What to do if you inhaled chemicals. Symptoms of poisoning from household chemicals

Life today is difficult to imagine without household chemicals, especially at home: we are accustomed to detergents, stain removers, polishes and other products. However, how many of us have thought seriously about the impact of household chemicals on own health or on the health of others? And are there, in principle, safe household chemicals? Let's try to figure it out.

Household chemicals are toxic

Read the instructions for use; you will read that many products can only be used with gloves and only in ventilated areas, and some recommend use in non-residential areas. The reason for such warnings is the toxicity of household chemicals.

Children suffer the most

Most poisonings household chemicals There are cases when children 2-3 years old played with the funds out of curiosity. In second place for frequency were women, which is not surprising; it is women who perform the majority of cleaning procedures in the house.

Signs of poisoning with household chemicals

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache, feeling of squeezing of the head;
  • dizziness;
  • blurred vision, lacrimation;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • shortness of breath, cough;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • foam at the mouth, excessive salivation;
  • mental excitement;
  • convulsions.

How can you get poisoned?

Poisoning is not always a consequence misuse, a weakened body can react acutely to harmful substances.

  • inhalation of gases: poorly ventilated areas, high concentrations of the product;
  • swallowing: young children taste everything, from soap and laundry detergent to bleach;
  • contact with skin and eyes causes burns;
  • frequent use.

Why are household chemicals dangerous?

  • Once ingested, the drugs can cause general poisoning;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • respiratory arrest;
  • heart failure; disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

If household chemicals get inside or into your eyes, you should immediately call ambulance. If poisoning occurred through inhalation of vapors, then the signals to call a doctor are mandatory: convulsions, loss of consciousness, foam at the mouth.

Poisoning with turpentine, gasoline, kerosene

Large concentrations of these substances in the body can cause pulmonary edema. You can become poisoned by inhaling the vapors or taking them internally.

Help with vapor poisoning:

  • release everything that interferes with breathing.

First aid for ingestion of substances:

  • give a saline laxative;
  • DO NOT induce vomiting.

Poisoning with acids and alkalis

Acids include: nitric, hydrochloric, sulfuric acid, acetic, oxalic acid. Alkalis: caustic soda, caustic soda, caustic soda, quicklime (calcium oxide), ammonia, ammonia. In addition to acids and alkalis, iodine, acetone, bromine, phenols, sublimate, formalin, potassium permanganate also have a similar cauterizing effect. These products cause burns and severe pain. If ingested, it causes swelling of the larynx, severe vomiting mixed with blood intestinal bleeding. The victim's urine turns brown or red. Pulmonary edema and severe tachycardia are possible.

First aid for poisoning with acids and alkalis

  • painkillers (local and general);
  • you should not try to neutralize substances that have gotten inside;
  • you cannot induce vomiting.

Poisoning with organophosphorus compounds (OP)

FOS include: karbofos, dichlorvos, chlorophos. First aid:

  • carry the victim to Fresh air;
  • Remove soaked clothing; if the product gets on the skin, wash with soap and water;
  • vomiting can be induced only when the patient is conscious: 1-2 glasses of saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water).

Why you shouldn’t rinse your stomach if you are poisoned by household chemicals

Many substances are very toxic and when they are excreted through vomiting, the larynx and esophagus will suffer, severe swelling and respiratory arrest are possible. A special probe is used to rinse the stomach.

How to wash your eyes There may be instructions written on the packaging of the product; if there are none, it is better to rinse your eyes with plain water. Rinsing the eyes lasts at least 20 minutes, the water should be lukewarm, but not hot. Be sure to call an ambulance.

How to wash your skin To wash off any remaining product, I recommend taking a warm shower. The duration of the procedure should also be at least 20 minutes. Pay attention to the packaging of the product that caused the burn; there may be recommendations there.

Using household chemicals makes life much easier modern man. He has free time to play sports or walk in the fresh air. But even such useful activities will not help improve health if detergent poisoning develops. Pathological condition may be acute or chronic, dangerous due to its hidden symptoms . To avoid serious consequences for the body, you should consult a doctor to diagnose and treat poisoning.

Distinctive features of poisoning

Detergents include household chemicals, which can be used to quickly clean the surfaces of kitchen furniture or bathroom fixtures and wash clothes. The main component of liquids and powders are surfactants, including those used for disinfection. Such compounds are actively used for gentle cleaning of toilets, sinks, and washing clothes.

One of the causes of poisoning from household chemicals is improper storage of detergents in dish cabinets or on open shelves. Toxic compounds can evaporate even from a tightly screwed bottle or closed box. Settled in the form of a tiny suspension on plates, glasses or pans, they can cause chronic intoxication.

Non-ionic surfactants offer important advantages:

  • foams well in water of any hardness;
  • wash away dirt even at low temperatures;
  • a small amount of product removes all stains;
  • do not change the color of surfaces and clothing.

Anionic substances have good cleaning ability and are inexpensive. The effectiveness of such household chemicals is reverse side– these are the most dangerous compounds for human health. They gradually accumulate in cells and tissues, causing chronic intoxication. Frequent use of powders or thick liquids causes signs of cleaning product poisoning:

  1. Reduced body resistance to infections.
  2. Dryness, irritation of the skin.
  3. Violation functional activity liver, kidneys, urinary tract.

Toxic substances often cause high cholesterol, which increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. They reduce the ability of the central nervous system regulate the transmission of impulses to all systems of human life.

Young children often end up in hospital beds after extensive intoxication from detergents. Failure by adults to comply with the rules for storing gels and powders leads to severe complications in kids. Children are extremely attracted to bright packaging with storks and ducklings, colored stickers and unusually shaped bottles.

Manufacturers add to detergents additives with fruit, chocolate or vanilla flavors. Young children mistake solutions for something tasty and may drink toxic liquid.

The child’s immunity is just beginning to form, permeability is increased blood vessels, internal organs function differently than in adults. Even minimal amount concentrated toxic compound can cause breathing problems. Modern chemical industry began producing household chemicals in the form of colored helium capsules. Kids may mistake them for chewing marmalade or candy. After consuming such a “treat,” severe allergic reactions, suffocation, burns of the larynx and gastrointestinal tract.

How can you get poisoned by detergents?

Almost all washing powders and cleaning liquids that are used in everyday life are toxic to humans. To avoid poisoning, you should carefully read the instructions on boxes and bottles. How to properly use detergents when washing and cleaning:

  1. Cannot use more chemical substances For better cleansing. Excessive concentration will cause not only damage to surfaces or clothing, but also severe consequences for the body.
  2. Detergents containing oxalic acid and chlorine evaporate quickly, producing toxic fumes. Cleaning should only be done in well-ventilated areas and in the absence of small children.
  3. Do not mix several detergents to achieve maximum effect. The resulting chemical reactions products can cause extensive burns to the skin and mucous membranes.
  4. It is necessary to promptly get rid of gels and powders that have expired. When ingredients decompose, toxins are formed, causing symptoms poisoning

If your skin becomes covered with red spots after using dishwashing detergent, it means it contains an aggressive substance. After some time, blisters with liquid contents may form at the site of the stains - characteristic symptoms atopic dermatitis, a difficult-to-treat skin disease.

Laundry detergent poisoning occurs due to the chlorine it contains.. Manufacturers add the chemical to detergent to whiten clothes. In some countries, it is prohibited to add chlorine to powders and gels due to negative impact halogen on the human body. Exceeding the dosage or washing in an unventilated area can cause the following symptoms of poisoning:

  • arterial hypertension, increased heart rate;
  • hair loss, separation of nail plates;
  • decreased immunity;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes: coughing, sneezing, allergic rhinitis, sore throat;
  • conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyelids;

If the concentration of chlorine in the air has significantly increased, symptoms of acute intoxication develop: painful spasms behind the sternum, tremors of the limbs, breathing problems, hyperthermia, and fever.

Particularly dangerous chronic poisoning toxic substance contained in washing powder. Symptoms increase gradually:

  1. A sore throat and dry cough appear.
  2. The temperature rises slightly.
  3. A runny nose and lacrimation occur.

A person takes all these signs for common cold and treats with antibiotics, which do not bring relief, but provoke intestinal dysbiosis. As chlorine accumulates in the body, the victim develops bronchial asthma, chronic renal failure, hepatitis.

How to help the victim

When the first signs of poisoning appear, you should call a doctor and contact him for advice. He will tell you what can be done to alleviate the condition of the victim, how to provide him with first aid. If acute intoxication occurs in small child, it is better to go to meet the doctor for a quick administration of the antidote.

If you are intoxicated with detergents containing a large amount of acid or caustic alkali, you should absolutely not wash your stomach. This will cause a double burn to the esophagus and cause difficulty breathing.

In other cases, you need to induce vomiting in the person. For this, a light pink solution of potassium permanganate is used, which the victim takes until water leaves the stomach without any admixture of food particles. Adsorbents or enterosorbents help bind unabsorbed toxic compounds well..

At acute poisoning the patient is subject to hospitalization for detoxification therapy. Further treatment carried out in inpatient conditions diuretics and saline solutions with glucose. After recovery, the victim must adhere to a gentle diet for a month.

Modern man uses a lot of things every day various means household chemicals that are so effective and make life so much easier that sometimes we forget about the dangers and do not follow the rules for using and storing these substances. Neglecting the recommendations of the manufacturer of the washing powder or gel may pose a serious threat to the health of family members, especially children. It is better to know in advance what to do in such a situation.

Types of household chemicals hazardous to health:

  • cosmetic products (colognes, lotions) containing various alcohols(butyl, amyl, ethyl). Ingestion of such drugs causes severe alcohol poisoning, dizziness, vomiting, difficulty breathing and heartbeat;
  • acids (hydrochloric, acetic, carbolic, oxalic, hydrofluoric). These substances are found in bathtub and toilet cleaners, rust stain removers, and brake fluid. Such drugs can cause serious burns to the skin and mucous membrane, even burning the walls of the stomach;
  • alkalis (ammonia, caustic soda, persalt) cause poisoning;
  • products containing FOS (organophosphorus compounds). These are mainly insecticides (dichlorvos, chlorophos) and repellents, which can be poisonous to humans;
  • solvents (turpentine, acetone);
  • foaming liquids (shampoo, dishwashing liquid);
  • products that contain chlorinated hydrocarbons (used to remove grease stains) that damage the kidneys and liver.
  • If a household chemical product is in a prominent place, then it is very likely that to a small child you will want to taste the bright liquid from a beautiful bottle. However, adults can mistakenly take a sip of vinegar essence instead of water. If powders are handled carelessly, there are often cases of them getting into Airways.

Symptoms of poisoning from household chemicals

Poisoning with household chemicals may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness, nausea and vomiting;
  • pain from a chemical burn in the larynx, esophagus, stomach or respiratory tract;
  • foam at the mouth;
  • convulsions;
  • coughing and choking;
  • loss of self-control or loss of consciousness.

Why you can’t treat poisoning with traditional methods

Our grandmothers treated food poisoning using simple folk methods:

  • gave the patient a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • gave Activated carbon;
  • caused vomiting;
  • washed the stomach with an enema.

In case of poisoning from household chemicals, the above treatment methods are usually not suitable. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is a strong oxidizing agent. If the powder does not dissolve well in water and the whole crystal gets into the stomach (the mucous membrane of which is already burned), potassium permanganate will further injure the mucous membrane.

Activated carbon - excellent remedy at small problems with digestion and mild food poisoning. In serious cases, when a person has swallowed a caustic or foaming liquid, activated carbon in the usual dosage (1 tablet per 10 kg of the patient’s weight) is useless. In order for the medicine to absorb the chemicals that have entered the stomach, one would have to take charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per kilogram of the poisoned person’s weight. For a person with a burned larynx, this would be torture. In addition, in many cases, the victim should not take anything by mouth until examined by a doctor.

It is forbidden to induce vomiting if the patient has drunk a scalding liquid: the vomit passes through the esophagus into reverse direction, they will only burn the mucous membrane even more and can injure the respiratory tract. If a foaming gel gets into the stomach, then with artificial stimulation of vomiting, the foam can clog the airways and cause suffocation.

Experts do not recommend gastric lavage with an enema. In this case, the caustic liquid from the stomach will enter the small intestine and is quickly absorbed into the blood, at the same time injuring the mucous membrane of its walls. Doctors perform gastric lavage using a special tube.

Providing first aid for poisoning of household chemicals

First of all, you need to call an ambulance, explaining in detail to the dispatcher how the person was poisoned. The packaging from the drink should be saved and given to a toxicologist.

The poisoned person must be removed from the room filled with vapors of a toxic chemical. A person who has burned their respiratory tract with toxic vapors or powder should rinse oral cavity running water.

If a toxic substance has entered the stomach, but the patient is conscious, he is placed on his stomach and his head is turned so that in case of vomiting he does not accidentally inhale the vomit and burn the respiratory tract. For a patient who has lost consciousness, the mouth is opened slightly and pushed forward slightly. lower jaw so that he doesn't suffocate. If a person has removable dentures or braces, they should be removed from the mouth to prevent them from oxidizing due to the caustic liquid.

The patient should thoroughly rinse his mouth several times (preferably with running water): particles of household chemicals linger on the tongue and palate, and you need to try to prevent any remaining poison from entering the stomach.

If caustic liquid gets into your eyes, they must be washed out. Lips, chin, and other areas of the body that have been in contact with acid or alkali should be kept in cold running water for at least 20 minutes. The only exceptions are hydrofluoric acid and quicklime. The area of ​​skin burned with hydrofluoric acid should be carefully blotted with a dry cloth (do not rub or smear the substance under any circumstances), and then keep the burn area in cold running water for 20 minutes. The burn from quicklime is not moistened, but, after blotting with a dry cloth, is lubricated with glycerin.

You should not give the patient anything to drink if:

  • he was poisoned by the foaming liquid;
  • his stomach hurts (that is, a perforation is possible).

In other cases, the patient should drink 2-3 glasses of water so that the concentration of caustic liquid in the stomach decreases. Well coats the walls of the stomach and stops the absorption of poison into the blood in case of acid poisoning egg white. For the same purpose, the patient can drink a glass of milk.

It is not recommended to try to carry out a neutralization reaction in the victim’s stomach on your own: if he drank acid, give him soda, if he drank alkali, give him a solution of vinegar. To do this, you need to know chemistry well, and any mistake will only worsen the condition.

To avoid poisoning, all household chemicals must be stored in their original packaging, in specially designated places that children and pets do not have access to.

Poisoning from household chemicals is not uncommon. Every home contains products for washing dishes and floors, cleaning plumbing, and washing clothes.

Poisonings usually occur as a result of improper storage of such products or failure to comply with safety precautions during use.

Children suffer most often, because all the bottles and packaging are bright and colorful, which attracts the child’s attention.

Description and types of household chemicals

There are several types of household chemicals:

  • Cosmetics,
  • Washing and cleaning products,
  • Preparations for killing insects,
  • Varnishes and paints,
  • Means for getting rid of stains.

Cosmetic substances often contain various alcohols, which, when penetrated, adversely affect the body.

Insecticides are used to get rid of various insects. Most often, the composition includes organophosphorus compounds, poisoning with which is very dangerous.

Plumbing cleaning fluids contain a variety of acids or alkalis. Poisoning with them is quite severe for the body.

Stain removers often contain chlorine-containing substances, which also pose a danger. Intoxication with household chemicals causes people a lot of trouble and problems. In severe cases, death is possible.

Causes of poisoning from household chemicals

Poisoning with household chemicals occurs due to various reasons. The main ones are the following:

  • Failure to follow instructions for use, work in unventilated areas,
  • Failure to comply with storage rules. Bright labels attract the attention of young children, and they can easily drink liquids containing chemicals.
  • Frequent use of products can cause gradual accumulation in the body.
  • There are often cases when people simply confused chemicals with water and drank it.
  • Poisoning may result from contact of drugs with skin or mucous membranes.

Upon penetration into the human body, malfunctions occur. internal organs, respiratory arrest may occur.

Signs and symptoms of chemical poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning from household chemicals are varied. They depend on what exactly the poisoning occurred with and in what way.

It can be:

  • Nausea,
  • Vomit,
  • Upset stomach, diarrhea,
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen,
  • lethargy, apathy,
  • Headaches
  • Discomfort in the throat, cough
  • Vision problems
  • Labored breathing,
  • Foam from the mouth,
  • Cramps,
  • Loss of consciousness.

In case of poisoning with plumbing cleaners Nausea and respiratory irritation may occur, if a person inhales the resulting vapors, a skin rash.

When a person is poisoned by a chlorine-containing substance, problems occur respiratory function and blood circulation.

When absorbed into the blood, some toxic compounds can kill red cells, while the access of oxygen to the organs through the blood is limited. The result may be brain hypoxia.

If the chemical gets on the skin, it can cause ulcers, wounds, and burns.

If swallowed toxic substance There is pain in the larynx, vomiting blood. A person may smell chemically.

If you notice at least some of the symptoms, you must call emergency assistance.

Treatment and first aid for poisoning

Before the doctors arrive, you need to provide first aid to the person. It will depend on how the poisoning occurred:

  • If this happened orally with an acidic or alkaline substance, then it is prohibited. This will provoke increased vomiting, the larynx may swell and the person will begin to choke. The maximum you can give to a poisoned person is more than 600 ml of water. Do not try to neutralize the acid big amount alkaline agent and vice versa. The result will be the formation of a lot of carbon dioxide. Bleeding and painful sensations at the same time they will intensify. In case of acid poisoning, add a little soda to the drinking solution, and in case of alkali poisoning, add a little citric or acetic acid. But this must be done very carefully. But first of all you need to call an ambulance.
  • In case of poisoning from cosmetics , on the contrary, it is worth rinsing the stomach. To do this, the victim is given salt water and vomited. If a person has lost consciousness, then his head should be turned to the side so that substances from the stomach do not enter the respiratory tract.
  • If poisoning with household chemicals occurs through the respiratory tract, the person should be provided with access to clean air and remove clothing that is saturated with toxic fumes and does not allow him to breathe normally. You can rinse your mouth with a weak soda solution.
  • If household chemicals come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, you need to rinse these areas with plenty of cool water. The same applies to poisons getting into the eyes.

Definitive treatment is carried out in medical institutions.

It includes:

  • If necessary, gastric lavage
  • Use of various intravenous solutions,
  • Blood transfusion,
  • Prescribe drugs that normalize cardiac activity,
  • If necessary, use inhalations.

The doctor selects the method of therapy that is most suitable in a particular case.

Coping with household chemical poisoning is difficult, but quite possible. In this case, it is necessary to comply with all doctor’s instructions. Timely assistance also plays an important role.

Poisoning from household chemicals: prevention

In order to avoid poisoning, it is enough to know a few rules:

  • Products should be stored out of the reach of children.
  • You should not drink from bottles without labels, it may not contain water,
  • Follow the instructions for using the product. If necessary, work with gloves and a respirator.
  • Do not store such drugs near food or water.
  • Preventing poisoning is much easier than treating its consequences.

Household chemicals are used in every home; people have long been accustomed to them. Unfortunately, sometimes carelessness in use and storage can lead to poisoning.

If any suspicious symptoms are detected, you should immediately call emergency help. You should not try to cope on your own; you can only slightly alleviate the patient’s condition until the doctors arrive.

Video: how not to get infected by chemicals right in the store

Despite warnings on labels, doctors regularly record poisoning from household chemicals. The consequences of poisoning can be very serious. Find out what substances you should be wary of and how to clean your house without causing harm to your health.

Types of household chemicals

Household chemicals usually mean apartment cleaning products, although this concept is much broader.

It includes:

  • Cosmetics (primarily decorative, nail polishes, hair dyes).
  • Products for washing various surfaces, removing stains, washing clothes.
  • Pesticides (especially insecticides and herbicides).
  • Fertilizers.
  • Paints and varnishes.

Any household chemicals contain toxic elements. As part of them they perform important functions, being the main active substance or a preservative.

Be sure to use the product according to the instructions. Then it will be possible to reduce bad influence chemistry to a minimum. This is also important in the case of varnishes and paints, pesticides. Their contact with the skin or mucous membranes, even in small quantities, immediately leads to consequences.

Pesticides are a wide group of chemicals that help people preserve and increase crops. Insecticides are used to control insects indoors or to spray plants in garden beds. Herbicides remove weeds from crops. Fungicides fight fungal infections. All types of pesticides negatively affect human health. The packaging often contains an inscription about the naturalness of the drug. This means that it is obtained from bacteria, but its natural origin does not in any way detract from the toxic effect on humans.

Some products can be used for years without knowing that they penetrate the body and accumulate.

For many years there has been a debate about the dangers of nail polishes. After reading the composition, you may be horrified. Formaldehyde, phenol, toluene are known as strong poisons. However, their concentration is too low for a pronounced toxic effect. One of latest research, carried out public organization Health EWG (Environmental Working Group) discovered triphenyl phosphate.

Triphenyl phosphate was added to the composition to replace another, even more toxic substance. It is able to penetrate the body from varnish applied to the nail plate and through the respiratory system. The effect of triphenyl phosphate on the human body continues to be studied. In animal experiments, it was found that triphenyl phosphate destroys hormones, creating an imbalance in the endocrine system.

Nail technicians are exposed to significant amounts of toxic fumes. A good hood in the office will protect the health of the master and clients.

Causes of poisoning

Poisoning with detergents occurs most often due to non-compliance with safety precautions during use. Both physical liquids themselves and their vapors are dangerous. It is widely known that it is necessary to use protective gloves when working with detergent. But the need for a respirator and strong ventilation during some work is forgotten. For example, bathroom cleaners that remove stubborn stains require the use of a respirator.

Caustic substances are used to kill weeds, fungal diseases and insects. Gardening with pesticides will not harm you if you use the right ones. protective equipment: gloves, respirator, or protective suit.

Do not transfer detergents to other bottles. The label on the container must always correspond to the contents, otherwise it can be easily confused poisonous agent with safe. Storing household chemicals in a visible place or on easily accessible shelves leads to tragic consequences. Inattentive family members, children or pets can be poisoned by the detergent.

Protective products will allow you to use household chemicals for virtually no harm without health. Constant skin contact with chemicals will lead to accumulation harmful substances. A metabolic disorder will occur in the tissues, which in the long term leads to various consequences: from allergies to cancer.

You should especially protect your eyes from household chemicals. The respirator will block the access of caustic vapors to the mucous membranes of the larynx and lungs, but the eyes will remain without protection. Intensive ventilation of the room will reduce harm.

Poisonous substances in household chemicals

The most common toxic components:

Chlorine: hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite. Chlorine is a macronutrient that is essential to our metabolism, but is extremely toxic in excess. It is also used for water disinfection. Chlorine primarily affects the respiratory system and slows down work immune system. The element has carcinogenic properties. Chlorine vapors are especially dangerous.

The most common product containing chlorine is bleach. Whiteness poisoning is accompanied by severe symptoms, when ingested, bleeding occurs. Vapors cause particular harm to people with diseases of the respiratory system. Their exposure aggravates the course of the disease.

Phosphates and phosphonates. Phosphates - inorganic compounds, found mainly in washing powders, prevent the formation of scale. Over time, phosphonates replace them from bottles of household chemicals. They prevent scale much more effectively and increase the soapiness of surfactants.

Phosphonates are organic compounds, so when they enter the soil they are absorbed by plants in the form of phosphorus. Organophosphate compounds accumulate in the human body, leading to mineral imbalances. To utilize phosphorus, the body needs calcium, which is taken up primarily by bone tissue.

Surfactant - organic matter, reducing surface tension. They form the basis of detergent products. The cheapest, most common and harmful to health and the environment: anionic and cationic surfactants. Such washing powders are not recommended for use on children's clothing. Despite all their shortcomings, surfactants have a very important advantage - antimicrobial action. Safe Alternative- nonionic surfactants. Foams form much less, but do not accumulate in environment and do not harm humans.

Lauryl sulfate (sodium lauryl sulfate, SLS) is widely found in shampoos, shower gels and soaps as a detergent base. A couple of years ago, the foaming agent Cocamidopropyl Betaine, positioned as harmless, entered the mass market. Alas, this type of surfactant also has negative properties: irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, deposition in tissues, causing allergies and severe disorders in the body.

To summarize, we can conclude that all household chemicals on sale contain aggressive substances. They cheat acid-base balance, have carcinogenic properties. This means that the cells are disrupted correct flow chemical reactions. Under such conditions, mutations arise that form benign and malignant tumors.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning depend on the product used.

If children experience the following symptoms, make sure that they are not poisoned by chemicals. Swallowing a capsule of washing powder can cost your life.

General symptoms of poisoning from household chemicals:

  • eye pain or irritation
  • dizziness, headache
  • nausea, digestive system disorder
  • cough, choking

Foam at the mouth, convulsions, loss of consciousness clearly indicate severe damage to the body.

Often, when carrying out paint and varnish work indoors, slight dizziness and nausea occur. This is considered mild poisoning. If symptoms do not go away within a few hours, contact your doctor.

Treatment of poisoning from household chemicals

First aid for poisoning with household chemicals is carried out by a doctor. Self-medication will harm the victim. Don't take risks by taking medications without a doctor's prescription. Conventional methods treatment food poisoning in the form of drinking a solution of potassium permanganate, gastric lavage, inducing vomiting cannot be done. In case of chemical poisoning, this will only increase tissue damage. Neutralizing acids or alkalis according to instructions on the Internet is strictly prohibited.

If you discover poisoning in yourself or your loved ones as a result of working with household chemicals, call an ambulance immediately. Be sure to name the poisoning agent. The dispatcher will advise on providing pre-medical first aid to a victim of poisoning with household chemicals.

If caustic substances come into contact with skin or eyes, rinse chemical burns under running water.

In case of poisoning by household chemical vapors, it is good to transport the victim to fresh air. If possible, change your clothes; fabrics quickly become saturated with toxic fumes.

Even if it seems to you that the poisoning was not severe, make sure that your condition is normal by consulting a doctor.