Scientific article on veterinary medicine. The use of a biochemical blood test in the diagnosis

Veterinary education in Russia. What is it?

Over the past 5 years, the level of qualification of veterinarians, the equipment of veterinary clinics and the approach to the specialty have changed dramatically. The leading place in the rating of specialists is occupied by veterinarians from Moscow and St. Petersburg. This is due big amount population, according to the number of animals. The cost of services in the capitals is many times higher than in provincial cities. At the same time, much more money is spent on the purchase of equipment, drugs from regional clinics. Development of veterinary clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg going faster, more real clinics, not "diners", as is happening here in Volgograd. In our city, there is still an increase in the number of clinics and offices, and only a few institutions in our city provide quality services. This is a natural process, development went along this path veterinary services and in the cities of our country.

IN modern world oncology has become quite common illness among pets. IN Lately Oncology captures a significant number of all diagnoses in cats and dogs.

Not all owners like it when their cats scream, but it is in spring that four-legged pets begin to sing their serenades. This is influenced hormonal changes that make cats look for a mate.

With the onset warm days there is a great opportunity for joint trips with dogs to the country or to nature. There, four-legged friends will be able to run into fresh air, play with the owner and take a break from the city. But so that the rest is not overshadowed by the illness or injury of the pet, it is important to follow the safety rules when outdoor recreation.

In the spring and summer, dogs are more at risk of contracting rabies. During walks, in the country or when going out into nature, four-legged friend can get into a fight with stray animals or come into contact with the saliva of another animal, thereby getting an infection.

The chip is your pet's electronic passport. This "passport" is always under the skin of the animal and helps to quickly identify it in the database and return it to the owner in case the animal ran away or got lost.

Most of us have wonderful pets at home, cats, dogs, rats, hamsters, ferrets, etc. And often we don’t treat them like animals…

Chinchilla is a fairly common animal that is now kept at home. good host You must know how to take care of your pet's teeth...

The most common group skin diseases transmitted to humans through domestic animals, in particular dogs and cats, are dermatomycosis. This is an extensive ...

In veterinary practice, along with many other methods of immunocorrection, autohemotherapy has been used quite effectively for a long time. Autohemotherapy…

Many pet owners face a problem when traveling with a pet. There are rules for the transport of animals in transport, ...

The food that cats should receive should be balanced and contain a full complex of vitamins, minerals, as well as fats, proteins and carbohydrates, ...

Dogs and cats are carnivorous mammals, domestic animals, their wild ancestors from the cat family still live in vivo. Number…

A cat has settled in the house, and among the significant issues that its owner must solve, the following is not the last: what to do with Murka, ...

Cats mature early. At the same time, the timing of puberty for each breed and for each individual may differ. As a rule, this one…

Dog owners who decide to neuter their pet should consider a few things. important points associated with the development of the animal. Like this, for the first…

Bringing a small meowing lump into the house, many newly minted cat owners decide to immediately castrate the baby. Why wait when...

You have decided to castrate your cat in order to avoid such unpleasant moments as cat marks in the apartment, on shoes and clothes, attempts to run away the pet ...

When should you see a veterinary ophthalmologist? Let's divide this question into two categories: there are scheduled or mandatory examinations and visits ...

In the modern world, oncology has become a fairly common disease among pets. Recently, oncology has taken a significant ...

One of the most dangerous diseases for cats is panleukopenia. She is also called infectious gastroenteritis and cat distemper. last name indicates...

The long-awaited spring brought with it warm sun, fresh leaves in the trees and, of course, the meowing of cats. Not all owners like it when their cats scream, ...

These tiny wingless insects not only drink the blood of our beloved four-legged friends, causing them discomfort and exhausting their bodies, but also endure…

Fleas are carriers of about 200 diseases dangerous for cats, including plague, brucellosis, helminths, tularemia, salmonellosis, rickettsiosis, etc.

Your affectionate and obedient dog during estrus can turn into an ill-mannered or even aggressive individual, barking at passers-by and tearing during ...

First vaccinations for puppies You have a puppy in your house. It is a great joy and source positive emotions but at the same time, a big responsibility.…

For your beloved cat to spend with you summer rest easy and pleasant, and most importantly, without prejudice to your health, take care of this in advance. From…

A cute meowing lump has appeared in your house, giving everyone joy. Your task is to take care of his health by strengthening it immune system. For this…

Dogs are very curious creatures and strive to try everything on the tooth. They, unlike cats, are not so picky about food. Therefore, the task of the owner to monitor ...

The debate about whether to cut a cat or a cat does not subside. Some owners are categorical in their “no”, others defend the opposite point of view. Reasons...

Specialists of veterinary clinics to the most common types of allergies in dogs include the following: Allergy to flea saliva Allergy to external factors ...

Often cat owners wonder: Can cats have worms? domestic cat who does not walk on the street? Answer: Yes, they can! How does it happen…

What is this procedure - chipping? Is it necessary to have pets microchipped? The chip is an electronic passport...

In the spring and summer, dogs are more at risk of contracting rabies. During walks, in the country or when going out into nature, a four-legged friend can get involved ...

With the onset of warm weather, dog owners are worried: how to protect their pet from ticks, because their bites are often fraught with infection of the animal with piroplasmosis.…

Duke, where have you been? All scratched up? - Have you already had a fight with someone? And what is that on your back, not a tick by any chance? Common situation? And she's not so harmless...

Why is it necessary to vaccinate pets, and is it necessary? Vaccination of animals is aimed at developing immunity in your pet ...

The first thing anyone who decides to have a pet faces is the selection of food and food additives. Buying one of the best feed maybe even premium...

The main condition for the effectiveness of the treatment of any disease is early diagnosis, but the importance of this position in oncology should be especially emphasized. ...

Dogs are also subject to fears and phobias, just like people. Some dogs are afraid of other animals, others strangers, heights, cars, confined spaces…

In the first aid kit for dogs should always be following list: Syringes of various sizes, several pieces ...

When training dogs, many owners and trainers can make mistakes. Such mistakes can delay and complicate dog training. Mistakes are possible...

The mammary glands in cats, as well as in humans, serve to feed offspring. Normally, there should be four pairs of glands. Located on the belly and chest of the cat.…

Vaccination of dogs - Prevention of infection from many infectious diseases. Many viral infections in dogs are deadly. And not...

Among the ear diseases of cats, otodectosis is in the first place. Let's figure out what kind of disease it is. Otodectosis ( ear mite, ear scabies) - a disease, ...

The pregnancy of a cat lasts 60-65 days. Cats give birth to an average of 3-5 kittens. On early dates Pregnancy signs almost...

In today's world, information spreads very quickly. And, unfortunately, this information is too often duplicated, which is a problem when finding the necessary answers to your question. Our experts try to prepare unique articles about veterinary medicine. They will cover various topics:

  • medicines, such as the drug asd2, vetom drug, the use of probiotics for animals, Skulachev ions, the use of ketamine and novocaine solution in veterinary medicine;
  • diseases and their treatment - symptoms bird flu, signs African plague, dirofilariasis, treatment of dog diseases and their symptoms;
  • animal poisoning, foreign objects, animal injury;
  • prevention of intestinal, skin, vascular diseases, rabies prevention, etc.

Veterinarian advice will help answer the questions: how to build an aviary for a dog? how many years live budgerigars? how to do subcutaneous injections? how to make a terrarium What feed for farm animals is preferred?

Pay attention to those articles that are marked as "Useful". According to our experts, these materials can help you and your pet.


Veterinary medicine is a complex science, which is mainly due to the difficulties in diagnosing diseases in animals. After all, they do not know how to speak and will not be able to talk about their problem. But modern medicine does not stand still. Every year the quality of animal care is getting higher. Wherein adequate therapy possible only after precise setting diagnosis. For this purpose, various veterinary equipment is used, in particular ...


Wild grasses are plants that are among the first to appear in early spring and delight the eye all summer with their greenery and variety of species. This is the same grass, the juicy stems of which are not averse to feasting on dogs and cats on the street. With digestive problems in dogs and cats, with the help of cereal herbs, animals “cleanse” their intestines and normalize the process of food processing. Many of their cereals positive characteristics but enough...



When a family adopts a ferret, their lives change completely. These animals are cute, funny, smart. They are inquisitive and playful. Ferrets bring vanity, joy and ... some difficulties into the house. Some problems appear by the time the male begins puberty. By 7-9 months, the animal is fully formed, ready for reproduction and natural instincts take their toll. In ferret boys, the so-called rut begins. This time is impossible to miss. Hosts...


Almost anyone who has a hamster loves theirs. fluffy pet, takes care of him, his health and wants the little rodent to fully trust him. This process of addiction can take a long time, so you need to be patient. Hamsters have poor eyesight, they remember their master only by smell and voice, therefore, when training a hamster, you need to rely on his sense of smell and hearing. Remembering that hamsters are not very smart, you cannot demand the impossible from them. Even the most...


Article from Veterinary Research 2015, 11:176 Translated from English. veterinarian Vasiliev A.V. Authors: Sofie F.M. Bhatti 1, Luisa De Risio 2, Karen Munana 3, Jacques Penderis 4, Veronika M. Stein 5, Andrea Tipold 5, Mette Berendt 6, Robyn G. Farquhar 7, Andrea Fischer 8, Sam Long 9, Wolfgang Loscher 10, Paul J.J. Mandigers 11, Kaspar Matiasek 12, Akos Pakozdy 13, Edward E. Patterson 14, Simon Platt ...


Even the largest aquarium with the most colorful and exotic fish looks empty if there are no plants or special aquarium algae in it. By filling the aquarium with plants, you get the opportunity to show your imagination and create your own underwater world. Besides, aquarium plants also benefit all the inhabitants of the aquarium. 1. Three steps to create a custom aquarium design There are a few things every aspiring aquarist should...

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Four simple questions to answer before getting a four-legged friend

Animal in the house is not only a joy for all family members, but also a great responsibility. What you need to know before buying pet? Answer honestly to yourself a few simple questions and you will be able to understand - the animal in the house will bring you joy or grief.

Disease prevention

Prevention of diseases - will save your animal from unnecessary suffering and, which is also important, prevention is much cheaper than treatment.

Calling a veterinarian at home

Calling the veterinarian at home when necessary?

Veterinarian consultation

Online consultation of a veterinarian, you can ask any question that interests you and get qualified advice from a veterinary specialist. Issues of treatment of pets, disease prevention, proper nutrition and maintenance, as well as other issues related to pets.

Get acquainted with the archive of the heading veterinary consultation or find the answer to your question to a veterinary specialist.

When is it necessary to consult a veterinarian? Where and when you can get qualified answers to questions about pet health.

After reading the questions and answers of the rubric - online consultation veterinarian, you can find answers to your questions. You can ask a question to a veterinarian in the section - consultation of a veterinarian.


A dog living in a family is not only a four-legged friend, it is practically another member of the family.

Dog breeds

The most popular and common dog breeds, their description, main characteristics, features and standards, interesting information, photos.

Dogs feeding

Proper nutrition- the health of your pet. If your dog is properly fed, it will delight you with its health and devotion for many years.

Basic rules for keeping dogs.

The main indicators of the body of dogs are normal

The main indicators of the animal's body in a normal state: body temperature, pulse, respiration, clinical and biochemical indicators blood.

Akita Inu - the treasure of Japan, features and benefits

Akita Inu - Japanese breed dogs, which is considered a national treasure in their homeland. Features, advantages and disadvantages of the breed, everything you need to know when choosing a pet.

Dog diseases

The most common dog diseases, causes, prevention, treatment, what pet owners need to know.

  • Plague of carnivores (Diseases of dogs, viral etiology)

The most insidious viral disease of dogs is canine distemper or canine distemper (distemper). How it arises and manifests itself (symptoms), all forms of the course and features of treatment. And of course, the most important thing is prevention.

  • Canine Parvovirus Enteritis (Canine Viral Diseases)

Parvovirus enteritis- it's very dangerous viral disease, often fatal, in which virus damage occurs gastrointestinal tract and the heart muscle, there is severe dehydration (loss of fluid) of the body, the destruction of white blood cells - leukocytes.

  • Rabies or everything you need to know the owner of the animal (Particularly dangerous diseases of dogs)

Coccidiosis in dogs, what kind of disease it is, how it spreads and manifests itself. What is isosporosis in dogs and are there any differences between them. Features of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

  • Atopic dermatitis (Skin diseases of dogs)

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common skin diseases in dogs and cats. Features of the course and treatment of the disease, breed predisposition and other important points.

  • Hip dysplasia in a German Shepherd (DTBS)

Dysplasia hip joints to be hereditary incurable diseases not only breeds German Shepherd, but also others large breeds dogs. European methods of treatment and prevention.


Cats are one of the oldest domestic animals. A cat is not only a friend of man, but also an animal that can heal its owner.

Cat breeds

The most common cat breeds, description, main characteristics and features, interesting and helpful information, photo.

Features of feeding cats

If your four-legged friend is a cat, you simply need to know the features of feeding cats. Proper nutrition is the key to your pet's health.

Did you know that house cats that live indoors and don't go outside can feel happy doing so and live twice as long? How to do it.

The main indicators of the body of cats are normal

The main indicators of the cat's body are in a normal state (temperature, pulse, respiration, clinical and biochemical blood tests).

Diseases of cats

Diseases of cats - causes, main Clinical signs, features of diagnosis, treatment and prevention, photographs.

Cat distemper or panleukopenia is a severe, rather dangerous viral disease. The virus can affect any representatives of the cat family, as well as foxes, raccoons, minks, etc. Cats at any age can get sick, the disease is most severe in kittens. Death over 90% of them.

Atopy - a state of hereditary predisposition to the formation of antibodies (lgE) to allergens environment. This is a polyethological disease with various clinical manifestations, in this there is some difficulty in its diagnosis and treatment.

Calcivirus infection or feline calcivirosis, description of the disease, symptoms of calcivirosis, principles of treatment and prevention.

  • Urolithiasis in cats or what pet owners need to know

Urolithiasis in cats: what is this disease, why does it manifest itself and how to determine it. Main symptoms and treatment urolithiasis cats. Everything the owner needs to know.

What is rabies, how dangerous is it, is rabies vaccination mandatory, where is it better to do it and how? Answers to all questions that concern pet owners.

Group, skin diseases cats infectious nature- fungal infection of the skin, colloquially - lichen. Causes, features of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Interesting facts from the life of cats, interesting about breeds, interesting features wild cats.

Category Archives: online veterinary consultation, answers for category cats


Compared to dogs, cats and other small animals, rodents in the house are much cheaper, and the joy of communication is no less.

Basic rules you need to know right choice, maintenance and feeding of such cute animals, which are rodents.


Birds are graceful and beautiful.

The duration and quality of life of your bird (parrot) directly depends on the correct feeding.

Veterinary clinics

Veterinary clinics, veterinary pharmacies and laboratories of regional centers of Ukraine (Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Odessa, Poltava, Lviv, Zaporozhye), addresses, phones, websites, working hours, location on the city map with the ability to get directions, choose the type of public transport.

  • Price list of the average cost of services in veterinary clinics in Kharkov

In order for pet owners, when contacting a veterinary clinic, to have an approximate idea of ​​how much the treatment can cost, we give you the average cost of veterinary services in veterinary clinics in the city of Kharkiv.

The price of veterinary drugs is constantly updated. Favorable cooperation offers for agricultural enterprises (collective farms, etc.), livestock complexes, farms, veterinary clinics, nurseries.

  • Homeopathic veterinary medicines or "Heel" and company

How effective, which and which manufacturing companies (Heel and others) homeopathic veterinary drugs used in animals, for the treatment of any diseases.

  • Veterinary drug, immunostimulant "Roncoleukin" (Roncoleukin)

Not all veterinary drugs are effective in application. Effective veterinary drug Roncoleukin, instructions for use, features, examples from practice, treatment regimens.

  • Natural body stimulant nucleopeptide (Nycleopeptid)

Effective veterinary drugs - nucleopeptide, a natural biostimulant, stimulates growth, improves immunity and improves coat quality. Features of application, schemes and methods of administration.

  • An effective veterinary drug Vetom and its use in animals and humans

An effective new generation veterinary drug - Vetom and dysbacteriosis. For treatment, which animals can be used, areas of application of the drug, dosage and treatment regimens.

  • Microvitam and its use in veterinary medicine and animal breeding

Instructions for use of the veterinary drug Microvitam, composition, difference from similar ones on the market. The role of amino acids in a living organism. Schemes of application and dosage.

  • Catozal, what you did not know about, analogues, instructions, contraindications

Veterinary preparation "Katozal". Instructions, schemes for use in various animals (catozal for dogs, cats, horses and cows). Features and contraindications.

  • Veterinary drug ASD, what is it, a fairy tale or reality

All about ASD, myths and reality, composition and history. Features of use for humans and animals, where to buy veterinary drugs, manufacturer's instructions.

Morphological and functional indicators of new and widely used poultry crosses in industrial poultry farming have not been studied enough, including by technological periods. The article compares the age-related heart morphology of hens of the Hisex Brown cross and broilers of the Smena-7 cross. The study took into account mass macrometric indicators: absolute and relative mass, relative weight gain.

The results of comparing the effectiveness of some methods are presented. complex therapy cows, with retained placenta. It was found that the most effective method was complex treatment using the drug anfluron.

Detention of the placenta(Retentio placentae s. Retentio secundinarum) is a pathology of the third stage of childbirth. Among farm animals, this pathology has most widespread in cows, less often in females of other species. If in cows the fetal membranes have not separated after the birth of the fetus for more than 5–6 (6–8) hours we are talking about their detention and the condition is considered as pathological.

According to different authors retention of placenta diagnosed in cows in different farms with different frequency. Usually in 5% of calving animals, this pathology is the cause pathological childbirth. In some farms, this figure is higher and amounts to 20-30%. In some farms, the amount of retained placenta in cows is 50-60%. And in some cases, this figure reaches 80-95%. Most of them are observed in the winter-spring stall period.

Although pathological condition animal teeth - serious problem V veterinary medicine, society views veterinary dentistry as more of a fad. When it comes to veterinary dentistry, many people are more interested in whether cats and dogs get braces or gold crowns. Questions like these can be explained either by bias or a lack of awareness in the field of general veterinary dentistry. This article is devoted to the myths, the true situation and the ethics of dental treatment in small pets. This article is addressed to those who have doubts about the need to maintain dental hygiene in animals, or to those who are under pressure from pet owners, customers or ordinary people about the futility of animal dentistry. The myths are collected by the author of the article himself with some additions from colleagues working in veterinary dentistry. The article may contain unusual ideas, questions, or information about the current situation, which must be taken into account.

Hypodynamia with cellular content is the main problem in the industrial cultivation of poultry.

The article presents the result of a study of the effect of hypodynamia with cellular content on the histological structure of the kidneys - renal bodies of broilers of the Smena-7 cross. In the course of the study, it was found that with the cellular content, changes in the microstructures of the kidneys of broiler chickens of the Smena-7 cross occur in the following indicators: the number, area of ​​the capsule of bodies, and the diameter of the lumen.