How to do irrigation in gynecology. Gynecological douche

Douching is the process of irrigating the vagina with a special solution for curing or prophylactic purposes. This rinsing method is performed using a syringe or an ordinary syringe without a needle.

But you need to know how to properly carry out this action, otherwise you can do harm.

There are some diseases in which douching is strictly prohibited.

Vaginal lavage should be performed twice a day - in the morning and evening, the course of treatment is approximately three days. The maximum therapy time is ten days. Washing usually lasts no more than fifteen minutes, and the liquid should be slightly warm.

The irrigation process is best done in the bathroom, in a prone position. It is necessary to substitute a basin into which the solution will drain. When the uterus is bent, the best position is kneeling.

First you need to disinfect the syringe or syringe, from which you must first remove the needle. To disinfect, you need to lower the syringe into hydrogen peroxide or simply irrigate with boiling water.

A pre-prepared solution (the approximate amount of a solution for one irrigation is about two hundred milliliters) must be drawn into a syringe and lubricated with petroleum jelly at its tip to ensure easy and painless administration.

Place the tip of the pear in the vagina for a couple of centimeters and gradually press on it so that the liquid begins to be injected, and slightly contract the muscles of the vagina.

This must be done with care so as not to injure the vagina.

After all this, it is worth lying down for a bit. Do not immediately unclench the pear if it is not removed.

If you make this mistake, then bacteria will get into it. After use, the syringe must be thoroughly washed for further use.

In no case should you use a pear for enemas for the purpose of douching.

In fact, vaginal douching is the deliberate introduction of various aqueous solutions into its cavity. Usually women use for these purposes a rubber pear with a plastic top. If a douche is not available, then many simply use an enema, that is, Esmarch's mug. In particular cases, even twenty-cube syringes without needles can be used, but such a procedure is fraught with an increased risk of injury to the mucosa. How to protect your own body from risks and carry out all the manipulations correctly?

How to douche during the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system

No need to hope for this procedure as a panacea for all gynecological problems. Also, it cannot act as a preventive measure.

Cleansing the vagina, trying to rid it of completely natural secretions, is a fundamentally wrong approach to one's own health. Constant washing out of the mucosa is dangerous, the vagina is able to cleanse itself, producing a viscous secret that has a protective function.

Therefore, mucous secretions, if they are not too plentiful, do not have blood or purulent inclusions, do not exude an unpleasant amber, are quite natural for women of reproductive age.

Frequent use of such a “flush” will lead to a disruption in the production of natural lubrication, a change in the level of acidity in the vagina, an imbalance in the microflora and an acceleration of the reproduction of colonies of pathogenic pathogens.

Uncontrolled douching with chamomile at home in its destructive effect is comparable only to the abuse of systemic antibiotics.

Regular intervention in the internal environment of the vagina often leads to the development of allergies.

In addition, if safety measures are not followed, the bladder, neck and internal walls of the organ can be injured. Health organizations have repeatedly conducted scientific research on this topic, and based on their results, it has been established that frequent sanitation only increases the risk of inflammation.

Women who abuse sanitation are more likely to suffer from salpingitis, bacterial vaginitis, endometriosis, endometritis, since excessive flushing of natural mucus leads to resorption of the protective plug in the cervix.

It dissolves, giving the infectious agent the opportunity to get from the cervix into the uterus itself. Medical statistics claim that 60% of women who suffer from chronic diseases of the genital area previously douched at least two to three times a week.

During menstruation, during pregnancy and after forty days after the birth of a child, a few days before and a few days after surgery - you can not douche.

Douching as an STD Prevention or Contraceptive

Douching to prevent unwanted pregnancy is useless and irrational. After ejaculation, spermatozoa reach the uterine cavity in a matter of seconds, and no matter how a woman tries to get ahead of them, running away to the bathroom immediately after the act, she will not be able to get ahead of the spermatozoa.

And the use of acidic solutions, such as vinegar, citric acid, mineral water, will only irritate the mucous membrane, but they will not be able to get those spermatozoa that have already hidden in the uterus.

The use of douching of the uterus, vagina and treatment of the external genital organs with antiseptics, as an emergency measure against infection with STDs, is a rather unreliable method, although recognized by many infectious disease specialists.

The meaning of such a procedure is justified only in the first hour after a dubious sexual intercourse with a preliminary thorough toilet of the external genitalia and inner thighs.

Many gynecologists are of the opinion that douching is necessary for the complex treatment of many female diseases, but there is another opinion regarding this issue.

What is douching and how to do it correctly?

Douching is the process of irrigating the vagina with a special solution for curing or prophylactic purposes. This rinsing method is performed using a syringe or an ordinary syringe without a needle. But you need to know how to properly carry out this action, otherwise you can do harm.

There are some diseases in which douching is strictly prohibited.

Vaginal lavage should be performed twice a day - in the morning and evening, the course of treatment is approximately three days. The maximum therapy time is ten days. Washing usually lasts no more than fifteen minutes, and the liquid should be slightly warm.

The irrigation process is best done in the bathroom, in a prone position. It is necessary to substitute a basin into which the solution will drain. When the uterus is bent, the best position is kneeling.

First you need to disinfect the syringe or syringe, from which you must first remove the needle. To disinfect, you need to lower the syringe into hydrogen peroxide or simply irrigate with boiling water.

A pre-prepared solution (the approximate amount of a solution for one irrigation is about two hundred milliliters) must be drawn into a syringe and smeared with petroleum jelly at its tip to ensure easy and painless administration. Place the tip of the pear in the vagina for a couple of centimeters and gradually press on it so that the liquid begins to be injected, and slightly contract the muscles of the vagina. This must be done with care so as not to injure the vagina.

After all this, it is worth lying down for a bit. Do not immediately unclench the pear if it is not removed. If you make this mistake, then bacteria will get into it. After use, the syringe must be thoroughly washed for further use. In no case should you use a pear for enemas for the purpose of douching.

Why is douching necessary?

Vaginal douching is indicated in the complex therapy of certain gynecological diseases (primarily inflammatory processes in the vagina). A huge number of decoctions and folk remedies provide an excellent result.

This procedure is prescribed by a gynecologist for such diseases:

  • thrush;
  • nonspecific cervicitis and colpitis;
  • endometritis;
  • salpingoophoritis.

A certain number of women try to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy by douching, but this will not bring results. Such actions will not protect against pregnancy, even if done immediately after the end of sexual intercourse. It is also invalid for protection against STIs.

Douching is a hygienic procedure, but you should not do it without need, so as not to disturb the microflora. If there are no indications for this process, you do not need to do it.

How can you irrigate the vagina?

At home, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme, and the like). Vinegar or lemon solutions are used to remove the fungal infection and renew the normal vaginal environment. To do this, mix one teaspoon of vinegar (or lemon juice) into 250 milliliters of water.

Medical treatment is done with such drugs:

  1. Furacilin;
  2. Chlorhexidine;
  3. Epigen.

In the presence of antibacterial properties, pharmacy products kill germs and eliminate inflammation. They delay the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina and relieve unpleasant symptoms. Irrigation with antiseptic solutions is relevant at the initial stages of the disease in the case of an additional agent to the main treatment.

Is it possible to douche without a reason?

The answer is definitely no. The vagina itself produces a secret that cleans and removes dead cells on its own. If there is no infection, then there is no need to douche. Enough daily washing.

You should be aware that constant douching upsets the balance of the mucous membrane, which leads to dryness, suppression of the natural microflora and violation of the acidity of the vagina. As a result, this leads to a significant decrease in the concentration of lactobacilli and the development of dysbacteriosis.

In what cases is it impossible to douche?

  • During pregnancy, because the risk of infection of the fetus increases.
  • During menstruation.
  • In the first days after labor or abortion.
  • Before visiting a gynecologist, since there is a chance to wash off whites, and it will be quite difficult to determine the diagnosis.

Irrigation for the purpose of treatment

If the whites are caused by a disease, they have a bad smell, unusual color and composition, while creating itching, discomfort and irritation, then you should immediately visit a gynecologist. He will send for analyzes, the results of which will identify the problem, and it will become clear how and how to fix it. In this scenario, irrigation is carried out with medicines that will relieve discomfort.

For example, in the presence of STIs, antiseptic solutions are prescribed. Only their use is relevant for urgent prevention (for example, after an intimate relationship with a random partner) and it is not possible to completely prevent the onset of the disease just with the participation of these solutions.

Also known are infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, wormwood, calendula and others, they eliminate inflammation and speed up recovery.

Some women do not know how to douche, and many underestimate the benefits of this procedure altogether. But it must be remembered that all interventions in the activity of the body must be done on the recommendation of a doctor. Some women douche before visiting the gynecologist, arguing that then everything will be clean there and the doctor will be more comfortable. This is absolutely not true.

The doctor does not need convenience, he needs to examine both the vaginal mucosa and the discharge produced. It is they who give the overall picture, which allows the doctor to make a diagnosis. And if a woman washed everything away before a visit to the gynecologist, then there will be nothing to evaluate. Before the visit, it is enough to simply wash yourself with warm water, without using any hygiene products. Douching is a medical procedure, the essence of which is to irrigate and rinse the vagina in order to destroy the pathogenic flora. And it should only be used for that. If you carry out this procedure constantly, then along with the harmful bacteria, the beneficial ones will also die. And dysbacteriosis will only intensify. If a woman was prescribed such a procedure, but she does not know how to douche, then it is better to ask a gynecologist. He will explain all the subtleties of this rather simple manipulation. And he will tell you exactly what goal you need to achieve during the treatment.

How to do douching at home?

Often doctors prescribe this procedure, but many patients simply forget to ask how exactly it is done. There is nothing difficult in this. First you need to buy a large syringe or Esmarch's mug (the same one that is used for enemas) in the pharmacy. Naturally, these medical supplies should not be used

simultaneously for both procedures. It is better to purchase separately for douching, since its cost is low, and infection can be brought in very easily. The tip must be boiled or poured over with boiling water. It is necessary to prepare a solution prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is excluded, so even in the office it is necessary to clarify all the nuances. This is especially true for pharmaceuticals, as well as potassium permanganate. Incorrect dosage can lead to injury to the vaginal mucosa. The solution should be warm, not hot. For the procedure, a woman should lie on her back and gently insert the tip between the labia, after deflating the air. Then slowly inject the medicine, allowing it to flow freely. You can not strain or get up, because the solution should evenly irrigate the entire surface.

Myths associated with this procedure

Some girls sometimes ask how to do uterine douching. So, the uterus is an internal organ that does not need such a procedure. The second misconception that many young girls are prone to is the belief that douching can protect against unwanted pregnancies. Moreover, a wide variety of means are used for the solution, including the Coca-Cola drink. This is absolutely unreasonable, because the sperm of a healthy man leaves the vagina rather quickly, moving towards their target, and therefore nothing can stop them. In addition, for conception, only one is enough, which will be able to reach. But it is very easy to spoil the microflora. Also, douching will not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Terrible dairy. Is there a way out?

One of the unpleasant female diseases, which is difficult to treat, is known to many. You need to know how to do douching with thrush, because in this case the disease can be stopped at the initial stage. For these purposes, solutions of baking soda, medicinal herbs, and also potassium permanganate are most often used.

Douching with a decoction of chamomile

How to do douching with chamomile? If the doctor has prescribed such a procedure, then you should not be afraid. She will need dry chamomile, which is sold without a prescription in a pharmacy. It is necessary to make a decoction of 2 tablespoons of flowers per liter of water, cool it to body temperature so that there is no discomfort, and then follow the above instructions. Everything is extremely simple. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed.

Douching is so common that many women consider it an ordinary hygiene procedure. However, the introduction of various solutions into the vagina is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. This method of treatment has its pros and cons, and if used incorrectly, it can harm health.

The benefits and harms of douching. Although douching in gynecology has been used for a long time, in the 21st century some doctors have a negative attitude towards it. The fact is that when irrigating the mucous membrane of the vagina, in any case, its acid-base balance is disturbed, and antiseptic solutions kill not only pathogens, but also beneficial microflora.

In a healthy woman who observes the simplest rules of hygiene, the vagina itself is cleared of various secretions and blood clots after menstruation. It is enough to take a shower once or twice a day, and the smell will be almost imperceptible, and it is impossible to completely get rid of it in any case.

If you regularly douche to clean the vagina, and even use solutions of soda, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, then over time the colonies of beneficial lactobacilli will cease to recover, the mucous membrane will begin to dry out, microcracks will appear on it, in severe cases - ulcers. Therefore, therapeutic douching is carried out in courses of 5-7 days (sometimes up to 10), with a mandatory break between them lasting at least 20 days. It is allowed to do 1-2 douches per day.

Only a doctor can determine if a woman needs douching, prescribe an irrigation agent and set the duration of the course.

Douching is usually prescribed for:

  • thrush;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • colpitis;
  • inflammation and erosion of the cervix;
  • chronic cystitis;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • myoma.

Also, women douche before tamponing with cervical erosion and before gynecological operations.

  • pregnant women, as the procedure can damage the fetus or provoke a miscarriage;
  • within 40 days after childbirth or abortion, while cracks and stitches heal;
  • during menstruation, when there is a high probability of penetration of pathogens into the cervix.
  • It is not recommended to douche for women during menopause, since at this time the vaginal mucosa already becomes dry.

How to properly douche

The method of douching depends on the temperature of the solution. Most often, doctors prescribe washing with a liquid with a temperature of +34 to +36 ° C. In the clinic, the procedure is carried out using Esmarch's mug.

The patient is placed on a gynecological chair or on a couch. In the latter case, a ship is placed under the hips. The woman should relax, spread her legs and bend them at the knees. Esmarch's mug is placed over the patient's waist, the tip of the hose is inserted into the vagina and the tap is opened. The used fluid drains into a vessel or bucket under the gynecological chair.

Sometimes gynecologists prescribe hot douches: with a solution with a temperature of +45 to +50 ° C. Hot liquid is well absorbed into the tissues of the mucous membrane, but can burn the skin. The procedure is carried out only in a medical institution, for it they use a Pinkus washer or a Morozov tip - devices that protect the skin from discomfort due to contact with a hot liquid.

Douching at home

Regular douching is easy to do at home. Do not rely on your own feelings, it is better to buy a water thermometer. If the solution is too cold, spasms of the muscles of the vagina are possible.

Douching with unboiled water is unacceptable. To prepare the solution, water (settled tap or bottled) must be boiled and then cooled to the desired temperature. For douching, you need 150-250 ml of liquid. Mineral water (including resorts) is used to irrigate the walls of the vagina solely for the purpose of a gynecologist.

At home, it is easier to use a syringe, but Esmarch's mug is less traumatic. You can not use a syringe or Esmarch's mug, which was used for enemas. Before douching, you must thoroughly wash the plastic tip. For disinfection, it is dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

Some women prefer to douche with disposable syringes without a needle. After irrigation, the syringe is discarded; it cannot be reused.

Douching with Esmarch's mug

It is most convenient to carry out the procedure while lying in the bathroom, bending your legs and putting them on the sides. The mug is hung so that it is located at a height of 75–100 cm above the hips. The tap is slightly opened so that the air comes out of the hose and does not enter the genital tract. Then the tap is closed, the tip is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5 cm and the tap is slightly opened. The solution should seep slowly and evenly. When the liquid has completely entered, you should contract the muscles of the vagina for a second. After the procedure, you need to lower your legs, relax and lie down for 15-20 minutes.

Another option is douching over the toilet or just over the basin. The woman should spread her legs, bend them at the knees and lean forward slightly. After the procedure, you need to get dressed and lie down for 15-20 minutes.

Irrigation of the vaginal mucosa with a syringe

It is much more convenient to perform the procedure with a syringe. But you need to ensure that the water pressure is not too strong, otherwise the liquid, along with bacteria and fungi from the genital tract, will enter the uterus.

Douching as a method of contraception

Douching with vinegar or lemon juice does not prevent pregnancy. Spermatozoa die in an acidic environment, but they move too fast. To wash them out of the vagina, it is necessary to douche within one and a half minutes after intercourse. It is clear that this is technically impossible.

Douching for conception

There is an opinion that douching with soda promotes conception. This is only true if the woman is unable to conceive due to the acidity of the vaginal environment. Soda alkalizes, so that the chances of sperm survival and subsequent fertilization of the egg are slightly increased.

Home douching with a solution of soda is usually done from the 11th to the 18th day of the menstrual cycle and only as directed by a doctor. Half a teaspoon of soda is quenched in 50-70 ml of boiling water, stirred thoroughly so that not a single grain remains and topped up to 250 ml with cool water. The procedure is carried out half an hour before intercourse.

Douching for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Douching after unprotected sex reduces the chance of contracting sexually transmitted infections. The sooner after intercourse to perform irrigation, the better (optimally - within an hour after intercourse).

For the prevention of STDs use:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • miramistin;
  • gibitan.

The drugs are sold in special 100 g bottles, equipped with pipettes and ready for douching. However, none of these remedies gives an absolute guarantee if a man is infected. Therefore, 3-4 weeks after unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar man, a woman should contact a dermatovenereologist and be tested.

Douching for various diseases

The most common means for douching:

  • Soda - with thrush (candidiasis) and vaginal dysbacteriosis. The solution for douching is prepared in the same way as for conception. Course - 5-7 days.
  • Miramistin is a pharmaceutical preparation of antibacterial and antifungal action. It is prescribed for thrush.
  • Chlorhexidine is a pharmaceutical preparation ready for use. It is prescribed for bacterial vaginosis, colpitis, and is used in pediatric gynecology.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial agent that relieves itching and burning with thrush. The substance decomposes very quickly in the light and in hot water, so the solution must be used immediately after preparation. Proportions: 30 g of peroxide (3%) per 90 g of water.
  • Potassium permanganate is an effective antiseptic, but dries the mucous membrane. For douching, 0.2 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in 200 g of water (the liquid should be pale pink).
  • Chamomile - against thrush. A tablespoon of dry grass is brewed in 300 g of water: boiled for 5 minutes or insisted in a thermos for 3-4 hours, then filtered.
  • Oak bark - against thrush. A full teaspoon is poured into 300 g of water and boiled for half an hour. Douching with a mixture of decoctions of chamomile and oak bark in a ratio of 1: 1 is allowed.
  • Celandine is an antibacterial, but poisonous agent, which must be used with extreme caution. Helps with thrush, cervical erosion and fibroids. It is best to add a pinch of dry grass to a decoction of chamomile or nettle.
  • Nettle is a blood cleanser. With erosion of the cervix, one tablespoon of herbs is brewed in 300 g of water.
  • Honey is a wound healing and regenerating agent. A teaspoon of honey is added to the cooled decoction of herbs for cervical erosion and fibroids.
  • Aloe juice - used for cervical erosion. A teaspoon of juice is added to a cooled herbal decoction or dissolved in 200 g of warm boiled water.

Douching is not a hygienic, but a medical procedure. If itching, burning, suspicious discharge from the vagina appears, you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication in such cases can seriously harm health.

Inflammation of the genitourinary system or female appendages is always an unpleasant event, which is often accompanied by painful sensations and certain discomfort. Pain in the lower abdomen, burning, itching require prompt treatment, in combination with which you can not do without douching with healing chamomile.

Procedures with this plant are not difficult to perform even on your own, you can buy it at any pharmacy, which justifies its popularity among women. Due to its miraculous properties, chamomile, when used correctly, gives a quick and effective result, relieving the symptoms of the disease and helping to improve the condition of the body. Read on to learn how to prepare a decoction, as well as how to douche at home with inflammation and discharge.

Features and properties of chamomile

The name chamomile, translated from Latin, is interpreted as mother grass, since since ancient times it has been used mainly to get rid of various female ailments. The herbaceous plant is common in many extratropical regions, including Eurasia. It used to be considered wild, but now it is specially grown to be sold as a dry raw material, or as an additional ingredient in creams, shampoos, lotions, and intimate hygiene products.

The chemical composition of flowers includes a whole storehouse of useful substances, namely vitamin C and nicotinic acid, coumarins, organic acids, carotene, essential oil, polysaccharides, etc. Due to the rich composition, chamomile inflorescences have a number of properties, the benefits of which are invaluable. These include antibacterial, wound healing, emollient, disinfectant, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory. Thus, chamomile infusion is the best natural remedy suitable for douching and washing the vagina, which helps to actively fight infectious or inflammatory processes in the female organs.

For what diseases do you need to douche?

The procedure is a complex of actions aimed at the body in order to provide an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. When irrigating the mucosa, antiseptic substances are used, which also contribute to early healing and elimination of the infection that has got inside.

Recipes for chamomile formulations for gynecological diseases may include additional solutions and herbs that increase the effectiveness of the main component. Let's consider each case specifically.


Candidiasis is a lesion of the vaginal mucosa by yeast-like fungi. With this disease, itching, unpleasant burning sensation, cramps during urination are felt, white discharge appears. Thrush can be cured at home. To do this, brew chamomile, douching, according to the intended use. Douching with chlorhexidine and furatsilin in sachets actively helps to cope with the symptoms of candidiasis, how to dilute them is indicated in the instructions. Furacilin is also recommended to be washed away to wash off the white plaque from the tissues and soothe the skin.

For subsequent prevention of the disease, experts recommend using soda. How to do such a remedy for thrush? You can make a solution with your own hands, or purchase a ready-made purified one, for example, eva shower soda, which does not cause burning and is absolutely safe. It can also be used to increase the possibility of conception, in 30 minutes. before intercourse.


The nature of the disease is associated with inflammatory processes in the bladder. Cystitis can occur from hypothermia of the genital organs. This causes constant urge and pain when urinating. Washing with chamomile relieves inflammation, heals, kills bacteria. Irrigation should be carried out in combination with drug treatment and a specially designed diet.

Cervical erosion

Douching with erosion is effective with green tea, alternating with chamomile. To do this, make an infusion of 1 tbsp. spoons of dry green tea with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calendula. Mix the collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist for 2-3 hours. Divide the infusion into two parts - for the morning and evening procedures. These recipes are relevant in the early stages of erosion. In more advanced stages, you can not do without the cauterization procedure, so visit the gynecologist in a timely manner.

Polyp in the uterus

Polyps are nodular neoplasms on the uterine mucosa or on the cervix. Symptoms may include spotting, menstrual irregularities, inability to conceive. For irrigation prepare this recipe: mix 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile, sage, rosemary, yarrow with 4 tbsp. spoons of oak bark. Next, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, boil for half an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally. Cool, strain and douche twice a day. Use the same medicinal decoction to apply to a swab, which is injected inside and left overnight.


Vaginitis is considered the most common infectious disease. Accompanied by dryness, discharge, pain, swelling after intercourse. With vaginitis at home, chamomile is indispensable. The decoction will relieve irritation and dryness of the mucosa, soothe damaged organs.


Many pregnant women after childbirth have complications in the form of inflammation of the anus. In this case, you should do a microclyster with medicinal herbs, after consulting with a specialist. A glass of chamomile broth is poured into a mug of esmarch and the procedure is done. First you need to put a cleansing enema.

How to brew a medicinal infusion of chamomile?

Many ladies may have a logical question: how should chamomile be brewed for diseases in the field of gynecology? It is done like this: take 2 tbsp. spoons of a dry pharmacy plant, place in an enameled container, pour a liter of hot boiled water, bring to a boil over low heat. Next, remove the broth from the stove and let cool to a comfortable room temperature. Carefully strain the chamomile with cheesecloth or a strainer so that no small parts of the plant remain in the liquid.

Another popular recipe that increases efficiency is done similarly to the previous one, but 1 tbsp should be added to the dry mixture of chamomile flowers. spoon of calendula and mix.

What will be needed during the treatment procedure?

For douching, you will need to prepare a special medicinal solution or decoction, according to the recipe described above. The manipulations themselves are performed by the following medical devices:

  • It is necessary to have a hygiene kit on hand, consisting of a clean towel, toilet soap or shower gel, in order to pre-wash thoroughly.
  • Esmarch's mug is designed for a variety of gynecological procedures or enemas. It looks like a large container with a long tube made of silicone or rubber. At the end of the tube is a special soft nozzle suitable for vaginal administration. Most often, the device is used in medical institutions. The person assumes a horizontal position, and the device is hung nearby on a tripod and irrigation is performed.
  • A syringe is a rubber pear with a plastic tip of different sizes for ingestion and washing with various medicinal formulations, in order to irrigate the inner lining of the female genital tract.
  • If these devices were not found in the first aid kit, they can be replaced with an ordinary 20 cubic syringe, of course, without a needle. It is used once, after manipulation it is thrown away.

How to do douching at home: step by step technique

Understanding how to do irrigation for diseases in the field of gynecology is not difficult. The main thing is to follow all the steps according to the instructions and be extremely careful not to injure the delicate female organs. The correct execution of the procedure is as follows:

How often can you douche?

Douching with chamomile should be performed according to the recommendations of your doctor and according to the prescribed course of treatment. The appointment is carried out after the delivery and receipt of the results of tests and smears, when the cause of the appearance of various disorders is identified. On average, the course will be 5-7 days, if longer, then you can wash the normal microflora to a sterile state, which can lead to complications and disorders.

It is not advisable to douche as a regular vaginal cleanse. If you are not sick, you should not interfere with your own microflora, since a woman's body has a lubricant that cleans itself and removes unnecessary excess.

Are there any contraindications for use?

It is better to refuse to carry out manipulations during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, in order to exclude the possibility of a miscarriage or harm the fetus. It is also impossible to irrigate during menstruation, after childbirth or abortion for 40 days, before visiting a gynecologist and taking tests, if allergic reactions appear and the condition worsens. It is strictly forbidden for acute inflammation of the female appendages, adnexide, endometriosis.

Successful getting rid of infections, inflammations is, first of all, a thorough, complete hygiene of intimate places. Remember that the development of pathogenic bacteria and microbes should not be allowed, so you need to regularly wash yourself with special means and take a course of treatment in a timely manner.