997 - Deputy commander of the reinforced paratrooper battalion of constant readiness of the 76th Guards Chernigov Airborne Division of the Leningrad Military District.

1997 - 2001 - officer-educator of the disciplines of the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School.

2001 - 2003 - commander of the 3rd company of the Suvorovites - teacher of military disciplines at the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School.

Retired lieutenant colonel.

Political career

December 2003 - nominated as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the list of the All-Russian political party "United Russia" as a member of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the party.

December 7, 2003 - elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 4th convocation from the North-Western single-mandate constituency No. 210 (St. Petersburg).

April 27, 2007 - Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for credit institutions and financial markets.

May 15, 2008 - Vice Governor - First Deputy Prime Minister of the Ryazan Region.

June 29, 2011 - Andrey Shevelev's candidacy was submitted by the President of the Russian Federation to the Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region to empower him with the powers of the head of the region.

Inauguration ceremony

Member of the Duma working groups on the development of a number of bills designed to counter terrorism in various areas: participated in the creation of amendments to the law on aviation security, amendments to defense legislation that allow the use of army forces to fight terrorism, and also supports legislative initiatives in the field of financial security , which are developed by the banking committee of the Duma.

Member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Credit Organizations and Financial Markets.

Member of the Permanent Delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Andrey Shevelev: about the competitive advantages of the Tver region

Social activity

1998 - President of the St. Petersburg Regional Public Charitable Foundation of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation.

2007 - Chairman of the St. Petersburg city branch of the All-Russian public organization "Combat Brotherhood".

June 12, 2012 - took part in the opening of a new water intake unit with a drinking water treatment plant in Likhoslavl.

June 13, 2012 - took part in the celebration of the Day of the Likhoslavl region and the Day of the city of Likhoslavl. Andrey Shevelev, together with the townspeople, took part in a solemn procession through the city center, which ended with the laying of flowers at the Victory Obelisk.

September 25, 2012 - took part in the solemn ceremony of putting into commercial operation the power unit No. 4 of the Kalinin NPP (Tver region, Udomlya) - the thirty-third nuclear power unit in the energy system of Russia.

October 21, 2012 - took part in events dedicated to the Day of the Emblem and Flag - symbols of the glorious past and future of the Tver region, the love of the Tverites for their small homeland, pride in their fellow countrymen who glorified it.

March 28, 2013 - marked the beginning of digital broadcasting in Tver by pressing the "start" button when the first digital transmitter was launched. The ceremonial launch of the transmitter took place in the new "Consulting Support Center".

April 6, 2013 - took part in the opening ceremony of the tournament of the International Judo Competitions, which took place at the Yubileiny Sports Palace.

Press conference by Andrey Shevelev


  • 1992 - medal "For Distinction in Military Service"
  • 1992 - medal "For Impeccable Service", II degree.
  • 1995 - Gold Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation (decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 74 of January 27, 1995). Retired lieutenant colonel. Heroes of the country - Shevelev Andrey Vladimirovich
  • 2000 - medal "For military valor" I degree.
  • 2007 - Hero of the Russian Federation - for performing a special task (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 1995 No. 74).
  • 2007 - Order of Friendship.
  • 2011 - medal "For Merit to the Ryazan Region".
  • medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree.
  • commemorative medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation.


He is fond of sports: he was the champion of the USSR in football among youth teams (all-Union competitions "Leather Ball"), has sports categories in skiing, swimming and hand-to-hand combat.

Family status

Married, has three sons.


  1. 1.0 1.1 The governor of the Tver region reported on income - Andrey Shevelev became richer by 414 thousand rubles
  2. Governor Andrey Shevelev earned a little more than 3 million rubles in 2012
  3. 3.0 3.1 Heroes of the country - Shevelev Andrey Vladimirovich
  4. Andrey Shevelev, Governor of the Tver Region, donated 450 milliliters of blood as part of the Give a Drop of Hope campaign
  5. Andrey Shevelev took part in the opening of a new water intake unit with a drinking water treatment plant in Likhoslavl
  6. The Governor of the Tver region took part in the celebration of the Day of the Likhoslavl region and the Day of the city of Likhoslavl
  7. Andrey Shevelev, Governor of the Tver Region: Rosatom is an exemplary investor with whom it is a pleasure to cooperate
  8. The Tver Region is getting ready to celebrate the Day of the Emblem and Flag. Andrey Shevelev presented awards to workers, scientists and doctors
  9. Tver ORTPC launched digital television in the capital of the Upper Volga region
  10. The Governor of the Tver region launched digital broadcasting in Tver
  11. Judo European Cup kicks off in Tver