Treatment of hepatic-renal failure in dogs. Learn more about treating kidney failure in dogs

In renal failure, there are two forms of the disease: acute and chronic. In both cases, the same drugs are used. However, in acute form, treatment is aimed at relieving the cause that caused the attack. And in chronic cases, the goal is to stabilize the pet’s condition.

The chosen treatment tactics depends on the cause of the pathological condition.

If the reason is pyelonephritis, a long course of antibiotics is required.

At glomerulonephritis glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed, the dosage and duration depend on the results of urine and blood tests.

Good in both cases healing effect gives plasmapheresis.

In cases where kidney failure is caused by genetic predisposition animal, all that remains is symptomatic treatment, because There is no cure for birth defects of the organ.

What else to do?

In addition to treating the underlying disease, it is necessary to carry out cleansing the body of metabolic products. This is achieved by using intestinal sorbents, intestinal dialysis, forced diuresis in the form of a drip with diuretics, peritoneal dialysis, plasmapheresis or hemodialysis when plasmapheresis is not possible.

They also use a common adjuvant therapy, in which the application is highlighted special diet and application excipients to stabilize other body systems.


For the treatment of the underlying disease pyelonephritis is used antibiotics Tsifran-Baytril in a dosage of ½ to double as needed. The use of other means is not advisable and even dangerous.

For example, biseptol, nitroxoline, amoxicillin It is good to use in the initial stages, but usually the animal is admitted when the disease has progressed to a more advanced stage. severe form. The use of these antibiotics in this case will simply delay the treatment process.

Antibiotics of the cephalosporin series from 1 to 3, which are often recommended for use, have a nephrotoxic effect. This by-effect appears when long-term use and increasing the dosage. In contrast, fluoroquinolones do not toxic effect including long-term use.

If necessary, use glucocorticoid hormones Initially, dexamethasone at a dosage of 0.2 mg / kg gives the best effect, then, when the condition stabilizes, metipred or prednisolone is used.

To cleanse the body of metabolic products, the drug is used Furosemide. At the moment, this is the best diuretic drug for renal failure. It is used at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg body weight intramuscularly 2 times a day.

To support the gastrointestinal tract Enterosgel is used (with good tolerance of the drug and absence of vomiting) at a dosage of 20 g/day per kg of body weight. Rantidine helps to preserve the gastric mucosa, if the desired effect is not obtained, then omez or kvamatel preparations are used.

Bifidum 791 BAG- These are living bifiduobacteria in very large quantities. It helps reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines. Lactusan promotes the fastest evacuation of intestinal contents and can be an alternative to enemas.

To eliminate dehydration of the body and maintain water-alkaline balance, use droppers with a solution of 500 ml of ringer + 50 ml of 40% glucose. Droppers must be placed intravenously, with a slow injection of the solution.

Required control of central venous pressure. If it is not possible to control the central venous pressure, then it is better to use subcutaneous droppers, dividing the volume of liquid into small portions, with mandatory monitoring of the resorption of the previous injection. If potassium in the blood is elevated, then saline is used instead of ringer. solution.

It is necessary to use the drugs Panangin or Asparkam to maintain potassium levels in organism.

Hemodialysis procedures. Plasmapheresis is performed on animals weighing up to 10 kg strictly under anesthesia. This procedure cannot be used if the body is highly intoxicated.

IN acute period diseases, tests to monitor the animal’s condition are taken every day, when the condition stabilizes - every other day, then once a week, once a month.

In addition to drug support and procedures, you need to support low protein diet and split meals and water intake, in microdoses 8-10 times a day, are extremely important.

At home

In the acute period, treatment should be carried out exclusively in a hospital setting under the constant supervision of a doctor. When the condition stabilizes, it is possible to replace the regime with a home one, provided that all procedures can be carried out.

Another advantage of conducting part of the treatment at home is minimizing stress from visiting the clinic, which reduces the effort involved to zero.

Folk remedies

Application herbal remedies for the treatment of renal failure is possible, but it cannot equivalently replace medications and procedures, but rather complements and enhances the effect. The use of decoctions can be used when the dog does not tolerate the drugs well, or they do not give the desired effect.

Will be useful compounds that have a diuretic effect. For example, a decoction of birch buds. Or a composite mixture of coltsfoot leaves, dandelion roots, violet leaves, bearberry, mint. There are ready-made urological fees, where, in addition to diuretics, chamomile and calendula are also added to relieve inflammation.

Special cases

Different breeds

Treatment, regardless of breed, is carried out according to the same scheme, in the proportions of drugs according to weight.

There will be significant differences only in the plasmapheresis procedure. For small dogs, weighing up to 10 kg, it is done only under anesthesia, medium and large breeds get along without it.

In dogs with the presence of the MDR1 gene - collies, shelties, Australian shepherds and others, it is necessary to check the list of drugs used with the list of drugs to which there is a breed intolerance.


If kidney failure is detected in a dog during pregnancy, veterinarians agree that it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy along with sterilization.

During pregnancy, the amount of fluids circulating in the body increases many times, and the load on the kidneys greatly increases. Carrying puppies in this state becomes deadly for the bitch.


In lactating dogs, in case of renal failure, it is recommended to place the puppies under a wet nurse and additionally prescribe medications to stop lactation. Such as lactostop.


Puppies undergo the same procedures as adult animals, taking into account a proportional reduction in the amount of medication according to weight.


Forecasts for renal failure are always made with great caution, since the process is irreversible and most often, doctors see animals in which one of the paired organs has already failed, and the second is working at 2/3 capacity.

Compliance with all procedures can slow down the pathological process. However, one must understand that there will be no permanent remission and maintenance treatment must be used throughout the dog’s life.


Medicine does not stand still; in recent years, many drugs have been discovered in veterinary medicine to alleviate the condition of dogs with kidney failure. But until now, the main factor of success, in addition to the qualifications of the attending physician, remains the desire and ability of the owner to prolong the life of the pet and make it as full as possible.

In contact with

Kidney diseases can occur for the following reasons:

  • unbalanced and poor quality nutrition,
  • bacterial and viral infections,
  • immune system defects,
  • toxins,
  • a hereditary predisposition that is present in certain breeds

Most often, dogs suffer from chronic rather than acute kidney diseases. They pass slowly, up to several years, accompanied by a gradual deterioration of the condition. In this process, the kidneys undergo irreversible changes and the disease becomes incurable.

These include the entry into the body of infection and toxic substances. Kidney failure can also be caused by various injuries, previous illnesses, or simply poor-quality products. Some dogs succumb to kidney failure due to age-related changes or due to a genetic predisposition.

Doctors divide acute renal failure into several groups:

  1. prerenal – develops as a result of shock arising from various sources when blood pressure drops and blood circulation within the kidneys is impaired;
  2. renal - occurs and develops in the presence of infections, inflammatory processes in the kidneys due to the direct effect of certain substances and drugs on the kidney tissue;
  3. postrenal - appears after urolithiasis, with squeezing or even blockage of the urinary tract.

The chronic form occurs and manifests itself over a long period of time. In this case, the process of constant death of nephrons occurs. Interestingly, for some time, still living cells take on tasks and completely replace the dead ones. And only when 23 or more kidney tissues are affected, they begin to identify and show signs of the disease.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Dogs

In the acute form, the animal, in addition to the above circumstances, also becomes less active. The dog gradually moves less, sleeps more.

Symptoms that are noticed almost immediately include the dog's intense thirst and frequent urination. To distinguish this symptom from a normal condition, you need to remember that healthy dog For every kilogram of weight you need 50 milliliters of water. In case of renal failure, the amount of water she takes at least doubles.

The doctor diagnoses kidney failure based on data on the animal’s condition, as well as the results of tests performed. One of the decisive parameters in diagnosis is the amount of urine.

The urea of ​​a sick dog may contain urea and creatine, and the level of acidity and phosphorus in the blood increases.

In addition to general tests, X-ray diagnostics are also performed, including the introduction of certain special substances into the blood, and less commonly, ultrasound diagnostics or biopsy.

Treatment of kidney failure in dogs

The main direction of treating a dog for kidney failure is to eliminate the causes, correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances, stimulate diuresis, and remove toxins from the body. Therefore, sick pets are often prescribed intensive therapy. It is the elimination of the causes that plays a huge role. Because it can solve several problems at once.

To correct water-electrolyte and acid-base balances, infusor therapy is carried out. It is carried out until the content of urea and creatine is normalized, and general state does not stabilize. During treatment, it is important to ensure that important functions pet's body.

If the form of failure is chronic, irreversible pathological changes occur in the kidneys. In this case, the same treatment as for the acute form of treatment will not be enough. Peritoneal dialysis is required. This procedure is performed only in the clinic.

Treatment can be helped by paying attention to the dog’s nutrition. In a state of illness, it is very important that the animal receives the right amount. nutrients. If the pet has not lost its appetite and eats well, it will be enough to simply add special dietary foods to the diet. You can also introduce a diet, the main condition of which is to reduce the amount of phosphorus, sodium and protein.

But it is still better to take care of the animal and not allow its health to deteriorate so much. The life of a pet often depends solely on the actions of the owner, and responsibility also lies with him.

There are many potential causes that lead to chronic kidney disease, so often the root cause of the disease cannot be determined. The main reasons are:

  • inherited kidney condition (most common in purebred dogs)
  • infections
  • poisoning
  • immune disorders
  • kidney tumors
  • obstruction of urine flow

Acute renal failure:

  • No or low blood supply to the kidneys, for example due to dehydration.
  • Poisoning, for example, due to accidental ingestion of poisons.

Veterinary practice shows that the most common causes of kidney inflammation in dogs are the following:

Veterinarians also note cases of nephritis in dogs that have been fed spoiled feed for a long time. The risk group includes homeless animals and dogs of decorative breeds with a poorly developed undercoat.

IN veterinary medicine It is customary to divide nephritis in animals according to the nature of the process into acute, subacute, chronic and subchronic. Chronic form the disease is a complication of acute nephritis. In the chronic course of the disease, hyperthermia is of a galloping nature, the effects of intoxication are weakly expressed. Acute form the disease is accompanied by a feverish state, pronounced intoxication, the rapid development of uremia.

According to the form of the pathological process, veterinary specialists distinguish between diffuse and focal nephritis. In the first case, the inflammatory process affects all tissues of the kidneys - the pelvis, parenchymal tissues and vascular network glomeruli.

In the case of focal pathology, inflammation is localized in individual glomeruli. This form of the disease passes without hypertensive phenomena and edema. The blood flow in focal nephritis is not disturbed, the phenomena of intoxication in the animal in this regard are not observed.

All kidney diseases in dogs are classified according to several criteria:

Kidney disease in dogs can occur as an independent (primary) pathology, or as a result of complications of underlying diseases (secondary). Secondary renal failure occurs due to dysfunction of the immune system ( autoimmune diseases), vascular pathologies that occur as thrombosis, thromboembolism, arterial hypertension.

Stages of the disease

In veterinary practice, renal failure syndrome develops in the following stages:

  • Latent. During this phase, the owner, as a rule, does not observe obvious clinical signs. In rare cases, general weakness, increased fatigue, and lethargy are detected. Clinical researches urine and blood tests carried out during this phase may reveal characteristic changes parameters for the underlying pathology.
  • Compensated deficiency phase. The stage is characterized by the clinical manifestation of problems with the excretory system. The owner notices increased thirst in the dog and frequent urination. At this point, 50 - 55% of nephrons die. The level of urea in the blood can reach 20 mmol/l, the creatinine level can reach 200 µmol/l.
  • Stage of decompensated insufficiency. The number of disabled structural and functional units of the kidneys reaches 80%. The animal has not only problems with urination, but also general symptoms: loss of appetite, vomiting, constipation, weight loss. Blood tests record a persistent increase in urea and creatinine, which indicates a serious disorder of protein metabolism in the body.
  • Terminal. During this stage, the ability of the nephrons to filter blood is reduced to a minimum. The kidney function coefficient decreases to 15%, that is, the death of nephrons is 85%. The electrolyte balance in the blood is sharply disturbed, and uremic intoxication develops. The animal has damage to the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Pathological processes at this stage of nephropathology are irreversible.

With timely attention from the owner and proper comprehensive treatment, the animal can completely regain its kidney filtering capacity. terminal stage usually ends with the death of the pet.

It is necessary to briefly talk about the issue that has already been touched upon above. What are the stages of a disease such as kidney failure in dogs? Symptoms and treatment vary for each, so it is important to know exactly what stage the disease is at. So, the first is the initial one, which is almost imperceptible.

You will have to work hard to notice it, as your pet will not show any obvious symptoms. The clinical stage will be described in this article in as much detail as possible, since it is at this stage that all the main symptoms become noticeable, and almost all courses of treatment are prescribed for it.

As for the final stage, you should under no circumstances allow it to occur. The fact is that it occurs when more than seventy percent of the kidney cells are destroyed, after which the organ is almost impossible to restore, and your dog faces a disappointing future. However, it is precisely so that you prevent the final stage from occurring, and this article exists, which will provide you with all the necessary information.

Common signs of kidney disease

The kidneys perform a number of functions necessary for normal functioning. The development of edematous phenomena and the accumulation of toxic substances in the bloodstream leads to malfunctions in the functioning of the entire animal’s body.

Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs include a number of characteristic features. But depending on the type of pathological process, there will be its own symptoms. The main signs for most pathological processes developing in the renal structures are:

  • change in the smell of urine (rotten, sour or too concentrated);
  • an increase or decrease in the excreted portion of urine;
  • the frequency of urination increases or, conversely, decreases;
  • change in the shade of excreted urine (depending on the type of pathological process, urine may acquire a reddish tint, become colorless, brown, cloudy or with suspensions);
  • loss of appetite and severe thirst;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • the appearance of an ammonia odor from oral cavity in an animal;
  • eruption of gastric contents associated with stool disorders;
  • impaired coordination of movements, stiffness in the animal’s movements when walking;
  • feeling of discomfort during the act of urination;
  • uncontrolled acts of urination (the animal may pee on the bed, bedding or carpets);
  • the pet adopts an unnatural posture when going to the toilet.

In order to accurately determine the cause that led to the failure of the renal structures, it is necessary to undergo a thorough clinical examination in a veterinary clinic. In addition to taking blood and urine tests, ultrasonography and radiography.

Accurate diagnosis is necessary for prescribing adequate treatment and determining the degree of kidney damage. Thanks to accurate research, the veterinarian will be able to develop an individual treatment strategy.

Symptoms of the disease

With pyelonephritis it becomes inflamed connective tissue kidney and renal pelvis. As a rule, the nature of this disease is bacterial and occurs as a result of infectious processes of the genital organs. Mostly both kidneys are affected.

The disease can occur so suddenly that the animal dies within 12 hours. In the chronic course of the disease, the animal becomes emaciated, becomes lethargic, and experiences pain during urination.

With nephritis in dogs, the kidney parenchyma becomes inflamed and the glomerular vessels are affected (glomerulonephritis). The disease is immunoallergic in nature and is manifested by decreased appetite, increased body temperature, and depression. Animals often arch their backs unnaturally, swelling of the eyelids, intermaxillary space, abdomen, thighs, vomiting, and dyspeptic symptoms appear. His mucous membranes turn pale. As a secondary phenomenon, bronchitis and bronchopneumonia can develop.

Symptoms of azotemic uremia are alarming and life-threatening:

  • constriction of the pupil,
  • drowsiness,
  • vomit,
  • complete refusal of food,
  • shortness of breath in a dog, convulsive twitching

Signs of chronic renal failure

The most common condition in dogs is chronic renal failure. It is dangerous because the kidneys cannot excrete metabolic products along with urine. As a result, toxic substances accumulate in the blood: nitrogen, ammonia, acids and others. With this disease, the animal exhibits the following symptoms:

  1. thirst increases and the amount of urine increases,
  2. the dog loses its appetite and, accordingly, loses weight,
  3. may be vomiting
  4. depressive state
  5. a brownish coating appears on the surface of the tongue,
  6. ulcers may appear on the tongue and gums, and an ammonia odor may be noticeable when breathing

At a severe stage, the dog develops anemia and the animal falls into a coma. It should be borne in mind that similar symptoms indicate diseases such as diabetes mellitus in a dog, so the diagnosis is established only after a complete examination of the animal. However, these signs appear very late, at a stage when more than 70-80% of kidney functions have actually been lost.

First of all, it is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body, since the kidneys cannot cope with their functions and all the liquid is excreted along with the urine. The dog should always have fresh water. In the most serious cases, veterinarians inject the dog with fluid subcutaneously. The dog must be provided proper nutrition, reducing the amount of toxins, that is, the consumption of salt, protein and phosphorus. It is necessary to introduce iron and B vitamins into the diet.

If the dog eats dry food, you can switch to a special kidney diet, which is produced by some manufacturers, such as Hill's and Royal Canin. Timely drug treatment is also necessary, which should be systematic and supportive, aimed at detoxifying the body.

The course of antibiotic treatment should be carefully calibrated and drugs selected with the least nephrotoxicity. Thus, tetracyclines, polymyxins, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins are contraindicated in renal diseases. Therefore, only a veterinarian should prescribe treatment, as well as make a diagnosis.

Distemper in dogs is viral disease, is characterized by lesions of the skin, digestive and respiratory organs, in rare cases, the development of meningitis and encephalitis is noted. The virus infects dogs of all ages, although dogs between one month and two years of age are predominantly affected. Even marine animals are susceptible to the disease. Terriers and boxers are considered relatively resistant to canine distemper; humans do not get sick.

Asymptomatic virus carriage or a lightning-fast, violent course occurs. The duration of the disease can range from several days or weeks to several months. When symptoms of respiratory damage prevail in the clinical picture of the disease, we speak of pulmonary form diseases when the nervous system is extensively affected - about the nervous form.

It is possible to develop hyperkeratosis on the elbows and small focal baldness. There are discharges from the nose, which are transparent in the first stages of the development of the disease, but become mucopurulent over time. Sometimes there is clouding of the cornea, sticking or redness of the eyelids, shortness of breath appears, and wheezing is heard. The intestinal form of the disease is characterized by the development of diarrhea and vomiting.

Symptoms of damage to the nervous system include the appearance of tics, which begin in the muscles of the head. At the first stages it is not intense, but later it spreads to the limbs and becomes pronounced, as a result the animals do not sleep at night and often whine. Paralysis, paresis, and hyperkinesis gradually develop. At the last stage, meningoencephalitis develops, which is accompanied by severe intoxication and ends in death.

Treatment is prescribed only by a veterinarian.

Liver diseases in dogs can occur in acute or chronic form. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of diagnosed liver diseases in dogs, which is directly related to violations of the feeding regime of pets and the widespread prevalence of autoimmune diseases. Sometimes the cause of liver disease in dogs is iatrogenic lesions (caused by a veterinarian).

Symptoms of liver disease in dogs are conventionally divided into a number of syndromes, among which are usually distinguished:

  • cholestatic syndrome;
  • cytolytic syndrome;
  • mesenchymal inflammatory syndrome;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • dyspeptic syndrome;
  • portal hypertension syndrome;
  • hepatolienal syndrome;
  • hepatodepressive syndrome;
  • liver shunt syndrome.

Cholestatic syndrome involves a violation of the secretion and release of bile, which is manifested by skin itching, jaundice, a tendency to eczematous skin lesions, and stool discoloration.

Cholestatic syndrome is a consequence of the destruction of liver cells and leads to fever (increased temperature), enlargement and tenderness of the liver, and an increase in liver enzymes is observed in blood tests.

Mesenchymal-inflammatory syndrome is characterized by damage to the stroma and mesenchyme of the liver, which is manifested by an increase in the level of immunoglobulins.

Hemorrhagic syndrome manifests itself various bleedings and hemorrhages, anemia.

Portal hypertension syndrome is manifested by an increase in the size of the abdomen and dilation of the veins on the skin of the abdomen.

Dyspeptic syndrome is manifested by lethargy, depression, vomiting, defecation disorders and weight loss.

Hepatolienal syndrome is manifested by an enlargement of the liver and spleen.

Hepatodepressive syndrome is manifested by a violation of the protein-synthesizing, antitoxic and excretory functions of the liver; the symptoms are very numerous.

Liver shunt syndrome allows life-threatening substances to enter the dog's general bloodstream, causing damage to the central nervous system.

Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs

Kidney diseases are reported more often in dogs than in other animals, and their frequency increases over the years. According to scientists, in dogs over 8 years of age, in almost fifty percent of cases, pronounced symptoms of kidney damage are revealed during studies. With histological examination, the number increases to eighty percent.

The main syndromes of kidney damage include:

  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • uremic syndrome;
  • pain syndrome;
  • osteorenal syndrome;
  • renal eclampsia syndrome.

Pain syndrome is manifested by the dog's desire to lie in a cold place, frequent arching of the back, the need for frequent urination, pain when urinating, soreness of the back muscles (can be checked by pressing with fingers), swelling and transient paresis.

Nephrotic syndrome is manifested by edema, proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, oliguria and cylindruria, detected during laboratory tests.

Uremic syndrome is manifested by apathy, lack of appetite, vomiting, persistently recurrent diarrhea, urine odor from the mouth, anemia and anuria.

Osteorenal syndrome is characterized by bone deformation and osteoporosis, hypocalcemia and osteodystrophy.

Renal eclampsia syndrome manifests as tonic-clonic seizures, nephrotic syndrome, and episcleral vascular injection (red eyes).

Urolithiasis in dogs is a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder or their retention in the ureters or urethra.

This disease is considered a relatively rare disease for dogs, in contrast to cats, in which urolithiasis is often recorded. It is common for dogs to develop bladder stones.

Predisposing factors to the development of urolithiasis in dogs are:

    • age (usually found in dogs aged 2-8 years);
    • gender (occurs equally often in both sexes, urethral obstruction occurs more often in males);
    • breed (large breeds are less susceptible to the disease than small ones);
    • diet (food, rich in protein, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, provokes the development of the disease);
    • indoor maintenance and exercise (the list includes infrequent walks, a small amount of water in the bowl and low physical activity).

The main symptoms of urolithiasis in dogs include:

  • vomiting and pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • tension when urinating;
  • blood in urine;
  • weakness;
  • depression;
  • constant leakage of urine in drops;
  • loss of appetite.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of kidney disease is very challenging task– you shouldn’t even try to do it yourself. Information gleaned from medical reference books and on the Internet should help you detect the disease on time, but nothing more.

Often, kidney problems have similar symptoms to other serious diseases, which means that an error in diagnosis can cost the animal its life. That is why, at the slightest suspicion, a full examination of the dog’s body should be done, namely, a general blood and urine test, ultrasound and x-ray. Under no circumstances should conclusions be drawn based solely on clinical picture diseases.

Having discovered symptoms of nephritis in a four-legged friend, the owner should immediately contact a specialized institution. Veterinary specialist, in addition to general examination animal, palpation of the kidney area, tonometry, prescribe a clinical blood and urine test.

Red and white blood cells, renal epithelium and salts are found in urine. Proteinuria and hematuria are characteristic conditions for kidney inflammation. A clinical blood test usually shows an increased level of protein, leukocytes and creatinine.

An effective tool for making a diagnosis is ultrasound examination. The method allows you to identify the localization of inflammation, estimate the size of the diseased organ, and detect destructive changes in the parenchyma.

Contrast x-rays and a kidney biopsy can help make the diagnosis. The disease should be differentiated from nephrosis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, and inflammation of the bladder.

Taking an anamnesis allows the veterinarian to suspect the development of renal failure after an infectious or non-infectious disease of the excretory system. During a clinical examination, edema, dehydration, and signs of heart failure may be detected. An important diagnostic component is laboratory analysis of blood and urine.

An increase in urea and creatinine indicates a serious violation of the filtering ability of nephrons and a violation of nitrogen metabolism in the pet’s body.

Normally, the urea level in dogs is 3.5 - 9.2 mmol/l, and the creatinine concentration is 26 - 120 µmol/l. With moderate renal failure, the urea level in the blood of a sick animal reaches 28 mmol/l, and in the terminal phase – 50 and higher.

The concentration of creatinine in the stage of compensated deficiency increases to 400 µmol/l, in the terminal stage – 600 µmol/l. Such high values indicate a complete cessation of the filtration function of the kidneys, poisoning of the body with nitrogenous metabolic products and mean death for the pet.

In addition to protein metabolism indicators, mineral metabolism also changes in the blood. In the chronic form of the disease, an increase in the concentration of phosphorus in the blood is observed, while the calcium content decreases. Low values hemocrit in case of disease indicates a violation of the process of erythropoiesis in the body of a sick dog. Protein and sugar are found in the urine.

Ultrasound diagnostics allows you to assess the size of the kidneys. As a rule, in the case of the development of an acute form of the disease, during examination, the doctor detects an enlargement of the organ, and with the development chronic failure the kidneys decrease in size. Postrenal pathologies, for example, urolithiasis, can also be detected by X-ray examination.

Based on the results of laboratory, physical, instrumental studies and analyzing the collected information, the veterinarian makes a diagnosis and develops an individual treatment regimen. It has been established that the most common cause Kidney pathology in dogs is a violation of maintenance, errors in the diet of pets. Thus, the main blame lies with the owners of the animals.

Lab tests

If you have even the slightest suspicion that your dog is developing kidney failure, you should definitely visit your veterinarian and run some laboratory tests. The fact is that the efficiency of the kidneys can be easily checked using a blood test for urea and creatinine.

As mentioned above, in the initial stages the disease cannot be detected, since living cells distribute the functions of the dead among themselves, so the level of urea and creatinine in the blood will be normal. And it is this norm that you should constantly check. For a dog, it is considered normal to have one to two milligrams of creatinine and 10-25 milligrams of urea per hundred milliliters of blood.

Common kidney diseases in dogs and their treatment

  • Glomerulonephritis – an inflammatory process in the kidneys, which is often caused by infection entering the body. The disease can also be triggered by wounds, infectious diseases, allergies, and inflammation of internal organs. First of all, the disease affects the renal glomeruli, and then adjacent tissues. Clinical signs of the disease are: swelling, blood in the urine, fever, painful sensations in the lower back, sharp increase pressure. Typically, veterinarians prescribe hormones to relieve inflammation, and antibiotics to suppress existing inflammation or prevent possible infection. Certain painkillers are also prescribed; for example, Vicasol is used to stop bleeding. The treatment process for glomerulonephritis involves serious limitations physical activity pet, special regime nutrition and taking additional medications.
  • Nephrosis is a lesion renal tubules, which leads to serious disturbances in protein metabolism, as well as general intoxication of the body. The factor leading to the onset of the disease can be any viral disease(in this case, nephrosis is considered a complication), disruption of the system, malignant tumors, poisoning, congenital defects, and other diseases. Therapy for this disease depends on the cause of its occurrence. Doctors spend most of their efforts on eliminating the root cause. Treatment is symptomatic and individual. Reduced physical activity and a certain diet are necessary.
  • Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease caused by certain bacteria. However, there is a small chance that a virus or fungus can trigger the disease. Pyelonephritis can also occur as a complication of diseases such as cystitis, purulent inflammation of any internal organ, or a venereal disease. The main clinical signs of pyelonephritis are: apathy and lethargy, increased blood pressure, complete or partial refusal of food, fever and stiff gait. To relieve symptoms of the disease, doctors use painkillers, blood pressure medications, antispasmodics, antibiotics, and immunomodulators to increase the dog’s immunity.
  • Kidney failure - with this disease, the organs are actually unable to normally perform their direct functions. This condition can last from a couple of hours to three to four days. Among the factors that can influence the onset of the disease are intoxication, infections, ischemia, or injury. Clinical signs of the disease are as follows: urination drop by drop, swelling, severe pain, especially in the belt area, lethargy and partial refusal to eat. Vomiting is also possible, severe itching and the presence of blood in the urine. Acute renal failure is extremely dangerous disease requiring immediate medical intervention. The chronic form of the disease occurs as a kind of complication of another kidney disease. It has similar, but weaker symptoms.
  • Hereditary kidney diseases such as amyloidosis, are not very common in dogs. However, they are extremely difficult to treat. Often, a specialist can only slow down the destructive processes inside the organ. At the same time, certain defects, for example, the presence of a double kidney, do not lead to any negative consequences. The irony is that a healthy organ suffers much more from various diseases.
  • urolithiasis disease- the appearance of stones in the animal’s kidneys.

There are a number of factors that provoke or contribute to the development pathological conditions renal structures. The most common causes of kidney disease are poor nutrition With low content useful substances, genetic diseases, infections and bacterial lesions, malfunctions protective forces body, tumor processes, acute intoxication, accumulation of toxic substances in the body, as well as dehydration of the dog’s body, leading to poor blood supply within the kidneys themselves.

The most common diseases diagnosed in dogs are:

  1. Polycystic kidney disease in dogs is a genetic disease that is inherited. Genetic anomalies that disrupt the functioning of renal structures also include amyloidosis and dysplasia; they are difficult to treat therapeutic techniques, but it is within the power of the doctor to stop the pathological destructive process and restore the functioning of organs as much as possible. Animals with polycystic kidney disease can live long enough long life, but subject to the owner's compliance with the rules of feeding and supportive therapy.
  2. Kidney stones in dogs - a disease called urolithiasis, is not as common in dogs as in cats, but also causes kidney problems. The disease occurs as a result of the formation of stones from salts present in urine. Kidney stones can be small or large, and when moving through the kidney canals, they can lead to blockage and serious inflammation. Treatment of this pathology includes taking medications that dissolve small stones, as well as surgical intervention, which allows you to break up large drops and then remove them from the body.
  3. Glomerulonephritis– inflammatory processes that do not have a direct connection with infectious agent. Pathology occurs as a result of exposure to allergic substances on the body, inflammatory processes of internal organs, as well as previously suffered bacterial or viral infections. With glomerulonephritis, characteristic symptoms are a sharp increase in blood pressure, peripheral edema, changes in the color of urine and an increase in body temperature.
  4. Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the kidney structures caused by the development of pathogenic bacterial microflora. Pyelonephritis occurs as a result of exposure to staphylococcal, intestinal infection, as well as due to infection of the body with viral or fungal microorganisms. The disease can develop independently, but quite often pyelonephritis is a secondary complication against the background of inflammation of the bladder and purulent processes in other internal organs. Signs of pyelonephritis are expressed in the animal’s lack of appetite, severe lethargy, stiffness when walking, and an increase in body temperature to high levels. Treatment of inflammatory processes in the kidneys includes taking painkillers and antispasmodics, as well as drugs that reduce arterial pressure. In the treatment of pyelonephritis, it is mandatory to use antibiotics, which are selected by the doctor taking into account the age, weight and health status of the patient.
  5. Nephrosis is a destructive process that develops in the tubules of renal structures. As a result of a systemic pathological process, protein metabolism is disrupted, and unfiltered toxic substances are not removed from the body, but enter back into the systemic bloodstream. Causes of nephrosis a large number of. This can be systemic poisoning, tumor processes in the animal’s body, incorrect and untimely treatment of kidney pathologies, and congenital diseases. Depending on the cause that led to destructive changes in the kidney tubules, the veterinarian prescribes a treatment regimen. A mandatory criterion is adherence to specific dietary nutrition, as well as the prescription of medications that eliminate the main symptoms of the disease.
  6. Chronic kidney failure is a slowly progressive disease associated with the gradual loss of functional features of the renal structures. Most often, the disease progresses slowly and without severe symptoms, affecting both kidneys at once. Appearance characteristic symptoms chronic renal failure occurs when one of the paired organs has already stopped functioning, and the other is 1/3 affected. Treatment of the pathology is symptomatic, since a complete cure is not possible.
  7. Hypoplasia of the renal cortex is a disease congenital type. It occurs in certain breeds of dogs and involves disruption of the processes of removing toxic substances from the body. Against the background of hypoplasia, kidney failure occurs. Symptoms of renal hypoplasia are characterized by big amount excreted portion of urine, vomiting and diarrhea. The disease is not treated and is used exclusively in veterinary medicine. symptomatic therapy, to maintain the life of the pet. Most often, the animal dies from severe intoxication of the body.

The kidneys remove less substances from the body and, as a result, they accumulate. Dogs over 5 years old are at risk.

Causes of kidney failure

In most cases, kidney failure occurs due to diseases affecting blood vessels that filter the blood.

Also, the cause may be prolonged exposure to infection on the kidneys, congenital defects in the form of thickening of the internal structure of the kidney, inflammatory processes, as well as cancerous tumors.

The causes of chronic renal failure in dogs are kidney diseases such as:

  • pyelonephritis,
  • glomerulonephritis,
  • renal dysplasia,
  • heavy metal intoxication,
  • renal amyloidosis


Symptoms of the disease often develop very slowly and may not appear even if one kidney is completely damaged and a third of the second kidney is damaged.

  • The disease manifests itself in a general depressed state of dogs.
  • The amount of urine changes sharply. It can become much larger due to the fact that the body cannot retain fluid
  • There is a frequent urge to urinate, which may be false
  • The animal constantly drinks, periodically the dog experiences diarrhea and vomiting, it loses weight and appetite
  • Swelling may appear, the pulse rate increases, and the mucous membranes turn pale.
  • In some cases, stomatitis, tremors, muscle weakness may appear.

Symptoms may not appear constantly and one by one, so it is very important to consider them in time and contact a veterinarian for treatment to be effective.

Further therapy

Treatment is carried out using such therapy methods as:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • dietetics;
  • surgery.

Of great importance in treatment renal pathologies and preventing the progression and recurrence of diseases has diet therapy. With the help of an adequately designed diet it is possible to:

  • reduce the symptoms of pathology in the form of dyspeptic disorders;
  • reducing the amount of protein in the diet helps cope with acidosis;
  • an increase in fiber content in the feed provides an alternative route for the elimination of toxins and metabolic products - with feces;
  • ensure the supply of minerals and vitamins to restore metabolism;
  • restoring body weight with foods containing non-protein calories, vitamins, and essential fatty acids.

As a last resort, it may be necessary surgery, for example, to remove kidney stones. The problem is that not all veterinary clinics can provide surgical treatment of renal pathology. To avoid serious kidney pathologies, long-term and expensive treatment, it is necessary to use preventive methods.

Firstly, it quenches the pet’s thirst, secondly, it rids the animal’s body of toxins, and thirdly, it reduces the load on the kidneys, which are already working to the limit of their capabilities. Accordingly, depending on the severity of the disease, this therapy will have its own frequency. If the disease was diagnosed already in the clinical stage, then therapy sessions will need to be carried out daily, but if it was identified at a critical stage, then sessions will have to be carried out more often.

And, of course, chronic renal failure in dogs is a disease that will not go away, since the cells of this internal organ are not restored. You can only normalize the state of the body and then maintain it in working condition on your own. To do this, you will either need to visit your veterinarian periodically for intravenous therapy, or, if the disease was not at a critical stage, this therapy can be administered subcutaneously at home. One way or another, you need to constantly consult with your veterinarian to determine the effectiveness of treatment and the frequency of further sessions.

Prevention of kidney disease in dogs

To prevent the occurrence of kidney disease, animal owners should strictly follow the following rules:

  • You should not allow your pet to come into contact with street dogs. In addition, the animal must be vaccinated on time and undergo antihelminthic prophylaxis. It is also worth checking the condition of the dog’s oral cavity several times a month - any inflammatory process in the mouth can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys.
  • The dog must be fed correctly. Deviation from the norm, obesity, anorexia or exhaustion have an extremely negative impact on the functioning of internal organs, including the kidneys. Problems with gastrointestinal tract cause many kidney diseases, especially if the dog is older. Owners should also seriously consider whether cheap food or too much protein is leading to overload. of this body.
  • You should give your pet water that you drink yourself. Also, the dog should not be allowed to suffer from thirst often.
  • The dog must be physically active. It is recommended to exercise or actively walk the animal at least several times a week.
  • Under no circumstances should the dog be allowed to become hypothermic or exposed to a draft. In winter, older animals should be wrapped or dressed. In addition, pets should not sleep on a cold floor or near a fan.
  • You should also not use particularly strict types of collars. It is better to spend some money on a dog handler and teach the dog to listen to commands. Constant pressure on the neck can lead to displacement of internal organs, disruption of the urination process, and deterioration of blood flow.

If the dog suddenly receives a noticeable injury at the site of the kidneys, it should be immediately taken to the veterinarian. Such an incident can provoke violations that may well not manifest themselves until several months or even years later.

It is possible that even if the disease is correctly diagnosed, it cannot be completely cured. The disease can progress or become chronic. It is ignoring the symptoms of kidney disease that most often leads to a similar outcome.

A biochemical urine test every six months can insure you against the sudden onset of diseases and significantly facilitate possible treatment

It is recommended to carry out diagnostic examinations pet in veterinary clinics once every 6 months. You can simply donate urine once every six months to monitor the state of the kidney structures. This will avoid the development of chronic renal failure and other pathological conditions that are difficult to treat.

As a preventive measure, you can use medicines based on herbal extracts. One of these drugs is Phytoelita "Healthy Kidneys". This is a general strengthening drug with antispasmodic, salt-removing and anti-inflammatory effects.

An important part of preventing kidney disease in dogs is a properly formulated diet. Severe obesity, as well as malnutrition, have a sharply negative effect on the kidneys. Systemic violations in the work of the entire digestive system strongly associated with kidney disease in dogs, especially after 5 years of age.

A large amount of protein, cheap types of feed, food that is not digested by the dog, create heavy loads on the kidneys. The danger of kidney diseases is that in the absence of characteristic symptoms or if treatment is not provided in a timely manner, the ailments become chronic and are not completely cured.

  • Show regularly old dog veterinarian at least once a year (ideally every 6 months). Blood or urine tests can help detect kidney disease at an early stage.
  • Measure your dog's water intake every month. If it starts to grow, it may be a sign of kidney disease or another disorder. Normal water intake, as a rule, should not exceed 100 ml per kg of dog weight during the day. However, remember that if the dog's diet consists of dry food, then he or she may drink a little more!
  • Of course, monitor your dog for the symptoms listed above and take him to the vet if you are concerned.

In order to prevent the development of severe kidney disease in a four-legged friend, veterinarians give owners the following advice and recommendations:

  • Preventive vaccination of pets against infectious diseases.
  • Regular deworming at least 3 times a year.
  • Feeding with fresh food. Balanced diet.
  • Prevention of poisoning.
  • Keeping dogs in warm, dry, draft-free rooms.
  • Gradual hardening of pets.
  • Boosting immunity.
  • Prevention of hypothermia. Decorative breeds dogs should be walked in special protective overalls.
  • Timely treatment of colds.

There is a breed predisposition to kidney pathologies in dogs. For example, Dalmatians, dachshunds, bulldogs, and terriers are more likely to develop urolithiasis than other breeds. Therefore, the owner must know the characteristics of his pet’s breed and carry out the prevention of kidney pathologies:

  1. Visit your veterinarian regularly to monitor your kidney condition and function.
  2. Observe drinking regime, especially when feeding dry food and the dog’s high physical activity, as well as during hot periods.
  3. As you age, visits to the veterinary clinic should be regular - at least once every 6 months.

As the experience of veterinarians and statistical data shows, the health and well-being of his pet depends on the responsible behavior of the owner. This is also true for kidney pathologies in dogs.

Dietary nutrition for pathology

The therapeutic diet for renal failure has a minimal protein content. The bulk of a sick pet's diet should consist of fats and carbohydrates. Products must contain a minimum amount of phosphorus; salt is completely excluded. Veterinary specialists, as a rule, recommend that during treatment the pet be switched to medicated food, specially designed for problems with the excretory system.

Well, the last point that you should focus on is nutrition. Once the worst is behind you, you'll need to think about what to do next. How to support your pet in good condition? To do this, you will need to think through his diet in as much detail as possible. Fortunately, a wide variety of dietary pet foods are now publicly available, and among them you can find special options designed for dogs with kidney failure.

Renal failure in dogs is a disorder in the functioning of the kidneys, in which the excretory ability completely stops or decreases. The body accumulates toxic substances, and the general condition of the animal worsens. This pathology at the initial stage is almost never not detected, since hosts very rarely test urine and blood at diagnostic intervals. Animals over 5 years of age are most susceptible to the disease.

Breeds at risk

The following dog breeds are most susceptible to developing kidney failure:

  1. Golden retriever.
  2. English cocker spaniel.
  3. Shih Tzu.
  4. Bull Terrier.
  5. Yorkshire Terrier.
  6. Sharpei.
  7. German Shepherd.
  8. Samoyed husky.

Usually occurs in renal failure destruction renal tissues, and the increased load of the general excretory function falls on the remaining cells. Kidney tissues and cells are not restored. It is because of this that loss of organ function is possible.

When regularly taking urine and blood tests, it is necessary to pay attention to Special attention to the upper values ​​of the indicators - they are the ones who show whether there is a predisposition to pathology or not. It is very important to take tests regularly due to the fact that the pathology manifests itself externally when about 70% of the kidneys are already affected. Cure in this condition impossible. All that can be done is regular maintenance therapy.

This pathology has two forms:

  1. Chronic.
  2. Spicy.

Causes of pathology

Accompanying illnesses:

  1. Underdevelopment of the kidneys.
  2. Interstitial nephritis.
  3. Urolithiasis disease.
  1. Leptospirosis.
  2. Hemobartenellosis.
  3. Piroplasmosis.
  4. Viral diseases.

Genetic diseases:

  1. Polycystic disease (formation of cavities with fluid in the kidney tissue).
  2. Amyloidosis (deposition of protein in tissues and disruption of protein metabolism).

Functional (purulent and deep tissue damage):

  1. Toxic damage.
  2. Glomerulonephritis.
  3. Pyelonephritis.

Symptoms and signs of kidney failure in dogs

Kidney failure is an insidious pathology that manifests itself external signs when it is no longer possible to restore the functioning of organs. It can begin to appear when one kidney fails completely, and the second - by a third. You need to be aware of your pet's condition attentive. Symptoms can appear one at a time or simultaneously in a complex.

The first symptoms of the disease are:

  1. Decreased animal activity.
  2. Depressed and tired look.
  3. The dog lies down more.
  4. The amount of urine that is released increases sharply. This is due to the fact that the ability to absorb and retain liquid is lost.
  5. The urge to go to the toilet increases up to 8 times.

All indicated symptoms lead to constant thirst and dehydration. The amount of urine then decreases and then disappears completely.

The dog loses weight due to periodic diarrhea and vomiting, as well as lack of appetite. The pulse quickens, the mucous membranes turn pale, swelling appears (it starts from the bottom of the paws).

In the most difficult cases inflammation in the mouth and muscle tremors can be observed. Ulcers may occur. The dog feels very bad when it starts complete apathy , vomit undigested food, ulcerative extensive stomatitis, regular convulsions. Because of comatose state The animal dies in the near future.

Acute form (API)

This form of the disease is distinguished by its particularly rapid rate of development and manifestation of clinical signs. The acute form of deficiency in a dog is potentially curable diseases, if the diagnosis was made in a timely manner. Compensatory therapy can bring the kidney to a state of maximum performance. The situation is complicated by the fact that there is very rarely an acute primary course. As a rule, this is an exacerbation of the chronic type. It does main harm kidneys Secondary acute renal failure is considered incurable.

Pathology is divided into three main types depending on the main causes:

  1. Prerenal (prerenal). This type appears due to a sharp decrease in blood pressure in the kidneys. Because of this, renal blood flow is impaired (heat stroke, dehydration, bleeding, etc.).
  2. Renal (renal). This condition develops due to direct damage to the cells and tissues of the organ due to blockage of the tubules with hemoglobin, accelerated breakdown of red blood cells, exposure to snake venom, medicinal poisonings, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and other factors.
  3. Postrenal (postrenal). The main role in this type of pathology is played by the mechanical effect on the urinary tract - complete blockage or narrowing of the lumen when compressed. It can be observed against the background of an enlarged prostate gland in male dogs, urolithiasis or tumor processes.

External signs

External obvious symptoms may appear one at a time or several at once:

  1. Sores appear in the mouth (often along the edge of the tongue).
  2. Body temperature may increase or decrease (depending on the causes of the disease).
  3. Swelling of the extremities, in advanced stages - edema chest and belly.
  4. The mucous membranes may turn pale (or become very red), and the pulse quickens.
  5. Lost appetite. The dog does not even react to his favorite food.
  6. Muscle weakness is observed. The dog gets up with great difficulty, and its paws noticeably tremble when moving.
  7. Urination becomes more frequent, and the amount of urine increases (as the disease progresses, it decreases).
  8. The suppression of the dog occurs very sharply. In the morning she can frolic, and by the evening she can lie flat.
  9. Symptoms can develop very quickly, leading the animal to a coma.

What do tests show?

Having your pet tested, you will see:

  1. High levels of sugar and protein in the urine, decreasing its specific gravity. Renal epithelial cells, leukocytes and erythrocytes are noted.
  2. The levels of urea, creatinine, phosphorus and sugar in the blood will increase.

If these abnormalities are detected, the dog should be taken to a specialist immediately. Otherwise she may die.

Chronic form (CRF)

This form is more common in dogs over 6 years of age. The causes of development in young individuals are:

  1. Chronic primary disease kidneys.
  2. Genetic predisposition to kidney diseases.
  3. Previously formed surge arrester.

External symptoms appear on later development of the disease. They are:

  1. Swelling may occur.
  2. Gagging, vomiting of undigested food.
  3. The number of heart contractions decreases, body temperature decreases.
  4. A sharp ammonia smell is heard from the mouth.
  5. There are signs of dehydration - viscous saliva, dry mucous membranes, dull coat.
  6. Intense thirst.
  7. Very little urine is produced, sometimes only the urge remains.
  8. The dog becomes lethargic and weak.

Analyzes show the following:

  1. There is a lot of sugar and protein in the urine, and the specific gravity drops. No sediment is observed.
  2. There are signs of anemia in the blood, increased levels of urea and creatinine.

Food for dogs with kidney failure

When treating a disease, it is necessary to follow a certain diet. Can feed the pet a personally developed diet or industrial ready-made food intended for animals with renal failure. When feeding yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  1. There should be a high or moderate amount of fat in food. They can easily restore the energy that the dog lacks. It is not difficult for a weakened body to digest them. Contained saturated fats in full-fat yoghurts, egg whites, fatty meat and butter. But vegetable oils are not recommended.
  2. Acceptable protein food, but with protein High Quality and in limited quantities. Experts do not recommend completely eliminating protein from your diet.
  3. Carbohydrates in small quantities. They provide nutrients and calories without increasing the amount of phosphorus. To do this, the diet includes steamed vegetables, semolina and round rice.
  4. It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt.
  5. Your pet should be given only filtered water. clean water V sufficient quantity.
  6. Dogs often lose or decrease their appetite. It is necessary to find a product whose smell will provoke your pet to consume food.
  7. You can add the following supplements to your food: vitamins C, E, B, coenzyme Q-10, salmon oil.
  8. It is necessary to completely remove multivitamin complexes, which include phosphorus and vitamin D, from the diet.

Treatment methods

Treatment of acute and chronic forms of the disease is carried out with approximately the same medications. The only difference is that in case of acute renal failure it is necessary first of all to eliminate the influence of the provoking factor, and in case of chronic renal failure it is necessary to maintain the vitality of the pet. Treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate.

If the disease is diagnosed during, then treatment is possible. Chronic renal failure is considered incurable, in which medical procedures help put the animal’s body into a state of compensation, prolonging the dog’s relatively normal life for a long time.

It is impossible to completely restore kidney function if the cause of the disease is a congenital underdevelopment or other genetic disorder.

In this case, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

  1. Drip intensive administration is prescribed medicines, aimed at restoring acid-base, electrolyte and water balance. Thanks to droppers it is removed maximum amount toxic elements that the kidneys cannot directly deal with. Solutions must be administered warm so as not to worsen the condition of the pet, whose body temperature is already low.
  2. Medicines are prescribed that normalize blood counts, relieve vomiting and eliminate anemia (this is natural with chronic renal failure).
  3. For purulent lesions, antibiotic therapy may be necessary.
  4. Urination is normalized with the help of diuretic medications and mechanical diversion of urine in case of bladder overflow.
  5. During an exacerbation, urine and blood tests are regularly done. This is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the state. During this time, it is best to leave your pet in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.
  6. To suppress immune reactions in autoimmune glomerulonephritis and restore water balance, glucocorticoid systemic therapy is used.
  7. If necessary, medications are administered to lower blood pressure and normalize the passage of blood through the kidneys.
  8. There may be a need for drugs that reduce total acidity in the stomach and protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. The level of phosphorus in the blood is strictly controlled.

Attention, TODAY only!

Kidney failure in dogs is enough serious illness. And if your dog suffers from such a disease, then you need to be well-informed about this disease in order to help your pet recover and continue living a full life.

Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs

A fairly serious disease is kidney failure. The kidneys do not completely remove substances that poison it from the pet’s body. Phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D3 are poorly absorbed and the acid-base balance throughout the body is disrupted.

A number of infections and toxic substances cause kidney disease. The disease develops due to previous illnesses, all kinds of injuries, and even due to low quality products. This disease can be transmitted genetically. Age-related changes can also cause kidney failure. The concept itself refers to a disease not only of the kidneys themselves, but also of the adrenal glands.

Certain symptoms indicate that your pet is suffering from kidney failure. Please note if

  • The dog constantly drinks and suffers from endless thirst. During the day, the animal, having healthy kidneys, drinks up to fifty milliliters of liquid throughout the day. This is based on one kilogram of weight. In case of renal failure, the dose of water consumed is increased to one hundred milliliters.
  • When a dog has kidney failure, the amount of urine excreted increases significantly. A dog can go to the toilet six to eight times a day. Over time, the kidneys no longer excrete required amount urine. As a result, she doesn't stand out at all.
  • Decreased appetite may not be accidental. This is one of the most severe signs this disease. At first, the animal begins to pick at its food. Then he doesn’t eat even what is offered to him. He is losing weight sharply. As a result, the dog refuses to eat at all.
  • Your friend has stopped frolicking. He doesn't care. He has become lethargic, sleeps a lot or just lies down. This condition of the animal may indicate that the dog is developing kidney failure.
  • Vomiting is also one of the symptoms of this disease. At the onset of the disease, vomiting is rare. But over time they become more frequent. This phenomenon can occur after every meal or simply drinking water. The pulse quickens.
  • Swelling appears.
  • The mouth becomes inflamed and ulcers appear.
  • Vision drops sharply.
  • Indigestion and constipation alternate.

Acute renal failure in dogs

The acute form of this disease has a distinctive feature: it develops extremely quickly. It is necessary to contact a specialist in time so that he can install correct diagnosis. Under this condition, it is possible to cure this disease, as far as possible in every specific case, although this will take quite some time. Another difficulty is that the acute form is quite rare. There are a number of factors that lead to the onset of the disease.

  • So nephrosis or nephritis entails complete destruction of kidney tissue.
  • Worms and the toxins they produce lead to kidney disease. A variety of infectious diseases in dogs quite often entail acute renal failure.
  • There are a number of congenital diseases in which the kidneys cannot cope with their immediate responsibilities.
  • It is possible that poisoning also causes this disease.
  • A cyst in a dog interferes with the functioning of the kidneys. But after its removal, the organ is completely restored.
  • A tumor can trigger the onset of disease.
  • One of the factors may be sand or a kidney stone.

The kidneys begin to work poorly if

The surge arrester is divided into the following groups:

  1. Prerenal.

At the same time, the pressure drops sharply. This is possible if there is not enough fluid in the body or due to heat stroke.

  1. Renal.

In the kidneys, tissue and cell damage occurs. This can be caused by pyelonephritis, drug poisoning.

  1. Post-renal.

In this case, the ureter is compressed and possibly clogged. This means the presence of stones in the kidneys and ureters. ARF, if it is already secondary, becomes incurable.

Chronic kidney failure in a dog

There are acute and chronic renal failure in dogs. The acute form of renal failure is very rapid in its development. And if you turn to a specialist for help in time, who can quickly and correctly diagnose, you can help your pet. The chronic form of renal failure often occurs in dogs,

  • Who lived six years or more. But not only age can cause the disease to develop.
  • It may be a genetic inheritance.
  • And also the surge arrester, which formed much earlier.

The trouble is that the onset of kidney failure in a dog is not noticed by the dog owner for the simple reason that the disease does not have a clear pronounced signs. And, therefore, no one is very alarmed. The first signs of chronic renal failure are:

  • Poor appetite
  • Weakness.
  • The results of tests and certain tests indicate the presence of the disease.
  • Increased thirst.

At the first stage of the disease, the dog remains active and playful. The kidneys still cope with their functions and manage to cleanse the blood. This is facilitated by a large amount of urine. Further, the kidneys can no longer cope with their duties and this entails a deterioration in the animal’s health. It becomes obvious:

  • Weight loss,
  • Endurance.
  • The activity of the animal is lost.
  • The dog drinks a lot.
  • The excretion of urine becomes less and less every time. And there are false positives.
  • The fur becomes dull.
  • Saliva is viscous. Dehydration occurs.
  • The temperature drops to thirty-seven degrees.
  • Bradycardia appears. The pulse rate is less than sixty beats per minute.
  • The smell of ammonia comes from the dog's mouth.
  • Vomiting or vomiting occurs periodically. In this case, undigested food is visible.
  • Swelling of the extremities occurs quite often. Although this does not always happen.
  • The kidneys gradually shrink in chronic renal failure.

The owner of a four-legged friend with such symptoms simply needs to go to a specialist. After all, the pet urgently needs help.

Treatment of disease in dogs

Kidney failure in dogs at an early stage is quite difficult to determine because the kidneys are a paired organ. If one of the kidneys becomes ill, then the healthier kidney takes over its function for some time. And the body continues to work, seemingly without deviations.

Therefore, before starting treatment for a dog’s kidney failure, the doctor must prescribe a number of tests and examinations. In this case, the veterinarian will ask the owner about the dog’s living conditions and its usual behavior. And also clarify what has changed in the animal’s behavior over the past Lately. The tests, x-rays, and ultrasound examinations allow us to fully reveal the picture of the pet’s disease. Based on this, the doctor makes an appointment.

This diagnosis requires hospital treatment. The same drugs are used for therapeutic treatment for acute renal failure and chronic renal failure. When treating acute renal failure, the cause that led to the attack is eliminated. And with chronic renal failure, the goal is to maintain vitality pet. With this disease, the animal experiences severe intoxication. First of all, it needs to be eliminated.

  • The animal is injected intravenously with a buffer composition, glucose, and a physical solution in the form of droppers.
  • In addition, the liver and heart are supported by certain drugs.
  • Blood transfusions, if necessary, can sometimes also support the life of a pet.
  • Application " artificial kidney"is also possible. But this will require very large costs.
  • To improve the general condition of your pet and improve digestion, you need to take vitamins and probiotics.
  • In addition, the doctor prescribes medications for the tailed patient that can lower blood pressure, and also requires pills or injections that calm the nervous system.
  • To maintain health, a diet for dogs with kidney failure is very important.

It should be noted that the life expectancy of a pet depends on the stage of the disease, its type, as well as the conditions in which the animal is located.

What to feed a dog with such deficiency

One of the conditions for the treatment of acute renal failure and chronic renal failure, as well as your desire to prolong the life of your pet, is nutrition. A properly selected and balanced selection of products will enable your four-legged friend to live a full and joyful life again. To do this, again, you need to listen to the opinion and advice of a specialist. At the same time, you can prepare dishes for your pet yourself. You can also use special food for this purpose, buying it in specialized stores or veterinary pharmacies.

When choosing food for dogs with kidney failure, you must adhere to certain requirements. But the most important requirement when cooking is to strictly limit the use of salt. It is salt that is the main enemy for those suffering from kidney failure. And if the owner values ​​his pet, he will carefully adhere to this rule.

But fats in food should be in sufficient quantities. They are necessary to restore your pet's vitality. Eggs should be included in your dog's diet. butter, yogurt with a high percentage of fat content. But you should not use vegetable oil for cooking. When preparing dishes at home, you must remember that fats should be introduced gradually and in small portions so as not to upset the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Protein foods cannot be completely excluded from the diet. But you still have to limit it. You can give your pet two whites and only one yolk. You can include in your diet eggshells. Just before serving, you need to chop it well. This use of shells will allow phosphorus to be absorbed. For half a kilogram of any cooked food, you only need one gram of crushed eggshells.

Consumption of dairy products

Milk and products containing milk and bones should be administered with some caution and in small quantities. The amount of foods that contain phosphorus directly depends on the severity of the disease. How harder degree diseases, the less phosphorus should be in the animal’s diet.

Carbohydrates that have a low amount of phosphorus should also be used when feeding a dog suffering from kidney failure. You can prepare dishes using semolina and rice, as well as white potatoes.

Another very important factor for dietary purposes it is water. Tap water should never be used for cooking, especially for an animal suffering from kidney failure. Therefore, water is taken for culinary products and simply for drinking, only filtered.

If your pet does not want to eat, then it is better to prepare him the dishes that he likes. Pamper your pet with delicious dishes. As the dog recovers, it will eat whatever is offered to it.

There are special dry foods for dogs () suffering from kidney diseases. And their range is quite diverse. But before you buy such food, you need to make sure whether it is suitable for your pet.

It is worth knowing that transferring a dog to a regular diet is possible only after certain treatment and tests, with the permission of a doctor. This is possible if your four-legged friend is diagnosed with acute renal failure. In case of chronic renal failure, dietary nutrition is constantly observed and cannot be abandoned. If in the old days older dogs suffered from kidney failure in dogs, now PN has become younger. And many more favorites young suffer from this disease. Take care and love your pets.