Devoted and unpretentious: description and characteristics of the Akita Inu breed. Akita Inu Breed Review: Shocking Facts and Negative Reviews Akita Inu Breed Character

If you choose a dog for yourself, then this article will be very useful for you. A pet for many years will become your family member, will share with you all the joys and misfortunes. Therefore, it is extremely responsible to choose a breed that would suit all relatives. Then your puppy will grow up to be the happiest in the world and will do everything in his power for you. Today we want to tell you about a dog that is not often found on the streets of the city. That is why owner reviews are so valuable. Akita Inu is an incredibly spectacular dog, the image of which captivates at first sight. Everything is perfect in it, gait and every movement, posture and look. Despite the fact that the Akita is distinguished by a dense physique, its proportions remain ideal, and the appearance as a whole is refined.

Popularity of the breed

Today it cannot be said that this is a very fashionable dog. Its representatives are quite rare to be found on the sites, which is quite understandable. For apartment maintenance, a large animal with thick and dense fur is not particularly suitable. However, the owners of cottages and residents of the private sector pay close attention to them. The dogs owe this not only to their charming appearance, but also to the strength of their character. There is no creature in the world that is more restrained and reasonable, and at the same time bold and very obedient, as the reviews of the owners say. Akita Inu were chosen at one time. They believed that representatives of this breed could be their worthy reflection.

History of the breed

Since we have touched on the times of the Japanese emperors, we will just tell you about the history of these dogs. From reliable sources it becomes clear that the Akita was used as a guard of the emperor. This is the result of an excellent hunting instinct and qualities that nature has endowed the dog with. They are self-possessed and fearless, smart and obedient. The breed is very interesting, its history goes back centuries. Moreover, these are not speculations, but real facts based on a genetic study of the remains that were found on the territory of the modern country of the Rising Sun. The origin of the breed dates back to the second millennium BC. This is confirmed by drawings made around the same time. The image of the dog was finally formed in the 17th century and has remained unchanged to this day.

Description of the breed

A cheerful, sunny creature, this is how the reviews of the owners characterize these dogs. Akita Inu is a true friend for a person who appreciates in an animal the strength of mind, his own point of view and absolute devotion and affection only for a close circle of people. An excellent guard, she will never allow a stranger to approach her master if she notices evil intentions. And this applies to both people and animals.

This is an amazing dog, personifying harmony in everything. A true child of the East, it exhibits such traits as restraint and calmness, as well as dignity. However, this is only a mask, under which an ardent temperament is hidden. This is often mentioned in the reviews of the owners. Akita Inu literally transforms in the environment of his loved ones, becomes sociable and active.

Even if you have never had a pet, this creature is able to conquer you at first sight. His expressive, a little just glow with wisdom. At first glance, it is very similar to the Russian Laika, but it is not, they have nothing in common. This is a very active and sociable, cheerful dog that easily becomes attached to the owner. The most important thing is that he truly loves his pet. This is a must for those who have an Akita Inu. Reviews of the owners emphasize that, despite the endurance and external appearance, they are very sensitive and gentle creatures. Remember the story of the legendary Hachiko. He lived with a professor who died suddenly of a heart attack. For another 11 years, the dog went to the station every day to meet his master from work.

Appearance and breed standards

In fact, if you are looking for a pet, then this is not a very important factor. The most important thing is that the dog is healthy, eats well and plays well. Another thing is if you want to breed puppies. Then you need a thoroughbred Akita Inu. A male for mating today is offered for an average of 20,000 rubles, that is, it may well justify the cost of exhibitions.

The Akita is a large dog that is very well built. It is very strong, muscular and robust, it is characterized by a heavy head with a short muzzle, slightly similar to a bear. The dog is distinguished by a wide and flat chest, as well as a straight back. It seems to be an ordinary appearance, but at the same time the dog looks very original. Slanted eyes and triangular protruding ears, as well as a wide forehead, simultaneously resemble a fox, a bear and a wolf. Height at the withers for a male is from 66 to 71 cm, and for a female 61-66 cm.


What would you like to see your dog? Each will have its own set of qualities. Some will note devotion, others - endurance and obedience, others - excellent security qualities, and fourth - boundless love for their master. All of them are harmoniously combined in a fluffy creature named Akita Inu. Owner reviews indicate that these dogs combine all the positive qualities inherent in other breeds. They don't have negative traits. From puppyhood to old age, Akitas are distinguished by a mischievous and cheerful character. Aggression and sudden mood swings are not at all inherent in these representatives of the canine world. They are so balanced that it seems that they calculate in advance any situation. They are difficult to provoke before rushing into battle, they will study the circumstances and the situation, evaluate the possible consequences of their actions.

But enough about the positives. Like everyone else, this dog is not ideal either, which is sometimes mentioned in the reviews of the owners. Akita Inu (male often manifests itself in this way) is infinitely curious. He needs to be aware of everything that happens in your house. Any noise, rustle will instantly attract his attention, he will poke his nose into any slot and box. However, with age, this quality disappears, so over time your pet will become more imposing.

Akita and small children

Since this is a fairly large dog, many people are worried about how careful the Akita Inu can be when playing with kids. A male, whose character is somewhat stricter, will become for them not only a friend, but also a kind of mentor. You will have the opportunity to shift some of the responsibilities of entertaining the kids to him. You can be sure that the child is under supervision and under protection if you need to leave him in a room alone for a while.

In fact, if you become the proud owner of a dog of this breed, then you don’t have to worry much about the cost of care and maintenance. These are real Spartans, completely picky. Moreover, the dog can live both on the street and in the apartment. A thick and warm fur coat will allow her to survive the most severe frosts. However, if you decide to leave her to spend the winter on the street, then you need to take care of a warm booth or aviary. Living in an apartment for an Akita is not very familiar, a strong and large dog lacks movement within four walls. Therefore, immediately think about who will take daily walks with her, at least 2 hours each. If you wonder why, visit any exhibition and look at the Inu. The male, whose photo is posted below, shines with health, he has all the muscles perfectly developed, which is possible only with regular exercise. It is enough to comb out wool several times a week, and during molting every day. You can bathe the dog no more than twice a year, using special dog shampoos.


The larger the breed, the higher its growth rate, which means that the more attention should be paid to the nutrition of your pet in puppyhood. You can not teach him to eat from your table. The best option would be the right dry food. But while the puppy is growing, it is recommended to combine dry food with traditional food. You will not notice how your Akita Inu will grow. A male who has just turned 4 months old is gaining 70% of the height of an adult dog. Of course, the jamb will still be distributed in breadth, but the dog already looks impressive. However, for development to proceed correctly, you need to include cottage cheese and lean meat, kefir and broth in your diet every day.


The most difficult question that worries most dog breeders, and especially those who have an Akita Inu male. How to train, what commands to teach, whether to go to classes with a cynologist or can you achieve everything on your own? Remember that you need to start the sooner the better. What is allowed to a baby puppy cannot be forbidden to an adult dog, so immediately distinguish between what is possible and what is not. Be prepared for disobedience and stock up on great patience. This is a proud creature, wayward and independent, who will not forgive you for undeserved insults. Education should be consistent and affectionate. The owner will have to find a middle ground, be demanding, but soft. It is then that you will be able to grow a true friend and reliable comrade.


Growth female 61–66 cm, male 66–71 cm, female weight 32–45 kg, male 45–59 kg

Character:Friendly, brave, alert
Where is used:Hunter, guard
Lives:10-12 years old

The Akita Inu dog breed is considered one of the oldest and most important in Japan. This pet has created a whole culture around itself over the long years of its existence. In this article, we invite you to find out what this variety is, what is its description and the characteristics of the breed standard. You will also learn about the nature of the pet, the features of keeping in the apartment, mating and training.

Origin story

Akita Inu or Japanese Laika originated a very long time ago and is considered one of the most ancient breeds that have survived to this day. If you believe the results of archaeological research, and there is no point in doubting this, then representatives of the breed lived in Japan eight thousand years ago. Pets got this name due to the fact that for a long time they lived in the Akita region, in the north of the country. According to scientists, the ancestors of today's Japanese Laika are Matagi Inu, which in ancient times were used by hunters and were their faithful helpers.

Despite the long existence, the so-called starting point, when the Akita Inu dogs began to be talked about, are the 1600s. Then the Japanese emperors and rulers needed pets that could serve as guards. Therefore, over time, representatives of the breed moved from the forests, where they caught bears and other animals, to luxurious palaces, which they protected from uninvited guests. Of course, as a result of this, the very essence of the variety, as well as its vocation, were largely changed (the author of the video is Roman Leonidovich).

Having received court status, the tiger anu became an elite animal, which was beyond the reach of ordinary workers or hunters. At one time, Japan even had a serious decree signed by one of the then rulers. According to it, every person who offended an Akita Inu pet was to be imprisoned, and the one who killed the dog was subject to the death penalty. Japanese aristocrats treated these animals with awe and reverence - in families it was a whole ritual for caring for dogs. A person almost always spoke with a Japanese husky in a calm and balanced tone, not allowing himself to swear or raise his voice, and in every aristocratic family the dog was even assigned a personal servant.

Over time, the situation has constantly changed and the traditional variety of Akita Inu has become more accessible to ordinary owners due to the fact that dog fighting began to gain popularity in Japan. According to one version, the history of the breed began in the city of Odate, so at the time of the popularity of dog fighting, this breed was called that way. Only large and strong representatives could take part in such competitions. As a rule, the main rivals of this variety in the so-called fighting ring were Molossians, resulting from the crossing of European fighting breeds. Akita Inu had difficulty fighting back these massive animals, so large-scale work began to cross the Japanese variety with large representatives of European breeds, which eventually led to the likelihood of extinction of the variety.

But in the 1900s, local breeders began a campaign to restore the traditional Akita Inu species. The mayor of Odate, where the Japanese Akita appeared, was seriously worried that the main symbol of the region was on the verge of extinction. Therefore, in 1927, an organization was created, which included cynologists, breeders and even historians, whose task was to breed animals, collect complete information about them, as well as develop rules for mating, feeding, training and care. As a result of long work, specialists were able to obtain several varieties close to the ideal.

However, everything changed with the outbreak of the Second World War - all pets were mobilized into the army. Due to qualities such as courage, strong character, intelligence and quick wits, the Japanese expected dogs to be of benefit to their troops. However, by the end of hostilities, almost all representatives of this species were destroyed. Due to the fact that some of the then intellectuals did not give their pets to the war and kept them secretly at court for several years, the breeders still managed to revive the breed.

The mating was successful, so that the representatives of the breed quickly began to restore the lost gene pool. Pets were characterized by remarkable appearance and spontaneity. Most of them were popular white and red dogs. The spread of animals around the world happened not only thanks to tourists, but also to American soldiers, whose bases were in Japan after the war. Then the soldiers took pets to their homeland in the United States, and travelers took them to Europe, which undoubtedly affected the popularity and distribution of the variety.

A little later, breeders from the United States distinguished themselves when they mated a white Akita with a German Shepherd. The Americans began to call the appeared variety the big Japanese dog. They were larger and more muscular than traditional Japanese dogs. Also one of the main characteristics of the standard of this breed was explosive character and aggression. By the way, the Japanese have not yet recognized this subspecies, considering it a genetic defect.

Characteristics of the breed

A basic description of the appearance, characteristics of the breed standard and character traits are given below.

Appearance and standard

In appearance, this is a powerful and energetic animal with a massive skeleton. The main characteristic is an extensive triangular-shaped skull, with a deep muzzle and small eyes, as well as upright ears. Also one of the features of the standard is a lush and rounded tail.

Pets can be easily divided by gender. Males are strong and massive, with a masculine look, while females are more feminine and friendly towards the outside world. Regardless of gender, the characteristic of the standard is a massive skeleton, as well as strong muscles. No less massive is the head itself, which is in perfect harmony with the body. The forehead is slightly convex, the muzzle itself is extensive and strong.

The Akita Inu's lips are thick but dry, dark in color and close to the jaw. The jaws themselves are square. Also, the characteristics of the standard are small ears in relation to the size of the head, standing on the head on a strong cartilage. They are triangular in appearance. The eyes are small, also triangular in shape, usually brown or hazel in color. As for the teeth, they are strong, snow-white and very large.

Akita Inu has a massive and powerful neck, not very long, but set high. The withers are a little dry, but at the same time pronounced. No less powerful and strong than other parts of the animal's body are the shoulder blades of the animal. As mentioned above, one of the distinguishing characteristics of the description of the standard is the tail - it is set high, and in size it is quite thick and large, very strong at the base. The tail can be raised or bent over the back or on the side. The chest is quite extensive, as well as voluminous, the stomach is tucked up.

As for the limbs, both the front and hind legs are very strong and have a massive skeleton. The growth of males varies in the region of 64-17 cm, and females - from 59 to 64 cm. As for weight, on average this figure is from 40 to 50 kg.

Another feature of the standard is wool. Dogs have a thick and soft, as well as dense undercoat. The coat itself is straight and harsh according to the standard, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head and ears the vegetation is less dense. The length of the hair is about 5cm.

Also in the description of the standard is the color, which is usually white, spotted or any other. White Akita Inu is not uncommon, its color, in principle, can be anything but black. Often in nature there are both tiger and spotted pets. It should also be noted that the standard states that the color of the undercoat can be different from the color of the coat.


The nature of this pet has been formed over many centuries. At first, the white Akita was used only for hunting, after that it was used to protect the palaces of the rulers, and also as guards. Due to the change in the functions assigned to pets, they were able to acquire new qualities without losing the old ones (video by Hills Pet Nutrition Russia).

The type of behavior cannot be called typical, especially when compared with traditional varieties from the USA and Europe. Puppies are very playful at this age, but over time, the animals become reserved and even wise. A key feature of these pets is independence - they prefer to be outside without a leash, and being in an apartment, most likely, they themselves will choose a place to sleep. In addition, in the absence of training, the Akita can simply disappear somewhere for several hours.

It is worth noting that dogs are very "talkative", stubborn. They are quite difficult to train.

But Akitas are very loyal creatures, so if the dog left during the walk, most likely, you will meet him at the door of your apartment. Animals are great for protection and at the same time are good companions. It is important that a person always remembers that the Akita is equal to the owner. The dog does not need tenderness or increased attention, but it will be categorically against a condescending attitude towards itself.

Conditions for keeping at home


As for care while keeping in an apartment, as the reviews show, there is nothing complicated here. It is important to take time to coat the dog - it does not have to be cut or trimmed. Representatives of this breed shed often and very strongly - at least twice a year and for several weeks. At this time, the dogs must be looked after daily, otherwise, as the reviews show, you will collect wool throughout the apartment.

Again, in the reviews, the owners claim that combing is best done with special combs designed for thick wool. When the dog does not shed, it can be combed out once a week, this will be enough. Also, several times a month, you should cut your claws, and every two or three days it is advisable for the dog to brush its teeth with a special paste with a meat flavor. Bathing animals should be as rare as possible, if necessary. Separately, the issue of knitting should be noted. Experts recommend mating with representatives of the same breed.

More than a hundred years ago, Akita Inu service dogs became the hallmark of Japan. These amazing animals have been recognized by the international dog community for their amazing looks. Literally everything about this dog exudes sophistication and nobility. Even a slightly dense physique does not spoil the appearance of the animal. But it is impossible to call the breed decorative. Under the cute appearance hides a formidable animal, which in the days of the samurai participated in battles and guarded the palace of the emperor.

In our country, the breed is not very popular, so it is problematic to buy it, and the price for it is quite high.

History of the breed

Scientists have proven that Akita Inu dogs are to one of the 14 oldest breeds in the world. This is evidenced by the remains found in Japan, which have been preserved since the second millennium BC. Japanese samurai warriors considered these dogs to be their talisman and took them into battle.

The appearance of these beautiful animals has not changed since the 17th century. The breed was named after the province of the Japanese island of Honshu, where dogs of this breed with an already formed appearance first appeared. In the 18th century, the Akita was declared a sacred animal, and only members of the imperial family could start it. A special collar was put on the animal, which could tell about the social status of its owner. Each dog was assigned a separate servant who fed and looked after it.

The breed is also interesting because it is the only one in the world that has been bred without admixture of other breeds. In the 30s of the 20th century, the Akita Inu community was created, the purpose of which was to ensure that dogs were not crossed with any other breeds.

During World War II, many dogs were sent to the front, where they performed various combat missions. As a result, there are very few dogs of this breed left, but the Japanese still managed to keep their purebreds. Akita Inu is still popular in Japan, however, not everyone can afford to have a pet.

In Russia, the breed first appeared at the beginning of the 21st century, and immediately won great love and popularity. Almost all representatives of the star beau monde wanted to have such a dog.

Akita inu - breed description, photo

A Japanese dog can conquer with just one look. It seems that her slanting eyes are “saturated” with wisdom. Among the many breeds of Akita Inu distinguishes:

For purebred Japanese Akita Inu Only three colors are allowed:

  1. White (there should not be a single spot on the coat).
  2. Brindle with white urazhiro.
  3. Basic red, where the mask of the muzzle, chest and inner surface of the paws should be white in color.

For the Japanese breed, the black mask that the American Akita has is not allowed.

There are practically no negative aspects of the character of the Akita Inu. It combines all the positive qualities inherent in other breeds. Akita puppies are funny, mischievous and playful personality. Changes in mood and outbursts of aggression are unusual for them.

The dog has a balanced temperament, and before standing up for the owner and rushing into battle, she will study the situation and evaluate the possible consequences. This dog breed is very intelligent and can become a true friend. In a large family, she will entertain the kids, and for a single owner she will become a real companion.

The only negative trait of the Akita Inu is her irrepressible curiosity. She must always be aware of all the events, therefore, having heard even a small noise, she will definitely come running to see what happened. In the house, the pet will examine every item and chink, checking what is in them. But such curiosity is inherent only for young dogs. It goes away with age.

As soon as the Akita crosses the threshold of puppyhood, composure and restraint appear in it. The whole appearance of the dog suggests that it is independent and calm. However, silent and confident behavior is deceptive. In fact, this is a very sensitive, friendly and soft animal.

Dogs of this breed are very obedient and not prone to self-will and dirty tricks. They value being treated well and are respectful of people who reciprocate the same. Akita treats strangers with distrust. However, he does not display alertness and vigilance. But in relation to another dog Akita Inu will be aggressive. Having met a neighbor's dog on a walk, she can rush into battle, because in him the dog will see an enemy who has encroached on her territory. At this time, even the most beloved owner will not be able to stop her. Perhaps such a negative trait is an innate sense of superiority over other animals.

In order for the Akita to show its intelligence and its natural qualities, it is necessary to educate it from the first months. By giving her due attention and satisfying curiosity, as a result, you can get a devoted and intelligent friend. A dog of this breed is considered a puppy until 2-2.5 years old.

The breed is picky, and it can be kept both in the house and on the street. She has such a thick coat that even in harsh winters she keeps the dog from freezing. However, it is still necessary to worry about a booth with insulation.

Indoor Akita needs walks, which should be twice a day for two hours minimum. During the walk, the dog will walk with restraint and pride next to the owner. But so that the pet does not gain excess weight and does not become lazy and indifferent, he must receive physical activity. Therefore, during walks, special attention should be paid to this.

Fully bathing dogs of this breed is often not recommended, as regular water procedures can lead to various diseases. Therefore, bathing is carried out no more than two to three times a year. For this, they are used special shampoos for dogs. After water procedures, the wool should be dried with a hairdryer or simply wiped well with a towel.

Two days a week, the pet must be thoroughly combed to comb out the tangles from the coat. Particular attention to the "fur coat" should be given during molting. You can speed up the renewal process with a special mitt or brush, combing out the old wool every other day.

Feed your pet should be carefully selected dry food, which can be combined with traditional. Since dry food already contains all the minerals and vitamins, several times a week you can pamper your dog with vegetable broth, lean meat, kefir or cottage cheese. Make sure your dog has a bowl of fresh water at all times. During molting, it is recommended to feed with additives specially designed for wool.

Pay attention to your pet's teeth. Tartar should not be allowed to form on them, which can lead to pain and bleeding of the gums. It can be avoided by using a toothbrush and toothpaste designed specifically for dogs.

Education and training

When educating an Akita Inu, you need to stock up on free time and patience, since an independent and wayward dog has a difficult character. For those new to dog breeding, nurturing a breed can seem overwhelming.

When raising a pet, you need to be affectionate, but at the same time firm and “flexible”. A dog that feels rudeness and pressure can be offended, withdraw and endure the situation for a long time. The pet will not immediately execute commands. At first he will think, and then he will either do it or just leave. But shouting and using brute force is not allowed. This will be a very big mistake, because you still won’t achieve the result, but you will make an enemy. At the first possible opportunity, the pet may take revenge.

But he does not accept Akita and excessive tenderness. The dog loves children, but if the child starts to pull her by the tail, she may react aggressively. The breed of these dogs belongs to predators, so it is not necessary to wake up aggression in them once again. You can not set the pet and allow fights with other dogs.

Even from puppyhood, Akita Inu needs to be explained who is the boss in the house and how to treat family members and guests. In the process of education, it must be encouraged with words and all sorts of goodies.

Choosing a puppy and the price of an Akita Inu

Standing Japanese service dog from 20 to 70 thousand rubles. The price for it depends on its pedigree and purebred breed. The most expensive puppies are sold in kennels. But you can visit dog shows, and find a pet there to your liking. However, breeders do not sell Akita Inu at very low prices. The cost of the breed can be significantly lower if the puppy is reserved in advance. Also, sometimes there are ads on the Internet where you can buy a Japanese Akita at a lower price than in a nursery.

When buying a puppy, you need to focus on average parameters. If you buy a dog from a breeder, then you The following tips will help:

Based on these recommendations, you can get a healthy, active and loyal friend for you and your family. But if you want a dog to become a sire or a champion in the future, you should choose a pet with an expert of this breed or a cynologist.

Proper maintenance and care, as well as timely upbringing and training of the Japanese Service Akita Inu will allow you to get a well-groomed adult animal with an intelligence level that is loved and appreciated all over the world.

This powerful and surprisingly harmoniously built dog is a national treasure of Japan. The locals affectionately call her "tender heart and indestructible strength."

The Akita Inu is the largest dog breed in Japan. A beautiful, powerful and sedate dog impresses with its impressiveness. This is a born watchman with a strong character. He needs constant contact with his master. His firm hand and broad socialization are necessary to pacify the independence and natural dominance of this animal, which, if not properly trained, can develop into aggressiveness. In the hands of an experienced owner, this is an intelligent, loyal and cheerful dog.

From the history of the breed

The Akita dog breed, a photo of which can be seen in all dog guides, belongs to the 14 most ancient breeds in the world. This is not a legend, but a scientifically proven fact. Scientists thoroughly studied the pedigree of this dog and conducted a detailed genetic study. The fact that the Japanese Akita dog breed is very ancient is evidenced by the discovered remains of these animals dating back to the second millennium BC. e. Researchers have discovered ancient drawings of dogs that are very similar in appearance to the modern Akita.

The name of the breed is translated from Japanese as follows: “inu” - “dog”, “akita” - the name of the area in the north of the island of Honshu. It was here that the first dogs appeared in the 17th century, and their appearance has not changed to this day.

Akita is a dog breed that belongs to the few purebred animals without any impurities. Initially, the Akita was a reliable guard in the homes of peasants and a great hunter. Since the 17th century, dogs have changed their status and become elite. The emperor of Japan issued a law according to which a person who offended or killed an Akita Inu was subjected to severe punishment. Soon this dog was available only to members of the emperor's family and the ruling aristocracy.

In 1927, a society for the preservation of this breed appeared in the Land of the Rising Sun. During the Second World War, most of these noble animals were sent to the front. At that time, the Japanese Akita Inu dog breed began to be bred a little less due to a lack of funds for their maintenance. In Japan, only a few purebred individuals survived at that time. Despite this, the Akita dog breed, the photo of which you see in our article, has been preserved.

Akita dog: description of the breed

Akita Inu is restrained, calm, has great dignity. But behind her calmness hides an ardent temperament. In her family, among people close to her, she is transformed, becomes sociable and active.

Dogs of the Akita breed conquer a person at first sight. Their slanting and very expressive eyes seem to radiate wisdom. Their powerful and at the same time graceful torso and proud posture make dogs unique and different from other breeds.

Dogs of the Akita breed are active and cheerful, they quickly become attached to their owner for life. But for this, the animal must feel love and friendliness from the owner.

External features

The Akita Inu dog breed is very harmoniously built. It is a strong, very robust and muscular dog, with a characteristic flat and heavy head and a short muzzle. She looks a bit like a bear. The body is slightly stretched, the chest is flat and wide, the back is completely straight.

It may seem that this is an animal of classical form, but its appearance is quite original. The Akita is one of the largest Spitz dog breeds. Her height is from 67 to 74 cm.

Wool and color

The coat is double, with a soft and dense undercoat. The outer coat is much longer and much coarser than the undercoat. On average, the length of the coat on the body is 5 cm. On the stomach and tail, it is slightly longer.

Any color is allowed by the standard (red, fawn, white, etc.). Possible piebald, as well as brindle. It should be clear and clean, without streaks. The tone of the undercoat may be slightly lighter.

Varieties of Akita Inu

Today, there are several varieties of the Akita Inu dog breed, which were obtained by crossing a Japanese dog with a German shepherd. They were bred in the middle of the last century. By that time, three varieties of Akita were known:

  • hunting;
  • fighting;
  • shepherd's.

It was at this time that dog handlers decided to restore the original appearance of the Akita, to restore its natural qualities. The result of this long and painstaking work was the modern Japanese Akita Inu dog breed, which is now popular and known throughout the world.

Quite rare varieties are tiger and red Akita. Such animals are bred in several areas of Japan. Brindle is possible with black, red or white. The red Akita has a red coat with white spots on the muzzle, paws and belly.

The white Akita was bred in the middle of the last century. The standard prescribes a completely white color, except for the black nose.

dog breed american akita

During World War II, the soldiers of the United States brought these magnificent dogs from Japan to their homeland. Bold and beautiful animals very quickly won the hearts of American dog breeders.

Modern American and Japanese Akitas are different from their native ancestors. To be convinced of this, just look at the effigy of Hachiko stored in the Tokyo Museum.

In the fifties of the last century, a club of lovers of this breed appeared in America. The modern American Akita dog breed has become different from its Japanese relatives.

This is a well balanced dog with heavy bones, deep muzzle, medium sized eyes, erect ears. The height of the male at the withers is 71 cm, the female is 66 cm. The weight of the male is 65 kg, the female is 55 kg. Many breeders in our country prefer to breed this particular variety.


Probably, some of our readers will now grin incredulously when they read that the Akita is a dog breed that does not have negative character traits. In puppyhood, Akitas are mischievous, funny and playful "cubs". Unmotivated attacks of aggression or sudden mood swings are not typical for these beauties. Their temperament is balanced, it seems that in any situation they control the situation. Before interceding for the owner and rushing into battle, they instantly assess the situation and calculate their actions. Akita is extremely smart, the Japanese say that wisdom has accumulated in this dog for centuries.

Boundless curiosity and the desire to be aware of everything that happens could be called the negative features of these beauties, if they did not do it so sweetly and naturally.

Akita Inu dogs will make great friends for any family. In addition, they are good for single owners, for whom they become indispensable companions. Distinctive features of this breed are individuality and spontaneity. In order for the Akita to show its natural intelligence, it should be practiced from the first months of life. You need to know that an Akita puppy is from the moment of birth to 2.5 years. Paying attention to raising your pet, communicating with him and satisfying his curiosity, you will get a devoted and intelligent friend.

This animal is not at all prone to dirty tricks and self-will. Akita obedient and even, one might say, submissive dog. Akita treats strangers with distrust. She does not flaunt her vigilance and alertness. Things get much more complicated when there is another dog nearby. Akita always sees her as his enemy, encroaching on her rightful territory. In this case, she will not hide her aggression and can rush into battle instantly. This is a natural instinct to dominate other quadrupeds.

If you decide to buy an Akita Inu, then do not worry about the cost of maintenance and care. Akita is picky. It can be kept both in the yard and in the apartment. Her luxurious fur coat will not let her freeze outside even in a very harsh winter.

A dog living in an apartment needs to walk twice a day for at least 2 hours. During a walk, the Akita behaves very calmly: she proudly paces next to her beloved owner. But if such an opportunity presents itself, then she will gladly run and play pranks. Please note that the “apartment” Akita does not experience the necessary physical exertion, so she can gain excess weight, which will negatively affect her health and even character.

Grooming this dog's coat is easy. It is enough just 2 times a week to carefully comb and comb out the tangles. It will become a little more difficult during the molting period. At this time, your friend will need help. To speed up the molting process, you should comb it out with a special brush.

Akita does not need frequent bathing. 2-3 water procedures per year are quite enough. But you should use only special shampoos for large dogs. Hair after bathing should be well dried with a hair dryer or towel.


Choosing food for your pet should be very responsible. It is strictly forbidden to feed the dog from your table. The best option is the right dry food. You can use combination food. For example, twice a week pamper the Akita with low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat. Your pet should always have fresh and clean water. During the shedding period, combine food with special additives that promote healthy coat growth.

Photo of akita inu |

basic information

Assessment of breed characteristics

adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

tenderness level The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to himself.

Need for exercise Daily activity level of the dog.

social need The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconvenience that the dog can deliver to the owners in the ratio of the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushings, and the required number of professional grooming sessions a dog needs.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Features of the dog's behavior in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

tendency to bark Tendency to barking and its frequency and loudness.

Health Issues The potential health status of the dog.

Territoriality The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard or even the owner's car.

Friendliness for cats Tendency to be tolerant of cats and reduced hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog's ability to think and solve problems that arise (not to be confused with learning!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in teaching a dog to perform certain actions.

Friendliness for children A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its name itself, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs.

Observation The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs The dog's tendency to find a common language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

The Akita Inu is a large and noble dog breed that was originally used to guard the royal family and nobility of feudal Japan. Dogs were also used to hunt wild boar, bear and deer. The animal is fearless and insanely loyal to its family. Akita Inu is very difficult to scare with something, this is the dog that is unlikely to retreat from the intended goal. At the same time, the pet is very funny, of course, this can only be achieved if the dog is trained.

Akita Inu has a peculiar appearance: a large head and somewhat small triangular eyes. The strong body of the dog is the main factor that acts intimidatingly on the enemy. The breed is known for its unwavering loyalty to the owner, kindness and tenderness to loved ones. What could be better than having such a strong and loving patron?

Dogs of this breed are not prone to strong barking, but at the same time remain quite "vocal". The fact is that Akita Inu are prone to making various sounds similar to grunting, snorting, moaning, etc. Some owners say they get the impression that the dog is talking to itself, muttering under its breath. Representatives of this amazing breed are quite cautious towards strangers, but if the owner is nearby, then the dog is restrained and does not show aggression or other attention to strangers.

Akita Inu loves to carry various things in his teeth. It can get to the point that the pet will lightly grab your wrist and try to drag you somewhere. Do not take such a gesture as aggression. In fact, this is a manifestation of the attention of the pet. Often dogs of this breed hide slippers and personal items, they can drag the leash or, conversely, bring it to you. Thus, the animal shows its desire to walk.

An unusual feature that applies to dogs, the Akita Inu breed, is the so-called. "cat behavior" These animals love to lick their body. The method of hunting also applies to feline manifestations. The animal behaves like a tiger. Akita Inu hunt down prey silently, pressing the body low to the ground, and attack at the right moment. Unlike other dogs, the Akita Inu will not bark or growl.

Before acquiring an Akita Inu, it is important to study all the nuances of raising and keeping a dog. These pets, like other animals, do not respond well to aggression and harsh methods of education. The entire learning process should be built on mutual understanding and establishing contact between the pet and the owner. Remember that a dog is a full member of the family that needs love and respect.

Be prepared for the fact that the training and training of the Akita Inu will take more time than with training other breeds. Although the Akita is a fairly intelligent dog, its somewhat wayward, stubborn character will not go unnoticed.

Akita Inu are very sociable and social. They need a lot of communication, so they should spend a lot of time with their family. It is communication that will become the key in the process of learning and training. In no case do not resort to keeping an Akita Inu in the yard. The dog should live with you under the same roof! Loneliness for such dogs is destructive, the animal will become nervous and aggressive.

Akita Inu is not suitable for people who want to have a calm dog, as well as for the category of dog breeders who are afraid of serious responsibility. An animal will be a real gift only for those who are ready to put all their attention and love into raising a pet, its proper training. Such a host will be richly rewarded.

When choosing an Akita Inu puppy, you should decide on its variety. The fact is that there are two standards for this breed: American and Japanese. Japanese Akita Inu much smaller than the American, both in height and weight. The weight of the Japanese variety is about 15 kg less than the American one. The head of the Japanese dog resembles a fox's head in shape, which cannot be said of the American dog, which has a larger and wider head. Another distinguishing feature is the eyes. In the American variety, they are triangular in shape, while in Japanese dogs they are more rounded. american akita is the owner of a black mark on the face, the Japanese are characterized by white spots.

Such significant differences have become the subject of discussions about the official division of the breed. Despite the large number of those who support the idea of ​​dividing the Akita Inu into two breeds, until now this issue remains only the subject of much debate.

The natural hunting instincts of the Akita Inu have not disappeared in its long history. Now they are manifested in the tendency of dogs to frolic on the water and in the forest. These dogs can chase waterfowl while the owner is fishing on the shore.

Despite a lot of discussions and disputes, the fact remains that the Akita Inu is a really strong, fearless and loyal dog with wonderful character traits and amazing appearance.

Akita Inu are very compassionate. This can be confirmed by a case at the London Zoo. When a newborn baby Sumatran tiger was left an orphan, the zoo staff began to look for possible ways to feed the tiger cub. The choice fell on the Akita Inu, who was just feeding the puppies. The zoo staff were sure that the Akita would not be afraid of such a test, and they were not mistaken! The dog not only fed the tiger cub, but also played and looked after him. This is a sign of boundless love and tenderness of the animal.

Akita Inu is a dog for people who are confident in themselves and in their own abilities, for those who are ready and willing to give their warmth and attention to our smaller brothers!

Photo of Akita Inu:

Pictures of Akita Inu dogs |

Origin story

The birthplace of Akita Inu dogs is Japan, more precisely, the server region of the island of Honshu (famous for its Mount Fuji, the highest point in the Land of the Rising Sun) is Tohoku. It was in those parts, mainly in the territory of Akita Prefecture, that the remains of ancient dogs similar to modern Akita Inu were found. In Japanese, "inu" means "dog", that is, the name of the breed is a dog from Akita. True, history is silent about who the ancestors of the Akita were, because according to some sources, animals similar in appearance to the Japanese Inu appeared no later than the 2nd millennium BC. By the way, this breed is recognized as one of the most ancient (as well as another famous breed from Japan), which developed almost without human labor. In other words, the pretty appearance of the Akita Inu is a gift of nature, and not at all the merit of geneticists and breeders.

There is an opinion that the ancestors of today's Akita Inu appeared as a result of crossing Chinese dogs with local individuals of the Japanese archipelago. At the beginning of our era, the territories of Japan began to be massively populated by Chinese and Korean peoples, who, in addition to their own simple belongings, transported their gou (i.e. dogs) to a new place of residence. Over time, there was a mixing of the blood of animals imported to Japan with dogs that had already lived there for many centuries.

Another version of the appearance of the Akita Inu is associated with the ancient people of the Ainu, who inhabited the southern part of the Japanese islands. Already from the Jomon period (about 13,000 BC), the Ainu began to experience difficulties in relations with Asian invaders (from South China and Southeast Asia), who decided to select the fertile soils of the south for growing rice. The Ainu, on the other hand, always found their livelihood in hunting, fishing and gathering, so they could not compete with resourceful settlers. So the indigenous people moved closer to the north - to the island of Honshu, covered with mountains, volcanoes and dense forests. And he also brought with him dogs that helped in hunting for a large animal - a bear, a wild boar, a deer.

But even here the unfortunate Ainu with their dogs were not left alone - gradually the invaders reached the north of Japan, having found out about the gold-bearing ores and valuable wood of the island. Relative peace came only towards the end of the 16th century, when not only the lifestyle of the original owners of the Akita Inu, the Ainu, changed, but also the dogs themselves, crossed with individuals once brought from Asian countries. Over the years, Akita Inu (during the Kinsays of the 1570s to 1860s AD) were used as, and (took part in dog and bull fights).

To increase malice and give the Akita special muscularity, the blood of Japanese dogs was increasingly mixed with breeds imported from Europe, which had a negative effect on both the appearance of the original appearance of the breed and their hunting character. By the beginning of the 19th century, fights involving dogs were banned, which made the breed unpopular, and therefore disappearing. And there were only a few purebred Akitas. By the 1920s, the work of breeders began, aimed at eliminating the metamorphoses that occurred with ancient dogs from random crossing, the Akita Inu Preservation Society was formed. In 1931, Akita Inu were recognized as the national treasure of Japan, and in 1938 the first breed standard was adopted. Although the Akita still had difficult periods ahead, one of which was the Second World War. In the conditions of difficult times during the war, many dogs were exterminated for sewing uniforms from skins, and the meat was used for food. However, already in 1947, the first exhibition was held, in which a little more than 20 surviving dogs took part.

In Russia, Akita Inu is primarily loved not even because of the unusual exterior, but because of the legends about the fidelity of these dogs (for example, the film “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend” or the ancient legend about Shiro, and the Japanese themselves call the Akita character -inu "innate prowess" - a kind of evidence of devotion, courage and love of an animal for a person). They were brought to our country at the beginning of the 21st century, since then the popularity of the Akita Inu has not fallen - nurseries have been founded, there are more and more people who want to get a dog from the Land of the Rising Sun as a companion.

Akita inu character

The Akita Inu was originally bred to protect members of the Japanese royal family. The strong and imposing constitution of the dog's body perfectly matches the general appearance of a guard dog. Despite their formidable appearance, Akita Inu are very affectionate and gentle with family members. They are excellent companions, but their character is somewhat stubborn, which can become a serious obstacle in matters of training and education. Representatives of this breed are prone to barking, often they show dominance and perseverance in character. The complex nature of the Akita Inu suggests that this dog is not suitable for beginner dog breeders.

Akita Inu dogs can come in a variety of colors, including black, white, chocolate, and brindle. These dogs have a fairly thick undercoat. In general, the Akita Inu coat is easy to care for, but in Akita Inu dogs, the hair is easily spread around the house, incl. on furniture and clothes, so you will have to vacuum quite often in the apartment. Abundant molting occurs twice a year. During this period, it is especially important to brush your pet weekly to keep his coat healthy and beautiful.

Despite the fact that Akita Inu are distinguished by their tendency to self-care, it is still necessary to bathe the dog three to four times a month because of the peculiarity of its coat. The thing is that representatives of this breed love to run through puddles and wallow in the mud.

Ear care involves weekly careful monitoring of the condition of the ear canals and treatment with a special solution with a balanced pH level prescribed by a veterinarian. It is necessary to ensure that there are no irritations and inflammations in the ears. Nails should be trimmed once a month.

Training and education

Akita Inu is difficult to train. This is primarily due to the complex nature of the dog. The coach must have leadership qualities and be self-confident. Consistency and perseverance are the main components of correct and successful dog training. Since the Akita Inu was originally bred as guard dogs, they are endowed with a natural alertness to everything unknown. That is why the process of early socialization of puppies of this breed is of particular importance. During the socialization period, puppies need to understand what is dangerous and what is not. The dog must also understand the difference between a guest and an uninvited stranger.

Health and disease

Most Akita Inu have such health problems: hip dysplasia, eye disease, incl. progressive retinal atrophy that causes blindness, immune disorders, von Willebrand disease, bleeding disorders, immune system disorders that affect the skin, sebaceous adenoma (a disease that can end in the death of a pet).

Some interesting facts

  • The owner of the Akita Inu breed, nicknamed Yume, is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia received the dog as a gift from Japan in 2012. Vladimir Putin in one of his interviews noted that this is a strict dog that always protects its owner.
  • The main character of the sensational film "Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend", based on real events, is a dog of the Akita Inu breed.
  • Akita Inu is a symbol of loyalty and devotion in Japan.
  • Akita Inu is aggressive towards other dogs, especially dogs of the same sex.
  • For those who have never kept dogs before, the Akita Inu is not the most suitable option.
  • Early socialization, good training and education is a prerequisite for keeping an Akita Inu.
  • Akita Inu tend to chase other animals, even in the house!
  • Dogs of this breed are prone to heavy shedding. Akita Inu grooming needs to start at an early age. In this case, grooming for the dog will become a familiar, everyday activity.
  • You should not look into the eyes of an Akita Inu for a long time. The animal may take this as a sign of danger against it.
  • Training and education of the Akita Inu is not an easy task. It is best to seek the help of a professional.