Soda solution for douching. Douching for conception

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, the woman begins to look for various methods solutions to this problem. Not only traditional medicine, but also experts agree on one thing: the soda douching procedure, which can be carried out independently at home, brings benefits.

Why do douching with soda before conception

Nature has taken care of almost everything - there is a highly acidic environment in the internal female genital organs. All known pathogens die in it, and in alkaline they feel great. This environment is ideal for male spermatozoa, because in acidic conditions their rapid death occurs. If the microflora is unfavorable, it is easy to fix it using douching with soda for conception.

Many women do not know how to properly douche with soda for conception. Another nuance is when to carry out this procedure. The acidity in the vagina before ovulation decreases, so it comes favorable period for conception. Otherwise, its decrease is short-lived, and recovery takes less time. It will not be possible to become pregnant even if the seminal fluid has an insufficient pH level or its amount is too small to neutralize the acid. In such cases, the gynecologist prescribes douching baking soda for conception.

Water with soda, from which the solution for the procedure is made, has a pronounced alkaline reaction, so you first need to consult a specialist. A test strip test will help accurately determine the level of acidity in the vagina. The doctor's opinion on how to do douching with soda for conception correctly, so as not to harm health, will be the only true one.

How to Douche

You need to know how to douche with soda, and follow the recipe for the solution for the procedure:

  • simple boiled water (1 l) at room temperature and baking soda (5 g) are taken;
  • the components are mixed until the soda is completely dissolved;
  • the entire amount received is calculated at one time;
  • before the procedure is carried out, the syringe tip (pear) is sterilized.

The douching method should be used according to the following scheme:

  1. First, the menstrual cycle is calculated to determine fertile days during which the chances of conception increase.
  2. The period of ovulation is set, because this is the case when it is necessary to start douching with soda.
  3. Doctors give important advice- this method will be most effective if applied a couple of days before ovulation and after it is completed.
  4. The procedure cannot be carried out more than once a day, otherwise pH value falls too hard, there is a risk of injury.
  5. Douching with baking soda for conception is performed while lying in the bathroom or sitting on the toilet.
  6. The procedure and washing should be carried out about half an hour before intimacy.
  7. If it is difficult to do this on your own, a sexual partner can help.
  8. It is impossible to have sexual contact immediately after douching.
  9. So that a man does not have an allergic reaction to contact with soda, it is recommended to rinse the genital organ with a solution of chamomile or potassium permanganate.
  10. Cannot be taken after intercourse water procedures otherwise, the chances that a child will soon appear in the family are reduced.

Soda helps to wash clothes to a snowy whiteness, wipe the stove from greasy stains, bake quick pies ... And besides, it is a successful folk remedy to conceive a child. Although you need to use it wisely. We'll tell you how!

Increasing your chances of conceiving by douching with baking soda

Maybe you already knew that with thrush it is useful to wash with soda (this advice is given not only by grandmothers, but also by gynecologists). But if male sperm not alkaline enough female vagina on the contrary - sour, soda will help to conceive a baby.

Do you know what's inside of you female organ many bacteria that form lactic acid live? They protect you from their "bad" relatives... and (inadvertently) from spermatozoa. To give the body a chance to conceive, acidity decreases for a couple of days just before ovulation - it is during this period that fast sperm need to have time to slip through and fertilize the egg.

By its composition, sperm is alkaline, due to which half of the sperm cells die, normalizing the microflora of the vagina, and the other half fights for the competitive right to give their genes to the egg. So it turns out that if there is not enough sperm, or it is not “caustic” enough, or if the vaginal environment is too “acidic”, conception does not occur because all spermatozoa do not have time to reach the egg, as they die.

It is believed that spermatozoa that carry “boyish” chromosomes are less resistant to vaginal acid. Therefore, douching with soda should be primarily for women who want a son.

What do the doctors think?

Usually, medical science and grandmother's methods are "not friendly." But not in this case. First, the soda method really works. Secondly, it will help you get rid of the slipped candidiasis (which will often also cause a delay in pregnancy).

Well, what do doctors say who do not like douching with soda? In natural fertilization, the egg is “occupied” by the strongest sperm that has made its way through the acidic environment of the vagina. After douching, the environment becomes so "smooth" that even the weakest spermatozoon can become a winner ... And this is not so good for natural selection and can even lead to fetal fading or ectopic pregnancy.

In addition, soda can dry out and even injure the vagina. Because of this, inflammation sometimes occurs, which, again, will delay pregnancy.

Contraindications to the use of soda:

  • cervical erosion,
  • inflammation (chlamydia, endometritis, adnexitis, etc.),
  • pregnancy.

It is worth remembering: baking soda causes irritation in some people.

Have you decided to try yet? First, consult your doctor - he will tell you if this procedure is safe for you.

How to douche with soda to get pregnant?

Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of water (for starters, you can take only half of these proportions). The best time for douching with soda for pregnancy - 4 days before and 2 days after ovulation, that is, somewhere on the 10-18th day of the cycle.

Do everything according to the rules:

  1. Pour the soda with a little boiling water, extinguishing it, and then pour the indicated amount of water (boiled, but slightly warm).
  2. Sterilize the syringe.
  3. Do the procedure half an hour before sex.
  4. Before sex, it is advisable for your man to wash his penis with a decoction of chamomile or a solution of potassium permanganate (weak). A hygienic shower is mandatory for him, because you are now weakened and "open" to germs.
  5. Do not douche often, so as not to injure the vagina. The normal course is a maximum of 2 douches per month (with a break of 3 days).
  6. Perhaps the doctor will advise you alternative remedy- for example, a pharmacy solution of soda.

It will be good if you do not stop at douching alone, but go further. For example, give up alcohol, sweets and starchy foods (these dishes increase the acidity of the vagina) in favor of sour milk, and also forget about the bath and solarium for a while.

Does this procedure have positive reviews?

No matter how many doctors swear because of self-medication, every year hundreds of women do douche with soda. It is noteworthy that many achieve a positive effect. There are reviews in which women happily report the long-awaited two stripes that appeared after several years of attempts - however, in this case, douching was carried out for more than one month. True, in a certain percentage of cases of such a pregnancy, the fetus froze for early term. Is the soda to blame? It's hard to say exactly.

douching is a vaginal lavage medicines or decoctions medicinal herbs.

Vagina treatment

This technique is used in medicinal purposes recovery normal microflora vagina.

information Some women prefer to use vaginal flushes to get rid of various kinds colpitis, however, it is recommended to do this in exceptional cases. To date, there are many drugs in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, creams, ointments that will quickly and safely help get rid of the infection without causing harm.

The use of soda

Soda solution is most often recommended for douching with. This method quite justified: increased acidity of the vagina prevents conception due to the detrimental effect on spermatozoa. In this case, even in an absolutely healthy married couple may not occur long time. For these purposes, they use ordinary soda, creating with its help normal alkaline environment into the vagina.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in one liter of warm boiled water, previously extinguished with a small amount of boiling water.

Duration of use of soda

dangerously In no case should you abuse the treatment with a soda mixture. Constant washing of the vagina will not hasten the appearance of the desired pregnancy, but can only cause serious harm.

For conception, it is necessary to douche only on days close to when the likelihood of pregnancy is significantly increased: from 11 to 18 days menstrual cycle. Manipulation is carried out 20-30 minutes before, according to the method described below.

  1. Admission not recommended hot bath, visiting the bath and sauna on the days of the douche;
  2. Reception is prohibited alcoholic beverages both spouses due to the high probability of pregnancy;
  3. Before starting the procedure, be sure to consult a doctor and pass smears on the flora and purity of the vagina.

Use of other douching solutions when planning a pregnancy

At the stage, you should be very careful about your health. Do not blindly follow the advice of friends and self-medicate.

important The use of other vaginal fluids is not recommended at this time, including medications, so and . Their unreasonable and regular use can cause a number of serious complications, including severe allergic reactions.


It should be noted right away that douching is far from harmless procedure and it should be done only on the advice of a doctor. Constant lavage of the genitals leads to leaching healthy microflora, which leads to the development bacterial vaginosis and inclination to inflammatory processes(fungal, bacterial or viral colpitis). In addition, frequent exposure to solutions washes away natural lubrication and causes increased dryness vagina, prone to injury and pain during intercourse.

Many experts are ambivalent about the syringe and are increasingly moving away from this procedure, replacing it with a less aggressive methods treatment.

Absolute contraindications to douching:

  1. Pregnancy(according to modern medical requirements this procedure unacceptable during the period of bearing a child due to a significant increase in the risk of gardnerellosis and colpitis);
  2. Menses;
  3. postpartum period(at least 2 months);
  4. Period after the intrauterine procedures (abortion, diagnostic curettage uterus, setting and removal of the intrauterine device);
  5. Infected wounds of the vulva, vagina and perineum;
  6. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  7. Premenopausal or over 45 years of age.


In conditions medical institution vaginal treatment is most often carried out using Esmarch's mug, but it is not very convenient to use it at home, so it is better to use gynecological syringe("pear").

Basic douching rules:

  1. "Pear" must be clean(optimally boiled), disinfect with alcohol before use;
  2. Use only warm solution (hot water may burn the vagina or cause it to dry out excessively);
  3. It is strictly forbidden to use the same "pear" for cleansing enemas and douching.

Stages of washing the vagina:

  1. Lie in the bathroom on your back, put your feet on its sides;
  2. Insert a 5 cm “pear” tip into the vagina;
  3. Press the "pear" and slowly inject the solution (the duration of the procedure is up to 15 minutes);
  4. After completing the manipulation, you should lie on your back for half an hour.

Rule One. The most important thing that is required of a man is that his spermatozoon be mobile. The point is that the male sex cell carries all its "fuel" on itself. And she urgently needs energy: there is energy - the spermatozoon will run far, if there is no energy - it will stop on the spot. And then there can be no talk of any conception.

Therefore, a man needs to be properly prepared in advance, at least the last two weeks before the decisive sexual intercourse.

To do this, he must be properly fed.:

The preparatory diet includes: meat, any nuts, vitamin E, succinic acid(it improves general exchange substances). Such nutrition increases sperm motility.

In addition, before a man goes to bed to conceive, he must refrain from sexual intercourse for 2 to 3 days. Abstinence is necessary so that the necessary volume of spermatozoa accumulates and so that the sperm has time to mature. To prove to their patients the need for abstinence, experts usually cite a well-known case in sexological practice. American married couple long time suffered from infertility. It turned out that the desire to have a child was so great that they worked on it two or three times a day. After the doctor forbade them to engage in excess, hypersexual Americans managed to conceive a child.

Rule two. Sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception should be a single! The first intercourse is the most decisive. All other moments are really just fun. This is scientific explanation. During the first sexual intercourse, there is the highest concentration of spermatozoa. After it, the concentration decreases by 2 times. And then, as experts joke, there will be only water.

Rule three. As soon as an ejaculation has occurred, the penis must immediately come out of the vagina so as not to splash a puddle of sperm. Then the probability of conception will be much higher.

(By the way, the same rule must be observed for another reason - if a man has some kind of inflammation, then the extra time spent in the vagina will increase the risk of infection for a woman.)

Rule four. If you really want to have a child, it is advisable not to bring a woman to orgasm during intercourse. The fact is that during orgasm, the cervix rises, and spermatozoa, like climbers, will have to conquer this peak, and, as you know, even men do not like to go an extra way.

If sexual intercourse is carried out without orgasm, the cervix remains in place, a puddle of sperm easily covers the entrance to it, and spermatozoa freely penetrate inside. However, some women assure sexologists that they became pregnant at the peak of mutual ecstasy with a sexual partner. But these are just their personal fantasies. In such cases, experts, chuckling, simply shrug their shoulders: they say, lucky, and thank God.

Rule five. It is very important for conception to choose the right time. Usually in the middle of the cycle, a woman is more fertile. At this time, the egg matures. Days can be calculated from basal temperature, which is known to be measured in anus. In addition to two days of ovulation (the maturation of the female egg), 5-6 days before it are considered favorable for conception - so many days the sperm cell lives, waiting for the "bride", and all this time it is capable.

Within 6 days after ovulation, you can also get pregnant, because all this time it remains capable female egg.

Previously, many religions stipulated the time when sex life was strictly prohibited. Usually under the ban were 7 days after menstruation. The custom was strictly observed: the woman was required to present a clean sheet, which meant the end of her period. And that was the starting point of the forbidden time. Therefore, the peak of sexual life fell exactly in the middle of the cycle, when the probability of conception was highest. Thus, religion strictly and categorically instructed women to become pregnant. However, there are cases when a woman became pregnant during menstruation. Experts consider this a failure in the cycle.

Rule six. Before intercourse, it would be nice for a woman to douche soda solution. The fact is that often she has inflammation, which she does not even suspect. Because of it, it is formed acidic environment, which is very harmful to the health of spermatozoa - they simply die in it. Baking soda neutralizes the acidic environment. You should not be afraid of douching, because even if there is no inflammation, a weak soda solution will not hurt anyone.

Rule seven. After the ejaculation has occurred, little depends on the man. Then it all depends on the woman. She must lie down, and not immediately jump out of bed, even if she really wants to take a shower.

By the way, you also need to be able to lie down. At usual location uterus and cervix, the woman should lie on her back, pressing her knees to her chest. In the event that she has a bend of the uterus, then you need to lie on your stomach. In this position, the cervix will be able to sink into the puddle of semen.

There are times when the advice of a gynecologist is required. For example, if a woman has inflammation of the appendages, the cervix can turn to the side, and only the doctor will determine which one. Then, after intercourse, you need to lie down on the side where the cervix looks.

Rule eight. It is very important for conception to choose the right position. Among them are those that contribute to pregnancy, and vice versa. True, the choice in favor of pregnancy is small: - it should be a classic position, that is, in a prone position. It is extremely difficult to get pregnant while standing: all the liquid will simply pour out. In general, all non-classical positions are of little use for pregnancy. Well, for fun, you can choose whatever you like.

There are exceptions to this rule. If a woman has a bend of the uterus, then sexual intercourse should be carried out in the “behind” position. Lying on your stomach or leaning on your knees - it does not matter.

Rule nine. After intercourse, you need to completely relax, renounce everything. And such a detached-exalted state should be maintained for the next two or three days. If this does not work out and the woman remains waiting, restless, nervous state, it is better to take valerian.

Experts advise staying in a state of euphoria is not accidental. This is necessary so that there is no violation of contractile activity fallopian tubes. They are the ones that are known to move the sperm to its destination. If the potential mother is overly worried, the tubes contract incorrectly and do not move the sperm. The consequences can be unpleasant: either the long-awaited fertilization will not occur, or there will be an ectopic pregnancy.

Baking soda (sodium carbonate) is a fine-grained white powder with a salty taste. Every housewife knows that soda - indispensable assistant in the preparation of dough, cleaning dishes, as well as in hand washing. Soda solution is also used in folk medicine: for washing festering wounds, treatment of cough, elimination of heartburn, getting rid of thrush. And soda has helped many women get pregnant.

Douching with soda for pregnancy

Pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited child is a problem that many couples face. Often, after examination and testing, doctors shrug and say that both partners are healthy. In this case, the cause of death of spermatozoa that have fallen into female body, most likely, is the increased acidity of the vagina. Normally, an acidic environment is needed to combat harmful microorganisms. Closer to ovulation, acidity decreases to accept sperm for fertilization. But many women experience an excessive increase in acid.

Causes hyperacidity can be:

  • long-term antibiotic use;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • excessively careful intimate hygiene;
  • stress.

The pH level in the vagina will help determine the test strips, which are commonly sold in pharmacies. Using them is quite simple. Depending on the type of test, the strip is either inserted into the vagina or a small amount of secretion is applied directly to it. When the color of the test changes, it is compared with the scale. The darker the shade, the higher the acidity. To remove excess acid, they resort to douching with baking soda, which makes the environment in the vagina more alkaline.

The opinion of doctors about douching with soda

According to doctors, douching with soda is a method traditional medicine

Before using this method of treatment, you must consult a doctor. The opinions of gynecologists about douching with soda differ. More the older generation doctors welcomes such treatment in addition to the main one. But most gynecologists believe that this method belongs to traditional medicine.

In any case, the doctor will prescribe tests to determine the microflora of the vagina. Based on the tests done, he will recommend treatment, and as an addition, soda douching.

Contraindications and side effects of the procedure

There are a number of diseases in which soda douching is contraindicated:

  • cervical erosion;
  • infection of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • decreased acidity of the vagina.

It is important to remember: frequent douching with soda can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina

Doctors warn about side effects such a treatment. Frequent douching washes away natural lubrication and upsets the natural pH balance.

Douching with soda can:

  • dry the vaginal mucosa;
  • reduce protective barriers;
  • develop benign tumors;
  • lead to an allergic reaction;
  • injure the vagina and cervix.

Vaginal douching is not hygiene procedure. It is prescribed by a gynecologist only for the treatment of certain diseases and should be carried out no longer and no more than the established norms and doses.

Video: doctor Ekaterina Makarova's opinion on douching

Preparation of soda solution and douching rules

Like any other procedure, douching with soda should be carried out only with the permission of the doctor and in compliance with all his recommendations.

Soda solution makes the microflora of the vagina more alkaline

How to prepare a soda solution and douching correctly?

Here is a detailed step by step guide:

  1. We determine the days when to douche. This is the period when the likelihood of fertilization increases - three days before and during ovulation itself.
  2. We take a medical pear, having previously disinfected it.
  3. We dissolve 1 incomplete teaspoon of soda in 2 tbsp. l. boiling water to extinguish the soda.
  4. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour the resulting solution with purified or boiled water room temperature, bringing the volume to 1 liter.
  6. We douche once a day while sitting on the toilet or lying in the bath.
  7. We have sex 30-40 minutes after douching, so that the man does not have irritation due to direct contact with the soda solution.
  8. Before sexual intercourse, the partner takes a shower to prevent infection with fungal infections, since when soda douche women are decreasing protective functions organism.
  9. Within one hour after sexual intercourse, a woman does not take a shower, so as not to wash the sperm from the vagina before the desired pregnancy.

Reviews of women who were helped by douching with soda for conception

Despite the position of skeptics who believe that conception will not occur with this method, there is a positive experience of women who became pregnant precisely because of douching with soda.
Many women claim that they were able to get pregnant only thanks to the use of baking soda.

Wow!!! There is something? How exciting))) You can congratulate me, I’m pregnant, fortunately)) I don’t know if douching with soda helped me in this or everything worked out by itself. We tried for 5 months, now it worked out))) well, she told the gynecologist that she was douching with soda)) the gynecologist says that douching had nothing to do with it))) but I think it was douching with soda that helped me.

Girls, I also read about this before the second pregnancy, and also decided to try to do this before intercourse, well, our Timurka turned out in the same cycle. I guess it's on this very day. I also thought it was complete bullshit.


I got pregnant after douching with soda in the first month (before that, for 2 months, nothing worked for me, I had endometriosis). Doctors promised a long and painful conception. I douched once a day before PA for 2 days. My daughter is already 2.6 years old))) A truly wonderful remedy!


I always knew about the miraculous properties of soda, and I myself often used a soda solution for thrush and sore throat. The fact that soda has bactericidal and alkaline properties is an indisputable fact. I myself did not use this method for conception, but I know several childless couples who have gone through medical examination that showed no disease. Why don't they try this method? And the experience of many women proves that douching with soda for successful conception really works.

As moms show, douching with soda really helps, if not gynecological diseases interfering with conception. But it is very important to approach this method of treatment wisely: do not exceed the concentration of soda in the solution and be sure to consult a gynecologist.