Paracetamol for children instructions for use. How to give paracetamol tablets to children: the correct dosage

Children aged 3 years are most often ill with ARVI and other infections, so fever is very common in them. To combat this symptom, many doctors recommend the use of Paracetamol. How to give this medicine to babies correctly, what dose should not be exceeded and what analogues can replace it?

Can it be given to a 3 year old?

Paracetamol preparations are contraindicated only in the neonatal period, and children 1-3 months old are given only with a temperature reaction to vaccination. In other cases, the medicine is allowed from the age of 3 months, so giving Paracetamol to a child of 3 years old is safe.

Release form and mechanism of action

The drug is presented in several forms, among which in the treatment of children of three years is usually used:

  • Rectal suppositories. They differ in white color, simple composition (except for paracetamol, in a dose of 50 to 500 mg they have only a fatty base), and an oblong shape. Such a medication helps out if the child has an allergy or vomiting, but it begins to show its effect later than others dosage forms so it is often used at night.

  • Suspension. This orange or strawberry sweet preparation contains paracetamol at a dose of 120 mg/5 ml, but also includes other ingredients (xanthan gum, sucrose, sorbitol, propylene glycol, etc.) that can provoke an allergic reaction. Due to the liquid structure and the presence of a measuring syringe in the package (it can be replaced by a spoon), it is very easy to dose such Paracetamol, and in most cases children swallow it without problems.

  • In the form of tablets 200 and 500 mg of the drug is released for adults. Children are given a solid form from the age of six, therefore, at the age of 3, the use of such Paracetamol is not recommended. However, in rare cases, when there is no other antipyretic medicine at home, part of the pill can be given to the child, specifying the dose with the doctor. If the baby still cannot swallow the medication, the tablet is crushed and diluted in a spoon with water, compote or juice.

The action of any of the forms of Paracetamol is associated with the ability of the main component of the drug to influence the centers of thermoregulation and pain in the brain. This effect is represented by the blocking of cyclooxygenase enzymes under the action of paracetamol, as a result of which the temperature returns to normal, and pain decreases.

Such effects cause the following indications to the use of Paracetamol:

  • Fever (usually the drug is given at a temperature of more than +38.5 degrees).
  • Pain syndrome of moderate or weak strength.

Features of use in childhood

It is advisable to give Paracetamol to children only after a doctor's examination, so that the use of such a drug does not affect the definition correct diagnosis. Besides, it's only symptomatic remedy, so it is usually given along with drugs that will also affect the cause of fever or pain.

The duration of treatment with Paracetamol, depending on the indications, does not exceed 3-5 days. If you need to give the medication for longer, this must be agreed with the attending physician, because long application can affect blood formation and work internal organs child.

You can give the child the drug with an interval of at least four hours. If the suspension taken or the candle delivered did not bring down the temperature, application earlier than after 4 hours is unacceptable. In such situations, you need to consult a doctor and, according to his appointment, use another antipyretic agent.

It is advised to take the suspension one hour after eating, but if the temperature is very high, this recommendation is not taken into account (the drug is given regardless of the diet). It is not worth diluting the medicine with water, because due to such dilution, the volume of the medicine will be larger, and the child may not drink it completely. However, it is advisable to give plenty of fluids in addition, as this will help in the fight against fever.

Among the contraindications to taking Paracetamol are intolerance to any of the components of the drug, liver disease, some hereditary diseases, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Before giving the medication to the baby, it should be clarified if he has such health problems.

Do not exceed the dose of the drug on your own, combine it with other drugs based on paracetamol, or store the suspension in a place where it can be found and accidentally drunk by a small child. In such situations, the risk of overdose increases, which can be dangerous for the health of a small patient.


To determine a single dose for a three-year-old child, you need to know his weight in kilograms. It is multiplied by 10-15 and the number of milligrams of paracetamol per dose is obtained. For example, the weight of a particular baby is 14 kg. Such a child needs 140-210 mg of paracetamol at a time, so treatment begins with 6 ml of suspension or 3/4 suppositories of 250 mg are placed.

The average single dose of the suspension can also be taken from the table in the annotation. Since the weight of 3-year-old children is usually from 12 to 18 kg, for babies weighing 12-16 kg, 5 ml of medication is taken at a time, and for children weighing 16-18 kg, a single dosage of 10 ml is required.

The daily dosage of the drug is also calculated by weight. It is known that a child should not receive more than 60 mg of paracetamol per kilogram of his body weight per day. So, a patient with a weight of 14 kg can be given no more than 840 mg of medication per day. If a suspension is used, then this amount of the active ingredient is in 35 ml.

What to replace?

If candles and suppositories are not available at home or in a pharmacy, another medicine can be used instead, the action of which is also provided by paracetamol. For example, a child can put a candle Cefekon D or give a suspension of Panadol Baby. Medications that contain ibuprofen can also replace such drugs. They are also produced for children in candles and suspensions, they are given from the age of three months and are recommended for high temperature or pain.

This medicine helps reduce pain syndrome and also relieve the child of fever. Paracetamol is the most popular drug that is allowed to be taken by children with early age. The drug allows you to quickly alleviate the well-being of the baby, however, when using it, it is imperative to observe the dosage. Recommendation from pediatrician: how much paracetamol can be given to a child

How much paracetamol can be given to a child is a question of interest to many parents. This medicine helps to reduce pain, as well as rid the child of fever. Paracetamol is the most popular drug that is allowed to be taken by children from an early age. The drug allows you to quickly alleviate the well-being of the baby, however, when using it, it is imperative to observe the dosage.

Dosage of paracetamol for children

How much paracetamol can be given to a child under 2 years of age? It should be borne in mind that the use of the drug is possible only after the baby is three months old. Applying the medicine at an earlier age is dangerous for the life and health of the child.

If the newborn has a fever, do not exercise self-treatment and call immediately ambulance. Starting from the age of three months and up to two years, the use of no more than 80 mg of the drug per day is allowed.

For a child from 2 to 5 years, the daily dose should not exceed 150 mg. A child under six years of age should be given a remedy in the form rectal suppositories or syrup, after six years the baby can use tablets.

Children from 5 to 10 years old can be given no more than 300 mg of the drug during the day.

A measuring syringe is attached to the paracetamol box, the use of which will help you not to make a mistake with the dosage of the drug.

However, the drug should not be taken more than four times a day, treatment should not last more than three days. Before using any medicine, consult your pediatrician.

Why is it so important to observe the dosage when taking paracetamol?

Paracetamol is safe for a child only if the recommendations for use are followed.

Arbitrary increase in dosage may lead to sad consequences. Overuse medicinal product is capable of toxic effect on the body, as a result of which, first of all, the liver and kidneys of the child suffer. Violation of the work of these organs can even lead to the death of the baby.

Most often, the daily dose of the drug involuntarily increases due to the use of the drug in tablets, in which it is rather difficult to determine the exact rate. Therefore, parents are strongly advised to use a measuring syringe to determine the correct dosage of the drug.

It must be taken strictly after a few hours after eating. May be mixed before use medicine with a small amount of water, milk, baby food.

When is paracetamol contraindicated?

The drug is contraindicated in children under the age of three months, as well as babies suffering from allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney failure, pathologies of the liver. In case of ineffectiveness of the drug, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. qualified help doctors.

#for kids and mommies

Paracetamol is popular pharmacological drug, which has antipyretic and other medicinal abilities. Wide spectrum actions, convenient pharmacological form, low price make the drug popular among all segments of the population. Many people ask what Paracetamol helps with. With unique pharmacological properties, this drug fights many health problems. To find out when and how to give the remedy to children, adults, it is worth knowing the mechanisms of its action, the ways of excretion, indications and contraindications for use.

Pharmacological action of the drug

To understand how Paracetamol works, you need to study its pharmacological principles of work. The drug is well absorbed by the mucosa digestive system. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood after administration is reached after 40 minutes.

The drug, when ingested, inhibits the production of prostaglandins. These substances are produced during inflammatory processes of any nature, provoke the appearance of fever and pain. Most often, this condition is caused by a cold. The medicine easily affects neurons, therefore it effectively removes pain. In combination with anti-inflammatory abilities, the drug has a wide range of uses.

Indications for the use of Paracetamol

Doctors prescribe pills as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. The child is recommended children's paracetamol for teething, inflammation in oral cavity. The use of the tool is possible in different pharmacological forms ah: oral tablets and capsules in a special shell, soluble effervescent, syrup and suspension, suppositories (children's paracetamol), injection solution. Everywhere the same composition only differs in content active substance. You can take the remedy when:

  • rise in temperature;
  • pain in the teeth and gums;
  • monthly;
  • headache;
  • pimples and acne;
  • hangover.

Paracetamol for fever

The tablet effectively and quickly reduces the temperature. Any doctor will say that bringing down the fever below 37.5 is not recommended. This is a symptom of the inflammatory process, the reaction of the fight natural forces immunity against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. But if an adult easily tolerates similar condition pain and malaise bring a lot of trouble to the child and his parents. That's why I want to help him. The substance is in the form of suppositories, syrup, tablets.

If the temperature in the baby is from 3 months, then pediatricians recommend using suppositories with a dosage of 50 mg before or after meals. Reception - 4 times at even intervals per day. At the age of 3 months to a year, suppositories with a dosage of 100 mg or baby syrup. In this form faster remedy brings down the heat. At the age of 1 to 6 years, the dose is 200 mg at a time, 6-12 years - a single dose of up to 500 mg. Temperature readings are periodically taken between doses of paracetamol. In the absence of fever, you should immediately stop giving the medicine, as it does not have sufficient anti-inflammatory, antiviral abilities.

For fever, adults take the drug to relieve fever and pain no more than 5 times a day. A single maximum is 500 mg of the active substance in the form of a syrup, injections. A combination of aspirin and paracetamol is popular. But get carried away similar means not worth it. Aspirin has a negative effect on the upper alimentary canal, so there are often stomach problems after taking it.

For toothache

Paracetamol is able to relieve pain in inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, gums and periodontium. Adults take: 1 tablet with a dosage of 0.5-1 gram no more than 5 times a day. Babies from 3 years old with teething and fever during this period are given paracetamol in the form of a suppository or a special syrup with a single dose of not more than 100 mg. The medicine will not cure the teeth and the pain will go away only for a couple of hours, so you should visit the dentist's office to solve the problem.

For pain during menstruation

Menstruation in many women is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort. To relieve spasm during menstruation, doctors recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Paracetamol is one of the most popular among them. If the sensations are very strong, then increase the dose. Do not take more than 8 tablets per day. In this case, an overdose occurs with all the consequences.

Paracetamol for headaches

Headache, migraine recede before paracetamol. To alleviate the condition, adults take up to 500 mg of the active substance in the form of tablets at a time. If a daily dosage exceeds 4 grams of the drug, then side effects, poisoning and deterioration in health will quickly appear. In order for this not to happen, it is worth reading the recipe in detail.

The product can effectively relieve pain in the head different nature and strength, but not more than 4 days in a row. Then the prostaglandins will get used to taking the drug and the analgesic effect will not come.

For pimples and acne

Paracetamol tablet for external application get rid of pimples quickly acne. To do this, it is enough to grind the preparation, add water and prepare a gruel. Apply this remedy to the affected area for 5 minutes. During this period, it will remove redness and inflammation from the pimple. You need to do 4 such procedures per day. The medicine helps to remove acne in a few days.

Remove pain, head spasm, remove general state weakness after drinking alcohol can substance paracetamol. He does not provide negative impact on the stomach (unlike aspirin), so it will not cause nausea or heartburn. A single dose is up to 500 mg of the drug, daily rate should not exceed 4 grams.

How long does it take for paracetamol to help?

Paracetamol quickly enters the bloodstream, being absorbed upper section digestive tract. The maximum concentration after administration occurs after 40 minutes. Children bring down the temperature with candles. Such a pharmacological form, metabolic features child's body and the properties of the blood supply of the mucous membrane of the anus contribute to the entry into the blood of the drug after 10 minutes.

Is it possible to drink paracetamol during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Colds, fever early dates pregnancy is corrected by paracetamol. In this case, you should strictly follow the instructions for use, do not exceed the daily rate of 4 g of the drug and not more than 4 days in a row. It is not advisable to drink paracetamol for pregnant women in the third trimester. On the late stages pregnancy, doctors prescribe analogues that do not adversely affect the fetus and mother's kidneys.

Paracetamol with hv can be taken. Due to the rapid excretion from the body (already an hour after application), it does not accumulate in milk. To protect the baby from the effects of the medicine on the body, you should not breastfeed him for an hour after taking the medicine. The norm for relieving pain or fever in a young mother is 1 tablet.

How to take: dosage for adults and children

Adults use paracetamol in tablets, syrup, suppositories. In any pharmacological form, the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 4 grams, a single dose - 1.5 g. The instruction recommends that adults take medicine for fever and pain:

  • Tablets. 1-2 tablets (200, 250, 300, 500 mg dosage) after meals Maximum amount reception per day - 4 times;
  • Rectal suppositories. The maximum rate is 1.5 g active agent. Single dose - 1 candle. The maximum amount of the drug per day is 4 times;
  • Syrup. 50 ml 4 times a day at regular intervals.

The intake of the drug by children depends on their age and weight. For treatment use:

  • Tablets. At the age of 3 to 6 years - the daily norm of the drug is not more than 2 grams. Reception - 1-2 tablets at a time with a dosage of 120-200 ml;
  • Syrup. No more than 4 doses per day. Age and dosage: from 3 months to 1 year - 2.5-5 ml; 1-6 years - 5-10 ml, from 6 to 12 years - 10-20 ml;
  • Candles. Up to 3 years - 15 mg per kilogram, 3-6 years - up to 60 mg per 1 kg; 6-12 years - up to 2 grams per day.


Taking paracetamol does not always bring relief, because there are contraindications to its use. This popular drug cannot be used to relieve pain or fever in:

  1. The age of the patient is up to 1 month;
  2. During the period of bearing a baby or breastfeeding (lactation);
  3. With any ailments of the liver;
  4. kidney problems;
  5. Allergy to the active substance.

If there is at least one contraindication, the doctor selects other painkillers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Side effects

The action of the drug in violation of the instructions, the dosage provokes side effects. An overdose can cause:

  • rashes, redness, "urticaria". Allergy to the drug most often has such external manifestations;
  • stomach ache. The stomach reacts this way to incorrect intake or overdose;
  • drowsiness, want to sleep. The cause of the condition is low blood pressure;
  • liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • a sharp drop in the level of glucose, hemoglobin in the blood.

In case of violation of the dosage or improper intake, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The cost of the drug

Many are interested in: how much Paracetamol costs in a pharmacy. The price depends on the pharmacological form of the drug, dosage, packaging, which network the pharmacy belongs to. The cost is:

  • Tablets. Packing of 10 pieces with a dosage of 200 mg - from 4 to 6 rubles, 10 pieces with a dosage of 500 mg - from 9 to 12 rubles;
  • Candles with a dosage of 500 mg 10 pieces - 40-60 rubles;
  • Syrup 100 ml - 60-80 rubles;
  • Suspension with strawberry flavor for children 10 ml - 70-90 rubles.

Analogues of Paracetamol

There are analogues containing paracetamol and additional active ingredients, or having other medicinal substances. Only a doctor is engaged in the selection of analogues of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory nature or painkillers. Such a decision is made in the presence of contraindications, allergic reactions and others serious reasons. These drugs to relieve pain, inflammation and fever include:

  1. Panadol. The active cocktail consists of paracetamol and caffeine. Used to relieve fever pain different strength and character. Available in the form of oral tablets. Adults and children over 12 years old take 1-2 tablets with a dosage of 500-1000 mg up to 4 times a day. The norm per day is no more than 4 grams of the drug.
  2. Baralgetas. Active ingredients analgin, pitophenone remove inflammation, fever in children and adults. Pharmaceutical form - tablets. Daily dose- no more than 6 pieces, duration of admission - no more than 5 days. Dosage: adults - 1-3 tablets at a time up to 3 times a day; children: 6-8 years old - half a capsule, 9-12 years old - ¾, 12-15 years old - 1 capsule no more than 2 times per knock.
  3. Nimid. A drug based on nimesulide . Fights fever, pain and inflammation. As an analogue of paracetamol, it is used in the form of pharmacological forms of tablets, granules and suspensions. Take: adults and children over 12 years old - 100 mg 2 times a day, kids under 12 years old - 1.5 mg per 1 kg of weight, the norm is divided into two doses.

A first aid kit for children is a must-have in every home where there is a baby. The most accessible and common analgesic and antipyretic agent, allowed from a very young age, is paracetamol. This is salvation both at high temperature and at pains of various origins.

It is on sale in the form of suppositories, sweet syrup, tablets. It is quickly absorbed, begins to act within 30-40 minutes after consumption, has a minimum of contraindications, is prescribed for children in whom hyperthermia is accompanied by convulsions.

The listed arguments are often decisive when buying, however Parents should consider the following nuances:

  • up to 5 years of age in the treatment of babies, it is better to use suppositories, syrups, suspensions;
  • strict adherence to dosage proportions is required in order not to expose the body weakened by the disease to the risk of excessive intoxication.

In this material, we will analyze in detail what dosage at a temperature is possible for children. different ages how to give properly. This form of the drug raises the most questions. Main:

  • from what age is allowed, dosage;
  • how to divide a pill into parts;
  • admission rules;
  • what to do with an overdose.

We will consider them:

Can paracetamol tablets be given to children?

Reminder to parents: the numbers pressed on the tablets indicate the content active substance- paracetamol - in milligrams, sometimes in grams. They are written on a blister.

Available options: 200 (0.2), 325 (0.325), 500 (0.5). This makes it easier to determine the norm in the number of pieces.

The first thing to remember is that this form not used in treatment generally. The instructions indicate - with, pediatricians recommend with 5.

It is better to crush the pill or part of it into powder, dilute it with a slightly warm liquid (sweetened water, compote, tea). It is advisable to make a binding to food intake: give the medicine in an hour or two.

Experiments to create mixtures of the drug in question with No-shpa, analgin and other medicines are strictly prohibited.


  • individual intolerance to the main substance;
  • impaired functioning of the liver or kidneys;
  • blood diseases.

Paracetamol for children: dosage in tablets at a temperature

Paracetamol 200 mg

This dosage is the most convenient, since the calculation is carried out with a multiplicity of 100.

Regulated norm from 3 to 6- 150-200 mg. Pediatricians, without further ado, prescribe a pill. For thin babies, half is enough. Permissible maximum 800 mg / day (no more than 4 pieces).

For older kids ( from the age of 6) the norm is increased to 1.5-2.

If the fever does not subside, the medicine is given again. The minimum interval between doses is 4 hours.

It is strictly not allowed to use the agent in question in parallel with other drugs containing paracetamol. If you have given a pill and the fever does not subside, use other non-drug methods:

  • ventilate the room;
  • solder the baby with water;
  • make lotions (on the forehead, armpits, inguinal region).

Paracetamol 325 mg

This option designed for children 6-12 years old. One full pill is given at a time. You don't need to share or add anything. Can be crushed into powder.

The frequency of reception is similar to that indicated above.

Moms who strictly follow the rules are interested in how to accurately calculate the dose of paracetamol for children?

Medical response: take 10-15 mg for every kilogram of body weight. For example, for 2 years, the weight norm is 11.5 kg. Hence, ≤ 172.5 mg is required. Separate required amount from a tablet is simply impossible. But there are suitable suppositories containing 170 mg of an antipyretic substance.

Dosage of 500 mg tablets

Such packaging is considered "adult". Teenagers from 12 years old given as a single tablet.

Shouldn't be expected positive results immediately after taking the drug. The temperature drops after about 30 minutes - an hour, usually to 37-37.5 °.

Do not use this medicine for more than 3 days without a doctor's permission.

Attention, an overdose of paracetamol in children, what to do in such a situation?

Anxiety symptoms: arrhythmia, pallor, vomiting or severe nausea, stomach ache. not ruled out acute attack pancreatitis. Usually these signs are noticeable almost immediately, but may occur within 24 hours after ingestion. At severe poisoning liver failure progresses to hemorrhage, loss of consciousness. Unbearable pain in the lower back, blood in the urine signals kidney dysfunction.

Urgent hospitalization required.

If no more than an hour has passed after taking the drug, you can give yourself Activated carbon but still take the baby to the hospital.

Remember the main thing:

  • you can’t reduce the heat with the “strongest” remedy, you need to use only approved drugs and in a suitable form;
  • temperature up to 38.5 ° is not brought down, the body must fight itself;
  • do not risk the health of babies, even a one-time increase in the dose is fraught with irreversible consequences.

There is no such child who at least once did not get sick colds, and some babies get sick quite often. Therefore, parents need to be extremely careful in choosing a drug that will be effective and as safe as possible for the child's body. In this article, we will discuss a drug such as Paracetamol. Children are prescribed it quite often to reduce the temperature, but is it possible?

The drug "Paracetamol" - pros and cons

This drug for a long time considered absolutely safe. However, according to latest research tool can provide side effect primarily on the children's liver. If you give the drug "Paracetamol" to children under two years old, this can cause mild form asthma. In rare cases, an overdose of the drug can lead to lethal outcome. But despite this, the World Health Organization recommends the drug "Paracetamol" to children as the most acceptable for elevated temperature. The drug effectively eliminates pain and relieves fever, that is, eliminates the symptoms of the disease. The medicine acts quickly enough, so for children prone to convulsions at a temperature, such a remedy may simply be necessary.

The drug "Paracetamol" for children in tablets: instructions for use

Before giving this medicine to a child, you need to know the following:

    Bring down the heat should be when the thermometer shows 39 ° C. Thanks to the temperature, the body fights the disease. However, this does not apply to infants, they must be given antipyretic medicine already at a temperature of 38 ° C.

    The drug should be used no more than three days. If the fever does not go astray, it is necessary to consult a doctor regarding further treatment.

    Taking the drug "Paracetamol" is contraindicated in children under 2 months.

    In the absence of temperature for pain relief or for prophylaxis, an antipyretic agent cannot be used.

a pill medicinal product crushed and mixed with a small amount of water. The drug "Paracetamol" in tablets is usually prescribed for children over 6 years old. For babies infancy(from 3 months) most often use the drug in the form of suppositories. From 6 months, the medicine is allowed to be given in the form of a syrup, the required amount of which can be mixed in water or tea. Also, the drug is produced in the form of a suspension, which is allowed from 3 months. In special cases, on the recommendation of a doctor medicinal suspension can be given from the 1st month.

How much to give drugs "Paracetamol" in tablets to children?

The dosage of the drug depends on the weight and age of the child. Children aged 2 months to 15 years are recommended to take 10-15 mg at a time medicinal substance per 1 kg of weight. The daily dose, as a rule, does not exceed 60 mg per kilogram of body weight. The drug begins to act after 30 minutes, sometimes after an hour. It is recommended to take the remedy every 6 hours, no more than 4 times a day. It is not recommended to give the drug "Paracetamol" to children more often, as this will lead to an overdose.

Be careful when choosing an antipyretic for a child, strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and instructions in the instructions for the drug. Be healthy!