Quantitative assessment of the level of health. The concept of health, the main indicators of health

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On the topic: Key health indicators

Completed by (a) a student of tech. faculty:

Zhumabek A.I.

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Astana 2014


I. Basic health indicators

1. Heart rate (HR) at rest

2. Blood pressure (BP)

3. Vital sign

4. Height-weight index

5. Experience in physical training

6. General endurance

7. Strength endurance

8. Agility, speed-strength and other qualities

9. Efficiency of the body's immune system

10. Presence of chronic diseases

II. Basic health criteria

III/ Maximum oxygen consumption (MOC)

IV. PWC170 test - determination of physical performance

V. Quantifying health

VI. Quantitative assessment of the level of health according to the system of G. L. Opanasenko

VII. Determining a person's mental health by handwriting

VIII. Self-assessment of own health




When trying to define what health is, considerable methodological difficulties arise. Health is one of the fundamental concepts of medicine and human ecology, a synthetic indicator of the quality of life. In a number of definitions, mainly of a medical nature, Health has traditionally been viewed as the absence of disease and infirmity., i.e., a state characterized by the optimal adaptation of a person to the environment.

According to the current definition adopted by WHO, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or physical defect. It is easy to see that in this definition health acts as an idealized category, the desire to achieve its maximum level becomes an important human value. In other words, illness is, of course, a lack of health, but health is more than the mere absence of disease.

Health is a complex, multifaceted category. Depending on the approach, such concepts are used in the literature: health of the species, health of the population, health of the population, health of the people, human health, health of the individual, health of the individual, health of the family. In each case, the concept of health is filled with new content. Thus, the health of a population cannot be viewed as the sum of the health of the individuals who make up the population.

I. Main characteristicshealth level

1. Resting heart rate (HR)

This indicator allows you to evaluate the work of the heart. With a frequent pulse, an untrained heart makes 14 thousand "extra" contractions in 1 day and wears out faster. The lower the heart rate at rest, the more powerful the heart muscle. In this case, the heart works in a more economical mode: more blood is ejected in one contraction, and pauses for rest increase.

Heart rate is measured in the supine position after a 5-minute rest or in the morning after sleep by placing the index, middle and ring fingers of one hand under the base of the thumb of the other hand.

As the length of health-improving physical training increases, especially aerobic orientation (walking, swimming, etc.), heart rate at rest decreases. If after several years of training a person cannot bring the number of strokes to the interval 50-70 cuts, which means that he is not doing what is needed: for example, addicted only to increasing the volume of muscles or violates the basic patterns of training.

It is not necessary to reduce the heart rate to 40 beats / min and below. However, it is necessary to know that after a 24-36-hour fast or after dousing with cold water, the heart rate may decrease by 6-10 beats / min. But when calculating points, you need to take into account the number of beats per minute in the normal state (that is, in the morning, lying down after sleep).

When monitoring the heart rate, one should also monitor the rhythm of the pulse and its good filling. If “gaps” are felt during the measurement (the heart seems to freeze), then there are extrasystoles (extraordinary contractions of the heart muscle) or arrhythmia (non-rhythmic pulse), which is a signal for an in-depth examination. The reasons for such negative deviations can be foci of infection in the body (carious teeth, inflamed tonsils, etc.), that require urgent treatment. Wellness training and foci of infection is an unacceptable combination. If everything is in order here, you need to take an electrocardiogram at rest and during exercise (in a clinic or in a medical and physical education dispensary). The frequency of "failures" less than 4:40 (i.e., less than 4 pauses in the work of the heart in 40 s) may be due to functional disorders associated with physical and emotional overload. In this case, it is necessary to reduce physical activity and, on the recommendation of a doctor, take sedatives for a while. You should carefully study the principles of health training and look for methodological errors that can also be the cause of an irregular pulse. If the frequency of "failures" in the work of the heart is more than 4:40, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist (see "Arrhythmia").

You should be careful about dousing with cold water after exercise. This combination can cause disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to use it only up to certain limits of physical and cold loads, and these limits are individual.

2. Blood pressure (BP)

The next indicator that is quite accessible for control, characterizing the reliability of the cardiovascular system, is blood pressure. To measure it, you need a tonometer. Blood pressure should be measured at least 2 times a year.

It is possible to normalize blood pressure in the initial stages of hypertension or hypotension with the help of physical activity. You should know that sports games, speed-strength and strength sports increase blood pressure, and low-intensity cyclic (walking, slow running, swimming, skiing, rowing, cycling) lower. The ideal BP to aim for when exercising for health is 110/70 mmHg. Art.; BP 120/80 is also considered good. It is desirable to maintain these blood pressure indicators throughout life.

The accepted norms for increasing blood pressure (as well as body weight) due to the aging of the body should be considered unacceptable. In any case, these norms are only suitable for people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle or violate the basic patterns of training to improve health. Only in this case, the indicators of blood pressure and body weight increase with age. But such deviations cannot be taken as normal. Examinations of persons of older age groups, who have been constantly engaged in cyclic physical exercises for a long time, revealed that their blood pressure indicators lie, as a rule, in the range of 115-125 / 75-80 mm Hg. Art.

3. vital sign

One of the most important means of controlling the vitality of the body is a vital indicator. What is this indicator? How to define and evaluate it?

It has been proven that the more overweight, the more often there are various serious disorders in the work of organs and systems of a person, the shorter his life. A relationship has been established between the volume of air that a person can exhale at a time (this volume is called the vital capacity of the lungs, or VL for short), and its performance, endurance and resistance to various diseases.

You can determine the YCL in a polyclinic or a medical and physical education dispensary, as well as on your own using a compact spirometer.

By dividing the VC (expressed in ml) by body weight (in kg), one can determine the vital sign. Its lower limit, beyond which the risk of diseases increases sharply, for men - 55 ml/kg, for women - 45 ml/kg.

With regular health-improving training (but not with active recreation), even in people over 60 years of age, the vital indicator can exceed 70 ml / kg for men and 60 ml / kg for women. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to the correct ratio of means of health training.

If an increase in body weight is found with age, then this ratio must be changed by increasing the time spent in cyclic sports. Conversely, with an excessive decrease in body weight, it is necessary to increase the time allotted for athletic gymnastics, reducing the amount of cyclic means.

4. Height-weight index

When assessing the level of health, instead of a vital indicator, you can use the height-weight index, the indicator of which also indicates the viability of a person.

The height-weight index is determined by subtracting body weight (in kg) from height (in cm). Any change in the index at the age of more than 18-20 years indicates incipient disturbances in the body's metabolic processes and the need to take urgent measures to stabilize the height-weight index within optimal limits.

To calculate normal body weight, it is unacceptable to make adjustments for age (especially after 30 years), which are recommended by some authors.

Orientation to such a "corrected" body weight leads to a decrease in the level of health and to the "normal diseases of old age."

To achieve the ideal body weight for health and longevity (index 105-115, depending on the width of the bone), special nutrition and aerobic exercise allow.

5. Experience in physical training

The next important factor in assessing the overall level of health is the length of continuous health training. With the increase in the experience of physical training, the indicators of the level of health increase.

6. General Endurance

In the absence of training, indicators of general endurance begin to deteriorate from the age of 13. The most important test that characterizes the endurance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and hence the overall performance, is to overcome a distance of 2 km.

Scientists have found a relationship between a person's level of endurance and his resistance to a number of diseases, primarily to cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Therefore, for assessing the vitality of a person, the test for general endurance turned out to be very informative. Men who cover a distance of 2 km in 8.00-9.00 minutes, and women who run it in less than 11 minutes, have a high or very high level of health at any age.

When performing the test yourself, you need a watch with a second hand. It is necessary to run or walk (as fitness allows) along the first track of a standard stadium for exactly 5 laps. The result obtained will characterize the reserves of the main life-supporting systems and resistance to diseases. For men, the risk of diseases appears if it takes more than 9 minutes 30 seconds to cover a distance of 2 km, for women - more than 11 minutes.

For young and recreational runners, a time of 7 minutes 30 seconds (for men) and 9 minutes 30 seconds (for women) will be an excellent result. Strive to run even faster does not make sense, because it will no longer be a health workout.

7. Strength Endurance

The level of health depends not only on the indicators of general endurance, but also on the degree of development of strength qualities.

The strength endurance of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle in men can be assessed by the maximum number of pull-ups on a high bar or flexion-extension of the arms in an emphasis lying on the floor. In men who perform these exercises 15 times or more, the indicator of the level of health is at a much higher level than in those who neglect exercises to develop strength endurance. For women, the level of development of the abdominal muscles is more important. It is evaluated by the maximum number of torso flexions from a supine position, arms behind the head, legs secured.

8. Agility, speed-strength and other qualities

The level of these physical qualities in the absence of training decreases with age. Speed-strength qualities (dynamic strength of the muscles of the legs and abdominals), agility and, to some extent, vestibular stability and flexibility of the spine allow us to evaluate the long jump from a place. The test is performed after a mandatory warm-up from the starting position standing on a low support. The distance from the toes of the feet to the nearest place where the heels touch the soft ground is measured. Good indicators for men will be 220-240 cm, and for women 160-180 cm.

9. The effectiveness of the body's immune system

The resistance of the human body to colds and other diseases depends on the work of the immune system. Its ability can be assessed in the laboratory by examining the amount of antibodies in the blood. The easiest way to evaluate the immune system is by the end result of its work, namely, by the number of cases of colds during the year. Excellent indicators, of course, will be the absence of colds, 1-2 times is normal if more, the result indicates failures.

10. The presence of chronic diseases

It has been proven that people who neglect physical training are much more at risk of developing diseases: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, etc. However, it is not always justified to assess the state of health only by the level of functional fitness. To reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and in some cases to get rid of them, help individually selected amount and direction of physical activity and normal nutrition.

II. Basic health criteria

Health is not only the absence of disease, but also a certain level of physical fitness and functional state of the body. The main criterion of human health should be considered its energy potential, i.e. the ability to consume energy from the environment, accumulate it and mobilize it to ensure physiological functions. The more energy the body can store, and the more efficient its use, the higher the level of human health. Since the share of aerobic (with the participation of oxygen) energy production is predominant in the total amount of energy metabolism, it is the maximum value of the aerobic capacity of the body that is the main criterion for physical health and viability. From physiology it is known that the main indicator of the aerobic capacity of the body is the amount of oxygen consumed per unit time (MPC). Accordingly, the higher the IPC, the greater the health of a person. For a more complete understanding of this point, let's take a closer look at what the IPC is and what it depends on.

III. Maximum Oxygen Consumption (MPC)

MPC is the amount of oxygen that the body is able to assimilate (consume) per unit of time (taken in 1 minute). It should not be confused with the amount of oxygen that a person inhales through the lungs, because. only a portion of this oxygen ultimately reaches the organs. It is clear that the more the body is able to assimilate oxygen, the more energy it produces, which is spent both on maintaining the internal needs of the body and on performing external work. The question arises whether it is the amount of oxygen absorbed by the body per unit time that is the factor that limits our performance and determines the level of health. As strange as it may seem at first glance, it is true. Now we need to analyze what the value of the IPC depends on. Since the mechanism of this process consists in the absorption of oxygen from the environment, its delivery to the organs and the consumption of oxygen by the organs themselves (mainly skeletal muscles), then the MIC will depend mainly on two factors: the function of the oxygen transport system and the ability of skeletal muscles to assimilate incoming oxygen. In turn, the oxygen transport system includes the external respiration system, the blood system and the cardiovascular system. Each of these systems contributes to the value of the IPC, and the violation of any link in this chain can immediately have a negative impact on the entire process. The relationship between the value of the IPC and the state of health was first discovered by the American physician Cooper. It showed that people with a MIC level of 42 ml/min/kg and above do not suffer from chronic diseases and have blood pressure readings within the normal range. Moreover, a close relationship was established between the BMD value and risk factors for coronary heart disease: the higher the level of aerobic capacity (MPC), the better the indicators of blood pressure, cholesterol metabolism and body weight. The minimum limit value of the IPC for men is 42 ml / min / kg, for women - 35 ml / min / kg, which is designated as a safe level of somatic health. Depending on the value of the IPC, 5 levels of the physical state are distinguished (table).

Physical condition level

MIC value (ml/min/kg)

Age (years)

Below the average

Above average

For a more accurate determination of the level of physical condition, it is customary to evaluate it in relation to the proper values ​​of the IPC (DMPC), corresponding to the average values ​​of the norm for a given age and gender.

Physical condition level

Below the average

Above average

Determining the actual value of the IPC is possible in two ways:

1. Direct method (using a device - a gas analyzer)

2. Indirect method (using functional tests)

Determination of the IPC by the direct method is quite difficult and requires expensive equipment, so it is not widely used. The calculation of the IPC by the indirect method has a small error that can be neglected, but otherwise, it is a very accessible and informative method, which makes it the most used in various sports and recreational institutions and rehabilitation centers. To determine the IPC by an indirect method, the PWC170 test is most often used, which determines the physical performance of a person.

The IPC expresses the limiting capacity of the oxygen transport system for a given person and depends on gender, age, physical fitness and the state of the body.

Indirect methods for determining the IPC include the Astrand method; determination according to the Dobeln formula; in size PWC170, etc.

To determine the level of physical performance, tests with maximum and submaximal load can be used: maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), PWC170, Harvard step test, etc.

IV. PWC170 test - determination of physical performance

The PWC170 test stands for physical performance at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute.

The value of PWC170 corresponds to such a power of physical activity, which leads to an increase in heart rate up to 170 bpm.

The PWC170 test consists in performing two loads, corresponding to the power and calculating the PWC170 value based on the pulse values ​​after each load.

V. Quantitative characteristics of health

This method determines the level of health using a scoring system. Depending on the value of each functional indicator, a certain number of points is awarded (from -2 to +7). The level of health is assessed by the sum of the points of all indicators. The maximum possible score is 21.

Depending on the number of points scored, the entire scale is divided into 5 levels of health. From level 1, which corresponds to low health, to level 5, which is high.

According to this rating system, a safe level of health (above average) is limited to 14 points. This is the lowest score that guarantees the absence of clinical signs of the disease. It is characteristic that only people regularly engaged in physical culture belong to levels 4 and 5.

The quantitative assessment of the physical condition provides valuable information about the state of health and functional capabilities of the body, which allows you to take the necessary measures for the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health.

It has been established that the development of chronic diseases occurs against the background of a decrease in the level of health to a certain critical value.

It was shown that people with a high level of health (17-21 points) did not have chronic diseases, and in the group of people with a level of health above average (14-16 points), diseases were detected in 6%, in the group of people with an average level of health ( 10-13 points) various chronic diseases are observed in 25%.

A further decrease in the level of health (below average and low) already leads to the clinical manifestation of the disease with the corresponding symptoms.

Thus, only people with a high level of physical condition have the level of somatic health that guarantees the absence of diseases.

A decrease in the level of health is accompanied by a progressive increase in morbidity and a decrease in the body's functional reserves to a dangerous level bordering on pathology.

It should be noted that the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease does not yet indicate the presence of stable health.

The average level of health, obviously, can be regarded as critical.

VI. Quantificationhealth level according to the systemG.L.Apanasenko(table)


Physical health levels

Below the average

Above average

body weight/height (g/cm)

VC/body weight (ml/kg)

HR x BPsyst/100

Heart rate recovery time after 20 squats in 30 seconds. (min,s)

hand dynamometry/body weight (%)

General assessment of the level of health (sum of points)

M - men;

F - women;

VC - vital capacity of the lungs;

BPsyst - systolic blood pressure.

This material presents theoretical issues that define the concept of human physical health, as well as some methods to evaluate it.

When using these data on specific examples, by determining the physical performance with a given age of a person, you can understand what kind of physical activity should be performed based on the calculated performance.

VII. Determining a person's mental health by handwriting

If a psychologist asks you to draw a person, a house, a tree or an animal, then rest assured that the quality of the drawing is the least of his worries. The manner of drawing lines, the location of the details of the drawing relative to the sheet and relative to each other, small minor details, color and much more are evaluated. From the above nuances, a portrait of the author arises, his character, features of his personality and mood. Based on the above criteria, then, by and large, the handwriting of a person, his manner of writing letters, the arrangement of lines on a sheet, the pressing force at the same time, is no different from a drawing. And, therefore, the analysis of the manner of writing can be compared with the projective methods of psychological testing. A few centuries ago, the cunning science of "graphology" arose, taking the liberty of bringing together the features of a person's character and his manner of deriving letters. Since then, this science has not become outdated at all and is actively involved in the work of various specialists, including psychologists. We bring to your attention the most common postulates of graphologists, which are directly related to the "reading" of character.

calligraphic handwriting . Do you mean the manner of writing, in which the text looks like a regular, clear, fancy pattern? letter by letter, with fine lines, swirls and endings, a handwriting that anyone can understand, even a child who has barely learned to read. People with calligraphic handwriting are classified by graphologists as weak and spineless. No matter what class of society they belong to, no matter what living conditions they are in, their life is always arranged in such a way that there is someone’s strong shoulder or broad back nearby that can protect them from life’s adversities. The life of such a person flows calmly and evenly, without falls, but also without ups. Are the bosses enough? the owner of calligraphic handwriting works for two and will never refuse overtime work. But in family life, these are ideal husbands and wives.

Illegible handwriting . Let's clarify right away: from this definition, one can immediately exclude those people whose hard-to-read handwriting has developed under the influence of the profession, for example, doctors, whose handwriting feature has long been a proverb. So, graphologists believe that people whose illegible handwriting has developed without the help of a particular profession live only one present, as they say "here and now." And their whole life was, is and will be one continuous, chaotic, hasty, but little success activity. But on the other hand, these people are very diligent and punctual, you can’t take that away from them.

Chronic failure in business, perhaps, contributes to excessive incredulity and suspicion. Although, in general, it can be said about people with illegible handwriting that they do not at all wish evil to their neighbor, but their actions are sometimes simply inexplicable, and all because in unforeseen situations they act either under the influence of an impulse, or under the influence of someone, who controls them. It is clear that neither one nor the other will lead to good consequences.

Small handwriting. So, as a rule, people write observant, prone to accuracy in small things, cold-blooded, reserved and often? secretive. However, are they? beautiful, subtle and intelligent interlocutors with a sense of humor (with a touch of satire) and self-irony. In extreme situations, such a person becomes a tough, authoritarian leader.

Large, sloppy handwriting. It is characteristic of a person who is energetic, active, very sociable, but somewhat promiscuous in affections. Such a person is smart, but absolutely devoid of cunning because of his kindness to people, responsiveness, generosity, sometimes? carelessness.

Letters above the line . They are characteristic of a romantic person, inclined to idealize reality, not to see flaws in people, even if they are obvious, to look at life "through rose-colored glasses." Such a person is not able to be angry with someone for a long time and, even more so, to remember an insult for a long time. As a rule, this is an eccentric with a tender heart and a vulnerable soul of a child. But the letters crawling onto the line and sliding down, on the contrary, define a person who is purely materialistic and practical. Vanity is not alien to such a person, and, as a rule, he has a commercial streak.

Handwriting strongly slanted to the right. It most likely belongs to a touchy person who has a bad habit of accumulating everything bad in his soul. And the handwriting, with the letters tilted to the left, speaks of a highly inflated self-esteem, a constant desire to be in the spotlight, demonstrativeness and at the same time secrecy. Letters located strictly vertically in relation to the line are considered characteristic of people with a strong will, who always know what they want, and not only from others, but also from themselves. It? handwriting of a born leader.

A person who puts spaces at the end of lines , in order not to endure words, most likely extremely cautious or even cowardly. And if the lines are filled to the end, even at the cost of compressing the letters in the last word, then their author clearly does not receive love, sympathy, even just? attention from loved ones. He has no one to open his soul to, and the need to cry to someone who needs you is clearly not satisfied.

Stitches rising at the end up ? belonging to people who are ambitious, vain and resolute. But going "on the heads" is completely uncharacteristic for them. Such a person prefers to achieve his goal, not forgetting about honor and duty. Lines that slide down at the end of a line? lack of initiative, apathy, pessimism, sluggish, chronic "depression".

And finally, a few general remarks . Strong pressure when writing means perseverance, adherence to strict views on life, diligence in any, even insignificant business. A person who draws letters almost without any pressure is characterized by spinelessness, pliability and refined sensuality. Small, narrow fields they talk about such character traits as frugality, up to stinginess and greed about a tendency to hoarding and at the same time, ? about the natural talent of a good family man. Wide brim they talk about generosity, extravagance, breadth and kindness of nature.

At school, we were taught to write in one copybook. But no matter how hard the teachers try to make everyone write the same neat letters, nothing happens.

And not because the children are not diligent enough. As studies by foreign scientists show, the features of handwriting are associated with individual inclinations and abilities of a person.

Test: Try to determine the character by handwriting. Write five v six lines on a piece of paper without any cells and rulers. The content doesn't matter. Do not try to write beautifully - only in normal handwriting. And now analyze the text as graphologists suggest, and count the points:

1. Size of letters: very small (2-3 mm) v 3; just small v 7; medium v ​​17; large (more than 7 mm) v 20 points.

2. Tilt letters: left v 2; light left v 5; right v 14; sharp right v 6; direct writing v 10 points.

3. Shape of letters: round v 9; shapeless v 10; angular v 19 points.

4. Handwriting direction: lines creep up v 16; straight lines v 8; lines creep down v 1 point.

5. Intensity, sweeping and pressing force: light v 8; average v 15; very strong v 21 points.

6. The nature of the spelling of words: a tendency to combine letters in a word v 11; secession v 18; mixed style v 15 points.

7. General assessment: handwriting is uneven, some words are written neatly v 13; handwriting is uneven, some words are written clearly, others are difficult to read v 9; handwriting is sloppy, illegible v 4 points.


· 38 v 51 points. People with poor health, those who are well over 60. Perhaps with mental disorders.

· 52 v 63 points. People are timid, timid, passive, phlegmatic, but romantic.

· 64 v 75 points v such handwriting belongs to natures soft, meek, with refined manners. They are a little naive, but not devoid of self-esteem. They try to fit their personality to generally accepted standards.

· 76 v 87 points. The owners of such a handwriting are characterized by frankness, sociability, straightforwardness. These are good interlocutors, family men.

· 88 v 98 points. Those who have collected such an amount are characterized by honesty and integrity. They have a strong, stable psyche. They are brave, full of initiative and determination, savvy. This handwriting is most common among people who grew up far from big cities, in strong families.

· 99 v 109 points. These are individualists, quick-tempered, with a sharp mind. Usually they are independent in their judgments and actions, at the same time they are touchy and often difficult to communicate, as they are absurd and quarrelsome. Often prone to creative work.

· 110 v 121 points. People without a sense of responsibility, undisciplined, rude, arrogant.

VIII. Self-assessment of own health

Test 1. Key indicators of your health

Test 2

Your partner holds the ruler vertically with the "0" mark down. Your hand is about 10 cm lower, and as soon as the partner releases the ruler, try to grab it with your thumb and forefinger.

If you grabbed a ruler

at around 20 - your biological age is 20 years old,

at around 25-30 years old,

at around 35-40 years old,

At around 45-60 years old.

Test 3. For mobility

Lean forward, bending your knees, and try to touch the floor with your palms.

If you manage to put your palms completely on the floor, your biological age is between 20-30 years.

If you touch the floor with only your fingers, you are about 40 years old.

If you can only reach your shins with your hands, you are about 50 years old.

If you can only reach your knees, you are over 60 years old.

Test 4. For balancing

With tightly closed eyes (important!) Stand on your right or left foot. Raise your other leg about 10 cm off the floor. Your partner must time the time you can stand on your foot:

30 seconds or more - your age corresponds to a 20-year-old person,

20 seconds - 40-year-old,

15 seconds - 50-year-old,

Less than 10 seconds - 60 years and older.

Test 5

For 5 seconds, pinch the skin on the back of the hand with your thumb and forefinger. The skin will turn a little whiter. Note how long it takes for the skin (white spot) to return to its previous color:

5 seconds - you are about 30 years old,

8 seconds - about 40 years old,

10 seconds - about 50 years,

· 15 seconds - about 60 years.

Test 6. Diagnosis at your fingertips

Brittle nails are most often evidence of an acute lack of calcium (an immunostimulating mineral), which can ultimately lead to osteoporosis, that is, to a rarefaction of the bone substance. In addition, it may be a consequence of metabolic disorders in the body.

Test 7. Grooves on the nails

The deeper the grooves on the nails become, the more likely it is that changes occur in the body caused by rheumatic diseases. Grooves can also indicate stomach infections.

A change in the color of the nails on the hands or feet is caused in most cases by fungal diseases that undermine the strength of the immune system.

White spots on the nails may indicate the presence of certain hormonal and immune disorders in the body.

Test 8. Table for determining the physical endurance of a person

Heart rate (bpm)

women (20-46 years old)

men (20-46 years old)

above average


below average

very bad

After evaluating the results, draw the appropriate conclusion. If your health indicators are below the “mediocre” rating, you should pay attention to yourself and, if possible, consult a doctor.

health immunity mentality

Test 9. Tables of ideal body weight values

Table of values ​​​​of ideal body weight (in kg) for men over 25 years old




Table of values ​​​​of ideal body weight (in kg) for women over 25 years old

Rosti (cm)

Body weight depending on the constitution (kg)





According to world medical statistics, almost every person in the body can be found, especially in our time, one or another deviation from the norm. In this regard, the concept of “practically healthy person” arose. This is a person in whom deviations from the norm observed in the body do not affect well-being and do not affect performance. This wording should be used in everyday life.

How can you determine that your physical condition is quite satisfactory, and if you give up bad habits (for example, tobacco and alcohol abuse) and join in physical education, it can also improve? Let's use some tests for this. One of them was developed by radiophysicist G.G. Valeev and received no objections from official medicine. His developments G.G. Valeev sent it to the editors of the journal Science and Life. Having passed the necessary examination, they were published in No. 8 for 1991.

So take note of the tests below.


· Allen R. How to Save the Earth: World Conservation Strategy. -- M.: Thought, 1983.

· Amosov N. M. Reflections on health. -- M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991

· Arnold V. Catastrophe theory. - M.: Nauka, 1990.

· Brekhman II Valeology is the science of health. -- M.: Physical culture and sport, 1990.

· Human valeology: In 5 volumes / Comp. V.P. Petlenko. -- St. Petersburg: Petrogradsky and Co., 1996.

Treasurers V.P., Mikhailova L.L. Bioinformation function of natural electromagnetic fields. -- Novosibirsk: Nauka, Sib. department, 1985.

· Treasurers V. P., Preobrazhensky V. S. Human ecology // Main problems: Sat. scientific tr. -- M.: Nauka, 1988.

· Stuart I. Secrets of catastrophes. - M.: Mir, 1987.

Used information sites:

· http://nmedic.org/

· www.unimedic.ru

· http://foren.germany.ru/arch/common/f/3634317.html

Hosted on Allbest.ru


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    Medico-biological indicators of the body, patients with reactive arthritis. Occurrence, development of reactive arthritis and infections causing the disease. Method of interval estimations. Difference in readings of the level of CD-antigen between a group of women and men.

    term paper, added 08/10/2010

    Indicators of individual health. The multidimensionality of health and its definition. Physical development and functional state of the human body. Automated system of prenosological diagnostics based on PC. Assessment of the functional state.

    thesis, added 04/10/2009

    The causes of diseases, the basics of self-control over the state of health. Rules for the use of modern medicines. Self-control in mass physical culture. Assessment of the physical condition of the body and its physical fitness.

    abstract, added 05/19/2015

    Health as the current state of the functional capabilities of organs and systems of the human body. Physical, mental and social health. The main signs of health, its levels in medical and social research. The concept of groups and factors of health.

    test, added 01/12/2013

    Assessment of spiritual and mental health. Typological and individual personality traits. Indicators of physical development and their assessment. Indicators of the functional state of the body and their assessment. biological age. Assessment of overall activity.

    term paper, added 06/20/2004

    Factors that determine human health. Estimated calculations of life expectancy reduction due to various reasons. The state of health of men in different age periods. The main directions and recommendations for the preservation of public health.

    abstract, added 06/10/2013

    The negative impact of overweight on human health. The significance of the level of leptin in the blood for the rational utilization of energy resources and the level of energy metabolism in the body. The role of nutrition in changing its hormonal and immunological status.

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Let's try to tell you how to independently determine the level of your health, figure out if there is a relationship between the level of development of physical qualities and the state of health, how to organize a health training with maximum efficiency and with minimal time.


There are many definitions of health. Most of them boil down to the fact that health is not only the absence of disease, but also a certain state of the physical, spiritual and intellectual potential of a person. The level of health is understood as a quantitative characteristic of the functional state of the body, its reserves and the social capacity of a person. A high level of health will be characterized by the optimal functioning of the life-supporting systems of the body with their maximum reserves and long-term social capacity.

The level of human health can be assessed by converting the quantitative indicators of the functioning of the most important life-supporting systems into points. In the table, these indicators are summarized in four groups. The first (No. 1-5) allows you to evaluate the optimal functioning, as well as the reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The second group (No. 6-9) characterizes mainly physical health, includes an assessment of the main motor qualities: general and strength endurance, speed, flexibility, speed-strength qualities. The third group (No. 10-14) characterizes a person's lifestyle. The fourth (No. 15-16) allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the immune system, as well as the general state of human health.

To obtain a comprehensive indicator of the level of health, it is necessary to determine the average score in each of the four groups, add the average scores obtained and divide the sum by four. Determining the average score in each of the four groups allows you to identify a weak link in the body or lifestyle of a person in order to purposefully influence it. As studies have shown, such a weak link at a young age is most often the third group, which subsequently leads to a decrease in the average score and other blocks. By changing the same way of life, you can significantly increase the average score of the first three groups, and consequently, the overall level of health.

The 16 indicators proposed for a comprehensive assessment of the level of health in the presence of an unfavorable anamnesis can be supplemented by biochemical analysis data:

  • lipoprotein concentration (cholesterol): less than 4.14 or more than 6.20 mmol/l-1 point; 4.14-4.49 or 5.21-6.20 mmol/l - 3 points; 4.50-5.20 mmol / l - 7 points (It is possible to more accurately identify the risk of atherosclerosis by determining the density of lipids. However, such analyzes in laboratories are extremely rare.);
  • acidity of gastric juice: deviation from the norm ±16 units. and more -1 point; ±1-15 units-2 points, within the normal range (60-70 units; free hydrochloric acid 20-40 units) - 6 points;
  • restoration of blood sugar 2 hours after taking 100 g of glucose: high content -1 point, within the normal range (3.3-6.1 mmol/l) - 6 points.

However, it should be noted that the more indicators are taken into account, the higher the likelihood that the latter will duplicate each other. This is due to the fact that all these indicators are interrelated to varying degrees. For example, with an increase in the length of time spent in recreational running, swimming or other aerobic training, in addition to improving results in endurance tests, there is a decrease in heart rate, an increase in vital sign due to a decrease in body weight and an increase in lung capacity, normalization of cholesterol levels, a decrease in blood pressure, and so on. Further. As a result of a survey of a large group of people, it was found that everyone with a health level of 2 points or less suffers from chronic diseases of the internal organs, while those with a health level of 6 points or more are practically absent.

Thus, this method of assessing the level of health is quite informative and can be used in the medical examination of the population (as a means of primary diagnosis) or in the control of those involved in physical exercises in medical and physical education dispensaries, clinics.

Is it possible to determine your level of health yourself? After all, not everyone has the desire, and even the time, to go to doctor's offices. And it is necessary to know your level of health, since the desire to improve health indicators is the strongest irritant for regular training sessions, regardless of age, weather, lack of time, and so on. In addition, constant monitoring of the level of health will allow you to make timely adjustments to physical training or consult a doctor in a timely manner.


Performance level and scores

1. Physiological indicators

1. Heart rate (HR) at rest, bpm
2. Arterial pressure (BP) at rest, mm Hg.
3. ECG at rest and during exercise (20 squats in 30 seconds).

Pronounced changes

Small deviations

4. Vital lung capacity (VC) per body weight, ml/kg: Men Women
5. Heart rate recovery time after 20 squats in 30 seconds, min.

2.Physical qualities

6. General endurance.
Run 2 km, min.MenWomen
7. Agility, speed, strength. Standing jumps, m.MenWomen
8. Strength endurance.
Pull-ups on the bar
Bending the arms in an emphasis lying
Torso flexion (female)
9. Flexibility. Tilt the torso forward with straight legs until the fingers touch the point below the support level, cm

Above support level


10. Experience of regular physical education at least 2 times a week for 30 minutes or more >10 years
11. Correspondence of calorie intake to energy consumption
12. hardening



13. Smoking Not
14. Alcohol consumption Not

4. Efficiency of the immune system and the presence of chronic diseases

15. Average number of colds per year 4-5 2-3 1 0
16. Chronic diseases of internal organs 1 0

To measure the physical condition of a person, various criteria for assessing his health are used:

1. somatometric indicators (anthropometric) - this is a weight-height indicator, a vital indicator, a body strength, a body mass index.

2. physiometric indicators: hand strength, back strength, lung capacity, etc.

3. somatoscopic indicators: the degree of puberty,

the condition of the bone and muscle systems, fat deposition, the condition of the spine and arches of the foot, etc.

4. mental state - the stability of the nervous system (sleep, activity, performance, relationships).

5. hardening - the ability to maintain a constant body temperature (immune mechanisms, resistance to infection, allergic diseases).

6. adaptive capabilities - general endurance or aerobic performance according to the Cooper test, squat tests, EGST, bicycle ergometer, etc.

Cooper test (in km) bgcolor=white>2.64
Assessment of the degree of preparedness Men Women
up to 30 30-39 40-49 >50 l up to 30 30-39 40-49 >50 l
1. Very bad
2. Badly up to 1.9 up to 1.84 up to 1.6 up to 1.5 up to 1.84 up to 1.6 up to 1.4 up to 1.3
3. u satisfactorily 2,4 2,24 2,1 1,9 2,15 1,9 1,84 1,6
4. Good 2,7 2,4 2,4 2,64 2,4 2,3 2,15
5. Excellent > > > > > > > >

Control questions on the topic of lecture 1

Define hygiene as a science.

2. Specify the purpose of hygiene.

3. List hygiene tasks.

4. What is understood in hygiene as the environment?

5. Define human health.

6. Specify the factors influencing human health.

7. What is meant by sanitation?

8. List the sections studied by hygienic science.

9. List the research methods used in hygiene.

10. What is the role of hygiene in protecting public health?

11. The value of hygiene of physical culture and sports in activities

physical education teacher.

12. What is a hygienic standard and list the types of standards? 13.. Indicate the purpose and objectives of the hygiene of physical culture and sports. 14. Health criteria for assessing the physical condition of a person.

More on the topic Criteria for assessing human health:

  1. Comprehensive assessment of the health status of children and adolescents. Criteria and health groups.
  3. Population health as an integral criterion for assessing the state of the environment
  4. Research and evaluation of human health and its disorders
  5. New criteria for the analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes in humans in assessing the severity of the pathological process in giardiasis.
  6. Research and evaluation of some indicators of the nervous system and mental health of a person

Health is not only the absence of diseases, but also a certain level of physical fitness and functional state of the body. The main criterion of human health should be considered its energy potential, i.e. the ability to consume energy from the environment, accumulate it and mobilize it to ensure physiological functions. The more energy the body can store, and the more efficient its use, the higher the level of human health. Since the share of aerobic (with the participation of oxygen) energy production is predominant in the total amount of energy metabolism, it is the maximum value of the aerobic capacity of the body that is the main criterion for physical health and viability. From physiology it is known that the main indicator of the aerobic capacity of the body is the amount of oxygen consumed per unit time (MPC). Accordingly, the higher the IPC, the greater the health of a person. For a more complete understanding of this point, let's take a closer look at what the IPC is and what it depends on.

What is MIC (Maximum Oxygen Consumption)

MPC is the amount of oxygen that the body is able to assimilate (consume) per unit of time (taken in 1 minute). It should not be confused with the amount of oxygen that a person inhales through the lungs, because. only a portion of this oxygen ultimately reaches the organs. It is clear that the more the body is able to assimilate oxygen, the more energy it produces, which is spent both on maintaining the internal needs of the body and on performing external work. The question arises whether it is the amount of oxygen absorbed by the body per unit time that is the factor that limits our performance and determines the level of health. As strange as it may seem at first glance, it is true. Now we need to analyze what the value of the IPC depends on. Since the mechanism of this process consists in the absorption of oxygen from the environment, its delivery to the organs and the consumption of oxygen by the organs themselves (mainly skeletal muscles), then the MIC will depend mainly on two factors: the function of the oxygen transport system and the ability of skeletal muscles to assimilate incoming oxygen. In turn, the oxygen transport system includes the external respiration system, the blood system and the cardiovascular system. Each of these systems contributes to the value of the IPC, and the violation of any link in this chain can immediately have a negative impact on the entire process. The relationship between the value of the IPC and the state of health was first discovered by the American physician Cooper. It showed that people with a MIC level of 42 ml/min/kg and above do not suffer from chronic diseases and have blood pressure readings within the normal range. Moreover, a close relationship was established between the BMD value and risk factors for coronary heart disease: the higher the level of aerobic capacity (MPC), the better the indicators of blood pressure, cholesterol metabolism and body weight. The minimum limit value of the IPC for men is 42 ml / min / kg, for women - 35 ml / min / kg, which is designated as a safe level of somatic health. Depending on the value of the IPC, 5 levels of the physical state are distinguished (table).

Physical condition level

MIC value (ml/min/kg)

Age (years)

Below the average

Above average

For a more accurate determination of the level of physical condition, it is customary to evaluate it in relation to the proper values ​​of the IPC (DMPC), corresponding to the average values ​​of the norm for a given age and gender.

Physical condition level

Below the average

Above average

For men: DMPK=52−(0.25 x age),

For women: DMPK=44−(0.20 x age).

Knowing the proper value of the IPC and its actual value, we can determine% DMPC:


Determining the actual value of the IPC is possible in two ways:
1. Direct method (using the device gas analyzer)
2. Indirect method (using functional tests) Determination of the IPC by the direct method is quite difficult and requires expensive equipment, so it is not widely used. The calculation of the IPC by the indirect method has a small error that can be neglected, but otherwise, it is a very accessible and informative method, which makes it the most used in various sports and recreational institutions and rehabilitation centers. To determine the IPC by an indirect method, the PWC170 test is most often used, which determines the physical performance of a person. Looking ahead a little, let's write a formula for calculating the IPC when using the PWC170 test:

MPC=(1.7 x PWC170 + 1240) / weight (kg)

PWC170 test - determination of physical performance

The PWC170 test stands for physical performance at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute. The value of PWC170 corresponds to such a power of physical activity, which leads to an increase in heart rate up to 170 bpm. The PWC170 test consists in performing two loads, corresponding to the power and calculating the PWC170 value based on the pulse values ​​after each load. When conducting a PWC170 test, the following sequence of actions is recommended: 1. Studying the anamnesis and excluding contraindications to the test. 2. The first load - lasting 5 minutes. This is enough for cardiac activity to reach a steady state. The power of work is selected for practically healthy men with an assumed normal physical fitness of 6 kgm / min (1 W) per 1 kg of body weight, for those who are not engaged in physical labor with an assumed low physical performance - 3 kgm / min (0.5 W) per 1 kg body weight. For women, respectively, 4 and 2 kgm / min. If the test is carried out on an exercise bike, then on most of them there is a choice of load power. If the test is carried out using a step-step (a more accurate measurement), then the load power can be calculated using a special formula, which we will analyze in the next article using one of the examples. 3. 30 seconds before the end of the first load, the heart rate is measured. The result obtained is recorded on a piece of paper. 4. Before the second load, a mandatory three-minute rest, during which the heart rate returns almost to the original level. 5. Second load: the power of work is determined depending on the power of the first load and the heart rate during its execution (table). The duration of the work is 5 minutes.
  1. Determination of heart rate 30 seconds before the end of the second load.

Approximate power of the second load

Work power at first load

Heart rate at first exercise

Work power at the second load

The calculation of the value of physical performance is carried out according to the following formula:

Where PWC170 is physical performance at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute; N1 and N2 are the powers of the first and second loads, respectively; f1 and f2 - heart rate at the end of the first and second load. The PWC170 physical performance test will only give reliable results if the following conditions are met: a. The test must be performed without prior warm-up b. The heart rate at the end of the second load should be approximately 10-15 beats less than 170 beats per minute. in. Between loads, a mandatory three-minute rest. We just reviewed the PWC170 test, which is designed for people under 35 years of age. Next, we will analyze how to determine the performance, taking into account the age of a person. In the first case, we calculated physical performance at a pulse of 170 beats / min. This pulse corresponds to approximately 87% of its maximum value in young people. More precisely, the maximum heart rate can be determined by the formula: 220−age. Accordingly, when calculating physical performance, taking into account age, it is necessary to focus on a heart rate equal to (220−age) x 0.87. The methodology for conducting the test, taking into account age and the sequence of actions, is basically similar to those that are followed when determining the performance of young people. The value of physical performance, taking into account age, can be determined by the following formula:

Where PWC - physical performance with age-changing heart rate; N1 and N2 are the powers of the first and second loads, respectively; f1 and f2 - heart rate at the end of the first and second load; F - heart rate, which is approximately 87% of the maximum age-related pulse. When choosing the first physical activity, you should focus on the loads used in the PWC170 test for young people. When establishing the power of the second load, one can proceed from the following. It is desirable that the heart rate at the end of the second load be approximately 10-15 beats / min less than the pulse values ​​corresponding to 87% of the maximum value, taking into account age. Knowing the heart rate after the first load and its power, and given that with an increase in load power by 100 kgm / min (17 W), the heart rate in men increases by about 8-12 beats / min, and in women by 13-17 beats / min, it is easy to determine the power of the second load, sufficient to increase the pulse to the required level. We have just considered in theory the definition of physical performance using the PWC170 test. In the next article, we will look at this with a specific example. Although indicators of physical performance most objectively reflect the level of physical condition, other methods can be used to assess it. We will now meet one of them.

Quantifying health

This method determines the level of health using a scoring system. Depending on the value of each functional indicator, a certain number of points is awarded (from -2 to +7). The level of health is assessed by the sum of the points of all indicators. The maximum possible number of points is 21. Depending on the number of points scored, the entire scale is divided into 5 levels of health. From level 1, which corresponds to low health, to level 5, which is high. According to this rating system, a safe level of health (above average) is limited to 14 points. This is the lowest score that guarantees the absence of clinical signs of the disease. It is characteristic that only people regularly engaged in physical culture belong to levels 4 and 5. The quantitative assessment of the physical condition provides valuable information about the state of health and functional capabilities of the body, which allows you to take the necessary measures for the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health. It has been established that the development of chronic diseases occurs against the background of a decrease in the level of health to a certain critical value. It was shown that people with a high level of health (17–21 points) did not have chronic diseases, and in a group of people with a level of health above average (14–16 points), diseases were detected in 6%, in a group of people with an average level of health ( 10−13 points) various chronic diseases are observed in 25%. A further decrease in the level of health (below average and low) already leads to the clinical manifestation of the disease with the corresponding symptoms. Thus, only people with a high level of physical condition have the level of somatic health that guarantees the absence of diseases. A decrease in the level of health is accompanied by a progressive increase in morbidity and a decrease in the body's functional reserves to a dangerous level bordering on pathology. It should be noted that the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease does not yet indicate the presence of stable health. The average level of health, obviously, can be regarded as critical.


Human health is closely related to the level of his physical activity, and in recent years we have witnessed the rapid growth of health-improving physical culture.

Having caught these trends and conducted a small sociological study, analyzing the composition of the trainees, I realized that at least 60 percent of the visitors to modern fitness centers are women. At first, this caused considerable surprise. But, having considered the current situation, I came to the conclusion that this state of affairs is natural. Firstly, women have a genetic desire for beauty and perfection. And the better a woman looks, the higher her self-esteem and confidence in herself and in her abilities, the higher the interest of others and the more chances for any career in any field.

Watching how women train in most gyms in Stavropol, as well as what technical and methodological techniques are used by personal trainers who train the fair sex, I came to very disappointing conclusions. In about half of the gyms, the coaching staff does not even have basic knowledge about the physiology of women after 35 years of age. After all, the methodology of fitness training and training programs for women differ from men's not only in the amount of training weights.

Despite the fact that men and women belong to the same biological species (according to Charles Darwin's classification), there is nevertheless a significant difference between them at the level of physiology, anatomy, histology, biochemistry, and so on. These differences are largely due to the fact that men and women have a different purpose, determined by nature.

The purpose of my work is to maintain health, gain a magnificent figure, beauty and self-confidence, spending only my own strength and time on this. My work is aimed at improving the physical fitness of women aged 35-45. It will help overcome any barrier on the way to an active life. My task is to make training bring joy, and the main result is to help you feel great.

At any age, a person should follow the path of self-improvement. You can think that this is the meaning of life. Each woman has her own unique body type, which means that universal programs for physical improvement simply do not exist. In my work, I will teach you how to determine your body type and offer a suitable set of exercises.

With the help of aerobics, many people have achieved just perfect physical shape. Looking at them, we can say - the ideal is achievable!


For aerobics or other fitness programs, a woman over 35 should consult a doctor. Especially if a woman:

b Cardiac surgery, diseases or disorders of the heart have been postponed.

b Cirrhosis of the liver.

b Concussion (sudden dizziness).

b Current use of drugs for heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

b Stroke.

b Pain in the lower abdomen, limbs, chest.

b Swelling of the joints.

b Shortness of breath with little physical exertion.

It is always necessary to see a doctor at the first sign of a health problem. Regular medical examinations are recommended for everyone. According to the International Conference on Preventive Medicine, starting from the age of 35, this must be done every 5 years. Also, the instructor may insist on a medical examination if the following indicators are close to the indicated values:

§ Resting heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute (in most cases, indicates severe emotional or physical stress).

§ Systolic blood pressure at rest more than 160.

§ Resting diastolic blood pressure greater than 100 (high blood pressure is considered a significant risk factor).

§ Over 40% overweight.

§ The vital capacity of the lungs is less than 75% of the expected value.

However, if the trainees have moderate deviations from the norm, then it is allowed to perform low-intensity exercises or individual aerobic exercises under the close supervision of an instructor.

According to the latest research in the Shape magazine, every woman should undergo the following 9 types of medical examination:

W Breast examination very important, because every woman is at risk of getting breast cancer. According to statistics, in 70% of those suffering from this disease, no risk factors have been identified.

W Uterine smear analysis allows you to detect the appearance of cancer cells at an early stage and prevent the development of uterine cancer.

W Eyesight check. After 35 years, a visit to an ophthalmologist is recommended at least once every 4-5 years, while wearing contact lenses - at least once every 1-2 years. In this case, it is desirable to check for glaucoma.

W Gum examination should be done at least twice a year.

W Skin cancer detection. Regardless of age, attention should be paid (especially in cases of cancer in the family) to the accumulation of moles and birthmarks in risk areas, whitening of the skin and the presence of red hairs.

W Iron-deficiency anemia(lack of red blood cells) is usually detected by a blood test.

W Analysis for diabetes it is desirable to carry out for everyone after 35 years every 3-4 years.

W Cholesterol analysis. In women 35-45 years of age, blood cholesterol can exceed 240 mgdl, as a result of which they are at risk of cardiovascular disease.

W Bone examination. Everyone is at risk for osteoporosis. Potential patients are women who have gone through menopause.