What should be the basal temperature before menstruation? Basal temperature is normal in early pregnancy. How does the basal temperature change during pregnancy before the delay

about the presence of ovulation or its absence,
quality and duration of the corpus luteum phase

Measurement basal body temperature(BT) can help determine:

  • - Is ovulation taking place?
  • - when to expect the next menstruation;
  • possible deviations from the chart in the current cycle;
  • - whether pregnancy occurred in case of a delay or unusual menstruation.

Advantages of the method:

  • - the simplest and available method for home use from all existing;
  • – with regular temperature measurement, it allows to determine the cause of the delay – late ovulation, lack of ovulation or pregnancy (more than 18 days elevated temperatures), provided that the graphs reflect the real picture.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • - does not provide information about the timing of the upcoming ovulation, i.e. does not allow predicting its onset;
  • - does not give absolutely accurate information about the timing of ovulation - the temperature can rise both the next day and a few days after ovulation (this is within the normal range), or it will not differ at all from the picture in the first phase (this is also normal if the results Ultrasound and hormones are normal);
  • - does not provide accurate information about the presence of full-fledged ovulation, even in the presence of two-phase schedules (for example, in the case of premature luteinization of the follicle);
  • - does not provide information about the function of the corpus luteum - neither about the length of the phase (the temperature can rise even a few days after ovulation), nor about the level of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum (the thermometer readings do not allow determining quantitative level progesterone in the blood - to assess the level of progesterone, it is necessary to take a blood test a week after ovulation);
  • - does not provide accurate information about the absence of ovulation in cases where there is no obvious second phase on the charts (in this case, it is necessary to monitor and, in the presence of ovulation by ultrasound, take a blood test for progesterone a week after ovulation, if the results of both studies are normal, it can be considered such graphs are a “feature” of the body and stop measuring temperature if it is not indicative);

When identifying any “abnormalities”, it is important to remember that they should not be based on basal temperature (BT) charts - even for several cycles of observation, not to mention the results of monitoring in a single cycle. This is how it is set great amount false “diagnoses” and a “treatment” is prescribed, which is not only unnecessary, but can also cause great harm to a perfectly healthy woman.

  • You can measure the temperature in any way - in the mouth, in the vagina or in the rectum. Remember only that during one cycle the method of measurement should be the same.
  • Take your temperature at the same time every morning without getting out of bed and immediately write down the readings. The temperature should be measured throughout the cycle, and best of all - during menstruation.
  • If you are using a digital thermometer, wait for it to ring, usually after a minute. An ordinary glass thermometer should be held for about 5 minutes. Digital thermometers tend to give a clear picture of the rises and falls in temperature, but if something bothers you about the results, it's better to use a glass one. It is advisable to use one thermometer throughout the cycle. If for some reason you changed the thermometer, make a note about it (for different thermometers, measurement errors may differ).
  • Try to take measurements at the same time, plus or minus about an hour. If you sleep longer on weekends, or for some other reason, the measurement time is significantly different from usual, be sure to note this fact in the graph. Every extra hour of sleep raises the temperature by one tenth of a degree.
  • Take your temperature after at least three hours of uninterrupted sleep. If, for example, you usually get up at 8 o'clock, but once had to get up at 6 o'clock to go to the bathroom, it's best to take your temperature at 6 o'clock before you get up (and remember to make a note of this in your schedule). Otherwise, you will get only two hours of uninterrupted sleep (from 6 to 8 hours), which will affect the accuracy of the measurements.
  • If you are using a glass thermometer, be sure to shake it off the day before (shaking off the thermometer immediately before taking a measurement will affect the accuracy of the result).
  • It should be noted that for a more accurate interpretation of the graph, it is necessary to conduct observations for at least 3 months.

Temperature charting

It is best to record the readings on the chart immediately in the morning. But if this is not possible, then you can leave the matter until the evening, since the thermometer readings will not change until you remove them (from digital) or shake them off (from glass). Take care only that the thermometer does not lie in the sun. If the thermometer reading lies between two numbers, always write down the lower one. All extraordinary conditions (illness, stress, travel, etc.) should be noted in the “Miscellaneous” column, and then taken into account when deciphering the schedule.

If the temperature seems unusual to you, for example, too high (the cause may be an illness, bad dream or alcohol drunk the day before), wait until next day and only then draw the connecting line. Eliminate "unusual" temperatures by connecting normal readings with a dotted line. Try to establish and note in the graph the possible cause of the deviation.

Since basal body temperature responds to various factors, the interpretation of basal temperature readings requires special attention. Therefore, it makes sense to make special notes about these factors. These include: an illness with fever (fever), drinking alcohol the day before, stress, a sleepless night. So, if you have had insomnia, specifically note this fact.

The BT record table looks like this:

12th of August 14 36.3 sticky, white woke up early
August 13 15 36.5 egg white celebrated a birthday yesterday
August 14 16 36.4 egg white
August 15 17 36.7 dry
August 16 16 36.8 dry
August 17 16 36.9 dry

A detailed form of recording observations is very helpful for the woman herself and her doctor to understand possible reasons non-occurrence of pregnancy, cycle disorders, etc.

The “discharge” column includes the state of the cervical fluid. During the period close to ovulation, the cervical fluid has the most watery consistency. (Do not confuse seminal fluid after intercourse with cervical!). More about cervical fluid can be found in Tony Weshler's book "Desired Child?.." (fifth chapter).

The “other” column includes factors that can affect BT: a cold with fever, sex in the evening (and even more so in the morning), alcohol intake, measurement of BT in unusual time, late going to bed (for example, went to bed at 3 o'clock, and measured at 6 o'clock) and much more.

For clarity, it is better to build a graph on a sheet of plain paper in a box. One sheet contains the temperature for the entire cycle (but not for a month!). One cell corresponds to one day horizontally and 0.1 degrees vertically.

How to determine the moment of ovulation

The main purpose of plotting is to determine the time of ovulation in each particular cycle. In order to determine the days of ovulation, carefully study your schedule.

Pre-ovulatory temperatures are kept low by estrogen, while heat-producing progesterone raises them to higher levels after ovulation. A rise in basal temperature means that ovulation has already occurred. This sign is not evidence of approaching ovulation, unlike the other two signs - cervical fluid and the position of the cervix. You should also know that only a very small number of women experience a drop in temperature at the time of ovulation. Since a sharp drop in temperature is extremely rare, this sign cannot be absolutely reliable in determining the ability to conceive, therefore, it is better to use the other two signs above to determine the approach of ovulation.

Temperature rise options:

The standard type of temperature rise clearly shows a low temperature level, then a sharp rise of at least two tenths of a degree, followed by a high temperature level that remains until the end of this cycle. Schedules of this type are common for most women. However, there are three more various types lifting schedule:

  • step lift. The temperature rises jump, stays at the same level for three days and makes another sharp jump.
  • gradual rise. The temperature rises gradually. Rising 0.1 degrees per day. The day of ovulation is determined by various additional criteria.
  • Rise with return. The temperature starts to rise, falls below the dividing line the next day and then rises again.

Important to remember!

A small temperature difference between the first and second phases is not a pathology, but may be a feature of the body if all hormones are normal.

If there is no menstruation, and the temperature stays within the second phase for more than 18 days, this indicates possible pregnancy . Also, if menstruation is scanty or unusual, and BT is kept on elevated level- possible pregnancy against the background of the threat of interruption.

If during the whole cycle the temperature on the graph keeps approximately at the same level or the graph looks like a “fence” ( low temperatures constantly alternating with high ones), this means that in this cycle there was most likely no ovulation - anovulation. To establish the presence or absence of ovulation, ultrasound monitoring is required for several cycles. In healthy women, several anovulatory cycles per year are allowed, but if such a pattern is observed in all cycles, this is a cause for concern.

If you are planning to get pregnant soon, then it makes sense to follow the basal temperature chart. So you can reliably track the onset of ovulation and find out about pregnancy even before the delay of menstruation. More on this in the article below, which also provides examples. basal charts during pregnancy.

The human body is a very complex system. It constantly undergoes cyclical changes and processes beyond our control. Especially it concerns reproductive system women. Nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to track some processes, in particular the basal temperature. Such information will not only help you choose the best day to conceive a child, but also monitor the condition of the fetus throughout your pregnancy.

Basal body temperature is body temperature measured in the rectum. oral cavity or in the vagina. The temperature indicator, when measured, is influenced by the hormonal component in the woman's body. The higher the level of progesterone in the blood, the higher the basal body temperature.

It is worth noting that basal temperature should be measured only in a state of calm, best after a night's sleep, which lasted at least 7 hours. This is due to the fact that during the day the temperature constantly changes depending on the activity of the woman, and in morning hours when the body wakes up from sleep, BBT will be most constant.
The effectiveness of the method is accurate only if the basal temperature is constantly monitored. Regular measurements should be carried out for at least three months, in compliance with all the rules, until the planned conception of the child.

How to measure basal temperature

In order for the basal temperature indicators to be most accurate, when measuring it, you must follow the following rules:

  • basal body temperature should be measured in the mouth, vagina, or rectum. The last option is considered the most informative. It should be noted that it is necessary to measure BT during the study period in the same place, otherwise the schedule will be considered inaccurate;
  • in order to avoid instrumental error, it is necessary to use the same thermometer. It can be mercury or electronic - your choice;
  • basal temperature should be measured in the morning, at the same time every day;
  • it is best to measure basal temperature without getting out of bed, try not to even sit down before the procedure, as the body must be in a state of complete rest;
  • the duration of the measurement should be 5-7 minutes or until the sound signal, in the case of using an electronic thermometer;
  • you need to start keeping a graph of basal temperature from the first day of the cycle and not interrupt measurements even during menstruation.
  • measurements were made in different time days;
  • the body was not at rest;
  • the woman was ill viral diseases(ARVI) with fever;
  • during the schedule, the woman took medications, in particular hormonal;
  • during the cycle, the woman was very active and slept little (there were long trips or air travel)
  • on the eve of the measurement, a large amount of alcohol was drunk.

Basal temperature chart during a normal menstrual cycle

As mentioned above, it is necessary to measure basal temperature starting from the first day of the cycle. So, in the first phase of the menstrual cycle with correct work reproductive system of a woman BT should be equal to 36.4-36.7 degrees.

By the middle of the cycle, this figure drops to approximately 36.2 degrees. Then it rises sharply to 37 degrees and above. This mark on the thermometer indicates the appearance of ovulation and the most auspicious days for conception.

After ovulation is completed, the temperature drops again, to about 36.7 degrees.

Basal temperature chart for anovulatory cycle

The anovulatory cycle of menstruation is a period when ovulation and maturation of the corpus luteum are not observed in the female body. At the same time, the regularity of menstruation is maintained.

It should be noted that anovulatory menstrual cycle- is normal and does not indicate any changes in the woman's reproductive health. It happens once or twice a year.

The graph of basal temperature during the anovulatory menstrual cycle fluctuates at around 36.4-36.7 degrees and does not increase in the second phase.

Chart of basal temperature during pregnancy before delay

Thanks to the indicators of basal temperature, you can find out about the onset of pregnancy even before the delay of menstruation. The fact is that the hormone progesterone is responsible for increasing or decreasing BBT. During ovulation, its content in the blood rises significantly, and the temperature internal organs increases. So, if conception has occurred, then its quantity does not decrease, which means that the temperature is also preserved. If you notice that BBT has not decreased after the expected end of ovulation and remains at around 37 degrees and above, then you can most likely be congratulated on the successful conception of the fetus.

The BT schedule during pregnancy before a delay is not a 100% accurate indicator, so it is also recommended to make a test strip.

Basal chart during pregnancy, photo:

Chart of basal temperature during early pregnancy

If you are convinced that pregnancy has occurred, then you should not stop keeping a schedule. After all, with the help of information about the temperature during pregnancy, you can control the condition of the fetus and the possibility inflammatory processes.
It is especially important to control the BT schedule during pregnancy for early dates, if:

  • you have had miscarriages in the past;
  • previous pregnancy ended in fetal fading;
  • you are in treatment;
  • there were cases ectopic pregnancy.

In the first trimester, the normal basal temperature should be kept at around 37-37.2 degrees. If it increases, especially exceeds the figure of 37.5 degrees, then this serious reason see a doctor.

Examples of basal temperature charts during pregnancy.

Temperature chart during pregnancy

If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then after 20 weeks, the basal temperature will decrease, and marks of 36.8-36.9 degrees should appear on the chart. If you see a slight increase in BBT in the second trimester (by 0.1-0.2 degrees) - do not be alarmed, perhaps this happened due to heavy loads on the body or your activity the day before.

Just like in the second trimester, in the third, the basal temperature is slightly lower than that which was immediately after conception and is kept at around 36.9 degrees.

The reason for the experience may be an increase in basal temperature in the second and third trimester above 37.3 degrees. This may indicate:

  • inflammatory processes, in particular the pelvic organs;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • placental abruption.

It is worth noting that it is extremely important to track the BT schedule during pregnancy by weeks until the 18th week. After the 20th week of pregnancy, this procedure is practically useless, since both you and the baby will be under constant medical supervision. Compared to regular check-ups with a doctor, the BT schedule will generally not be informative.

Graph of basal temperature during pregnancy. Video

Every woman should take care of her health. For this, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist every six months, if there are no deviations in well-being. Many diseases in initial stage development may be asymptomatic.

To identify possible system failures female body, it is recommended to draw a graph of basal temperature. Any physiological and pathological changes be able to identify measurements.

The concept of basal temperature

Basal temperature (BT) is the temperature of the body's blood during sleep. It is measured in the rectum. It is also possible to determine it in the vagina or in the mouth. But cyclic fluctuations can show rectal temperature. This is due to the peculiarities of the blood supply to the ovaries. Other measurement methods are also able to capture cyclic fluctuations, but only when they are pronounced.

Define subtle changes heat exchange in the ovarian vein can only rectal temperature. Two things need to be clear:

  1. If there is no possibility (or desire) to regularly measure BBT rectally, it is better not to use this method at all.
  2. The basal (rectal) temperature graph is not used for diagnosis and treatment.

Any deviations from the standards should be dealt with together with the gynecologist.

Purpose of the method

To correctly understand what basal temperature is, you need to understand how this method is useful. Its main advantage is the ability to clearly define the processes of each phase of the cycle and identify possible deviations in the work of the body.

The norm, which is established by medical specialists, is the ideal. Each organism has its own characteristics. To take them into account and be able to make correct conclusion observations are carried out for at least 3 months. The basal temperature chart is recommended for several reasons:

  1. The method allows you to determine the moment of ovulation and highlight the days favorable for conception.
  2. Rectal temperature during pregnancy changes in a certain way. This suggests that the woman is in position in the early stages.
  3. Measurement of BBT helps to determine the causes of infertility.
  4. It makes it possible to detect the presence of pathologies in the body.
  5. It can be used to check the quality of work. endocrine system.

However, it is possible to achieve sufficient information content of the method only if the rules for constructing a BT chart are followed. In order to adequately draw it, it is necessary to clearly fulfill a number of requirements.

Data Collection Rules

Rectal temperature is measured by certain rules. The correctness of the result depends on this. The method has a number of requirements:

  1. Data collection is carried out at the same time with a maximum deviation of 30 minutes.
  2. The thermometer should be prepared in advance so that you do not have to get out of bed. You should move as little as possible, otherwise the temperature will rise by 0.1-0.2 divisions of the thermometer. This will affect the decoding of the result.
  3. Measurement is carried out daily, including the phase of menstruation.
  4. Continuous sleep before the next measurement of BT should be at least 4 hours.
  5. illness, stress, increased loads affect the result. Therefore, in the presence of such facts, notes should be made in the notes.
  6. You must use the same thermometer. A mercury device is preferable, although an electronic version can also be used.

All results are immediately logged. On their basis, a graph is built.


To make the results of data collection easier to interpret, they are usually presented in graphical form. Deciphering such information should be done qualified specialist. A woman can independently build such graphs in several cycles.

It is possible to draw a drawing manually or use the program online. This will facilitate the diagnostic process for the gynecologist.

Graphing technology

All measurements recorded in the log must be presented in graphical form. If it is preferable to make a drawing by hand, you should take a sheet in a cage and draw an abscissa (X) axis, on which each cell corresponds to the day of the menstrual cycle. Accordingly, the ordinate axis (Y) is assigned to degrees. One cell is equal to 0.1 division of the thermometer.

The entire cycle must fit on one sheet. You should not enter readings for several periods on one chart. This leads to errors and difficulties in deciphering.

The basal temperature of 37.0 is an important border in this study. Therefore, a line parallel to the x-axis is drawn at this level. All measurement results are plotted on a graph in the form of points. Then they are connected in series. The norm is determined only after several months of research.

There are a large number of programs on the Internet that simplify the process of plotting. The results of the study are entered into the corresponding cells online. The program will build a flat schedule. This approach is as informative as drawing by hand.

Graph notes

Basal temperature in early pregnancy and during the cycle without conception are different. However, to see this difference, it is necessary to perform the study correctly.

Any little thing that used to be a woman could not pay attention, can affect the result. Therefore, it is necessary to record not only the readings of the thermometer, but also a number of additional data. Without them, basal temperature in early pregnancy can easily be perceived as a deviation or go unnoticed at all. Factors that can affect BT include a number of conditions:

  • Diseases with an increase in general body temperature.
  • Intimacy in the evening or at night.
  • Alcohol intake.
  • Short sleep period.
  • Unusual measurement time.
  • Sleeping pills.

The basal temperature chart is allowed to be drawn, skipping single unreliable data. This should be noted in the notes. The type of discharge from the genital tract is also indicated here daily.

When pregnancy occurs, gynecological diseases, hormonal disruptions their character changes.

Normal Graph Type

The individual characteristics of a woman's body affect the type of graph. The norm for each representative of the fair sex is different. However, there are general principles, allowing you to understand what should be the basal temperature.

The following statements are considered examples of normal graphs. They are considered in the context of the cycle with conception and in its absence.

Normal schedule of the period without conception

To answer the question of what basal temperature a non-pregnant girl should have, you need to consider the features of the menstrual cycle. It consists of follicular and luteal phases.

In the process of maturation of the egg, estrogen is produced, and after it is released into fallopian tube the amount of progesterone in the blood serum increases. From the first day of the cycle (the beginning of menstruation), BT drops to the border of 36.3–36.5 degrees. She stays like this follicular phase.

2 weeks before the expected date next menstruation there has been a sharp rise in performance. A basal temperature of 37.0–37.2 indicates that ovulation has occurred.

Moreover, the difference between the second and first phases should be 0.4–0.5 degrees.

This process is influenced by progesterone, which is intensively produced in the luteal phase. It prepares the body for a possible pregnancy. If it has not come, then 24–48 hours before menstruation, measurements will show a gradual decrease to 36.8–37.0 degrees.

Norm during pregnancy

Many couples are interested in what basal temperature during pregnancy is considered normal. This is a really important indicator. When pregnancy occurs, progesterone is actively produced. He is responsible for the processes of the correct flow of this state.

Rectal temperature during pregnancy in the first obstetric weeks is completely identical to the schedule without conception. The norm of BT after ovulation in this case is recognized in the range of 37.0–37.2 degrees.

One of the first signs of a successful conception is the absence of a decrease in this indicator before the day of the expected menstruation.

If there is a fact of delay at a high level of the measured indicator, you should consult a doctor. Having passed the appropriate examination, the gynecologist will be able to accurately diagnose the cause of this condition.

Also, the graph will clearly show the implantation drop in temperature over several days. It has to do with attaching gestational sac in the uterine cavity and occurring hormonal changes. All these factors lead to a temporary drop in the curve on the graph.

The basal temperature during pregnancy remains high, which indicates enough progesterone.

Deviations from the model schedule

The norm of indicators of basal temperature is determined after consultation with a doctor. Only medical specialist based on the examinations carried out, it will help to adequately understand the signals of the female body. Deviations in flow various processes may be caused by various factors.

Hormonal disbalance

Incorrect production of progesterone and estrogen is displayed on the drawing as a lack of jump temperature in the middle of the cycle. If ovulation has not occurred this month, the curve of indicators will not have any sharp rises or falls. Luteal phase deficiency is characterized by a duration of less than 12 days.

Basal temperature during pregnancy 36.6–36.9 also indicates underproduction progesterone. This threatens spontaneous abortion. You need to go to the hospital immediately.

But estrogen deficiency is defined high level temperatures in the follicular phase. If this figure is above 36.7 before the middle of the cycle, you should consult a medical specialist.

Inflammatory processes

In addition to the hormonal disorders listed above, the graph can show the presence of inflammatory processes. This situation is reflected in the form of fluctuations in the curve and an increase in temperature.

With inflammation of the appendages, such a picture will not even allow you to determine the moment of ovulation. Sharp declines and ups indicate deviations of an inflammatory nature.

Raise rectal temperature before the next menstruation allows you to suspect the development of endometritis. The graph will show a slight decrease in the curve in last days cycle, and then its increase to the level of 37.0.

If you haven't started your period, you may be pregnant. But in her absence similar condition indicates a possible pathology.

To date, the method of determining basal temperature is recognized as a fairly reliable method for identifying various processes in the body.

By following all the data collection rules, a woman can get a true result with a high degree of probability. This will help her gynecologist to quickly draw conclusions about her state of health and, if necessary, take timely measures to prevent the development of pathology.

Every woman has probably heard such a term as "basal temperature". What it is, everyone has their own concept, but most will say that this is an indicator that is needed to track ovulation when planning a pregnancy. AT in general terms yes, but it is necessary to reveal this topic more fully so that there are no white spots left in it. We will start with the definition, touch on the technique of measurement and plotting. In addition, I would like to consider how the basal temperature changes during pregnancy.

Basic knowledge

We will start from the very beginning, that is, with the definition of "basal temperature". What it is, now it will become clear. This is the temperature that is measured rectally. There are two points here that are important to consider. To get accurate and reliable information measurements must be taken strictly at the same time and after a long rest. That is, the optimal time is considered to be at 6 o'clock in the morning, when you just woke up.

What are these indicators for? For hormonal analysis. And all changes are in effect. biological factors and causes occur only locally, so putting a thermometer under the arm is pointless. There is one more thing to consider: if a person is overheated or sick, the basal temperature also changes. It is needless to add that this may cause data distortion.

It needs to be known

Why will you conduct research? By itself, performing a single measurement does not give anything. But the totality of data for several months allows you to get a fairly bright and clear picture. Another important point. By taking measurements, women achieve exactly one thing, they can clearly see how their menstrual cycle goes, when the egg matures and ovulation occurs.

But if you accept hormonal contraceptives, then similar technique stops working for the simple reason that the cycle is regulated by the hormones taken, and not at all by one's own. Moreover, their action is aimed at ensuring that the eggs do not mature. Therefore, no matter how long you build charts, the basal temperature will always be the same. That this is completely uninformative, you have already guessed yourself.

Learning to measure temperature

Once again remembering the basic rules, you must complete the entire procedure early in the morning, without getting out of bed even for a thermometer. That is, we set an alarm clock within reach and, as soon as we open our eyes, we measure. Only in this case, the indicators can be considered informative. Once again, we emphasize that the body must be at rest. Do not stretch or sit up in bed, nor should you throw back the covers. Just bend your legs slightly and insert the tip of the thermometer into anus. You need to lie still for about 5 minutes.

After that, lay it out on a pre-prepared napkin and you can safely fill up or get up. Basal temperature during the day is not measured for the simple reason that physical activity makes the indicators completely uninformative. Even if you build a graph based on the results of many months of measurements, you will not be able to see anything from it. So we digress a little. The result obtained must be immediately entered in a notebook, but it is better to immediately transfer it to a simple graph, where one axis is the date, and the second is BT.

Measurements during the day

Sometimes, wanting to get the most reliable data, a woman begins to take measurements every two hours. This not only does not add information content, but also confuses. It turns out a huge array of data, which is more difficult to process, since the indicators contradict each other. Depending on the physical activity, emotional state, food intake and other factors external environment, the numbers will change constantly. Find during the day optimal time almost impossible to measure.


Most often, women begin to take measurements in order to track ovulation and not guard the onset of pregnancy. The basal temperature during early pregnancy really changes a lot. As we said above, you cannot say anything until you have accumulated information for several months. Only then will you be able to visually assess the cyclicity and determine which of the peaks accounts for ovulation. Based on the results, you can calculate the days of ovulation and determine the period of greatest fertility.

First of all, this information is important for couples who are planning a child. This method is also used by those who want to avoid unwanted pregnancy. However, doctors recommend in this case to additionally use other methods of contraception. The basal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages rises sharply, after which it stays at about 37.2 for some time.

Technical subtleties

So let's get down to practice. You will need a checkered notebook, a pen and a thermometer, preferably digital, not mercury, so as not to be afraid to accidentally break it when you wake up. Prepare the coordinate axes in advance. On the horizontal axis the number of the day of the cycle is postponed. There are some nuances here. The countdown should be carried out from the first day of menstruation. Taking it as a starting point, you will create the most accurate graph. On one axis, you will be posting your measurements daily. It is important to maintain an accuracy of up to 0.1 degrees.

What allows you to see the graph

Basal temperature readings should be recorded daily. Miss just one day, and reliable information will no longer work. In a couple of months it will be necessary to reliably determine:

Graph fluctuations are normal

It is important to be able not only to build, but also to read the chart correctly. For this it is not necessary to have medical education, it is enough to carefully study this material. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that we are talking about indicators healthy woman, any diseases can distort information.

From the first day of the cycle, BBT goes down. From an indicator of 37.2, it reaches 36.5. You can easily see these fluctuations on your monthly chart. Around the middle of the cycle, the egg matures and leaves. It is at this time that the temperature slowly rises to 37.1-37.3 degrees for 3-4 days. It is this long, smooth rise that you will see on the vertical axis.

After that comes the most stable period, the line goes at the same level throughout the second half of the cycle. The indicators remain at the level of 37.2-37.4. The next changes are expected 2-3 days before the start of menstruation. Now you fix the indicators that were at the beginning of the cycle (36.9). The basal temperature during early pregnancy remains stably high, this characteristic decrease is not observed.

Waiting for a miracle

Let's once again dwell on how to determine that you are really expecting a baby. Recall that we are talking about those periods when only the most sensitive tests can correctly diagnose conception. Basal temperature at an early stage, when life is just beginning to emerge in you, noticeably changes its character. Indicators that should have been declining will remain at the same level as throughout the second half of the cycle. The temperature will remain at 37.2 throughout the entire period of the expected menstruation.

Pathological basal temperature

However, it also happens that successful conception you can take completely different indicators. That is why we say that even the most good schedule is not a substitute for expert advice. The average BT should be kept at 37.2 degrees. In some cases, it is permissible to increase it to the level of 38. However, this is already upper bound norms. If BBT has reached such indicators or risen above, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A high basal temperature before menstruation can not only talk about conception, but also suggest the presence different kind inflammatory diseases. But it's not worth diagnosing yourself. Better see a doctor. Be aware of the possibility that you may simply be measuring incorrectly, resulting in unreliable results.

How to measure the temperature during pregnancy

Even after interesting position women confirmed, the doctor may recommend to continue to conduct their observations. Sometimes this is done because, based on the examination, the gynecologist can only assume the presence of pregnancy, and additional data are required to confirm the diagnosis.

Basal temperature in the early stages is very indicative. Analyzing the table, you can see the following patterns:

  • The increase in indicators lasts at least 3 days longer than on standard charts. This is the time when after ovulation a few more days remain heat.
  • If, by reading the graph, you see that the corpus luteum phase lasts more than 18 days.
  • In the standard, two-phase chart, you see the third peak.

From the point of view of diagnosing BT, the first 2 weeks of pregnancy are reliable. Thereafter hormonal background is changing. Therefore, the basal temperature after the first delay will not give much to the patient herself. However, if the doctor asks to continue monitoring, he should be listened to.

Development of events

It's already quite reliable signs the onset of pregnancy. You will soon notice more obvious symptoms which are familiar to every woman. What basal temperature should be in the first trimester? To answer this question, you need to delve a little into physiology.

The prepared reader is well aware of the reasons for the increase in BT. Hormones are to blame for this, which are designed to prepare the walls of the uterus and fix the fertilized egg. When pregnancy occurs, hormones continue to be produced in in large numbers, so for the first three months the chart will show an almost flat line, at the level of 37.1-37.3. After about 20 weeks of pregnancy, it begins to decline.

Possible reasons for the decrease in BT

Low indicators are considered if their value is below 37 degrees. This may mean that there are complications during pregnancy. Therefore, in this case, you need to take measurements the next day, and if the indicators are low again, then consult a doctor. In addition, it is recommended to take additional measurements during the day and compare them with the morning readings.

If doctors diagnose low level progesterone, then the woman is hospitalized for preservation. Sometimes a decrease in BBT indicates the fading of the fetus. In this case corpus luteum ceases to perform its functions. However, it is impossible to make a diagnosis only on the basis of the schedule, since sometimes, even in the presence of a frozen pregnancy, the temperature remains high. This once again emphasizes the fact that any data must be analyzed by a specialist, checking them with the results of an examination and laboratory tests.

Instead of a conclusion

If you want to get to know your body better and understand the processes that take place in it, then we advise every woman to start measuring BBT. Just 4-5 months of regular measurements will give you the richest material on the basis of which you can plan future pregnancy or more effectively avoid it.